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Vocalizations of common minke whales ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata ) in an eastern North Pacific feeding ground


Abstract and Figures

The minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) is a small species of baleen whale with a cosmopolitan distribution. Despite extensive study on the vocalizations of other balaenopterids, the acoustic repertoire of minke whales is not well known. Individuals of the North Pacific subspecies (B. acutorostrata scammoni) produce unique vocalizations (‘boings’) during their putative breeding season from fall to spring. However, no vocalizations have been previously reported for this subspecies in any eastern North Pacific feeding ground. We present two call types recorded in the presence of six minke whales, two of which were confirmed as female, in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia, Canada, during the summer of 2012. The calls consist of downsweeps and pulse chains. These call types share some characteristics with calls described elsewhere, although they are not identical to similar call types observed for other populations. Calling rates for minke whales in this study region are very low compared to those reported for this subspecies on its putative breeding grounds, as well as for other subspecies on their feeding grounds. We propose predation risk, sexual segregation and acoustic masking as potential causes of the low calling rates observed for minke whales in Cormorant Channel.
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The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording
ISSN: 0952-4622 (Print) 2165-0586 (Online) Journal homepage:
Vocalizations of common minke whales
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in an eastern North
Pacific feeding ground
Katrina Nikolich & Jared R. Towers
To cite this article: Katrina Nikolich & Jared R. Towers (2018): Vocalizations of common minke
whales (Balaenoptera�acutorostrata) in an eastern North Pacific feeding ground, Bioacoustics, DOI:
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Published online: 11 Dec 2018.
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Vocalizations of common minke whales (Balaenoptera
acutorostrata)inaneasternNorthPacic feeding ground
Katrina Nikolich
and Jared R. Towers
Biology Department, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada;
Marine Education and Research Society, Port
McNeill, BC, Canada;
Bay Cetology, Alert Bay, BC, Canada
The minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) is a small species of
baleen whale with a cosmopolitan distribution. Despite extensive
study on the vocalizations of other balaenopterids, the acoustic
repertoire of minke whales is not well known. Individuals of the
North Pacic subspecies (B. acutorostrata scammoni) produce
unique vocalizations (boings) during their putative breeding sea-
son from fall to spring. However, no vocalizations have been
previously reported for this subspecies in any eastern North
Pacic feeding ground. We present two call types recorded in
the presence of six minke whales, two of which were conrmed
as female, in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia, Canada, during
the summer of 2012. The calls consist of downsweeps and pulse
chains. These call types share some characteristics with calls
described elsewhere, although they are not identical to similar
call types observed for other populations. Calling rates for minke
whales in this study region are very low compared to those
reported for this subspecies on its putative breeding grounds, as
well as for other subspecies on their feeding grounds. We propose
predation risk, sexual segregation and acoustic masking as poten-
tial causes of the low calling rates observed for minke whales in
Cormorant Channel.
Received 19 July 2018
Accepted 14 November 2018
Common minke whale;
vocalizations; vocal
behaviour; eastern North
The common minke whale is a small baleen whale found in all oceans of the world. In
the northern hemisphere, two subspecies are recognized. Balaenoptera acutorostrata
acutorostrata is found in the North Atlantic Ocean and B. acutorostrata scammoni is
found in the North Pacic Ocean (Stewart and Leatherwood 1985). In the southern
hemisphere, a dwarf form of common minke whale exists as an unnamed subspecies
(Jeerson et al. 2015). Several types of vocalizations have been attributed to the three
subspecies of common minke whales.
In the southern hemisphere, the vocalizations of the dwarf minke whale are best known
from the waters around the Great Barrier Reef in Australia (Arnold 1997). In this region,
minke whales are known to make a complex, multi-component, amplitude and frequency
modulated call spanning 50 Hz9.4 kHz that lasts up to 2.5 s (Gedamke et al. 2001). This
CONTACT Katrina Nikolich
Supplemental detail for this article can be accessed here.
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
call is commonly referred to as the star wars vocalization and has characteristics consistent
with songs produced by other baleen whales advertising reproductive potential. Another
less common minke whale call recorded during at least 59% of encounters in this region
was a 0.20.3 s downsweep ranging in frequency from 250 to 50 Hz (Gedamke et al. 2001).
A similar downsweep vocalization has also been attributed to minke whales from the
St. Lawrence River estuary in the North Atlantic Ocean. In this region, 0.4 s downsweep
vocalizations typically ranging from 100 to 200 Hz to <90 Hz were detected during 51%
of minke whale encounters (Edds-Walton 2000). These calls are also similar in duration
and structure to some vocalizations of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaer-
ensis) (Schevill and Watkins 1972). Both species were found to make these calls in
summer feeding grounds. Other types of vocalizations made by minke whales in the
North Atlantic primarily include trains of low frequency pulses in the 50400 Hz range
lasting from 10 to 60 s. These pulse trains have been recorded speeding up, slowing
down and with consistent inter-pulse intervals in the Caribbean in winter (Winn and
Perkins 1976; Mellinger et al. 2000) and oof Massachusetts in spring and fall (Risch
et al. 2013). It is also hypothesized that North Atlantic minke whales emit high
frequency clicks (Beamish and Mitchell 1973) and pings (Winn and Perkins 1976).
In the North Pacic, only one type of vocalization has so far been attributed to
minke whales. This call commonly referred to as a boing has only been recorded from
fall to spring, usually in low latitude oceanic regions othe coasts of Mexico, Hawaii
and the Mariana Islands (Rankin and Barlow 2005; Norris et al. 2012). However, boings
with characteristics similar to those recorded in Hawaii have also been detected in the
Bering Sea (Delarue et al. 2012). These central Pacic boings have a mean pulse
repetition rate of 115 s
and duration of approximately 2.6 s. In the eastern tropical
North Pacic, minke whale boings have been recorded with a lower pulse repetition
rate (92 s
) and longer duration (3.6 s) (Rankin and Barlow 2005). Like the star wars
vocalizations, these boings are detected mainly in regions where, and at times when
minke whales are thought to breed (Thompson and Friedl 1982; Oswald et al. 2011).
