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From airports to airport territories: Expansions, potentials, conflicts



Airports, as nodes in world transport networks, have been studied mostly in their role as hubs in the spatial strategies of airlines. This paper examines the role of airports as engines of growth in their local surroundings and the complexity of the spatial system of the airport at the local and regional scale. It studies how to ensure an efficient movement of planes of the airside and an efficient access point to airports on the landside while taking into account the interests of people living next to airports, who are heavily impacted the noise generated by aircraft, as well as considering where should new airports be built.
138 Yves Boquet
From airports to airport territories: expansions,
potentials, conicts
Yves Boquet*
University of Burgundy, France
Airports, as nodes in world transport networks, have been studied mostly in their role as
hubs in the spatial strategies of airlines. This paper examines the role of airports as engines
of growth in their local surroundings and the complexity of the spatial system of the airport
at the local and regional scale. It studies how to ensure an efcient movement of planes of the
airside and an efcient access point to airports on the landside while taking into account the
interests of people living next to airports, who are heavily impacted the noise generated by
aircraft, as well as considering where should new airports be built.
Key Words: airport, accessibility, congestion, local economy, NIMBY, noise.
Article Info: Received: August 10, 2018; Revised: September 8, 2018; Accepted: November 3,
2018; Online: November 30, 2018.
Geography has been dened as "the science of territories and networks" (Brunet
1995). Airports can be considered as places located at the intersection of global
networks and local territories. They are no longer just places where airplanes
take off and land but have become signicant businesses with spatial impacts
and functional implications that extend into metropolitan areas (Freestone,
2009; Freestone and Baker, 2011). The role of infrastructure as a factor of
growth and development of countries and regions is now recognized as crucial.
Airports are considered as particularly strategic because of the increasing
importance that air transport has in connecting territories (Bowen, 2013). At the
interface between ground and sky, airports can be analysed both locally and
Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography
Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018 |
ISSN–print: 1843–6587 | ISSN–online: 2067–2284
©2018 Human Geographies; The authors
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. DOI:10.5719/hgeo.2018.122.1
* Correspondence address
Address: Université de Bourgogne, 4 Boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France
Phone: +33380395730| Email:
138 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 139
globally as nodes in the global space of ows (Schaafsma, 2003), as functional
anchor points of globalization (Frétigny, 2012), as tools of international competi-
tiveness (hubs, gateways), as well as structuring elements of local territories and
engines of metropolitan growth. As hubs of global ows, they are a part of the
knowledge economy (Conventz et al., 2014).
Some now hold a key position in high-speed rail networks (Givoni, 2007), a
role formerly reserved for central train stations only (Labasse, 1972). Airports
used to conrm the success of a city; they are now a factor in its sustained
success. For cities and metropolises, a high-performance airport is an essential
factor of competitiveness (Union des Aéroports Français, 2017), a tool at the
service of local and regional, economic and touristic development. Contrary to
their being perceived as "non-places" (Augé, 1992), airports are also showcases of
their country or regions, and they are often named after inuential national
gures, even if the vast majority of airports' names refer to the city or area they
serve. In this article, the author favours the local scale to analyse the insertion of
airports in their local territories and the interactions between an airport and an
urban/metropolitan area (Varlet, 1997; Cidell and Adams, 2001; Berthon, 2003;
Kesselring, 2010).
The role of airports as engines of growth
Airports can be considered as key components for the transformation of metro-
politan areas. The economic impact of an airport plays out at different territo-
rial scales. It is at the same time a local economic centre (representing tens of
thousands of jobs) and a job attractor in its immediate proximity (freight
handling areas, hotels, conference centres, and others). The presence of the
airport itself and the excellent quality of the land transport infrastructures
which serve it make it an engine of local and regional growth (Zaninetti, 2000;
Hakfoort et al., 2001; Hujer, 2008; Cidell, 2015). It has an essential role as a real
estate player (Reiss, 2007; Morrison, 2009).
Tourism also gains signicantly from the presence of an airport, thanks to
the increased accessibility provided by the air transport facility. All the benets
mentioned above reach their maximum effect in the case of islands (Gay, 2000;
Karampela, Kizos and Spilanis, 2014). Airports are widely seen as fostering
direct employment (airlines’ ground staff and air crews, air trafc controllers,
airport shops and services employees, security) and indirect employment
(ofces, logistics zones) jobs (Conventz, 2010; Percoco, 2010). Local govern-
ments worldwide are therefore agreeing that an airport has mostly positive
effects on a region. However, there are disagreements about just how much
additional employment and added value an airport generates. It differs between
200 en 2,000 extra jobs per million passengers. It has been estimated that a 10%
increase in the volume of air trafc in a metropolitan area generates a 1%
increase in employment in service activities (Brueckner, 2003) and that each
airport job leads to the creation of another non-airport job (Berthon and
Bringand, 2001). CDG-Roissy airport in Paris and Frankfurt Rhein-Main
harbour some 85,000 jobs each, Amsterdam-Schiphol around 60,000, just on
airport platforms, while the Greater Roissy area employs about 160,000 people.
John Kasarda introduced and popularized the Aerotropolis model (Kasarda,
2006; Kasarda and Lindsay, 2011; Shen and Cao, 2016), which can be rened by
distinguishing Berthon (2001) the airport city (Berthon and Bringand, 2001;
Güller and Güller, 2002; Appold and Kasarda, 2013) at the very heart of the
airport platform, from the airport and its wider environment. A rich array of
terms have emerged: airport region (De Jong et al., 2008; Van Wijk, 2008), Airea
(Schlaack, 2010), aerocity (Roseau, 2012), aviapolis in Helsinki, or aeroville
(CREPIF, 1989; Ray, 1989; Piercy, 1999) and nally the airport corridor
(Schaafsma, 2010) between the airport and the city, which is a prime location for
the establishment of high-tech activities, as seen in Washington DC alongside the
Dulles airport access road (Boquet, 1986, 1989).
According to Kasarda, the 21 century will be dominated by air transport,
and the airport will function as a city (Drevet-Demettre, 2015) in itself, with
living spaces for workers and their families, with factories relying on airline
logistics services located near the airport and served by major road and rail
infrastructure. Activities within the airport space (aviation, land transportation,
shopping facilities, cargo warehousing, hotels, ofces) (McNeill, 2009) would
provide increased added value (and additional tax revenues) to a larger area,
the aerotropolis, by stimulating the development of industrial parks, logistics
zones, shopping centers, leisure and tourism activities and conferences, which in
turn will fuel the growth of air trafc.
The airport would be a magnet attracting economic activities (Hesse, 2014]).
IKEA, for example, has set up one of its stores, right next to the runways of
Athens airport in Greece (Kasarda, 2008). The Aerotropolis concept has been
included in the general layout of large American cities such as Atlanta
(Aerotropolis Atlanta Blueprint), Memphis around the Fedex hub (Cox, 2010),
or in Detroit, as well as in Dubai (Alkaabi et al., 2013). It is being implemented
in Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Moscow (Thorez, 2010) and has been the
subject of symposia for several years in Singapore, which appears with Dubai as
a model (Lohmann et al., 2009; Van Wijk, 2011) that other Asian cities want to
follow (Yeo et al., 2013), despite the doubts of some authors about the
sustainability of the aerotropolis model (related to energy supply and infrastruc-
ture safety for example) (Charles et al., 2007).
Airports are part of local territories through the construction of land-based
modes of access (road, metropolitan rail, intercity rail, or even maritime access
as in Hong Kong, Kobe and Osaka-Kansai), the quality of intermodalities, the
environmental constraints they are submitted to (site requirements: long
runways on at terrain, unobstructed approach from the air) and the adverse
effects they generate (noise pollution, air pollution), giving rise to local land use
conicts (see section 4). Access to the airport requires substantial investments
that will benet the entire airport area, while it is also an opportunity to shift
away from automobile-based mobilities to alternative modes of land transporta-
tion. Empirical studies seem to show that individuals who are on business trips,
ying alone (or with fewer people), and already trying to reduce their automo-
bile use, in general, are more likely to take alternative modes of transportation
to the airport (Akar, 2013). Taxis, bus shuttles and metro systems seem to be the
growing forms of access to airports (Tam, Tam and Lam, 2005; Alhussein, 2011),
the latter ones being the preferred option if the quality of service is good (no
138 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 139
globally as nodes in the global space of ows (Schaafsma, 2003), as functional
anchor points of globalization (Frétigny, 2012), as tools of international competi-
tiveness (hubs, gateways), as well as structuring elements of local territories and
engines of metropolitan growth. As hubs of global ows, they are a part of the
knowledge economy (Conventz et al., 2014).
Some now hold a key position in high-speed rail networks (Givoni, 2007), a
role formerly reserved for central train stations only (Labasse, 1972). Airports
used to conrm the success of a city; they are now a factor in its sustained
success. For cities and metropolises, a high-performance airport is an essential
factor of competitiveness (Union des Aéroports Français, 2017), a tool at the
service of local and regional, economic and touristic development. Contrary to
their being perceived as "non-places" (Augé, 1992), airports are also showcases of
their country or regions, and they are often named after inuential national
gures, even if the vast majority of airports' names refer to the city or area they
serve. In this article, the author favours the local scale to analyse the insertion of
airports in their local territories and the interactions between an airport and an
urban/metropolitan area (Varlet, 1997; Cidell and Adams, 2001; Berthon, 2003;
Kesselring, 2010).
