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Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmacological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A review



The phytochemical analysis of the bark of Juglans regia showed that it contained reducing sugars, alkaloid, tannins, phenols and saponins. Preliminary phytochemical test of the leaves of Juglans regia showed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and tannins. Nutritional analysis of the kernels of Juglans regia, revealed that it contained carbohydrates, starch, sugars, fiber, fat (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), protein, vitamins (folates, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and aluminum). However, the nutritional contents differs from a cultivar to another which can be influenced by genotype, cultivator, different ecology and different soil. The previous pharmacological studies showed that different parts of Juglans regia possessed nutritional, cardiovascular, antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, immunological, antiinflammatory, analgesic, protective, gastrointestinal, endocrine and many other pharmacological effects. The current review highlighted the chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics of Juglans regia.
IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy (e)-ISSN: 2250-3013, (p)-ISSN: 2319-4219 Volume 8, Issue 11 Version. I (November 2018), PP. 01-21
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and
therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A review
Ali Esmail Al-Snafi
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Thi qar, Iraq.
Corresponding author: Ali Esmail Al-Snafi
Abstract: The phytochemical analysis of the bark of Juglans regia showed that it contained reducing sugars,
alkaloid, tannins, phenols and saponins. Preliminary phytochemical test of the leaves of Juglans regia showed
the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and tannins.
Nutritional analysis of the kernels of Juglans regia, revealed that it contained carbohydrates, starch, sugars,
fiber, fat (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), protein, vitamins (folates, niacin, pantothenic acid,
pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K) and minerals (potassium,
phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and aluminum). However, the
nutritional contents differs from a cultivar to another which can be influenced by genotype, cultivator, different
ecology and different soil. The previous pharmacological studies showed that different parts of Juglans regia
possessed nutritional, cardiovascular, antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic,
immunological, antiinflammatory, analgesic, protective, gastrointestinal, endocrine and many other
pharmacological effects. The current review highlighted the chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmacological
and therapeutic characteristics of Juglans regia.
Keywords: Juglans regia, chemical constituents, nutrition, pharmcology, therapeutic
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Submission: 12-11-2018 Date of acceptance: 26-11-2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. Herbs had been used by all
cultures throughout history and still provide some of our most valuable medicines. Plants are a valuable source
of a wide range of secondary metabolites, which are used as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, flavours,
fragrances, colours and biopesticides.
The previous reviews showed that medicinal plants possessed wide range of pharmacological activities
included: gastrointestinal [1-3], respiratory[4-5], antibacterial antiviral and antifungal [6-10], antiparasitic,
antiprotozoal and molluscicidal [11-13], dermatological [14-17], anticancer [18-21], detoxification [22-24],
anti-inflammatory[25-27], analgesic and antipyretic [25, 28], antiurolithiatic and diuretic effects [29-30],
hypolipidemic, hemostatic, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant and cardiovascular [31-34], central nervous [35-36],
immunological [37-38], antioxidant and free radical scavenging [39-40], smooth muscle [41], antidiabetic[42-
43], reproductive [44-49], and mammary gland stimulating effects [50-52].
In addition, each medicinal plant species has its own nutrient composition besides having
pharmacologically important phytochemicals. These nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamines
and minerals are essential for the physiological functions of human body. The current review will highlight the
chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics of Juglans regia.
Plant Profile:
Juglans duclouxiana Dode, Juglans fallax Dode, Juglans kamaonia C. DC. Dode, Juglans orientis Dode,
Juglans regia subsp. fallax Popov, Juglans regia var. kamaonia C. DC,. Juglans regia var. sinensis C. DC.,
Juglans sinensis C. DC. Dode and Regia maxima Loudon ex C. DC [53].
Taxonomic classification:
Kingdom: Plantae, Subkingdom: Viridiplantae, Infrakingdom: Streptophyta, Superdivision:
Embryophyta, Division: Tracheophyta, Subdivision: Spermatophytina, Class: Magnoliopsida, Superorder:
Rosanae, Order: Fagales, Family: Juglandaceae, Genus:
Juglans, Species: Juglans regia [54].
Common names:
Arabic: Joz; Chinese: Hu tao; English: Walnut, Carpathian walnut, English walnut, Madeira walnut, Persian
walnut; French: Noyer commun; German: Echte Walnuß; India: Akhort; Portuguese: Nogueira-comum,
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
Nogueira-européia; Spanish: Nogal común, Nogal europeo, Nogal inglés; Swedish: Valnöt [55-57].
It was native in Asia (Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan) and in
Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia,
Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia). However, it was widely naturalized elsewhere in temperate regions, and it was
widely cultivated [55].
Traditional Uses:
Archaeological evidence suggested gathering and consumption of walnuts by humans occurring c.a.
7300 yr B.P in proximity to the Mediterranean [58].
Historically, several parts of plant including seeds, bark, leaf, and seeds green husks were used as
natural remedies in folk medicine. The edible part of the fruit (the seed or kernel) was consumed, fresh or
toasted, alone or with other edible products. It was globally popular and valued for its nutritional and health
promoting properties [59].
Walnut leaves were widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of skin inflammation, venous
insufficiency, hyperhidrosis haemorrhoidal symptoms, ulcers, for diarrheic, as antihelmintic, depurative,
antioxidants, antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent and chemopreventive Purposes [60].
The root and stem bark were used as anti-helmentic, astringent and detergent. The stem bark was dried
and used as a tooth cleaner and whitener. The decoction of leaves and bark was used with alum for staining
wool brown [ 56, 61].
In Kashmir Himalaya, the leaves were used as mosquito replant, lice killer, for the treatment of
itching, chronic dysentery and frost bite; fruits were used as brain tonic, aphrodisiac, in constipation and for
the treatment of rheumatism; the oil was used as dandruffs, in muscular pain, to improve eye sight and as
memory enhancer; while roots were used in hair fall, tooth decay, as antiseptic and to heal the wounds [62].
In Turkish folk medicine, fresh leaves applied on the naked body or forehead to reduce fever or on
swelled joint to alleviate the rheumatic pain. The kernel of Juglans regia has been used for the treatment of
inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes in Iranian traditional medicine. The bark, branches and exocarp of the
immature green fruit were used to treat gastric, liver and lung cancer a long time in China. Juglans regia was
used by traditional healer in northeastern region of Mexico to protect against liver damage. In Nepal the bark
paste was used in arthritis, skin diseases and toothache. The shell of Juglans regia was used in Calabria folk
medicine to heal malaria [63-64].
The wood is of very high quality, and was used to make furniture, and gunstocks. The dye was used as a
coloring and tonic for hair [65].
Part used:
Oil, seeds, bark, leaf, and seeds green husks [64].
Physicochemial characteristics:
Physicochemial properties of the Juglans regia bark (% w/w): total ash 9.51%, acid insoluble ash
0.125%, water soluble ash 1.035%, alcohol soluble extractive 6.03% and water soluble extractive 4.02% [56].
Physicochemical characteristics of walnut oil separated by cold pressing and solvent extraction method were:
refraction index 20 oC: 1.475 and 1.476, saponification number: 188.5 and188.0, iodine number 145.1
and150.1, FFA (% oleic acid) 0.18 and 0.20 respectively, and peroxide number (mmolO2/mg): 0 0.1[66].
Chemical constituents:
Preliminary phytochemical test for hot and cold methanolic extract of the bark of Juglans regia showed
that the bark contained reducing sugars, alkaloid, tannins, phenols and saponins. Hot and cold methanolic
extract of Juglans regia bark showed 1.4% and 1.08% of gallic acid respectively [56].
Preliminary phytochemical test for extract of the leaves of Juglans regia showed the presence of
alkaloids, carbohydrates, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and tannins [67].
The content of juglone in the methanolic extract of the leaves was 9.9 ± 0.2 mg/100 g; small amounts
(1.3 ± 0.02 mg/100 g) were recorded in the infusion, whereas in the decoction it was not detected [68].
The constituents of 12 different cultivars of Juglans regia kernels grown in a replicated trial in an
experimental orchard at Lincoln University were evaluated. The total oil content ranged from 62.6 to 70.3%
while the crude protein ranged from 13.6 to 18.1%. Dietary fiber ranged from 4.2 to 5.2%, while the starch
content made up no more than 2.8% of the remaining portion of the kernel. The amino acid content of the
walnuts was similar between cultivars and included: aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline,
glycine, alanine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine and arginine
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
Nutritional analysis of the kernels of Juglans regia, revealed that per 100 g, it contained energy: 2,738
kJ (654 kcal), carbohydrates: 13.71, starch: 0.06, sugars: 2.61, dietary fiber: 6.7, total fat: 65.21, saturated fat:
6.126, monounsaturated fat: 8.933, polyunsaturated fat: 47.174, protein: 15.23; it also contained vitamins:
folates: 98 mcg, niacin: 1.125 mg, pantothenic acid: 0.570 mg, pyridoxine: 0.537mg, riboflavin: 0.150 mg,
thiamin: 0.541 mg, vitamin A : 20 IU, vitamin C : 1.3 mg, vitamin E : 20.83 mg and vitamin K : 207 mcg; and
minerals: potassium: 441 mg, phosphorus: 346 mg, calcium: 98 mg, magnesium: 158 mg, sodium: 2 mg, iron:
2.9 mg, copper: 1.5 mg, manganese: 3.8 mg, zinc: 3.09 mg and aluminum: 0.58 mg; Unsaturated fatty acids%:
palmitoleic acid: 0.77, oleic acid: 25.26, gadoleic acid: 0.05, linoliec acid: 57.10, lineliec acid: 10.34; saturated
fatty acid %: myristic acid 0.24, palmitic acid: 4.28, stearci acid: 1.85 and archidic acid: 0.19. However, the
nutritional contents differs from a cultivar to another which can be influenced by genotype, cultivator, different
ecology and different soil [63, 70-72].
Phenolic compounds were extracted from green walnut fruits, cultivars (Elit) and (Franquette). In
ethanolic extract, the total phenolic content ranged from 126.2 mg GAE per g in cultivar Elit to 135.3 mg GAE
per g in cultivar Franquette. In methanol extract, more phenolic compounds were extracted in both cultivars
respectively (161.07 ± 7.28 and 148.98 ± 4.74mg GAE per g) [73].
