
Construct Validity: A Review of Basic Issues and Marketing Practices

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An attempt is made to explicate the meaning of construct validity. Operational issues in the process of construct validation are investigated. A subset of JMR studies involving construct validation are reviewed and the role of construct validity in marketing is considered.

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... In this sub-section, we summarize the estimation results of the measurement models to justify the construct validity of this study (Peter, 1981), with descriptions of validity measurements provided in Table 3 and relevant statistics reported in Table 4. The data analysis was conducted with the software SmartPLS 4. Following the guidelines by Hair et al. (2019) and Peter (1981), the model's reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity were evaluated. ...
... In this sub-section, we summarize the estimation results of the measurement models to justify the construct validity of this study (Peter, 1981), with descriptions of validity measurements provided in Table 3 and relevant statistics reported in Table 4. The data analysis was conducted with the software SmartPLS 4. Following the guidelines by Hair et al. (2019) and Peter (1981), the model's reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity were evaluated. The model's reliability was first evaluated. ...
... The HTMT matrix is presented in Table 5, and it can be observed that all HTMT ratios are below the recommended threshold of 0.9 (Henseler et al., 2015). As our measurement models have passed tests of reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity, the construct validity can be established thereof (Peter, 1981). ...
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Despite critical thinking (CT) being a focal point in higher education, gaps remain in comprehending the psychological factors underlying the formation of CT disposition and its transition into actual CT behavior. To address the gap, we introduce a behavioral perspective to CT research that is based upon the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). We first identify the theoretical cohesion between CT and TPB, conceptualizing CT disposition as behavioral intention and performing CT action as behavior. We identify the three TPB-based psychological antecedents to CT disposition, namely, attitude, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms. To operationalize CT disposition, we adopt the constructs of critical openness and reflective skepticism. The theoretical propositions are then empirically validated through a survey of 363 undergraduates in Singapore. Results indicate significant relationships between the antecedents and CT dispositions, with a partial effect for subjective norms. Particularly, subjective norms significantly enhance reflective skepticism but have a minimal effect on critical openness. However, a gap between students’ CT disposition and students’ performance is observed. The insights gained from the findings will be useful in guiding the development of psychological interventions for CT development.
... Convergent validity measures the extent to which an operation is similar to other operations, which theoretically should be similar. This measure is analyzed with indicators of reliability and construct reliability [37]. The reliability indicator is examined by using the construct loading value. ...
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Це дослідження розуміння впливу лідерства, мотивації, навчання та продуктивності, опосередкованого компетентністю. Для дослідження використовувався багатофакторний аналіз із використанням описового та пояснювально-кількісного методів. Вибіркою дослідження були 114 респондентів за пропорційним методом. Дані були зібрані за допомогою анкети для подальшого аналізу за допомогою моделювання структурними рівняннями (SEM) із застосуванням підходу часткових найменших квадратів (PLS). Результати дослідження показали, що: (1) Мотивація та навчання мають значний вплив на компетентність, а компетентність має значний вплив на продуктивність; (2) Лідерство не має істотного впливу на компетентність і продуктивність. Подібним чином мотивація та навчання не мають значного впливу на продуктивність; (3) Як посередницька змінна, компетентність здатна суттєво опосередковувати вплив лідерства, мотивації та навчання на продуктивність; і (4) значення сили залежних змінних компетентності та результативності співробітника вказується результатами розрахунку квадрата множинних кореляцій (R2) 0, 6435 і 0,7621 відповідно.
... Another limiting factor may be the validity of the research instrument, as Peter (1981) recommends, the research instrument be compared with other, already validated research instruments that measure the same or completely different constructs. However, in our case, we could not compare the research instrument with other validated instruments because it is difficult to find a validated research instrument due to the selection of tested inquiry skills. ...
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Teachers should lead students to inquiry and discover the world around them. For this reason, it is essential that students possess inquiry skills that will enable them to investigate inquiry processes and carry out inquiry activities. Although the development of inquiry skills is essential part of Slovak state curriculum, the administered test showed a relatively low level of inquiry skills among Slovak grammar school students (16–19 years old), especially in the skills of identifying variables, formulating hypotheses, determining the accuracy of experimentally obtained data, and understanding the elements of inquiry. The results indicate that the students’ future professional orientation has a relatively significant influence on their level of inquiry skills which are not systematically developed in individual years of study. It is necessary to implement inquiry activities in the education process that will enable students to develop their skills throughout their entire grammar school studies, regardless of their future professional orientation.
... Discriminant validity examines whether concepts or measurements that are hypothesized to be dissimilar are, in fact, distinct from each other (Peter, 1981). In the present research, it was hypothesized that women who trust in their partners will have less experience of partner abuse. ...
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Background: Intimate relationships are built upon trust. With it, there is liberty and security to experience the full potential of intimacy and affection the relationship has to offer. Objective: Therefore, the present study aimed to develop a reliable and valid indigenous scale for women measuring trust in their intimate partner. Method: The study was carried out in three phases. In phase one, ten semi structured interviews were conducted with married women to generate items. Relevant literature was also studied thoroughly. In phase two, construct validity of the scale was established through exploratory factor analysis. A convenient sample of 400 women was taken. Results: Principal component analysis using varimax rotation resulted in three factors i.e., benevolence, predictability, and dependability. The overall variance explained by all these factors accounted for 71.82%. In phase three, psychometric properties of the scale were examined. The alpha reliability of the scale was significantly high α=.85. Discriminant validity of the scale was r= -.72, p<.01. Conclusion: Hence, it is a valid and reliable indigenous scale to measure trust in intimate partner among women.
... That is, we considered these subscales as the observed variables constituting the latent variable of metacognitive awareness. As maintained by Peter (1981), nomological validity influences construct validity for the operationalization of latent concepts used in an empirical study. He further adds that the role of nomological validity is noteworthy in mediational analyses within which there are complex interrelationships between multiple variables. ...
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The present study aimed to explore the relationship between reading attitude, motivation, and the metacognitive awareness of reading strategies (MARS) of adult EFL learners. Ninety-seven Iranian intermediate EFL learners participated in the study after a multi-stage sampling. The initial analysis suggested high correlations between the variables of attitude, motivation, and the metacognitive awareness of reading strategies. A mediation analysis using structural equation modeling was conducted to examine the intervening effect of MARS on the effect of attitude on motivation. The proposed model confirmed the mediational hypothesis with a good fit. The findings bear notable implications which are discussed in light of the study outcomes.
... The target population could be all Tunisian consumers likely to be exposed to environmental advertising posters. The choice of sample size was made in accordance with the recommendations of Peter (1981). The number of items used in the study was 21, while the manipulation of advertising elements generating skepticism generated sixteen experimental conditions (sixteen groups of subjects). ...
... Internal consistency is an essential part of reliability. Cronbach's alpha is a standout amongst the most well-known techniques for surveying inward consistency (Churchill, 1979;Peter, 1981).The value of Cronbach's alpha for all the constructs was above the threshold level which ensures the reliability of all the constructs as shown in Table 1. ...
