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sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
SL-resident athletes who travel to and subsequently live and train at
moderate altitude. Despite being used by many elite swimmers and
coaches, there is no clear evidence that training at natural altitude en-
hances performance more than training at SL (6). In a milestone study
published in the mid-1990s, Levine & Stray-Gundersen provided evi-
dence that the “live high-train low” (Hi-Lo) strategy can improve 3000- to
5000-m running performance in collegiate/club runners (9). Later, this
approach was modified to limit the low-altitude training sessions to
only high-intensity workouts and was subsequently termed “live high-
train high and low” (Hi-HiLo). The improvement in running performance
was associated with increase in red cell mass, the subsequent increase
in maximal oxygen uptake (V O2max), the “high altitude eect”, and the
maintenance of high-intensity training velocities and oxygen flux to the
muscles “the low altitude eect” (18). This paradigm has been sustained
by later investigation in elite endurance athletes performing dierent
sports including running (19), orienteering (20), and cycling (21). How-
ever, these studies are diicult to compare with each other directly given
the many dierences in experimental design (12).
The aims of this systematic review are: 1) to collate and to critically
evaluate the empirical evidence sustaining the use of natural AT in ath-
letes with the main goal of improving SL performance; and 2) to derive
which of the dierent natural AT strategies is more eicient for enhanc-
ing SL performance when the athletes come back to SL training and
competition. To achieve these goals, we systematically reviewed con-
trolled and uncontrolled studies through the PubMed and SPORTDiscus
databases. The studied participants were athletes from regional to elite
level, the exposure of interest was natural AT, and the main outcome of
interest was performance.
Literature search
This systematic review followed the PRISMA statement guidelines
(22). To achieve this, a systematic literature search was conducted for
studies in any language indexed in the PubMed and SPORTDiscus da-
tabases (up to March 2017). This search was performed using the fol-
lowing selected keywords: ALL FIELDS, altitude training AND sport AND
performance, NOT simulated OR artificial OR normobaric, NOT review.
To manage the bibliographic references the EndNote (ver. X7) soware
was used.
Eligibility criteria and study selection
Altitude training for sea level performance: a
systematic review
Ferran A. Rodríguez and Sergi Àvila
Altitude training (AT) at natural environment has been a matter of
extensive research for half a century and, despite some sceptical views
(1-3), it continues to play an important role in the preparation of elite
and sub-elite athletes in many countries (4, 5). Paradoxically, there is a
remarkable lack of controlled and adequately powered studies on natu-
ral AT in the scientific literature, particularly in elite athletes, and there is
no clear evidence that AT enhances performance more than training at
sea level (SL) (1, 5-7). The theoretical concept behind this practice is the
independent and combined eects of the physiological processes of ac-
climatization to chronic hypoxia and those derived from training under
the additional stress imposed by exercising in a hypoxic environment
(8). In accordance with some investigations, altitude acclimatization re-
sults in central and peripheral adaptations, i.e. augmented red cell vol-
ume, haemoglobin (Hb) mass and maximal oxygen uptake (V O2max) that
improve primarily systemic oxygen delivery (“erythropoietic paradigm”)
(9, 10), while others argue against this view and support the concept of
“nonhematological” adaptations such as improved muscle eiciency,
greater muscle buering and the ability to tolerate lactic acid produc-
tion (11, 12).
Conversely, the combination of intense training and hypoxia may
have a negative impact on athlete’s performance capacity and health
status, causing unfavourable eects such as acute mountain sick-
ness (13), immune suppression (14), iron-deficient erythropoiesis (15),
cathecolamine mediated glycogen depletion (16) and increased oxida-
tive stress and tissue damage (17), among others. Interestingly, a recent
meta-analysis concluded that AT performance gains could be related to
a placebo or nocebo eect (7).