Phenolic compounds identified in walnut seeds were included phenolic acids, namely gallic, ellagic,
syringic, 5-Ocaffeoylquinic, caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic and sinapic acids, and tannins, such as glansrins A, B
and C, casuarinin and stenophyllarin [74-75].
However, nine phenolic compounds were identified in the walnut leaves collected from eleven
cultivars (Mayette, Fernor, Mellanaise, Elit, Orientis, Lara, Hartley, Franquette, Parisienne, Arco, Marbot)
grown in Iran: (3-caffeoylquinic, 3-p-coumaroylquinic and 4-pcoumaroylquinic acids, quercetin 3-galactoside,
quercetin 3-arabinoside, quercetin 3-xyloside, quercetin 3-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-pentoside and kaempferol 3-
pentoside) [76].
Four cyclic diarylheptanoids (rhoiptelol, juglanin A, juglanin B and juglanin C) and an alpha-
tetralone derivative (sclerone) were identified in the extract of Juglans regia husks [77-78].
The analysis of hydrolysable tannin constituents of seed of Juglans regia revealed identification of 1,
2, 3, 4, 6-penta-O-galloyl-3-D-glucose, rugosin C, 1, 2, 3, 6-tetra-O-galloyl-3-D-glugose, tellimagrandin II,
casuarictin and 1-degalloylrugosin F [79].
Walnut leaves also contained many phenolic compounds included three hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives, the 3-O-caffeoylquinic, 3-O-p-coumaroylquinic and 4-O-p-coumaroylquinic acids, and six flavonol
heterosides, the quercetin 3-O-galactoside, a quercetin 3-O-pentoside derivative, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside,
quercetin 3-O-xyloside, quercetin 3-O-ramnoside and a kaempferol 3-O-pentoside; and hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives, the 5-O-caffeoylquinic and p-coumaric acids [80-81].
Bioassay-guided fractionation of chloroform extract of Juglans regia leaves afforded isolation of 5-
hydroxy-3,7,4'-trimethoxyflavone, lupeol, daucosterol, 4-hydroxy-α-tetralone, β-sitosterol, 5,7- dihydroxy-3,4'-
dimethoxyflavone and regiolone [82].
The total phenolic content in the methanolic extract of Juglans regia flowers was 71.7±3.2 mg gallic
acid equivalent/ g of extract, while, the total flavonoid contents was 61.7±2.7 mg quercetin equivalent/g of
extract [83].
However, ten compounds were identified in methanol and petroleum ether walnut extracts: 3- and 5-
caffeoylquinic acids, 3- and 4-pcoumaroylquinic acids, p-coumaric acid, quercetin 3-galactoside, quercetin 3-
pentoside derivative, quercetin 3-arabinoside, quercetin 3-xyloside and quercetin 3-rhamnoside [84].
The principle polyphenolic constituents and their respective distribution in walnut (%) were:
pedunculagin: 16.0, ellagic acid: 15.8, tellimagrandin I: 6.6, casuarictin: 4.1, tellimagranin II: 1.2, rugosin C:
1.8 and casuarinin: 1.0 [85].
The total oil content of Juglans regia kernel from Turkey, ranged from 61.97 to 70.92%, while the
crude protein ranged from 15.17 to 19.24%. Ash ranged from 1.26 to 2.06%, while the moisture was found
between 3.25-3.91% of the kernel. The total carbohydrate was calculated as between 8.05-13.23%. The oleic
acid content of the oils ranged from 21.18 to 40.20% of the total fatty acids, while the linoleic acid content
ranged from 43.94 to 60.12% and the linolenic contents from 6.91 to11.52%. It was found that palmitic acid was
between 5.24 and 7.62%, while stearic acid ranged from 2.56 to 3.67% [86].
The fatty acid composition of two US commercial cultivars (Tehama and Vina), three European
commercial cultivars (Esterhazy, 139,G120) and five New Zealand selections (Rex, Dublin’s Glory, Meyric,
McKinster, Stanley) was evaluated. The total oil content of the nuts ranged from 62.4 to 68.7%, the oleic acid
content of the oils ranged from 14.3 to 26.1% of the total fatty acids, while the linoleic acid content ranged from
49.3 to 62.3% and the linolenic contents from 8.0 to 13.8%. Furthermore, it appeared that Juglans regia was a
rich source of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids [87].
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
Palmitic acid, n-octadecane, 9-E-hexadecanoic acid, tetra-tetracontane, 4,8,12,16-olide, n-
heptadecanoic acid, 1-iodohexadecane, stearic acid, oleic acid, erucic acid and Di-n-octyl phthalate were
isolated from the bark material of Juglans regia from Pune, India [88].
The fatty acid composition (as methyl esters %) of walnut oil from Greek were: tetradecanoic: 0.1,
pentadecanoic: 0.1, 9-hexadecenoic: 0.4, hexadecanoic: 10.4, heptadecanoic: 0.1, 9,12-octadecadienoic: 74.0,
9,12,15-octadecatrienoic: 10.0, octadecenoic: trace, octadecanoic: 3.9, 11,14-eicosadienoic: trace, nonadecanoic:
trace, 11-eicosenoic: 0.6, eicosanoic: 0.3, heneicosanoic: trace, docosanoic: 0.1, total saturated: 15.0, total
unsaturated 85.0, unsaturated/saturated ratio: 5.7, mono unsaturated fatty acids: 1.0, poly unsaturated fatty acids:
84.0 and PUFA/MUFA: 84.0 [89].
Pharmacological effects:
Cardiovascular effects:
Diet supplemented with walnuts possessed beneficial effect on blood lipids, lowering blood
cholesterol and lowering the ratio of serum concentrations of low density lipoprotein:high density lipoprotein
by 12% [90].
In cross-sectional surveys, it appeared that high levels of HDL cholesterol and apo A1 were associated
with a high amount of walnut consumption (oil and kernel) in the regular diet [91].
A randomized, double blind case-control study was conducted to evaluate the lipid-lowering effect of
Persian walnut oil (encapsulated in 500 mg capsules, 3 g/day, for 45 days) in the population of southern Iran.
Lipid profiles were checked before; on days 15, 30, and 45 after the beginning; and 15 days after termination of
the study. Plasma TG concentrations decreased by 19% to 33% of baseline (P<0.05). No statistically significant
change was observed in other measured parameters [92].
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, consumption of walnut oil by type 2
hyperlipidemic diabetic patients (15 ml Persian walnut oil) resulted in a significant decrease in total cholesterol
levels (treatment difference (TD)= -30.04, P<0.001), triglyceride level (TD= -15.04, P=0.021), low-density
lipoprotein level (TD= -30.44, P<0.001) and total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein ratio (TD= -0.72,
P<0.001) compared to the control group. There was an increase in the HDL level with consumption of walnut
oil (TD=2.28, P=0.06). Frequency of patients reaching a LDL level below 100 was higher in the treated group
(20 vs 0%) [93].
The polyphenol of walnut (WP) was evaluated for its hypolipidemic effect in high fat diet fed mice.
Oral administration of WP (100 and 200 mg/kg) significantly reduced liver weight and liver and serum
triglycerides (TG). Hepatic beta-oxidation in cytosol, including peroxisome, was enhanced by WP (50-200
mg/kg). mRNA expressions of hepatic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha and acyl
coenzyme A oxidase (ACOX) 1 were enhanced by WP (50-200 mg/kg). The mRNA expressions of PPARalpha,
ACOX1, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) 1A in HepG2 cells were significantly enhanced by addition
of WP (100 microg/ml). Tellimagrandin I, a polyphenolic constituent in WP, enhanced ACOX1 expression at 1-
100 microg/ml [94].
The walnut diet improved endothelium-dependent vasodilation and reduced levels of vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1 (P<0.05). The walnut diet significantly reduced total cholesterol (-4.4±7.4%) and LDL
cholesterol (-6.4±10.0%) (P<0.05) [95].
Regular consumption of nuts has been associated with a reduced risk of both fatal coronary heart
disease and non-fatal myocardial infarction. The epidemiological studies showed that people who consumed
nuts five or more times a week had a 50% reduced risk of coronary heart disease relative to those who never
consumed nuts. A reduction in cardiovascular risk was also recorded in a cohort of women from the nurses
health study [96-98].
The effect of methanol extract of Juglans regia kernel extract 100 and 200  mg/ kg/day, orally on
dexamethasone-induced hypertension was studied in rats. Dexamethasone increased the diastolic BP and
MDA/GPX ratio in comparison with control group (128 ± 7 vs. 105 ± 3 mmHg, P< 0.05 and 0.2 ± 0.046 vs.
0.08 ± 0.02, P< 0.05). Combination of dexamethasone and walnut (200 mg/kg) prevented the dexamethasone-
induced diastolic hypertension (109 ± 3 vs. 128 ± 7 mmHg; P< 0.05), increased the GPX level (14.8 ± 1.46 vs.
5.1 ± 0.64 unit/mg, p < 0.05), reduced the MDA/GPX ratio (0.16 ± 0.015 vs. 0.2 ± 0.046) and improved serum
NO level [99].
The potential anti-hypertensive effects of walnut was investigated clinically on 130 hypertensive
subjects. The result showed that it normalized high blood pressure, high cholesterol and serum electrolytes if
short term meal of walnut is taken. Walnut meal has no effect on haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell
count, Packed cell volume and platelet counts compared with their corresponding controls [100].
The effect of walnut methanolic extract and ellagic acid (one of its major polyphenolic components)
was studied on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 and intracellular adhesion
molecule (ICAM)-1 in human aortic endothelial cells. After incubating the cells with TNF-alpha (1 ng/ml) in the
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
absence and in the presence of walnut extract (10-200 microg/ml) or ellagic acid, the VCAM-1 and ICAM-1
expression was quantified by cell-ELISA. Walnut extract and ellagic acid decreased significantly the TNF-
alpha-induced endothelial expression of both VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 (P<0.01; P<0.001). Both walnut extract (at
10-25 microg/ml) and ellagic acid induced nodule formation in KS483 osteoblasts. These results suggested that
the walnut extract has a high anti-atherogenic potential and a remarkable osteoblastic activity, an effect
mediated, at least in part, by its major component, ellagic acid [101].
The antihemolytic activities of the methanolic extract of Juglans regia flowers were evaluated by
various in vitro assays. The extract showed good antihemolytic activity against H2O2 and CuOH induced
hemolysis in comparison with control [102].
