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Wild bees (Anthophila) of Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago) and their habitats: species diversity, distribution patterns and bee-plant network


Abstract and Figures

Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago) is a relatively old (11.1-14.3 Ma) and small volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the low altitudes of the mountains, the main part of the island is characterised by a semiarid climate and xeric vegetation; only a small part shows subhumid conditions. We were able to study the wild-bee fauna and the bee-plant network (with pan traps, hand-netting or observation) mainly during two stays in March 2012 and 2017. Currently, nine wild-bee species have been detected. Two species are endemic to Porto Santo, and two species and one subspecies to the Madeira Archipelago. An actualised and annotated checklist of the wild-bee species of Porto Santo will be presented. The colonisation history of the endemic species Andrena dourada and A. portosanctana will be discussed. The distribution patterns show a wide distribution of the endemic and native bee species in the xeric zone. Only Bombus terrestris lusitanicus is restricted to the subhumid area. We detected all in all about 300 bee-plant interactions. In contrast to mainland networks, e.g., in the warm-temperate zone, which are as a rule characterised by many more bee than plant species, the bee-plant network of Porto Santo shows many more plant than bee species and is highly asymmetric. Six wild-bee species used 27 different plant species. Bee and plant species were highly interconnected, showing that under difficult environmental conditions and resource limitations, alternative nectar and pollen resources were available. Especially the woody Echium species E. nervosum (endemic to Madeira Archipelago) and E. portosanctensis (endemic to Porto Santo) are, on the one hand, key species as resources for wild bees and, on the other hand, self-incompatible outbreeders that depend on insect pollination. Even in very dry periods (March 2012, with no precipitation in winter), Echium showed rich flower production and was intensively visited by wild bees. The same is true for Cakile maritima, which is an important resource for the endemic species Andrena portosanctana with priority use of Brassicaceae species. In the wet spring of 2017, there was a reduction of sampled or observed bee individuals compared to 2012 (but more detections without flower visits and fewer on flowers).
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Linzer biol. Beitr. 50/2 1229-1247 17.12.2018
Wild bees (Anthophila) of Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago)
and their habitats: species diversity, distribution patterns
and bee–plant network *
* dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfredo Wildpret de la Torre (Tenerife, Spain)
A b s t r a c t : Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago) is a relatively old (11.1–14.3 Ma)
and small volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the low altitudes of the
mountains, the main part of the island is characterised by a semiarid climate and xeric
vegetation; only a small part shows subhumid conditions. We were able to study the
wild-bee fauna and the bee–plant network (with pan traps, hand-netting or observation)
mainly during two stays in March 2012 and 2017. Currently, nine wild-bee species have
been detected. Two species are endemic to Porto Santo, and two species and one
subspecies to the Madeira Archipelago. An actualised and annotated checklist of the
wild-bee species of Porto Santo will be presented. The colonisation history of the
endemic species Andrena dourada and A. portosanctana will be discussed. The
distribution patterns show a wide distribution of the endemic and native bee species in
the xeric zone. Only Bombus terrestris lusitanicus is restricted to the subhumid area.
We detected all in all about 300 beeplant interactions. In contrast to mainland
networks, e.g., in the warm-temperate zone, which are as a rule characterised by many
more bee than plant species, the beeplant network of Porto Santo shows many more
plant than bee species and is highly asymmetric. Six wild-bee species used 27 different
plant species. Bee and plant species were highly interconnected, showing that under
difficult environmental conditions and resource limitations, alternative nectar and
pollen resources were available. Especially the woody Echium species E. nervosum
(endemic to Madeira Archipelago) and E. portosanctensis (endemic to Porto Santo) are,
on the one hand, key species as resources for wild bees and, on the other hand, self-
incompatible outbreeders that depend on insect pollination. Even in very dry periods
(March 2012, with no precipitation in winter), Echium showed rich flower production
and was intensively visited by wild bees. The same is true for Cakile maritima, which is
an important resource for the endemic species Andrena portosanctana with priority use
of Brassicaceae species. In the wet spring of 2017, there was a reduction of sampled or
observed bee individuals compared to 2012 (but more detections without flower visits
and fewer on flowers).
Key words: Andrena dourada, Andrena portosanctana, bee–plant network,
Hymenoptera Apoidea, island biogeography, wild-bee diversity, pollination,
endangered wild-bee species, IUCN list, nomenclature, Madeira Archipelago.
Porto Santo (area 42 km2, length 40 km NE–SW, Madeira Archipelago) is a model area
for a relatively old, small and isolated volcanic island that has only a few habitat types
and had strong anthropogenic impact for 500 years. The age of the island is 11.1 to 14.3
Ma, with the latest volcanic activities about 8 million years ago (GELDMACHER et al.
2000, COOK 2008). In contrast, Madeira Island has an age of only 4.6 million years
There are about 446 phanerogamic plant species on the island (additionally, two are
extinct), nine of which are endemic to Porto Santo, 29 to Madeira Archipelago and 19 to
Macaronesia (always species-level): altogether 13% are endemic. Two hundred eighty-
six plant species are non-endemic, but native or highly probable to be native (64%) and
103 further species are introduced or probably introduced (23%). Therefore, regarding
the 343 native plant species, 57 are endemic to Macaronesia or parts of it (data counted
from JARDIM & MENEZES DE SEQUEIRA 2008, 2011; JONES et al. 2014).
For many plant species in Macaronesia, insect pollination is essential for their reproduc-
tive success. Especially the Macaronesian woody Echium species are all self-
incompatible outbreeders (ALDRIDGE 1981), which is, e.g., also the case for the non-
endemic herbaceous E. plantagineum (FLACHER et al. 2017). We supposed that the
Madeira-Archipelago-endemic species Echium nervosum and the Porto-Santo-endemic
species E. portosanctensis would be frequently visited and pollinated by wild bees of
Porto Santo.
Until now, wild-bee species and bee–plant networks have been only poorly studied on
Porto Santo; especially concerning the knowledge of habitats and networks, there was a
data deficit. Underestimation of the insect fauna on Porto Santo was stated also by
PRADO E CASTRO et al. (2016) for the example of Calliphoridae (Diptera), but this is also
true for wild bees (Anthophila).
In actuality, we find nine wild-bee species on Porto Santo; only the occurrence of seven
species had been published in the literature until yet (KRATOCHWIL et al. 2008, 2014,
KRATOCHWIL & SCHEUCHL 2013, KRATOCHWIL 2014). Two species are endemic to Porto
Santo, and two species and one subspecies to the whole Madeira Archipelago.
The following topics will be introduced in this publication:
(1) An actualised check list of wild-bee species of Porto Santo will be presented. The
updated check list of the wild bees of the Madeira Archipelago is published in
KRATOCHWIL et al. (2018). A comparison concerning wild-bee diversity, number of
endemic species and introduced species of the Madeira Archipelago with other islands of
the Macaronesian Archipelagos (Azores, Selvagens, Canary Islands, Cape Verde) is
published in KRATOCHWIL & SCHWABE (2018).