From spring to fall, small numbers of North Pacic minke whales can be found
distributed in temperate waters of western Canada (Towers et al. 2013). In this region,
they are usually only documented over or near shallow banks where they can some-
times be observed feeding (Towers et al. In review). One such area onorth-eastern
Vancouver Island is Cormorant Channel (Towers et al. In review). In order to deter-
mine frequency of use patterns, behaviour and the acoustic signals of minke whales in
this area, we made concurrent shore-based observations and acoustic recordings during
the summer of 2012. This report presents the acoustic results of this study including
details on two types of vocalizations previously undocumented for this subspecies.
Materials and methods
Data collection
A Wildlife Acoustics SM2M outtted with an HTI-96-min transducer (sensitivity: 165 dB
re. 1 V/µPa with manufacturer reporting at frequency response above 100 Hz) was set to
make continuous recordings at a sampling rate of 16 kHz (Bit rate: 16). It was anchored to
the seaoor at 50° 36.2 N, 126° 56.7 W in Cormorant Channel at 20 m depth on June 10th,
2012. This location was 208 m at a magnetic compass bearing of 40° northeast from an
observation point at the high tide line on the shore of Cormorant Island. Visual observa-
tions of minke whales were conducted from the observation point from June 11th to
August 15th (Figure 1). Observers used naked eyes and 15 × 80 Steiner binoculars with
built-in magnetic compass and reticle bar mounted on a levelled Velbon C-600 uid-
panning tripod to conduct visual surveys for up to 13 h a day when Beaufort sea state levels
were 2. Data including Beaufortsea state,tide height and notes on visibility were recorded
every 30 min of survey eort. The time, compass bearing, and reticle distance from the
Malcolm Island shoreline were recorded each time a minke whale surfaced and also when
other marine mammals were observed (Towers et al. In review). The behaviour of cetaceans
was noted when apparent and eort was taken to visually identify individual minke whales
based on their unique natural markings portrayed in Towers (2011). Eort to biopsy these
known whales using the technique outlined in Barrett-Lennard et al. (1996)wasalso
undertaken in Cormorant Channel in the summers of 2013 and 2014.
Figure 1. Map of study area in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia. The X denotes the shore-based
visual observation site from which minke whale presence was conrmed. The light grey dot denotes
the location of the SM2M omnidirectional hydrophone and acoustic recorder. The grey lines portray
the arc of the area surveyed by observers and the shading between the lines includes all surveyed
waters 3 or more reticles from the Malcolm Island shore. The lighter tone of grey shading denotes the
area in which the 3 reticle limit uctuated due to the semi-diurnal tidal activity. All acoustic data
recorded from 5 min before to 5 min after minke whales were observed within the shaded area were
analyzed. Map created by Christie McMillan, Marine Education and Research Society, Port McNeill, BC,
Canada; used with permission.
Data analysis
Prior to manual analysis, a detection algorithm was designed and applied to the entire
acoustic dataset to check for the presence of minke whale boing vocalizations (Rankin
and Barlow 2005). The detector used was a programmable Band-Limited Energy detector
in Raven Pro 64 v.1.5 (Cornell Lab of Ornithology). Detector parameters were as follows:
Bandwidth 10001600 Hz; duration 1.45.0 s; minimum separation 6.0 s; minimum
occupancy 50%; SNR threshold 10.0 dB re: 1 µPa; block size 15 s; percentile 20%.
Detailed acoustic analysis was conducted for the time periods when minke whales were
observed within 998 m of the moored hydrophone. These time periods were dened as the
interval of time including 5 min before a minke whale was rst seen surfacing within 3 or
more reticles (1176 m) of the observation point, to 5 min after the whale was seen within
that radius (Figure 1). Sightings were considered part of the same time interval if sightings
of minke whales within the dened radius were no more than 10 min apart, to account for
possible missed surfacings in between. This method of subsampling the acoustic data was
chosen to maximize the probability of observing calls heard by minke whales with high
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and minimize the possibility of attributing the calls of other
animals to minke whales due to lack of visual conrmation.
Odontocetes were sometimes present at these time intervals; however, the only
cetacean regularly observed in the area that may produce similar calls to a minke
whale was the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). Calls closely resembling
known humpback whale vocalizations were discarded from further analysis. In addi-
tion, candidate minke whale calls that were recorded within two hours of a humpback
whale sighting in the study area were discarded, as humpback whale calls from outside
visual range may have been heard. In the event that multiple call types were heard
within one analysis period, the SNR of calls was to be compared to determine which call
type was more likely to come from close range; however, this overlap did not occur in
our analysis. Other vocalization sources in the study area include harbour seals (Phoca
vitulina) and several species of soniferous sh. Harbour seal vocal repertoires from this
region have been documented (Nikolich et al. 2016; Matthews et al. 2017) and were
observed in several analysis periods. Any candidate minke whale calls that resembled
portions of harbour seal roars were removed from further analysis. Candidate call types
were compared to known vocalizations of sh in the area, and any calls matching sh
vocal characteristics were discarded.
Recordings were analysed manually using Raven Pro 64 v.1.5 (Cornell Lab of
Ornithology) to identify biological sounds both visually using spectrograms (Hann
window, 2560-point fast Fourier transform [resolution = 160 ms × 6.25 Hz], 50%
overlap) and aurally by listening to the recordings. Signals that matched previous
descriptions of minke whale calls from other locations were manually selected from
the spectrograms. Signals that appeared mammalian in origin, but could not be
classied to another marine mammal, were also selected. All selected calls were then
placed into categories based on similar spectral contour and acoustic properties.
Measurements of duration (seconds), upper and lower frequency (Hz), and peak
frequency (Hz) were taken for all calls categorized in this way. Mean and standard
deviation was calculated for each measurement, for each call type.
For pulse chain call types, spectrograms were examined using a 400-point fast Fourier
transform (resolution = 25 ms × 40 Hz; all other spectrogram parameters remained the
same as above). This increased resolution in thetime domain, which allowed more accurate
measurement of inter-pulse intervals. Pulse chains which had a sucient SNR to be
measured (i.e. their beginning, end, high and low frequencies were clearly visible in
spectrographic analysis) were divided roughly into thirds of their durations, and inter-
pulse interval within the chain was measured once per third to determine whether pulse
chains showed increasing, decreasing, or constant pulse rates. Duration, peak frequency,
high frequency, and low frequency were compared among pulse chain types using analysis
of variance (ANOVA) when parametric assumptions were met, or Kruskal-Wallis rank-
sum tests when parametric assumptions were not met.
