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Improvement of soil quality using bokashi composting and NPK fertilizer to increase shallot yield on dry land


Abstract and Figures

The use of NPK fertilizer and bokashi composting, which is a fermented organic matter combined with microbial stock, have been reported as potential agricultural practices to enhance the farming land and crop production. The aim of this research is to understand the type of bokashi fertilizer and the correct dosage of NPK inorganic fertilizer in improving entisol soil quality and shallot yield in the dry land. The research used the split-plot design, which was divided into two factors. The first factor of the main plot was the bokashi type consisting of two levels: 3 t ha⁻¹ of bokashi compost of Gliricidia sp. tree leaves (B1); and bokashi cow manure 3 t ha⁻¹ (B2). The second factor as the subplot was the NPK inorganic fertilizer dose which were consisted of four levels: without fertilizers (K0), NPK 100 kg ha⁻¹ (K1), NPK 200 kg ha⁻¹ (K2), and NPK 300 kg ha⁻¹(K3). By combination of these two factors 8 combined treatments with 3 replications totally 24 units were obtained. The result of the research showed that application of 3 t ha⁻¹ bokashi cow manure (B2) coupled with NPK inorganic fertilizer at 200 kg ha⁻¹ (K2) caused a decrease in evaporation of its land and soil temperature, while increase shallot bulb yield compared with other treatments. The analysis of soil and soil microbes showed an increase in soil fertility by elevated levels of C-organic from 0.66 % to 3.28 %, N-fixing bacteria from 27 × 10⁵ CFU ml⁻¹ to 47 × 10⁶ CFU ml⁻¹ and phosphate solubilizing bacteria from 20 × 10³ CFU ml⁻¹ to 90 × 10³ CFU ml⁻¹. The shallot bulb yield increased from 4.79 t ha⁻¹ to 11.74 t ha⁻¹.
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AJCS 12(11):1743-1749 (2018) ISSN:1835-2707
doi: 10.21475/ajcs.18.12.11.p1435
Improvement of soil quality using bokashi composting and NPK fertilizer to increase shallot yield
on dry land
Sri Anjar Lasmini*1, Burhanuddin Nasir2, Nur Hayati1, Nur Edy2
1Department of Horticulture, University of Tadulako, Palu - 94117, Indonesia
2Department of Plant Pest and Disease, University of Tadulako, Palu - 94117, Indonesia
*Corresponding author:
The use of NPK fertilizer and bokashi composting, which is a fermented organic matter combined with microbial stock, have been
reported as potential agricultural practices to enhance the farming land and crop production. The aim of this research is to
understand the type of bokashi fertilizer and the correct dosage of NPK inorganic fertilizer in improving entisol soil quality and
shallot yield in the dry land. The research used the split-plot design, which was divided into two factors. The first factor of the main
plot was the bokashi type consisting of two levels: 3 t ha-1 of bokashi compost of Gliricidia sp. tree leaves (B1); and bokashi cow
manure 3 t ha-1 (B2). The second factor as the subplot was the NPK inorganic fertilizer dose which were consisted of four levels:
without fertilizers (K0), NPK 100 kg ha-1 (K1), NPK 200 kg ha-1 (K2), and NPK 300 kg ha-1(K3). By combination of these two factors 8
combined treatments with 3 replications totally 24 units were obtained. The result of the research showed that application of 3 t
ha-1 bokashi cow manure (B2) coupled with NPK inorganic fertilizer at 200 kg ha-1 (K2) caused a decrease in evaporation of its land
and soil temperature, while increase shallot bulb yield compared with other treatments. The analysis of soil and soil microbes
showed an increase in soil fertility by elevated levels of C-organic from 0.66 % to 3.28 %, N-fixing bacteria from 27 x 105 CFU ml-1 to
47 x106 CFU ml-1 and phosphate solubilizing bacteria from 20 x103 CFU ml-1 to 90 x103 CFU ml-1. The shallot bulb yield increased
from 4.79 t ha-1 to 11.74 t ha-1.
Keywords: Bokashi; Dry land; Shallot; Soil quality; NPK inorganic fertilizer.
Abbreviations: N_Nitrogen; P_Phosphorus; K_Potassium, NPK_Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium; CFU_Colony Forming Unit;
CEC_Cation Exchange Capacity; EM_Effective Microorganisms; WAP_Week After Planting; HSD_Honeystly Significant Difference;
Shallot cultivation in the dry land is still facing many
obstacles, mainly from biophysical factors such as soil
fertility, water shortage and less suitable climate for plant
growth, especially on soils that have high porosity, low
organic matter as well as the conditions of extreme
temperatures. Dry land at Palu valley, including Sigi district,
Donggala and Palu encompasses 1.07556 million ha or 15%
of the total dry land area out of 7.16962 million ha in Central
Sulawesi (Central Bureau of Statistics of Central Sulawesi,
2016). The potency of broad dry land can be optimized for
improving crop production by overcoming the existing
obstacles. The main limiting factors in the development of
shallot cultivation in the dry land are water availability,
nutrient retention and low content of organic matter. The
dry land characteristic at Palu valley has shown the relatively
low binding capacity of soil moisture, so it is not good in
water retaining. This condition causes the falling water have
percolation directly and capillary water is easily separated
because of evaporation. Evaporation rate is very important
in saving soil moisture so it can be used for plant growth.
The rate of evaporation can be retained by the addition of
organic fertilizer (El-Aswad and Groeenevelt, 1985).
The organic ingredient is one of the very important soil
constituents that maintain the function of soil to support
plant growth. Organic matter above the surface of the soil is
usually in the form of litter and partly in decomposed form,
while underground is generally in the form of humus
compound. Humus has hydrophilic colloid property. It can
clump as gel-shape. It plays a role in saving water because it
has a high water holding capacity so the soil does not dry
quickly in the dry season. Humus is also able to bind water
four to six times of its weight and the water bound by humus
will be able to reduce the evaporation of water through the
soil (Fitter and Hay, 2002).
