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Achieving Resilient Water Networks-Experimental Performance Evaluation



Recognizing the need to improve the resilience of water distribution networks, water providers are seeking new technologies to accommodate ground deformation associated with seismically induced fault rupture, landslides, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and settlement, and ground movements caused by other natural hazards, construction, mining, and regional dewatering activities. Pipeline manufacturers have responded to the need for improved resilience with innovative products designed to respond to significant levels of ground deformation through the use of improved materials and jointing mechanisms. Typical pipeline design is predicated on limiting relative displacements at pipe joints, or between the pipeline and surrounding soil. The new pipeline systems provide the capacity for large axial movements and deflections at joints, thus allowing pipelines to change shape, while maintaining pressure and flow, in response to complex patterns of ground displacement. To accompany new technologies and changes in design approaches, experimental procedures are proposed that assess the performance of hazard-resilient pipeline technologies under extreme loading conditions. Recommendations are provided based on best practices developed from more than sixty full-scale tests performed on pipes of various material and joint characteristics. Focus is given to the fundamental mechanics of pipeline response to externally applied movement: axial extension/compression and bending/joint deflection. Experimental evidence confirms that soil-pipeline interaction under large ground deformation can be decomposed into mechanical response parallel and perpendicular to the pipeline longitudinal axis, providing an effective means of understanding performance and developing hazard-resilient designs. Experimental methodologies, limit state assessment, instrumentation and load apparatus design, methods for interpreting and quantifying results, and classification of performance with respect to developing seismic design standards for water and wastewater pipelines are highlighted. ABSTRACT Recognizing the need to improve the resilience of water distribution networks, water providers are seeking new technologies to accommodate ground deformation associated with seismically induced fault rupture, landslides, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and settlement, and ground movements caused by other natural hazards, construction, mining, and regional dewatering activities. Pipeline manufacturers have responded to the need for improved resilience with innovative products designed to respond to significant levels of ground deformation through the use of improved materials and jointing mechanisms. Typical pipeline design is predicated on limiting relative displacements at pipe joints, or between the pipeline and surrounding soil. The new pipeline systems provide the capacity for large axial movements and deflections at joints, thus allowing pipelines to change shape, while maintaining pressure and flow, in response to complex patterns of ground displacement. To accompany new technologies and changes in design approaches, experimental procedures are proposed that assess the performance of hazard-resilient pipeline technologies under extreme loading conditions. Recommendations are provided based on best practices developed from more than sixty full-scale tests, performed on pipes of various material and joint characteristics, to evaluate the large deformation capacity of these hazard-resistant systems. Focus is given to the fundamental mechanics of pipeline response to externally applied movement: axial extension/compression and bending/joint deflection. Experimental evidence confirms that soil-pipeline interaction under large ground deformation can be decomposed into mechanical response parallel and perpendicular to the pipeline longitudinal axis. For water distribution pipelines, this decomposition provides an effective means of understanding performance and developing hazard-resilient designs. Experimental methodologies, limit state assessment, instrumentation and load apparatus design, methods for interpreting and quantifying results, and classification of performance with respect to developing seismic design standards for water and wastewater pipelines are highlighted.
Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy
June 25-29, 2018
Los Angeles, California
B. P. Wham1, B. A. Berger2, C. Pariya-Ekkasut2, T. D. O’Rourke2, H. E.
Stewart2, T. K. Bond
Recognizing the need to improve the resilience of water distribution networks, water providers are seeking
new technologies to accommodate ground deformation associated with seismically induced fault rupture,
landslides, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and settlement, and ground movements caused by other
natural hazards, construction, mining, and regional dewatering activities. Pipeline manufacturers have
responded to the need for improved resilience with innovative products designed to respond to significant
levels of ground deformation through the use of improved materials and jointing mechanisms. Typical
pipeline design is predicated on limiting relative displacements at pipe joints, or between the pipeline and
surrounding soil. The new pipeline systems provide the capacity for large axial movements and deflections
at joints, thus allowing pipelines to change shape, while maintaining pressure and flow, in response to
complex patterns of ground displacement. To accompany new technologies and changes in design
approaches, experimental procedures are proposed that assess the performance of hazard-resilient pipeline
technologies under extreme loading conditions. Recommendations are provided based on best practices
developed from more than sixty full-scale tests performed on pipes of various material and joint
characteristics. Focus is given to the fundamental mechanics of pipeline response to externally applied
movement: axial extension/compression and bending/joint deflection. Experimental evidence confirms that
soil-pipeline interaction under large ground deformation can be decomposed into mechanical response
parallel and perpendicular to the pipeline longitudinal axis, providing an effective means of understanding
performance and developing hazard-resilient designs. Experimental methodologies, limit state assessment,
instrumentation and load apparatus design, methods for interpreting and quantifying results, and
classification of performance with respect to developing seismic design standards for water and wastewater
pipelines are highlighted.
1Research Associate, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder,
CO 80309 (email:
2Geotchnical Lifelines Group, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850
Wham, B.P. B.A. Berger, C. Pariya-Ekkasu, T. D. O’Rourke, H. E. Stewart, T. K. Bond, C. Argyrou. Achieving
Resilient Water Networks Experimental Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the 11th National Conference in
Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. 2018.
Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy
June 25-29, 2018
Los Angeles, California
Achieving Resilient Water Networks Experimental Performance
B. P. Wham1, B. A. Berger2, C. Pariya-Ekkasut3, T. D. O’Rourke3, H. E. Stewart3, T. K. Bond,
and C. Argyrou3
Recognizing the need to improve the resilience of water distribution networks, water providers are
seeking new technologies to accommodate ground deformation associated with seismically induced
fault rupture, landslides, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and settlement, and ground
movements caused by other natural hazards, construction, mining, and regional dewatering
activities. Pipeline manufacturers have responded to the need for improved resilience with
innovative products designed to respond to significant levels of ground deformation through the use
of improved materials and jointing mechanisms. Typical pipeline design is predicated on limiting
relative displacements at pipe joints, or between the pipeline and surrounding soil. The new pipeline
systems provide the capacity for large axial movements and deflections at joints, thus allowing
pipelines to change shape, while maintaining pressure and flow, in response to complex patterns of
ground displacement. To accompany new technologies and changes in design approaches,
experimental procedures are proposed that assess the performance of hazard-resilient pipeline
technologies under extreme loading conditions. Recommendations are provided based on best
practices developed from more than sixty full-scale tests, performed on pipes of various material
and joint characteristics, to evaluate the large deformation capacity of these hazard-resistant
systems. Focus is given to the fundamental mechanics of pipeline response to externally applied
movement: axial extension/compression and bending/joint deflection. Experimental evidence
confirms that soil-pipeline interaction under large ground deformation can be decomposed into
mechanical response parallel and perpendicular to the pipeline longitudinal axis. For water
distribution pipelines, this decomposition provides an effective means of understanding
performance and developing hazard-resilient designs. Experimental methodologies, limit state
assessment, instrumentation and load apparatus design, methods for interpreting and quantifying
results, and classification of performance with respect to developing seismic design standards for
water and wastewater pipelines are highlighted.
1Research Associate, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder,
CO 80309 (email:
2Geotchnical Lifelines Group, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850
Wham, B.P. B.A. Berger, C. Pariya-Ekkasu, T. D. O’Rourke, H. E. Stewart, T. K. Bond, C. Argyrou. Achieving
Resilient Water Networks Experimental Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the 11th National Conference in
Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. 2018.
Despite the well-documented vulnerabilities of critical lifelines systems to ground movements
imposed by seismic events, including fault rupture, landsliding, and soil liquefaction-induced
subsidence and lateral spreading, these systems remain susceptible to widespread damage that can
hinder immediate efforts of emergency services (i.e., firefighting, hospitals) as well as longer-term
economic and social community recovery [1-4]. Compared to other critical infrastructure systems
(e.g., buildings, bridges), relatively limited publications addressing seismic pipeline design are
available. ASCE Committee on Gas and Liquid Fuel Lifelines provides design guidelines for
essential oil and gas pipelines and includes consideration for seismic design [5]. Pipeline Research
Council International expanded on the previous document to include seismic design of natural gas
transmission systems [6].
For water networks, the first industry-based guidelines were introduced by the Japan Water Works
Association and based on the seismic design of earthquake-resistant ductile iron pipes [7]. This
document provided the basis for the adoption of ISO 16134: Earthquake- and subsidence-resistant
design for ductile iron pipelines [8]. A noteworthy contribution of that document was a
classification table for pipeline components that provides three tiers of performance levels for three
key joint parameters: expansion/contraction, slip-out resistance, and deflection angle.
The American Lifelines Alliance (2005) provides seismic design guidelines based on three
analytical methods requiring increasing degrees of analytical assessment [9]. While these
guidelines provide a thorough framework, they are optional recommendations that have
(unfortunately) not seen widespread adoption by the industry. The guidelines also fall short of
defining quantitative performance metrics for pipeline deformation capacity, which are useful to
manufactures for setting performance goals of innovative new products, and to utilities for both
choosing products based on general performance and developing a more comprehensive analytical
assessment of product capacity given specific project characteristics.
Efforts by professional institutions to address the absence of seismic design considerations in
current industry standards are ongoing [10,11]. For the case of seismic design of water and
wastewater pipelines, the American Society of Civil Engineers has formed a task committee
charged with developing a manual of practice that incorporates pipeline criticality, expected levels
of seismic loading, and quantifiable pipeline performance metrics. A parallel effort by the
American Water Works Association’s A21 Committee intents to propose a chapter for the M41
Manual providing a framework for seismic design of ductile iron pipe [12].
The intention of this paper is to provide a supplement to the developing seismic design frameworks
by providing a first step in the process of establishing experimental procedures for the evaluation
of seismic pipelines. Based on the authors’ experiences designing and implementing over 60 full-
scale tests, best practices are outlined and accompanied by considerations unique to external
loading imposed by large ground movements.
Many of the suggested procedures reported herein are based on experience testing the jointing
mechanisms of segmented pipelines. Segmented, in contrast to continuous, pipelines are defined
as a system in which the jointing mechanism provides an inconsistency in system stiffness, and
typically represents a location of weakness at which failure or leakage is likely to occur.
Notwithstanding, the joints provide the otherwise rigid system the capacity to accommodate
significant levels of movement through extension, contraction, and deflection. Despite the
inherent focus on segmented systems, many of the best practices presented are equally applicable
for large-scale testing of continuous pipeline systems.
Current Experimental Procedures
Present industry standards addressing performance of water distribution pipelines are predicated
on internal pressure tests and material strength characterization. For example, AWWA
C151/A21.51 requires ductile iron pipes to be tested to 500 psi (3.45 MPa) and for tensile coupon
specimens, cut from the wall of the pipe, to be tested periodically during manufacturing [13]. For
thermoplastic pipe, test procedures based on internal pressure and vacuum are available to qualify
joint performance [14] and elevated levels of internal pressure are used to quantify pipe
Hydrostatic Design Basis [15]. While valuable for regular operation, the available testing
procedures are not suitable for evaluation or quantification of a pipeline’s response to earthquake-
induced ground movement that exerts exterior loading to the pipe structure. For instance, testing
has demonstrated that joint axial tensile capacity for 6-in. (150-mm)-diameter pipe under typical
operating pressures can be several times less than the apparent axial capacity achieved during burst
To evaluate seismic performance of recently introduced hazard-resilient pipeline produces
researchers at Cornell University’s Geotechnical Lifelines Large-Scale Test Facility have
developed testing procedures that focus on the fundamental mechanics of pipeline response to
externally applied movement: axial extension/compression and bending/joint deflection.
