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Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
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2018 UTHM Publisher. All right reserved.
e-ISSN: 2600-7924/
Application of Starch and Starch-Based Products in Food Industry
Nurulain Syuhada Mohamad Yazid, Norazlin Abdullah*, Norhayati Muhammad and Hazel
Monica Matias-Peralta
Department of Technology and Natural Resources, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Educational Hub, 84600 Pagoh, Johor, Malaysia.
Received 30 September 2017; accepted 16 May 2018; available online 1 August 2018
1. Starch
Starch, which is the most plentiful
carbohydrate stored in a plant acts as the key
factor in determining quality of food products
[1]. Moreover, it is one of the most important
polymers that has been extensively used daily
in both food and non-food application [2]. It is
normally derived from natural source of
polymer, available in abundance, low cost and
usually consumable and edible by animal or
any living creature [3]. According to [4],
various functions of most studied biopolymers
which are starch basically due to its easily
available. Koko Krunch is an example of
Malaysian most common consumed cereal
grains by kids or even adults in conjunction
with a study reported that the main source of
energy is coming from starch present in cereal
grains [5]. Moreover, it comes from a variety
of source worldwide such as barley, corn,
potato, wheat, tapioca and rice [6].
Corn, potato, rice, tapioca and wheat are
the main available source of commercially
produced starches in the market [7]. These five
starches have been categorised as gluten-free
starch which suits well for people with
allergen towards gluten [8]. Hence, making
starch as a major raw material for food
industrial purpose. A brief explanation on
several selected types of food crops including
barley, corn, wheat, potato, rice and tapioca
containing starch will be described in the
following paragraphs.
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a good
source of gluten-free flour producing bread
with a more compact texture as compared to
bread made up of wheat flour containing
gluten [9]. Furthermore, malt and beer
production is depending on barley produced as
its main raw material, while it is also used for
animal feed [10]. Livestock energy, human gut
health and fermentable sugars in brewing are
depending on the degraded functional
properties of barley [11]. It has been found by
previous study that by substituting wheat with
barley bran, capability of dough water
absorption was increased up to 71.5% in
chapatti production [12].
There are differences between a normal
and naked barley or known as hull-less barley
which commonly consumed by Tibetan people
in Tibetan Plateau. Naked barley easily had
undergone threshing process. Threshing is
known as a process of separating seeds from
its husks or hulls [13]. During retrogradation,
barley containing longer chains of amylopectin
performs more perfect crystals and a higher
peak temperature (Tp) achieved when it has
been analysed by using differential scanning
Abstract: Starch is an edible polymer derived from plant basis. It is commonly used in food industry as it
offers good stabilising effect. Moreover, starch can be easily modified either physically or chemically
making it a very versatile source. For instance, its capability to be easily modified and coming from low
cost source making starch as one of the most important ingredient in food preparation. There are currently
varieties of commercially modified starch available in Malaysian market. For example, potato, corn, wheat
and tapioca starch are presently on the top list. However, there are also numbers of unexplored native starch
for example from fruits processing waste. Besides, these fruit by-products are considered as underutilised
source of starch. Although there are few existing reported studies on starch extracted from fruits seed and
other waste products, more new sources are believed to be explored in future according to particular starch-
based products industries and demands. Therefore, this review discusses current starch based-products
developments and application of unconventional starch in food industry.
Keyword: Food Industry; Modified Starch; Physicochemical Properties; Starch; Waste.
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
calorimetry (DSC) [14]. Thus, it supports
claim made by recent study that barley is
currently on number four of most consumed
cereal crop worldwide [15].
Corn starch is as important as any other
starch in industrial use. Starch isolated from
corn was fused into many baked goods such as
cookies, cakes, icings and fillings due to its
ability in maintaining moisture content,
prevent growth of crystal from sugars and
enhanced juiciness [16]. Corn starch also
provides consistency and good gelling
properties during heating of corn-banana
custard paste [17]. Furthermore, 25% of
amylose was reported present in normal corn
starch granule [18]. [19] reported that 50%
from total starch production has been utilised
by food industry. According to [20], costs
could be saved and at the same time cow’s
dairy produced could be maintained by
supplying cow with low-corn starch based
diets. By partially substituting wheat flour
with corn resistant starch, a whiter, less
yellowish and reddish cake was produced [21].
Another fun fact of corn is that in industries, it
comes in two varieties which is normal corn
starch and the other one is waxy corn starch.
The composition of amylose and amylopectin
varies depending on starch origin. Amylose
present in a starch molecule in the range of 20
– 30%. Whereas, highly branched glucose
polymer present at about 70% in a starch
molecule known as amylopectin. This is
specifically for normal starch. However, the
situation changes for waxy starch when the
composition is 100% amylopectin [22].
Wheat, which is scientifically known as
(Triticum aestivum) has been the oldest and
most consumed crop in various forms of food
products worldwide such as cake, cookies and
bread due to its promising energy supplies and
other good constituents [23]. Baking quality of
wheat products such as cookies and bread are
depending on the starch molecular structure
and its properties [24]. Lipids, protein and
starch are main component of wheat flour [25].
Despite of being world’s leading food
component, high consumption of wheat-based
product can result in a negative health impact
such as obesity and type 2 diabetes [26]. In
Malaysia, bran and wheat germ bread
produced by Gardenia brand is an example of
how wheat by products have been utilised by
food industry which accounted 10% from the
cereal waste production. Recent study claimed
that the wheat bran has been disposed as
animal feedstock despite of its rich-antioxidant
properties [27].
Potatoes are produced mostly in a mild
climate area whereas harvested products will
be collected upon reaching autumn season
[28]. Despite of its well played role in food
industry, potato starch was also found to
function well in paper and textile sizing
together with stiffening laundered fabrics [29].
