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The Effect of Paper Feeding (Organic Fertilizer) Humax in the Growth and Production of Two Varieties of Vicia faba L.



The experiment was carried out in a field out to Mussaib district (7 km) from the Technical College of Mussaib for the winter season 2018-2017 in Fertile clay soil to determine the effect of Humax paper spraying on two of the remaining Vicia faba L. species (local, Luzde Otono). Three levels of organic fertilizer (12, 6, 0) g / L were used in the experiment according to the global experience of designing the whole randomized sector by three replicates. The results of the experiment showed significant differences between the levels of addition and varieties and the interaction between them, with the superiority of treatment with organic fertilizer at a concentration of (12) g / L in all significant traits studied: plant height (70.15) cm. Number of Branchs (20.45) Branch. Plant 1-, Number of pods ((22.56) Pod. Plant 1-, Number of seeds of pod (7.05) Seed. Pod , Weight 100 Seed ((150.6) G, and Seed Yield (2642 Kg). And dry plant extract Total Yield (13.82 ton). The experiment surpassed the Spanish class Luzde Otono on the local varieties in the height of the plant (71.54 cm), the number of seeds (6.29) seed, the pod, the weight of 100 seeds (170.1) g, the total yield (2812) And the biological reserve (12.53) ton, while the superiority of the local variety in terms of the number of branches: (20.20) branch, plant-1 and the number of pods in the plant (20.24) pod.
Huda AL-khafaji
Depart.of Plant Production Techniques, College Al-Mussaib(TCM) Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Iraq
The experiment was carried out in a field out to Mussaib district (7 km) from the Technical College of Mussaib for the winter
season 2018-2017 in Fertile clay soil to determine the effect of Humax paper spraying on two of the remaining Vicia faba L.
species (local, Luzde Otono). Three levels of organic fertilizer (12, 6, 0) g / L were used in the experiment according to the
global experience of designing the whole randomized sector by three replicates. The results of the experiment showed
significant differences between the levels of addition and varieties and the interaction between them, with the superiority of
treatment with organic fertilizer at a concentration of (12) g / L in all significant traits studied: plant height (70.15) cm. Number
of Branchs (20.45 ) Branch. Plant 1- , Number of pods ( (22.56) Pod. Plant 1- , Number of seeds of pod (7.05) Seed. Pod, Weight
100 Seed ( (150.6) G, and Seed Yield ( 2642 Kg ). And dry plant extract Total Yield ( 13.82 ton). The experiment surpassed the
Spanish class Luzde Otono on the local varieties in the height of the plant (71.54 cm), the number of seeds (6.29) seed, the
pod, the weight of 100 seeds (170.1)g, the total yield (2812) and the biological reserve (12.53) ton, while the superiority of the
local variety in terms of the number of branches: (20.20) branch, plant-1 and the number of pods in the plant (20.24) pod.
Key words: Organic Fertilizer (Humax), Faba beans, Varieties, Concentrations
Faba beans Vicia faba L. is one of the most important
winter legumes, a crop that is important for its high
nutritional value of 28% protein, 58% carbohydrate, many
vitamins and other nutrients, and consumes seeds, soft
green seeds and dry seeds. It is therefore an important
food source, especially for people with limited income,
as well as its importance in improving soil properties as a
source of nitrogen fixation in the soil as a source crop.
The crop yields a large quantity of small and large
nutrients for optimal production, which leads farmers to
add large amounts of chemical fertilizers with negative
effects on the environment, plants and humans.
Studies indicated that organic fertilizer could be
added to spray or irrigation water, depending on the speed
of the plants’ response to one of these methods and the
concentration of the fertilizer. It is also one of the best
types of leonardite in the world, which increases the
efficiency, effectiveness and solubility when used in
organic materials and high rates work with the ability of
the crop to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and
reduce the spread between Plant producers, as well as
the content of Humax on potassium by 10%, gave greater
importance to the humax, since its presence stimulates
and activates enzymes and contributes to the achievement
of many vital activities, contributes to plant resistance to
drought and contributes to the presence of pressure (Abu
Dahi and Yunis, 1988).
Organic fertilizers are not only a way to improve
productivity, but also an important tool to reduce the
amount of chemical fertilizers added. The various studies
have shown that the spraying of organic fertilizers by the
leaves, starting from the appearance of the third paper
until the flowering phase, on one plant and the components
of the crop (Kassab, 2005; Thalooth et al. 2006).
