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Previous research suggests that a multinomial logit model of market share can be used in optimization or equilibrium analyses of marketing decision making. However, there are significant problems with the solutions obtained from such an analysis. The authors show that for any firm with less than a 50% market share, the profit maximizing solution is to increase advertising as much as possible. The same holds true for any other positively signed marketing mix variable. The exponential property of the MNL model precludes reasonable descriptions of firm behavior in this case. Thus, the MNL market share model is inappropriate for equilibrium analysis of marketing competition.
Previous research suggests that a multinomial logit model of market share can
be used in optimization or equilibrium analyses of marketing decision making. How-
ever, there
significant problems with the solutions obtained from such an anal-
ysis. The authors show that for any firm with less than a
market share, the
profit maximizing solution is to increase advertising as much as possible. The same
holds true for any other positively signed marketing mix variable. The exponential
property of the MNl model precludes reasonable descriptions of firm behavior in
this case. Thus, the MNl market share model is inappropriate for equilibrium anal-
ysis of marketing competition.
Consider an MNL model with two variables, price
and marketing effort
We assume that attrj =
Market share for firm jwould be given by
Unfortunately, the use of MNL market share models
in those proposed analyses is not appropriate. Under rea-
sonable assumptions, the structure
the MNL model
precludes sensible descriptions of competitive marketing
behavior. Specifically, for any firm with less than a 50%
market share, the exponential properties
the model do
not allow the modeling
decreasing returns to scale for
advertising or promotion expenditures. Thus, the profit-
maximizing equilibrium marketing mix for those firms
is: spend as much money as possible on marketing ac-
In the next section, we specify a simple MNL to il-
lustrate this behavior. We follow with the equilibrium
conditions and proof of the preceding assertions, and
conclude with a discussion of the results.
The multinomial logit (MNL) has a long history of
modeling marketing phenomena.
has been used to in-
vestigate the determinants of grocery store choice (Gensch
and Recker 1979), graduate school choice (Punj and
Staelin 1978), and brand choice in a wide range of mar-
kets (see, for example, Guadagni and Little 1983).
In their widely known book, Cooper and Nakanishi
(1988) compare various market share models. They con-
clude that the MNL and multiplicative competitive in-
teraction (MCI) models are the feasible alternatives for
marketing decision making. The choice between the MNL
and MCI models, they suggest, depends on the market-
ing variable under consideration (p. 35). We submit that
the choice between these alternatives is also determined
by the ultimate application
the model.
Some authors suggest that an MNL model be used for
optimization or equilibrium analyses
marketing de-
cision making. For example, Carpenter and Lehmann
(1985) suggest that their MNL model can be used to de-
rive optimal marketing mix policies in a game-theoretic
framework. Both Lilien and Kotler (1983, p. 680) and
Lilien and Ruzdic (1982) discuss how an MNL market
share model can be used to derive the optimal level of
marketing expenditure. (1)
r j
*Thomas S. Gruca is Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of
Business Administration, University of Iowa. D. Sudharshan is As-
sociate Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois,
1Tj =(P, -
where P, is price,
jis marginal cost,
jis market
Marketing Research
Vol. XXVIII (November 1991),
P3:A twice differentiable
does not attain a lo-
cal minimum at x* if
at x* <O.
The elements of the Hessian matrix
are the
cross-partial derivatives
The diagonal ele-
ments thus are the second partial derivatives of
for i=1, n. From PI' we know
that a necessary condition for a local minimum of
x* is that the Hessian
is positive sem-
idefinite at x*. From Pz,we know that if any di-
agonal element is negative, the matrix is not pos-
itive semidefinite. Therefore, if
evaluated at x* <0, then
is not positive
semidefinite and, consequently, x* is not a local
minimizer of
From these three propositions, we can construct the fol-
lowing theorem:
Theorem: For any firm that is
the cumulatively dom-
inant firm (having more than a 50% market
share), then any point satisfying
ois not a minimum point.