The role of airports as engines of growth
Airports can be considered as key components for the transformation of metro-
politan areas. The economic impact of an airport plays out at different territo-
rial scales. It is at the same time a local economic centre (representing tens of
thousands of jobs) and a job attractor in its immediate proximity (freight
handling areas, hotels, conference centres, and others). The presence of the
airport itself and the excellent quality of the land transport infrastructures
which serve it make it an engine of local and regional growth (Zaninetti, 2000;
Hakfoort et al., 2001; Hujer, 2008; Cidell, 2015). It has an essential role as a real
estate player (Reiss, 2007; Morrison, 2009).
Tourism also gains signicantly from the presence of an airport, thanks to
the increased accessibility provided by the air transport facility. All the benets
mentioned above reach their maximum effect in the case of islands (Gay, 2000;
Karampela, Kizos and Spilanis, 2014). Airports are widely seen as fostering
direct employment (airlines’ ground staff and air crews, air trafc controllers,
airport shops and services employees, security) and indirect employment
(ofces, logistics zones) jobs (Conventz, 2010; Percoco, 2010). Local govern-
ments worldwide are therefore agreeing that an airport has mostly positive
effects on a region. However, there are disagreements about just how much
additional employment and added value an airport generates. It differs between
200 en 2,000 extra jobs per million passengers. It has been estimated that a 10%
increase in the volume of air trafc in a metropolitan area generates a 1%
increase in employment in service activities (Brueckner, 2003) and that each
airport job leads to the creation of another non-airport job (Berthon and
Bringand, 2001). CDG-Roissy airport in Paris and Frankfurt Rhein-Main
harbour some 85,000 jobs each, Amsterdam-Schiphol around 60,000, just on
airport platforms, while the Greater Roissy area employs about 160,000 people.
John Kasarda introduced and popularized the Aerotropolis model (Kasarda,
2006; Kasarda and Lindsay, 2011; Shen and Cao, 2016), which can be rened by
distinguishing Berthon (2001) the airport city (Berthon and Bringand, 2001;
Güller and Güller, 2002; Appold and Kasarda, 2013) at the very heart of the
airport platform, from the airport and its wider environment. A rich array of
terms have emerged: airport region (De Jong et al., 2008; Van Wijk, 2008), Airea
(Schlaack, 2010), aerocity (Roseau, 2012), aviapolis in Helsinki, or aeroville
(CREPIF, 1989; Ray, 1989; Piercy, 1999) and nally the airport corridor
(Schaafsma, 2010) between the airport and the city, which is a prime location for
the establishment of high-tech activities, as seen in Washington DC alongside the
Dulles airport access road (Boquet, 1986, 1989).
According to Kasarda, the 21 century will be dominated by air transport,
and the airport will function as a city (Drevet-Demettre, 2015) in itself, with
living spaces for workers and their families, with factories relying on airline
logistics services located near the airport and served by major road and rail
infrastructure. Activities within the airport space (aviation, land transportation,
shopping facilities, cargo warehousing, hotels, ofces) (McNeill, 2009) would
provide increased added value (and additional tax revenues) to a larger area,
the aerotropolis, by stimulating the development of industrial parks, logistics
zones, shopping centers, leisure and tourism activities and conferences, which in
turn will fuel the growth of air trafc.
The airport would be a magnet attracting economic activities (Hesse, 2014]).
IKEA, for example, has set up one of its stores, right next to the runways of
Athens airport in Greece (Kasarda, 2008). The Aerotropolis concept has been
included in the general layout of large American cities such as Atlanta
(Aerotropolis Atlanta Blueprint), Memphis around the Fedex hub (Cox, 2010),
or in Detroit, as well as in Dubai (Alkaabi et al., 2013). It is being implemented
in Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Moscow (Thorez, 2010) and has been the
subject of symposia for several years in Singapore, which appears with Dubai as
a model (Lohmann et al., 2009; Van Wijk, 2011) that other Asian cities want to
follow (Yeo et al., 2013), despite the doubts of some authors about the
sustainability of the aerotropolis model (related to energy supply and infrastruc-
ture safety for example) (Charles et al., 2007).
Airports are part of local territories through the construction of land-based
modes of access (road, metropolitan rail, intercity rail, or even maritime access
as in Hong Kong, Kobe and Osaka-Kansai), the quality of intermodalities, the
environmental constraints they are submitted to (site requirements: long
runways on at terrain, unobstructed approach from the air) and the adverse
effects they generate (noise pollution, air pollution), giving rise to local land use
conicts (see section 4). Access to the airport requires substantial investments
that will benet the entire airport area, while it is also an opportunity to shift
away from automobile-based mobilities to alternative modes of land transporta-
tion. Empirical studies seem to show that individuals who are on business trips,
ying alone (or with fewer people), and already trying to reduce their automo-
bile use, in general, are more likely to take alternative modes of transportation
to the airport (Akar, 2013). Taxis, bus shuttles and metro systems seem to be the
growing forms of access to airports (Tam, Tam and Lam, 2005; Alhussein, 2011),
the latter ones being the preferred option if the quality of service is good (no
140 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 141
stairs, easy access from airside facility, secure connection to city transportation
downtown), as analyzed by researchers in Hong Kong and Seoul (Tam, Lam
and Lo, 2010; Chou, You and Lee, 2011).
Reorganising airports for the growth of air trafc
The increasing saturation of airports complicates this management of airport
constraints (Roosens, 2008). The growth of trafc and number of ights with
hub strategies on the one hand, which force airports to be able to accommodate
at the same time a growing number of aircraft arriving in successive waves, the
explosion of low-cost trafc on the other hand (Bowen, 2016), which opens small
town airports (Bergerac, in southwestern France, for example) to international
ights, have combined with the need to develop airports to receiving the largest
aircraft (Boeing 747-400 and newer, Airbus A 380) (Berster et al., 2015) and the
rise of air cargo hubs (Boquet, 2009) to increase the pressure for expanded
airport facilities. Old runway congurations are nowadays inadequate: intersect-
ing runways (Manila) or too close to each other, the insufcient number of
runways: no large international airport can operate with a single track. This
resulted in the closure from Hong Kong's Kai Tak airport. A new runway
conguration means not only allowing more planes to land safely, but also
providing them with wider tarmac parking spaces. As far as passengers go, some
airport terminals are too small: the number of boarding gates may be too small
to accommodate more passengers in tourism cities (Yogyakarta, Indonesia is a
good example), hence some unpopular transfers to/from the terminal by buses if
there is no boarding/disembarking directly from the air terminal, commercial
spaces obsolete and too cramped as airports rely more and more on shopping
areas to increase their revenues (Bork, 2006; Graham, 2009; Boquet, 2010). In
cities, inadequate access roads to airports (trafc jams, lack of rail links) also lead
to major works in the area surrounding airports (Navarre, 2003a).
Various strategies can be implemented to manage the increase in air trafc at
an airport and to reduce increasing congestion that results in delays in ights:
banning recreational aviation or private jets, capping the number of ights
and/or passengers (Orly airport near Paris), optimizing scheduling of ights
through a specialization of runways (one for takeoffs, one for landings) to
maximize the efciency of their use (Netjasov, 2008; Bennell, Mesgaspour and
Potts, 2011), especially in hub airports such as Zürich-Kloten or Hong Kong
Chek Lap Kok, reallocating ight slots with variable landing fees depending on
the time of day (slot pricing and slot auction strategies) (Madas and Zografos,
2006; Condorelli, 2007; Brueckner, 2009; Basso and Zhang, 2010).
Through an increase in airport fees to nance constructions, one can also
transform the airport in order to better respond to the increasing volume of
activity and make the airport adaptable to change (Butters, 2010; Carlisle, 2015;
Suh and Ryerson, 2017).
In the case of an existing airport, this may involve new, longer, better
structured runways, sometimes requiring an expansion of the airport perimeter,
which is difcult if the facility is located inside a dense urban fabric or if site
constraints limit the size of the airport (Washington Reagan, which can not
accommodate large aircraft). New runways were built recently at Amsterdam
Schiphol, Berlin Brandenburg, Brisbane, Dublin, Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Rio de
Janeiro Galeão, Shanghai Hongqiao, Tokyo Haneda, Washington Dulles.
Projects for new runway are implemented or planned in Hong Kong Chek Lap
Kok, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Lyons St. Exupery, while Chicago
O'Hare (Johnson and Savage, 2006; Cidell, 2013) has seen a complete redesign
of its set of runways: the O’Hare Modernization Plan included the construction
of four new runways, the lengthening of two existing runways, and the decom-
missioning of two older NW-SE runways in order to give the airport six parallel
East-West runways and two crosswind NE-SW runways, all while managing to
keep the airport, one of the busiest in the world, fully operational.
