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Vol.3 No.4:39
Mini Review
DOI: 10.4172/2472-1654.100149
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© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License | This article is available in:
Journal of Healthcare Communications
ISSN 2472-1654
Kourkouta L1*,
Iliadis C2, Frantzana A3
and Vakalopoulou V4
1 Department of Nursing, Alexander
Technological Educaonal Instute of
Thessaloniki, Greece
2 Private Diagnosc Health Center,
Thessaloniki, Greece
3 General Hospital of Thessaloniki
“Papanikolaou”, Greece
4 7oHigh School of Athens, Greece
*Corresponding author:
Kourkouta Lambrini
Department of Nursing, Alexander
Technological Educaonal Instute of
Thessaloniki, Greece.
Citaon: Kourkouta L, Iliadis C, Frantzana A
Vakalopoulou V (2018) Reading and Health
Benets. J Healthc Commun Vol.3 No.4:39
Reading and Health Benets
Received: November 05, 2018; Accepted: November 20, 2018; Published: November
25, 2018
Introducon: A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. According to sciensts,
reading oers very tangible benets for our health except for life culvaon,
formaon of a person’s soul and broadeningof our horizons.
Purpose: This reviewaims at delvinginto the eects of reading and studying in
order to promote health and quality of life.
Review methods: The material of the study has been recent arcles concerning
the subject. They have been mainly found via electronic databases Medline,
Google Scholar and the Hellenic academic libraries Link (HEAL-Link). 30 reference
sources were included.
Results: Reading is a most benecial exercise for our brain and mind as it could
help the human brain perform all its funcons as properly as possible. When
people read on a regular basis, they force their minds to think more; as a result, it
enables reader to be more insighul. It should be noted that reading is a complex
process during which, we use both hemispheres of the brain. At the same me,
the Corpus Callosum, which is the ssue that connects the two hemispheres, is
acvated. Thereby, it contributes to a beer exchange of informaon between
them. Reading can be benecial even for the respiratory or cardiovascular system
owing to the fact that it acvates the frontal lobe, from which all the automac
funcons of the body, such as breathing or the heart funcon, depend on.
Conclusion: Generally, a book seeks nothing,in return, from the reader, as it
paently waits to oer its informaon, take a person out of a predicament and
transport a reader to magical worlds.
Keywords: Reading; Spare me; Reading books; Health
Leisure me is an essenal chapter in human life. It is a period of
me spent not only out of work but also without housework. It
is the me period before or aer daily rounes, such as eang,
sleeping and working [1]. A person can engage in acvies that
may result in culvaon of human values and spiritual elevaon
through discussion, study and thought, through the pursuit of
knowledge, of dialecc, polical and cultural enlightenment [2,3].
In their spare me, young people usually choose the TV and the
computer that are common entertainment and training modes,
for they do not only help people relax and entertain but also
they are key factors in shaping adolescents’ personality
of character [4].
Regarding young people’s spare me, study that is pursued
mostly oneducaonalists’ or parents’ demand, or study that gets
freely on their own iniave can be integrated. The rst case
includes homework, remedial courses and foreign languages,
while the second case includes the independent reading of
books, newspapers and magazines, aimed at keeping informed or
entertained due to the fact that their instrucve role issecondary
Reading is a most benecial exercise for our brain and mind as it
could help the human brain perform all its funcons as properly
as possible. When people read on a regular basis, they force their
minds to think more; as a result, it enables reader to be more
insighul [7].
Vol.3 No.4:39
2This article is available in:
ISSN 1698-9465
Journal of Healthcare Communications
ISSN 2472-1654
Actually, it is manifested that reading is a complex process during
which, individuals use both hemispheres of their brain. At the
same me, the Corpus Callosum, which is the ssue that connects
the two hemispheres, is acvated.Thereby, it contributes to a
beer exchange of informaon between them. Reading can
be benecial even for the respiratory or cardiovascular system
owing to the fact that reading acvates the frontal lobe, on which
all the automac funcons of the body, such as breathing or the
heart funcon, depend on [8,9].