Experimental evidence has demonstrated that soil-pipeline interaction under large ground
deformation can be decomposed into mechanical response parallel and perpendicular to the
pipeline longitudinal axis. For water distribution pipelines, this decomposition provides an
effective means of understanding performance and developing hazard-resilient designs.
General Seismic Evaluation Considerations
Several general suggestions are provided that are relevant to seismic assessment of pipeline
systems. These guidelines are applicable to both axial load tests and four-point bending tests as
well as other testing procedures to determine capability of a system to accommodate extreme
external loading conditions.
A definitive testing program for product qualification is not specifically outlined because such a
program is likely to vary depending on the system’s application. However, best practices on which
a testing program could be based are provided. For instance, it is suggested that a statistically
relevant number of tests are performed. One test is much better than none, but three or greater is
highly suggested to understand repeatability and elementary characterization of experimental
Material Characterization
Reliable results from well-instrumented tensile coupon specimens are necessary to design safe
testing configurations, interpret experimental data, and for developing analytical models. The full
stress-strain response in tension is fundamental, however other characterization can be useful for
a given material. For example, a high internal pressure tests of an instrumented section of pipe
barrel was used to estimate the circumferential properties of an anisotropic, oriented polyvinyl
chloride material [16].
Loading Frame and Equipment
Whenever possible, it is preferable to design the loading mechanisms (i.e., frame, loading beams,
supports, connections) to be significantly (five to ten times) stiffer than the maximum applied load.
Ensuring that each component of a loading system is sufficiently stiff limits unintended
displacements of the loading components and limits elastic system rebound that can occur when
test specimens fail suddenly at elevated load levels. Structural design is essential and stiffening
elements in the loading system should be installed as necessary to guard against web local
crippling, flange local buckling, web local yielding, and web compression buckling.
Servo-controlled hydraulic actuators operated under displacement control are ideal for ensuring
consistent test conditions, constant displacement rate, and repeatability. Conducting tests under
displacement control is highly preferable to load control for several reasons, most importantly to
avoid “runaway” loading conditions which can compromise laboratory safety.
Internal Pressure
During earthquakes, or other events that can lead to ground movement, the internal pressure of the
pipeline is expected to be either at typical operating pressure, or at zero pressure due to failure at
another location along the systems. While it is possible some fluctuation in internal pressure may
result from transit ground waves or other operational procedures, it is impractical to assume water
pressure will be supplied continuously at levels several times the lines maximum operating
It is the opinion of the authors that seismic testing should consider three internal pressure levels.
Most importantly, tests should be carried out at typical operating pressures, as this is the most
likely condition of the pipeline during an earthquake. Negligible internal pressure is also an
important state, and has been shown in one test to reduce axial tensile capacity of a restrained joint
by about 15% [19]. For these tests it is useful to have the specimen filled with relatively low
pressure, perhaps 5% of the typical operating pressure, so that leakage of the system can be
identified. An elevated internal pressure on the order of two times the typical operating pressure
may also be considered as a test parameter.
The use of electronic pressure transducers, a pressure regulating value and, in some cases, a flow
meter are useful components of the pressurization system. For example, internal water pressure
during compression tests must be bled to achieve consistency while additional volume is necessary
for tension testing. Both increases and decreases to internal pressure during a single bending test
sequence have been observed, requiring the operator to manually open and close valves to sustain
constant pressure in the absence of a pressure regulator.
Prior to testing every effort should be made to ensure air has been removed from the interior of the
pipe for two key reasons: (1) upon pipe failure at elevated pressure, air will expand rapidly posing
greater potential safety concerns, and (2) compressed air may escape from an elastomericly sealed
joint prematurely, providing a false indication of sustained joint leakage.
Test Specimen Size
Short specimens will be influenced by end constraints used to apply loading. In general, a total
minimum specimen length of 8D is advisable for tension/compression tests. Instruments can be
impacted by local stress concentrations at loading supports or end restraints along the pipe (e.g.,
strain gages). Experience suggests that a minimum distance of 2 to 2.5D (diameter) typically is
sufficient to minimize undesirable influence on measurements. This recommendation, illustrated
in Figure 1 by strain gage planes ST±20, may vary based on D/t ratio and other test parameters.
Limit States
Seismic pipeline evaluation should make all reasonable efforts to design tests that assess the full
performance capacity range of a system. Pipe testing can typically define two key limit states:
serviceability and ultimate. The serviceability limit state for a segmented pipe is typically defined
as sustained leakage greater than a drop per second. Joint leakage is unacceptable under typical
operating conditions (service) but, during extreme events, a leaking joint still has the capacity to
convey water to critical facilities and aid in firefighting. Continuous pipelines are likely to define
serviceability limits differently, choosing to base a serviceability limit on a particular level of
localized tensile strain concentration or percent loss of cross-sectional area due to buckling.
Regardless of the parameter, thoughtful test design coupled with competent analytical models will
allow reasonable determination of these deformation states.
