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Pivotal 20th Century Contributions to the Development of the Anthropocene Concept:Overview and Implications


Abstract and Figures

Humans have become such dominant drivers of planetary changes that scientists are now debating the establishment of a new epoch: the Anthropocene. The concept of the Anthropocene has gained rapid visibility, quickly becoming a trademark of 21st century scientific literature. Interestingly, some studies claim that this idea can be traced back to the 19th and 20th centuries, others suggest that this concept is strongly associated with emerging multidisciplinary views of humans as drivers of global environmental change. In this article, we analyse bibliographical data to trace the key 20th century contributions towards the development of this concept in scientific literature. Using data from Web of Science, we identify five historical citation peaks and show that their associated key publications stem both from natural and social sciences, clearly highlighting the multidisciplinary nature of Anthropocene science. With the ongoing debate for a formal definition of the Anthropocene epoch, we argue that a geological definition aligned with the interdisciplinary development of the concept may be the best way to ensure that it remains relevant to the wider scientific community.
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CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 115, NO. 10, 25 NOVEMBER 2018 1871
Ricardo A. Correia, Ana C. M. Malhado and Richard J. Ladle are in the
Institute of Biological and Health Sciences, Federal University o
Alagoas, Praça Afrânio Jorge, s/n, Prado, Maceió, AL, Brazil; Ricardo
A. Correia and Richard J. Ladle are also in the School of Geography an
the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QY, United King-
dom; Zeynep C. H. Correia is in the Department of Urban and Envi-
ronmental Sciences, Ankara University, Cemal Gürsel Cad., Cebeci,
Ankara, Turkey and Department of Political Science and Public Admini-
stration, Kırıkkale University, Yenişehir Mh. 71450, Kırıkkale, Turkey.
*For correspondence. (e-mail:
Pivotal 20th century contributions to the
development of the Anthropocene concept:
overview and implications
Ricardo A. Correia*, Zeynep C. H. Correia, Ana C. M. Malhado and Richard J. Ladle
Humans have become such dominant drivers of planetary changes that scientists are now debating
the establishment of a new epoch: the Anthropocene. The concept of the Anthropocene has gained
rapid visibility, quickly becoming a trademark of 21st century scientific literature. Interestingly,
some studies claim that this idea can be traced back to the 19th and 20th centuries, others suggest
that this concept is strongly associated with emerging multidisciplinary views of humans as drivers
of global environmental change. In this article, we analyse bibliographical data to trace the key
20th century contributions towards the development of this concept in scientific literature. Using
data from Web of Science, we identify five historical citation peaks and show that their associated
key publications stem both from natural and social sciences, clearly highlighting the multidiscipli-
nary nature of Anthropocene science. With the ongoing debate for a formal definition of the
Anthropocene epoch, we argue that a geological definition aligned with the interdisciplinary deve-
lopment of the concept may be the best way to ensure that it remains relevant to the wider scientific
Keywords: Bibliometrics, citations, multidisciplinary science, reference publication year spectroscopy, scientometrics.
HUMAN actions have deeply transformed the Earth’s sur-
face1–5 and pushed the crucial Earth System processes
beyond their safe operating space6,7. The realization that
human actions have produced a fundamental shift in our
relationship with the environment has led to the origin of
a new concept: the Anthropocene.
First proposed by Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer
in a publication aptly entitled ‘The Anthropocene’8, the
concept gained rapid acceptance by the scientific com-
munity2,9. Not only the number of scientific articles using
the term ‘Anthropocene’ has exponentially increased
since it was first proposed10,11, several newly established
academic journals have also been dedicated to its study.
Examples include Anthropocene12, Earth’s Future13,
Elementa14 and The Anthropocene Review15. These facts
suggest that the Anthropocene is quickly becoming a key
concept of 21st century science.
Despite its recent popularity, many studies suggest that
Anthropocene has several ‘precursors’ and deep roots in
19th and 20th century science2,16,17. Others, however, ques-
tion this interpretation and argue that the present concept
emerges from the more recent interdisciplinary understand-
ing of the Earth System18. This discussion about the origin
and meanings of the concept may be particularly relevant at
a time when the debate for a formal geological definition of
the Anthropocene epoch is ongoing19,20.