Recent study reported that phosphorous which
was found in starch of potato at a peak amount
may affect functionality of this particular
starch [30]. According to [31], potato starch
does not respond well to pressure-induced
gelatinization. In general, gelatinization is a
process occurring in the presence of water and
heat. Even though potato is the most consumed
food crop worldwide, it has been labelled as
contains a high glycaemic index (GI) due to its
ability in causing sharp increase of blood
glucose level [32]. Starch produced from
tapioca and potato have been extensively
applied by both food and non-food industries
[33]. Therefore, potato is also crucial in food
industry for starch production.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) starch which is
made up of majority 70 – 80% of branched
amylopectin and 20 – 30% of linear amylose,
is normally eaten in the form of cooked rice
[34]. In Maluku, Indonesia, rice production per
annum can only fulfil about 40% of
consumer’s demand. Starch presence in rice
cause it one of the most utmost food crops
consumed in Asian countries like Malaysia,
Indonesia and Thailand [35]. Recent study
stated that food and non-food industries are
enjoying benefits obtained from versatility of
rice starches [36]. Different region produced
different taste and variety of rice. As an
example, there are two most common
consumed rice varieties known as Basmathi
and Irri in Pakistan. Even in Malaysia, people
are common with Basmathi rice type imported
from Pakistan due to its promising aroma and
quality. This is supported by a recent study,
which found that the Basmathi rice is pricier
but contains more aromas whereas Irri rice is a
way cheaper due to its non-aromatic properties
[37]. It can be concluded that rice is staple
food for Southeast region.
Tapioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) has
been processed into sago and starch which
could be found abundantly in Tamil Nadu,
India [38]. Besides, it is a good source of
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
starch in forming soft and transparent gel
despite of its low protein content [39]. Sour
starch produced from cassava starch can be
used in bread-making and pastry production or
as an alternative for gluten-free bread [40].
This is consistent with previous research,
which claimed that rice, potato and tapioca
starch as the most leading used starches in the
production of many gluten-free products in
terms of texture characteristics [41]. Recent
study stated that tapioca can grow well in low
rainfall areas and barren soil thus making it an
attractive source of starch [42]. In many food
products, thickening and gelling properties
were supplied by tapioca starch [43]. There are
few benefits of tapioca starch for example
contains no smell, clarity of paste and
stickiness which is favourable in food industry
[44]. Therefore, tapioca or cassava is also as
essential as other source of food crops.
Starch is actually an insoluble
carbohydrate, which composed of α-glucose
polymers [45]. There are two most essential
components present in starch compound which
are amylose and amylopectin. These two
major polysaccharides present in starch
supports the characteristics of biodegradable
and thermoplastic polymer [46]. In a chain of
glucose polymers, there are bonds that joining
them, which are α-1,4- and α-1,6-glycosidic
linkages [47]. According to [11], it is way
much easier to hydrolyse starches with α-1,4-
glycosidic bonds than α-1,6-glycosidic bonds.
Amylase is the most important enzyme in
catalysing α-1,4-glycosidic bonds in a starch
polymer [48].
Low molecular weight with several long
branches belongs to amylose, whereas a vast
number of short branches and highly branched
polymers belong to amylopectin [49].
Moreover, within the starch granule, amylose
and amylopectin are found in the form of
water soluble lamellae and semi-crystalline
structure [50]. Normally in starch harvested
products, amylose was found to be 20 – 30%,
while amylopectin 70 – 80% and this amylose
to amylopectin ratio are crucial in determining
each different starch physicochemical
properties [51].
Biological genetics backgrounds of a
starch source have a great influence in amylose
and amylopectin ratio [52]. Starch derived
from carbohydrates has a wide range of
functions in variety of food products [53]. In
addition, many different industries have
utilised the goodness of starch functions and
not only applicable in food industry such as in
cosmetics, textile, paper and pharmaceutical
industry [54]. On the other hand, cooking,
processing, organoleptic capabilities and
starchy food digestibility are all influenced by
amylose to amylopectin ratio [55]. In a recent
study reported that when comparing between
amylose-rich starch and amylopectin-rich
starch in terms of expanding in size,
amylopectin-rich starch did way better [56].
Therefore, starch structural and functional
properties depend solely on content and
structure of amylose and amylopectin [57].
Table 1 [58] elaborates amylose and
amylopectin in starch.
Table 1 Amylose and amylopectin in starch.
Photosynthesis plays important roles in
synthesising glucose molecules in plant cells.
Higher photosynthetic rate produces greater
yield productions. Starch is carbohydrate end
product obtained from plants when they
perform photosynthesis and each plant have
different starch distribution amount depending
on its species [59]. On the other hand, fruits
are undeniably containing all the goodness of
antioxidants and helps in maintaining one’s
health and weight management. Nutritionist
and dietician will always advise a client under
their consultation to consume more fruits due
to its promising health benefits. However,
recent study on several commonly consumed
tropical fruits in Nigeria claimed that for
people with type 2 diabetes may not suggested
to have high intake of fruits due to starch
presence in that particular fruit [60].
Starch will be less functional if it is in its
native conditions despite of its sources and
origins. This is supported by previous study,
which stated few disadvantages of native
starch such as sensitive towards pH, low
clarity of starch paste, high retrogradation, low
in syneresis and decomposition [61]. Besides,
starch presence in banana is good for human’s
blood glucose control as resistant starch in
banana preventing one’s blood glucose level to
have rapid increase. However, if banana starch
Linear polymer
Branched polymer
α-1,4- and α-1,6-
glycosidic linkages
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
applied in industry requiring this particular
starch to swell properly, forming gel and hold
moisture, it will not be able to do so in its raw
conditions and yet modification still in need
fulfilling such demands [62]. Therefore, next
section will be discussing on application of
starch in food industry and modification of
2. Application of Starch
Starch is the main source of energy in the
human diet. Due to its practicality in diverse
application of food products, starch is gaining
biggest attention as compared to other
carbohydrate polymers [63]. Breakfast cereals,
bread, cookies, pasta, pastries and noodles are
among commonly processed cereal grains
[64]. These are among the most common
starch containing products available in
Malaysia. On the other hand, appearance,
grade and shape of foods depending on starch
viscosity attributes, retrogradation and pasting
elements making starch as the main functional
components in food products [65]. Ability of
starch in nature to react with itself or other
compounds leads to several usage in food
systems such as thickener, gelling agent,
stabilizing agent or as filler [66].
