Conference PaperPDF Available

Knowledge Management and BIM Practices: Towards a Conceptual BIM-Knowledge Framework



The construction industry is a knowledge-intensive and knowledge-generating industry. However, challenges exist in terms of capturing and sharing knowledge of best practices and lessons learned within projects, and from one project to another. This is mainly due to the multidisciplinary , multiorganizational and temporary nature of construction projects, which causes valuable knowledge to remain with individuals and/or get lost with time. Therefore, it is critically important to effectively capture and share the experience-based knowledge that is generated in construction projects in order to enable improvements in decision-making based on continuous learning. Building information modelling (BIM) has emerged as a solution that could possibly help in this endeavour through effective collaboration and learning processes. However, currently, BIM practices mainly focus on digitalising traditional information exchanges among project stakeholders. Hence, there is little consideration of how experience-based knowledge can be effectively captured in BIM-enabled projects and used for continuous improvement. This paper presents insights into this issue by drawing on the literatures on knowledge management (KM) and BIM implementation. It proposes a conceptual BIM-Knowledge framework, the main contribution of the paper, which consists of a KM approach and five critical factors: individual psychosocial factors, organisational factors, economic factors, technological factors and client factors.
COBRA 2018
Sikiru Abiodun Ganiyu1, Charles Egbu2 and Mustafa Selçuk Çıdık3
1, 2, 3 School of the Built Environment and Architecture, London South Bank University, SE1 0AA, UK.
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The conceptual basis
!#$ 7      
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 #      #    
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        
!#$     #  #  
      
The critical factors
 
!#$   
 &$           
   
 @
    
   ", -..E%
2 Individual Factors (IF):
&$  
 "
 %        
          
- Organisational Factors (OF):     
        
3 Economic Factors (EF): +       
    
8 Technological Factors (TF):   # 
         
%       
 "#:%       0 
E Client/Customer Related Factors (CF):     H
 )       
           &$
            
    
 
  ;      )
  +
    
          
A conceptual framework for integrating experience-based knowledge into BIM
:!#$     
         
           !#$
         
 +   :   "-..?%   
   #: H "-..?%
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         
!#$& %      
Figure 1: Conceptual framework for the integration of knowledge into BIM practices
    !#$    !H
    )&$
 &$&$
  
        socialization 
Table 1: KM Toolboxes for implementing BIM-K to the design stage of a project
6 &$' =&$
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: 
$      
$     
&     
#  
  combination  internalisation     
  