In this paper, we aim to add to this debate by exploring
20th century publications that contributed to the devel-
opment of the Anthropocene concept in scientific litera-
ture using reference publication year spectroscopy
(RPYS). This quantitative method can be used to identify
seminal contributions towards the development of
research topics21, and has already provided some fascinat-
ing insights on the emergence of specific concepts in
scientific literature22–25. By analysing the temporal fre-
quency distribution of references cited by a set of publi-
cations, RPYS allows the identification of years where
particularly important studies were published.
We carried out a search on Thomson Reuters’ Web of
Science (WoS) to obtain a representative sample of scien-
tific publications addressing the ‘Anthropocene’. A topic
search of Web of Science’s core collection was carried
out on 14 February 2017 using the term ‘Anthropocene’
as search string. Results were filtered to include only
research articles (i.e. excluding reviews, conference
proceedings, etc.) published until December 2016. The
complete record of identified references, including refer-
ences cited by each publication, was extracted and used
for analysis.
Data were analysed using RPYS method introduced by
Marx et al.21. This method is based on the temporal fre-
quency analysis of references cited in a set of publica-
tions and can be used to explore the historical roots of a
research field and identify seminal contributions that
shaped its development23–25.
The purpose of this analysis was to identify original
studies that contributed to the development of the field,
which only recently gained widespread visibility, so we
restricted our analysis to publications from the 20th
century (1901–2000). The software used to extract cited
references is described by Bornmann et al.22 and freely
available at
After extraction, we plotted the distribution of cited ref-
erences between 1901 and 2000, and selected relevant
peaks in cited reference years by identifying the top 5%
(95% quantile) most cited years. All figures and numeri-
cal analyses were carried out using R software26.
We identified a total of 867 scientific publications
indexed by WoS using the term ‘Anthropocene’. The first
indexed publication matching these criteria dates back to
2002 and, since then, there has been an exponential
increase in the number of publications using the term
(Figure 1). Analysis of cited references yielded over
10,000 unique citations published between 1901 and
2000, and there were five distinct peaks corresponding to
the years 1973, 1983, 1987, 1995 and 2000 (Figure 2).
We recorded a total of 126 citations to manuscripts
published in 1973. Of these, 19 citations referred to a
single article by Crawford S. Holling, a Canadian ecolo-
gist and Emeritus Eminent Scholar and Professor in Eco-
logical Sciences at the University of Florida. The
article in question, entitled ‘Resilience and stability of
ecological systems’, was published in the journal Annual
Review of Ecology and Systematic. This paper discusses
the differences between resilience and stability focused
viewpoints of ecological systems and argues that a man-
agement approach of ecosystems based on resilience can
better accommodate the uncertain nature of ecological
Publications from 1983 received 224 citations and,
interestingly, no single publication stood out in terms of
citations. The remarkably homogenous distribution of
citations among publications suggests that this year’s
citation peak does not stem from a single publication, but
rather a larger set of potentially relevant ones. Still, it is
worth highlighting that the most cited publication from
1983, with eight citations, is the book Anti-Oedipus:
Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze, a philo-
sopher and Felix Guattari, a psychoanalyst28. This is a
complex text, where the authors critically address modern
micropolitics of desire through the lenses of human psy-
chology, economics, society and history29. An interesting
fact is that all citations to the book in our database refer
to the English language translation, published in 1983 by
the University of Minnesota Press, and not the original
French version published in 1972.
