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Almost There: A Study on asi-Contributors in Open Source
Soware Projects
Igor Steinmacher
Federal University of Technology, Paraná
Campo Mourão, PR
Northern Arizona University
Flagsta, AZ
Gustavo Pinto
Federal University of Pará
Belém, PA
Igor Scaliante Wiese
Federal University of Technology, Paraná
Campo Mourão, PR
Marco A. Gerosa
Northern Arizona University
Flagsta, AZ
Despite the importance of open source software (OSS), recent stud-
ies suggest that well-known OSS projects struggle to nd the needed
workforce to continue evolving In this paper, we investigate how
and why quasi-contributors (external developers who did not suc-
ceed in getting their contributions accepted to an OSS project) fail.
To achieve our goal, we collected data from 21 popular, non-trivial
GitHub projects, identied quasi-contributors, and analyzed their
pull-requests. In addition, we conducted two surveys with (1) the
identied quasi-contributors and (2) projects’ integrators to un-
derstand their perceptions about nonacceptance. We found 10,099
quasi-contributors — about 70% of the total actual contributors —
that submitted 12,367 nonaccepted pull-requests. In ve analyzed
projects, we found more quasi-contributors than actual contributors.
About one-third of the developers who took our survey disagreed
with the nonacceptance, and around 30% declared the nonaccep-
tance demotivated or prevented them from placing another pull-
request. The main reasons for pull-request nonacceptance from
the quasi-contributors’ perspective were “superseded/duplicated
pull-request” and “mismatch between developer’s and team’s vi-
sion/opinion.” A manual analysis of a representative sample of 263
pull-requests corroborated with this nding. We also found rea-
sons related to the relationship with the community and lack of
experience or commitment from the quasi-contributors. This em-
pirical study is particularly relevant to those interested in fostering
developers’ participation and retention in OSS communities.
•Software and its engineering →Open source model
Human-centered computing →
Collaborative and social com-
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ICSE, 2018, Sweden
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pull-requests, quasi-contributors, newcomers, open source software
ACM Reference Format:
Igor Steinmacher, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Marco A. Gerosa.
2018. Almost There: A Study on Quasi-Contributors in Open Source Soft-
ware Projects. In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engi-
neering, Sweden, 2018 (ICSE), 11 pages.
Sustaining work skills and knowledge in large, complex projects is
a formidable undertaking yet crucial for the maintenance of long-
lived OSS projects [
]. However, the number of developers willing
to compromise to this often non-paid activity is not large. As a
result, 64% of well-known, nontrivial, and popular OSS projects
rely on 1–2 contributors to manage most of their tasks [
]. Drop
o from contributors is one of the main problems that OSS projects
face [
]. Conversely, many developers, newcomers to a project,
send contributions which are not incorporated into the source code
and give up trying. Such “getting contributions accepted” barrier is
frequently reported as a major reason raised by newcomers that
dropped out of the projects [26, 27].
Little is known about these quasi-contributors, i.e., developers
who have only nonaccepted contributions to a given OSS project.
The literature focus on factors that aect the likelihood to ac-
cept a contribution [
] or how long it may
take [
], analyzing indistinctly non-accepted contributions from
and quasi-contributors. In this study, we focus only on the
quasi-contributors side.
We analyze projects that follow the pull-request model, since
it is believed to oer a low barrier to entry for potential contrib-
utors [
] and has been dened as the default model in well-
known social coding websites, such as GitHub and GitLab [
]. Ac-
cording to McDonald and Goggins [
], the pull-request model
leads to greater participation and more opportunities for review
and feedback from the community, as well as greater visibility for
potential contributors.
We use the term “actual” to refer to contributors that have at least one accepted
pull-request in the project.
ICSE, 2018, Sweden Igor Steinmacher, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Marco A. Gerosa
In this paper, we investigate how common are quasi-contributors
(and quasi-contributions) in OSS projects that adopt the pull-request
model (RQ1), what are the reasons for nonacceptance (RQ2), and
how quasi-contributors perceive the nonacceptance (
). To
achieve these goals, we collected and analyzed data from 21 active,
nontrivial, and popular OSS projects. In addition, we conducted
two surveys: one with 355 quasi-contributors; and another with
21 project integrators, (i.e., developers who are in charge of ac-
cepting contributions [
]). By analyzing this data, we make the
following contributions: (i) we bring the attention to one relevant
yet neglected OSS developer, the quasi-contributor; (ii) we provide
evidence that quasi-contributors are rather common in popular OSS
projects — they are about 70% the number of actual-contributors;
(iii) we elucidate 19 reasons regarding nonacceptance through a
survey with quasi-contributors; (iv) we corroborate these ndings
by cross-validating the results with an additional survey with 21
projects’ integrators, and with a manual inspection of a representa-
tive sample of 263 quasi-contributions; (v) we show that nonaccep-
tance might incur in demotivation, potentially preventing further
Pull-based development is an emerging paradigm for distributed
software development that has been attracting open and closed
source projects, which are migrating their code to this environ-
ment [
]. According to Gousios et al. [
] in pull-based develop-
ment, the work is distributed between a team, which submits, often
occasionally [
], changes to be considered for merging, and a core
team, which oversees the merging process, provides feedback, con-
ducts tests, requests changes, and nally accepts the contributions.
Previous research has studied pull-based development; for exam-
ple, Gousios et al. [
] found that the decision to merge a pull-request
is related to recently modied the code. They also found that 53%
of non-merged pull-requests are unmerged for reasons related to
the distributed nature of pull-based development, and only 13% of
the pull-requests are unmerged for technical reasons. They report
that the decision to merge a pull-request is mainly inuenced by
whether the pull-request includes recently modied code and that
the time to merge is inuenced by the developer’s previous track
record, the size of the project and its test coverage, and the project’s
openness to external contributions. Padhye et al. [
] complement
this list, reporting that bug xes are more likely to be merged into
the main projects than feature enhancements. While these studies
analyzed the reasons behind contribution nonacceptance, in this
paper, we complement this literature by focusing on contributors
whose pull-requests were not accepted.