Each time interval that was analysed was qualitatively assessed for anthropogenic
noise level. Anthropogenic noise was considered to be noise attributable to boat motors,
shing gear, or aircraft. Each time interval was given an average noise rating between 0
(no anthropogenic noise for most of the interval) to 4 (very loud anthropogenic noise
for most of the interval). All intervals were found to have some anthropogenic noise;
thus, noise level ratings ranged from 1 to 4. To determine whether noise masking had
an eect on manual selection of potential calls, a Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test was used
to detect statistical dierences between the number of calls selected at each noise level,
and whether there were statistical dierences in average noise level during intervals in
which calls were selected versus intervals in which no calls were selected.
DNA was extracted from each biopsy sample using standard phenol:chloroform
procedures (Sambrook and Russell 2001; Wang et al. 2009). Samples were then sexed
using the method described in Gilson et al. (1998).
Minke whales were observed at three or more reticles from the Malcolm Island
shore for a total of 721 min during 77 surfacing bouts in June; 896 min during
104 surfacing bouts in July; and 210 min during 24 surfacing bouts in August. The
total number of surfacings recorded was 890, 157 of which occurred within 5 min of
when one or more minke whales were observed surfacing within the 3 reticle arc
(Figure 1;Table 1). Surface feeding behaviour was observed within 3 or more
reticles of the observation point on 6 occasions (Table 1). Observer experience,
weather, and surfacing behaviour allowed for the identities of 6 unique minke
whales (M001, M002, M003, M004, M006, M022; see Towers 2011)toberecognized
Table 1. Summary of minke whale sightings (by number of surfacings observed) that occurred
close to the hydrophone (i.e. 3 or more reticles from the Malcolm Island shore), and sightings that
occurred within this range within 5 min of the vocal activity described in this study. 2 Animals
column refers to sightings that occurred within 5 min of when two or more dierent minke
whales were observed or suspected >3 reticles.
Total Alone 2 Animals Feeding ID conrmed
3 Reticles 890 733 157 6 132
Vocal activity 54 54 0 1 9
on 132 occasions (Table 1). DNA extracted from biopsy samples of two of these
individuals (M001 and M006) conrmed that they are both female.
The detection algorithm for boings yielded no positive results. By manual analysis,
1,491 min of acoustic data were analysed from June, 1,936 min were analysed from July,
and 450 min were analysed from August. Initial manual examination of the data yielded
only 4 downsweep calls which were similar to documented minke whale vocalizations
in other regions. We then expanded our search to include biological signals that may
not closely match known minke whale calls, but could also not be classied to other
species. In this way we annotated a total of 115 calls heard over 8 of the 43 days (19% of
days) that minke whales were visually observed within 3 or more reticles of the
observation point (calling rate was therefore 1.79 calls*hour
or 0.030 calls*min
These calls were placed into two categories based on spectral characteristics: Pulse
Chain (PC; N= 111) and Downsweep (DS; N = 4). Two other interesting vocalization
types were recorded, each on only one occasion: the Broadband Pulse (N= 2) and the
Tonal Waver (N= 22) (Supplemental Materials 1). Due to the fact that these calls were
only observed once each in the presence of minke whales, we do not include them as
candidate call types here. Examples of acoustic recordings of each call type, including
the two calls heard only on one occasion each, have been provided as supplemental
materials (Supplemental Materials 25).
Pulse chains were observed on June 17
, June 21
, June 29
, July 1
and July 28
times when minke whales were the only marine mammal seen in the area (Figure 2).
Those recorded on June 21
were made when female minke whale M006 was observed
Figure 2. Spectrogram showing the pulse chain candidate call type (300-point fast Fourier transform,
Hann window with 50% overlap) including three call subtypes: pulse chains which (a) increase in
pulse rate, (b) decrease in pulse rate and (c) remain constant in pulse rate over their duration. Calls
were recorded in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia, Canada, during times when minke whales
were the only baleen whale visually observed.
near the hydrophone during nine consecutive surfacings (Table 1). Most pulse chains
(95/111) were observed on the morning of July 28th, between 8:00 and 11:00 local time.
Of the total number of pulse chains observed, 70 (63%) were deemed suitable for
further analysis. Of these 70 pulse chains, inter-pulse interval increased over the
duration of 39 calls (decreased in pulse rate), and decreased over the duration of 7
calls (increased in pulse rate). The remaining 24 pulse chains were constant in pulse
rate, meaning the inter-pulse interval did not increase or decrease more than 10 ms
over the duration of the call. There were no signicant dierences in low frequency
(overall mean = 327 ± 173 Hz), high frequency (overall mean = 1205 ± 459 Hz), or peak
frequency (overall mean = 676 ± 246 Hz) among the dierent pulse chain types
(ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests, all p> 0.05). However, pulse chains that decreased
in pulse rate were signicantly longer in duration than pulse chains which had constant
pulse rates (ANOVA, F
= 3.26, p= 0.045; Tukey post-hoc pairwise tests). Pulse
chains which increased in pulse rate did not have a signicantly dierent duration from
either of the other pulse chain types (Table 2).
Downsweeps (Figure 3) were heard on June 29
and July 5
. A downsweep recorded
on June 29
occurred 4 min 23 sec before a minke was observed lunge feeding at the
surface (Table 1). Downsweeps had an average high (starting) frequency of 142 ± 69 Hz
and a low (ending) frequency of 38 ± 11 Hz. The average duration of the downsweeps
was 648 ± 152 ms (Table 2).
Vocalizations could not be signicantly correlated with any specic behaviours
recorded by observers, due to the low number of calls recorded and infrequency with
which specic activities other than surfacing to breathe were observed. Anthropogenic
noise levels were not statistically dierent between time intervals with calls found and
time intervals with no calls found (Wilcoxon rank sum test, W= 5180, p= 0.649).
Similarly, the number of calls selected was not statistically dierent among noise levels
(Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test, Χ
= 0.639, p= 0.887).