Normally, it can be found in the plants,
where carbohydrate store starch in the amplest
amount. According to the Malaysian Food
Pyramid, as prescribed by Ministry of Health
Malaysia, the base part of the pyramid is made
up of carbohydrate food sources such as bread,
cereals, and rice [67]. Therefore, starches
based food products provide 50 – 55% of the
total daily energy of a human being.
Moreover, starch is also significant in
providing energy for animal feed and
feedstock. In the food industry, starch is an
essential food additive due to its gel-forming
ability, thickening agent and stabilising food
products [68, 69]. A study was done to help
people with dysphagia, which is difficulty in
swallowing starch-based products, by
modifying food consistency using sago and
tapioca starch that acts as thickener [70].
Different starches source fulfilling various
industrial demands. As an example, sago
starch is great in terms of elasticity, softness,
flexible to use and less adhesive [71]. As
compared to tapioca starch that has a very
cohesive texture despite of its better cold
stability [72].
On the other hand, native starch extracted
from tapioca may be potentially applied as a
new thickener for fruit fillings [73]. According
to [74], food industries consider well on
physical, chemical, physicochemical, pasting
and thermal properties of tapioca flour and
starch. The versatility of starch is not only
applicable to the food industry, but also in
pharmaceutical use. Starch extracted from
water chestnut fruits and pine tree seed or also
known as pinhão were tested for their ability to
act as excipients or drug delivery [75, 76].
Other than that, starch is crucial in edible film
production. For example, rice husk fibre starch
was used to produce film [77]. In another case
where modified corn starch films were used to
coat Red Crimson grapes making longer-
lasting of products freshness [78]. On the other
hand, starch also provides substitution towards
Malaysian oil and gas sector. According to a
study reported by [79], bioethanol extracted
from Sri Kanji 1 cassava starch is way much
cheaper as compared to gasoline fuel. Starch
also helps in enhancing paper coating industry
[80, 81]. Thus, starch is necessary for food,
pharmaceutical, edible film, bioethanol
products and paper coating industry.
Table 2 shows commercially available
starch and its functions reported by previous
studies between 2012 and 2017. Corn, wheat,
potato, tapioca/cassava and rice are among the
most commonly starch available in the market.
Normally starches are added for enhancing
quality of products in food industries. For
example, corn starch helps in increasing fibre
content in cake productions [82]. It also helps
in reducing sponge cake texture as compared
to wheat flour [83]. [84] reported that corn has
been extensively used for syrup production
especially high fructose corn syrup for
industrial needs. Corn is also a good source of
starch for thickening agent in infant formula
Wheat starch, on the other hand, has been
used in breadfruit cookies formulation [86]. It
was also found to supply gelling properties to
food products [87]. Potato starch was found to
act as a good pasting and gelling agent at the
same time [88]. Potato starch film was also
found be able to be produced from potato
starch [89]. Tapioca/cassava starch was
reported in a previous study to help in risen up
the quality of jasmine rice bread gluten-free
quality [90]. Besides, tapioca starch is also a
good thickening agent in fruit filling
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
production such as blueberry filling in a
blueberry cheesecake [91]. In addition, it was
also found to increase the quality of soup
production [92]. Last but not least, rice starch
acts as an emulsion stabiliser [93] and able to
improve gelling properties when added with
hydrocolloids such as sodium
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and hydroxyl-
propyl methylcellulose (HPMC) [94].
Table 2 Commercially available starch and functions.
Starch source
Increased fibre content in cake production [82].
Reduce sponge cake texture as compared to wheat flour [83].
Corn syrup production [84].
Thickener in infant formula [85].
Breadfruit cookies formulation [86].
Gelling properties [87].
Pasting and gelling properties [88].
Production of potato starch film [89].
Tapioca/ Cassava
Increased quality gluten-free jasmine rice bread [90].
Thickener in fruit filling [91].
Enhancing soup product [92].
Emulsion stabiliser [93].
Improved gel properties with the addition of hydrocolloids [94].
Recent study reported that the knowledge
of pasting properties in starch-based products
is important in order to get required
consistency [95]. Viscosity, gelling,
digestibility and stability of frozen storage of
heated starch suspensions were all depending
on the starch chemical and structural
characteristics together with different origins
and botanical source [96]. Starch is the most
important edible polysaccharide containing
nutritionally high to low molecular weight
sugars [97]. Food industry uses starch as a
thickening, bulking agent, gelling and for
water holding capacity making it as a treasured
factor [98]. Recent study documented that
fully digested starch in small intestine is
known as digestible starch, the incompletely
digested starch in small intestine is known as
partially digested starch, while starch that
totally forbids digestion in small intestine is
known as resistant starch [99]. Table 3 shows
a list of underutilised starch and its functions
documented by previous studies. Underutilised
source of plants remain undiscovered despite
of its contribution to rising of world’s food
production [100].
Food industry favours starch which is
stable, white in colour and odourless thus
making (Araucaria angustifolia) seed as a
perfect candidate by having 34% starch [101].
Recent study claimed that it is crucial to
explore new and underutilised starch as it
offers multiple functions in food and non-food
industry [102]. Hairless Canary Seed (Phalaris
Canariensis L.) and jackfruit seed were
reported to act as a good gel stabiliser [103,
104]. Quinoa, on the other hand, is extremely
stable and widely used in food grade pickering
emulsion stabiliser specifically in (particle-
stabilised emulsion) [105]. Carob is an
excellent source for making gluten-free bread
which suits people that are gluten intolerance
[106]. Sweet potato, on the other hand, has
been widely used in Chinese starch industry
[107]. Another example is Chestnut (Castanea
sativa Mill) which was claimed to have the
same function as corn starch but when
extracted by using low processing temperature
[108]. Pinhão helps in β-carotene
microencapsulation [109]. Jackfruit which is
common to Southeast Asia and India was
found to have seeds that able in increasing
quality of chocolate aroma produced [110] and
for encapsulation process of rice bran oil
In addition, seeds of these Artocarpus
genus were reported to function well in
gelatinisation properties [112]. Flour was also
one of the most common thing that can be
obtained from jackfruit seed [113]. Thus, the
jackfruit seed flour has ability of producing
reduced calorie chocolate cake [113].