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Customer loyalty is the continuous emotional relationship between the customer and the service provider. Loyalty is established through repeated positive experiences that a customer has with the company, which creates a sense of trust and reliability.Word of mouth is a powerful tool for any business, as it can either make or break a company's reputation. Positive word of mouth is a crucial output in the relationship.Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between customer loyalty (CL) and positive word of mouth (WOM) in the fiercely competitive financial service sector. The present study also examines the moderating role of gender in CL and WOM. The banking firms and the life insurance firms from the public sector as well as the private sector have been studied as representatives of the financial service sector. The individual customers have been taken as respondents. The study has been conducted in the State of Punjab (India). 487 responses were used for the data analysis.To check the relationship between CL and WOM structural equation modeling (SEM) was used and the results show that customer loyalty has a significant and direct impact on positive word of mouth. Further, results show that gender did not moderate the relationship. This infers that positive word of mouth can be achieved by having loyal customers of any gender. The study recommends the building of long-term relationships and retention of the customer as a part of a defensive strategy. The current study adds to the present literature on relationship management, customer loyalty, and business strategies.
... The values range from 0.5397 to 0.7851 (all > 0.5), indicating convergent validity within the model [72]. Convergent validity can also be observed by determining whether each indicator's maximum likelihood loading is significant for its underlying construct [73,74]. Table A5 shows that all 32 determinants carry a loading of >0.7, which is considered acceptable. ...
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This study explores the determinants of the intention to adopt blockchain technology for sustainable supply chain management in Indian micro, small, and medium enterprises. Different from existing studies that advocate the use of socio-technical theory for blockchain technologies, we develop a new theoretical framework, called “SOS,” based on a review of the existing literature. This is an adaptation of the technology–organization–environment framework that examines the measures and scales from socio-technical, organizational, and sustainability contexts. We use ADANCO 2.3.2 for variance-based structural equation modeling. The results show that two of the nine hypotheses are negatively significant, while the rest are positive. In our context, social sustainability and computer self-efficacy are strongly negatively significant for the adoption intention of blockchain technology in our context. Software quality and environmental sustainability are strongly positively significant. Meanwhile, collaboration, economic sustainability, and relative advantage mediated by experience are positively significant. Our study contributes to the literature by offering a new theoretical framework, fresh insights from the Indian industry, and several recommendations to practitioners.
... In entrepreneurship, however, the difficulty of clearly defining key constructs based on a broad consensus and empirical precision suggests this first trigger (Davidsson, 2015). Construct validity is among the most important quality indicator of a research field (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955;Peter, 1981). Yet, defining and measuring a construct like 'entrepreneurial opportunity' ...
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The rapid expansion of AI adoption (e.g., using machine learning, deep learning, or large language models as research methods) and the increasing availability of big data have the potential to bring about the most significant transformation in entrepreneurship scholarship the field has ever witnessed. This article makes a pressing meta-contribution by highlighting a significant risk of unproductive knowledge exchanges in entrepreneurship research amid the AI revolution. It offers strategies to mitigate this risk and provides guidance for future AI-based studies to enhance their collective impact and relevance. Drawing on Akerlof's renowned market-for-lemons concept, we identify the potential for significant knowledge asymmetries emerging from the field's evolution into its current landscape (e.g., complexities around construct validity, theory building, and research relevance). Such asymmetries are particularly deeply ingrained due to what we term the double-black-box puzzle, where the widely recognized black box nature of AI methods intersects with the black box nature of the entrepreneurship phenomenon driven by inherent uncertainty. As a result, these asymmetries could lead to an increase in suboptimal research products that go undetected, collectively creating a market for lemons that undermines the field's well-being, reputation, and impact. However, importantly, if these risks can be mitigated, the AI revolution could herald a new golden era for entrepreneurship research. We discuss the necessary actions to elevate the field to a higher level of AI resilience while steadfastly maintaining its foundational principles and core values.
... Construct validity (Peter, 1981) is the most commonly measured type of validity in consumer research. A construct showing a high level of construct validity should be positively correlated to hypothesized similar scales (convergent validity) and negatively correlated to hypothesized opposite scales (divergent validity). ...
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This article gives an integrative review of research using projective methods in the consumer research domain. We give a general historical overview of the use of projective methods, both in psychology and in consumer research applications, and discuss the reliability and validity aspects and measurement for projective techniques. We review the literature on projective techniques in the areas of marketing, hospitality & tourism, and consumer & food science, with a mixed methods research focus on the interplay of qualitative and quantitative techniques. We review the use of several quantitative techniques used for structuring and analyzing projective data and run an empirical reanalysis of previously gathered data. We give recommendations for improved rigor and for potential future work involving mixed methods in projective techniques.
... The questionnaire was designed to resonate with the study's conceptual model. Construct validity refers to the alignment between the constructs of the study (which are referred to as unobservable variables specified at a conceptual level) and the questionnaire items that are used to obtain a tangible measure of that construct (Peter, 1981). A viable strategy to ensure construct validity is to align questionnaire items to previous studies where these constructs and items have been validated. ...
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The industrial world has witnessed an increased demand for computing based skills due to the advent of robotics, artificial intelligence, and analytics. However, the learning of computer programming is challenging and requires an intensive cognitive effort to attain a high degree of skill and expertise. Given this phenomenon, this study undertook to ascertain the factors that influence proficiency in computer programming. The study adopted a quantitative approach and a survey research strategy, guided by a conceptual model. A survey questionnaire was designed as the primary source of data collection. The respondents comprised students who were enrolled for Information Systems and Technology (IT) courses at a higher education institution. The main factors that were identified as significant predictors of computer programming performance were Problem-Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy. The findings contribute to enhancing computer programming pedagogy, which could lead to enhanced student performance in assessment, and validation of the conceptual model.
... Additionally, Arasli et al. (2020) and propose that the nomological validity of scales can be assessed by scrutinizing and quantifying the associations between each dimension and the anticipated results. In addition, the nomological validity of scales can be established through empirical examination of the correlations between variables (POIC, POMC, POMA) and other theoretically relevant factors (Peter, 1981). This study aims to investigate the impact of the dark side of IC, on employee outcomes, specifically EL and QQ intentions. ...
Purpose This study aims to develop and validate the scales on the dark side of internal communication (IC) that capture a more nuanced perception of ineffectiveness, manipulation and miscommunication from the employee perspective. This study also examines this scale's effects on employee outcomes (such as employee loyalty and quiet quitting). Design/methodology/approach The authors developed the dark side of the IC scale through qualitative interviews and a review of relevant literature. Statistical techniques such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity and nomological validity were performed on the newly produced scales. The authors also examined the predictive validity effects of these scales on employee loyalty and quiet quitting using participants from Hungary. Findings The scale development resulted in a 15-item measuring three dimensions of the dark side of IC. After several statistical examinations, the scale exhibited robust psychometric properties and is reliable and valid. Originality/value This study empirically supported the new phenomenon of studying the dark side of IC, and the scale can be used to measure employee outcomes, the effectiveness of organizational communication, etc.
