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Abstract and Figures

Modern team sport context is associated with both hightraining and games demands, and consequently high in-jury rates. Thus, reducing injuries is key for performance,health and economical reasons. For example, the training,research and medical communities are dedicated to better un-derstand and thus prevent or at least reduce the number ofhamstring injuries. This technical report presents a novelfield device designed to improve hamstring muscle function viamovement patterns closer to those observed when hamstringinjuries typically occur.
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A new testing and training device for hamstring muscle function
A new testing and training device for hamstring
muscle function
Jean-Patrick Giacomo 1, Johan Lahti 2, Andras Hegyi 3, Pauline Gerus 2, Jean-Benoit Morin 2
1Centre d’´
Evaluation et d’Analyse de la Performance Sportive, Carros, France,2Universit´e Cˆote d’Azur, LAMHESS, Nice, France, and 3Neuromuscular Research Center, Faculty
of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland
Technical note |Testing |Hamstrings |Injuries
Modern team sport context is associated with both high
training and games demands, and consequently high in-
jury rates. Thus, reducing injuries is key for performance,
health and economical reasons. For example, the training,
research and medical communities are dedicated to better un-
derstand and thus prevent or at least reduce the number of
hamstring injuries. This technical report presents a novel
field device designed to improve hamstring muscle function via
movement patterns closer to those observed when hamstring
injuries typically occur.
Aim. Hamstring injury is a major, unresolved, health issue in
sports (1), with two main injury mechanisms: sprint-related
and overstretching-related strains (2-4). This raises the ques-
tion of eective prevention and rehabilitation protocols (5,6),
during which hamstring strength output, especially during
lengthening actions, is a central component (9,10). The aim
of this technical report is to introduce a novel device for po-
tentially further optimizing hamstrings strength training and
Description of the device
The ”Hamtech” (Fig. 1) is a passive device based on an
exoskeleton-like light frame, and instrumented with a S-type
force sensor (1000 N capacity in traction) for each foot and
a potentiometer (P4500, Novotechnik U.S., Inc) for the knee
joint. The data is recorded by an acquisition card (National
instrument, Austin, TX, USA) at 1000 Hz through a custom
program (Labview v 8.5, National instrument, Austin, TX,
The overall motion with the Hamtech is similar to the
Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE)(7,8). When performing
NHE, relatively weaker players are unable to control the move-
ment until full knee extension, which clearly limits the maxi-
mal active lengthening of the muscles. This premature ending
of the action during the NHE was an important limitation
to address since long muscle lengths represent a target zone
Fig. 1. Description of the Hamtech device main exercise modalities: Nordic
Hamstring Exercise with extended hip (NHE0), Nordic Hamstring Exercise with 90
hip flexion (NHE90), Nordic Hamstring Exercise with sprint late swing phase kine-
matics (NHE Late Swing). Note that isometric testing can be performed at any of
the possible hip-knee angles within that range of motion. See video in Supplementary
for injury prevention purpose (9–11). This well-known limi-
tation of the NHE is resolved when using the Hamtech since
the frame and assistance/resistance systems allow a progres-
sive work targeting a significant range of the hamstrings force-
length spectrum (Fig. 1). The specific settings of the Hamtech
thus allow to individually set exercise intensity by setting both
the knee extension and the hip flexion angles (which are both
known to directly influence the mechanical constraint put on
the hamstrings over a typical knee flexion-extension exercise
(11). Finally, as shown in Fig. 1, this device allows enough
assistance to the motion that each movement modality can be
performed in unilaterally, which may add further value from
an adaptation standpoint (12).
Exercises and testing modalities
Nordic Hamstring Exercise with hip at 0 (NHE0). The frame
of the device brings a support to the trunk, which helps to
maintain the hip angle at 0 throughout the knee range of mo-
tion. This improvement compared to the standard NHE will
thus provide the opportunities that (i) the hip extension is con-
trolled, and (ii) the muscular work is maintained throughout
the full knee range of motion including long muscle lengths.
Nordic Hamstring Exercise with hip at 90 (NHE90). This
modality (13) has the main advantage of specifically loading
Fig. 2. Schematic analysis of hip and knee angles during a real football game
overstretch injury (game video footage analysed with Dartfish software) compared
to the NHE90 data (hip angle set constant at 90 ) and knee angle measured by elec-
tronic potentiometer. For the lesion area, the hip-knee angles with the Hamtech
closely match the estimated angles in the game situation.
Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the sprint swing phase hip and knee angles in the
sagittal plane (computed from 240 frames per second videos at 5 and 25 m in profes-
sional academy football players), in comparison to the hip and knee angles measured
with the Hamtech device in the NHE Late Swing mode. Zero degree correspond
to no hip or knee flexion, and late swing phase is defined as the time between the
contralateral foot take-oand the ipsilateral foot landing. 1 SPSR - 2018 |Dec |40 |v1
A new testing and training device for hamstring muscle function
the hamstrings at long muscle length thanks to the constant
90 hip flexion induced by the frame of the device and the
trunk support. This possibility is particularly interesting for
prevention-rehabilitation work (9,10). A common mechanism
of hamstring injury is by an overstretching motion with a
flexed hip and a maximally extended knee, which places the
hamstring group at particular risk due to substantial length-
ening (11). The schematic analysis below (Fig. 2) shows how
the hip-knee angles during the NHE90 exercise match the over-
stretch injury conditions (lesion grey area).
