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A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems


Abstract and Figures

In recent years, the recommendation systems have become increasingly popular and have been used in a broad variety of applications. Here, we investigate the matrix completion techniques for the recommendation systems that are based on collaborative filtering. The collaborative filtering problem can be viewed as predicting the favorability of a user with respect to new items of commodities. When a rating matrix is constructed with users as rows, items as columns, and entries as ratings, the collaborative filtering problem can then be modeled as a matrix completion problem by filling out the unknown elements in the rating matrix. This article presents a comprehensive survey of the matrix completion methods used in recommendation systems. We focus on the mathematical models for matrix completion and the corresponding computational algorithms as well as their characteristics and potential issues. Several applications other than the traditional user-item association prediction are also discussed.
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ISSN 2096-0654 05/06 pp308–323
Volume 1, Number 4, December 2018
DOI: 10.26599/BDMA.2018.9020008
A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods
for Recommendation Systems
Andy Ramlatchan, Mengyun Yang, Quan Liu, Min Li, Jianxin Wang, and Yaohang Li
Abstract: In recent years, the recommendation systems have become increasingly popular and have been used
in a broad variety of applications. Here, we investigate the matrix completion techniques for the recommendation
systems that are based on collaborative filtering. The collaborative filtering problem can be viewed as predicting the
favorability of a user with respect to new items of commodities. When a rating matrix is constructed with users as
rows, items as columns, and entries as ratings, the collaborative filtering problem can then be modeled as a matrix
completion problem by filling out the unknown elements in the rating matrix. This article presents a comprehensive
survey of the matrix completion methods used in recommendation systems. We focus on the mathematical models
for matrix completion and the corresponding computational algorithms as well as their characteristics and potential
issues. Several applications other than the traditional user-item association prediction are also discussed.
Key words: matrix completion; collaborative filtering; recommendation systems
1 Introduction
Technology has given corporations and consumers more
analytical capabilities than ever before, largely due to
the birth of big data, and the possibilities that spring up
from its utilization. Users can easily answer almost any
encountered question, and in many cases, can answer
unexpected questions. Personal mobile devices can
collect data on every communication a person makes,
Andy Ramlatchan is with NASA Langley Research Center,
Hampton, VA 23666, USA and the Department of Computer
Science, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23666, USA.
Mengyun Yang is with the Department of Computer Science,
Central South University, Changsha 410083, China and
the Department of Science, Shaoyang University, Shaoyang
422000, China. E-mail:
Quan Liu, Min Li, and Jianxin Wang are with the Department
of Computer Science, Central South University, Changsha
410083, China. E-mail: fliuquan, limin,
Yaohang Li is with the Department of Computer Science,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA. E-mail:
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Manuscript received: 2018-01-21; accepted: 2018-03-20
every image a person captures or receives, every video a
person records or receives, and every online transaction
a person makes. More importantly, corporations
can now store all the needed information. This is
of incredible value to such corporations because the
entire activities of a person can inform them on his/her
particular daily habits, and this can be aggregated from
an entire group. On the other hand, the huge amount
of data also makes it difficult for the users to make
decisions that best fit their needs. A similar difficulty
is presented in the corporations providing commodities
and services, as it becomes difficult to process the data
to understand the user behaviors.
Fortunately, the recent advances in the field
of recommendation systems (a.k.a. recommender
systems or recommender engines), a sub-field of
machine learning, have provided the capability of
making predictions based on the past activities of
a user or his/her associations with other users’
behaviors. Many computational algorithms have been
developed for recommendation systems, which can
predict the future interests of users based on past
preferences considering how much and how little
Andy Ramlatchan et al.: A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems 309
a user may prefer one item over another, such as
user rankings. Recommendation systems have attracted
much attention in both research and practice, since
they can narrow complex and difficult decisions into
a few recommendations. The recommendation system
techniques have been applied in diverse fields, including
movies[1], music[2] , television[3], books[4], e-learning[5] ,
web search[6], jokes[7] , news[6], bioinformatics[8, 9], and
Generally, a recommendation system is a subset
of the information filtering systems, whose goal
is to predict the rating a user would give to
an item of commodity. The recommendations are
typically made through either content-based filtering
or collaborative filtering approaches. The content-based
filtering approaches utilize a set of discrete features that
characterize a commodity and build a user profile that
indicates the items the user liked in the past. Then, items
with similar properties are recommended. Instead of
using item features and user profiles, the collaborative
filtering approaches produce recommendations based
on a user as well as other users’ past behaviors. The
fundamental assumption under collaborative filtering
is that if the users share similar ratings in the
past on the same set of items, then they would
likely rate the other items similarly. Content-based
filtering and collaborative filtering can be combined
to build hybrid recommendation systems, which often
demonstrate better recommendation precision than pure
recommendation approaches.
In literature, a few surveys overview different
aspects of recommendation systems. Bobadilla et
al.[11] presented the evolution of recommendation
systems. Kunaver and Poˇ
zrl[12] reviewed the work
done in the area of recommendation diversity.
Burke[13] discussed the implementation issues in hybrid
recommendation systems. Desrosiers and Karypis[14]
provided a survey on recommendation methods based
on neighborhood information. He et al.[15] emphasized
on the influences of human factors in recommendation
systems. Campos et al.[16] developed a review on
recommendation approaches dealing with temporal
context information. Yang et al.[17] investigated how
social network information can be adopted by
recommendation systems. Klaˇ
snja-Milicevic et al.[18]
studied recommendation systems for online-based
education and learning. Yera and Mart´
ınze[19] examined
the fuzzy tools used in recommendation systems.
Recently, Kotkov et al.[20] considered serendipity within
recommendation systems. In this article, we focus on
the matrix completion methods in collaborative filtering
approaches. This is because the collaborative filtering
problem can often be modeled as a matrix completion
problem, whose goal is to fill out the unknown values
where the users are not inclined to certain items.
We overview the mathematical models for matrix
completion used in recommendation systems. We then
survey the computational algorithms designed for these
models, analyze their characteristics, and discuss the
potential issues.
The rest of this survey article is organized as follows.
In Section 2, the matrix completion problem and
low-rank assumption are discussed. Various matrix
completion models are analyzed in Section 3, and the
computational algorithms considering these models are
described in Section 4. Then, in Section 5, the uses of
recommendation systems based on matrix completion
on several applications other than traditional user-item
association predictions are discussed. Finally, Section 6
summarizes our conclusions and research directions.
2 Matrix Completion Problem
A typical collaborative filtering scenario in
recommendation systems can be modeled as a
matrix completion problem. Given a list of musers
fu1; u2; : : : ; umgand nitems fi1; i2; : : : ; ing, the
preferences of users toward the items can be represented
as an incomplete mnmatrix A, where each entry
either represents a certain rating or is unknown. The
ratings in Acan be explicit indications, such as scores
given by the users in scales 15or ordinal favorability
(e.g., strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and
strongly disagree). These ratings can also be implicit
indications, e.g., item purchases, website/store visits, or
link click-throughs. It is generally assumed a user rates
a specific item only once. As a result, recommendations
can be made by filling out the unknown entries and
then ranking them according to the predicted values.
Denoting as the complete set of Nentries in A
with known ratings, the general matrix completion
problem is defined as finding a matrix Rsuch that
Rui DAui ;
for all entries .u; i / 2. In addition, we denote N
the complement set to , and P.A/ as an orthogonal
projector onto which is an mnmatrix with
the known elements of Apreserved and the unknown
elements as 0s[21]. However, since the number of known
310 Big Data Mining and Analytics, December 2018, 1(4): 308–323
entries is less than the overall number of entries, there
exist infinitely many solutions. Nevertheless, it is
commonly believed that only a few latent factors[22]
influence how much a user likes an item. For example,
studies show that the attributes of actor/actress, director,
and decade contribute most to a user’s preference to a
movie. This relatively small number of influence factors
compared to the total number of users or items in the
rating matrix Aprovides a guiding framework to fill in
the missing values and to select the correct complete
matrix. This corresponds to the low-rank assumption in
matrix completion, i.e., the rating matrix Ais low-rank
or approximately low-rank. The low-rank assumption
in matrix completion also agrees with the well-known
Occam’s razor principle in machine learning, whose
goal is to find the “simplest” complete matrix Xthat
is consistent with the known ratings in A.
