Burr and Burr reported in 1929 “a new deficiency disease produced by the rigid exclusion of fat from the diet.”1 Rodents fed a fat-free diet showed reduced growth and reproductive failure, accompanied by two prominent changes in the skin, that is, increased scaliness and impaired barrier function.1,2 Reversal of the features of deficiency by administration of linoleic acid (LA), led to the concept of essential fatty acids (EFA) that cannot be synthesized by the higher animals.2 Similarities between the clinical features of EFA deficiency and atopic dermatitis led Hansen in 1937 to discover low blood levels of unsaturated fat in atopic children,3 and he later reported that EFA-deficient infants developed an eczematous rash, which responded to LA supplements.4 Several studies had previously examined a range of dietary oil supplements in atopic dermatitis,5-8 with generally reported benefit.