Finally, some of our data under review show higher maximal
torque produced during NHE90 than in NHE0. This is in ac-
cordance with the results of Guex et al. (11) who discussed the
clear influence of hip flexion angle on the hamstring maximal
torque capability.
Nordic hamstring exercise with sprint late swing phase hip-
knee kinematics (NHE Late Swing). This third modality is
based on the idea that a specific training of the hamstring
should include training that targets maximal torque output in
the hip-knee angle combinations (and thus associated muscle
lengths) that are close to the late swing phase of the sprint mo-
tion, which is thought to be where most sprint related injuries
happen (4,14–17). The Hamtech frame allows simulation of
the late swing hip and knee angular kinematics (Fig. 1 and
3) at two dierent phases of the sprint acceleration: early ac-
celeration (5-m zone) and late acceleration (top speed, 25-m
zone). As seen in the video (Supplementary material), and in
the schematic analysis shown in Fig. 3, the coordinated hip
and knee extensions throughout the late swing phase angular
sector covered using the Hamtech closely match the late swing
phase of sprinting, be it at 5 or 25m.
Furthermore, these two sub-settings of the NHE Late Swing
mode also allow a stimuli correspondence towards the specific
length-tension conditions of the sprint from the early phase (5
m) to the top speed phase (25 m). The latter mode is designed
to reproduce the hip-knee angles of top speed running, since
at that distance (i) most team sport players reach at least 95%
of their individual top running speed, and (ii) hamstring EMG
activity showed a relatively stable maximal level (18).
In the various types of exercises shown in Fig. 1, the Hamtech
allows measurements to be performed in concentric, isometric
and eccentric modes. The ”eccentric action” is seen here as
the active lengthening of the hamstring muscle-tendon units
during knee extension. The torque output is computed from
force measurements and the femoral epicondyle to ankle sup-
port distance (standardized at 5 cm above the lateral malleo-
lus, the force sensors being aligned with the ankle support).
Isometric: maximal torque output and rate of torque devel-
opment.Assessing maximal voluntary isometric contraction
(MVIC) torque is a classic of exercise and sport science, due
to the safe, easy-to-standardize and high reliability. The
Hamtech device allows this in bilateral and unilateral test-
ing modes, with a large panel of hip-knee angle combinations
(from 0 hip-90 knee to 90 hip-0 knee, as set with the device
frame), and thus a large number of muscle length possibilities.
Fig. 4 shows a typical unilateral test where the MVIC torque
is identified at a stable plateau of a 1-s contraction. The rate
of torque development might also be measured as shown in
Fig. 4, which is typically used to estimate the explosiveness of
the hamstrings (19). This may be of particular interest when
assessing fatigue and/or in a rehabilitation context (20,21).
Fig. 4. Illustration of a typical isometric test (raw force data converted into
torque data via the measurement of the knee flexion lever arm) and the associated
variables of maximal torque and rate of torque development. The maximal torque is
computed via a 200 ms moving average.
Fig. 5. Typical angle-torque profile for a football player, during a 1RM test in
NHE0 exercise (light grey), in the NHE Late Swing mode (dark grey) and in the
NHE90 mode (black). After calibration, start and end position angles correspond the
actual anatomical knee angle (calibrated, as on an isokinetic machine) and not to the
Hamtech frame angles.
Finally, this assessment of both maximal isometric and explo-
sive isometric torque output is possible at hip-knee angles close
to those typically seen during the sprint motion (see previous
Eccentric: p eak torque output. Although hamstring muscles
lengthening during sprinting is debated (22,23), the concomi-
tant hip flexion and knee extension during the sprint swing
phase place the hamstring muscle-tendon units in both length-
ening and very high force demand conditions. To our knowl-
edge, Hamtech is the only field device that allows measur-
ing eccentric knee flexion torque concomitantly with hip and
knee angles in individually maximal conditions (1RM). This
is specifically possible thanks to (i) adjustable levels of assis-
tance or resistance (ii) trunk support and (iii) support and
guidance added to the knee angle and torque measurements
throughout the angular sector covered (Fig. 5). These features
remove some limitations of existing systems (e.g. 24,25), with
which force assessment does not match some of the previously
described specificity criteria. This setting also allows conform-
ing to studies showing recommending that eective hamstring
torque assessment should be accompanied by angle-torque as-
sessment (26). Some studies suggest that the key metrics in
the eccentric modality should be peak torque (especially ex-
pressed relatively to the athlete’s body mass (27,28)) and total
angular work (i.e. the area under the torque-angular displace-
ment curve (25,29)) (Fig. 5). 2 SPSR - 2018 |Dec |40 |v1
A new testing and training device for hamstring muscle function
Practical Applications
The Hamtech possibly allows an accurate, progressive and
individualized training and injury prevention-rehabilitation
work. For example, in pre-season, the eects of inter-season
break on hamstring function could be assessed in isometric
mode (MVIC and rate of torque development) (30) before
progressively orienting the work and monitoring towards
eccentric actions.