According to sciensts, reading oers very tangible benets for
our health except for life culvaon, formaon of our soul and
broadening of our horizons [10].
This review aims at delving into the eects of reading and studying
in order to promote health and quality of life.
Review Methods
Recent arcles on the subject have been mainly found in Medline
and Google Scholar electronic databases and the Hellenic
academic libraries Link (HEAL-Link). They have been the material
of the study, with the following keywords: reading, leisure,
reading books and health. The language of the arcles was the
criterion for exclusion of arcles except for Greek and English.
Review arcles and research ones have been found in the above-
menoned electronic databasesfor the preparaon of the specic
bibliographic review. Also, search via electronic databases
(hp:// as well as nding informaon from scienc
books have been performed. Finally, 30 reference sources were
Benets of Reading Books
The benets of reading are manifold and actually, they are
substanated through scienc research. Without the book, no
man will know his course over the centuries. Libraries are "the
memory of mankind" as books contain all the memorable events
of the past. Obviously,any naon that does not know their history
is doomed to exncon and spiritual lethargy because knowledge
is power [11].
The book leads signicantly to the compleon of human
personality. Readers gain valuable knowledge about the course
of life and their imaginaon could be excited. It is a means of
entertainment and, it generally appears as the person’s best
friend. It keeps individuals company throughout hours of
boredom and loneliness [12].
Books are not just a means of entertainment, art and delving into
people’s spiritual horizons, but it is also a valuable tool to solve
many kinds of problems people face in their lives [13].
Reading, as experts support, can help us ght obesity, relieve
stress or even prevent Alzheimer's disease [14].
In parcular:
1. It helps the brain be protected: According to sciensts from
the Neuroscience Center of Balmore “who searched 112
employees at a factory in Canada that had high levels of lead
in their blood due to prolonged exposure to the substance,
the workers who were avid readers had suered the least
damage to their mental health and they sat more successfully
the mental tests that the researchers submied” [9].
2. It helps people reduce stress: According to a recent research
from the University of Sussex, “even 6 minutes of reading a day
is enough to reject the 2/3 of the daily stress a person faces.
“Geng lost” within the pages of a book leads to absolute
relaxaon. Especially,according to experts, reading a book
before bedme is an acvity that relaxes people and helps
them deal with any stressful factors.” Indeed, this method is
considered very eecve in treang anxiety [8].
3. It helps concentraon: The regular reader of books acquires
the ability to pay full aenon to what he does and think
praccally, in an eecve and objecve way. It also develops
the ability to make decisions and solve problems [8].
4. It helps people combat insomnia: The habit of reading books
before sleeping helps regulate the body clock and send the
signal to the brain that it is me to sleep [8].
5. It helps demena prevenon: The agitaon caused to the
brain due to reading may help prevent brain disorders including
Alzheimer's disease. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic “in
the US studied the daily habits of 200 people from 70 to 89
years with mild memory disorders, during dierent life stages.
They found that middle-aged readers who devoted me to
reading and other creave pursuits, such as handicras, faced
40% less risk of experiencing further memory impairment or
Alzheimer's” [8].
6. It helps treat strokes: Reading, according to experts, makes
the brain able to withstand any harm – even strokes-because
it "obliges" readers to use alternave synapses, in other
words, connecons amongst brain neurons.
7. It helps obesity prevenon: Experts from Duke's children's
Hospital found that reading literary books can help obese kids
slim down. “Sciensts gave one novel tled "Lake Rescue"
(saving the Lake) to obese girls aged 9-13 years old, who had
already followed a slimming program, so as to read it. The
novel was chosen carefully by pediatricians specically for
this purpose. The book's heroine was an obese girl with a very
strong personality. Aer reading the book, the girls adopted a
healthy lifestyle and managed to lose weight and reduce body
mass index (BMI) aer 6 months” [8].
