
Ausgleich oder Verschärfung von Einkommensrisiken? Lebensläufe und Alterseinkommen in Deutschland aus der Paarperspektive

De Gruyter
Zeitschrift für Sozialreform - Journal of Social Policy Research
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Wir analysieren Erwerbs- und Einkommensbiografien von Paaren mittels einer Multichannel -Sequenzmusteranalyse, um Rückschlüsse auf das Alterseinkommen von Frauen in Deutschland und Ausgleichsprozesse im Haushaltskontext abzuleiten. Datengrundlage ist eine Verknüpfung der administrativen Daten der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung mit dem „Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe“, die Biografieinformationen west- und ostdeutscher Personen der Geburtskohorten 1927 bis 1965 (N = 2.292) enthält. Wir identifizieren acht Paarverlaufsmuster, die sich in ihrer Nähe zu einem männlichen Alleinverdiener- oder einem Zweiverdienermodell unterscheiden. Während Frauen von kontinuierlicher Erwerbstätigkeit und kurzen Erziehungsunterbrechungen in Hinblick auf ihr Individual- und Haushaltseinkommen substanziell profitieren, stellen Biografien mit Erwerbsausstieg ein Armutsrisiko auf Haushaltsebene dar, das im Alter nur durch stark überdurchschnittliche Partnereinkommen ausgeglichen werden kann.

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... Numerous factors over the course of employment contribute to a large number of women not having continuous full-time employment biographies with (above) average incomes (Möhring and Weiland, 2018). Women start working fechter 10.1163/24714607-bja10089 | Journal of Labor and Society (2022) 1-26 life often in employment below their actual qualification level (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2022c). ...
... However, there were also a particularly large number of low-wage workers at petrol stations (75.6%) and in agriculture (78.5%) (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2022a). Furthermore, women interrupt their employment because of childbirth, raising children and caring for relatives in need (Möhring and Weiland, 2018). This is why women are much more likely to be aware of the problem of balancing work and life family than men (bmas, 2021). ...
... Contemporary Gender Norms As part of the institutionalisation of life courses, gender segregation arises as a consequence of institutional factors, e.g., legal regulations as well as norms and culturally conveyed beliefs, which support asymmetric gender relations (Achatz, 2018). In today's Germany, the system of social security is closely related to the institution of marriage and family and assigned to the model of a male main breadwinner (Möhring and Weiland, 2018). Several regulations set incentives for a more traditional division of roles in couple families contributing to professional segregation between men and women (Achatz, 2018). ...
This paper is concerned with the question, how individuals behave during periods of institutional re-designs in welfare states. To understand behaviour after an institutional path modification, this article collects evidence on employment characteristics after the German reunification. East German women show to experience care activities for the first time later compared to West German women. Younger cohorts stay in care activities for a shorter period of time. Developments imply, that preferences have changed for women from both regions, proposing new forms of female employment standardisation in today’s Germany. At the same time, divergences from male employment characteristics are evident, implying rising gender inequality. Individual behaviour seems to be adaptive to new social processes proposed by institutions despite of former cultural beliefs.
... As for other marital wealth, pension entitlements that were accumulated during the marriage are split at divorce. As men commonly have a more stable employment career and higher paying jobs than women (Aisenbrey & Fasang, 2017), it is likely that men lose pension entitlements at divorce in favor of their ex-wives (Möhring & Weiland, 2018). Sierminska et al. (2010) however highlight that pension entitlements in Germany differ from other wealth components that can be liquidized, transferred or used as collateral. ...
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Objective This study examined potentially gendered net worth changes over the marital dissolution process, starting up to 3 years prior to separation and continuing up to 15 years postdivorce. Background Incipient literature showed steep wealth declines for men and women associated with divorce, treating marital dissolution as a single point-in-time event. These findings may be limiting as legal regulations and divorce-stress-adjustment research conceptualize marital dissolution as a process that lasts several years. Method Using fixed effects regression models, we analyzed changes in personal net worth as well as changes in personal net housing worth and financial net worth of individuals whose marriages dissolved between 2002 and 2017. Analyses used comprehensive wealth data from the German Socio-Economic Panel study. Results Although wealth declines commenced prior to separation, separation was the most critical point with 82% and 76% reductions in personal wealth of men and women, respectively. Divorce did not pose additional wealth penalties, but wealth was also not recovered in years after divorce. The lasting separation penalty was mainly driven by declines in housing wealth and a lack of financial wealth recovery. Overall, both men and women experienced dramatic relative wealth declines with negligible gender differences. Predicted wealth levels, however, indicated that men may be in a financially better position compared to women due to higher preseparation wealth levels. Conclusion Results illustrated important variations in personal wealth measures over the marital dissolution process, which may drive lasting wealth inequalities, particularly with regard to housing wealth for both men and women.
... From the household perspective, the living standard of spouses does not only depend on their own but also their partners' accumulated pension rights and savings as couples typically pool their pension incomes (Möhring & Weiland, 2018). Mostly, women either opt-out from the labour market or reduce working hours to assume unpaid care tasks (Drobnič & Blossfeld, 2004). ...
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The article addresses the question of how individuals with non‐standard work or family histories fare under different national pension systems in terms of their individual and household income in old age. It provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship of life course with later life individual and household income, and thereby goes beyond previous research that either focuses on one or the other. Life history data for 12 European countries of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) are used to examine old age individual and household income of individuals (a) with non‐standard working histories (e.g., non‐standard employment or unemployment), (b) with family instabilities (e.g., divorce or single parenthood). The results show that non‐employment and low‐status employment are old age income risks for both genders. Having children represents a burden for household income and for women's individual income only if associated with employment interruptions. Cross‐national variation is stronger for the relationship of old age income with the employment history than with the fertility history. Especially Beveridge‐plus countries that provide unconditional basic pension schemes mitigate previous life course inequality.