Airport terminals can be expanded, or new ones created (Abu Dhabi,
Chicago O’Hare, Chongqing, Detroit, Moscow Domodedovo, Moscow Vnukovo,
Munich (Ahrens and Stein, 2016), New Delhi, Paris CDG, Beijing Capital,
Singapore Changi, Tokyo Narita, and others), resulting in a capacity increase
with more boarding gates (although a large airport may not necessarily provide
contact boarding/disembarking, as the case of Riyadh shows), a higher number of
parking spaces for cars on the city side, and a sharp increase in commercial
space in airport terminals, while taking into account security requirements and
controlled passenger circulations within the airport facility (passengers in
transit, trafc inside the European Schengen area, authorized or unauthorized
migrants, and others) (Edwards, 2004; Iserte, 2008; Frétigny, 2013a,b;
Goodpasture and Hubbell, 2016). In Saudi Arabia, Jeddah airport has built a
Hajj terminal which is opened only at the time of the pilgrimage to Mecca. When
addressing the building’s form, functionality, efciency, sustainability, and
adaptability are critical to the design. The spiritual and medical needs of
passengers must also be considered, as well as the need for multilingual ground
personnel and international signage to help passengers in an unknown lan-
guage environment (Fuller, 2002; Lam et al., 2003; Kellerman 2008).
Access to the airport can be facilitated by new road or rail services, which
may be local via a subway line, such as in Bangkok, Hong Kong (Airport
express) (Budge-Reid, 1999), Kansai, Kuala Lumpur, CDG-Roissy (RER B line),
San Francisco (BART), Atlanta (MARTA), Chicago O'Hare, Shanghai Pudong by
maglev service (Fu et al., 2017), Singapore (Phang, 2003) and longer distance by
high-speed train (Navarre, 2003b), in CDG-Roissy, Amsterdam Schiphol,
Brussels Zaventem, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt (Eichinger, 2007), Lyons or Shanghai
Hongqiao (Chen and Lin, 2015). This rail service, now provided in 86 of the
world's 100 largest airports, seems to be an increased factor in the competitive-
ness of metropolitan areas (Murakami et al., 2016).
Building new airports
Another strategy is to open a new airport, which could entirely replace the old
one, whose space, often closer to the city center, is reassigned to new non-air
uses, in a strategy of brownelds reclamation, as in Hong Kong (Kai Tak
replaced by Chek Lap Kok, with the old site earmarked for a new residential
district, a park and a cruise terminal) (Loo and Chow, 2011; Lau et al., 2014;
140 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 141
stairs, easy access from airside facility, secure connection to city transportation
downtown), as analyzed by researchers in Hong Kong and Seoul (Tam, Lam
and Lo, 2010; Chou, You and Lee, 2011).
Reorganising airports for the growth of air trafc
The increasing saturation of airports complicates this management of airport
constraints (Roosens, 2008). The growth of trafc and number of ights with
hub strategies on the one hand, which force airports to be able to accommodate
at the same time a growing number of aircraft arriving in successive waves, the
explosion of low-cost trafc on the other hand (Bowen, 2016), which opens small
town airports (Bergerac, in southwestern France, for example) to international
ights, have combined with the need to develop airports to receiving the largest
aircraft (Boeing 747-400 and newer, Airbus A 380) (Berster et al., 2015) and the
rise of air cargo hubs (Boquet, 2009) to increase the pressure for expanded
airport facilities. Old runway congurations are nowadays inadequate: intersect-
ing runways (Manila) or too close to each other, the insufcient number of
runways: no large international airport can operate with a single track. This
resulted in the closure from Hong Kong's Kai Tak airport. A new runway
conguration means not only allowing more planes to land safely, but also
providing them with wider tarmac parking spaces. As far as passengers go, some
airport terminals are too small: the number of boarding gates may be too small
to accommodate more passengers in tourism cities (Yogyakarta, Indonesia is a
good example), hence some unpopular transfers to/from the terminal by buses if
there is no boarding/disembarking directly from the air terminal, commercial
spaces obsolete and too cramped as airports rely more and more on shopping
areas to increase their revenues (Bork, 2006; Graham, 2009; Boquet, 2010). In
cities, inadequate access roads to airports (trafc jams, lack of rail links) also lead
to major works in the area surrounding airports (Navarre, 2003a).
Various strategies can be implemented to manage the increase in air trafc at
an airport and to reduce increasing congestion that results in delays in ights:
banning recreational aviation or private jets, capping the number of ights
and/or passengers (Orly airport near Paris), optimizing scheduling of ights
through a specialization of runways (one for takeoffs, one for landings) to
maximize the efciency of their use (Netjasov, 2008; Bennell, Mesgaspour and
Potts, 2011), especially in hub airports such as Zürich-Kloten or Hong Kong
Chek Lap Kok, reallocating ight slots with variable landing fees depending on
the time of day (slot pricing and slot auction strategies) (Madas and Zografos,
2006; Condorelli, 2007; Brueckner, 2009; Basso and Zhang, 2010).
Through an increase in airport fees to nance constructions, one can also
transform the airport in order to better respond to the increasing volume of
activity and make the airport adaptable to change (Butters, 2010; Carlisle, 2015;
Suh and Ryerson, 2017).
In the case of an existing airport, this may involve new, longer, better
structured runways, sometimes requiring an expansion of the airport perimeter,
which is difcult if the facility is located inside a dense urban fabric or if site
constraints limit the size of the airport (Washington Reagan, which can not
accommodate large aircraft). New runways were built recently at Amsterdam
Schiphol, Berlin Brandenburg, Brisbane, Dublin, Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Rio de
Janeiro Galeão, Shanghai Hongqiao, Tokyo Haneda, Washington Dulles.
Projects for new runway are implemented or planned in Hong Kong Chek Lap
Kok, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Lyons St. Exupery, while Chicago
O'Hare (Johnson and Savage, 2006; Cidell, 2013) has seen a complete redesign
of its set of runways: the O’Hare Modernization Plan included the construction
of four new runways, the lengthening of two existing runways, and the decom-
missioning of two older NW-SE runways in order to give the airport six parallel
East-West runways and two crosswind NE-SW runways, all while managing to
keep the airport, one of the busiest in the world, fully operational.
Airport terminals can be expanded, or new ones created (Abu Dhabi,
Chicago O’Hare, Chongqing, Detroit, Moscow Domodedovo, Moscow Vnukovo,
Munich (Ahrens and Stein, 2016), New Delhi, Paris CDG, Beijing Capital,
Singapore Changi, Tokyo Narita, and others), resulting in a capacity increase
with more boarding gates (although a large airport may not necessarily provide
contact boarding/disembarking, as the case of Riyadh shows), a higher number of
parking spaces for cars on the city side, and a sharp increase in commercial
space in airport terminals, while taking into account security requirements and
controlled passenger circulations within the airport facility (passengers in
transit, trafc inside the European Schengen area, authorized or unauthorized
migrants, and others) (Edwards, 2004; Iserte, 2008; Frétigny, 2013a,b;
Goodpasture and Hubbell, 2016). In Saudi Arabia, Jeddah airport has built a
Hajj terminal which is opened only at the time of the pilgrimage to Mecca. When
addressing the building’s form, functionality, efciency, sustainability, and
adaptability are critical to the design. The spiritual and medical needs of
passengers must also be considered, as well as the need for multilingual ground
personnel and international signage to help passengers in an unknown lan-
guage environment (Fuller, 2002; Lam et al., 2003; Kellerman 2008).
Access to the airport can be facilitated by new road or rail services, which
may be local via a subway line, such as in Bangkok, Hong Kong (Airport
express) (Budge-Reid, 1999), Kansai, Kuala Lumpur, CDG-Roissy (RER B line),
San Francisco (BART), Atlanta (MARTA), Chicago O'Hare, Shanghai Pudong by
maglev service (Fu et al., 2017), Singapore (Phang, 2003) and longer distance by
high-speed train (Navarre, 2003b), in CDG-Roissy, Amsterdam Schiphol,
Brussels Zaventem, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt (Eichinger, 2007), Lyons or Shanghai
Hongqiao (Chen and Lin, 2015). This rail service, now provided in 86 of the
world's 100 largest airports, seems to be an increased factor in the competitive-
ness of metropolitan areas (Murakami et al., 2016).
Building new airports
Another strategy is to open a new airport, which could entirely replace the old
one, whose space, often closer to the city center, is reassigned to new non-air
uses, in a strategy of brownelds reclamation, as in Hong Kong (Kai Tak
replaced by Chek Lap Kok, with the old site earmarked for a new residential
district, a park and a cruise terminal) (Loo and Chow, 2011; Lau et al., 2014;
142 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 143
McNeill, 2014) or Denver (closure of Stapleton Airport, now an eco-district
following the concepts of New Urbanism and Smart Growth, replaced by Denver
International) (Szyliowicz and Goetz, 1995; Goetz and Szyliowicz, 1997). Of
course, there is some contradiction between developing a new airport out-of-
town, which induces more sprawl and refocusing urban development to central
areas to reduce sprawl (Godschalk, 2004; Goetz, 2013). The problem of
reconverting abandoned airport sites also arose in the case of Athens
Hellenikon, Austin Mueller, Berlin Tempelhof (Dubeaux and Cunningham-
Sabot, 2016; Hilbrandt, 2017), El Toro Marine Air Station in California (Boquet,
2004a), Manila’s Makati Nielson Field, Munich Riem, Oslo Fornebu.
