Internet pornography (IP) is becoming phenomenon today what is gaining more and more popularity. This which contribute to their popularity is accessible, affordable, anonymous (triple “A” engine). Not only its popularity, but also novelty and dissimilarity from pornography known before the Internet era determines scientists to research its impact on human’s life. We can mention those related to biology, psychology and spirituality to the areas of life associated with the impact of pornography. This work shows all three areas but focuses particularly on the first two aspects.
Among biological issues is discussed the current classification of pornography contained in ICD – 11. This classification (ICD – 11) inclusion pornography as an as impulse control disorder in the context of compulsive sexual behavior (CSB). However, scientific research indicates the possibility of classifying it as an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as addiction. All three options have been considered in this work and supported by scientific research. A special place here is the consideration of pornography in terms of addiction, this is due to the large number of studies that show similarities of IP activity on the brain to other behavioral or substantial addictions.
The influence of pornography in the psychological aspect is considered in terms of individual and social. The impact on an individual user of pornography can be different. There are such problems as impotence, escalating towards more and more powerful materials, concentration disorders or mental problems (such as anxiety or depression). Social influence includes the influence of pornography on culture, relationships and the issue of sexual trafficking. This work, however, deals with the impact on culture and relationships.
Spirituality, which plays a key role in the lives of believers, is also in the area impact of pornography. It can have important implications for the relationship with God and other people, or the impact on love and self-sacrifice. Spirituality also raises the issue of a pathological look at the body that may result in a greater use of pornography.
Keywords: Compulsive Sexual Behavior; Pornography; Problematic Pornography Use; Neuroscience; Addiction; Mood; PIED (Pornography Induced-Erectile Dysfunction); Relationship Quality; Religiosity; Morality.