... As for other marital wealth, pension entitlements that were accumulated during the marriage are split at divorce. As men commonly have a more stable employment career and higher paying jobs than women (Aisenbrey & Fasang, 2017), it is likely that men lose pension entitlements at divorce in favor of their ex-wives (Möhring & Weiland, 2018). Sierminska et al. (2010) however highlight that pension entitlements in Germany differ from other wealth components that can be liquidized, transferred or used as collateral. ...
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Objective: This study examined men’s and women’s personal wealth changes over the marital dissolution process starting up to three years prior to separation and continuing up to 15 years post divorce. Background: Incipient literature showed steep wealth declines for men and women associated with marital dissolution, but most research treated marital dissolution as a single point-in-time event. This may be limiting as legal regulations and divorce-stress-adjustment research conceptualize marital dissolution as a process that potentially lasts several years. Method: Using fixed-effects regression models, we analyzed personal net wealth changes as well as changes in personal housing wealth and financial wealth of individuals whose marriages dissolved between 2002 and 2017. Analyses used comprehensive wealth data from the German Socio‐Economic Panel study. Results: With 85 and 78 percent reductions in personal wealth of men and women, respectively, separation was the most critical point for wealth depletion, whereas the divorce proceeding did not pose additional wealth penalties. This separation penalty was mainly driven by declines in housing wealth whereas marginal, but lasting, financial wealth losses were found prior to actual separation. Wealth levels did not improve in the years after divorce for either men or women. Overall, gender differences in relative wealth changes over the entire dissolution process were negligible. Conclusion: Results illustrate important variations in personal wealth measures over the marital dissolution process leading to potentially lasting economic disadvantages. Relative personal wealth declines were thereby damaging for both men and women, although men held more absolute wealth than women.
This article explores the impact of adjustments to the basic pension ( Grundrente ) on lower income groups in the German pension system. This is done by hypothesizing that the basic pension reform is weakening status maintenance in the German welfare state for lower-income groups. We analyse monetary gains from the basic pension across different groups. We then adjust the eligibility criteria for the basic pension regarding the length of contribution periods and earning points threshold. From these findings, the paper develops a systematization for what needs to be considered in future pension reforms if the equivalence principle for lower-income groups is to be weakened.
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Zusammenfassung Zwischen November 2020 und April 2021 wurde im Rahmen der bundesweiten Studie „Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ eine Befragung von mehr als 10.000 Personen ab 80 Jahren zu deren Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität durchgeführt. Dieser Kurzbericht aus der deutschlandweiten Repräsentativbefragung stellt dar, welche Werte hochaltrige Menschen in Deutschland vertreten, wie sie das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben wahrnehmen und welche Wünsche sie für ihre konkrete eigene Situation, für andere Menschen oder für unsere Gesellschaft als Ganzes haben.
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Zusammenfassung Zwischen November 2020 und April 2021 wurde aufbauend auf der NRW80+ Studie die bundesweite Studie „Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ (D80+) durchgeführt. Die Erhebung der Daten erfolgte im Rahmen einer bundesweiten, repräsentativen schriftlichen Befragung von mehr als 10.000 Personen ab 80 Jahren zu deren Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität. Mit diesen Daten ist die Einkommenssituation und Einkommensungleichheit dieser hochaltrigen Personen repräsentativ, aktuell erfasst und kann differenziert analysiert werden. Wir berichten nachfolgend – bis auf wenige Ausnahmen – das Nettoeinkommen der Hochaltrigen, genauer deren Haushaltsnettoäquivalenzeinkommen, das ein auf die Haushaltsmitglieder bezogenes Pro-Kopf-Einkommen darstellt. Einkommensarmut wurde anhand der gängigen Armutsriskoschwelle von 60 % des mittleren Einkommens (Median) definiert, welches bei Unterschreitung eines Nettobetrages von 1176,-€ monatlich vorliegt. Aussagen über Vermögen, Schulden und Einkommensquellen können in diesem Bericht nicht getroffen werden.
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Zusammenfassung Zwischen November 2020 und April 2021 wurde im Rahmen der bundesweit repräsentativen Studie „Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ (D80+) eine schriftliche Befragung von mehr als 10.000 Personen ab 80 Jahren zu deren Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität durchgeführt. Hiervon beantworteten 3233 Personen bis Dezember 2021 in einem zusätzlichen telefonischen Interview detaillierte Fragen zu ihren Alltagskompetenzen und ihrer Wohnumgebung. Auf dieser Grundlage stellt der vorliegende Kurzbericht die Alltagskompetenzen und das Wohnumfeld hochaltriger Menschen in Deutschland dar.
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Zusammenfassung Zwischen November 2020 und April 2021 wurde im Rahmen der bundesweiten Studie „Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ eine schriftliche Befragung von mehr als 10.000 Personen ab 80 Jahren zu deren Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität durchgeführt. Die Befragung erfolgte damit unter dem Eindruck der zweiten und dritten Welle der Coronapandemie. Dieser erste Kurzbericht aus der deutschlandweiten Repräsentativbefragung stellt dar, welche Veränderungen sehr alte Menschen im Zusammenhang mit der Pandemie in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen erfahren haben und wie sie diese Veränderungen bewerten.
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Zusammenfassung Zwischen November 2020 und April 2021 wurde im Rahmen der bundesweit repräsentativen Studie „Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ eine schriftliche Befragung von mehr als 10.000 Personen ab 80 Jahren zu deren Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität durchgeführt. Hiervon beantworteten 3233 Personen bis Dezember 2021 in einem zusätzlichen telefonischen Interview weitergehende Inhalte, unter anderem war ein kognitives Screening Teil der telefonischen Interviews. Dieser siebte Kurzbericht aus der deutschlandweiten Repräsentativbefragung stellt dar, wie hochaltrige Menschen mit Demenz wohnen und versorgt werden und beschreibt ihre subjektive Lebensqualität während der Pandemie.