CNS effects:
The potential anticonvulsant effect of walnut kernel extract (WKE) was evaluated in
pentylenetetrazole (PTZ; 2 mg/ml/min) induced seizures in rats. WKE administration significantly increased
the PTZ dose needed to induce the first myoclonic jerk (13.09 ± 1.29 vs. 49.71 ± 12.03 mg/kg; P<0.001),
decreased the severity of seizure grades and reduced the mortality rate to 0%. Flumazenil (FMZ; 5 mg/kg ip),
did not significantly reduce the anticonvulsant effect of WKE. The combination of diazepam (DPZ; 0.5 mg/kg
ip) and WKE showed a synergic anticonvulsant effect, whereas ethosuximide (ESM) had no significant
influence (P>0.05) on the WKE effects. It seemed that the anticonvulsant effect attributed to signaling
pathways other than benzodiazepine mediated γ-aminobutyric acid receptors [103].
The antidepressant effect of Juglans regia fruit extract (100 and 150 mg/kg bw ) was studied in animal
models of depression (forced swimming test and tail suspension test). Both doses significantly decreased
duration of immobility in both models of depression. The effect of extract was less significant than standard
drug fluoxetine. The antidepressant activity could be attributed to the presence of omega 3 fatty acid in the
extract [104].
In forced swimming test, methanol leaf extract at doses of 1000 and 1500 mg/kg significantly and dose
dependently reduced the immobility period to 110.1±4.1 and 90.2±6.6 s, respectively as compared to control
mice 164.2±11.3 s (P<0.001). Extract at 1500 mg/kg showed the same activity as imipramine. In tail suspension
testmodel, extract (500 and 1000 mg/kg) decreased significantly and dose dependently the immobility time to
114.3±15.1 and 79.9±3.4s, respectively, as compared to control mice 157.8±12s (P<0.001). Extract at 1000
mg/kg showed the same activity as imipramine (P>0.05) [83].
The anxiolytic effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Juglans regia fruit (200 and 400 mg/kg bw) was
studied on the basis of effect on exploration behaviour and anxiety in elevated plus maze, zero maze, and light-
dark model. Juglans regia extract produced significant effect on exploration and time spent in open area of
elevated plus maze and zero maze. Extract also increased time spent in lighten area in light and dark model.
Increase in number of head twitches was also observed at selected doses [105].
The molecular effects of walnut supplementation (6% walnut diet) on the hippocampal expressions of
NMDARs involved in cognitive functions and lipid peroxidation levels were studied in rats. The expression of
NR2A and NR2B was elevated in the walnut-supplemented rats compared with the control group (P < 0.05) and
the levels of lipid peroxidation in the walnut-supplemented group were significantly decreased compared with
the control group [106].
Extracts of Juglans regia fruits and leaves exhibited low inhibition of butyryl cholinesterase, and it
possessed no significant effect on acetyl cholinesterase [107].
The effects of walnuts on learning and memory was studied in male rats. Walnut was given orally to
rats for a period of 28 days. Memory function in rats was assessed by elevated plus maze (EPM) and radial arm
maze (RAM). A significant improvement in learning and memory of walnut treated rats compared to controls
was observed. Analysis of brain monoamines exhibited enhanced serotonergic levels in rat brain following oral
intake of walnuts [108].
The effects of walnut supplementation on motor and cognitive ability were investigated in aged rats.
The motor testing showed that the 2% walnut diet improved performance on rod walking, while the 6% walnut
diet improved performance on the medium plank walk; the higher dose of the 9% walnut diet did not improve
psychomotor performance and on the large plank actually impaired performance. All of the walnut diets
improved working memory in the Morris water maze, but the 9% diet showed impaired reference memory
[109]. The effects of walnut consumption by mothers during pregnancy and lactation
on learning and memory in adult offsprings were studied in rats. The results showed that there was a significant
difference in learning and memory of rat offsprings between experimental and control groups [110].
Studying the effect of walnut to maintain the brain health with age, revealed that polyphenolic
compounds found in walnuts not only reduced the oxidant and inflammatory load on brain cells but also
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
improved interneuronal signaling, increased neurogenesis, and enhanced sequestration of insoluble toxic protein
The neuro-protective effect of dietary walnut (6%) against cisplatin-induced neurotoxicity was
investigated through studying the alteration in performance of hippocampus- and cerebellum-related behaviors
following chronic cisplatin treatment (5 mg/kg/week for 5 consecutive weeks) in male rats. The exposure of
rats to cisplatin resulted in significant decrease in explorative behaviors and memory
retention. Walnut consumption improved memory and motor abilities in cisplatin treated rats,
while walnut alone did not show any significant changes in these abilities compared to saline. Cisplatin
increased latency of response to nociception, and walnut reversed this effect of cisplatin [112].
The neuro protective efficacy of dietary supplementation of walnut (6 %) for 28 days was examined in
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) (20 mg/kg bw/day, ip) for last four consecutive days.
MPTP injection diminished the levels of GSH, dopamine and metabolites along with decreased activities of GPx
and mitochondrial complex I. The levels of TBARS and enzymatic antioxidants such as SOD and catalase,
MAO-B activities were enhanced by MPTP treatment. Behavioral deficits and lowered TH expression were also
proved in MPTP induced neurotoxicity. Dietary supplementation of walnut attenuated MPTP-induced
impairment in PD mice, which could be attributed to its MAO-B inhibitory, antioxidant and mitochondrial
protective actions [113].
Walnuts, rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, and omega fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid and
linoleic acid, improved the age-associated declines in cognition and neural function in rats. Possible
mechanisms of action of these effects include enhancing protective signaling, altering membrane
microstructures, decreasing inflammation, and preventing accumulation of polyubiquitinated protein aggregates
in critical regions of the brain. The serum collected from aged animals fed with walnut diets (0, 6, and 9%, w/w)
enhanced protection on stressed BV-2 microglia in vitro. Walnut significant reduced pro-inflammatory tumor
necrosis factor-alpha, cyclooxygenase-2, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. These results suggested
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection or enhancement of membrane-associated functions in brain cells
Anticancer effect:
The anticancer properties of walnut special mixture, walnut milk (WM), as a potential anticancer
treatment were studied in DU145, MCF7 and TG/HAVSMC cells. The results indicated that WM dramatically
reduced cell viability and selectively induced caspase-dependent apoptosis in DU145 and MCF7 cells without
affecting TG/HA-VSMC noncancerous cells by triggering intrinsic apoptotic signalling and increases in ROS
production [115].
The anticancer activity of Juglans regia leaf hexane extract and its effect on cell cycle analysis,
apoptosis and cancer cell morphology was studied against human prostate cancer (PC3) cells. The extract of
Juglans regia exhibited a potent and dose-dependent anti-proliferative activity against human prostate cancer
cells in vitro. The extract also induced significant apoptosis in PC3 cancer cells as revealed by annexin V
binding assay as well as inverted phase contrast microscopy. It triggered a significant formation of apoptotic
bodies after treatment with varying concentrations of the extract. Within 48 h of incubation, approximately 9.5,
15.5 and 26.3 % of the cells underwent early apoptosis after treatment with 5, 50 and 100 μg/ml of the extract,
respectively. Similarly, 5.2, 11.2 and 18.9 % of the cells underwent late apoptosis after treatment with 5, 50 and
100 μg/ml of the extract, respectively. Treatment with different concentrations of the extract for 48 h induced an
increase in the population of cells in the sub-G1 phase and a slight decrease in the G2/M phase [116].
The cytotoxic effects of Juglans regia extracts and juglone, a napthoquinone isolated from the
chloroform extract of the root part of Juglans regia and its novel series of triazolyl analogs, were studied
against various human cancer cell lines. The different extracts of Juglans regia and the isolated compound
(juglone) exhibited satisfactory cytotoxic activity against a panel of eight different human cancer cell lines
[prostate colon (Colo-205 and HCT-116), breast (T47D), prostate (PC-3 and DU-145), skin (A-431) and lung
(NCI-H322 and A549)]. Furthermore, all the synthesised analogs displayed enhanced and selective cytotoxic
activity against lung cancer cell lines only. Of the synthesized derivatives, 15a and 16a displayed the best
activity with IC50 of 4.72 and 4.67 μM against A549 cells. Both these derivatives exhibited superior potency to
BEZ-235 against both the lung cancer cell lines [117].
The anticancer effect of a methanol extract of walnuts was evaluated on human MDA-MB-231, MCF7
and HeLa cells. The extract was cytotoxic to all cancer cells. Walnut extract decreased the intracellular pH,
depolarized the mitochondrial membrane with release of cytochrome c and phosphatidylserine flipping. The
antimitogenic effects of walnut extract were associated with a twofold reduction of mitochondria respiration.
The results suggested impairment of mitochondrial function and apoptosis as relevant mechanism of anticancer
effects of the walnut extract. The predominant compounds in the methanol extract were Tellimagrandin I and
Tellimagrandin II, the members of the ellagitannin family [118].
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
The anti-proliferative and apoptotic activities of compounds identified in chloroform extract of
Juglans regia leaves were evaluated in human breast and oral cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and BHY). Bioassay-
guided fractionation of chloroform extract of Juglans regia leaves afforded isolation of 5-hydroxy-3,7,4'-
trimethoxyflavone, lupeol, daucosterol, 4-hydroxy-α-tetralone, β-sitosterol, 5,7- dihydroxy-3,4'-dimethoxy
flavone and regiolone. All compounds inhibited proliferation of MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinoma) and
BHY (human oral squamous carcinoma) cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Compounds (5,7-
dihydroxy-3,4'-dimethoxyflavone and regiolone) had potent cytotoxic effects on both MCF-7 and BHY cells
(IC50 21-51 μm), this concentration was not toxic to normal cells. MCF-7 growth inhibition was attributed to
apoptosis; population of apoptotic cells increased from 1.12% in controls to 5.64 and 8.1% after 48-h treatment
with compounds (5,7- dihydroxy-3,4'-dimethoxyflavone and regiolone), indicated their potential at inducing
early and late apoptosis. This effect wasn't mediated by caspase-3 pathway [82].
The antiproliferative activity of total extract and several fractions from the leaves of Juglans regia was
evaluated against human oral cancer, breast adenocarcinoma and colon adenocarcinoma cell lines. Chloroform
fraction showed the lowest IC50 values (0.36-0.81 mg/ml) and also induced cell cycle arrest (G0/G1 phase) after
a 24 h treatment [119].