... According to Peter (2012), the discriminant validity test aids in determining how much a construct differs from its size. By comparing a construct's AVE square root with the correlation between that constructs, the discriminant validity is evaluated. ...
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This study investigates the factors influencing impulse buying behavior in online food purchases in Indonesia. The research gathered data from 270 valid respondents from the Muslim community through an online survey (Google Forms). Demographic analysis revealed a predominantly young, single-student population, primarily from Central Java. The study employed the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The impulse buying tendency scale included seven variables: religiosity, platform quality, social influence, intentions, self-control, consumer mood and Impulse buying tendency. The results indicate that self-control (β: –0.140, p-value: 0.024) plays a crucial role in mitigating impulse buying tendencies whereas religiosity (β: 0.304, p-value < 0.001) can increase the level of self-control. Additionally, platform quality (β: 0.488, p-value < 0.001) significantly impacts individuals’ intention to engage in impulsive purchases. Consumer mood (β: 0.681, p-value < 0.001) is the highest cause of impulse buying behavior. Notably, self-control can reduce impulsive buying tendencies, which means that the higher the self-control ability, the lower the possibility of making impulse purchases. However, the social influence (β: –0.175, p-value: 0.026) has a negative effect on self-control.
... Casual language use can also contribute to jingle, as can disagreements among researchers regarding the nature of a particular concept (Bergkvist & Eisend, 2021;Podsakoff et al., 2016). Additionally, imprecise definitions play a significant role, echoing concerns raised decades ago about minimizing contamination between different concepts (Peter, 1981). ...
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The concepts of cross-selling and cross-buying have gained significant attention in marketing research and practice, deemed crucial for driving business revenue and enhancing customer lifetime value. However, the two literature streams exhibit considerable ambiguity and conceptual overlap, hindering theoretical development and practical application. This integrative review addresses this challenge by systematically examining existing research through probabilistic topic modeling, bibliometric analyses, logical partitioning, and jangle and jingle fallacies analysis. By triangulating these methodologies, we shed light on the distinctions and commonalities between cross-selling and cross-buying, offering a typology of definitions validated through interviews with industry practitioners. This paper aims to foster academic discourse and provide actionable insights for future research in cross-selling and cross-buying. The paper also provides implications for retailing and service companies on how to profit from existing customer relationships.
... Additionally, we designed the exercise to feature high construct validity (e.g., Peter 1981). Transferring the role of construct validity in marketing research to an educational setting, a successful marketing analytics exercise should mirror the substantive marketing and analytics requirements demanded in students' future careers. ...
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This article describes a data-driven case study for teaching and assessing students’ skills in marketing analytics, specifically in pricing. This case study combines teaching econometrics to analyze data and substantive marketing to derive managerial insights. The econometric challenge requires students to set up and implement a regression analysis to derive the demand function, detect multicollinearity, and select appropriate data visualizations. The substantive challenge requires deriving optimal pricing decisions and understanding how the parameters of the demand function impact optimal prices and the associated profit. We test the case study in a marketing analytics exam and discuss the performance of 134 students. Beyond assessing student performance in an exam, the case study facilitates teaching through in-class group work or assignments. Free of charge, under a liberal CC BY license, we encourage other educators to use the case study in their teaching. We provide the necessary data and a sample solution using the statistical programming language R.
... As a result, because they all manifest the same latent construct, OVs are expected to have correlations. Evaluating the construct validity of reflective measures, including reliability assessments, convergent validity, and discriminant validity [100], is often critical. On the other hand, formative measures contend that OVs collectively influence changes in the LV, thereby establishing a causal pathway from the OVs to the latent construct [99]. ...
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Considering the emergence and adoption of various innovative technologies, the construction industry has undergone transformation into a more secure, highly efficient, and ecologically sustainable landscape. An increasing number of studies uses the structural equation modeling (SEM) method to explore the dynamics of technology adoption and use within the construction sector. Previous studies have mainly focused on qualitative analysis using the SEM method to analyze technology adoption and usage in the construction industry. This study, however, distinguishes itself from previous research by focusing on the SEM method itself and conducting a systematic analysis using scientometric methods. Based on a total of 140 relevant journal articles, this study adopts a scientometric analysis approach to conduct a holistic review encompassing sources, researchers, keywords, and highly cited documents. The research findings are as follows: (1) the primary focus of the current research topics is on BIM technology; (2) most studies employ cross-sectional SEM instead of longitudinal SEM; (3) there is a deficiency in the theoretical foundation for designing SEM in current research; and (4) the selection of either reflective or formative measures lacks sufficient rigor. Qualitative analysis is used to examine prevailing issues in research design and address the intricate technicalities and potential challenges inherent in the SEM method. Three research gaps and future directions are presented: diversifying regions of study and research topics, incorporating theoretical support for research design, and carefully choosing reflective or formative measures. The findings provide a comprehensive roadmap and valuable reference for future research in this field.
... Construct validity measures the extent to which measurements of the same or similar constructs correspond. Discriminant validity displays the extent to which two measures of unrelated constructs diverge (Peter, 1981). After a confirmatory factor analysis was performed to verify construct validity, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses proposed in the previous section. ...
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The transition to renewable energy systems is a comprehensive and challenging process requiring broad public support. Solar energy citizenship, a form of renewable energy prosumerism, is an expression of energy citizenship for implementing a sustainable energy transition. This study examined the effects of four behavioral beliefs (i.e., consumer innovativeness, impure altruism [warm glow], social-based public engagement, and solar product knowledge) on consumer intention and attitudes about solar energy citizenship. Furthermore, this study explored how perceived government incentives moderate the relationship between attitudes and intentions related to solar energy citizenship. Convenience sampling was employed for data acquisition. An anonymous questionnaire was distributed online to participants, and 370 valid responses were collected in Taiwan. The results indicated that the four aforementioned behavioral beliefs positively influenced the respondents’ attitudes toward solar energy citizenship. We discovered that their attitudes toward solar energy citizenship services were positively associated with their behavioral intention to use such services. Perceived government incentives moderated the relationship between the respondents’ attitudes and behavioral intention toward using solar energy citizenship services. These findings propose several suggestions for governments, relevant agencies, and solar energy service providers.
... Validity refers to the extent to which an instrument really measures the construct it is designed to measure (Peter, 1981). Schwab (1980) defined construct validity as "representing the correspondence between a construct (conceptual definition of a variable) and the operational procedure to measure or manipulate that construct". ...