We investigate how labour market and pension measures associated with active ageing influence retirement behaviour in Austria and Germany. We focus on two conservative welfare states and evaluate how individuals respond to comparable pension scheme changes. Using the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, findings point to increasing average actual retirement ages in both countries. Early retirement becomes less important while working until pension age has gained in significance. In particular, findings point towards greater de-standardisation of retirement transitions, though to a different extent across the two countries. Whereas gender differences are still prevalent in Austria, in line with traditional conservative welfare state characteristics, we find that Germany exhibits lower gender differences, but instead displays stronger inequalities between education groups. We argue that social risks emerge in Germany that are usually found in liberal welfare states. We suggest that this trend is reinforced by retirement policies that focus on “pushing” individuals out of employment. This study contributes to the understanding of how individuals respond to national policy incentives when making retirement transitions.
Zusammenfassung Unser Beitrag analysiert Erwerbsverläufe von Paaren in 23 europäischen Ländern und geht der Frage nach, in welchen Zusammenhang Paarlebensläufe mit dem Risiko von späterer Altersarmut stehen. Dazu verwenden wir im ersten Schritt die Lebenslaufdaten des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) für eine Multichannel-Sequenzmusteranalyse von n=8741 Paaren. Auf Grundlage dieser Analyse identifizieren wir acht Typen von Paar­lebensläufen, die ein Spektrum von Konstellationen des männlichen Hauptverdieners (Male Breadwinner) bis hin zu Doppelverdienern (Dual Earner) abdecken sowie Paare mit atypischen Verläufen beinhalten. Im zweiten Schritt berechnen wir für diese Typen von Paarlebensläufen relative Armutsrisiko­quoten basierend auf dem bedarfsgewichteten, kaufkraftstandardisierten Haushaltseinkommen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Armutsrisiken sich vor allem auf selbstständige Paare und Haushalte mit einem männlichen Hauptverdiener konzentrieren. Abstract: Couples’ Employment Biographies and Poverty Risks in Later Life In this article, we analyze the association between couples’ employment bio­graphies and poverty risk in later life across 23 European countries. In a first step, we apply Multichannel Sequence Analysis to couples’ retrospective life-course data from the Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe (n=8741 couples). Here, we identify eight distinct clusters of couples’ employment biographies, covering Male Breadwinner and Dual Earner constellations, as well as atypical trajectories. Subsequently, we assess clusters’ respective risk of poverty based on the purchasing power parity adjusted household incomes. Poverty risks are especially associated with self-employed couples, as well as households relying predominantly on a Male Breadwinner.
Dieser Beitrag untersucht geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede im Rentenübergang anhand von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen in Deutschland. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Stimulierung von bestimmten Einstellungen durch die Einführung der Mütterrente in den Jahren 2014 und 2019. Unter Anwendung des SOEP v.34 (2017) wurde die Zusammenhangsstruktur von Renteneintrittsalter und den Big Five untersucht, während zeitgleich für soziodemographische Faktoren, Beschäftigung und Haushaltseinkommen kontrolliert wurde. Dabei wurden konkurrierende Hypothesen durch Querschnittsvergleiche mit OLS-Regressionen für die Jahre 2013 und 2017 getrennt nach Geschlecht getestet. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine starke Ausprägung des Persönlichkeitsmerkmals Extraversion (im Sinne einer Neigung zur Geselligkeit und zum Optimismus) bei Frauen zu einem früheren Renteneintritt führt. Dabei entsprechen die Ergebnisse insofern den theoretischen Erwartungen, als dass die Anerkennung typisch weiblicher Leistungen im Rentensystem den negativen ­Effekt der Extraversion minimiert. Diese Studie leistet einen Beitrag für das Verständnis, wie psychologische Faktoren die Heterogenität in Rentenübergängen erklären können und formuliert Politikempfehlungen.
In the past decade, old age security policies have aimed at providing incentives to prolong employment and change eligibility rules to reduce early retirement options; these are known as Active Ageing measures. Research reveals that extended working lives have altered exit patterns towards a prolongation of the late employment phase. This paper draws on conditions in the organisation of work in the late employment phase. Using fixed effects regression models with the SOEP v33 data, absolute changes in working hours at the individual level measure late career employment. The main results are in line with theoretical considerations and observe reduced hours worked on an individual level. Thus, the trend in reversing early exit patterns indicates a stronger organisation of late employment on the basis of flexible work. Moreover, while female labour participation is increasing, structural differences show a higher female attachment to features of labour flexibility. The conclusions presented concern the changing mode of the German conservative welfare state and reveal a higher degree of individualisation as a balancing mechanism in social policy.
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Mobilität und Lebensverlauf sind zeitlose soziologische Konzepte, die auf nichts so sehr wie auf Zeit setzen. Mobilität, sei es der soziale Auf- oder Abstieg zwischen Generationen, der berufliche Werdegang, die räumliche Wanderung oder der Wechsel des Familienstandes, ist immer ein zeitlicher Prozeß. Gleiches gilt für den Lebensverlauf, der sich zu weiten Teilen aus solchen Mobilitätsprozessen ergibt. Neben der Zeitabhängigkeit ist beiden Konzepten eine Ausgangsüberlegung gemeinsam: Individuelle Entwicklungen, also berufliche Veränderungen, Scheidungen, Umzüge, usf. sind in gesellschaftliche Strukturen eingebettet, werden von diesen geprägt und prägen diese wiederum selbst. Gesellschaftliche Strukturen umfassen dabei alle Bestandteile wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Regimes — die Organisation des Bildungsund Beschäftigungssystems, die Familie, die Gesetzgebung, die Wohnungspolitik, die Sozialpolitik und vieles mehr.