The next peak was in 1987, with a total of 350
citations. The key publication this year was a report by
the United Nations World Commission on Environment
and Development entitled ‘Our Common Future’30. Also
known as the Brundtland Report, this publication was
cited 31 times. The report aimed to stimulate an inte-
grated discussion of environmental and development
issues, focusing on multilateralism and the interdepen-
dence of nations in search of a sustainable development
path. It is credited with, and often remembered for, intro-
ducing the most commonly used definition of ‘sustainable
A total of 784 citations were registered for manuscripts
published in 1995. Much like the second peak in 1983,
the number of citations per publication is remarkably
even, which suggests it might arise from a higher than
average number of potentially relevant references. The
largest share of this year’s citations, 18 in total, referred
to the book by William Cronon entitled Uncommon
Ground: Toward Reinventing Nature. The author is an
environmental historian at the University of Wisconsin–
Madison. In this text, Cronon traces the concept of
wilderness throughout American history, claims that the
notion of an untouched, pristine wilderness is unreal and
Figure 1. Temporal distribution of the number of scientific articles
returned by Web of Science core collection based on the search term
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 115, NO. 10, 25 NOVEMBER 2018 1873
Figure 2. Distribution of cited references between 1901 and 2000 is shown in dark gray columns. The
black dotted-line shows the absolute deviation of cited references for a given year from the 5-year
median. The dashed line delimits the top 5% most cited years accentuating years with a higher than
expected number of citations.
argues that humans should strive for a more critical self-
conscious use of nature32.
The final peak was observed in 2000, with a total of
1077 citations, making it the highest number of citations
observed in a single year. Inevitably, this peak was driven
by a single publication receiving 179 citations and
entitled ‘The Anthropocene’8. Co-authored by Paul
Crutzen, a Nobel prize winner for his work in atmo-
spheric chemistry, and Eugene Stoermer, leading biolo-
gist at the University of Michigan, this publication is
often credited with introducing and popularizing the term
‘Anthropocene’2,15. Our results reinforce this idea: this
publication has been cited more than four times the num-
ber of the second most cited reference (Table 1) and
might become a ‘champion work’33–35 in due time.
Finally, it is interesting to note that apart from Deleuze
and Guatarri’s book, the remaining key publications are
among the 10 most cited references in our database
(Table 1), which includes over 10,000 individually refer-
enced publications. Other highly cited publications
include Latour’s36 book We Have Never Been Modern,
Human Domination of Earth’s Ecosystems by Vitousek et
al.37, a second book by Deleuze and Guattari38 entitled A
Thousand Plateaus, The Limits to Growth by Meadows et
al.39, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of
Nature by Haraway40 and a Hooke’s41 article ‘On the his-
tory of humans as geomorphic agents’.
The present analysis provides a clear picture of the multi-
disciplinary nature of Anthropocene study. Our sample of
scientific literature certainly does not cover every single
publication addressing the Anthropocene. However, we
believe it provides a robust sample of the existing litera-
ture and highlights how the concept has been adopted
by – and draws inspiration from – both natural and social
Identified key publications stem from a wide range of
scientific disciplines such as geology, ecology, philosophy,
history of sociology, sustainability and environmental
science. Furthermore, important contributions from
anthropology, economy, psychology and gender studies
can also be found among the top cited references (Table
1). These findings support the idea that the representation
of the Anthropocene in current scientific literature has
been shaped by an increasingly interdisciplinary under-
standing of Earth Systems10,18. Inter- and multidiscipli-
nary efforts are a hallmark of 21st century science42 and
the recent establishment of the Anthropocene concept in
the scientific literature also bears this mark.
Why is this important? Going forward, any future re-
presentation of the concept within the scientific literature
will inevitably be tied to its formal definition as a geolo-
gical epoch43, if such a decision is reached. As shown
here, the role of social sciences in the evolution of the
Anthropocene concept and study is indisputable9,44,45, but
ongoing discussions to conceptualize the geological
description of the Anthropocene epoch have been aptly
criticized for not including social scientists19.
