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Can Everyday AI be Ethical?
Machine Learning Algorithm Fairness
Philippe Besse1, Céline Castets-Renard2, Aurélien Garivier3 & Jean-Michel Loubes4
Combining big data and machine learning algorithms, the power of automatic decision tools induces
as much hope as fear. Many recently enacted European legislation (GDPR) and French laws attempt
to regulate the use of these tools. Leaving aside the well-identified problems of data confidentiality
and impediments to competition, we focus on the risks of discrimination, the problems of transpa-
rency and the quality of algorithmic decisions. The detailed perspective of the legal texts, faced
with the complexity and opacity of the learning algorithms, reveals the need for important technol-
ogical disruptions for the detection or reduction of the discrimination risk, and for addressing the
right to obtain an explanation of the automatic decision. Since trust of the developers and above all
of the users (citizens, litigants, customers) is essential, algorithms exploiting personal data must be
deployed in a strict ethical framework. In conclusion, to answer this need, we list some ways of
controls to be developed: institutional control, ethical charter, external audit attached to the issue of
a label.
Artificial intelligence, ethics, machine learning, discrimination impact assessment, right to explana-
tion, quality of an automatic decision.
1 Introduction
In 2017, the CNIL launched a national debate on the theme “Numerical ethics: algorithms in de-
bate," which led to the publication of a report. This article resumes and develops Section 4 of one of
the report’s contributors’ work, Besse et al. (2017), with the goal of advancing the debate concern-
ing the fairness of algorithmic decisions. A government-mandated commission chaired by Cédric
Villani also published a report with the objective of "Giving meaning to Artificial Intelligence"
(AI). Like the CNIL report, Villani’s commission's report focuses its attention on the ethical issues
raised by the widespread, daily use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms. France is obviously not
alone in its mobilization on this issue and the international initiatives are numerous, including that
of the British government, which has published an ethical data framework.
Here, ours is not a question of approaching the ensemble of algorithms within AI’s vast, plu-
ri-disciplinary fields, but rather to concentrate on those that drive decisions that impact people on a
daily basis. Here, we are concerned with decisions involving banking access, insurance, health, em-
1 Université de Toulouse INSA, Institut de Mathématiques UMR CNRS 5219.
2 Université Toulouse Capitole, Institut de Recherche en Droit Européen, International et
Comparé (IRDEIC). Membre de l’Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).
3 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, UMPA UMR CNRS 5569.
4 Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier, Institut de Mathématiques UMR CNRS 5219.
ployment, and judicial and law enforcement applications. More precisely, this concerns machine
learning algorithms that are trained on data sets to minimize certain statistical criteria, such as an
average error rate, in order to automate decisions.
Schematically, the ethical questions mainly concern problems of data confidentiality that re-
volve around the learning set, the hindrance of competition, decision transparency/explainability,
and their risks of discriminatory bias towards sensitive groups and individuals.
With the introduction of the GDPR (General European Data Protection Regulations
n°2016/679/EU), the CNIL is concentrating its actions on the core of the issues within the field,
(that is, on the protection of individual data) by proposing measurement tools to affected companies
in order to evaluate incurred data confidentiality risks under what is known as the DPIA, or the data
protection impact assessment. Indeed, it is up to the companies to be proactive on this matter and to
be able to demonstrate, in the event of inspection, that they have full control over personal data se-
curity throughout the processing chain, from data acquisition to the final decision. Should any viola-
tions be found, the resulting consequence will be very severe financial sanctions: up to 20 million
euros, or, for companies, 4% of global annual turnover— the highest of the two figures will be ap-
Following the adoption of Law No. 1321-2016 for a Digital Republic, which takes into ac-
count several provisions of the GDPR, INRIA has proposed a collaborative platform project (Tran-
sAlgo) that would allow for archiving automatic tools produced by five working groups:
1. Information filing engines and referral systems;
2. Learning: cracking down on data and algorithmic biases, reproducibility, explanation and
3. Data protection and control of data usage;
4. Metrology of communication networks;
5. Influence, misinformation, impersonification (photos, voice, and conversational agents),
nudging, and fact-checking.
In this article, we propose elements of analysis, as well as tools to develop point 2 of the discrimina-
tion risks, as well as explainability, repeatability, and the quality of algorithmic and automatic deci-
- Discrimination: The law protects individuals from discriminatory practices, but how can it
protect them from algorithms? While the law does not mention group discrimination, the
Villani report calls for the creation of a DIA (discrimination impact assessment) in section
five, without referring to the already significant number of American studies around the sub-
ject. We therefore ask which tools are available in the event of group discrimination.
- Explainability: A careful analysis of legal texts shows that there is currently relatively little
legal constraint when it comes to algorithmic transparency. Nevertheless, accepting the use
of AI and automatic decisions that impact people imperatively requires elements of transpa-
rency. In this case, it concerns the right to explanation of algorithmic decisions. What could
this entail?
- Quality: As is the case in the GDPR, French law never refers to notions of quality or the er-
ror risks associated with automatic decision-making. When it concerns the publication of re-
sults of public opinion surveys in France, French law requires that the conditions of the sur-
vey (sample size, margin of error, etc.) be made known. When dealing with AI it would also
be relevant for the law to require that the user be informed of risks associated with the appli-
cation of automatic machine learning decisions. In which context should this be applied?
As the Villani report reminds us, ethical discussions have entered into the gap between what
AI is capable of, and what is permitted by law. Villani highlights that, “It takes much more time to
generate law and norms than it does to generate code.” What’s more, while the notion of a plat-
form’s fairness is present in the Law for a Digital Republic, the principals of algorithmic fairness
have become ethical and legal issues in the absence of more specific legislation. This is not a prod-
uct of commercial companies’ altruism, but rather a necessary step in developing the indispensable
trust of the larger public regarding the use of these technologies. To understand some of the prob-
lems raised by this technology, one can examine the spread of the Linky smart electricity meters,
the issues related to the implementation of ParcoursSup in France (algorithmic higher-education
admissions software), or even Facebook’s stock downturn following the Cambridge Analytica case.
Firstly, it is important to better define how these ethical notions can be translated into tech-
nical terms. Below, section two goes on to describe in detail statistical learning algorithms, which is
one of the branches of AI explored in the article. Section 3 describes the legal context and the
means available to individuals and groups to protect themselves by basing the definition of dispa-
rate discrimination impact on that of the literature and its recent developments, particularly when it
concerns correcting learning biases. Section 4 deals with the right to explanation in regard to the
technical capabilities of commonly used statistical models and learning algorithms. Section 5 re-
flects on how risks of error are estimated and minimized; for example, the consequences of a 30%
error are not the same when evaluating the risk of recidivism of a prisoner versus evaluating the
possible interests of a given Netflix user. Finally, after attempting to summarize this complex situa-
tion, we conclude by discussing several possibilities around institutional monitoring, self-
monitoring (ethical charter), and external monitoring (audits) involving the issuance of quality la-
2 Which AI? Which Algorithms?
Artificial intelligence covers a vast disciplinary field and concerns numerous types of algorithms.