Instrucons for good reading
1. It is a prerequisite for construcve reading the chosen book
be pleasant. For example, unless a person likes poetry, he
must choose crime con.
2. The categories of books an individual reads can alternate,
depending on his mood. As he does not have the desire for
the same food every day, the same goes for reading. So,
tastes ought to be adjusted according to the mood a person is
in at that moment.
Vol.3 No.4:39
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
ISSN 1698-9465
Journal of Healthcare Communications
ISSN 2472-1654
3. A reader should choose a quiet place with good illuminaon
where he feels at ease.
4. A reader has to keep the book in the proper distance from
his eyes so that he does not get red because of reading. The
ideal distance is 25-30 cm [8].
The book is anxiolyc. The book is not just an awakening from
spiritual lethargy or a body of endless knowledge and informaon
but it sll oers mental and physical health; something that
nowadays is very important.
Reading as a Treatment - Bibliotherapy
Bibliotherapy, although relavely unknown in Greece, is an
exisng technique, which is constantly becoming more and more
popular. It is a method that has been established in the course
of me in dierent sciences and arts and it aims at one thing: it
helps people overcome all their personal problems, even health
ones, every inner turmoil that oen blocks their everyday lives
and makes them feel sorrow, pessimism and loneliness through
dicules [15,16].
In parcular, the term of bibliotherapy includes a variety of ways
in which books can be used as a therapeuc aid to solve personal
problems, guided by a specialist [17]. It is a medium through
which literature is used to help people experience emoonal and
social dicules [18].
The idea is not new. Inscripons are, not only in Greece as the
one of ancient Thebes, the other in the monastery of St. John the
Theologian, but there are also abroad, such as in Switzerland, in
the Ssbibliothek in St. Gallen. The inscripon at the entrance
of the ancient library of Thebes, which wrote "Place of care of the
soul", states the common belief that reading books helps boost
mental balance of a human being [19]. Indeed, Aristotle believed
that reading benets the emoonal health of the reader [20].
The method of bibliotherapy is disnguished in four types due to
its dierent objecves due to its applicability in many elds [21]:
1. Clinical bibliotherapy: Clinical bibliotherapy is used in the
mental health eld and engages in a more specic and
targeted intervenon to psychiatric paents [21].
2. Developmental or otherwise, prevenng bibliotherapy:
It can be used even at school for students to develop their
personal skills and tackle learning dicules [22].
3. Reading bibliotherapy: It is a method that funcons as a self-
assisng method for the reader while it is separated from
communicave/interacve bibliotherapy, which is based on
the conversaon among readers as a ferle and construcve
dialogue is produced [22].
4. Finally, communicave/interacve bibliotherapy: It is
dened as the process of guided meengs whose aim is to
assist parcipants to externalize emoons and respond
cognively to selected literary texts [17].
Bibliotherapy plays an important role because through this
process, emoonal change, personal improvement and
development of the reader involved are promoted. It also helps
people to enter mentally and emoonally into a safe experimental
environment around interpersonal relaonships [23].
The possibility of self-healing is potenal when a reader reads
a book. The treatment that is achieved through reading books
belongs to the domain of psychoeducaon. Psychoeducaon
helps people learn and understand what happens and why that
happens. This procedure has only benecial eects for anyone
who suers. Thereby contribung to rehabilitaon of people’s
health, health promoon and protecon. Thus, when someone
reads about his illness, idenes himself; they can beer control
their reacons and concerns. Also, their fears reduce noceably
Well, bibliotherapy as a clinical treatment, appeals to people of
all ages (the young, the old, children) that have a problem and
need help to deal with it. However, it can work as a preventave
measure just like prevenve measures individuals take in order
to avoid suering from a virus. Psychoeducaon seeks to develop
people’s self-esteem and prevent any problemac behaviour [25].