Tsay et al. [
] focused on understanding the relationship be-
tween socio-technical aspects and the likelihood for pull-request
acceptance, reporting that the social connection between the sub-
mitter and project manager matters when the core team member
is evaluating the pull-request. Furthermore, highly discussed pull-
requests were much less likely to be accepted; however, the submit-
ter’s prior interaction in the project moderated this eect. Tao et
al. [
] also found that bad timing of patch submission and a lack of
communication with team members can lead to a negative review.
Gousios et al. also surveyed developers who merge pull-requests,
the so-called integrators [
], and developers who were trying
to submit a pull-request [
], called contributors. From the inte-
grator’s perspective, the authors reported social challenges that
needed to be addressed, for example, how to motivate contributors
to keep working on the project and how to explain the reasons for
nonacceptance without discouraging them. From the contributor’s
perspective, they found that it is important to reduce response time,
maintain awareness, and improve communication. They also found
that integrators decide to accept a contribution after analyzing
source code quality, code style, documentation, granularity, and
adherence to project conventions. Hellendoorn et al. [
] also con-
rm that code style is an important aspect. A second signal that
the integrators examine is whether the proposed pull-request is in
line with the project’s goals and target [
], which may be dicult
for a newcomer to ascertain. On the other hand, integrators report
that there is no dierence in treatment of pull-requests from the
core team versus those from the community and that they postpone
the decision to merge in the case of technical factors. Rigby and
Storey [22] also observed this postponing eect.
Rahman and Roy [
] compared successful and unsuccessful
pull-requests made to GitHub projects. The authors report that a
few technical problems recur in the pull-requests; when they are not
properly solved, the pull-requests are not accepted. They also found
dierences in the acceptance ratio when they compare projects
grouped by programming languages and domains. Additionally, the
authors show that the failure rate of pull-requests rapidly increases
when a large number of forks are created and that the number
and experience level of developers involved in a project aect the
success and failure rates of pull-requests. Finally, Yu et al. [
used a regression model on data extracted from GitHub projects
and found that several factors inuence the pull-request latency,
including pull-request size, project age, team size, and delay to the
rst human response. Soares et al. [
] also found similar results
using association rules.
Our paper diers from previous research in that we focused on
understanding “quasi-contributors” and their non-accepted contri-
butions, understanding how often quasi-contributors try to become
contributors, and why they fail. Our study is particularly relevant
because newcomers face many challenges when they attempt to
make their rst contribution [
], and understanding the problems
related to “quasi-contributors” can help researchers and practi-
tioners think about new guidelines and tools to retain developers
attempting to contribute to software projects.
In this section, we state our research questions (Section 3.1), de-
scribe how we selected the open-source projects under investigation
(Section 3.2), discuss how we identied the quasi-contributors (Sec-
tion 3.3), explain how we conducted our surveys (Section 3.4), and,
nally, how we analyzed our data (Section 3.5).
3.1 Research Questions
The overreaching goal of this study is to gain an in-depth under-
standing of quasi-contributors. We designed the following three
research questions to guide our research:
Almost There: A Study on asi-Contributors in Open Source Soware Projects ICSE, 2018, Sweden
How common are quasi-contributors and quasi-
This research question investigates how common quasi-
contributors (and quasi-contributions) are in our set of selected
projects. This is an important direction that deserves investiga-
tion because, if several quasi-contributions have attempted multi-
ple contributions and encountered nonacceptance each time, this
might indicate that the open-source project is unfriendly to exter-
nal contributors [
] or that its coding standard is too hard to meet.
To answer this question, after identifying our target projects, we
semi-automatically studied their commit logs and pull-requests. To
complement our overview of quasi-contributions, for each analyzed
project, we statistically studied the dierences between unmerged
and merged pull-requests, by analyzing the number of comments
made on the pull-request, review comments (made on the commits),
commits, changed les, and line of codes added and deleted.
RQ2. Why were the quasi-contributions not accepted?
To provide answer to this research question and the next, we con-
ducted two surveys (details at Section 3.4) aimed at understanding
the reasons for and perceptions about nonacceptance. We received,
respectively, 335 and 21 answers to our surveys, which were quanti-
tatively and qualitatively analyzed. We also studied a representative
sample of 263 quasi-contributions, to cross-validate the survey re-
sults with the results from the repositories.
RQ3. How do quasi-contributors perceive nonacceptance?
Since open-source software is mainly driven by a community of
volunteers, motivation is crucial to keep developers contributing. In
our nal research question, we analyze a subset of questions in our
survey to understand (1) whether quasi-contributors agree with the
decision to not merge their contributions; (2) whether nonaccep-
tance incurs in demotivation to further contribute; or (3) whether
the feedback received from the community was constructive.
3.2 Selecting Open-Source Projects
We selected 21 of the most popular (in terms of stars) open-source
projects hosted on GitHub (excluding non-software projects, such as
textbooks or bookmarks). However, when analyzing the most popu-
lar projects, we found that most of them were written in JavaScript.
To foster diversity in our dataset [
], we hand-picked 5 additional
open-source projects written in other programming languages and
previously studied in another context [4].
Table 1 lists the selected projects and describes quantitative data
(in terms of lines of code, number of commits, number of pull-
requests, and number of contributors) about them. The selected
projects are relevant because, at the time of data collection (March,
2017), they were:
Along their life-cycle, they received more than 20K pull-
requests submitted by more than 14K contributors. On average,
the projects received their rst pull-request ve years before our
analysis. The projects in our data set received 15 pull-requests per
month on average (min=3; max=56).
Table 1: Quantitative data about our selected projects. Lines
of Code (LoC) comprises blank and non-blank lines, and
it was collected from Project spring is an
acronym for spring-framework.
Main PL
# LoC
# Commits
# PR
# Contributors
angular TypeScript 472k 7K 5,649 1,582
bitcoin C++ 166k 13K 6,776 428
bootstrap JavaScript 48.5K 15K 7,203 844
caffe C++ 73.9k 4K 1,620 233
d3 JavaScript 41.5K 4K 1,050 119
django Python 236K 24K 8,097 1,379
docker Go 194K 31K 16,690 1,642
flask Python 9.6K 2K 991 381
jenkins JavaScript 108K 24K 2,694 455
joomla! PHP 368K 28K 10,127 535
jquery JavaScript 45.4K 6K 2,222 260
kubernetes Go 142K 45K 24,893 1,113
laravel PHP 75.2K 5K 2,533 394
mongo C++ 114K 37K 1,121 281
opencv C++ 161K 20K 6,065 696
rails Ruby 245K 60K 17,872 3,258
react JavaScript 104K 8K 4,815 956
redis C 142K 6K 973 220
scikit-learn Python 191K 21K 4,317 818
spring Java 648K 14K 1,205 201
tensorflow C++ 738K 15K 3,015 716
On GitHub, the number of stars is a proxy for popular-
ity [
]. The average number of stars is 24K (min=2.2K; max=107.K).