(2) We will characterise the habitats of Porto Santo that are especially important to pro-
vide wild bees with nectar and pollen.
(3) We will analyse the distribution patterns of wild-bee species and ask for differences
between endemic and non-endemic species on Porto Santo.
(4) Mainly based on own studies, a first overview of pollen and nectar resources for the
wild-bee species of Porto Santo will be presented, including a few data mentioned in the
(5) We ask about the structure of the bee–plant network on Porto Santo and especially
that of the endemic bee and plant species. Also of special interest is whether the wild-bee
and plant interactions differ between a dry (2012) and a wet spring (2017).
We expected many more plant than bee species in the network and therefore an asym-
metric network. In most terrestrial natural or semi-natural habitats in warm-temperate or
subaridic regions, a network with more bee than plant species is characteristic (e.g., BEIL
et al. 2014, SCHLEUNING et al. 2016). Exceptions are, e.g., extreme habitats or habitats
with effects of insecticides.
(6) Further, we ask if there is a positive prognosis for the survival of especially the two
Porto-Santo-endemic bee species in the highly anthropogenically influenced island.
Physico-geographical factors
Porto Santo was always separated from Madeira Island by an ocean bed more than 2000
m deep. Studies of land snails have shown that Madeira Island (62 species) and Porto
Santo (47 species) reflect this separation: only three species are shared (COOK 2008).
Due to the relatively low mountain areas, the summits catch little cloud precipitation
(main summits: Pico da Facho 517 m, Pico da Gandaia 499 m, Pico de Juliana 440 m,
Pico Branco 451 m and Pico do Castelo 437 m, all in the north-eastern part of the island;
in the southwestern part, Pico de Ana Ferreira 283 m).
Geologically, Porto Santo has a volcanic base, and the above-mentioned summits are
characterised mainly by trachytic and basaltic structures, but quaternary sediments cover
huge parts of the Tertiary formation (15 km2 of the island are covered by quaternary
material, mainly between the north-eastern and southwestern mountain areas). The sand
was blown out in glacial times from the shelf. There are Eolianites (calcareous sand from
the Pleistocene period, solidified, partly more than 50 m vertical thickness) with fossil
land snails (LIETZ & SCHWARZBACH 1971). This quaternary material favours the occur-
rence of bee colonies, e.g., from Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae and Lasioglossum
wollastoni (see below).
Colluvial sediments fill erosive channels and mantle slopes and give partially an impres-
sion of ‘badlands’ (LIETZ & SCHWARZBACH l.c.). The southern coast is characterised by a
huge sand beach (10 km); this is reflected in the name ‘Ilha Dourada’ (‘Golden Island’).
The other parts of the coast are characterised by steep cliffs. Perennial water currents are
not present, but some perennial springs occur (FAUST-LICHTENBERGER 1988).
The bioclimate was classified as Mediterranean xeric oceanic by R
(2009). There is a pronounced summer aridity on Porto Santo; precipitation values are
very low from June to August (376 mm/a). The mean temperature varies between 15.7
°C (February) and 22.8 °C (August) and precipitation between 62 mm (December) and 4
mm (July), both for the period 1973–2012, 82 m a.s.l. (CROPPER 2013). In the course of
climate change, there is a temperature anomaly, with higher temperatures mainly since
1990 on Porto Santo and Madeira Island (CROPPER & HANNA 2014). Annual precipita-
tion values show strong oscillations (CROPPER & HANNA 2014). This unpredictability
can also be shown for our main sampling periods. In March 2012, there had been an
extremely dry winter with no precipitation from November to March. In the year before,
there was an exceptionally extreme drought in the whole Madeira Archipelago from
December 2011 to May 2012 (LIBERATO et al. 2017). In the second period (March 2017),
there had been a wet winter with 301 mm precipitation from October to March, nearly
the precipitation of a whole year (data from Airport Porto Santo,; see
Fig. 1a-f).
Fig. 1: Aspects from some of our sampling sites and their surroundings in March after an extreme
dry winter and a wet winter: Left: March 2012 (November 2011–March 2012, no precipitation);
right: March 2017 (October 2016–March 2017, 301 mm precipitation); a, b: sand beach with Vila
Baleira in the centre; c, d: Pico Juliana and mainly fallow land; e, f: southern-exposed extensively
grazed dry grassland; view from Capela da Graça (in the background right: Pico do Facho with
Pinus plantations). Photos: A. Schwabe.
Aspects of history are summarised in FAUST-LICHTENBERGER (1988) and PEREIRA
SILVA (2003). Porto Santo was discovered in the early 15th century. The first settlers
from Portugal and a donatory settled in 1450. Dryland farming of wheat, barley and
root crops as well as livestock husbandry and at times viticulture were practised. For
centuries, the island had great importance in supplying sailing ships with crops and
other food resources.
The island had been cleared to a great extent of woody vegetation. The original
vegetation was mainly a dry microforest (Mayteno umbellatae-Oleo maderensis
sigmetum; see Section ‘Characterisation of the habitats’), probably with many gaps
in the dry environment, which facilitated the coexistence with endogeic wild-bee
species. Beginning at the end of the 18th century, afforestations were made with
Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis, e.g., in the area of the Pico do Castelo.
Especially in the last 50 years, crop farming and livestock husbandry were strongly
reduced, and therefore fallow land characterises many parts of the island, including
very steep slopes. Since the beginning of the settlement, the impact of introduced
Iberian rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus huxleyi) has been a threat, especially to some
endemic plant species (e.g., Pericallis menezesii, see JONES et al. 2014). Infections
have reduced the rabbit population periodically (JONES et al. 2014); in recent years,
myxomatosis had a strong impact (A. Aguiar, pers. comm.).
Characterisation of the habitats
Nearly the whole island belongs to the ‘series of Olea maderensis’ (Mayteno umbellatae-
Oleo maderensis sigmetum), indicating a dry, infra-Mediterranean climate (CAPELO et al.
2004, 2005). Sclerophyllous plant species, which are representatives of Palaeo-
Mediterranean or Palaeo-African and Palaeo-Arabian taxa, are characteristic of this
formation. Formerly, there were occurrences of Dracaena draco subsp. draco, which is
now extinct on Porto Santo but was planted again in the last few years from seedlings
that originated on Madeira Island. Historical sources indicate the following: BOWDICH
(1825: 92) saw a single Dracaena near Pico Facho and reported that there were fewer
than 20 left. The author cited a report from Cadamosto’s voyage in 1445 ‘that the dragon
trees of Porto Santo were so large, that fishing boats … were made out of the trunks, and
that the inhabitants fattened their pigs on the fruit’.
Substitution stages of the Olea maderensis series’ are stands with Euphorbia piscatoria
and Echium nervosum, which are still present, mainly on south-exposed slopes. The main
natural occurrences of Echium nervosum are in the southern part of the island
(CARVALHO et al. 2010); the species was probably also an element of the Olea
maderensis microforest. Echium nervosum is still relatively frequent, also due to
plantings near the roads. Especially in the northern part, Echium portosanctensis (see
below) was also planted. Hybrids occur, which is a huge problem for the protection of
pure genotypes. Echium nervosum (including hybrid types) is the most important pollen
and nectar resource for wild bees on Porto Santo.
