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Cephalopods from the Middle Carboniferous of the Donets Basin (Luhansk region, Eastern Ukraine)


Abstract and Figures

Six forms of cephalopods are described from Middle Carboniferous deposits (Man-drykinka and Mospinska Formations) of the Donets Basin. The collection includes three nautiloids: a new species Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi sp. nov., Peripetoceras cf. globatoides Shimansky, and Ephippioceras wildi Hind. The latter was previously known only from Westphalian deposits of Britain. In the body chamber of Ephippioceras wildi a fossil was found that can be a part of jaw apparatus of this species. Peripetoceras globatoides, described by V. M. Shimansky from Serpu-khovian deposits of the central part of the East European Platform, was unknown for the Donets Basin before. A new species, Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi, differs from other species of the genus by ornamentation consisting of the longitudinal ridges on the ventral-lateral bend, and some other morphological details, among which the most significant are the different shape of sutures, high and narrow whorls, and minor shell size. In addition, three ammonoids were described as Gas-trioceras cf. listeri (Sowerby), Gastrioceras lupinum A. Popov, and Branneroceras branneri (Smith). The first species was mentioned earlier from the Donets Basin. The second one is probably endemic and it was indicated before from younger deposits. The find of Branneroceras branneri is the first reliable indication of its presence in the Carboniferous of the Donets Basin.
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Вісник Національного науково-природничого музею
Proceedings of the National Museum of Natural History
ТОМ 16 2018
Зміст Contents
палеонтологія palaeontology
Дернов, В. С. Головоногі молюски серед-
нього Карбону Донбасу (Луганська область,
Східна Україна)
3Dernov, V. S. Cephalopods from the Middle
Carboniferous of the Donets Basin (Luhansk
region, Eastern Ukraine)
Семенов, Ю. Про зникнення місцезнаход-
ження пізньоміоценових хребетних
15 Semenov, Y. O. On the disappearance of
Grebeniki, a late Miocene vertebrate locality
ботаніка botany
Мельник, В. І., О. І. Шиндер. Hedysarum
grandiorum (Fabaceae) в Україні: геогра-
фічне поширення, фітоценотичні й
популяційні особливості та охорона
21 Melnyk, V., O. Shynder. Hedysarum grandio-
rum (Fabaceae) in Ukraine: distribution,
phytocoenotic and population specics,
Гнатюк, А. М., О. С. Дятлова, С. Є. Дятлов.
Поширення та сучасний стан популяцій
Colchicum fominii Bordz. в Україні
31 Gnatіuk, A. M., O. S. Dyatlova, S. Y. Dyatlov.
Distribution and current state of populations
of Colchicum fominii Bordz. in Ukraine
зоологія zoology
Баркасі, З. Зміни у родентофауні (Mamma-
lia, Glires) регіону Українських Карпат про-
тягом ХIХ–ХХІ століть
39 Barkaszi, Z. Changes in the rodent fauna
(Mammalia, Glires) of the region of the Ukra-
inian Carpathians during the XIX–XXI cent.
Коробченко, М., І. Загороднюк, Ю. Ільюхін.
Поширення сліпакa східного (Spalax micro-
phthalmus) в Україні за матеріалами зооло-
гічних колекцій
55 Korobchenko, M., I. Zagorodniuk, Yu. Illiukhin.
Distribution of the greater mole rat (Spalax
microphthalmus) in Ukraine based on mate-
rials of zoological collections
Марущак, О. Ю., О. А. Муравинець. Мор-
фологічні аномалії у безхвостих амфібій
(Amphibia, Anura) фауни України
63 Marushchak, O. Y., O. A. Muravynets. Mor-
phological abnormalities in tailless amphibi-
ans (Amphibia, Anura) in Ukraine
Сурядна, Н., Г. Микитинець. Поширення
та нові знахідки тритонів (Triturus та
Lis sotriton) у пониззі Дніпра в межах
Херсонської області України
77 Surіadna, N., G. Mikitinets. Distribution
and new ndings of newts (Triturus and
Lissotriton) in the Lower Dnipro river area,
Kherson region, Ukraine
© Національний науково-природничий музей НАН України
екологія та охорона природи ecology & nature conservation
Маркова, А. О. Особливості агресивних
взаємодій трьох видів родини Paridae з
іншими видами птахів на місцях водопою
85 Markovа, A. O. e aspects of aggressive
interactions between three Paridae and other
bird species at watering places
Улюра, Є., В. Титар. Наземні хребетні від-
валів вугільних шахт Донбасу (Україна) 95 Ulyura, E., V. Tytar. Terrestrial vertebrates
of post-coalmining sites in the Donets Basin
музеологія museology
Муравйова, І. М. Інтерактивні заняття для
дітей дошкільного віку на базі Дер жав но-
го Музею природи Харківського націо-
наль ного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна
105 Muraviova, I. Interactive lessons for preschool
children on the basis of the Museum of
Nature of Vasyl Karasin Kharkiv National
Фурик, Ю. І. Прісноводні молюски Закар-
паття (басейн річки Тиса) у малакологіч-
них колекціях України
111 Furyk, Y. I. Freshwater molluscs from Trans-
carpathia (Tisa river basin) in malacological
collections of Ukraine
історія науки history of science
Загороднюк, І., В. Пархоменко. Український
зоологічний журнал: історія видання та
видань-послідовників на тлі історії зооло-
гії в Україні
119 Zagorodniuk, I., V. Parkhomenko. e Ukrai-
nian Zoological Journal: the history of the
edition and its successors in the light of the
past of zoology in Ukraine
Загороднюк, І., Л. Колодочка, В. Барабанова.
Святослав Погребняк: науковець та музе-
143 Zagorodniuk, I., L. Kolodochka, V. Barabanova.
Sviatoslav Pogrebnyak, a scientist and a
Решетник, М., К. Руденко, І. Загороднюк.
Здобутки Володимира Гриценка у страти-
графії, палеонтології та палеоекології та в
галузі охорони геологічної спадщини
151 Reshetnik, M., K. Rudenko, I. Zagorodniuk.
e achievements of Volodymyr Grytsenko
in stratigraphy, paleontology and paleoenvi-
ronments and in the eld of the geoheritage
правила для авторів 163 guides for authors
Вісник Національного науково-природничого музею. 2018, том 16
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3p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000 GEO&BIO 2018 том 16
UDC 564.53:551.735.2(477.61)
Cephalopods from the Middle Carboniferous of the
Donets Basin (Luhansk region, EasternUkraine)
Cephalopods from the middle Carboniferous of the Donets Basin (Luhansk region, Eastern Ukraine). —
V.S.Dernov. — Six forms of cephalopods are described from middle Carboniferous deposits (Mandrykin-
ka and Mospinska Formations) of the Donets Basin. e collection includes three nautiloids: a new species
Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi sp. nov., Peripetoceras cf. globatoides Shimansky, and Ephippioceras wildi
Hind. e latter was previously known only from Westphalian deposits of Britain. In the body chamber of
Ephippioceras wildi a fossil was found that can be a part of the jaw apparatus of this species. Peripetoceras glo-
batoides, described by V. M. Shimansky from Serpukhovian deposits of the central part of the East European
Platform, was unknown for the Donets Basin before. A new species, Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi, diers
from other species of the genus by orna mentation consisting of longitudinal ridges on the ventral-lateral
bend, and some other morphological details, among which the most signicant are the dierent shape of
sutures, high and narrow whorls, and minor shell size. In addition, three ammonoids were described as
Gastrioceras cf. listeri (Sowerby), Gastrioceras lupinum A.Popov, and Branneroceras branneri (Smith). e
rst species was mentioned earlier from the Donets Basin. e second one is probably endemic and it was
indicated before from younger deposits. e nd of Branneroceras bran neri is the rst reli able indication of
its presence in the Carboniferous of the Donets Basin.