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This study examines the relationship between determinant factors (local factor conditions, related and supporting industries, policies and regulations), FDI attraction and the firm’s competitive advantage for foreign electronics manufacturing companies in Northern Malaysia. This quantitative study was carried out using online self-administrated survey questionnaires (Likert’s rating scale) which collected a total 443 completed questionnaires by managerial personnel from foreign electronics manufacturing companies in Northern Malaysia. Independent variables are local factor conditions, related and supporting industries, policies and regulations as FDI determinant factors; mediating variable is FDI attraction and firm’s competitive advantage is the dependent variable. The data were analysed using SPSS and ADANCO software to examine the relationship. The results of the PLS-SEM reveal that FDI attraction is a significant mediator between FDI determinant factors and firm’s competitive advantage through local factor conditions and policies and regulations, but not for local related and supporting industries. The study also shows local factor conditions and policies and regulation have significant direct effect on FDI attraction among foreign electronics manufacturing companies in Northern Malaysia. The research model offers a basis to develop a more comprehensive framework for future studies which suggest a neo-positivist research approach using mixed methods combining elements of quantitative and qualitative research can be considered for future research for a more holistic discovery of the subject matter.
... The presented constructs were concepts that were understandable by the expert group [109]. They were concepts designed to organize knowledge and guide empirical research on a selected aspect of reality [110]. Validation of their content-presented in a later part of this study-therefore refers to the extent to which the measurement scale reflects the selected semantic field of the construct, i.e., its content [111]. ...
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Sustainable manufacturing involves executing manufacturing processes in a way that follows the sustainable development principles, striving to combine economic, ecologic and social goals. The expected benefits of sustainable manufacturing are a lower cost and an improved environmental impact and well-being of employees. The main goal of the research was to identify barriers to the implementation of sustainable manufacturing principles. Achieving the main goal required the implementation of partial goals: (G1) designing the research tool based on the specific features of sustainable manufacturing identified based on the literature research; (G2) identifying of barriers that limit and/or prevent the implementation of sustainable manufacturing; and (G3) assessing the significance of individual factors limiting (preventing) implementation. The research was conducted in the agricultural transport sector and the subjects of the research were manufacturers of parts and subassemblies for agricultural transport. The ranking of limitations and barriers enables the definition of recommendations for companies willing to implement sustainable manufacturing concepts.
... However, we can see moderate-to-high correlations between all constructs. According to Meehl (1967) and Peter (1981), correlations between constructs from the same sample are highly likely, if the sample is large and reliability is given (at least to some degree). On the one hand, high correlations between theoretically related constructs were expected, as for example high correlations between the UTAUT Performance Expectancy scale and the Competence Satisfaction rs = .71, ...
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The aim of this work was to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction for Technology Use (BPN-TU). According to the self-determination theory, satisfaction of the Basic Psychological Needs (BPNs) for Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness is crucial to well-being and autonomous motivation. Research into the role of BPN Satisfaction in technology use is scarce, partly due to a lack of appropriate measuring tools. To develop a pool of original BPN-TU scale items, we held 10 interviews. Based on these items, we conducted four validation studies with four independent samples (total N = 821), collecting user responses to different technologies: digital voice assistant, exoskeleton, chatbot, and social robot. Good model fit was supported by confirmatory factor analyses for a twelve-item scale, containing three items each for satisfaction of users’ Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness to Others, and Relatedness to Technology. The scale was validated in English and German.
... Last, we assessed the nomological validity of the burnout and job satisfaction constructs. The nomological validity of the scale is the degree to which the focal construct relates to other theoretically connected constructs consistent with a priori expectations (Gatignon et al., 2002;Govindarajan and Kopalle, 2006;Peter, 1981). We correlated burnout and job satisfaction with sleep hygiene ("Do you think you get enough sleep?"). ...
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Although academic interest in organizational scaling is growing, extant research has focused primarily on the antecedents and processes, neglecting how employees experience scaling. Drawing on the scale-up, firm growth, and well-being literature, we take an employee perspective to examine the impact of scaling on employee burnout and job satisfaction. Using a sample of 10,908 new venture employees in Sweden, we show that scaling is positively associated with employee burnout, and negatively with job satisfaction. We also show that the link between scaling, burnout, and job satisfaction depends on whether the employee is in a managerial position or has prior new venture experience.
... A one-factor structure, on the other hand, showed a good fit and good validity and reliability. The lack of discriminant validity in the four-factor structure suggested that the latent variables were highly correlated [37]. Such a finding seems reasonable, as there appears to be much overlap among the 11 core instinctual motivations [8]. ...
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Being able to quantify gaming motivation in a valid, systematic way has important implications for game designers and gaming user experience researchers. In the present study, we aimed to develop and validate a 30-item Gaming Instinctual Motivation Scale (GIMS) based on Dillon's 6-11 Framework on instinctual gaming motivation and Lazzaro's gaming experience model. To validate the scale, we recruited 194 regular gamers (Mage = 22.70 years old, SD = 4.38) to complete the GIMS based on their general gaming experience and their experience playing role-laying games (RPGs), first-person shooters (FPSs), real-time strategy, puzzle, and action games. We used a cross-validation approach and performed exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to test the structure of the scale and the reliability and validity of the scale, respectively. The final version of the GIMS had a one-dimensional structure with 15 items. It also had good construct validity, χ2 (N = 117, df = 86) = 126.28, p = 0.003, CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.92, and RMSEA = 0.064 (90% CI [0.04, 0.09]), and reliability (CR = 0.89), and an acceptable convergent validity (AVE = 0.35). The one-dimensional structure was generalizable to RPG and FPS games, demonstrating the applicability of the scale to these two gaming genres. Higher scores on the GIMS were also associated with a greater intention to play games.
This research establishes brand corporateness as a novel brand association that most consumers find unfavorable. Exploratory focus group findings first illuminate consumer meaning structures and attitudes around brand corporateness. An inductive grounded theory approach suggests three core (hierarchical, mechanistic, opaque) and three ancillary (ubiquitous, traditional, strategic) dimensions of the construct, informing a subsequent literature review that theoretically confirms this structure. Our theorizing also suggests that greater corporateness diminishes consumers’ self-brand connection because the symbolic meanings of its core dimensions clash with several fundamental human values, a negative effect that is heightened among more politically liberal consumers. The main empirical work then develops and validates a measure of brand corporateness across eleven studies using best practices in scale development. After a rigorous item generation and refinement process, our studies provide converging evidence for the scale’s structural, nomological, discriminant, predictive, and ecological validity.
Due to the rich visual ambience, Instagram has become a hub of fashion and beauty brands. Specifically, the fashion industry promotes their fashion brands through social media fashion Influencers on Instagram. Grounded on S-O-R, perception-behaviour (P-B) and the snowball effect as the theoretical bases, the present research analyses the conscious (via attitudinal mediation) and preconscious (direct) effects of fashion Influencers’ physical attractiveness and fashion-brand content aesthetics on followers’ fashion-branded content (photos and reels) engagement behaviour on Instagram. The data were gathered from a purposive sample of 300 followers of Instagram fashion Influencers in Pakistan. Construct measures, a proposed model and hypotheses were assessed using structural equation modelling. The results indicate that a fashion Influencer’s physical attractiveness and fashion-branded content aesthetics consciously (via attitude) and pre-consciously (directly) trigger fashion-branded content engagement on social media. The results show that the underlying dimensions of fashion-branded content engagement affect each other in a hierarchical order from consumption to contribution. These findings imply that fashion firms should hire physically attractive Influencers to endorse their fashion brands. Furthermore, Influencers should produce aesthetically pleasing fashion-branded content on Instagram to engage followers.
