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Species of the Genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from the Afro-tropical Region


Abstract and Figures

An illustrated key is provided to distinguish the 34 species of genus Thrips reported from the Afrotropical Region, including La Réunion. Seven new synonyms are established as a result of checking type specimens; two new species are described, T. solari from Nigeria and T. kurahashii from South Africa; and the new combination Craspedothrips ghesquierei (Priesner) is established for a species described in Taeniothrips. A diagnosis is given for each species with an indication of the known distribution.
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Accepted by J. Martin: 16 Mar. 2009; published: 12 Apr. 2010 1
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2010 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 2423: 124 (2010)
Species of the Genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae)
from the Afro-tropical Region
Honorary Research Fellow, Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601
Australia [e-mail]
An illustrated key is provided to distinguish the 34 species of genus Thrips reported from the Afrotropical Region,
including La Réunion. Seven new synonyms are established as a result of checking type specimens; two new species are
described, T. solari from Nigeria and T. kurahashii from South Africa; and the new combination Craspedothrips
ghesquierei (Priesner) is established for a species described in Ta e ni o t h r ip s . A diagnosis is given for each species with an
indication of the known distribution.
Key words: Thrips, Afrotropical Region, identification, synonymies, new species
The volume of fresh horticultural products exported by African countries to other parts of the world has
increased greatly in recent years (Mwebaze, et al., 2010). For quarantine authorities of importing countries,
these plants and plant products provide considerable problems. Quarantine officers are expected to identify
potential pest or invasive species, although invasiveness and even pest status are not readily predictable
(Maynard & Nowell, 2009). Such difficulties are increased when the products come from parts of the world
such as Africa for which there is such limited information concerning the insect fauna (Nickle, 2008; Mound,
2009). A parallel problem exists for exporting countries, because there is an increasing expectation under
trade agreements that exports will be certified as free of potential pests. The Thysanoptera is one particular
group of insects that becomes involved in such problems. The purpose of the work presented here is thus to
facilitate identification, by quarantine authorities in both importing and exporting countries, of the species of
the genus Thrips Linnaeus that have been recorded from Africa.
Systematic considerations
Thrips is the most species-rich genus of Thysanoptera, with about 250 described species worldwide (Mound,
2010). Identification systems are now available for the species of this genus from many parts of the world
[Europe and Mediterranean: zur Strassen (2003); Asia and Australasia: Palmer (1992), Mound & Masumoto
(2005), Mound & Azidah (2009); North America: Nakahara (1994), Hoddle et al. (2009)]. However, only one
published key is available to any species of this genus from Africa (Hood, 1932), and that includes very few
species and is based on a long out-dated concept of the genus.
Most thrips species from Africa named prior to 1940 cannot be recognised from their descriptions, and re-
examination of type specimens for this paper has thus resulted in seven new synonyms. Moreover, for no
African species has there been any studies on structural variation within and between populations. At the time
that these African species were described, the genus Thrips and the genus Tae niot h r ips were confused. Indeed,
Stannard (1968: 358) suggested that these two “grade into each other”. However, Mound (1968) indicated
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character states that differ between several groups of Thripinae, subsequently incorporating these into a
treatment of the British thrips fauna (Mound et al., 1976), and Bhatti (1978, 1980) firmly established the lack
of close relationships between the two genera. Several of the African species treated here were described in
the genus Taeniothrips on the basis that they had 8-segmented antennae and a rather long head. However,
these species all have paired ctenidia on the abdominal tergites, and on tergite VIII the ctenidia are postero-
mesad of the spiracle. In contrast, species of Taen i o th r ips do not have any abdominal ctenidia. The other
major genus in which species have abdominal ctenidia is Frankliniella, and this is sometimes confused with
Thrips. However, in Frankliniella species the ctenidia on tergite VIII are anterolateral to the spiracles
(Mound, 2002), and these two genera are probably only distantly related.
All species described from Africa in the genus Taeniothrips are now recognised as members of Thrips
genus, with the exception of T. ghesquiere i Priesner (1937). Based on a single female from the Congo, the
holotype of this species in the museum at Tervuren has now been re-examined, and the species is here placed
in a new combination as Craspedothrips ghesquierei (Priesner) comb.n. The antennal segments are much
longer than in Taen i o thr i p s species, and segments V and VI both bear the stout dagger-shaped sensorium on
the external margin that is typical of the African and Asian species placed in Craspedothrips by Bhatti (1995).
However, in contrast to the generic definition given by Bhatti (1995), C. ghesquierei has only two sensoria on
segment V, the inner one being very slender. The tergites and sternites lack craspeda, and ocellar setae pair I is
not present on the head, but these character states are considered by Bhatti to be variable among
Craspedothrips species. On tergite VIII, C. ghesquierei bears an irregular group of microtrichia mesad of the
spiracles, and the posteromarginal comb is long and regular. The metanotal sculpture is mainly transverse, the
median setae are at the anterior margin of this sclerite, and a pair of campaniform sensilla is present near the
posterior margin. Illustrations of the holotype were published by Faure (1959). Another related genus from
Africa is Ceratothripoides, but the species in that genus have ocellar setae pair I present (Mound & Nickle,
The present work is not a formal taxonomic revision; such a study will need to be based on extensive field
work in Africa, to establish structural variation and host-plant associations. This paper has the limited
intention of facilitating identification of the recorded species, and establishing several new synonyms. As with
any such product, the strength of the identification key is limited by the number of specimens available for
study. Carried out largely at the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, it is based on examination of
material, including type specimens, from the major collections at Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Paris,
Stockholm, Tervuren, and Washington.
Faunal considerations
A total of 34 species in the genus Thrips are considered here from the Afro-tropical zoogeographical Region.
This is a part of the world from which the Thysanoptera are particularly poorly collected. Almost all of the
African endemic species considered here were described before 1940, and there have been almost no studies
on the fauna since the colonial period. Indeed, basic faunal lists have been published for only three areas: West
Africa (Pitkin & Mound, 1973), South Africa (zur Strassen, 2006), and the island of La Réunion (Bournier,
Of the 34 species, nine are clearly introduced to Africa. Most of these are Oriental in origin, but with two
from Europe and one from Australia. Of the African endemic species, curiously few lack discal setae on the
abdominal sternites, whereas species lacking these setae comprise approximately 50% of Thrips species
known from Europe (zur Strassen, 2003) or the Oriental Region (Palmer, 1992). The most common African
species in this group is T. pusillus, a close relative of T. palmi, the widespread tropical pest thrips. Several of
the African species with eight antennal segments have relatively elongate heads, and are thus similar to
species of Taen i ot h ri p s, but despite this most have unusually short inter-ocellar setae. Although this appears to
be an endemic radiation, the same patterns of structural variation exist between the individual species of this
group that are found among species in the genus Thrips elsewhere in the world. Thus species that are
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otherwise closely similar in structure have either few or many setae on the forewing first vein (and the number
also varies within some species). Several of the African species with seven antennal segments have
particularly large numbers of sternal discal setae; some of these species have pleurotergal discal setae, but
others have none. There is thus the similar extensive homoplasy in character state expression that is evident
among Thrips species from other parts of the world (Palmer, 1992; Mound & Masumoto 2005).
This paper could not have been produced without the active help and encouragement of Richard zur Strassen,
Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt. I am also grateful to many other colleagues for help, criticisms, comments,
or the loan of specimens, including David Nickle (Washington), Jon Martin and Paul Brown (London), Dom
Collins (York), Andrea Vesmanis (Frankfurt), André Nel (Paris), Kjel Arne Johanson (Stockholm), Bruno
Michel (Montpellier), Masami Masumoto and Kazushige Minoura (Japan), Elleunorah Allsopp (Cape Town),
Subramanian Sevgan and Geoffrey Howard (Kenya), Sverre Kobro (Norway), Jürgen Deckert (Museum für
Naturkunde, Berlin), Eliane De Coninck (Tervuren, Belgium).
The illustrations were produced with a Leica DM2500 D.I.C.microscope, the images being processed
with Automontage software.
Key to species
* placed here from description only
1. Sternites and pleurotergites (Fig. 3) without discal setae; antennae 7-segmented ...................................................... 2
-. Sternites with discal setae (Fig 19); pleurotergites with or without discal setae (Figs 27, 32); antennae 7- or 8-seg-
mented (Fig. 14) .........................................................................................................................................................10
2. Forewing first vein with 7–10 setae on distal half; metanotum with bold equiangular reticulation, usually with some
markings inside reticles (Fig. 35); tergite VIII with comb absent medially (Fig. 36) ..........................orientalis [part]
-. Forewing first vein usually with 3 setae on distal half, sometimes 4–6; metanotum without equiangular reticulation;
tergite VIII comb present medially (Fig. 48) ............................................................................................................... 3
3. Head, thorax and legs yellow, abdomen dark brown, forewing uniformly dark including basal area aurantithoracis*
-. Never both sharply bicoloured and with uniformly dark forewings.............................................................................4
4. Micropterous, hemimacropterous or macropterous; tergites V–VII with setae S1 and S2 at least 0.5 as long as
median length of tergite, at least two lines of sculpture extending between median pair of setae (Fig. 34); metanotum
with irregular large reticles (Fig. 33) ......................................................................................................... nigropilosus
-. Always macropterous; tergites V–VII with setae S1 and S2 no more than 0.3 as long as median length of tergite, no
sculpture lines present between median setae; metanotal sculpture essentially linear (Figs 37, 45) ...........................5
5. Metanotum with several reticles medially (Fig. 45).....................................................................................................6
-. Metanotum with median sculpture lines mainly parallel (Figs 37, 43) ........................................................................ 7
6. Abdominal pleurotergites with closely spaced rows of regular, fine microtrichia (Fig. 54); lateral margins of tergites
with microtrichia on sculpture lines; tergite IX with one pair of campaniform sensilla, anterior pair absent; antennal
segment V not sharply paler than IV .................................................................................................................... tabaci
-. Abdominal pleurotergites without such rows of fine microtrichia; lateral margins of tergites without microtrichia on
sculpture lines; tergite IX with two pairs of campaniform sensilla, anterior pair present; antennal segment V sharply
paler than segments IV and VI............................................................................................................................quilicii
7. Body yellow, at most with tergites brown medially ..................................................................................................... 8
-. Body brown to light brown, abdomen darkest .............................................................................................................9
8. Abdomen yellow, forewings pale; metanotal campaniform sensilla present (Fig. 37) ......................................... palmi
-. Abdomen with brown areas medially, tergites IX-X usually dark; forewings weakly shaded; metanotal campaniform
sensilla absent (Fig. 43) .....................................................................................................................................pusillus
9. Pronotal discal setae robust, about 0.2 as long as median length of pronotum (Fig. 41); antennal segment III three
times as long as wide ......................................................................................................................................priesneri
-. Pronotal discal setae weak, scarcely 0.1 as long as median length of pronotum (Fig. 49); antennal segment III twice
as long as wide .............................................................................................................................................. solari sp.n.
