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Agent-Based Simulation and Its Application to Analyze Combat Effectiveness in Network-Centric Warfare Considering Communication Failure Environments


Abstract and Figures

Many parts of platforms are expected to be replaced by unmanned systems in modern warfare. All the assets and supporting vehicles are linked to each other with a communication network, and it is called the network-centric warfare environment. Hence, it is critical when communication failure occurs during engagement in ground battlefield because this failure will directly affect overall combat effectiveness of one’s owned assets. However, research regarding communication failure issues is scarce. We herein propose a new agent-based modeling process to measure the overall combat effectiveness combined with communication success ratio, based on the terrain condition of the ground engagement. Additionally, we provide the effectiveness analysis result when a communication repeater is applied during communication failure as an alternative measure.
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Research Article
Agent-Based Simulation and Its Application to Analyze
Combat Effectiveness in Network-Centric Warfare Considering
Communication Failure Environments
Jaeyeong Lee ,1Sunwoo Shin,2Moonsung Park ,2and Chongman Kim 3
1Senior Research Fellow, Industrial and Academic Cooperative Group, Myongji University, 116, Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
2Master’s Course, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Myongji University, 116, Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
3Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Myongji University, 116, Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Correspondence should be addressed to Chongman Kim;
Received 27 July 2018; Revised 23 October 2018; Accepted 7 November 2018; Published 17 December 2018
Academic Editor: Giuseppe D'Aniello
Copyright ©  Jaeyeong Lee et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Many parts of platforms are expected to be replaced by unmanned systems in modern warfare. All the assets and supporting
vehicles are linked to each other with a communication network, and it is called the network-centric warfare environment. Hence,
it is critical when communication failure occurs during engagement in ground battleeld because this failure will directly aect
overall combat eectiveness of one’s owned assets. However, research regarding communication failure issues is scarce. We herein
propose a new agent-based modeling process to measure the overall combat eectiveness combined with communication success
ratio,basedontheterrainconditionofthegroundengagement.Additionally, we provide the eectiveness analysis result when a
communication repeater is applied during communication failure as an alternative measure.
1. Introduction
To construct a war-game model, the Lanchester-type equa-
tion is a typical tool to generate the value of attrition rates
for both sides of the battle. It appears reasonable when the
game proceeds unit by unit and asset by asset, which is called
the platform-centric warfare. However, it has been rapidly
changed, in modern warfare, to the network-centric warfare,
in which all platforms are linked to each other to create a large
and complex warfare environment.
erefore, agent-based modeling (ABM) has been used
widely to build a war-game model recently, because it can
produce more realistic results based on its own decisions
system of the battle.
Furthermore, in the previous war-game model, the com-
munication error eect (CEE) was not considered and its
possible eect on each weapon system was not reected
either. However, the CEE is an important factor in network-
centric warfare because all platforms in a battle are connected
to each other to share the target and damage information, as
well as exchanging the order and report among related units
according to the echelon chain.
e agent-based simulation framework we propose
herein consists of three key themes: ABM, CEE, and line of
sight (LOS), as shown in Figure .
In this study, we consider both ABM and CEEs in a
network-centric warfare environment and provide a new
modeling process to measure the combat eectiveness in a
high resolution war-game model considering communica-
tion failure.
As for the quantitative measurement of combat eective-
ness (CE), Hayward [] proposed three factors to quantify
CE as capabilities, environment, and missions. However, it is
still dicult to measure the quantitative combat eectiveness
owing to its intangible and subjective characteristics. It is also
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 2018, Article ID 2730671, 9 pages
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
(Detect & Attack)
(Damage Report)
F : Conguration of a typical battleeld in high resolution.
impractical to measure the CE experimentally. Recently, Kim
et al. [] reported a literature review of the work by CE. Lee
and Lee [] and Lee et al. [–] proposed a network-based
metric for measuring CE.
ABM related studies in war-game simulation are Hill et
omson et al. []. Regarding the study of communication
factor and modeling in the NCW environment, several
researches have reported the partial impact to CE in a
particular situation such as Sen et al. [], Karedal et al.
[, ], Kang et al. [], Shin et al. [], Cheng et al. [], Li et
al. [], Akhtar et al. [], Shin et al. [], and Lee et al. [].