Proof" the second derivative
is given by
(pi attr,
= _ (Pj_
xJ J J
tattr, +
_ 2
tattr, +
_MC.) x}J J
x (
>O. Thus, by P3,the point
is not a minimizing point of
therefore it is not a maximizing point
We have shown that any interior point
is not an
equilibrium level of marketing expenditure. Because a
continuous function over a compact and convex space
must have a maximum point, it must occur at the bound-
ary because it is not the interior.
For firms that are not cumulatively dominant, the op-
timal marketing mix is to spend as much as possible on
marketing efforts. Note that this result holds for any pos-
itively signed marketing variable. If all firms follow the
equilibrium strategy, the one with the deepest pockets
For any firm with less than a 50% market share (which
will always be at least N-1 of Nfirms in a market),
the MNL cannot model diminishing returns to scale for
changes in advertising, promotion, or any other posi-
tively signed control variable. However, most empirical
research shows that the advertising response curve is
We assume that the strategy space (Pj,
for every
firm jis a closed, bounded, convex set. All firms are
assumed to choose their marketing mix (Pj'
to max-
imize profits
given that all other firms are also max-
imizing profits through their choice of marketing mix
The problem faced by every firm is
(4) MAX:
j, mj) I(P _j,
In the next section, we discuss the characteristics of any
Nash equilibrium.
First-Order Conditions
Any interior (nonboundary) Nash equilibrium (P*, m*)
would have to satisfy the first-order conditions for a
maximum. Namely, the first partial derivatives of the
profit function would have to be zero at (P*, m*):
(6) a7rj/amj =
Looking more closely at equation 6, we have
l3·attr xL,.,<attr
j)xJ J IJ
Bm, tattr, +L,j.,<jattr
share, SP is the market sales potential, mjis marketing
effort, 'ITj is profit, and FCjis fixed costs. We assume
that all
<0 and all B's >0, and that
potential for the
For any point (P*, m*) that satisfies equation 7 to be an
equilibrium, 'ITj must be maximized at that point.
Second-Order Conditions
To simplify
determination of whether there is an
interior maximization point of
we examine the char-
acteristics of -'IT. Any point where
j=0 that
is a minimizer of (-'IT) is also the point at which
maximized because MIN: (-'IT)
Before the main theorem, we state the following three
PI (Gill, Murray, and Wright 1981, p.
The nec-
essary conditions that a point x* must satisfy in order
to be a local minimizer
are (a) the gradient of
evaluated at the point x*
must be zero and (b) The Hessian of
at the point x* must be positive semidefinite.
Pz(Noble and Daniel 1977, p. 427): A necessary con-
dition for a Hermitian matrix A to be positive semi-
definite is that the diagonal elements of A are all non-
Proof" In the quadratic form (x, Ax), choose all Xk to be
zero except x.. Then (x, Ax) =
and, be-
cause x, is not zero, we must have a., be non-neg-
ative for A to be positive semidefinite.
concave (diminishing marginal returns) at higher levels
spending (Little 1979). The MNL captures the di-
minishing marginal returns effect only if there is a cu-
mulatively dominant brand and only for that one brand.
The exponential nature of the MNL model is well suited
to modeling the volatile short-term changes in house-
hold-level purchase probabilities that are observed in
scanner panel data (Carpenter and Lehmann 1985; Guad-
agni and Little 1983; Gupta 1988). The response of choice
probability to changes in the marketing mix is S-shaped,
with larger marginal increases in probabilities coming at
lower levels of expenditure. This convex-concave re-
sponse pattern allows the MNL to capture the large
changes in choice probabilities that are observed even
when marketing mixes are not greatly altered.