10. Pleurotergites with discal setae (Fig. 32)....................................................................................................................11
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-. Pleurotergites with no discal setae (Fig. 27)...............................................................................................................18
11. Antennae 8-segmented .................................................................................................................................. abyssiniae
-. Antennae 7-segmented ...............................................................................................................................................12
12. Sternites with less than 15 discal setae, in one transverse row...................................................................................13
-. Sternites with more than 15 discal setae, arranged in more than one irregular transverse row (Figs 53, 55) ............ 14
13. Body and legs clear yellow ..............................................................................................................................candidus
-. Body and legs light brown ....................................................................................................................... bourbonensis
14. Forewing first vein with almost complete row of setae, no more than one seta absent in this setal row ........ australis
-. Forewing first vein with long interval before distal group of setae ........................................................................... 15
15. Body, also mid and hind tibiae dark brown; forewing clavus with 7–9 marginal setae .......................................hoodi
-. Body and legs largely or completely yellow; forewing clavus with 5 marginal setae .............................................. 16
16. Abdominal tergite VIII posteromarginal comb with wide gap medially (Fig. 56); ocellar setae III arising close
together behind first ocellus within the triangle; sternites V–VI with about 12 marginal setae (Fig. 55)..... subnudula
-. Abdominal tergite VIII posteromarginal comb complete medially; ocellar setae III arising outside ocellar triangle;
sternites V–VI with 6 marginal setae (Figs 32, 53) ...................................................................................................17
17. Tergites yellow with brown median area, tergite IX yellow, X brown distally; antennal segments IV–V brown .........
........................................................................................................................................................................... tenellus
-. Tergites yellow with no brown area; antennal segments IV–V yellow basally.........................................microchaetus
18. Antennae 7-segmented ...............................................................................................................................................19
-. Antennae 8-segmented (Fig. 14).................................................................................................................................27
19. Abdominal sternite VII with no discal setae (Fig. 39)................................................................................................20
-. Discal setae present on sternite VII ........................................................................................................................... 21
20. Sternites III–VI with no more than 6 discal setae; metanotal reticulations with many internal markings (Fig. 35);
forewing brown, scarcely paler at base ................................................................................................orientalis [part]
-. Sternites III–VI with 5–15 discal setae; metanotal reticulations rarely with internal markings (Fig. 38); forewing
brown with base paler ................................................................................................................................. parvispinus
21. Pronotum with longest posteroangular setae no more than 15 microns ................................................... brevisetosus
-. Pronotum with two pairs of long posteroangular setae (Fig. 13)................................................................................22
22. Metanotal median setae arise behind anterior margin; metanotum usually reticulate, at least between median setae
(Fig. 2)......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
-. Metanotal median setae arise at anterior margin (Fig. 20); metanotum with transverse striae on anterior but longitu-
dinal striae on posterior half........................................................................................................................................26
23. Ocellar setae III lateral to ocellar triangle; abdominal tergite II with 4 lateral marginal setae; metanotal campaniform
sensilla usually present ...............................................................................................................................................24
-. Ocellar setae III posterior to fore ocellus; abdominal tergite II with 3 lateral marginal setae; metanotal campaniform
sensilla not present .....................................................................................................................................................25
24. Male tergite IX with transverse row of four setae medially .............................................................................. acaciae
-. Male tergite IX without transverse row of four setae medially but with pair of short stout setae sub-medially on pos-
terior margin .......................................................................................................................................... quadridentatus
25. Tergite VIII posteromarginal comb of short, widely spaced microtrichia; metanotum with equiangular reticulation
on posterior half; forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half; body dark brown, legs paler ...................... speratus
-. Tergite VIII posteromarginal comb of long fine microtrichia (Fig. 26); metanotum with narrow elongate reticulation
medially on posterior half (Fig. 25); forewing first vein with 6–9 setae on distal half; body yellow, abdominal terg-
ites shaded with dark antecostal ridges ............................................................................................... kurahashii sp.n.
26. Forewing clavus with terminal seta longer than subterminal seta (Fig. 12); mesonotum with lines of sculpture close
to anterior pair of campaniform sensilla; head with postocular setae I and II subequal .................. hawaiiensis [part]
-. Forewing clavus with terminal seta shorter than subterminal seta (Fig. 11); mesonotum with no lines of sculpture
close to anterior pair of campaniform sensilla; head with postocular setae II much smaller than setae I .....................
.................................................................................................................................................................. florum [part]
27. Forewing first vein with 7 or more setae on distal half .............................................................................................28
-. Forewing first vein with less than 5 setae on distal half ............................................................................................32
28. Metanotum closely striate with markings between the striae (Figs 21, 29) .................................................. meruensis
-. Metanotum with reticulate sculpture (Figs 10, 52)..................................................................................................... 29
29. Metanotal median setae arise at anterior margin, reticles without internal markings ...................................... fumosus
-. Metanotal median setae arise behind anterior margin, reticles with many internal markings (Figs 10, 52) .............. 30
30. Metanotal campaniform sensilla absent (Fig. 52); forewing first vein with 6–10 setae on distal half.............. simplex
-. Metanotal campaniform sensilla present (Fig. 10); forewing first vein with almost complete row of setae ............ 31
31. Forewing with basal area pale ............................................................................................................................. scotti
-. Forewing almost uniformly shaded at base ................................................................................................ fumosoides
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32. Metanotal median setae at or close to anterior margin (Figs 20, 40)..........................................................................33
-. Metanotal median setae well behind anterior margin (Fig. 2)....................................................................................36
33. Metanotum reticulate (Fig. 40)................................................................................................................................... 34
-. Metanotum not reticulate, with transverse striations on anterior half (Fig. 20) .........................................................35
34. Metanotal reticles with internal markings; forewing almost uniformly shaded; mid and hind tibiae dark, paler at base
and apex [male colour not known] ............................................................................................................ tenebricosus
-. Metanotal reticles with no internal markings (Fig. 40); forewing sharply pale at base; mid and hind tibiae and tarsi
clear yellow [male largely yellow, abdomen brown at apex]........................................................................... pretiosus
35. Forewing clavus with terminal seta longer than subterminal seta (Fig. 12); mesonotum with lines of sculpture close to
anterior pair of campaniform sensilla; head with postocular setae I and II subequal ..................... hawaiiensis [part]
-. Forewing clavus with terminal seta shorter than subterminal seta (Fig. 11); mesonotum with no lines of sculpture
close to anterior pair of campaniform sensilla; head with postocular setae II much smaller than setae I .....................
.................................................................................................................................................................. florum [part]
36. Antennal segment IV with distinct apical neck, more than 3.0 times as long as median width; ocellar setae III well
outside triangle, length twice that of a hind ocellus; metanotum with transverse sculpture in front of median setae
(Fig. 46); comb on VIII short and weak (Fig. 47) .......................................................................................... rufescens
-. Antennal segment IV only 2.1 times as long as wide, apex not constricted to neck(Fig. 14); ocellar setae III on or
close to anterior margins of triangle, no longer than longitudinal diameter of an ocellus (Fig. 13); metanotum with
reticulate sculpture in front of median setae (Figs 15–18); comb on tergite VIII of well-spaced, usually strong but
sometimes irregular, microtrichia ..................................................................................................................... gowdeyi
Thrips abyssiniae (Moulton)
Taeniothrips abyssiniae Moulton 1928: 229
Known only from two females collected in Ethiopia, this is the only species with 8-segmented antennae
considered here that has pleurotergal discal setae as well as sternal discal setae.
Diagnosis. Body dark brown, forewing dark with paler sub-basal area. Antennae 8-segmented. Ocellar III
short, outside the ocellar triangle. Pronotum with some transverse lines, about 20 strong discal setae;
posteroangular setae long, about 60% as long as pronotum. Metanotal sculpture transverse at anterior but
almost striate near posterior, median setae near anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first
vein with 4–5 distal setae. Abdominal tergite I fully reticulate, II–IV with no lines reaching campaniform
sensilla or setae S1; tergite VIII comb long, complete but irregular; pleurotergites with several discal setae;
sternites V–VII with about 15 discal setae in irregular transverse row, almost two rows laterally.
Thrips acaciae Try b o m
Thrips acaciae Trybom, 1910: 161
Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom, 1912: 6 syn.n.
Thrips spadix Hood, 1932: 131 syn.n.
Thrips hirtiventris Hood, 1932: 126
This is here interpreted as a widespread and variable species. Faure (1964) recognised that T. hirtiventris from
Tanzania was a synonym. Trybom (1912) did not compare T. kikuyuensis from Kenya with T. acac i a e that he
had described previously (1910) from Namibia (Kalahari). However, a cotype of kikuyuensis has been
examined and these two cannot be distinguished satisfactorily. One paratype female of T. spadix has been
studied, and this is also considered to be a synonym, despite Hood indicating that the third antennal segment
was rather longer. As discussed below, quadridentatus is possibly a further synonym of acaciae. Material
recognisable as T. ac a ciae has been studied from Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zululand, Namibia and Cameroon.