3 Mathematical Models
Starting from the baseline model, we investigate various
mathematical models, deterministic and probabilistic,
that have been developed to address the matrix
completion problem. The fundamental assumption is
that a low-dimensional representation of users and items
exists, although probably unknown, which can be used
to accurately model the user-item association. Such
low-dimensional representation is often characterized
by a low-rank matrix. We also study models that employ
various regularization methods and incorporate various
constraints in the completed matrix.
3.1 Baseline model
Denoting as the average rating among all known
ratings in the rating matrix A, the baseline model[23] fills
out a missing element Rui by
Rui DCbuCbi(1)
where buand birepresent the observed deviations of
user uand item ifrom , respectively. The training
parameters buand bican be estimated by solving the
following least squares problem:
kP.R/ P.A/k2
where is the regularization parameter. The first term
kP.R/ P.A/k2
FDP.u;i/2.Ru i Aui /2attempts
to minimize the training error, while the second term
.Pu.bu/ as the regularizing term
to avoid overfitting by penalizing the magnitudes of bu
and bi.
3.2 SVD model
The fundamental idea of the Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD) model proposed by Sarwar
et al.[24] is to decompose the rating matrix Ainto a user
feature matrix, a singular value matrix, and an item
feature matrix of low-rank. Starting from a normalized
matrix Anor m, by filling out the missing elements with
preliminary simple predictions, the SVD model carries
out an SVD operation on Anor m such that
Anor m DU˙ V T(3)
where ˙is a diagonal matrix with descendently sorted
singular values deposited in its diagonal entries, and
the Uand Vcolumns contain the corresponding left
and right singular vectors, respectively. By truncating
the diagonal matrix ˙to a top-rrank ˙r, then Ur˙
and Vr˙
rrepresent the latent factor vectors for users
and items, respectively. The dot product of the u-th
row of Ur˙
rand the i-th row of Vr˙
ryields the
predicted u-th user rating of the i-th item. Sarwar et
al.[25] employed a “folding-in” technique to build an
SVD by incrementally adding new users and items so
that the SVD model can be scalable and built faster;
however, this may lead to quality loss. Instead of
carrying out the dot product operation, Billsus and
Pazzani[26] used the latent vectors as feature vectors
to train an artificial neural network to predict the user
3.3 Matrix factorization model
The matrix factorization model is a generalization
of the SVD model, which intends to find a low-
rank matrix factorization to approximate A. Assuming
an r-dimensional vector xuis associated with each
user uand measures the latent factors influencing the
preference of items, and an r-dimensional vector yiis
associated with each item iand represents the latent
factors influencing i, the matrix factorization model
uses the dot product yT
ixuto capture the correlation
between user uand item i. The predicted rating then
Rui DyT
Assuming the columns of Xand Ycontain all xu
and yivectors, respectively, the goal of the matrix
completion is to estimate
Andy Ramlatchan et al.: A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems 311
The parameters to be learned are the user feature
vectors xuand the item feature vectors yi, which can
be done by minimizing the Frobenius norm error as
kP.R/ P.A/k2
The potential problem of model (6) is that minimizing
the Frobenious norm can easily lead to overfitting by
biasing to the known entries.
3.4 l2-regularized matrix factorization model
To avoid overfitting the observed user-item ratings,
the l2-norm regularized matrix factorization method[27]
uses l2-norm to regularize the learning parameters
by penalizing their magnitudes. Based on the matrix
factorization model (6), this can be done by minimizing
the regularized l2-norm error of xuand yiin addition
to the Frobenious norm error term as follows[28]:
kP.R/ P.A/k2
1 X
where 1is a constant controlling the extent of
A more sophisticated l2-regularized matrix
factorization model can be built on top of the baseline
model by considering the user deviation buand the
item deviation bi. Then, each predicted rating b
Rui in O
Rui DCbuCbiCyT
The parameters to be learned become bu,bi,xu, and
yi, which can be done by minimizing the regularized
l2-norm error as follows:
R/ P.A/k2
iC kxuk2C kyik2(9)
where 2is the regularization parameter. Because there
are more training parameters, this model often yields a
more accurate prediction.
Prediction accuracy in regularized matrix
factorization algorithm can often be improved by
incorporating additional information or factors. Vozalis
and Marqaritis[29] utilized demographic data as an
additional source of information. A more famous
example is the SVD++ method[30], which is considered
as the model with the highest accuracy in the Netflix
Prize[31]. The SVD++ enhances the regularized
SVD model by considering implicit feedback as
an additional indication of user preferences. In the
SVD++, in addition to the latent factor xuassociated
with each user u, which measures the latent factors
of uinfluencing the preference of items, a set of
item vectors are incorporated, relating to each item
rated by the user u. Then, the user vector becomes
xuC jW .u/j1
2Pj2R.u/ pj, and the predicted rating
of user ufor item iis calculated as
Rui DCbuCbiCyT
@xuC jW .u/j1
where W .u/ denotes the set of items associated with
user u. The parameters to be learned are bu,bc,xu,
pj, and yc, which can be done by minimizing the
regularized squared error as follows:
R/ P.A/k2
iC kyik2C
xuC jW .u/j1
where 3is the regularization parameter for model (11).
3.5 l1-regularized SVD model and l1=l2-
regularized SVD model
Other regularization methods other than the l2-norm
can also be incorporated to the SVD model. The
l1-regularized SVD model[32] can generate sparse
solutions, and the minimization problem then becomes
where 4is the regularization parameter controlling the
extent of the l1-norms of the decomposed matrices yi
and xu.
Considering that l1-regularization can generate
sparse solutions, while l2-regularization often leads to
more accurate predictions, the l1= l2-regularized SVD
model attempts to benefit from both by combining the
l1-norm and l 2-norm. As a result, the corresponding
minimization objective function becomes
kP.R/ P.A/k2
.˛.kxuk2C kyik2/C
.1 ˛/.jxujCjyij// (13)
312 Big Data Mining and Analytics, December 2018, 1(4): 308–323
where ˛is a tunable parameter to balance the l1-norm
and l2-norm terms, and where 5is the regularization
parameter controlling the extent of the l1- and l2-norms
3.6 Spectral regularization model
Instead of applying regularization on the decomposed
matrices, Mazumder et al.[33], inspired by Candes and
Tao[21], proposed a spectral regularization model that
uses the nuclear (trace) norm of the recovered matrix
R, which is defined as the sum of the singular values in
R. The objective of the matrix regularization model is
to balance the minimization of the approximation errors
in the known entries and the nuclear norm of R,
2kP.R/ P.A/k2
where 6is the regularization parameter controlling the
extent of the nuclear norm. Note that Formula (14) is a
convex model for completing matrix A.
3.7 Rank minimization model
Under the low-rank assumption, the matrix completion
problem can be formulated as a matrix rank
optimization problem such that
Rra nk.R/;
s.t., Rui DAui ; .u; i / 2
where ra nk.R/ denotes the rank of matrix R.
Unfortunately, finding the exact solution for the
above rank optimization problem is well-known to
be NP-hard[34]. Nevertheless, the low-rank matrix
approximation is the general principle used in the
matrix completion algorithms for recommendation
3.8 Nuclear norm minimization model
The rank optimization problem can be relaxed to a
nuclear norm (trace norm) optimization problem[35] by
minimizing the sum of the singular values of R. Then,
the matrix completion problem is reformulated as a
convex optimization problem such as
s.t., Rui DAui ; .u; i / 2
where kkdenotes the nuclear norm. Candes
and Recht[36] showed that the solution obtained by
optimizing the nuclear norm is equivalent to that
obtained by rank minimization in Formula (15), under
certain mild conditions.