Many large metropolises operate a two-airports system, as can be seen in
Chicago (Midway, O’Hare), Houston (Hobby, G. Bush), Dallas (DFW, Love
Field), Milan (Linate, Malpensa), Rome (Fiumicino, Ciampino), Berlin
(Schönefeld, Tegel), Tokyo (Haneda, Narita), Shanghai (Hongqiao, Pudong),
Jakarta (Soekarno-Hatta, Halim), Bangkok (Don Muang, Suvarnabhumi), Seoul
(Kimpo, Incheon), Taipei (Taoyuan, Songshan), Rio de Janeiro (Galeão, Santos
Dumont) or in the ongoing projects of Beijing and Dubai, possibly Atlanta in the
near future. Some major metropolitan areas are operating under a multiple
airport system, leading to interesting questions of competition and cooperation
between airports, air trafc management, passengers' airport choice, and
transfers between airports (De Neufville, 1995; Pels, Nijkamp and Rietveld,
2001, Martin and Voltes-Dorta, 2011; Perdana and Moxon, 2014; Yang, Yu and
Notteboom, 2016, Pan and Truong, 2017). It is the case of New York City (JFK
Airport, Newark, La Guardia, Teterboro, Long Island, Stewart), San Francisco
(SFO, San Jose, Oakland), Los Angeles (LAX, Burbank, Ontario, Long Beach,
Santa Ana), Washington (Dulles, Reagan National, BWI Baltimore-Washington
Interna-tional), London (Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, London City),
Paris (Roissy-CDG, Orly, Le Bourget, Beauvais-Tillé), Moscow (Sheremetyevo,
Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Zhukovsky) and the Pearl River delta area of southern
China (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau, Zhuhai).
The list of new airports built in the last twenty years is long: Athens
Eleftherios Venizelos, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi, Denver International, Fort
Worth Alliance Freight Airport (Boquet, 1998), Guangzhou New Baiyun,
Guiyang, Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur International,
Nagoya Centrair, Osaka Kansai, Seoul Incheon, Shanghai Pudong, and ongoing
projects (Atlanta 2, Chengdu, Dakar Blaise Diagne, Dalian, Doha Hamad, Dubai
Al-Maktoum, Islamabad, Lisbon (Abreu e Silva et al., 2015), Manila, Mexico
(Sanchez, 2017a), Beijing Daxing, Qingdao). China, with the very rapid devel-
opment of its air transport (Boquet and Song, 2007; Zhang et al., 2010; Chen,
Barros and Yu, 2017), has been the most active country in the construction of
new airports: thirteen new airports were built in the period 1986–1995 and
another 37 existing airports were upgraded.
The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) then announced its
intention to commence up to 100 upgrading projects and new airports. The
construction of new airports brought the total number to 160 by 2005 and 206
in 2016. The Go West strategy continued to favour the building of new air
facilities in the country (66 more airports currently being built): Guizhou
province, for example, now boasts 11 commercial airports (while there were
only 2 in 1997: Anshun - opened in 2002, Bijie - 2013, Guiyang - 1997, Kaili -
2013, Libo - 2007, Liping - 2005, Liupanshui - 2014, Tongren - 2001, Xingyi -
2004, Zunyi - 1970, Zunyi-Renhuai - 2017). Sometimes the new airport is the
result of the reassignment of military bases to the civilian sector, such as Austin
Bergstrom, Chateauroux-Deols, Columbus Rickenbacker, Frankfurt Hahn, Paris
Vatry, Rome Viterbo, Angeles City Clark and Subic Bay in the Philippines. Many
of them are freight airports or used by low-cost airlines.
Site constraints are important: a modern international airport must have a
large land area, to allow for unobstructed air approaches, keep sufcient
distances between runways, and signicant spaces for aircraft parking. The
airport footprint can, therefore, be considerable, as in Saudi Arabia: King Fahd
Airport (Dammam) who occupies 78,000 hectares, seven times the size of the city
of Paris. King Khalid Airport in Riyadh (22,500 ha), King Abdulaziz Airport in
Jeddah (15,000 ha), Denver International (13,726 ha) and Kuala Lumpur
International (10,000 ha) are also more extensive than the French capital, as is
the new Dubai Al Maktoum Airport (14,000 ha) under construction. Roissy-
Charles de Gaulle is the largest in Europe (3,200 ha) ahead of Madrid Barajas. It
is sometimes difcult to build an airport in very rugged terrain. Those of
Guiyang, the capital city of the Chinese province of Guizhou, and Hechi
(Guangxi) could only be built at the cost of levelling dozens of karstic peaks and
the construction of an articial plateau.
Proximity constraints are also essential elements to consider. The most
desirable situation is maximum proximity of an airport to the city, if one
considers the need to reach a large manpower pool (mechanics, building
maintenance staff, security, shops, staff of the world aeronautics) and meet
passengers’ demand for a proximity airport reducing access time, such as in San
Diego-Lindbergh, Salt Lake City, Boston-Logan or Washington-Reagan, whose
airports are located just minutes from downtown.
In contrast, the higher distance of the airport from urbanised areas has the
advantage of minimizing the number of people affected by noise and odours but
is hugely inconvenient to recruit staff and is not appreciated by airlines, which
understand the wishes of their passengers to avoid long land trips to and from
the airport. It may, therefore, happen that a new airport in the middle of nowhere
is a failure, because it is too far from the city it serves, and thus shunned by
airlines listening to their passengers. Classic examples are Ciudad Real,
Montreal Mirabel, St Louis Mid-America or Saõ Paulo Viracopos. Washington-
Dulles, at its inception, was also considered a white elephant before an access
highway connected it to the US capital Beltway ring road. Today a subway is
under construction on the access road's central strip, scheduled to serve the
airport in 2020. Only specialized freight activities, such as in Vatry, between
Troyes and Châlons-en-Champagne, can develop there, unless a low-cost
company chooses to sell the airport as Paris (Vatry), Frankfurt (Hahn), Brussels
(Charleroi), despite being located tens of kilometers from the main city, with the
need to design a correct ground service of the airport, which is far from being
the case. In Europe, Ryanair is using this strategy to circumvent major hubs, but
land access is difcult for passengers.
Japan has developed an original solution by building airports on man-made
islands (Nijkamp and Yim, 2001), Osaka Bay (Kansai International and Kobe
142 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 143
McNeill, 2014) or Denver (closure of Stapleton Airport, now an eco-district
following the concepts of New Urbanism and Smart Growth, replaced by Denver
International) (Szyliowicz and Goetz, 1995; Goetz and Szyliowicz, 1997). Of
course, there is some contradiction between developing a new airport out-of-
town, which induces more sprawl and refocusing urban development to central
areas to reduce sprawl (Godschalk, 2004; Goetz, 2013). The problem of
reconverting abandoned airport sites also arose in the case of Athens
Hellenikon, Austin Mueller, Berlin Tempelhof (Dubeaux and Cunningham-
Sabot, 2016; Hilbrandt, 2017), El Toro Marine Air Station in California (Boquet,
2004a), Manila’s Makati Nielson Field, Munich Riem, Oslo Fornebu.
Many large metropolises operate a two-airports system, as can be seen in
Chicago (Midway, O’Hare), Houston (Hobby, G. Bush), Dallas (DFW, Love
Field), Milan (Linate, Malpensa), Rome (Fiumicino, Ciampino), Berlin
(Schönefeld, Tegel), Tokyo (Haneda, Narita), Shanghai (Hongqiao, Pudong),
Jakarta (Soekarno-Hatta, Halim), Bangkok (Don Muang, Suvarnabhumi), Seoul
(Kimpo, Incheon), Taipei (Taoyuan, Songshan), Rio de Janeiro (Galeão, Santos
Dumont) or in the ongoing projects of Beijing and Dubai, possibly Atlanta in the
near future. Some major metropolitan areas are operating under a multiple
airport system, leading to interesting questions of competition and cooperation
between airports, air trafc management, passengers' airport choice, and
transfers between airports (De Neufville, 1995; Pels, Nijkamp and Rietveld,
2001, Martin and Voltes-Dorta, 2011; Perdana and Moxon, 2014; Yang, Yu and
Notteboom, 2016, Pan and Truong, 2017). It is the case of New York City (JFK
Airport, Newark, La Guardia, Teterboro, Long Island, Stewart), San Francisco
(SFO, San Jose, Oakland), Los Angeles (LAX, Burbank, Ontario, Long Beach,
Santa Ana), Washington (Dulles, Reagan National, BWI Baltimore-Washington
Interna-tional), London (Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, London City),
Paris (Roissy-CDG, Orly, Le Bourget, Beauvais-Tillé), Moscow (Sheremetyevo,
Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Zhukovsky) and the Pearl River delta area of southern
China (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau, Zhuhai).
The list of new airports built in the last twenty years is long: Athens
Eleftherios Venizelos, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi, Denver International, Fort
Worth Alliance Freight Airport (Boquet, 1998), Guangzhou New Baiyun,
Guiyang, Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur International,
Nagoya Centrair, Osaka Kansai, Seoul Incheon, Shanghai Pudong, and ongoing
projects (Atlanta 2, Chengdu, Dakar Blaise Diagne, Dalian, Doha Hamad, Dubai
Al-Maktoum, Islamabad, Lisbon (Abreu e Silva et al., 2015), Manila, Mexico
(Sanchez, 2017a), Beijing Daxing, Qingdao). China, with the very rapid devel-
opment of its air transport (Boquet and Song, 2007; Zhang et al., 2010; Chen,
Barros and Yu, 2017), has been the most active country in the construction of
new airports: thirteen new airports were built in the period 1986–1995 and
another 37 existing airports were upgraded.