We are particularly interested in those which are commonly used in our daily lives and which can
lead to high-impact decisions based on personal data. Here, we discuss machine learning, which
involves decision-making based on a record of known or observed situations taken from a sample
that may be of varying volume. These data samples are known as training datasets. Amongst these,
we have chosen to leave aside questions on reinforcement learning algorithms (e.g. AlphaGo) and
sequential algorithms, whose applications commonly involve online commerce (bandit algorithms)
and entail less serious consequences. Instead, we shall concentrate on a subset of machine learning
known as statistical learning.
2.1 Usage Examples
Whether it be a choice of medical treatment, commercial action, preventative maintenance action,
the approval or rejection of a loan, or the decision to monitor a particular individual, all of the re-
sulting decisions are the consequence of a prediction. Examples abound in our daily lives: determin-
ing the probability of a diagnosis, the risk of a breach of contract by a client (churn/attrition rates),
predicting the failure of a mechanical system, determining the risk of a client defaulting on pay-
ment, or even the risk of an individual’s political or religious radicalization. These risk predictions,
otherwise called scores (e.g., credit scores) are produced by statistical learning algorithms, which
generate predictions after undergoing dataset training.
2.2 Statistical Learning Algorithms
In the 1930s, and notably following the work of Ronald Fisher, statistics was developed with a pri-
marily explanatory purpose and aimed to assist decision-making. Consider the following examples:
testing the effectiveness of a molecule and therefore a medication, comparing the yield of seeds in
order to better choose a fertilizer, or demonstrating the influence of a given factor (tobacco, sugar
consumption) on public health objectives. Decision-making is thus the consequence of a statistical
test that measures incurred error risk. But it just so happens that these same statistical models can
also be used for purposes that are merely predictive: predicting the concentration of ozone in days
to come, predicting the risk of a company’s payment default, etc. Moreover, these statistical models
can be sufficiently simple (typically linear), to be easily interpretable.
Nevertheless, certain situations and phenomena require more complex models, commonly
known as algorithms, if they are to be correctly approached in order to produce sufficiently reliable
predictions. Since the end of the 1990s, all scientific disciplines from statistics to mathematics and
computer science have contributed to the development of a vast array of various algorithms with an
essentially predictive aim. Among these were binary decision trees, k nearest neighbors, vector sup-
port machines, neural networks, and eventually deep learning, random decision forests, and gra-
dient booting machines, to name a few. It is no longer a question of testing the influence of a factor
or the effectiveness of a treatment; here, what matters is the quality of the prediction. The literature
on this subject is vast: consult, for example James et al. (2017), or the pedagogical resources on the
2.3 The principle of statistical learning
The principle of statistical learning algorithms is based on the fact that, from a set of examples
called a training dataset, it is possible to develop a decision-making rule that will apply to all future
cases. From a large quantity of collected data that mainly contains decisions that have already been
made and the variables that explain them, mathematical principles allow not only to understand how
the decisions were made, but also to remove the rules that directed them.
In concrete terms, identifying these rules consists of finding trends (patterns or features)
within the observations. It is necessary to detect the behavioral characteristics in the data that make
it possible to segment individuals into homogeneous groups. So, depending on our characteristics,
our profile type can be defined in relation to other previously analyzed individuals, and the algo-
rithm will then emit a fixed rule according to the group of membership and according to any simi-
larities or resemblances to previously analyzed individuals. The process of identifying standard be-
haviors is automated, and there is no monitoring after the fact. It is from these standard behaviors
that models are created, decisions are made, and future events are predicted.
More precisely, model parameters are estimated and algorithms are trained and optimized
on training data sets in order to minimize any prediction or generalization errors. This error rate is
normally estimated by the calculation of a statistical average of errors made, known as the mean or
average error rate, on test data sets independent of the training dataset. A statistical learning algo-
rithm best adapts itself to historic data so that it may identify the specificities of current or pending
data. It then produces the most suitable prediction, without possibility of creativity; schematically
speaking, in order to make the most accurate prediction, this involves identifying the past situation
which most resembles the current situation.
2.4 Risks of statistical learning
It is important to note that the training data set has to be all the more voluminous, as the algorithm’s
complexity lies both in the number of parameters to estimate, as well as the parameters that define
it. Consequently, the enormous increase in computing and archiving capabilities, combined with the
explosion of available data volume has led to very significant advances in the quality of learning
algorithms and the decisions that result from them. One of these advances is in that of deep learn-
ing, which has seen enormous development since 2012. In this sense, the current success and the
media hype around statistical learning, and AI in general, are a direct consequence of the datafica-
tion of our daily lives, which seeks to use the data from our messages, web-engine searches, pur-
chases, travel and more, all in the goal of systematically storing it.
This announces the advent of the Big Data era paradigm. In traditional Cartesian reasoning,
a theory makes it possible to produce a model originating from human thought. Then, the model is
put into action and presented with data collected from experiments that were performed specifically
to confront the model with data.
Thus, the theory can be clearly refuted or accepted using fact as a basis. The model can then
be analyzed from a moral or ethical point of view, and perhaps be discussed. But in learning, the
creation of a model originates from a database study, without a posteriori analysis. We thus under-
stand that from the moment that we decide to entrust an algorithm with decision-making power, it
can shape reality to conform to its model. It freezes reality, so to speak, according to what it has
seen through the prism of the samples provided during the learning phase, and subsequently repro-
duces the model infinitely. Naturally, the model no longer evolves and comes to adjust reality so it
matches its own predictions. Once behavior is learned, the rules of prediction can be expressed thus:
no longer is anything left up to chance or creativity; here, repeatability reigns.
Often, being confronted with new ideas allows each person to clarify their own Truth, all
while becoming aware one’s own errors— even when one ultimately consciously makes a wrong
choice. But AI is categorically different: the algorithmic matrix seeks to optimize decisions, “justly
or coldly”. Naturally, the morality and equity behind the judgement is not predefined, but depends
firstly on the manner in which rules are learned (the chosen objective criterion), and secondly on the
manner in which the learning sample was created. The choice of mathematical rules allowing for
the creation of the model is essential.
A rather delicate question then arises: How, or by which “measurable” characteristics can
we translate notions of fairness, trustworthiness, and accountability to such algorithmic decisions
when they are the consequence or result of a prediction?
The answer can be broken down into three points:
- The decision must avoid all discriminatory bias towards minorities and vulnerable, legal-
ly protected groups
- Whether the decision be statistic or probabilistic, it must be possible to attribute this de-
cision to a human who assumes responsibility for it. He or she must be able to account
for it, and be able explain it, as a doctor does to his patient.
- The decision must be as accurate as possible, in the interest of the person and/or the
community concerned, thus resulting in a better decision.
Let us consider these three points in detail.
3 Bias and discrimination
Part 5 of the Villani Report, devoted to ethical questions, emphasizes the risks of discriminatory
algorithmic practices that reproduce or even reinforce societal biases. This section will focus on
notions of individual and collective discrimination, in order to lay a foundation for:
- the measurement of discriminatory biases in order to
- build tools to detect biases,
- and build tools to possibly correct them.
3.1 Juridical Framework
According to article 225-1 of French penal code, “Discrimination comprises any distinction applied
between natural persons by reason of their origin, sex, family situation, pregnancy, physical appear-
ance, particular vulnerability resulting from their visible or known economic situation, surname,
residency, state of health, loss of autonomy, handicap, genetic characteristics, morals, sexual orien-
tation, gender identity, age, political opinions, union activities, capacity to express oneself in anoth-
er language than French, true or supposed membership or non-membership to a given ethnic group,
nation, presumed race or religion.”