Diagnosis. Body and legs brown, tarsi and fore tibiae yellow; antennal segments I–II brown, III mainly
yellow, IV–V yellow at base; forewing shaded with small white oval near base. Antennae 7-segmented.
Ocellar setae III arising outside triangle (Fig. 1), shorter than distance between hind ocelli. Pronotum with
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many transverse sculpture lines not closely spaced, about 40 discal setae; posteroangular setae about 0.3 as
long as pronotum; with 4 or 5 pairs of posteromarginal setae. Mesonotal anteromedian campaniform sensilla
present. Metanotum medially with longitudinal row of large slightly elongate reticles (Fig. 2), median setae
near but not at anterior margin, campaniform sensilla present or absent. Forewing first vein with 2–4 setae on
distal half; clavus with 5–8 marginal setae and 1 discal seta (Fig. 2). Abdominal tergites with sculpture lines
extending to setae S1; VIII posterior margin with weak but complete comb; pleurotergites with no discal
setae, but with weakly dentate or slender microtrichia on widely spaced lines of reticulation (Fig. 3); sternites
III–VII with more than 24 short discal setae in two irregular rows.
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood
Thrips aurantithoracis Hood 1932: 135
Known only from the holotype female in the collections of the USNM, this species was collected in the
Cameroons, 10.xii.1915. According to the description, the head and pronotum are yellow, but the abdomen
and forewing brown, the sternites lack discal setae, tergite VIII has a well developed posteromarginal comb of
microtrichia, and antennal segment IV is about 2.4 times as long as wide. This specimen has not been re-
examined, and although distinguished in the key above on colour character states, there is no good evidence
that the species is distinct from Thrips priesneri. The image of the holotype metanotum (Fig. 6; provided by
David Nickle) indicates closer striation than that of priesneri (Fig. 42).
Thrips australis (Bagnall)
Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall, 1915: 592
This species breeds particularly in the white flowers of Eucalyptus species, but also in similar flowers of a few
other Myrtaceae. Although native to Australia, it has been introduced around the world almost wherever
Eucalyptus trees are grown. It can produce very large populations, and adults will then disperse and be found
in the flowers of many different plants. It is variable in colour and size, and as a result has been described
under four other names (Mound, 2010). In Africa it is known to be established in both Kenya and South
Africa, where there are large plantations of Eucalyptus, but it probably also occurs elsewhere on these trees. T.
australis is often placed in a monobasic genus Isoneurothrips, because the forewing clavus bears six (instead
of the normal five) marginal setae, and the pronotum has a strong sub-marginal ridge at the posterior. Such
generic placement is unjustified. The number of claval marginal setae varies from five to eight in T. acaciae
and from seven to nine in T. hoodi, and a pronotal posteromarginal ridge is developed in several of the larger
species of this genus.
Diagnosis. Colour variable from yellow to extensively brown; body and legs usually yellow, tergites with
brown area medially, X largely brown; antennal segments I and III yellow, remaining segments largely brown;
forewings pale with dark setae, hind margin often shaded. Antennae 7-segmented, VII short, VI bullet-shaped.
Ocellar setae III just within anterior margins of triangle, close to fore ocellus. Pronotum with 2 pairs of short
stout posteroangular setae. Metanotum reticulate, median setae arising well behind anterior margin,
campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first and second veins with almost complete row of closely set setae;
clavus with 6 marginal setae. Tergite VIII with comb incomplete medially, about 8 teeth laterally;
pleurotergites commonly with several discal setae; sternites with up to 30 discal setae.
Thrips bourbonensis Bournier
Thrips bourbonensis Bournier, 2000: 94
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In describing this species from La Réunion, the author made no formal attempt to distinguish it from the
species Thrips candidus that he had described previously from that territory. The only distinction was given in
a table of character states: in this the comb on tergite VIII of candidus was stated to be “complete but
irregular” in contrast to “complete and regular” in bourbonensis. Paratype females of these two have been
compared, and there is no significant difference between them in this comb (Figs 7–8), nor in any aspect of the
chaetotaxy or sculpture, including the metanotum (Figs 4–5). The difference in body colour is possibly due to
the specimens of candidus having been kept in ethanol for a long time before slide mounting.
Thrips brevisetosus Tryb om
Thrips brevisetosus Trybom 1912: 10
Anaphothrips cuthbertsoni Moulton, 1930: 201
Thrips spadix var. brevipes Hood, 1932: 134 syn.n.
Described from Kenya, and the two listed synonyms from Zambia and Cameroon, this is one of seven species
in the genus Thrips that lack two pairs of elongate pronotal posteroangular setae (Mound & Azidah, 2009). T.
brevisetosus is particularly similar in structure to T. hanifahi Mound & Azidah from Malaysia.
Diagnosis. Body brown, tibiae and tarsi yellow, antennae brown with III paler; forewings shaded.
Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III small, anterolateral to ocellar triangle. Pronotum midline with
transverse faint striae; setae all small but inner posteroangular setae a little larger than marginal setae.
Metanotum reticulate, median setae far from anterior margin, campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first
vein with 3 setae on distal half. Abdominal tergite VIII posterior margin concave medially, comb complete;
pleurotergites without discal setae; sternites III–VII with about 15 discal setae.
Thrips candidus Bournier & Bournier
Thrips candidus Bournier & Bournier, 1988: 76
This species from La Réunion was stated to be described from a holotype female and two males, but in the
Paris Museum the holotype is accompanied by one female paratype and three males all with identical data
(Nel, 2008). The female paratype and one of the males have been examined, and the species is discussed
above under T. bourbonensis of which it is likely to prove to be the senior synonym.
Diagnosis. Body and legs yellow, antennal segments IV–VII brown, forewings pale. Antennae 7-
segmented. Ocellar setae III small, just inside anterior margins of ocellar triangle. Metanotum with
longitudinal reticulation medially, median setae far from anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present.
Tergite VIII with comb of long slender microtrichia; sternites III–VII with 3 to 8 discal setae.
Thrips florum Schmutz
Thrips florum Schmutz, 1913: 1003
Thrips exilicornis Hood, 1932: 129
This species is widespread around the tropics, and includes a further seven synonyms (Mound, 2010),
including T. exilicornis that was described from Nigeria. Character states for distinguishing T. florum from the
closely similar and even more widespread T. hawaiiensis are provided by Bhatti (1999). An analysis of the
patterns of variation within and between populations variously identified as T. florum,T. exilicornis and T.
hawaiiensis is given by Palmer & Wetton (1987).
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Thrips fumosoides (Priesner)
Taeniothrips fumosoides Priesner, 1938: 349
Described from Zaire, this is similar to T. fumosus in appearance and sculpture, although the two differ in the
sculpture of the metanotum and the position of the median setae on that sclerite. Redescribed and illustrated
by Faure (1959), T. fumosoides is possibly the same species as T. sco t t i described from Ethiopia. However, the
latter has the clavus and base of the forewing pale, and antennal segment III more extensively yellow.
Diagnosis. Large dark brown species, with dark forewings including clavus; mid and hind tibiae brown,
tarsi yellow; antennal segment III brown with extreme base yellow. Antennae 8-segmented. Head relatively
long, ocellar setae III small on anterior margins of triangle; postocular setae II and IV minute. Pronotum
medially with weak transverse lines; midlateral setae long, posteroangular setae about 0.7 of pronotal length.
Metanotum reticulate (Fig. 10), many reticles with internal markings; median setae well behind anterior
margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing with complete setal row on first vein. Abdominal tergite II
with four lateral marginal setae; tergites almost without sculpture mesad of setae S2; VIII with complete fine
comb; sternites with about 9 long discal setae, pleurotergites without discal setae.
Thrips fumosus (Trybom)
Physopus fumosus Trybom, 1908: 3
Described from many specimens of both sexes from Mt Meru, Tanzania, specimens have also been seen from
Rwanda. Faure (1962) re-examined the type series and noted that the chaetotaxy of the first vein of the
forewing is highly variable. The species is remarkably similar to T. f u m o s o i des in many details.
Diagnosis. Large dark brown species, with dark forewings including clavus; mid and hind tibiae brown,
tarsi yellow; antennal segment III brown with extreme base yellow. Antennae 8-segmented. Head relatively
long, ocellar setae III small on anterior margins of triangle; postocular setae II and IV minute. Pronotum
medially with widely spaced transverse lines; midlateral setae long, posteroangular setae about 0.7 of pronotal
length. Metanotum reticulate, almost equiangular but reticles with no internal markings; median setae long
near anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first vein with setae on distal half varying from
7 to 12 (usually 8 or 9). Abdominal tergite II with four lateral marginal setae; VIII with complete fine but
short comb; sternites with about 10 long discal setae, pleurotergites without discal setae.
Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall)
Ceratothrips gowdeyi Bagnall, 1919: 254
Physothrips neavei Karny, 1925b: 129
Taeniothrips modestus Hood,1925: 134 syn.n.
Taeniothrips debilis Hood, 1925: 136
Physothrips gowdeyi Bagnall, 1926: 105
Taeniothrips umtali Moulton, 1930: 203 syn.n.
Type material of all of these nominal species has been examined. Ceratothrips gowdeyi and Physothrips
gowdeyi both have the same collection data, “Flowers of Solanum, Kampala, Uganda, 11.xi.1917”, and the
type specimen of Physothrips neavei was also from Kampala, in flowers of Ipomea hildebrantei, 26.xii.1920.
The types of modestus came from Cameroon, of debilis from southern Nigeria, and of umtali from Zimbabwe.