The organic fertilizer treatment a lso caused an
increase in the paper area index (Haghighi et al., 2011)
and in turn will increase the photosynthetic materials and
hence the growth of the plant (Fernandez et al., 2013; El-
Bassiony et al., 2010) to the positive role of humic in the
growth rate and the percentage of cut flowers), Reduced
the amount of chemical fertilizers to be added to the crop.
Plant Archives Vol. 18 No. 2, 2018 pp. 2797-2802 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210
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In order to evaluate the effect of humic acid on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of strawberry (Fragaria ananasa cv. 'Aromas'), an experiment was conducted as factorial arrangement in randomized complete block design with three replications in a commercial hydroponic greenhouse. The rooted daughter plants of 'Aromas' strawberry were planted in pots containing perlite and coco-peat (1:1). Humic acid were sprayed on the plants when they were completely established. The treatments consisted of different concentrations of humic acid (Greenhum containing 13% humic acid) (0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 mg l-1). Certain traits were measured including leaf chlorophyll index; the weight, length, width and length/width ratio of the fruits; number of fruit in plant; yield of single plant in a 2months period; malformed fruit percent; total soluble solid percent and fruit firmness. Results indicated that the application of humic acid had positive influence on fruit number, total yield of plant, TSS, fruit firmness and chlorophyll content. Generally, foliar application of humic acid led to the improvement of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of this cultivar of strawberry. Consequently, the application of 1.5-3 mg l-1 humic acid is recommended in hydroponic culturing of strawberry.
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The effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with zinc and foliar sprays of humic acid on yield and protein contents of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated under semi arid conditions of Central Anatolia. It was observed that seed pretreatment with Zn or pre treatment of seeds + foliar spray of humic acid substances at three to six leaf stage significantly increased yield and yield components in common bean. Correlation coefficients of various agronomic characteristics showed that a unit increase in common bean seed yield was positively associated with number of seeds per plant (r = 0.797), number of pods per plant (r = 0.778), seed weight per plant (r=0.771), plant height (r=0.654), harvest index (0.945) and raw protein yield (0.961).
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Foliar fertilization offers a specific advantage over soil fertilization when plant demand for nutrients exceeds the capacity of the roots to absorb nutrient and when environmental conditions limit the effectiveness or prevent the application of nutrients to the soil. This IFA publication provides readers an up-to date information and clarification on the scientific basis of foliar fertilization and plant responses to it. It describes the ‘state-of- knowledge’ on the mechanisms of uptake by plant leaves of foliar-applied nutrient solutions. The authors of the book made an integrated analysis of the physical, chemical and biological principles known to influence the absorption and utilization of foliar fertilizers by plants and reviewed the available laboratory and field trials to provide insights into the factors that determine the efficacy of foliar applications. As current understanding of the factors that influence the ultimate efficacy of foliar applications remains incomplete, the authors strive to illustrate the challenges facing this technology as well as the research and development required for its advancement.
To study the effect of nitrogen fertilizer and foliar spraying of humic acid on yield and yield components of cowpea, an experiment in factorial format based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Astaneh Ashrafiyeh Township (north of Iran) in 2011 was conducted. Factors of experiment were foliar spraying of humic acid with 3 levels (h{. control (without humic acid spraying), h 2: 25 mg/L, h 3: 50 mg/L) and nitrogen fertilizer with 4 levels (n^ control (0 kg/ha pure nitrogen), n 2: 15 kg/ha, n 3: 30 kg/ha, n4:45 kg/ha pure nitrogen from source of urea (46%)). Measured traits were seed yield, plant height, number of pod per plant, number of seed per pod, pod length, seed length and seed width. Results showed that, the effect of humic acid spraying and also nitrogen fertilizer on all studied traits had significant differences in 1% significance level. Interaction effect of humic acid and nitrogen fertilizer on seed yield, plant height, number of pods per plant and number of seed per pod was significant in 5% level and on other traits was non significant. Among humic acid treatments, the highest seed yield was recorded from use of 50 mg/L humic acid spraying with 1486 kg/ha. Among nitrogen fertilizer treatments, the maximum seed yield was recorded from use of 45 kg/ha pure nitrogen with 1566 kg/ha. The highest seed yield between interaction effect levels was recorded from hjn, (50 mg/L humic acid spraying along with 45 kg/ha pure nitrogen) treatment.