Our study retains three factors that are dierent from
the papers above because we developed our own model to
generate the communication error, provide an alternative
measure for communication failure, and compare the CE
(AWAM), which is an ocial analysis model used in the US
2. Communication Process in NCW
2.1. Overview of Communication Impact to Combat Eective-
ness. It is assumed, without loss of generality, that the overall
measurement of CE is the probability of success in combat
operations. erefore, the primary measure of eectiveness
meaning the ratio of remaining assets (when blue wins) over
the initial assets for the blue force side against the red force.
e study showed how the CEE changes the BSR depending
upon the level of communication success probability.
For the representation of CEE, we used terrain map that
shows the altitude of the terrain in each specied location.
Hence, dierent altitude levels are expressed by each small
cell area depending upon the geographic surface pattern of
the battle ground. When the LOS between two platforms is
visible, no CEE would be applied. Meanwhile, if the LOS
between two platforms is blocked, CEE will occur and the
communication success probability (CSP) would be calcu-
orders from command and control (C) and the responding
actions from all platforms such as tanks and unmanned
ground vehicles will be delivered via the communication
process. e overall structure of the communication process
for delivering orders and reports during the engagement is
shown in Figure .
We also used AnyLogic . to represent all these processes
and conditions to validate the logic in the NCW war-game
2.2. Communication Failure Function. To consider the eect
of communication error within a war-game model, we used
the path loss model that is a function describing the commu-
nication in the physical layer between the transmitter (TX)
and receiver (RX) as a method of expressing communication.
implemented by the communication channel environment
and the distance between TX and RX. Two types of path loss
function used according to the LOS or non-LOS (NLOS) are
shown in Table .
3. Model Development
3.1. Basic Scenario. To generate the overall measurement of
MOE and to estimate the average value of the BSR, a typical
scenario was established. e input data are shown in Table .
Avirtualareaofsizekm× km was extracted from the
demilitarized zone region and is formulated as a digitized
combat assets were initially deployed to the engagement for
side were assigned as a linear function depending upon the
distance from the ring platform to the target.
3.2. Structure of the Agent-Based Model. e agent-based
model proposed consists of three subprograms: primary,
unit agent, and subagent. e primary program provides
the environment of the battle ground and the generating,
positioning, and setting avenues of approach for the unit
agent. e unit agent is also known as the platform agent
that denes all types of functions that the subagents would
perform based on the prespecied rules dened by the unit
agent. Subagents are function-oriented agents that perform a
mission assigned by the corresponding unit agent.
e overall structure of the agent-based model is shown
in Figure .
3.3. Process of Communication Agent. Both the TX and RX
are always required to perform communication success or
failure. Basically, three steps are required to send a message
to the receiver such as (1) Comm.On, (2) Sending Msg., and
(3) Comm.End.edetailedprocessisshowninFigure.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
T : Path loss functions applied to evaluate the communication eect.
Scenario Path loss [dB] Shadow
fading St[dB]
Applicability range,
Ant. Height default value
(i) A=.8B= 41.2,C=20
(ii) PL = 40.0 log10([]) + 11.65 − 16.2 log10(𝑟𝑥)
−16.2log10 𝑅𝑋 + 3.8 log10 𝑐[]/5.0
𝐵𝑃 <d<5km,
𝑇𝑋 = 25,𝑅𝑥 = 1.5
NLOS (i) PL = (44.9 − 6.55log10(𝑟𝑥 )) log10([]) + 31.46
+5.83log10 𝑟𝑥 +23log10 𝑐[]/5.0 = 50m<d<5km,
𝑇𝑋 = 25,𝑅𝑥 = 1.5
Moving through the initial paths
In order to C2 , tanks move following the order
Combat’s over, Keep going move
If the target exists,
reload & Order of
If the target not
exists, Move to Stats
Send Target Info.
BDA : Battle Damage Assesment
Send Target Info.
Send Target
Target’s Platform
Target Info. From UGVs
Tar get In fo. From Tan ks
•Tanks Message
Tank’s Moving & Detecting “Moving” Order
It’s mean Sub Agent
in Tank
F : Communication process delivering orders and reports during engagement.
e communication agent serves as an information
exchange channel for transmitting and receiving all com-
mandments. For example, a command “re target” by the
detecting agent that can exist in a tank or unmanned ground
vehicle (UGV). e overall process of the communication
agent is as follows. Both the TX and RX can create a
communication agent containing information. Further, the
TX sends a message to the RX, known as the “communi-
cation start.” e Rx that received the message transmits
an acknowledgment (ACK) message indicating that the
corresponding message has been received from the TX.