Mangifera Indica kernel, on the other hand,
was documented in two previous studies to
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
function well as a coating agent. In the first
study, it was found to coat the almond kernel
[114]. Starch extracted from mango seeds
shows a superficial amount of starch which
can be utilised in industry needing starch
[114]. In the second study has reported that the
mango kernel starch could help in retaining a
longer shelf life of a tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum) fruit [115]. From industrial by-
products, mango kernel can be easily obtained
and produced at low cost [116].
Besides that, soursop (Anona muricata)
starch extracted from its white fleshy flesh has
been used in bread production [117]. Tikhur
(Curcuma angustifolia) was found to be able
in having properties as tapioca sago starch
[118], while moth bean (Vigna Aconotifolia)
was claimed to be having good quality for
food products requiring high thermal stability
[119]. On the other hand, tamarind or in
Malaysia is widely known as ‘asam jawa’ was
reported by recent study that it contains high
swelling power when tested in the range of 55
to 95 °C [120]. The unripe banana was found
to have high ability in forming pasting
properties [121]. Whereas, in another study
comparing cooking banana and dessert banana,
both have claimed to own potential in acting as
an emulsifying agent [122]. Recent study
stated that pea (Pea sativum) and Bambara
groundnut (Vigna subterranea) is an
underutilised food crops in Nigeria and
currently explored of its potential in terms of
starch isolation [123]. Lastly, litchi or is also
known by Malaysian as lychee can be obtained
in fresh form or canned in glucose syrup. Its
kernel starch was reported to have good gel
strength and elasticity [124]. Starch extracted
from underutilised sources has numbers of
unexploited applications. Therefore, it is
important to do further research on potential
source of starch either from indigenous fruits
or botanical source, or it could be from
industrial processing waste such as fruit peels
and seeds.
Table 3 Underutilised starch and functions.
Starch source
Hairless Canary Seed
(Phalaris Canariensis L.)
Gel stabiliser [103, 104].
Food grade pickering emulsions stabiliser
(particle-stabilised emulsions) [105].
Gluten-free bread production [106].
Sweet potato
Used in Chinese starch industry [107].
Chesnut (Castanea sativa Mill)
Substitute to cornstarch - lower processing temperature [108].
Microencapsulation of β- carotene [109].
Jackfruit seed
Chocolate aroma production [110].
Rice bran oil encapsulation [111].
Gelatinisation purposes [112].
Flour production [113].
Production of reduced calorie chocolate cake [113].
Mango kernel
Coating purpose – almonds (Prunus dulcis) kernels [114].
Edible coating for enhancing shelf- life of tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum) fruit [115].
Composite film production [116].
Soursop (Anona muricata)
Bread production [117].
Tikhur (Curcuma angustifolia)
Mimic properties of Tapioca Sago [118].
Moth bean (Vigna Aconitifolia)
For food products requiring high thermal stability [119].
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.)
kernel starch
For food products requiring high swelling power [120].
For food products requiring high pasting ability [121].
Emulsifying agent [122].
Litchi kernel starch
Good gel strength and elasticity [124].
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
3. Starch Modification
Starch is found in an ample amount and
fall into second place compared to other
carbohydrates and by applying some
modification it can fit to various industrial
demands [125]. Starch has broad applications
in food industries. However, starch in native
state is unable to attain specific industrial
requirement. Thus, modifications can be made
either physically or chemically [126]. In order
to improve starch pasting properties and shelf
life extension, modification of starch by using
chemical is the most frequently used method
[127]. Processing quality can be improved by
altering pasting, gelatinizing and
retrogradation properties of starch [128].
Commercialized starch such as corn and other
type of cereals are normally underwent
physical modification or simple chemical
modification to enable them to be used by food
or other industry [129]. Starch was modified
physically or chemically in order to obtain
heat stable or resistance towards heat product,
stable during freeze-thaw process and easily
dissolve either in hot or cold suspension [130].
One of the most common modification
methods by using chemical is crosslinking
[131]. Introducing intra and intermolecular
bonds in starch molecule at random locations
is known as cross-linking [132]. Thermal
properties of starch can also be modified by
applying cross-linking agent and not only
changing physical characteristics however this
is all depending on starch plant origin and
botanical source [133]. Moreover, starch that
has undergone chemical modifications is
extensively used in food industry due to its
better emulsion and pasting characteristics
[134]. Native starch which is modified using
acetylation and oxidation may be used as food
additives [135]. The disadvantages of using
chemical modification are easily causing
chemical residue to be left after modifying
starch and definitely not an eco-friendly even
though it is a fast, simple, extensively used and
efficient method [136].
Chemical modification of starch usually
involves acid or base at high concentration to
destroy hydrogen bond intermolecular
interactions and crystallization areas [137].
Hydroxyl group presence in starch may cause
chemical reaction by exposing one or more
reactive groups on its surface and will be
efficiently coupled to matrix [138]. Modifying
starch by using ether agents resulted in
amphiphilic side chains of product and
hydrophobic character of starch modified
product was fixed by the length of alkenyl
groups [139]. Recent study on using
chemically modified starch in replacing fat in
yogurt based products, suggested a good effect
in syneresis and good flow and better
viscoelastic characteristics [140]. However,
there are two major disadvantages of utilizing
solely pure starch which first is high attraction
towards water and second is extreme rigidity
Moreover, chemically modified starch will
be susceptible to amylolytic enzymes due to
the presence of chemical substituents and
additional bonds [142]. Maltodextrin is an
example of enzymatically modified starch by
using amylolytic enzymes [143]. An adequate
amount of starch-stearic acid complexes can
be formed by modifying pure starch using few
methods such as acetylation, de-branching and
using enzyme such as β-amylase [144].
Canned and frozen foods required starch with
low viscosity, thus starch modification is
crucial in order to get the required viscosity
[145]. Modification of starch helps in
enhancing industrial application. One of them
is pharmaceutical. Modifying corn, cassava
and sweet potato using acetylation helps in
producing stronger paracetamol which is not
easily crumble during transportation and
storage until reaching consumer [146].