Environmental sustainability is currently of paramount importance worldwide. In this context, digitalisation has emerged as a transformative force in the business world, and small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) need to adapt to sustainability and digitalisation without neglecting performance. The objective of the study is to establish the connection between the positive financial outcomes resulting from digital capabilities and the ability of SMEs to become environmentally sustainable. Additionally, a theoretical framework has been developed to explain the results from the analysis of a reflexive structural equation model using data collected from 975 Spanish SMEs. The results indicate that investing in digitalisation allows companies to become more environmentally responsible and achieve qualitative growth in terms of reputation. Furthermore, digitalisation promotes quantitative growth through improved efficiency, cost savings, enhanced product quality and increased customer satisfaction. Lastly, the study model demonstrates that profitable companies are more likely to be sustainable.
Purpose While coopetition (cooperation among competitors) has been widely researched in domestic settings, relatively less work has evaluated how small exporters engage in these business-to-business (B2B) marketing strategies. Therefore, export coopetition activities could have different performance outcomes (and boundary conditions) to these B2B marketing practices in domestic arenas. Consequently, underpinned by resource-based theory (and focusing on smaller-sized and internationalised, businesses), the purpose of this paper is to unpack the relationship between export coopetition activities and export sales performance by accounting for key quadratic and moderating effects. Design/methodology/approach Survey responses were obtained from 107 small, and export-oriented, wine producers in South Africa. After refining the measurement scales, the quantitative data passed all major assessments of reliability, validity and common method variance. Subsequently, the elements of the conceptual model were tested through a hierarchical regression analysis. Moreover, a post-hoc test was undertaken to delve deeper into the nuances of the statistical results – and offer additional insights concerning how these B2B marketing strategies operate (and manifest) in export markets. Findings A significant non-linear (inverted U-shaped) relationship was found between export coopetition activities and export sales performance. No support was found for the moderators, namely, export geographical scope, export intensity or the interaction between these forms of internationalisation. An interesting issue to emerge from the post-hoc test was that export geographical scope yielded a quadratic link with export sales performance, for which the export coopetition activities construct did not moderate this connection (a non-significant interaction effect). These findings offer new insights that help inform the concentration versus spreading debate related to target market strategies. Originality/value New evidence emerges on the internationalisation of the coopetition construct, regarding how smaller-sized companies collaborate with their competitors within their export markets. Likewise, stronger insights arise concerning the dark sides of export coopetition activities via circumstances where they are harmful to internationalised firms. Moreover, improved claims are made about how resource-based theory serves as a useful tool to conceptualise the nuances of export coopetition activities and how they impact export sales performance. Collectively, this investigation not only responds to calls for research to evaluate coopetition in export markets but also embraces the complexities of these B2B marketing strategies.
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The main purpose of this study is to develop a scale regarding gamification in the field of marketing. Gamification is about using game elements in non-game contexts. Gamification in marketing is a strategy that includes the use of game elements in the brand-consumer relationship in order to add customers to the value creation process and interactive, competitive, passionate, enjoyable, goal and reward-oriented experiences. The study was generally an exploratory research and inductive method was used. Qualitative methods such as systematic literature analysis, focus group interviews and receiving feedback from experts, and quantitative methods such as validity and reliability studies by creating a data set through a survey were used in the research. A 34-stage scale development process was designed to achieve the main purpose of the study. Three studies were designed within the scope of the research. In Study-1, an expression pool was created by referring to primary and secondary sources to create the expressions of the scale. A total of 55 articles were examined, and the scale related to gamification was reached in 39 of these articles. 39 articles were also re-examined and a total of 1260 items regarding 204 variables developed by 177 researchers were obtained. Later, 4 focus group interviews were held and 56 items were created. The items were reduced and 64 items were included in the candidate items pool. By consulting expert opinions, the scale items were examined for content validity and 32 of the 64 scale items included in the analysis were eliminated, and the remaining 32 scale items were accepted as the first version of the scale (MARGAM). The overall content validity index (CVI) of the scale was found to be 0.80. In Study-2, a pilot study was conducted with data collected from 497 people to conduct validity and reliability analyzes for the MARGAM scale developed. Of the 32 items included in the analysis, 12 items were removed from the analysis for various reasons, and as a result, the final version of the scale on gamification in marketing (MARGAM), consisting of 6 dimensions (Interaction, Target, Scoring, Passion, Competition, Enjoyment) and 20 items, was obtained. For the construct validity of the scale, EFA and CFA were performed and evaluations were made based on the fit indices. Then, the convergent, discriminant, content and face validity of the scale were examined. Expert opinions of 12 academicians were used for content validity, and 2 psychologists with sectoral experience were used for face validity. Alpha Coefficient for the overall scale was found to be 0.937. In Study 3, a field application was designed with data collected from 525 people to test how the scale on gamification in marketing (MARGAM) fits together with different variables in practice. For this purpose, a new research model was designed and 4 new variables (Brand Engagement, e-WOM, Brand Loyalty, Behavioral Intention) were included in the model along with the MARGAM scale. With this, a total of 33 hypotheses were tested, 9 of which were basic. Validity and reliability analyzes were conducted and the MARGAM scale with 6 dimensions and 20 statements obtained in the previous stage was still supported, with all its values being high. It was observed that the Alpha Coefficient for all variables was above 0.8. Finally, the hypotheses were tested and 5 of the 9 main hypotheses were fully supported and 4 were partially supported. In general, as a result of the study, a scale (MARGAM) consisting of 6 dimensions and 20 items regarding gamification in the field of marketing was developed. Validity and reliability analyzes of the scale were conducted in accordance with the scale development methodology and a gap in the literature was filled.
The authors’ central premise is that a human-LLM hybrid approach leads to efficiency and effectiveness gains in the marketing research process. In qualitative research, they show that LLMs can assist in both data generation and analysis; LLMs effectively create sample characteristics, generate synthetic respondents, and conduct and moderate in-depth interviews. The AI-human hybrid generates information-rich, coherent data that surpasses human-only data in depth and insightfulness and matches human performance in data analysis tasks of generating themes and summaries. Evidence from expert judges shows that humans and LLMs possess complementary skills; the human-LLM hybrid outperforms its human-only or LLM-only counterpart. For quantitative research, the LLM correctly picks the answer direction and valence, with the quality of synthetic data significantly improving through few-shot learning and retrieval-augmented generation. The authors demonstrate the value of the AI-human hybrid by collaborating with a Fortune 500 food company and replicating a 2019 qualitative and quantitative study using GPT-4. For their empirical investigation, the authors design the system architecture and prompts to create personas, ask questions, and obtain responses from synthetic respondents. They provide roadmaps for integrating LLMs into qualitative and quantitative marketing research and conclude that LLMs serve as valuable collaborators in the insight generation process.