There are dierent strategies to train at altitude. The classical ap-
proach (“live high-train high”, Hi-Hi), used since the late 1960s, involves
. INEFC-Barcelona Sport Sciences Research Group, Institut Nacional d’Educació
Física de Catalunya (INEFC), Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
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sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
the intervention, living and training characteristics and eects on perfor-
mance measures. Performance data extraction was done from time tri-
als, race results, power output and total work capacity (cycle ergometry)
and time scores. Weight-adjusted V O2max values and selected haemato-
logical data (Hb mass, Hb blood concentration and haematocrit ratio)
were also extracted.
Study characteristics
A total of 20 studies, 7 controlled and 13 uncontrolled, were identi-
fied for inclusion in the systematic review. These studies involved 439
athletes, from which 173 took part in the controlled studies and 266 in
the uncontrolled studies. 247 out of the total 439 participants were elite
athletes (56%), and the rest were from regional/interregional to subelite
level athletes (44%), a fact that can bring about large dierences in per-
formance level and range for improvement, making diicult to compare
investigation results. The intervention methodologies and type of de-
signed utilized were as follows: 14 Hi-Hi (5 controlled), 4 Hi-Lo (3 con-
trolled), and 3 Hi-HiLo (1 controlled
Classical altitude training (Hi-Hi) controlled studies
Only 5 controlled Hi-Hi studies were identified (table 1). Using a
cross-over design, Adams et al. reported no potentiating eect of hard
endurance training at 2300 m over equivalent SL training on 2-mile per-
formance time or V O2max in well-conditioned middle-distance runners
(23) The study by McLean et al. consisted on a Hi-Hi training camp involv-
ing a group of 21 Australian football players and 9 Lo-Lo controls. The
Hi-Hi group likely improved 2000-m time trial performance by 1.5% aer
altitude with very large individual variability (90%CI: -3.3–6.3%) and low
individual responsiveness (0.8%). This change was paralleled by a very
likely increase in Hb mass (2.8%) (24). Levine & Stray-Gundersen failed
to find any eect on performance aer 4 weeks of Hi-Hi intervention de-
spite an increase of V O2max (3.4%) and red cell mass (10%) (9). Burtscher
et al. studied two groups of amateur runners and found no group dif-
ferences in cycling total work capacity between the Hi-Hi group and the
Lo-Lo controls: 3 and 16 days aer the intervention the Lo-Lo group im-
proved 8% and 17% whereas the Hi-Hi group improved 0.3% and 8%,
respectively (25).
Only Rodríguez et al. showed a significant improvement in swimming
performance aer living and training at 2320 m during 3 or 4 weeks (e.g.,
3.1% and 3.4% in specific 100-m or 200-m time trial), but this change was
In order to be considered eligible for inclusion, studies had to meet
the following criteria: 1) participants were healthy adult competitive ath-
letes; 2) studies were controlled and uncontrolled; 3) altitude exposure
was natural (classic or terrestrial, not artificial or simulated); 4) primary
focus was SL performance (articles with no performance measures were
excluded); 5) original studies were used only (no reviews); and 6) studies
published in any language.
The flow chart of literature screening approach and study identifica-
tion is displayed in figure 1. From the 325 articles initially identified, we
removed 51 duplicated articles, 224 were excluded from title and ab-
stract information, and 30 articles were excluded aer reading the full
text for not meeting the eligibility criteria or due to impossibility to ac-
cess them. Finally, 20 studies were included in the qualitative review.
Figure 1. Flow chart of literature screening approach and study identification.
Data extraction
We developed a data extraction table classifying the type/level of
athletes, altitude strategy, sample size, study design, follow up during
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sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
Noteworthy, in the study by Roels et al. the modest increase in 2000-m
trial (1.9%) was only significant when the swimmers lived and trained
at 1200 m of altitude, but not at 1850 m (29). Moreover, another study
showed a decrease in performance aer 21 to 27 days of Hi-Hi interven-
tion in four dierent groups (n = 97) of elite swimmers (31). The other 6
studies did not show significant changes in performance despite some
modest changes in V O2max (32, 33), Hb mass (31, 34), blood red cell mark-
ers (30, 35) or without haematological changes (36).