We present two call types that were recorded in the presence of North Pacic minke
whales in Cormorant Channel, neither of which have been previously documented for
this subspecies. However, because calls could not be localized in space, the source of the
calls could not be positively concluded. Neither of the two calls described here
resembled the boing, which is the only call type previously described for North
Pacic minke whales (Rankin and Barlow 2005). However, both call types are similar
Table 2. Summary of acoustic parameters describing the two call types attributed to minke whales
in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia, including call subtypes for pulse chains. All statistics are
reported as mean ± standard deviation. Subscripts denote signicant dierence between call
subtypes for the indicated parameter.
Call type Call subtype
Low frequency
High frequency
Peak frequency
Pulse chain Decreasing pulse rate 39 323 ± 146 1142 ± 233 885 ± 275
673 ± 127
Constant pulse rate 24 334 ± 214 1249 ± 610 704 ± 281
915 ± 508
Increasing pulse rate 7 331 ± 180 1401 ± 760 831 ± 224
1070 ± 691
Downsweep 4 38 ± 11 142 ± 69 648 ± 152 105 ± 36
to those found in other subspecies (Winn and Perkins 1976; Edds-Walton 2000;
Mellinger et al. 2000; Gedamke et al. 2001; Risch et al. 2013). An additional two call
types, heard on only one occasion each, are undescribed for minke whales elsewhere.
Because of the small sample size of these two call types and our inability to localize
sound sources, we can only infer that these signals were produced by minke whales
until further investigations can conrm that this species is the true source of these
signals (Supplemental Materials 1).
The downsweep vocalizations observed in Cormorant Channel are similar in frequency
range and frequency transition to those described for common minke whales in the
St. Lawrence estuary, Canada and the Great Barrier Reef, Australia by Edds-Walton
(2000) and Gedamke et al. (2001), respectively. However, while St. Lawrence estuary and
Great Barrier Reef minke whales produced downsweeps that were 0.20.4 s in duration, the
mean duration of the downsweeps observed in this study was 0.7 s (Table 2). One down-
sweep was heard within 5 min of a surface feeding event (Table 1). Edds-Walton (2000)
reported few observations of feeding behaviour, but proposed that downsweeps may be
used to maintain contact between individuals while feeding on patchy prey. However,
Gedamke et al. (2001) only recorded downsweeps during the suspected calving and
breeding season, when minke whales were not observed or expected to be feeding.
The pulse chains observed in Cormorant Channel were broadband extending from
~300 to 1400 Hz whereas the pulse trains described in the Atlantic by Mellinger et al.
(2000) and Risch et al. (2013) were lower in frequency and narrowband, only extending
from ~100 to 400 Hz. However, pulse chains have similar pulse durations and inter-
pulse intervals to the zip-likecalls described by Winn and Perkins (1976) in the
Atlantic, which are short pulse bursts extending up to 14,000 Hz with clicks approxi-
mately 50 ms apart. In this study, we further classify pulse chains into three categories
based on the way that pulse trains have been described elsewhere (Mellinger et al. 2000;
Risch et al. 2013,2014). In the North Atlantic, these pulse trains were produced in
Figure 3. Spectrogram showing the downsweep candidate call type (2500-point fast Fourier trans-
form, Hann window with 50% overlap). Calls were recorded in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia,
Canada, during four occasions when minke whales were visually observed.
a stereotyped series of call types resembling song and were associated more with
travelling or socializing than feeding (Mellinger et al. 2000; Risch et al. 2014). This
call type may be correlated with the age or sex of the caller (Risch et al. 2014) and has
been proposed to serve a reproductive function (Risch et al. 2013) or to maintain group
spacing (Risch et al. 2014). The pulse chains that we observed were produced by single
animals and none were recorded when more than one minke whale was observed
within 3 reticles of shore, suggesting that they may have been made to communicate
with other whales throughout or beyond the study area. One of the individuals
documented emitting a pulse chain is a known female. However, considering that
summer is thought to be a time when these whales are focused primarily on feeding
(Towers et al. 2013;In review), pulse chains were not likely made in relation to
reproductive behaviour.
Very few calls were identied using manual analysis even though minke whales were
observed during 224 of 565 h of eort during the study period (presence per unit eort:
44% see Towers et al. In review). The calling rate in Cormorant Channel (2.79
or 0.030 calls*min
) was much lower than that observed for individual
minke whales in a migration corridor in the North Atlantic (average 48.6 calls*hour
Risch et al. 2014), and 2 orders of magnitude less than peak rates reported in another
summer feeding ground in the St. Lawrence estuary in eastern Canada (up to 3.6
; Edds-Walton 2000). Minke whales in Cormorant Channel are also much
less vocal in this summer feeding ground than they are in their putative breeding
grounds in the tropics (Oswald et al. 2011; Martin et al. 2013). The relative vocal silence
in this area may be explained by several factors discussed below.
Mammal-eating Biggs killer whales are relatively common and widespread in coastal
waters of BC (Ford et al. 2013), but during the course of this study the presence per unit
eort of Biggs killer whales was only 2% (Towers et al. In review). However, even in
areas where killer whale density is low, this species is known to inhibit the vocal activity
of their prey (Rankin et al. 2012). We therefore suggest that minke whales may remain
relatively quiet in Cormorant Channel due to predation risk, especially considering
killer whales have been observed chasing minke whales in Cormorant Channel and
attacking and killing them in other nearby waterways (Ford et al. 2005).
The relatively low calling rates for minke whales in Cormorant Channel may also be
in part due to sexual segregation. Male and female minke whales are known to have
little overlap in some feeding grounds (Laidre et al. 2009) and to date, all eight minke
whales stranded in coastal waters of BC and Washington for which sex was recorded
were female, whereas the only two minke whales killed in oshore waters of BC for
which sex were recorded were male (Ford 2014). Additionally, two of the most
commonly observed individuals during this study were conrmed to be female through
analysis of DNA acquired in biopsy samples and no boings were recorded. Only male
minke whales are suspected to produce boings (Martin et al. 2013), similar to the vocal
behaviour of males of other baleen whale species (e.g. humpback, n, blue) advertising
reproductive potential (Tyack 1981; Croll et al. 2002; Oleson et al. 2007). If so, it is
speculative but possible that the relative quietude of female minke whales may help
enable them to exploit prey in near-shore habitat despite the increased risk of predation
by killer whales, whereas males may forage further oshore.
