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The Influence of News Construction and Netizen Response to the Hoax News in Online Media



p> This study aims to determine the effect of news in online media on the thoughts and behavior of a person, because the impact is very strong in shaping public opinion. This study uses theory of mass communication, news construction, netizen response, online media. The research method used quantitative descriptive analysis with online data collection techniques. Conclusion of research (1) News construction have positive effect to reporting hoax in online media, meaning that news construction which is loaded and created by online media will influence hoax news dissemination. (2) The netizen response positively affects the news of hoaxes in the online media, meaning more and more netizens respond to hoax news, hoax news will be wider. (3) News construction and netizen responses have a positive and significant influence on hoax news in media online, meaning that these two variables give a significant influence in the preaching of hoax in online media. </p
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... Terlebih generasi muda tidak terlepas dari perangkat teknologi informasi, sehingga kemudahan akses berita sangat mudah dan cepat. Akan tetapi di media sosial beredar luas informasi dengan keragaman sifat mulai dari informasi sesuai data maupun informasi yang tidak sesuai fakta (Utari & Hastjarjo, 2018;Firmansyah et al., 2017). Salah langkah menciptakan pembentukan opini salah pada generasi muda. ...
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The 2024 general election is a political democracy through the electoral system. This involves young people who are the largest group of voters. However, the findings in the field are that the younger generation lacks political literacy and media literacy. So there needs to be a socialisation of strengthening political literacy and media literacy for the younger generation. In order to increase the ability and knowledge of the younger generation related to political literacy and media literacy. The activity was aimed at 25 partners. The implementation of the event went well and was classified as on target, on time, and on purpose. As well as showing results according to the target indicators of the success of programme achievements. The results of monitoring and evaluation on the results of the questionnaire show that all partners have strongly agreed on this socialisation event and can be held further events. The interview results showed that partners experienced changes and increased understanding and actions on partners related to political literacy and media literacy. In particular, partners are able and skilled in searching, selecting and disseminating political information appropriately and using social media more wisely and can help the public regarding public information.
... Saat ini, ada banyak media yang memberikan informasi tentang isu-isu sosial dan politik dalam perspektif yang berbeda. Beragam ekspresi mulai dari bentuk dukungan dengan menyajikan informasi-informasi faktual hingga opini-opini negatif yang mengarah pada kampanye hitam hingga berita-berita hoaks dapat dengan mudah disebarkan dan menyebar luas melalui media [3][4]. Untuk itu, kemampuan literasi media merupakan modal yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat, utamanya pemilih pemula. ...
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Political education is a form of effort to increase quality political participation which can be seen from the public's understanding of the importance of elections and democracy to society and is also a forum for the actualization of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, amidst pragmatic political uncertainty which only involves the public at times of political momentum, which often increases. Money politics is caused by a lack of public literacy regarding political conditions and information. Political education is part of the effort to increase the knowledge of the Tuntungan II Village community which includes the Village Youth Organization, business actors and the community amidst increasingly advanced democratic flows. In this service plan, the team will implement service in Tuntungan II Village, Pancur Batu District, Deli Serdang Regency The sub-district is the locus, because Tuntungan II Village is one of the villages that is the foundation of Medan City. The problems experienced by the community in Tuntungan II Village in the context of political literacy cannot be separated from several factors that cause stagnation of community knowledge about politics and democracy, resulting in 2019 political participation in Tuntungan II Village becoming one of the lowest percentages of political participation in Pancur District. Batu, this is due to a lack of knowledge in choosing leaders or people's representatives in democratic parties, limited networks to understand the importance of elections, and it cannot be denied that the low quality of government administration cannot be separated from the role of community political participation in Tuntungan II Village. This dedication to political education is one of the efforts that will be carried out to increase public knowledge about the importance of politics, the intelligence of voters in choosing which will lead to improving the quality of democracy in North Sumatra. The method that will be used to achieve this goal is community education through interactive discussions, training for the community which will be carried out on an ongoing basis in all villages/sub-districts throughout Deli Serdang Regency which will be implemented in stages and continuously.
