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Experimenting with method through radical participation in education and research. Original Norwegian title: Metodeeksperimenter med radikal medvirkning i utdanning og forskning: Et aksjonforskningssamarbeid med et kull masterstudenter i yrkespedagogikk



This dissertation is about participation. The research project, this dissertation is about, is concerned with trying out ways to facilitate and further develop the horizon of possibilities for participation in education and research. There has been carried out a series of experiments with participation both in the education and in the research. There are two main questions that are being studied. The first is how to expand and further develop the horizon of possibilities for participation in education. The second is how to expand and further develop the horizon of possibilities for participation in action research. This dissertation is about participation. The research project, this dissertation is about, is concerned with trying out ways to facilitate and further develop the horizon of possibilities for participation in education and research. There has been carried out a series of experiments with participation both in the education and in the research. There are two main questions that are being studied. The first is how to expand and further develop the horizon of possibilities for participation in education. The second is how to expand and further develop the horizon of possibilities for participation in action research.
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... Det verdifulle er altså ikke bare det deltagerne kan sette ord på i en innledende fase av samarbeidet, men også noe som utvikles gjennom selve forskningsprosessen. Den demokratiske prosessen i aksjonsforskning er ikke bare å bli hørt, tatt på alvor og få delta, men også å bli myndiggjort gjennom å videreutvikle deltagerferdigheter. (Kversøy, 2015). Denne artikkelen tar tak i sider ved prosjektet som det ikke ble anledning til å utdype den gangen. ...
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Denne artikkelen handler om forskerens forhold til dem som involveres direkte i forskningen. I aksjonsforskningsprosjekter kalles de gjerne deltagere eller medforskere. I andre typer prosjekter kalles de ofte informanter. Enten det handler om den ene eller andre formen for forskning, kan det være grunner for å se nærmere på forholdet mellom forskningen og deltagerne. Et eksempel kan være spørsmålet om forskningens relevans. Hva gjør forskningen relevant? Hvem skal forskningen være relevant for? Det er fristende å tenke relevans som det å få resultater publisert i internasjonale tidsskrifter og å få artiklene sitert i de rette vitenskapelige miljøene. I denne artikkelen vil det bli vist måter å få til relevant forskning på for dem den involverer. Artikkelen baserer seg på metodeeksperimenter og presenteres som metode under utvikling. Selv om påstandene i artikkelen kan angå andre former for forskning, er det først og fremst relevans og medvirkning i aksjonsforskning som skal belyses. Metodeeksperimentene det vises til, er gjennomført innenfor et aksjonsforskningsprosjekt. Deltagerne er masterstudenter i yrkespedagogikk.
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The lower secondary subject «Educational Choice» in the light of history, politics and ethics. A subject for reflecting, exploring and developing what a meaningful and good everyday life can be for the person it concerns. Original Norwegian title: Utdanningsvalg sett i lys av historie, politikk og etikk. Et fag for å reflektere over, utforske og videreutvikle hva et godt liv og en meningsfull hverdag kan være for den enkelte.
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The presentation is about developing the obligatory Norwegian lower secondary subject "Educational Choice" through development work were students, teachers and leaders are all active participants. This subject is obligatory for students that are normally 14-16 years of age.
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Members of the editorial board of Action Research responded to the question, `Why action research?' Based on their responses and the authors' own experiences as action researchers, this article examines common themes and commitments among action researchers as well as exploring areas of disagreement and important avenues for future exploration. We also use this opportunity to welcome readers of this new journal and to introduce them to members of the editorial board.
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Despite increased applications and scholarship, appreciative inquiry remains a research method with little self-reflection or critique to evaluate the process as an action research method. Perhaps counter-intuitively, we propose that critical theory provides one useful lens through which to develop an appreciative evaluation of the process. We begin this article with a brief introduction to appreciative inquiry (Ai) as it is presented in the literature. Calls for evaluation of the process are acknowledged, as are the few evaluations/critiques of Ai we have found in literature. We discuss how critical theory may be applied to an evaluation of appreciative inquiry bridging an apparent paradox between the negativity associated with the former and the positive focus of the latter. An initial application of Critical Appreciative Process (CAP) is described to illustrate how the integrated use of appreciative inquiry and critical theory deepens insight and recognition of the complexity in human endeavours.