The ultimate limit state is defined by structural failure or fracture of the pipeline resulting in the
inability of the pipeline to sustain adequate levels of internal pressure. “Adequate” is intentionally
vague as an ultimate limit state is not specifically defined by any standards known to the authors.
Discussions with representatives from various municipalities suggest tests which reach leakage
rates exceeding 10-15 gal/min are considered unsustainable and necessitate immediate
Discrepancy between the imposed actuator displacement and the actual displacement of the test
specimen is likely regardless of system stiffness. Seating loads are common at end connections
which fix the pipe specimen to the rigid frame and actuator. The localized relative displacement
between bell and spigot sections of pipe are frequently most important to system assessment.
These discrepancies and details can be captured sufficiently if adequate instruments are used to
measure pipeline displacements at key locations along the specimen. String potentiometers,
linearly varying differential transducers (LVDTs), and encoders are typical instruments that can
be installed along the specimen to fully capture response. It is advisable to always provide
redundant measures, especially for the most critical test variables. For instance, if the data
acquisition system (DAQ) failed to record actuator displacement, supplementary measures along
the pipe should be recorded such that an approximate measure of actuator displacement could be
Figure 1. Plan view of representative compression test configurations [21].
calculated during post-test data reduction. Data interpretation errors are made when single
measurements are taken as truth and not checked against redundant records.
In addition to displacement, applied load is a critical measurement requiring redundancy. A load
cell installed in-line with the hydraulic actuator a preferred force measurement. However, these
devices could malfunction or be damaged during a test. For axial tests, a secondary measure of
load can be provided by additional load cells incorporated into the fixed end restraint (non-actuator
end of the specimen), as shown in Figure 1. Applied load can also be calculated from strain gages
adhered to the specimen.
Strain gages provide measures of localized material deformation. Each individual gage can provide
the strain in a single direction, while combinations of gages can capture bi-axial (X-Y pairs) or
multi-directional (rosettes) stress states. Specific to pipeline testing, it is advisable to include strain
gage pairs along straight section of the pipe barrel. Typical locations are halfway between the
end/loading restraints and the jointing mechanism at the center of the specimen. Locating gage
planes away from structural inconsistences provides a “clean” measure of pipe barrel strain and
can be used as a supplementary measure of load (assuming specimen material properties are well-
characterized by material testing).
Axial Tension and Compression Testing
Prior to 2012, very few studies exist considering the structural capacity of restrained joints or
couplings for water systems. Singhal performed a series of tests on several diameters of standard
DI push-on joints without joint restraining mechanisms [17]. Maragakis et al., employed a servo-
controlled actuator to apply tensile and compressive loading to several pipe materials and
diameters [18]. Although these tests were performed on relatively short sections of pipe that were
stiffened with flanges at their ends and with no internal water pressure to indicate leakage, until
recently they provided the only reasonable test data comparing the axial performance of various
joint configurations. Recent testing at Cornell has expanded significantly the available data
regarding axial tension and compression capacity of various seismically-resilient pipelines. For
the most part, these tests adhere to consistent design practices intended to evaluate the structural
system response under worst-case loading conditions.
The most significant challenge in conducting a successful axial tension or compression test is the
end restraints that transfer sufficient force from the frame to the test specimen. Several methods
have proven successful for various materials. Weld beads applied to ductile iron pipe can provide
a reactionary surface for stiff clamps [20]. Flanges welded to the end of thin wall steel pipe have
supplied adequate load for compression testing (Figure 1), and shown some success for developing
large plastic strains during tension tests [21, 22]. The use of multiple mechanical restrains in series
was successful in testing PVCO pipe to failure in tension (Figure 2) [16,19].
Four-Point Bending Tests
Four-point bending tests are designed to evaluate the joint deflection (rotation) and pipe deflection
capacity of pipelines intended to accommodate large lateral deformation. Four-point loading,
shown in Figure 3, generates a constant moment region between the inner two loading points.
While three-point loading may give the same resulting moment, it requires a known hinge point,
or rotational center, which can shift during a test. Also, loading directly through the joint in
question could prove unfavorable if local deformations nucleates from the loading point. Ground
rupture primarily oriented perpendicular to the pipe alignment will exert a pressure distribution
along the pipeline that is better represented by a constant moment region than a point load.
Test Setup
Conventionally, four-point tests are conducted with pin and roller support conditions. Fundamental
statics suggests that a dual roller system would prove unstable, which is why a pin connection is
allocated at one end. Tests conducted by the authors have shown the efficacy of a dual roller system
[23], which allows for the migration of the rotation center during the test and ensures the specimen
remains geometrically centered relative to the loading points. In complex joint systems,
determining center of rotations have proven difficult. The center of rotation is not necessarily the
first point of contact or the centerline of a jointed system, rather it is a point that is believed to be
a hinge that allows for symmetric rotations at loading points. As deflection increases and yield
occurs, the center of rotation changes due to complex contacts inside the joint. Under large
Figure 2. Plan view of representative tension test configurations [19].
Figure 3. Elevation view of typical four-point bending test [22].
deflections, the pipe has a tendency to move towards the center. Rollers allow for equal movement
thereby preserving symmetry.
The loading supports, referred to herein as saddles, serve to transfer applied force/displacement
from the loading frame to the test specimen. Saddles need to be designed in a manner such that
they are stiff enough to transfer the load without deforming but not significantly more rigid and
the test specimen such that they induce stress concentrations and local yielding of the pipe barrel.
The first design step is to determine what applied load level will yield a straight section of pipe
under four-point bending. Then, using a stress-based approach looking at contact area between the
pipe and saddle, an adequate support can be designed. When testing specimens with high d/t ratios
or with low moduli, a saddle that fully encapsulates the pipe barrel may be necessary.