... Berger and Luckmann state that the social process is where individuals take actions and their interactions in creating a reality that is continuously shared and experienced subjectively. The substance of the theory and social construction approach to Berger and Luckmann's reality is a simultaneous process that occurs naturally through language in everyday life in a primary and semi-secondary community (Adhiarso et al., 2018). This theory and social basis approach was the modern transitional society in America in the 1960s, where the mass media has not yet become an exciting phenomenon to discuss. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit all parts of the world. This led to crises in various governments regarding how the government deals with the effects of this virus. This study aims to analyze the text of the Indonesian government’s crisis communication news in the face of the COVID-19 issue in the online media The research method used is qualitative research with a textual analysis approach. The results showed that reports the problem straightforwardly. maintains a firm editorial policy and commits to presenting an even-handed and fair view of issues. seeks to reveal how the Government responded at the start of the crisis, government policies during the crisis, and how the public responded to government policies. This research shows how online media in Indonesia constructed news on Indonesian government crisis communication in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The substance of this research contributes in the form of new policy recommendations for online media news leaders to deliver news openly, straightforwardly, and critically that prioritizes social responsibility to the public.
... According to Adhiarso et al (2018), netizens' response to online news depends on their behaviour. The response comes about when there is a tendency to behave when moved with a stimulus. ...
... Response" shown that the more netizens arise, the more deceitful news will be broader and more liars without reference to journalism (Adhiarso et al., 2018). With the dataset of 750 user comments from guardian online, the daily telegraph online, and times online, (Neurauter-Kessels, 2011) in her research of "Im/polite reader responses on British online news sites" found that the users are invited to debate, criticize, and disagree the news topics too. ...
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In the development of communication industry, mass media have evolved and brought the existence of a news aggregator. In Indonesia, a Japanese-based instant messaging apps company has expanded its platform to news aggregator named LINE Today. LINE Today allow their users to share their feedback regarding to the presented news as comments, and narrowed feedback can create the public opinion. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic the news outlet is currently tinged with news about it. This research would like to explore how the public opinion of Indonesian about Covid-19 through the news comments in LINE Today. With quantitative content analysis method, the most commented news about Covid-19 in LINE Today constructed with three kinds of feedback trigger and three determinants of public opinion. The result has shown that the Covid-19 news comments in LINE Today are mostly triggered by the relationship between the commentator and the news subject. Indonesian public opinions regarding to the news about Covid-19 in LINE Today Indonesia are mostly determined by their belief not by fact.
... Another example, based on the confession of a journalist in a newspaper in Semarang who did not want to be named said that the intervention of the media from the internal editorial causes the issuance of an information becoming not objective (Pratono, 2014). Politics of newsroom is also influenced by the fact that the media is actually not a sterile space from various interests (Adhiarso et al., 2018). The reality of the media is not always the same and congruent with public reality, because the news can be constructed by various interests, both from outside the media and within the media itself (Machmud, 2016). ...
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p> This study examines the barriers to online journalism in the 5.0 industry era in facing market competition. This research was conducted on as a large newspaper company in Central Java that can still survive in the midst of global competition in the mass media competition. Critical perspective with Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis design used in this study. The novelty of this research is specifically to answer the challenges of online journalism in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 in terms of human resources. The findings of this study are related to the routine of news production in the media, the speed of news updates, the accuracy and balance of the news. The human resources of news seekers and editing teams are not yet fully prepared to face the challenges of the new era. The results of this study shows that 1) the news production dependent on HR factor, company factor and managing editor; 2) the news delivery planning dependent on the market need, the news content of the printed Suara Merdeka aims at fulfilling the needs of the people of Central Java, seeks to meet the needs of the people of Central Java around the world. </p
... If the verification process is ignored, it is not impossible that an online journalistic media will channel fake news or hoaxes (Adhiarso et al., 2018). According to their  P- ISSN: 2086-1559, E-ISSN: 2527-2810 Jurnal The Messenger, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2021), pp. ...