Cormorant Channel experiences high levels of vessel tracduringthesummer
from small recreational and commercial vessels all of which produce underwater
noise in the frequency band occupied by previously described minke whale calls
(Edds-Walton 2000; Mellinger et al. 2000;Rischetal.2014). Therefore, it is likely
that acoustic masking is taking place. Other sources of masking noise include
surface disturbance, ow noise and bottom movement produced by strong current,
and the low-frequency vocalizations of other marine animals such as harbour seals,
sh, and invertebrates (Hanggi and Schusterman 1994;Širovićand Demer 2009;
Richardson et al. 2013;Staatermanetal.2013).Whilewedidnotseeaquantiable
eect of ambient noise on the number of calls observed at any given time, there
were no recordings analysed during which the ambient soundscape was completely
free of vessel noise. While it is unlikely that acoustic masking prevented the
detection of all or most minke whale vocalizations, it is possible that a small
percentage of calls were not identiable as such because the source level of the
calls was low, leading to attenuation at short distances, or because transmission of
the calls was hindered by masking noise. Other environmental factors such as
temperature or mineral content can also aect propagation; however, these condi-
tions were unlikely to uctuate appreciably throughout the recording period.
Although source levels for minke whale pulse trains in the Atlantic (Risch et al.
2014) were higher than those reported for humpback whale pulse trains in Alaska
(Fournet et al. 2018), it is also possible that minke whales lower the source level or
rate of calling in areas with a high density of predators.
This report provides the rst evidence that minke whales produce vocalizations while
on feeding grounds in the eastern North Pacic, albeit at a lower rate than has been
documented for other subspecies in other regions. We also introduce novel call types,
which have not been described for this species, suggesting that some vocalizations of
minke whales in the North Pacic may be distinct from calls produced by other
subspecies on feeding grounds. The vocal behaviour presented in this paper will provide
acousticians with reference material when analysing new and existing acoustic datasets
from the North Pacic. This is especially important because minke whales can often be
dicult to track visually (Norris et al. 2017), and therefore typically go undetected
during environmental impact assessments used to inform development projects. We
hope that our ndings will provoke further study leading to a better understanding of
the acoustic ecology of minke whales in this region.
We thank Christie McMillan, Rebecca Piercey, Debra Hughes, Josephine Mrozewski, Leticiaá Legat,
Bart Willis, Angelica Rose, Nicole Borowczak, Ivan Ng, Joe Ng and Samuel Ng for their dedicated
eld survey eorts to visually verify species and thus, enable ground-truthing of the acoustic data
presented in this paper. We also thank Timothy Frasier at Saint Marys University for conrming sex
of biopsied minke whales, Jackie Hildering and Andy Hanke for their underwater assistance
recovering the recording device, Barb Koot for preliminary acoustic analysis, and Francis Juanes
for reviewing a draft of this manuscript. This research was supported in part by the North Island
Marine Mammal Stewardship Association (NIMMSA) and Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC).
Biopsy samples of minke whales were collected under Canadian marine mammal research license
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by the Mountain Equipment Co-op [129145]; North Island Marine
Mammal Stewardship Association [201805].
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... This chapter aims to summarize what is currently known about common and Antarctic minke whale vocalizations worldwide. 1 Global distribution of the best described Antarctic and common minke whale vocalization types (Gedamke et al. 2001;Nieukirk et al. 2004Nieukirk et al. , 2016Matthews et al. 2004;Rankin and Barlow 2005;Dolman et al. 2005;Oswald et al. 2011;Martin et al. 2013;Risch et al. 2013Risch et al. , 2014aRisch et al. , 2019b;Delarue et al. 2013;Dominello and Širović 2016;Norris et al. 2017;Cerchio et al. 2018Cerchio et al. , 2022Nikolich and Towers 2018;Thomisch et al. 2019;Buchan et al. 2020;Shabangu et al. 2020;Filun et al. 2020). *Nieukirk et al. 2016 recorded a sound with similarities to the 'star-wars' vocalizations near the Marian Trench and hypothesized that it might be produced by minke whales ...
... In addition to boing sounds, North Pacific minke whale vocalizations from a summer feeding ground off Vancouver Island, Canada, were recently described as low-frequency downsweeps starting at 142 Hz and ending at 38 Hz, a peak frequency of 105 Hz, and a duration of 0.7 s (Nikolich and Towers 2018). At the same recording site, a series of sounds similar to North Atlantic pulse trains was attributed to a minke whale and described as "pulse chains" with variable pulse rates in the 330-1400 Hz frequency range. ...
The acoustic behavior of minke whaleMinke whale populations worldwide has been a mystery for the better part of the twentieth century. Several likely biological sound sources such as the ‘boing’‘boing’ recorded in the North Pacific, or the ‘bio-duck’‘bioduck’ with its ubiquitous distribution in the Southern Ocean, had been described by seafarers since the middle of the twentieth century. However, the origin of these sounds could only be revealed once technological advances allowed scientists to simultaneously acoustically and visually track the elusiveElusive species producing them. The current data show that, like other baleen whales, most minke whaleMinke whale populations produce long song sequences presumably in a reproductive contextReproductive context. Over the past two decades, by extending our listening efforts into remote habitats, we have learned much about minke whalesMinke whale and can assume that many more mysteries are waiting to be unlocked.
... In the North Atlantic, pronounced sexual segregation occurs on higher latitude feeding grounds with females occurring further north than males (Risch et al., 2019). While this has not been shown in the Salish Sea, the stranding record is almost entirely of female whales (Scheffer and Slipp, 1948;Nikolich and Towers, 2018). ...