However, the MNL cannot be generalized to equilib-
rium analyses of marketing competition. In such an ap-
plication, the alternative is to use the multiplicative com-
petitive interaction (or attraction) model. Like the MNL
market share model, the MCI model directly incorpo-
rates competition, is logically consistent (Bell, Keeney,
and Little 1975) and can be easily estimated by using
standard statistical packages (Nakanishi and Cooper 1974,
1982). Furthermore, through proper choice of elasticity
values (0 <lal's, I3's <1), it exhibits decreasing mar-
ginal market share response to changes in the marketing
mix. For that reason, it has been used often in equilib-
rium analyses of marketing competition (Kamani 1983,
1984, 1985; Monahan 1987; Steckel 1984).
The MNL model is often used for modeling individ-
ual-level choice behavior. However, its exponential
structure renders it of little use in equilibrium modeling
of market share competition. Because the
is not
generalizable to modeling competitive behavior, the MCI
would be a superior choice for that type
Bell, David E., Ralph L. Keeney, and John D. C. Little (1975),
"A Market Share Theorem," Journal
Marketing Re-
search, 12 (May),
Carpenter, Gregory S. and Donald R. Lehmann (1985), "A
Model of Marketing Mix, Brand Switching, and Competi-
tion," Journal
Marketing Research, 22 (August),
Cooper, Lee G. and Masao Nakanishi (1988), Market-Share
Analysis. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.
Gensch, Dennis H. and Wilfred W. Recker (1979), "The Mul-
tinomial, Multiattribute Logit Choice Model," Journal
Marketing Research, 16 (February),
Gill, Philip
Walter Murray, and Margaret H. Wright (1981),
Practical Optimization. London: Academic Press, Inc.
Guadagni, Peter M. and John D. C. Little (1983), "A Logit
Brand Choice Calibrated on Scanner Panel Data, "
Marketing Science, 2(Summer),
Gupta, Sunil (1988), "Impact of Sales Promotion on When,
What, and How Much to
Marketing Re-
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Karnani, Aneel (1983), "Minimum Market Share," Marketing
Science, 2(Winter),
(1984), "The Value
Market Share and the Product
Theoretic Model," Management Sci-
ence, 30 (June),
(1985), "Strategic Implications of Market Share At-
traction Models," Management Science, 31 (May),
Lilien, Gary L. and Philip Kotler (1983), Marketing Decision
Making: A Model-Building Approach. New York: Harper &
Row Publishers, Inc.
and A. Api Ruzdic (1982), "Analyzing Natural Ex-
periments in Industrial Markets," TIMS Studies in the Man-
agement Sciences,
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The State of the
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Market Share Attraction Models," Management Science, 33
Nakanishi, Masao and Lee G. Cooper (1974), "Parameter Es-
timation for a Multiplicative Competitive Interaction
ALeast Squares Approach," Journal
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search, 11 (August),
(1982), "Simplified Estimation Proce-
dures for MCI Models," Marketing Science, 1(Summer),
Noble, Ben and James W. Daniel (1977), Applied Linear Al-
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Choice Pro-
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Research, 15 (November),
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Allocate Resources in a Competitive Environment," work-
ing paper, Graduate School of Business, Columbia Univer-
Reprint Nn. JMR284109
... At the next level of model detail, many mathematical functions for individual mix independent/dependent variable relationships have been investigated (see for example Gruca andSudharshan 1991, andLilien, Kotler andMoorthy 1992 Appendix C). In addition, dynamics, stochastic processes, and competitive interactions over time have been researched (Leeflang et al 2000). ...
... At the next level of model detail, many mathematical functions for individual mix independent/dependent variable relationships have been investigated (see for example Gruca andSudharshan 1991, andLilien, Kotler andMoorthy 1992 Appendix C). In addition, dynamics, stochastic processes, and competitive interactions over time have been researched (Leeflang et al 2000). ...