Table 4 and Table 5 show some of the
chemical and physical method for starch
modification done by previous studies. Table 4
shows examples of starch that has been
chemically modified. According to [147],
oxidation produces starch film with the most
stable tensile strength. Cross-linking and
oxidation of starch isolated from elephant foot
yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) help in
improving paste clarity, solubility and thermal
characteristics when tested using DSC without
causing any effect on starch granules [148].
Starch with low paste viscosity is suitable
for production of edible coatings and
biodegradable films [149]. Maleic acid was
used to modify jackfruit seed starch in India to
produce starch with high solubility because
acid tends to break down the amylopectin at
1,6 bonds [150]. On the other hand, ionic
gums were used in a study of modifying water
chestnut (Trapa natans) starch [151].
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
Table 4 Chemically modified starch.
Starch source
Lotus rhizome (Nelumbo nucifera)
Oxidation and cross-linked [149]
Elephant foot yam
(Amorphophallus paeoniifolius)
Oxidation and cross-linked [148].
Jackfruit seeds
(Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam)
Maleic acid [150]
Water chestnut (Trapa natans)
Ionic gums [151]
Acetylation [152]
Acetylation – acetic anhydride [153]
Esterification – Dodecenyl succinic anhydride [154]
Acetylated (Ac) [156]
Cross-linked [157]
Acha (Digitaria exilis)
Cross-linked with citric acid [158]
Banana (green/unripe)
Hydrochloric acid [159]
Mango kernel (Mangifera indica L.)
Hydrochloric acid [160]
Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid [161]
Acetylation – acetic anhydride [162, 163]
Cross linking – citric acid [166]
Acid hydrolysis and hydroxypropylation [167]
Acetylation – acetic anhydride [168]
Esterification - Octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) [169]
Durian (Durio zibethinus) seed starch
Acetic acid [170]
Cross-linking [171]
Avocado (Persea americana, Miller)
Acetic acid [172]
Cross-linking [173]
Black eyed pea (Vigna unguiculata)
Acid hydrolysis – Concentrated hydrochloric acid (36%
by weight) [174]
Carioca beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.; cv. Pérola)
Oxidation – sodium hypochlorite [175]
White Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
Oxidation – sodium hypochlorite [176]
Dual modification – acid hydrolysis and succinylation
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Oxidation – sodium hypochlorite [178]
Acetylation and oxidation [179]
Oxidation [180]
Cross-linked with acetic anhydride [181]
Cross-linked with sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) /
sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) [183]
Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Acetylation – sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and oxidation
(active chlorine) [184]
Yellow sorghum
Acetylation, benzylation and hydroxypropylation [185]
Red Zaragoza bean (Phaseoluslunatus)
Acetylation – acetic anhydride [187]
Pinhão (Araucaria angustifolia) seeds
Acid hydrolysis – hydrochloric acid [188]
Musa AAB (Poovan banana)
Acetylation [190]
Tapioca starch has been used as an
alternative source for products requiring
encapsulation as it comes from inexpensive
source and in this case it helps to slow down
release of crucial bioactive compound such as
chlorogenic acid due to its increasing in
hydrophobicity after acetylation [152].
Chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid,
CGA) was claimed to aid in sliming process
and could be found in a plentiful amount
present in green coffee beans mainly Robusta
species [153].
Acetylation is a chemical modification
process by introducing acetyl groups in starch
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
chains and this process can be confirmed by
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR) [154]. Recent study suggested that by
adding acetyl groups to cassava starch, it
enables to be part of stabiliser in emulsion and
starch gel in frozen food products as it can
function well at low temperature [155].
Besides, maize or corn starch was also
modified using the same acetylated (Ac)
method and cross-linked [156, 157]. Cross-
linking of starch was reported in a study on
acha (Digitaria exilis) starch by introducing
citric acid [158].
Modified unripe banana using
hydrochloric acid does not show any changes
based on its pattern which has been proved by
X-ray diffraction and based on its structure by
scanning electron micrograph [159]. Structure
and shape of starch granule isolated from
mango kernel (Mangifera indica L.) and has
been modified by using acid also do not show
any changes [160].
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) was previously
modified by using three types of organic acids
which are lactic, citric and acetic acid. The
citric acid has the best result in modifying rice
starch as it increases starch solubility [161].
By inserting acetyl groups into native starch, it
will cause amylose and amylopectin to
reassociate its current order and leads to
decreasing in gelatinization temperature. This
is where the process will be beneficial to
industry when acetylation helps in reducing
temperature for starch to gelatinize and will
cut industrial processing cost. Acetylation
causes starch granules in low-amylose rice
starch to breakdown in which producing end
products containing relative stability during
cooking and sensitive to high temperature
In order to classify starch, there are two
common classifications which are waxy and
non-waxy starches. Waxy starch is made up of
100% amylopectin with low amylose or either
contains no amylose, whereas non-waxy starch
has 20 – 30% amylose and 70% amylopectin.
Rheological and textural properties of waxy
rice products depend on its structure and
gelatinization temperature [164]. Previous
study comparing two rice starch varieties
available in Australia claimed that waxy rice
or commonly known as glutinous rice starch
loses its original shape when heat is applied
due to the presence of air space between the
starch granule. Besides, its endosperm is
whiter and more opaque when compared with
non-glutinous or non-waxy rice [165]. Native
rice starch is extensively used as binding agent
and thickener in sauce production, puddings,
foods for baby and processed meats. However
when modified using cross linking agent such
as citric acid, result obtained showed a better
application of rice starch in food industry as a
dietary fibre [166].
By combining acid hydrolysis and
hydroxypropylation, modified sago starch are
less prone towards retrogradation and even at
high concentration it is still able to solubilise
in cold water [167]. On the other hand, sago
starch in Papua has been modified using acetic
anhydride in acetylation process in order to
improve its thickening properties [168].
Esterification is one of the modifications listed
under chemical modification. Modification of
native sago starch using esterification process
using octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) cause
it to have potential to be applied as thickener
replacing Arabic gum, emulsifier and oil-water
emulsion stabilizer [169].
Durian seed starch obtained from night
market in Perlis and Kedah, Malaysia was
modified by using acetic acid in realising idea
of using durian waste in order to be an
alternative source of starch replacing current
dependence on petroleum-based plastics [170].