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Jean Frisou (2021), Mieux corroborer l'incommensurabilité des construits dans les recherches francophones en sciences de gestion, Recherche Fondamentale en Sciences Humaines. Premier Manuscrit (1° Ed.). © Copyright et droits d'auteur détenus exclusivement par Jean Frisou. Recherche Fondamentale en Sciences Humaines Des recherches sans visée applicative, consacrées à la genèse des connaissances.
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p>In today's setting of fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, our country requires a modern education system and an appropriate educational governance model that will provide learning chances for all people. In the near future, we will integrate our country's education with that of other countries in the area and around the world. Kotter's (1996) 8-step change model is one of the most commonly utilized frameworks for leading change. This study examines the features of each step and applies Kotter's change model to high school management. The findings of surveys and interviews with high school administrators in Hanoi have somewhat demonstrated the potential of adopting this approach in the current context. Article visualizations: </p
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Yönetim alanında yaşanan değişim ve gelişmeler sürekli yeni kavramların da ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Sessiz istifa ve sessiz işten çıkarma kavramları da bu şekilde ortaya çıkan yeni kavramlar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bu iki yeni kavramın nicel olarak ölçülmesine imkân sağlayacak bir ölçeğin Türkçe uyarlanmasını sağlayarak, hem akademik hem de iş dünyasına katkı sağlamaktır. Bu kapsamda Anand, Doll ve Ray (2023) tarafından geliştirilen sessiz istifa ve sessiz işten çıkarma ölçeklerinin Türkçeye uyarlaması yapılmıştır. Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti (KKTC)’nde farklı sektörlerde çalışanların oluşturduğu örnekleme uygulanan anket sonucunda elde edilen veriler SPSS v25 AMOS v22 yazılımları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Geçerlik, güvenirlik, faktör analizleri ve korelasyon analizi yapılmış ve istifa ve sessiz işten çıkarma ölçeklerinin Türk örneklem grubuna da uygulanabilecek geçerli ve güvenilir ölçekler olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Böylece Türk literatürüne sessiz istifa ve sessiz işten çıkarma kavramlarının ampirik olarak ölçülebileceği bir ölçek kazandırıldığı değerlendirilmektedir.
Yönetim alan yazınının güncel konuları arasında yer alan ruhsal liderlik, takım uyumu, bilgi paylaşımı ve hizmet inovasyon davranışı bu kitabın odak noktasında bulunmaktadır. İnovasyon kavramı etrafında biçimlenen hizmet inovasyon davranışı günümüz işletmelerinde başarı ölçütü olarak düşünülen karlılık, verimlilik ve benzeri gibi kriterlerin yerini alma eğilimindedir.Yönetim ve örgütsel açıdan hizmet inovasyon davranışı, takım uyumu, bilgi paylaşımı ve ruhsal liderlik kavramlarının analizi bu kitabın temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu bakımdan konuyla alakalı alan yazın incelenmiş, nicel analiz yöntemi ile Aksaray OSB’de bulunan imalat işletmelerinde çalışan beyaz yakalı işgörenlerle yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeyle sağlanan veriler analize tabi tutulmuştur.
The utilization of online platforms for the preservation of the culture of Chinese calligraphy has become increasingly common in the digital era. We studied learners’ intention to use online calligraphy teaching websites, adopting a mixed research method including both quantitative and qualitative analyses to examine the factors that engage online calligraphy learners. In total, 227 participants from a calligraphy learning community were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling with mediation/moderation analysis. Usability and relative advantage significantly influenced the intention to use calligraphy websites. Perceived usefulness and attitude had a significant impact on usage intention. Both direct and indirect effects were observed for factors, including usability, ease of use, and relative advantage, whereas trialability and compatibility did not exhibit such effects. This study has theoretical and practical applications for scholars, practitioners, and managers in online calligraphy education in creating e-learning systems that align with learners’ preferences.
This study aims to conceptualize the green influencer marketing (GIM) and to develop a GIM scale for its measurement. To achieve this goal, this research used a sequential exploratory mixed-methods design. In this context, qualitative study and quantitative studies were carried out, respectively. Study 1 included qualitative study, while study 2, 3 and 4 included quantitative studies. In the study 1, the social media posts of 14 green influencers were subjected to the content analysis to provide an operational definition of the GIM. With this content analysis, green influencer marketing and its sub-factors, which are environmentally friendly product-oriented influence and environmental sustainability-oriented influence, were conceptualized and a 15-item pool was obtained. Quantitative data for study 2, 3 and 4 were collected from participants who followed at least one of the 14 green influencers. In the quantitative studies, multiple waves of data collection were used. In the study 2, the item pool was purified and refined with the help of quantitative research. Thus, a scale consisting of 2 dimensions and 8 items was obtained (n:100). In the study 3, the factor structure of the scale was confirmed through the test-retest method (n:202). In the study 4, the research model hypothesized using the Stimulus-Organism�Response (S-O-R) Theory was tested to ensure the nomological validity of the scale (n:321). The research model built for nomological validity consists of GIM, perceived fit with personal interests, green behavioral intention, and environmental consciousness variables. GIM was mea�sured using an 8-item and two-factor scale developed in this study. Perceived fit with personal interests was measured using a three-item scale adapted from Casaló et al. Green behavioral Intention was mea�sured using a four-item scale adapted from Jain et al. An eight-item scale developed by Huang et al. was utilized to measure environmental consciousness. According to the findings, environmentally friendly product-oriented influence and environmental sustainability-oriented influence significantly predicted behavioural intention towards green tourism products. As a result, this research makes a valuable contribu�tion to the literature by conceptualizing the GIM and developing its scale.
Patents as intangible assets are subjects of burgeoning empirical research. However, there is limited knowledge of how patent quality and patent value can be conceptualized, distinguished, and related. Distinguishing these concepts and relating them in a theoretical framework would enable the assessment and improvement of patent quality, which has implications for all the stakeholders in patents. We ground this study in the emergent ex-ante theory of patent value and conduct a systematic review of 340 papers that investigate patent quality or value. Based on a comparative analysis of the patentability standards adopted by the patent offices in the United States, Europe, and Japan, we delineate four dimensions of patent quality—subject matter, utility, non-obviousness or inventive step, and sufficiency of disclosure. Our study contributes to theory by providing an elaborated conceptual model that relates the different dimensions of patent quality and patent value and mapping the different types of indicators of patent quality and value onto the corresponding patent quality or value dimensions. Our study suggests that patent policymakers can incentivize innovators to file patent applications of high quality, which would reduce the incidence of poor-quality patents in the system and improve the efficiency and reputation of the patent office.
