The key objective of our work is the study and presentation of educational and cultural position of women in Montenegro, with a special focus on the work of the Girls Institute in Cetinje. Using historical and methods of theoretical analysis, available archival materials and other relevant sources, focused on the work of the first women's educational institutions in Montenegro, we have tried to understand the contribution of the Institute of the emancipation of the Montenegrin cultural environment, at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XX century. By studying and comparative reviewing of the available data from various relevant sources, we have analyzed the fundamental component of the comprehensive program and methods of the Girls Institute work. In the framework of specific so-cio-historical and socio-cultural situation in Montenegro, dominated by the patriarchal family model and submissive position of women, Girls Institute strongly influenced changes in society, cultural and family milieu, at both explicit and implicit level. First educated women in Montenegro will significantly contribute to changing habits and normal patterns of community, different position of women and emancipation of traditionally petrified family structure. In addition, the Institute will establish strong inter-cultural relationships with other South Slavic Areal and gradually change the views of residents of the small Montenegrin Principality on life and customs of other cultures. The last manager of the Institute, a reputable Sofia P. Mertvago, contributed outstanding achievements and unquestionably high reputation of Girls Institute with permanent and dedicated support by Montenegrin prince and princess. © 2018 Historical Society of Southern Primorska of Koper. All rights reserved.