Also important as a pollen and nectar resource is the Madeira-Archipelago-endemic
species Crambe fruticosa (Section Dendrocrambe), which we have found as a food
resource for Andrena dourada on basaltic substrate in low altitude in the Ana Ferreira
area (this locality for Crambe is also mentioned by PRESS & SHORT 1994). COSTA et al.
(2012) listed Crambe for the Loto macranthi-Phagnaletum lowei on basaltic leptosols
and for the Gennario diphyllae-Euphorbietum piscatoriae (altitudes 120–390 m a.s.l.).
Grazed areas in the ‘series of Olea maderensis’ are, e.g., characterised by the perennial
Cenchro ciliaris-Hyparrhenietum sinaicae and the annual Galactito tomentosae-
Brachypodietum distachyae. Phagnalon saxatile and Leontodon taraxacoides offer
important pollen and nectar resources for wild bees; they occur mainly in the perennial
communities (COSTA et al. 2004).
Only small elements of the subhumidic series are still present around the main summits
and on north-facing slopes (e.g., with Helichrysum melaleucum, Erica platycodon subsp.
maderincola, Juniperus turbinata subsp. canariensis and others; CAPELO et al. 2004).
Apollonias barbujana occurred but is now extinct (PRESS & SHORT 1994). Two recently
described Porto-Santo-endemic species (Echium portosanctensis and Pericallis
menezesii) with low population sizes occur especially in this zone, mainly in the Pico-
Branco area (CARVALHO et al. 2010, JONES et al. 2014). Echium portosanctensis is an
important pollen and nectar resource for wild bees.
Remarkable is the occurrence of six endemic Ramalina species (Lichenes), which are
excellent indicators for moisture and reflect the subhumidic habitats. The long thallus
structures of Ramalina nematodes characterise the cloud-influenced rocks near the sum-
mits, as was already described by FOLLMANN (1990): ‘licht- und nebeloffene Lava-
felsen…, 550 m ü. M., Pico do Facho’ (original herbarium specimen: ‘consort. North
American Lichen Herbaria’). The recent distribution of all endemic lichen species was
studied by SPARRIUS et al. (2017).
Locally there are active dunes, e.g., with Lotus glaucus, Calystegia soldanella and
Euphorbia paralias (Polygono maritimae-Euphorbietum paraliae and Euphorbio
paraliae-Lotetum glaucae; see COSTA et al. 2004). Drift lines in the whole 8 km–long
area of the sand beach are characterised by scattered occurrences of Cakile maritima. It
is well known that the annual Cakile maritima is a ‘migratory’ plant, and therefore the
occurrences are unpredictable. The seeds can survive in floating seawater for up to 1 year
(GANDOUR et al. 2008) and depending on sea currents do not establish successfully
every year on the same sites. In the two years of our study (2012 and 2017), there were
some sites with quite similar population sizes. Cakile maritima is mainly outbreeding
and therefore dependant on insect pollination (DAVY et al. 2006). Lotus and especially
Cakile are important resources for flower-visiting wild bees. Also, the halonitrophytic
community Senecio incrassati-Mesembryanthemum crystallini, which is characteristic,
e.g., of rocky or sandy sites near the sea, often with trampling impact (JARDIM et al.
2003, COSTA et al. 2004), is rich in pollen and nectar resources (Senecio incrassatus,
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Aptenia cordifolia, Frankenia laevis).
Due to the former importance of agriculture, the island still has very rich ruderal flora,
now mainly characterising fallow land. COSTA et al. (2004) listed a lot of different rude-
ral communities for Porto Santo. All in all, especially in years with sufficient precipita-
tion in winter, there is a big offer of pollen and nectar resources to wild bees by ruderal
plant species. Rapistrum rugosum, Brassica nigra and Sinapis arvensis (all Brassicaceae)
are visited by wild bees, as are Asphodelus fistulosus, Echium plantagineum,
Convolvulus althaeoides, Calendula arvensis and others. The invasive plant species
Oxalis pes-caprae, which especially occurs on microclimatically moister fallows, also
plays a role as a pollen and nectar resource.
1. Database of wild-bee species
An updated list compared to KRATOCHWIL et al. (2008) was compiled. We studied the
distribution pattern of wild bees and their interactions with plants during three visits on
Porto Santo on 31 March 2005, 16–20 March 2012 and 19–31 March 2017.
We applied (1) direct sampling on defined flower resources or (2) on the ground (hand
nets), (3) direct determination concerning easy detectable species and (4) in 2012 and
2017, pitfall trapping (white and yellow pitfalls, diameter 20 cm, filled with water and a
drop of a biodegradable detergent, checked daily).
Our approaches covered the main habitat types (see section ‘Characterisation of the
habitats’). All in all, we sampled 15 sites in the northern and 14 sites in the southern part
of the island, four of them with a subhumid mesic-xeric and the others with a full xeric
bioclimate; the quantity of the sites reflected the proportion of the climatic types on the
We were not able to sample or observe wild bees in some areas of the flat central part of
the island (airport, golf course) because it was not allowed. We did not survey the flat,
stormy uninhabited islands that belong to Porto Santo. One specimen from one of the
small islands (Ilhéu do Farol) was collected by F. Zino, 11.06.1949, and deposited in the
Museu de História Natural do Funchal (Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae, det. I.H.H.
Yarrow, 1958).
The semi-domesticated honeybee occurs, but we did not include interactions. The GPS
data of all collected or observed wild bees were recorded with a Garmin Oregon 700.
By using these methods, we were able to catch or detect nine bee individuals in 2005,
157 individuals in 2012, and 289 individuals as well as 170 bees in colonies in 2017
(Table 1). We got nine flower–bee interactions in 2005, 130 in 2012 and 178 in 2017
(Table 1).
Table 1: Numbers of observed or collected wild-bee species by the authors with and without flower
visits in 2005, after the dry winter 2011/2012, and after the wet winter 2016/2017 (for precipitation
data, see text). *: additionally: two colonies detected (ca. 150 and 20 nests, 170 individuals).
without and with flower visit with without with without with
2005 2012 2012 2017 2017
Andrena dourada 0 11 6 14 8
Andrena portosanctana 0 1 24 1 0
Lasioglossum wollastoni 0 1 5 85 21
Osmia latreillei iberoafricana 0 8 24 7 7
Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae 9 3 51 4* 130
Bombus terrestris lusitanicus 0 3 20 0 12
sum 9 27 130 111 178
There are nearly no data about flower–bee interactions from other authors. Two inter-
actions were given by COCKERELL (1922), one by A. Aguiar (pers. comm.); the inter-
actions given by FELLENDORF et al. (1999) often do not separate if a specific interaction
was observed on Porto Santo or Madeira Island, or there are problems with the species
determinations (e.g., Andrena cyanomicans and Echium candicans do not occur on Porto
Santo). We did not use data of FELLENDORF et al. (1999) with unspecific numbers of
males of Lasioglossum wollastoni that visited Euphorbia paralias.