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This comparative chapter by Ebbinghaus and Neugschwender discusses the institutional differences in the public-private mix, distinguishing mature from emerging multipillar systems and hybrid from dominantly public pension systems. It focuses on exploring the interaction between income inequalities in working life and pension system features for old age income. In particular, it considers the first tier of minimum income support, the public and private second-tier earnings-related pensions, and the particularities of private pensions. The empirical analysis compares poverty rates over time and across countries, discussing the impact of public pensions. The further analysis reveals variations in the recipient rate and income share of private supplementary pensions among the elderly. The importance of mandatory or negotiated occupational pensions in order to reduce inequality in multipillar pension systems is evident in addition to the role of public minimum income protection for poverty reduction.
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This article deals with different dimensions of inequality in the life course. It examines retrospectively how individual possibilities to participate in the labour market have developed. An analysis of the individual wages hints at wage inequalities and possible effects of discrimination. Family biographies constitute an additional dimension. It will be examined how these three dimensions act together in determining the individual amounts of public pensions and their inequality in Germany. The empirical analyses are based on the anonymised scientific use file of the so-called "Rentenzugangsstatistik" 2003 which can be obtained by scientists through the "Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung". The findings are supplemented with results from the survey "Alterssicherung in Deutschland 2003". It will be shown that apart from women in Western Germany pensioners today predominantly receive old age incomes above the welfare level ("Grundsicherungsniveau"). However, regarding the recent pension reforms and especially the labour market situation there are also hints that these circumstances will change. Der Beitrag behandelt verschiedene Dimensionen der Ungleichheit im Lebensverlauf. Es wird untersucht, wie sich die Teilhabemoglichkeiten am Arbeitsmarkt in retrospektiver Betrachtung entwickelt haben. Weitere Analysen der jeweiligen Entlohnung geben Hinweise auf die Lohnspreizung und mogliche Diskriminierungseffekte. Eine zusatzliche Dimension bildet die jeweilige Familienphase. Untersucht wird das Zusammenwirken der drei Dimensionen im Hinblick auf die Hohe und Ungleichheit der gesetzlichen Renten. Empirische Basis dieser Analysen ist zum einen das faktisch anonymisierte Scientific Use File der Rentenzugangsstatistik 2003, welches das Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung der Wissenschaft auf Antrag zur Verfugung stellt. Zum anderen werden diese Befunde um Ergebnisse aus der Erhebung Alterssicherung in Deutschland 2003 (ASID 03) erganzt. Es zeigt sich, dass heutige Rentner - abgesehen von Frauen in den alten Bundeslandern - uberwiegend Alterseinkunfte jenseits des Grundsicherungsniveaus erhalten. Allerdings finden sich auch Hinweise darauf, dass sich diese Verhaltnisse vor dem Hintergrund der jungsten Rentenreformen und vor allem der Probleme auf dem Arbeitsmarkt andern werden.
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New state and market arrangements were twice imposed on the residents of the eastern part of Germany, once when Germany was divided in 1949 and again when it was reunified in 1990; these changes produced a unique natural experiment concerning the effect of policies and institutions on the gendered nature of work. This review synthesizes research on gender equality in paid and unpaid work in East versus West Germany during the decades immediately preceding and following reunification. We consider empirical evidence on gender equality in five major dimensions of work: the prevalence of labor market attachment, time spent in paid work, wages, employment sector and occupation, and time spent in unpaid work in the home. Taken together, developments across these dimensions suggest that, following reunification, the two parts of the country converged toward the gendered arrangement in which men are employed full-time and their female partners hold part-time jobs—with some evidence of continuing differences betwe...
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In this article the authors draw attention to the most recent and promising developments of sequence analysis. Taking methodological developments in life course sociology as the starting point, the authors detail the complementary strength in sequence analysis in this field. They argue that recent advantages of sequence analysis were developed in response to criticism of the original work, particularly optimal matching analysis. This debate arose over the past two decades and culminated in the 2000 exchange in Sociological Methods & Research. The debate triggered a 'second wave" of sequence techniques that led to new technical implementations of old ideas in sequence analysis. The authors bring these new technical approaches together, demonstrate selected advances with synthetic example data, and show how they conceptually contribute to life course research. This article demonstrates that in less than a decade, the field has made much progress toward fulfilling the prediction that Andrew Abbott made in 2000, that 'anybody who believes that pattern search techniques are not going to be basic to social sciences over the next 25 years is going to be very much surprised" (p. 75).
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This article describes the many capabilities offered by the TraMineR toolbox for categorical sequence data. It focuses more specifically on the analysis and rendering of state sequences. Addressed features include the description of sets of sequences by means of transversal aggregated views, the computation of longitudinal characteristics of individual sequences and the measure of pairwise dissimilarities. Special emphasis is put on the multiple ways of visualizing sequences. The core element of the package is the state se- quence object in which we store the set of sequences together with attributes such as the alphabet, state labels and the color palette. The functions can then easily retrieve this information to ensure presentation homogeneity across all printed and graphical displays. The article also demonstrates how TraMineR’s outcomes give access to advanced analyses such as clustering and statistical modeling of sequence data.