The high organic content can increase water retaining
capacity of the soil. The addition of organic matter can be
done by giving organic fertilizer. The benefit of organic
fertilizer addition into the soil is to increase nutrients,
improve soil properties through increasing soil water
content, soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity (CEC)
and pH, improving the soil structure, aeration and water-
holding capacity of land and to influence or regulate soil
temperatures that can help plant growth (Agegnehu et al.,
Bokashi (organic material rich in microbial biological
resources) is the result of organic material fermentation
with stocks of effective microorganisms. This can be used as
an organic fertilizer to nourish the crops, increase the
growth and production of plants (Karimuna et al., 2016;
Zaman et al., 2016; Anhar et al. 2018), improve better soil
structure (Xiaohou et al., 2008; Hernández et al., 2014;
Barajas-Aceves 2016), and increase the volume of water
contained and stored in the soil which means increasing the
water available to the plants (Djajadi et al., 2011;
Yulnafatmawita et al., 2010).
The use of bokashi in plants increased the concentration of P
and K and also increased the number, length, and diameter
of Alpinia purpurata plant stems (Hernández et al., 2014). It
also has increased production, dry weight of seeds and
weight of 100 corn seeds and peanut crops (Karimuna et al.,
2016) and reduced the need for inorganic fertilizers of about
50% in corn crops (Pangaribuan et al., 2011; Yuliana et al.,
2015) and the canola plant (Brassica napus L.) (Kazemeini et
al., 2010). Bokashi manure also has promoted the growth of
plant seeds of okra (Abelmoschus esulentus (L.) Moench
(Uka et al., 2013).
The use of cow dung bokashi as an organic fertilizer on
shallot plant is very necessary because it can add nutrients,
improve the physical of soil so that the soil becomes fertile,
loose and easily processed and improve the ability of soil in
the binding of nutrients that cannot be replaced by artificial
fertilizers. Bokashi of cow dung contains many elements of
nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), which most
needed by plants, thereby reducing the use of NPK inorganic
fertilizers. The aim of this research is to know the bokashi
type and dosage of NPK fertilizer under the appropriate
recommendation standard in improving soil quality and
shallot yield in the dry land.
The influence of the growing environment
Bokashi of cow manure at a dose of 3 t ha-1 combined with
NPK inorganic fertilizer at a dose of 200 kg ha-1 (B2K2)
showed the lowest soil evaporation (8.67g) during the day
(07:00 am to 12:00 pm) and (5.00g) for the afternoon (01:00
pm to 05:00 pm) (Figure 1). The lowest soil temperature
fluctuations was 2.14 0C (Figure 2).
Influence on soil physical and chemical properties
Bokashi of cow manure at a dose of 3 t ha-1 combined with
NPK inorganic fertilizer at a dose of 200 kg ha-1 (B2K2) has
shown the best average value for physical and chemical
properties of the soil (Table 1).
Influences on plant growth and yield
Bokashi of cow manure at 3 t ha-1 combined with NPK
inorganic fertilizer dose of 200 kg ha-1 (B2K2) produced
the highest of plant high, i.e. 28.12 cm, root length of 16.73
cm, root dry weight of 2.40 g and shallot bulb yield of 11.74
t ha-1 (Table 2). The increasing of the shallot bulb was getting
along with the increased content of C-organic (Figure 3).
Response on bacteria populations on N-fixation and
phosphate solubilizing
Organic fertilizer bokashi can increase the population of
beneficial microorganisms. Treatment with 3 t ha-1 bokashi
cow manure along with NPK inorganic fertilizer at a dose of
200 kg ha-1 (B2K2) showed the highest population of N-fixing
bacteria and the highest phosphate solubilizing bacteria. The
population of N-fixing bacteria was increased from 27 x 105
CFU ml-1 to 47x106 CFU ml-1 and phosphate solubilizing
bacteria from 20 x 103 CFU ml-1 to 90 x103 CFU ml-1 (Table
The role of organic fertilizer on the soil is in relation to
changes in soil properties i.e. physical, chemical and
biological properties of the soil. Bokashi of cow dung
treatment with the dose of 3 t ha-1 and NPK inorganic
fertilizer with the dose of 200 kg ha-1 had significant
differences on all observed components. The weighing result
showed that treatments were able to reduce the rate of
evaporation during the day or late evening, as well as
decrease in the soil temperature fluctuations. This condition
happened because bokashi of cow manure in the soil were
able to form soil granulation to play a role in contributing
the formation of a stable soil aggregate, so, reduction in
absorption of solar energy during the day. Through the
application of bokashi organic fertilizer, the previously heavy
soil re-structured crumb, the infiltration becomes better and
it could absorb water faster to reduce the flow of the
surface. Application of bokashi could also increase the
content of organic materials which also increase humus
levels in the soil. Humus is hydrophilic; therefore, humus can
increase water absorption in the soil and improve water
storage so the evaporation is reduced. The increase in soil
organic matter will improve the ability of soil in holding
water; thus, reducing the rate of evaporation that occurs in
the soil. The increase in holding water capacity of the soil is
related to the application of organic material. It will increase
the volume of water contained and stored in the soil, which
means increasing the water availability in plants.
Bokashi of cow manure is able to reduce the fluctuation of
the soil temperature because it can increase soil porosity so
that the soil aeration is better. The high content of organic
material in bokashi will increase the water storage of the
soil. Holding water by soil organic matter can reduce water
loss through percolation and evaporation. In addition,
bokashi also helps to reduce the radiation received and
absorbed by the soil. The supply of organic matter by mulch
can increase the soil water level by 6-7%. The storage of
groundwater is greater so it will increase the productivity of
the plant (Agbede et al., 2017; Chang et al., 2016; Edwards
et al., 2000; Sudaryono, 2001; Wang et al., 2009).