... The MNL functional form was formally derived by . The MNL is mainly used to model discrete choices or market shares (Gruca and Sudharshan 1991;Gensch and Recker 1979;Hongmin, and Huh 2011); and has been extensively used in the agricultural production economics and environmental economics literature (Wu and Segerson 1995;Wu and Adams 2002;. We adapt this framework by including water scarcity as a variable that can affect famers' land-use and cropping decisions. ...
... This value could be extracted from market share. We have considered the market share the same as that in [29]: Figure 3 shows the error function after convexification. The initial value of preference weight for product j could be found as: ...
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During the selling time horizon of a product category, a number of products may become unavailable sooner than others and the customers may substitute their desired product with another or leave the system without purchase. So, the recorded sales do not show the actual demand of each product. In this paper, a nonparametric algorithm to estimate true demand using censored data is proposed. A customer choice model is employed to model the demand and then a nonlinear least square method is used to estimate the demand model parameters without assuming any distribution on customer’s arrival. A simple heuristic approach is applied to make the objective function convex, making the algorithm perform much faster and guaranteeing the convergence. Simulated dataset of different sizes are used to evaluate the proposed method. The results show a 23% improvement in root mean square error between estimated and simulated true demand, in contrast to alternate methods usually used in practice.
... EV is in state at time point in such a way that + 0 = 1. These fractions can be developed as follows (Bierensk, 2003;Gruca and Sudharshan, 1991): ...
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Increasing the use of electric vehicles (EVs) has been suggested as a possible method to decrease fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an effort to mitigate the causes of climate change. In this study, the relationship between the market share of electric vehicles and the presence of government incentives, and other influential socio-economic factors were examined. The methodology of this study is based on a cross-sectional/time-series (panel) analysis. The developed model is an aggregated binomial logit share model that estimates the modal split between EV and conventional vehicles for different U.S. states from 2003 to 2011. The results demonstrated that electricity prices were negatively associated with EV use while urban roads and government incentives were positively correlated with states’ electric vehicle market share. Sensitivity analysis suggested that of these factors, electricity price affects electric vehicle adoption rate the most. Moreover, the time trend model analysis found that the electric vehicle adoption has been increasing over time, which is consistent with theories about diffusion of new technology.
We consider a supply chain where a single manufacturer sells multiple products via a single retailer who faces uncertain consumer demand for multiple variants in its assortment. First, we consider a model where the retailer is responsible for making assortment and stocking quantity decisions and bears the associated risks. Then, we consider a model where the retailer delegates assortment and stocking quantity decisions and the associated risks to the manufacturer. We investigate how delegation of operational decisions and associated costs impacts operational decisions and profitability of each member in the channel. Our findings suggest that delegation of operational decisions can lead to a win-win outcome for the retailer and manufacturer because delegation of operational decisions can serve as a tool to mitigate inefficiencies due to double marginalization in the channel.
The extremely short life cycle and the rapid decay in revenues after opening coupled with the rapid and frequent introduction of new competitive products makes the timing of new product introductions in the motion picture industry critical, particularly during the high-revenue Christmas and summer seasons. Each studio wants to capture as much of the season as possible by opening early in the season. At the same time, each wants to avoid head-to-head competition. The authors model competition between two motion pictures in a share attraction framework and conduct an equilibrium analysis of the product introduction timing game in a finite season. The following three different equilibrium configurations emerge: (1) a single equilibrium with both movies opening simultaneously at the beginning of the season, (2) a single equilibrium with one movie opening at the beginning of the season and one delaying, and (3) dual equilibria, with either movie delaying opening. A key factor is the product life cycle, which can be captured well with a two-parameter exponential decline. The authors relate the life-cycle parameters to these possibilities with the general result that the weaker movie may be forced to delay opening. These results are related to case studies of the opening of recently released movies. A statistical analysis of the 1990 summer season in North America provides support for the conclusions and suggests that current release timing decisions can be improved. The authors discuss the rationale of “avoiding the competition” in the general context of product introduction timing.