Reading is a dynamic act in which the reader is acvely involved
and has much relevance to thinking processes. It is a complex
process because it combines both cognive and mental funcons
of the person through the use of language, the ability of
percepon, processing and interpretaon of the text, the ability
to render meaning, etc. [24,25]. Bibliotherapy helps people solve
emoonal and psychological feelings, learning dicules, and
understand the world and their own [26].
Although there is a predominant view that young people should
not be overloaded with excessive and laborious homework,
which deprives them of the right to rest, enjoy, and exercise their
interests freely, readers use their minds more, and thus, people
become more insighul [27,28].
Generally, a book seeks nothing, in return, from the reader, as
it paently waits to oer its informaon, take a person out of
a predicament and transport a reader to magical worlds. Let
books give the gi of reading to people and their beloved ones;
individuals must remember that a book can be a game, treasure,
happiness and celebraon [29,30].
Vol.3 No.4:39
4This article is available in:
ISSN 1698-9465
Journal of Healthcare Communications
ISSN 2472-1654
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... The task is therapeutic; it is one thing that favors the body; for example, reading 6 minutes a day can lessen the day-to-day tension that participants endure, and reading something interesting will ensure that participants feel joyful. According to Kourkouta et al., 6 minutes of reading daily can decrease 2/3 of a person's stress (Kourkouta et al., 2018). ...
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This study aims to determine students' experiences with comprehensive reading strategies using Wattpad. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data are collected using interviews, observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The analysis of this research uses a triangulation technique which consists of steps; data reduction, data display, and ultimately conclusion to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that extensive reading through Wattpad can be used for pleasure, extensive reading through the Wattpad platform can reduce stress, extensive reading through Wattpad can increase motivation, and extensive reading through Wattpad can increase vocabulary. All of these activities can have a positive impact on students. Plus, Wattpad's platform is great for in-depth reading. Therefore, one of the best ways to learn English is to read extensively on the Wattpad platform. Teachers should realize that because Wattpad is a practical reading tool that can be accessed anywhere and at any time, all the stories students read must be age-appropriate.
... However, it is important and also surprising to learn that "reading is currently perhaps the most mentioned flow activity in the world" (Csikszentmihalyi, 2008, p. 117). Research on the effects of reading and studying in order to promote health and quality of life conclude that "reading is a dynamic act in which the reader is actively involved and has much relevance to thinking processes" (Kourlouta et al., 2018). ...
... When reading and thinking, both the left brain and the right brain work simultaneously so that the network that connects the two brains, namely the corpus callosum, is active too. In addition, when reading the respiratory system, heart function also actively contributes (Kourkouta et al., 2018). Therefore, someone who is diligent in reading will understand the concept better than someone who is less fond of reading. ...
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div align="center"> Abstract: This study aims to reveal the effects of using the wildlife monograph Varanus salvator on the conceptual understanding of urban students. This type of research is a quasi-experimental, one-group pre-test, and post-test design. The sample of this study was students at private universities in the Jember Regency, Indonesia who took the Vertebrate Zoology course in the even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year with total of 27 students. This research was conducted because of the findings from previous research that in private universities, books from the research results are still needed, especially those that discuss examples of wildlife species as a learning resource for Vertebrate Zoology course, especially in the reptile class. The research data were analysed using the class average normalized Gain score (N-gain score). The analysis results showed that the N-gain score was an average class of 0.71, which means that it was greater than the N-gain score of 0.7, in other words, g> 0.7. This means that the effect of using the wildlife monograph book V. salvatory on learning the Vertebrate Zoology Course is at high stage criteria. In addition, it was also informed that the results of the normalized average individual gain analysis (individual N-gain score), it was found that g> 0.7 was 11 students with high criteria, 0.3> g ≥ 0.7, a total of 16 students with medium criteria, and no students found g ≤ 0.3. This informs that the V. salvatory monograph can realize the conceptual understanding of the topic of lizards in urban students. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh penggunaan monografi satwa liar Varanus salvator terhadap pemahaman konseptual mahasiswa perkotaan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu, one-group pre-test, dan post-test design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Kabupaten Jember Indonesia yang mengambil mata kuliah Zoologi Vertebrata pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2019/2020 dengan jumlah 27 mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya temuan dari penelitian sebelumnya bahwa di perguruan tinggi swasta masih diperlukan buku-buku hasil penelitian terutama yang membahas tentang contoh jenis satwa liar sebagai sumber belajar mata kuliah Zoologi Vertebrata khususnya pada kelas reptil. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan rata-rata kelas Gain score ternormalisasi (N-gain score). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai N-gain merupakan rata-rata kelas sebesar 0,71, yang berarti lebih besar dari nilai N-gain sebesar 0,7 dengan kata lain g > 0,7. Artinya pengaruh penggunaan buku monografi satwa liar V. salvator terhadap pembelajaran mata kuliah Zoologi Vertebrata berada pada kriteria tingkat tinggi. Selain itu diinformasikan juga bahwa hasil analisis gain rata-rata individu ternormalisasi (individual N-gain score), didapatkan bahwa g>0,7 sebanyak 11 siswa dengan kriteria tinggi, 0,3>g 0,7, total 16 siswa dengan kriteria sedang, dan tidak ditemukan siswa yang g 0,3. Hal ini menginformasikan bahwa monografi V. salvator dapat mewujudkan pemahaman konseptual topik kadal pada mahasiswa perkotaan. </div
... Reading novels provides beneficial things for the readers. By reading, the readers will be more insightful since their brain will perform all its functions properly (Kourkouta et al., 2018). ...
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Novel is one of the literary works that people like to read for several reasons. The readers are not only adults but also teenagers and children. Novels can be a good source of knowledge for everyone including students. Reading novels can give many positive impacts in terms of language and emotions. However, the existence of novels is banned at some schools in Indonesia. The banning is based on several reasons. This paper investigated the perspectives of students and teachers related to the banning of novels in a school in Indonesia. This research used a descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with students and teachers at the school. The result showed that there were several problems related to the use of the novels in terms of kinds and the reading time of the novels. However, the use of novels is also beneficial in terms of emotion, habits, and knowledge. Considering the advantages and the disadvantages of novels at school, this research provided suggestions related to the ban of novels in terms of kinds of novels and reading time.
... Reading is a fundamental resource for: building oral language skills, creativity, acquisition of new knowledge, obtaining information through the media, books, television, and the computer; and it is an effective means of systematic development of language and personality (Chettri & Rout, 2013;Kourkouta et al., 2018). ...
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This research aimed to study the factors associated with the promotion of reading behavior in early childhood, in a densely populated area of metropolitan Bangkok, Thailand. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 228 families with children aged 3-6 years old. It was analyzed by obtaining the correlations and variables influencing reading behavior promotion. The research findings revealed that factors associated with promotion of reading behavior in early childhood with statistical significance (p<0.05) were age, education, family income, and community environment. It is therefore suggested to promote reading behavior in early childhood by building a network or organization within community environments; supporting convenience, proximity, and opportunity for local families to access information on reading.
The obstacles encountered in online learning are teacher shortages and technical difficulties, barriers, resources, social contacts, and difficulties in delivering subjects and managing time to engage with students and evaluate their work. This study explores teachers' perceptions of the influence of the Daily Five Literacy Framework on literacy programs in the classroom. This preliminary research is designed as qualitative research following the interactive qualitative data analysis model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña. The study included three teachers in three different grades of fourth grade, who were observed over five days as they implemented the five habits in the Daily Five Literacy Framework in their classrooms. The research results revealed that the three teachers consistently applied the five habits, with relatively low fluctuations. However, the implementation was generally less intensive on Day 3 for the three teachers because they had to complete and submit their teaching administration to the school every Wednesday, which happened to be the 3rd Day of implementation. As a preliminary study, these findings indicate the need for further implementation of the literacy framework to reveal teacher consistency, the effectiveness of the framework for building literacy habits, and to identify factors outside of instructional design that may negatively impact the successful implementation of the framework.