Article 225-2 adds that, “Discrimination defined by article 225-1, committed against a natu-
ral or legal person, is punished by three years' imprisonment and a fine of €45,000, especially where
it consists:
1. of the refusal to supply good or service;
2. of obstructing the normal exercise of any given economic activity;
3. of the refusal to hire, to sanction or to dismiss a person.”
French law only addresses an individual approach of the notion of discrimination risk. The
Villani report asks that we consider group discrimination and stresses the necessity of defining an
evaluation tool. The report references the Discrimination Impact Assessment (DIA), a compliment
of the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), drafted by the GDPR, which protects personal
data of individuals and not of groups. While this is not addressed in the Villani report, there is ab-
undant literature on this subject, especially on the subject of disparate impact, which has been stu-
died in the US since the 1970s.
For its part, European framework strictly regulates the collection of sensitive personal data
(religious or political affiliation, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, etc.) and forbids those responsible
for algorithmic decisions to use them in automatized processes (art. 22§4) without the explicit con-
tent of the person, or without substantial public interest. A decision is declared fair if it is neither
based on affiliation to a protected minority group, nor based on the explicit or implicit knowledge
of sensitive personal data.
This point is without a doubt the most difficult to clarify. Indeed, even if the “sensitive” va-
riable is unknown, or even deleted from the training data set, the decision is not necessarily without
bias. Sensitive information can be contained implicitly, even without the intention to look for it. It
can be hidden in non-sensitive data, and thus participate in bias in the decision-making process.
Consumer habits, opinions on social networks, and geolocation data all provide information about a
person’s beliefs and identity, and can implicitly become sensitive data.
The questions raised and difficulties encountered during algorithmic construction with a
goal of fairness are directly related to the training conditions involving decision-making. In effect,
as noted in section 2, any learning that occurs is a reflection of the training data base.
- If the data itself is biased and not representative of the population, or
- if a structural bias remains present in the population,
then this is the source of a breach of equity. The decision reproduces and can even reinforce the
bias, thus leading to discrimination. More dangerous still, the decision becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy. If too high, an estimate of credit risk generates a higher rate, hence higher repayments,
which increase the risk of default. An inflated risk of recidivism delays release, increases de-
socialization, and ultimately reinforces the risk of re-offending. Cathy O’Neil (2015) develops on
the perversity of the unintended consequences of these types of tools. It’s worth noting that classifi-
cation algorithms seek to separate populations into sub-groups. Thus, if this separation is already
present in the data, the algorithm will learn and amplify this dissimilitude, consequently introducing
treatment discrimination into the data.
Figure 1 illustrates an example of severe bias in a pan-genome database (genome-wide asso-
ciation study, GWA study, or GWAS). These databases archive analyses of genetic variations (sin-
gular nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs) in a significant number of individuals, in order to study
their correlations with phenotypic traits, for example illnesses. These studies laid the primary foun-
dation for research on personalized therapies.
Figure1. Panpejoy and Fullerton (2016): Bias in pa-genome (GWAS) databases.
From an ethical point of view, the problem is that the great majority of GWAS databases
were developed on populations of Caucasian/European descent (Figure 1, Popejoy et Fullerton,
2016). The risk factors estimated by classic statistical models (logistic regression) or by automatic
learning algorithms would likely be much less precise for a patient of African or Asian descent. In
other words, at this point in time, African and Asian descendants can expect very little from perso-
nalized treatments based on genomes.
3.2 Individual discrimination
Proving individual discrimination is particularly difficult for the concerned person, unless they ac-
cept the use of probationary procedures that are, in principle, prohibited because they are considered
unfair. This may be done with the help of testing devices used in situation tests and discrimination
tests, in order to detect instances of discrimination. Such devices serve both as a means of investiga-
tion and a form of social experimentation in real life situations, and may include sensitive data such
as ethnic origin, disabilities, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and union membership. This type of
test does not respect the principle of the fairness of proof, but it is the most efficient, and often the
only way, to prove discrimination. In the simplest of cases, it’s a question of comparing the beha-
vior of a third party towards two people with exactly the same profile and all of the same pertinent
characteristics, with the exception of those characteristics that one would imagine could lead to dis-
crimination. Naturally, when discrimination is not based on one single or even several sensitive
data, but is instead the result of cross-referenced data that can indirectly allow discrimination, we
must understand the results in all of their complexity.
This method, used by associations such as SOS Racism, is recognized by French courts in
the measure that, although considered to be an unfair practice, it cannot be dismissed as a means of
seeking proof, as declared by a judgment of France’s Court of Appeals in June 2002 in the Pym’s de
Tours case. In the judgement, the solution referred to Article 225-3-1 of the Penal Code, according
to which: “The offenses provided for in this section are established even if they are committed
against one or more persons having solicited any of the goods, acts, services or contracts referred to
in Article 225-2 for the purpose of demonstrating the existence of discriminatory conduct, provided
that proof of that conduct is established”.
The principle is therefore quite simple. For example, in the case of a hiring procedure, it
suffices to send two unique CVs at different times to respond to job offers. The CVs, which may
indicate the origin, name, or age of potential applicants should not be different except for the name.
In order to be valid, the CV and the application must be genuine; consequently, only the competing
CV is modified. Several organizations and laboratories practice these types of operations: take, for
example, the Observatoire des Discriminations, the TEPP of University Marne la Vallée (L’Horty
et al. 2017) or even DARES, The Directorate for Research, Studies and Statistics (Direction de
l’animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques) under the Ministry of Work, in associa-
tion with the group ISM Corum. Certain companies even ask ISM Corum to test their recruitment
In another vein, Galhotra et al. (2017) define the bias of a decision by including a notion of
causality. The relative software (Themis) runs an automatic test for discrimination resulting from
software. This process may be replicated or simplified to be applied to algorithmic decisions in or-
der to evaluate the risks of discrimination against individuals. It merely requires running a test sam-
ple a second time, this time switching the two categories of the sensitive variable (for example
gender or ethnic origin). The algorithm is then applied once again to the modified test sample in
order to identify the individuals for whom the decision has been changed and, for example, become
more favorable, with the simple change of gender, age, or ethnic origin. Even if the number of
changes found is low and not statistically significant, these persons were clearly discriminated
against; the algorithm is the source of unfair discrimination due to possible bias in the sample. Situ-
ations like this could risk costly legal disputes for companies that use such algorithms.
Make no mistake; the sensitive variable must be known. Obviously, this is not always the
case, and presents a problem, as removing the model’s sensitive variable does not necessarily pre-
vent a discriminatory decision, but prevents being able to simply identify the bias. The second diffi-
culty is that it is also a question of providing evidence of discriminatory intention. However, in the
case of discrimination by algorithmic processing, discrimination is not necessarily the result of in-
3.3 Group discrimination
The Villani report recommends the creation or definition of a discrimination measure on a group
level, based on the notions of the Discrimination Impact Assessment (DIA), and not only a defini-
tion in the legal, individual sense. While the academic literature on the subject proposes many man-
ners in which to measure positive or negative bias towards a person’s membership or non-
membership to a group (generally this is a minority group protected by law), the first difficulty here
lies in the choice of a measurement of discrimination. An individual measurement type favors simi-
larity in the sense of k-nearest neighbors of an individual, in order to detect an atypical situation.