The total dataset (with and without flower visits) included 691 data for Porto Santo (625
own data).
2. Data analyses
The localities were attributed to a grid (1 km x 1 km) based on the military map of the
Madeira Archipelago (2004). Interaction networks were analysed using the bipartite
package (DORMANN et al. 2008, R CORE TEAM 2018).
Results and discussion
1. Synoptic list of the wild bees of Porto Santo
According to the new updated checklist of the wild-bee species of the Madeira
Archipelago (KRATOCHWIL et al. 2018), nine wild-bee species have been detected on
Porto Santo (Table 2), 15 species on Madeira Island and four on Desertas (KRATOCHWIL
et al. 2018).
There are taxonomically related species pairs on Madeira Island and Porto Santo. The
phylogenetically older species are those of Porto Santo. Obviously, founder individuals
reached Madeira Island from Porto Santo (45 km) and developed new endemic species.
The species pairs are as follows (Porto Santo/Madeira Island): Andrena douradaA.
wollastoni; Andrena portosanctanaA. maderensis; Osmia latreillei iberoafricana (not
endemic, also found inter alia in Spain) – O. madeirensis.
The native species L. villosulum, O. latreillei iberoafricana and B. terrestris lusitanicus
and the introduced H. pictipes show west Palaearctic-Mediterranean distributions.
The nine wild-bee species will be characterised with some comments. The semi-
domesticated honeybee Apis mellifera LINNAEUS, 1758, is not included in the list.
Hylaeus maderensis: Until now, there was only one detection of this rare species on
Porto Santo; additionally, there are data from Deserta Grande (1 ind.) and Madeira Island
(15 ind.). The type specimen (COCKERELL 1921), collected by T.V. Wollaston on
Deserta Grande, is deposited in the Hope Entomological Collections (Oxford Univer-
sity). High-resolution photos of the type specimen were analysed by A. Kratochwil.
Given its small population sizes in small distribution areas, this species should get the
rank ‘vulnerable’ (IUCN categories;
Table 2: Current list of the wild-bee species of Porto Santo. M = endemic to Madeira Archipelago;
P = endemic to Porto Santo.
Colletidae Hylaeus (Paraprosopis) maderensis (COCKERELL, 1921) endemic M
Colletidae Hylaeus (Paraprosopis) pictipes NYLANDER, 1852 introduced
Andrenidae Andrena (Micrandrena) dourada KRATOCHWIL & SCHEUCHL 2013 endemic P
Andrenidae Andrena (Suandrena) portosanctana COCKERELL, 1922 endemic P
Halictidae Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) villosulum (KIRBY, 1802) native
Halictidae Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) wollastoni COCKERELL, 1922 endemic M
Megachilidae Osmia (Helicosmia) latreillei iberoafricana (PETERS, 1975) native
Anthophoridae Amegilla (Amegilla) quadrifasciata maderae (SICHEL, 1868) endemic M
Apidae Bombus (Bombus) terrestris lusitanicus KRÜGER, 1956 native
Hylaeus pictipes: There is only one detection within the Madeira Archipelago on Porto
Santo. A male was collected by W. Barkemeyer (Oldenburg), Pedras Pretas, dune wall,
10.06.1987, deposited in the collection of the Übersee-Museum (Bremen, Germany);
pers. comm. H. Dathe (Senckenberg German Entomological Institute, Müncheberg,
Germany). There is no doubt that the detection of this west Palaearctic species on Porto
Santo is based on an unintential introduction by man.
Andrena dourada (Fig. 2a): KRATOCHWIL & SCHEUCHL (2013) detected A. dourada
from Porto Santo as a species of its own, which differs in numerous morphological and
morphometric characteristics from A. wollastoni from Madeira Island. According to
several morphological features, A. dourada shows a close relation to A. tiaretta
WARNCKE, 1974 (KRATOCHWIL 2015). Our hypothesis is that A. tiaretta first colonised
Porto Santo (or former stepping-stone islands) from the North African mainland and
evolved into the endemic A. dourada, which colonised Madeira Island from Porto Santo
and developed into the endemic A. wollastoni.
Given its small population sizes in small distribution areas, this endemic species should
get the rank ‘vulnerable’ (IUCN categories;
Andrena portosanctana (Fig. 2b): COCKERELL (1922) described Andrena maderensis
Cockerell, 1922 and A. portosanctana C
OCKERELL, 1922. KRATOCHWIL et al. (2014)
gave a differential diagnosis: We hypothesised that A. portosanctana (Porto Santo) is the
ancestor of A. maderensis (Madeira) and that A. portosanctana (Porto Santo) descended
from the mainland species A. fratella WARNCKE, 1968 (Morocco) or an ancestor of this
species (KRATOCHWIL et al. 2014).
Given its small population sizes in small distribution areas, this endemic species got the
rank ‘vulnerable’ (IUCN categories;
Fig. 2a-f: a) Andrena dourada, female; b) Andrena portosanctana, female collecting pollen on
Cakile maritima; c) Lasioglossum wollastoni, female in front of nesting site; d) Osmia latreillei
iberoafricana, male visiting Cakile maritima; e) Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae, female
collecting pollen on Echium portosanctensis, f) Bombus terrestris lusitanicus, worker, collecting
pollen on Echium portosanctensis. Photos: A. Kratochwil (a, b, e), A. Schwabe (c, d, f).
Lasioglossum villosulum: We suppose that this trans-Palaearctic species is native to the
Madeira Archipelago. One hundred seventy-five individuals were found on Madeira
Island, but detections on Porto Santo are rare (one female, collected by P. Wirtz,
20.05.1993, det. M. Fellendorf, collection of the Museu Municipal do Funchal, Madeira,
photo checked by A. Kratochwil; one female, collected by P. Wirtz, 20.05.1993, det. M.
Fellendorf, deposited in the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History and checked by
H.-R. Schwenninger). There are no data about flower visits for Porto Santo.
Lasioglossum wollastoni (Fig. 2c): L. wollastoni is endemic to the Madeira Archipelago.
On Madeira Island and Porto Santo, this species is widely distributed and occurs locally
in high individual numbers. This Madeira-Archipelago-endemic species is not an endan-
gered species.
Osmia (Helicosmia) latreillei iberoafricana (Fig. 2d): According to our investigations
this species is within the Madeira Archipelago only distributed on Porto Santo and not on
Madeira Island. VAN DER ZANDEN (1983) and FELLENDORF et al. (1999) pointed out that
the species occurs in Madeira Island. We hypothesise that O. l. iberoafricana of Porto
Santo colonised Madeira Island and developed into the endemic O. madeirensis.
Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae (Fig. 2e): The Amegilla taxon maderaewas descri-
bed by SICHEL (1868) as species of its own. There are some morphological features
differentiating it from other A. quadrifasciata specimens, e.g., from the Canary Islands or
the European mainland. An assignment as a subspecies is certainly justified. Further
morphological, morphometric and molecular-genetic analyses are necessary to prove the
taxonomical status of populations of the Madeira Archipelago, the Canary Islands and
the mainland.