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Work-life balance refers to striking a proper coordination in managing personal and work life of an individual. This is the stage where a person is feeling at ease in managing family and job related obligations. It is necessary to make a balance among personal time, paid work and unpaid work for smooth running of employment and life. WLB is defined as the power which can be used in terms of productivity and efficiency in different areas of work and life for making good decisions. The present work is an attempt to investigate the connection among various components of level of job liking and work life balance. The paper concludes that a strong or positive coordination of job and life will always enhances productivity of staff and also allow the organization to avoid employee retention issues.
La empresa turística afronta actualmente una presión importante a causa del aumento de la turbulencia de su entorno. "La dicotomía entre cantidad (competir vía precios por un turismo de masas) y calidad (competir vía diferenciación y especialización por segmentos de mercado atractivos en términos de rentabilidad - beneficio esperado por turista- y con menor intensidad de competencia de destinos alternativos con ventajas competitivas en costes), se configura como una decisión crítica para el futuro de la empresa turística"
For more than 20 years, the consumer-brand relationship (CBR) subfield has flourished with scores of constructs being employed. We provide an epistemological examination of its 14 most commonly measured relational constructs (e.g., Brand Love, Self-Brand Connection) collected from 767 research articles, reflecting 1,753 scales and approximately 9,200 items. We demonstrate that constructs overlap an average of 43% across all journals and 21% in top journals due to assessing highly similar or synonymous ideas (i.e., jangle). We use a combination of text and cluster analyses to show that measures of allegedly the same construct are polysemic, having an average of 5.3 different meanings (i.e., jingle). The results document in the CBR subfield the types of measurement inconsistencies and ambiguities that have sown confusion and frustration in other academic fields. We discuss the roots of these problems and offer recommendations aimed at helping scholars to improve measurement practices and to limit the presence of jingle and jangle in the CBR subfield.
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The writers raise several conceptual issues concerning direct similarity judgments and provide data on their reliability and validity. The results present a discouraging view of the reliability and validity of these judgments as measures of individual perceptions.
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Behavioral intentions often have been used as a surrogate for actual behavior in choice models and to reflect the impact of marketing variables. The Fishbein behavioral intentions model posits two determinants of behavioral intentions: a personal or attitudinal component and a social influence or normative component. The authors use an experimental methodology to examine aspects of this model's construct validity. Certain operational problems are identified and related to underlying conceptual difficulties in separating these two components.
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The writers raise several conceptual issues concerning direct similarity judgments and provide data on their reliability and validity. The results present a discouraging view of the reliability and validity of these judgments as measures of individual perceptions.
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Behavioral intentions often have been used as a surrogate for actual behavior in choice models and to reflect the impact of marketing variables. The Fishbein behavioral intentions model posits two determinants of behavioral intentions: a personal or attitudinal component and a social influence or normative component. The authors use an experimental methodology to examine aspects of this model's construct validity. Certain operational problems are identified and related to underlying conceptual difficulties in separating these two components.
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In reply to Wilkes and Wilcox, the authors discuss the process by which convergent validity is investigated and relate it to the procedures adopted in their original article. They discuss the Wilkes and Wilcox study and question their assumptions concerning the "task complexity" of direct similarity and map (configuration) evaluation judgments.
A recent JMR article raised several conceptual issues concerning the use of direct similarity judgments in multidimensional scaling analysis. This comment questions certain portions of the methodology used in the original article.
The effect of several factors on the validity of a product-anchored self-concept measure is examined. Though the measure is not affected by product order or subject's attitude toward the task, it is affected by social desirability and product ownership, two factors of central importance in consumer research.
In reply to Wilkes and Wilcox, the authors discuss the process by which convergent validity is investigated and relate it to the procedures adopted in their original article. They discuss the Wilkes and Wilcox study and question their assumptions concerning the “task complexity” of direct similarity and map (configuration) evaluation judgments.
This report concerns the procedures used and results obtained in the development of an attitude scale to measure consumer discontent. Using consumer attitudes and the related consumerism literature as a point of departure, the writers define consumer discontent and develop a scale to measure the construct. The research results suggest that marketing and market-related constructs are potentially scalable properties that can meet rigorous reliability and validity criteria.
Alienation has interested philosophers and researchers for many years, but only recently has empirical study been directed toward consumer alienation from the marketplace. The author reports the development of a test to measure alienation from the marketplace based on psychometric principles. The findings suggest that a reliable and valid measure has been constructed. The consumer alienation scale was found to be unidimensional rather than consisting of identifiable subscales. In addition, areas for future research that will aid the marketing manager in applying knowledge of consumer alienation to decision making are discussed.
The authors examined the interrelationships of husband leisure time activities based on husband-reported time budgets, husband-reported activity measures, and wife-reported descriptions of husband behavior. An adaptation of the Campbell and Fiske multimethod-multitrait analysis indicated significant convergent validity and discriminant validity.
Only slight advantages are shown for the Stapel scale in lack of leniency (high scores) and the semantic differential scale in precision (low variance) in a comparison of these scale approaches with the Likert one in measuring store image. Careful measure validation showed no marked differences among the three scale approaches, and thus choices among them should be made on other grounds.
If marketers want to know the meaning of their measures, they must turn to measure validation, which consists of determining the extent to which measures correlate (convergent validity) and predictably do not correlate (discriminant validity).
CAD is a measurement instrument developed specifically for marketing research. An empirical assessment of reliability and validity raises some questions about its usefulness in its present form.
The basic theories and measurement procedures for reliability and the closely related concept of generalizability are reviewed, illustrated, and evaluated for use in marketing research. A critique is given of a subset of previous marketing research studies in which reliability estimates were used and recommendations are made for future research.
Path analysis is used to examine the relationships among the salesperson's perceptions of performance feedback, participation, role clarity, and job satisfaction. The results of the study indicate that performance feedback and participation in decision making are both positively related to role clarity. In addition, performance feedback is related primarily to lower order need fulfillment whereas participation and role clarity are related primarily to higher order need fulfillment.
While the unique characteristics of the industrial salesman's role has stimulated much recent research, this uniqueness requires the development and use of occupation-specific measurement instruments. A job satisfaction measure specifically designed for industrial salesmen is presented together with norms, a detailed description of the methodology employed, and techniques to evaluate the new instrument's factor structure, reliability, and construct validity.
The convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity of the tripartite model of attitudes is investigated. On the basis of a structural equation methodology, evidence is obtained for convergent validity. Moreover, a factor analysis of the attitude measures and measures of perceived extraneous events and personal and social normative beliefs provides evidence for discriminant validity. Finally, evidence for predictive validity based on actual and intended behaviors is found to be mixed. The implications of these findings for research pertaining to the prediction of consumer behavior are discussed.
Three methods of obtaining attribute importance—conjoint measurement, self (questionnaire) report, and information display board—are compared and found to yield contrasting results. The results of multiattribute models, and determinant attribute and tradeoff analyses would depend on the method of measurement used. The information display board is hypothesized to yield a measure of greater face validity than the other two methods.
Preference as a criterion in marketing and consumer research has certain limitations. The findings of this study demonstrate that a part of the error observed in many studies is due to error in the criterion, error caused by the stochastic nature of preferences which lack behavioral significance.