Key w o r ds : cephalopods, Middle Carboniferous, Donets Basin
Cephalopod remains are widely distributed in the Carboniferous deposits of the Donets Basin
(Dernov, 2016; Librovich, 1946, 1947; Popov, 1979; Shimansky, 1967). ey were studied by many
researchers, including A.V. Gurov, N. I. Lebedev, L. S. Librovich, A.V. Popov, D. E. Aisenverg,
T. V. Astakhova, V.I. Poletaev, and L. F. Kuzina. Nevertheless, remains of cephalopods from these
deposits require further thorough study. e relevance of such studies is justied by the large value of
cephalopods for correlating of remote sections, detailed breaking up of deposits, paleobiogeographi-
cal zoning of ancient water areas, and reconstruction of habitat conditions and burial of fossil fauna
and ora (Bogoslovskaya et al., 1999).
e purpose of this work is to describe the remains of cephalopods important for the paleobiogeo-
graphic research and stratigraphy of the middle Carboniferous deposits of the Donets Basin.
Material and methods
e remains of middle Carboniferous cephalopods of the central part of the Donets Basin (Fig. 1)
have been collected during 2004–2016. Because of these works, and due to the help of M.I. Udovi-
chenko (Luhansk), who kindly provided a number of valuable samples and introduced some inter-
esting sites, a representative collection of cephalopod remains from middle Carboniferous deposits
was created. In this paper, we describe three nautiloids, including a new species, Millkoninckioceras
udovichenkoi Dernov, sp. nov., and three ammonoids from the Mandrykinka and Mospinska Forma-
tions (Blagodathian and Zujevian Horizons) of the Donets Basin (Table 1).
e nautiloids of the genus Millkoninckioceras Kummel, 1963 have evolute, discoidal conchs with
a subcentral siphuncle, straight suture, and whorls slowly increasing in height and width (Shimansky,
1967). e genus is known from Carboniferous and Permian deposits of the Urals (Shimansky, 1967),
the Moscow Syneclise (Makhlina et al., 2001), Western Europe (Kummel, 1967), and North America
(Miller, Kemp, 1947; Newell, 1936).
Corresponding author address: Independent researcher (Makedonivka, Ukraine); e-mail:
2018 vol. 16, pp 3-14
DOI: 00.0000/000-000
4GEO&BIO 2018 vol. 16 p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000
e studied material comes from the outcrops described in detail below.
A. A quarry from 1.5 km west from Volnukhine village (Lutugine district, Luhansk region). Yellow-
ish-grey siltstones above the F1 limestone (Mandrykinka Formation), which is exposed at the up-
permost ledge of the quarry. A thin layer of yellow carbonate nodules with remains of pelecypods,
gastropods, cephalopods (Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi Dernov, sp.nov.), crinoids, and echi-
noids (Fig. 2, 1) is observed 0.3 m above the base of siltstones.
B. Exploratory ditches on the le slope of the Shchetov ravine, 1 km north from Zelenodilske vil-
lage (Antratsit district, Luhansk region). Grey mudstones and siltstones, lying 1m above the G1
limestone. In this layer, the nautiloid Gzheloceras (?) sp. and ammonoids Gastrioceras cf. listeri
(Sowerby), Gastrioceras sp., and Pseudo-
bisatoceras sp. were found (Dernov, 2016).
In addition, some remains of pelecypods,
gastropods, plant detritus, and trace fos-
sils were observed.
C. e le slope of the Rebrova ravine, 1.5
km north-west from Makedonivka village
(Lutugine district, Luhansk region). ere
is greyish-brown, ne-grained sandstone
40 m below the G2 limestone. From this
layer some remains of bryozoans, bra-
chiopods, pelecypods, gastropods, cepha-
lopods (Ephippioceras sp., Branneroceras
branneri (Smith)), arthropods, and shes
were collected.
D. e ravines near Makedonivka village (Fig.
2, 3). e exposed dark grey mudstones
contain siderite nodules and remains of a
diverse marine fauna: corals, pelecypods,
gastropods, cephalopods (Bran neroceras
branneri (Smith), Gastrio ceras cf. listeri
(Sowerby)), crinoids, arthropods, and
shes. ese mudstones lie 25 m below the
G2 limestone. Light-grey siltstones with
siderite nodules and remains of pelecy-
pods, gastropods, cephalopods (Peripeto-
ceras cf. globatoides Shimansky and Bran-
neroceras branneri (Smith)) were found
here. ese siltstones lie one metre below
the G2 limestone.
E. A small quarry and excavation of the high-
way T1320, 0.3 km north from Make-
donivka village (Fig. 2, 5). e nautiloid
Ephippioceras wildi Hind was found at
the top of the G2 limestone. e dark
grey, almost black, thick-plated limestone
contains remains of corals, bryozoans,
brachiopods, pelecypods, gastropods,
crinoids, shes, and oen stromatolites
(Dernov, 2017).
Fig. 1. The research area and the location of studied
Рис. 1. Район досліджень та розташування вивчених
5p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000 GEO&BIO 2018 том 16
F. e le slope of the Suha ravine in its
middle reaches (3 km east from Make-
donivka village). Grey and yellowish-
grey siltstone, which lies on the place of
1 limestone. In this layer, the remains
of pelecypods, gastropods, cephalopods
(Gastrioceras lupinum A.Popov) and oth-
er fossils (Fig. 2, 2, 4) were found.
e technique and terminology proposed
by V.E. Ruzhenzev (Ruzhencev, Bogoslovs-
kaya, 1971) were followed during the study
and description of ammonoids, while the
examination of nautiloids follows Shiman-
sky (1967). e studied collection (No. S-4)
is stored in the Geological Museum of Taras
Shevchenko Luhansk National University.
Abbreviations used in this work: Dc —
conch’s diameter, Wh — whorl’s height,
Ww — whorl’s width, Du — umbilical di-
ameter, Wh/Dc, Du/Dc, Ww/Wh — ratios
of parameters.
Systematic palaeontology
Class Cephalopoda
Subclass Nautiloidea
Order Nautilida
Suborder Rutoceratina
Superfamily Koninckiocerataceae
Family Koninckioceratidae Hyatt, 1900
Genus Millkoninckioceras Kummel, 1963
Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi Dernov, sp. nov. (Fig. 3, 1)
Hol ot yp e. Geological Museum of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University, No. 394-2015;
Donets Basin, a quarry near Volnukhine village, Mandrykinka Formation, above the F1 limestone
(Bilinguites-Cancelloceras Genus Zone); Fig. 3, 1.