Bombus terrestris lusitanicus (Fig. 2f): The Bombus taxon maderensis’ was sometimes
regarded as species of its own (ERLANDSSON 1979; RASMONT 1984). This is not accepted
by WIDMER et al. (1998), RASMONT et al. (2008) and WILLIAMS et al. (2012). We will
follow RASMONT et al. (2008), who assigned the specimens of the Madeira Archipelago
to B. terrestris lusitanicus; see also COPPÉE (2010).
2. Distribution patterns
The distribution patterns of six wild-bee species of Porto Santo are summarised in Table
3 and Fig. 3.
Table 3: Numbers of individuals, localities and grids of six bee species.
numbers of individuals localities grids
Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae 204 47 20
Lasioglossum wollastoni 111 23 23
Osmia latreillei iberoafricana 91 22 13
Andrena dourada 45 19 12
Andrena portosanctana 28 10 9
Bombus terrestris lusitanicus 39 11 4
Fig. 3: Distribution patterns of six wild-bee species (grid size 1km x 1 km).
The two Madeira-Archipelago-endemic species, Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae and
Lasioglossum wollastoni, show the widest distribution on the island (20 and 23 grids). A
colony of L. wollastoni was detected near Cabeço da Ponta. Colonies of A. q. maderae
were found nesting in solidified sand (fossil dunes) near Ponta da Calheta (approxi-
mately 150 nests) and in volcanic material below the summit of Pico Castelo (appr. 20
The native Osmia latreilli iberoafricana is also widely distributed on Porto Santo (13
grids, covering the whole island).
The two Porto-Santo-endemic species, Andrena dourada and A. portosanctana, occur in
many parts of the island. A. dourada was detected in 12 grids and A. portosanctana in
nine grids.
Bombus terrestris lusitanicus was only detected in subhumid areas of the northern
coast/near the coast and in a locally more humid zone in the southwest (all in all, four
3. Wild-bee abundances and flower visits in the dry year 2012 and the wet year
The numbers of our observed or collected wild-bee individuals with and without flower
visits after the dry winter (March 2012) and the wet winter (March 2017) are summa-
rised in Table 1. In the dry year 2012, we detected all in all 31.4 individuals per day,
whereas in the wet year 2017, there were only 26.3 individuals per day (without flower
visit or in pan traps 2012: 5.4, 2017: 10.1 per day; with flower visits 2012: 26.0, 2017:
16.2 per day). We hypothesise that the concentration of bees under low flower density
led to a proportionally higher flower-visiting rate.
All our data concerning A. portosanctana with flower visits are from the dry year 2012
(mainly Cakile maritima); in 2017, we detected only one individual in a pan trap. In
2017 Cakile maritima was intensively foraged, mainly by Amegilla quadrifasciata
4. Bee–plant network
The bipartite graph of the bee–plant network of Porto Santo (Fig. 4) shows the visited
plant species on the left side and the flower-visiting bee species on the right side, both
connected with interaction links. The bee–plant network demonstrates high asymmetry:
six wild-bee species versus 29 plant species. In Central European networks, the propor-
tion is mostly reversed. Two plant species were only used by males (Galactites
tomentosa and Chrysanthemum segetum). The species are highly interconnected,
showing that even under difficult environmental conditions with unequal resources, there
are alternatives.
The bee–plant network shows that the most abundant bee species on flowers is Amegilla
quadrifasciata maderae, with a polylectic use of pollen and nectar sources. The endemic
Andrena dourada shows high rates of visits on the archipelago-endemic Crambe
fruticosa. Bombus terrestris lusitanicus mainly visited the Porto-Santo-endemic species
Echium portosanctensis and the Madeira-Archipelago-endemic species E. nervosum
(including hybrid types). Beside Amegilla quadrifasciata maderae, two other bee species
are polylectic: Lasioglossum wollastoni and Osmia latreiilei iberoafricana.
Fig. 4: Bipartite graph of the bee-plant network of Porto Santo.
Most of the used plant species are endemic species or native; therefore, they were alrea-
dy present about 500 years ago, before the beginning of the strong human impact.
Examples are in the dry microforest and in open rocky, dry habitats: Echium nervosum,
Crambe fruticosa; in sandy habitats (partly with salt influence): Lotus glaucus, Cakile
maritima, Senecio incrassatus, Frankenia laevis; in open rocky habitats of the subhumid
zone: Echium portosanctensis. With high probability, the use of the flower resources of
these plant species by the wild bees of Porto Santo is therefore an old feature.
Porto Santo, a relatively old and small volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean, is a model
area for the colonisation of islands by wild-bee species of different area-geographical
origin. Some wild bees of Porto Santo have developed into endemic species. Porto Santo
served as an important colonisation source for Madeira Island, where new endemic
species developed.
Still today, Madeira Island and Porto Santo have remarkable differences in bee-species
composition despite their small distance of 45 km. This can only be understood from the
biogeographical point of view.
Because wild bees are important pollinators, they are drivers of the bee–plant network.
The bee–plant network of Porto Santo shows a clear asymmetry: few bees are connected
with many plant species. This seems to be a rule for oceanic islands.
The wild-bee species have developed a high number of adaptations to the prevailing
environmental conditions. Partly, these developments have led to endemism. The popula-
tions show high adaptations to the harsh and unpredictable environment. Five wild-bee
species are widely distributed on Porto Santo; this also applies to the endemic wild-bee
species (see maps, Fig. 3). Nevertheless, the two endemic mining bees Andrena dourada
and A. portosanctana are endangered species because they have only small numbers of
individuals. In the case of A. portosanctana, the existence of large Cakile maritima
populations is of great importance.
We thank cordially for cooperation: Antonio M.F. Aguiar (Laboratório Agrícola, Camacha,
Madeira, Portugal), Jan Smit (Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands), Pater
Andreas Werner Ebmer (Puchenau, Austria), Holger Dathe (German Entomological Institute,
Müncheberg, Germany), Patricia Gentili-Poole and Brian Harris (Department of Entomology
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA), Ysabel Gonçalves (Museu de História Natural do
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal), Fritz Gusenleitner (Biology Centre Museum Linz, Austria), James
Hogan (Hope Entomological Collections, Oxford University, United Kingdom), Michael
Kuhlmann (Kiel University, Zoological Museum, Germany), Vincent F. Lee (Department of Ento-
mology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA), Volker Lohrmann and
Herbert Hohmann (Übersee-Museum Bremen, Germany), David Notton (Natural History Museum,
London, United Kingdom), Hans-Richard Schwenninger (Stuttgart, Germany), Erwin Scheuchl
(Ergolding, Germany).