The median number of forks is 10.1K (min=2.4K; max=81K).
They have, on average, 7 years of historical records.
Most of them are written in more than one programming language.
They have an average of 318k lines of code (3rd quartile: 420k).
The domain of our selected projects include web-mvc
frameworks (e.g.,
), web toolkits (e.g.,
), data science frameworks (e.g.,
), content management systems (e.g.,
databases (e.g.,mongo and redis), among others.
Some of the selected projects have been the
target of several software engineering studies, such as
django [1, 21], d3 [2, 21], and bootstrap [1, 2].
3.3 Identifying Quasi-Contributors
After curating our selection of open-source projects, we aimed
to identify the quasi-contributors. We consider quasi-contributors
those newcomers to a project who submitted pull-request(s), but
had no “accepted contribution” to that specic project. We consider
an accepted contribution any changes that passed the pull-request
cycle and, therefore, were merged to the project code base.
Pull-requests can either be open and closed, and merged or un-
merged. In a rst step, we selected pull-requests that were both
closed and unmerged, since this indicates that the code review cycle
was complete (pull-request closed) and the contribution was not
accepted (pull-request unmerged). Then, for each one of the closed
and unmerged pull-requests, we analyzed whether the contribu-
tor that proposed the pull-request under investigation had already
ICSE, 2018, Sweden Igor Steinmacher, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Marco A. Gerosa
provided any other pull-requests. When conducting this analysis,
we observed that some contributors provided a signicant num-
ber of old pull-requests (e.g., before 2012) that were not classied
as merged. Digging into these old pull-requests revealed that, al-
though they appeared as not merged, some of the commits under
the pull-requests were indeed merged — but through the Command
Line Interface (CLI). This happened because GitHub started oer-
ing merging facilities through its web interface later 2011
. Before
that, integrators had to merge pull-requests through git facilities.
Therefore, to exclude these false-positive unmerged pull-requests,
we restricted our search for pull-requests created after July 1
, 2011.
We download our pull-request dataset on February 20th, 2017.
Moreover, we investigated whether the contributor commits had
been directly merged to the main code base (i.e., without using
the merge button on GitHub). To do so, we locally performed a
git log
using Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) identier for every
commit that was part of the previously identied pull-requests. The
git log
facility searches for any commit mapped to the given
SHA code. If we found a commit using that SHA, we removed the
developer, as well as his/her pull-requests, from our list. However,
after conducting this process, some survey respondents still men-
tioned that their pull-requests (that our procedure categorized as
unmerged) were indeed merged. As they reported, projects such
have specic merging procedures and,
therefore, do not leverage GitHub merge facilities. As one respon-
dent mentioned: “My pull-request wasn’t merged because my commit
was rebased and fast-forward merged into the project’s master branch.
Some repositories only merge changes in this way, in order to avoid
merging commits. AngularJS and Django are examples, as you can
see in their commits history.” Consequently, we conducted another
nal ltering step to remove rebased commits. To do so, we queried
the GitHub API using the name of the project and the usernames in
our list to check whether any of the usernames in our list authored
a commit under the name of another committer with a dierent
SHA. This process also discards commits that were performed to
the main codebase without pull-requests.
At the end of this process, we identied a total of 10,099 quasi-
contributors who attempted to contribute a total of 12,367 pull-
requests scattered across 78,381 commits. For the manual analysis,
we sampled 263 pull-requests, which provides us a condence level
of 95% with a ±6% condence interval.
3.4 Understanding Quasi-Contributors
We conducted two surveys to better understand quasi-contributors’
motivations, benets, and the problems they face. In our rst survey,
our target population comprised 5,138 quasi-contributors who made
their valid e-mail addresses publicly available. Our second survey
was delivered to 282 integrators with valid email addresses.
The surveys were based on the recommendations of Kitchen-
ham et al. [
]. We also employed principles for increasing sur-
vey participation [
], such as sending personalized invitations,
allowing participants to remain completely anonymous, and ask-
ing closed and direct questions. Participation was voluntary and
the estimated time to complete each survey was 5-10 minutes. We
obtained 335 responses (6.5% response rate) in our rst survey and
21 (7.44% response rate) in our second survey. Our rst survey had
ten questions:
How often do you contribute to Free/Open-Source Software
projects? Choices: {Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.}
Are you used to make contributions to dierent OSS
projects? Choices: {Yes, No}
Have we correctly identied you as someone who attempted
to contribute but did not succeed? If not, why?
What motivated you to make the pull-request(s) we identi-
Q5. Why your pull-request was not merged?
Do you agree with your pull-request being Unmerged? If
not, why?
Did the unmerged pull-request prevent or demotivate you
to provide more pull-requests? Choices: {Yes, No}
Were the comments from the project owners constructive?
If not, why not?
How frequently do you submit a pull-request to dierent
Projects? Choices: {Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.}
How often are your pull-requests unmerged (regardless of
the project)? Choices: {I don’t remember, None, A small part,
Half, Most}
When analyzing the quantitative data from the survey, we ob-
served that 79.1% of our respondents frequently make contributions
to OSS, and 59.1% of them contribute to dierent projects at least
bi-monthly. Interestingly, a non-negligible amount of developers
(32.4%) disagreed with the nonacceptance of their pull-request. We
also found that 44 developers (13.1%) informed us that we did not
correctly identify them as quasi-contributors. We provide discus-
sions to this fact in Section 7.
What is the acceptance rate of pull-requests in your project
(regardless if contributed from external or internal mem-
bers)? Choices: {10%, ..., 90%, I don’t know}
In your opinion, what are the challenges related to pull-
requests nonacceptance?
What are the common reasons for pull-request nonaccep-
tance? Would you point some pull-request that exemplify
any of the reasons?
Does your project welcome contributions from external de-
velopers (e.g., developers that are not active contributors)?
If yes, how?
How does your project guide developers towards having
their contributions accepted?