Hi-Lo and Hi-HiLo uncontrolled studies
The systematic review included 3 uncontrolled studies examining the
Hi-Lo strategy and 3 studies using the Hi-HiLo strategy (table 4). These
studies were conducted by mostly the same group of researchers and
used similar designs and methodologies. In a retrospective study using
the Hi-Lo approach, 8 out of 12 collegiate runners were classified as re-
sponders and improved their time in a 5000-m time trial by 3.6% whereas
the non-responder decreased their performance time by 1.3%. The bet-
ter times of the responders was paralleled by a non-significant increase
in V O2max (7.5%) (37). Coincident results were obtained by these authors
in a prospective study with elite distance runners (37). Also Stray-Gun-
dersen et al. reported modest but significant performance gains in 22
elite runners on a 3000-m time trial (1.1%) associated to a 3% increase in
V O 2max (18). To identify the optimal altitude for training using the Hi-HiLo
approach, Chapman et al. compared four groups of collegiate runners
living at four altitudes (from 1780 to 2800 m) and training at varying al-
titudes from 1250 to 3000 m. They found that only the middle altitudes
(i.e., 2084 and 2454 m) evoked significant gains in 3000-m time trial run-
ning performance (2.1 to 2.8%), associated to a 3% to 8% increase in
V O 2max (38). Similarly, Saugy et al. conducted a study with 13 well-trained
triathletes who lived at 220 m and trained at 1100-1200 m of altitude and
found an improvement in 3000-m time trial running performance (3.3%)
aer 3 weeks upon return to sea level, with no changes 1 and 7 days aer
the altitude training camp. V O2max also increased by 5.2% (39).
not significantly dierent from that experienced by the Lo-Lo control
group (3.7%) (26). Interestingly, two studies reporting increases in V O2max
did not find a concomitant improvement in performance compared with
SL controls. In summary, only one study actually provided evidence of
superior improvement of Hi-Hi altitude training compared with SL (24).
However, the magnitude of these changes seems lower than can be ex-
pected because of a SL training camp, and placebo or nocebo eects
cannot be ruled out.
Hi-Lo and Hi-HiLo controlled studies
Four controlled studies were identified (table 2). Levine & Stray-Gun-
dersen were the first to use the Hi-Lo strategy in their classical study cited
above (9), in which they assigned collegiate and club amateur runners to
Hi-Hi, Hi-Lo, and Lo-Lo (control) groups. They reported an improvement
on 5000-m running performance (1.3%) in the Hi-Lo runners three weeks
aer the training camp and attributed this to increased V O2max (5%) and
red cell mass (10%), according to the “erythropoietic paradigm”. In a
study by Dehnert et al. two groups of subelite triathletes followed a Lo-
Lo or Hi-Lo intervention for 2 weeks and found no eects on cycling or
treadmill running performance despite a 7% increase in V O2max and un-
changed Hb mass (27). In contrast, Wehrlin et al. (20) studied a group
of 10 elite orienteers using a Hi-Lo strategy for 24 days and comparing
them with 7 Lo-Lo cross country skiers, and reported an improvement
in 5000-m running performance (1.6%) in the Hi-Lo group, paralleled by
increased V O2max (4.1%) and red cell mass (5.3%), which are comparable
to previous results in runners (9). Finally, Rodríguez et al. conducted the
only controlled study using the Hi-HiLo strategy in which athletes live at
altitude and train at the same and a lower altitude (26). Four groups of
international level swimmers were compared: Hi-Hi for 3 and 4 weeks
(previously cited), and Hi-HiLo and Lo-Lo controls for 4 weeks. Although
all groups improved aer a well-controlled training camp, the Hi-HiLo
group of swimmers further improved 50-, 100- (sprinters) or 200- (non-
sprinters), and 400-m swimming performance (5.5%, 6.3% and 4.7%, re-
spectively) 2 to 4 weeks aer the training camp. However, this substan-
tial improvement in performance could not be attributed to changes in
V O 2max, Hb mass or swimming economy and, therefore, to the “erythro-
poietic paradigm”.