Specimens have also been studied from Kenya and South Africa. This widespread species is generally similar
to T. aca c i a e , but has eight antennal segments, only three instead of four lateral marginal setae on tergite II,
and fewer pronotal discal setae. The metanotal sculpture varies in detail (Figs 15–18), particularly between
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large and small individuals.
Diagnosis. Body variably brown, abdomen sometimes paler, tibiae sometimes yellow; forewing weakly
shaded, scarcely paler at base; antennal segment III largely yellow, remaining segments brown. Antennae 8-
segmented. Ocellar setae III short, on or just outside ocellar triangle. Pronotum with irregular transverse lines;
posteroangular setae about 0.3 as long as pronotum. Mesonotal anterior campaniform sensilla present.
Metanotum with irregular longitudinal reticulation medially (Figs 15–18), no campaniform sensilla, median
setae close together not near anterior margin. Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half; clavus with 5
marginal setae. Tergite II with 3 lateral marginal setae; tergal sculpture lines scarcely reach campaniform
sensilla; VIII with complete weak comb; sternites III–VII with 10 to 25 discal setae in two irregular rows;
pleurotergites with microtrichia almost ciliate, no discal setae. Male yellow, sternites III–VII with transverse
row of discal setae posterior to rather small oval pore plate.
Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan)
Euthrips hawaiiensis Morgan, 1913: 3
Closely related to T. florum (see Bhatti, 1999), this widespread and common species has many synonyms in
various parts of the tropics. Although not seen commonly from Africa, specimens have been studied from
Nigeria, and it is also recorded from La Réunion (Bournier, 2000).
Diagnosis. Colour variable, body sometimes brown but usually bicoloured, head and thorax paler than
brown abdomen; legs yellowish; antennal segment III yellow; forewing brown with base paler. Antennae 7- or
8-segmented. Ocellar setae III stout, just outside ocellar triangle. Pronotum with 2 pairs of long
posteroangular setae. Mesonotum with lines of sculpture around anterior campaniform sensilla. Metanotal
sculpture longitudinal medially, transverse at anterior; median setae at anterior margin (Fig. 20); campaniform
sensilla almost always present. Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half; clavus with subapical seta
shorter than apical seta. Tergite VIII with comb complete medially, microtrichia small and irregular;
pleurotergites without discal setae; sternal discal setae in transverse row varying from 10 to 25.
Thrips hoodi Priesner
Thrips hoodi Priesner 1938: 352
Described from an unspecified number of females from Zaire, a few specimens have also been studied from
Angola. This species is unusual in having so many setae on the margin of the forewing clavus and posterior
margin of the pronotum.
Diagnosis. Body and legs brown, tarsi and fore tibiae yellowish, antennal segment III yellow; forewing
shaded but slightly paler near base. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III small, just within ocellar triangle.
Pronotum without sculpture, posterior margin with 5–6 pairs of setae between the posteroangular setae.
Metanotum with narrow elongate reticulation with internal markings, median setae not at anterior margin;
campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first vein with 2 or 3 distal setae; clavus with 7–9 marginal setae.
Abdominal tergite VIII with long slender comb. Sternites with up to 20 discal setae in two irregular rows;
pleurotergites with up to 6 discal setae.
Thrips kurahashii sp.n.
Female macroptera. Colour of macerated, slide-mounted females yellow, with abdomen faintly shaded
medially and antecostal ridges darker; antennal segments III–V darker in apical third, VI–VII light brown;
forewings pale to weakly shaded. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III small, shorter than distance
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between hind ocelli, just behind first ocellus and within or on margins of ocellar triangle (Fig. 24). Pronotum
transversely striate, with about 30 discal setae; anterior margin with about 5 pairs of setae, posterior margin
with 3 (or 4) pairs between the posteroangular setae. Mesonotum without anterior campaniform sensilla (Fig.
25). Metanotum closely striate laterally, with widely spaced transverse lines in front of median setae,
sculpture varying posteromedially from closely striate to narrow elongate reticulation; campaniform sensilla
absent (Fig. 25). Forewing first vein with 6–9 setae on distal half; clavus with 5 (or 6) marginal setae.
Abdominal tergites with a few sculpture lines extending to median setae and campaniform sensilla (Fig. 26);
tergite II with 3 lateral marginal setae; ctenidia present on V–VIII; comb on VIII long and slender; IX with no
anterior campaniform sensilla (Fig. 26); pleurotergites with no discal setae, with many rows of fine
microtrichia (Fig. 27). Sternites III–VII with 16–20 discal setae placed irregularly, on III–VI some of these are
close to posterior margin; sternite II with about 3 discal setae.
Measurements (holotype female in microns). Body length 1270. Head, length 90; width across eyes 145;
ocellar setae III 15. Pronotum, length 115; width 175; posteroangular setae 30, 35. Forewing length 750.
Antennal segments III–VII length 45, 40, 32, 48, 15.
Male. Similar to female but smaller; pleurotergal microtrichia more irregular on sculpture lines; tergite
VIII posteromarginal comb reduced to 5 long microtrichia medially, none laterally; tergite IX setal pairs S1
and S2 with bases arranged almost in straight line; sternites IV–V with slender, transverse pore plate.
Type material. Holotype female, SOUTH AFRICA, Cape Town, on Osteospermum barbersa
(Asteraceae), 14.viii.2002 (H. Kurahashi), in The Natural History Museum, London.
Paratypes: 1 female with same data as holotype, also 1 female with similar data except “on Compositae”,
both in Plant Protection Collection, Yokahama, Japan; 1 female with similar data except “on Compositae”,
and 1 male with similar data except “on Euryops abrotanifolius (Compositae)”, in the Natural History
Museum, London; also four series collected by Sverre Kobro from flowers, Cape Town, 4 females, 9.xi.2009;
Arniston, 6 females, 10.xi.2009; Agulhas, 5 females, 1 male, 11.xi.2009; Galitzdorp, 3 females, 17.xi.2009, in
N.H.M. London; Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt; and ANIC Canberra.
Comments. The pleurotergal microtrichia of females of this species are rather similar to those of Thrips
tabaci, a character state also shared with T. speratus, and to a lesser extent with some specimens of T. acaciae.
However, although closely related to T. speratus, this new species is readily distinguished by the larger
number of setae on the forewing first vein, and also by the other character states indicated in the key above.
The specimens on which this description was initially based were collected in South Africa by H. Kurahashi,
a quarantine officer from Japan, and kindly submitted for study by Kazushige Minoura of the Japanese Plant
Protection service. Subsequently, Sverre Kobro sent further slides of the same species, and these are included
here as paratypes. One of the four females he collected at Cape Town has on the metanotum a single
campaniform sensillum, whereas all of the other available specimens lack such a structure on the metanotum.
Thrips meruensis (Trybom)
Physopus meruensis Trybom, 1908: 6
Taeniothrips ugandai Moulton, 1936: 502 syn.n.
Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) holmi zur Strassen, 1972: 86 syn.n.
Redescribed and illustrated by Faure (1962), this species is characterised by the closely striate metanotum
with small markings between the striae (Figs 21, 29). Described from Tanzania, with the synonymic species
from Uganda and Kenya, specimens have been seen also from Zaire, and there are females in the BMNH from
“East Africa, 22.i.1912 Alluard et Jeannel 39”. It resembles fumosoides and fumosus in the long head with
short ocellar setae, the large number of setae on the forewing, and the lack of sculpture on the pronotum.
Diagnosis. Large dark brown Tae n i othr i p s-like species; antennal segment IV largely brown; forewing
dark with paler sub-basal area. Antennae 8-segmented; VII & VIII small. Head relatively long; ocellar setae
III on or just inside anterior margins of ocellar triangle, no longer than distance between hind ocelli (Fig. 28);
postocular setae II and IV much shorter than I, III and V. Pronotum with almost no sculpture (Fig. 30),
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posteroangular setae about 0.75 as long as pronotum. Mesonotum with or without anteromedian campaniform
sensilla. Metanotum closely striate, with small markings in between some major lines (Figs 21, 29); median
setae not close to anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first vein with almost complete
row of setae (Fig. 22), clavus with 5 marginal setae, sub-terminal seta slightly longer than terminal, discal seta
longest. Tergites II–VII with median setae small and wide apart, anterior to campaniform sensilla; almost no
sculpture lines mesad of setae S2; VIII with long fine regular comb (Fig. 23); IX with 2 pairs campaniform
sensilla, X with long split, major setae long and dark. Sternites III–VII with 9 to 13 long discal setae in
irregular transverse row; no discal setae on pleurotergites. Male with no comb on VIII; tergite IX setae
slender; sternites III–VII with large oval to round pore plate.
Thrips microchaetus Karny
Thrips microchaetus Karny 1920: 27
Thrips banicus zur Strassen, 1968: 52
This species appears to be widespread across the northern part of the Afro-tropical region. It was described
from Sudan, and the synonym from Morocco, but has been seen from Kenya, Egypt, Israel and Yemen (zur
Strassen, 2003). In structure it is particularly similar to T. tenellus from South Africa, but females lack the
dark tergal markings of that species, and the metanotum appears to be more closely striate.
Diagnosis. Body and legs yellow, antennal segments IV–V with apex brown, VI–VII brown; forewings
uniformly pale. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III outside ocellar triangle. Pronotum with transverse
lines of sculpture and about 40 discal setae. Metanotum with transverse lines at anterior, almost longitudinally
striate on posterior half, median setae not at anterior margin (Fig. 31); campaniform sensilla present and close
together. Forewing first vein with three distal setae. Abdominal tergite VIII with complete comb. Sternites
with 30 or more discal setae arranged irregularly; pleurotergites with 6 or more discal setae (Fig. 32).