Starch extracted from durian seed not only
applicable for food industry. Recent study
reported that modified starch by cross-linking
from durian seed was found to act as a natural
flocculant in landfill sector as the modification
treatment helps in improving starch
interconnection [171].
Modification of starch by using lactic acid
shows no changes in structure of avocado seed
when analysed by using scanning electron
micrograph (SEM) while it causes reduction in
thermal stability and crystallinity [172]. In a
recent study, modifying avocado seed starch
was done by using cross-linking method
(Persea americana Mill.). Results obtained
suggested that starch isolated from avocado
seed can be an alternative source towards
current available commercial starch source as
it helps in improving paste viscosity and
stability for cream soup production. In
addition, chain of starch is stronger than native
starch due to the presence of phosphate group
gained during cross-linking process [173].
By applying concentrated hydrochloric
acid at 36% by weight, black eyed peas (Vigna
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
unguiculata) starch was able to be modified
successfully when it shows an increment in its
solubility, freeze-thaw stability and clarity of
paste [174]. Common bean starch was
modified by oxidation process using sodium
hypochlorite as oxidizing agent. Results
obtained proposed that these modified starch
might be an alternative source in coating food
products and in dairy products. In addition, as
the concentration of oxidizing agent increases,
starch obtained shows whiter in colour which
could be a substitute in paper manufacturing
Previous study suggested that oxidation
helps in improving solubility and paste clarity
of white sorghum starch and could be an
alternative source for food products requiring
high solid contents without over-thickening
[176]. Reported studies claimed that white
sorghum starch modified by combined acid
hydrolysis and succinylation resulting in lower
paste viscosity, less gumminess and reduced in
tendency towards retrogradation which suits in
food products requiring these properties for
example frozen pie filling, custards and
puddings [177].
Several studies have suggested acetylation
and oxidation mode of modification makes
potato as a potential source of film which can
withstand high water activity in its
surrounding. First study claimed that oxidation
using sodium hypochlorite caused potato
starch to have low water solubility as
compared to its native starch. This study
suggested modified potato starch can be turned
into film and use it in a higher water activity
environment [178].
Oxidation of potato starch as reported in
previous study using oxidizing agent caused
hydroxyl group of starch to transform into
carboxyl or carbonyl group which could be
one of the reason increasing in hydrophobicity
of modified potato starch [179]. Second study
reported potato starch modified using
acetylation shows greater reduction in water
vapour absorbing capability as compared to
modification using oxidation process [180].
Potato starch properties were reported unable
to modify most efficient at temperature of
25°C or lower when using acid hydrolysis
On the other hand, cross-linking suggested
different methods of modification in potato
starch. Present hydrogen bonds in potato
starch will be strengthen during cross-linking
using cross-linking agent for example acetic
anhydride which in turns resulting in starch
product that has high resistant towards heat,
acid and increase in shearing properties as
compared to native and unmodified starch
[182]. Another study reported modifying
potato starch using sodium trimetaphosphate
(STMP) or sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) as
its cross-linking agent resulted in modified
starch having desired properties to be applied
in food industry such as binding agent,
stabilizer and thickener [183].
Previous study found that by inserting
acetyl group through acetylation and addition
of carbonyl and carboxyl group by oxidation
makes barley starch decreasing in its viscosity
and in turns reducing possibility to retrograde
which could be a potential source in making
biodegradable films [184]. Yellow sorghum
starch was subjected to acetylation,
benzylation and hydroxypropylation resulting
in food product having low tendency towards
retrogradation which could be a good
alternative source in sauces and bread
production [185].
During heating of starch in excess
availability of water, starch takes up water and
swelling occur inside the granule. In this
condition, amylose and amylopectin disappear.
This is called as gelatinization process. When
heating stops, amylose starts to form back and
in a longer term amylopectin will follow the
same condition. This is known as
retrogradation [186]. Increasing degree of
acetylation in zaragoza (Phaseoluslunatus)
bean seeds starch obtained from Colombia
resulting in a good alternative source in cream
manufacturing due to high viscosity level
Modification of pinhão seed starch using
hydrochloric acid shows end result having
better solubility and more transparent which
could be an alternative source in coating
materials or film [188]. What is actually
happening during hydrolysis of acid is acid for
example hydrochloric acid was added to the
suspension of starch in aqueous condition and
controlled at certain desired temperature below
gelatinization temperature for a fixed period of
time [189]. Results obtained from this study
reported that pasting properties of poovan
banana from India rises after acetylation
process compared to its native form [190].
Table 5 shows several examples on
physically modified starch. Altering starch
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
granules and molecular structure is practiced
in physical modification of starch in order to
obtain a stabilize starch granules, decreasing in
retrogradation and enhancing in paste and gel
properties when in use [191].
Table 5 Physically modified starch
Starch source
Ultrasound treatment [211]
Heat moisture treatment [212]
Pinhão (Araucaria angustifolia)
Annealing, heat-moisture, sonication [214]
Ultrasound treatment [215]
Heat moisture treatment [217]
Ultrasonic treatment [218, 219, 220]
Annealing and ultra - high pressure (UHP) [221]
Annealing [222]
Heat-moisture treatment [223]
Improved Extrusion Cooking Technology (IECT) [224]
Parboiling – steeping step [225]
Ultrasound treatment [226]
Sweet Potato
Annealing [227]
Heat-moisture treatment [239]
Repeated heat moisture treatment (RHMT) [228]
Steam explosion [229]
Annealing and ultra - high pressure (UHP) [230]
Ultrasound treatment [231]
Yam (Dioscorea spp.)