Reification of the Anthropocene will have enormous
symbolic significance, with the potential of providing a
convenient and powerful concept that will endure and
unite diverse fields interested in the study of environmen-
tal and planetary change46. Any formal definition of the
Anthropocene epoch must fall under the scope of geolo-
gical sciences and their authorities47, but failing to align it
Table 1. Summary table of 10 most cited references in Anthropocene literature
Authors Year Title Citations
P. Crutzen and E. Stoermer 2000 The Anthropocene 179
B. Latour 1993 We have never been modern 42
P. M. Vitousek et al. 1997 Human domination of Earth’s ecosystems 32
World Commission on Environment and Development 1987 Our common future 31
G. Deleuze and F. Guattari 1987 A thousand plateaus 25
D. Meadows et al. 1972 The limits to growth 25
D. Haraway 1991 Simians, cyborgs and women: the reinvention of nature 21
R. L. Hooke 2000 On the history of humans as geomorphic agents 20
C. S. Holling 1973 Resilience and stability of ecological systems 19
W. Cronon 1995 Uncommon ground: toward reinventing nature 18
to the broader meaning of the concept can limit some of
its potential rhetorical and symbolic power, and even
result in a division of the concept into multiple ‘Anthro-
Hence, we concur that a future definition of the Anth-
ropocene should consider criteria that encompass (as best
as possible) the multiple dimensions of the concept as it
came to be shaped and perceived by the wider scientific
community48. Ongoing discussions represent a unique
opportunity to re-conceptualize the Anthropocene11 in a
manner that can ensure, and even reinforce, its status as a
multidisciplinary concept that is relevant for a large num-
ber of natural and social sciences dedicated to the study
of global environmental change. Perhaps more importantly,
it will guarantee the significance of Anthropocene mes-
sage in the wider societal debate about the interaction
between humans and the environment49,50.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. R.A.C. was initially supported by a post-
doctoral grant from CNPq (#158841/2015-8) and is currently supported
by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/
118635/2016). RJL and ACMM are funded by CNPq – Conselho Na-
cional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (#310953/2014-6;
#310349/2015-0). We thank Anna Pavlova and an anonymous reviewer
for their useful comments on the manuscript.
Received 10 May 2017; revised accepted 7 July 2018
doi: 10.18520/cs/v115/i10/1871-1875
... What emerges from the existing literature about the trajectory of this successful scientific concept (Chin et al., 2016;Correia et al., 2018;Knitter, 2019) is the sense of some notion of a human epoch adopted by and large, infiltrating different sciences and propagating out to other cultural contexts. However, many scholars and non-specialists have used the term without referring to the debate internal to the AWG, enlarging its semantic capacity far beyond stratigraphic imprinting. ...
... Consistent with previous studies on the scientific circulation of the Anthropocene concept (Chin et al., 2016;Correia et al., 2018;Knitter, 2019), we retrieved 4.062 publications in this timespan. ...
... The literature has already reported data about the increasing number of publications referring to the Anthropocene, especially from 2010 onwards (Chin et al., 2016;Correia et al., 2018;Knitter, 2019). Along with this proliferation of research, the spaces for publishing about the Anthropocene have also increased, with the launch of dedicated journals such as Anthropocene (Chin et al., 2013), Earth's Future (Brasseur and van der Pluijm, 2013), Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene (Helmig et al., 2013) and The Anthropocene Review, as well as of the Encyclopaedia of the Anthropocene (Della Sala and Goldstein, 2017). ...
Since its first appearance, the concept of the Anthropocene has achieved remarkable success in terms of users and audiences, among both specialists and non-specialists alike. While not yet formalised in the geologic timescale, how has this notion spread so widely and quickly? Given the concept’s trajectories across different media spheres and over its first two decades of circulation, the Anthropocene notion has had four main uses: a ‘proving use’ employed for collecting evidence for the human epoch’s official recognition; a ‘questioning use’ for criticising its epistemological and political shortcomings; a ‘mentioning use’ when taking it for granted as a catchword; and a ‘metaphorical use’ for conveying the rising problem of global warming and ecological collapse. Regarding this last metaphorical use, the Anthropocene appears to act as a boundary concept bridging debates about climate change and aligning apocalyptic imaginaries of the future. The success of the Anthropocene concept might therefore be explained not by virtue of its intrinsic properties, unspecified virality and predetermined trajectory, but rather by the crystallisation and frequency of its use as a boundary concept. As such, it plays an evoking function in discursively introducing the whole semantic domain of the climate crisis condition and establishing the basis for talking about its apocalyptic consequences. Being used for unifying these narratives about the past and future of humankind and for capturing the variety of changes caused to the planet, the Anthropocene’s fields of circulation have thus enlarged vastly outside its geological debate.