Thrips nigropilosus Uzel
Thrips nigropilosus Uzel 1895: 198
This European species is widespread around the world as a minor pest on various plants, including lettuce. In
Kenya it has been considered to be associated particularly with the Pyrethrum crop. Adults are variable in
structure, and can be either fully winged or micropterous. However, the abdominal tergites always have the
median setae long, and with two or more transverse lines of sculpture medially (Fig. 34).
Diagnosis. Macropterous or micropterous; body mainly yellow, setae black, abdominal tergites shaded
medially; antennal segments III–VII dark brown; forewings pale with dark setae. Antennae 7-segmented.
Ocellar setae III longer than side of triangle, lateral to fore ocellus. Pronotum with 3 pairs of discal setae larger
than remaining discal setae, two near anterior margin and one near lateral margins. Metanotum with irregular
reticulations (Fig. 33), median setae arising behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent. Tergite II
with 3 lateral marginal setae; II–III with median pair of discal setae at least half as long as median length of
tergite (Fig. 34); VIII with complete comb of long slender microtrichia; pleurotergites without discal setae;
sternites without discal setae.
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall)
Isoneurothrips orientalis Bagnall, 1915: 593
Thrips hispidipennis Hood, 1932: 122
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This common Asian species has been recorded from Africa only rarely, the synonym having been described
from Tanzania. It is found usually in the perfumed white flowers of Jasminum and Gardenia.
Diagnosis. Body and legs brown; tarsi and antennal III and base of IV yellow; forewings uniformly
brown. Antennae 7-segmented, III and IV elongate with apex constricted, VII small. Ocellar setae III small,
on anterior margins of triangle; postocular setae pair II minute. Pronotum with 2 pairs of long posteroangular
setae. Metanotum with equiangular reticles, usually with distinctive internal markings (Fig. 35); median setae
long, arising well behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent. Forewing first vein with 8 or more
setae on distal half, row sometimes complete; clavus with subapical seta longer than the apical seta. Tergites
with no sculpture near campaniform sensilla; VIII with comb absent medially, several small microtrichia
laterally (Fig. 36); pleurotergites without discal setae. Sternal discal setae variable, sometimes absent but
III–VI usually with 2–6 discal setae placed laterally.
Thrips palmi Karny
Thrips palmi Karny, 1925a: 10
This worldwide tropical pest, the melon thrips, has been described from parts of Asia under five other names
(Mound, 2010). There are few published records from Africa, but it has been reported from Côte d’Ivoire
(Bournier, 2002), and from La Réunion (Bournier, 2000). It is very similar to the African species T. pusillus,
but that usually has dark markings on the tergites, and ocellar setae III closer together behind the fore ocellus.
Diagnosis. Body and legs yellow, major setae shaded; antennal segments IV–V yellow but brown distally,
VI–VII brown; forewings pale. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III small, just outside ocellar triangle.
Pronotum with 2 pairs of long posteroangular setae, discal setae well-developed. Metanotal sculpture lines
converging to posterior margin, but transverse and curving at anterior (Fig. 37); median setae arising behind
anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first vein with 3 (or 2) setae on distal half. Tergite
VIII with complete comb, microtrichia long and slender; pleurotergites and sternites without discal setae,
sternal marginal setae almost as long as sternites.
Thrips parvispinus (Karny)
Isoneurothrips parvispinus Karny 1922: 106
This polyphagous oriental species has been studied from La Réunion (Bournier, 2000) and also from
Mauritius, and is likely to be present on the African continent.
Diagnosis. Brown, head and thorax paler than abdomen, legs mainly yellow; antennal segment III yellow,
also basal half of IV–V; forewings brown with base sharply pale. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III
small, on anterior margins of triangle; postocular setae pair II minute. Pronotum with 2 pairs of long
posteroangular setae. Metanotum variably reticulate, sometimes with faint internal markings (Fig. 38);
median setae long, arising behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent. Forewing first vein with
complete row of setae. Tergite VIII comb almost absent, a few microtrichia sometimes laterally; pleurotergites
without discal setae; sternites III–VI with 6 to 12 discal setae in irregular row, sternites II and VII without
discal setae (Fig. 39).
Thrips pretiosus (Priesner)
Taeniothrips pretiosus Priesner, 1938: 347
Described from Zaire, this species appears to be known only from the type series of both sexes, and these
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were illustrated by Faure (1959). It differs from T. fu m o s us in having few setae on the distal half of the
forewing first vein, but is otherwise similar in sculpture and chaetotaxy.
Diagnosis. Body and femora dark brown, tibiae and tarsi clear yellow, antennal segment III yellowish,
IV–V yellow at extreme base; forewing dark with basal area sharply pale; male yellow with abdomen
increasingly brown to posterior. Head about as long as wide; ocellar III short, on or near anterior margins of
ocellar triangle; postocular setae II and IV very small. Antennae 8-segmented, VII–VIII small, III and IV with
constricted apical neck. Pronotum with little sculpture medially; posteroangular setae about 0.7 as long as
pronotum; one pair of anteromarginal and one of midlateral setae unusually long. Metanotum reticulate
without markings inside reticles, median setae at or close to anterior margin, campaniform sensilla present
(Fig. 40). Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half; clavus with 5 marginal and one unusually long and
stout discal seta. Tergites with sculpture lines scarcely extending mesad of setae S2; VIII with complete comb
of short fine microtrichia (absent in male); tergite X long; sternites with about 10 long discal setae in one
transverse row.
Thrips priesneri Hood
Thrips priesneri Hood, 1932: 136
Two of the original 14 females have been studied, collected from flowers in the Cameroons, 16.ii.1916. The
original description suggests that the body is sharply bicoloured, as was also described for T. aurantithoracis.
However, the two paratypes are better described as light brown with the abdomen darkest, legs mainly
brownish yellow, forewing uniformly shaded with small paler area between the veins sub-basally. At present,
aurantithoracis and priesneri cannot be distinguished satisfactorily, and may prove to represent the same
species (cf. Figs 6, 42). A closely related new species, T. s o l ari, is described below from southern Nigeria, but
that has the pronotal discal setae much weaker than the condition found in T. priesn er i (Fig. 41). .
Diagnosis. Antennae 7-segmented, segments III–IV with weak apical neck, IV about 3.1 times as long as
wide. Ocellar setae III on anterior margins of triangle, about as long as distance between two ocelli. Pronotum
with about 30 transverse lines, posteroangular setae about 0.5 as long as pronotum (Fig. 41). Metanotum
almost striate, median setae behind anterior margin (Fig. 42). Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half.
Abdominal tergites with sculpture lines extending sometimes almost to campaniform sensilla; tergite VIII
with complete regular comb; sternites and pleurotergites without discal setae.
Thrips pusillus Bagnall
Thrips pusillus Bagnall, 1926: 112
Thrips meliaefloris Hood, 1932: 138
The lectotype and paralectotype of pusillus, from Ghana, Aburi, 9.xi.1915, are very pale and were clearly
damaged chemically when slide mounted. However, a specimen mounted onto a slide by Priesner, and bearing
a manuscript subspecies name, is equally pale. These three specimens have ocellar setae III close together,
scarcely further apart than the width of the fore ocellus, although other specimens have these setae more
clearly on the anterior margins of the triangle. This species is very similar in structural details to T. palm i, with
similar metanotal sculpture (Fig. 43), boldly setose pronotal disc, a long comb on tergite VIII, and no sternal
discal setae but unusually long sternal marginal setae. In contrast to T. p a lmi the tergites are usually darker
medially although the body is otherwise yellow. Teneral individuals that lack the brown tergal markings could
easily be misidentified as T. palm i if the ocellar setae III are not close behind the fore ocellus; however the
available specimens of T. pusillus all lack campaniform sensilla on the metanotum. A few specimens have
also been studied from Angola, Nova Sintra, with the body more generally brown. T. pusillus has been studied
from the following countries: Ghana, Sierre Leone, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Yemen. The new
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species, T. solari, that is described below from southern Nigeria is also closely related, as is T. p r ie sneri.
Diagnosis. Body and legs mainly yellow, major setae dark, tergites II–VIII with median third brown;
antennal segments I–II yellow, III brown distally, IV yellow only at base; forewings weakly shaded. Antennae
7-segmented. Ocellar setae III small, usually just within ocellar triangle. Pronotum with 2 pairs of long
posteroangular setae, discal setae well-developed. Metanotal sculpture lines converging to posterior margin,
transverse and curving at anterior; median setae arising behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent
(Fig. 43). Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half. Tergite VIII with complete comb of long and slender
microtrichia; pleurotergites and sternites without discal setae; sternal marginal setae about as long as a
Thrips quadridentatus Trybom
Thrips quadridentata Trybom, 1910: 164
This species is known only from the two original males, collected in the flowers of Acacia horrida in the
Kalahari, in January, 1905. These specimens are preserved in the collections of the Museum für Naturkunde,
Berlin, and mounted onto slides by J.S. Bhatti in 1970. Long preservation in alcohol has caused serious
deterioration in the two specimens. The most complete specimen, labelled “Lectotype“, has a single metanotal
campaniform sensillum, although a pair of sensilla is present on the incomplete specimen (Fig. 44).
Microtrichial rows are visible on the anterior pleurotergites of the Lectotype, but these are not visible on the
second specimen. Males in the genus Thrips typically have a row of four setae medially on tergite IX, but on
neither specimen of T. quadridentatus can these setae be seen. Unfortunately tergite IX is severely distorted in
both specimens, but one pair of short stout setae can be seen sub-medially on the posterior margin. The
identity of this species remains in doubt, but the type specimens are possibly aberrant individuals of Thrips
acaciae, with which species they were collected.
Thrips quilicii Bournier
Thrips quilicii Bournier, 2000: 100
Described from a long series of both sexes at various sites on La Réunion, two female paratypes have been
studied (Bassin Martin, under Citrus sinensis in Moericke trap, ix.1987 & x.1987). The species is similar in
structure to T. ta ba c i in many character states, including the comb on tergite VIII (Fig. 48). However, it lacks
microtrichia on the pleurotergites and laterally on the tergites, tergite IX bears an anterior pair of campaniform
sensilla, the metanotum is more clearly reticulate (Fig. 45), and the pronotum has more discal setae.