Subsequently, both channels are open to communication and
an information/order such as a specic coordinate or text
message can be sent. e success of this process creates the
communication agent in the TX, and the RX is deleted aer
passing the command.
Additionally, if the transmission fails within  s, transmis-
sion is attempted again. If this process is not successful aer
three times, we assume that the transmission has failed.
3.4. Process of C2 Agent. e C agent delivers all types of
messages to either send orders or receive the information
required via the communication agent. It assigns orders to
T : A scenario for engagement of ground battle.
Virtual area  k m x km
 reconnaissance routes between
blue and red forces
Te rr a i n C el l
Cell Size  m × m
the number
of Cell ,
Attr ibute Altitude
Combat Assets
Tan k 
C 
Red Tan k 
C 
POD (probability of detection) &
POH (probability of hit)
Blue .d[m]+ .d[m]+
Red .d[m]+ .d[m]+
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Battle eld for combat
Create and set location UGV,
Tank, C2
Set moving path to enemy
zone for UGV, Tank, C2 Main
•Agent used by unit agents.
•Mission-centric agent
Unit Agent
Identify UGV, Tank, C2 by
selecting Sub-agent among 6 Sub-
agent based main mission.
Cannon Agent
and Control
F : Agent structure of the model.
Process of each sending
& receiving
Sending msg success
Sending msg in 2
DISCARD condition
Sending error over
2 seconds
Re-sending over 3
Sending ACK
TX Agent RX Agent
Sending ACK
Comm. on
Sending Msg
Sending ACK
Full Process Comm.
If it success ~
– Comm. Success
Even 1:1 comm.
Or 1 :n comm.
– Try comm. Each
comm. end
Sender Receiver
F : Detailed process of the communication agent.
intelligence. For example, when the UGV nds the enemy
target, its information goes to the C agent with a message
“Find.” Subsequently, the C agent executes the inner process
and assigns an order of either “Move” or “Fire” to the
sender. e role and process of the C agent is shown in
Figure .
3.5. Process of BDA Agent. When a battle occurs, we must
perform a battle damage analysis (BDA) that produces casu-
alties of both red and blue forces. e BDA agent performs an
assessment to calculate the casualties during the battle. When
a platform is hit by an adversary weapon, one of three cases
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
: Move & Fire
: Find
Find To
Tar g e t
Move To
Tar g e t
Tan k
Move & Fire
Find C2
F : Role and process of C Agent.
() M-Kill: mobility kill; it cannot move but res the
enemy targets.
() F-Kill: re kill; it cannot re to aim the targets but
moves to other locations.
() T-Kill: total kill; it is the case of total destruction in
both mobility and ring capability.
Hence, in M-Kill, it remains in position and performs ring
whenever required. e maneuvering agent is automatically
disconnected by the M-Kill agent.
Meanwhile, in F-Kill, the shooting agent is disconnected
When T-Kill occurs, it disappears in the battleeld until
3.6. Measure of Eectiveness. To analyze the CE in a simu-
lation model, we used the BSR as a measure of eectiveness
indicating the level of capability to win in a battle. e BSR
Initially, the remaining assets (𝑇/𝑇) are calculated at
the end of engagement for both sides.
Next, they are compared with the initial assets (0/0),
and their ratios are counted for both sides.
 = 𝑇
0× 100,
 = 𝑇
0× 100
e BSR and RSR represent the ratio of survival assets
compared to its corresponding original assets. In other words,
ratio aer the battle has completed. e condition of the
battle termination is supposed to be predened before the
simulation is run.
4. Output Analysis
4.1. Communication Failure and Terrain Maps Are Considered.
e path loss functions in Table  are used to consider the
CEE within an engagement model. According to the distance
between the agents, the CSP is determined as shown in
Figure . e X-axis depicts the distance between agents,
and the Y-axis depicts the communication power arriving at
the RX. e threshold (depending upon the value of K in
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Cannon(BDA) Agent
BDA System
M-kill(Moving Kill)
(No Moving)
A-kill(Attack Kill)
(No Shooting)
T-kill : Total Kill
(M-kill + A-kill)
F : Role and process of BDA agent.
Path-loss function
F : Path loss function and threshold to decide CSP.
()) represents the minimum communication power that the
capability to obtain the signal power. Hence, a larger K value
renders a lower threshold, thus providing a higher probability
of communication success. Meanwhile, the smaller value of K
produces a lower probability of communication success.