... Brondizio et al. (2016) explored the term Anthropocene's widespread adoption, interpretative flexibility, emergent narratives, and the disputes it has sparked. Correia et al. (2018) used bibliographical data to track major contributions to the evolution of the multidisciplinary nature of Anthropocene science in scientific literature during the twentieth century. Biermann et al. (2020) proposed a new paradigm called critical physical geography (CPG), which allows scholars to take up the Anthropocene's methodological and conceptual challenges. ...
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are impacted by the Anthropocene's onset, hence critical actions must be taken to develop tailored policies for these goals. This research aims to understand the interaction between anthropogenic activities and SDGs or Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as research trajectories, spatiotemporal development, scientific networks, continuing research issues, and gaps in these fields. The present study compiled the top 500 most referenced publications from 252 different sources from 1992 to 2022 using the Web of Science database. Scientific output in these fields increased from 2016 to 2019, but we found a significant reduction from 2020 onwards. The top three countries generating single-country publications in this field are China, USA, and India. Although human activities have hampered the achievement of SDGs, many small, developing countries are still not involved in the scientific production of this field. Institutions in the USA, China, the UK, and Germany have a greater percentage of international collaborations than other countries. SDGs 3, 6, 7, 11, 12 and 13 are the most researched. The investigation produced helpful information and a full understanding of significant researchers, institutions, current scenario of study, rising trends, and relevant subjects for scholars as well as how that information is translated into actual SDGs attainment.
... Já Hunchuck (2017), após ter passado em revista todos os artigos publicados até dezembro de 2016 sobre o Antropoceno na Web of Science -a maior plataforma referencial de citações científicas -concluiu que até esse momento o termo "Anthropocene" tinha sido citado 12.407 vezes em artigos, 1.299 artigos tinham sido escritos a seu respeito e, destes, 748 tinham sido citados em 9.536 outros artigos. Correia et al. (2018), num idêntico exercício de mineração na Web of Science, identificaram 867 publicações científicas nela indexadas em que o termo "Anthropocene" é empregue, remontando o registo mais antigo a 2002 e com um crescimento exponencial desde essa data (p. 1872). ...
O conceito de Antropoceno, desde a sua introdução em 2000, atraiu um número de publicações exponencialmente crescente. Todavia, mais de vinte anos passados, o seu significado permanece ainda relativamente aberto e submetido a densificação. Neste artigo, realiza-se uma reconstrução da carreira histórica da noção, mostrando que, durante a primeira década deste século, ela circulou e foi trabalhada sobretudo no domínio das Geociências, e, depois de então, tem vindo a ser explorada e enriquecida semanticamente no domínio das Ciências Sociais e das Humanidades. O objetivo é mostrar como é que se foi tornando num conceito-síntese e num conceito-alerta, cuja influência no pensamento planetário do século XXI é cada vez mais notória.
... The Anthropocene can function as a "bridging concept" (Brondizio et al., 2016, 320) to overcome epistemological divides between and within the natural and social sciences and the humanities. At least the academic debate about the Anthropocene includes a wide range of scientific disciplines such as geology, ecology, philosophy, history of sociology, environmental science, anthropology, economy, psychology, and gender studies, according to a broad literature review (Correia et al., 2018(Correia et al., , 1873. These findings support the idea that the representation of the Anthropocene in scientific debates has been shaped by an increasingly interdisciplinary understanding of Earth systems (e.g. as often found in the works of the Earth System Governance Network). ...