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Prompted by an increasing concern for quality in higher education in Hong Kong, a study was conducted at Lingnan University, a small liberal arts institution, to measure the influence of university education on students' academic, social and personal growth. The purpose of the study is to assess if value has been added to students as a result of their university experience and the kind of education they received. The empirical investigation adopts an approach of assessing quality of university education using data collected from individual students about their subjective experiences during the university years and their perceptions of the value of the educational experience.
Book X of the Republic contains a scathing attack on poetry which is still, by turns, both incomprehensible and disturbing.1 Plato’s banishment of the poets from his model city has always been a cause of interpretative difficulties and philosophical embarrassments, even for some of his greatest admirers. But I am now beginning to believe that the difficulties are not real and that the embarrassments are only apparent, and my purpose in what follows is to offer an outline — I cannot do more than that on this occasion — of my reasons for thinking so. I am convinced that close attention to the philosophical assumptions which underlie Plato’s criticisms reveals that his attack on poetry is better understood as a specific social and historical gesture than as an attack on poetry, and especially on art, as such. But, placed within their original context, Plato’s criticisms, perhaps paradoxically, become immediately relevant to a serious contemporary debate.
Participation has become a buzz word in many an economic and social context. This however hides the fact that there is a great variety of different participative practices, both on micro and macro levels, practiced for very different purposes. Sometimes speaking of participation is just juggling with names. In many enterprises market driven work organisations offer "participation" to employees, which is in fact a device to misuse employees' interest in "authentic participation" (Fals Borda, 2013/2007) for increasing the efficiency of work by dependent autonomy. In modern forms of so called interactive value creation via the internet we find another practice: so called participation of consumers or online communities of co-producers in designing, creating or improving (new) products. Even in trade unions the use and practice of participation is sometimes ambivalent. In order to distinguish authentic participation in the interest of participants from the misuse of participation for different interests (increase in efficiency; exploitation of participants' creative capacities) this author coins the term of democratic participation, characterised by, among others, democratic dialogue between subjects (no othering business); collective reflection; giving a voice to all participants. Finally it is argued that the practice of democratic participation may open horizons of utopia.
In this brief article, we review the history of the human subjects review process and identify key aspects of that review as they relate to action research. In particular, we examine the issues of coercion, predictability, confidentiality, and risk –concerns central to the criteria used in current review processes but reflecting fundamental differences in the basic conceptualization of ethical practice as this is understood in action research.
Kann man flytte solen? Roskilde: Institutt for, Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring
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Free space in the processes of action research
John Dewey Critical Assessments Volume IV. London: Routledge college Bladt, Mette og Nielsen, Kurt Aagaard (2013). Free space in the processes of action research. Action Research, 11 (4), 369-385
Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse (4. utg.). Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal Borg
  • Lee G Bolman
  • Terrence E Og Deal
Bolman, Lee G. og Deal, Terrence E. (2009). Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse (4. utg.). Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal Borg, Marit og Kristiansen, Kristjana (2009). Medforskning-å forske sammen for kunnskap om psykisk helse. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Brimnes, Niels (2004). Fortiden, historien og den videnskabelige konstruktion. I: Aagaard, Lars og Brock, Steen (red.). Videnskabens ansigter. Århus: Philosophia (s. 54-65)
Culture and Society in Plato's Republic. I: Peterson Grethe B. (red.) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 20
  • Benedicte Brøgger
  • Og Eikeland
Brøgger, Benedicte og Eikeland, Olav (red..) (2009). Turning to practice with action research. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Bruselius-Jensen, Maria (2011). Poetiske perspektiver på det gode skolemåltid. Roskilde: Forkerskolen i Livslang Laering Burnyeat, Myles (1999). Culture and Society in Plato's Republic. I: Peterson Grethe B. (red.) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 20. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press Carr, Wilfred og Kemmis, Stephen (1986). Becoming critical.