Porto Santo (Madeira Archipel) ist eine relativ alte (11.1–14.3 Mio. Jahre) und kleine vulkanische
Insel im Atlantischen Ozean. Aufgrund der geringen Höhe der Berge ist der Hauptteil der Insel
durch ein semiarides Klima und Trockenvegetation gekennzeichnet; nur ein kleiner Teil zeigt
subhumide Bedingungen. Wir konnten die Wildbienenfauna und das Bienen-Pflanzen-Netzwerk
(mit Farbschalen, Handnetz oder Beobachtung) hauptsächlich während zweier Aufenthalte im März
2012 und 2017 untersuchen. Bis heute sind neun Wildbienenarten nachgewiesen worden. Zwei
Arten sind für Porto Santo endemisch und zwei Arten und eine Unterart für den Madeira Archipel.
Eine aktualisierte und kommentierte Checkliste der Wildbienenarten von Porto Santo wird vorge-
stellt. Die Evolution der endemischen Arten Andrena dourada und A. portosanctana wird disku-
tiert. Sowohl die endemischen als auch die einheimischen Bienenarten zeigen auf Porto Santo eine
weite Verbreitung in der Trockenzone. Nur Bombus terrestris lusitanicus ist auf den subhumiden
Bereich beschränkt. Wir haben insgesamt etwa 300 Bienen-Pflanzen-Interaktionen beobachtet und
analysiert. Im Gegensatz zu Festland-Netzwerken, z.B. in der warm-gemäßigten Zone, die in der
Regel durch wesentlich mehr Bienen- als Pflanzenarten gekennzeichnet sind, zeigt das Bienen-
Pflanzen-Netzwerk von Porto Santo viel mehr Pflanzen- als Bienenarten und ist damit stark asym-
metrisch. Sechs Wildbienenarten nutzten 27 verschiedene Pflanzenarten. Bienen- und Pflanzenar-
ten sind deutlich miteinander vernetzt, was bedeutet, dass für die Bienenarten auch unter schwieri-
gen Umweltbedingungen und Ressourcenbeschränkungen alternative Nektar- und Pollenressourcen
zur Verfügung bestehen. Insbesondere die verholzten Echium-Arten E. nervosum (endemisch für
den Madeira-Archipel) und E. portosanctensis (endemisch für Porto Santo) sind einerseits Schlüs-
selarten als Ressourcen für Wildbienen. Als selbstinkompatible Pflanzenarten sind sie andererseits
von Insektenbestäubung abhängig. Selbst in sehr trockenen Perioden (März 2012, im Winter keine
Niederschläge) zeigte Echium eine reiche Blütenproduktion und wurde intensiv von Wildbienen
besucht. Dasselbe gilt für Cakile maritima, die eine wichtige Ressource für die endemische Art
Andrena portosanctana (spezialisiert auf Brassicaceae) darstellt. Im feuchteren Frühjahr 2017 gab
es einen Rückgang in der Anzahl insgesamt nachgewiesener Wildbienen-Individuen im Vergleich
zu 2012. Im trockeneren Frühjahr 2017 wurden proportional mehr Individuen an Blüten beobachtet
und weniger Vorkommen ohne Blütenbesuch festgestellt.
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The nomenclature for plant species names follows JARDIM & MENEZES DE SEQUEIRA
(2008). One plant species was newly described in the year 2010: Echium portosanctensis
Carvalho, Pontes, Batista-Marques & Jardim, 2010; see CARVALHO et al. (2010).
Addresses of the authors: Prof. Dr. Anselm KRATOCHWIL
Department of Biology/Chemistry, Ecology Section,
University of Osnabrück
Barbarastr. 13
D-49069 Osnabrück, Germany
Prof. Dr. Angelika SCHWABE
Vegetation and Restoration Ecology
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Schnittspahnstraße 4
D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany
... Previous investigations on the interactions between plants and their insect pollinators in Macaronesia have mostly been carried out in the Canary Islands, e.g., [14,27,28], with several other contributions from the Azores archipelago [28][29][30][31]. In the Madeiran archipelago, much fewer studies were carried out, usually being taxonomically biased and consisting mostly of lists of species associations resulting from unstandardized sampling [28,29,[32][33][34][35]. Following the study of pollination networks on five oceanic islands (including Flores in the Azores), Olesen et al. [36] identified the prevalence of endemic species with a very wide pollination niche, which were coined as super generalists. ...
... The flowers of the Madeira island endemic E. candicans are visited by different animal groups, including butterflies, hoverflies, and lizards, but overall, bees were the most commonly observed flower visitors (Table 1). Bees have been reported as frequent flower visitors of Echium species, including the Madeiran and Canarian endemics [27,28,33,34,58,59] as many plants of this genus are considered important providers of food resources (pollen and nectar) to flower visitors [33,34,60]. Our results reinforce this finding but, contrary to previous studies on the Canarian Echium [27,58,59,61], they highlight the high diversity and frequency of hoverflies and butterflies as flower visitors. ...
... The flowers of the Madeira island endemic E. candicans are visited by different animal groups, including butterflies, hoverflies, and lizards, but overall, bees were the most commonly observed flower visitors (Table 1). Bees have been reported as frequent flower visitors of Echium species, including the Madeiran and Canarian endemics [27,28,33,34,58,59] as many plants of this genus are considered important providers of food resources (pollen and nectar) to flower visitors [33,34,60]. Our results reinforce this finding but, contrary to previous studies on the Canarian Echium [27,58,59,61], they highlight the high diversity and frequency of hoverflies and butterflies as flower visitors. ...
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The study of flower visitor behavior and pollen transport dynamics within and between plants can be of great importance, especially for threatened or rare plant species. In this work, we aim to assess the flower visitor assemblage of the Madeiran endemic Echium candicans and evaluate the performance of the most common visitors through the analysis of their foraging behavior and pollen loads. The flower visitor assemblage of E. candicans is diverse, including several insect groups and the endemic lizard Teira dugesii, but bees are the most common visitors. In general, large bees (Amegilla quadrifasciata, Apis mellifera, and Bombus spp.) had the highest average visitation rates (>18 flowers/min) and their pollen loads had higher percentages of homospecific pollen (>66%) when compared with butterflies and hoverflies. The honeybee (Apis mellifera) and two bumblebees (Bombus terrestris and B. ruderatus) were the most efficient flower visitors of E. candicans, but their foraging behavior seems to favor geitonogamy. Other visitors, such as butterflies and the small bee Lasioglossum wollastoni, may have a complementary role to the honeybee and bumblebee species, as their high mobility is associated with fewer flower visits on each plant and may promote xenogamy. Two non-native bees (A. mellifera and B. ruderatus) are important flower visitors of E. candicans and may contribute mostly to self-pollination rendering the endemic plant more vulnerable to inbreeding effects.
... An overview of wild bees (Hymenoptera, Anthophila) on Porto Santo has been recently published by KratochWil & schWaBe (2018), which proves the existence of a wide distribution of most wild-bee species -except for the bumblebee Bombus terrestris lusitanicus, which prefers the subhumid regions -and demonstrates the significant importance of the Echium species for flower-visiting bees. ...