Nevertheless, this individual may be surrounded by those who belong to the same protected group,
and not all would wrongly benefit from a positive decision. It is more informative to consider a col-
lective or statistical measure of discrimination based on a contingency table (see table 1) which
crosses two variables: the sensitive variable (membership in a group protected by law) and the re-
ception of a Positive (credit, job, stock market) or Negative decision.
Table 1. Contingency table between group membership and outcome of a decision. Associated
proportions: p1=a/n1, p2=c/n2, p=m1/n
Protected Group
Simple measures of discrimination are defined with this table (Pedreschi et al. 2012):
- Risk difference: RD = p1-p2,
- Relative Risk: RR = p1/p2,
- Relative Chance: RC = (1-p1) / (1-p2),
- Odds Ratio: RR / RC.
But many other measures are proposed. Consult, for example, Žliobaité (2015), who ad-
dresses differences of means, regression coefficients, ranking tests, mutual information, and predic-
tion comparisons. The problem is that there are far too many possible technical and statistical defi-
nitions of discrimination, but at this point in time, there is no known legal base to justify the choice
of any one definition.
3.4 Disparate impact
We shall next focus on the common, widespread definition of disparate impact, which is defined as
the ratio of two probabilities:
𝐷𝐼 =𝑃(𝑌=1|𝑆=0)
It is the ratio of the probability that a decision will be positive (Y=1), knowing that the group is pro-
tected (S=0) to the probability that the decision will be positive (Y=1), knowing that this other
group is not protected (S=1). It is estimated by relative risk (RR), defined with the help of the con-
tingency table (table 1 above).
Feldman et al. (2015) provide several historical elements5 of the first use of this criterion by
the court system of the state of California, dating back to 1971. Its use has inspired many articles in
law reviews, notably regarding operation mode, which consists of comparing obtained value to an
empirically fixed ceiling at 0.8. Above 0.8, the impact is judged sufficiently disproportionate and is
an indicator of discrimination. The same reasoning is used pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, which is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees
5 Consult the relative page on Wikipedia.
on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. Nevertheless, if the company provides
proof that their recruitment choices are based on criteria that are necessary to the “economic inter-
ests” of the company, the discrimination is not considered to be illegal.
In summary, in the US, a DI evaluation makes it possible to reveal situations that are overly
disproportionate and are to the detriment of a sensitive or protected group. This opens up the possi-
bility for detecting or even sentencing a company for implicit group discrimination. In France, and
even in the larger European community, the legislation only recognizes individual discrimination
and has very rarely recognized collective discrimination.
The DI evaluation raises another statistical question, as emphasized by Peresie (2009). Is it
necessary to compare the equality of DI terms with a statistical test, in order to introduce incertitude
or simply compare the DI to the ceiling of 0.8? These two strategies can lead to contradictory re-
sults. What’s more, the equality test is based on a hypothesis of normality which is ill-advised in
itself. To avoid these difficulties, Besse et al. (2018) propose an estimation of the DI by confidence
interval, including a statistical measurement for error risk, without the use of a normality hypothe-
sis. The exact asymptomatic distribution is obtained with the application of the central limit theo-
rem and with the linearization of the fairness criterion.
Unfortunately, the evaluation and characterization of discrimination against a group cannot
be limited to a simple DI evaluation. Thus, facial recognition algorithms are regularly accused of
racism, but on the basis of another criterion: that of the error of recognition. Presumably this is be-
cause there are learning bases in which some groups, especially women of African descent, are
largely underrepresented. Consequently, error rates can reach up to 30%, as opposed to 1% for a
man of European descent.
Furthermore, even if the DI is limited and the error rates for all sensitive variable categories
are identical, another source of discrimination can spread in the dissymmetry of an algorithm’s or
predictor’s confusion matrices. This viewpoint is the basis of the What-If Tool used by Google
which is available on their platform. The adopted discrimination measurement is thus the equality of
opportunity of a learning algorithm, as described by Hardt et al. (2016). Besse et al. (2018) also
offer an estimation of discrimination measurements by confidence interval, referred to as Condi-
tional Procedure Accuracy Equality.
3.5 Example: COMPAS Risk of recidivism
This approach is well-illustrated by the controversy between the website ProPublica (Pulitz-
er Prize 2011) and the company Equivant, formerly known as Northpointe. This company, taking an
approach of “predictive justice” commercialized the application COMPAS (Correctional Offender
Management Profile for Alternative Sanction), which produces a score, or risk of recidivism for
detainees and defendants during a trial. ProPublica has accused this score of being biased, and
therefore racist. This controversy has given rise to a great number of articles, all of which serve to
reinforce a large volume of work that has existed around the subject for some twenty years. These
studies highlight prohibitive contradictions between the proposed criteria. Let us now summarize
the controversy.
The recidivism score is estimated on the basis of a detailed questionnaire and from a life ex-
pectancy model known as the Cox model. The quality of this score is optimized and measured by
the AUC coefficient (an area under the ROC curve), approximately around 0.7, which is a rather
weak value in relation to the high error rates that have been observed (30-40%). The company
Northpointe defends the fairness of the score, assuring that:
- The distribution of its values (and therefore the selection rates) is comparable according
to the origin of the accused (African-American vs. Caucasian); the DI is therefore insig-
- The resulting recidivism prediction error rate (the confusion matrix) is similar between
data subjects according to their origin, around 30 to 40%; the argument used for facial
recognition is not admissible.
For their part, Angwin et a. (2016), from the site ProPublica, have denounced a bias in the
COMPAS scores by studying a group of freed detainees for which the COMPAS recidivism score
was known, and by observing if there were any instances of arrest over a two-year period. They
showed that the rate of false positives (elevated COMPAS score, without observed recidivism) is
much higher for former prisoners of African American origin than for those of Caucasian origin. As
the COMPAS score can potentially be used to set terms of parole and bail, a detainee of African
American origin is more likely to stay in prison longer, risking the reinforcement of their desociali-
zation, and thus increasing their risk of recidivism.
To explain the stalemate faced in this controversy, Chouldechova (2017) shows that under
the constraints of “fairness” as monitored by Northepointe, and, considering that the rate of recidiv-
ism of African Americans is indeed higher, the false positives and negatives can only be considered
unequal and to the detriment of African Americans. This becomes all the more evident, as the error
rate (40%) is significant.
The question that arises (or that should have already been asked) concerns the quality of this
prediction. Under the apparent objectivity of an algorithm, there lies a significant error rate that
largely discredits the COMPAS tool. Using a group of individuals lacking judicial expertise, Dres-
sel and Farid (2018) demonstrated in a web interview that the COMPAS predictions were equally
unreliable, just as a simple linear model involving only two variables would be.