 = −(×
)+()−3≤≤3 ()
To assess the relationship trend depending upon the level
of LOS, terrain maps are also considered in two cases of both
the simplied and commercial cases, as shown in Table .
Case  provides more room for a higher probability of LOS
than Case .
Figure  shows the dierent values of the BSR for both
Case  and Case  and its changing trend over the level of
performance capability of the RX.
Based on this experiment, it is clear that more room for
T : Two cases for terrain condition.
Cases Blue Force Red Force
Simplied Digital Map K: , ., , -. K: 
Commercial Digital Map K: , ., , -. K: 
1 0.5 0
BSR(Case 1) BSR(Case 2)
F : BSR comparison depending upon both CSP and terrain
demonstrates a .%–.% higher BSR value than Case .
4.2. Alternative Measure Considered. To comp ensate and
overcome communication failure, a typical measure was
performed. In other words, a communication repeater is
communication repeater. ree scenarios are established, as
shown in Table .
In Scenario , the terrain condition is clear and the LOS
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
T : ree scenarios for dierent LOS and Non-LOS(NLOS) conditions.
Scenario Scenario- Scenario- Scenario-
Situation Communication in only LOS
Communication in LOS / NLOS
Communication using
Communication Repeater in
LOS / NLOS situation
Scenario #1
BSR (%)
Scenario #2 Scenario #3
F : BSR comparison depending upon communication
would be blocked and would depend on the terrain condition
where both the TX and RX are located. Scenario  is the same
as Scenario  but with a communication repeater.
Figure  shows the dierent values of BSR among the
experiment shows the quantitative eectiveness of the new
measure of using a communication repeater when the CSP
value is poor.
We can also apply this result to decide whether to
purchase a communication repeater by performing a cost
benet analysis. Based on this assessment approach, more
valuable information will be obtained such as the optimal
number of communication repeaters and the optimal level of
CSP to add a communication repeater.
4.3. Validation of the Model Performed. An issue in the
simulation approach is the validation problem to verify
for tting to the real-world situation. To perform model
validation, we use the AWAM and compare its result to those
from our model called “ABSim.” e AWAM is the most
popular and powerful analytic tool for both the US and
Korean Army.
() Establish a scenario
() Build the input data
() Perform the experiment
() Compare the results
Exchange ratio
0.9707 0.8786
F : Comparison of both models depending upon time delay
owing to communication failure.
To create the same environment for fair comparison for both
models (AWAM and ABSim), input data such as the initial
assets for the blue and red forces are the same, and the output
performance is measured as an exchange ratio. Additionally,
we change the time delay owing to communication failure at
every  seconds and compare the result values of exchange
ratio. e exchange ratio is the number of red forces for one
unit of blue forces. For the blue side, the larger exchange ratio
is better.
Figure  shows the values of exchange ratio depending
upon the time delay owing to the communication failure of
both models. A gap exists between the results of the two
models, but it is fairly consistent over the time delay within
a certain range.
According to many subject matter experts (SMEs), we
found three reasons to create a gap between two models.
() e AWAM uses condential data such as probability
opened to the public; therefore, ABSim had to use
assumed data referenced by the SME.
() A gap exists in the level of delity on the terrain map
for both models.
() Dierent tactics are used for moving and the tactical
behaviors for both models.
Many SMEs reported that reasons above can compensate
for the gap shown in Figure  between two models.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
5. Conclusion
We proposed a new simulation process considering commu-
nication failure in a network-centric warfare environment. To
measure the quantitative CE in a network-based battleeld,
we consider both the CEE and LOS depending upon the
altitude of the terrain cell.
e MOE values obtained from the model we developed
indicated that the LOS and CEE were highly correlated to
each other. is implies that a clear LOS scenario obtains a
We also demonstrated the eectiveness when the com-
munication repeater was applied during communication
failure. is may provide insight into the method to obtain
the optimal policy for adapting the communication repeater,
such as the optimal number or optimal time to add a
communication repeater.
Finally, we compared the simulation results from our
model to the one from AWAM and found that both results
were fairly consistent.