This research investigates a particular value-assessing instrument, the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS), for its applicability to cross-cultural marketing. The study establishes that in measuring values a Likert type of scaling approach is not significantly less reliable than the more cumbersome ranking approach used by psychologists. Scaling also may be better suited to marketing applications. A “multiprofile-multimethod” matrix analysis suggests that the Rokeach “terminal” and “instrumental” profiles are reliable and distinctive.
The satisfaction scales for work, coworkers, supervision, pay, and promotion of the INDSALES and Job Descriptive Index (JDI) were obtained from a national sample of 209 salesmen in the health care industry. Convergent and discriminant validity were examined by using the criteria of Campbell and Fiske.
A critical element in the evolution of a fundamental body of knowledge in marketing, as well as for improved marketing practice, is the development of better measures of the variables with which marketers work. In this article an approach is outlined by which this goal can be achieved and portions of the approach are illustrated in terms of a job satisfaction measure.
The authors examined the interrelationships of husband leisure time activities based on husband-reported time budgets, husband-reported activity measures, and wife-reported descriptions of husband behavior. An adaptation of the Campbell and Fiske multimethod-multitrait analysis indicated significant convergent validity and discriminant validity.
CAD is a measurement instrument developed specifically for marketing research. An empirical assessment of reliability and validity raises some questions about its usefulness in its present form.
This research investigates a particular value-assessing instrument, the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS), for its applicability to cross-cultural marketing. The study establishes that in measuring values a Likert type of scaling approach is not significantly less reliable than the more cumbersome ranking approach used by psychologists. Scaling also may be better suited to marketing applications. A "multiprofile-multimethod" matrix analysis suggests that the Rokeach "terminal" and "instrumental" profiles are reliable and distinctive.
The satisfaction scales for work, coworkers, supervision, pay, and promotion of the INDSALES and Job Descriptive Index (JDI) were obtained from a national sample of 209 salesmen in the health care industry. Convergent and discriminant validity were examined by using the criteria of Campbell and Fiske.
Path analysis is used to examine the relationships among the salesperson's perceptions of performance feedback, participation, role clarity, and job satisfaction. The results of the study indicate that performance feedback and participation in decision making are both positively related to role clarity. In addition, performance feedback is related primarily to lower order need fulfillment whereas participation and role clarity are related primarily to higher order need fulfillment.
The effect of several factors on the validity of a product-anchored self-concept measure is examined. Though the measure is not affected by product order or subject's attitude toward the task, it is affected by social desirability and product ownership, two factors of central importance in consumer research.
If marketers want to know the meaning of their measures, they must turn to measure validation, which consists of determining the extent to which measures correlate (convergent validity) and predictably do not correlate (discriminant validity).
Three methods of obtaining attribute importance-conjoint measurement, self (questionnaire) report, and information display board-are compared and found to yield contrasting results. The results of multiattribute models, and determinant attribute and tradeoff analyses would depend on the method of measurement used. The information display board is hypothesized to yield a measure of greater face validity than the other two methods.
Alienation has interested philosophers and researchers for many years, but only recently has empirical study been directed toward consumer alienation from the marketplace. The author reports the development of a test to measure alienation from the marketplace based on psychometric principles. The findings suggest that a reliable and valid measure has been constructed. The consumer alienation scale was found to be unidimensional rather than consisting of identifiable subscales. In addition, areas for future research that will aid the marketing manager in applying knowledge of consumer alienation to decision making are discussed.
Only slight advantages are shown for the Stapel scale in lack of leniency (high scores) and the semantic differential scale in precision (low variance) in a comparison of these scale approaches with the Likert one in measuring store image. Careful measure validation showed no marked differences among the three scale approaches, and thus choices among them should be made on other grounds.
"Construct validation was introduced in order to specify types of research required in developing tests for which the conventional views on validation are inappropriate. Personality tests, and some tests of ability, are interpreted in terms of attributes for which there is no adequate criterion. This paper indicates what sorts of evidence can substantiate such an interpretation, and how such evidence is to be interpreted." 60 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
The articles in this special section provide practical guidelines and examples for carrying out reliability and validity measurement testing, which is essential to the advancement of marketing research. A content analysis of JMR articles shows increasing concern with these issues in the past five years. A special AMA committee and a new JMR section are proposed to move the field beyond concern (flirtation) and into action (romance).
While the unique characteristics of the industrial salesman's role has stimulated much recent research, this uniqueness requires the development and use of occupation-specific measurement instruments. A job satisfaction measure specifically designed for industrial salesmen is presented together with norms, a detailed description of the methodology employed, and techniques to evaluate the new instrument's factor structure, reliability, and construct validity.
This article provides two kinds of information about the measurement of husband-wife influence in family decision making. First, confirmatory support is given to certain conclusions by Davis [4] in his study of alternative measures of relative spousal influence. Second, the article extends the application of multitrait-multimethod procedures to the stages or phases of the decision process to determine the commonality of perceived influence across spouses and how these phases interrelate. Limited information about ethnic variations in family decision behavior is also presented since only black families were included in the study. METHODOLOGY
The convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity of the tripartite model of attitudes is investigated. On the basis of a structural equation methodology, evidence is obtained for convergent validity. Moreover, a factor analysis of the attitude measures and measures of perceived extraneous events and personal and social normative beliefs provides evidence for discriminant validity. Finally, evidence for predictive validity based on actual and intended behaviors is found to be mixed. The implications of these findings for research pertaining to the prediction of consumer behavior are discussed.
A recent JMR article raised several conceptual issues concerning the use of direct similarity judgments in multidimensional scaling analysis. This comment questions certain portions of the methodology used in the original article.
Path analyses of two multitrait-multimethod ma trices are used as examples of the kind of informa tion afforded by application of the technique. Dis cussed are tests of various possible models of the matrix, the reproduction of several correlations, and various reduced models. It is concluded that the technique should be of considerable aid to re searchers who want to evaluate the convergent and discriminant validity of their measures.
An obtained relationship between two empirical variables may mean that (a) they both reflect the same theoretical construct or that (b) they reflect different constructs which are related. It is suggested that the demonstration of shifting, nonmonotonic, and/or asymmetric relationships provides evidence for rejecting hypothesis (a). Demonstrating that the variables are differentially related to a third variable, factor analysis, corrections for attenuation, and a multitrait-multimethod approach appear to be limited ways of generating information useful for choosing between hypotheses (a) and (b).
Because physical theories typically predict numerical values, an improvement in experimental precision reduces the tolerance range and hence increases corroborability. In most psychological research, improved power of a statistical design leads to a prior probability approaching ½ of finding a significant difference in the theoretically predicted direction. Hence the corroboration yielded by “success” is very weak, and becomes weaker with increased precision. “Statistical significance” plays a logical role in psychology precisely the reverse of its role in physics. This problem is worsened by certain unhealthy tendencies prevalent among psychologists, such as a premium placed on experimental “cuteness” and a free reliance upon ad hoc explanations to avoid refutation.