The modularity of the Hamtech (Fig.1) allows a progressive
and controlled increase in the mechanical load at the tar-
geted muscle lengths, which seem to be major components
of hamstring rehabilitation.
Rate of torque development might also be of value in the
return-to-sport decision (e.g. after hamstring or anterior
cruciate ligament injuries) to both ensure an eective re-
habilitation and a possibly lower risk of re-injury (31).
All the aforementioned exercises and modalities can be per-
formed (i) on the training version of the device, that is
not equipped with sensors and (ii) in fatigue conditions in-
duced by sport-specific training or exercise repetitions on
the Hamtech.
As for any ergometer, the Hamtech has a limited biome-
chanical specificity compared to the actual sprint move-
ment. However, as discussed before, its sprint-specificity
is possibly further optimized compared to existing devices
due to hip-knee angle kinematics, the late swing modality,
and the assistance-resistance setting that allows individu-
alized maximal intensity in both bilateral and unilateral
The Hamtech is not intended to replace actual sprint train-
ing and the incomparable stimulation it represents in terms
of performance and hamstring injury prevention and re-
habilitation (32,33). Thus, it should be considered as a
tool for specific, complementary (or preparatory) muscular
stimulation and/or assessment.
Finally, this article aims only at presenting the Hamtech
device, and some ongoing works will discuss the reliability
and reproducibility of the measurements (13).
Conflict of interest
The first author, Jean-Patrick Giacomo is the inventor and
patent owner (patent under review) of the Hamtech device.
Contact: twitter: @jp giacomo. More information on the
Hamtech and Hamtech Lab . None of the other authors has a
potential conflict of interest to declare.
Supplementary Material
This video shows the typical exercise modalities of the device
Twitter: Follow JP Giacomo: @jp giacomo, J Lahti:
@lahti johan, A Hegyi: @And Hegyi, P Gerus: @Pauli-
neGerus, JB Morin: @jb morin
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... Isokinetic testing is also expensive and relatively inaccessible outside of research laboratories. Portable NHE devices have presented a lower cost alternative to isokinetics, offering ongoing monitoring and feedback in an applied setting (Opar et al., 2013;Giacomo et al., 2018;Lodge et al., 2020). They are innovative, reliable devices to measure eccentric hamstring strength, and have provided great insight into HSI prevention and muscle architecture alterations within recent research literature (Timmins et al., 2016;Giacomo et al., 2018;Presland et al., 2018;Hegyi et al., 2019;McGrath et al., 2020). ...
... Portable NHE devices have presented a lower cost alternative to isokinetics, offering ongoing monitoring and feedback in an applied setting (Opar et al., 2013;Giacomo et al., 2018;Lodge et al., 2020). They are innovative, reliable devices to measure eccentric hamstring strength, and have provided great insight into HSI prevention and muscle architecture alterations within recent research literature (Timmins et al., 2016;Giacomo et al., 2018;Presland et al., 2018;Hegyi et al., 2019;McGrath et al., 2020). ...
... A number of commercial devices have adapted the NHE by altering declination to minimize knee hyperextension or allow assistance to make the NHE easier to perform (Lodge et al., 2020). Other devices are assisted (Alt et al., 2018;Giacomo et al., 2018), which compromises the pure eccentric nature of the NHE, and removes the ability to achieve supramaximal intensity, which may limit its effectiveness as an injury prevention exercise. It should not be possible to control constant knee extension velocity and an accurate hip control throughout the entire range of motion (ROM) of the descent of a supramaximal eccentric NHE (Alt et al., 2020), as maximal hamstring torque production should lead to a loss of control and a subsequent break-point. ...