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em> Many scholars have conducted studies on the accuracy of the news media, such as newspaper, television, and magazine, but not online media. In fact, online media is a significant news media in the moment, especially in Indonesia. Online press companies are even the largest press companies in Indonesia compared to newspapers, radio, and television. Therefore, this study is conducted to measure the inaccuracies that occur in news in online news media. Researchers examined 63 online journalistic media that have been administratively and factually verified by the ‘Dewan Pers’ (Press Council). It uses a content analysis method by coding the headlines in Indonesian online journalistic media. This study finds online mass media categories based on the theme segmentation, namely: 1) general, 2) economics, technology, and business, 3) sports, 4) politics, law, and crime, 5) lifestyle and entertainment, and 6) regional. The results of this study indicate that the inaccuracy of news in Indonesian online media is high. Media with economics, technology, and business most often make grammatical errors. This study also finds that speed does not only has an impact on grammatical inaccuracies, but also on unbalanced news reporting, where the imbalance in Indonesian online media news itself is very high. </em
... 14 Lebih lanjut Pratiwi Utami dalam risetnya dijelaskan bahwa dimana ketegangan politik di berbagai negera dalam penyebaran berita bohong yang masuk mellui modia sosial (medsos) menjadikan masyarakat indonesia yang plural dapat memperpecahbelah tali persaudaraan, alhasil, dengan kecenderungan terkait menguak dari beberapa kebenaran dan menjauhkan orang dari keyakinan fakta atau hoax bisa menjadi ancaman bagi demokrasi yang partisipatoris di era disrupsi seperti sekarang ini. 15 Perilaku dan pemikiran seseorang dapat juga dipengaruhi dengan berita bohong (hoax) ini, hal ini sebagaimana riset yang ditemukan oleh (Adhiarso, Utari, and Hastjarjo 2018) belum tentu asal usulnya ini justru sangat cepat menyebar dan masyarakat mudah langsung saja percaya dengan berita hoax ini, artinya media sosial di Indonesia sangat mempengaruhi dalam kepercayaan mengimani berita hoax ini yang menyebar di media online. 16 Sehingga sejauh ini kebaruan penelitian ini belum ada yang mnguak terkait bahaya dari hoax (berita bohong) dalam membangun masyarakat madani khususnya di Indonesia di era Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. ...
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Masyarakat madani (civil society) sebagai struktur kehidupan masyarakat ideal yang dicita-citakan, tetapi membangun masyarakat madani tidaklah mudah. Ada prasyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh masyarakat dalam mewujudkannya. Ditambah lagi dengan kemajuan teknologi di Era revolusi Industri 4.o seperti sekarang ini, di mana informasi dapat menyebar dengan mudah melalui berbagai media online secara unlimited dalam menyebarkan hoax. Penelitian ini berusaha menguak bahaya yang dari hoax dalam membangun masyarakat madani. Penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif analitis dengan mengkaji dari sumber kepustakaan dalam menguak terkait membangun masyarakat madani di revolusi Industri 4.o. Penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa ruang publik menjadi sarana bebasa berpendapat; perilaku demokratis; toleran; pluralisme; dan keadilan sosial dapat membentuk masyarakat madani. sedangkan dampak dari berita hoax sangat mempengaruhi cara pandang masyarakat terhadap suatu isu tertentu, sehingga masyarakat tidak bisa membedakan mana berita yang asli atau berita palsu yang menyebabkan mereka terhasut oleh berita-berita palsu yang tersebar.
... facts or hoaxes can be a threat to participatory democracy in an era of disruption like this. 15 A person's behavior and thoughts can also be influenced by this hoax, this is as research found by (Adhiarso, Utari, and Hastjarjo 2018) where in their findings there is a strong influence in the meaning of fake news (invalid) which spreads through modsos for the nitizens, and strangely enough, when news of uncertain origin spreads very quickly and people easily believe in this hoax news, meaning that social media in Indonesia greatly influences the belief in this hoax news that spreads in online media. 16 So that so far the novelty of this research has not been revealed regarding the dangers of hoaxes (fake news) in building civil society, especially in Indonesia in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.. ...
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Civil society (civil society) as the ideal structure of society's life that is aspired to, but building a civil society is not easy. There are preconditions that must be met by the community in making it happen. Coupled with technological advances in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.o like today, where information can spread easily through various online media unlimitedly in spreading hoaxes. This research seeks to uncover the dangers of hoaxes in building civil society. This research uses descriptive analytical method by examining the sources of literature related to building civil society in the Industrial Revolution 4.o. This research found that the public space is a means of free speech; democratic behavior; tolerant; pluralism; and social justice can shape civil society. whereas the impact of hoax news greatly affects the way people perceive a certain issue, so that people cannot distinguish which news is real or fake news which causes them to be incited by fake news that is spread.