3.6 Data repair to foster fair algorithms
To detect unfairness in algorithms, we have seen that it is possible to compute numerous criteria,
each highlighting a type of differential treatment between diverse subgroups of the population. This
detection can be displayed as an imbalance between the proportion of accurate predictions within
each subgroup and of a difference of error distribution or other criteria which demonstrate a depen-
dent relationship between the learned decision and the sensitive variable which divides the popula-
tion into two subgroups. Thus, the notion of total fairness must be characterized by independence
between these two laws of probability (del Barrio et al. 2018b). The stronger the link is, the more
pronounced the discriminating effect will be. This formalism has led various authors to offer several
ways to remedy this breach of equity, either by changing the decision rule, or by changing the learn-
ing sample. Modifying the rule amounts to preventing the algorithm from over-learning this link, by
imposing a term that favors the absence of a link between the prediction and the sensitive variable.
(Zafar et al. 2017). Modifying the sample means fostering independence between the data and the
sensitive variable to ensure that any algorithm that uses these data as a learning base cannot repro-
duce bias against the sensitive variable.
To be able to do this, it is necessary to modify the conditional laws in relation to the sensi-
tive variable, and to make them as similar as possible, without losing too much information and
possibly harming the model’s predictive capability. This solution, described in Feldman et al.
(2015) was studied by del Barrio et al. (2018a). Nevertheless, there is a price to pay to achieve non-
discrimination: that is, constructing a rule that is less predictive with respect to the learning sample.
The statistician must therefore control both the error made by the prediction rule, as well as the de-
sired non-discrimination.
4 Explainability of a decision
4.1 Laws and challenges of the Right to Explanation
The Villani report called for “opening the black boxes” of AI, as a large number of the ethical ques-
tions raised revolve around the opacity of these technologies. Given their growing, not to say inva-
sive, position, the report considers that this is a democratic issue. Article 10 of Law No. 78-17 On
Information Technology, Data Files, and Civil Liberites of January 6th, 1978, originally provided
that, “No other decision having a legal effect on an individual may be taken solely on the grounds
of automatic processing of data intended to define the profile of the data subject or to assess some
aspects of their personality.” In other words, an automated assessment of a person’s characteristics
leading to decision-making cannot be achieved merely on the basis of automated processing. This
therefore implies that other criteria will be taken into account, and even that other methods will be
used. In particular, those affected by the decision can expect that the evaluation can indeed be veri-
fied through human intervention. Though this principle which tends to control the negative effects
of profiling has long been established, its explanation was not enough to prevent the explosion of
this technique, concurrently with the emergence of the massive collection of data on the Internet.
Many profiling techniques have been developed without necessarily providing technical or human
safeguards. In consequence, this rule is poorly respected, and for the moment, its violation has not
led to sanctioning.
Similarly, the GDPR and directive 95/46/CE which preceded it establish a number of rights
in the event that individual decisions be made on the basis of automated processing:
1. The right of access and the right to be informed of the existence of automated decision-
making (GDPR, art. 13-15);
2. The “right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including
profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly af-
fects him or her” (GDPR, art. 22§1);
3. “The right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller” (GDPR, art. 22§3);
4. “The right to express his or her point of view and to contest the decision” (GDPR, art.
In principle, any sensitive data must be excluded from exclusively automated processing (art. 22§4),
except when explicit consent is given, or if there is a question of public interest.
However, several exceptions (GDPR, art. 22§3) have been planned for, if the decision:
a) “Is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract between the data subject and a
data controller;
b) Is authorized by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject and which al-
so lays down suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legi-
timate interests; or
c) Is based on the data subject’s explicit consent.”
This series of exceptions is far from trivial, and substantially weakens the rule. Indeed, with
regard to digital economic activities, numerous automated processes can claim a contractual basis,
as an Internet user’s interaction with services on e-commerce sites and linking platforms (such as
social networks) is considered as an acceptance of general conditions of use, and constitutes the
acceptance of a contractual offer. In addition to these digital activities, one can consider the pre-
viously cited hypothesis regarding access to credit, housing, goods and services, all of which are
most often based on a conclusion of contract.
Furthermore, point c) of the previous paragraph provides for the assumption of the data sub-
ject’s explicit consent. Though consent in itself can be rather easily acquired, we can nevertheless
doubt that it is informed consent, as intellectual accessibility to automated processing methods is
unlikely for the laypersons that make up the vast majority of the data subjects, particularly when
their consent is acquired online.
These provisions have been incorporated into French law with the recent adoption of law
number 2018-493 of June 20th, 2018, which amended law number 78-17, known as “Informatique
et Libertés” of January 6th, 1978. Article 21 amends Article 10 of the law of January 6th, 1978, in
order to extend the cases in which, exceptionally, any decision leading to legal effects or any deci-
sion having a significant effect on a person may be taken on the sole basis of automatically
processed personal data. Article 10, paragraph 1 of law 78-17 henceforth provides that, “No legal
decision involving an assessment of a person’s behavior may be based on automated processing of
personal data intended to evaluate certain aspects of that person’s personality.”
Paragraph 2 adds that, “No decision which has legal effects on or which significantly effects
a person can be taken solely on the basis of automated processing of personal data, including profil-
ing.” Two exceptions to this principle are provided for. The first refers to the exceptions to the
GDPR, that is to say, “the cases mentioned in sections 2a and 2c of the aforementioned Article 22
are subject to the reservations mentioned in paragraph 3 of this same article, provided that the rules
defining the processing, as well as the principal characteristics of its implementation are communi-
cated, with the exception of secrets protected by law, by the person responsible for the data
processing to the data subject if he or she so requests”.
In addition to the guarantees provided by the European text in Article 22§3 (the right to ob-
tain human intervention from the controller, right to express one’s point of view and to challenge
the decision), French lawmakers have added the obligation to communicate the rules defining the
data processing, as well as the main characteristics of its implementation at the request of the person
concerned. This guarantee ceases to be valid if these rules are subject to legal confidentiality. This
reservation here also substantially weakens the principle, though communication of the rules that
preserve legal confidentiality could easily be envisaged.
As for the second exception provided for in Article 10, paragraph 2 of the amended Law 78-
17, it emphasizes point B of Article 22§2 of the GDPR, under which every member state may freely
provide exceptions, as long as they are legally provided for and respect certain guarantees. French
lawmakers made an exemption for individual administrative decisions, under the condition that the
processing not be based on sensitive data, that administrative recourse be possible, and that the in-
formation be provided with the use of an algorithm. This particular exemption was already estab-
lished by Article 4 of Law 2016-1321 for a Digital Republic, codified in Article L. 311-3-1 of the
CRPA, according to which an individual administrative decision made on the basis of algorithmic
processing must include an explicit mention which informs the concerned party. Article 1 of De-
cree No. 2017-330 of 14 March 2017, codified in Article R. 311-3-1-1 CRPA, specifies that the
explicit mention must indicate the pursued aim of the algorithmic processing. It specifies the right
to obtain communication of the rules defining the processing and the main characteristics of its im-
plementation, as well as the procedures for exercising this right to communicate and the right to
referral, where appropriate, to the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents. Law
2018-493 of June 20th, 2018, came to specify that the aforementioned explicit mention is required
under penalty of nullity. The sanction of the violation of this obligation of information is thus expli-
citly foreseen.