Are you aware of any pull-request that was not accepted due
to personal or social reasons? If so, why.
In this second survey, 52.3% of the integrators thought that their
projects accept 70%+ of the submitted pull-requests (33.3% had no
idea). Still, 100% of the integrators said that they are willing to
receive changes from external contributors, and they do so by (1)
being as kind as possible, (2) introducing how-to contribute guide,
and (3) welcoming pull-requests from external members (which
is not always the case of OSS projects [
]). Only one integrator
mentioned that PRs are not accepted “if conduct violations”.
Almost There: A Study on asi-Contributors in Open Source Soware Projects ICSE, 2018, Sweden
3.5 Analyzing Data
We conducted dierent forms of data analysis. First, we examined
the distributions of the quasi-contributions and quasi-contributors
to answer our rst research question (
). For statistics, we used
the non-parametric Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW) test [
] to
test whether there were dierences among metrics (e.g, number
of comments, commits, lines added and deleted, changed les, and
review comments) collected from pull-requests merged and un-
merged. We also used Cli’s Delta statistic, a nonparametric eect
size measure that quanties the amount of dierence between these
groups of observations beyond p-value interpretation. According
to Romano et al. [
], the magnitude of delta dis assessed using
the following thresholds: d<0.147 “negligible”, d<0.33 “small”, d
<0.474 “medium”, otherwise “large”.
In the second analysis, we followed open-coding and axial-
coding procedures [
] to qualitatively analyze open-ended ques-
tions from our surveys and pull-requests discussions (
). Three
researchers conducted together all the qualitative data. We, rstly,
analyzed the answers from quasi-contributors. Afterwards, we ana-
lyzed the answers from integrators and pull-requests discussions
to cross-validate and enrich the results.
The analysis of the open-ended questions of our quasi-
contributors survey was conducted in three steps. In the rst step,
three researchers analyzed two sets of 20 answers, with the goal of
better dening and discussing the codes applied. Each cycle was
followed by a discussion, to reach consensus for the categoriza-
tion of each item. In the second step, each researcher analyzed
the rest of the answers independently, followed once again by a
discussion, until reaching consensus for the categorization of each
item. In the third step, the researchers analyzed the categories aim-
ing to rene the classication and group related codes in more
signicant, higher level categories. In addition, we quantitatively
analyzed closed-ended questions (
) to understand developers’
perceptions about nonacceptance.
To complement
, we analyzed the discussions of pull-
requests in our sample, and integrators answers to the survey. We
made use of the previously identied categories to check whether
the quasi-contributors perceptions would be conrmed. These two
sets of data had also been analyzed by three researchers indepen-
dently, followed by consensus discussions. In the results section,
we highlight the main themes that emerged along with quotes ex-
tracted from the pull-requests and open questions from our survey.
We chose quotes and cases based on their representativeness.
In this section, we report the results of our study grouped by each
research question.
4.1 RQ1. How common are quasi-contributors
and quasi-contributions?
We found a total of 10,099 unique quasi-contributors who have
performed a total of 12,367 unmerged pull-requests. By comparison,
the projects in our sample have a total of 14,623 actual contrib-
utors, who performed a total of 126,913 pull-requests. Figure 1
compares the number of quasi-contributors and actual contributors
per project.
Quasi−Contributors and Actual Contributors
# of contributors
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u
Figure 1: The number of quasi-contributors and actual con-
tributors. From left to right, the projects are: a. angular.js,
b. bitcoin, c. bootstrap, d. caffe, e. d3, f. django, g. docker, h.
flask, i. jenkins, j. joomla!, k. jquery, l. laravel, m. mongo,
n. opencv, o. rails, p. react, q. redis, r. scikit-learn, s.
spring-framework, t. tensorflow, u. kubernetes.
As noted in Figure 1, three projects presented more than 1,000
quasi-contributors (
), whereas ve
projects have more than 1,000 actual contributors (
, and
). Since 67% of projects
hosted on GitHub have only 1 contributor (93% have 3 or less) [
quasi-contributors could improve contributions and collaboration
with GitHub projects.
In 5 out of the 21 analyzed projects, we found are more quasi-
contributors than actual contributors. In some cases, the number
of quasi-contributors is signicantly higher: for instance, project
(c), which has 2.3
more quasi-contributors than actual
ones (it has 1,962 quasi-contributors and 844 contributors). Project
has 235 quasi-contributors and 119 actual contributors — 2.0
more quasi-contributors than actual ones. On average, there are
480.9 quasi-contributors per project (3rd quartile: 593.0, standard
deviation: 459.0), and 730.4 actual contributors (3rd quartile: 844.0,
standard deviation: 706.7).
# of attempts
# of contributors
2 4 6 8 10 12
0 2000 6000 10000
Figure 2: Quasi-
contributors distribution
The identied quasi-
contributors submitted 12,367
unmerged contributions. On
average, a quasi-contributor
tried 1.22 times (3rd quartile:
1.00, standard deviation: 0.65).
The histogram (Fig. 2) presents
the overall distribution of the
pull-requests unmerged. This gure shows that 8,552 quasi-
contributors performed a single attempt, i.e., 84.68% of our
dataset of quasi-contributors were at least interested in becoming
casual-contributors [
]. Moreover, Figure 3 shows the distribution
of the 15% of quasi-contributors that have performed two or more
attempts. As this gure shows, project
presented the
greatest ratio of attempts per user: 1.52. That is, in this project,
95 quasi-contributors (27.61%) have performed two or more
attempts. On the other hand, project
had fewer attempts per
quasi-contributors: only 6.6% tried more than once.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of quasi-contributions per quasi-
contributor per analyzed project. As we can see in this gure, the
ICSE, 2018, Sweden Igor Steinmacher, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Marco A. Gerosa
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 3: Percentage of quasi-contributors who have per-
formed two or more attempts to contribute. Each point rep-
resents one analyzed project, following the same order of
Figure 1.
average of quasi-contributions per project does not dier signi-
cantly (project
(j) is the only one with an average higher
than 1.5), except for the few outliers found. For instance, project
had a total of 2,430 unmerged pull-requests, proposed
by 1,962 quasi-contributors. In this particular project, one quasi-
contributor proposed 13 unaccepted pull-requests — the maximum
number of pull-requests proposed by a single person in our dataset.