The effect of walnut green husk extracts on cell proliferation was evaluated on PC-3 human prostate
cancer cells. Green husk extracts suppressed proliferation and induced apoptosis in a dose- and time-dependent
manner by modulating expression of apoptosis-related genes. This involved DNA fragmentation and significant
changes in levels of mRNA and the expression of corresponding proteins. An increase in expressions of Bax,
caspase-3, and tp53 genes and their corresponding proteins was detected using real-time PCR and western blot
analysis in PC-3 cells treated with the green husk organic extracts. In contrast, Bcl2 expression was
downregulated after exposure to the extracts [120].
The various fractions of walnut extract were screened for antiproliferative activity against human
cancer cell lines. Chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions exhibited a high level of antiproliferation against
HepG-2 liver cancer cell line (IC50 = 9 and 15 µg/ml, respectively) [121].
The antiproliferative effect of root bark of Juglans regia (RBJR) organic extracts was studied in cell
proliferation on MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. The results demonstrate that walnut root bark
suppressed proliferation and induced apoptosis in a dose and time dependent manner by modulating expression
of key genes. This involved characteristic changes in cytoplasmic and nuclear morphology, DNA fragmentation,
levels of mRNA and expression of corresponding proteins. The expression of Bax, caspases, tp53, and TNF-
alpha was markedly increased in MBA-MB-231 cells treated with the root bark extract. In contrast Bcl2 and
mdm-2 expression was down regulated after exposure [122].
The anti- cancer stem cells (CSCs) potential of walnut phenolic extract (WPE) and its bioactive
compounds, including (+)-catechin, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, and gallic acid were studied. CD133CD44
cells were isolated from HCT116 cells using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and then treated with
WPE. The survival of the CD133CD44 cells was inhibited and cell differentiation was induced by WPE.
Furthermore, WPE down-regulated the CSC markers, CD133, CD44, DLK1, and Notch1, as well as the β-
catenin/p-GSK3β signaling pathway. WPE suppressed the self-renewal capacity of CSCs and exhibited stronger
anti-CSC effects than its individual bioactive compounds. WPE inhibited specific CSC markers in primary
colon cancer cells isolated from primary colon tumor which indicated that WPE can suppress colon cancer by
regulating the characteristics of colon CSCs [123].
Walnut methanolic extracts were assayed for their antiproliferative effectiveness using human renal
cancer cell lines A-498 and 769-P and the colon cancer cell line Caco-2. All extracts showed concentration-
dependent growth inhibition toward human kidney and colon cancer cells. Concerning A-498 renal cancer cells,
all extracts exhibited similar growth inhibition activity (IC50 values between 0.226 and 0.291 mg/ml), while for
both 769-P renal and Caco-2 colon cancer cells, walnut leaf extract showed a higher antiproliferative efficiency
(IC50 values of 0.352 and 0.229 mg/ml, respectively) than green husk or seed extracts [84].
Two diarylheptanoids, juglanin A and B, were isolated from the extract of the seed husks of Juglans
regia. They possessed cytotoxic activities against human hepatoma (Hep G2) cells [124].
The antimutagenic and antiproliferative activities of water and acetone extract of Juglans regia were
studied in vitro. The water and acetone extracts were more effective than the benzene and chloroform extracts in
inhibiting the revertants induced by 2-aminoflourene (2AF) in TA100 tester strains of Salmonella. The most
effective extracts in the Ames assay were further evaluated using the Lucifer luciferase assay and in time course
studies for antiproliferative activities using the Hoechst staining to observe apoptotic cell deaths. The
acetone extract showed a correlation of antimutagenic activities in the Ames assay with its antiproliferative
effect in different cell lines, while the water extract exerted its effect distinctly in each cell line [125].
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
Antidiabetic effect:
The antidiabetic effect of Juglans regia leaves in type 1 diabetes was evaluated in streptozotocin
induced diabetes in rats. Treatment with the Juglans regia extracts resulted in a significant decrease in blood
glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, LDL, triglyceride, and total cholesterol, and a significant increase in insulin
and HDL level [126-127].
The effect of a 30-day oral administration of aqueous extract of walnut leaf (10, 50, 150, 300, and 500
mg/day) was studied in comparison with glibenclamide in normal and diabetic rats. Administration of all doses
over 10 mg/kg significantly lowered the blood glucose level in normal rat and diabetic rats, compared with
control groups. This effect was higher for doses of 50 and 150 mg/kg in normal rats and for doses of 300 and
500 mg/kg in diabetic rats, which was similar to glibenclamide (4 mg/kg) [128].
The mechanism of hypoglycemic action of Julans regia leaves methanolic extract (JRLME) was
studied in rats. After three weeks of treatment, the plant extract had a significant hypoglycemic action in both
short and long term models. There was also permanent blood glucose reduction in treated groups, the in vitro
assay of α-glucosidase activity displayed inhibitory action of JRLME, like Acarbose, but less effectively [129].
The antidiabetic effect of ethanolic walnut leaf extract (200 mg/kg) was evaluated in nondiabetic,
alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Fasting blood sugar decreased meaningfully in diabetic rats treated with Juglans
regia. Insulin level increased and glycosylated hemoglobin decreased significantly in diabetic groups receiving
Juglans regia compared with the diabetic group without treatment. Size of islets of Langerhans enlarged
consequentially in Juglans regia treated rats [130].
The hypoglycemic effect of oral methanolic extracts of leaf and fruit peel (200 mg/kg for both) of
walnut was evaluated in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Four weeks later, blood was collected for biochemical
analysis and pancreases were removed for β-cells counts in histological sections. Diabetes increased fast blood
sugar (FBS) and HbA1c, and decrease β-cell number and insulin. FBS decreased only in leaf extract group.
HbA1c decreased in leaf extract and insulin groups. The β-cells number increased in leaf and
peel extract groups. Insulin increased moderately in all treatment groups [131].
The antihyperglycemic properties of the Juglans regia leaf extract was investigated in streptozotocin-
nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. One week after induction of diabetes, oral treatment started with extract of
Juglans regia and metformin and continued for 4 weeks. Fasting blood sugar, body weight, serum lipids and
insulin level were measured in different groups. A significant reduction of glucose, HbA1c, total cholesterol and
serum triglycerides were detected after 4 weeks in rats treated with Juglans regia leaves compared to the
control groups. Juglans regia extract treatment showed potential hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects in
type 2 diabetic rats [132].
The effects of the Juglans regia leaf extract on hyperglycemia lipid profiles in type II diabetic patients
were investigated clinically using 61 patients, suffering from type II diabetes with fasting blood glucose (FBG)
between 150 and 200mg/dl, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) between 7% and 9%. First group received
100mg Juglans regia leaf extract in capsules form two times a day for 3 months and other group received
100mg placebo capsule with the same dosage. The standard anti-diabetic therapy (metformin and glibenclamide,
and nutritional regimen) was continued in both groups. The results indicated that FBG, HbA1c, total cholesterol
and triglyceride levels in Juglans regia treated patients significantly decreased after 3 months compared with
the baseline and with placebo group. Patients in Juglans regia group were significantly satisfied with Juglans
regia treatment compared with the placebo group. No liver, kidney and other side effects were observed in the
groups, except more gastrointestinal events (specially a mild diarrhea) associated with extract treatment at the
beginning of the study [64].
Fifty eight Iranian male and female patients with type 2 diabetes were enrolled in a clinical trial,
received Juglans regia leaves extract for two months for determination of HbA1c and blood glucose level as a
main outcome and insulin, SGOT, SGPT, and ALP level as secondary outcome. The results revealed that serum
fasting HbA1C and blood glucose levels were significantly decreased and the insulin level was increased in
patients in the Juglans regia group [133].
A pilot study was carried out to determine the efficacy and safety of walnut hydrosol (WH) in patients
with type 1 diabetes. Eight patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 were enrolled in the study. They were
advised to drink 250 ml WH after meals twice a day for four weeks. WH can control the glycemic level in
people with diabetes, but it may be associated with minor and major side effects. The average daily blood sugar
level, and insulin dose decreased in seven subjects. Two subjects developed generalized pruritic erythematous
skin rash. One patient presented hypoglycemic coma [134].
The effect of Juglans regia ethanolic leaf extract on lumbo-sacral spinal cord was evaluated in 18 and
20 days old fetus of diabetic mother rats. Female rats became diabetic by intraperitoneal injection of
streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). In their first day of pregnancy, they received walnut leaf extract at a dose of 250 mg/
kg. After formation of the nervous system, two fetuses were obtained after anesthezing animals on 18th and 20th
gestational days. The animals were euthanized, their birth weight were recorded and the lumbo-sacral spinal
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
cord samples were taken and fixed. Significant decrease in the transverse diameter, vertical diameter, and the
number of neurons in the spinal cord gray matter of the spinal cord at days 18 and 20 of pregnancy in the
diabetic group compared to other groups was observed (P≤0.05) and a significant difference in the number of
neurons in the spinal cord white matter was observed on day 18 of pregnancy (P≤0.05). The result confirmed the
ameliorative effects of ethanolic extract of walnut leaves in controlling the metabolic disorders in diabetic
pregnancy on the fetus's central nervous system [135].
Antioxidant activity:
The in vitro effects of walnut husk hydroalcoholic extract was studied on serum LDL oxidation caused
by copper sulfate. The results indicated that walnut husk hydroalcoholic extract reduces serum LDL oxidation,
with lag times equal to 87%, 178% and 202% for concentrations of 0.2, 2 and 20 μg/ml, respectively [136].
The antioxidant activity and protective effects in stabilizing sunflower oil of methanolic extract of
Juglans regia green husk were studied. Total flavonoids and phenolics were 144.65±2.1 mg quercetin and
3428.11±135.80 mg gallic acid equivalent per 100 gram of dry sample respectively. EC50 values of extract in
reducing power and DPPH assays were 0.19 and 0.18 mg/ml respectively. The 400 ppm extract was as effective
as 200 ppm BHA in retarding sunflower oil deterioration at 600C [137].