Et ym o lo g y. e species is named in honour of the paleontologist Mykola Ivanovych Udovichenko.
For m. e conch is evolute discoid with a small contact furrow. e cross section of the last whorl
is longitudinally oval (Fig. 5, 2). e phragmocone’s venter is slightly convex, while the body cham-
ber’s venter of is attened. e ventral shoulders are not pronounced. Flanks are broad, very slightly
convex, insignicantly diverge to the middle of the height of the whorl, and slightly converge near by
the umbilical shoulders. e greatest width of the whorl is observed approximately on the middle of
its height. Whorls are moderately increased in height and width. Umbilical shoulder is wide, but quite
clear. e umbilical wall is at, fairly wide, inclined at an angle of approximately 45° to the symmetry
plane of the conch. e dorsal side is narrow, slightly concave. Umbilicus is attened, relatively wide,
about one third of the conch’s diameter. e body chamber occupies not less than half of the whorl.
Gas chambers are short; there are about 17 these chambers in the whorl. Position of the siphuncle is
Fig. 2. Some studied outcrops: 1 — quarry in Volnukhine
village (outcrop А); 2 — siltstones on the place of limestone
1 (outcrop F); 3 — mudstones 25 metres below of the lime-
stone G2 (outcrop D); 4 — mudstones under the siltstones
on place of the lime stone G4
1 (outcrop F); 5 —limestone
G2 (outcrop E). The height of the limestone wall — 2.5 m.
Рис. 2. Деякі вивчені відслонення:
1 — кар’єр в с. Волнухине (відслонення «А»). 2 — але-
вроліти на місці вапняку G4
1 (відслонення «F»); 3
глинисті сланці в 25 метрах нижче вапняку G2 (від-
слонення «D»); 4 — глинисті сланці нижче алевролітів
на місці вапняку G4
1 (відслонення «F»); 5 — вапняк G2
(відслонення «Е»). Висота стінки вапняку— 2,5 м.
6GEO&BIO 2018 vol. 16 p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000
Di m ens i ons (in mm) and ratios:
No. sample Dc Wh Ww Du Wh/Dc Ww/Dc Du/Dc Ww/Wh
394-2015 37 13 13 13 0.35 0.35 0.35 1.0
Or n am e nt a t io n . Two well-marked longitudinal narrow ribs are observed on the ventral-lateral
bend. ey are separated by a groove, which is approximately three times wider than the ribs. ese
ornamentation elements can be easily visible on both the phragmocone and the body chamber. In
addition, there are transverse thin ribs on the sink. In total, ve ribs per one millimetre of the whorl’s
length are recognizable. On the venter, the ribs form a deep sine; they cross the lateral sides directly,
and slightly deviate back on the umbilical wall.
Sutu r e. On the venter, there is a poorly visible saddle, on the lateral sides there is a weak visible
shallow lobe. On the ventral side, the saddle is small; it seems that the suture is straight (Fig. 5, 1).
Co m p ar i so n . e characteristic of ornamentation of the longitudinal ribs on the ventral-lateral
bend and some other morphological details allow us distinguishing clearly the new species from
other representatives of the genus. e new taxon diers from M. konincki (Miller and Kemp) whorl’s
height, the presence of ventral-lateral ribs and bigger size. e species group described by Newell
(1936) from the Pennsylvanian of the North America and tentatively attributed by Shimansky (1967)
to the genus Millkoninckioceras (M. jewetti, M. wyandottense, M. eliasi) signicantly diers morpho-
logically from the new species in the greater dissection of the suture line, low and wide whorls, or-
namentation, and the considerable size of conchs. From the Permian M. bibbi (Miller et Kemp) from
Texas (Miller, Kemp, 1947), the new species diers in the shape of the whorl’s cross section (in the
American species the whorls are rather low and wide, transversely elliptical). In addition, the size of
Fig. 3. Studied nautiloids: 1Millkonincki-
oceras udovichenkoi Dernov, sp. nov.:
lateral view, 1b — aperture view, 1c — an
enlarged portion of the sculpture on the lat-
eral side; sample No. 394-2015, outcrop А;
2Peripetoceras cf. globatoides Shi mansky,
1967: — lateral view, 2b— ventral view,
2c— aperture view; sample No. 367, outcrop
D; 3Ephippioceras wildi Hind, 1910:
ventral view, 3b — lateral view, sample No.
1421-2015, outcrop E. Scale bar equals 10
mm in 1a, 1b, 2, 3; 2 mm in 1c.
Рис. 3. Вивчені наутиліди: 1Millkonin-
cki oceras udovichenkoi Dernov, sp. nov.:
— збоку, 1b — зі сторони апертури,
c — збільшена ділянка скульптури на бо-
ковій стороні; зразок № 394-2015, відсло-
нення «А»; 2Peripetoceras cf. globatoides
Shi mansky,1967: — збоку, 2b — вен-
трально, 2c — вигляд зі сторони аперту-
ри; зразок № 367, відслонення «D»; 3
Ephippioceras wildi Hind, 1910: — вен-
трально, 3b— збоку; зразок №1421-2015,
відслонення «Е». Масштабний відрізок —
10 мм для 1а, 1b, 2, 3; 2 мм для 1c.
7p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000 GEO&BIO 2018 том 16
M. bibbi signicantly exceeds that of the M. udovichenkoi (for example, the conch’s diameter in the
rst species is almost 7 times greater than in the second one).
Lo c at i on . Lutugine district, Luhansk region, a quarry 1.5 km to the west from Volnukhine vil-
lage: concretions 0.3 m above the F1 limestone, Mandrykinka Formation (sample No. 394-2015). Ma-
terial was collected by M.I. Udovichenko in 2008.
Stratigraphic and geographical distribution. Upper part of the lower Bashkirian, Do-
nets Basin.
Suborder Liroceratina
Superfamily Lirocerataceae
Family Liroceratidae Miller et Youngquist, 1949
Genus Peripetoceras Hyatt, 1894
Peripetoceras cf. globatoides Shimansky, 1967 (Fig. 3, 2)
Mate r ia l . Nine fragments of conchs.
Form. e conch is semi-involute, subspherical, with rapidly increasing whorls. e cross-section
of the whorl is sub-trapezoidal. Venter is broad, at or very slightly convex. e ventral shoulder is
roundish. e anks are convex and slowly diverge from the ventral shoulder to the umbilicus. e
umbilical shoulder is almost rectangular, while the umbilical wall is at. e greatest width of the
whorl is near the umbilicus. Dorsal side is concave, about 2.5 times narrower than the whorl’s width.
e aperture shape is not established. Because of inconsistent preservation, it is not possible to count
the number of cameras in the whorl. e siphuncle could not be studied.
Di m ens i ons (in mm) and ratios:
No. sample Dc Wh Ww Du Wh/Dc Ww/Dc Du/Dc Ww/Wh
367 ≈ 32 14 21 ≈ 0.44 ≈ 0.66 1.5
414 10 17 8 1.7
415 10 15 1.5
417 11 19 9 1.7
6492 8,5 18 2.1
Or n ame n tat ion on the fossils is not observed.
e sutu r e could not be studied.