On the other hand, project
(h) unaccepted a total 214 pull-
requests proposed by 195 quasi-contributors. When taking into
account absolute numbers, project
(c) is the one with
the greatest number of quasi-contributions and quasi-contributors
(2,430 and 1,962). Other representative examples are the projects
(a) (1,524 and 1,247, respectively) and
(o) (1,289 and
1,066, respectively).
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u
2 6 10
Figure 4: The distribution of quasi-contributions per quasi-
contributor. Each boxplot represents one analyzed project,
following the same order of Figure 1.
To complement this overview of quasi-contributors and quasi-
contributions, for each analyzed project, we statistically compared
some metrics (number of comments, review comments, commits,
changed les, and line of codes added and deleted) from the un-
merged and accepted pull-requests. In Table 2, we show the eect
size of this comparison. Eect sizes are additionally colored on a
gradient from blue to orange. Cells in
highlight when the
eect size is higher for the unmerged pull-request, whereas cells
otherwise. Additionally,
cells represent statisti-
cally signicant dierences.
Table 2: Eect size comparison between unmerged and
merged pull-requests. EF means eect size and PV means
Projects # Comments # Files # LoC Add # LoC Del
angular -0.42 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.49 0.00
bitcoin 0.11 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.26 0.00
bootstrap -0.41 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.34 0.00
caffe 0.16 0.00 0.01 0.72 -0.01 0.39 0.13 0.12
d3 -0.35 0.00 0.01 0.38 0.01 0.39 0.01 0.12
django -0.38 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.35 0.00
docker 0.00 0.87 0.22 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.31 0.00
flask -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.98 -0.08 0.06 0.00 0.00
jenkins 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.32 0.00
joomla! 0.03 0.21 0.38 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.39 0.00
jquery -0.38 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.56 0.00
kubernetes 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.33 0.00
laravel -0.36 0.00 0.02 0.35 0.00 0.91 0.08 0.00
mongo -0.77 0.00 0.03 0.54 -0.00 0.96 0.06 0.36
opencv -0.24 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.31 0.00
rails -0.28 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.27 0.00
react -0.30 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.42 0.00
redis 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.93 0.09 0.04
scikit-learn -0.07 0.08 0.12 0.00 -0.07 0.09 0.13 0.00
spring -0.20 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.36 0.00
tensorflow -0.26 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.30 0.00
From this table, we removed the “Review Comments” and “Com-
mits” metrics because their eect sizes were negligible, in the major-
ity of the cases. For instance, using the “review comments” metric, in
only six projects (
), we found a small eect size. The median value
of “review comments” was zero for both groups. It is important to
note that “comments” and “review comments” dier in the sense
that the former are inside the pull-request (e.g., to discuss why the
pull-request is important), and the latter are inside the source code
(e.g., to suggest implementation changes).
Moreover, we note that, in 13 projects the “number of comments”
was higher in unmerged pull-requests than in merged. Specically,
in 7 projects (
), we found a medium eect size, and one large eect
size (
). This nding is in line with recent literature that
suggests that highly discussed pull-requests were much less likely
to be accepted [31].
Finally, when observing the remaining three metrics ( “changed
les”, ‘lines of code added”, and “lines of code deleted”), we found
that, for most of the cases, merged pull-requests had higher val-
ues than unmerged ones. This result suggests that unmerged pull-
requests tend to be smaller. For instance, merged pull-requests
had a median value of 7,5 lines of codes added and 5 lines of code
deleted (unmerged pull-requests had a median value of 3 and 1,
RQ1 Summary:
Quasi-contributors are rather common. In our
sample we found 10,099 quasi-contributors, and 14,623 actual
contributors. Five projects have more quasi-contributors than
actual ones. Most of the quasi-contributors (85%) try just once.
Quasi-contributions are more commented and smaller than ac-
cepted contributions.
Almost There: A Study on asi-Contributors in Open Source Soware Projects ICSE, 2018, Sweden
4.2 RQ2. Why were the quasi-contributions not
To understand the reasons why the pull-requests were not accepted,
we qualitatively analyzed the answers to an open question (Q5)
from our rst survey. After analyzing and discussing the results,
we found 19 dierent reasons mentioned by the quasi-contributors.
The resulting reasons, with the number of mentions for each, are
presented in Table 3. To analyze how the perceived reason aects
the developers’ degree of agreement, we also show the number of
mentions for a given reason for those who disagreed with the pull-
request’s nonacceptance (in the third column). In the last column,
we present the percentage of mentions of each category given by
developers who disagreed.
From the table, it is possible to notice that the most common
reason for nonacceptance from quasi-contributors perspective was
that their pull-requests were
. In general,
the respondents answered that there was already something in place
(“Other pull-requests xed the same issues as my pull-requests”), or
that someone else made a similar pull-request, which was accepted.
An example was brought by a respondent who said “The x I sub-
mitted remained unmerged until someone else submitted the exact
same x . . . the integrators accepted their (identical) x and closed
mine.” Although 52 respondents mentioned this reason, only 7 of
them (13.4%) disagreed with the nonacceptance.
Mismatch between developer’s and team’s vision/opinion
was the second most mentioned reason for nonacceptance (45 men-
tions). In this case, a high number of quasi-contributors (27 of them,
or 60%) disagreed with the decision. This reason includes the cases
in which quasi-contributors thought something would be good,
useful, or needed to be changed, while the integrators disagreed.
There were cases in which the author of the pull-request agreed
with the project members’ positions, as reported by one respondent
“when you add a new feature to the project, your vision can be out
of tune with the vision of the project’s team, and this is natural”.
However, in 27 cases, this tag was associated with an answer from
developers who disagreed with the nonacceptance, for example,
one of them mentioned that “The project decided that was not a
bug they wanted to provide a x for.”, and another, a little more
nonconformist, answered that ”Because one person was skeptical.”.
We could also observe that
lack of interest from integrators
was presented as the reason for nonacceptance in 25 cases. In 18
(72%) cases, the developers did not agree with the way the decision
about the pull-request was made. Many of them (13) had been
simply ignored, and did not receive answers or reviews (e.g. “It was
ignored maybe because it was a very minor x,” and “I did not receive
answers”), and some of them became upset, like the respondent
who stated: “That specic maintainer often ignores people’s pull-
requests and closes them without justication.” In other cases, quasi-
contributors perceived that the community was not supportive
enough to help them get their pull-request accepted, as reported by
a respondent: “The maintainer was unable to reproduce the bug...a
greater eort to reproduce the issue could have been made.”