The methanol extract of Juglans regia leaves showed strong antioxidant activity with the using of
DPPH radical scavenging and reductive power tests. The antioxidant effects were concentration dependent
[138]. The methanolic extract of Juglans regia flowers was capable of scavenging H2O2 in a concentration
dependent manner. IC50 for H2O2 scavenging activity was 311±12.8 μg/ml [139].
Different extracts (hot water, hydroalcoholic, chloroform and petroleum ether) of Juglans regia bark
were studied for antioxidant activity using different models (DPPH radical scavenging, ABTS radical
scavenging, FRAP assay and superoxide radical scavenging assay). The results showed that the hot water and
hydroalcoholic extracts of Juglans regia possessed potent antioxidant activity than the chloroform and
petroleum ether extracts. In all the testing, a significant correlation existed between concentrations of the extract
and percentage inhibition of free radicals [140].
The optimal solvent for antioxidant extraction from walnut leaves is 70:30%, from walnut green husks
is 50:50% and from walnut membrane septum is 30:70% mixture of water and ethanol, respectively. Walnut
leaves, green husk and membrane septum extracts obtained by soxhlete extraction possessed considerable
amounts of phenols compounds and a significant radical scavenging activity towards stable DPPH free radical
[59]. The effect of the solvent (water, chloroform, methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate and N-butanol) on the
extraction, total flavonoids content and antioxidant properties was analyzed. Antioxidant activity was measured
by hydroxyl, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and superoxide anion radical scavenging capacity and the
total antioxidant capacity and reducing power assay. The greatest total flavonoids content was shown by the
samples extracted with ethyl acetate. The highest ability to scavenging DPPH, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals
was ethyl acetate extract (EC50=81.03μg/ml), methanol extract (EC50=131.35 μg/ml) and chloroform extract
(EC50=176.35μg/ml) respectively at the concentration of 500 μg/ml. The methanol extract showed the greatest
total antioxidant activity and reducing power [141].
Walnut polyphenols had superoxide dismutase-like activity (EC50: 21.4-190 microM) and a remarkable
radical scavenging effect against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (EC50: 0.34-4.72 microM) [75].
Juglans regia kernel ethanolic extract showed a protective effect on the DNA strand breaks induced by
thiol/Fe3+/O2 mixed function oxidase, tert-butyl hydroperoxide or UVC radiations in acellular and cellular
models [142].
Antimicrobial effects:
The antibacterial effect of Juglans regia leaf extract was studied against the pathogens caused acne
lesions, Propionibacterium acnes, and other organisms that were isolated from acne lesions. The zones of
inhibition due to Juglans regia leaf extract (15%) were Providencia stearti: 20mm, Providencia rettgeri: 15mm,
Streptococcus group C: 15mm, Streptococcus faecalis: 17mm, Staphylococcus aureus: 10 and Candida
albicans 20mm [143].
The influence of a walnut (Juglans regia) extract was evaluated on the growth of Escherichia coli
AB1157, on the plasmid DNA topology and on the labeling of blood constituents. The extract possessed an
inhibitory action of the growth of the E. coli AB1157 culture, no protective action of the walnut extract in
plasmid DNA treated with SnCl2. Moreover, walnut was also not capable to induce modifications in the DNA
mobility in agarose gel but walnut was capable to decrease the distribution of 99mTc on the blood cell
compartment [144].
The effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Juglans regia stem bark were studied on 6 pathogens
(Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus spp., Pasteurella multocida
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
and Mannheimia haemolytica). Hydroalcoholic extract did not possess antibacterial effects on E. coli and K.
pneumoniae. Minimum inhibitory concentration against S. aureus, P. multocida, M. haemolytica and
Streptococcus spp. was 62.5mg/ml. There was not any significant response with concentrations below
100mg/disc on S. aureus, Streptococcus species, P. multocida and M. haemolytica. The minimum bactericidal
concentration of the extract was 100mg/ml against all isolates [145].
The antibacterial activity of Juglans regia aqueous bark extract was studied against methicillin-
resistant strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus hemolyticus. Juglans regia extract was more
effective against S. epidermidis at an average MIC of 312.5 ug/ml than against S. hemolyticus with an average
MIC of 2500 ug/ml [146].
Acetone, methanol and ethanol extracts of the leaves of Juglans regia were tested for antimicrobial
activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Klebsella pneumonia.
Antimicrobial activity was done by disc diffusion method at concentrations of 50 and 100μg/ ml/ disc of the
extracts. All extracts showed varying degrees of inhibitory activity against all bacterial species. Ethanolic and
acetone extract showed significant activity against E.coli and Klebsella [67].
The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of the stem bark of Juglans regia was studied against 50
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. All of 50 MRSA strains were multi-drug resistant, resisted
penicillin, ampicillin and methicillin. A low resistance was observed toward erythromycin (48%) and then
ciprofloxacin, gentamycin and clindamycin (34%). All strains except one were sensitive to vancomycin. All
strains except one were mecA carrier in PCR. The hydroalcoholic extract of the stem bark of Juglans regia
showed low MICs (15.62 mg/ ml) against the standard S. aureus strain (PTCC: 33591) and 7.81 mg/ml against
MRSA isolates. Minimum bactericidal concentrations of the extract were 15.62 mg/ml and 31.25 mg/ml against
S. aureus isolates and the standard strain, respectively [147].
The ethanol extract of walnut leaves was examined for antibacterial activities against Streptococcus
mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus sanguinis, and Actinomyces viscosus using the microdilution
method. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for ethanolic extract ranged between 15.6 and 187.5 mg/ml
and minimum bactericidal concentrations ranged between 31.25 and 250 mg/ml [148].
The antibacterial activities of methanol extracts of stem bark of Juglans regia were investigated against
two Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans). Methanolic bark extract of Juglans
regia possessed antibacterial activity, it showed zone of inhibition of 7.2 and 8.7mm against S. mutans, S.
aureus respectively, while the inhibition zones of ciprofloxacin were 15.52mm and 15.1mm against S. mutans
and S. aureus respectively [149].
Juglone potently inhibited the three key enzymes of Helicobacter pylori, cystathionine γ-synthase
(HpCGS), malonyl-CoAacyl carrier protein transacylase (HpFabD), and β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase
(HpFabZ) with IC50 values of 7.0±0.7, 20±1 and 30±4 μmol/l, respectively [150].
Over 45% of clinical isolates of Helicobacter pylori strain were inhibited by Juglans regia aqueous and
equal mixture of methanol, diethyl ether and petroleum benzene extract [151].
The antifungal effects of an extract of the leaves of a walnut and several fractions obtained during the
separation by column chromatography, were studied against Ascosphaera apis. The antifungal activity was
attributed mainly to juglonu and eugenol [152].
The antifungal potential of four extract fractions (methanolic, ethyl acetate, alkaloid, and hydrolyzed
methanolic) of Juglans regia leaves was evaluated against 140 pathogenic Candida albicans isolate.
Methanolic extract from walnut leaves characterized by the highest anticandidal activity, the alkaloid fraction
possessed a slightly lower antifungal efficacy, while ethyl acetate and hydrolyzed methanolic preparates
inhibited the growth rate of the examined fungal pathogens in the lowest degree [153].
95% ethanol and ethyl acetate leaves extract of Juglans regia, inhibited tobacco mosaic virus, while,
the methanol extract inhibited Sindbis virus at a concentration of 1.5 μg/ml [154-155].
Effect on oral health:
2% and 3% concentration of petroleum-ether and ether fractions in propylene glycol and 2% water
soluble extract of the bark of Juglans regia were tested against developing plaque. All the preparations were
applied twice a day on 20 subjects for 3 days. Juglans regia exhibited antiplaque activity in all the preparations
tried. Ether extracts and aqueous extracts showed promising results as compared to petroleum extracts. 2% and
3% ether fraction of Juglans regia showed the antiplaque activity of 32.12% and 31.56% respectively. 2%
aqueous solution of Juglans regia inhibited 30.32% plaque; 2% and 3% petroleum ether fraction showed
17.62% and 19.45% of plaque inhibitions respectively [156].
The effect of acetone and aqueous extracts of Juglans regia was studied by testing on salivary samples
of patients suffering from dental carries. Antimicrobial assay was carried out using disc diffusion method.
Acetone extract was found to be effective as anticariogenic medicine [157].
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
The antimicrobial effects of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Juglans regia bark were studied against
different oral bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus sanguis, and
Staphylococcus aureus. The results showed that S. sanguis was the most sensitive and S. mutans was the most
resistant bacteria for the ethanolic and aqueous extracts. Ethanolic extract possessed significant antibacterial
effect against all the tested bacteria. While, aqueous extract did not show antibacterial effect against S. mutans,
in contrast to ethanolic extract. Aqueous extract had significantly antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus
aureus, S. salivarius, and S. sanguis compared to control (P<0.0001), but it did not show effect on S. mutans
when compared with erythromycin [158].
The in vitro antimicrobial activities of hot and cold bark extracts of two varieties of Juglans regia,
were tested against four microorganisms related to dental caries (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus,
Actinomyces viscosus). Both varieties of Juglans regia possessed antibacterial activity, chloroform extracts was
the more potent antibacterial. Accordingly, both varieties of Juglans regia extracts exerted good anti plaque
activity [159].
The antibacterial effects of ethanolic walnut leaf extract were compared with chlorhexidine mouth
rinse against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis using agar-diffusion and microdilution
methods. The results showed that MIC of ethanolic extract of walnut leaf was 125 and 15.6 mg/ml against
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis, respectively. There was significant different between
ethanolic extract and chlorhexidine in the inhibition zone against Streptococcus mutans (P=0.000) but no
significant difference between them against Streptococcus sanguinis (P=0.058) [160].
Juglans regia bark extract showed a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity in a dose dependent
manner. It inhibited the growth of several species of pathogenic microorganisms representing Gram-positive
bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans), Gram-negative bacteria (Esherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and a pathogenic yeast (Candida albicans). The extract has either synergistic or
additive action when tested with a wide range of antibacterial drugs. It also increased the pH of saliva. Thus,
brushing the teeth with this bark may improve oral hygiene, prevent plaque and caries formation, and reduce the
incidence of gingival and periodontal infections [161].
Antiparasitic effect:
The extracts of Juglans regia stem bark were investigated for anthelmintic activity on adult Indian
earthworm, Pheretima posthuma. The stem bark of Juglans regia was extracted with different solvents
(petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform, acetone, methanol, ethanol and distilled water). Benzene, methanol and
ethanol extracts exhibited significant anthelmintic activity as comparable to that of standard drug piperazine
citrate [162].