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   !#$       
   !#$ 
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  &$  
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!#$     
)  ( & $ 6H “3rd European
Conference on Knowledge ManagementG 6-..- ( #
+A + $ "-..-% Literature review on Knowledge Management Tools.
 , (  :  ! =
+ 7 ' "-..-% Building Information Modelling. + *
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! A ( "-..2% &   *  
   )   Journal of
Knowledge Management,E4J/E
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IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science
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$+"-.23%BIM – Knowledge Management Perspective.;OA9&
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#Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering-E"E%332384
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... The construction industry is both knowledge-intensive and knowledge-generating; however, challenges exist in terms of capturing and sharing knowledge of best practices and lessons learnt within and across projects [1]. This is primarily due to the multi-disciplinary, multiorganisational, and temporary nature of construction projects which cause valuable knowledge to remain with individuals and/or become lost with time [2]. Specifically, project teams are regrettably disbanded after each project without adequately capturing and storing important data of the project for future use. ...
... Reviews on the problems associated with the information management (IM) of construction projects reveal that the principal sources of confusion and disagreements between project teams are communication breakdown and information bottlenecks between the client and the contractor, misunderstandings between engineers and architects due to the lack of collaboration and poor communication, as well as a lack of consistency in the information flow of the project as it progresses [5]. To improve these challenges, BIM acts as an innovative and centralised database that contains intelligent input information related to building models that are interconnected with information modelling through visualisation, simulation, and interactions in data/information management [2]. BIM enables project teams to easily access their required knowledge and information [6], thus reducing information asymmetry between project members, as well as reducing project uncertainty and risk. ...
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Knowledge is a major asset for every organisation in the construction industry because it forms the basis of effective decision-making, thereby providing them with a competitive advantage. Knowledge management (KM) in construction projects is important in facilitating improvements in decision-making, creating value and increasing productivity. The concept of BIM can facilitate KM by enabling project parties (appointing and appointed) to share information and access knowledge in a coordinated manner. It can also enhance communication and collaboration among project members by capturing, storing, representing, and sharing/transferring knowledge represented building models, as well as auditing it for retrieval data. Although BIM ensures knowledge represented building models in part of a fast-tracking system, collaboration and effective communication between project members is a critical strategy that can improve KM and delivers competitive advantages for information management (IM) in construction projects. The main aim of this research paper is to explore how collaboration and communication through the adoption of BIM contributes to KM in construction projects. The research strategy adopted is that of an integrative literature review. Drawing on relevant literature on the significance of BIM and early collaboration and communication between key project members in ensuring effective knowledge generation in information protocols, the paper presents insights into the status of current KM problems in construction projects and leveraging the use of BIM in knowledge represented building models management. The findings reveal that the capability of KM is enhanced by early collaboration, communication, and leveraging the use of BIM at the early project phases as this provides an interactive information flow in the knowledge generation management (i.e. research outcome) that is transparently accessible and workable in a collaborative environment for multidisciplinary project members. The proposed knowledge generating workflow, which is the main contribution of the paper, consists of six steps and is based on the adoption of a BIM-enabled KM life-cycle approach. This paper concludes that this workflow can benefit all project stakeholders from the appointing, lead appointed, and appointed parties by introducing collaborative KM process throughout the project lifecycle under a BIM environment.
... This paper adopted an exploratory research method involving a comprehensive review of the extant literature on factors relevant to the integration of EK with BI and interviews with subject experts for the validation and classification of the extracted factors. Using literature review has been accepted as a research methodology for advancing knowledge within the construction management discipline (Olubunmi et al. 2016;Ganiyu et al. 2018). Based on the reviewed literature, this paper extracted twenty-six (26) factors that were considered critical to the integration of EK into BI. ...
... The construction industry is project-based, and projects are usually executed by teams of professionals working together temporarily. The project-based nature of the construction creates learning opportunities through knowledge sharing and experiences from best practices while implementing BIM (Ganiyu et al., 2018;Wang & Meng, 2018). Hence, project teamrelated factors are identified as critical for integrating EK into BI. ...
... This paper adopted an exploratory research method involving a comprehensive review of the extant literature on factors relevant to the integration of EK with BI and interviews with subject experts for the validation and classification of the extracted factors. Using literature review has been accepted as a research methodology for advancing knowledge within the construction management discipline (Olubunmi et al. 2016;Ganiyu et al. 2018). Based on the reviewed literature, this paper extracted twenty-six (26) factors that were considered critical to the integration of EK into BI. ...
... The construction industry is project-based, and projects are usually executed by teams of professionals working together temporarily. The project-based nature of the construction creates learning opportunities through knowledge sharing and experiences from best practices while implementing BIM (Ganiyu et al., 2018;Wang & Meng, 2018). Hence, project teamrelated factors are identified as critical for integrating EK into BI. ...
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Exploration of Factors Impacting integration of Experiential Knowledge with BIM Implementation.
... This paper adopted an exploratory research method involving a comprehensive review of the extant literature on factors relevant to the integration of EK with BI and interviews with subject experts for the validation and classification of the extracted factors. Using literature review has been accepted as a research methodology for advancing knowledge within the construction management discipline (Olubunmi et al. 2016;Ganiyu et al. 2018). Based on the reviewed literature, this paper extracted twenty-six (26) factors that were considered critical to the integration of EK into BI. ...