It was interesting to nd
as a perceived reason
for nonacceptance (with a high disagreement with the nonaccep-
tance: 83.3%). Regarding bureaucracy, one respondent mentioned,
“The process is too onerous, and bureaucratic”. Quasi-contributors
mentioned that some required steps in the process hindered their
pull-request acceptance, for example, special types of sign-o, as
mentioned by two developers: “Introducing new features is prob-
lematic because the whole team needs to accept it”. In this case, the
developer mentioned that the pull-requests matched project require-
ments, passed tests, and still were not merged, because of these
sign-o specicities. Another interesting nding relates to
. Six quasi-contributors mentioned signing an agreement or
the impossibility of providing the proprietary code to reproduce
the bug as the reason to nonacceptance.
Quasi-contributors also mentioned some better-received reasons,
just as “superseded/duplicated pull-request”.
Work in progress
as a reason was mentioned by seven developers, and none of
them disagreed with the nonacceptance. In these cases, the quasi-
contributors reported that something was part of a bigger change al-
ready under development, as explained by a respondent: “There was
major work in progress that conicted with the pull-request and would
nally also solve the problem.” Another reason with a relatively low
disagreement with the nonacceptance was
PR not needed/not
. Quasi-contributors that reported this reason appeared to
be convinced that the proposed changed “wasn’t important enough
to warrant merging” or “was an unnecessary change”.
We also found quasi-contributors oering a mea culpa as the rea-
son for nonacceptance; 20 respondents mentioned that the reason
quasi-contributor’s lack of experience/commitment
, like
in this case: “Because it was incomplete, and I never followed through
on the feedback to complete it”.
Not an optimal solution
was also
a reason that (24) quasi-contributors assumed the pull-request was
not good enough. One of them reported that the “[my] x was iy”,
and other just answered: “I made a mistake.”
An interesting observation is that 13 people (3.9%) mentioned
that they did not know the exact reason (e.g., “I do not know, it’s
been a very long time since this pull-request.” ). More interesting is
observing that 9 of them did not agree with the nonacceptance. A
possible explanation for those who do not know is that they, in fact,
could not understand or did not accept the decision.
We also asked integrators their perception about nonacceptance.
According to them, the most common reason for nonacceptance
PR not needed/not relevant
(10 occurrences), for instance,
“[such contribution] solves the immediate/local problem but does not
address the deeper systemic issue”. The second most common reason
Guidelines not followed
(9 occurrences). According to one
integrator, such guidelines can range from “coding style, lack of tests,
or messy versioning history”. Interestingly, none of the integrators
assumed the mea culpa,i.e., the
lack of interest from integrators
aforementioned, although one integrator raised the fact that there
are very few integrators available for reviewing code: “people love
to contribute code, but it’s harder to get people to spend time reviewing
other people’s code”. Instead, seven integrators also perceived this
fact, as one respondent mentioned “some [quasi-]contributors are
not experienced with git, GitHub and/or C++”. According to one
integrator, such lack of experience might explain the high number of
superseded/duplicated pull-request
, since quasi-contributors
“didn’t look for existing patches”. Finally, two integrators consider
small xes, such as style or xing typos, as
, as one respondent
stated: “Trivial PRs that are more trouble than they are worth (e.g., a
non-native speaker attempting to add or improve comments)”.
ICSE, 2018, Sweden Igor Steinmacher, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Marco A. Gerosa
Table 3: Self-perceived reason why pull-request was not
Reason for nonacceptance mentions disagreed w/ % of
(# devs) nonacceptance disagreement
Superseded/duplicated pull
request 52 7 13.46%
Mismatch between developer’s
and team’s vision/opinion 45 27 60.00%
PR not needed/not relevant 37 8 21.62%
Lack of interest from integrators 25 18 72.00%
Not an optimal solution 24 2 8.33%
Lack of experience/commitment
from quasi-contributors’ 20 4 20.00%
Did not answer 14 3 21.43%
Don’t know 13 9 69.23%
Introduce side eects 12 2 16.67%
Lack of tests 11 2 18.18%
Incomplete change 10 4 40.00%
Work in progress 7 0 0.00%
Code/PR was obsolete 6 2 33.33%
Guidelines not followed 6 0 0.00%
License issues 6 3 50.00%
Not a bug 4 1 25.00%
Bureaucracy 6 5 83.33%
The project is too hard to
contribute 3 1 33.33%
Lack of communication skills 2 1 50.00%
Ultimately, we manually investigated a representative sample
of 263 pull-requests to cross-validate the results from our surveys
about why the contributions were not accepted. We employed the
same codes used in the surveys to analyze the quasi-contributions.
In this analysis, we found that the most common reason for nonac-
ceptance is
Superseded/Duplicated solution3
(32 occurrences),
followed by
Quasi-contributors’ lack of experience/commit-
(25 occurrences) and
PR not needed/not relevant5
occurrences). This nding is in sharp agreement with our surveys.
RQ2 Summary:
We identied 19 reasons for nonacceptance.
There is also a lack of communication, commitment, and experi-
ence. Integrators agree with quasi-contributors that not needed
pull-requests are among the most common cause for nonaccep-
tance. Manual investigation corroborated with the reasons for
nonacceptance found at the surveys.
4.3 RQ3. How do quasi-contributors perceive
To better understand quasi-contributors’ perceptions about their un-
merged pull-requests, we asked if they agreed with the integrators
decision not to merge the pull-request (Q6), if this fact demotivated
them to further contribute (Q7), and if the comments received were
constructive (Q8). In addition, there were two open questions ask-
ing the developers about their motivation to contribute (Q4) and
the why they think their pull-request was not merged (Q5).
In Figure 5, we provide the results for the “yes/no” based ques-
tions. Most of the developers agreed with the decision of having
the pull-request unmerged (67.4%) and that the comments were
constructive (88.8%). We also can notice that, for 69.7% of the re-
spondents, having unmerged commits did not demotivate them
Table 4: Demotivation regarding nonacceptance
Felt demotivated
Agreed with the nonacceptance Yes No
Yes 37 178
No 62 43
from providing more pull-requests. However, the number of un-
merged pull-requests, the 30.3% of the developers that reported
demotivation, and the 32.6% that reported disagreement with the
community decision are not negligible.