The anthelmintic activity of different extracts of Juglans regia leaf were tested against adult Indian
earthworms Pheretima posthuma. The methanolic leaf extract of Juglans regia L demonstrated paralysis as well
as death of worms in a less time as compared to piperazine citrate especially at concentration of 50 mg/ml.
Water extract showed significant activity, while, petroleum ether extract being the least active among all the
extracts [163].
Petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol leaf extracts of the walnut, Juglans regia
were evaluated under laboratory conditions for their acaricidal activity on the mites, Tetranychus cinnabarinus
(Boisduval) and Tetranychus viennensis Zacher (Acari: Tetranychidae). Extracts had both contact and systemic
toxicity to these mites. The crude extracts with petroleum ether resulted in the highest mite mortality (79.04-
0.52%) in a slide dip bioassay. Mites mortalities of the chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, or distilled water
extracts were significantly lower than petroleum ether. The mean lethal concentrations (LC50) of the petroleum
ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, and distilled water extracts to the two mite species were 0.73-0.04,
1.66-0.28, 4.96-0.35, 7.45-0.67, and 9.91-0.32 mg/ml, respectively [164].
The antileishmanial activity of Juglans regia hydroalcoholic extract was tested on the growth of the
promastigotes of Leishmania major. The results showed that both Juglans regia and L. inermis extracts reduced
the promastigotes number significantly (P<0.01) [165].
The effects of topical application of the ointment-based extract (2 and 4% of 50% ethanol extract) of
Juglans regia was studied on Leishmania major (MRHO/ IR/75/ ER) induced infection in mice. The results
showed significant post-treatment decrease in the lesion size and parasite count in infected animals, compared to
control groups [166].
Immunological effect:
The immunocorrective properties of the aqueous extract of walnut septa were studied in experimental
model of leukopenia caused by a single injection of cyclophosphamide in white mice. The results revealed that
walnut septa extract had corrected the suppressed myelopoiesis in white mice caused by injection of
cyclophosphamide. The blood formula normalization process by the mentioned extract was provided by the fast
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
increasing in number of immature (band neutrophil) and mature neutrophils in the peripheral blood. Walnut
septa extract stimulated the division, differentiation and maturation of blast forms of myeloid as well as
lymphoid line in the bone marrow of mice with leukopenia [167].
The effects of walnut polyphenol extract (WPE) on immunotoxicity induced by PP and PNMC were
studied in murine splenic lymphocytes. Treatment with WPE significantly enhanced the proliferation of
splenocytes exposed to PP or PNMC, characterized by increases in the percentages of splenic T lymphocytes
(CD3+ T cells) and T cell subsets (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells), as well as the production of T cell-related
cytokines and granzymes (interleukin-2, interleukin-4, and granzyme-B) in cells exposed to PP or PNMC. These
effects were associated with a decrease in oxidative stress, as evidenced by changes in OH, SOD, GSH-Px, and
MDA levels [168].
Antiinflammatory and analgesic effects:
Methanol leaf extract produced statistically significant inhibition of edema induced by carrageenan at
nearly all doses (250-1000 mg/kg ip) when compared to the control groups. The effect was dose-dependent. The
highest activity showed at 1000 mg/kg ip, that inhibited 77% of inflammation. The same activity was found for
diclofenac at 100 mg /kg ip (73%) (P>0.05) [83].
The ethanolic extracts of Juglans regia leaves exhibited potent anti-inflammatory activity (as potent as
indomethacin) against carrageenan-induced hind paw edema model in mice without inducing any gastric
damage [169].
When BV-2 microglial cells were treated with walnut methanolic extract prior to LPS stimulation, the
production of nitric oxide and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase were attenuated. Walnut extract also
decreased tumor necrosis-alpha (TNFalpha) production. Walnut extract induced internalization of the LPS
receptor, toll-like receptor 4, and that the anti-inflammatory effects of walnut were dependent on functional
activation of phospholipase D2 [170].
The nociceptive effect of alcohol extract of Juglans regia leave (0.5, 1 and 1.5 mg/kg) alone and in
combination with morphine was tested in rats. Alcohol extract of walnut leave in dose of 1.5 mg/kg caused a
significant nociception decrease in acute phase of formalin test and this effect was dose dependent. Moreover,
rats received a combination of morphine and alcohol extract showed more nociception especially in acute phase
of formalin test, in comparison to the groups that received each separately [171].
The protective effects:
The protective effect of Juglans regia extract was studied in a rat model of bleomycin (BLM)-induced
pulmonary toxicopathy. Methanolic extract 150mg/kg bw was given per os to Wistar rats for 14days prior to
BLM exposure. A single intratracheal injection of BLM (10U/kg bw) was administered on the eleventh day of
the treatment. BLM caused marked increase in the hydroxyproline level, lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide
production, and in the activities of xanthine oxidase and myeloperoxidase in the lung tissue compared to control
animals. BLM also decreased the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione reductase and catalase
and increased the lung inflammation and apoptosis by upregulating the NF-κB signaling pathway and caspase-3
expression. Treatment with walnut extract attenuated these changes in a significant manner, it significantly
modulated the lung injury as measured by markers of cellular injury such as lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline
phosphatase, total cell count, total protein and reduced glutathione in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Histological
findings supported the protective effects of walnut extract against BLM-induced lung injury [172].
The polyphenol-rich fraction (WP, 45% polyphenol) prepared from the kernel pellicles of walnuts
was assessed for its hepatoprotective effect in mice. A single oral administration of WP (200 mg/kg)
significantly suppressed serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase
(GPT) elevation in liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride, while it did not suppress d-
galactosamine (GalN)-induced liver injury. However, of the isolated constituents, only ellagitannins with a
galloylated glucopyranose core, such as tellimagrandins I, II, and rugosin C, suppressed CCl 4-
induced hepatocyte damage significantly [173].
The protective effects of Juglans regia kernel extract against cigarette smoke extract (CSE)- induced
lung toxicities was studied in Wistar rats. Prophylactic treatment of methanolic extract of Juglans regia kernel at
the doses of 50 mg/kg bw and 100 mg/kg bw was given by gavage to Wistar rats for 1 week prior to CSE
exposure. Juglans regia extract significantly decreased the levels of LDH, total cell count, total protein and
increased the GSH level, it also significantly restored the levels of GR, catalase and reduced the XO activity in
lung tissue [174].
The modulatory effects of walnut extract on the toxicity of an anticancer drug, cyclophosphamide (CP)
was evaluated in mice. Plant extract + CP showed restoration in the level of cytochrome P450 (CYP) content
and in the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GP) and catalase (CAT) in both
liver and kidneys. But plant extract restored the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the level of reduced
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
glutathione (GSH) in the kidneys only when compared with CP-treated animals. Plant extract treatment alone
caused significant reduction in the content of CYP in the kidneys mainly. The extract showed a significant
increase in the level of GSH and in the activities of GP in both the tissues and CAT in liver only, whereas no
significant change was observed in the activities of GST and SOD. The extract+CP showed a significant
decrease in the LPO in liver and kidneys when compared with the CP-treated group [175].
The antioxidant effect of aqueous extractof walnut bark and its modulatory effect on cyclophosphamide
(CP)-induced urotoxicity were studied in Swiss albino male mice. Walnut bark extract treatment (150 mg/kg po
for 10 days) resulted in protective restoration of decreased antioxidants in CP-treated animals. CP treatment
caused decreases in the activities of catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GP), glutathione reductase (GR)
and glutathione S-transferase (GST) and in the glutathione (GSH) content in urinary bladder and a significant
concomitant increase in lipid peroxidation (LPO). Administration of extract restored all the antioxidants
significantly and lowered the elevated LPO in the bladder [176].
Thirty minutes after ip administration of extract 62.5, 125 and 250 mg/kg to mice, NaF (150 mg/kg)
was applied ip to each mouse and the antihypoxic activity was estimated in minutes as the latent time of
evidence of hypoxia. A statistically significant antihypoxic activity of the extract was established in the
experimental model of haemic and circulatory hypoxia in mice. The effects were found to be dose-dependent
Effect on gastric ulcer and colitis system:
The gastro protective effect of aqueous extract of Juglans regia leaves was studied in albino rats. The
aqueous leaf extract of Juglans regia was investigated for its anti- ulcer activity against pylorus ligation, aspirin
induced and ethanol induced gastric ulcer in rats at 500mg/kg bw po. A significant reduction (P<0.01) in ulcer
index was seen in leaf extracts of Juglans regia treated rats of pylorus ligation, aspirin induced and ethanol
induced gastric ulcer models. The gastro protective effect was further confirmed by histopathological
examination of rat stomach [177].
Juglans regia (walnut) extract was evaluated in acute and chronic murine colitis. In the acute colitis
model, mice were given 4% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) for 5 days. Walnut extract (5 mg/kg/day and
20 mg/kg/day) was dissolved in PBS and administered once daily by oral gavage, beginning 2 days before DSS
administration. Severe colitis was induced by DSS administration for 5 days. In contrast, administration of
walnut extract significantly reduced the severity of DSS-induced murine colitis, as assessed by the disease
activity index and colon length. In the histopathological analysis, histological grading showed that walnut
extract significantly reduced overall colitis score in comparison to the scores of the PBS-treated controls.
Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the DSS-induced phospho-IKK activation in intestinal epithelial
cells was significantly decreased in walnut extracttreated mice. Immunoreactivity for occludin was
significantly inhibited by the treatments with walnut extract. Walnut extract was also significantly reduced the
severity of chronic colitis in mice [178].
Endocrine effect:
The effects of alcoholic extract of walnut (10 - 20 and 50 mg/ kg/ ip) on FSH, LH and testosterone
concentration were studied in adult male rats. In comparison with control group, only in group treated by 50
mg/kg of walnut extract, FSH and LH concentration increased significantly (P<0.05). Concentration of
testosterone in experimental groups (20 mg/kg and 50mg/kg dose of extract) showed significant statistical
difference compared with other groups (P<0.05) [179].
