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  • Mata Gujri University

Abstract and Figures

Aroma therapy is one of the most ancient healing arts & traces its origin to 4500BC, when Egyptians used aromatic substances in medicines. The term Aromatherapy was coined by Prof. Gatte`Fosse, a French cosmetic chemist. Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of plants to enhance psychological and physical well-being. The inhaled aroma from "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing. Aromatherapy activates areas in nose called olfactory receptors, which send messages through nervous system to brain. The oils may activate certain areas of brain, like limbic system, which plays a role in controlling emotions. They could also have an impact on your hypothalamus, which may respond to the oil by creating a good feeling in brain. Its use ranges from pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function to treat asthma, insomnia, fatigue, depression, inflammation, alopecia, cancer, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, menstrual disorders, menopausal syndromes, etc. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, the most popular essential oils include fennel, geranium, lavender, lemongrass etc.
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Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
D. Halder, B. B. Barik, R.K. Dasgupta, S. Deb Roy
Deptt. Of Pharmacognosy, Bharat Technology, Banitabla, Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal.
ABSTRACT: Aroma therapy is one of the most ancient healing arts & traces its origin to 4500BC, when
Egyptians used aromatic substances in medicines. The term Aromatherapy was coined by Prof. Gatte`Fosse, a
French cosmetic chemist. Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts from
flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of plants to enhance psychological and physical well-being. The
inhaled aroma from "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be
absorbed through the skin, where they travel through bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing.
Aromatherapy activates areas in nose called olfactory receptors, which send messages through nervous system
to brain. The oils may activate certain areas of brain, like limbic system, which plays a role in controlling
emotions. They could also have an impact on your hypothalamus, which may respond to the oil by creating a
good feeling in brain. Its use ranges from pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function to
treat asthma, insomnia, fatigue, depression, inflammation, alopecia, cancer, arthritis, erectile dysfunction,
menstrual disorders, menopausal syndromes, etc. According to the National Association for Holistic
Aromatherapy, the most popular essential oils include fennel, geranium, lavender, lemongrass etc.
KEY WORDS: Aromatherapy, Volatile oil, Holistic treatment.
Corresponding Author: Debojyoti Halder
Phone: +91-7980474618
Submitted on: 15.07.18; Revised on: 08.08.18; Accepted on: 19.08.18
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; 17(2018)1540-1558;
Journal Home Page:
DOI: 10.21276/irjps.2018.5.3.2
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Now-a-days, traditional & alternative systems of
medicine has gained importancethey deserve, for
their medicinal as well as therapeutic values.
Various therapies as well as physiological&
psychological treatments used for healinghas
gained some momentum.“Aromatherapy” is a type
of alternative medicine practice utilizing fragrance
or aromatic essential oils derived from a wide
variety of plants.
Aromatherapy has established itself for the
treatment of various complications as well as
diseases. The essential or volatile oils are the
principle active ingredients form various sources
which acts as medicaments for treating various
ailments. These essential oils are extracted from
flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits, and other
parts of the plant by various methods of extraction.
Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy and an art of
using essential oils from plants in the pursuit of
well-being, whether mental, emotional, physical or
aesthetic. The word “aroma” means fragrance or
sweet smell & “therapy” means a treatment
designed to cure. The fragrance in a plant is stored
in its essential oils. Hence, in using essential oils,
aromatherapy recreates the environment of
mesmerizing essence & fragrance.
Origin of Aromatherapy:
Aromatherapy is one of the most ancient “Art of
Healing” which originated even before5000BC,
when Egyptians used aromatic substances in
medicines. In Greek system of medicine as well as
in Ayurveda, plant essences & fragrances are used
for aromatic baths & scented massage. The term
“Aromatherapie” initially used by French cosmetic
chemist G.Fossein a book first published in 1936.A
laboratory accident caused third degree thermal
burns on Dr.MauriceG.Fosse’s hand and forearm.
He plunged his arm into a vessel of lavender oil,
mistakenly assuming it was water. To his surprise,
the pain ceased within moments; and with regular
application of lavender oil, the wound healed
without a scar. When he analysed the lavender oil,
he discovered many chemical constituents or
components, which he concluded had tremendous
healing properties. He then began researching the
healing properties of other essential oils, taking into
consideration their chemical properties as well as
their smells. Marguerite Maury, another French
chemist became interested in Aromatherapy in the
World War II period, where she used aromatherapy
in combination with other natural health remedies
& beauty products. She developed a separate strand
of aromatherapy in France, which employed the
oils externally, rather than internally, & combined
them with massage. Jean Valnet, a French
physician added to Gattefosse`s research while
working as a surgeon in World War II.
Figure 1: Essential oils in marketed forms & Stimulation of Olfactory receptors by aromatic fragrance.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Essential oils:
Aromatherapy utilizes various essential oils that
can be issued through topical application, massage,
inhalation or water immersion to stimulate a
desired therapeutic response.Essential oils
therapeutic activity. They are colourless pleasant
smelling liquids with high refractive index.They
possesses healing powers of plants.Essential oils
are a mixture of saturated and unsaturated
hydrocarbons, alcohol, aldehydes, esters, ethers,
ketones, oxides phenols and terpenes, which may
produce characteristic odours.Essential oils are
volatile liquid substances extracted from aromatic
plant material by steam distillation or mechanical
expression(oils produced with the aid of chemical
solvents are not considered true essential oils).
They are made up of oxygen, amino acids and
minerals whose function is to carry nutrients
directly into the nucleus of cell. Essential oils are
neither acidic nor alkaline. They have the ability to
go into the body tissues and literally become free
radical scavengers. These oils are so potent and
concentrated that they work on pressure points and
rejuvenates the body. The essential oils in plants
are present in different areas like, pockets and
reservoirs, glandular hairs, specialized cells, or
even in the intercellularspaces.
3, 4
Essential oils have the highest level of oxygen
molecules of any substance known to man and we
know disease cannot exist or grow in an oxygen
rich environment.Essential oils containing
sesquiterpines have the ability to cross the blood-
brain barrier, thus carrying oxygen directly into the
brain. A brain deprived of oxygen for as little as 5
minutes, will have irreversible brain damage.
Many essential oils acts as antibacterial, anti-
fungal, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, anti-parasitic,
anti-viral, anti-septic, antitumor, and immune
stimulating agents. Viruses cannot mutate or
replicate in the presence of essential oils because of
their complex chemical structures.Essential oils
also detoxify the cells and blood in the body.
1, 4
Essential oils are aromatic volatile liquids distilled
from shrubs, flowers, trees, bushes, and seeds.
They contain highly oxygenating molecules.
Essential oils are called “essential” because the
plant would die without them. They are made up of
oxygen, amino acids and minerals whose function
is to carry nutrients directly into the cell nucleus.
Essential oils are neither acidic nor alkaline.
Destruction of tissues is caused by acid, whether it
is due to disease or inflammation. Essential oils
have the ability to go into the body tissues and
literally become “free radical scavengers.” They are
acid binding and promote excretion of acid that
causes cell irregularities. Essential oils are 50 to 70
times more therapeutically potent than the herbs or
plants from which they are derived. When the plant
is cut and dehydrated, 98% of the life substance
that is responsible for the healing power of that
plant is evaporated. This is why essential oils are so
much more powerful in healing than herbs.
Common constituents found in essential oils are
esters, aldehydes, ketones, sesquiterpenes, oxides,
monoterpenes, alcohols, and phenols. These
molecules each have characteristics that are unique
and that give the essential oil its specific
therapeutic quality.