Were the comments in the PR
constructive? (n=331)
Did the unmerged PR prevent or
demotivate you to provide more
PRs? (n=323)
Do you agree with your PR
being unmerged? (n=322)
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Figure 5: Perceptions about nonacceptance
Therefore, we took a closer look at these respondents to see how
their answers are related. By analyzing Table 4, we observe that 99
respondents did not agree with the pull-request nonacceptance, and
62.6% of them (62) answered that this fact demotivated or prevented
them from placing another pull-request. This can indicate that not
accepting a pull-request can be a driving force in demotivating
newcomers, conrming what was stated by Karl Fogel: “if a project
doesn’t make a good rst impression, newcomers may wait a long
time before giving it a second chance” [
]. This nding might also
explain why most of the quasi-contributors placed just a single
quasi-contribution. Interestingly, some integrators are aware of
such side eect. Four respondents mentioned that deal with per-
sonalities and opinions is one of the main challenges that they face,
as one of them highlighted: “We want to encourage contributions
and refusing one, even for very good reasons, can be discouraging to
new contributors”.
RQ3 Summary:
32% of the quasi-contributors do not agree
with the decision of not having their contribution accepted
— for 19% of quasi-contributors that did not concur also felt
demotivated or prevented to place additional contributions. 12%
of the quasi-contributors reported that the feedback from the
code review was not constructive.
In this section, we provide additional discussion on the data pre-
sented in the previous section.
Quasi-contributors should stand for their contributions.
found cases in which the quasi-contributor disappeared shortly after
proposing the pull-request. Even if a proposed pull-request had
a robust implementation, integrators were unable to accept since
the proposed changes were not addressed during the code review
process. We observed this by manually analyzing pull-requests,
Almost There: A Study on asi-Contributors in Open Source Soware Projects ICSE, 2018, Sweden
and it was conrmed by the quasi-contributors who reported they
did not make the requested change (category
lack of experience/commitment in Table 5).
The eagerness to contribute is not always helpful.
We noticed
that some contributions were not accepted because the quasi-
contributor failed to understand the contribution process adopted
by the project (e.g., contributions style) or internal implementation
details (e.g., do not know the dierence between two variables
). If
quasi-contributors placed additional care in understanding such de-
tails, their contributions might have higher chances of acceptance.
The fast development cycle hinders external contributions.
External contributors face an additional challenge since contribu-
tions proposed to an outdated code are likely not accepted (category
Code/PR was obsolete
). Further complicating this matter is that
outdating can happen in a matter of days, as we noticed in one
review: “Thx for the PR, but this change is not valid. In the latest
tutorial version (updated a few days ago), the app is served from /app,
which means that you don’t need /app in the URL”.
Typos are sometimes hard to x.
We found cases in which quasi-
contributions proposed simple typo xes that were not accepted by
integrators. As one extreme example, one quasi-contributor added
one single comma to the documentation
, but integrators found
that it was better to keep the current wording than to accept ad-
ditional contributions (category
Mismatch between developer’s
and team’s vision/opinion
). Yet, in our survey, two integrators
mentioned that such small contributions are noisy.
Some PRs were not accepted but were implemented.
We found
cases where the proposed pull-request was not accepted by the
integrators, although integrators got inspired and implemented
the proposed solution themselves
. This was also mentioned by
13 quasi-contributors who answered our survey. It is important to
highlight that 10 out of these 13 disagreed with nonacceptance.
No tests, no fun.
In some projects (e.g.,
), if the pro-
posed contribution does not come with tests, the pull-request is
immediately closed – no questions asked (category
Lack of tests
Although newcomers are encouraged to le additional pull-requests
containing tests, we observed that few of them do so.
Integrators are not always kind.
Although integrators men-
tioned in our survey that “we try to be as kind as possible”, we found
examples of impolite tone while dealing with quasi-contributors
(e.g., “Not crazy about adding an option for this.”). The category
of interest from integrators
was also recurrent in our survey
with quasi-contributors and when analyzing the repositories. Im-
polite tone and lack of interest may demotivate quasi-contributors.
Truck Factor does not consider the number of developers will-
ing to contribute.
The Truck Factor (TF) calculates “the number of
people on your team that have to be hit by a truck (or quit) before the
project is in serious trouble” [
]. When empirically evaluated, some
authors observed that some highly popular projects have indeed
a really small truck factor, which places a strong dependency on
specic contributors [
]. For instance, the project
has TF of 1,
which means that a single contributor is responsible for managing
most of the tasks related to the project. Notwithstanding,
235 quasi-contributors. That is, this low TF is not related to the
number of external contributors willing to contribute to the project.
“Scratching itches” plays a role.
In our rst survey, we asked
quasi-contributors what motivated them to contribute to the OSS
project. The four most common motivations are: (i) Fixing a bug
(102 occurrences), (ii) Scratching own itch (71 occurrences), (iii) Im-
proving the project (52 occurrences), and (iv) Altruism/Giving back
(51 occurrences). This result shows that a great part of the respon-
dents was attempting to
x a bug
scratch their own itch
We observed that the results align with those presented by Pinto et
al. [
], who analyzed the motivation behind casual contributions.
This research has implications for dierent stakeholders.
OSS integrators:
Since both integrators and quasi-contributors
agree that pull-requests that do not follow the guidelines are more
likely to be rejected (e.g., “Our project has strict rules for contributions
and PRs that do not follow the rules are not merged”), integrators can
clearly state what are their project norms upfront. We also found
that nonacceptance might demotivate quasi-contributors, incurring
in fewer contributions (
). To prevent such behavior, OSS project
members should (1) state and follow a code of conduct and (2) be
kind and respectful. Finally, a clear roadmap describing the future
plans of the project might avoid PR not needed/relevant.
Newcomers to OSS project:
Our surveys and our manual anal-
ysis showed evidence regarding a lack of commitment of quasi-
contributors (
). Therefore, it is important for newcomers
to work closely with integrators, and, when necessary, stand and ar-
gue for their contributions. Newcomers should also take a moment
to investigate whether there are existing pull-requests proposing
the same contribution, and, thus, avoid duplication. Newcomers not
only should back up their contributions with tests but also make
sure that their contributions do not introduce side eects.
