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Abstract and Figures

People working in a cooperative manner need to be updated on events and informed about other users and their activities in their workspaces in order to collaborate effectively. It is necessary that group members feel they are part of the group, in particular when they are geographically dispersed. This kind of information is called awareness and it is an important research aspect in the computer supported cooperative work and computer supported collaborative learning areas. Supporting awareness has important, if subtle, benefits, such as increasing the effectiveness of collaborative work, fostering social relationships, and improving the general wellbeing of individuals. To create and define awareness mechanisms in collaborative environments supported by computers is a complex process that includes several steps that need to be considered, focused on understanding characteristics of interdependent group work with the objective of designing adequate computer-based technology to support cooperative work processes. However, in the literature it is so difficult to find out a structured method that allow designers to develop collaborative applications centered on awareness aspects. This paper proposes the definition of a framework that could assist groupware engineers to incorporate awareness mechanisms in their developments. This framework has a methodological proposal or set of phases to follow, as well as a taxonomy that includes the awareness information that should be incorporated to improve the collaborative experience. The paper presents a review of several awareness mechanisms, frameworks and uses proposed in the literature from a software engineering perspective, focusing on the aspects to be considered when designing and implementing awareness mechanisms in groupware tools. A descriptive theory of awareness for the purpose of supporting groupware development is thus generated. Finally, a case study is described using the framework proposed.
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Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019) 10:4789–4818
Descriptive theory ofawareness forgroupware development
CésarA.Collazos1· FranciscoL.Gutiérrez2· JesúsGallardo3 · ManuelOrtega4· HabibM.Fardoun5·
Received: 23 November 2017 / Accepted: 6 December 2018 / Published online: 14 December 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
People working in a cooperative manner need to be updated on events and informed about other users and their activities
in their workspaces in order to collaborate effectively. It is necessary that group members feel they are part of the group,
in particular when they are geographically dispersed. This kind of information is called awareness and it is an important
research aspect in the computer supported cooperative work and computer supported collaborative learning areas. Sup-
porting awareness has important, if subtle, benefits, such as increasing the effectiveness of collaborative work, fostering
social relationships, and improving the general wellbeing of individuals. To create and define awareness mechanisms in
collaborative environments supported by computers is a complex process that includes several steps that need to be con-
sidered, focused on understanding characteristics of interdependent group work with the objective of designing adequate
computer-based technology to support cooperative work processes. However, in the literature it is so difficult to find out
a structured method that allow designers to develop collaborative applications centered on awareness aspects. This paper
proposes the definition of a framework that could assist groupware engineers to incorporate awareness mechanisms in their
developments. This framework has a methodological proposal or set of phases to follow, as well as a taxonomy that includes
the awareness information that should be incorporated to improve the collaborative experience. The paper presents a review
of several awareness mechanisms, frameworks and uses proposed in the literature from a software engineering perspective,
focusing on the aspects to be considered when designing and implementing awareness mechanisms in groupware tools. A
descriptive theory of awareness for the purpose of supporting groupware development is thus generated. Finally, a case study
is described using the framework proposed.
Keywords Awareness support· CSCW· Groupware· Taxonomy· CSCL
1 Introduction
Computer-supported cooperative work or CSCW is com-
puter-assisted coordinated activity carried out by groups
of collaborating individuals (Baecker etal. 1995). CSCW
is the area of research in which the impact of technology
on group interaction is studied in order to facilitate group
work (Ellis etal. 1991). Groupware is distinguished from
normal software by the basic assumption it makes: Group-
ware makes the user aware that he is part of a group, while
most other software seeks to hide and protect users from
each other (Lynch etal. 1990). Group members interact with
each other either through the manipulation of artifacts or
through direct communication channels (Tee etal. 2009). It
is clear that group members need to remain updated on the
state and changes of the virtual shared-space and the actions
other group members are carrying out in order to interact
* Jesús Gallardo
1 Departamento de Sistemas, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán,
2 Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos,
Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
3 Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas,
E.U. Politécnica de Teruel, Universidad de Zaragoza, Ciudad
Escolar, s/n, 44003Teruel, Spain
4 Departamento de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información,
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, CiudadReal, Spain
5 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SaudiArabia
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Subsequent research has already looked at the impact on collaboration when the workspace is out of sync (Ignat et al. 2015); and exactly which awareness techniques should be used for different types of collaborative software (Lopez and Guerrero 2017). Furthermore, Collazos et al. (2019)'s study recommends a design framework for how to integrate different awareness support features into groupware. The framework consists of five phases and offers specific awareness support features to different aspects of the software (e.g.: for providing information about people's state emoticons, auditory icons, and avatars can be used) (Collazos et al. 2019). ...