Therapeutic-grade oils can be checked to see if they
meet the agreed upon standards set by AFNOR
(Association French Normalization Organization
Regulation) that determines if an oil is therapeutic
grade. The ISO (International Standards
Organization) has also set standards for the
therapeutic-grade essential oils adapted from
AFNOR. The AFNOR standard was written by a
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
team of government certified botanical chemists
which determine and set a range that the
constituents of a specified oil must be within in
order to be of therapeutic quality. If two or more
constituents are too high or too low, that oil cannot
be certified as therapeutic grade, even though it
may be of high quality.
How Essential Oils Work?
The therapeutic activity of essential oils, like other
plant-derived remedies, has yet to be fully realized.
In addition, only a small proportion of the world
flora (plant) hasbeen examined for
pharmacologically active compounds, but with the
ever-increasing danger of plants- which
arebecoming extinct, there is a real risk that many
important plant sources may be lost. Modern
research has largely confirmed the traditionally
held beliefs regarding the therapeutic uses of
particular plants has changed with time. A herb
such as basil, at one time described as a ‘protection
against evil’, or ‘good for the heart’ whose scent
‘taketh away sorrowfulness’, may in modern usage
be described as an excellent prophylactic, nerve
tonic and antidepressant. Like herbal remedies, an
essential oil can cover a wide field of activities;
indeed the same herb or oil (such as lemon balm)
can stimulate certain systems of the body while
sedating or relaxing others. In order to gain a
clearer understanding of the way essential oils
work, and some of their particular areas of activity,
it may be helpful to take an overall view of the
systems of the human body.
1, 3, and 4
Chemistry of essential oils:
In course of time, secondary metabolites of plants
greatly contributed to the human civilization.
Secondary metabolites directly involved in the
ecological process as well. Pigments and aromatic
compounds confer colour and scentto reproductive
organs and fruits, thus attracting pollinators and
favouring seed dispersal byanimals. However,
volatile compounds can also repel phytophagous
organisms, including virusand phytoplasma
vectors, whereas phytoalexins are broad-spectrum
antimicrobial metabolites.
In this complex scenario, humans have greatly
benefited from plants and their
secondarymetabolites. During the plant-human
coevolution, plants represented (and represent) a
nearlyunlimited source of food, feed for
domesticated animals, fibres for clothes and, not
the least,medicaments. Among the vastness of plant
products, essential oils deserve particular
4, 5
These are complex mixtures of hydrocarbons and
oxygenated hydrocarbons arising from the
isoprenoidpathways, mainly consisting in
monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Essential oils are
produced andsecreted by glandular trichomes,
specialized secretory tissues diffused onto the
surface of plant organs,particularly flowers and
Biosynthesis of Plant Volatiles in Glandular
There are two main pathways for terpene
biosynthesis, and most researchers hold that all
steps ofthis route take place in the secretory cells
themselves (Figure 2):
Molecules ofGlandular trichomes (GTs) are
modified epidermal hairs containing cells
specialized for PVs synthesis and secretion.
Noteworthy, other internal secretory structures can
also synthetize andsecrete PVs. GTs are found on
leaves, stems, more rarely on petals, sepals, and
petioles in roughly30% of all.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Figure 2: 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate in plastids; isoprenoids synthesis from precursors
(isopentenylpyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate) occurs in cytoplasm.
Figure 2 shows, Isoprenoid biosynthetic routes in
plant cell: mevalonic pathway, in cytoplasm, and2-
C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate in plastids;
isoprenoids synthesis from precursors
(isopentenylpyrophosphate and dimethylallyl
pyrophosphate) occurs in cytoplasm.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
p-Cymene Limonene
C10H14O C10H14O
Figure 3: Various Terpenoids
Biogenic volatile compounds produced by plants
include monoterpene and sesquiterpenes
hydrocarbons, as well as oxygenated monoterpenes
and sesquiterpenes, also referred to terpenesand
terpenoids, respectively; these compounds are the
main constituents of essential oils.
The intracellular compartmentalization of terpene
biosynthesis is still not known. It has beenobserved
that at secretory stage GTs show highly developed
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), amoeboid
leucoplasts, sometimes surrounded by periplasmic
SER, with many plastid-SER membranecontacts.
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These plastids showed the greatest changes during
development and in relations to secretions,
correlate strongly with monoterpenes in vivo, and
can synthesize monoterpenehydrocarbons in vitro if
fed with precursors (IPP and DMAPP). The close
association, in secreting peltate GTs, of plastids,
6, 7
Mechanisms of Essential Oil Cytotoxicity
Essential oils are a complex mixture of molecules,
which generally contains more than 20
differentcomponents of low molecular weight with
very variable concentrations. In general,
monoterpenes andsesquiterpenes are themain
components of essential oils, though diterpenes and
phenyl-propanoids canbe present to a different
extent. Many of these molecules are found in low
concentrations, while fewof them are the main
components that can represent up to 70% of total
oil and will be the mainresponsible for the
biological effects of the oil. Until now, more than
3000 essential oils havebeen described, of which
about one tenth are relevant for pharmaceutical,
nutritional or cosmeticindustries. Several essential
oils have a strong interest in research for their
cytotoxic capacity. Greatefforts are performed in
order to investigate the potential therapeutic effects
of oils against severaldiseases especially those
characterized by excessive cell growth and
proliferation such as cancer or bacterial infections.
The main mechanisms that mediate the cytotoxic
effects of essential oilsinclude the induction of cell
death by activation of apoptosis and/or necrosis
processes, cell cycle arrest,and loss of function of
essential organelles. Several of these effects are
attributable to the lipophilicnature and low
molecular weight of the main components that
comprise essential oils which allowthem to cross
cell membranes, alter membrane composition and
increase membrane fluidity, leadingto leakage of
ions and cytoplasmic molecules. Altering
membranes lead to reduced ATP
production,alteration of the pH gradient, and loss of
mitochondrial potential that can result to the cell
death.In addition, some essential oils may also act
as pro-oxidant elements which can alter cellular
redoxstate and also compromise cellular
survival.The cytotoxic properties of essential oils
result from the complex interaction between
thedifferent classes of compounds such as phenols,
aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, esters, ethers or
hydrocarbons. In addition, in some cases, the
cytotoxic activity are closely related tofew of the
main components of the oils and, in this way, it has
been reported that some of theseisolated
compounds exert considerable cytotoxic properties
when have been tested individually.However, the
wide variation in the chemical profile of essential
oils means a great diversity in themechanisms of
action and molecular targets. Furthermore, because
these oils consist of a wide varietyof compounds,
each compound can modulate or alter the effects of
other ones.
8, 9, and 10
Phytotherapyuses plant-derived medications in the
treatment and prevention of disease. It is a science-
based medical practice and thus is distinguished
from other, more traditional approaches, such as
medical herbalism, which relies on an empirical
appreciation of medicinal herbs and which is often
linked to traditional knowledge.
2, 13
There are various branches of Phytotherapy and
Aromatherapy is one of them which uses fresh
plants or plant extracts distilled using valor to
extract the essential oils, “the most active
ingredients of plants.” The oils are 70 times more
potent than the plant from which they are
2, 13
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Branches of Aromatherapy:
Medical Psychological Environmental Aesthetic Holistic
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Aromatherapy
Cosmetic aromatherapy
This therapy utilizes certain essential oils for skin,
body, face and hair cosmetic products. These
products are used for their various effects as
cleansing, moisturizing, drying and toning. A
healthy skin can be obtained by use of essential oils
in facial products. On a personal level, cosmetic
aromatherapy of full-body or foot bath will be a
simple and an effective way to have an experience.
Similarly, few drops of appropriate oil give a
rejuvenating and revitalizing experience.