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In the paper I examine sequences of school-to-work transitions in ten European countries by using explorative methods of optimal matching and cluster analysis. The process of labour market entry is observed for the five years following departure from school by examining monthly labour market statuses. The sequences are classified by similarity, and certain sequence types along with their distribution are described. The resulting picture shows strong variation across countries, which can only partly be captured by classic typologies of school-to-work transition regimes. Apart from that, the quality of the coordination process between the educational system and the labour market can be assessed by taking into account indicators derived from the TLM concept, namely, volatility, integrative capability and the degree of risk. Das vorliegende Papier untersucht Übergangssequenzen von der Schule in den Beruf in zehn europäischen Ländern unter Verwendung explorativer Methoden wie optimal matching und Clusteranalyse. Der Prozess der Arbeitsmarktintegration wird anhand der monatlichen Arbeitsmarkzustände in den ersten fünf Jahren nach Verlassen der Schule beobachtet. Die Übergangssequenzen werden nach ihrer Ähnlichkeit gruppiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Verteilung beschrieben. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass diese Übergangssequenzen beachtlich zwischen den europäischen Ländern variieren, was nur teilweise durch klassische Typologien von Übergangsregimen erklärt werden kann. Zusätzlich wird die Qualität des Koordinierungsprozesses zwischen Bildungssystem und Arbeitsmarkt anhand von Indikatoren beurteilt, die aus dem Konzept der Übergangsarbeitsmärkte abgeleitet wurden. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Volatilität, die Integrationsfähigkeit und den Risikocharakter von Übergangssequenzen.
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Is there a theoretical link between the gendering of life courses, worklife, and family participation? Is the "primary group" family to be considered part of the social structure? Is it passively exposed to its influences without any autonomy, is it rather an exclave from it, or is it an indispensable focus for understanding the social positioning of women and men? Most sociological analyses of social stratification, with their primary orientation on occupation, view the family - if they consider it at all - as hardly more than an alternative sampling unit, or at best as a rather secondary individual status variable ("marital status"). Conversely, family sociology pays more attention to social stratification, but here again, only few theoretical attempts focus the relationship between family and stratification. Life course research, if it is not practiced as an extension of the status attainment paradigm, has a bias similar to that of stratification research: the family is largely approached as a women's (problem) area, irrelevant to men's trajectories. In order to overcome the epistemological limitations imposed by the traditional separation of these fields of inquiry, our contribution offers an institution-oriented attempt at linking the dynamics of life courses, family, work participation and gender. Not only interacting individuals are doing gender, but also institutions.
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Der Beitrag behandelt verschiedene Dimensionen der Ungleichheit im Lebensverlauf. Es wird untersucht, wie sich die Teilhabemöglichkeiten am Arbeitsmarkt in retrospektiver Betrachtung entwickelt haben. Weitere Analysen der jeweiligen Entlohnung geben Hinweise auf die Lohnspreizung und mögliche Diskriminierungseffekte. Eine zusätzliche Dimension bildet die jeweilige Familienphase. Untersucht wird das Zusammenwirken der drei Dimensionen im Hinblick auf die Höhe und Ungleichheit der gesetzlichen Renten. Empirische Basis dieser Analysen ist zum einen das faktisch anonymisierte Scientific Use File der Rentenzugangsstatistik 2003, welches das Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung der Wissenschaft auf Antrag zur Verfügung stellt. Zum anderen werden diese Befunde um Ergebnisse aus der Erhebung Alterssicherung in Deutschland 2003 (ASID 03) ergänzt. Es zeigt sich, dass heutige Rentner - abgesehen von Frauen in den alten Bundesländern - überwiegend Alterseinkünfte jenseits des Grundsicherungsniveaus erhalten. Allerdings finden sich auch Hinweise darauf, dass sich diese Verhältnisse vor dem Hintergrund der jüngsten Rentenreformen und vor allem der Probleme auf dem Arbeitsmarkt ändern werden.
This is the first systematic international comparative study of the transformation of couples careers in modern societies. The countries included are Germany, the Netherlands, the Flemish part of Belgium, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, and China. Using longitudinal data, this book explores what has and what has not changed for couples in various countries due to women’s greater involvement in paid employment. It provides evidence that despite substantial improvement in women’s educational attainment and career opportunities in all the countries studied, dimensions of role specialization in dual-earner couples have not undergone transformation to the same extent. Gender role change within the family has generally been asymmetric, so that housework and childcare primarily remain ‘women's work’. There are, however, also significant institutional differences among modern societies which determine a country’s timing, speed, and pattern of change from the traditional male breadwinner to the dual-earner family model. In particular, the impact of males ‘resources on their female partners’ employment careers is dependent on the welfare state regime. In conservative and Mediterranean welfare state regimes, women’s paid employment is negatively correlated with the occupational position of their husbands. In liberal welfare state regimes, no impact of husbands ‘resources on their wives’ labour force participation could be detected. In the social democratic welfare state regime and generally in (former) socialist countries, husbands ‘resources have a positive effect on their wives’ employment so that occupational resources cumulate in dual-earner families.
Zwischen den Alterseinkommen von deutschen Rentnerinnen und Rentnern liegen Welten, genauer gesagt Lebenswelten, die geschlechtsspezifisch konstruiert sind. Sehr deutlich zeigt sich das in den Erwerbsbiografien von Männern und Frauen: Während die einen typischerweise von durchgehender Vollzeitbeschäftigung geprägt sind, werden die anderen von der Übernahme von Familienaufgaben beeinflusst. Wie sich die dahinter stehenden erwerbsbiografischen Verläufe von Frauen unterscheiden, welche Auswirkungen die Erwerbsunterbrechungen wegen Kindererziehung auf ihre Alterseinkommensperspektiven haben und welche Verteilungs- und Kohortentrends dabei zu beobachten sind, untersucht der vorliegende Artikel.