Diagnosis. Body mainly yellow, antennal segments II, IV and VI–VII brown, III and V yellow but V
brown in apical third; wings pale; major setae on pronotum and abdominal segments III–X dark brown.
Ocellar setae III no longer than length of an ocellus, arising on margin of ocellar triangle close to fore ocellus;
postocular setae I and III small, II and IV minute. Pronotum with about 30 weak discal setae. Metanotum with
elongate reticles medially, campaniform sensilla present (Fig. 45). Tergal sculpture lines extending to
campaniform sensilla, VIII with comb of long fine microtrichia (Fig. 48).
Thrips rufescens (Hood)
Taeniothrips rufescens Hood, 1925: 137
This species was described from six females with the data: Tanzania, Rufiji River, 11.viii.1917. The following
notes are based on one of these females, and the species can be distinguished from the more widespread T.
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gowdeyi by the key above.
Diagnosis. Body brown, thorax paler; antennal segment III dark yellow with apex brown; forewings
shaded with base paler. Antennae 8-segmented; head with ocellar setae III well outside triangle, almost lateral
to first ocellus, about twice as long as a hind ocellus; postocular setae I and III almost as long as ocellar III,
postocular setae II and IV minute. Pronotum with about 24 transverse lines. Metanotum with elongate reticles
medially, transverse at anterior, median setae not close to anterior margin. Forewing first vein with 3 distal
setae; clavus terminal seta longer than subterminal seta. Tergites with lateral sculpture lines not extending to
campaniform sensilla; VIII with complete but short comb; pleurotergites with no discal setae; sternites with
about 13 discal setae in irregular transverse row medially, 12 on sternite VII.
Thrips scotti (Moulton)
Isochaetothrips scotti Moulton, 1928: 228
Described from seven females collected in forest at 9000 feet on Mt Chillalo, Ethiopia, the following
diagnosis is based on the holotype. In structure, this species seems to be identical to T. fumosoides from Zaire,
but has the base of the forewing sharply pale.
Diagnosis. Body & legs dark brown, tarsi yellow; forewing brown with basal quarter pale; antennal
segment III largely yellow with brown apex. Antennae 8-segmented. Head as long as wide; ocellar setae III
short, on anterior margins of triangle; postocular setae 2 & 4 much shorter than 1, 3 and 5. Pronotum almost
without sculpture lines medially, posteroangular setae about 0.7 as long as pronotum. Metanotum with
equiangular reticulation, and markings within reticles; median setae not at anterior margin, campaniform
sensilla present. Forewing first vein with complete row of closely spaced setae; terminal seta on clavus
slightly shorter than sub-terminal seta. Abdominal tergite II with four lateral marginal setae; tergites almost
without sculpture mesad of setae S2; VIII with complete comb of slender microtrichia, but these shorter
medially. Sternites III–VII with transverse row of about 10 discal setae; pleurotergites without discal setae.
Thrips simplex (Morison)
Physothrips simplex Morison, 1930: 12
Taeniothrips quinani Moulton, 1936: 506
Four synonyms are listed under this species (Mound, 2010), and of these T. quinani was based on a series of
specimens from South Africa collected in the flowers of a vine. The Gladiolus Thrips is now found
worldwide, but presumably originated in southern Africa in association with the extensive Iridaceae flora of
that area.
Diagnosis. Body and legs dark brown, tarsi and antennal segment III paler; forewings brown, base paler.
Antennae 8-segmented. Ocellar setae III small, just inside ocellar triangle; postocular setae pair II minute.
Pronotum with 2 pairs of posteroangular setae, external pair slightly shorter than inner pair. Metanotum
reticulate, reticles elongate on posterior half, with faint sculptured internal markings (Fig. 52); median setae
short, behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent. Forewing first vein usually with 7 setae on distal
half. Tergite VIII comb complete but slightly irregular; pleurotergites without discal setae, with rows of
coarsely ciliate microtrichia; sternite II with 1 or 2 discal setae, III–VII with about 12 discal setae in single
Thrips solari sp.n.
Female macroptera. Colour mainly medium brown, all tibiae and tarsi mainly yellow, antennal segment III
MOUND16 · Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press
paler than II or IV; forewings and clavus light brown with small clear area at fork of veins. Antennae 7-
segmented; segments III–IV without an apical neck, each with prominent forked sensorium extending to a
point at least one third beyond base of succeeding segment. Ocellar setae III small, shorter than length of hind
ocellus, arising on or just outside margins of ocellar triangle (Fig. 49); postocular setae pair II much smaller
than pairs I or III; vertex with transverse lines or transverse reticulation. Pronotum with more than 22
transverse striae (Fig. 49), and more than 30 discal setae; anterior margin with about 5 pairs of setae, posterior
margin with 3 pairs; posteroangular setae less than 0.4 as long as pronotum. Mesonotum with anterior
campaniform sensilla (Fig. 50). Metanotum transversely striate at anterior, longitudinally striate on posterior
half, median setae well behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent (Fig. 50). Forewing first vein
with 7 setae at base, 3 setae on distal half; clavus with 5 marginal and 1 discal setae. Abdominal tergites with
sculpture lines scarcely extending to median setae and campaniform sensilla (Fig. 51); tergite II with 3 lateral
marginal setae; ctenidia present on V–VIII; comb on VIII long and slender; IX with anterior campaniform
sensilla; pleurotergites and sternites with no discal setae.
Measurements (holotype female in microns). Body length 1320. Head, length 115; width across eyes 125;
ocellar setae III 10. Pronotum, length 120; width 175; posteroangular setae 45. Forewing length 600. Antennal
segments III–VII length 40, 35, 30, 40, 15.
Type material. Holotype female, NIGERIA, Ibadan, on flowers of Dioscorea dumetorium
(Dioscoreaceae), 18.vii. 1972 (W.K.Whitney), in The Natural History Museum, London.
Paratypes: Three females collected with holotype.
Comments. This species is similar to Thrips priesneri in many structural details. It differs in the shorter
antennal segments with longer sensoria on III and IV, in the weak setae on the pronotum (Fig. 49), and the
shorter pronotal posteroangular setae. The specific epithet commemorates the contributions of my late wife,
Jean Solari, to work on insects in Nigeria during 1959–1961.
Thrips speratus zur Strassen
Thrips speratus zur Strassen, 1978: 241
Based on two females from Namibia, this species was subsequently recorded from Natal (zur Strassen, 2006).
The original illustration indicates that the pronotal external posteroangular setae sometimes may be scarcely
0.5 as long as the inner pair.
Diagnosis. Body dark brown, tibiae yellow, forewing dark with basal quarter pale. Antennae 7-
segmented. Ocellar setae III posterior to fore ocellus, within ocellar triangle. Pronotum with transverse striae,
discal setae small, inner posteroangular setae longer than external pair. Metanotum reticulate medially,
median setae relatively short and far behind anterior margin. Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half.
Tergite VIII with complete comb of rather widely spaced but short, microtrichia; pleurotergites with no discal
setae but with many rows of microtrichia; sternites with numerous discal setae.
Thrips subnudula (Karny)
Ramaswamiahiella subnudula Karny, 1926: 208
This is a widespread Oriental species that has also been recorded from Nigeria (Mound & Masumoto, 2005)
and South Africa (zur Strassen, 2006). It is remarkable within the genus for the large number of marginal setae
on the sternites (Fig. 55).
Diagnosis. Body and legs yellow, antennal segments III–V brown distally; forewings pale. Antennae 7-
segmented. Ocellar setae III small, arising within ocellar triangle behind fore ocellus. Pronotum with
numerous small discal setae, 2 pairs of short posteroangular setae; posterior margin with 4–5 pairs of setae.
Metanotum with irregular longitudinal reticulation medially; median setae small, well behind anterior margin;
Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press · 17
campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal half. Tergite VIII with comb broadly
interrupted medially, with a few small microtrichia laterally (Fig. 56); pleurotergites with 4–8 discal setae,
also rows of ciliate microtrichia; sternite II with 8 marginal setae, III–VI with about 12 marginal setae (Fig.
55), VII with 3 pairs of marginal setae; sternite II with about 6 discal setae, III–VI with up to 18 discal setae in
a single row, VII with about 20 discal setae in a double row (Fig. 55).
Thrips tabaci Lindeman
Thrips tabaci Lindeman 1889: 61
Now found worldwide, particularly on onions, this eastern Mediterranean species occurs rarely in the wet
tropics. In Africa, specimens have been seen from South Africa, La Réunion and northern Nigeria. It is highly
variable in size and colour, partly depending on the temperature during development (Murai & Toda, 2002),
and thus has been described under many different names (Mound, 2010). It can usually be recognised by the
grey (instead of red) ocellar pigment, and the regular rows of fine microtrichia on the pleurotergites (Fig. 54)
are diagnostic.
Diagnosis. Body varying from yellow to dark brown; ocellar pigment never red, usually grey; antennal
segments III–IV brown with basal half pale; forewings pale. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III small,
arising on anterior margins or just within ocellar triangle. Pronotum with 2 pairs of rather short posteroangular
setae. Metanotum irregularly reticulate medially, lines converging to midpoint of posterior margin; median
setae short, arising behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent. Forewing first vein usually with 4
(2–6) setae on distal half. Tergite VIII with complete comb of long slender microtrichia; pleurotergites
without discal setae, sculptured with rows of fine microtrichia (Fig. 54); sternites without discal setae.
Thrips tenebricosus (Priesner)
Taeniothrips tenebricosus Priesner, 1938: 345
This species is known only from the few original females collected in 1937 at Kivu, Zaire, and these were
redescribed and illustrated by Faure (1959). It is similar to T. fumosoides in many details, but has only three
setae on the distal half of the forewing first vein.