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Increasing the usage of electric vehicles has been proposed as a policy to decrease aggregate fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an effort to mitigate the causes of climate change. In order to increase the attraction of electric vehicles for consumers, governments have employed a number of incentives. In this study, the relationship between shares of electric vehicle and the presence of government incentives as well as other influential socio-economic factors were examined. The methodology of this study is based on a crosssectional/time-series (panel) analysis. The developed model is an aggregated binomial logit share model that estimates the modal split between EV and conventional vehicles for different U.S. states from 2003 to 2011. The model was estimated using different panel data methods and the results were compared. The results demonstrated that electricity prices were negatively associated with EV use while, urban roads and government incentives were positively correlatedwith states' electric vehicle market share. Sensitivity analysis suggested that of these factors, electricity price affects electric vehicle adoption rate the most. According to the sensitivity analysis of electric vehicle adoption rate, state of Vermont has the most sensitivity with respect to electricity price and New Jersey is the most sensitive state with respect to urban roads and incentives. Moreover, the time trend model analysis found that the electric vehicle adoption has been increasing over time, which is consistent with diffusion of new technology theory.
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The aim of this CIFRE thesis, realized with the market research institute BVA in collaboration with the automobile manufacturer Renault, is to build a model in order to measure the impact of media investments of several channels (television, outdoor, etc.) on the brands' market shares, taking into account the competition et the potential cross effects and synergies between brands, as well as controlling for average price and regulatory context (scrapping incentive).Market share models have been developed in the marketing literature, especially the GMCI model (generalized multiplicative competitive interaction model), inspired from the aggregated conditional MNL (multinomial logit) model. In the statistical literature, the compositional data analysis (CODA) allows to analyze share data respecting their nature (a vector of D shares subject to the unit sum constraint is a composition and belongs to the dimension D simplex space). Regression models for dependent and explanatory compositional variables exist but are rarely used in practice. Finally, the Dirichlet covariate model allows to model a simplex valued dependent variable.In the first chapter, these different models avec compared from a theoretical and empirical point of view. It is shown that all of them can be expressed with a similar formulation using the notions of attraction and of simplicial expected value. The GMCI model appears to be a particular case of the CODA model, such that these two specifications can be combined into a unique model. The complexity of Dirichlet and CODA models turns out to be necessary in order to capture the diversity of competitive relationships. In the second chapter, emphasis is given to the interpretation of models which is not very well developed in the CODA literature. Different types of interpretations are presented, but it is demonstrated that the calculation of the elasticities of market shares relative to media investments in particularly relevant from a mathematical point of view and from a practical perspective. Indeed, we prove that elasticities are consistent with C-derivatives of simplex valued functions of another simplex. Moreover, these elasticities can be easily interpreted by car manufacturers and can be used for advertising budgeting optimization (Dorfman-Steiner theorem). In the third chapter, a practical application to the B segment of the French automobile market is presented for the purpose of measuring the impact of the different advertising channels on the market shares of the three leaders of this segment and of the group of other brands, taking into account the lagged effects of advertising (adstock function) and the competitive cross effects. The media investments elasticity of the brand market share varies from one brand to another and from one channel to another. Synergies between some brands can be highlighted. The last chapter opens the discussion on different directions to be explored in order to improve the proposed model and to provide further answers to the considered issue.
Der Beitrag stellt eine Methode vor, mit der im Rahmen eines Full-Profile Designs und auf der Basis von mikroökonometrischen Modellen Markteintrittsstudien durchgeführt werden können. Mit diesen Ansätzen werden die Produkt-Wahlwahrscheinlichkeit und die Produktmengen-Entscheidung mit Schwellenwert-Ansätzen modelliert. Dadurch wird das Problem der Conjoint-Analyse gelöst, geschätzte Konsumenten-Präferenzen in entscheidungsrelevante Größen, wie z. B. Absatzvolumina zu transformieren.