Classical altitude training (Hi-Hi) uncontrolled studies
Nine uncontrolled studies using the classical Hi-Hi strategy met the
inclusion criteria (table 3). Overall, only 2 studies showed some evidence
of beneficial eects on performance (28, 29) and 1 was uncertain (30).
180 181
sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
Study Subjects
(level) StrategyaSample
Eect s on performance
(D% from pre-values)
Phase V O max Hbmass Otherf
Adams et
Lo-Lo vs.
TT 2mi: 1.3% (n.s. vs. SL) ¯2.8%
? ?
Burt scher
et al.
Lo-Lo vs.
?CY TWC: 8% at D3, 17%
at D16
¯0.3% at D3,
8% at D16
(n.s. bet ween
10% at
? ?
& Stray-
club level)
Lo-Lo vs.
M, F
M, F
? «
3 .4%*
McLean et
(elit e)
Lo-Lo vs.
TT 2km: Post1: 1.5%*
(±4.8% 90%CL)
Post2: triv ial
changes vs. Post1
. %*
et al.
Lo-Lo vs.
F, M
F, M
F, M
D,,,, or
TT 50, 100/200, 400m:
3.2%, 3.7%, 1.6%*
3.4%, 3.1%, 0.6%*
3.7% , 3.4%, 3.3%*
3 .8 %*
Table 1. Summary of CONTROLLED studies on natural altitude training using
the Hi-Hi strategy for sea level performance enhancement.
a Lo-Lo, live low–train low; Hi-Hi, live high–train high.
b F, females; M, males.
c CON, controlled trial; UN, uncontrolled trial; R, randomised; NR,
non-randomised; X-over, cross-over
d D#, testing post-intervention (day number).
e TT, time trial in specific sport; CY, cycling test; TWC, total work capacity; TM,
treadmill test.
f RCM, red cell mass; RCV, red cell volume.
↑, improvement/increase/benefit; <—>, no change; ↓, worsening/decrease/
harm; =, same as ab
*, significantly dierent from values measured before training or compared
to sea-level controls (p<0.05); n.s., non-significant dierence (p≥0.05); ?, un-
certain/not reported.
182 183
sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
Study Subjects
(level) StrategyaSample
Eect s on
(D% from pre-values)
Duration (d) Phase V O max Hbmass Otherf
& Stray-
club level)
Lo-Lo vs.
M, F
M, F
L , T
? «
TT 5km 1. 3%*
Dehnert et
Tri at hle te s
Lo-Lo vs.
M, F
M, F
L , T
? «
« Incremental CY ramp,
« TM tests, n.s. trend to
improve running time
and cross
Lo-Lo vs.
M, F
M, F
D -
L , T -
No measures in Lo-Lo
TT 5km 1.6%
et al.
Lo-Lo vs.
F, M
F, M
L/T , T
TT 50, 100/200, 400m:
3 .2 %*, 3.7%*, 1. 6%*
. %*, . %*, . %*
HiLo > Lo-Lo*)
1. 3%
« Economy
« Economy
Table 2. Summary of CONTROLLED studies on natural altitude training using
the Hi-Lo or Hi-HiLo strategies for sea level performance enhancement.
a Lo-Lo, living low, training low; Hi-Lo, live high–train low; Hi-HiLo,
live high–train high and low; L, living; T, training.
b F, females; M, males. -over, crossover; R, randomised; NR, non-randomised.
d D#, testing post-intervention (day number).
e TT, time trial in specific sport; CY, cycling test; TM, treadmill test.
f RCM, red cell mass; RCV, red cell volume.
, improvement/increase/benefit; «, no change; ¯, worsening/decrease/harm;
=, same as above.
*, significantly dierent from values measured before training or compared
to sea-level controls (p<0.05); n.s., non-significant dierence (p≥0.05); ?,
uncertain/not reported.