If the application is “noisy”, the nuclear norm
minimization problem can be modeled as
s.t., jRui Aui j< ı ; .u; i/ 2
where ıis the tolerance parameter to relax the Rui D
Aui ; .u; i / 2condition in Formula (16).
3.9 Matrix factorization minimization model
For recommendation systems that involve the
completion of a large matrix, handling the intermediate
mnmatrices R.j / at each iteration step is costly from
both computation and storage point of view. Instead
of storing the complete recovered matrix, the matrix
factorization minimization model uses an r-rank matrix
factorization, RDXY , to represent the completed
matrix R. Then, the matrix completion problem is
formulated as a non-convex quadratic optimization
problem by minimizing the sum of the Frobenius norms
of Xand Y:
X;Y .kXk2
FC kYk2
s.t., P.XY / DP.A/
Assuming that Xis mrand Yis rn, and
rm; n, the storage requirement of X Y becomes
.m Cn/ r, which is significantly less than that of
the mnmatrix R. Recht et al.[37] shows that if
ris sufficiently greater than the rank of the optimal
solution of the nuclear norm minimization model, the
non-convex quadratic optimization is equivalent to the
nuclear norm minimization.
An alternative matrix factorization model is designed
for matrix completion by Wen et al.[38], which leads to
the low-rank matrix fitting (LMaFit) algorithm:
X;Y .kXY Zk2
s.t., P.Z/ DP.A/
Similar to Formula (18), although the minimization
is convex, the constraint is not. Consequently, Formula
(19) is also a non-convex optimization model, which
cannot guarantee globally optimal solutions.
3.10 Probabilistic model
The matrix completion problem is addressed by
statistical models starting from the probabilistic Latent
Semantic Analysis (pLSA) model[2]. In pLSA, the focus
is on the conditional probability P .Aui ju; i / that a user
urates an item iwith rating Aui . The fundamental
idea is to derive a low-dimensional representation of the
observed user-item ratings in terms of their affinity to
hidden variables c[1]. The probability of co-occurrence
Andy Ramlatchan et al.: A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems 313
is modeled as a mixture of conditionally independent
multinomial distributions:
P . Iu; i/ DX
P .c/P .ujc /P .i jc/ D
P .u/ X
P .cju/P .i jc/ (20)
where is a vector of the unknown parameters. Then,
by incorporating a variational distribution V .cIu; i /[5]
and defining a risk function R.; V /, such that
R.; V / D  1
V .cIu; i /.log P .ujc/C
log P .cji // (21)
the model maximizes the negative log-likelihood
L./ D  1
P . Iu; i/ D
.log P .ujc/ Cllog P .c ji// D
V .cIu; i / log .P .ujc/ log P .c ji//
V .cIu; i / D
R.; V / 1
NH.V .c Iu; i// (22)
where H.V / is the entropy of variational distribution
In addition to pLSA, numerous probabilistic models
can be used to predict user-item ratings, including
Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization[39],
regression-based latent factor model[40], latent Dirichlet
allocation[41], probabilistic factor analysis[42], and
restricted Boltzmann machine[43]. However, these
models are not covered in this paper. Interested readers
can find the details in the above references.
3.11 Constraints on the completed matrix
Many applications require the completed matrix to have
a certain property. For example, if the matrix to be
completed is a covariance matrix, it is expected to be
semi-positive definite. Moreover, the predicted negative
value becomes meaningless in many applications. For
example, in the user-item affinity prediction problem,
it is difficult to explain the meaning of a predicted
negative rating. The non-negative matrix completion
intends to guarantee that all elements recovered are non-
negatives. The non-negative matrix completion problem
becomes a constraint satisfaction problem by adding the
non-negative constraints:
2kP.R/ P.A/k2
s.t., R>0
Similarly, assuming Ais an nnsymmetric matrix, the
semi-positive definite constraint[44] can be imposed in a
similar way, such that
2kP.R/ P.A/k2
s.t., R0
where R0indicates that Ris semi-positive definite
and 7and 8are regularization parameters.
4 Computational Algorithms for Matrix
Completion in Recommendation Systems
In this section, considering the mathematical models
described in Section 3, we review several popularly
used recommendation algorithms based on matrix
completion, including Alternative Least Square
(ALS), spectral regularization with soft threshold,
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM),
Proximal Forward-Backward Splitting (PFBS),
Singular Value Thresholding (SVT), Accelerated
Proximal Gradient (APG), Fixed Point Continuation
(FPC), nonlinear Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR),
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), and Expectation
Maximization (EM) algorithms.
4.1 Alternative least square
The ALS algorithm is designed for the l2-regularized
matrix factorization model (Formula (7)). However,
because of the term yT
ixufor calculating Rui , the
objective function in Formula (7) is non-convex and
optimizing Formula (7) is NP-hard. Nevertheless, if xu
can be fixed by treating its variables as constants, the
minimization objective of Formula (7) would become
a convex function of yi[22]. Alternately, yican then be
fixed by treating its variables as constants and then the
objective of Formula (7) becomes a convex function
of xu. Therefore, in ALS, when one is fixed, the
other is calculated, and this process is repeated until
convergence is reached. This derivation process for the
user vectors xufor all ucan be expressed as
x.j C1/
uDY.j /TY.j / Y.j /TC1Ir1
x.j /
and similarly, the process for calculating the item
vectors yifor all iis
y.j C1/
iDX.j /TX.j / X.j /TC1Ir1
y.j /
314 Big Data Mining and Analytics, December 2018, 1(4): 308–323
where Iris an rridentity matrix.
The benefit of using the ALS approach is that it can
be computationally parallelized, since the calculation
for each vector does not depend on the results of
the other; therefore, it is an efficient optimization
Replacing the Gram matrix XX Tin the ALS
algorithm with a kernel K.xiT; xjT/function which
measures the similarity between observation vectors
may lead to better prediction results[27]. Paterek[27]
reported that K.xiT; xjT/De2.xiTxj1/ is a good
choice. The ALS algorithm can also be accelerated
by integrating with other approaches. For example,
Hastie et al.[45] combined Soft-Impute and ALS
algorithms to obtain a Soft-Impute-ALS algorithm
which outperforms both.
4.2 Spectral regularization with soft threshold
The Soft-Impute algorithm[33] is designed for the
spectral regularization model (Formula (14)) by
replacing the unknown elements from a soft-
thresholded SVD at every iteration step. Starting
from an initial matrix R.0/, Soft-Impute carries out the
following iterations,
.R.j //;
R.j C1/ D.R/;
where Dis the matrix shrinkage operator on threshold
defined as the shrinkage of the singular values less
than and their associated singular vectors, i.e.,
D.R/ D
where kis the k-th singular value of R, and ukand
vkare the corresponding left and right singular vectors,
respectively. In the Soft-Impute algorithm, ŒP.A/
P.R.j // CR.j / replaces P.A/ CPN
.R.j //during
iterations such that the first part ŒP.A/ P.R.j //
is sparse and the second part R.j / is low-rank, which
can be efficiently stored and manipulated. Moreover,
partial SVD algorithms are used to fast-calculate the D
operator at each iteration step.
4.3 Proximal forward-backward splitting
The PFBSŒ4649 is a soft-thresholding algorithm
popularly used in signal analysis and image processing.
Given the spectral regularization model (Formula (14)),
the PFBS solution is formulated by the fixed point
RDDı6.R CıP.A R//;
for ı > 0. Here, D6is the proximity operator of
6kRk. Then, given Y.0/ as the initial matrix, a
simplified PFBS algorithm can be expressed using the
following iteration steps:
R.j C1/ Dıj6.Y .j/ /;
Y.j C1/ R.j C1/ CıjC1P.A R.j C1//:
4.4 Alternating direction method of multipliers
The ADMM[50] algorithm adopts the form of a
decomposition-coordination procedure to break an
optimization problem into small local sub-problems and
coordinates the solutions of these sub-problems to the
global problem. The ADMM combines the advantages
of dual decomposition and augmented Lagrangian
methods for optimization problems.