Full-text available
The Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) has been shown to reduce hamstring injury risk when employed in training programs. This study investigates a novel device to modify the NHE torque-length relationship of the knee flexors, as targeting the hamstrings at a more extended length may have benefits for hamstring strain injury prevention and rehabilitation. Eighteen recreational male participants completed three bilateral NHE repetitions at a conventional 0° flat position, a 10° incline, and a 10° decline slope on a novel device (HALHAM°). Measures of peak torque and break-torque angle explored the effect of inclination on the knee flexors' length-tension relationship. Relative thigh-to-trunk angle and angular velocity of the knee joint were used to assess influence of inclination on technique and exercise quality. Break-torque angle increased when performed at an incline (134.1 ± 8.6°) compared to both the decline (112.1 ± 8.3°, p <0.0001, g = 2.599) and standard flat NHE positions (126.0 ± 9.8°, p = 0.0002, g = 0.885). Despite this, altering inclination did not affect eccentric knee flexor peak torque (decline = 132.0 ± 63.1 Nm, flat = 149.7 ± 70.1 Nm, incline = 148.9 ± 64.9 Nm, F = 0.952, p = 0.389), angular velocity of the knee joint at break-torque angle (decline = 23.8 ± 14.4°, flat = 29.2 ± 22.6°, incline = 24.5 ± 22.6°, F = 0.880, p = 0.418) or relative thigh-to-trunk angle at break-torque angle (decline = 20.4 ± 10.4°, flat = 16.7 ± 10.8°, incline = 20.2 ± 11.2°, F = 1.597, p = 0.207). The report recommends the use of arbitrary metrics such as break-torque angle that can be replicated practically in the field by practitioners to assess proxy muscle length changes i.e., the angular range over which the torque can be produced. Inclination of the Nordic hamstring exercise leads to hamstring muscle failure at longer muscle lengths without reductions in the maximal force exuded by the muscle. Therefore, the NHE performed on an incline may be a more effective training intervention, specific to the proposed mechanism of hamstring strain injury during sprinting that occurs whilst the muscle is rapidly lengthening. Using a graded training intervention through the inclinations could aid gradual return-to-play rehabilitation.
... Research has shown, however, that this test may have drawbacks when it comes to collecting reliable and valid data [15,16]. More recently, several devices for the assessment of hamstring strength have been developed [17][18][19]. Typically, these devices use load cells where force data are transferred to a personal computer through a recording unit. ...
... In recent years, several studies have been published on new devices for the assessment of knee flexor strength [17][18][19]. One of these devices [17] has been used in research [26][27][28] and has since become commercially available, known as the NordBord testing system [29]. ...
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There is evidence that a knee flexor exercise, the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE), prevents hamstring injuries. The purpose of this study was therefore to develop, and to determine the reliability of, a novel NHE test device and, further, to determine the effectiveness of a 10-week low volume NHE program on NHE performance. Twenty female football (soccer) players, aged 16–30 years, participated in this study. From a kneeling position on the device, with the ankles secured under a heavy lifting sling, participants leaned forward in a controlled manner as far as possible (eccentric phase) and then returned to the starting position (concentric phase). A tape measure documented the forward distance achieved by the participants in cm. Participants completed three separate occasions to evaluate test-retest reliability. Additionally, 14 players performed a low volume (1 set of 5 repetitions) NHE program once weekly for 10 weeks. No significant test-retest differences in NHE performance were observed. The intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.95 and the coefficient of variation was 3.54% between tests. Mean improvement in the NHE performance test by the players following training was 22% (8.7 cm), p = 0.005. Our test device reliably measured NHE performance and is easy to perform in any setting. Further, NHE performance was improved by a 10-week low volume NHE program. This suggests that even a small dose (1 set of 5 repetitions once weekly) of the NHE may enhance NHE performance.
... Force measurements were sampled at 2 kHz via an external acquisition card (MP 150 Biopac ® Systems, Inc., Holliston, MA, USA), controlled by a software (Acknowledge 4.1 Biopac ® Systems, Inc., Holliston, MA, USA). Force was converted into torque using participant's lever arms, determined as the distance between the external femoral condyle and the heel contact point on the ergometer, where forces were measured (i.e., 5 cm above the malleolus) (Giacomo et al. 2018;Corcelle et al. 2022). Hamstrings' MVC and submaximal isometric contractions were performed in a standardized position of 50° hip flexion and 30° knee flexion, where 0° means full extension (see Fig. 3). ...
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Purpose Our study aimed to compare the immediate and prolonged effects of submaximal eccentric (ECC) and concentric (CON) fatiguing protocols on the etiology of hamstrings’ motor performance fatigue. Methods On separate days, 16 males performed sets of 5 unilateral ECC or CON hamstrings' contractions at 80% of their 1 Repetition Maximum (1 RM) until a 20% decrement in maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) torque was reached. Electrical stimulations were delivered during and after MVCs at several time points: before, throughout, immediately after (POST) and 24 h (POST 24) after the exercise. Potentiated twitch torques (T100 and T10, respectively) were recorded in response to high and low frequency paired electrical stimulations, and hamstrings’ voluntary activation (VA) level was determined using the interpolated twitch technique. For statistical analysis, all indices of hamstrings’ motor performance fatigue were expressed as a percentage of their respective baseline value. Results At POST, T100 (ECC: -13.3%; CON: −9.7%; p < 0.001), T10 (ECC: −5.1%; CON: −11.8%; p < 0.05) and hamstrings' VA level (ECC: −3.0%; CON: −2.4%; p < 0.001) were significantly reduced from baseline, without statistical differences between fatigue conditions. At POST24, all indices of hamstrings’ motor performance fatigue returned to their baseline values. Conclusion These results suggest that the contribution of muscular and neural mechanisms in hamstrings’ motor performance fatigue may not depend on contraction type. This may have implications for practitioners, as ECC and CON strengthening could be similarly effective to improve hamstrings’ fatigue resistance.