Circumferentially enclosing the pipe barrel via welding or other stiff connections is not
recommended as this could induce unwanted boundary affects. Instead, the use of a saddle similar
to Figure 4, where the pipe barrel can oval slightly (see rubber inserts between pipe and steel
support) while still resisting local deformation, is recommended.
Pipe deflection can be measured through a rotation in degrees or through a radius of curvature.
Rotation is calculated by assuming straight line motion between a support and a displacement
measurement at the center of rotation and by the differences in string pots placed at crown and
invert of each joint. Under large deflections, the pipe has a tendency to move in towards the center.
This can cause misalignment of vertical displacement devices and needs to be corrected throughout
the test. If a radius of curvature measurement is required, a sufficient number of displacement
devices should be placed along the length of the specimen to capture the deformed shape. Total
station survey measurements can be taken during the test to corroborate displacement data.
The experimental recommendations discussed address the most fundamental tests necessary the
evaluate pipeline response to longitudinal and lateral permanent ground deformations. The
essential output of these tests, relationships for force vs. displacement (axial tension/compression)
and moment vs. rotation (four-point bending/deflection), are necessary elements of seismic design
(a) Support before test
(b) Loading point during test
Figure 4. Four-point bending boundary conditions [23].
and modeling. Results from these tests are expected to provide the bases for performance level
category qualification of new and existing products in the developing design guidelines for water
and wastewater pipelines. Each component of a hazard-resilient system (including couplings,
valves, tees, etc.) can, and should, be evaluated for seismic performance following these general
recommendations and qualified for expected levels of ground movement.
With progression comes numerous limitations, a few of which we have space for. The testing
discussed is quasi-static, omitting consideration of component performance under transient ground
displacements or cyclic loading. Also omitted is combination loading (i.e., various levels of axial
tension/compression and bending imposed at various rates), which has been shown to impact
leakage threshold for DI joints [24]. Pure shear, imposed by abrupt differential movement of two
rigid masses, is a loading state that is possible at locations where pipelines connect to buildings,
manholes, or other structures (not discussed). And these are not to mention the complications
associated with soil-structure interaction of enlarged joint restraining mechanisms [25], widely
varying soil properties, vulnerability of service connections, etc. etc.
Despite the limitations and uncertainties, the presented experimental procedures provide a first
fundamental step for evaluation and a pathway for development of innovative solutions that will
improve water network resiliency.
Great appreciation is extended to countless students and researchers that have made significant
contributions over the years to the various projects on which this work is based. Thanks is also
extended to the water agencies that asked the hard questions, and to the manufacturers that
answered with research and innovation.
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Characterization of Hazard-Resilient Ductile Iron Pipe Soil/Structure Interaction under Axial Displacement.
Proceedings: ASCE Congress on Technical Advancement, Duluth, Minnesota, Sept. 11-13.
... Technology and Tools Available (Parker Wham et al. 2018) highlight that water providers are adopting new technologies to address ground deformation from seismic events, landslides, liquefaction, and other natural hazards. Japan exemplifies this with advanced earthquake-resistant technology and seismic design guidelines for water supply facilities developed from past major earthquakes (Miyajima 2014). ...
... Pipe Flexibility (Parker Wham et al. 2018) noted that manufacturers have developed innovative products allowing large axial movements and deflections at joints, enabling pipelines to change shape while maintaining pressure and flow. ...
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Water and wastewater infrastructures are crucial assets constantly exposed to various disasters, prompting researchers to prioritize strategies for improving their resilience. Given Tehran's significance as Iran's capital and the heightened vulnerability of its water transmission pipelines to seismic events, along with the looming threat of major earthquakes, this study investigates existing research on resilience. The aim is to pinpoint essential strategies for fortifying the resilience of Tehran's water supply infrastructure against earthquakes. Through semi-structured interviews and a survey, we refined criteria and tested research hypotheses based on insights from water and wastewater construction sector experts. The consensus among experts confirms the availability of practical solutions for enhancing the resilience of water supply pipelines against earthquakes. These solutions revolve around enhancements to pipe material, thickness, fittings, and implementation strategies.
... In addition, numerical analyses performed with and without modeling the bell resistance in tension showed that it has negligible effect on performance because the joints pull apart under relatively small amounts of axial deformation due to their lack of pullout resistance. Wham et al. (2018) report on axial pull tests conducted in the same partially saturated sand at at-rest conditions on 150-mm diameter jointed pipelines at different burial depths. ...
... where F bell.ref is the bell resistance measured at a reference depth to pipe center, H c,ref , and F bell.Hc is the bell resisting force projected to a different depth of interest, H c . The experimental data reported by Wham et al. (2018) show that the localized resistance is mobilized at approximately the same bell/soil relative displacements for all the burial depths examined. Therefore, given an experimental result in terms of force versus displacement relationship (e.g. Figure 6), a scaling in terms of force, following Equation 7, is required to calculate the localized resistance at a different burial depth, but no modification is required for the relative displacement. ...
This article provides a comprehensive evaluation of ductile iron (DI) pipeline response to earthquake-induced ground deformation through the results of a large-scale testing program and a fault rupture test on a 150-mm DI pipeline with restrained axial slip joints. The test is used to validate a two-dimensional finite element (FE) model that accounts for soil–pipeline interaction with axial slip, pullout resistance, and rotation of pipe joints. The maximum strike-slip fault offset sustained by push-on, restrained, and restrained axial slip joints is presented as a function of the pipeline/fault crossing angle. DI pipeline performance is controlled by one of the following limit states; tensile, compressive, rotational joint capacity, or local buckling in the pipe barrel. A systematic FE assessment shows that pipelines with restrained axial slip joints accommodate 2–9 and 2–10 times as much fault offset as pipelines with push-on and restrained joints, respectively, for most intersection angles. The results of this work can be used for simplified design and to quantify the relative earthquake performance of different DI pipelines.