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The Salish Sea supports several baleen whale species, including humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae), gray (Eschrichtius robustus) and minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). With the exception of minke whales, these species were decimated by commercial whaling in the 1900s. Because recovery of these populations is monitored on broad spatial scales determined by stocks or populations, their use of the Salish Sea ecosystem is not well documented or understood. We collated 17,436 opportunistic sighting reports to assess patterns in mysticete presence and distribution in the Salish Sea (1976– 2019). We used the proportion of sightings for each species and spatial models targeting comparisons between species to limit the influence of spatio-temporal variation in reporting efforts. Humpback whale sightings have increased dramatically since the late 2000s, mirroring population-wide increases and suggesting a renewed use of historically important feeding areas. Gray whale sightings increased most notably at two distinct times (1989, 2017), both of which align with periods of high mortality experienced by the delisted Eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales and may reflect individuals straying from their migration routes. Sightings of minke whales remained relatively stable over this study period and were likely driven by a group of 30–40 individuals that forage off shallow banks and bathymetrically complex habitats around the San Juan Archipelago. Though it can be difficult to separate the bias that accompanies public sightings databases, citizen science efforts are invaluable for monitoring the recovery of rebounding populations and can illuminate longitudinal patterns that would otherwise go unnoticed
... This does not mean the minke whales do not vocalize. They are known to be solitary animals, and generally more quiet than other cetacean species outside of the mating season (Mellinger et al., 2007;Nikolich & Towers, 2020). Perhaps the lack of vocalization of minke whales was because the animal was actively trying to remain quiet due to the presence of killer whales or being entrapped. ...
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Studying baleen whales presents numerous challenges due to the infrequent and brief opportunities to observe their habitat, sensory modalities, behavior, and physiology. Despite their crucial role in maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem, these whales face significant anthropogenic threats. Understanding the impact of these threats requires comprehensive knowledge of their sensory physiology, migration patterns, and energy expenditure. Previous research has largely relied on post-mortem investigations, modeling, behavioral analyses, and tagging, which have evolved over time. However, some of these studies need validation through live-capture methodologies. This thesis outlines a potential approach for live-capturing baleen whales to facilitate safe physiological studies. The objectives were to: 1) assess the methodology for live-capturing and restraining baleen whales by reviewing and evaluating documented attempts and our own fieldwork experiences; 2) discuss the sensory modalities baleen whales may use to navigate around nets; 3) review potential studies that could be conducted on a restrained whale; and 4) address animal welfare considerations associated with live-capture and experimental studies. In June 2021, a large entrapment was created in Vestfjord, Norway. We attempted to measure the distance of baleen whales from various nets, designed to be detectable by different sensory methods, using recording hydrophones. The results lacked sufficient statistical power to determine which sensory apparatus cetaceans might use to detect the entrapment setup. Although we succeeded in guiding baleen whales between islets and trapping them with nets, we were unable to restrain any for direct measurements. Nonetheless, the ongoing 4-year SOST minke hearing project shows promise and may provide crucial insights into the physiology of these immense but vulnerable creatures.
... The fundamental frequency of sounds produced by humpback whales ranges between tens of Hz and 4 kHz, with higher harmonics extending beyond 24 kHz [10]. Minke whales in the North Pacific produce unique vocalizations (commonly referred to as boings) during their breeding season from fall to spring [11]. The fundamental frequencies of boings ranged between 1 and 1.8 kHz, with harmonics extending to approximately 9 kHz [12]. ...
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Once an important cetacean habitat, the Miaodao Archipelago has been altered by human-induced disturbances over several decades. While cetacean diversity is known to have decreased, no recent data on species diversity around Miaodao are known to exist. Capitalizing on the high vocal activity of cetaceans, three passive acoustic surveys, including towed and stationary types, were undertaken to detect the presence of species-specific vocalizations in May 2021, October 2021, and July 2022, as most cetacean sightings occurred during May and August in recent years. The results revealed that the East Asian finless porpoise is the sole cetacean species that can be reliably observed around the archipelago, as no other species were detected. The acoustic data also revealed potentially clumped distributions of finless porpoises with some seasonal variation. While not acoustically detected during any of the surveys, humpback whales, minke whales, and killer whales have been visually sighted in the region. The lack of acoustic detection of these species suggests that they are likely to be temporary visitors to the region, or at least exhibit strong seasonality in their presence within the region. These new data provide the latest snapshot of cetacean presence around the Miaodao Archipelago that can help inform future research and conservation.
... Cetaceans may have been in the area but not producing sounds. For example, minke whales were sighted but not acoustically detected here, potentially due to their low calling rate in the study region 33 , and little is known about their seasonal movements in BC 34 . Cetaceans may not have been heard because the PAM area is not within their usual habitat. ...
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Cetaceans spend most of their time below the surface of the sea, highlighting the importance of passive acoustic monitoring as a tool to facilitate understanding and mapping their year-round spatial and temporal distributions. To increase our limited knowledge of cetacean acoustic detection patterns for the east and west coasts of Gwaii Haanas, a remote protected area on Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada, acoustic datasets recorded off SG̱ang Gwaay (Sep 2009–May 2011), Gowgaia Slope (Jul 2017–Jul 2019), and Ramsay Island (Aug 2018–Aug 2019) were analyzed. Comparing overlapping periods of visual surveys and acoustic monitoring confirmed presence of 12 cetacean species/species groups within the study region. Seasonal patterns were identified for blue, fin, humpback, grey and sperm whale acoustic signals. Killer whale and delphinid acoustic signals occurred year-round on both coasts of Haida Gwaii and showed strong diel variation. Cuvier’s, Baird’s, beaked whale and porpoise clicks, were identified in high-frequency recordings on the west coast. Correlations between environmental factors, chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature, and cetacean acoustic occurrence off Gwaii Haanas were also examined. This study is the first to acoustically monitor Gwaii Haanas waters for an extended continuous period and therefore serves as a baseline from which to monitor future changes.
... In the Chukchi Sea, Delarue et al. (2012) detected a small number of central North Pacific boings in the early fall (n=44), and boings resembling the eastern North Pacific type in the late summer and fall (n=10). In the North Pacific, pulse trains and downsweep calls have been documented in the presence of minke whales during the summer in Cormorant Channel, British Columbia, Canada which is likely a feeding area (Nikolich and Towers, 2020). Minke whales sighted off Vancouver Island and central British Columbia often have scars characteristic of cookiecutter sharks (Isistius brasiliensis) which are only in tropical and subtropical waters (Towers et al., 2013). ...