... P r e p r i n t n o t p e e r r e v i e w e d 6 1 repetition maximum (1RM ECC) (see Neuromuscular tests for more details). Both tests were performed on a dedicated ergometer (Hamtech, Human Kinematic, France) [22]. One week after the familiarization session, evaluations were performed at three measurement times: before (PRE), immediately after (POST) and 24 hours after (POST24) the fatiguing eccentric protocol (Fig. 1). ...
... La dernière contribution de ce projet doctoral a porté sur la rédaction d'un article de perspective (CONTRIBUTION VI). Des auteurs ont récemment souligné l'importance de distinguer les sensations des perceptions dans l'étude des systèmes sensoriels (Wolfe et al. 2018;Bartoshuk 2019 Dans cette partie, afin d'éviter une certaine redondance avec la partie CONTRIBUTIONS PERSONNELLES, les éléments-clés des différentes expérimentations sont présentés de façon résumée dans le Tableau 3. (Giacomo et al. 2018;Corcelle et al. 2022 ...
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Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient d’étudier i) les effets aigus et prolongés d’exercices physiques fatigants sur l’acuité kinesthésique et ii) le lien entre l’étiologie de la fatigue neuromusculaire induite et les altérations kinesthésiques. Pour ce faire, dans chaque étude expérimentale, la fonction neuromusculaire et l’acuité kinesthésique (i.e., sens de la position ou sens du mouvement) étaient évaluées de façon concomitante avant et après la réalisation d’exercices fatigants de muscles croisant l’articulation du genou.
... Researchers have modified the NHE to eliminate its drawbacks. [8][9][10][11] The results of a previous study showed that adjusting the slope of the lower leg support at 20° and 40° allowed the participants to perform the movement through greater amplitude in a controlled manner; peak joint torques being attained at longer hamstring lengths. 8 Additionally, the peak joint torque occurred closer to full knee extension compared to the standard NHE. ...
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# Background Previous studies have shown that performing the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) with different board slope angles can affect hamstring activation. However, changes in muscle length with different board slopes can alter joint angles leading to the moment arm (MA) at the knee changing during the NHE. # Purpose This study aimed to investigate the influence of changing muscle length on hamstring electromyographic activity during an isometric NHE, while maintaining an equal moment arm. # Study Design A crossover study design # Methods Sixteen male volunteers performed two types of conventional NHE, one with knees on the floor (NHE) and one with the legs placed upon an incline slope of a lower leg board (NHEB). To compare between the conventional and inclined NHE, the moment arm at the knee was calculated to be equal by an examiner holding the lower legs at points marked at 77% and 94% of the length of the lower leg. The four sub-groups comprised of: 1) NHE-77%, 2) NHE-94%, 3) NHEB-77%, and 4) NHEB-94%. The hamstring EMG activity was measured at the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and at the semitendinosus (ST) and related compensatory muscles. The RMS data were normalized as a percentage of the maximum isometric values (normalized EMG nEMG). Significant main effects findings were followed up with Tukey's post-hoc test using SPSS software and statistical significance was set at the p \< 0.05 level. # Results The BFlh EMG activity values for NHE-77% were significantly higher than those for NHE-94% (p= 0.036) and NHEB-77% (p \< 0.001), respectively, while ST during NHE-77% was significantly higher only in NHEB-77% (p \< 0.001). In addition, NHEB-94% was significantly greater than NHEB-77% for both BFlh (p \< 0.001) and ST (p \< 0.001). # Conclusion These results indicate that hamstring electromyographic activity is decreased when the hamstring muscle is lengthened during the Nordic hamstring exercise. # Level of Evidence 3
... All the aforementioned limitations may be potentially limited by using specific ergometer. Recently, a novel field ergometer named "Hamtech" ( [13], Human Kinematic, Carros, France) has been developed to improve hamstring muscle function via specific movement patterns at which injury typically occur. Indeed, this ergometer allows performing the NHE movement from different hip and knee angles combinations under both bi-and unilateral conditions during eccentric, concentric and isometric actions with continuous measurement of the force output and the knee angle of each lower limb. ...
Objectives Hamstring strain injuries are common in sprint-based activities and multifactorial. One of the main risk factors is the deficit of hamstring eccentric strength, which is not easily assessed in field conditions. Therefore, a new ergometer named “Hamtech” has been developed to accurately and practically assess hamstring force output. The aim of this study was to test the reproducibility of this novel ergometer during maximal isometric and eccentric contractions. Materials and methods Thirteen soccer players (age: 20.7 ± 1.6 years; stature: 178.1 ± 4.9 cm; body mass: 72.1 ± 6.3 kg) were recruited. After two familiarization sessions, hamstring force production was recorded during maximal isometric and eccentric contractions using the Hamtech. The coefficients of variations and intra-class correlations coefficients were used to quantify reproducibility. Results This ergometer allows reproducible measurements of unilateral (isometric + eccentric) and bilateral (eccentric) peak force. However, the reproducibility was moderate to good (unilateral) and poor (bilateral) for the knee angle at the eccentric peak force. A good reproducibility was observed for the rate of force development at 200-ms during maximal isometric contractions. The Hamtech offers a simple and reproducible solution to measure hamstring force production during isometric and eccentric contractions. The use of unilateral hamstring muscles at long muscular length might provide a valuable alternative to the classical bilateral condition to assess the hamstring force production.