... Furthermore, Collazos et al. (2019)'s study recommends a design framework for how to integrate different awareness support features into groupware. The framework consists of five phases and offers specific awareness support features to different aspects of the software (e.g.: for providing information about people's state emoticons, auditory icons, and avatars can be used) (Collazos et al. 2019). ...
... These are all factors related to the features of the software and problems with them negatively affected collaboration. In groupware, supporting awareness is key, as evidenced by the large body of research and design frameworks on this topic (Collazos et al. 2019;Greenberg 1996, 1998;Gutwin et al. 2004;Ignat et al. 2015;Lopez and Guerrero 2017). In addition, the results are consistent with the 3C model, which shows that awareness is central to collaboration and thus particularly salient in the use of collaborative software (Fuks et al. 2005). ...
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As virtual teamwork became widespread, the importance of the usability of groupware has increased, as groupware must have high usability in order to properly support teamwork. Several studies have focused on the usability evaluation of groupware, yet, both in terms of science and practice, there is a lack of a method that, like existing empirical single-user methods, can be routinely applied in software development practice. The new Team Usability Testing method differs from previous methods in that it is an empirical method for evaluating synchronous (real-time) collaborative software that explores the team usability problems with the help of real or potential users. The method consists of questionnaires, screen recording videos and group interviews, and the framework of data processing is based on the theory of the mechanics of collaboration. In the four steps of the development of the method, empirical studies under laboratory conditions and real working conditions, and then, for validation purposes, analytical, heuristic evaluation with the involvement of usability experts were performed. During the development and the application of the method, the communication patterns of different teams were examined in terms of their relationship to software usability. In this paper we present the results of the second laboratory study and the heuristic evaluation in details. Overall, the method is able to explore team usability problems of different types of teams, making it a valuable element in existing methods for evaluating the usability of groupware.
... One reason for this is improved and simplified measurement of employee behavior and performance (Lemieux et al. 2009;Dixon et al. 2021;Zwysen 2021), which will make it more attractive for companies to set performance targets, carry out performance appraisals, and design pay for performance plans. For example, computer technologies and business software provide management with data that make performance measurement more accurate than before (Aral et al. 2006;Hitt et al. 2002;Aral et al. 2012;Collazos et al. 2019;Koriat & Gelbard 2019;Bayo-Moriones et al. 2022;Alade 2023), so managers can improve the measurement of employee input and output (computer technologies), learn about different levels of employee effectiveness across departments and hierarchies (ERP), track individual contributions of employees within project work (DMS), or obtain information about employeecustomer interactions (CRM) as well as the dates and duration of online calls made by their employees (groupware). Likewise, Industry 4.0 technologies can contribute to improve and simplify the measurement of employee behavior and performance. ...
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Using novel survey data from Swiss firms, this paper empirically examines the relationship between the use of digital technologies and the prevalence of performance incentives. We argue that digital technologies tend to reduce the cost of organizational monitoring through improved measurement of employee behavior and performance, as well as through employee substitution in conjunction with a reduced agency problem. While we expect the former mechanism to increase the prevalence of performance incentives, the latter is likely to decrease it. Our doubly robust ATE estimates show that companies using business software and certain key technologies of Industry 4.0 increasingly resort to performance incentives, suggesting that the improved measurement effect dominates the employee substitution effect. In addition, we find that companies emerging as technology-friendly use performance incentives more frequently than their technology-averse counterparts. Both findings hold for managerial and non-managerial employees. Our estimation results are robust to a variety of sensitivity checks and suggest that Swiss businesses leverage digital technologies to enhance control over production or service processes, allowing them to intensify their management of employees through performance incentives.