1, 2
Massage aromatherapy
The use of grape seed, almond, or jojoba oil in pure
vegetable oil during massage has been shown to
have wonderful effects. This is also known as
healing touch of massage therapy.
1, 2
Medical aromatherapy
The founder of modern aromatherapy Rene-
Maurice Gattefosse has used essential oils to
massage patients during surgery, thus utilizing the
medical aromatherapy knowledge of the effect of
essential oils on promoting and treating clinically
diagnosed medical ailments.
1, 2
Olfactory aromatherapy
Inhalation of essential oils has given rise to
olfactory aromatherapy, where simple inhalation
has resulted in enhanced emotional wellness,
calmness, relaxation or rejuvenation of the human
body. The release of stress is welded with
pleasurable scents which unlock odor memories.
Essential oils are complemented to medical
treatment and can never be taken as a replacement
for it.
1, 2
In psycho-aromatherapy, certain states of moods
and emotions can be obtained by these oils giving
the pleasure of relaxation, invigoration or a
pleasant memory. The inhalation of the oils in this
therapy is direct though the infusion in the room of
a patient. Psycho-aromatherapy and aroma ology,
both deal with the study and effects of aroma be it
natural or synthetic. Psycho-aromatherapy has
limited itself with study of natural essential oils.
1, 2
Eucalyptus [Eucalyptus globules Labill (E.
globulus)] belonging to the family of Myrtaceae, is
a long evergreen plant with a height up to 250 feet.
It is known for its constituents like cineole (70%–
85%), aromadendrene, limonene, cymene, etc. Its
oils have been used to regulate and activate the
various systems like nervous system for neuralgia,
headache and debility. The immune system boosts
the immunity against measles, flu, cold and
chickenpox. Leucorrhea and cystitis of
genitourinary system can also be well treated with
it. Throat infections, catarrh, coughs, bronchitis,
asthma and sinusitis associated with respiratory
system have been taken care of by oils of this plant.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Topical problems like wounds, cuts, burns, and
herpes, and lice, insect repellent and insect bites
can be treated with it. Treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis, muscle and joint pains and aches is well
reported from the essential oils of this plant.
Eucalyptus oil has demonstrated its antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and
antibacterial activities and researchers have proved
its efficacy beyond doubt in treatment of various
metabolic and infectious diseases. The results are
promising and can be utilized for treatment of
multifactorial diseases of various origins in
Figure 4: E. globules Labill. Figure 5: Pelargonium graveolens L' Herit.
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L' Herit)
belongs to the family of Geraniaceae (Figure 3). A
perennial hairy shrub native of South Africa, up to
one meter in height, also found and cultivated in
France, Italy, Spain, Central America, Egypt, Japan
and Congo is a plant of choice for essential oil.
Eugenol, geranic, citronellol, geraniol, linalol
(linalool), citronellylformate, citral, myrtenol,
terpineol, methone and sabinene are the chemical
constituents of its essential oil. One of the best
natural perfume, complete in itself is geranium oil,
generally used in soaps and detergents because its
unique nature is never challenged with alkalinity of
soaps. Hence, this oil is generally used to control
the emotions in aroma therapy. It is used in
dermatitis, eczema, aging skin, some fungal
infections, along with anxiety and stress related
problems. The oil has some anti-bacterial action
and is an important ingredient for endometriosis
treatment. This oil is further used for its sedative
properties, nerve tonic, in throat infection, to rectify
the blood disorder diabetes and for menopausal
associated problems. Some reports are there about
its supportive therapy in uterine and breast cancer,
and it also certainly can help the patient in coping
with the pain. People have used this as a flavouring
agent for food stuff along with alcoholic and non-
alcoholic beverages. It is an effective insect
repellent. Moreover, this oil is gaining popularity
as antidiabetic, anticancer, antibacterial and
antimicrobial agent.
4, 11
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis Chaix.) belonging
to the family of Lamiaceae, is a beautiful herb of
the garden. It contains camphor, terpinen-4-ol,
beta-ocimene, 1, 8-cineole, etc. Its constituent
varies in concentration and therapeutic effects with
the different species. Linalool and linalyl acetate
have maximum and great absorbing properties
during skin massage with a depression of CNS.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Linalool shows sedative effects and linalyl acetate
shows marked narcotic actions. These two actions
may be responsible for its use in lavender pillow
anxiety patients with sleep disturbance pattern,
improving the feeling of well-being, supporting
mental alertness and suppressing aggression and
anxiety. Lavender oil shows its antibacterial and
antifungal properties against many species of
bacteria, especially when antibiotics fail to work,
but the exact mechanisms are yet to be established.
When talking about its use in aromatherapy, it is
well documented for the treatment of abrasions,
burns, stress, headaches, in promotion of new cell
growth, skin problems, painful muscles and
boosting an immune system. This oil is used in the
treatment of primary dysmenorrheal and has shown
some promising results in one of the randomized,
double-blind clinical trials.
Figure 6: Lavandulaofficinalis Chaix. Figure 7: C. limon Linn.
Lemon [Citrus limon Linn. (C. limon)] belongs to
the family of Rutaceae. C. limon long trees grow up
to the 15 feet height and bear rich scented lemon
fruits all year round. Its oil constituents are
abundant in the terpenes, d-limonene and l-
limonene, together forming about 90 percent of the
bulk of the oil. Traces of phellandrene, pinene and
sesquiterpene are also present. The valuable portion
of the oil is the remaining 10 percent which
consists of oxygenated bodies, chiefly the aldehyde
citral, to which the odour of the oil is largely due
and of which there is 3.5%–5% odour present in the
oil. When compared to other essential oils, its
constituents have antiseptic, astringent and
detoxifying properties, for blemishes associated
with oily skin. Its oil brightens and rejuvenates dull
skin. Lemon essential oil is mainly used to boost
the immune system and to accelerate the white
corpuscles production along with counteracting
acidity and ulcers through citric acid, which helps
digestion, by forming carbonates and bicarbonates
of potassium and calcium. A recently conducted
double-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical
trial study on aromatherapy has suggested that
citrus oil is good in relieving the first stage labour
pain. It is effective in controlling the nausea and
vomiting along with its mood elevating properties.
Peppermint [ Mentha piperita Linn. (M. piperita)]
belongs to the family of Lamiaceae. Till date, all
the 600 kinds of mints are raised from 25 well-
defined species. The two most important are
peppermint (M. piperita) and spearmint (Mentha
spicata). Spearmint bears the strong aroma of sweet
character with a sharp menthol undertone. Its oil
constituents include carvacrol, menthol, carvone,
methyl acetate, limonene and menthone. The
pharmacological action is due to menthol, a
primary constituent of peppermint oil. At least 44%
free menthol is present in peppermint oil.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Components are sensitive to climate, latitude and
maturity of the plant. Inhalation and application of
menthol on skin causes a skin reaction. It is used in
many liniments dosage form to relieve pain spasms
and arthritic problems. Peppermint oil is studied
and documented for its anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antiseptic,
antispasmodic, astringent, digestive, carminative,
fungicidal effects, nervine stimulant,
vasoconstrictor, decongestant and stomachic
The antispasmodic properties of oil make it a better
choice during pain associated with the menstrual
cycle and are also used in the treatment of irritable
bowel syndrome. When superficially applied
around the head and temple, it has very good action
on headache. Further, itching due to various
reasons like herpes blisters, ringworm infestation,
scabies, poison oak, and ivy can also be relieved. It
is observed that it can relieve many bacterial,
fungal, and viral infections when inhaled or applied
in the form of a vapor balm. Sinus and lung
congestion are also known to be cleared by this oil.