... The enclosed tests are a subset of a larger study investigating the seismic performance of fPVC pipe and connections being undertaken at the Center for Infrastructure, Energy, and Space Testing (CIEST), which is affiliated with the Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Colorado Boulder. All tests were designed and performed in accordance with procedures and recommendations provided by Wham et al., (2018). Additional details regarding the design and execution of the enclosed experimental procedures are provided by Ihnotic (2019) and Anderson (2019), with the salient details provided herein. ...
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As water providers seek improved distribution system resilience to natural hazards such as seismically-induced fault rupture, landslides, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading, settlement, and other natural hazards, manufacturers have responded with innovative products incorporating improved materials and jointing mechanisms to accommodate large ground movements. The enhanced experimental techniques developed to assess these hazard-resistant technologies lend results that are useful for evaluation for other applications, including trenchless installations. Experimental evidence shows that soil-pipeline interaction under large ground deformation can be deconstructed into mechanical response parallel and perpendicular to the pipeline longitudinal axis. For trenchless installations, this analysis provides an effective means of assessing performance and developing hazard-resilient designs of water and wastewater systems. This paper discusses a series of full-scale experiments to assess the performance of fused PVC pipelines under external loading conditions. The test protocols, developed from more than seventy full-scale tests on various hazard-resistant systems, assess large deformation capacity of the pipe and jointing mechanism, which for this study consist of 6-in. diameter, DR18 (dimension ratio) butt-fused connections with a long-term pressure rating of 235 psi. Emphasized through experimentation is the fundamental mechanics of pipeline response to externally applied loading: axial extension and transverse bending/deflection. The reported test results also include fundamental material properties determined from tensile coupon specimens. The study summarizes experimental methodologies, instrumentation and load apparatus design, and methods for interpreting/quantifying results for engineering applications.
... In all cases, and all equations described previously for segmented pipeline, the solution reduces to that of the continuous pipeline when Δ ¼ 0, when the joints have no displacement but still are locked sufficiently to transfer strain. The strain values from Eq. (57) or from Fig. 12 need to be checked against allowable critical limit states for inelastic behavior, which are governed by the yield strains ε y in tension and the buckling or ε y strains in compression, and against system connection force capacities determined from experimental evaluation (Wham et al. 2018b). The Appendix provides examples of how to apply Fig. 12 to continuous and hybridsegmented pipelines. ...
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Innovative hybrid-segmented pipeline systems are being used more frequently in practice to improve the performance of water distribution pipelines subjected to permanent ground deformation (PGD), such as seismic-induced landslides, soil lateral spreading, and fault rupture. These systems employ joints equipped with anti-pull-out restraints, providing the ability to displace axially before locking up and behaving as a continuous pipeline. To assess the seismic response of hazard-resistant pipeline systems equipped with enlarged joint restraints to longitudinal PGD, this study develops numerical and semi-analytical models considering the nonlinear properties of the system, calibrated from large-scale test data. The deformation capacities of two hybrid-segmented pipelines are investigated: (i) hazard-resilient ductile iron (DI) pipe and (ii) oriented polyvinylchloride (PVCO) pipe with joint restraints capable of axial deformation. The numerical analysis demonstrates that, for the conditions investigated, the maximum elongation capacity of the analyzed DI pipe system is greater than that of the PVCO pipeline. The implemented semi-analytical approach revealed that the pipeline performance improves strongly by increasing the allowable joint displacement. Comparison of the numerical results with analytical solutions reported in recent research publications showed excellent agreement between the two approaches, highlighting the importance of assigning appropriate axial friction parameters for these systems.
... In all cases, and all equations described previously for segmented pipeline, the solution reduces to that of the continuous pipeline when Δ ¼ 0, when the joints have no displacement but still are locked sufficiently to transfer strain. The strain values from Eq. (57) or from Fig. 12 need to be checked against allowable critical limit states for inelastic behavior, which are governed by the yield strains ε y in tension and the buckling or ε y strains in compression, and against system connection force capacities determined from experimental evaluation (Wham et al. 2018b). The Appendix provides examples of how to apply Fig. 12 to continuous and hybridsegmented pipelines. ...
In responding to the need for improved technologies to accommodate permanent ground deformation imposed by earthquakes, landslides, and other sources, a new family of segmented pipelines has emerged employing joints that displace axially and deflect before locking up and restraining further movement. Other than employing finite-element modeling, there is no existing procedure allowing practicing engineers to efficiently evaluate displacements and strains that develop along segmented pipelines consistent with those of continuous pipelines at equivalent levels of potential ground movement. A methodology is presented that allows continuous and segmented pipelines of any defined material in the elastic range to be evaluated consistently using a single set of equations for block ground deformations moving parallel to the longitudinal pipe axis. The equations reduce to previously recognized solutions for continuous pipelines as the segmented pipe joints reach their allowable displacement. Results show how the hybrid-segmented pipelines have lower axial strains than continuous pipes for equivalent levels of block deformation. The proposed model provides a fundamental basis for engineering design selection of continuous and segmented pipelines in hazard-prone regions.
... The CFC must be compared with practical limits of pipe systems. For example, the CFC must be checked against the ultimate strain capacity of the pipe barrel and joint capacities determined from laboratory testing (Wham et al., 2018b). For example, prior testing of 150-mm (6-in.) ...