α-amylase inhibitory effect:
Juglans regia was tested for α-amylase inhibition. Different concentrations of leaf aqueous extracts
were incubated with enzyme substrate solution and the activity of enzyme was measured. Extract showed time
and concentration dependent inhibition of α-amylase. 60% inhibition was seen with 0.4 mg/ml of Juglans regia
aqueous extract. Dixon plots revealed the type of α-amylase inhibition was competitive inhibition [180].
Toxicity and side effects:
Juglone found in Juglans regia can cause irritation and skin hyper pigmentation in experimental
animals but, contact allergy was considered a very rare event in man [181-182].
Methanol leaf extract exhibited no toxicity up to 4 g/kg bw when injected ip in mice [83].
Mice were given orally 2000 mg/kg walnut polyphenols and maintained for observation for 14 days.
No fatal event occured nor abnormal changes observed upon comparison with control group. No evident
abnormalities detected in organs upon autopsy. Oral LD50 of walnut polyphenols was deduced to be
>2.000mg/kg for both male and female mice [85].
Chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmcological and therapeutic importance of Juglans regia- A ..
No liver, kidney and other side effects were observed with the using of 100 mg leaves extract capsules
for 3 months in patients, except more GI events (specially a mild diarrhea) associated with extract treatment at
the beginning of the study [64].
Acute and subchronic toxicity study of the median septum of Juglans regia were carried out in Wistar
rats. In the acute toxicity study, female Wistar rats were treated with doses of 10, 100, 1000, 1600, 2900 and
5000 mg/ kg of the Juglans regia septum methanol extract (JRSME), and were monitored for 14 days. In
subchronic study, JRSME was administered by gavage at dose of 1000 mg/kg daily in Wistar rats for 28 days.
The extract did not produce any toxic signs or deaths; the medium lethal dose was higher than 5000 mg/kg. In
subchronic study, No significant morphological and histopathological changes were recorded. There was a
significant increase in serum malondialdehyde (MDA) level in treated group compared to control after 4 weeks
of JRSME intake. The treatment of rats resulted in a significant reduction of serum urea level (P<0.05), kidney's
xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activity (P<0.001) and elevation of aldehyde oxidase (AO) activity (P<0.05) in
kidney. The mean diameter of glomerulus and proximal urine tube epithelium stature was slightly greater in the
treated group than control group [183].
The current review discussed the chemical constituents, nutritional, pharmacological and therapeutic
characteristics of Juglans regia as a promising medicinal plant with wide range of pharmacological activities
which could be utilized in several medical applications because of its effectiveness and safety.
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... Derum is the local name for the barks of the walnut tree (Juglans regia), popularly used as a herbal chewing stick in the middle-eastern and north-African regions (Faden 2016). Originally grown in the European and Balkan regions since 2500-3000 years ago, walnut trees have spread far and wide, in recent centuries, extending up contains certain volatile phenols, phenolic acids like gallic acid, tannins and saponins which are responsible for the soapy texture, unique color and bitter taste (Al-Snafi 2018). Furthermore, the inherent ash content combined with a semi-rigid fibrous texture, enable the walnut tree bark or derum to be chewed on for a considerable amount of time, and then be used as a natural abrasive on teeth and oral surfaces (Al-Snafi 2018, Khattak et al., 2022). ...
... Interestingly, in the aforementioned geographical regions, derum is more frequently chewed by women for an additional cosmetic purpose, because of its ability to impart a purplish to brown-orange pigmentation on oral mucosal surfaces after use (Gazi 1986, Osman et al., 1987, Ashri and Gazi 1990. Apparently, the tannins present in the walnut tree bark not only give the material a characteristic reddish-brown color, but also help precipitate mucosal proteins and provide a favorable pigmentation on the lips, tongue and cheek (Gazi 1986, Ashri and Gazi 1990, Bonamonte et al., 2001, Al-Snafi 2018. In a survey conducted in Saudi Arabia, the prevalence of derum chewing among Saudi females was reported to be as high as 31.9 ...
... Several studies have reported the beneficial oral cleansing properties of chewing derum and its ability to inhibit growth of harmful microorganisms in culture (Darmani et al., 2006, Faden 2016, Al-Snafi 2018, Khattak et al., 2022, Ibrahim et al., 2023. Nevertheless, instances of contact dermatitis, hypersensitivity and cytotoxicity have been reported with the use of derum barks or its extracts therein (Osman et al., 1987, Bonamonte et al., 2001, Neri et al., 2006, Salimi et al., 2012. ...
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Background and objectives Derum, the bark of walnut tree (Juglans regia) has been used as a traditional tooth cleanser and chewed for its ability to bestow purple color to oral mucosa, tongue and lips Studies have shown that derum extract could affect oral epithelium after long term exposure, causing dysplasia. The aim of this in-vivo study was to evaluate the degree of epithelial dysplasia caused by varying durations and frequencies of topical derum application on oral mucosa of rabbits. Materials and Methods Following ethical approval, derum extract was applied to the buccal vestibule of New Zealand white rabbits over three different periods (60 days, 120 days, 180 days) and two different protocols were used (daily application and once every 3 days). Accordingly, the animals were divided into four groups (A – daily derum application/B – derum applied once in 3 days/C – Positive control and acetone applied every alternate day/D – negative control), and three batches (I – 60 days/II – 120 days/III – 180 days). The animals were sacrificed, and oral biopsies prepared and examined under light microscope. The magnitude of epithelial changes was evaluated using epithelial atypia index (EAI) based on Smith and Pindborg histological grading system (1969) for epithelial dysplasia. Results Mild dysplastic changes were detected in animals treated with derum extract regardless of the period of application. Similar results were noted among positive control group, and highest score was recorded in group A followed by group B with high tendency towards long-term derum application. Moderate changes were encountered only in group A that received derum for 180 days. Statistically, long-term derum application (180 days / Batch III in groups A and B), irrespective of the frequency of application, resulted in significantly higher mean EAI scores than all other groups or batches. Conclusion Based on this study, prolonged and frequent use of derum can induce dysplastic changes in rabbit oral mucosa, ranging from mild to moderate dysplasia. Further studies with extended times of exposure of derum to oral mucosa are recommended to document these adverse effects as an evidence base.
... The reduction of hemolysis in the presence of AE is an indicator of protection against lysosomal lysis. The antihemolytic effect of Juglans regia flower extracts has been attributed to their richness in polyphenols and flavonoids that stabilize erythrocyte membranes to prevent their hemolysis 11 . The reduction of saponin-induced hemolysis in the presence of AE at the studied ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial properties of the aqueous extract (AE) of Juglans regia L. bark collected in the Tizi-Ouzou region in Algeria. The richness of AE in polyphenols was assessed by RPHPLC. The biological activities of AE were expressed through their antioxidant, antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antihemolytic potentials. 18 phytochemical molecules (12 flavonoid molecules and 6 phenolic acid molecules) were identified by RP-HPLC. The antioxidant activity expressed by TAC was 119.08± meq AA/g of DW, while the results of DPPH and FRAP expressed by IC50 and EC50, were 57±1.02 µg/ml and 65±0.67 µg/ml, respectively. AE showed antibacterial activities against all tested strains: E. coli ATCC 25922, B. cereus ATCC27853, S. aureus ATCC25923, E. faecalis WDCM0009, and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853. The biofilm of S. aureus ATCC25923 was inhibited by 93% at a biofilm inhibitory concentration of 56.25 mg/ml. AE was nonhemolytic and protected the erythrocyte membrane against hemolysis caused by saponin. The results of this study demonstrate that walnut bark can be integrated into pharmaceutical formulations, especially those intended for oral hygiene and cosmetic products.
... By inducing programmed cell death in endometrial cancer cells, juglone is proposed as a therapeutic strategy for the treatment and prevention of endometrial cancer. These findings suggest that juglone could be a potent natural anticancer agent and warrant further investigation through in vitro studies (Avanzato, 2010;Ji et al., 2011;Bennacer and Cherif, 2016;Al-Snafi, 2018;Arya et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2019Zhang et al., , 2021. ...
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Ceviz, Besin Değeri, Gıda, Mineral Madde
... The results showed that both J. regia extracts reduced the promastigotes number significantly (P<0.01) (50) . ...
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Leishmaniasis is caused by a protozoa parasite from over 20 Leishmania species. Over 90 sandfly species are known to transmit Leishmania parasites. There are 3 main forms of the disease, visceral (the most serious form because it is almost always fatal without treatment), cutaneous (the most common, usually causing skin ulcers), and mucocutaneous (affecting mouth, nose and throat). The disease affects some of the world's poorest people and is associated with malnutrition, population displacement, poor housing, a weak immune system and lack of financial resources. An estimated 700 000 to 1 million new cases occur annually. Chemotherapy based on the use of pentavalent antimonials, amphotericin B, paromomycin, miltefosine and liposomal amphotericin B, is currently the only effective treatment. However, adverse effects, long-term treatment and the emergence of parasite resistance have led to the search for alternative treatments. In this review, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, EBSCO, Science Direct, and Scopus were searched for medicinal plants with anti lieshmanial activity to encourage identification of the active ingredients, determination of clinical efficacy, investigation of the mode of action and safety.
... The results showed that both J. regia extracts reduced the promastigotes number significantly (P<0.01) (50) . ...
Full-text available
Leishmaniasis is caused by a protozoa parasite from over 20 Leishmania species. Over 90 sandfly species are known to transmit Leishmania parasites. There are 3 main forms of the disease, visceral (the most serious form because it is almost always fatal without treatment), cutaneous (the most common, usually causing skin ulcers), and mucocutaneous (affecting mouth, nose and throat). The disease affects some of the world's poorest people and is associated with malnutrition, population displacement, poor housing, a weak immune system and lack of financial resources. An estimated 700 000 to 1 million new cases occur annually. Chemotherapy based on the use of pentavalent antimonials, amphotericin B, paromomycin, miltefosine and liposomal amphotericin B, is currently the only effective treatment. However, adverse effects, long-term treatment and the emergence of parasite resistance have led to the search for alternative treatments. In this review, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, EBSCO, Science Direct, and Scopus were searched for medicinal plants with anti lieshmanial activity to encourage identification of the active ingredients, determination of clinical efficacy, investigation of the mode of action and safety.