The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) then announced its
intention to commence up to 100 upgrading projects and new airports. The
construction of new airports brought the total number to 160 by 2005 and 206
in 2016. The Go West strategy continued to favour the building of new air
facilities in the country (66 more airports currently being built): Guizhou
province, for example, now boasts 11 commercial airports (while there were
only 2 in 1997: Anshun - opened in 2002, Bijie - 2013, Guiyang - 1997, Kaili -
2013, Libo - 2007, Liping - 2005, Liupanshui - 2014, Tongren - 2001, Xingyi -
2004, Zunyi - 1970, Zunyi-Renhuai - 2017). Sometimes the new airport is the
result of the reassignment of military bases to the civilian sector, such as Austin
Bergstrom, Chateauroux-Deols, Columbus Rickenbacker, Frankfurt Hahn, Paris
Vatry, Rome Viterbo, Angeles City Clark and Subic Bay in the Philippines. Many
of them are freight airports or used by low-cost airlines.
Site constraints are important: a modern international airport must have a
large land area, to allow for unobstructed air approaches, keep sufcient
distances between runways, and signicant spaces for aircraft parking. The
airport footprint can, therefore, be considerable, as in Saudi Arabia: King Fahd
Airport (Dammam) who occupies 78,000 hectares, seven times the size of the city
of Paris. King Khalid Airport in Riyadh (22,500 ha), King Abdulaziz Airport in
Jeddah (15,000 ha), Denver International (13,726 ha) and Kuala Lumpur
International (10,000 ha) are also more extensive than the French capital, as is
the new Dubai Al Maktoum Airport (14,000 ha) under construction. Roissy-
Charles de Gaulle is the largest in Europe (3,200 ha) ahead of Madrid Barajas. It
is sometimes difcult to build an airport in very rugged terrain. Those of
Guiyang, the capital city of the Chinese province of Guizhou, and Hechi
(Guangxi) could only be built at the cost of levelling dozens of karstic peaks and
the construction of an articial plateau.
Proximity constraints are also essential elements to consider. The most
desirable situation is maximum proximity of an airport to the city, if one
considers the need to reach a large manpower pool (mechanics, building
maintenance staff, security, shops, staff of the world aeronautics) and meet
passengers’ demand for a proximity airport reducing access time, such as in San
Diego-Lindbergh, Salt Lake City, Boston-Logan or Washington-Reagan, whose
airports are located just minutes from downtown.
In contrast, the higher distance of the airport from urbanised areas has the
advantage of minimizing the number of people affected by noise and odours but
is hugely inconvenient to recruit staff and is not appreciated by airlines, which
understand the wishes of their passengers to avoid long land trips to and from
the airport. It may, therefore, happen that a new airport in the middle of nowhere
is a failure, because it is too far from the city it serves, and thus shunned by
airlines listening to their passengers. Classic examples are Ciudad Real,
Montreal Mirabel, St Louis Mid-America or Saõ Paulo Viracopos. Washington-
Dulles, at its inception, was also considered a white elephant before an access
highway connected it to the US capital Beltway ring road. Today a subway is
under construction on the access road's central strip, scheduled to serve the
airport in 2020. Only specialized freight activities, such as in Vatry, between
Troyes and Châlons-en-Champagne, can develop there, unless a low-cost
company chooses to sell the airport as Paris (Vatry), Frankfurt (Hahn), Brussels
(Charleroi), despite being located tens of kilometers from the main city, with the
need to design a correct ground service of the airport, which is far from being
the case. In Europe, Ryanair is using this strategy to circumvent major hubs, but
land access is difcult for passengers.
Japan has developed an original solution by building airports on man-made
islands (Nijkamp and Yim, 2001), Osaka Bay (Kansai International and Kobe
144 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 145
Airport) or Nagoya (Centrair Airport). Planes can operate 24/24 without
obstacles or awakening the nearby population in the middle of the night. Such a
project is currently considered in Manila Bay, Philippines. Several other airports
are built mostly on reclaimed land just off the coastline, in Nice, Hong Kong,
San Francisco or Seoul-Inchon. The Pointe-à-Pitre runway (Guadeloupe)
extends in the middle of mangroves. Two signicant difculties here are the
very high cost of construction (including rail and road links) and maintenance
(against the risk of ground subsidence under the repeated weight of aircrafts)
(Douglas and Lawson, 2003; Puzrin et al., 2010), which cause airports to impose
high airport taxes on airlines, and create major disruptions to fragile coastal and
marine environments.
Contesting airports
Airport-driven urban development, despite its capacity and potential employ-
ment and income generation, however, has costs and presents risks in different
realms, economic, environmental, social and cultural. An airport close to the city
causes noise pollution (despite the remarkable progress by aircraft and plane
engines manufacturers in reducing the volume of aircraft noise), which is
strongly opposed by residents) especially at night, and air (unpleasant kerosene
odors) (Cohen et al., 2007). Except maybe for thrill seekers like tourists at Maho
Beach, on the Caribbean island of Sant Maarten, standing behind the barrier of
Princess Juliana airport, to enjoy the ying of jetliners a few meters above their
heads in the nal landing phase, or the blast of reactors at the time of take-off.
This unique hobby killed a New Zealand tourist in July 2017.
Noise, as the strongest airport nuisance, impacts heavily and repeatedly large
areas, either metropolitan (Dos Santos and Saad, 2014) or touristic spaces, such
as France's Côte d'Azur (Spill and Spill, 1973). Some airports have set night-time
curfews that constrain airline activity, particularly for freight carriers with
maximum nighttime activity (Fedex Superhub in Memphis, UPS Worldport in
Louisville) (Kasarda and Sullivan, 2006; Boquet, 2009). This led DHL to
abandon its Brussels hub for Leipzig due to growing opposition to nighttime
airport noise by Brussels citizens (Dobruszkes, 2008; Oosterlynck and
Swyngedouw, 2010).
There is also concern about risks: even though air transport is now
extremely safe, there are still accidents, which occur mostly in the delicate
phases of take-off and landing, thus near airports. The value of real estate is
affected by the frequency and intensity of aircraft noise (Tomkins et al., 1998;
Espey and Lopez, 2000; Faburel and Maleyre, 2007; Mense and Kholodilin,
2014; Sedoarisoa et al., 2017) and the effects of noise on health (sleep disorders,
hypertension, cardiovascular disorders) (Eriksson et al., 2007; Järup et al., 2008;
Huss et al., 2010), as well as those of air pollution (asthma) are better known by
medical researchers (Meister and Donatelle, 2000; Passchier et al., 2000;
Rosenlund et al., 2001; Franssen, Staatsen and Lebret, 2002; Black et al., 2007;
Faburel and Charre, 2008; Schreckenberg et al., 2010; Callejas et al., 2012;
Ancona et al., 2014). The NORAH concept (Noise-Related Annoyance,
Cognition, and Health) encapsulates these disagreements (Schreckenberg et al.,
2012). In developing countries, the immediate vicinity of airports is colonised by
shanty towns, in a typical example of environmental injustice where the poor
live in dangerous places and marked by many nuisances, as in India in Mumbai
(Arputham and Patel, 2010) or Kolkata.
NIMBY-style opposition reactions to airport expansion or creation have
developed, for example, at London Heathrow against a new runway (Hayden,
2014) and London Stansted (Griggs and Howarth, 2008), as it was also the case
for a long time about the second runway of Tokyo Narita, the many delays
incurred at the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport (Becké et al., 2011) or at the
long ght of farmers and environmentalists against the planned Notre-Dame-
des-Landes airport site near Nantes, France. Here, after decades of planning,
and prolonged conict with environmental and anarchist groups, the French
government decided in early 2018 to pull the plug on this project, while
deciding to refocus on the development of the existing Nantes airport. An
airport in rural areas may indeed be challenged by farming circles (Rialland-
June, 2006) as obliterating good farming land or ruining a landscape forever.
An example is the abandonment of the "3rd Paris Airport" project (Boquet,
2004b; Subra, 2004) envisioned either in Beauce or Picardie rich farmlands.
The development of an airport can no longer be exclusively centred on the
needs of air transport (Kasioumi, 2015), but it must take into account the local
environment, and local planning must take into account the requirements of air
transport (Suau-Sanchez et al., 2011; De Barros, 2013; Scholl and Nebel, 2014).
For example, zoning around Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (Van Wijk et al.,
2011) allows only air transport-related activities (e.g. warehouses), and the
airport's expansion (new runways) has moved away from the most populated
areas, to minimise its impact on residential areas. Conversely, in Las Vegas,
reducing the noise footprint of aircraft by using quieter engines has opened up
new residential areas in the urban area (O'Reiley, 2013).
In many airports, as in London (Wolfe et al., 2017), Amsterdam, Paris, Boa
Vista (Brazil) (Souza et al., 2017), GIS programs that offer noise modelling
according to the planes trajectories, putting it in relation with the densities of
population and the volume of recorded complaints, have made it possible to
redene approach and departure corridors. Pilots are requested to manoeuvre
their aircraft in such a way as to limit noise over urbanised areas, especially
during takeoff: they stabilise at low altitudes before resuming their climb over
less populated areas, where engine thrust will be less troublesome (Girvin,
2009). In France, two regulatory documents, the Noise Exposure Plan (PEB,
Plan d'Exposition au Bruit) and the Noise Awareness Plan (PGS, Plan de Gêne
Sonore), represent a complementary approach for the reduction of aircraft
noise conicts.