... It is well accepted that to establish the endurance performance of cyclists testing should be performed on a cycle ergometer and vice versa of runners on a treadmill 29 . Muscles 30 and connective tissues also adapt to suit the task at hand 31,32 , but research only recently started to develop testing devices to measure eccentric knee flexor strength more tailored to functional requirements 33 . Yet, holistic exercise-specific evaluations are still lacking due to few valid options to reproduce standardised, controlled maximal knee flexor assessments. ...
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Hamstring injuries are endemic, but influences of test-specific training and the application of different test methods on decision making remain elusive. Sport-students were randomised to isokinetic (IG) or Nordic hamstring (NG) exercise or a control group (CG) for six weeks. Training and testing procedures were matched to biomechanical parameters. Hamstring strength (EPT), work, muscle soreness (visual analogue scale (VAS)), biceps femoris (BFlh) muscle size and architecture were assessed. Anthropometrics and strength parameters did not differ at baseline. Yet, body mass normalised EPT, and work revealed a significant group × time × device effect, with a significant main effect for devices. Experimental conditions triggered meaningful increases in EPT compared to the control group, but the effects were higher when recorded on the training device. Despite significant group × time interactions, normalised average work on the NHD was only higher in the NG compared to CG of the left leg (+ 35%). No effects were found for BFlh parameters. Hamstrings showed a high training specificity, but adaptations likely remain undetected owing to the low sensitivity of conventional test devices. Moreover, strength increase of ~ 15% does not necessarily have to be reflected in BFlh parameters.
... It is well accepted that to establish the endurance performance of cyclists testing should be performed on a cycle ergometer and vice versa of runners on a treadmill 29 . Muscles 30 and connective tissues also adapt to suit the task at hand 31,32 , but research only recently started to develop testing devices to measure eccentric knee flexor strength more tailored to functional requirements 33 . Yet, holistic exercise-specific evaluations are still lacking due to few valid options to reproduce standardised, controlled maximal knee flexor assessments. ...
... The glider and the modified NHE are both eccentric exercises for the hamstrings in a lengthened position ( Figure 1). The modified NHE, which has already been presented and analysed for the purpose of optimizing the standard NHE in two actual studies, 17,18 is eccentric knee flexion exercise during which the participant maintains increased hip flexion. Participants in our study positioned themselves in ~75° hip flexion (monitored by the assistant with a goniometer) prior to the descend and were verbally encouraged to maintain hip flexion during the descend. ...
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Hamstring strain injuries remain among the most problematic and most frequent sport injuries. Two of the most effective methods for prevention and rehabilitation of the hamstring strain injuries are: classic eccentric training using the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) and eccentric training in a lengthened position using the glider exercise. Both exercises have disadvantages that could be fixed by adding hip flexion during the NHE. Thus, the purpose of the study was to compare peak hamstring activity (measured by electromyography) between three eccentric exercises: the standard NHE, the modified NHE and the glider. Differences were statistically tested with the analysis of the variance for repeated measurements and the paired 2-tailed post-hoc t-test. Hamstring activity during the modified NHE was significantly lower compared to the NHE and significantly higher compared to the glider. The results indicate that implementing the modified NHE could increase the effectiveness of already established rehabilitation protocols and help reduce the risk of hamstring (re-)injury.
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Objective Examine the influence of rehabilitation training loads on return to play (RTP) time and subsequent injury in elite Australian footballers. Design Prospective cohort study. Methods Internal (sessional rating of perceived exertion: sRPE) and external (distance, sprint distance) workload and lower limb non-contact muscle injury data was collected from 58 players over 5 seasons. Rehabilitation periods were analysed for running workloads and time spent in 3 rehabilitation stages (1: off-legs training, 2: non-football running, 3: group football training) was calculated. Multi-level survival analyses with random effects accounting for player and season were performed. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each variable were produced for RTP time and time to subsequent injury. Results Of 85 lower limb muscle injuries, 70 were rehabilitated to RTP, with 30 cases of subsequent injury recorded (recurrence rate = 11.8%, new site injury rate = 31.4%). Completion of high rehabilitation workloads delayed RTP (distance: >49775 m [reference: 34613-49775m]: HR 0.12, 95%CI 0.04-0.36, sRPE: >1266 AU [reference: 852-1266AU]: HR 0.09, 95%CI 0.03-0.32). Return to running within 4 days increased subsequent injury risk (3–4 days [reference: 5-6 days]: HR 25.88, 95%CI 2.06-324.4). Attaining moderate-high sprint distance (427-710m) was protective against subsequent injury (154-426m: [reference: 427-710m]: HR 37.41, 95%CI 2.70-518.64). Conclusion Training load monitoring can inform player rehabilitation programs. Higher rehabilitation training loads delayed RTP; however, moderate-high sprint running loads can protect against subsequent injury. Shared-decision making regarding RTP should include accumulated training loads and consider the trade-off between expedited RTP and lower subsequent injury risk.