Das überarbeitete Hand- und Lehrbuch bietet in zwei Bänden einen breiten empirischen Überblick über die Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse in Deutschland und die zentralen sozialen Problemlagen. Im Mittelpunkt der Darstellung stehen Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitslosigkeit und Arbeitsbedingungen, Einkommensverteilung und Armut, Krankheit und Pflegebedürftigkeit sowie die Lebenslagen von Familien und von älteren Menschen. Auf der Grundlage dieses Überblicks werden die Maßnahmen, Leistungen und Einrichtungen des sozialstaatlichen Systems ausführlich vorgestellt und bewertet. Berücksichtigt werden neben Sozialversicherung und Sozialhilfe auch Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Arbeitsschutzpolitik, Gesundheitspolitik, Familienpolitik, Steuerpolitik, Altenpolitik und kommunale Sozialpolitik. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit finden die nicht-staatliche Sozialpolitik durch Betriebs- und Tarifpolitik sowie die Versorgung mit sozialen Diensten durch Wohlfahrtsverbände, kommunale Träger sowie Selbsthilfe und Ehrenamt. Jeweils werden die Herausforderungen der Sozialpolitik und Lösungsperspektiven thematisiert, dies auch in Bezug auf die europäische Dimension des Wohlfahrtsstaates. Das Buch gibt nicht nur den aktuellen Stand der Gesetzeslage wieder, sondern greift auch in die gegenwärtige theoretische und politische Diskussion um die Zukunft des Sozialstaates in Deutschland ein. Es wendet sich an Studierende und Lehrende an Hochschulen, Schulen, Bildungseinrichtungen sowie an Experten in Verwaltungen, Verbänden und Gewerkschaften.
This study examines the retirement income of women in Europe, focusing on the effect of motherhood. Due to their more interrupted working careers compared to non-mothers and fathers, mothers are likely to accumulate fewer pension entitlements, and consequently, to receive lower incomes in later life. However, pension systems in Europe vary widely in the degree to which they compensate for care-related career interruptions by means of redistributive elements or pension care entitlements. Therefore, care interruptions may matter for the retirement income of women in some countries, but may be rather irrelevant in others. On the basis of life history data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE) for women aged between 60 and 75 years in 13 European countries, the interplay of individual lifecourse characteristics with institutional and structural factors is examined. The results show that the lower retirement income of mothers is mainly a result of fewer years in employment and lower-status jobs throughout the lifecourse. The analysis of institutional factors reveals that pension care entitlements are not able to provide a compensation for care-related cutbacks in working life. A generally redistributive design of the pension system including basic or targeted pension schemes, in contrast, appears as an effective measure to balance differences in employment participation over the lifecourse.
This article uses sequence analysis to examine how gender inequality in work-family trajectories unfolds from early adulthood untilmiddle age in two different welfare state contexts. Results based on the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and the German National Education Panel Study demonstrate that in Germany, all work-family trajectories are highly gender-specific irrespective of social class. In contrast, patterns of work-family interplay across the life course in the United States are, overall, less gendered, but they differ widely by social class. In fact, work-family patterns characterized by high occupational prestige are fairly equally accessible for men and women. However, women are far more likely than men to experience the joint occurrence of single parenthood and unstable low-prestigework careers in the United States. The authors contribute to the literature by bringing in a longitudinal, process-oriented life course perspective and conceptualizing workfamily trajectories as interlocked, multidimensional processes.
In der aktuellen politischen Diskussion ist das Thema Altersarmut hochgradig präsent: Ein wichtiges Indiz dafür ist der Auffassungswandel der Bundesregierung: Während diese in den zurückliegenden Jahren immer wieder darauf hingewiesen hatte – so zuletzt in der Antwort auf eine große Anfrage der Fraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Deutscher Bundestag 2011) –, dass Altersarmut kein verbreitetes Phänomen sei und durch den Ausbau der betrieblichen und privaten Vorsorge (Riester) sowie durch Grundsicherung im Alter vermieden werde, schlägt sie Ende 2011 im ‚Regierungsdialog Rente‘ vor, aufstockende ‚Zuschussrenten‘ einzuführen, um angesichts der zu erwartenden Ausweitung von niedrigen Versicherungsrenten die Gefahr einer wachsenden Altersarmut und die Angewiesenheit auf Leistungen der Grundsicherung zu vermeiden.
Hand in Hand mit der Altersstruktur der Gesellschaft wandeln sich Lebenslaufmuster und individuelle Biografien. Dies gilt für alle Facetten des Lebenslaufs, also etwa für Erwerbsbiografien, für Bildungsbiografien und für Familien- und Partnerschaftsbiografien. Dieser Wandel bringt neue soziale Risiken und Bedürfnisse hervor, zu deren Absicherung das bestehende sozialpolitische Instrumentarium immer weniger geeignet ist. Um nur drei Beispiele zu nennen: Wenn die sozialversicherungsfreie selbständige Beschäftigung zunimmt, schwinden der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung die Einnahmen, gleichzeitig sind Phasen der selbständigen Beschäftigung in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung nicht abgesichert. Die Familienpolitik ist immer noch wenig an dem Ziel ausgerichtet, auch den Müttern kontinuierliche Bildungs- und Erwerbskarrieren zu ermöglichen. Und das Bildungssystem schließlich ist bislang kaum darauf eingestellt, dass Phasen des Bildungserwerbs sich nicht mehr ausschließlich am Anfang des Lebenslaufs konzentrieren, sondern sich über den Lebenslauf hinweg verteilen. Die implizite Botschaft dieses Beitrags lautet deshalb, dass die neuen sozialen Risiken besser abgesichert werden können, wenn die Sozialpolitik auf sich verändernde Lebensläufe und Lebensplanungen hin ausgerichtet und zu einer sozialen Lebenslaufpolitik weiterentwickelt wird.
How are gendered work–family life courses associated with financial well-being in retirement? In this article we compare the cohorts born 1920–1950 in West Germany and Switzerland, whose adult life courses are characterized by similar strong male-breadwinner contexts in both countries. The countries differ in that Switzerland represented a liberal pension system, whereas Germany represented a corporatist protective pension system when these cohorts retired. We therefore assess how gendered work–family life courses that developed in similar male-breadwinner contexts are related to financial well-being in retirement in different pension systems. Using data from the SHARELIFE survey we conduct multichannel sequence analysis and cluster analysis to identify groups of typical work–family life courses from ages 20 to 59. Regression models estimate how these groups are associated with the individual pension income and household income in retirement. Results show that women who combined motherhood with part time work and extended periods out of the labour force have even lower individual pension income in Switzerland compared to their German peers. This relative disadvantage partly extends to lower household income in retirement. Findings support that male breadwinner policies earlier in life combined with liberal pension policies later in life, as in Switzerland, intensify pension penalties for typical female work–family life courses of early motherhood and weak labour force attachment. We conclude that life course sensitive social policies should harmonize regulations, which are in effect earlier in life with policies later in life for specific birth cohorts.