We came to a conclusion that communication failure is
one of the key factors and has to be kept in good condition for
whole engagement process in a network-centric operational
Data Availability
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
is study was supported by the Future Ground System Anal-
ysis Laboratory (UCID) of the Agency for Defense
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[] S. W. Shin, J. Y. Lee, S. M. Bae, and C. M. Kim, “A Study on
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Mathematical Problems in Engineering
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[] J. Y. Lee, C. M. Kim, and S. W. Shin, “A study of UGV
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... Emergent behaviors in the SoS comprise three elements: agents, their interactions, and the environment. Each agent has a set of attributes that describe the state of the agent and several specified policies/ rules that define how the agent behaves with respect to the changes in its environment (Lee et al. 2018). ...
... ABM and simulation can demonstrate that emergent behavior exists in the BMS. Emergent behavior can be determined using ABM and simulation, or some other applicable modeling and simulation (M&S) tool applied to a given SoS engineering application (Lee et al. 2018). Designing a multi-BMS system first requires specifying how each system agent exists and acts in the environment. ...
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Many countries including Ukraine use battle management systems (BMS) like Delta that enable command to share situation awareness information; this study focuses on the distribution of information across a warfighting network. Similar to natural systems, where autonomous agents, such as ants and bees, follow a set of simple rules, a BMS is a network of bases and electronic warfighting platforms that have military assets as agents within the network, guided by the defense doctrine. The rationale for the workability of such a system is based on each subsystem being reliable when multiple subsystems interact. However, the potential permutations and combinations of interactions can cause unpredictable negative or positive feedback loops, resulting in unpredictable and unwanted outcomes. The results of emergent behavior are unexpected and sometimes unwanted in areas such as intelligence, and wireless networks. Understanding emergent behavior is imperative in understanding complex engineering systems, and to present new insights, and take practical steps toward improving complex systems design and analysis. This paper presents the BMS and networks with examples of user-defined system integration of the network soldier concept. We believe that Ukrainian and other armies can directly benefit from utilising meta cybernetics, meta metasystem model analysis to control emergence.
... Based on communication and loss parameters, Regragui et al. [20] assessed the group mobility of commanders and squad-members-focused infantry formations grouped on MANET and determined more efficient maneuvering paths and communication stability for an agent. Lastly, Lee et al. [21] proposed an agent-based modeling process based on the correlation between the communication success rate and combat efficiency. The study verified the expansive possibility following the application of additional communication repeaters due to the inability of the commander to communicate in combat situations. ...
... After that, the remaining combat power at the time of completion was formulated with experimental results. The blue remaining combat ratio (BRCR) and red remaining combat ratio (RRCR), which are the measure of effectiveness (MOE) [21], related to the combat powers by squad, are defined by Equation (7): ...
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Currently, in the field of military modernization, tactical networks using advanced unmanned aerial vehicle systems, such as drones, place an emphasis on proactively preventing operational limiting factors produced by cyber-electronic warfare threats and responding to them. This characteristic has recently been highlighted as a key concern in the functioning of modern network-based combat systems in research on combat effect analysis. In this paper, a novel discrete-event-system-specification-based cyber-electronic warfare M&S (D-CEWS) was first proposed as an integrated framework for analyzing communication effects and engagement effects on cyber-electronic warfare threats and related countermeasures that may occur within drones. Accordingly, for the first time, based on communication metrics in tactical ad hoc networks, an analysis was conducted on the engagement effect of blue forces by major wireless threats, such as multi-layered jamming, routing attacks, and network worms. In addition, the correlations and response logics between competitive agents were also analyzed in order to recognize the efficiency of mutual engagements between them based on the communication system incapacitation scenarios for diverse wireless threats. As a result, the damage effect by the cyber-electronic warfare threat, which could not be considered in the existing military M&S, could be calculated according to the PDR (packet delivery ratio) and related malicious pool rate change in the combat area, and the relevance with various threats by a quantifiable mission attribute given to swarming drones could also be additionally secured.
... Neste sentido, mesmo com a simulação computacional já sendo aceita uma ferramenta adequada [3]- [5], [16] e existirem trabalhos que demonstram a aplicação da MSBA na avaliação de cenários aeroespaciais [17]- [19], pouco se encontra sobre o processo de verificação e validação dos agentes utilizados e como diferentes perfis de comportamentos poderiam afetar os resultados. Deste modo, a pesquisa realizada complementa soluções e resultados encontrados na literatura, contribuindo para a consolidação dos conhecimentos quanto a utilização deste tipo de simulação na avaliação de capacidades militares. ...