... One reason for this is improved and simplified measurement of employee behavior and performance (Lemieux et al., 2009;Dixon et al., 2021;Zwysen, 2021), which will make it more attractive for companies to set performance targets, carry out performance appraisals, and design pay-for-performance plans. For example, computer technologies and business software provides management with data that make performance measurement more accurate than before (Aral et al., 2006;Hitt et al., 2002;Aral et al., 2012;Collazos et al., 2019;Koriat and Gelbard, 2019;Bayo-Moriones et al., 2022;Alade, 2023), so managers can improve the measurement of employee input and output (computer technologies), learn about different levels of employee effectiveness across departments and hierarchies (ERP), track individual contributions of employees within project work (DMS), or obtain information about employee-customer interactions (CRM) as well as the dates and duration of online calls made by their employees (groupware). Likewise, Industry 4.0 technologies can contribute to improve and simplify the measurement of employee behavior and performance. ...
Using novel survey data from Swiss firms, this paper empirically examines the relationship between the use of digital technologies and the prevalence of performance incentives. We argue that digital technologies tend to reduce the cost of organizational monitoring through improved measurement of employee behavior and performance, as well as through employee substitution in conjunction with a reduced agency problem. While we expect the former mechanism to increase the prevalence of performance incentives, the latter is likely to decrease it. Our doubly robust ATE estimates show that companies using business software and certain key technologies of Industry 4.0 increasingly resort to performance incentives, suggesting that the improved measurement effect dominates the employee substitution effect. In addition, we find that companies emerging as technology-friendly use performance incentives more frequently than their technology-averse counterparts. Both findings hold for managerial and non-managerial employees. Our estimation results are robust to a variety of sensitivity checks and suggest that Swiss businesses leverage digital technologies to enhance control over production or service processes, allowing them to intensify their management of employees through performance incentives.
... Their context taxonomy has a focus on the user and suggests five main context areas, namely the environmental, personal, social, task and spatio-temporal context. The context taxonomy [55] was adapted for describing context-aware software systems, e.g., for human behavior support [64,65], reasoning on human behavior [95], for computer-supported cooperative work [20], or the design process of intelligent systems [7]. Recent works target the risks related to the interaction between technologies and humans in socio-technical systems. ...
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While the engineering of digital twins (DTs) of cyber-physical systems already faces a number of challenges, DTs of socio-technical systems are made even more complex by human and social factors, and a comprehensive representation of their internal relations is currently lacking. DTs for socio-technical systems could open up new ways of achieving common societal goals by i) providing an understanding of complex interactions and processes, and by ii) facilitating the design of and participation in collective actions. In this context, dynamic adaptation and motivational strategies would be required to swiftly address sub-optimal system behavior. To enable the model-driven engineering of DTs responding to such requirements, we propose a conceptual model of socio-technical systems and discuss it with use-case scenarios. The presented approach supports our vision of future DT-based model-driven interventions, empowering citizens and stakeholders in driving societal change and increasing community resilience.
... The extension allows implement real-time collaboration functionalities in Web-Components, abstracting from low-level details such as message distribution, event concurrency management or state synchronization between application instances. At the view or section level, the awareness support [11] provided focuses on the dimensions of presence and identity of users connected to the same topic. At the component level, the dimensions of presence and identity are maintained, also adding that of location dimension. ...
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The migration of legacy applications to more advanced technology platforms has been a recurring theme in the academic and business sectors. This transformation is driven by the desire to overcome the limitations of traditional desktop applications and integrate advanced remote access and collaboration capabilities. Essential features not only for technology upgrade but also to enable organizations to take advantage of remote collaboration.The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this need, forcing many organizations to adopt remote work and online collaboration modalities, forcing them to transform their information systems. There are various methodologies and techniques, such as conversion, redeployment and wrapping, that offer different approaches to facilitate this migration by minimizing the effort required during the process. This paper specifically studies the migration of Java Swing applications to web environments, particularly those that incorporate collaborative functionalities. Several solutions that follow different migration strategies have been evaluated, performing a more detailed analysis of the Vaadin platform as an efficient tool to perform this migration, with limited effort and special attention to the inclusion of new collaborative functionalities. Finally, a migration procedure is defined that has been validated through two case studies.