Bokashi fertilizer has also positive effects on root growth by
increasing root length and root dry weight in the rhizosphere
conditions. Organic matter serves as a granulator to improve
soil structure, as source of N, P, K nutrients and other
microelements. A good soil structure can guarantee a better
root development so the area of nutrient uptake is wider.
This can keep the process of photosynthesis optimal
Table 1. Results of soil analysis before and after treatment.
After treatment
Bulk Density (
Permeability (cm. hour-1)
Porosity (%)
pH (H2O)
C-organic (%)
C/N Ratio (%)
N-total (%)
P-total (mg 100g-1 )
K2O (mg 100g-1)
Sulfur (ppm)
CEC (meq 100g-1)
Numbers followed by the s ame letter in the same row are not significantly different at the 0.05 α HSD test. B1: Bokashi leaf of Gliricidia sp., B2: Bokashi cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100 kg
ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK.
Fig 1. Soil evaporation on the application of bokashi and NPK inorganic fertilizers. B1: Bokashi leaf of Gliricidia sp., B2: Bokashi
cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100 kg ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK. Data are means + SD. Similar bar
colour followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 α HSD test.
Table 2. Growth and yield responses of shallot on the application of bokashi and NPK inorganic fertilizer.
Plant High
Root length (cm)
Root Dry Weight (g.plan-1)
Bulbs yield
Numbers followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different at the 0.05 α HSD test. B1: Bokashi le af of Gliricidia sp., B2: Bokashi cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100
kg ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK.
Fig 2. Soil temperature fluctuations on the application of bokashi and NPK inorganic fertilizer. B1: Bokashi leaf of Gliricidia sp., B2:
Bokashi cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100 kg ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK. Data are means + SD. Similar
bar colour followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 α HSD test.
Table 3. N-fixing bacteria populations and phosphate solubilizing bacteria before and after treatment.
N-fixing bacteria population
(CFU ml-1)
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria population
(CFU ml-1)
Before treatment
after treatment
before treatment
after treatment
20 x103
30 x103
20 x103
70 x103
20 x103
50 x103
20 x103
40 x103
20 x103
60 x103
20 x103
80 x103
20 x103
90 x103
20 x103
80 x103
B1: Bokashi leaf of Gliricidia sp., B2: Bokashi cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100 kg ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK.
Fig 3. The relationship between the content of soil Organic-C and the increasing of shallot bulbs yield per hectare. B1: Bokashi leaf
of Gliricidia sp., B2: Bokashi cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100 kg ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK.
Fig 4. The Development of shallot bulbs at age of 7 WAP on bokashi and NPK inorganic fertilizer treatment. B1: Bokashi leaf of
Gliricidia sp., B2: Bokashi cattle manure, K0: without NPK, K1: 100 kg ha-1 NPK, K2: 200 kg ha-1 NPK, K3: 300 kg ha-1 NPK.
(Shaheen et al., 2007). This is consistent with those reported
by Efthimiadou et al. (2010) that the cow manure can
increase the rate of photosynthesis in sweet corn compared
with inorganic fertilizers.
Bokashi treatment tends to increase the nutrient content of
total N, P, and K, so it will reduce the use of inorganic
fertilizers until below of standard recommendation. The
increased nutrient showed that the treatment given, mainly
organic matter can increase absorption. Thus, it will improve
the soil capacity in holding nutrients from the mineralization
by microorganisms.
The role of organic fertilizer towards changes in soil chemical
properties is well-known. Also, it can increase the cation
exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil and improve fertilization
efficiency. Organic fertilizer addition can increase the weight
of the fruit and also improve soil properties through
increasing soil water content, soil organic carbon, cation
exchange capacity and pH as well as the increase of P and K
in plants and reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers by 50%
(Agegnehu et al., 2016; Gobbi et al., 2016; Kaplan et al.,
2016; Sumarni et al., 2009; Yuliana et al., 2015; Salo, 2002;
Sorensen, 1996; Pire et al., 2001).
The results showed that the interaction between cow
manure bokashi (at 3 t ha-1) with NPK inorganic fertilizer of
200 kg ha-1 can increase the yield of shallot bulbs per
hectare. This means that bokashi and NPK inorganic fertilizer
dosage given in this study are appropriate and have positive
effects on yield of shallot bulb.
The role of organic fertilizer in improving the physical and
chemical properties refers to the increase of organic-C soil
and CEC of soil (Agegnehu et al.,2016). This will help the
development and activity of plant roots in absorbing the
nutrients needed for the growth and development of plants.
Adequate soil organic matter and the right dose of N, P, and
K will rise chlorophyll content, which further increase the
rate of photosynthesis. The increasing of photosynthesis
rate will increase the amount of biomass that resulted in the
enhancement of food reserves, by which the tuber yield
increases (Abdel-Aziz et al., 2016; Al-Sherif et al., 2015; Liu et
al., 2017; Mete et al., 2015; Munyahali et al., 2017;
Nurudeen et al., 20 15; Singh et al., 2001; Siavoshi et al.,
2011; Zayed et al., 2013).
Bokashi fertilizer of cow manure and NPK inorganic fertilizer
treatment also increase the population of beneficial
microbes such as N-fixing bacteria and phosphate
solubilizing bacteria, because the organic material serves as
a source of nutrients and energy for soil organisms. In
addition, organic fertilizers play a role in changing soil
biological properties by increasing the diversity and
population of soil organisms (microbial and soil microbes)
and increasing soil fertility characterized by increased
microbial activity (Lee, 2010; Zhang et al., 2017).
Materials and Methods
Plant materials
The plant materials was shallot (Allium cepa L. var,
aggregatum). Before planting the shallot, seedbeds were
made, which was 1.20 m x 3 m in the north to the south. The
distance between the sequences was 60 cm, the distance
between plots was 60 cm, and planting distance was 15 cm x
20 cm. The seedbed was made at a depth of 40 cm which
could serve as a drainage channel. Shallot planted was
watered in the morning and evening, or in accordance with
the soil conditions.