Conference Paper
Buried pipelines are susceptible to damage from ground movements triggered by earthquakes, such as liquefaction-induced lateral spreading, landslides, and fault rupture. Given the linear characteristics of water and wastewater pipelines, failure due to ground displacement is most likely to occur at locations of weakness, which for segmented pipelines is typical at joints or fittings linking adjacent sections of pipe. Connections can be characterized as unrestrained (e.g., bell-and-spigot joints), fully restrained (e.g., continuous systems with welded/fused connections), or hybrid segmented joints, which provide the ability to displace axially in response to ground movement before locking up and behaving as a continuous system. The joint type and geometry will contribute significantly to the expected performance of a given pipe system subjected to axial and/or transverse ground movements. Furthermore, the connection force capacity of the joints is an important limit state for predicting failure of pipe systems for which the joint has less strength than the pipe barrel. To support the development of an ASCE/UESI manual of practice (MOP) on Seismic Design of Water and Wastewater Pipelines, this paper presents a framework for establishing the minimum connection force capacity (based on burial conditions and pipe/connection characteristics) required for a particular system to be classified in one of four proposed seismic demand categories defined by the MOP. To predict system response to various levels of ground movement, an analytical model is paired with a statistical approach to compare the survival rate of pipe systems that have performed well in past earthquakes to the expected survival of other systems composed of different materials and mechanical connections. Results will aid seismic capacity classification by providing a basis for establishing connection force capacity coefficients for new and existing systems.
... The tests evaluate the ability of the pipe system to accommodate axial deformation and lateral loading, deformation states necessary to predict system response to abrupt ground movement such as those associated with landslides, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading, and fault rupture. The experimental procedures discussed are key elements of a testing program undertaken at Cornell University's Geotechnical Lifelines Large-Scale Testing facility to evaluate the performance of a PVCO pipe system, and follows testing guidelines outlined by Wham et al. (2018b). ...
Conference Paper
Conventional buried pipelines used in water and wastewater systems are especially vulnerable to permanent ground deformation imposed by natural hazards such as earthquake-induced fault rupture and lateral spreading, flooding-induced scour, landsliding, and various other sources of natural and construction-induced subsidence and settlement. Efforts to develop innovative solutions to address resiliency to natural hazards has resulted in a paradigm shift in pipeline design and evaluation, requiring physical testing under realistic conditions to quantify expected performance. This paper reports on a series of full-scale experiments characterizing the mechanical response and associated hazard-resilience of an oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVCO) pipeline under large geometric deformation. Component testing of restrained joints in axial tension and compression, deflection under four-point bending, and a full-scale fault rupture simulation were performed to quantify system capacity under extreme loading conditions. The test results show that the performance of the segmented PVCO pipeline with restrained joints is strongly influenced by the force-displacement capacity of the joints as well as the pipeline’s ability to deflect under sustained lateral loading. Pipeline performance is statistically quantified in terms of its capacity to accommodate horizontal ground strain measured during the Canterbury earthquake sequence in New Zealand and compared with performance levels outlined in a developing ASCE manual of practice for seismic pipeline design.
... Given that allowable compressive strains are an order of magnitude less than those for tension, this study focuses on system response to ground movement imposing compressive pipe deformation. Preliminary axial compression (Wham et al., 2017), axial tension/cyclic (Berger et al. 2017), and four-point bending (Wham et al., 2016) tests were carried out following testing guidelines outlined by Wham et al. (2018) and reported by the noted references. In brief, the steel pipe and wave feature performed exceptionally well during all characterization tests. ...
Conference Paper
To address well-documented lifeline system vulnerability to ground deformation, a new generation of hazard-resilient pipeline products have been developed. These systems require evaluation for extreme loading conditions before they are accepted as viable options for design in hazard-prone regions. Presented is an experimental evaluation of a steel pipeline with special structural inclusions designed to accommodate significant ground displacement while providing continual water conveyance for post-disaster response. In addition to material characterization, axial tension/compression, and four-point bending tests, the evaluation includes a large-scale fault rupture experiment with an 8.5-in. (216-mm) diameter, 30-ft (8.8-m) long pipeline buried in sand with wave features positioned at either side of a right-lateral, strike-slip fault crossing. System response was captured by pre/post-test surveys as well as 116 instruments. The pipeline accommodated 24 in. (600 mm) of relative fault movement, corresponding to 15.2 in. (390 mm) of axial compression, without leakage/rupture nor significant loss of cross-sectional conveyance capacity.
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Water and wastewater infrastructures are crucial assets constantly exposed to various disasters, prompting researchers to prioritize strategies for improving their resilience. Given Tehran's significance as Iran's capital and the heightened vulnerability of its water transmission pipelines to seismic events, along with the looming threat of major earthquakes, this study investigates existing research on resilience. The aim is to pinpoint essential strategies for fortifying the resilience of Tehran's water supply infrastructure against earthquakes. Through semi-structured interviews and a survey, we refined criteria and tested research hypotheses based on insights from water and wastewater construction sector experts. The consensus among experts confirms the availability of practical solutions for enhancing the resilience of water supply pipelines against earthquakes. These solutions revolve around enhancements to pipe material, thickness, fittings, and implementation strategies.