184 185
sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
Study Subjects
(level) Strategya
e s
DesigncFollow updTraining
Eect s on
(D% from pre -
Other changes
Alti tude (m) Duration (d) Phase V O max Hbmass Otherf
Faulkner et
fit men
Hi-Hi M
, , yd
« « Hb %*
Htc %*
Faulkner et
Hi-Hi M
D to D
? ? TT mi .%
? TT mi -.%
? TT mi . %
% % ?
Mizuno et al.
X-country skiers
Hi-Hi M UN
? TM running time
to exhaustion
« ? O deficit
% buer
Roels et al .
? TT km: .%*
RBC: «
Schmitt e t
al. ()
X-countr y skiers,
runners (elite)
Hi-Hi M UN
D, Balanced training
«CY PPO .% .%* economy
Hue et al.
Hi-Hi F, M UN
D, Competitive period « ? ? ?
et al.
Swimmers (elite) Hi-Hi M, F UN
? .% pts ? ? RBC: .%
Hb: .%
Htc: .%
Gough et al.
Hi-Hi M, F UN
D,, , - ? « ? %*
et al.
Swimmers (elite) Hi-Hi
M, F
M, F
M, F
M, F
All racing
Two years
preparation for
Olympic Games
D- ¯ pts
D- ¯ pts
D- ¯ pt s
? .%
. %
Table 3. Summary of UNCONTROLLED studies on natural altitude training us
a Lo-Lo, living low, training low; Hi-Hi, live high–train high; L, living; T, training.
b F, females; M, males.
c CON, controlled trial (vs. sea level); UN, uncontrolled trial (vs. sea level);
X-over, crossover; R, randomised; NR, non-randomised.
d D#, testing post-intervention (day number).
e TT, time trial in specific sport; CY, cycling test; PPO, peak power output; TM,
treadmill test; Re, responders; NRe, non-responders; pts, FINA score points.
f RCM, red cell mass; RCV, red cell volume.
, improvement/increase/benefit; «, no change; ¯, worsening/decrease/harm;
=, same as above.
*, significantly dierent from values measured before training or compared
to sea-level controls (p<0.05); n.s., non-significant dierence (p≥0.05); ?, un-
certain/not reported.
186 187
sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
Study Subjects
(level) StrategyaSample
Eect s on performance
(D% from pre-values)e
Alti tude (m) Duration
Phase VOmax Hbmass Other
Chapman et al.
Hi-Lo F, M UN
T -
? R (n=) TT km .*%
NR (n=) ?¯ TT km -.%
R . %*
NR <->
? Hb: R .*
NR .*
Htc: R .*
NR . *
Chapman et al.
Hi-HiLo M, M UN
T -
? R (n=) TT km -.s*
NR (n=) « TT km
R 3.4 ml /
kg·mi n
NR <->
(n. s .)
Gundersen et
Hi-HiLo F, M UN
fitnes s peak
TT 3 km: 1.1%* 3% 1 g/dl
Chapman et al.
F, M
F, M
F, M
F, M
D, L
(T -)
? TT km: «
. %*D,
.%* D,
2% D1,
4%* D14
3%* D1,
5%* D14
%* D,
%* D
%* D,
%* D
RCM: .%
Saugy et al.
Tri at hle te s
Hi-Lo M UN
D,, L
(T -)
TT km: « at D, D
.%* at D
.% 1.8% PPO: .%
Table 4. Summary of UNCONTROLLED studies on natural altitude training us-
ing the Hi-Lo or Hi -HiLo strategies for sea level performance enhancement.
a Lo-Lo, living low, training low; Hi-Hi, live high–train high; L, living; T, training.
b F, females; M, males.
c CON, controlled trial (vs. sea level); UN, uncontrolled trial (vs. sea level); X-
over, crossover; R, randomised; NR, non-randomised.
d D#, testing post-intervention (day number).
e TT, time trial in specific sport; CY, cycling test; PPO, peak power output;
TM, treadmill test; Re, responders; NR, non-responders; FINA pts, FINA score
f RCM, red cell mass; RCV, red cell volume.
, improvement/increase/benefit; «, no change; ¯, worsening/decrease/harm;
=, same as above.