Study site and experimental design
The research was conducted in the Guntarano Village,
Tanantovea District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi,
with an altitude of 110 m above sea level. The type of soil
was inceptisol and an average temperature of 39C. The
study carried out from April 2016 to October 2016.
This study used a split-plot design consisting of two factors.
For the first factor, the main plots were assigned to the
bokashi type, which is consisting of two levels, namely: B1 =
3 t ha-1 of Bokashi gliricidia leaf, B2 = 3 t ha-1 Bokashi cow
manure dose. The second factor as the subplot was NPK
inorganic fertilizer dose, consisted of 4 levels, i.e. K0 =
without fertilizer, K1 = NPK 100 kg ha-1, K2 = NPK 200 kg ha-1
and K3 = NPK 300 kg ha-1. The combination of the two
factors created 8 treatment combinations with 3
replications, so there were 24 units of experiment.
Organic fertilizer (bokashi) preparation
Bokashi as effective microorganism compost (Higa and Parr,
1994) was made from cattle manure, leaf of Gliricidia sp.,
and effective microorganism solution (EM4, PT.
Songgololangit Persada, Indonesia). According to
manufacture, the EM4, contained microorganisms such as
Lactobacillus (8.7 x 105 cell/ml), phosphate solubilizing (7.5 x
106 cell/ml), and yeast (8.5 x 106 cell/ml). Additionally, EM4
also contained organic-C (27.05%), N (0.07%), P2O5 (3.22
ppm), K2O (7675 ppm), Ca (1676.25 ppm), Mg (597 ppm),
Mn (1.90 ppm), Fe (5.54 ppm), Zn (1.90 ppm), B (< 20
ppm), and Cu (< 0.01 ppm). Bokashi of cattle manure and
leaf of Gliricidia sp. were made in different composting
boxes at room temperature. The effective microorganism
solution (EM4) was prepared followed by the manufacture
instruction (5 ml of EM4+10 ml of molasses + 1985 ml of
dechlorinated water). The cattle manure and leaf of
Gliricidia sp. were sprayed by EM4 solutions and mixed.
Bokashi was remixed after 2 days to control the temperature
that should not go above 40oC in fermentation.
Traits measured
The observed variables include: (a) changes in physical and
chemical properties of soil (Eviati et al., 2009: Kurnia et al.,
2006), (b) soil evaporation which were measured by
gravimetry method (Prijono, 2008), (c) soil temperature, (d)
plant height, (e) root length, (f) the dry weight of roots, (g)
shallot bulbs yield per hectare, and (h) the total population
of N-fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria
(Sasrawati et al., 2006).
Data analysis
The obtained data was analyzed by F-test to know the effect
of treatment. If there is a significant difference between the
treatments then it was tested by the honestly significant
difference (HSD) at the level of 5%.
Bokashi of cow manure treatment at dose of 3 t ha-1
combined with NPK inorganic fertilizer application of 200 kg
ha-1 can reduce the evaporation rate and soil temperature
fluctuation, and also increase the yield of shallot. Results of
soil and microbial analysis showed that an increase in soil
fertility increased levels of C-organic from 0.66% to 3.28%,
N-fixing bacteria from 27 x 105 CFU ml-1 to 47 x 105 CFU ml-1,
phosphate solubilizing bacteria from 20 x 103 CFU ml-1 to 90
x103 CFU ml-1 and shallot yield increased from 4.79 t ha-1 to
11,74 t ha-1.
We thank the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology
and Higher Education for funding this study.
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... The research was conducted at Rahayu Animal Husbandry, Samatan Pamekasan Village, Madura, from March 4 to May 4, 2022. The effective microorganism solution was prepared as reported by Lasmini et al. (Lasmini et al., 2018) but with slight modifications. First, fermented EM4 solution is made from a mixture of 200 mL of water and 10 g of sugar as a substitute for molasses (Sánchez et al., 2017). ...
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Bokashi fertilizer is the result of recycling organic waste through a composting process that functions to improve soil health and plant production. However, the quality of organic waste and the composting process time are affected by the type of Effective Microorganisms used. This study was designed to evaluate the process and quality of organic waste produced from three types of Effective Microorganisms (EM4, Eco Farming, and MA11). Organic waste consisting of cow dung, rice husk, and bran mixed with each type of microorganism solution according to the treatment of 10, 15, and 20 ml/10 kg weight of organic waste with a composting time of 30 days. pH, Temperature, Color, Air content, N-organic, C-organic, C/N Ratio, Potassium, and Phosphate were recorded in this study. The results showed that 20 mL MA11 provided a faster composting process with an optimal Ph level and C/N ratio. In addition, the water content produced was lower and there was an increase in nutrients compared to other treatments. The use of MA11 in optimum quantities will produce good quality organic waste and quickly without causing environmental problems in its application to soil.
... The Bokashi compound is widely used in organic agriculture, and it has been reported that its use in onion cultivation had positive effects on the growth and productivity of this vegetable species (Álvarez-Solís et al., 2016;Lasmini et al., 2018;Sawadogo et al., 2022). ...
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Onions are an important vegetable crop in Serra Gaúcha. However, adequate soil, nutrition, and disease management depend on harvest production and quality. Thus, using organic products as an alternative to conventional management methods has grown recently. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different soil and phytosanitary management of organic origin on onion productivity. Three soil management methods were tested: soil without vegetation cover, soil with vegetation cover, and soil with vegetation cover plus Bokashi compost. The subplots corresponded to the weekly application of ginger extract, biweekly application of Bordeaux mixture, and control (water) for phytosanitary treatments. None of the phytosanitary treatments had any effect on the crop. Soil management influenced the severity of leet rust (Puccinia porri), where the use of straw and the concurrent application of straw and Bokashi reduced the severity. Straw and straw associated with Bokashi, although it produced plants with lower height and stem diameter, promoted greater bulb masses and productivity and increased soil fertility. Thus, the concomitant use of straw and Bokashi can be a strategy to increase onion productivity, which aligns with the principles of organic agriculture.