Since the adoption of the Law for a Digital Republic of October 7th, 2016, Article L. 311-3-
1 additionally provides that, “The rules defining the processing as well as the principal characteris-
tics of its implementation be communicated by the administration to the interested party, should he
or she request so.” Decree number 2017-330, codified in Article R. 311-3-1-2, specifies that the
information be provided in an intelligible manner, without infringing on legally confidential infor-
mation. 1st: The degree and mode of contribution of algorithmic processing to decision making;
2nd: The data processed and their sources; 3rd: the treatment parameters, and if applicable, their
weighting in regards to the situation of the interested party; 4th: The operations carried out by the
Law 2018-493 goes further in regard to the use of an automated processing system for ad-
ministrative decision-making, and now provides for the requirement of explanation. It provides that,
“the person responsible for data processing ensures complete control over the automated algorith-
mic processing and its evolution in order to explain intelligibly and in detail the manner in which
the processing results will be implemented in respect to the person concerned.” The famous “right
to explanation” is explicitly established in French law, whereas the GDPR only makes a clear refer-
ence to it in recital 71. Articles 13 to 15 merely provide for the right to information and access on
the use of an automated device and its “underlying logic”, which constitutes a very general ap-
proach, and is disconnected from the individual situations of the persons concerned.
Notwithstanding this exception in favor of the administration, no decision the administration
decides on an administrative appeal can be made on the sole basis of automated processing of per-
sonal data.
Law number 2018-493 was the subject of a decision of the Constitutional Council No. 2018-
765 DC on June 12, 2018, notably on the aspects concerning the automated individual decisions
made by the administration (points 66 et seq.). The Constitutional Council considers that the provi-
sions of the law are limited to authorizing the administration to proceed in the individual assessment
of the citizen’s situation by the mere invention of an algorithm, according to the rules and criteria
defined in advance by the person responsible for processing. They have neither the goal nor the
effect of authorizing the administration to adopt decisions without legal base, nor to apply any rules
other than those of existing law. As a result, there is no loss of regulatory jurisdiction power (point
Secondly, the mere use of an algorithm as the basis of an individual administrative decision
is subject to the fulfillment several conditions: On one hand, the individual administrative decision
must explicitly mention that it was made on the basis of an algorithm and the principal characteris-
tics of its implementation must be communicated to the interested party upon his or her request. As
a result, when an algorithm’s operating principles cannot be communicated without violating confi-
dential legal information, no individual decision can be taken on the sole basis of this algorithm
(point 70).
Furthermore, it must be possible to subject the individual administrative decision to adminis-
trative repeal. The administration called upon in the event of appeal is required to make a ruling
without exclusively basing their decision on the algorithm. In the event of litigation, the administra-
tive decision is placed under the control of the judge, who is likely to require the administration to
communicate the algorithm’s characteristics.
Finally, the exclusive use of an algorithm is forbidden if the processing is based on one of
the sensitive data mentioned in paragraph I of article 8 of the law of January 6th, 1978, that is to say
personal data, “which reveal alleged racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philo-
sophical convictions, or the union membership of a natural person”, genetic data, biometric data,
health data, or data relative to the lifestyle or sexual orientation of a natural person (pt 70).
Finally, the person responsible for processing must ensure full mastery of the algorithmic
processing and its evolution, in order to explain to the concerned person— in detail and in an intel-
ligible form— how the data processing was implemented. It follows that algorithms which are sus-
ceptible to revising the rules that they themselves apply cannot be used as the basis of an individual
administrative decision without the control and validation of the person responsible for processing
(pt 71). The Constitutional Council considers that the lawmakers have defined appropriate guaran-
tees for safeguarding the rights and freedoms of individuals subject to individual administrative
decisions made on the sole basis of an algorithm. Article 10 (2) of the Law of January 6th, 1978 is
in conformity with the Constitution (pt 72).
Schematically speaking, different situations can be considered for the application of these
rules. In the case of a procedural algorithm such as PacoursSup, the rules of operation must be
clearly explained. The concerned Ministry prepared for this following difficulties encountered by
the predecessor algorithm APB. Indeed, the code of the ParcoursSup algorithm is certainly availa-
ble to the public, but the surrounding debate and controversy remain, as the rules that determine
individual establishments’ decisions can remain confidential, thus making the process opaque and
possibly discriminatory. Finally, law number 2018-493 provides, particularly when it comes to de-
cisions made in regard to the education sector within the framework of ParcoursSup, that “the ethi-
cal and scientific committee referred to in article L.612-3 of the education code annually submits a
report to Parliament at the end of the national pre-registration procedure before December 1st, ex-
plaining how the procedure is conducted and the procedures that higher education institutions use
when examining applications. It is on this occasion that the committee can make any proposal to
improve the transparency of this procedure”.
4.2 What transparency?
While the goal of the provisions of the GDPR is to strengthen the rights of the persons concerned,
shortcomings can be identified. On one hand they are related to exceptions within the GDPR, and
on the other hand, they are related to the fact that transparency in the wording of these rights is in
not required. The only reference to a “Right to Explanation” provides that the data subject has the
right to obtain information from the processing manager that confirms the existence of automized
decision-making, including profiling, referred to article 22, paragraphs 1 and 4, but also, “at least in
such cases, useful information concerning the underlying logic, as well as the significance and the
expected consequences of this processing on the data subject”. It can therefore be said that the gen-
eral rule on data protection neither directly nor indirectly truly concerns the principal of algorithmic
The law for a Digital Republic was essentially intended to impose an obligation of informa-
tion (loyalty) on referencing algorithm methods, which is added to the other information require-
ments in the Consumer Code. Above all, this obligation is usefully completed by the pre-existing
provisions in the Consumer Code relating to deceptive marketing practices whose claims are suffi-
ciently broad to target and sanction deviant behavior that could be founded on unfair or inaccurate
algorithmic processing; the right to explanation only explicitly concerns the administration. On the
other hand, law number 2018-493 of June 20th, 2018 put in place further requirements of transpa-
rency and explanation. It is still early on to know how effective these measures will be on the future
of algorithmic and AI transparency, but French lawmakers are particularly ambitions in comparison
to their EU counterparts and to the other EU member states.
4.3 What explanation?
In the following section, we state that an algorithmic decision is interpretable if it is possible to ex-
plicitly report on the known data and characteristics of the situation. In other words, it is possible to
relate the values taken by certain variables (the characteristics) and their consequences to the fore-
cast, for example on a score, and thus on a decision. On the other hand, an algorithmic decision is
said to be explainable only if it is possible to identify or quantify the importance of the characteris-
tics or variables that make the greatest contribution to the decision.
In the case of an opaque algorithm, it is impossible to simply relate values and characteris-
tics with the results of the decision, notably in case of a non-linear model or a model that has many
interactions. Such a high-value variable can lead to a decision in one direction or another, according
to the value taken by another non-identifiable variable, or even a complex combination of other
variables. An opaque model that cannot easily be explained (for example one that is used on a job
applicant) leads to the decision-maker being released of all accountability, allowing him to hide
behind the algorithm. Here it is no longer the fault of the computer, but of that of the algorithm.
Each actor, public or private, and each sector— health, justice, employment, banking, insur-
ance, law enforcement— requires careful reading on what can be a form of algorithmic transparen-
cy related to the right of explanation. An ad minima display of ethical behavior is essential to the
acceptability of these technologies, but, within this framework, the formulation of an explanation
depends on many factors. Explaining an automatic diagnosis and the relative risks incurred during a
surgical procedure, justifying incarceration based on an algorithm’s estimation on the risk of reci-
divism, providing a rationale for the refusal of a loan based on a score… all of these require dual
skill: skill relating to the field in question, and knowledge of the limits and properties of the algo-
rithm that led to the decision.