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North Pacific minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) boing calls are commonly detected in Hawaiian waters. When producing boing vocalizations, minke whales seem to be in one of two calling behavioral states. Most often minke whales produce boings with inter-call intervals of several minutes, but sometimes minke whales call rapidly with inter-call intervals of less than a minute. Since minke whales are difficult to detect visually, cue-rate-based density estimation using passive acoustic monitoring has been proposed. However, the variables that influence cue rate or calling rate are poorly understood in most whales, including minke whales. We collected passive acoustic recordings from 47 bottom-mounted hydrophones at the Pacific Missile Range Facility’s instrumented range off the coast of Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi to test the hypothesis that minke whales call more rapidly when closer in proximity to other calling conspecifics. A total of 599 days of data were recorded between August 2012 and July 2017 and were automatically post-processed to detect, classify, and localize calls. Localized calls were grouped into tracks and manually validated, resulting in 509 individual tracks composed of 36,033 calls within a 16 x 39 km focal study area. Tracked minke whales exhibited a strong bimodal call rate with means of one call every 6.85 min (σ= 2.54 min) and 0.63 min (σ= 0.36 min). We ran hidden Markov models to quantify the relationship between call rate and the distance to the nearest calling conspecific. Overall, the probability of the higher call rate occurring increased as the distance to the nearest conspecific decreased, and the probability of the lower call rate occurring increased as the distance to the nearest conspecific increased. We also examined individual track data and found that minke whales may also exhibit other responses (i.e. increased speed, changes in heading, and cessation of calling) when calling conspecifics are nearby. These findings provide new information about minke whale calling behavior in what is likely a breeding area.
... However, as minke whales produce additional vocalizations in this region, it is possible we are not capturing their full occurrence by using just one call type. Offshore of British Columbia, for example, downsweeps and pulse chains were the main call types recorded from minke whales during the summer (Nikolich and Towers 2020). ...
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A variety of cetacean species inhabit the productive waters offshore of Washington State, USA. Although the general presence of many of these species has been documented in this region, our understanding of fine-scale habitat use is limited. Here, passive acoustic monitoring was used to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of ten cetacean species at three locations offshore of Washington. Between 2004 and 2013, a total of 2845 days of recordings were collected from sites on the continental shelf and slope, and in a submarine canyon. Acoustic presence was higher for all species at sites farther offshore. Detections were highest during the fall and winter for blue ( Balaenoptera musculus ), fin ( B. physalus ), and humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), likely related to reproductive behavior, while minke whales ( B. acutorostrata ) were only detected on two days. Odontocetes showed temporal separation, with sperm whale ( Physeter macrocephalus ) detections highest in spring, Risso’s ( Grampus griseus ) and Pacific white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhynchus obliquidens ) highest in summer, and Stejneger’s beaked whales ( Mesoplodon stejnegeri ), Cuvier’s beaked whales ( Ziphius cavirostris ), and the BW37V signal type highest in winter or spring. There was interannual variation in detections for most mysticete species, which may be linked to oceanographic conditions: blue and fin whale detections increased during 2007 and 2008, and fin and humpback whale detections increased in 2011. These results inform our understanding of cetacean behavior and habitat use in this region and may aid in the development of conservation strategies suited to the dynamic conditions that drive cetacean distribution.
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Humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) are a cosmopolitan baleen whale species with geographically isolated lineages. Despite last sharing an ancestor ~ 2–3 million years ago, Atlantic and Pacific foraging populations share five call types. Whether these call types are also shared between allopatric breeding and foraging populations is unclear, but would provide further evidence that some call types are ubiquitous and fixed. We investigated whether these five call types were present on a contemporary foraging ground (Newfoundland, 2015–2016) and a historic breeding ground (Hawaii, 1981–1982). Calls were classified using aural/visual (AV) characteristics; 16 relevant acoustic variables were measured and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to examine within-call and between-population variation. To assess whether between-population variation influenced classification, all 16 variables were included in classification and regression tree (CART) and random forest analyses (RF). All five call types were identified in both populations. Between-population variation in combined acoustic variables (PC1, PC2, PC3) was lower within call types than among call types, and high agreement between AV and quantitative classification (CART: 83% agreement; RF: 77% agreement) suggested that acoustic characteristics were more similar within than among call types. Findings indicate that these five call types are shared across allopatric populations, generations, and behavioural contexts.
Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) are commonly used, alongside traditional methods, to study the presence/absence of vocal species. ARUs are useful in monitoring species that are secretive or vocalise at night. We endeavoured to develop a method to monitor avian reproductive activity using ARUs. Olive-sided flycatchers (Contopus cooperi), an at-risk passerine, are an ideal species with which to develop this method as they have a loud distinct call and have large territories without much intrusion from conspecifics. Olive-sided flycatchers have a distinct call pattern during the breeding season. We used a change-point analysis to determine the dates of significant changes in their call pattern to determine if individuals were successfully breeding. We monitored 22 Olive-sided flycatchers in central New Brunswick in 2018 and 2019. We found that using a combination of ARUs and change-point analyses was a viable method for studying reproductive activity of Olive-sided flycatchers. We found that 27% of Olive-sided flycatchers were successfully breeding which, when considering erroneous classifications, is within the range of nest success (30–65%) documented elsewhere. Our method shows promise for studying other bird species as well as other vocal non-avian species.
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Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) are commonly used, alongside traditional methods, to study the presence/absence of vocal species. ARUs are useful in monitoring species that are secretive or vocalise at night. We endeavoured to develop a method to monitor avian reproductive activity using ARUs. Olive-sided flycatchers (Contopus cooperi), an at-risk passerine, are an ideal species with which to develop this method as they have a loud distinct call and have large territories without much intrusion from conspecifics. Olive-sided flycatchers have a distinct call pattern during the breeding season. We used a change-point analysis to determine the dates of significant changes in their call pattern to determine if individuals were successfully breeding. We monitored 22 Olive-sided flycatchers in central New Brunswick in 2018 and 2019. We found that using a combination of ARUs and change-point analyses was a viable method for studying reproductive activity of Olive-sided flycatchers. We found that 27% of Olive-sided flycatchers were successfully breeding which, when considering erroneous classifications , is within the range of nest success (30-65%) documented elsewhere. Our method shows promise for studying other bird species as well as other vocal non-avian species.