... Metode ini cukup sederhana dan dapat dilakukan dalam skala rumah tangga sehingga para peserta dapat mempraktikan di rumahnya masing-masing. Hasil kompos bokashi ini memiliki banyak manfaat antara lain meningkatkan kualitas tanah sehingga berdampak kepada peningkatan hasil pertanian (Lasmi, et al., 2018). Para siswa melakukan kegiatan pembuatan kompos dari limbah dan sampah organik yang telah mereka pisahkan (gambar 7). ...
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This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of students affected by the Cianjur earthquake regarding healthy environmental management, including how to wash hands properly, sorting waste, and managing organic waste into compost. The targets of this activity were students and teachers at SD Negeri Sukamaju 1 Cugenang. The method of implementing this community service used socialization and practice. The results of this service showed that teachers and students increased knowledge about how to wash hands properly, could manage waste so that less waste was disposed of, and could produce their fertilizer from household waste. It also led to increased awareness of a healthy living environment in the environment of SD Negeri Sukamaju 1 Cugenang and its surroundings.
... The enrichment of organic matter with useful microbes can support these microbes to utilize organic carbon for their heterotrophic metabolism (Eiler et al., 2003). Enrichment of organic matter by inoculation of certain microbes has been shown to be able to produce the presence of macronutrients and soil microbes that are beneficial for plants (Berger et al., 2013;Lasmini et al., 2018). Hindersah et al., (2021) also added that organic fertilizer enriched with a consortium of microbes was able to increase several growth parameters, including the number of nutrients in the soil and the yield of shallots. ...
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Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum.) is a horticultural plant that is widely consumed in the world. However, the productivity of shallots in Indonesia is still relatively low, if compared to the actual optimum production potential of shallot. Shallot cultivation in Indonesia often experiences many problems. One of the problems is twisted diseases caused by Fusarium sp. This research aimed to study the effect of the application of organic material enriched with Bacillus in suppressing the development of twisted disease of shallot. This study was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 5 treatments namely (A) compost + Bacillus velezensis isolate B-27, (B) compost + Bacillus cereus isolate RC76, (C) B. velezensis isolate B-27+B. cereus isolate RC76+compost, (D) compost + Trichoderma asperellum and (E) control (compost 1 ton/ha) with 5 replications on glasshouse treatment and 3 replications on field treatment. The results showed that the combination of B. velezensis in compost effectively reduced the incidence of twisted disease, the number of Fusarium spp. colonies, and the number of infected bulbs by Fusarium sp. Besides, the combination of compost with microbial agents showed better results than compost single treatment.
... Data hasil pengamatan pengaruh media tanam terhadap tinggi, diameter, dan jumlah daun semai S. leprosula dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1. Media tanam tanah : kompos (1:1) dan tanah : kompos (1:2) menghasilkan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter semai S. leprosula yang tidak berbeda nyata, akan tetapi kedua perlakuan media tanam tersebut secara nyata lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol (tanah : kompos : sekam padi (7:3:1). Tujuan pemberian kompos pada media tanam adalah meningkatkan unsur hara, memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah sehingga tanah menjadi subur, gembur, dan mudah diolah dimana fungsi tersebut tidak bisa digantikan oleh pupuk buatan (Lasmini et al., 2018 Keterangan: Angka pada baris yang diikuti huruf yang sama menunjukkan tidak berbeda nyata pada taraf uji 5 % Pertumbuhan tanaman didefinisikan sebagai pertambahan volume dan massa tanaman dengan atau tanpa pembentukan sruktur baru seperti organ, sel atau organel sel yang erat hubungannya terhadap perkembangan dan reproduksi (Brukhin & Morozova, 2011). Hasil rata-rata pertambahan tinggi dan diameter menunjukkan bahwa secara umum media tanam tanah : kompos (1:1) dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter sebesar 69,95 % dan 21,21 %, sedangkan persentase peningkatan dari media tanam tanah : kompos (1:2) adalah sebesar 79,82 % dan 30,30 %. ...
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Combo nursery technique is a technique where seedlings/cuttings of Shorea leprosula, Gliricidia sepium, and Brachiaria decumbens grass were planted in one polybag to support mining reclamation. To reduce competition effects among the three species, optimum media and size of polybag need to be investigated. The objective of this experiment is to analyse the effect of size of polybag and media composition on the growth of S. leprosula, G. sepium, and B. decumbens grass in the combo nursery technique. The experiment used Randomised Complete Design in Factorial with two factors, i.e. media compositions (soil : compost (2 : 1, v/v), (1 : 1, v/v), (1 : 2, v/v), and soil : compost : rice husk (7:3:1, v/v/v); and size of polybag (15 x 20 cm, 20 x 20 cm, dan 25 x 25 cm). Each treatment had four replications, and each replication consisted of four polybags. The results showed no significant interaction effects between the composition of media and the size of polybag; however, media compositions of soil: compost (1:1) and (1:2), and the sizes of polybag 20 x 20 cm and 25 x 25 cm significantly eliminated competition and significantly increased the growth of S. leprosula and the number of tiller of B. decumbens grass.
... Compost is an organic material that can be used as an ameliorant. Compost can increase the soil's capacity to hold nutrients through mineralization by microorganisms so that it can provide the essential nutrient needs of plants in dry land [2]. However, because it decomposes easily, its function does not last long. ...