Intensive care nurses provide nursing care to critical patients not only using advanced knowledge and advanced clinical skills but also by racing against time. Therefore, it is vital for intensive care nurses to maintain their professional development and closely follow current trends related to the care process. This study aims to determine the opinions of intensive care nurses about the use of the web-based education method in in-service education. The sample of this study consisted of 62 intensive care nurses working in the adult intensive care unit. All the nurses volunteered to participate in the web-based in-service education program on the “The Effect of Web-Based Education on the Knowledge and Practice of Sedation Management of Intensive Care Nurses.” The study data were obtained with the “Nurse Introduction Form” and the “Evaluation Form of the Opinions of Nurses on Web-Based Education”. These data were evaluated with the SPSS 22.0 software and descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, median, and interquartile range). This study found that the rate of agreement on the statements "web-based in-service education activities support nurses in maintaining continuing education/lifelong education after graduation," "web-based in-service education activities can be a solution to the problem that nurses cannot participate in in-service education programs due to working hours," and "web-based in-service education activities facilitate the family life of nurses" was very high. Nurses believe that web-based education is supportive in maintaining continuing professional development and in-service education.
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Books and libraries play an essential role in the democratization of information, even in the dissemination of knowledge, especially for today's children and youth who are more familiar with mobile phones than reading books. This paper aimed to investigate the role of the reading terrace in increasing village children’s reading interest. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach using the participatory action research method to determine the role of reading terraces in increasing children's interest in Balingka Village. This research data collection technique used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used the Miles and Huberman models in this study. The results of this study show that the availability of terrace facilities can influence the reading interest of Balingka children to be more effective and optimal for carrying out activities related to sustainable reading.
The key factor in achieving a competitive advantage for businesses lies in the talents that cannot be easily replicated. In the face of economic changes and the post-pandemic era, leveraging technology to accelerate learning scenarios and enhance employee competitiveness becomes paramount in corporate management. Due to technological advancements, online learning, characterized by its freedom from temporal and spatial constraints, has emerged as one of the forms for corporate education and training. Past empirical studies on the effectiveness of online education have yielded mixed results. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the reasons behind these discrepancies, serving as a reference for formulating educational training programs and providing assistance to relevant industries in evaluating the implementation of online education and training. The researcher employs the Integrated Technology Acceptance and Use Model as the foundation. In the first phase, relevant literature is collected, leading to the identification of four dimensions and 14 indicators. In the second phase, a Likert five-point scale is employed to extract the top three indicators for each of the four dimensions. Finally, a survey using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process questionnaire is conducted to obtain the relative weights for the four dimensions and twelve indicators, with the dimensions ranked in the following order: hedonic motivation, habit, price value, and personal innovativeness. The study concludes with five propositions, aiming to provide crucial reference points for companies implementing online education and training, ultimately speeding up adoption and enhancing the intention to use online education. JEL classification numbers: C83, I25, M53, O15. Keywords: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), employee training, online learning, Key Success Factor (KSF).
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Learning modality is a key to success in learning. Therefore, it is important to understand it so that effective learning can be carried out. This study aims to identify the learning modalities of the PAI STAI Darussalam Lampung students based on learning styles. This study uses descriptive research methods. The research sample was 35 students from the Islamic Religious Education study program (PAI). Using simple random sampling technique in sampling. Data was collected using a VARK (Visual, Aural, Read, Kinesthetic) questionnaire. Data analysis is presented in percentage. The results showed that the students of the Islamic Education Study Program (PAI) STAI Darussalam Lampung had several combinations of learning styles. The learning styles consist of 74.28% VARK (Visual – Aural – Read – Kinsesthetic), 2.85% VRK (Visual – Read –Kinsesthetic) combination, 5.71% VAK (Visual – Aural-Kinsesthetic) combination, the combination of ARK (Aural – Read –Kinsesthetic) was 5.71%, the combination of AK (Aural – Kinsesthetic) was 5.71%, and the combination of VK (Visual – Kinsesthetic) was 5.71%. The discussion of this study recommends learning that is suitable for students' learning modalities where they tend to have more than one type of learning style.