Figure 8: M. piperita Linn. Figure 9: Anthemis nobilis Linn.
Roman chamomile
Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis Linn.)
belongs to the family of Asteraceae. It is a plant for
centuries with a potential to calm, moderate and
strong emotions and it bears a daisy like flowers.
Major constituents of Roman chamomile oil are
esters of angelic acid, tiglic acid and 2-
methylbutanoic acid. The freshly distilled oil has a
bluish tint due to the sesquiterpenoid chamazulene.
It is rich in pinocarvone, farnesol, pinene,
bisabolol, cineole, pinocarveol, beta-caryophyllene,
azulene, camphene and myrcene. Chamomile
preparations have made inroads in the treatment of
human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation,
muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia,
ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders,
rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. In cosmetics and
aromatherapy, it is employed for its anxiolytic
Its anti-anxiety and stress relieving properties ease
out depression, worry, and overactive mind. Its use
before sleep for bath can relax both mind and body
and brings on sleep, with a peaceful and spiritual
awareness. Headache, insomnia and menstrual
disorders are known to be treated with this oil. In
aromatherapy, it is extensively used to relieve the
pain from physical conditions, menstrual cramps
and tension with its application on lower abdomen.
Psoriasis, eczema, boils, sunburn and cold sores
have been treated with it along with its role in
decreasing the pain associated with joints, arthritis,
sprains and stings.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linn.) belonging
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
to the family of Lamiaceae bears small pale blue
flowers in late spring/early summer and grows up
to the height of 90 cm. It has three varieties (silver,
gold and green stripe); it's the green variety that is
used for its medicinal properties. This plant is rich
in bitter principle, resin, tannic acid and volatile oil.
The active constituents are bornyl acetate, borneol
along with other esters and, special camphor
similar to that possessed by the myrtle, cineol,
pinene and camphene. Its oil has a marked action
on the digestive system, with relieving the
symptoms of indigestion, constipation and colitis. It
works as liver and gall-bladder tonic. The oil also
possesses some good action on the cardiovascular
system. It regularizes the blood pressure and retards
the hardening of arteries. In winter, it used to
relieve the rheumatic pain which aggravates due to
cold. Its stimulating properties on the nervous
system have found to be beneficial in hysteria and
paralysis. In latest human trials, aromatherapy is an
efficacious non-pharmacological therapy for
dementia and may have some potential for
improving cognitive function, especially in
Alzheimer's disease patients, due to its free radical
scavenging activity. Excellent skin tonic properties,
a soothing, positive effect on menstrual cramps, for
hair growth are some of the other important
properties of this oil. The other benefits of
rosemary include a stimulant for the scalp
encouraging hair growth and providing treatment
for dandruff and greasy hair.
Figure 10: Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. Figure 11: Melaleuca alternifoliaCheel.
Tea tree
Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia Cheel) belonging
to the family of Myrtaceae, with yellow or purple
flower and needles like leaves is a shrub of marshy
area (Figure 11). Due to its commercial value, it is
cultivated on plantations. The main constituent of
its oil is terpinen-4-ol, an alcoholic terpene with a
clean musty aroma. The antiviral activity is due to
alpha-sabine with antibacterial and antifungal
effects. It is an immune booster due to terpinen-4-
ol while cineole is responsible for its antiseptic
character. The tea tree itself possesses antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory, antiviral, insecticidal, and
immune stimulant properties. The aromatherapy
utilizes the mixture of lemon, blue gum, clary sage,
eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, ginger and Scotch
pine for treatment of different ailments. The oil is
used in herpes, abscess, blisters acne, cold sores,
burns, insect bites, dandruff and oily skin. Further,
in treatment of respiratory associated problems it
has been used for tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis,
asthma, catarrh and whooping cough; also it is used
in females for vaginitis, cystitis and pruritus
treatment. Cold, fever, flu and chickenpox have
called for its use. Well defined studies have been
carried out on Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) on
erpes through clinical trial efforts with a promising
result of this plant.
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Ylang–ylang (Cananga odorata Hook. F. &Thoms)
belonging to the family of Annonaceae, native to
Madagascar, Indonesia and Philippines is a small
tree (Figure 12). Its chemical constituent includes
geranyl acetate, linalol, geraniol, farnesol, benzyl
acetate, geranial, methyl chavicol, beta-
caryophyllene, eugenol, pinene and farnesene. The
best property of this tree is to retard the heart beat
and rapid breathing with perfect use in shock and
trauma situations. It is antidepressive in nature with
euphoric properties, thus giving the feeling of well-
being. Low self-esteem and women suffering from
the post-menopausal syndrome have better results
on them. A pilot study involving 34 professionals
from a nursing group was carried out in Portugal to
verify the use of ylangylang essential oil in
relieving the anxiety and increasing the self-esteem
along with alteration of blood pressure and
temperature. The results showed clear evidence that
use of this plant led to a significant alteration in
self-esteem. Further, its aphrodisiac properties are
due to its exotic fragrance advantageous for both
dry and oily skins. It is also indicated in depression,
anxiety, hypertension, frigidity, stress and
1, 12
Figure 12: Cananga odorata Hook. F. &Thoms.
Properties of Essential oils:
The Skin
Skin problems are often the surface manifestation
of a deeper condition, such as a build-up of toxins
in the blood, hormonal imbalance or nervous and
emotional difficulties. In this area the versatility of
essential oils is particularly valuable because they
are able to combat such complaints on a variety of
Antiseptics for cuts, insect bites, spots,
etc.; for example, thyme, sage, eucalyptus,
tea tree, clove, lavender and lemon.
Anti-inflammatory oils for eczema,
infected wounds, bumps, bruises, etc.; for
example, German and Roman chamomile,
lavender and yarrow.
Fungicidal oils for athletes foot, candida,
ringworm, etc.; for example, lavender, tea
tree, myrrh, patchouli and sweet
Granulation stimulating or
cicatrising(healing) agents for burns, cuts,
scars, stretch marks, etc.; for example,
lavender, chamomile, rose, neroli,
frankincense and geranium.
Deodorants for excessive perspiration,
cleaning wounds, etc.; for example,
bergamot, lavender, thyme, juniper,
cypress, Spanish sage, lemongrass.
Insect repellents for lice, fleas, scabies,
ticks, mosquitos, ants, moths, etc.; for
example, spike lavender, garlic, geranium,
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
citronella, eucalyptus, clove, camphor, and
Atlas cedar wood.
3, 4
The Circulation, Muscles and Joints
Essential oils are easily absorbed via the skin and
mucosa into the bloodstream, affecting the nature
of the circulation as a whole. Oils with a warming
effect not only cause a better local blood
circulation, but also influence the inner organs.
They bring a warmth and glow to the surface of the
skin and can provide considerable pain relief
through their analgesic or numbing effect. Suchoils
can relieve local inflammation by setting free
mediators in the body which in turn cause the
bloodvessels to expand, so the blood is able to
move more quickly and the swelling is reduced.
Some oilslike hyssop tend to have a balancing or
regulating effect on the circulatory system as a
whole, reducingthe blood pressure if it is too high
or stimulating the system if it is sluggish.
Hypotensivesfor high blood pressure,
palpitations, stress, etc.; for example,
sweet marjoram, ylangylang, lavender,
Hypertensivesfor poor circulation,
chilblains, listlessness, etc.; for example,
rosemary, spike lavender, eucalyptus,
peppermint, thyme.
Rubefacientsfor rheumatism of the joints,
muscular stiffness, sciatica, lumbago, etc;
for example,black pepper, juniper,
rosemary, camphor, sweet marjoram.