*, significantly dierent from values measured before training or compared
to sea-level controls (p<0.05); n.s., non-significant dierence (p≥0.05); ?, un-
certain/not reported.
188 189
sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
design (26). This investigation showed that SL swimming performance
of elite swimmers in 100- (sprinters) or 200-m (non-sprinters) time trials
was not altered, or in some cases impaired immediately, but improved
significantly by ~3.1–3.7% aer 1 to 4 weeks of recovery following com-
pletion of a coach-prescribed training camp, whether it was conducted
at SL or at moderate altitude (2320 m). By including 2 weekly sessions
of high-intensity training at lower altitude (Hi-HiLo strategy) a greater
improvement in performance occurred 2 and 4 weeks aer the train-
ing camp (5.3% and 6.3%, respectively). Similarly, further gains in 400-
and 50-m freestyle time trial performance was noted 2 weeks (4.2% and
5.2%, respectively) and 4 weeks (4.7% and 5.5%, respectively) following
return to SL. In addition, this study shows that the delayed performance
improvements are not linked to changes in V O2max, oxygen kinetics or
Hb mass and hence cannot be attributed exclusively to an enhanced sys-
temic oxygen transport capacity.
Globally, these results are in line with estimations published in a meta-
analytic review by Bonetti & Hopkins, who concluded that “performance
changes in studies using the conventional Hi-Hi approach were unclear,
whereas changes using the terrestrial Hi-Lo strategy were considered
likely to be eective both for elite and subelite athletes (~4%), or a more
realistic 1.5% when performance was predicted from uncontrolled stud-
ies” (7). These estimations are in line with a recent review by Saunders
et al. (5) in which, by using a regression analysis of average performance
changes, it was estimated that a 3-week terrestrial AT camp would elicit
mean performance improvements of ~1.8% (Hi-Hi) and ~2.5% (Hi-Lo) (5).
Levine and Stray-Gundersen were the first to test the hypothesis
that acclimatization to moderate altitude (2500 m) plus training at low
altitude (1250 m) (Hi-Lo paradigm) improves SL performance in well-
trained runners more than in equivalent SL or Hi-Hi controls (9). They
also concluded that the correlation between the increase in V O2max and
the improvement in 5000-m time aer the field training camp argues
strongly that this is a key adaptation during altitude training and a nec-
essary mechanism for improving SL performance. Despite this, the per-
formance gain was only 1.3% from pre-training values. Notwithstanding,
this study changed the previous AT paradigm that was only focussed on
the classical Hi-Hi strategy.
Concerning the 9 uncontrolled Hi-Hi studies included in this review,
we can see a very similar picture as for the controlled studies, since only
two studies showed some beneficial eects on performance (28, 29), one
was uncertain (30), and 1 even showed impaired performance aer in a
This systematic review, which aimed at assessing the empirical evi-
dence sustaining the use of AT in athletes with focus on SL performance
enhancement, does not appear suiciently robust to determine the ef-
ficacy and appropriate characteristics (duration, altitude and training
requirements) of an AT camp. Neither it can conclude which of the natu-
ral AT strategies is best for enhancing performance at SL. The reviewed
studies are diicult to compare with each other directly, given the many
dierences in experimental design, type of participants, outcome meas-
ures and methodology. Notwithstanding, there seems to be a certain
consensus—perhaps lacking compelling evidence to support it—that
when athletes are exposed to a high enough altitude, for a long enough
amount of time, and are able to preserve fitness by training hard under
both hypoxic and normoxic conditions, the majority may improve physi-
cal performance (40).
We have reviewed publications from 1967 to 2017, a 50-year period.
A total of 20 studies have been appraised, but only 7 published articles
(33%) had a controlled design. The remaining 14 studies (67%) were un-
controlled and provide low quality evidence since performance changes
can be attributed to training alone, training camp eect or placebo/
nocebo eect. Concerning the 5 controlled Hi-Hi studies, only the one
published by MacLean et al. (24) provided limited evidence of superior
improvement compared with SL controls, although the high interindi-
vidual variability (-3.3–6.3%) argues against a real AT eect and placebo/
nocebo eects cannot be ruled out.