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Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrine metabolic disorders. It caused significant mortality due to its complications. Medicinal plants possessed hypoglycemic effects by many mechanisms. The current review discussed the medicinal plants with antidiabetic effect with special focus on their mechanism of action
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The most widely utilized and reasonably priced tree in the world is Juglans regia L., often referred to as the walnut. It is a plant with medicinal properties that may be used as a remedy for a variety of human diseases. Since ages, it has been widely recognized to possess important nutritional and therapeutic qualities. Almost every portion of this species has been used to treat a wide range of infections. The biologically active compounds in the plant species are undoubtedly responsible for its therapeutic qualities. Certain secondary metabolites, such as glycosides, flavonoids, and polyphenols, are present in walnut foliage, shells, inflorescence, tree bark, and the roots. Juglans regia has been shown through pharmaceutical research documented by researchers to possess a variety of biological activities in the laboratory, in real life, and clinical experiments, including antifungal, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Juglone is one of the numerous bioactive substances found within numerous plant parts that have already been proven to be a potent anticancer substance in the treatment of fatal cancer. The substantial information as well as cultural knowledge gathered on pharmacological significance, nutritional value, and ethnomedicinal applications are described in this chapter.
Aim This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of English walnut (Juglans regia L.) using the Scopus database. This study has also attempted to explore walnut’s nutritional potential, phytochemistry, and functional properties for overall human health benefits. Methodology This study uses the R-Bibliometrics package software to explore the Scopus database from 2002 to 2021. The keywords used are “Walnut” OR “Juglans regia” OR “Nutritional Potential” OR “Functional Food” OR “Phytochemistry” OR “Human health”. Results The global trends and bibliometric analysis of walnut from 2002–2021 found that there was a total of 9868 documents indexed in 3151 Scopus-indexed sources. The agricultural and biological sciences recorded the maximum net publication, while the dentistry field recorded the minimum. Countries like China and the United States were the major funding sources, having the maximum net publications all over the globe. Upon analysing international collaboration, countries such as China, the USA, Italy, Iran, Spain, and the United Kingdom emerged as the world’s top collaborators. Maximum co-occurrences of the following keywords found are walnut, omega-3 fatty acid, Juglans regia, and walnut food. The most productive journals in walnut research recorded according to Bradford Law, the most productive walnut research journals were Acta Horticulture, Food Chemistry, Plant Diseases, Journal of Agricultural Hortiscience, Scientia Horticultureae, Nutrients, Molecules, PloS One, and Journal of Ethnopharmacology. People around the world use walnuts in a variety of foods and consider them an integral part of their diets. Walnut contains a variety of bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, alkaloids, and juglone, as well as nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, which make it a functional food for humans. Walnuts are much more than just a culinary item in traditional foods; they can provide a variety of human health benefits. Conclusions This study attempted to conduct a bibliometric analysis to analyze global trends and research productivity of walnut as a functional food in terms of phytochemistry, nutritional potential, and human health benefits. This study will help to identify the research gap, offer opportunities for multidisciplinary research, and present a novel visualisation map for walnut research. This study declared walnut a functional food for the future.
The present study aims to explore the cytotoxicity, physicomechanical, thermal, and barrier properties of Juglans regia leaf fiber (J) reinforced PHB-based films, with a focus on evaluating their suitability for biomedical applications. In this work, scaffolds are developed by incorporating varying concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%) of J into poly(hydroxybutyrate)/poly(vinylacetate) matrix by solvent casting. These are characterized through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The results indicated that the sample containing 1.0% (by weight) J (PJ1.0) results in maximum values of the tensile strength (25 MPa) and storage modulus (1.61 GPa) at – 20 °C. Moreover, this sample exhibited favorable thermal, water barrier, and wettability properties. The hydrolytic degradation behavior of the composites is also studied at pH 7.4 and 37 °C for 16 weeks. It is observed that PJ1.0 degrades by 45%, whereas PHB experiences 18% degradation. Furthermore, the cytotoxic nature of the scaffolds is also assessed using C2C12 mouse skeletal muscle cell lines. The results confirmed that PJ1.0 does not show any cytotoxic effects when compared to pure PHB. Thus, findings of this study suggested the potential of Juglans regia fiber for the development of sustainable and mechanically robust materials for biomedical applications.
Dementia is a devitalising decline in neurological acuity, which burdens both high- and lowincome countries due to poor diagnostic systems and high healthcare costs. A growing population and rises in deleterious environmental and genetic anomalies aggravate new and aggressive cases of dementia and neurodegenerative disorders. The unparalleled capability of medicinal plants is constantly explored in treating neurological disorders, and some of these phytocompounds are used for treating diseases. However, some of these metabolites are neurotoxic and disrupt DNA polymerase functions. They possess lifethreatening side effects and are unable to prevent disease progression. Therefore, it is important to focus on discovering novel compounds from new medicinal plants. Our review encompasses some medicinal plant metabolites recently explored in treating this disease. We also summarized the molecular mechanism of action as determined in in-vitro: the toxic dose, nootropic and neuroprotective effects on neurophysiology and neurotransmitter levels, and the antioxidant effects.
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Introduction. Walnut leaves, green husk and membrane septum (woody septum) are agro-forest wastes generated in the walnut (Juglans regia L.) harvest that could be valued as a source of natural compounds with antioxidant properties. The extractive efficiency of bioactive compounds (phenols) from plant material is greatly depended on the extraction technique. Material and methods. In this study, was proposed to extract phenol compounds by Soxhlet extraction with water/ethanol mixtures as a solvent. The free radical scavenging activity of studied extracts was evaluated by employing antioxidant assay system. The total phenols content of the extracts was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method to assess their contribution to the antioxidant activity. Extract radical scavenging activity as well as the kinetics of inhibition of free radicals were evaluated in terms of radical scavenging ability using the stable 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH•).UV spectra of the investigated extracts were also analyzed. Result. Optimal solvent for antioxidant extraction from walnut leaves is 70%, from walnut green husks is 50% and from walnut membrane septum is 30% mixture of water and ethanol, respectively. Walnut leaves, green husk and membrane septum extracts obtained by Soxhlete extraction possess considerable amounts of phenols compounds and a significant radical scavenging activity towards stable DPPH free radical. Conclusion. The results of the present study suggest that walnut leaves, green husk and membrane septum extracts, a byproduct of walnut processing industry, can be used as an economical source of natural antioxidants for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
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Previous studies showed that a wide range of medicinal plants exerted antidiabetic effects. These plants
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This study was carried out to extract the phenolic compounds from tea leaves and pomegranate peel. It appeared that tea leaves contain 7 phenolic compounds: epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate, epigallocatechin, catechin, quercetin, myricitin, rutin, and gallic acid. Their concentrations were 8.9, 6.6, 2.4, 1.8, 1.4, 1.2, and 0.9 mg/g respectively. The total amount of phenolic compounds in tea leaves was 23.2 mg/g. The pomegranate peel contained 3 phenolic compounds: tannic acid, ellagic acid and gallic acid with a concentration of 2.0, 5.3, and 407 respectively. The total amount of phenolic compounds in pomegranate peel was 12.00 mg/g. Both tea leaves and pomegranate peel extracts inhibit the proliferation of two cancer cell lines, AMN3 and Hela with a concentration of 125, 250, and 500 ug/ml, and there was a positive concentration – effect relationship. The results were discussed according to the previously known biological effects of phenolic compounds.
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Among several dental problems caries process (cavitation) is deadly serious and chronic too. It is an irreversible microbial disease of calcified tissues of teeth. Bacterial plaque plays the primary role in the pathogenesis of the disease. This work compares the antibacterial activities of methanol extracts of stem bark of Juglans regia against two Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans). The efficacy of the plant extracts has been assessed by testing on salivary samples of patients suffering from dental carries and gingivitis by antimicrobial assay was carried out using well diffusion method and compared the zone of inhibition of the extracts with ciprofloxacin (antibacterial). The present study, antibacterial activities (zone of inhibition in mm) of methanol extracts of bark stem of Juglans regia against S. mutans, S. aureus was evaluated. methanolic bark extract of Juglans regia was effective in inhibiting the two bacteria with zone of inhibition ,7.2mm and 8.7mm against S. mutans, S. aureus respectively while the inhibition zone of Ciprofloxacin 15mm and 15.52mm ,15.1mm against S. mutans, S. aureus respectively. `
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The liver plays a central role in transforming and clearing chemicals and is susceptible to the toxicity from these agents. Drug-induced hepatic injury is the most common reason cited for withdrawal of an approved drug. Many medicinal plants showed hepatoprotective activity. The current review will discuss the medicinal plants possessed hepatoprotective effects.
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Kidneys play an important part in the maintenance of our endocrine, acid-base balance, blood pressure, erythropoiesis etc. Kidney harm is one of the most vital health issues. Nephrotoxicity is one of the most common kidney problems and occurs when body is exposed to a drug or toxin. Many medicinal plants have been reported to exhibit protective effect of renal tissues against injuries. Nephroprotective effects were mediated via modulating the expression of inflammatory, oxidative stress and apoptotic mediators. The current review will highlight the medicinal plants possessed nephroprotective effects.
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The pharmacological studies showed that many medicinal plant possessed antiinflammatory activity. Biochemical and molecular investigations revealed that the anti-inflammatory activities of medicinal plants and plant-derived compounds were related to their interactions with several key enzymes, signaling cascades involving cytokines and regulatory transcription factors, and to their antioxidant effects. The current review highlighted the medicinal plants possessed antiinflammatory effects with special focus on their mode of action.
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Antiurolithiatic drugs are the drugs which dissolve or prevent the formation of urinary calculi, while diuretics are drugs which increase the volume of urine excreted. Several medicinal plants can inhibit urolithiasis by many mechanisms: maintains crystalloid-colloid balance by decreasing excretion of urinary calcium, oxalate, uric acid, phosphorus and protein in urolithiasis, improves the renal function by increasing the excretion of urea and creatinine, diuretic and ACE inhibition activity. On the other hand many drugs can produce diuretic effect via their effects on renal water channels, on renal carriers, on nitric oxide-cGMP pathway, on prostaglandin-cAMP pathway, on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), on the kinin-kallikrein system (KKS), s on carbonic anhydrase and osmotic effects on kidneys. The current review will discuss the medicinal plants with antiurolithiatic and diuretic effects and their potential in the treatment of urinary stone.
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Peptic ulcer disease is one of the main sources of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Many medicinal plants showed gastroprotective activity by many mechanisms, in addition some medicinal plants possessed anti Helicobacter pylori activity. This review will discussed the medicinal plants showed gastroprotective activity.