The PEB (Noise Exposure Plan) is an urban planning document that
delineates areas of potential noise nuisance from an airport. It denes urban
planning rules at a regional, supra-municipal scale, that would supersede the
various urban planning documents (SCOT, Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale,
PLU, Plan Local d'Urbanisme, etc.) by prohibiting or limiting the possibilities of
construction in areas subject to aircraft noise. These zones are dened from
medium and long-term trafc hypotheses (15-20 years) as a function of the
frequency, ight direction and known sound characteristics of a sample of
144 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 145
Airport) or Nagoya (Centrair Airport). Planes can operate 24/24 without
obstacles or awakening the nearby population in the middle of the night. Such a
project is currently considered in Manila Bay, Philippines. Several other airports
are built mostly on reclaimed land just off the coastline, in Nice, Hong Kong,
San Francisco or Seoul-Inchon. The Pointe-à-Pitre runway (Guadeloupe)
extends in the middle of mangroves. Two signicant difculties here are the
very high cost of construction (including rail and road links) and maintenance
(against the risk of ground subsidence under the repeated weight of aircrafts)
(Douglas and Lawson, 2003; Puzrin et al., 2010), which cause airports to impose
high airport taxes on airlines, and create major disruptions to fragile coastal and
marine environments.
Contesting airports
Airport-driven urban development, despite its capacity and potential employ-
ment and income generation, however, has costs and presents risks in different
realms, economic, environmental, social and cultural. An airport close to the city
causes noise pollution (despite the remarkable progress by aircraft and plane
engines manufacturers in reducing the volume of aircraft noise), which is
strongly opposed by residents) especially at night, and air (unpleasant kerosene
odors) (Cohen et al., 2007). Except maybe for thrill seekers like tourists at Maho
Beach, on the Caribbean island of Sant Maarten, standing behind the barrier of
Princess Juliana airport, to enjoy the ying of jetliners a few meters above their
heads in the nal landing phase, or the blast of reactors at the time of take-off.
This unique hobby killed a New Zealand tourist in July 2017.
Noise, as the strongest airport nuisance, impacts heavily and repeatedly large
areas, either metropolitan (Dos Santos and Saad, 2014) or touristic spaces, such
as France's Côte d'Azur (Spill and Spill, 1973). Some airports have set night-time
curfews that constrain airline activity, particularly for freight carriers with
maximum nighttime activity (Fedex Superhub in Memphis, UPS Worldport in
Louisville) (Kasarda and Sullivan, 2006; Boquet, 2009). This led DHL to
abandon its Brussels hub for Leipzig due to growing opposition to nighttime
airport noise by Brussels citizens (Dobruszkes, 2008; Oosterlynck and
Swyngedouw, 2010).
There is also concern about risks: even though air transport is now
extremely safe, there are still accidents, which occur mostly in the delicate
phases of take-off and landing, thus near airports. The value of real estate is
affected by the frequency and intensity of aircraft noise (Tomkins et al., 1998;
Espey and Lopez, 2000; Faburel and Maleyre, 2007; Mense and Kholodilin,
2014; Sedoarisoa et al., 2017) and the effects of noise on health (sleep disorders,
hypertension, cardiovascular disorders) (Eriksson et al., 2007; Järup et al., 2008;
Huss et al., 2010), as well as those of air pollution (asthma) are better known by
medical researchers (Meister and Donatelle, 2000; Passchier et al., 2000;
Rosenlund et al., 2001; Franssen, Staatsen and Lebret, 2002; Black et al., 2007;
Faburel and Charre, 2008; Schreckenberg et al., 2010; Callejas et al., 2012;
Ancona et al., 2014). The NORAH concept (Noise-Related Annoyance,
Cognition, and Health) encapsulates these disagreements (Schreckenberg et al.,
2012). In developing countries, the immediate vicinity of airports is colonised by
shanty towns, in a typical example of environmental injustice where the poor
live in dangerous places and marked by many nuisances, as in India in Mumbai
(Arputham and Patel, 2010) or Kolkata.
NIMBY-style opposition reactions to airport expansion or creation have
developed, for example, at London Heathrow against a new runway (Hayden,
2014) and London Stansted (Griggs and Howarth, 2008), as it was also the case
for a long time about the second runway of Tokyo Narita, the many delays
incurred at the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport (Becké et al., 2011) or at the
long ght of farmers and environmentalists against the planned Notre-Dame-
des-Landes airport site near Nantes, France. Here, after decades of planning,
and prolonged conict with environmental and anarchist groups, the French
government decided in early 2018 to pull the plug on this project, while
deciding to refocus on the development of the existing Nantes airport. An
airport in rural areas may indeed be challenged by farming circles (Rialland-
June, 2006) as obliterating good farming land or ruining a landscape forever.
An example is the abandonment of the "3rd Paris Airport" project (Boquet,
2004b; Subra, 2004) envisioned either in Beauce or Picardie rich farmlands.
The development of an airport can no longer be exclusively centred on the
needs of air transport (Kasioumi, 2015), but it must take into account the local
environment, and local planning must take into account the requirements of air
transport (Suau-Sanchez et al., 2011; De Barros, 2013; Scholl and Nebel, 2014).
For example, zoning around Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (Van Wijk et al.,
2011) allows only air transport-related activities (e.g. warehouses), and the
airport's expansion (new runways) has moved away from the most populated
areas, to minimise its impact on residential areas. Conversely, in Las Vegas,
reducing the noise footprint of aircraft by using quieter engines has opened up
new residential areas in the urban area (O'Reiley, 2013).
In many airports, as in London (Wolfe et al., 2017), Amsterdam, Paris, Boa
Vista (Brazil) (Souza et al., 2017), GIS programs that offer noise modelling
according to the planes trajectories, putting it in relation with the densities of
population and the volume of recorded complaints, have made it possible to
redene approach and departure corridors. Pilots are requested to manoeuvre
their aircraft in such a way as to limit noise over urbanised areas, especially
during takeoff: they stabilise at low altitudes before resuming their climb over
less populated areas, where engine thrust will be less troublesome (Girvin,
2009). In France, two regulatory documents, the Noise Exposure Plan (PEB,
Plan d'Exposition au Bruit) and the Noise Awareness Plan (PGS, Plan de Gêne
Sonore), represent a complementary approach for the reduction of aircraft
noise conicts.
The PEB (Noise Exposure Plan) is an urban planning document that
delineates areas of potential noise nuisance from an airport. It denes urban
planning rules at a regional, supra-municipal scale, that would supersede the
various urban planning documents (SCOT, Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale,
PLU, Plan Local d'Urbanisme, etc.) by prohibiting or limiting the possibilities of
construction in areas subject to aircraft noise. These zones are dened from
medium and long-term trafc hypotheses (15-20 years) as a function of the
frequency, ight direction and known sound characteristics of a sample of
146 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 147
00 00
different aircraft. It is divided into three time slots: daytime 6 -18 , evening
00 00 00 00
18 -22 , night 22 -6 .
The PGS is a geographical document, exclusively dedicated to helping
residents, which delimits urban areas adjacent to an airport. It delineates an
area of "real" noise nuisance from an airport, based on forecasts of actual short-
term trafc (1 to 2 years) using the same calculation model as that used for the
calculation of the PEB. The noise limit denes an area within which existing
dwellings are eligible for nancial assistance for sound insulation work. The PGS
is revised every 2 to 3 years; according to the evolution of air trafc.
Airports, as nodes for worldwide air networks and local land transport networks,
are also generators of two types of superposed territories. These are territories
of economic activity and employment boosted by the presence of an airport,
especially in the case of air freight airports or aircraft assembly sites (Toulouse,
Hambourg, Everett, Renton), but also social territories where public dissatisfac-
tion with the negative aspects of aviation can lead to anti-aircraft movements.
Opposition to airports is currently evolving towards a criticism of aviation
itself, with issues such as climate change (Griggs and Howarth, 2013), degrada-
tion of coastal environments (offshore airports in Japan, Hong Kong, airports
built on mangroves or coral reefs), or neo-liberal system of hypermobility as a
corporate norm, inviting the consideration of airports as creators of an airport
territory (Faburel, 2003a, 2010) dened by the area of mobilization against its
negative impacts, and not just as nodes in a globalized airline network.
The continued growth of air transport in the years to come – despite the
looming peak oil that may force a reduction of airline activities, jointly with
growing preoccupations with global warming and climate change where aviation
plays a role not yet fully assessed by atmosphere scientists (in February 2017, a
planned expansion of Vienna airport - construction of a third runway - was
temporarily blocked by Austrian justice under the novel ground of its future
impact on climate (Hollaus, 2017)) may lead to more local conicts about the
development of large facilities. Airports, usually seen as meeting places, engi-
neering challenges, and economic assets have also become a political question
pitting economy and ecology against each other and requiring a mediation of
potential conicts (Faburel, 2003b; Geis, 2010; O'Doherty, 2014; Sanchez,
Abreu e Silva, J., Gonçalves, J., Correia, M.D.F. and Marreiros, S. (2015),
"Airport Planning Process. The case of the new Lisbon Airport", Finisterra, vol.
50, no. 99, p. 63-79.
Ahrens, P. and Stein, M. (2016), "Munich Airport Terminal 2 Satellite: Airport
expansion under ongoing operations", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 10,
no. 2, p. 118-130.