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Introduction: Given the prevalence of hamstring injuries in football, a rehabilitation program that effectively promotes muscle tissue repair and functional recovery is paramount to minimize reinjury risk and optimize player performance and availability. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the concurrent effectiveness of administering an individualized and multifactorial criteria-based algorithm (rehabilitation algorithm [RA]) on hamstring injury rehabilitation in comparison with using a general rehabilitation protocol (RP). Methods: Implementing a double-blind randomized controlled trial approach, two equal groups of 24 football players (48 total) completed either an RA group or a validated RP group 5 d after an acute hamstring injury. Results: Within 6 months after return to sport, six hamstring reinjuries occurred in RP versus one injury in RA (relative risk = 6, 90% confidence interval = 1-35; clinical inference: very likely beneficial effect). The average duration of return to sport was possibly quicker (effect size = 0.34 ± 0.42) in RP (23.2 ± 11.7 d) compared with RA (25.5 ± 7.8 d) (-13.8%, 90% confidence interval = -34.0% to 3.4%; clinical inference: possibly small effect). At the time to return to sport, RA players showed substantially better 10-m time, maximal sprinting speed, and greater mechanical variables related to speed (i.e., maximum theoretical speed and maximal horizontal power) than the RP. Conclusions: Although return to sport was slower, male football players who underwent an individualized, multifactorial, criteria-based algorithm with a performance- and primary risk factor-oriented training program from the early stages of the process markedly decreased the risk of reinjury compared with a general protocol where long-length strength training exercises were prioritized.
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The bilateral deficit phenomenon, characterized by a reduction in the amount of force from a single limb during maximal bilateral actions, has been shown in various movement tasks, contraction types and different populations. However, bilateral deficit appears to be an inconsistent phenomenon, with high variability in magnitude and existence, and seems to be plastic, as bilateral facilitation has also been shown to occur. Furthermore, many mechanisms underlying this phenomenon have been proposed over the years, but still remain largely unknown. The purpose of this review was to clarify and critically discuss some of the important issues relevant to bilateral deficit. The main findings of this review were: (1) bilateral deficit does not seem to be contraction-type dependent; however, it is more consistent in dynamic compared to isometric contractions; (2) postural stabilization requirements and/or ability to use counterbalances during unilateral actions seem to influence the expression of bilateral deficit to a great extent; strong evidence has been provided for higher-order neural inhibition as a possible mechanism, but requires further exploration using a lower limb model; biomechanical mechanisms, such as differences in shortening velocity between contraction modes and displacement of the force-velocity curve, seem to underlie bilateral deficit in ballistic and explosive contractions; (3) task familiarity has a large influence on bilateral deficit and thus adequate testing specificity is warranted in training/cross-sectional experiments; (4) the literature investigating the relationship between bilateral deficit and athletic performance and injury remains scarce; hence, further research in this area is required.
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Objectives: To examine the relationship between chronic training loads, number of exposures to maximal velocity, the distance covered at maximal velocity, percentage of maximal velocity in training and match-play and subsequent injury risk in elite Gaelic footballers. Design: Prospective cohort design. Methods: Thirty-seven elite Gaelic footballers from one elite squad were involved in a one-season study. Training and game loads (session-RPE multiplied by duration in min) were recorded in conjunction with external match and training loads (using global positioning system technology) to measure the distance covered at maximal velocity, relative maximal velocity and the number of player exposures to maximal velocity across weekly periods during the season. Lower limb injuries were also recorded. Training load and GPS data were modelled against injury data using logistic regression. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated based on chronic training load status, relative maximal velocity and number of exposures to maximal velocity with these reported against the lowest reference group for these variables. Results: Players who produced over 95% maximal velocity on at least one occasion within training environments had lower risk of injury compared to the reference group of 85% maximal velocity on at least one occasion (OR: 0.12, p=0.001). Higher chronic training loads (≥4750AU) allowed players to tolerate increased distances (between 90 to 120m) and exposures to maximal velocity (between 10 to 15 exposures), with these exposures having a protective effect compared to lower exposures (OR: 0.22 p=0.026) and distance (OR=0.23, p=0.055). Conclusions: Players who had higher chronic training loads (≥4750AU) tolerated increased distances and exposures to maximal velocity when compared to players exposed to low chronic training loads (≤4750AU). Under- and over-exposure of players to maximal velocity events (represented by a U-shaped curve) increased the risk of injury.
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The evaluation of rate of force development during rapid contractions has recently become quite popular for characterising explosive strength of athletes, elderly individuals and patients. The main aims of this narrative review are to describe the neuromuscular determinants of rate of force development and to discuss various methodological considerations inherent to its evaluation for research and clinical purposes. Rate of force development (1) seems to be mainly determined by the capacity to produce maximal voluntary activation in the early phase of an explosive contraction (first 50–75 ms), particularly as a result of increased motor unit discharge rate; (2) can be improved by both explosive-type and heavy-resistance strength training in different subject populations, mainly through an improvement in rapid muscle activation; (3) is quite difficult to evaluate in a valid and reliable way. Therefore, we provide evidence-based practical recommendations for rational quantification of rate of force development in both laboratory and clinical settings.