Diagnosis. Body, legs and antennae dark, antennal segment III slightly paler at base; forewing dark with
small white mark near base. Antennae 8-segmented. Ocellar setae III small. Pronotal disc with little sculpture;
posteroangular setae about 0.7 as long as pronotum. Metanotum reticulate, reticles with internal markings;
median setae close to anterior margin; campaniform sensilla present. Forewing first vein with 3 setae on distal
half. Abdominal tergite II with 4 lateral marginal setae; Pleurotergites without discal setae; sternites with
about 10 long discal setae in single row.
Thrips tenellus Trybom
Thrips alni tenella Trybom, 1913: 6
Described from a single female collected in 1904 under a stone in Natal, this thrips appears to be common in
at least the eastern areas of South Africa. It is quite similar to microchaetus, but that species occurs in
countries further north and lacks the dark median mark on the tergites.
Diagnosis. Body and legs yellow, tergites II–VII with brown median area, IX yellow, X brown at apex;
antennal segments I-III yellow, IV-VII brown; forewings pale. Antennae 7-segmented. Ocellar setae III lateral
to fore ocellus. Pronotum with many transverse lines and many small discal setae. Metanotal median setae not
MOUND18 · Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press
at anterior margin, sculpture transverse on anterior, similar to palmi on posterior, no campaniform sensilla.
Tergal lines of sculpture extend medially to setae S1; posterior margin of VIII weakly concave, with complete
but irregular comb. Pleurotergites with 3–5 discal setae; sternites with numerous discal setae in more than one
irregular row (Fig. 53).
Bagnall, R.S. (1915) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera VI. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (8)15,
Bagnall, R.S. (1919) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera X. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (9)4, 253–277.
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Bhatti, J.S. (1978) Preliminary revision of Taeniothrips.Oriental Insects, 12, 157–199.
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Bhatti, J.S. (1995) Further studies on Taeniothrips sensu lato (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure
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Bournier, J.-P. (2000) Les Thysanoptères de l’île de la Réunion: Terebrantia. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de
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Faure, J.C. (1962) Thysanoptera of Africa – 7. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 83, 4–43.
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Hood, J.D. (1925) New species of Tae n i o t h rips (Thysanoptera), from Africa. The Entomologist, 58, 132–139.
Hood, J.D. (1932) New species of the genus Thrips from Central Africa and Egypt. Bulletin de la Societe Royale
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Karny, H. (1925b) On some tropical Thysanoptera. Bulletin of entomological Research, 16, 125–142.
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MOUND20 · Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 1–12. Thrips species. (1) acaciae, head. (2) acaciae, metanotum and clavus. (3) acaciae, pleurotergites. (4)
bourbonensis, paratype metanotum. (5) candidus, paratype metanotum. (6) aurantithoracis, holotype metanotum. (7)
candidus, paratype tergite VIII. (8) bourbonensis, paratype tergite VIII. (9) florum, head. (10) fumosoides, metanotum.
(11) florum, forewing clavus. (12) hawaiiensis, forewing clavus.
Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press · 21
FIGURES 13–23. Thrips species. gowdeyi 13–19: (13) head & pronotum; (14) antenna; (15) mesonotum & metanotum;
(16) metanotum of umtali holotype; (17) metanotum of small female; (18) metanotum and clavus; (19) sternites V–VII.
(20) hawaiiensis, mesonotum & metanotum. Thrips meruensis (holmi holotype) 21–23: (21) metanotum; (22) forewing;
(23) tergite VIII.
MOUND22 · Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 24–30. Thrips species. kurahashii 24–27: (24) head & pronotum; (25) mesonotum & metanotum; (26) tergite
VIII; (27) sternites V–VI. Thrips meruensis male 28–30: (28) head; (29) mesonotum & metanotum; (30) pronotum.
Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press · 23
FIGURES 31–43. Thrips species. (31) microchaetus, mesonotum & metanotum. (32) microchaetus, sternites VI–VII.
(33) nigropilosus, metanotum. (34) nigropilosus, tergites II–IV. (35) orientalis, metanotum. (36) orientalis, tergite VIII.
(37) palmi, metanotum. (38) parvispinus, metanotum. (39) parvispinus, sternites VI–VII. (40) pretiosus, metanotum.
(41) priesneri, pronotum. (42) priesneri, metanotum. (43) pusillus, metanotum.
MOUND24 · Zootaxa 2423 © 2010 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 44–56. Thrips species. (44) quadridentatus, paralectotype metanotum.(45) quilici, paratype metanotum. (46)
rufescens, paratype metanotum. (47) rufescens, paratype tergite VIII. (48) quilici, paratype tergite VIII. (49) solari,
holotype head & pronotum. (50) solari, mesonotum & metanotum. (51) solari, tergites VII–VIII. (52) simplex,
metanotum. (53) tenellus, sternites VI–VII. (54) tabaci, pleurotergite. (55) subnudula, sternites VI–VII. (56) subnudula,
tergites VII–VIII.
... T. australis had been reported in different countries in Europe such as Spain, Portugal and Britain [7,16,35,41,46] . Reported also in Africa as in Egypt, Kenya, South Africa and Reunion [28,39] . In Asia such as Cyprus, Iran, Japan, Malaysia and China [44,22,23,24,32,47] . ...
... The gum tree thrips is associated generally with white flowers of Eucalyptus [29,31] . This species also mates on flowers of Myrtaceae and colonizes crops surrounding Eucalyptus plantations [28,29] such as tomato, pepper, bean, sunflower, carrot, and citrus crops [22,35] . ...
... Sternites with more than 30 discal setae. Males are similar to females but with glandular areas on sternites III to VII [16,22,28,29] . [2,11,16,17,35] . ...
Full-text available
This study aims to identify thrips species belonging to the genus Thrips occurring on weed species which harbor thrips when crops are absent. An inventory of thrips species was carried out during three consecutive years (2019, 2020 and 2021) in eleven locations in the governorate of Zaghouan (North-Eastern Tunisia). Seven thrips species belonging to the genus Thrips were identified: Thrips tabaci Lindemann (1888), T. angusticeps Uzel (1895), T. fuscipennis Haliday (1836), T. australis Bagnall (1915), T. meridionalis Priesner (1926), T. palmi Karny (1925) and T. imaginis Bagnall (1926). The most abundant and dominant thrips species was T. tabaci considered as eudominant species with 81.7%, followed by T. angusticeps and T. fuscipennis. The rest of identified species were classified as precedent. Regarding weeds, 31 species were identified (84% dicotyledonous and 16% monocotyledonous) belonging to 16 botanical families. The most represented families were Asteraceae (22%) followed by Poaceae (16%) and Fabaceae (13%). Among these 31 weeds, only 26 species were confirmed as hosts for thrips. Systematic and morphological description of thrips species are given in this paper.
... Ceratothrips gowdeyi Bagnall, 1919: 254. This is an afrotropical species, that was described from Uganda and is widespread in Africa (Mound 2010). In Saudi Arabia, it breeds on flowers of Marrubium vulgare. ...
... In Saudi Arabia, it breeds on flowers of Marrubium vulgare. The species is very similar to T. acaciae in general appearance, but can be recognised by tergite II with three lateral marginal setae and 8-segmented antennae, in contrast to four lateral setae on tergite II and 7-segmented antennae in T. acaciae (Mound 2010). ...
This faunistic study of the Thysanoptera suborder Terebrantia of Saudi Arabia has revealed 79 species in 39 genera and four families. Two families Melanthripidae Bagnall and Stenurothripidae Bagnall, also 25 genera and 51 species, are newly recorded for Saudi Arabia, and Mycterothrips arabicus sp. n. and Scirtothrips erectus sp. n., are described. Males of Thrips lomatus zur Strassan and Odontothrips elbaensis Priesner are described for the first time. Keys to the families, genera and species of Terebrantia of Saudi Arabia are presented, together with a species check list. Zoogeographical analysis indicates that general affinity of the thrips fauna of Saudi Arabia is dominated by Afrotropical (22.6%) and Saharo-Arabian (17.9%) species, followed by Cosmopolitan (16.7%), endemic (11.9%), Palearctic (10.7%), Oriental (9.5%), Mediterranean (7.1%), and traces of Nearctic (2.4%) and Holarctic (1.2%) species.
... & Masumoto (2005) to 41 species (33 species from Australia, 5 from New Zealand, and 3 from New Caledonia);Mound & Azidah (2009) to 23 species from Peninsular Malaysia;Mound (2010) to 34 species from Afrotropical ...
A revised key to 52 species of the genus Thrips recorded from India is provided, including two species from Nepal [Thrips meridionalis (Priesner) and Thrips tectus (zur Strassen)] and three new species: Thrips apricus sp. nov. from West Bengal, Thrips hemkundensis sp. nov. from Uttarakhand, and Thrips roseae sp. nov. from Himachal Pradesh. Thrips safrus Mound & Masumoto is first time reported from Punjab, India. We studied the type specimens of 19 species, and non-type specimens of 26 species, but 7 species are included in the key based on the original descriptions.
... menyanthidis, H. Leucanthemi-H. Niger, H. Tritici, and H. cerealis are given as examples (zur Strassen 2003;Mound andMinaei 2007, 2010). In particular, H. tritici was not satisfactorily distinguished from H. cerealis, a species commonly reported from cereal crops (Minaei and Mound 2014). ...
The present study was conducted utilizing collected thrips individuals from 39 localities in cereal production areas of Lakes of Region, Turkey during 2016–2017. Thrips individuals were sampled from plant foliage and ears using the destructive sample method (randomly in each field) and strike method (in each field, 100 beats). Specimens were transferred with a fine brush to 1.5 ml eppendorf tubes containing 95% ethanol and stored at -20 °C until analysis. Specimens were retrieved after the first step of DNA extraction and mounted onto slides using Canada balsam. Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase I gene location is used in the diagnosis of thrips. Polymerase Chain Reaction was performed using universal primers. 629–641 bp was obtained in the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene region of 59 individuals, including Haplothrips cerealis and Haplothrips tritici after morphological identification. Molecular characterization revealed that all the sequenced specimens were Haplothrips tritici.