The ADMM algorithm for matrix completion starts
from the following model, which is equivalent to model
(14) by introducing a separation matrix variable Y, such
2P.Y / P.A/k2
s.t., YDR:
Then, the augmented Lagrangian function becomes
L.R; Y; Z/ D1
2kP.Y / P.A/k2
6kRkC hZ; Y Ri C
where Z2Rmnis the Lagrange multiplier of the
linear constraint, is the penalty parameter for the
violation of the linear constraint, and hi denotes the
standard trace inner product. Applying the original
ADMM[51] algorithm to the augmented Lagrangian
function, the following iterative scheme can be
R.j C1/ arg min
L.R; Y .j /; Z .j/ /;
Y.j C1/ arg min
L.R.j C1/; Y ; Z.j //:
The updated Lagrange multiplier Z.j C1/[52, 53] is
generalized as
Z.j C1/ Z.j / C.Y .j C1/ R.j C1/ /;
where denotes the learning rate with a suggested
range of 0 <  < p5C1
2. Here, R.j C1/ can be obtained
by applying the matrix shrinkage operator, i.e.,
R.j C1/ DD6
Y.j / CZ.j /
and Y.j C1/ can be obtained using the inverse operator:
Andy Ramlatchan et al.: A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems 315
Y.j C1/ DR.j C1/
Z.j /
CP A R.j C1/ Z.j /
The ADMM algorithm is particularly suitable for
handling matrix completion problems with additional
constraints. Similar to the general matrix completion,
ADMM have been used to address a model equivalent
to the non-negative matrix completion model (Formula
(23)) by introducing a separation matrix variable[54, 55]:
2P.Y / P.A/k2
s.t., YDRand Y>0:
All iteration steps are similar to that of the general
matrix completion problem excluding that for obtaining
Y.j C1/, such that
.Y .j C1//DQC1
C1P.A CR.j / Z.j / /;
.Y .j C1//N
R.j / Z.j /
where QCis an operator that projects the parameter
matrix Xonto the non-negative space, such that
QC.X/ui D(Xui ;if Xui < 0I
0; otherwise:
In the above method, QCis computed to generate
Y.j C1/, which cannot strictly guarantee non-negative
elements in R.j C1/. Nevertheless, when an appropriate
penalty parameter is selected, kYRk2
small when convergence is approached, which can
satisfy the non-negative requirements of many practical
For the semi-positive definite matrix completion
model (Formula (24))[44],R2Sn
Cmust be satisfied,
where Sn
Cdenotes the cone (manifold) of positive
semidefinite matrices in the space of symmetric nn
matrices. To satisfy this constraint, the iteration to
obtain R.j C1/[56] becomes
R.j C1/ DPSn
C Y.j C1/ CZ.j / In
where Inis an nnidentity matrix, and PSn
Cis a
projector operator, which is computed by carrying out
an eigen decomposition on its parameter matrix and
then eliminating the eigenvalues less than 0and their
corresponding eigenvectors.
4.5 Singular value thresholding
The SVT algorithm[35] is a first-order algorithm for
solving the nuclear norm optimization problem using
s.t., Rui DAui ; .u; i / 2
with a threshold parameter . An iterative gradient
ascent approach formulated as Uzawa’s algorithm[22] or
linearized Bregman iterations[45] is applied, such that
R.i/ D.Y .i / /;
Y.iC1/ Y.i / CıP.A R.i//:
Here, ıis the step size. Unlike the ADMM, PFBS,
and Soft-Impute algorithms, which lead to solutions of
spectral norm regularization model (Formula (14)), the
SVT algorithm actually converges to the approximated
solution of the nuclear norm minimization model
(Formula (16)). This is because a very large value
is usually picked so that the kRkterm dominates the
Fterm in the minimization objective.
The SVT algorithm considers the global pattern of
Aand seeks a complete matrix Xwith minimized
nuclear norm to recover the missing entries in A.
However, it has a problem of computational cost,
where the matrix shrinkage operator D, which
requires calculating the SVD to obtain the singular
values and vectors of Y.i/, is repeatedly computed
at every iteration step. Cai and Osher[57] reformulated
D.Y .i/ /by projecting Y.i / onto a 2-norm ball and
then applying complete orthogonal decomposition and
polar decomposition to the projection, which saves
50% or more computational time compared to the
SVT implementation with full SVD. A more popular
alternative strategy is to compute partial SVD for
the singular values of interest. This is because only
those singular values over are concerned in D.
The partial SVD implementations based on Krylov
subspace algorithms, such as Lanczos algorithm with
reorthogonalization, can efficiently accelerate the SVT
algorithm if the number of singular values exceeding
is significantly less than min .m; n/. However, if
this number gets over 0:2 min .m; n/, the computational
cost of partial SVD using Krylov subspace method
can exceed that of full SVD[25]. Alternatively, recent
studies show that the partial SVD calculation based
on randomized SVD[58], rank revealing technique[59],
single-pass SVD[60], and subspace reuse[61] can keep
Dcomputation cost low throughout SVT iterations.
4.6 Accelerated proximal gradient
Toh and Yun[62] proposed an APG algorithm for the
nuclear norm regularized model (Formula (14)). In
316 Big Data Mining and Analytics, December 2018, 1(4): 308–323
the APG algorithm, for a given Y, a quadratic
approximation of 1
2kP.R/ P.A/k2
Fat Yis given
such that
2kP.R/ P.A/k2
2kP.Y / P.A/k2
hP.Y / P.A/; R Yi C 1
2 kRYk2
where > 0 is a proximal parameter. Substituting
the quadratic approximation in Formula (14), the
minimization model becomes
2kR.Y .P.Y / P.A///k2
Then, APG generates .R.j /; Y .j / ; t.j C1/ /by the
following iterative scheme:
Y.j / R.j / Ct.j 1/ 1
t.j / .R.j / R.j 1//;
R.j / D6.Y .j / .P.Y .j / /P.A///;
t.j C1/ 1Cp1C4.t .j / /2
Linear search-like, continuation, and truncation
techniques have been applied to accelerate APG.
4.7 Fixed point continuation
Recently, Ma et al.[63] designed an FPC algorithm,
which is a matrix extension of the fixed point iterative
algorithm for the l1-regularized problem[49], to solve
the nuclear norm regularized linear least squares
problem (Formula (14)). The fundamental idea of
the FPC algorithm is based on an operator splitting
technique. As an extended result from Ref. [49], R
is the optimal solution to Formula (14) if and only if
Considering the following equivalent model,
FPC applies operator splitting by setting
and the above model becomes
Then, RDD6.Y /is the optimal solution of
This leads to the following FPC iteration scheme:
Y.j / R.j / .P.R.j //P.A//;
R.j C1/ D.j C1/
.Y .j //;
.j C1/
6 max ..j /
6; 6/;
where the parameter 0<<1specifies the reduction
rate of 6and 6> 0. The global convergence of the
FPC algorithm is also given in Ref. [63].
4.8 Nonlinear successive over-relaxation algorithm
Based on the matrix factorization model (Formula
(17)), Wen et al.[38] addressed the matrix completion
problem using a nonlinear SOR algorithm (LMaFit).
The LMaFit algorithm introduces a Lagrange multiplier
, such that DP./, to Formula (19) and obtains
the Lagrange function:
L.X; Y; Z; / D1
2kXY Zk2
Fh; P.Z/P.A/i:
Differentiating L.X; Y; Z; / and introducing an SOR-
style weight parameter !, the LMaFit iterations are
obtained such as
Z! !Z.j / C.1 !/X.j / Y.j /;
X.!/ Z!Y.j /T.Y .j / Y.j /T/;
Y.!/ .X.!/TX.!//.X.!/TZ!/;
.Z.!// PN
P.Z.!// P.A/;
where denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
operation, and N
is the complement of . Then, the
residual ratio
.!/ DkP.A X.!/Y .!//kF
P.A X.j /Y.j / /kF
is monitored. If .!/ < 1,X.!/; Y .!/; and Z.!/
are taken as X.j C1/; Y .j C1/ ; Z.j C1/, respectively, in
the next iteration; otherwise, adjust !accordingly.