... The construction industry is project-based, and projects are usually executed by teams of professionals working together temporarily. The project-based nature of the construction creates learning opportunities through knowledge sharing and experiences from best practices while implementing BIM (Ganiyu et al., 2018;Wang & Meng, 2018). Hence, project teamrelated factors are identified as critical for integrating EK into BI. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper explores critical factors impacting the integration of experiential knowledge into BIM implementation for improved decision-making in building construction projects. The construction industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, and knowledge has been identified as a vital resource for improving decision-making. Therefore, integrating experiential knowledge and BIM implementation could help construction organisations make informed decisions while implementing BIM in building construction projects. Nevertheless, the effective integration of experiential knowledge into BIM implementation can be influenced by some factors. This study started with a comprehensive review of the extant literature on factors impacting BIM and experiential knowledge integration, followed by interviews with 30 subject experts within the UK construction industry. Twenty-six factors were extracted through the comprehensive review of extant literature and categorised into three groups: individual-related, team-related, and organisational-related factors. The interviewees also identified job security, litigation and sufficient budgetary allocation as additional factors impacting the integration process. These critical factors can enhance the ease with which construction firms integrate experiential knowledge into BIM implementation for improved decision-making and help them to realise the benefits accruable from the integration process.
... This paper adopted an exploratory research method involving a comprehensive review of the extant literature on factors relevant to the integration of EK with BI and interviews with subject experts for the validation and classification of the extracted factors. Using literature review has been accepted as a research methodology for advancing knowledge within the construction management discipline (Olubunmi et al. 2016;Ganiyu et al. 2018). Based on the reviewed literature, this paper extracted twenty-six (26) factors that were considered critical to the integration of EK into BI. ...
... The construction industry is project-based, and projects are usually executed by teams of professionals working together temporarily. The project-based nature of the construction creates learning opportunities through knowledge sharing and experiences from best practices while implementing BIM (Ganiyu et al., 2018;Wang & Meng, 2018). Hence, project teamrelated factors are identified as critical for integrating EK into BI. ...
This paper explores critical factors impacting the integration of experiential knowledge with BIM implementation for improved decision-making in building construction projects. The construction industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, and knowledge has been identified as a vital resource for improving decision-making. Therefore, integrating experiential knowledge and BIM implementation could help construction organisations make informed decisions while implementing BIM in building construction projects. Nevertheless, the effective integration of experiential knowledge into BIM implementation can be influenced by some factors. This study started with a comprehensive review of the extant literature on factors impacting BIM and knowledge integration, followed by expert interviews with 30 stakeholders within the UK construction industry. Twenty-six factors were extracted through the comprehensive review of extant literature and categorised into three groups: individual-related, team-related, and organisational-related factors. The interviewees also identified job security, litigation and sufficient budgetary allocation as additional factors impacting the integration process. These critical factors can enhance the ease with which construction firms integrate experiential knowledge into BIM implementation for improved decision-making and realise the benefits accruable from the integration process.
... It has been established that gender imbalances are caused in part by men favouritism in recruitment, retention, and promotion. Similarly, Ganiyu et al. (2018) identified corporate culture as a major reason for women's absence from management and leadership positions because it limits women's career advancement, particularly the lack of family-friendly policies at work, and forces them to prioritise their family life over paid work. It has been established that women must perform significantly better than men in order to be perceived as equally competent (Kark and Eagly, 2010). ...
Purpose Women are rarely seen in positions of leadership in patriarchal societies, which is unsurprising. Following gender equity policies, few women have been able to break through the gender equity barrier and assume leadership positions in schools. Few research investigations have delved into the experiences and challenges that women encounter in positions of leadership in patriarchal societies in government schools in Northern Ghana. The study seeks to comprehend the experiences and challenges that women confront in positions of leadership in patriarchal societies in Northern Ghana. Design/methodology/approach The study aimed to gain a better understanding of the experiences and challenges that women encounter in educational leadership roles in patriarchal societies in Northern Ghana. To achieve the study's objectives, a quantitative research approach and a social survey design were used, as well as descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings The findings of the study revealed that in patriarchal societies in Northern Ghana, women experience conventional gender roles that conflict with roles, cultural values, gender stereotyping, family responsibilities and cultural beliefs and perceptions of women and attitudes and low expectations of women's managerial skills discourage women from taking on leadership positions in men-dominated societies. Research limitations/implications There is a need to shift the gender position and question the negative cultural convictions of cultural and patriarchal societies. Equal opportunities for men and women necessitate equal access to leadership positions. It proposes that in patriarchal societies, education and community stakeholder involvement in leadership training programmes for women be considered, as policy documents alone would not be sufficient to eradicate deeply embedded cultural social practices and dispel negative notions about women in leadership positions in men-dominated societies. Originality/value The study established that in patriarchal societies, women experienced conventional gender roles that conflict with roles, cultural values, gender stereotyping, family responsibilities, cultural vulnerability of women and the interplay between cultural expected roles and management goals influence women from taking on leadership positions.