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The production of red rice in the Semin Subdistrict has declined, necessitating the development of the Inpari 24 variety to boost yields. Understanding the adoption process of this new variety is critical for improving agricultural practices. This study aims to analyze the decision-making process and factors influencing the adoption of Inpari 24 red rice cultivation among farmers in Semin Subdistrict, Gunungkidul Regency. A survey was conducted with 150 farmers using structured interviews and field observations. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis to determine adoption stages and significant influencing factors. The decision-making process was divided into four stages: recognition, persuasion, decision, and confirmation. The overall adoption level was moderate. Significant factors influencing adoption included land status, family size, and participation in agricultural activities, while age, education, land size, farming experience, gender, and extension frequency were insignificant. The adoption of Inpari 24 red rice is significantly influenced by family size, land status, and participation in agricultural activities. Enhancing extension services and focusing on effective seed preparation practices can improve adoption rates. This study provides a detailed analysis of the adoption process and influential factors specific to dryland farming contexts, offering insights into policy and agricultural extension improvements.
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Current agriculture faces the challenge of producing food with the least interference from the environment. In this sense, the implementation of ecological agricultural practices is essential to obtaining healthy and more sustainable production systems. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of different inoculation technologies on formulations of bokashi-type biofertilizer and its application as soil and substrate organic amendment. We examined the effects of treatments on the chemical and biological quality of the evaluated formulations, as well as their influence on the agronomic and nutritional characteristics of red-beet and cabbage crops in the field. The metagenomic analysis of the taxonomic profile of the microbiological populations revealed relative abundance of plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial genera, including Azospirillum sp., Rhizobium sp., Bradyrhizobium sp., Burkholderia sp., Paraburkholderia sp., and Paenibacillus sp. in the evaluated formulations. Additionally, no phytopathogenic contaminants were detected among the investigated treatments. The highest yields of field-grown beet crops were obtained from seedlings produced using the following treatments: bokashi biofertilizer + biodynamic preparations P502-P507, bokashi + Chamomilla 12 CH, and bokashi + Carbo vegetabilis 12 CH. The increase in productivity of cabbage plants was higher in the treatment bokashi + Calcarea carbonica 12 CH.
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The yield of agriculture crops tends to be decreasing in many parts of world including in Indonesian farmers’ land. One of the causes of the decreased yields is the reduction of organic matter in the soil. Peanut is one of the important crops in southeast Sulawesi and is usually intercropped with maize. However, the yield of peanut and maize crops were low as they were grown in marginal lands that have low nutrient contents, low CEC, high acidity, and low organic matter. The objectives of this paper were to summarize the results of our studies on the use of bio fertilizer bokashi plus fertilizer to improve peanut yields grown in marginal soil in southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The study also examined the agronomical performance of several local peanut varieties which had high adaptability to the local conditions and marginal lands. The results of this study demonstrated that application of mulch and bokashi increased maize and peanut production, seed dry weight and 100-seed weight. This practice has potentials to be applied in other agricultural lands of southeast Sulawesi region with similar soil and climatic condition to increase peanut yield, and promote the sustainable agriculture production of the region.
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Bandotan (A.conyzoides) is one of the most common weeds in dry land. Weeds can reduce the results of a variety of crops. On the contrary, the use of this weed as the organic material would be able to increase the nutrient content of the soil. The problem is, the decomposition of this weed is naturally longer than the process in the form of Bokashi. This study aims to determine the effect of Bandotan applied in the form of Bokashi on growth and nutrient content of tomato plants. This study was an experimental study and completely randomized design was used with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment were rate of bandotan bokashi those 100, 120, 140, 160 g / polybag and 0,6g NPK / polybag as a control. The research was conducted in the Screen House of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang. Tomato growth observed was high, wet weight, biomass and weight of the fruit. While the nutritional quality of tomatoes was vitamin C and A. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and a further test DNMRT at 5% level. The results showed that bokhasi bandotan 120g / polybag give best effect to the weight of tomatoes. However, bandotan bokashi do not give effect to the high, wet weight, biomass, vitamin C and vitamin A of tomato. Bokashi bandotan can be utilized as a substitute for synthetic fertilizer NPK for tomato plants.
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Harvesting young cassava leaves as a vegetable is a common practice in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). However, information on its effects on growth and yield of cassava is scarce. Multi-locational trials were conducted on farmers' fields in the province of South Kivu, DR Congo, during two consecutive years to investigate the effects of harvesting frequency of 3 young leaves (no leaf harvesting (NoH); leaf harvesting at 4 week intervals (4-WI) or 2 week intervals (2-WI), starting 4 months after planting) and fertilizer (with or without NPK application) on the growth and yields of cassava, comparable to common practice by farmers in the area, based on a preceding household survey. Overall, harvesting of leaves did not result in significant effects on both height and stem diameter compared with the unharvested treatment. However, collection of leaves at 2-WI significantly (P < 0.05) decreased both height and stem diameter, and resulted in significant (P < 0.1) reduction of stem yields of 20.9% (4.0 t ha ‐1) relative to leaf harvesting at 4-WI but only in the second year. Average total biomass and storage root yields in the control treatment were 35.8 and 23.5 t ha −1 , respectively and were not significantly affected by leaf harvesting. Application of NPK fertilizer resulted in significant (P < 0.05) increases of both height and stem diameter over time, independent of the frequency of leaf harvesting. Mineral fertilizer significantly (P < 0.05) increased the overall total, storage root and stem yields by 28.3% (9.5 t ha −1), 19.9% (4.5 t ha −1) and 45.1% (5.0 t ha −1), respectively regardless of the frequency of leaf harvesting. This study indicates that harvesting of young leaves results in small or negligible effects on cassava growth and yields compared to the mineral fertilizers which increase both cassava growth and yields in the conditions of our study.