More details on setting !can be found in Ref. [38].
At every LMaFit iteration, the computationally costly
SVD operations are avoided and only least square
operations are needed, which makes the LMaFit
algorithm computationally efficient in large-scale
matrix completion problems.
Notice that when !D1, the SOR iteration
is equivalent to the GaussSeidel (GS) iteration.
Nevertheless, when !is appropriately set, the SOR
iterations in the LMaFit lead to significant convergence
acceleration compared to GS iterations.
4.9 Stochastic gradient descent
The l2 matrix factorization regularization problem
(Formula (8)) can be solved by SGD optimization[64],
which iterates over all known ratings. For each .u; i/ 2
, the prediction error eui is calculated as
eui DRui O
Rui :
Then, the parameters bu,bi,xu, and yiare trained
iteratively according to the opposite directions of the
Andy Ramlatchan et al.: A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems 317
b.j C1/
u b.j /
uC.e.j /
ui 2b.j /
b.j C1/
i b.j /
iC.e.j /
ui 2b.j /
x.j C1/
u x.j /
uC.e.j /
ui y.j /
i2x.j /
y.j C1/
i y.j /
iC.e.j /
ui x.j /
u2y.j /
where is the learning rate. Takacs et al.[65] extended
the above model by dedicating different learning rates
() and regularization () values for different learning
parameters to obtain better accuracy.
In the SVD++ algorithm for Formula (11), the SGD
iteration scheme accordingly becomes
b.j C1/
u b.j /
uC.e.j /
ui 3b.j /
b.j C1/
i b.j /
iC.e.j /
ui 3b.j /
x.j C1/
u x.j /
uC.e.j /
ui y.j /
i3x.j /
y.j C1/
i y.j /
.e.j /
ui .x.j /
uC jW .u/j1
p.j /
k/3y.j /
p.j C1/
l p.j /
lC.e.j /
ui jR.u/j1
2y.j /
i3pl.j //;
for 8l2R.u/:
Compared to the SVD model, the SVD++ model
often results in improved accuracy as it considers
implicit feedback; however, the tradeoff is that there are
significantly more parameters to train, which makes the
SVD++ model difficult to scale to very large datasets.
The SGD optimization method can also be applied
to the l1 matrix factorization regularization problem
(Formula (11)) and the l1= l 2 matrix factorization
regularization problem (Formula (12)). Defining a
vector sign function SGN.x/, such that
SGN.x/ D2
where sgn./denotes the signum function for a scalar,
for model (11), the iteration scheme for updating the
latent factor vectors xuand yibecomes
x.j C1/
u x.j /
uC.e.j /
ui y.j /
i4SGN.x.j /
y.j C1/
i y.j /
iC.e.j /
ui x.j /
u4SGN.y.j /
respectively. For Formula (12), the iteration scheme for
updating xuand yithen becomes
x.j C1/
u x.j /
.e.j /
ui y.j /
2SGN.x.j /
u/5.1 ˛/x.j /
y.j C1/
i y.j /
.e.j /
ui x.j /
2SGN.y.j /
i/5.1 ˛/y.j /
respectively. The other iteration steps are similar to
that of SGD for the l2-regularized matrix factorization
model (Formula (8)).
4.10 Expectation maximization algorithm
The parameters of the probabilistic models, such as
pLSA, are learned using the EM algorithm[4]. In the
EM algorithm, the parameters are estimated iteratively,
starting from an initial guess. Each iteration computes
an Expectation (E) step and a Maximization (M) step
in alternation[66]. The E-step uses the current estimate
of the parameters to obtain the distribution for the
unobserved variables, given the observed values of the
known variables. The M-step re-estimates the model
parameters to maximize the log-likelihood function.
In the pLSA model, at the j-th iteration, the E-
step calculates the tightest upper bound given the
current parameters .j / with respect to the variational
distribution V.j /, such that
V.j C1/.c ; u; iI.j / /DP .cju; i I.j/ /D
P .i jcI.j //P .c juI.j/ /
Pc0P .i jc0I.j //P .c 0juI.j/ /:
The upper bound of the negative log-likelihood function
R. .j C1/ ; V .j C1/ /D
V.j C1/.cIu; i I.j/ /.log P .ujc/C
log P .cji //:
The M-step then maximizes the above upper bound
of the log-likelihood function R..j C1/; V .j C1/ /with
respect to .j C1/. The EM iterations are repeated
until the likelihood improvement is smaller than a pre-
determined threshold value.
The EM algorithm is often a non-convex optimization
process. It has been shown that each EM iteration
either improves the true likelihood or reaches the local
5 Applications for Recommendation
Systems Using Matrix Completion
In addition to the usual applications of user-
item association prediction, here we present other
applications of recommendation systems based matrix
318 Big Data Mining and Analytics, December 2018, 1(4): 308–323
5.1 Computational drug repositioning
Computational drug repositioning is an important
and efficient approach to identify new treatments
with known drugs. Luo et al.[8] modeled the drug
repositioning problem as a recommendation system
(DRRS) to discover new disease indications for drugs.
In the DRRS, the related data sources and validated
information of drugs and diseases are integrated to
construct a heterogeneous drug-disease interaction
network (Fig. 1). Then, the heterogeneous network is
represented as a large adjacency matrix (Fig. 2) where
the unknown drug-disease associations are presented
as blank entries. A fast SVT algorithm[61] is used
to complete the drug-disease adjacency matrix with
predicted scores for unknown drug-disease pairs. The
comprehensive experimental results show that the
DRRS improves the prediction accuracy compared with
the other state-of-the-art approaches in both system-
wide and de novo predictions.
Fig. 1 Heterogeneous drugs-diseases network.
Fig. 2 Association matrix.
5.2 Sports game results predictions
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament, commonly
known as “March Madness”, is one of the most popular
sporting events in the United States. Every year,
68 out of 364 NCAA Division I teams are selected
after the regular season to participate in a single
elimination tournament for the NCAA men’s basketball
championship. By arranging every team on rows and
columns, a matrix of games is displayed in Fig. 3,
where a blue dot represents a game between two teams
in the regular season.
Ji et al.[67, 68] employed matrix completion
recommendation systems to predict the March
Madness results. Game parameters, including field
goals percentage, three pointers percentages, free
throw percentages, offensive rebounds, defensive
rebounds, assists, turnovers, steals, blocks, and fouls,
were predicted by completing the game parameter
matrices. These predicted parameters provided a
predicted scenario of a game of two teams that have
never met in the regular season. These parameters were
fed to a neural network to finally predict the outcome
of the March Madness playoff games. In 2015 March
Madness, this method correctly predicted the outcomes
of 49 out of 63 games.
5.3 Business to business electronic commerce
The use of recommendation systems toward electronic
Fig. 3 Game matrix of 364 NCAA division I basketball
teams. The x- and y-axes represent the NCAA teams and each
point indicates there is a match between the two team during
the regular season.
Andy Ramlatchan et al.: A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems 319
commercial or e-commerce applications focusing on
Business-to-Customer (B2C) approaches has been
discussed previously, such as the Netflix problem.
These e-commerce B2C applications also include
online retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart,
and most other corporations that dominate the
retail industry. However, another application of
recommendation systems used in commerce is Business
to Business (B2B) transactions, where like those B2C
online retailers, these B2B recommendation system
users try to minimize the information overload and
allow a computational algorithm to provide effective
business intelligence.