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The Capability Based Planning (PBC) is a solution adopted by several armed forces that seeks, considering a context of uncertainties and resource limitations, to present optimized solutions to help the structuring of these organizations. One of the great challenges of this methodology is, considering the current and planned conditions for the future, to measure at which level the capabilities identified as required would be met. This evaluation can be carried throughout several methodologies, including computer simulation. Although simulations have already been adopted for various evaluations in the military, seeking more realistic models and reliable responses, many elements still limit their use, such as, for example, the difficulty of adequately representing involved actors’ behaviors. In this context, this work aimed to investigate the feasibility of using ABMS in the assessment of air defense capabilities to support a CBP process, through the study of beyond visual range air combat scenarios. Initially, it was analyzed how the ABMS would be integrated into the overall process of a CBP, identifying which phases would affect and would be affected. Aiming representing scenarios at the tactical level, fighter aircraft, airborne radars, and air-to-air missiles models, with enough degree of fidelity, were used to generate realistic engagements through an agent that represents a fighter pilot. This agent was designed using the Unified Behavior Framework (UBF) presenting consistent results in several verification and validation phases, proving to be a promising solution. Simulations were then carried out to assess air defense capabilities in a hypothetical scenario and, the compilation of the results shown how would be possible to generate the metrics that would support the decisions at strategic level. Finally, the results demonstrated that, using the MSBA at a tactical level, can be enough to answer questions that directly support the PBC process, however, they also showed significant challenges, such as sensibility in terms of the agent's profile, supporting that the theme still needs consolidation, for which the models, processes and results presented sought to contribute.
Computer simulations have revolutionized the analysis of military scenarios. As computing power has advanced, simulations can now incorporate intricate tactical-level engagements. However, accurately representing actors’ decisions at this level poses new challenges for developing and validating these simulations. In this context, this paper presents the methodologies and lessons learned from a study conducted to assess the application of agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) in analyzing beyond visual range (BVR) air combat scenarios, focusing on the influence of agent behavior on the outcomes. The proposed approach integrates real pilots into a face validation phase to examine symmetric and asymmetric engagements. The results underscore the significance of agent behaviors for the outcomes, for example, showing how specific behaviors are capable of mitigating the advantages of superior weaponry. Furthermore, the research explores the dynamics of aircraft acting in pairs, demonstrating the potential to evaluate tactics and the impact of numerical advantage. Ultimately, the results enhance the simulations’ credibility and confirm their plausibility, in line with the face validation methodology. This powerful phase bolsters subsequent steps in the overall validation process. In addition, the findings show how specific configurations of the agents, including tactical coordination, can significantly affect the simulation outcomes and validity.
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Agent-based computing remains an active field of research with the goal of building (semi-)autonomous software for dynamic ecosystems. Today, this task should be realized using dedicated, specialized frameworks. Over almost 40 years, multiple agent platforms have been developed. While many of them have been “abandoned”, others remain active, and new ones are constantly being released. This contribution presents a historical perspective on the domain and an up-to-date review of the existing agent platforms. It aims to serve as a reference point for anyone interested in developing agent systems. Therefore, the main characteristics of the included agent platforms are summarized, and selected links to projects where they have been used are provided. Furthermore, the described platforms are divided into general-purpose platforms and those targeting specific application domains. The focus of the contribution is on platforms that can be judged as being under active development. Information about “historical platforms” and platforms with an unclear status is included in a dedicated website accompanying this work.
Countries use battle management systems (BMS) that enable commands to share digital situational awareness information. In the network of electronic warfighting platforms where military assets are classified as agents and where multiple subsystems interact, potential permutations and combinations of interactions can cause unpredictable negative or positive feedback loops, resulting in unpredictable or unwanted outcomes, which is referred to as emergence behaviour.
The paper considers features of using the concept of “mosaic warfare” based on dynamic management of distributed systems of mobile robotics complexes using multi-agent approach. It describes modelling mechanisms for controlling a group of bionic robots for search and rescue operations, reconnaissance and military diversions with the provision of mechanisms for autonomy, adaptation, coordination and collective behavior. The mosaic structure of the distributed system of mobile robotics complexes was suggested. The features of the algorithms of the motion planning, formation of the agents’ trajectory and group control are described. It also describes an agent-based model for the analysis of control processes of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned ground vehicles, and ground-based robots.