Annealing [229]
Annealing and ultra - high pressure (UHP) [229]
Heat moisture treatment [232]
Jackfruit seed
Microwave [233]
Partial gelatinization [234]
Foxtail millet
Heat moisture treatment [235]
Ultrasound treatment (UT) [236]
Heat moisture treatment [238]
Red adzuki beans
Continuous and repetition heat moisture treatment [240]
Microwave and heat moisture treatment [241]
Water chestnut
Microwave [242]
Annealing and heat moisture treatment [243]
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)
Microwave [248]
Ball – milling [249]
Bambara groundnut (Vigna
Annealing [254]
Ensete/False banana
(Ensete ventricosum Musaceae)
Annealing and heat moisture treatment [255]
Morado banana
Heat moisture treatment [256]
Banana (Musa sapietum and Musa
Heat moisture treatment [258]
White Sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor)
Annealing [259]
(Marantha arundinacea L)
Autoclave – cooling treatment [260]
Heat moisture treatment (HMT) helps in
improving elasticity of dough made from
wheat and barley flour [192]. Besides HMT,
ultrasound is another method commonly used
to modify starch physically. Recent study
reported that ultrasound is gaining recognition
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
due to its various benefits such as low cost,
efficient and eco- friendly as no chemical
usage involved as compared to other chemical
modification method [193]. According to
[194], larger bubbles can be formed if lower
frequency of ultrasound used and cavitation
process that occur during ultrasound causing
both covalent and non- covalent bond inside
polymer such as starch to be broken down. By
applying ultrasound, starch component present
in plant polymer can be modified physically
If modifying starch by using either fully or
partially gelatinization, it will be able to
produce starch with cold water-swelling
capacity and gel barrier properties [196]. Rice
(Oryza Sativa L.) being the major nutrient and
calories source of Asian people was found by
recent study in reducing its glycaemic index
by applying heat moisture treatment and
annealing [197]. The usage of modified starch
among them is to increase viscosity, shelf life
of food products, textures, solubility,
appearance and emulsification of food
products [198]. Annealing is categorised under
hydrothermal modification method of starch
other than HMT. The process of annealing
includes starch nurtured in an excess amount
of water in a temperature range below
gelatinisation temperature but higher than
temperature of glass transition [199].
Starch has been modified in order to gain a
better surface area and increase in pore volume
due to its huge presence worldwide at low cost
[200]. Moreover, according to [201], varieties
of indigenous corn starches from different
botanical sources have been well studied and
reported by previous researchers regarding its
physicochemical characteristics. Recent study
reported that modified starch able to replace
current available dietary fat [201]. Human
beings and animals with simple single-
chambered stomach like cats, rats and pigs
unable to digest native starch granules well
[202]. When comparing between maltodextrin,
native and modified tapioca starch, it was
found that modified tapioca starch had a
broader distribution of particle size [203].
Three most common function of modified
starch in food industry are as agent of gelling,
stabilising and thickening [204]. According to
[205] starch-modified physically for example
using the most common treatment such as
heat-moisture treatment and annealing can
produce a safe raw material. On the other
hand, starch modified by using the chemical
for example sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
produced end products that have high
viscosity, stronger resistance to acid, heat, and
shear, swelling decreases and not easily
breakdown [206]. Starch paste properties can
be easily modified expressively by applying
several cross-links [207].
When people consuming starchy foods for
example bread and rice, main supply of energy
was actually supplied by physical and
chemical properties of starch that act as main
source of carbohydrate [208]. Increasing the
starch paste stability and reducing pH, heat
and shear properties of tapioca starch during
food processing is the main focus of
modifying starch by food scientist in Thailand
[209]. As an example, by undergo dual
modification process, sorghum starch was
reported to be a new potential source replacing
current available biodegradable films [210].
Corn starch was reported successfully
modified by applying ultrasound treatment
[211]. Pre-treated samples with ultrasound
treatment helps in altering corn starch
physicochemical properties [212]. In another
study, corn starch was modified using heat
moisture treatment and resulted in reduction of
swelling power, percent solubility,
gelatinization enthalpy and pasting viscosities
when compared with untreated corn starch
samples [213].
Pinhão (Araucaria angustifolia) which
could be found in Brazil and was reported to
be in high starch content and can be modified
physically using process of annealing, heat-
moisture treatment and sonication [214].
Physically modified pinhão seed shows better
results in terms of syneresis whereas other
parameters show no significant difference as
compared to its native starch [215]. Pinhão
seed obtained from pines trees that grow well
in forests Southern part of Latin America and
when applying HMT, molecular structure and
its properties changes which suggested that it
could be utilised as it is an underutilised
source of starch and apply in food and non –
food based application [216]. HMT is an
example of physical modification which
reported in previous study on pinhão seeds can
provide strongest effect towards gelatinization
and enthalpy if tested using differential
scanning calorimeter machine [217].
Potato was also modified by using
ultrasound treatment [218, 219, 220]. Basically
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
ultrasound is a sound waves having a
frequency which beyond human hearing
capability [221]. On the other hand, for rice
starch, several methods have been reported by
previous studies. Annealing [222], HMT
[223], improved extrusion cooking technology
(IECT) [224] and ultrasound treatment [225].
Steeping is the first step in parboiling process
followed by heating and drying of rice. Recent
study reported that starch isolated from rice
kernels is different from kernel itself in terms
of its structure and properties [226]. Recent
study suggested starch extracted from sweet
potato modified by using steam explosion can
be a good source for treating diabetic patients
by encapsulating this starch into the medicine
[227]. Sweet potatoes were claimed by
previous research on applying annealing [228]
and HMT [229].
Recent study claimed that by annealing
wheat starch, stability increases as the
interaction between the starch chains
increases. Combining both method of
annealing and HMT modification causes
starch granules structure in yam and potato
starches to change [231]. Yam (Dioscorea
spp.) starch was physically modified by
annealing process [229]. Annealing or also
recognized as tempering has caused a rising in
pasting temperature, peak time, setback and
final viscosities of yam starch as compared to
modification using acid hydrolysis, results
obtained is vice versa [232].
Recent study in Vietnam had partially
gelatinized jackfruit seed starch as a
modification procedure and results showing
highly soft and elastic starch gel [233].
Modification of starch by using microwave
was found to be more efficient and time saving
compared to modification by using acid in a
study using starch isolated from jackfruit seed
in India [234].
Previous study reported that by applying
physical modification such as hydrothermal
treatment, modified starch obtained will be
more viscous, transparent, stable and swelling
power will also increase when compared with
native starch. In addition, this process is
known as pre-gelatinisation which could be the
initial step crucial before chemical
modification [235]. Foxtail millet starch in
previous study was reported can be modified
by using HMT and ultrasound treatment (UT).