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The term bibliotherapy has been defined by Russell and Shrodes as "a process of dynamic interaction between the personality of the reader and literature--an interaction which may be used for personality assessment, adjustment, and growth." In the clinical setting, the dynamics that promote change in a patient-reader can include identification, projection, introjection, catharsis, and insight. Clinicians may use bibliotherapy as a tool for patient treatment, medical diagnosis, and the prevention of illness related to psychosocial dysfunction, allowing for gradual and mutual insight into patient complaints over time. Bibliotherapy may display efficacy on intellectual, psychosocial, interpersonal, emotional, and behavioral levels. The author identifies two basic types of resources that are useful to clinicians administering bibliotherapy: didactic texts, which are instructive, and imaginative literature, which can be a literary text, biography, or autobiography and fosters an imaginative response from the patient-reader. The author identifies the advantages and risks of using bibliotherapy and explores its possible applications in osteopathic medical education, encouraging osteopathic medical educators to familiarize themselves with this treatment modality.
Recent years have witnessed an upsurge in the therapeutic use of books. With its initial roots in psychodynamic theory, available models emphasize features of the relationship between the personality of a reader and the cognitive and affective experience offered through literature. This article explores the historical development of bibliotherapy focusing on its use in therapeutic practice and associated research. The current authors suggest that the field of bibliotherapy is in need of development with regard to more methodologically stringent forms of validation, notwithstanding meta-analytic findings in some areas. Additionally, coherent taxonomies and theory-driven practice models are particularly needed to underpin increased rigor in answering scholarly questions. With these caveats in mind, and in light of findings in recent years, bibliotherapy does hold promise as a useful adjunct for the busy practitioner and client. Highlighted throughout the article are the suggested benefits of bibliotherapy as well as a call for practitioners to consider the value of pragmatic evaluation of bibliotherapy within the context of managing their own local practice.
This article was developed to assist the regular education elementary classroom teacher in utilizing practical bibliotherapy strategies for the inclusive classroom. Using quality children’s literature for bibliotherapy helps students to grow socio-emotionally by identifying with the main character in the story with a disability which leads to personal insight and growth. Teachers will learn how to use a checklist which was developed by the authors to select appropriate bibliotherapy literature and lead classroom discussions. A top ten list of books on bibliotherapy for the inclusive elementary classroom is provided.
Use of entertainment as a mean of treatment
  • D Samaras
  • S Kotsidou
  • C Iliadis
  • D Iakovidis
  • K Prodromidis
Samaras D, Kotsidou S, Iliadis C, Iakovidis D, Prodromidis K, et al. (2015) Use of entertainment as a mean of treatment. Int J Health Adm Educ Cong.
Planning for leisure time in the city
  • A Dafner
Dafner A (2013) Planning for leisure time in the city. Teaching Notes. University of Thessaly, Volos.
The creation of new leisure facilities and their contribution to the quality of life: the case of Kozani (Bachelor's thesis). Polytechnic School, Department of Physical Planning, Urban Planning and Regional Development
  • K Karagiannis
Karagiannis K (2015) The creation of new leisure facilities and their contribution to the quality of life: the case of Kozani (Bachelor's thesis). Polytechnic School, Department of Physical Planning, Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos.
Urban planning in the light of the quality of urban life
  • E Psatha
  • A Dafner
Psatha E, Dafner A (2012) Urban planning in the light of the quality of urban life. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Planning and Regional Development, University Press of Thessaly, Volos.