Akar, G. (2013), "Ground access to airports, case study: Port Columbus
International Airport", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 30, p. 25-31.
Alhussein, S. (2011), "Analysis of ground access modes choice King Khaled
International Airport, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia", Journal of Transport Geography,
vol. 19, no. 6, p. 1361-1367.
Alkaabi, K, Debbage, K. and Bin Touq, A. (2013), "The Promise of the
Aerotropolis Model in the United Arab Emirates: The Role of Spatial
Proximity and Global Connectivity", The Arab World Geographer, vol. 16, no. 3,
p. 289-312.
Ancona, C., Golini, M. Mataloni, F., Camerino, D., Chiusolo, M., Licitra, G.,
Ottino, M., Pisani, S., Cestari, L., Vigotti, M.A., Davoli, M. and Forastiere, F.
(2014), "Valutazione dell'impatto del rumore aeroportuale sulla salute della
popolazione residente nelle vicinanze di sei aeroporti italiani", Epidemiologia e
Prevenzione, vol. 38, no. 3-4, p. 227-236.
Appold, S. and Kasarda, J. (2013), "The Airport City Phenomenon: Evidence
from Large US Airports", Urban Studies, vol. 50, no. 6, p. 1239-1259.
Arputham, J. and Patel, S. (2010), "Recent developments in plans for Dharavi
and for the airport slums in Mumbai", Environment and Urbanization, vol. 2, no.
2, p. 501-504.
Augé, M. (1992), Non-lieux, Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité,
Seuil, Paris.
Basso, L. and Zhang, A. (2010), "Pricing vs. slot policies when airport prots
matter", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 44, no. 3, p.
Becké, A.B., Hartmann, F., Hermann, C., Heyne, L., Hoeft, C., Kopp, J. and
Marg, S. (2011), Die Proteste gegen den Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg (BER/BBI)
Eine explorative Analyse der Protestteilnehmer, Göttinger Institut für
Demokratieforschung, viewed 15 April 2018,
Bennell, J., Mesgarpour, M., and Potts, C. (2011), "Airport runway scheduling",
4OR, A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, vol. 9, p. 115-138.
Berster, P., Gelhausen, M., and Wilken D. (2015), "Is increasing aircraft size
common practice of airlines at congested airports?", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 46, p. 40-48.
Berthon, E. (2003), "De l'aérodrome à l'aéroport-ville: l'impact des aéroports sur
leur territoire d'accueil", Cahiers de l'IAURIF, no.139-140, p. 72-81.
Berthon, E. (2011), "Les impacts territoriaux des aéroports. Présentation pour
Paris-Métropole", viewed 5 April 2018,
Berthon, E. and Bringand, F. (2001), L'Airport City et son intégration régionale,
IAURIF, Paris.
Black, D., Black, J., Issarayangyun, T. and Samuels, S. (2007), "Aircraft noise
exposure and resident's stress and hypertension: A public health perspective
for airport environmental management", Journal of Air Transport Management,
vol. 13, no. 5, p. 264-276.
Boquet, Y. (1986), "Les entreprises à technologie avancée dans la région de
Washington DC", Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français, no. 3, p. 217-
Boquet, Y. (1989), "L'aéroport Dulles, pôle de croissance urbaine dans
l'agglomération de Washington", Cahiers du CREPIF, symposium sur les aérovilles,
146 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 147
00 00
different aircraft. It is divided into three time slots: daytime 6 -18 , evening
00 00 00 00
18 -22 , night 22 -6 .
The PGS is a geographical document, exclusively dedicated to helping
residents, which delimits urban areas adjacent to an airport. It delineates an
area of "real" noise nuisance from an airport, based on forecasts of actual short-
term trafc (1 to 2 years) using the same calculation model as that used for the
calculation of the PEB. The noise limit denes an area within which existing
dwellings are eligible for nancial assistance for sound insulation work. The PGS
is revised every 2 to 3 years; according to the evolution of air trafc.
Airports, as nodes for worldwide air networks and local land transport networks,
are also generators of two types of superposed territories. These are territories
of economic activity and employment boosted by the presence of an airport,
especially in the case of air freight airports or aircraft assembly sites (Toulouse,
Hambourg, Everett, Renton), but also social territories where public dissatisfac-
tion with the negative aspects of aviation can lead to anti-aircraft movements.
Opposition to airports is currently evolving towards a criticism of aviation
itself, with issues such as climate change (Griggs and Howarth, 2013), degrada-
tion of coastal environments (offshore airports in Japan, Hong Kong, airports
built on mangroves or coral reefs), or neo-liberal system of hypermobility as a
corporate norm, inviting the consideration of airports as creators of an airport
territory (Faburel, 2003a, 2010) dened by the area of mobilization against its
negative impacts, and not just as nodes in a globalized airline network.
The continued growth of air transport in the years to come – despite the
looming peak oil that may force a reduction of airline activities, jointly with
growing preoccupations with global warming and climate change where aviation
plays a role not yet fully assessed by atmosphere scientists (in February 2017, a
planned expansion of Vienna airport - construction of a third runway - was
temporarily blocked by Austrian justice under the novel ground of its future
impact on climate (Hollaus, 2017)) may lead to more local conicts about the
development of large facilities. Airports, usually seen as meeting places, engi-
neering challenges, and economic assets have also become a political question
pitting economy and ecology against each other and requiring a mediation of
potential conicts (Faburel, 2003b; Geis, 2010; O'Doherty, 2014; Sanchez,
Abreu e Silva, J., Gonçalves, J., Correia, M.D.F. and Marreiros, S. (2015),
"Airport Planning Process. The case of the new Lisbon Airport", Finisterra, vol.
50, no. 99, p. 63-79.
Ahrens, P. and Stein, M. (2016), "Munich Airport Terminal 2 Satellite: Airport
expansion under ongoing operations", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 10,
no. 2, p. 118-130.
Akar, G. (2013), "Ground access to airports, case study: Port Columbus
International Airport", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 30, p. 25-31.
Alhussein, S. (2011), "Analysis of ground access modes choice King Khaled
International Airport, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia", Journal of Transport Geography,
vol. 19, no. 6, p. 1361-1367.
Alkaabi, K, Debbage, K. and Bin Touq, A. (2013), "The Promise of the
Aerotropolis Model in the United Arab Emirates: The Role of Spatial
Proximity and Global Connectivity", The Arab World Geographer, vol. 16, no. 3,
p. 289-312.
Ancona, C., Golini, M. Mataloni, F., Camerino, D., Chiusolo, M., Licitra, G.,
Ottino, M., Pisani, S., Cestari, L., Vigotti, M.A., Davoli, M. and Forastiere, F.
(2014), "Valutazione dell'impatto del rumore aeroportuale sulla salute della
popolazione residente nelle vicinanze di sei aeroporti italiani", Epidemiologia e
Prevenzione, vol. 38, no. 3-4, p. 227-236.
Appold, S. and Kasarda, J. (2013), "The Airport City Phenomenon: Evidence
from Large US Airports", Urban Studies, vol. 50, no. 6, p. 1239-1259.
Arputham, J. and Patel, S. (2010), "Recent developments in plans for Dharavi
and for the airport slums in Mumbai", Environment and Urbanization, vol. 2, no.
2, p. 501-504.
Augé, M. (1992), Non-lieux, Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité,
Seuil, Paris.
Basso, L. and Zhang, A. (2010), "Pricing vs. slot policies when airport prots
matter", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 44, no. 3, p.
Becké, A.B., Hartmann, F., Hermann, C., Heyne, L., Hoeft, C., Kopp, J. and
Marg, S. (2011), Die Proteste gegen den Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg (BER/BBI)
Eine explorative Analyse der Protestteilnehmer, Göttinger Institut für
Demokratieforschung, viewed 15 April 2018,
Bennell, J., Mesgarpour, M., and Potts, C. (2011), "Airport runway scheduling",
4OR, A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, vol. 9, p. 115-138.
Berster, P., Gelhausen, M., and Wilken D. (2015), "Is increasing aircraft size
common practice of airlines at congested airports?", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 46, p. 40-48.
Berthon, E. (2003), "De l'aérodrome à l'aéroport-ville: l'impact des aéroports sur
leur territoire d'accueil", Cahiers de l'IAURIF, no.139-140, p. 72-81.
Berthon, E. (2011), "Les impacts territoriaux des aéroports. Présentation pour
Paris-Métropole", viewed 5 April 2018,
Berthon, E. and Bringand, F. (2001), L'Airport City et son intégration régionale,
IAURIF, Paris.
Black, D., Black, J., Issarayangyun, T. and Samuels, S. (2007), "Aircraft noise
exposure and resident's stress and hypertension: A public health perspective
for airport environmental management", Journal of Air Transport Management,
vol. 13, no. 5, p. 264-276.
Boquet, Y. (1986), "Les entreprises à technologie avancée dans la région de
Washington DC", Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français, no. 3, p. 217-
Boquet, Y. (1989), "L'aéroport Dulles, pôle de croissance urbaine dans
l'agglomération de Washington", Cahiers du CREPIF, symposium sur les aérovilles,
148 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 149
Juin, no. 27, p. 129-139.
Boquet, Y. (1998), "Alliance Airport (Texas): logistique d'entreprises et
développement métropolitain", Acta Geographica, no. 113, p. 39-50.