Conference Paper
Buried pipelines are susceptible to damage from large ground displacements imposed by natural hazards such as earthquake-induced fault rupture, landslides, and liquefaction-induced settlements and laterals spreads. A significant percentage of water and wastewater networks are composed of segmented pipelines that are particularly vulnerable at the connections linking adjacent lengths of pipe. To address susceptibility to ground movement, new pipeline systems, with improved materials and jointing mechanisms, have been introduced into the market, some of which have had their seismic performance assessed through full-scale testing. This paper provides a framework for the interpretation of results from full-scale experiments designed to evaluate the transverse response of pipelines and connections under lateral loading. A series of four-point bending tests on thermoplastic pipelines with various connection types are discussed to illustrate lateral response mechanisms of traditional continuous and segmented systems, as well as pipeline connections that exhibit combined behavior. Displacement and strain measurements that capture simulated pipeline response to ground movement perpendicular to the pipe axis are employed to calculate key response metrics, namely joint deflection, pipe curvature, radius of curvature, and applied moment. The presented procedures provide guidance for characterizing transverse response relative to the seismic classification currently under develop in the ASCE/UESI manual of practice (MOP) on seismic design of water and wastewater pipelines. Procedures for interpreting experimental results and the implications for seismic design are discussed.
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This paper explores key aspects of underground pipeline network response to the Canterbury earthquake sequence in Christchurch, New Zealand, including the response of the water and wastewater distribution systems to the M W 6.2 22 February 2011 and M W 6.0 13 June 2011 earthquakes, and the response of the gas distribution system to the M W 7.1 4 September 2010 earthquake, as well as the 22 February and 13 June events. Repair rates, expressed as repairs/km, for different types of pipelines are evaluated relative to (1) the spatial distribution of peak ground velocity outside liquefaction areas and (2) the differ-ential ground surface settlement and lateral ground strain within areas affected by liquefaction, calculated from high-resolution LiDAR survey data acquired before and after each main seismic event. The excellent performance of the gas distribu-tion network is the result of highly ductile polyethylene pipelines. Lessons learned regarding the earthquake performance of underground lifeline systems are summarized. [
Technological advances have improved pipeline capacity to accommodate large ground deformation associated with earthquakes, floods, landslides, tunneling, deep excavations, mining, and subsidence. The fabrication of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping, for example, can be modified by expanding PVC pipe stock to approximately twice its original diameter, thus causing PVC molecular chains to realign in the circumferential direction. This process yields biaxially oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVCO) pipe with increased circumferential strength, reduced pipe wall thickness, and enhanced cross-sectional flexibility. This paper reports on experiments performed at the Cornell University Large-Scale Lifelines Testing Facility characterizing PVCO pipeline performance in response to large ground deformation. The evaluation was performed on 150-mm (6-in.)-diameter PVCO pipelines with bell-and-spigot joints. The testing procedure included determination of fundamental PVCO material properties, axial joint tension and compression tests, four-point bending tests, and a full-scale fault rupture simulation. The test results show that the performance of segmental PVCO pipelines under large ground deformation is strongly influenced by the axial pullout and compressive load capacity of the joints, as well as their ability to accommodate deflection and joint rotation. The PVCO pipeline performance is quantified in terms of its capacity to accommodate horizontal ground strain, and compared with a statistical characterization of lateral ground strains caused by soil liquefaction during the Canterbury earthquake sequence in New Zealand.
The performance of segmental pipelines under large ground deformation is strongly influenced by the axial pullout and compressive load capacity of their joints, as well as by the limits on joint rotation during permanent and transient ground deformation. Although ductile iron (DI) pipelines with push-on joints are commonly used in water distribution systems, experimental data and numerical simulation related to their performance under large ground movements are lacking. This paper reports on a series of specially designed four-point bending experiments and finite-element (FE) simulations to characterize 150-mm (6-in.) diameter DI push-on joints. The results were used to develop a relationship between rotation and metal binding as a function of axial pullout, as well as to determine the magnitudes of rotation and moment that initiate joint leakage. FE simulations were performed to investigate the deformation associated with joint leakage. Uniaxial tension and one-dimensional compression tests were performed on the elastomeric gasket and fitted with hyperelastic strain energy approximations to characterize behavior under extreme loading. Numerical models demonstrate joint leakage to be independent of load path, and that a unique pressure boundary predicts leakage for many combinations of deformation.
This paper examines the liquefaction and ground failures observed in San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake. It summarizes soil conditions, land development, and local seismic intensities within the city. Earthquake damage of the San Francisco water distribution system is discussed, and an account is provided of how city planners used the water supply damage to map locations of "infirm ground," which are used today in the design and operation of the city fire protection system. Maps are presented that show subsurface conditions, current street system, permanent ground deformation, and infrastructure damage in 1906. With the use of approximately 500 soil borings and soundings compiled in a geographical information system GIS, liquefaction hazard maps are generated for the Mission Creek and South of Market areas of the city.
Experimental data on the axial, bending, and torsional behavior of a pipeline joint demonstrated, in particular, the relationship between the load and the deflection behavior of a rubber gasketed joint in a ductile cast iron pipe. These results, along with analytical expressions, are especially useful in predicting the earthquake behavior of buried pipelines with flexible joints.
Lifeline Aspects of the
  • C Scawthorn
  • M Miyajima
  • Y Ono
  • J Kiyono
  • M Hamada
Scawthorn C, Miyajima M, Ono Y, Kiyono J, Hamada M. Lifeline Aspects of the 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu, Japan, Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra March 2006; 22 (S1): 89-110.
Water Supply Damage Caused by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
  • B P Wham
  • S Dashti
  • K W Franke
  • R Kayen
  • N K Oettle
Wham BP, Dashti S, Franke KW, Kayen R, Oettle NK. Water Supply Damage Caused by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Proceedings: International Workshop on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 6, 2017.
Construction and Operations Technical Committee of the Pipeline Research Council International
  • Design
Design, Construction and Operations Technical Committee of the Pipeline Research Council International, Inc., October 2004.