Pension care entitlements are believed to be highly relevant for the reduction of gender inequality in pension income. Almost all European countries have implemented care entitlements within their mostly earnings-related public pension schemes. This raises the question of what actual effect these benefits have: can they reduce the “pension penalty of caring”, that is the loss in pension income as a consequence of mothers’ care-related employment interruptions and part-time work? I analyse the pension incomes of older women and the mother pension gap, the income difference between mothers and childless women, and examines the impact of pension care entitlements. Micro-level life course data on individual employment histories in 13 European countries from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE) is used and combined with institutional data. The results of the multilevel analyses show that the actual effect of pension care entitlements on the income position of older women is low. On the contrary, the existence of basic pension schemes and the gender inequality within working life are important factors which influence the income position of mothers in old age. Rentenleistungen fur Elternschaft und Kinderbetreuungszeiten, den sogenannten Mutterrenten, wird eine hohe Bedeutung zur Reduktion der Geschlechterungleichheit beim Alterseinkommen zugeschrieben. So haben fast alle europaischen Lander entsprechende Regelungen in ihren ansonsten uberwiegend erwerbszentrierten staatlichen Rentensystemen etabliert. Aber welche Wirkungen haben diese Leistungen tatsachlich? Konnen sie die Einbusen beim Alterseinkommen, die sich fur Frauen durch Kinderbetreuungszeiten ergeben, tatsachlich kompensieren und den mother pension gap reduzieren? Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Uberblick uber die institutionellen Regelungen zur Berucksichtigung von Elternschaft und Kindererziehung in den Rentensystemen Europas und unterzieht ihre Wirkungen auf das Alterseinkommen von Muttern einer empirischen Prufung. Dafur werden Biografiedaten von Frauen aus 13 europaischen Landern aus dem Survey of Health, Ageing andRetirement in Europe (SHARELIFE) herangezogen. Die Mehrebenenanalysen zeigen, dass die tatsachliche Wirkung von Mutterrenten auf das Alterseinkommen von Frauen gering ist. Eine hohe Bedeutung haben hingegen das Vorhandensein von allgemeinen Basisrenten sowie die Geschlechterungleichheit im Erwerbsleben.
This chapter reviews the current state of German family policy with a special focus on rights and obligations. It identifies the peculiarities of family policies in the formerly socialist East and in the conservative-familist West. German unification merged two contrasting models of family policy: the East German dual-earner model and the West German male breadwinner model. While family policy in East Germany expected both mothers and fathers to work full-time, West German family policy was based on ideas of different but equal and complementary gender roles. East Germany employed measures to increase fertility rates and support having children. Pre-unification West Germany, in contrast, had continuously rejected pro-natalism. We will argue that unified Germany is heading towards a third policy model that has more in common with the East German model than the family policy model of former West Germany. Sustainable family policy (Nachhaltige Familienpolitik), as this third model has been called by politicians, conceives of children as society’s future assets; it seeks to encourage childbearing by supporting parents to balance work and family responsibilities, and attempts to reduce child poverty by increasing maternal employment.
We use event history analysis to study the effects of family-related factors on the employment behavior of U.S. and (West) German women in a dynamic life course perspective. Data from the National Survey of Families and Households and the German Socioeconomic Panel are analyzed to examine the differential determinants of entry into and exit from full-time and part-time employment during the family life course and the differences in these processes between the two countries. Marriage and childbearing continue to influence exit from and entry into paid work in both countries. Family structure plays a stronger role in women's working lives in Germany than in the U.S., and part-time work in Germany is more closely related to childbearing.
We investigate the labour market situation of older individuals in Europe in relation to their previous employment history as well as the regulations relating to employment protection legislation and early retirement. Specifically, we look at the competing risks of early retirement and late career unemployment. The central research question is whether policy effects differ according to the characteristics of an individual's previous work history. We employ data for twelve European countries from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE) and estimate multilevel regression models. The results show different mechanisms for the risks of unemployment and early retirement. Late career unemployment results from individual factors related to fragmented careers, marginal employment and short tenures. In the case of early retirement, we find the interplay of individual and policy factors to be crucial. Persons with consistent careers have an increased probability of early retirement, but only in countries with generous early retirement benefits. However, employment protection legislation appears to counteract early retirement for this group of individuals. We conclude that policy factors do not have uniform effects for older individuals, but should rather be viewed against the background of previous developments in individual career paths.
In this article, we provide a long-term East–West comparison of partnered women’s employment from the 1940s into the first decade of the new millennium in Germany, and focus on the nexus of gainful employment and family-related responsibilities in women’s lives. Based on an analysis of the institutionally and culturally shaped opportunity structures that define the conditions for partnered women’s employment, we identify distinct periods of support and derive hypotheses on cohort-specific developments. The empirical analysis largely confirms that a divergence between East and West German women’s employment patterns started as early as in the 1950s. East–West differences in labour market participation were strongest among women born around 1940. For successive cohorts of East and West German women, the employment patterns converged. Whereas the labour market participation of West German women gradually increased over time, the employment pattern of East German women adjusted to the West German pattern after unification, resulting in an increase of part-time employment and non-employment, in particular among mothers. The article concludes by discussing implications of these trends for the future of the male breadwinner model.