4.4 Aids to explanation
What can an individual do, whether he or she be the person responsible for decision-making,
or a mere citizen or client affected by it, when confronted with a set of hundreds of decision-making
trees or with a network of neurons defined by thousands, or even millions of parameters learned on
a large volume of data?
In many fields of application, and notably in medicine in patient-doctor interaction, an opa-
que model that does not allow for easy explanation and leads to the decision maker being freed of
accountability would only be acceptable with great difficulty, unless it were possible to provide a
significantly higher quality of prediction in the search for a better compromise between quality and
explainability. In other words, it is necessary to favor an interpretable elementary model that is po-
tentially less precise than a complex model that involves a great number of parameters and has bet-
ter predictive qualities that are nevertheless opaque to all interpretation.
A graded approach could be considered, according to the priority given to the explanation of
the quality of the prediction, assuming that a more opaque algorithm allows inversely for better re-
sults. The response would be potentially different according to the activities in question because it is
not relevant to treat an algorithm used in medicine or in marketing techniques in the same manner.
This would then lead to the encouragement of sectoral regulation. In any event, it seems crucial to
be able to make a social choice on what is preferable in a balance of interests between the quality of
the explanation and the quality of the forecast, at least in the case of hypotheses where the algorith-
mic characteristics are reducible to these main two qualities.
Let us also note that the “right to explanation” can be the subject of two different approaches
(Watcher et a. 2017 p5):
- The right to have an explanation of the general functioning of the system implementing al-
gorithmic decisions;
- the right to have an explanation of a specific decision.
Moreover, the explanation can be ex ante or ex post (Watcher et a. 2017 p6). If it is a ques-
tion of giving a specific explanation of an individual decision, the explanation can only be given ex
post, while if it is related to the general functioning, it can be ex ante or ex post.
In the case of an interpretable learning algorithm, the coefficients of a linear or logistic mod-
el can and must be explained to the concerned individual and to the sequence of rules that define a
decision tree. The case of an opaque algorithm or a simply explainable algorithm hardly seems to be
of concern or taken into account by the law.
Given the importance of the issues on explainability (opening the black boxes of AI), re-
search in this field is highly active. Let us cite and compare several illustrative examples of algo-
rithms in which the aim is to gain a comprehensive understanding of a complex algorithm, versus
others where an individual explanation is the aim. In the first case, aids seek to identify the most
important variables (features), that is to say, those which are most commonly involved in decision-
making. Regardless of any ethical issue, this is fundamental to analyzing the reliability and robust-
ness of decisions and identifying the possible artifacts that are generally the result of inadequacies
in the learning base. Different strategies are proposed: For data aggregation trees (random forest,
gradient boosting), it is common to look for the variables with a mean decrease accuracy that have
the most degrading effect on the estimation of a decision’s quality. A more general method consists
of locally approximating the decisions reached by a non-interpretable algorithm to the mean of a
regression-type interpretable decision rule. Indeed, for a regression or a logistic regression model,
the role that each variable plays is clearly expressed by the mean of a linear combination. Each
coefficient corresponds to the weight that each variable has on the prediction, and thus makes it
possible to determine not only the importance of each variable, bt also if its contribution is positive
or negative in the final result. A decision rule can be much more complex than a linear rule; this
approximation does have meaning globally, but only locally. This methodology was developed in
the LIME package (2016). A similar idea consists of testing the algorithm on an algorithm that
presents bias in each variable. Thus, if we succeed in creating a nearly similar legal test sample,
with the exception being that one of the variables presents a deviation from the mean (positive or
negative), we can study the evolution of the decision rule in a general manner, since we consider the
laws of the algorithm’s output samples.This methodology answered the question of how to mod-
erately influence an algorithm’s decision by increasing or decreasing some of its characteristics.
This work is detailed in Bachoc et al. (2018).
Figure 2. A husky (on the left) is confused with a wolf, because the pixels (on the right) cha-
racterizing wolves are those of the snowy background. This artifact is due to a learning base that
was insufficiently representative.
This approach is still valid for even highly complex algorithms, such as deep learning, used
in image recognition. An often-cited example (Tulio Ribeiro et al. 2016), highlights a weakness
within the learning base. As wolves have been systematically photographed against a snowy back-
ground, it is the background that allows identifying them the most surely. A husky that was also
photographed against a snowy background is thus confused with a wolf (figure 2). The problem is
different for the explanation of an individual decision. It is again a question of identifying the most
representative variable or variables that, if modified, would make it possible to tip the decision. For
example, this could mean identifying the revenue required to obtain a loan, or the behavioral varia-
ble that most favorably impacts the evaluation of a recidivism score. This goal could be achieved by
an interpretable local approximation of the most complex algorithmic rule: approximation by a sim-
ple linear model, or by a basic binary decision tree.
In conclusion, European regulation and French law, which are mainly focused on adminis-
tration, leave considerable room for maneuver with regard to transparency. This space left for ma-
neuver remains empty, and without significant progress in the fundamental research of the subject,
must be occupied by ethical actions, at the risk of provoking massive rejections of AI technologies.
Thus, the Partnership on AI, which supports for AI in the service of humanity, created between the
main industry actors (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, Apple…), is very sensitive to this need
for interpretation. An article from their charter specifies:
7. We believe that it is important for the operation of AI systems to be understandable and in-
terpretable by people, for purposes of explaining the technology.
5 Decision quality and prediction errors
5.1 Measuring the quality of a decision
In statistical learning, the accuracy of a decision depends on the quality of a prediction and there-
fore the quality of a model or algorithm. The latter depends on the representativeness or bias in the
initial data, whether the model is adequate, and the quantity (variance) of residual noise. It is eva-
luated on an independent test sample or by cross validation (Monte Carlo) but remains indicative
under its form as a probabilistic error risk.
Prediction methods are trained on learning data, so it is the quality of the learning data
which is primarily decisive. Remember the old adage: garbage in, garbage out. The volume of
learning data can be a useful factor of quality, but only if the data is effectively representative of the
goal, and not biased. In the opposite case, terabytes do nothing. This was the case with Google Flu
Trend (2008), which sought to follow in real-time and predict the course of an influenza epidemic,
by drawing from a number of searches of certain associated keywords and with the knowledge of
the location (IP address) of the user performing the search. It was the hype of the flu that was fol-
lowed, and not the epidemic in itself. The data was taken, with better results, by a Boston team
(Yanga et al, 2015), that considered a self-regression model that incorporated a hidden Markov
chain that is corrected on the basis of Google search trends.