Re m ark s . e studied material is very similar to Peripetoceras globatoides Shimansky, which is
known from the Serpukhovian of the central part of the East European platform (Shimansky, 1967).
Nevertheless, we cannot assign the described fossils to the indicated taxon. due to the smaller size of
samples in comparison with the holotype, as well as the lack of possibility to compare the shape of the
sutures and the position of the siphuncle of our material and type.
Lo c at i on . Lutugine district, Luhansk region, ravine in northern vicinities of Makedonivka vil-
lage: siltstones under the G2 limestone (samples Nos. 367, 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 420, 6492), Mospin-
ska Formation. Material was collected by the author in 2009–2016.
Stratigraphic and geographical distribution. Bashkirian Stage of the Donets Basin.
Family Ephippioceratidae Miller et Youngquist, 1949
Genus Ephippioceras Hyatt, 1884
Ephippioceras wildi Hind, 1910 (Fig. 3, 3)
1910 Ephippioceras wildi sp. nov.: Hind, p. 104, pl. IV, Fig. 2, pl. V, Fig. 1,2, pl. VI, Fig. 1.
Holo t yp e. Museum of the University of Manchester, No. W.763; UK, Lancashire, Burnley, Hap-
ton, Spa Clough, Lower Coal Measures, roof of Bullion Coal.
Mate r ia l . One fragment of the large conch.
8GEO&BIO 2018 vol. 16 p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000
For m . e conch is involute, subspherical, with rapidly increasing whorls. e cross section of
the adult whorl is low, kidney-shaped. e ventral shoulder is not pronounced. e venter forms
one hemispherical surface together with the lateral. e anks of the phragmocone are at, while
the anks of the body chamber are slightly convex. ey slowly diverge as they approach the umbili-
cal shoulder. e greatest width of turnover is observed near the umbilicus. e umbilical shoulder
rounded, but clear. e umbilical wall is narrow, at and almost perpendicular relative to the symme-
try plane of the shell. Umbilicus is wide and equals about one third of the conchs diameter. e dorsal
side of the conch has not been studied. e length of the body chamber is not known, since only its
posterior part was preserved. Gas chambers, the available material, are short (about 9–10chambers
for the width of the conchs whorl). e siphuncle is located between the centre and the venter.
Di m ens i ons (in mm) and ratios:
No. sample Dc Wh Ww Du Wh/Dc Ww/Dc Du/Dc Ww/Wh
1421-2015 ≈ 90 54 95 29 0.6 ≈ 1.05 0.32 1.76
ere is no or na m ent a ti o n on the mold.
Sutu r e. e ventral saddle is high, tapers slowly as it comes near the apex. Its height is 2.5 times
less than the width of its base. e ventral saddles of adjacent lobes are quite distant from each other.
On the anks, there is a shallow wide lobe (Fig. 5, 3).
Co m p ar i so n . e described species diers from the closely related species of Ephippioceras fer-
ratum (Cox, 1857) from the Lower and Middle Carboniferous and E.clitellarium (Sowerby, 1840)
from the Lower — Upper Car boniferous, in the shape of the suture (in Ephippioceras wildi the ventral
saddle has a more rounded top and a lesser of height). In addition, the Ephippioceras wildi is diers
signicantly from other species of the genus in the shape of cross section of the whorl and wider
Re m ark s . Two fragments of the nautiloid mold (sample Nos. 405-2015 and 413-2015) were ob-
tained from the sandstone in 40 m below the G2 limestone. ese specimens resemble Ephippioceras
wildi. We dene the nautiloid from sandstone as Ephippioceras sp.
In the body chamber of the described conch, fragments of brachiopod shells and fragments of
stems of crinoids, introduced there by the current during its postmorality stay on the surface of the
seabed, were found. Moreover, in the last gas chamber there is a small brachiopod shell, which got
here because of the violation of the integrity of the last septa. A deformed fossil was also found in
the body chamber in the form of a thin plate, presumably oval, on the surface of which frequent thin
concentric ribs are observed (Fig. 4). e length of this fragment is 17 mm. e mentioned fossil may
be a part of the jaw apparatus of the described nautiloid.
Lo c at i on . Lutugine district, Luhansk region, a small quarry 0.3 km north from Makedonivka
village, G2 limestone, Mospinska Formation (sample Nos. 1421-2015). Material was collected by the
author in 2014.
Str a ti g rap h ic an d g e og r aph ic a l d is t r i but i on . In addition to the Donets Basin, this spe-
cies is known from the Westphalian A of Britain.
Subclass Ammonoidea
Order Goniatitida Hyatt, 1884
Suborder Goniatitina Hyatt, 1884
Superfamily Gastriocerataceae Hyatt, 1884
Family Gastrioceratidae Hyatt, 1884
Genus Gastrioceras Hyatt, 1884
Gastrioceras cf. listeri (Sowerby, 1812) (Fig. 5, 3)
Mate r ia l . Two fragments of dierent conchs and one incomplete mold.
9p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000 GEO&BIO 2018 том 16
Form. It is dicult to estimate about
the shell’s shape. e venter is a single con-
vex surface with lateral sides; the ventral
shoulder is not expressed. e umbilical
shoulder is somewhat angular, while the
wall is wide and slightly convex. Cross sec-
tion of the whorl is low. e greatest width
of the whorl is observed near the umbilical
shoulder. e umbilicus is deep, wide.
Di m ens i ons (in mm) and ratios:
No. sample Dc Wh Ww Du Wh/Dc Ww/Dc Du/Dc
655-2015 13.5 25
827-2015 7.5 2.5 3.5 0.33 0.47
Or n am e nt a t io n . e conch’s surface is covered with gentle striae forming a shallow sine on the
venter, and a weak protrusion on the ventral-lateral part of the whorl. e nature of the striae on other
parts of the shell is unknown. Sharp tubercles are located on the umbilical shoulder. On 5 mm of the
umbili cal shoulder account for about two tubercles (whorl height is 13.5 mm). On the conch, there
are clearly no ticeable constrictions, but it is not possible to count them.
e shape of the su tur e has not been studied because of poor preservation of the samples.
Re m ar k s. Insucient preservation of the material did not allow investigating the suture and, ac-
cordingly, to attribute the studied material with those of G. listeri.
Lo c at i on . Lutugine district, Luhansk region, 2.5 km north from Zelenodilske village: siltstones
over limestone G1 (No. 827-2015), Dyakivska Series; a ravine 3 km east of Makedonivka village: argil-
lite in 25 m below the G2 limestone (Nos. 552-2015, 655-2015), Mospinska Formation. Material was
collected by the author in 2006–2014.
Stratigraphic and geographical distribution. Gastrioceras listeri (Sowerby, 1812) is
known from the goniatite zone G2 of Britain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Po-
land. is species was also noted earlier from the Donets Basin (Popov, 1979) in limestones G1–G2
and G4 of the Mospinska Formation and in the roof of coal h4
2 layer of the Smolyanynovka Formation.