... There are about 446 phanerogamic plant species (nine endemic species for Porto Santo, 29 endemic species for the Madeira Archipelago, and 19 endemic species for Macaronesia). All in all, 286 plant species are (probably) native, and 103 species are (probably) introduced (JardiM & Menezes de sequeira, 2008; JardiM & Menezes de sequeira, 2011; Jones et al., 2014;KratochWil & schWaBe, 2018). ...
... Qualitative observations from the dry spring of 2012 (16-20 March) preceded the 2017 study. Due to the presence of masses of flowers after the relatively wet winter in 2016/2017 (see KratochWil & schWaBe, 2018), the time period in March 2017 was very good for butterfly monitoring. ...
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Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago) is a relatively old (11.1 to 14.3 Ma) and small volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean. The main part of the island is characterised by semiarid climate and xeric vegetation, while the higher altitudes show subhumid conditions. So far, 11 butterfly species (Papilionoidea) have been detected on Porto Santo. The occurrence of Macroglossum stellatarum (Sphingidae) is published for the first time. The butterfly species of Porto Santo are commented and some comparisons with Madeira Island are discussed. The distribution of butterfly species on Porto Santo was studied during March 2017 (Papilionoidea; n = 204). Some observations of previous years were added (n = 21) and Macroglossum stellatarum (Sphingidae; n = 3) was also included. The butterfly-plant network was sampled during March 2017 (115 flower visits). Three species (Colias croceus, Pieris rapae and Vanessa cardui) show a wide occurrence on Porto Santo. As an exception, Vanessa vulcania prefers the subhumid regions. Leptotes pirithous, Macroglossum stellatarum, Pararge aegeria (which all newly colonised Porto Santo), and the migratory Danaus plexippus show a scattered distribution. On the whole, 115 butterfly-plant interactions could be recorded. The network shows more plant than butterfly species and is asymmetric: Seven butterfly species used 15 plant species. The butterfly and plant species were interconnected. The woody Echium species, E. nervosum (endemic to the Madeira Archipelago) and E. portosanctensis (endemic to Porto Santo), including hybrids, are key species as nectar resources for Vanessa atalanta, V. cardui, and V. vulcania. Vanessa vulcania could be found only within one grid in the north of the island at an altitude of 235 m a.s.l. Vanessa vulcania is probably a remnant of an earlier time period, where-due to lack of human impact-larger areas with microforests and in part Apollonias barbujana laurisilva existed.
... Porto Santo (ca. 42 km 2 ) is the second largest and the oldest (∼ 14 million years) island of the Portuguese archipelago of Madeira, located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the coast of (Kratochwil and Schwabe, 2018). Largely due to these geomorphological features, human intervention has been widespread throughout the island since the arrival of the Portuguese in the XV century, and Porto Santo's native vegetation is nowadays restricted to small, localised patches. ...
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Around 60 % of all bat species occur in islands, and nearly one in four is an insular endemic. Bats are often the only native terrestrial mammals in oceanic islands, and despite increasing anthropogenic pressures, little is known about the distribution, natural history, and population status of most insular bat populations. The sub-tropical archipelago of Madeira is composed of the volcanic islands of Madeira, Porto Santo, and Desertas and is home to the Macaronesian endemic Pipistrellus maderensis, to the endemic subspecies Nyctalus leisleri verrucosus, and to Plecotus austriacus. Pipistrellus maderensis is known to both Madeira and Porto Santo, whereas the other two species have only been recorded in the former. However, no bats have been recorded in Porto Santo for over 15 years, raising fears that bats are probably extinct in the island. In July 2021, we conducted an island-wide acoustic survey using AudioMoth passive acoustic recorders, leading to the detection of Pipistrellus maderensis in 28 out of the 46 sampling sites (60 %). The species' activity was strongly associated with artificial water sources, and genetic samples from six captured individuals revealed that the populations of Pipistrellus maderensis in Porto Santo and Madeira have a close phylogenetic affinity. Furthermore, using DNA metabarcoding, we found that the species feeds on a wide variety of insects, including several economically important pest species and disease vectors. These findings emphasise the need to target more conservation and research efforts towards extant island bat populations and the potential ecosystem services they provide.
... Invertebrate studies have addressed, e.g., weevils (Machado et al., 2017), tenebrionid beetles (Juan et al., 1996a;Rees et al., 2001), carabid beetles (Emerson et al., 1999(Emerson et al., , 2000a, grasshoppers (Hochkirch & Görzig, 2009;Hochkirch & Husemann, 2008;Husemann et al., 2014), mites (Salomone et al., 2002), spiders (Arnedo et al., 2001), cockroaches (Oromi et al., 1991), and molluscs (Abreu & Teixeira, 2008). It is striking that to date no studies have focused on the radiation of endemic wild bees in the Macaronesian islands, though they play a key role in the pollination of many of the islands' endemic plant species (summarised in Kratochwil & Schwabe, 2018a, Kratochwil et al., 2019, Kratochwil & Schwabe, 2020. The Madeira Archipelago is characterised by 20 wild bee species with eight endemic species and one endemic subspecies . ...
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Oceanic islands have long been considered engines of differentiation and speciation for terrestrial organisms. Here we investigated colonisation and radiation processes in the Madeira Archipelago and the Canary Islands of the Andrena wollastoni group of bees (subgenus Micrandrena ), which comprises six endemic species and five endemic subspecies on the islands. Mitochondrial COI sequences support the monophyly of the four species of the Canary Islands and the two species of the Madeira Archipelago and suggest a relatively young age for all taxa. The data do not support a simple stepping-stone model (eastern-western colonisation from the mainland, with splitting into new taxa), but suggest Andrena gomerensis (extant on La Gomera and La Palma) or its ancestor as the basal lineage from which all other taxa evolved. Andrena lineolata (Tene-rife) or its putative ancestor ( A. gomerensis ) is sister to A. dourada (Porto Santo), A. catula (Gran Canaria), and A. acuta (also Tenerife). Andrena dourada (Porto Santo) and A. wollastoni (Madeira Island) are sister species. Morphologically and morphometrically defined subspecies were not distinguishable with COI DNA sequences. Colonisation likely led from the Canary Islands to the Madeira Archipelago and not from the mainland directly to the latter.