Dry matter accumulation patterns in most grains are sigmoid-type curve. In the first stage of this model is that if growth is slow, then there is a rapid phase after the flowering stage is followed by growth that is in pod formation stage. Studies have shown that leaf area development and dry matter accumulation in most cereal grains, especially cold for a long period after transplantation is very slow. Accordingly, in order to effect the kinds humic acid plant growth and bean seeds under climatic conditions of Ahvaz in the form of a split-plot experimental design with randomized complete block design based on years of farming 2010 was designed and executed. Factor with three bean varieties (V 1 = Barekat, V 2 = Jazayeri, V 3 = Shame) in the main plot factor with four types humic acid (F 0 = control, F 1 = humic acid, F 2 = full macro humic acid, F 3 = acid Micro humic full) rate of 2 ppm in the sub-plots were placed. The results showed that the use of acid in all varieties humic increased plant growth parameters such as crop growth rate (CGR), plant height, grain yield, harvest index and biological function has been compared to the control. the highest total dry weight of the acid treatment Humic full macro level was 5909 kg per hectare and the lowest rate to the control was 4332 kg per hectare Effective grain filling period (EFP) The increase in the treatment process itself revealed .Varieties planted in the province and the third type humic acid with a control rate at 2 ppm was placed in sub-plots. The highest and lowest average number of lateral roots in this experiment in order Humic acid treatments and control macro level 241.7 and 136 numbers were obtained. Note that between the number of acid root treatment and between macro and micro humic acid and acid micro Humic significant difference was found. the highest root dry weight to macro Humic acid treatment with a mean 4.22 grams of control treatment and lowest with mean 2.63 has been hot Total root number from 592 to 899 in number in the control humic full macro will increase the number of roots, a positive regression (r 2 = 0.89) with the amount of biological fixation (percentage of nitrogen nodules) showed .[Simin Haghighi, Tayeb Saki Nejad, Shahram Lack. Calculate the growth dynamics of root and shoot of bean plants.
Field experiments were conducted during the two successive seasons of 2009 and 2010 in the Experimental Station of the National Research Centre in El-Nobaria region, Behira Governorate, North Egypt, to study the effect of humic acid (0, 1, 2 and 3 g/L) and bio-stimulators (0.45 cm/L Ecormon, 0.60 g/L Amcotone and 0.60 g/L Tchnotone) as foliar sprays on growth, fruit-set, yield and quality of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) cv. Beta-Alpha (Quartz F1). Cucumber plants were sprayed three times at 15 day intervals with different concentrations of humic acid and bio-stimulators three weeks after planting. Recorded data showed that all morphological characters parameters including plant height, number of leaves and stems/plant, fresh weights of leaves/plant as well as yield and its components of cucumber plants showed positive and significant responses with the high concentration of humic acid (3 g/L) and Ecormon (0.45 cm/L) compared with other treatments. Application of foliar sprays of humic acid (HA) and bio-stimulators led to positive effect on plant growth, fruit set and improvement production of cucumber plants. On the other hand, results showed that total chemical contents percentage (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in leaves of cucumber plants increased with increasing the amount of humic acid level (3 g/L) and Ecormon (0.45 cm/L).
A factorial experiment on Vicia faba L. cv. Alameda with three plant densities at three levels of nitrogen fertilization was done for three years (1984–87) at Granada. Yield varied markedly from 403 to 579 g/m2 between seasons. The mean increase in plant population density from 10 to 16 plants/m2 raised seed yield, but a further increase to 21 plants/m2 did not increase yield significantly. There was, however, considerable variation in the response to increasing density (Dl to D3) within each N level (N0, N1 and N2). Application of 30 kg N/ha at the start of flowering increased mean seed yield only at the lowest plant density and in 1986, but 60 kg N/ha increased yield by 135% on average over the 3 years. The highest N application rate resulted in consistently higher overall yields at each plant density. Leaf area index (LAI) showed a significant increase at 20 seeds/m2 compared with that at 10 seeds/m2 but there was no further increase at 30 seeds/m2. Harvest index (HI) was mainly affected by the annual weather conditions, and ranged from 47–4 in 1986 to 62–6 in 1987. HI was related to the mean temperature at flowering (April).
Association analysis over environments in faba bean
  • M Bargal
  • S D Billore
Bargal, M., and S.D, Billore. 1992. Association analysis over environments in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). FABJS., 13 : 9-11.