The literature on the subject of automatic learning is extremely prolific regarding ways to
measure and estimate errors. It is firstly necessary to distinguish adjustment or learning errors,
which define the proper use of the data, from errors due to forecasting or generalization. The type of
measure or loss function is adapted to the type of the target variable or is provided for; this provi-
sion can be real, quantitative (regression problems) or discrete and qualitative (supervised classifi-
cation). In a quantitative case, the loss function can be quadratic (mean squared error) or based on
an absolute value, which is more robust than atypical values, but also more complex to optimize. In
a qualitative case, this can involve a simple error rate or an entropy measure, or more complex
measures, as is particularly in the case in unequal classes. Learning error generally penalizes the
loss function in order to control the complexity of the model with the value of the parameter to be
optimized. The aim is to reach a better compromise between bias vs. variance, in order to avoid
over-learning. Ultimately, once the algorithm has been trained and optimized on the learning sam-
ple, it is the estimate of prediction error on a sufficiently sized, independent test sample that pro-
vides an indication of the quality of an algorithmic decision.
5.2 The implications of algorithmic decision quality
It is worth noting that error prediction impacts the bias and discriminatory features of a decision
(see section 3.5 on the recidivism score example) and influences the choice of a method or algo-
rithm when seeking a better compromise between precision and interpretability. Although it is in
many respects fundamental to be able to discuss the desirability of a decision (e.g., the conse-
quences of a medical diagnosis), laws such as the GDPR make absolutely no mention of it. It would
certainly seem very relevant that an algorithmic decision be accompanied by an evaluation of in-
curred error risk, just as the law requires pollsters to publish measures of uncertainty.
The main providers and vendors of Artificial Intelligence (Google, Facebook, IBM, Micro-
soft…) would be well advised to highlight and accentuate the most spectacular results of AI (image
recognition, automatic translation, competition in the game Go…) with exceptional success rates,
even better than that of human experts. But these successes are generally carried on the use of pro-
totypes, or on applications where nothing is at stake. Unfortunately, the error rates associated with
human behavioral prediction (recidivism scores of detainees, detection of insulting commentaries,
fake news, risk behavior, etc.) are clearly, sadly or fortunately much more pessimistic.
The legislation does not codify an obligation of result, but any ethical practice or a manual
of best design practices requires any creator— as is the case for doctors— to respect an obligation
of means: that is, to make every effort in order to assure the citizen, the client, or the patient that the
decision made will be the best possible given the state of knowledge. Moreover, the evaluation of
error and the distribution of its causes effectively contribute to the consideration of the division of
responsibilities. The obligation to publish or provide information on the quality of the algorithm
used would be, as is the case of polls, an important factor in user accountability.
6 Conclusion
The gradual realization of the potential power of the automatic decision-making systems that use
statistical learning techniques to exploit masses of data which are now ubiquitous in all sectors of
activity (commercial, administrative, economic, industrial, medical, etc.) inspires as much hope as it
does legitimate concern. We cannot exclusively rely on the responsibility of the actors behind these
changes, nor on the dynamic on the front lines of machine learning research, to avoid misconduct or
even the trivialization of the misuse of these techniques. Some of the risks notably include discrimi-
nation, the arbitrary nature of decisions in which neither the relevancy nor the responsible party are
clearly identifiable, the possible outcomes of development purely guided by technical possibility,
and on biases, which may even be involuntary, induced by the process of data collection that condi-
tions the behavior of algorithms. The risks can also include points that were not addressed in this
brief article: data confidentiality, risk of re-identification, and restrictions to competition.
The main difficulty results from the fact that seriously addressing these issues requires the
possession of highly developed technical skills, in order to have a clear understanding of the func-
tioning of algorithms, and keeping a critical eye on the discourse surrounding them. In addition,
addressing these questions requires not only the aforementioned technical expertise, but legal, so-
cietal, sociological, and even political or philosophical expertise. The content of the debates on the
subject and the analysis of even the most recent legal texts show that the challenge is considerable.
- Discriminatory practice towards a person is punishable by law, but it is up to the victim to
provide the proof. Contrary to the United States, no legal text in France defines what could define
or measure discrimination (DIA of the Villani report) towards a group.
- The obligation of transparency or explainability imposes at best that a human intervene to
take responsibility for a decision, and it is only binding in the case of French administrative deci-
sions which prohibit the use of self-learning algorithms without human validation or control. It is
the same case for the sale of online advertisement.
- No legal text requires publishing data on, or informing users of the prediction quality or the
rate of error associated with the use of a learning algorithm.
The ensuing technological disruption allows for all behavioral possibilities and practices,
whether they are ethical or not. Issues of discrimination are the best regulated by law, but also the
most complex to identify. The oft-cited example of predictive justice (recidivism score) shows that
although the resulting decisions can be largely statistically biased and therefore collectively discri-
minatory with the use of certain criteria, it does not make it easy for a person to show that they have
been wronged. Moreover, this example shows that data, learning algorithm bases, and their selec-
tive collection modes are both reflections of our societies and the main source of errors and biases.
In turn, this situation motivates fundamental research to define models and to build algo-
rithms that will respond to these criticisms. Ongoing investigations consist of seeking a better com-
promise between different constraints, such as explainability and quality of prediction, bias reduc-
tion and data confidentiality. Verifying the interpretability and explainability of an algorithm or its
underlying model and controlling its predictive qualities (for example on a test sample), in order to
predict its potential collective or individual biases are complex tasks. At present, no single stake-
holder can claim to be able to control algorithmic fairness. A plurality of opposing powers is there-
fore necessary. Which actors are likely to undertake these monitoring? Some are the public regula-
tors: CNIL, DGCCRF (fraud reduction), Competition Authority, judges (French jurisdictions and
the CJEU), but can they afford to do this? Other actors are from the private sector: collaborative
platforms (Data transparency lab, TransAlgo INRIA, National Digital Council, Media (ProPublica
in the USA), NGO Data (Bayes Impact), but they are only just beginning to get off the ground and
are difficult to fund.
Do we need to go further than the principles established by the law for a Digital Republic
and the Law of 1978, modified by law number 2018-493? At the moment, it is necessary to allow
time for the application of these laws to measure their scope. It may seem premature, even though
the effectiveness of monitoring devices remains uncertain. Additionally, how can we more precisely
formulate the framework conditions in the use of different algorithmic methods, considering that the
field of application (commercial, legal, medical, administrative, etc.) considerably changes the envi-
ronment, and thus the terms of explanation?
In this still-vague context, it hardly seems relevant to once and for all turn to lawmakers, ex-
cept to possibly claim, as is the case with polls, the obligation to display an error rate. Academic
research on the subject has only been emerging over the last 2-3 years, and it is important to take a
step back before imposing a specific rule to respect. Other norms are beginning to appear, that is,
simple ethical rules and best practices (soft law), which could help to better understand the condi-
tions of fairness and algorithmic transparency. Cathy O’Neil discusses the necessity of a Hippocrat-
ic Oath for data scientists, and the idea has been taken up by numerous groups and associations,
including France’s Data for Good, while a working party offered to sign a code of conduct on the
ethics of data practices. The number of initiatives has been increasing, and it would be difficult to
create an exhaustive list. It should be noted that European and American statisticians have had long-
standing codes of best practice, but these texts cannot be adopted without deep reflection, for exam-
ple on the notion of free and informed consent when it is collected online.
Finally, the use of AI in our daily lives requires the trust of users, which is difficult to grant
to suppliers and sellers of technology when there are no controls in place. Another solution consists
of offering different companies and primary stakeholders the issuance of an independent label testi-
fying, following an audit, their respect of fair data use. This is a solution that has been proposed by
the company ORCAA, created by Cathy O’Neil, and even the startup Maathics.