Gastrioceras lupinum A. Popov, 1979 (Fig. 5, 1)
1979 Gastrioceras lupinum sp. nov.: Popov, p. 83–84, plate Х, Figs 9–11.
Holo t yp e. Federal State Budgetary Institution “A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research In-
stitute,” No. 3223; Donets Basin, Sorochya girder, Bashkirian Stage, H5 – І1 limestones.
Mate r ia l . Six fragments of moldes and imprints of conchs.
Fig. 4. Fragment of nautiloid jaw apparatus (?)
from the body chamber of Ephippioceras wildi
Hind, 1910; sample No. 1424-2015, outcrop E,
scale barequals 10 mm.
Broken or deformed sides of the fossil are
marked by dotted line; extant edges are marked
by thin solid lines and concentric sculpture is
shown by thick lines.
Рис. 4. Фрагмент щелепного апарату на-
утиліди (?) із житлової камери Ephippioceras
wildi Hind, 1910; зразок № 1424-2015, від-
слонення Е, масштабний відрізок — 10 мм.
Пунктиром позначені зламані чи деформо-
вані сторони фосилії; тонкою суцільною
лінією — краї фосилії, що збереглися; тов-
стою лінією — концентрична скульптура.
10 GEO&BIO 2018 vol. 16 p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000
For m . e shape of the conch cannot be established; Popov (1979) pointed out that it is pachy-
conical, very involute. Flanks are slightly convex; slightly divergent at coming to the umbilicus. e
umbilicus has medium size. e umbilical shoulder is sharp and angular.
Di m ens i ons (in mm) and ratios:
No. sample Dc Wh Ww Du Wh/Dc Ww/Dc Du/Dc
492-2015 ≈12 6 4 0.5 0.36
1356-2015 11 4 3.5 0.36 0.32
e orn ame nt a t io n is represented by thin ribs forming a small protrusion on the ventro-lateral
bend, and wide shallow sinus on the anks. Between the ribs, there are lines repeating the congura-
tion of the ribs. On the umbilical shoulder, the ribs turn into sharp small tubercles. At 1 mm of the
umbilical shoulder (at the whorl’s height of 6 mm), there are two or three tubercles. In addition to the
transverse ribs, weakly noticeable lyres are observed on the ventral-lateral bend. ere are constric-
tions on the studied fragments of conchs, however it is impossible to calculate exactly their number
(Popov (1979) pointed out that there are three of them on the whorl).
Sutu r e is not observed due to insucient preservation of the material.
Co m p ar i s o n . Due to the characteristic ornamentation, this species diers quite sharply from
close taxa.
Fig. 5. The shape of the suture and the cross
section of the whorl of some studied nautiloids
and ammonoids: 1 — suture line of Ephippioce-
ras wildi Hind, 1910 (Wh= 54 mm, Ww= 95
mm, sample No.1424-2015, outcrop E); 2 — su-
ture of Millkoninckio ceras udovichenkoi Dernov,
sp. nov. (Wh = 13 mm, Ww = 13 mm, sample
No. 394-2015, outcrop А). 3 —cross section of
body chamber of Millkoninckioceras udovichen-
koi Dernov, sp. nov. (sample and outcrop are the
same). 4,5 — conchs of Branneroceras branneri
(Smith), 1896 (sample No. 4036 (4), outcrop D,
scale bar equals 3 mm; sample No. 502 (5), out-
crop D, scale bar equals 5mm).
Рис. 5. Форма лопатевої лінії та попереч-
ний переріз завитку деяких вивчених на-
утилоідей та аммоноідей: 1 — лопатева лі-
нія Ephippioceras wildi Hind, 1910 (В=54 мм,
Ш=95 мм, зразок № 1424-2015, відслонення E).
2 — лопатева лінія наутиліди Millkoninckio-
ceras udovichenkoi Dernov, sp. nov. (В = 13
mm, Ш = 13 mm, зразок № 394-2015, від-
слонення А); 3 —поперечний перетин жит-
лової камери наутилоідеї Millkoninckioceras
udovichenkoi Dernov, sp. nov. (зразок та від-
слонення ті самі). 4,5 — черепашки аммоно-
ідей Branneroceras branneri (Smith), 1896 (зра-
зок № 4036 (4), відслонення D, масштабний
відрізок 3мм; зразок № 502 (5), відслонення
D, масштабний відрізок 5 мм).
11p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000 GEO&BIO 2018 том 16
Lo c at i on . Suha ravine, Lutugine district, Luhansk region, 3 km east from Makedonivka village:
siltstone on the place of the G4
1 limestone and adjacent slates (sample Nos. 515-2015, 517-2015, 611-
2015, 644-2015, 1320-2015, 1356-2015), Mospinska Formation. Material was collected by the author
in 2006–2014.
Stratigraphic and geographical distribution. Bashkirian Stage, Donets Basin. Occurs in
shales near the G4
1 limestone. Popov (1979) established this species in the upper part of the Smoly-
anynovka Formation (limestones H5 – І1 (?) and H6). In the shale above the G3 limestone in Suha ra-
vine, there are remains of ammonoids, very similar to G. lupinum. Fragmentation and a small number
of materials, as well as minor dierences in sculpture, did not allow us to assign these ammonoids to
the above-mentioned species.
Superfamily Schistocerataceae Schmidt, 1929
Family Schistoceratidae Schmidt, 1929
Genus Branneroceras Plummer et Scott, 1937
Branneroceras branneri (Smith), 1896 (plate 5, Figs 4, 5; plate 6, Figs 2, 4, 5)
1896 Gastrioceras branneri sp. nov.: Smith, p. 257, 258, pl. 23, Figs 1–6.
1903 Gastrioceras branneri Smith: Smith, р. 83, pl.11, Figs8–13.
1923 Gastrioceras branneri Smith: Schindewolf, text Fig. 12c.
1937 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Plummer, Scott, p. 219 – 221, pl. 11, Figs 1–7.
1938 Branneroceras branneri var. branneri (Smith): Miller, Moore; pp. 348–350, pl. 44, Figs 5–12.
1938 Branneroceras branneri var. halenseMiller et Moore: Miller, Moore; pp. 350–351, pl.44, Figs 13–14.
1940 Branneroceras branneri var. branneri (Smith): Bisat, p. 332, Figs 3A, 3B.
1944 Gastrioceras branneri Smith: Miller, Owen, pp. 422–423, pl. 63, Figs 1, 2, pl. 65, Figs1, 2.
1948 Gastrioceras branneri branneri Smith: Miller, Downs, pl. 103, Figs 10, 11.
1950 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Руженцев, Fig. 48d.
1958 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Miller, Furnish, p. 262, pl. 34, Figs 5, 6.
1960 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Руженцев, Fig. 92b
1964 Gastrioceras (Branneroceras) branneri (Smith): Gordon, p. 253–255, pl. 27, Figs 16–23, 27 – 30, text Fig. 76.
1968 Branneroceras branneri Smith: McCaleb, p. 60 – 65, pl. 8, Fig. 1–16, pl. 9, Fig. 1–19.
1971 Branneroceras branneri (Smith) Plummer et Scott: Wagner-Gentis, p. 348–349, pl. 5, Fig. 16, pl. 6, Fig. 17.
1975 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Nassichuk, p. 142 – 144, pl. 16, Fig. 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 15, 16.