Depurative or antitoxic agents for
arthritis, gout, congestion, skin eruptions,
etc.; for example, juniper,lemon, fennel,
Lymphatic stimulants for cellulitis,
obesity, water retention, etc.; for example,
grapefruit, lime, fennel,lemon, mandarin,
white birch.
Circulatory tonics and astringents for
swellings, inflammations, varicose veins,
etc.; for example, cypress, yarrow,
The Respiratory System
Nose, throat and lung infections are conditions
which respond very well to treatment with essential
oils. Inhalation is a very effective way of utilizing
their properties. In addition, most essential oils
which are absorbed from the stomach are then
excreted via the lungs, only a small part in the
Expectorants for catarrh, sinusitis, coughs,
bronchitis, etc; for example, eucalyptus,
pine, thyme,myrrh, sandalwood, fennel.
Antispasmodics for colic, asthma, dry
cough, whooping cough, etc; for example,
hyssop, cypress, cedarwood, bergamot,
Balsamic agents for colds, chills,
congestion, etc; for example, benzoin,
frankincense, Tolu balsam,Peru balsam,
Antiseptics for ’flu, colds, sore throat,
tonsillitis, gingivitis, etc; for example,
thyme, sage, eucalyptus,hyssop, pine,
cajeput, tea tree, borneol.
The Digestive System
Although it is not recommended that essential oils
be taken orally, they can by external application
effect certain changes in the digestive processes.
However, whereas herbal medicine has many
remedies at its disposal for a wide variety of
stomach, gall bladder and liver complaints, such as
dandelion, marshmallow, chamomile and
meadowsweet, much of their effectiveness is based
on a combination of aromatic components, together
with bitters, tannins and mucilage, which are absent
in the volatile oil alone. The external application of
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
essential oils in problems of the digestive system
though effective, is consequently somewhat limited
compared to the internal use of herbal remedies.
Antispasmodics for spasm, pain,
indigestion, etc.; for example, chamomile,
caraway, fennel, orange,peppermint,
lemon balm, aniseed, cinnamon.
Carminatives and stomachicsfor flatulent
dyspepsia, aerophagia, nausea, etc.; for
example, angelica,basil, fennel,
chamomile, peppermint, mandarin.
Cholagoguesfor increasing the flow of bile
and stimulating the gall bladder; for
example, caraway, lavender, peppermint
and borneol.
Hepatics for liver congestion, jaundice,
etc; for example, lemon, lime, rosemary,
Aperitifs for loss of appetite, anorexia, etc;
for example, aniseed, angelica, orange,
ginger, garlic.
The Genito-urinary and Endocrine Systems
Like the digestive system, the reproductive organs
can be affected by absorption via the skin into the
bloodstream, as well as through hormonal changes.
Some essential oils such as rose and jasmine have
an affinity for the reproductive system having a
general strengthening effect as well as helping to
combat specific complaints like menstrual
problems, genital infections and sexual difficulties.
Other oils contain plant hormones which mimic the
corresponding human hormones; oils such as hops,
sageand fennel have been found to contain a form
of oestrogen that influences the menstrual cycle,
lactationand secondary sexual characteristics.
Oestrogen also helps maintain a healthy circulation,
good muscle and skin tone and strong bones in both
men and women.
Other essential oils are known to influence the
levels of hormone secretion of other glands,
including the thyroid gland (which governs growth
and metabolism), the adrenal medulla (which deals
with stress reactions) and the adrenal cortex (which
governs several processes including the production
of oestrogen and androgen, the male sex hormone).
Antispasmodics for menstrual cramp
(dysmenorrhoea), labour pains, etc.; for
example, sweetmarjoram, chamomile,
clary sage, jasmine, lavender.
Emmenagoguesfor scanty periods, lack of
periods (amenorrhoea), etc; for example,
chamomile,fennel, hyssop, juniper, sweet
marjoram, peppermint.
Uterine tonics and regulators for
pregnancy, excess menstruation
(menorrhagia), PMT, etc; forexample,
clary sage, jasmine, rose, myrrh,
frankincense, lemon balm.
Antiseptic and bactericidal agents for
leucorrhoea, vaginal pruritis, thrush, etc;
for example, bergamot,chamomile, myrrh,
rose, tea tree.
Galactagoguesfor increasing milk flow;
for example, fennel, jasmine, anise,
lemongrass (sage, mintand parsley reduce
Aphrodisiacs for impotence and frigidity,
etc; for example, black pepper, cardomon,
clary sage, neroli,jasmine, rose,
sandalwood, patchouli, ylangylang.
Anaphrodisiacsfor reducing sexual desire;
for example, sweet marjoram, camphor.
Adrenal stimulants for anxiety, stress-
related conditions, etc.; for example, basil,
geranium, rosemary,borneol, sage, pine,
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Urinary antiseptics for cystitis, urethritis,
etc; for example, bergamot, chamomile,
tea tree,sandalwood.
2, 3, 4
The Immune System
Virtually all essential oils have bactericidal
properties and by promoting the production of
white blood cells, they can help prevent and treat
infectious illness.
Bactericidal and antiviral agents
(prophylactics) for protection against
colds, ’flu, etc.; for example,tea tree,
cajeput, niaouli, basil, lavender,
eucalyptus, bergamot, camphor, clove,
Febrifuge agents for reducing fever and
temperature, etc; for example, angelica,
basil, peppermint,thyme, sage, lemon,
eucalyptus, tea tree.
Sudorifics and diaphoretics for promoting
sweating, eliminating toxins, etc; for
example, rosemary,thyme, hyssop,
The Nervous System
Recent research shows that the properties of many
oils correspond to the traditionally held views:
chamomile, bergamot, sandalwood, lavender and
sweet marjoram were found to have a sedative
effect on the central nervous system; jasmine,
peppermint, basil, clove and ylangylang were found
to have a stimulating effect. Neroli was found to be
stimulating and lemon to be sedating, contrary to
popular belief. Some oils are known to be
‘adaptogens’, that is, they have a balancing or
normalizing effect on the systems of the body:
geranium and rosewood were either sedative or
stimulating according to each situation and
Sedatives for nervous tension, stress,
insomnia, etc; for example, chamomile,
bergamot, sandalwood, lavender, sweet
marjoram, lemon balm, hops, valerian,
Stimulants for convalescence, lack of
strength, nervous fatigue, etc; for example,
basil, jasmine, peppermint, ylangylang,
neroli, angelica, rosemary.
Nerve tonics (nervines) for strengthening
the nervous system as a whole; for
example, chamomile, clary sage, juniper,
lavender, marjoram, rosemary.
The Mind
This area is perhaps the most discussed and least
understood area of activity regarding essential oils.
There is no doubt that throughout history aromatic
oils have been used for their power to influence the
emotions and states of mind: this is the basis for
their employment as incense for religious and
ritualistic purposes. It is already known that two
olfactory nerve tracts run right into the limbic
system (the part of the brain concerned with
memory and emotion), which means that scents can
evoke an immediate and powerful response which
defies rational analysis.
Recent research at Warwick University, England,
and Toho University, Japan, has aimed to put these
traditionally held beliefs and applications into a
scientific context. They came up with two types of
reaction to odours which they called a ‘hard-wired’
response or a ‘soft-wired’ response: the first type is
ingrained from before birth and is purely
instinctual; the second is learned or acquired later
The first type may be, for example, the
scent of the mother’s skin or a sexual
signal; the second mightbe the fragrance
of honeysuckle, reminiscent of a
childhood garden.