Heat moisture treatment is an interesting and
alternative way of modifying starch physico-
chemical properties without disturbing starch
structure of molecule [236]. Heat moisture
treatment when combined with citric acid
shows changes in sweet potato starch
crystallinity type from B to C and reduced its
peak viscosity which shows that by applying
such treatment, a significant change can be
observed. Besides, another study reported
starch isolated from sweet potato starch were
successfully modified using repeated heat
moisture treatment (RHMT) when a
significant changes were observed on X-ray
diffraction pattern and its crystallinity, thermal
and pasting properties when compared with
native starch [237].
Better noodles in terms of elasticity and
firmness were detected in noodles made up
from sago starch that has undergone heat
moisture treatment [238]. In addition, another
study also claimed that HMT caused reduction
in sweet potato starch viscosity but shows
rising in swelling power and solubility as
compared to native or modified starch using
annealing process [239]. Reduction paste
viscosities properties, swelling power and
solubility is supported by another study using
continuous and repeated heat moisture
treatment towards red adzuki beans starch in
Yangling, China [240].
Taro starch was modified using dual
modification of microwave and HMT shows
better results in terms of viscosity and freeze-
thaw stability as compared to native taro starch
[241]. By applying microwave heating, starch
extracted from water chestnut shows
increasing in pasting properties and enthalpy
values. However, the swelling power and
percent solubility decreases [242]. Main
reason of utilising modified starch in food
industry is due to its ability in rapidly
dissolves in cold water [242].
Acorn is the fruits gained from oak tree
categorised under genus Quercus, which has
been modified by using annealing and HMT.
The HMT gave more significant result in
terms of altering starch properties compared to
annealing [243]. Previous study stated that
amylose and amylopectin are the main
component of acorn starch though amylopectin
composition was found higher than amylose
[244]. In a study producing gluten free bread
from acorn flour, substitution at 20% shows
the most significant impact on volume of
bread and its physical characteristics.
However, beyond these 20% addition of acorn
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
flour will reduce bread volume. In conjunction
with previous statement, carbon dioxide
presence in gluten network formation inside
bread dough has been reduced due to gluten
network deficiency which in turns resulting in
bread with lowers loaf volume [245].
Recent study claimed that lotus is
normally found in a dried form rather than
fresh form due to its short life span in fresh
condition which contributes by enzymatic
browning, microbial growth and deterioration
of quality [246]. Lotus seed starch (Nelumbo
nucifera Gaertn) has been modified using
microwave heating, which resulted in
increment of its crytallinity, volume of pore
and surface area, whereas yield of extraction
and average size of starch particle decreases
[247]. Another study reported using
microwave radiation on lotus seed starch helps
in producing starch with low glycaemic and
hydrolysis index due to increasing in number
of resistant and slowly digestible starch by
amplifying microwave radiation [248].
In this study, three methods of tapioca
starch modification has been combined which
are through enzymatic, acid hydrolysis and
physical modification using ball milling as it
was claimed to change structure of starch from
its native condition to smaller size of starch
granule [249]. Tapioca starch in paste form
contains no odour, high in paste clarity and
stickiness make it extensively used in food and
non-food industry in Thailand. However, like
other starch in native condition, tapioca starch
unable to perform well in industry as it
produces unwanted characteristic of gel with
weak structure, cannot withstand shear forces
and reduction in stability of viscosity when
heat applied [250].
In order to have a better quality of starch
based product, many of starch source have
different degree of gelatinization so it can fit
many food formulations depending on product
needs [251]. Recent study found that by
adding physically modified starch to yogurt
based product containing skimmed milk
powder, it enhances consumer acceptance and
yogurt become creamier and having consistent
texture compared to non-added starch based
yogurt [252]. Modification of native starch
will not only result in reduction of
retrogradation occurrence but will also benefit
in many ways. For example, paste of modified
starch will be more stable during cooling and
freezing process, less prone towards formation
of gel, less opaque and enriches gel texture
Modification of Bambara groundnut
(Vigna subterranea), an underutilised starch
source from Nigeria using annealing process
reported to have caused cracks and pores on
starch surface based on image obtained from
SEM [254]. In a study of modifying starch
using both hydrothermal treatment which are
annealing and HMT, results obtained showed
false banana (Ensete ventricosum Musaceae)
starch could be possibly used as functional
ingredients in both food and pharmaceuticals
industry [255]. In a study of modifying
Morado banana starch using HMT, results
gained indicated that it a good method of
producing starch which could fit industrial
needs in terms of added value product [256].
HMT was able to change the diffraction
patterns based on X-ray diffraction results on
two types of banana starch (Musa sapietum
and Musa paradisiaca) in Nigeria from B to C
type [257]. Recent study claimed that
annealing is a greener way of modifying
desired properties of starch and enhance final
product quality [258]. White sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor) starch was subjected to
annealing in a reported study shown increasing
in paste clarity. Thus, it could be a functional
additive in a food product requiring starch
with high clarity [259].
Arrowroot is popular among Indonesian as
it is one of the carbohydrate sources and
scientifically known as (Marantha
arundinacea L) has been modified using
autoclave and cooling treatment. Gel produced
from physically modified arrowroot showed a
softer texture and less rigid [260]. Annealing,
HMT, ultrasound and sonication are widely
used in physical modification of starch.
However, there are also other methods to
modify such physically such as parboiling, ball
milling, microwave and gelatinization.
Therefore, there are varieties of choices to
modify starch physically.
In conclusion, starches are widely used in
food industries. Thus, modifying starch to
fulfill specific industrial needs can be done
either using chemical or physical treatment.
Numbers of starch in the future should be
produced from unexplored source with further
studies done. This is because rather than to
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) p. 144-174
reduce the waste, it is cheaper and easily
available source. The underutilised starch
should be transformed into a more useful
product for future use.
Authors are thankful to Universiti Tun Hussein
Onn Malaysia for providing research facilities
and financial support through Centre for
Graduate Studies, Short-Term Grant (UTHM-
STG-U538-2016), and Postgraduate Research
Grant (UTHM-GPPS-U813-2017).
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