
Políticas culturales y Estado-Nación: Las declaraciones del Patrimonio Histórico Inmueble en el Perú entre 1821 y 2014

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El presente trabajo trata de las políticas culturales adoptadas por el Estado para la protección y conservación del patrimonio histórico inmueble, y cómo estas han evolucionado o no desde la formación del Perú como Estado-Nación hasta la actualidad. Asimismo, se describen los criterios que se utilizaron para la declaración de bienes inmuebles considerados hoy en día monumentos históricos que integran el Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación, cuya conservación y sostenibilidad en el tiempo está envuelta en una problemática debido al terrible estado en el que se encuentran, lo cual evidencia la carencia del Estado, que al contar con normas como la Ley N° 28296, Ley General de Patrimonio Cultural, está coadyuvando más bien a la insostenibilidad de los inmuebles declarados como tal.

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... Similar developments have been reported in other South American countries. Among these, the Peruvian Ministry of Culture (founded in 2010) includes a cultural industries and management unit, and Uruguay launched a Department of Creative Industries within the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2016 (Berger & Sequeira, 2018, Valenzuela Saldaña, 2018. Other South American countries have also reported rapid growth in the creative economy; in Argentina, for example, the sector achieved an annual growth of 14.5% between 2002 and 2007 (see Abbasian and Hellgren 2011). ...
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Much of the research on cultural and creative industries has been ‘Western-centric’, but recent interest into cultural and creative industries in the Global South confirms that this conceptual frame is not always directly transferable. This first comprehensive analysis of the last three decades of cultural and creative industries in Santiago de Chile is based on detailed participant observations and multiple in-depth interviews with cultural professionals in the city. The findings indicate that ‘Western’ economic narratives fail to capture the role of Chile's political and cultural context, and especially the socio-urban fabric of Santiago itself, in the eclectic mix of practices that has developed across various locales. The city's self-transformation can be seen to embody a process of autopoiesis, a concept first proposed by Chilean scholars. This cultural autopoiesis has been impacted by external shocks that include COVID-19. The study advances existing empirical and theoretical understandings of the development of cultural and creative industries in the Global South and beyond.
... In Peru there are many structures of cultural and historical significance, from religious architecture to domestic and military monuments [9]. These structures represent an important source of cultural and economic wealth for the country, being tourism an important source of income for the national budget. ...
In Peru, there are many monuments of high cultural and historical value, and with this, a rising need to ensure their conservation and optimal preservation over the years. Future structural damage situations can be avoided, and better restoration plans can be proposed by using non-invasive diagnostic techniques. This requires a constant process of monitoring to evaluate their structural state over time. For this purpose, a remote monitoring visualizing tool was proposed by using simple and reliable off the shelf applications. By establishing this system, it is now possible to visualize real time data from different projects, enabling the access to this data from any electronic device with internet connection through the web platform. The paper shows a detail description of the developed tool based on the following stages: (i) Acquisition and centralization of acceleration data, (ii) Wireless transfer/reception and processing of acquired data in a base station; and (iii) Dynamic visualization of processed data through a web platform. Accelerometers, data acquisition system, data processing software (LabVIEW), file transferring software (Bitvise and OneDrive), as well as web server services (Amazon Web Server) were used to acquire, transmit, process and visualize the changes in acceleration. The developed tool is use to monitor the “Church of San Juan Bautista de Huaro”. In this case study, the tool presents real time information about modal frequencies, damping, maximum accelerations, and maximum RMS, which are relevant to understand the current “health” of the structure.
The study aimed to identify the national housing policy that is related to the sustained development of the town with architectural value: case of Pueblo Espíritu Santo, District of Antioquia, Province of Huarochirí, Lima - 2016. The investigation was correlational, the descriptive level and the method were hypothetical de-ductive with a population of 965 officials of the Provincial Municipality of Huarochirí, officials of the District Municipality of Antioquia and residents of the District of Antioquia and a sample of 275 people randomized among officials of the Provincial Municipality of Huarochirí, officials of the District Municipality of Antio-quia and residents of the district of Antioquia. The observation technique and the survey were used as an instrument of the study. From the study of hypothesis contrast between the variables: the national housing policy and the sustained development of the town with architectural value, an Asymptotic Significance value of 2.15% was obtained for a significance level of 5%, as the value obtained with the critical value according to the level of significance the null hypothesis was rejected and the working hypothesis was accepted. After carrying out the investigation, it was concluded that, according to Pearson’s correlation study, it was a value of 0.8993 indicating that there is a Very High Level of correlation between: National housing policy and the sustained development of peoples With architectural value: case of Pueblo Espíritu Santo, of the District of Antioquia, Province of Huarochirí, Lima - 2016.
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Esta investigación aborda el empleo estratégico de la cultura como herramienta para el desarrollo por parte de la Comisión de Cultura y Patrimonio Cultural del Congreso de la República del Perú. Centrándose en el análisis de los debates de las reuniones ordinarias sobre cultura, el estudio se propone comprender la concepción, función y orientación de las políticas culturales de los congresistas. Mediante un análisis crítico del discurso, basado en la teoría fundamentada de enfoque constructivista de Charmaz, se examinan veinticinco reuniones grabadas de la comisión en el periodo 2016-2017. El artículo presenta un esquema discutiendo los resultados, resaltando cómo las políticas culturales actúan como instrumentos de dominación y control, evidenciando los procesos cognitivos que influyen en la toma de decisiones parlamentarias. [EN] This research addresses the strategic use of culture as a tool for development by the Committee on Culture and Cultural Heritage of the Congress of the Republic of Peru. Focusing on the analysis of the debates of the ordinary sessions on culture, the study aims to understand the conception, function, and orientation of the legislators’ cultural policies. Through a critical discourse analysis, based on Charmaz’s constructivist grounded theory, twenty-five recorded meetings of the committee in the period 2016-2017 are examined. The article presents an outline discussing the results, highlighting how cultural policies act as instruments of domination and control, evidencing the cognitive processes that influence parliamentary decision-making.
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El puerto de Arica fue parte de la red global de intercambios establecida por las potencias noratlánticas en su proceso de expansión colonial global durante el siglo XIX, este en América Latina buscó posicionarlas como nuevas fuerzas hegemónicas en la región sustituyendo a España. Arica se constituyó como un nodo de esta red, participando en ella como una zona de intercambios comerciales y contactos interculturales. Una dimensión de estos intercambios fue el comercio de antigüedades, principalmente objetos arqueológicos asociados a cementerios prehispánicos, los que fueron explotados intensivamente desde inicios del periodo colonial hispano. De esta forma, Arica funcionó como un repositorio de especímenes arqueológicos, donde interactuaron una diversidad de agentes, dentro de los cuales, la comunidad británica residente cumplió un rol principal por sobre la élite local.
El tema del Patrimonio Histórico, civil y religioso, preocupa desde mediados del siglo XX a todos los países del mundo porque cada uno de los pueblos saben que en los elementos artísticos y culturales que conservan están las raíces propias de su ser. Las autoridades han cobrado conciencia de que es necesario conocer esos bienes para cuidarlos y protegerlos. Es una obligación y una exigencia como responsables de esos elementos. En este trabajo se hace un resumen del tema, centrado en el Patrimonio religioso del Perú, resaltando la necesidad de hacer un inventario general como objetivo urgente y necesario.
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