Der Beitrag stellt eine Methode vor, mit der im Rahmen eines Full-Profile Designs und auf der Basis von mikroökonometrischen Modellen Markteintrittsstudien durchgeführt werden können. Mit diesen Ansätzen werden die Produkt-Wahlwahrscheinlichkeit und die Produktmengen-Entscheidung mit Schwellenwert-Ansätzen modelliert. Dadurch wird das Problem der Conjoint-Analyse gelöst, geschätzte Konsumenten-Präferenzen in entscheidungsrelevante Größen, wie z. B. Absatzvolumina zu transformieren.
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Least squares estimation techniques are developed for a special multiplicative model based on the Luce choice axiom whose potential usefulness in marketing applications justifies estimation techniques which can be easily implemented.
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The college choice behavior of graduate business school applicants is studied. A stochastic utility model is proposed and estimated by use of a sample of students admitted to Carnegie-Mellon University. The specific formulation used is the conditional logit model. Results indicate that such factors as net cost, quality, and distance of applicant's home from school are important determinants of college choice. Specific probability computations are used to illustrate the results for a typical decision maker.
Many marketing models use variants of the relationship: Market share equals marketing effort divided by total marketing effort. Replacing marketing effort with its resulting “attraction,” the relationship is derived from the assumptions: (1) attraction is nonnegative, (2) equal attractions imply equal shares, and (3) a seller's share is affected the same if the attraction of any other seller increases a fixed amount.
The authors develop a model of brand switching which incorporates marketing mix variables, product features, and their interactions to examine patterns of brand competition. Two forms of the model are presented and least squares estimation procedures suggested. Implications of the models’ parameters for analyzing the structure of markets and patterns of brand competition are discussed. The models are illustrated with an application using scanner panel data.
The college choice behavior of graduate business school applicants is studied. A stochastic utility model is proposed and estimated by use of a sample of students admitted to Carnegie-Mellon University. The specific formulation used is the conditional logit model. Results indicate that such factors as net cost, quality, and distance of applicant's home from school are important determinants of college choice. Specific probability computations are used to illustrate the results for a typical decision maker.
The effectiveness of a sales promotion can be examined by decomposing the sales “bump” during the promotion period into sales increase due to brand switching, purchase time acceleration, and stockpiling. The author proposes a method for such a decomposition whereby brand sales are considered the result of consumer decisions about when, what, and how much to buy. The impact of marketing variables on these three consumer decisions is captured by an Erlang-2 interpurchase time model, a multinomial logit model of brand choice, and a cumulative logit model of purchase quantity. The models are estimated with IRI scanner panel data for regular ground coffee. The results indicate that more than 84% of the sales increase due to promotion comes from brand switching (a very small part of which may be switching between different sizes of the same brand). Purchase acceleration in time accounts for less than 14% of the sales increase, whereas stockpiling due to promotion is a negligible phenomenon accounting for less than 2% of the sales increase.
The authors argue that for the cross-sectional multiattribute approach to choice modeling, the multinomial logit is theoretically and empirically superior to the more commonly used regression approach. Other choice methodologies also are discussed briefly in relation to logit. The difference between individual level (where regression is appropriate) and cross-sectional analysis is recognized. Most marketing managers, because of their research goals, will be using a cross-sectional approach. The derivation of the logit from an underlying behavioral model of choice is illustrated. It is this underlying behavioral model of choice that provides logit with several conceptual advantages for modeling a multiattribute choice structure.
The authors argue that for the cross-sectional multiattribute approach to choice modeling, the multinomial logit is theoretically and empirically superior to the more commonly used regression approach. Other choice methodologies also are discussed briefly in relation to logit. The difference between individual level (where regression is appropriate) and cross-sectional analysis is recognized. Most marketing managers, because of their research goals, will be using a cross-sectional approach. The derivation of the logit from an underlying behavioral model of choice is illustrated. It is this underlying behavioral model of choice that provides logit with several conceptual advantages for modeling a multiattribute choice structure.