In research on pensions and retirement income, it has been frequently reasoned that the economic situation in later life is determined by an interplay of individual and institutional factors. However, previous studies in this field either focus only on individual determinants or on macro-level outcomes using aggregated data. We apply a multilevel approach to examine the impact of institutional factors on the link of individual pension income and previous employment history. The underlying research question is of how national pension systems shape this relationship; whether flexible careers and atypical employment are compensated for or, on the contrary, ‘penalised’ with a low pension income. We combine the life-history data of individuals in 13 European countries from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE) with macro-data on national pension systems. While we find little cross-national variation for men, for women the strength of the relationship of employment history and pension income differs between countries and is significantly moderated by factors related to the pension system.
Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen, wie die steigende Zahl von Ehescheidungen und der hohe Anteil nicht-ehelicher Lebensgemeinschaften, führen zu einer wachsenden Bedeutung einer eigenständigen, armutsvermeidenden Alterssicherung von Frauen. Zwar erscheint dieses Ziel aufgrund der gestiegenen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen zunehmend erreichbar, Ungleichheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wirken sich allerdings weiterhin negativ auf die Erwerbs- und Einkommenschancen von Frauen aus. Der Einfluss verschiedener erwerbsbiografischer Faktoren auf den Gender Pension Gap, also den Unterschied zwischen den Alterseinkommen von Männern und Frauen, wird hier mit den Daten „Altersvorsorge in Deutschland (AVID) 2005“ für Westdeutschland untersucht. Verglichen werden die projizierten Alterseinkünfte im Hinblick auf die gesetzliche, betriebliche und private Vorsorge für zwei Kohorten: 1942–1946 sowie 1957–1961 Geborene. Mit Hilfe einer Oaxaca-Blinder-Dekomposition wird der Anteil verschiedener Erklärungsfaktoren an der Entstehung der Lücke quantifiziert. Die Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass bislang weder die gestiegene Bildungsbeteiligung von Frauen noch ihre zunehmende Erwerbsbeteiligung zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des Gender Pension Gaps geführt haben. Dieser beträgt bei den Alterseinkommen insgesamt auch für die jüngere Kohorte noch 51 %, im Vergleich zu 58 % in der älteren Kohorte. Die multivariaten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es vor allem der Vollzeit-Teilzeit-Gap ist, der den weiterhin großen Unterschied in den Alterseinkommen von Männern und Frauen verursacht.
All government policies affect the lives of citizens in some direct or indirect way. Despite the pervasiveness of the influence, relatively little attention has been given to the manner in which government impinges on the individual life course. This article aims to show that exploring the relationship between government and life course provides a seminal perspective both for the study of the life course and for welfare state analysis, especially with regard to cross-national comparison. “A thorough examination of the state and its policies may provide further insights into the ways in which age and the life course are treated in a society” [59].
Applications of optimal matching analysis in the social sciences are typically based on sequences of specific social statuses that model the residential, family, or occupational trajectories of individuals. Despite the broadly recognized interdependence of these statuses, few attempts have been made to systematize the ways in which optimal matching analysis should be applied multidimensionally-that is, in an approach that takes into account multiple trajectories simultaneously. Based on methods pioneered in the field of bioinformatics, this paper proposes a method of multichannel sequence analysis (MCSA) that simultaneously extends the usual optimal matching analysis (OMA) to multiple life spheres. Using data from the Swiss household panel (SHP), we examine the types of trajectories obtained using MCSA. We also consider a random data set and find that MCSA offers an alternative to the sole use of ex-post sum of distance matrices by locally aligning distinct life trajectories simultaneously. Moreover, MCSA reduces the complexity of the typologies it allows to produce, without making them less informative. It is more robust to noise in the data, and it provides more reliable alignments than two independent OMA.
A procedure for forming hierarchical groups of mutually exclusive subsets, each of which has members that are maximally similar with respect to specified characteristics, is suggested for use in large-scale (n > 100) studies when a precise optimal solution for a specified number of groups is not practical. Given n sets, this procedure permits their reduction to n − 1 mutually exclusive sets by considering the union of all possible n(n − 1)/2 pairs and selecting a union having a maximal value for the functional relation, or objective function, that reflects the criterion chosen by the investigator. By repeating this process until only one group remains, the complete hierarchical structure and a quantitative estimate of the loss associated with each stage in the grouping can be obtained. A general flowchart helpful in computer programming and a numerical example are included.
In the present study, we examine employment biographies of women using the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). Specifically, we compare the cohort of the baby boomers (1956–1965) with two older cohorts (1936–1945 and 1946–1955) by carrying out sequence analyses to investigate changes in their employment careers. Based on the biography sequences, we consider four different clusters to identify typical employment patterns of the three cohorts. Results show that women's careers have changed in the sense that there is an increase in the proportion of discontinuous careers and a decrease in the percentage of women with a continuous full time employment biography. At the same time, part time employment biographies gain in relevance and housewife biographies become less common. Within all types of employment patterns, the degree of plurality rises and biographies become more inhomogeneous in the sense that the number of transitions as well as the number of different states increases. Regarding the specific developments in West and East Germany, results show that on the one hand both regions are growing more alike in the sense that the high percentage of women primarily in full time employment dominated careers in East Germany has dropped and the percentage of housewife biographies in West Germany has decreased. On the other hand, there are still relevant differences between the employment patterns of West and East German women: West German women are still much more likely to experience a housewife biography, and part time work is much more relevant for women in West Germany. East German women still have to a large degree full time employment oriented biographies, but in East Germany in particular, there is a distinct trend towards discontinuous and de-standardized careers.
Frauenberufe - Männerberufe: zur Persistenz geschlechtshierarchischer Arbeitsmarktsegregation. Wien, Institut für Höhere Studien
  • Andrea Leitner
„Employment histories and pension incomes in Europe: A multilevel analysis of the role of institutional factors“