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From June to August 2012, we conducted over 500 h of visual surveys from Cormorant Island, British Columbia, to determine behaviour and habitat use patterns of nearby cetaceans. Seven species were documented, but Minke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) were by far the most common and were observed lunge feeding at the surface on 15 occasions. In addition, this species was documented surface lunge feeding on Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasi) and Pacific Sand Lance (Ammodytes personatus) on 32 occasions during vessel-based cetacean surveys around Cormorant Island between 2010 and 2014. Although Minke Whales are relatively uncommon in British Columbia, these results indicate that they can regularly be found in specific feeding areas during the summer.
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Humpback whales produce a wide range of low- to mid-frequency vocalizations throughout their migratory range. Non-song “calls” dominate this species' vocal repertoire while on high-latitude foraging grounds. The source levels of 426 humpback whale calls in four vocal classes were estimated using a four-element planar array deployed in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Southeast Alaska. There was no significant difference in source levels between humpback whale vocal classes. The mean call source level was 137 dBRMS re 1 μPa @ 1 m in the bandwidth of the call (range 113–157 dBRMS re 1 μPa @ 1 m), where bandwidth is defined as the frequency range from the lowest to the highest frequency component of the call. These values represent a robust estimate of humpback whale source levels on foraging grounds and should append earlier estimates.
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Source levels of harbor seal breeding vocalizations were estimated using a three-element planar hydrophone array near the Beardslee Islands in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. The average source level for these calls was 144 dBRMS re 1 μPa at 1 m in the 40–500 Hz frequency band. Source level estimates ranged from 129 to 149 dBRMS re 1 μPa. Four call parameters, including minimum frequency, peak frequency, total duration, and pulse duration, were also measured. These measurements indicated that breeding vocalizations of harbor seals near the Beardslee Islands of Glacier Bay National Park are similar in duration (average total duration: 4.8 s, average pulse duration: 3.0 s) to previously reported values from other populations, but are 170–220 Hz lower in average minimum frequency (78 Hz).
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The minke whale is one of the most abundant species of baleen whales worldwide, yet is rarely sighted in subtropical waters. In the North Pacific, they produce a distinctive sound known as the “boing,” which can be used to acoustically localize individuals. A vessel-based survey using both visual and passive acoustic monitoring was conducted during the spring of 2007 in a large (616,000 km2) study area encompassing the Mariana Islands. We applied line transect methods to data collected from a towed hydrophone array to estimate the abundance of calling minke whales in our study area. No minke whales were sighted, but there were hundreds of acoustic detections of boings. Computer algorithms were developed to localize calling minke whales from acoustic recordings, resulting in over 30 independent localizations, a six-fold increase over those estimated during the survey. The two best estimates of abundance of calling minke whales were determined to be 80 and 91 animals (0.13 and 0.15 animals per 1,000 km2, respectively; CV = 34%). These are the first density and abundance estimates for calling minke whales using towed hydrophone array surveys, and the first estimates for this species in the Mariana Islands region. These are considered minimum estimates of the true number of minke whales in the study area.
During breeding season, male harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) produce underwater calls used in sexual competition and advertisement. Call characteristics vary among populations, and within-population differences are thought to represent individual variation. However, vocalizations have not been described for several populations of this widely-distributed and genetically diverse species. This study describes the vocal repertoire of harbor seals from British Columbia, Canada. Underwater recordings were made near Hornby Island during the summer of 2014 using a single hydrophone. A wide variability was detected in breeding vocalizations within this single breeding site. Four candidate call types were identified, containing six subtypes. Linear discriminant analysis showed 88% agreement with subjective classification of call types, and 74% agreement for call subtypes. Classification tree analysis gave a 92% agreement with candidate call types, with all splits made on the basis of call duration. Differences in duration may have reflected individual differences among seals. This study suggests that the vocal repertoire of harbor seals in this area comprises a vocal continuum rather than discrete call types. Further work with the ability to localize calls may help to determine whether this complexity represents variability due to propagation conditions, animal orientation, or differences among individual seals.
Research has suggested killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation may affect cetacean vocal behavior; however, few data exist to test this hypothesis. Data collected during 40,976 km of visual and acoustic shipboard surveys in the tropical Pacific Ocean, including 1,232 detections of 13 species, were examined to determine if changes in dolphin vocal activity could be attributed to the presence of killer whales. Generalized linear models and Random Forest analyses were used to test the hypothesis that dolphin vocal activity was related to the distance and time to the nearest killer whale sighting. Both results show that dolphin vocalizations were inversely correlated with the temporal proximity of killer whales (P < 0.05). Despite the relative rarity of killer whales in the tropics, they appear to influence vocal behavior of nearby dolphin schools. This disruption in communication may not significantly impact interactions necessary for survival in tropical waters where killer whale density is low. However, in temperate climates, where increased productivity supports a greater abundance of killer whales, this interruption in communication may have a greater impact. The lower incidence of whistling dolphins in temperate waters may be related to the greater abundance of killer whales in these areas. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.
With coverage on all the marine mammals of the world, authors Jefferson, Webber, and Pitman have created a user-friendly guide to identify marine mammals alive in nature (at sea or on the beach), dead specimens in hand, and also to identify marine mammals based on features of the skull. This handy guide provides marine biologists and interested lay people with detailed descriptions of diagnostic features, illustrations of external appearance, beautiful photographs, dichotomous keys, and more. Full color illustrations and vivid photographs of every living marine mammal species are incorporated, as well as comprehendible maps showing a range of information. For readers who desire further consultation, authors have included a list of literature references at the end of each species account. For an enhanced understanding of habitation, this guide also includes recognizable geographic forms described separately with colorful paintings and photographs. All of these essential tools provided make Marine Mammals of the World the most detailed and authoritative guide available! * Contains superb photographs of every species of marine mammal for accurate identification * Authors collective experience adds up to 80 years, and have seen nearly all of the species and distinctive geographic forms described in the guide * Provides the most detailed and anatomically accurate illustrations currently available * Special emphasis is placed on the identification of species in problem groups, such as the beaked whales, long-beaked oceanic dolphin, and southern fur seals * Includes a detailed list of sources for more information at the back of the book.