This chapter outlines how different narratives and framings of the Anthropocene shape the democratic underpinning of sustainability discourses and thus transformative action towards sustainability. We synthesize the debates around democracy-related challenges of the Anthropocene, which allows us to develop implications for the field of sustainability. As the Anthropocene blurs the lines between human activity and environmental degradation on a global scale, the concept has become an indispensable source of legitimacy for action towards green transformations and decarbonization, while hiding the term’s inherently contested nature. Taking a social constructivist perspective, we argue that the democratic implications of the Anthropocene largely depend on how we frame the concept and which meanings we attach to it. While a science-driven, eco-modernist and techno-deterministic perception is likely to narrow down the room for democratic interventions, a more open, inclusive and reflexive use of the concept holds the chance to enhance democratic debates around the means and ends of sustainability. While we sketch out how opposing Anthropocene narratives frame these critical elements of democratic decision-making fundamentally differently, we also offer a deconstructivist frame of the Anthropocene which holds the potential to reclaim sustainability discourses, re-politicize sustainability action, and rethink the democratic underpinning of sustainability governance.
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The causes of Earth's transition are human and social, write Erle Ellis and colleagues, so scholars from those disciplines must be included in its formalization.
The Anthropocene, the concept that the Earth has moved into a novel geological epoch characterized by human domination of the planetary system, is an increasingly prevalent framework for debate both in academia and as a wider cultural and policy zeitgeist. This article reviews the proliferation of literature surrounding this concept. It explores the origins and history of the concept, as well as the arguments surrounding its geological formalization and starting date ranging from the Pleistocene to the twentieth century. It examines perspectives and critiques of the concept from the Earth system sciences, ecological and geological sciences, and social sciences and humanities, exploring its role as a cultural zeitgeist and ideological provocation. I conclude by offering a personal perspective on the concept of the Anthropocene and its utility.
As officers of the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG; J.Z. and C.W.) and chair of the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS; M.J.H.) of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), we note that the AWG has less power than Erle Ellis and colleagues imply (Nature 540, 192–193; 2016). Its role is merely advisory — to evaluate the Anthropocene as a formal unit in the geological timescale. Proposals must pass scrutiny by the AWG, the SQS and the ICS before being ratified by the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences.
Increasing political and financial support for scientific research in the Middle East requires academic and research communities in the region to demonstrate the visibility and impact of their scientific output. However, for countries with smaller scientific communities or lack of detailed information on their scientific production, the use of common metrics of scientific impact (e.g., number of papers, impact factor, h-index, etc.) may fail to reveal their true ability to produce high quality research, and thus guarantee the wanted societal support. In such cases, identifying and highlighting outstanding papers produced by national institutions or scientists may be another way to demonstrate scientific capacity and impact. In this context, this work aims to provide an overview of champion works (papers that have received over 1,000 citations) produced by Middle East countries. This analysis focuses on science, medicine, and technology papers featured in the Science Citation Index Expanded of Web of Science. The authors identified 213 champion works authored by Middle East scientists published since the 1970s. Israel is currently the leading nation in the Middle East in terms of published champion works, but at least one such work was identified for the majority of countries in the region. Middle East champion works were published on a diverse range of subject categories and often featured in the top journals worldwide (e.g., Science, Nature, etc.). The top institutions in the Middle East authoring champion works and their leading collaborating countries worldwide are listed, and the role of international scientific collaborations in achieving these highly cited papers is highlighted.
Anthropocene has developed a varied set of connotations among scientific and non-scientific advocates. As a result, multiple dichotomies of the Anthropocene exist within various scholarly disciplines. The Anthropocene allows people to reinforce and perpetuate preferred views about the implications of human interaction with the Earth System as our management of the environment is called into question. Scientific dichotomies arise from opinions about the need for formal or informal definition and the recognition of a modern versus historical onset of the Anthropocene. Philosophical dichotomies center around good versus dystopian outcomes of Anthropocene and whether or not humanity is part of what historically has been called nature. Political dichotomies insert Anthropocene into classic conservative versus liberal arguments. Artistic dichotomies tend to evaluate the effects of technology on modernism by embracing a nostalgia for the past or projecting an apocalyptic future. Multiple dichotomies drive conversation towards confusion as individuals argue preferred versions of an Anthropocene concept. Philosophical and political perspectives are affecting scientific views of proposed geological time markers for the start of the Anthropocene as conceptual ideologies appear to compete with tangible stratigraphic attributes. Formal definition of the Anthropocene has potential to inhibit popular usage and further confuse an already confused media.