CS educators:
Some OSS projects do not even review contribu-
tions that do not come with tests (Section 5). Still, some tests are
hard to implement, as one integrator stated: “Typical case is con-
tributor gure out a way to implement the change but not how to
implement the tests.” Educators can these scenarios of real-world
tests along with students. Additionally, software engineering edu-
cators can bring non-accepted pull-requests, those considered “not
an optimal solution” (
), to the classroom to engage students
to discuss and, eventually, propose better solutions. Finally, since
integrators and quasi-contributors reported a lack of experience
and GitHub tools, it is important for the educators to
introduce such tools in introductory programming courses.
We found 25 quasi-contributors pointing a lack of
interest from integrators. Still, two integrators also pointed out a
lack of integrators available to review. Researchers can take advan-
tage of this fact and introduce mechanisms to automate/simplify
code review, for example, verifying if the proposed pull-request is
touching an outdated code-base or generating test data based on
di les. Researchers can also create techniques to compare pull-
requests and warn quasi-contributors if similar pull-requests are
found. Researchers can also introduce tools that identify impolite
tone and suggest alternatives.
ICSE, 2018, Sweden Igor Steinmacher, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Scaliante Wiese, and Marco A. Gerosa
In an empirical study, there are always limitations. We discuss our
limitations in term of internal and external threats to validity.
7.1 Internal Validity
First, one might argue that we analyzed too few projects, therefore,
limiting the generalization of our results. However, the selected OSS
projects are diverse in terms of domain,
, and
When quantitatively analyzing data from these project, we used
statistical methods to mitigate the threats of generalizing data based
on our personal hypothesis. Second, since we leveraged qualitative
research methods to categorize the open-ended answers to our
surveys, as well as unmerged pull-requests, we may have intro-
duced categorization bias. To mitigate this bias, we conducted this
process in pairs and carefully discussed categorization among the
authors. Still regarding our surveys, the order that the questions
presented may have inuenced the way they answered. Instead of
randomizing the questions, we tried to order the questions based
on the natural sequence of actions to help respondents understand
the questions’ context. Moreover, we made our survey as short as
possible, none of the questions were mandatory, the responses were
anonymous, and participation was voluntary. We also employed
well-known survey principles [15, 24].
7.2 External Validity
By conducting this study, it was possible to observe that
GitHub data can be mismatching, which can lead to misinterpre-
tation. We noticed that, even with the facilities introduced by the
pull-based model, some projects still do not use this approach, pre-
ferring to merge the contributions via git Command Line Interface
(CLI). Even using the CLI, this can be done in several ways, which
can lead to losing trace of a contribution, as reported by a survey
respondent: “eventually they copy the related code and inject it into
the project by their own developers”. In our study, we identied false-
positives in two ways. First, we compared whether the commits
hash that appears at the pull-request exist in the git repository.
Also, we queried GitHub users’ API to double-check whether the
quasi-contributor authored any commit in a given repository. This
API lists commits that were authored by a contributor under dif-
ferent SHA identiers. We removed any duplication. Second, our
survey asked whether we correctly identied the developer as a
quasi-contributor. Some respondents (13%) said that we did not.
We asked the respondents to help us by telling why they believe
this happened, and a summary of their answers is presented in Ta-
ble 5. We removed these cases from the analysis and implemented
heuristics to catch similar cases when possible.
Additionally, our results only apply to developers who attempted
to contribute to OSS projects hosted on GitHub. They do not cover
software developers in other source code hosting websites. Our
results are limited by our selection of OSS projects, which one
might argue is small or non-representative. However, we argue that
the selected projects are diverse in several dimensions (Section 3.2
provide greater details). Moreover, quasi-contributors are partic-
ularly relevant to OSS projects; in proprietary projects, although
developers may have similar challenges to contribute, they are re-
quired to contribute. This distinction made proprietary projects
Table 5: Participants perception on why mistakenly identi-
ed their pull-requests as Unmerged
Reason # answers
No Answer/ Do not know/ Did not give a reason 19
Amended in another commit/squashed 11
Manual merge/ Done outside GitHub workow 4
Self-closed 2
PR done during migration and merged outside GitHub 1
PR went to another repo/branch 2
unsuitable for this study. Moreover, we likely did not discover all
possible characteristics of quasi-contributions. With our methodol-
ogy and infrastructure
, we expect similar analysis to be conducted
in the future when such characteristics become relevant. We also
expect to understand the integrators’ and the communities’ per-
spectives about the quasi-contributions. Still, comparing the quasi-
contributors’ unmerged pull-requests to the actual-contributors’
unmerged pull-requests can shed additional light to the phenome-
For OSS projects remain sustainable and evolve, it is important that
new contributors onboard the project xing bugs and proposing
new features. However, the path to becoming an OSS contributor is
not always owery. In this paper, we investigate quasi-contributors,
that is, OSS contributors that tried to contribute, but did not suc-
ceed. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis from software
repositories and two surveys with quasi-contributors and integra-
tors, we found that quasi-contributors are rather common, although
the majority of them only tried once. The most common reason
for nonacceptance was “mismatch between developer’s and team’s
vision/opinion”, followed by reasons related to a relationship with
the community, while others attributed fault to the developers (ei-
ther quasi-contributors or integrators). Still, about one-third of
the developers disagreed with their nonacceptance and declared
the nonacceptance demotivated or prevented them from placing
another pull-request. Our results can be relevant for developers
interested in contributing to OSS projects, by bringing the com-
mon issues that can lead to pull-request nonacceptance. In addition,
the outcomes can benet those interested in building sustainable
communities and fostering contributions, since our results include
reasons that can potentially scare external members away.
For future work, we plan to propose and evaluate a virtual as-
sistant which will be in charge of helping newcomers to join a
community. Such virtual assistant, while oering guidance for new-
comers to overcome their rst barriers, would lower the eort
required on the integrators side.
We thanks the reviewers for their valuable comments. This work is
supported by the CNPq (Grants # 406308/2016-0 and # 430642/2016-
4); PROPESP/UFPA; and FAPESP (Grant # 2015/24527-3).
Almost There: A Study on asi-Contributors in Open Source Soware Projects ICSE, 2018, Sweden
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