The design of laminated composite structures used in mechanical engineering presents a major challenge in terms of computational cost. The most important aspect in designing laminated structures is the composition selection. An iterative procedure for minimization of the mass of laminated composite elements under an impulse load is offered. Both thicknesses and fiber orientation angles of layers are selected as design variables. The hybrid search method of optimization with adaptive control of the computing process is applied to solving the problem of optimal plate design. Deformation of plates is considered in a linear statement. Calculation of parameters of the stress-strain state of elements is carried out with the finite element method. Mass and deflection optimization of a composite plate subjected to the Tsai-Wu criteria-based design constraint have been carried out. The two-stage approach allows getting a design with the greatest bending stiffness without a significant structure mass increase. The approach makes it possible to develop new composite elements with improved characteristics.
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New weapons system analysis is a field with much interest and study due to the enduring requirement for militaries to improve their set of tactical capabilities. Moreover, as development, testing, fielding, and employment of any new weapon system can be quite costly, justifications of acquisition decisions must be deliberate and thorough to improve necessary capabilities at the least possible cost. Informing these decisions, via analyses of the weapons systems’ benefits and costs, yields better decisions. Our goal herein is to demonstrate a sound methodology to efficiently attain information about the potential benefits, known as key performance parameters (KPPs), of a particular weapon system. Utilizing a simple, unclassified scenario, we identify benefits that the small advanced capability missile (SACM) concept provides, and we demonstrate a basis for further investigation into the tactics used to leverage its capabilities. Within this study, we substitute unclassified data from Lockheed Martin’s Cuda prototype for the SACM concept. Furthermore, we discuss how each of the chosen study factors influences the air combat scenario. Ultimately, we establish the usefulness of a designed experimental approach to analysis of agent-based combat simulation models, which yields useful insights during the acquisition process about the complex interactions of different actors on the battlefield.
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Developing real-time safety and nonsafety applications for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) requires understanding of the dynamics of the network topology characteristics since these dynamics determine both the performance of routing protocols and the feasibility of an application over VANETs. Using various key metrics of interest, including node degree, neighbor distribution, number of clusters, and link duration, we provide a realistic analysis of the VANET topology characteristics over time and space for a highway scenario. In this analysis, we integrate real-world road topology and real-time data extracted from the freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS) database into a microscopic mobility model to generate realistic traffic flows along the highway. Moreover, we use a more realistic, recently proposed, obstacle-based channel model and compare the performance of this sophisticated model to the most commonly used and more simplistic channel models, including unit disk and lognormal shadowing models. Our investigation on the key metrics reveals that both lognormal and unit disk models fail to provide realistic VANET topology characteristics. We therefore propose a matching mechanism to tune the parameters of the lognormal model according to the vehicle density and a correlation model to take into account the evolution of the link characteristics over time. The proposed method has been demonstrated to provide a good match with the computationally expensive and difficult-to-implement obstacle-based model. The parameters of the proposed model have been validated to depend only on the vehicle traffic density based on the real data of four different highways in California.
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Although the Poisson point process (PPP) has been widely used to model base station (BS) locations in cellular networks, it is an idealized model that neglects the spatial correlation among BSs. The present paper proposes the use of determinantal point process (DPP) to take into account these correlations; in particular the repulsiveness among macro base station locations. DPPs are demonstrated to be analytically tractable by leveraging several unique computational properties. Specifically, we show that the empty space function, the nearest neighbor function, the mean interference and the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) distribution have explicit analytical representations and can be numerically evaluated for cellular networks with DPP configured BSs. In addition, the modeling accuracy of DPPs is investigated by fitting three DPP models to real BS location data sets from two major U.S. cities. Using hypothesis testing for various performance metrics of interest, we show that these fitted DPPs are significantly more accurate than popular choices such as the PPP and the perturbed hexagonal grid model.
Unmanned ground vehicle like robot is one of the most effective weapon systems based on leading edge technology in the modern warfare. However, its efficiency is still a difficult question to answer. Especially, measuring the effectiveness of unmanned ground vehicle quantitatively needs a particular simulation framework to handle many different rule based agent modeling procedure. In this paper, we propose a new simulation framework for how to measure the operational effectiveness of unmanned ground vehicle in a small unit combat scenario. The framework is processed with following three phases. At first, we consider all relational factors for input and output variables in communication network environment of all platforms. Secondly, build a simulation model and select a measure of effectiveness based on purpose of the system performance. Thirdly, execute a simulation model and produce MOE in order to do output analysis.