The attributes of a typical B2B e-commerce
recommendation system can be classified into the
following main categories: system inputs, system
processes, and system outputs. The system includes
data collected from the business, which comprise
industry specific conditions, supplier data, past and
current customer activities, and customer ratings
about goods and services[69]. In this way, the B2B
recommender functions similarly to the content-
based filtering approaches in B2C systems; however,
they differ in their outputs, as the B2B system
is not focused on delivering a computationally
derived associated product to the customer, but on
establishing links between a business and another
stakeholder and identifying potential opportunities
with other businesses. For instance, the system
can use website browsing data and consequent
purchases to evaluate advertising effectiveness, and
then make recommendations for partnerships with
marketing companies. Another approach could be
in supply chain management, where the system
makes recommendations for suppliers based on past
performances of deliveries in terms of timeliness
and quality, and the sales that resulted from the
manufacturers. This data can help the business in
negotiating prices, discovering opportunities, and
evaluating the return-on-investment on any given
5.4 Gene expression predictions
Over the last 50 years, one of the most dynamic fields
of study in biomedical research has been investigations
into protein folding and its effects on gene expression.
The genomic manifestations of many human diseases
and pathological conditions are related to protein
folding[70]. This is a process that describes how a
protein can exist in four possible states. The first state
is the “unfolded state”, in which a protein has been
assembled with all the proper chemical components,
but is not functional. The second state is the “molten
globule”, or partially folded state. The third state is
the “native state”, in which the protein is folded into its
proper three-dimensional structure and is biologically
functional. The fourth possible state is the amyloid fibril
state, in which the protein is misfolded and becomes
deformed. These latter two states have captivated
many biological scientists because their impacts on
the expression of genes lead to neurodegenerative
diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
disease, Huntington’s disease, Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Advances in high performance computing have
allowed researchers to investigate the effects of gene
expression, and have led to the use of extremely
large datasets to predict how genes are expressed
based on their underlying protein structure. One such
method is the use of low-rank matrix completion on
known and sparse gene expression levels to recommend
future gene expressions. A low-rank matrix is formed
based on the underlying biological conditions. For
instance, it is generally known that many genes interact
with each other; therefore, interdependent factors
contribute to the protein folding phases, leading to gene
transcription, and ultimately gene expression, which
can be characterized computationally in a correlated
data matrix. Since gene expression values are likely to
exist in a low-dimensional linear subspace, the resulting
matrix can be considered as a low-rank matrix[71]. Then,
the techniques discussed in the previous sections, such
as the minimization of the nuclear norm can be applied
to recover and complete the matrix, thereby yielding a
prediction on the final gene.
5.5 Microblogging recommendations
In a digital age where many people across the globe get
their information from social networking platforms, the
popular “microblogging” site Tumblr where users can
share short messages to a wide audience can employ
the advantages of recommendation systems to allow
users find other similar messages or microblogs. Since
message posts are generally short, a large number of
such messages are generated every day, leading to
mass amounts of dynamic text data, in addition to
images. However, unlike other collaborative filtering
approaches where users rank preferences, with Tumblr
320 Big Data Mining and Analytics, December 2018, 1(4): 308–323
the ratings are in a more binary form; users simply
chose to follow or not follow a post. However, this
can be simplified by incorporating users activities
and the contents of their posts which can include
a combination of text, tags, or images[72] . These
activities are then analyzed using machine learning
techniques, such as a convolutional neural network,
where all relevant features from the vast datasets can
be obtained. Additionally, the features can be examined
by employing a second neural network known as
“word2vec”, which transforms text data into a vector
where words in similar contexts are closer to each other
with multiple degrees of similarity[73]. Ultimately, the
missing information from users who do not follow other
users can essentially be supplanted by the activities they
have performed in their own posts. By incorporating
features from users, the matrix completion models can
be used to make recommendations in the inductive
setting, where predictions can be made for users not
present in the training data set.
6 Conclusion
Matrix completion approaches have become important
methodologies in recommendation systems, which
are often more accurate than the nearest-neighbor
approaches. Motivated by the famous Netflix Prize
problem, many recommendation system models have
been proposed and many computational algorithms
have been accordingly developed. This survey aims
to provide a comprehensive review of the matrix
completion models and algorithms for recommendation
systems, although it is unlikely to cover all models and
algorithms available.
There have been quite a few research directions
that go beyond the recommendation systems based
on matrix completion. In reality, the popularity of
an item may change over time. This can be solved
by incorporating temporal dynamics information into
the recommendation model. For example, Koren
and Bell[64] proposed models that incorporate time-
changing factors to gain insight of how the influences
of two items rated by the same user decay over
time. In fact, a more general problem of matrix
completion is tenor completion, which is related
to recovering missing values in high-dimensional
data. Liu et al.[74] defined trace norm for tensors
and extended the nuclear (trace) norm minimization
model for tensor completion. Moreover, the traditional
recommendation systems focus on prediction accuracy
only. Nevertheless, in practical applications, objectives
such as diversity and novelty are also important,
although these may conflict with accuracy[75]. Hence,
multi-objective optimization algorithms[76–78] are
needed to find recommendations with respect to the
tradeoffs among conflicting objectives. Furthermore,
with the development of modern parallel and distributed
computing architectures, much effort has been put
on designing efficient parallel algorithms[79, 80] to
enable matrix completion techniques make efficient
recommendations for large-scale datasets.
This work was supported in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61728211 and
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Andy Ramlatchan is a PhD student
in Computer Science at Old Dominion
University in Norfolk, VA, USA. He has
worked for the US government for several
years in multiple capacities where he
leveraged big data and machine learning
for various mission support programs. He
is currently a senior computer scientist at
NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA, USA. His
main research interests include matrix factorization and tensor
completion for high dimensionality multi-modal sensor data.
Mengyun Yang received the BS degree in
mathematics from Shaoyang University in
2007, and the MS degree in computational
mathematics from Hunan Normal
University in 2012. He is a lecturer in
Shaoyang University and a PhD candidate
at Central South University, Hunan, China.
His current research interests include
matrix completion and bioinformatics.
Jianxin Wang received the BEng and
MEng degrees in computer engineering
from Central South University, China, in
1992 and 1996, respectively, and the PhD
degree in computer science from Central
South University, China, in 2001. He
is the vice dean and a professor in
Department of Computer Science, Central
South University, Changsha, China. His current research interests
include algorithm analysis and optimization, parameterized
algorithm, bioinformatics, and computer network. He is a
member of the IEEE.
Quan Liu is a master student at Central
South University. His main research
interests include machine learning,
recommender systems, and statistical
association study.
Min Li received the PhD degree in
computer science from Central South
University, China, in 2008. She is currently
a professor at the School of Information
Science and Engineering, Central South
University, Changsha, China. Her main
research interests include bioinformatics
and systems biology.
Yaohang Li received the BS degree from
South China University of Technology
in 1997, and the MS and PhD degrees
in computer science from Florida State
University, Tallahassee, FL, USA, in
2000 and 2003, respectively. He is an
associate professor in computer science at
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA,
USA. His research interests are in protein structure modeling,
computational biology, bioinformatics, Monte Carlo methods,
big data algorithms, and parallel and distributive computing.
... Statistical time series models such as ARMA (autoregressive moving average) and ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) [14] have been widely used; however, these models are linear and cannot handle the noisy and online nature of the data. Matrix completion [15] is a statistics and machine learning strategy that involves the task of filling in the missing entries of a partially observed matrix, and has been successfully used in movie-rating and recommender systems in platforms such as Netflix [16]. Matrix completion has been used for data imputation; however, it requires strong assumptions such as temporal regularity and low rankness. ...
... We transform the data into a pre-completed versionX to effectively utilise the raw input data containing missing values in the model. As described by Yin et al. [9] and originally introduced by Che et al. [18], this transformation is achieved by imputing the missing entries using a trainable temporal decay factor as depicted in Equation s (15) and (16). As explained by Yin et al. [9], the strategy stems from an observation that if a variable is unobserved for a long time, it gravitates towards a "default" value (the empirical mean in this case); otherwise, it stays near its historical observations. ...