1977 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Saunders, Manger, Gordon, pl. 5, Figs 14–17.
1980 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Manger, Saunders, text-Fig. 10, D–G.
1999 Branneroceras branneri (Smith): Fujikawa, Ishibashi, Nakornsri, pl. 1, Figs 2–8.
Holo t yp e. United States National Museum, No. 26439; USA, Pilot Mountain, Valley Springs,
sandstone of Morrow age (location No. 1275A10).
Ma t er i al . 15 samples, including molds, conchs and their fragments of dierent state of preservation.
For m . e conch is subdiskoconic, evolute, with a moderately wide and broad umbilicus. e
cross-section of the whorl is low. Venter is slightly convex and wide. e ventral shoulder is round-
ish. e anks are convex, moderately divergent at coming to the umbilicus. e greatest value of the
whorl’s width is observed near the umbilical shoulder. e umbilical shoulder is angular, while the
umbilical wall is slightly convex. Umbilicus is moderately broad and wide, deep, stepped. Early whorls
had rounded coiling.
Di m ens i ons (in mm) and ratios:
No. sample Dc Wh Ww Du Wh/Dc Ww/Dc Du/Dc
609 14 5 7 0.35 0.50
656 30 8 14 0.27 0.47
544 30 8 12 14 0.27 0.40 0.47
669 26 8.5 13 13 0.33 0.50 0.50
3776 13 3.5 6 7 0.27 0.46 0.54
710 18 5 10 0.28 0.55
725 7 13.5
315 25 8 10 12 0.32 0.40 0.48
350 17 5 9 0.29 – 0.53
338 31 10 14 16 0.32 0.45 0.52
335 40 11 15 17 0.28 0.38 0.43
12 GEO&BIO 2018 vol. 16 p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000
e orn a me n t at i on is represented by thin frequent sharp transverse ribs forming a moderate
sine on the ventral side, and a weak protrusion on the ventral shoulder. On the anks, the ribs deviate
slightly. ere are also single spiral, which when crossing with the transverse ribs, forms a characteris-
tic reticulate ornament. On the umbilical shoulder, the transverse ribs are connecting and form short,
massive ribs. At 10 mm of the umbilical shoulder (with a diameter of conch is 26 mm) comes about
6–7 ribs. ere are three constrictions per whorl.
Sutu r e. e ventral lobe is wide, splits by a wide siphuncle saddle into two narrow branches;
outer saddle rounded, the lateral lobe is wedge-shaped.
Co m p ar i s o n . e described taxon diers from Branneroceras hillsi Nassichuk, 1975 by lower
whorls, short and massive umbilical ribs, as well as higher and narrower siphuncle saddle of the su-
ture. It diers from B. nicholasi Nassichuk, 1975 in form of the whorl and smaller height, as well as
more robust umbilical ribs and narrow outer saddle.
Re mar ks . Librovich (1947) indicated Branneroceras branneri (Smith) without a description from
the upper part of the Mandrykinka Formation, along with lower Bashkirian ammonoids (e.g., Bilin-
guites superbilingue (Bisat)). e late Bashkirian genus Branneroceras was mistakenly dened as genus
Cancelloceras (early Bashkirian).
Lo c at i on . Lutugine district, Luhansk region, ravines in the northern vicinities of Makedonivka
village: siltstone directly under the G2 limestone (Nos. 338, 502, 544, 669, 725), Mospinska Formation.
In the same place, as well as girders 3 km east and 5 km west from the village: argillite 25 m below
limestone G2 (no. 315, 335, 350, 352, 501, 656, 3776, 4036, 4213), Mospinska Formation. Beams in the
northern vicinities of Makedonovka village: sandstone 40meters below the G2 limestone (No. 710),
Mospinska Formation. Material was collected by the author in 2006–2016.
Stratigraphic and geographi-
ca l di st ribut io n. e upper part of
the Bashkirian Stage (Branneroceras-
Gastrioceras Genus Zone) of Western
Europe, China, Japan, Uzbekistan, the
Canadian Arctic Archipelago, and the
Fig. 6. Studied ammonoids: 1— Gastrio-
ceras lupinum A. Popov, 1979: 1а, 1b
lateral view, sample No. 611-2015 (),
No. 611-2015 (1b), outcrop F; 2, 4, 5 —
Branneroceras branneri (Smith), 1896: 2,
, 5 — lateral view, 4b — ventral view,
sample No. 725 (2), No. 3776 (4), No. 669
(5), outcrop D; 3Gastrioceras cf. listeri
(Sowerby, 1812): — lateral view, 3b
aper ture view, sample No. 655–2015, out-
crop D. The scale bar equals 5 mm in 1
and 4, and 10 mm in 2, 3, 5.
Рис. 6. Вивчені аммоноідеї: 1— Gastrio-
ceras lupinum A. Popov, 1979: 1а, 1b
збоку, зразок № 611-2015 (), № 644-
2015 (1b), відслонення F; 2, 4, 5— Bran-
neroceras branneri (Smith), 1896: 2, 4а,
5— збоку, 4b — вентрально, зразок №
725 (2), № 3776 (4), № 669 (5), відслонен-
ня D; 3Gastrioceras cf. listeri (Sowerby,
1812): — збоку, 3b— з боку перего-
родки, зразок № 665-2015, відслонення
D. Масштабний відрізок — 5 мм для 1
та 4, 10мм для 2, 3, 5.
13p-ISSN 0000-0000 e-ISSN 0000-0000 GEO&BIO 2018 том 16
Six species of cephalopods were described from middle Carboniferous deposits of the Donets Ba-
sin. e described nautiloids include one newly established species (Millkoninckioceras udovichenkoi)
and two taxa previously unknown for the Donets Basin (Peripetoceras cf. globatoides, Ephippioceras
wildi). ree species of ammonoids were recorded: Gastrioceras cf. listeri, Gastrioceras lupinum, Bran-
neroceras branneri. Gastrioceras lupinum shows certain details of ornamentation not mentioned in
the original description of this taxon. Ornamentation is represented by thin ribs, which form a small
protrusion on the ventral-lateral bend, and a wide shallow sinus on the anks. Between the ribs, there
are lines that repeat the conguration of the ribs. On the umbilical shoulder, the ribs turn into sharp
small tubercles.
e presence of the genera Branneroceras and Gastrioceras in the sediments of the Mospinska For-
mation evidence its belonging to the Branneroceras-Gastrioceras Genus Zone. e studied materials
conrm the close connection of the Middle Carboniferous water areas of the Donets Basin and the
Moscow Syneclise, as well as the Donets Basin and Western Europe.
e author is grateful to M. I.Udovichenko for assistance in the course of research and samples, to
I.V. Zagorodniuk and A. V. Bratishko for their assistance in the publication of this article, as well as
to Oleksandr Kovalchuk for a signicant contribution in improving its content.