Mobile tactical networks facilitate communication, coordination, and information dissemination between soldiers in the field. Their increasing use provides important benefits, yet also makes them a prime enemy target. Furthermore, their dynamic, distributed, and ad-hoc nature makes them particularly vulnerable to cyber attack. Unfortunately, most existing research on cybersecurity in mobile ad-hoc networks either uses simplistic mobility models that are easier to analyze mathematically or focuses on modeling the dynamics of civilian networks. In this work, we present an agent-based modeling framework to study malware spread in mobile tactical networks. Our framework includes military-inspired models of hierarchical command structure, unit movement, communication over short-range radio, self-propagating malware, and cyber defense mechanisms. We implement several example scenarios representing military units engaged in tactical operations on a synthetic battlefield. Finally, we conduct a case study, using agent-based simulation to analyze the impact of hierarchy and cybersecurity policies on malware spread. Our results support the claim that agent-based modeling is particularly well-suited for representing the complex organizational and spatial structures inherent to military operations, and we urge others to incorporate the key elements of our framework into existing modeling tools when performing studies of cyber attacks on mobile tactical networks and corresponding cybersecurity measures.
It is important to predict and measure the combat effectiveness (CE) of weapons system in battlefield for acquiring efficient weapon system. Moreover, quantitative calculation of weapon effectiveness under complicated and uncertain battlefield environment is also difficult based on the future network centric warfare. Many papers used the term of combat effectiveness and tried to study a lot of related issues about it. However, there is no paper dealing with the classification of study issue about CE and what will happen in this study field. In this paper, we proposed how to classify the study issue about CE and forecast future direction of this study field. Conceptually, CE is nothing but the assessment results to measure the ability of a military weapon system to accomplish its objective. We believe that it is an appropriate time to review the literature extensively on CE analysis because the research interests and the papers of CE are rapidly growing in these days. This paper reviewed many CE analysis papers, classified them according to their research content and the research methodology applied. Additionally, a comprehensive list of future research areas is also given.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to design an experimental simulation model for evaluating the UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) effectiveness in a small unit combat scenario. Methods: We design and build a simulation model to evaluate the combat effectiveness of UGV in a small unit combat scenario. In order to build a simulation model, we used AnyLogic software tool which has functional advantages to describe agent-based simulation model. As for the combat scenario, we applied the typical engagement of mechanized unit equal or lower than battalion level. Analysis process follows the three phases. 1) Design an agent based conceptual medel in a small unit combat scenario. 2) Build a simulation medel using AnyLogic tool. 3) Analyze the simulation results and evaluate the UGV effectiveness. Results: The UGV effectiveness was measured and presented as a numeric values. Those numeric values were represented as a MOE(Measure of Effectiveness) which was the blue survival ratio. Conclusion: We developed an agent based simulation model which can provide a pattern of change how UGV effectiveness varied depending upon the number of UGV in a small unit combat scenario. We also found that the UGV effectiveness grows in the given scenario as the number of UGV increases.
A conceptual definition of combat effectiveness is the overall capability of a force to produce a desired outcome from combat against an enemy force. An ability to measure combat effectiveness is critical to strategic and tactical decision making; however, it is a challenging task to develop an operational metric for combat effectiveness due to the large complexity presented by the rich context of a combat environment. The present paper contends that, under a direct fire engagement, combat effectiveness can be reasonably assessed by the prevalence of attackopportunities a given force creates in a combat environment. The paper proposes a method to quantitatively measure combat effectiveness of a military force in a direct fire engagement environment. The proposed metric is based on a meta-network representation that captures various aspects of a combat environment. Using a meta-network representation, two types of basic unit structures of attack opportunity - isolated and networked - are identified, which are then used as a basic element for measuring combat effectiveness. Prevalence of network motifs in a networked combat environment and availability of attack opportunities are computed as a measure of a military force's combat effectiveness.
Conference Paper
Effective and efficient information sharing in a warfare environment is a key feature of the Network Centric Warfare (NCW) concept, and a combat simulation model should reflect this key feature. Most existing combat simulation models adopt a simplified communication model, which may lead to overestimating an actual level of communication performance. On the other hand, while providing accurate assessment of communication performance, a low-level, detailed, engineered model for communication tends to be overly sophisticated and computationally intensive to incorporate in typical combat models. In this paper, we propose a communication model in the context of an engagement-level of NCW combat simulation. In particular, we use a propagation loss model to determine a success or failure of individual communication attempts. We also define a set of model parameters to characterize various communication networks deployed in a battlefield. Preliminary simulation experiments and their results are presented to illustrate the proposed modeling framework.