Conference Paper
Neste artigo, apresentamos o desenvolvimento e a avaliação do “Participômetro”, artefato que projetamos para caracterizar a participação da turma em sessões de videoconferência. Para essa finalidade, adaptamos o índice de Gini para medir a igualdade de participação entre dois extremos: máxima concentração, quando apenas um presente fala durante todo o tempo da sessão; e máxima igualdade, quando todos falam por períodos iguais. O índice criado mostrou-se útil para caracterizar a participação em sessões de videoconferência, possibilitando diferenciar as sessões em que a conversação foi mais centrada no professor daquelas em que ocorreu uma participação mais ativa da turma, com mais pessoas envolvidas e falando por mais tempo.
Conference Paper
The migration of legacy applications to more advanced technology platforms has been a recurring theme in the academic and business sectors. This transformation is driven by the desire to overcome the limitations of traditional desktop applications and integrate advanced remote access and collaboration capabilities. Essential features not only for technology upgrade but also to enable organizations to take advantage of remote collaboration. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this need, forcing many organizations to adopt remote work and online collaboration modalities, forcing them to transform their information systems. There are various methodologies and techniques, such as conversion, redeployment and wrapping, that offer different approaches to facilitate this migration by minimizing the effort required during the process. This paper specifically studies the migration of Java Swing applications to web environments, particularly those that incorporate collaborative functionalities. Several solutions that follow different migration strategies have been evaluated, performing a more detailed analysis of the Vaadin platform as an efficient tool to perform this migration, with limited effort and special attention to the inclusion of new collaborative functionalities. Finally, a migration procedure is defined that has been validated through a case study.
Conference Paper
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Coordination and awareness have been research issues for many years. Effortless coordination and effective awareness support have been goals ever since. Yet, measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of these support systems has remained a complex issue leaving researches with the dilemma that achieving either goal requires some kind of measurement. In this paper we introduce our approach that has the goal to determine whether a certain coordination or awareness support system actually improves a user group's coordination. We demonstrate how a simple interactive task helps to achieve this goal.
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Context computing is a branch of ambient intelligence (AmI) research, which has been rapidly emerging in the support of intelligent smart health platform solution. To develop reliable ambient computing using the hybrid peer-to-peer network and Internet of Things, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and context awareness have been applied. This study proposes an ambient context-based modeling for a health risk assessment using deep neural network. In the proposed method, we collected medical information from chronic disease patients such as EMR, PHR, and medical histories, as well as environmental data from a health platform. Subsequently, heterogeneous data are integrated through selecting, cleaning, modeling, and evaluating the collected raw data and then the context is created. The structured input data such as a sensor data are normalized by transforming the time domain data to the frequency domain information. Using a deep neural network, the normalized data are applied to create an ambient context. A deep neural network is composed of the following three layers: input layers with treated and untreated data; hidden layers where connection strength is trained as a weight; and output layers of trained results. In the deep neural network layers, the control of the weight of training data enables repeated learning to create an ambient context pattern. Using an ontology inference engine, unstructured/structured data, including individual health data and environmental information, and their context is presented as ontology metadata. In the knowledge base, hidden association relationships are discovered through mining. To inform the individual health conditions exposed to the individual environmental contexts, a health risk assessment model is developed with a set of the ambient context pattern learned with metadata and a deep neural network. The Minkowski distance formula, which defines a normalized geometrical distance between two nodes, is used to measure the similarity between the patients with chronical disease and the individual user based on the context. In the proposed model, the risk is represented as a similarity-based index. The risk assessment model can be implemented into the individual risk alert/prevention system. The model may significantly impact the healthcare industry as well as ambient intelligence research, thus contributing to improve the quality of human life of the future society.
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The expectations of the abilities of context-aware systems (C-AS) often differ from reality. It becomes difficult to program contextual services that react adequately to the circumstantial needs of users as developers need to know, beforehand: the set of contextual states that may exist, what information could accurately determine a contextual state within that set, and what appropriate action should be taken in that particular state. Although there exist many frameworks and tools which support the design and implementation of C-AS, there is less conceptual help for developers to inform them of what contextual situations and services are appropriate (or feasible) to be implemented. This report reviews the state-of-the-art conceptualisation of context, which is more focused on the representational interpretation of the concept, to introduce a perspective that also acknowledges its interactional interpretation. A combination of revised and new definitions is introduced, which give key insights for the development of more useful C-AS. By acknowledging situations as a dynamic phenomenon that arises from action (interaction), and needs to be understood by the developers, it facilitates the analysis of these subjective interpretations into programming constructs (representation). The conceptualisation is also complemented with a set of guidelines for developers, an illustration of their usage, and a further discussion on the future directions for the engineering of more usable C-AS. The introduced conceptualisation is targeted towards the creation of an open-source tool supported framework for the engineering of C-AS.