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Hoaks dianggap sebagai persoalan serius di era digital. Permasalahan tersebut mengindikasikan rendahnya literasi digital masyarakat. Di Indonesia, banyaknya jumlah pengguna Internet dan tingginya frekuensi masyarakat mengakses konten informasi dan media sosial, terutama di kalangan generasi milenial, tidak diiringi dengan kesadaran untuk menggunakan internet dengan bijak. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat literasi digital generasi milenial di Kota Surabaya dalam menanggulangi penyebaran hoaks. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah generasi milenial usia 15 sampai 19 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat literasi digital generasi milenial di Kota Surabaya secara umum berada pada indeks kategori rendah. Komponen tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh Kemampuan Memahami, dengan skor indeks literasi digital 46,8%, yang termasuk kategori sedang. Komponen terendah ditunjukkan oleh Kemampuan Berkolaborasi dengan skor indeks literasi digital 32,2%. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi berupa rekomendasi kebijakan baru kepada pembuat kebijakan sebagai screening data awal terkait tingkat literasi digital.
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Social media could improve the deployment of information and communication among users, including teenagers user. However, to be considered is whether the intensity of high social media usage among teens can reduce their social skills, as teens tend to become more individualized. The study was conducted using quantitative methods that involving 145 respondents, who attend in public and private schools, within 1-15 km of study range location. This study done based on the Uses and gratification theory as the grand theory. Other theory which used in this study is media dependency theory, in order to see how dependent the user on the use of social media. The results shows that the more often user access to social media, the more frequently the information search is done as a fulfillment of the information, which will triggered the concern of environment as well as the form of social consciousness.
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This paper revisits the concept of mass communication, which has faced persistent challenges to its continued relevance in light of changes that have taken place in the media environment. This paper offers a counterpoint to claims of the term’s diminished relevance, as well as to some recent efforts to reposition the term, by putting forth an interpretive approach that is not exclusive to the “institutional communicator” and that allows the term “mass” to extend to both the senders and receivers of messages. This paper argues that this interpretive approach is in keeping with some early interpretations of the concept’s meaning, and that such an interpretation is viable in light of the definitional ambiguity that has always surrounded the term. This paper then considers how the notion of the “work” of the audience is reconfigured in this new mass communication environment. As this paper illustrates, the claim of the audience engaging in ‘watching as working’ merits extension in an environment of interactive media and user-generated content.
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Constructionism has always carried problems for journalism studies, for, whereas news is supposed to be about facts and reality, constructionism problematizes these very concepts. This article bears on this tension by revisiting the proposition that news constructs reality. We distinguish between construction as a concept and constructionism as a theory, and argue that the above proposition is fruitful but has hitherto been argued on the faulty theoretical grounds of constructionism. A realist-discourse-theoretic approach is proposed to establish the proposition on a sound theoretical basis. This is done on the basis of realism, and by means of modifying constructionism’s central thesis that the outcome of discursive contention is decided upon exclusively by extra-discursive factors and grounding it on a realist basis. The characteristics of news-making are conceptualized as a particular category of extra-discursive factors, which, in particular types of cases, can play a central role in the construction of reality, thereby constituting reality construction by news. Empirical illustrations are provided. Our analysis should contribute to resolving the tension mentioned at the beginning.
Mass Media, Politics and Democracy provides a broad ranging overview of all aspects of the relationship between the media and politics. Drawing its examples from a wide range of developed liberal democracies, the book combines an accessible account of the political impact and regulation of the mass media today, with an assessment of the democratic potential and anti-democratic dangers of new media technologies.
Usage of online data-collection methods are increasing in leisure research. Some potential benefits to using online methods over traditional paper/pencil techniques include financial savings and easier access to large populations. Disadvantages, however, include difficulty in sample selection and variations of the instruments' reliability. This study explores how subject responses potentially differ when collecting data online versus paper/pencil for six instruments commonly used within leisure research. A repeated measure design with paired sample t-tests and HLM was used with 207 college students to compare these methods of data collection. Responses differed between methods on three of the tested instruments. A general pattern was found suggesting participants perceived their anonymity was better protected when completing online questionnaires.
Internal and external workplace diversity and the technology-induced time constraints of multinational competition make the challenge of improving organizational communication bigger than ever. Narrative paradigm or the “storytelling” theory has been proffered as an effective cross-cultural communication tool, but this article presents the idea that storytelling goes beyond that and fills the diverse communication needs of today’s heterogeneous workforce. It presents a model of storytelling as a complete organizational communication tool, discusses how to effectively apply storytelling in the diverse work environment, and proposes some opportunities for further research.