... Dalkir [9] states that Knowledge Management is a management strategy with an integrated collaborative approach to create, acquire, organize, access, and use company intellectual assets. Construction projects are knowledge-intensive activities where a lot of knowledge is involved and can produce new knowledge [10]. ...
Construction delays are a critical phenomenon and occur in many con- struction industries, including construction projects in mining companies. The most significant factor is poor communication between stakeholders, with an average severity of 60.89% affecting the success of the project. The phenomenon that occurs in mining companies, this study conducted in a mining contractor company, that the organization responsible for infrastructure management only has one supervisor with basic construction knowledge, so there is a gap of knowledge and competency between organization members that causes weak supervision and causes delay project. Previous studies suggest that knowledge management can affect project performance and improve communication with knowledge alignment within organizations. This study proposes an integrated conceptual research model to identify how knowledge management activities can be managed effectively to increase the level of project knowledge in the owner’s organization to improve project communication, as well as examine the correlation between project com- munication and project time performance with the mediation of knowledge man- agement in coal mining construction projects.
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Purpose Using social dominance theory as a conceptual lens, this study explores how female managers and professionals strive to defy the perceived career stereotypes in traditionally male-dominated occupations. Design/methodology/approach The dataset comprises 30 interviews with female bank managers and senior engineers in Nigeria – a non-Western location and work group – a sample that is considered under-researched. Findings The qualitative analysis identifies how the interviewed women adopted three strategies in managing gender and career stereotypes, with some expressing concerns of experiencing emotional dissonance as they contend with occupational segregation based on gender. Research limitations/implications The extent to which the findings can be generalised may be constrained by the study’s limited sample size. Nevertheless, the findings shed light on the underlying importance of disclosing how working women exert themselves in navigating the social dominance ideology in Nigeria that is notable for extreme gender role differentiation. This often results in an intensification of the efforts made by female professionals in confronting the endemic nature of male chauvinism in Nigerian organisations. Originality/value Research on gender and career constraints has, in the main, restricted our understanding of the barriers that Nigerian women face in their careers as a result of the masculine hegemony perpetuated by social dominance. The present study aims to challenge, however, proponents of social dominance by unveiling the mitigating strategies that women living in an inegalitarian society adopt to confront occupational male-group ascendency.
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In today's digital era 4.0, the synergy between the construction industry and information technology is inevitable. Knowledge management plays a critical role in the success of construction companies, enabling them to effectively capture, store, share, and utilize valuable information and expertise. In recent years, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a powerful tool that improves knowledge management in the construction industry. This article focuses on implementing BIM in Indonesian state-owned construction companies and how it can improve knowledge management, leading to better project outcomes, efficiency, and competitiveness. BIM-based Knowledge Management (KM) systems can capture, store, and disseminate knowledge to manage facilities through their life cycle. To describe in this study first identified from a literature review how BIM can facilitate improved knowledge management in construction projects. Second, a questionnaire survey of respondents of State Owned Construction Enterprises with ISO 1960 BIM in Indonesia will be further analyzed using a quantitative SEM-PLS analysis to determine the KM types that can be leveled using BIM. The variables used in this study are BIM implementation on KM, processes, effectiveness, and barriers to knowledge management. The results of this study show that BIM performance positively affects KM process improvement, KM effectiveness, and KM obstacle alleviation.
The Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has implemented vertical Building Information modeling (BIM) to increase the productivity and overcome the backwardness compared to other industries. The benefits of BIM deployment as a process in the AEC industry have caused the Non-Building (NB) industry to shift toward use of this concept. While the positive role of BIM implementation in the AEC industry has been proven and its levels go up increasingly, Civil Information Modeling (CIM) intends to apply the concept of BIM for the NB industry. As current research showed the lack of CIM deployment in NB, especially in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Construction (OGPC) industry, this research focuses on the transformation of CIM in the OGPC industry as part of the NB industry. Due to particular circumstances such as oil price fluctuations, complex and specialized nature, very strict climate and environmental regulations, project life-cycle costs and the increasing need to comply with sustainable development goals, it is required to enrich the OGPC industry by an effective concept like BIM to prevent its projects from moving towards uneconomical phases. This study is an action research that is organized in three parts through mixed methods approach including extensive literature review, semi-structured interview and focus group. This research is the second part of an ongoing CIM adoption study. It reveals the CIM uses for enriching the OGPC industry and introduces a simple CIM transformation framework for the OGPC industry firms. The challenges, limitations, gaps, and requirements for the faster transformation of CIM in the OGPC industry are highlighted and future needed studies are addressed.
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Purpose The purpose of the paper is to investigate the critical success factors (CSFs) associated with the effectiveness of transfer and sharing of tacit knowledge in lean and agile construction processes. Design/methodology/approach The study identifies ten CSFs that initiate the transferring and sharing of tacit knowledge. The CSFs are validated through quantitative study. This study recruited project managers, executives, consultants and other managers that are directly involved in the management of a construction project. It recruits the respondents those have background and experience from disciplines such as lean construction, agile construction, construction supply chain (CSC) and knowledge management in lean, agile and CSC. The data collected through self-administrative questionnaire are categorised as ordinal data to analyse in SPSS with frequency and Kruskal–Wallis H test, Spearman’s correlation analysis and a rank-order analysis is done to establish the level of importance of those factors. Findings Initially, “Trust between construction organisations” is identified as the foremost CSF. Moreover, other CSFs such as motivation, leadership capabilities, business strategies and organisational capabilities follow trust. Originality/value This is the first study that investigates and establishes the CSFs that are essential to initiate transferring and sharing tacit knowledge in a lean and in an agile construction processes.