... T. parvispinus was discovered in Hawaii in 2006 (Sugano et al., 2013;Mound et al., 2016). In Africa, it has been recorded on Reunion Island (Bournier, 2000), Mauritius (Mound, 2010), on the mainland in Tanzania (Dar-es-Salaam) and Uganda (Kampala) (Moritz et al., 2013) and in Ghana (Fening et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
This datasheet on Thrips parvispinus covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Vectors & Intermediate Hosts, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
... T. parvispinus' s geographic range has expanded dramatically over the last two decades, and it is now known to occur in Greece (Mound and Collins 2000), Mauritius (Mound, 2010), Tanzania and Uganda (Moritz et al., 2013), Spain (Lacasa et al., 2019) and the Netherlands (Anonymous, 2019), in addition to India. Tyagi et al., (2015) were the first to report the presence of this species in India on papaya (Carica papaya) from Bangalore and Karnataka (Rachana et al., 2018). ...
... Identification of adults was made using the keys provided by zur Strassen and Moritz [21,22]. The main microscopic characters retained for this identification are the number of antennal segments, the shape, and the number of sensory cones, the wing venation, and the number and size of setae on the pronotum [23]. Voucher specimens were deposited in the insect collection of LATPPAM Research Laboratory, University of Batna, and in the National Reference Laboratory for Nematodes and Arthropods, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid. ...
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In this study, the diversity of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) on two varieties of olive trees (Chemlal and Sigoise) in northeast Algeria (Province of Batna), was evaluated for 3 years (2019–2021). In addition, the fluctuations in the numbers of phytophagous thrips were estimated according to the varieties phenological stages. A total of 19 species are identified and the olive thrips (Liothrips oleae) have just been reported for the first time in Algeria. Only 5 females of this species were collected in May 2021 on the Sigoise variety at the fruit-setting stage. Haplothrips tritici(17.25%), Frankliniella occidentalis (16.29%) and Thrips tabaci (16.29%) are the most present. It is noticed that the thrips were present on the olive tree only in spring (April to May), when the average monthly temperatures are between 10–26 °C, but linear regression analyses were not confirmed that temperature explain the variation in thrips numbers, which may be due to other climatic factors such as the rainfall,while olive varieties and phenological stages are affecting the population of thrips,their number was higher on the Sigoise variety, especially at flowering stage in the case of H. tritici and F. occidentalis while T. tabaci was most noticeable at the fruit growth stage. The number of this species was relatively low, just until the inflorescence stage, where thrips start to appear in Sigoise before Chemlal.
... They were identified under a binocular loupe to the taxonomic level of the species. Several entomological systematics keys were used for insect identification [16][17][18][19][20]. ...
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Aims: The objective of this work is to gain a better understanding of insect pests of flowers, fresh and ripe pods of P. reticultum in Burkina Faso. Study Design: The P. reticultum trees were selected randomly. Also, the collection of flowers and pods from these trees was done in the same way. Place and Duration of Study: Flowers, fresh pods and mature pods of P. reticulatum were collected in a village in the province of Bam called Yilou. The observations were conducted in the laboratory. The study was carried out between December 2020 and September 2021. Methodology: 120 flowers, 200 fresh pods and 2000 ripe pods of P. reticulatum were collected. Fresh flowers and pods were collected randomly from 20 trees and ripe pods from 100 trees. In the laboratory, fresh flowers and pods were dissected and insects were collected. Ripe pods were stored in the laboratory in polyethylene bags at room temperature for up to six months. When the bags were opened, all the insects observed were captured and placed in vials containing 70º alcohol. Insect damage to the pods was assessed using a score from 1 to 5. The pods were then dissected and the insects were collected again. All insects were identified under a binocular "stereomicroscope using identification keys. Results: The results showed that Thysanoptera (Thripidae) were the most important insects in the flowers followed by Hymenoptera (Formicidae) and Coleoptera (Curculionidae). The main pests on fresh pods were Lepidoptera larvae (Lepidochrysops quassi Karsch). The extent of damage on mature pods in storage was high with an average score of 4.68. The pests of these pods in stock are Caryedon serratus (Olivier) followed by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Conclusion: The study revealed that thrips, L. quassi and C. serratus are the main pests of P. reticulatum flowers, fresh pods and socked pods respectively.
... They were identified under a binocular loupe to the taxonomic level of the species. Several entomological systematics keys were used for insect identification [16][17][18][19][20]. ...
Aims: The objective of this work is to gain a better understanding of insect pests of flowers, fresh and ripe pods of P. reticultum in Burkina Faso. Study Design: The P. reticultum trees were selected randomly. Also, the collection of flowers and pods from these trees was done in the same way. Place and Duration of Study: Flowers, fresh pods and mature pods of P. reticulatum were collected in a village in the province of Bam called Yilou. The observations were conducted in the laboratory. The study was carried out between December 2020 and September 2021. Methodology: 120 flowers, 200 fresh pods and 2000 ripe pods of P. reticulatum were collected. Fresh flowers and pods were collected randomly from 20 trees and ripe pods from 100 trees. In the laboratory, fresh flowers and pods were dissected and insects were collected. Ripe pods were stored in the laboratory in polyethylene bags at room temperature for up to six months. When the bags were opened, all the insects observed were captured and placed in vials containing 70º alcohol. Insect damage to the pods was assessed using a score from 1 to 5. The pods were then dissected and the insects were collected again. All insects were identified under a binocular "stereomicroscope using identification keys. Results: The results showed that Thysanoptera (Thripidae) were the most important insects in the flowers followed by Hymenoptera (Formicidae) and Coleoptera (Curculionidae). The main pests on fresh pods were Lepidoptera larvae (Lepidochrysops quassi Karsch). The extent of damage on mature pods in storage was high with an average score of 4.68. The pests of these pods in stock are Caryedon serratus (Olivier) followed by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Conclusion: The study revealed that thrips, L. quassi and C. serratus are the main pests of P. reticulatum flowers, fresh pods and socked pods respectively.
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Thrips parvispinus (Karny 1922) an invasive pest, which belongs to order Thysanoptera and family Thripidae. It is a polyphagous pest on mainly fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. Recently this pest is reported from many states of India including Gujarat. Yield loss due to the pest is ranged from 40 to 80% in chilli. It passes through five stages and complete its life cycle in 13-15 days. It feeds under side leaves, suck the sap from tender leaves, flowers and developing fruits. Old leaves gives silvered appearance. Scraping on petals resulted flower dropping and improper or malformed fruit setting. The nymph prefers to live on leaf, while adult prefers in flower. IPM based approaches viz., timely planting with plastic mulch, balanced use of nitrogenous fertilizer, installation of blue sticky traps (25-30/acre), spraying of neem oil 3%, Azadirachtin 0.003%, (3 ml/L), Pseu-domonas fluorescens 1% WP (4 g/L) and spraying of insecticides viz., fipronil 80 WG or cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD or acetamiprid 20 SP or spirotetramat 150 OD or spinetoram 11.7 SC or tolfenpyrad 15 EC effectively manage the thrips.
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A key is provided to five Old World species that comprise the genus Ceratothripoides Bagnall, and the species C. revelatus (Priesner) is recalled from synonymy with C. brunneus Bagnall. Five New World species previously placed in this genus are here allocated to Retanathrips Mound & Nickle gen.n., with Physothrips funestus Hood as type species.
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The thrips species described here has been taken repetitively in recent years by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service on fresh leaves imported from Kenya. The leaves involved are of Catha edulis (Celastraceae), a plant that is used as a mild stimulant, particularly in countries near the Horn of Africa between Kenya and the Yemen. The leaves are either chewed fresh or made into a beverage, and the plant is commonly known as “khat” or “qat”. Leaves of this plant imported into Australia have been found commonly to bear larvae and pupae, and more rarely adults, of an interesting species of Thripinae. Although clearly a member of the Scirtothrips genus-group (Masumoto & Okajima, 2007), the species represents a previously undescribed genus. The host range of this species is at present unknown, however Dr Subramanian Sevgan of ICIPE, Kenya, kindly e-mailed photomicrographs of this thrips (19 May 2009) and confirmed that the species had been collected from Catha edulis in that country. Although possibly host specific, this new species must continue to be considered a potential hazard by Australian quarantine, because so many species of Scirtothrips are highly polyphagous and pestiferous. Moreover, on the same imported leaves larvae and adults of a Scirtothrips species also have been taken several times, but this species remains unidentifiable due to the absence of any modern information on the African fauna of Scirtothrips. This article describes the new genus and species, with comparisons to related taxa. Nomenclatural details of all taxa mentioned here are given in the web-available world catalogue of Thysanoptera (Mound, 2009). The new names reflect the Kenyan origin of the specimens studied, and the contribution of Katarina Graljuk who first intercepted the species in Australia, and who with her colleagues at the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service help prevent invasive organisms from entering and harming Australian agriculture and ecosystems.
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An illustrated key is provided to 23 species of the genus Thrips from Peninsular Malaysia, including one new species and seven species not previously recorded from this country. Most of the specimens came from a recent survey of crop plants, and this survey produced several interesting species of other genera of Thripidae, The invasive pest species, Frankliniella occidentalis and Frankliniella intonsa, were abundant in highland areas, and an African species not previously known from Asia, Ceratothripoides brunneus, was found commonly particularly in lowland areas, A checklist is provided of 78 species of Thripidae recorded from Peninsular Malaysia.
A revised checklist to the Thysanoptera of southern Africa is given containing 280 species.