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In the physical world, teammates develop situation awareness about each other's location, status, and actions through cues such as gaze direction and ambient noise. To support situation awareness, distributed multiplayer games provide awareness cues - information that games automatically make available to players to support cooperative gameplay. The design of awareness cues can be extremely complex, impacting how players experience games and work with teammates. Despite the importance of awareness cues, designers have little beyond experiential knowledge to guide their design. In this work, we describe a design framework for awareness cues, providing insight into what information they provide, how they communicate this information, and how design choices can impact play experience. Our research, based on a grounded theory analysis of current games, is the first to provide a characterization of awareness cues, providing a palette for game designers to improve design practice and a starting point for deeper research into collaborative play.
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Ambient Intelligence refers to environments that consisting of smart sensor devices that can sense and respond to the existence of people. Through context awareness, ambient intelligence may deliver accurate detection of a user’s situation, predict future events, and support real-time decision making that requires intelligent analysis of large amounts of context data gathered from various sensing devices. This paper presents a context awareness framework called AC (awareness-cognition) for ambient intelligence that also solves problems pertaining to predictions by discovering personalized knowledge through combining multiple contexts.
How has Japan become a major economic power, a world leader in the automotive and electronics industries? What is the secret of their success? The consensus has been that, though the Japanese are not particularly innovative, they are exceptionally skilful at imitation, at improving products that already exist. But now two leading Japanese business experts, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hiro Takeuchi, turn this conventional wisdom on its head: Japanese firms are successful, they contend, precisely because they are innovative, because they create new knowledge and use it to produce successful products and technologies. Examining case studies drawn from such firms as Honda, Canon, Matsushita, NEC, 3M, GE, and the U.S. Marines, this book reveals how Japanese companies translate tacit to explicit knowledge and use it to produce new processes, products, and services.
CSCL investigates ways of promoting students' collaboration through technology. Although affective states and socio-emotional factors have an important effect on learning, few studies have classified and analyzed the results obtained by the scientific community to show their real impacts on in CSCL settings. The lack of a comprehensive overview and understanding of previous findings hampers the survey on research gaps, challenges and trends. This work addresses a systematic mapping of the literature for the summarization of results and discussion on research directions for the use of affective states and socio-emotional factors to support the development of intelligent CSCL environments. Six digital libraries were queried and 58 studies were deeply analyzed and categorized. Over 90% of the studies considered emotion and personality traits in the CSCL environment; most studies used personality recognition by questionnaires rather than automatic sources of inference; most technological approaches employed instruments to collect, analyze and/or represent emotions; and most papers that reported empirical experiments focused on “emotional awareness” and “interaction among students in a CSCL environment”. We have identified three main challenges to be addressed by the community in the next decade for an adequate incorporation of affective states in CSCL environments: emotional awareness, orchestration of students' interaction and group formation.
Conference Paper
Tangibles on multitouch tabletops increase speed, accuracy, and eyes-free operability for individual users, and verbal and behavioral social interaction among multiple users around smaller tables with a shared focus of attention. Modern multitouch tables, however, provide sizes and resolutions that let groups work alongside each other in separate workspaces. But how aware do these users remain of each other's actions, and what impact can tangibles have on their awareness? In our study, groups of 2--4 users around the table played an individual game grabbing their attention as primary task, while they also had to occasionally become aware of other players'actions and react as secondary task. We found that players were significantly more aware of other players'actions using tangibles than those using pure multitouch interaction, indicated by faster reaction times. This effect was especially strong with more players. We close with qualitative user feedback and design recommendations. We found that players were significantly more aware of other players'actions using tangibles than those using pure multitouch interaction, indicated by faster reaction times. This effect was especially strong with more players. We close with qualitative user feedback and design recommendations.