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... Кам'яновугільні амоноідеї Донбасу вивчали Л. С. Лібрович (Либрович, 1939, 1946), А. В. Попов (Попов, 1979), Т. В. Астахова (Астахова, 1983; Айзенверг, Астахова, 1987) і автор цієї статті (Дернов, 2021Dernov, 2018Dernov, , 2022a. ...
... Рис. 2. Стратиграфічне поширення амоноідей в башкирському ярусі та нижній частині московського ярусу Донбасу за даними (Попов, 1979; Астахова, 1983; Айзенверг, Астахова, 1987) та автора (Дернов, 2021;Dernov, 2018Dernov, , 2022a і субрегіональна схема біостратиграфічного розчленування цих відкладів. (Popov, 1979;Astakhova, 1983;Aisenverg, Astakhova, 1987;Dernov, 2018Dernov, , 2021 and subregional biostratigraphic scheme of the Bashkirian and Moscovian of the Donets Basin. ...
... Рис. 2. Стратиграфічне поширення амоноідей в башкирському ярусі та нижній частині московського ярусу Донбасу за даними (Попов, 1979; Астахова, 1983; Айзенверг, Астахова, 1987) та автора (Дернов, 2021;Dernov, 2018Dernov, , 2022a і субрегіональна схема біостратиграфічного розчленування цих відкладів. (Popov, 1979;Astakhova, 1983;Aisenverg, Astakhova, 1987;Dernov, 2018Dernov, , 2021 and subregional biostratigraphic scheme of the Bashkirian and Moscovian of the Donets Basin. ...
... (6) The G 1 2 limestone layer with stromatolites (Dernov 2017) and rare rugose corals, bryozoans, brachiopods (Orthotetes sp., Echinoconchus sp., Parajuresania sp., etc.), gastropods, bivalves, nautiloids (Ephippioceras wildi hind) (Dernov 2018), ammonoids (Melvilloceras rotaii (liBrovitch in PoPov), Branneroceras sp. A), crinoids, fishes (Lagarodus Jaekel) and trace fossils (Zoophycos maSSalongo and Phycosiphon (fiScher-ooSter)). ...
... sp. B are known from the Mospyne Formation (Popov 1979, Dernov 2018, 2021a and this paper) (Text-fi g. 6). ...
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Eleven late Bashkirian ammonoid taxa (Anthracoceratites sp., Cymoceras sp., Melvilloceras rotaii (Librovitch in Popov, 1979), Gastrioceras angustum Patteisky, 1964, G. lupinum Popov, 1979, G. kutejnikovense Popov, 1979, ?Agastrioceras sp., Bisatoceras sp., ?Owenoceras sp., Branneroceras sp. A, and Branneroceras sp. B), are described from the Mospyne Formation of the Donets Basin, eastern Ukraine. Representatives of the genera Cymoceras, Agastrioceras, Bisatoceras are first recorded from the Carboniferous of the Donets Basin. Early Westphalian (G2 ammonoid zone, Langsettian) ammonoids Gastrioceras listeri, G. angustum and Branneroceras spp. indicate the attribution of the Mospyne Formation to the Gastrioceras-Branneroceras Genozone.
... Автор останні кілька років займається вивченням цефалопод середнього карбону півдня Луганської області [1,2,4,5]. У результаті цих досліджень було відкрито багате місцезнаходження решток головоногих молюсків та іншої фауни, що приурочене до шару пісковику в середній частині моспинської світи (рис. 1A). ...
... Деякі вищенаведені форми згадувалися в роботі [4], проте тут їх систематична належність переглянута. ...
... Most of ovipositions are found in the lacustrine siltstones; one specimen (IGSU-1652; fig. 3D) was found in siderite nodule from gray siltstones with remains of marine pelecypods Solenomorpha, Sanguinolites, Phestia, gastropods Euphemites, cephalopods Liroceras and Peripetoceras (Dernov, 2018). ...
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The world's oldest insect endophytic oviposition from the deposits of the Mospinka Formation (Upper Bashkirian, Lower Pennsylvanian) of the Donets Basin is described in the paper. There is little information on Carboniferous endophytic oviposition of insects. The earliest insect endophytic oviposition specimens are specimens from the Upper Moscovian and the uppermost part of the Gzhelian of Germany, as well as the uppermost Gzhelian of France and the USA. The endophytic oviposition described in this article is almost 10 million years older than specimens from the Upper Moscovian of Germany. The studied material was collected on five localities and four stratigraphic levels. The study area is the upper reaches of the Velyka Kamyanka River (southern part of the Luhansk Region, Ukraine). The rocks with the studied oviposition were formed in shallow marine, lagoonal and lacustrine environments. Insect damages were noted on leaves of arborescent lycopsids and cordaitaleans, and pteridosperm rachises. The above mentioned oviposition belongs to the following damage types sensu Labandeira et al., 2007: DT76, DT100, DT101 and DT175. The studied oviposition occurs mainly in sediments formed in the environments of a highly watered coastal alluvialdeltaic lowland with associations of the semi-aquatic sphenopsids (shores of lakes, rivers, and freshened lagoons), predominantly arborescent lycopsids (swampy areas), as well as pteridosperms on the elevated areas of accumulation plain. The most likely producers of endophytic oviposition are representatives of Odonatoptera, Palaeodictyopteroidea, and Orthoptera. The new findings substantially supplement the fossil record of insect endophytic oviposition.
... и Megaglossoceras sp. (Dernov, 2018). Координаты: 48°14′27′′ с. ш., 39°16′08′′ в. д. ...
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Two new species of coiled nautiloids, Gzheloceras poletaevi sp. nov. and Celox oliphanti sp. nov., are described from the Late Bashkirian and Early Moscovian of the Central Donets Basin, Ukraine. Gzheloceras poletaevi sp. nov. differs from Gzheloceras aisenvergi in absence of a longitudinal ridge on the ventolateral shoulder and more compressed whorl profile; Gzheloceras poletaevi differs from Gzheloceras striatum in absence of a spiral lateral ribs and less compressed whorl. Gzheloceras poletaevi is distinguished from Gzheloceras memorandum by more compressed whorl profile and thinly discoidal conch. Gzheloceras poletaevi differs from Gzheloceras pulcher in the absence of a thin transverse lateral ribs and longitudinal ridge on the ventolateral shoulder. Celox oliphanti sp. nov. differs from Celox erratica by delicate growth lines on the conch surface and more rapid whorl's increase in width and height.