In the last decade the Hi-Lo approach has gained interest over the
classical Hi-Hi strategy in the scientific literature and among many en-
durance athletes (4). In our review, the results of the 4 controlled Hi-Lo or
Hi-HiLo studies seem somewhat more convincing compared with those
using the classical Hi-Hi approach. In their milestone study, Levine &
Stray-Gundersen showed that the Hi-Lo strategy evoked an increase in
5000-m time trial performance (1.3%) in collegiate and club runners (9),
despite some researchers argue that this modest improvement could be
attributed to a placebo or nocebo eect, as another Hi-Hi group showed
the same improvement in V O2max and red cell mass without any change
in performance (1). Similar limitations can be attributed to the study by
Wehrlin et al. since the improved 5000-m running performance (1.6%)
lacked of concomitant performance measures in the control group (20).
A recent investigation was the first to show substantial performance im-
provements aer a terrestrial Hi-HiLo intervention using a controlled
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sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
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ments. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. ;:-.
McGinnis G, Kliszczewiscz B, Barberio M, Ballmann C, Peters B, Slivka D, et al.
Acute hypoxia and e xercise-induced bloo d oxidative stress. Int J Spo rt Nutr
Exerc Metab. ;():-.
Stray-Gundersen J, Chapman RF, Levine BD. “Living high-training low” altitude
training improves sea level performance in male and female elite runners.
J Appl Physiol (). ;():-.
Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. Live high, train low at natural altitude. Scand J
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Wehrlin JP, Zuest P, Hallen J, Marti B. Live high-train low for days increases
hemoglobin mass and red cell volume in elite endurance athletes. J Appl
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Jones AM, Haramizu S, Ranchordas M, Burke L, Stear S, Castell LM. A-Z of nu-
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very large number of elite swimmers (31).
Among the uncontrolled Hi-Lo or Hi-HiLo investigations, two (37)
should be analysed with caution as the participants, collegiate or elite
runners, were categorized post-facto into ‘responders’ and ‘non-re-
sponders’, as they aimed at investigating the individual variation in re-
sponse to AT. The other 2 studies showed performance changes similar
to the controlled groups, although the risk of placebo or nocebo eects
is exacerbated. Interestingly, moderate altitudes of ~2100-2500 m were
identified as optimal for benefits in 3000-m running performance (41).
There are several limitations in every study design using terrestrial
AT, including the impossibility of blinding the intervention, limitations in
recruiting large numbers of participants, diiculties in group randomisa-
tion, control of placebo and nocebo eects, large variability in the re-
sponse, etc. These barriers make diicult the comparison of the exist-
ing studies and the design of new investigations that can meet the high
standards of scientific research.
Contrary to common expectations, the systematic review of 20 arti-
cles published along 50 years (1967 to 2017) shows that the quality of
the empirical evidence about using natural altitude training in competi-
tive athletes with the main goal of improving sea level performance is
far from being compelling. However, the available evidence supports the
concept that the Hi-Lo and Hi-HiLo strategies oer the best potential for
performance benefits, as at least two controlled studies provided sound
evidence of positive eects on performance in collegiate/club runners
and elite swimmers, respectively. Uncontrolled studies also support this
concept despite the lower quality of the evidence.
Lundby C, Millet GP, Calbet JA, Bartsch P, Subudhi AW. Does ‘altitude train-
ing’ increase exercise performance in elite athletes? Br J Sports Med.
Jacobs RA. Con: Live high-train low does not improve sea-level performance
beyond that achieved with the equivalent living and training at sea level.
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Hahn AG, Gore CJ, Martin DT, Ashenden MJ, Roberts AD, Logan PA. An evalua-
tion of the concept of living at moderate altitude and training at sea level.
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Wilber RL. Application of altitude/hypoxic training by elite athletes. Med Sci
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Saunders PU, Pyne DB, Gore CJ. Endurance training at altitude. High Alt Med
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sport science curren t an d fu ture trends for performan ce op timization
fining the “dose” of altitude training: how high to live for optimal sea level
performance enhancement. J Appl Physiol (). .