But to what extent is the effect of a particular oil
dependent upon its chemical or physiological
make-up, and to what extent does it rely upon a
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial
belief or an asso
ciation? In dealing with the
psychological or emotional responses to the scent
of a particular oil, this
kind of classification
much more difficult: surely here it is more
appropriate to consider the temperament of
individual within a given co
ntext, rather than
predict a set reaction.
At the Psychology of Perfumery Conferenc
it was generally agreed
that ‘while pharmacological
effects may be very similar from one p
another, psychological
effects are bound to be
different.’ The effect of an odour on a
human being
was dependent on a
variety of factors which
1. How the odour was applied,
2. How much was applied,
3. The
circumstances in which it was applied,
4. The
person to whom it was applied (age, sex,
personality type),
5. What
mood they were in to start with,
6. What
previous associations they may have with
the odour,
7. Anosmia
, or inability to smell (certain scents).
We must, therefore, seek odoriferous substances
which present
affinities with the human being
to treat, those which will compensate for his
ncies and those which will make
faculties blossom. It was by searching for this
remedy that we encountered the
Figure 1
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
ciation? In dealing with the
psychological or emotional responses to the scent
kind of classification
much more difficult: surely here it is more
appropriate to consider the temperament of
ntext, rather than
At the Psychology of Perfumery Conferenc
e 1991,
that ‘while pharmacological
effects may be very similar from one p
erson to
effects are bound to be
human being
variety of factors which
circumstances in which it was applied,
person to whom it was applied (age, sex,
mood they were in to start with,
previous associations they may have with
, or inability to smell (certain scents).
We must, therefore, seek odoriferous substances
affinities with the human being
to treat, those which will compensate for his
ncies and those which will make
faculties blossom. It was by searching for this
remedy that we encountered the
(IP), which on all points
represents the identity of the individu
When we begin to consider individual needs,
essential oils start to demon
strate the versatility of
nature. The rose is a good example; a flower
which has been associated with beauty, love, and
depth in folklore and religious texts
(especially Sufi) but which als
o has a long tradition
of usage
for physical conditions such as skin
problems, regulating the female cy
the circulation,
purifying the blood and as a heart
tonic. When we smell the fragrance of
carries all these
rich associations with it, affecting
our mind and body simultaneously,
effect is moulded by
personal experience.
Anti-tumor& Anti-
Cancer activity
Tea tree oil and terpinen-4-
ol both were able to
retard the growth of human melanoma
cells and M14 adriamicin-
resistant cells. This
action was linked to apoptosis via caspase
dependent mechanism in melanoma cells. 5
Fluorouracil treatment is enhanced in human colon
cancer cells if sensitized by geraniol, a component
of plant essent
ial oils. Efforts are being made to
establish the link between essential oils and their
tumor activity. Polypharmacological anti
tumor mode-of-
action of essential oils in cardamom
has some promising results to substantiate the
Figure 1
3: Benefits of Aromatherapy
; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
(IP), which on all points
represents the identity of the individu
When we begin to consider individual needs,
strate the versatility of
nature. The rose is a good example; a flower
which has been associated with beauty, love, and
depth in folklore and religious texts
o has a long tradition
for physical conditions such as skin
problems, regulating the female cy
cle, promoting
purifying the blood and as a heart
tonic. When we smell the fragrance of
the rose, it
rich associations with it, affecting
our mind and body simultaneously,
where the
personal experience.
Cancer activity
ol both were able to
retard the growth of human melanoma
M14 WT
resistant cells. This
action was linked to apoptosis via caspase
dependent mechanism in melanoma cells. 5
Fluorouracil treatment is enhanced in human colon
cancer cells if sensitized by geraniol, a component
ial oils. Efforts are being made to
establish the link between essential oils and their
tumor activity. Polypharmacological anti
action of essential oils in cardamom
has some promising results to substantiate the
Indian Research Journal of Pharmacy and Science; Editorial; D. Halder
Ind Res J Pharm & Sci|2018: Sept.: 5 (3)
Applications of Aromatherapy:
The use of aromatherapy in holistic medicine has
taken a long leap within a couple of years. On
reviewing the literature on this therapy, it is found
that numerous studies have been carried out to
study the effects of this therapy on human brain
and its emotions.
Its role in mood, alertness, and mental stress in
healthy subjects was a topic of discussion among
scientific community recently. The health benefits
of aromatherapy include its ability to relieve
anxiety and depression, boost energy levels, speed
up the healing process, cure headaches, boost
cognition, induce sleep, strengthen the immune
system, reduce pain, improve digestion, and
increase circulation.
Aromatherapy is not widely administered
via ingestion.
The effects of aromatherapy are theorized
to result from the binding of chemical components
in the essential oil to the olfactory receptor,
impacting the brain’s emotional centre, the limbic
system. Topical application of aromatic oils may
exert antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and
analgesic effects. Studies in animals show sedative
and stimulant effects of specific essential oils as
well as positive effects on behaviour and the
immune system. Functional imaging studies in
humans support the influence of odours on the
limbic system and its emotional pathways. Human
clinical trials have investigated aromatherapy
primarily in the treatment of stress and anxiety in
patients with critical illnesses or in other
hospitalized patients.
These oils have well proven antibacterial,
antibiotic, and antiviral properties and many
published reports elsewhere as well as practitioners
have suggested them to be useful in many other
diseases like alzheimer, cardiovascular, cancer and
labour pain in pregnancy, etc. There is an increased
trend nowadays to use this therapy in the treatment
of cancer and sleep disorder. Their organic
character and to act in a supportive manner with the
body, provide a feeling of well-beingness. It was
found that the locomotor activity of mice increased
significantly by inhalation of rosemary essential
oils, which are used in phytotherapy as activating
and refreshing remedy for exhaustion.
Imagine a survivor of a failed civilization with
only a tattered book on Aromatherapy for guidance
in arresting a cholera epidemic. Yet, such a book
would more likely be found amid the debris than a
comprehensible medical text. - James Lovelock,
Environmentalist & Scientist.
Aromatherapy is not only having the ability to cure
several diseases but also use of essential oils
provides pleasure & soothing effect. Hence,
Aromatherapy is an Art of Healing & has similar
benefits, when used with the Modern Treatment
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6. Bakkali, F.; Averbeck, S.; Averbeck, D.;
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10. Bayala, B.; Bassole, I.H.; Scifo, R.;
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11. R. Tisserand, T. Balacs, Essential oil
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12. W.C. EvansTrease and Evans
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conflict of interest reported: nil ; source of funding: nil
... Aromaterapi, çeşitli bitkilerden elde edilen uçucu yağların kullanıldığı bir tür alternatif tıp uygulamasıdır (Halder, Barik, Dasgupta, & Roy, 2018). Genellikle inhalasyon yoluyla uygulanan aromaterapi topikal, dahili (gargara, fitil) ve oral yolla da uygulanabilmektedir (Bilgiç, 2017). ...
... Naneden üretilen esansiyel yağ karvakrol, karvon, mentol, metil asetat, menton ve limonen'dir. Nane yağında en az %44 oranında serbest mentol bulunmaktadır ve nane yağının farmakolojik etkisi mentolden kaynaklanmaktadır (Ali ve ark., 2015;Halder, Barik, Dasgupta, & Roy, 2018). ...
... Pemanfaatan minyak atsiri sebagai pengobatan telah dipraktekkan sejak zaman dahulu dan masih dilakukan hingga saat ini. Meskipun demikian, penting untuk mengetahui potensi efek samping yang dapat terjadi karena penggunaan minyak atsiri yang tidak benar atau berlebihan (Halder et al., 2018). ...