The Lower Pennsylvanian Hale Formation, which comprises the lower portion of the type Morrowan Series, in northwestern Arkansas, is subdivided into the Cane Hill and overlying Prairie Grove Members. The Cane Hill Member includes interbedded shale and sandstone with a basal conglomerate containing clasts reworked from underlying, truncated Mississippian formations. The Prairie Grove Member is highly variable, but includes sandy biosparite and calcareous sandstone. Highly fossiliferous pebble conglomerate and calcirudite lenses occur sporadically throughout the Hale Formation. Ammonoids and conodonts show that the Cane Hill-Prairie Grove boundary is unconformable. Several thousand ammonoids collected from more than 100 localities in the Hale Formation show that four ammonoid zones and two subzones are recognizable in the Hale succession, and consequently in the redefined Halian Stage of the Morrowan Series. These are, in ascending order, the Retites semiretia, Quinnites henbesti, Arkanites relictus (including the Arkanites relictus relictus and overlying Cancelloceras huntsvillense Subzones) and Verneuilites pygmaeus Zones. Halian Stage ammonoids are known primarily from northern Arkansas, but an upper Arkanites relictus Zone ( Cancelloceras huntsvillense Subzone) ammonoid assemblage occurs in the Primrose Member of the Golf Course Formation in south central Oklahoma. Conodont-ammonoid associations in the Hale sequence provide a basis for integration of independently based zonal information. Rhachistognathus primus Zone conodonts occur in the Retites semiretia Zone; the Idiognathoides sinuatus Zone ranges through the Quinnites henbesti and Arkanites relictus relictus Subzone. The overlying Cancelloceras huntsvillense Subzone and Verneuilites pygmaeus Zone both contain conodonts of the Neognathodus symmetricus Zone. The Hale ammonoid succession has few, if any, species in common with the type Namurian of Europe, but numerous genera are common to both sequences and the generic successions coincide and are equivalent in degree of development. The Retites semiretia Zone is equivalent to the Reticuloceras circumplicatile Zone (R 1 a); the Quinnites henbesti and lower Arkanites relictus Zones correspond to some portion of the R 2 b–R 2 c interval; and the upper Arkanites relictus Zone and the Verneuilites pygmaeus Zone correlate to Zone G 1 . The Retites semiretia Zone correlates to the lower Reticuloceras-Baschkortoceras Genozone (Nm 2 b 1 ) of the upper Namurian in the south Urals; the Quinnites henbesti Zone is equivalent to some portion of the Nm 2 b 2–3 intervals of this zone; the lower Arkanites relictus Zone is equivalent to the lower Bilinguites-Cancelloceras Genozone (Nm 2 c 1 ) and the upper Arkanites relictus and Verneuilites pygmaeus Zones correspond to the uppermost interval (Nm 2 c 2 ) in the south Urals sequence. Systematic descriptions of biostratigraphically significant Halian taxa, including Reticuloceras tiro Gordon, R. wainwrighti Quinn, Retites semiretia McCaleb, Arkanites relictus relictus (Quinn, McCaleb, and Webb), A. relictus redivivus n.subsp., Quinnites n.gen. (type species Q. henbesti (Gordon)), Q. textum (Gordon), Bilinguites eliasi n.sp., Cancelloceras huntsvillense n.sp., and Verneuilites pygmaeus (Mather) are also presented.
Approximately 8,000 well-preserved ammonoids from the Lower Pennsylvanian Bloyd Formation have been studied. They are from the type area o the Morrowan in Washington County, Ark., and from stratigraphic equivalents elsewhere in northern Arkansas and in Oklahoma. Representatives of the genera Proshumardites, Syngastrioceras, Pygmaeoceras, Pseudoparalegoceras, Retites, Branneroceras, Diaboloceras, Axinolobus, Gymoceras, and Pronorites are reviewed systematically. New species of Bisatoceras, Wiedeyoceras, and Gastrioceras are described. On the basis of ammonoid sequences in the type Bloyd Formation, it is concluded that numerous occurrences in A r kansas and Oklahoma can be assigned stratigraphically. Similarly, correlation can be made with the Namurian-Westphalian and Bashkirian- Moscovian sections of Eurasia. The ammonoid sequences from the type Brentwood serve to aid correlation with numerous localities throughout Arkansas and Oklahoma. This member contains the distinctive index species Branneroceras branneri as well as Proshumardites morrowanus, Bisatoceras secundum, Gastrioceras filtsi, Syngastrioceras oblatum, Pygmaeoceras morrowense, Pronorites arkansiensis, and Gymoceras miseri. The Union Valley Formation of southern Oklahoma appears, at least in part, to be a direct correlative of the Brentwood. The ammonoid fauna of the Brentwood indicates that it is a correlative of the Lower Bashkirian and Namurian C zone in the Eurasian section. The Woolsey Member of the Bloyd Formation is composed of terrigenous sediments and is either unrecognizable or absent in the adjacent stratigraphic sections in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The upper limit of the Woolsey Member is marked by the Baldwin coal. The "cap rock" of the Baldwin coal is the basal unit of the Dye Shale Member of the Bloyd Formation and contains distinctive zone ammonoids, Axinolobus quinni and A. modulus. Rare associates include a primitive form of Diaboloceras, D. neumeieri, as well as Proshumardites morrowanus, Wiedeyoceras n. sp., Gastrioceras n. sp., Syngastrioceras oblatum, Pseudoparalegoceras compressum, and Pronorites arkansiensis. The Gene Autry Shale and Wapanucka Limestone of southern Oklahoma are the apparent correlatives of the Dye Shale Member. This unit appears to be of the same age as the upper part of the Lower Bashkirian-Westphalian A zone in the Eurasian sequence. Directly overlying the Dye Shale Member is the Kessler Limestone Member of the Bloyd Formation. The Kessler Limestone fauna contains few ammonoids- sparse occurrences of Pseudoparalegoceras, Gastrioceras, and Axinolobus. The Otterville Limestone of southern Oklahoma is considered to be a correlative of the Kessler. The uppermost unit of the Bloyd Formation in northern Arkansas is the Trace Creek Shale Member, characteristically with large Diaboloceras neumeieri and Pseudoparalegoceras compressum. This unit also contains a few representatives of Bisatoceras n. sp., Gastrioceras n. sp., Boesites scotti, and Pronorites arkansiensis. As it is presently understood, the Trace Creek Member of the Bloyd Formation has few recognizable faunal correlatives in Arkansas and none in Oklahoma. However, with additional study, the uppermost portion of the Wapanucka Limestone may prove to be correlative with the Trace Creek Member; but at present the Wapanucka is restricted to the Middle Bloyd Formation. In most respects, the fauna of this member is gradational between that considered typical of the Bloyd Formation and that in the overlying Winslow Formation.
Extract (Plates III.—VII.) (Read March 4th, 1910.) INTRODUCTION. The specimens which form the subject matter of this paper have either been collected by or loaned to me for study and description. Some of them have been in my hands for years, during which I have compared them with figures and descriptions of most of the described Carboniferous species. I have also had the advantage of showing the specimens to Mr. G. C. Crick, of the Natural History Museum, and of conferring with him on their structure and affinities. During the last year I have been able to learn that my specimens were not unique, but that other examples of the same genera and species were extant in public and private collections, it therefore seemed to me that it was a fitting time to publish descriptions and figures of them and to revise any previous work germane to the subject. In three cases figures of a sort had been published, under generic and specific names, which denoted characters, widely different, from those which belonged to the specimens, all of which were unaccompanied by descriptions. Two specimens, each of a different genus, were referred to Nautilus cyclostomus, Phill., and the other specimen, though figured, was not described or allotted a specific name. One specimen has characters which separate it from all known genera. It has therefore been necessary in this case to erect a new genus for this species for which I propose the name Cyclonautilus. SOLENOCHEILUS GLOBOSUS, SP. NOV. (Plates III., …