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With the rapid development of the construction industry, its projects are becoming more complex. Information management plays an important role in this scenario. Various information technology (IT) systems have been developed to support project information management. As a 3D object-oriented system containing geometric and non-geometric information of a project, building information modelling (BIM) has become widely used to manage the project's information. On the other hand, knowledge is the most competitive resource in any organisation. In construction, knowledge management has gained increasing attention. Some IT-based systems have been established to aid knowledge management during a construction project. Although BIM is widely used in information management, BIM-based knowledge management is rarely studied. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review on BIM-based information/knowledge management. The literature on BIM-based information management is first reviewed in a systematic way. BIM-based knowledge management is the focus of the second part of the literature review. This paper concludes with a critical discussion to indicate the knowledge gap in current research and to identify future research questions and directions in this area.
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Knowledge is generated in projects throughout the design and construction processes in Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) projects. The management of this knowledge has been implemented by various firms in AEC the industry through the development of lessons learned databases, best practices, project closeout interviews, communities of practice and various other informal techniques. In the traditional project processes which don’t use building information modeling, the data generated through the project life cycle is typically stored in a fragmented manner in multiple formats. This makes it difficult to capture, catalog and disseminate the knowledge present in the data effectively. The objective of the research study described in this paper was to identify the ways in which Building Information Models can be used for effective Knowledge Management. Building Information Models are data-rich, object-based, intelligent and parametric digital representations of building structures. In this research, we hypothesize that the parametric models used in building information modeling can provide a centralized global context to the information stored therein and thus be an effective tool as a knowledge store; provide support other knowledge management processes. In this paper, we present a method to capture knowledge during the design and construction processes using the parametric, object oriented nature of the BIM models; extract the stored knowledge from the BIM models; present a framework for classification and dissemination of the knowledge. Finally, we present a framework to enable the use of Building Information Models to support the organization wide Knowledge Management processes.
Knowledge management (KM) has received considerable attention in recent years. Some consider knowledge the most strategically important resource, and learning the most strategically important capability for business organizations. Major UK construction organizations have recognized the benefits that KM can offer and have thus invested in KM. This paper reports on a survey of these companies. The purpose of the survey was: (1) to examine the importance of KM to UK construction organizations; (2) to investigate the resources used to implement KM strategies; and (3) to identify the main barriers to implementing KM strategies. The survey found that the main reasons for implementing a KM strategy was the need to share the tacit knowledge of key employees and to disseminate best practice. Also, significant resources in terms of staff time and money were being invested in KM, but the main barrier to implementing a KM strategy was the lack of standard work processes.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a model to understand and facilitate more knowledge sharing (KS) among construction companies in Jordan. Sixteen cultural variables that affect KS were identified through self-administered questionnaires. Design/methodology/approach – Factor analysis was used to find possible relationships between the cultural variables for grouping purposes and to eliminate the cultural variables that do not affect KS. The results of factor analysis were further refined using a brainstorming session and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to prioritise the factors obtained through the factor analysis. Findings – Trust, management and communication were identified as the three most important factors, whilst communication was acknowledged as the least important factor. Originality/value – This research uses factor analysis and AHP to study the influence of cultural factors on KS. It develops a hierarchy of factors that affect effective KS within the Jordanian context. The paper investigated KS in-depth and highlighted the components that constitute KS in an organisation. Based on extensive literature review, this study found the relative importance of different factors that affect KS. The emphasis on trust was found to be more critical than the presence of a computer-based system. In addition, this is the first paper of this type to look at KS in the context of the Jordanian construction industry.
The construction industry is an information-intensive industry and heavily relies on documents, including physical and virtual documentation and models, to exchange context-sensitive information among different project participants. Many research efforts have been made to help manage construction information; however, few of them considered the context-sensitive nature of the information. In this paper, the writers propose a new approach to facilitate the management of context-sensitive construction information that is stored in different textual documents. The approach addresses the context-sensitive nature of construction information by representing contexts in ontologies and by using contexts as indices of the information. The approach also presents a reasoning mechanism that leverages the semantically rich features of ontologies to reason about contexts to evaluate their applicabilities. Two case studies were conducted, and the results showed the proposed approach can effectively retrieve, classify, and manage construction information. Finally, the writers discuss the limitations of the proposed approach and future research directions. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000094. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.