Full-text available
Aromaterapi merupakan salah satu terapi komplementer yang memanfaatkan minyak atsiri sebagai komponen aktif. Meskipun memiliki banyak manfaat, penggunaan minyak atsiri yang tidak tepat dapat menimbulkan risiko kesehatan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat, khususnya anggota Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK), dalam pemanfaatan minyak atsiri sebagai aromaterapi untuk pengobatan mandiri di rumah. Kegiatan edukasi dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di tiga kecamatan di Kota dan Kabupaten Malang dengan melibatkan 50 orang peserta dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan pekerjaan yang beragam. Melalui penyuluhan dan praktik langsung dalam pembuatan minyak aromaterapi, peserta diberikan informasi tentang penggunaan yang aman dan efektif, serta potensi manfaat dan risiko dari penggunaan minyak atsiri. Pengetahuan peserta dinilai sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan melalui pre-test dan post-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman peserta tentang pemanfaatan minyak atsiri sebagai aromaterapi untuk pengobatan mandiri di rumah (P< 0,05). Dengan demikian, pengabdian ini dapat membantu komunitas dalam memahami manfaat aromaterapi sebagai alternatif pengobatan mandiri yang aman dan efektif di rumah.
... [6] Aromatherapists use pure clove oil to treat arthritis and rheumatic symptoms. [13] Moreover, clove's fragrant oils have an irritating and stimulating impact and can mildly elevate body temperature and improve blood circulation. [6] Traditionally, Clove Essential Oil (CEO) has been applied to treat injuries, burns, infections, and toothaches. ...
... Their fibrous bark and aromatic traits make them economically important as sources of essential oils (Cascaes et al. 2021). Traditional faith healers often use essential oils for their holistic approach to healing, focusing on relaxation and stress relief, a practice now widely known as aromatherapy (Halder et al. 2018;Bakkali et al. 2008). Additionally, plants within this family, particularly the genus Annona, are popular in the fruit market, being consumed raw or made into Filipino desserts, jams, beverages, and alternative syrups (Langenberger et al. 2008). ...
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Background: As an archipelagic tropical country, the Philippines hosts abundant and diverse medicinal plants that have long been utilized as herbal remedies for diseases like cancer by over 112 ethnolinguistic groups, along with the locals, across its islands. With this diversity, a comprehensive identification of common anticancer herbal remedies is deemed important to serve as an exhaustive reference list for validating the efficacy of traditionally used medicinal plants against cancer. However, existing ethnobotanical records are limited to studies that conduct general ethnobotanical documentation which are not specified for anticancer use only. Hence, this review compiled previous studies on medicinal plants used as anticancer by locals and ethnic groups in the Philippines. Methods: Studies with information on medicinal plants used for anticancer were obtained from ScienceDirect, PubMed, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and MSU-IIT DBS. Titles, abstracts, and articles were reviewed independently by three reviewers, and the quality of included studies was then evaluated using a quality assessment tool specific to ethnobotanical studies. The PRISMA design was used to carry out this review from inception to April 25, 2024. Results: The qualitative synthesis included 71 new studies mostly conducted in Mindanao, followed by Luzon and Visayas, respectively. A total of 68 families, 145 genera, and 390 plant species were documented, of which the most commonly mentioned were the families Zingiberaceae, Annonaceae, and Apocynaceae. Meanwhile, the most frequently cited genera were Annona, followed by Curcuma and Ficus. Plant parts commonly used for anticancer preparations were leaves, roots, and fruits, respectively, with decoction being the predominant mode of preparation. Annona muricata emerged as the most commonly mentioned plant species, followed by Curcuma longa and Catharanthus roseus. Conclusions: This review showed that the widespread and sustained utilization of herbal plants with anticancer properties across the Philippines is pivotal in cancer healthcare in the country, reflecting the deeply-rooted traditional knowledge and practices within local communities. Moreover, many similarities in ethnobotanical practice were observed across the claimants, hence showing the shared knowledge of traditional medicinal practices among different Filipino communities. Keywords: Philippines, medicinal plants, ethnobotany, anticancer, herbal remedies, herbal preparations, traditional knowledge, indigenous
... Aromatherapy, targeting the olfactory sense, uses essential oils and fragrant extracts to harmonize the mind and body, with certain scents known for their sedative properties that aid sleep. While gustatory arts, such as culinary arts therapy, may indirectly influence sleep through mood and wellbeing improvements, tactile forms of therapy like body movement and dance therapy emphasize physical expression and the tactile experience to relieve stress and enhance sleep quality (37,38). This inclusive approach not only broadens the review's scope but also underscores the multifaceted nature of arts therapies in mitigating sleep initiation and maintenance disorders by alleviating mental stress and emotional tension. ...
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Introduction Arts therapies offer effective non-pharmacological intervention for Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders (SIMDs), encompassing both passive and active modalities. This review assesses their effectiveness and ethical considerations, focusing on music therapy, meditation, and Tai Chi. Methods Following PRISMA guidelines, a detailed search across PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and CNKI identified 17 relevant RCTs. Utilizing the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) quality criteria and the PICO(S) framework for data extraction ensured methodological integrity. Results Analysis shows arts therapies significantly improve sleep quality. Music therapy and meditation yield immediate benefits, while Tai Chi and Qigong require longer commitment for significant outcomes. Discussion The link between SIMDs and mental health issues like anxiety, stress, and depression suggests arts therapies not only enhance sleep quality but also address underlying mental health conditions. The evidence supports a wider adoption of arts therapies in treating SIMDs due to their dual benefits. Systematic review registration PROSPERO, ID: CRD42024506393.
... In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in the use of plant volatile material by the food, fragrance and cosmetic industries [2]. The plant volatiles are also used as alternative medicine in the form of aroma-therapy because they alter an individual's mood, behavior, cognitive function, and health; thus, they have applications in the pharmaceutical industry as well [3]. ...
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The germplasms of the Murraya koenigii were collected from Rajahmundry, Annur, Kollihills, Suvashini, Bhavanisagar, Karamadai (KMM5, KMM6, KMM7, KMM8 and KMM14) and the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). The fresh leaves were analyzed for its volatile organic compounds by Thermal Desorption Gas chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy (TD-GC-MS) to obtain germplasm specific volatile fingerprinting. The correlation between genotypes based on volatile profiles has been analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). A wide variety of volatile compounds identified in the eleven M. koenigii genotypes belongs to terpenoids, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, aldehyde, ketones, benzenes, azulenes and other minor compounds. The α-pinene and β-pinene content is high in Suvashini and Bhavanisagar (BSR) genotypes respectively. The monoterpenes such as γ-terpinene, α-myrcene and terpinolene are high in Karamadai variety (KMMK8), whereas caryophyllene content is high in the Rajahmundry. The results of PCA revealed that significant variances with 45.47% (PC 1) and 21.40% (PC 2). In AHC, the α-pinene and chloral hydrate forms the one major cluster. Additionally, α-fenchene and α-caryophyllene has observed forming second major cluster with significant magnitude. The cluster formed by sesquiterpenes are observed high in Annur (65.34%), followed by KMMK8 (48.01%), Kollihills (39.89%) and Rajahmundry (39.27%). The PCA and AHC combined with the fingerprint of TD-GC-MS have discriminated qualitative volatile profile and indicated that major changes VOCs emitted are highly attributed to the genetic factors.