Saugy JJ, Schmitt L, Cejuela R, Faiss R, Hauser A, Wehrlin JP, et al. Comparison
of “live high-train low” in normobaric versus hypobaric hypoxia. PLoS One.
Wilber RL. In troduction to altitude/ hypoxic training symposium . Med Sci Sport s
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Rehrer NJ, Brouns F, Beckers EJ, Frey WO, Villiger B, Riddoch CJ, et al. Physi-
ological changes and gastro-intestinal symptoms as a result of ultra-en-
durance running. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. ;():-.
Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzla J, Mulrow C, Gotzsche PC, Ioannidis JP, et al. The
PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of
studies that evaluate health care interventions: explanation and elabora-
tion. PLoS medicine. ;():e.
Adams WC, Bernauer EM, Dill DB, Bomar JB, Jr. Eects of equivalent sea-level
and altitude training on VOmax and running performance. J Appl Physiol.
McLean BD, Gore CJ, Kemp J. Application of ‘Live Low-Tr ain High’ for Enhancing
Normoxic Exercise Performance in Team Sport Athletes. Sports Med. .
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Burtscher M, Nachbauer W, Baumgartl P, Philadelphy M. Benefits of training at
moderate altitude versus sea level training in amateur runners. Eur J Appl
Physiol. ():-.
Rodriguez FA, Iglesias X, Feriche B, Calderon-Soto C, Chaverri D, Wachsmuth
NB, et al. Altitude training in elite swimmers for sea level performance (Al-
titude Project). Med Sci Spor ts Exerc. ;():-.
Dehnert C, Hutler M, Liu Y, Menold E, Netzer C, Schick R, et al. Erythropoiesis
and performance aer two weeks of living high and training low in well
trained triathletes. Int J Sports Med. ;():-.
Mizuno M, Juel C, Bro-Rasmussen T, Mygind E, Schibye B, Rasmussen B, et al.
Limb skeletal mus cle adaptation in athletes aer tra ining at altitude. J Appl
Physiol (). ;():-.
Roels B, Hellard P, Schmitt L, Robach P, Richalet JP, Millet GP. Is it more eec-
tive for highly trained swimmers to live and train at m than at
m in terms of performance and haematological benefits? Br J Sports Med.
Siewierski M, Słomiński P, Białecki R, Adamczyk J. Athletic performance of
swimmers aer altitude training (, m above sea level) in view of their
blood morphology changes. Biol Sport. ;().
Wachsmuth NB, Volzke C, Prommer N, Schmidt-Trucksass A, Frese F, Spahl O,
et al. The eects of classic altitude training on hemoglobin mass in swim-
mers. Eur J Appl Physiol. ;():-.
Faulkner JA, Kollias J, Favour CB, Buskirk ER, Balke B. Maximum aerobic capac-
ity and running performance at altitude. J Appl Physiol. ;():-.
Schmitt L, Millet G, Robach P, Nicolet G, Brugniaux JV, Fouillot JP, et al. Influ-
ence of “living high-training low” on aerobic performance and economy of
work in elite athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol. ;():-.
Gough CE, Saunders PU, Fowlie J, Savage B, Pyne DB, Anson JM, et al. Influence
of altitude training modality on performance and total haemoglobin mass
in elite swimmers. Eur J Appl Physiol. ;():-. Epub //.
Faulkner JA, Daniels JT, Balke B. Eects of training at moderate altitude on
physical performance capacity. J Appl Physiol. ;():-.
Hue O, Antoine-Jonville S , Sara F. Th e eect of days of training in tropic al envi-
ronment on per formance in neutral climate in swimmers. Int J Spor ts Med.
Chapman RF, Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. Individual variation in response to
altitude training. J Appl Physiol. ;():-.
Chapman RF, Karlsen T, Resaland GK, Ge RL, Harber MP, Witkowski S, et al. De-