... where x ′ f t is the computed pre-completion, x f t ′ is the last nonmissing observation andx f is the empirical mean for the f -th variable at time s t . We use Equation (16) to replace the missing values in the raw input while preserving the observed ones. Followed by this, we generate the pre-completed input as shown in Equation (17), as depicted in Figure 2 we feed this precompleted input into Bayes-CATSI and Partial Bayes-CATSI. ...
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Medical time series datasets feature missing values that need data imputation methods, however, conventional machine learning models fall short due to a lack of uncertainty quantification in predictions. Among these models, the CATSI (Context-Aware Time Series Imputation) stands out for its effectiveness by incorporating a context vector into the imputation process, capturing the global dependencies of each patient. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian Context-Aware Time Series Imputation (Bayes-CATSI) framework which leverages uncertainty quantification offered by variational inference. We consider the time series derived from electroencephalography (EEG), electrooculography (EOG), electromyography (EMG), electrocardiology (EKG). Variational Inference assumes the shape of the posterior distribution and through minimization of the Kullback-Leibler(KL) divergence it finds variational densities that are closest to the true posterior distribution. Thus , we integrate the variational Bayesian deep learning layers into the CATSI model. Our results show that Bayes-CATSI not only provides uncertainty quantification but also achieves superior imputation performance compared to the CATSI model. Specifically, an instance of Bayes-CATSI outperforms CATSI by 9.57 %. We provide an open-source code implementation for applying Bayes-CATSI to other medical data imputation problems.
... In the low rank matrix completion problem, one is given a matrix in which several entries are unknown, and the task is to fill in these unknown entries so that the rank of the resulting matrix is minimal possible. This problem and its approximate version are being intensively discussed in modern literature [5,6,8,9], and their potential applications include collaborative filtering [1], computer vision [34], machine learning [20], phase retrieval [7], and recommendation systems [27]. ...
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A partial matrix A is a rectangular array with entries in F ∪ { * }, where F is the ground field, and * is a placeholder symbol for entries which are not specified. The minimum rank mr(A) is the smallest value of the ranks of all matrices obtained from A by replacing the * symbols with arbitrary elements in F. For any bipartite graph G with vertices (U, V), one defines the set M (G) of partial matrices in which the row indexes are in U , the column indexes are in V , and the (u, v) entry is specified if and only if u, v are adjacent in G. We prove that, if G is chordal bipartite, then the minimum rank of any matrix in M (G) is determined by the ranks of its fully specified submatrices. This result was conjectured by Cohen, Johnson, Rodman, Woerdeman in 1989.
... Matrix completion aims to reconstruct the target matrix M P R mˆn from partial observations of its entries that are corrupted by random noise, which has applications across different fields. For example, it has been utilized in recommendation systems (Jannach et al., 2016;Ramlatchan et al., 2018), signal processing (Weng and Wang, 2012;Li et al., 2019), and image restoration (Ji et al., 2011;Jia et al., 2022). Recently, matrix completion based statistical models have also been applied to various problems, including wireless sensor networks (Xie et al., 2016;Kortas et al., 2021), causal inference (Kallus, Mao and Udell, 2018;Athey et al., 2021), and policy evaluation (Iweze, 2020;Duan, Li and Xia, 2024). ...
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Noisy matrix completion has attracted significant attention due to its applications in recommendation systems, signal processing and image restoration. Most existing works rely on (weighted) least squares methods under various low-rank constraints. However, minimizing the sum of squared residuals is not always efficient, as it may ignore the potential structural information in the residuals.In this study, we propose a novel residual spectral matching criterion that incorporates not only the numerical but also locational information of residuals. This criterion is the first in noisy matrix completion to adopt the perspective of low-rank perturbation of random matrices and exploit the spectral properties of sparse random matrices. We derive optimal statistical properties by analyzing the spectral properties of sparse random matrices and bounding the effects of low-rank perturbations and partial observations. Additionally, we propose algorithms that efficiently approximate solutions by constructing easily computable pseudo-gradients. The iterative process of the proposed algorithms ensures convergence at a rate consistent with the optimal statistical error bound. Our method and algorithms demonstrate improved numerical performance in both simulated and real data examples, particularly in environments with high noise levels.
... This similarity in the latent factor space allows for accurate predictions. Matrix completion techniques can fill in the missing entries in the rating matrix and provide personalized recommendations [3,13,14]. ...
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In today’s data-driven era, methods for filling data gaps are becoming more critical. This dissertation proposes a novel two-step method for the matrix recovery problem. Our approach combines the theoretical foundations of the Column Sub- set Selection and Low-rank Matrix Completion problems. The proposed method, in each step, solves a convex optimization task. In the first step, a subset of columns is drawn at random. The resulting matrix is completed using a selected algorithm that solves the matrix completion task. The second step solves a least squares problem using the known elements and the completed columns. We present three algorithms that implement our Column Selected Matrix Completion (CSMC) method, each dedicated to a different size problem. We performed a formal analysis of the presented method, in which we formulated the necessary assumptions and the probability of finding a correct solution. In the second part of the paper, we present the results of the experimental work. Numerous numerical experiments verified the correctness and performance of the algorithms. To study the influence of the size of the matrix, its rank, and the proportion of missing elements on the quality of the solution and the computation time, experiments were performed on synthetic data. The presented method was applied to three problems: prediction of movie rates in a recommendation system, image completion and prediction of connections in a graph. Our thorough analysis shows that CSMC provides solutions of comparable quality to matrix completion algorithms, which are based on convex optimization. However, CSMC offers notable savings in terms of runtime.
... Yet, those previous theories or algorithms lay on the assumption that the sampling mechanism of those observed entries are uniformly random. Such an assumption may seem in line with the cases where the data missing happens due to non-human factors, e.g., the recommendation systems [11]. But there are a lot of other cases where the sampling is performed by man-made systems. ...
This paper deals with the problem of robust matrix completion -- retrieving a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix from the compressed counterpart of their superposition. Though seemingly not an unresolved issue, we point out that the compressed matrix in our case is sampled in a deterministic pattern instead of those random ones on which existing studies depend. In fact, deterministic sampling is much more hardware-friendly than random ones. The limited resources on many platforms leave deterministic sampling the only choice to sense a matrix, resulting in the significance of investigating robust matrix completion with deterministic pattern. In such spirit, this paper proposes \textit{restricted approximate \infty-isometry property} and proves that, if a \textit{low-rank} and \textit{incoherent} square matrix and certain deterministic sampling pattern satisfy such property and two existing conditions called \textit{isomerism} and \textit{relative well-conditionedness}, the exact recovery from its sampled counterpart grossly corrupted by a small fraction of outliers via convex optimization happens with very high probability.
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Predicting thermodynamic properties of mixtures is a cornerstone of chemical engineering, yet conventional group-contribution (GC) methods like modified UNIFAC (Dortmund) remain limited by incomplete tables of pair-interaction parameters. To address this, we present modified UNIFAC 2.0, a hybrid model that integrates a matrix completion method from machine learning into the GC framework, allowing for the simultaneous training of all pair-interaction parameters, including the prediction of parameters that cannot be fitted due to missing data. Utilizing an extensive training set of more than 500,000 experimental data for activity coefficients and excess enthalpies from the Dortmund Data Bank, modified UNIFAC 2.0 achieves improved accuracy compared to the latest published version of modified UNIFAC (Dortmund) while significantly expanding the predictive scope. Its flexible design allows updates with new experimental data or customizations for specific applications. The new model can easily be implemented in established simulation software with complete parameter tables readily available.