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Natural extracts as biostimulants have the potential to enhance the productivity and growth of many medicinal and aromatic plants. This study aimed to enhance the growth, and essential oil (EO) content, as well as composition of Lavandula latifolia Medik. by using Malva parviflora L. extract (ME) as a biostimulant in combination with humic acid (HA) in a field experiment in two successive seasons of 2022 and 2023. The phenolic, flavonoid and water-soluble vitamins of the ME were analyzed using an HPLC. The protein amino acids of the ME were identified by an amino acid analyzer. The prepared concentrations of HA (0, 1, 2, and 4 g/L) were applied to the soil. While, they for ME (0, 2, 4, and 6 g/L) were added as a foliar spray. The EO compositions collected from the leaves of the treated L. latifolia plants were subjected to the hydro-distillation method and analyzed using GC-MS. The most prevalent vitamins found in ME were vitamin B12, vitamin C, and folic acid. Besides, several phenolic compounds were found in ME, such as catechol, cinnamic acid and syringic acid, while flavonoid chemicals, such as luteolin and quercetin. Also, alanine, ammonia, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, and tyrosine were the ME’s most prominent nitrogenous and amino acid components. The most effective treatments of HA and ME on the plant height, the number of branches/plant, and plant fresh weight were 4 + 6 g/L and 4 + 2 g/L for leaf area and chlorophyll content, it was 4 + 4 g/L; and for EO percentage were 4 + 0 g/L, 2 + 0 g/L, and 4 + 4 g/L, compared to the control treatment for each characteristic. The main EO compounds eucalyptol, camphor, α-pinene, β-pinene, Δ-elemene, germacrene D-4-ol, isoborneol, β-caryophyllene oxide, and tau.-cadinol identified in the leaves were found in the range of 28.74–46.19%, 15.34–30.49%, 3.39–7.16%, 0–5.08%, 0–5.18%, 0–3.20%, 0–3.31% and 0–3.40%, respectively. It can be concluded that a combination treatment of HA and ME as natural biostimulant compounds at 4 + 4 g/L could be recommended for good plant growth, and EO quantity of L. latifolia plants.
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COVID-19 has been a major global health concern for the past three years, and currently we are still experiencing coronavirus patients in the following years. The virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, shares a similar genomic identity with previous viruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. To combat the pandemic, modern drugs discovery techniques such as in silico experiments for docking and virtual screening have been employed to design new drugs against COVID-19. However, the release of new drugs for human use requires two safety assessment steps consisting of preclinical and clinical trials. To bypass these steps, scientists are exploring the potential of repurposing existing drugs for COVID-19 treatment. This approach involves evaluating antiviral activity of drugs previously used for treating respiratory diseases against other enveloped viruses such as HPV, HSV, and HIV. The aim of this study is to review repurposing of existing drugs, traditional medicines, and active secondary metabolites from plant-based natural products that target specific protein enzymes related to SARS-CoV-2. The review also analyzes the chemical structure and activity relationship between selected active molecules, particularly flavonol groups, as ligands and proteins or active sites of SARS-CoV-2.
Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquids that contain a diverse group of over 200 aromatic volatile and non-volatile flavoring compounds. These are the secondary metabolites derived from the different parts of the plants. It has numerous uses in multiple industrial applications such as food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products. EOs is extracted using a variety of methods. These various techniques have several merits and demerits in terms of the biological and physicochemical characteristics of the extracted oils. A few advanced techniques (subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction, solvent free microwave extraction) and conventional (steam distillation, solvent extraction, hydro-distillation, hydro-diffusion) techniques have been studied for the determination of EOs. Progressed methods are considered as the most consoling extraction systems due to less extraction time, low energy usage, less dissolvable used and less carbon dioxide emanation. Parameters like solvent-solute ratio, extraction temperature, size of the raw material and the extraction time have significant effect on the yield of the EOs. Production of EO is highly integrated with the physiology of the plant and its metabolic pathway. EO production sometimes also depends on the preset developmental differentiation of the synthesizing tissue. EO productivity is eco-physiologically and environment friendly. Because of their compelling and proficient properties, EOs can be utilized as antimicrobial, anticancer, mitigating and against viral specialists. These EOs can also be used as skin permeation enhancer agents.
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Essential oils are widely used in pharmaceutical, sanitary, cosmetic, agriculture and food industries for their bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, antiparasitical and insecticidal properties. Their anticancer activity is well documented. Over a hundred essential oils from more than twenty plant families have been tested on more than twenty types of cancers in last past ten years. This review is focused on the activity of essential oils and their components on various types of cancers. For some of them the mechanisms involved in their anticancer activities have been carried out.
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Nowadays, use of alternative and complementary therapies with mainstream medicine has gained the momentum. Aromatherapy is one of the complementary therapies which use essential oils as the major therapeutic agents to treat several diseases. The essential or volatile oils are extracted from the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits and other parts of the plant by various methods. It came into existence after the scientists deciphered the antiseptic and skin permeability properties of essential oils. Inhalation, local application and baths are the major methods used in aromatherapy that utilize these oils to penetrate the human skin surface with marked aura. Once the oils are in the system, they remodulate themselves and work in a friendly manner at the site of malfunction or at the affected area. This type of therapy utilizes various permutation and combinations to get relief from numerous ailments like depression, indigestion, headache, insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory problems, skin ailments, swollen joints, urine associated complications etc. The essential oils are found to be more beneficial when other aspects of life and diet are given due consideration. This review explores the information available in the literature regarding therapeutic, medical, cosmetic, psychological, olfactory, massage aromatherapy, safety issues and different plants used in aromatherapy. All the available information was compiled from electronic databases such as Academic Journals, Ethnobotany, Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, and library search.
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Dental caries remains the most prevalent and costly oral infectious disease worldwide. Several methods have been employed to prevent this biofilm-dependent disease, including the use of essential oils (EOs). In this systematic review, we discuss the antibacterial activity of EOs and their isolated constituents in view of a potential applicability in novel dental formulations. Seven databases were systematically searched for clinical trials, in situ, in vivo and in vitro studies addressing the topic published up to date. Most of the knowledge in the literature is based on in vitro studies assessing the effects of EOs on caries-related streptococci (mainly Streptococcus mutans) and lactobacilli, and on a limited number of clinical trials. The most promising species with antibacterial potential against cariogenic bacteria are: Achillea ligustica, Baccharis dracunculifolia, Croton cajucara, Cryptomeria japonica, Coriandrum sativum, Eugenia caryophyllata, Lippia sidoides, Ocimum americanum, and Rosmarinus officinalis. In some cases, the major phytochemical compounds determine the biological properties of EOs. Menthol and eugenol were considered outstanding compounds demonstrating an antibacterial potential. Only L. sidoides mouthwash (1%) has shown clinical antimicrobial effects against oral pathogens thus far. This review suggests avenues for further non-clinical and clinical studies with the most promising EOs and their isolated constituents bioprospected worldwide.
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Essential oils are complex mixtures of several components endowed with a wide range of biological activities, including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, sedative, analgesic, and anesthetic properties. A growing body of scientific reports has recently focused on the potential of essential oils as anticancer treatment in the attempt to overcome the development of multidrug resistance and important side effects associated with the antitumor drugs currently used. In this review we discuss the literature on the effects of essential oils in in vitro and in vivo models of cancer, focusing on the studies performed with the whole phytocomplex rather than single constituents.
  • Paci
Paci. J. Trop. Med., 2015, 5(8), 601-611.
Essential oils as "a cry for help
  • C Zitzelsberger
  • G Buchbauer
Zitzelsberger, C.; Buchbauer, G. Essential oils as "a cry for help". A review. Nat.
Essential oil safety: a guide for health professionalsChurchill Livingstone
  • R Tisserand
  • T Balacs
R. Tisserand, T. Balacs, Essential oil safety: a guide for health professionalsChurchill Livingstone, Edinburgh (1995).