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A field experiment was conducted in the forest-savanna transition zone of Nigeria from May to July 2014 and September to November 2015 to determine the impacts of poultry manure (PM) and NPK fertilizer on soil physical properties, and growth and yield of carrot (Daucus carota L.). The five treatments included no manure or fertilizer (control); 10, 20, and 30 megagrams (Mg)·ha⁻¹ of PM; and 300 kg·ha⁻¹ of 15 N-15 P-15 K fertilizer. All levels of PM reduced soil bulk density and temperature, and improved total porosity and moisture content compared to the NPK fertilizer and the control. Plant height, number of leaves, root diameter, root length, and fresh root yield in the PM and NPK fertilizer treatments were improved compared to the control. Growth and yield parameters of carrot plants treated with 20 and 30 Mg·ha⁻¹ PM were higher than the other treatments. The 10 Mg·ha⁻¹ PM and NPK fertilizer treatments produced similar growth and yield responses. There was an interaction for year (Y) × fertilizer (F) on plant height, number of leaves, and fresh root yield. Relative to the control 10, 20, or 30 Mg·ha⁻¹ PM and NPK fertilizer increased fresh root yield of carrot by 39.9%, 62.0%, 64.9%, and 37.3%, respectively. The 20 Mg·ha⁻¹ PM treatment best improved soil properties and carrot productivity as indicated by the benefit-to-cost ratio.
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Here we report results from a field experiment investigating the application of biochars, lime, organic fertilizer, and their combinations. Soil pH was increased by ameliorants. Wheat biochar produced the largest increase, of approximately 2 pH units, and mixed treatment (1/3 rice husk biochar & 1/3 lime & 1/3 organic fertilizer) also caused large increases, of almost 1 pH unit. There was strong evidence that the ratio of AOA to AOB abundance greatly increased with decreased soil pH, indicating that soil pH was an important factor affecting the abundance of AOB. High-thoughput MiSeq sequencing showed that the soil ameliorants significantly increased the relative abundances of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira. Soil pH was an important determinant of the bacterial community composition and diversity. Our study suggests that the ameliorants (biochar, lime, organic fertilizer and their combinations) change soil nitrification by altering nitrifying bacteria abundance, diversity and composition, caused by the changed soil pH.
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A field experiment was conducted lo learn about the effect of Bokashi and Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) on maize production and inorganic fertilizer use efficiency on maize. The experiment was conducted in Jatikerto, Malang; at the altitude of 303 m above sea level, in Alfisol soil type, the average daily temperature ranges 21-33oC, from June to October 2013. The experiment was conducted as factorial, designed in a randomized block design (RBD). The first factor was dose of inorganic fertilizer (100% ; 75% and 50% of recommendation dose). The second factor was the organic fertilizer (Without organic fertilizer20 t Bokashi/ ha, 20 t Sunn hemp/ha, 10 t Bokashi/ha + 10 t Sunn hemp/ha). The results showed that application of 20 t Bokashi/ha, 20 t Sunn hemp/ha, and combination of 10 t Bokashi/ha + 10 t Sunn hemp/ha, along with the application of inorganic fertilizer by dose of 100% increased the yields of maize for about 41.8%; 47.6% and 54.7% (10.73 t/ha; 11.17 t/ha, and 11.71 t/ha), respectively. The yield and nutrient use efficiency in the treatment dose of 100% inorganic fertilizer did not have any significant difference from the application of 20 t Bokashi /ha, 20 t Sunn hemp/ha, and 10 t Bokashi/ha + 10 t Sunn hemp/ha along with doses of inorganic fertilization 75% and 50%. Therefore, the organic fertilizer of 20 t Bokashi/ ha, 20 t Sunn hemp/ha, and combination of 10 t Bokashi/ha + 10 t Sunn hemp/ha could reduce the need of inorganic fertilizer for about 50%.
p>Tanaman bawang merah memerlukan ketersediaan hara nitrogen (N), fosfor (P), dan kalium (K) dalam jumlah yang cukup dan berimbang di dalam tanah untuk dapat tumbuh dan berproduksi secara optimal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan pupuk N, P, dan K optimum untuk dua varietas bawang merah pada jenis tanah Alluvial. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan di daerah Ciledug-Cirebon (Jawa Barat), dari Bulan Juli sampai dengan Oktober 2009. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah petak terpisah dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama ialah varietas bawang merah, terdiri atas varietas Bima Curut dan Bangkok. Anak petak yaitu dosis pupuk N, P, dan K, terdiri atas 11 kombinasi dosis N-P2O5-K2O yang disusun secara terpusat (central design). Kisaran dosis pupuk yaitu 0–270 kg/ha N, 0–180 kg/ha P2O5, dan 0–180 kg/ha K2O. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi interaksi antara varietas dan dosis pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman dan serapan NPK tanaman bawang merah, sedangkan hasil umbi bawang merah dipengaruhi oleh interaksi antara varietas dan dosis pupuk NPK. Dosis pupuk N, P, dan K optimum untuk varietas Bima Curut ialah 146 kg/ha N, 111 kg/ha P2O5, dan 100 kg/ha K2O dengan tingkat hasil umbi kering eskip rerata 25,77 t/ha, sedangkan dosis pupuk N, P, dan K optimum untuk varietas Bangkok ialah 248 kg/ha N, 98 kg/ha P2O5, dan 103 kg/ha K2O dengan tingkat hasil umbi kering eskip rerata 35,44 t/ha. Untuk menghasilkan hasil umbi kering eskip maksimum, varietas Bima Curut menyerap 64,26 kg/ha N, 18,03 kg/ha P2O5, dan 123,39 kg/ha K2O yang diperoleh dengan pemberian pupuk sebanyak 180 kg/ha N, 120 kg/ha P2O5, dan 60 kg/ha K2O, sedangkan varietas Bangkok menyerap 69,65 kg/ha N, 22,88 kg/ha P2O5, dan 149 kg/ha K2O yang diperoleh dengan pemberian pupuk sebanyak 270 kg/ha N, 120 kg/ha P2O5, dan 120 kg/ha K2O. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk NPK dan hasil umbi bawang merah. Shallots plants need balance of NPK nutrient supply in soil to get optimally plant growth and bulb yield. This experiment was conducted at a farmer field in Ciledug-Cirebon, West Java Province, from July until October 2009. The objective of this experiment was to find out the optimum dosage of NPK fertilizer application for two shallots varieties on Alluvial soil type. A split plot design with three replications was used. Two shallots varieties (Bima Curut and Bangkok) were assigned to main plot, and 11 combinations of N-P2O5-K2O dosages were assigned to subplot. The range of N, P, and K dosages were 0–270 kg/ha N, 0–180 kg/ha P2O5, and 0-180 kg/ha K2O. The results revealed that there were no interaction between varieties and NPK dosages on plant growth and NPK uptake by shallots plant. But both shallots varieties of Bima Curut and Bangkok gave different response to NPK fertilization, expressed by dry bulb yield. The optimum dosage of NPK for Bima Curut variety was146 kg/ha N, 111 kg/ha P2O5, and 100 kg/ha K2O that gave dry bulb yield of 25.77 t/ha, while the optimum dosage of NPK for Bangkok variety was 248 kg/ha N, 98 kg/ha P2O5, and 103 kg/ha K2O that gave dry bulb yield of 35,44 t/ha. To get the maximum yield of dry bulb weight, Bima Curut variety absorbed 64.26 kg/ha N, 18.03 kg/ha P2O5, and 123.39 kg/ha K2O which obtained by applying of 180 kg/ha N, 120 kg/ha P2O5, and 60 kg/ha K2O, while Bangkok variety absorbed 69.65 kg/ha N, 22.88 kg/ha P2O5, and 149 kg/ha K2O which obtained by applying of 270 kg/ha N, 120 kg/ha P2O5, and 120 kg/ha K2O. The results can be applied to increase the efficiency of NPK fertilizer for growing shallots on Alluvial soil type.</p
A research aiming to improve soil aggregate stability of Ultisol in terms of creating sustainable agriculture and environmental development was conducted by applying fresh organic matter (OM) into soil. Three types of OM sources used were Titonia diversifolia, Chromolaena odorata, dan Gliricidia sepium. This research was conducted in Ultisol Limau Manis Sumbar having annual rainfall > 5000 mm, in 2008. The fresh OM used was cut, mixed with soil up to 20 cm depth, and then incubated for approximately one month before corn seeds were planted. Soil was sampled before being treated with OM and then after harvesting corn (4 moths after applying OM). Soil OM content as well as soil aggregate stability (AS) and several other soil physical properties wer analysed in laboratory. The results showed that soil OM content and AS increased after one planting period. Besides that, soil physical properties were also improved. As soil physical properties became better, corn production was also higher at plot with than without OM application. Among 3 species of OM added, Tithonia diversifolia gave highest corn biomass. Level of land slope (0-8% dan 15-30%) did not show significant difference either for biomass or for soil OM content and soil AS.Key Words: marginal soil, green manure, soil aggregate stability, soil organic matter
15 N isotope tracer Added nitrogen interaction Mineralization and immobilization ⁠ 15 N labeled fertilizer Plant-soil interaction Rhizosphere priming ABSTRACT Fertilizer inputs affect plant uptake of native soil nitrogen (N), yet the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. To increase mechanistic insight into this phenomenon, we evaluated the effect of fertilizer addition on mineral-ization (in the absence of plants) and plant uptake of native soil N. We synthesized 43 isotope tracer (⁠ 15 N) studies and estimated the effects of fertilizer addition using meta-analysis. We found that organic fertilizer tended to reduce native soil N mineralization (−99 kg ha ⁠ −1 year ⁠ −1 ; p = 0.09) while inorganic fertilizer tended to increase N priming (58 kg ha ⁠ −1 year ⁠ −1 ; p = 0.17). In contrast, both organic and inorganic fertilizers significantly increased plant uptake of native soil N (179 and 107 kg ha ⁠ −1 year ⁠ −1). Organic fertilizer had greater effect on plant uptake than on mineralization of native soil N (p < 0.001), but inorganic fertilizer had similar effects. Fertilizer effects on mineralization and plant uptake of native soil N were not influenced by study location (laboratory or field) and duration, soil texture, carbon and N content, and pH. Fertilizer addition variably affected native soil N mineralization but consistently increased plant uptake of native soil N. The positive effect of organic fertilizer on plant uptake of native soil N can not be explained by its negative effect on native soil N mineralization, suggesting that increased plant uptake of native soil N was caused mostly by plant-mediated mechanisms (e.g., increased root growth, rhizosphere N priming) rather than by soil microbe-mediated mechanisms.
The fast dynamics of vegetable production, characterized by rapid cropping successions, species with very different cultural requirements, intensity of soil cultivation and scarcity of manure, lead to a progressive depletion of the soil and a reduction of the overall fertility. The effect of different nitrogen sources on lettuce and leek production was evaluated in this experiment. The nitrogen mineral fertilizer for each crop was partially or completely replaced by spent mushroom substrate (SMS). A factorial combination of four fertilization treatments and three different types of SMS were arranged in a completely randomized blocks design. The four treatments were: unfertilized control (T0), mineral control (TMIN, 100% mineral fertilizer), T50 (50% SMS and 50% mineral fertilizer) and T100 (100% SMS). The three types of SMS were straw + poultry manure (SP), horse manure + poultry manure (HP) and straw + poultry manure + horse manure (SPH). Plants were harvested at marketable size, and samplings were carried out in order to evaluate morphological and dimensional traits for both crops considered. Nitrogen concentration, and anion and cation content were also considered. No statistically significant differences were recorded among treatments for marketable yields. A small increase in salt content was also recorded when mineral fertilizers were used. In general, SMS was demonstrated to be a suitable replacement for mineral fertilizers. Cultivation with SMS as soil amendment and fertilizer seemed to have generally positive effects on lettuce and leek performance, showing yields comparable to those with mineral fertilization.