Purpose To determine the time course of architectural adaptations in the biceps femoris long head (BFLH) following high or low volume eccentric training. Methods Twenty recreationally active males completed a two week standardised period of eccentric Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) training, followed by four weeks of high (n=10) or low volume (n=10) training. Eccentric strength was assessed pre and post intervention and following detraining. Architecture was assessed weekly during training and after two and four weeks of detraining. Results After six weeks of training, BFLH fascicles increased significantly in the high (23 ± 7%, P<0.001, d=2.87) and low volume (24 ± 4%, P<0.001, d=3.46) groups, but reversed following two weeks of detraining (high volume, ‐17 ± 5%, P<0.001, d=‐2.04; low volume, ‐15 ± 3%, P<0.001, d=‐2.56) after completing the intervention. Both groups increased eccentric strength after six weeks of training (high volume, 28 ± 20%, P=0.009, d=1.55; low volume, 34 ± 14%, P<0.001, d=2.09) and saw no change in strength following a four week period of detraining (high volume, ‐7 ± 7%, P=0.97, d=‐0.31; low volume, ‐2 ± 5%, P=0.99, d=‐0.20). Conclusions Both low and high volume NHE training stimulate increases in BFLH fascicle length and eccentric knee flexor strength. Architectural adaptations reverted to baseline levels within two weeks after training, but eccentric strength is maintained for at least four weeks. These observations provide novel insight into the effects of training volume and detraining on BFLH architecture, and may provide guidance for the implementation of NHE programmes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objective: Report eccentric knee flexor strength values of elite Gaelic football players from underage to adult level whilst examining the influence of body mass and previous hamstring injury. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Team's training facility. Participants: Elite Gaelic football players (n = 341) from under 14 years to senior age-grades were recruited from twelve teams. Main outcome measures: Absolute (N) and relative (N·kg-1) eccentric hamstring strength as well as corresponding between-limb imbalances (%) were calculated for all players. Results: Mean maximum force was 329.4N (95% CI 319.5-340.2) per limb. No statistically significant differences were observed in relative force values (4.4 N ·kg-1, 95% CI 4.2-4.5) between age-groups. Body mass had moderate-to-large and weak associations with maximum force in youth (r = 0.597) and adult (r =0 .159) players, respectively. Overall 40% (95 CI 31.4-48.7) presented with a maximum strength between-limb imbalance >10%. Players with a hamstring injury had greater relative maximum force (9.3%, 95% CI 7.0-11.8; p > 0.05) and a 28% (95% CI 10.0-38.0) higher prevalence of between-limb imbalances ≥15% compared to their uninjured counterparts. Conclusions: Overlapping strength profiles across age-groups, combined with greater strength in previously injured players, suggests difficulties for establishing cut-off thresholds associated with hamstring injury risk.
Study Design Reliability and case-control injury study. Background Knee flexor strength is a key variable when dealing with hamstring strain injury (HSI), and methodologies of objective measurement of strength are often limited to single exercises. Objectives To establish test-retest reliability of a novel apparatus to measure knee flexor strength during various hamstring exercises, and to investigate whether the measure can detect between-leg differences in male participants with and without history of unilateral HSI. Methods Twenty male participants without and 10 male participants with previous unilateral HSI participated. Isometric knee flexor strength and peak rate of force development (RFD) at 0°/0°, 45°/45°, and 90°/90° of hip/knee flexion were measured, as well as force impulse during bilateral and unilateral variations of an eccentric slider and hamstring bridge, using a novel apparatus. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), typical error, and typical error as a coefficient of variation were calculated for all measures. The magnitudes of between-leg differences within each group were calculated using estimates of effect sizes, reported as Cohen's d and 90% confidence interval (CI). Results Moderate to high test-retest reliability was observed for isometric knee flexor strength (ICC = 0.87–0.92) and peak RFD (ICC = 0.88–0.95) across 3 positions and for mean force impulse during the eccentric slider (ICC = 0.83–0.90). In those with prior HSI, large deficits were observed in the previously injured leg compared to the contralateral uninjured leg for mean force impulse during the unilateral eccentric slider (d = −1.09; 90% CI: −0.20, −1.97), isometric strength at 0°/0° (d = −1.06; 90% CI: −0.18, −1.93) and 45°/45° (d = −0.88; 90% CI: −0.02, −1.74), and peak RFD at 45°/45° (d = −0.88; 90% CI: −0.02, −1.74). Conclusion The novel apparatus provides a reliable measure of isometric knee flexor strength, peak RFD, and force impulse during an eccentric slider, with deficits seen in previously injured hamstrings for these measures. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2018;48(2):72–80. Epub 26 Oct 2017. doi:10.2519/jospt.2018.7634