In the subspace clustering with missing data (SCMD) problem, we are given a collection of n partially observed d-dimensional vectors. The data points are assumed to be concentrated near a union of low-dimensional subspaces. The goal of SCMD is to cluster the vectors according to their subspace membership and recover the underlying basis, which can then be used to infer their missing entries. State-of-the-art algorithms for SCMD can fail on instances with a high proportion of missing data, with full-rank data, or if the underlying subspaces are similar to each other. We propose a novel integer programming approach for SCMD. The approach is based on dynamically determining a set of candidate subspaces and optimally assigning points to selected subspaces. The problem structure is identical to the classical facility-location problem, with subspaces playing the role of facilities and data points playing that of customers. We propose a column-generation approach for identifying candidate subspaces combined with a Benders decomposition approach for solving the linear programming relaxation of the formulation. An empirical study demonstrates that the proposed approach can achieve better clustering accuracy than state-of-the-art methods when the data are high rank, the percentage of missing data is high, or the subspaces are similar. Funding: Support for this research was provided by American Family Insurance through a research partnership with the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Data Science Institute. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at .
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This paper introduces a novel kernel regression framework for data imputation, coined multilinear kernel regression and imputation via the manifold assumption (MultiL-KRIM). Motivated by manifold learning, MultiL-KRIM models data features as a point-cloud located in or close to a user-unknown smooth manifold embedded in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Unlike typical manifold-learning routes, which seek low-dimensional patterns via regularizers based on graph-Laplacian matrices, MultiL-KRIM builds instead on the intuitive concept of tangent spaces to manifolds and incorporates collaboration among point-cloud neighbors (regressors) directly into the data-modeling term of the loss function. Multiple kernel functions are allowed to offer robustness and rich approximation properties, while multiple matrix factors offer low-rank modeling, dimensionality reduction and streamlined computations, with no need of training data. Two important application domains showcase the functionality of MultiL-KRIM: time-varying-graph-signal (TVGS) recovery, and reconstruction of highly accelerated dynamic-magnetic-resonance-imaging (dMRI) data. Extensive numerical tests on real TVGS and synthetic dMRI data demonstrate that the “shallow” MultiL-KRIM offers remarkable speedups over its predecessors and outperforms other “shallow” state-of-the-art techniques, with a more intuitive and explainable pipeline than deep-image-prior methods.
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Motivation: Accumulating evidences indicate that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play pivotal roles in various biological processes. Mutations and dysregulations of lncRNAs are implicated in miscellaneous human diseases. Predicting lncRNA-disease associations is beneficial to disease diagnosis as well as treatment. Although many computational methods have been developed, precisely identifying lncRNA-disease associations, especially for novel lncRNAs, remains challenging. Results: In this study, we propose a method (named SIMCLDA) for predicting potential lncRNA-disease associations based on inductive matrix completion. We compute Gaussian interaction profile kernel of lncRNAs from known lncRNA-disease interactions and functional similarity of diseases based on disease-gene and gene-gene onotology associations. Then, we extract primary feature vectors from Gaussian interaction profile kernel of lncRNAs and functional similarity of diseases by principal component analysis, respectively. For a new lncRNA, we calculate the interaction profile according to the interaction profiles of its neighbors. At last, we complete the association matrix based on the inductive matrix completion framework using the primary feature vectors from the constructed feature matrices. Computational results show that SIMCLDA can effectively predict lncRNA-disease associations with higher accuracy compared with previous methods. Furthermore, case studies show that SIMCLDA can effectively predict candidate lncRNAs for renal cancer, gastric cancer and prostate cancer. Availability: Contact: Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a fundamental dimension reduction tool in statistics and machine learning. For large and high-dimensional data, computing the PCA (i.e., the singular vectors corresponding to a number of dominant singular values of the data matrix) becomes a challenging task. In this work, a single-pass randomized algorithm is proposed to compute PCA with only one pass over the data. It is suitable for processing extremely large and high-dimensional data stored in slow memory (hard disk) or the data generated in a streaming fashion. Experiments with synthetic and real data validate the algorithm's accuracy, which has orders of magnitude smaller error than an existing single-pass algorithm. For a set of high-dimensional data stored as a 150 GB file, the proposed algorithm is able to compute the first 50 principal components in just 24 minutes on a typical 24-core computer, with less than 1 GB memory cost.
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Recommender systems are currently successful solutions for facilitating access for online users to the information that fits their preferences and needs in overloaded search spaces. In the last years several methodologies have been developed to improve their performance. This paper is focused on developing a review on the use of fuzzy tools in recommender systems, for detecting the more common research topics and also the research gaps, in order to suggest future research lines for boosting the current developments in fuzzy-based recommender systems. Specifically, it is developed an analysis of the papers focused at such aim, indexed in Thomson ReutersWeb of Science database, in terms of they key features, evaluation strategies, datasets employed, and application areas.
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Positive semidefinite matrix completion (PSDMC) aims to recover positive semidefinite and low-rank matrices from a subset of entries of a matrix. It is widely applicable in many fields, such as statistic analysis and system control. This task can be conducted by solving the nuclear norm regularized linear least squares model with positive semidefinite constraints. We apply the widely used alternating direction method of multipliers to solve the model and get a novel algorithm. The applicability and efficiency of the new algorithm are demonstrated in numerical experiments. Recovery results show that our algorithm is helpful.
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Recommender systems use past behaviors of users to suggest items. Most tend to offer items similar to the items that a target user has indicated as interesting. As a result, users become bored with obvious suggestions that they might have already discovered. To improve user satisfaction, recommender systems should offer serendipitous suggestions: items not only relevant and novel to the target user, but also significantly different from the items that the user has rated. However, the concept of serendipity is very subjective and serendipitous encounters are very rare in real-world scenarios, which makes serendipitous recommendations extremely difficult to study. To date, various definitions and evaluation metrics to measure serendipity have been proposed, and there is no wide consensus on which definition and evaluation metric to use. In this paper, we summarize most important approaches to serendipity in recommender systems, compare different definitions and formalizations of the concept, discuss serendipity-oriented recommendation algorithms and evaluation strategies to assess the algorithms, and provide future research directions based on the reviewed literature.
Many mechanics and physics problems have variational formulations making them appropriate for numerical treatment by finite element techniques and efficient iterative methods. This book describes the mathematical background and reviews the techniques for solving problems, including those that require large computations such as transonic flows for compressible fluids and the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible viscous fluids. Finite element approximations and non-linear relaxation, augmented Lagrangians, and nonlinear least square methods are all covered in detail, as are many applications. "Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems", originally published in the Springer Series in Computational Physics, is a classic in applied mathematics and computational physics and engineering. This long-awaited softcover re-edition is still a valuable resource for practitioners in industry and physics and for advanced students.
Conference Paper
We propose two novel model architectures for computing continuous vector representations of words from very large data sets. The quality of these representations is measured in a word similarity task, and the results are compared to the previously best performing techniques based on different types of neural networks. We observe large improvements in accuracy at much lower computational cost, i.e. it takes less than a day to learn high quality word vectors from a 1.6 billion words data set. Furthermore, we show that these vectors provide state-of-the-art performance on our test set for measuring syntactic and semantic word similarities.
Diversification has become one of the leading topics of recommender system research not only as a way to solve the over-fitting problem but also an approach to increasing the quality of the user's experience with the recommender system. This article aims to provide an overview of research done on this topic from one of the first mentions of diversity in 2001 until now. The articles ,and research, have been divided into three sub-topics for a better overview of the work done in the field of recommendation diversification: the definition and evaluation of diversity; the impact of diversification on the quality of recommendation results and the development of diversification algorithms themselves. In this way, the article aims both to offer a good overview to a researcher looking for the state-of-the-art on this topic and to help a new developer get familiar with the topic.
Nowadays, the recommendation algorithm has been used in lots of information systems and Internet applications. The recommendation algorithm can pick out the information that users are interested in. However, most traditional recommendation algorithms only consider the precision as the evaluation metric of the performance. Actually, the metrics of diversity and novelty are also very important for recommendation. Unfortunately, there is a conflict between precision and diversity in most cases. To balance these two metrics, some multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are applied to the recommendation algorithm. In this paper, we firstly put forward a kind of topic diversity metric. Then, we propose a novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for recommendation systems, called PMOEA. In PMOEA, we present a new probabilistic genetic operator. Through the extensive experiments, the results demonstrate that the combination of PMOEA and the recommendation algorithm can achieve a good balance between precision and diversity.