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The Atlantic island groups of Macaronesia are an ideal model for the demonstration of colonisation processes by wild bees and are therefore an excellent example for questions of island biogeography. Azores, Madeira, canary and Selvagens Islands, as well as cape verde, have had diflerent geological histories and show strong modifications of the climatic conditions and biogeographical patterns as well as differences in ages and in distances from main-lands. We summarise the present status of bee-species diversity (partly using unpublished data sources of our own) and compare the different archipelagos with regard to the biogeographical aspects and the colonisation history ofselected wild-bee species. The diversity of native bee species in the Azores is low. The Azores show large distances to mainland sources, and earlier stepping-stone islands were not present. Additionally, dominant west winds and the oceanity combined with relatively low temperatures and the dominance of woody vegetation before human impact did not favour colonisation by wild bees and their long-time establishment. The species of the Azores (n : I 7, from that I endemic) are bio-geographic elements of the temperate, western Palaearctic region; most of them had been (probably) introduced (n: l5). The islands of the Cape Verde Archipelago (n: 14, from that 9 endemic) are young. The mainland sources are not suitable because of the tropical character (most of the wild-bee species prefer dry/semi-dry climates and bare soil conditions), but there were probably partial colonisation processes from the Canary Islands. The Archipelago of Madeira (19 species with 8 endemic species and I endemic subspecies) and especially the Canary Islands (124 species with 64 endemic species and 149 taxa with 88 endemic taxa) show conditions that favoured the existence and evolutionary processes ofwild-bee species. The relatively high age ofsome islands, the high habitat diversity, geological barriers that led to separation ofpopulations, sources from the Saharo-Mediterranean high-diversity bee spot in the case ofthe Canary Islands and former stepping stones in the case ofthe Madeira Archipelago supported the colonisation and later evolution of endemic bee species. The Canary Islands are a hot spot for bee diversity with many different taxonomical units-this is unique worldwide for an oceanic archipelago. Although Fuerteventura,Lanzarote and Gran Canaria are the oldest islands with the highest bee diversity (n : 67 , n: 62 and, n : 66, respectively), Tenerife also has remarkable bee diversity (n:63) with many endemic species (n: 38). The biogeographical situation with former palaeo islands favoured the development of endemic taxa in Tenerife. The small Selvagens Islands have only one bee species. In the extreme environments of the Canary Islands and especially Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago) and Cape Verde, there are nearly no introduced bee species. Many of the endemic plant species of Macaronesia depend on pollination by wild bees. Therefore, a rich bee fauna plays a key role, especially in the open, dry to semi-dry ecosystems of Macaronesia.
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Due to isolation, islands are known to harbor a high number of endemics. Although most lichen species are widespread, a number of genera are well-known for the large number of endemics. Often, those endemic taxa have a low population size and are vulnerable to ecosystem change. We carried out a survey of all seven endemic lichens of the island of Porto Santo (Madeira, Portugal, 42 km²) in order to generate data for a IUCN Red List assessment. Six km² of suitable habitat for the species were searched and mapped at 100 m resolution. The main habitat for the species consisted of volcanic outcrops, mainly basalt peaks and lava flows on the slopes. All accessible areas-circa 90% of the peaks and 50% of all outcrops-were surveyed by the authors during one week as a volunteer project. The population size of Anzia centrifuga was estimated to be 50-100 individuals. It occurred only on exposed, stable, vertical, N to W facing rock faces above 240 m, restricting the potential habitat to less than 1.0 km². Ramalina nematodes occurred often abundantly on most of the larger exposed ridges. Ramalina confertula and R. portosantana each occur on several rock outcrops in the N part of the island. Ramalina erosa, R. jamesii and R. timdaliana were restricted to an area often less than 1000 m² in the surroundings of their type localities. After application of the IUCN criteria, all studied endemics fitted well into category Critically Endangered although no immediate threats seem present. © 2017 by The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
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1. In insect‐pollinated plants, pollinator attraction is influenced by flowers (e.g. number, size) and their associated rewards (e.g. pollen, nectar). These traits can depend on plant interactions. Indeed, below‐ground competition between plants can lead to a decrease in flower or reward production in insect‐pollinated species. 2. Wind‐pollinated plants, in particular, which are almost never studied in plant–pollinator networks, can alter insect‐pollinated plants' attractiveness through competition for nutrients. The response of pollinators to such changes has never been investigated. 3. A pot experiment was carried out in which an insect‐pollinated species, Echium plantagineum , was grown in binary mixture with three wind‐pollinated species selected to exert a panel of competitive interactions. Below‐ground competition was controlled using dividers limiting interspecific root competition. Floral traits of E . plantagineum ( i.e. flower production, floral display size, flower size and nectar production) were measured. For each species mixture, the visits ( i.e. first visit, number of visits, 10‐min sequences) of B ombus terrestris individuals released in a flight cage containing two pots were followed, one with and one without below‐ground competition. 4. Below‐ground competition significantly affected nectar's sucrose concentration but did not influence flower and nectar production. Likewise, pollinator visits were not influenced by below‐ground competition. Competitor identity significantly influenced flower and reward production of E . plantagineum, with a decrease in the presence of the most competitive wind‐pollinated species. A tendency for faster flower visitation events was also detected in the presence of the least competitive competitor. This study raises new questions regarding the influence of wind‐pollinated plants on plant–pollinator interactions.
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The bumble bee Bombus terrestris L. is a geographically variable species with a wide distribution in Europe, the near East, northern Africa, Mediterranean islands, the Canary Islands and Madeira. Based on morphological and coat colour pattern differences, the bumble bee populations of the Canary Islands and Madeira are currently treated as separate species, B. canariensis and B. maderensis, respectively. To analyse the phylogeographical associations of these bees with continental B. terrestris, one population each from four islands of the Canaries and one population from Madeira were studied. Genetic variability was assessed at nine microsatellite loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b. Genetic differentiation among islands, and between islands and the continent, was extensive. A NJ-tree based on microsatellites strongly supported the distinctness of the Canary Island populations, whereas the Madeira sample was genetically more similar to the continental populations of B. terrestris from Europe. MtDNA sequence data were in good agreement with nuclear markers. They suggest that haplotypes ancestral with respect to B. lucorum occur on the Canary Islands, whereas derived haplotypes were found on the European continent. The Madeira population shares the most common haplotype of continental B. terrestris. Nuclear and mtDNA data both indicate that bumble bees from the Canaries and Madeira do not share a common colonization history.
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Impacts of climate change on individual species are increasingly well documented, but we lack understanding of how these effects propagate through ecological communities. Here we combine species distribution models with ecological network analyses to test potential impacts of climate change on 4700 plant and animal species in pollination and seeddispersal networks from central Europe. We discover that animal species that interact with a low diversity of plant species have narrow climatic niches and are most vulnerable to climate change. In contrast, biotic specialization of plants is not related to climatic niche breadth and vulnerability. A simulation model incorporating different scenarios of species coextinction and capacities for partner switches shows that projected plant extinctions under climate change are more likely to trigger animal coextinctions than vice versa. This result demonstrates that impacts of climate change on biodiversity can be amplified via extinction cascades from plants to animals in ecological networks.
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Knowledge on the taxonomic diversity and distribution of blowflies from the Madeira Archipelago is updated. New and interesting findings are reported for poorly studied islands and islets of this archipelago, together with a brief analysis of the diversity of Macaronesian Calliphoridae s. l. Seven blowfly species were collected during this study, including the first records of Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826), Pollenia rudis (Fabricius, 1794) and Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius, 1805) from Porto Santo, and of C. vicina, L. sericata and S. lunata from Desertas Islands. The presence of Calliphora loewi Enderlein, 1903 in Madeira Laurisilva forest is discussed and its first instar larva is redescribed, revealing important differences in relation to its original description. An identification key to the adult Madeiran blowflies is provided for the first time.