Boquet, Y. (2004a), "Enjeux métropolitains des nouveaux sites d'aéroports", in
C. Siino, F. Laumière and F. Leriche (ed.), Métropolisation et grands équipements,
Presses de l'Université du Mirail, Toulouse, p. 37-52.
Boquet, Y. (2004b), "Un aéroport international en Picardie ? Réexions critiques
sur un projet d'infrastructure de transport", in Y. Boquet, E. Désiré and J.M.
Hoeblich (coord.), Territoires et Sociétés, Mélanges offerts au professeur Paul Oudart,
Amiens, Association d'Etudes et de Cartographie Régionales de Picardie,
Amiens, p. 95-106.
Boquet, Y. (2009), "Les grands aéroports de fret", Bulletin de l'Association de
Géographes Français, vol. 86, no. 4, p. 472-484.
Boquet, Y. (2010), "Commerce et mobilité: les boutiques d'aéroport", in Y.
Boquet and R.-P. Desse, Commerce et Mobilités, Éditions Universitaires de Dijon,
p. 61-71.
Boquet, Y. and Song, W. (2007), "L'aviation civile en Chine : mutations et
disparités régionales", Acta Geographica - La Géographie, Paris, no. 1523, 2006-
IV, p. 45-69.
Bork, A. (2006), "Developing a retail marketing strategy to promote both airport
and retailers", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 348-356.
Bowen, J. (2013), The Economic Geography of Air Transportation: Space, Time, and the
Freedom of the Sky, Routledge, London.
Bowen, J. (2016), "‘Now everyone can y’? Scheduled airline services to
secondary cities in Southeast Asia", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 53,
p. 94-104.
Brueckner, J. (2003), "Airline Trafc and Urban Economic Development", Urban
Studies, vol. 40, no. 8, p. 1455–1469.
Brueckner, J. (2009), "Price vs. quantity-based approaches to airport congestion
management", Journal of Public Economics, vol. 93, no. 5-6, p. 681-690.
Brunet, R. (1995), "La géographie, science des territoires et des réseaux", Cahiers
de Géographie du Québec, vol. 39, no. 108, p. 477-482.
Budge-Reid, A. (1999), "The Hong Kong Airport Railway", Japan Railway &
Transport Review, no. 19, p. 36-43, viewed 2 April 2018,
Butters, M. (2010), "Flexible airport design", Journal of Airport Management, vol.
4, no. 4, p. 321-328.
Callejas, L.M., Sarmiento, R., Medina, K., Sepulveda, H., Deluque, D. and
Escobar-Córdoba, F. (2012), "Calidad del sueño en una población adulta
expuesta al ruido del Aeropuerto El Dorado, Bogotá", Biomedica, vol. 35, p.
103-109, viewed 12 March 2018,
Carlisle, A. (2015), "Airport business resilience: Plan for uncertainty and prepare
for change", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 118-132.
Charles, M.B, Barnes, P., Ryan, N. and Clayton, J. (2007), "Airport futures:
Towards a critique of the aerotropolis model", Futures, vol. 39, no. 9, p. 1009-
Chen, Z. Barros, C. and Yu, Y. (2017), "Spatial distribution characteristic of
Chinese airports: A spatial cost function approach", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 59, p. 63-70.
Chen, X. and Lin, L. (2015), "The node-place analysis on the “hubtropolis”
urban form: The case of Shanghai Hongqiao air-rail hub", Habitat International,
vol. 49, p. 445-453.
Chou, S., You, S. and Lee, H. (2011), "Exploring characteristics of airport access
mode choice: a case study of Korea", Transportation Planning and Technology, vol.
36, no. 4, p. 335-351.
Cidell, J. (2013), "When runways move but people don't: The O'Hare
Modernization Program and the relative immobilities of air travel", Mobilities,
vol. 8, no. 4, p. 528-541.
Cidell, J. (2015), "The role of major infrastructure in subregional economic
development: an empirical study of airports and cities", Journal of Economic
Geography, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 1125–1144.
Cidell, J. and Adams, J. (2001), The Groundside Effects of Air Transportation,
Minneapolis, University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies,
viewed 12 April 2018,
Cohen, B., Bronzaft, A., Heikkinen, M., Goodman, J. and Nadas, A. (2007),
"Airport-Related Air Pollution and Noise", Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 119-129.
Condorelli, D. (2007), "Efcient and equitable airport slot allocation", Rivista di
Politica Economica, viewed 13 April 2018,
Conventz, S. (2010), "New ofce space at international hub airports. Evolving
urban patterns at Amsterdam and Frankfurt/M.", in U. Knippenberger and A.
Wall (eds.), Airports Cities and Regions. Research and Practise, KIT Scientic
Publishing, Karlsruhe, p. 57-68.
Conventz, S. , Derudder, B., Thierstein, A. and Witlox, F. (2014), Hub Cities in the
Knowledge Economy. Seaports, Airports, Routledge, Brainports.
Cox, L. (2010), "Evolving the Memphis Aerotropolis", Journal of Airport
Management, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 149-55.
CREPIF (1989), Les aérovilles : nouveau concept d'intercommunication et de localisation
d'entreprises, Les Cahiers du CREPIF, no. 27, Juin, Paris.
De Barros, A. (2013), "Sustainable integration of airports into urban planning
a review", International Journal of Urban Sciences, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 226-238.
De Jong, B., Suau-Sanchez, P. and Dross, M. (2008), "The underestimated
Airport Region: Reecting on Planning Policies in the Airport Regions of
Amsterdam, Barcelona and Munich", Aerlines, no. 41, p. 1-5.
De Neufville, R. (1995), "Management of multi-airport system. A development
strategy", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 99-110.
Dobruszkes, F. (2008), "Éléments pour une géographie sociale de la contestation
des nuisances aériennes à Bruxelles", Espace Populations Sociétés, no. 2008-1, p.
145-157, viewed 12 April 2018,
Dos Santos, D.N. and Saad, A.R. (2014), "Análise do ruído sonoro no entorno de
grandes aeroportos: Um estudo de caso do Aeroporto Internacional de
São Paulo", Boletim Gaúcho de Geograa, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 337-351.
Douglas, I. and Lawson, N. (2003), "Airport construction: materials use and
geomorphic change", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 177-185.
Drevet-Demettre, L.E. (2015), "Quand l'aéroport devient ville: géographie d'une
infrastructure paradoxale", thèse de doctorat, Université Michel de Montaigne
Bordeaux III, viewed 16 April 2017,
148 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 149
Juin, no. 27, p. 129-139.
Boquet, Y. (1998), "Alliance Airport (Texas): logistique d'entreprises et
développement métropolitain", Acta Geographica, no. 113, p. 39-50.
Boquet, Y. (2004a), "Enjeux métropolitains des nouveaux sites d'aéroports", in
C. Siino, F. Laumière and F. Leriche (ed.), Métropolisation et grands équipements,
Presses de l'Université du Mirail, Toulouse, p. 37-52.
Boquet, Y. (2004b), "Un aéroport international en Picardie ? Réexions critiques
sur un projet d'infrastructure de transport", in Y. Boquet, E. Désiré and J.M.
Hoeblich (coord.), Territoires et Sociétés, Mélanges offerts au professeur Paul Oudart,
Amiens, Association d'Etudes et de Cartographie Régionales de Picardie,
Amiens, p. 95-106.
Boquet, Y. (2009), "Les grands aéroports de fret", Bulletin de l'Association de
Géographes Français, vol. 86, no. 4, p. 472-484.
Boquet, Y. (2010), "Commerce et mobilité: les boutiques d'aéroport", in Y.
Boquet and R.-P. Desse, Commerce et Mobilités, Éditions Universitaires de Dijon,
p. 61-71.
Boquet, Y. and Song, W. (2007), "L'aviation civile en Chine : mutations et
disparités régionales", Acta Geographica - La Géographie, Paris, no. 1523, 2006-
IV, p. 45-69.
Bork, A. (2006), "Developing a retail marketing strategy to promote both airport
and retailers", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 348-356.
Bowen, J. (2013), The Economic Geography of Air Transportation: Space, Time, and the
Freedom of the Sky, Routledge, London.
Bowen, J. (2016), "‘Now everyone can y’? Scheduled airline services to
secondary cities in Southeast Asia", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 53,
p. 94-104.
Brueckner, J. (2003), "Airline Trafc and Urban Economic Development", Urban
Studies, vol. 40, no. 8, p. 1455–1469.
Brueckner, J. (2009), "Price vs. quantity-based approaches to airport congestion
management", Journal of Public Economics, vol. 93, no. 5-6, p. 681-690.
Brunet, R. (1995), "La géographie, science des territoires et des réseaux", Cahiers
de Géographie du Québec, vol. 39, no. 108, p. 477-482.
Budge-Reid, A. (1999), "The Hong Kong Airport Railway", Japan Railway &
Transport Review, no. 19, p. 36-43, viewed 2 April 2018,
Butters, M. (2010), "Flexible airport design", Journal of Airport Management, vol.
4, no. 4, p. 321-328.
Callejas, L.M., Sarmiento, R., Medina, K., Sepulveda, H., Deluque, D. and
Escobar-Córdoba, F. (2012), "Calidad del sueño en una población adulta
expuesta al ruido del Aeropuerto El Dorado, Bogotá", Biomedica, vol. 35, p.
103-109, viewed 12 March 2018,
Carlisle, A. (2015), "Airport business resilience: Plan for uncertainty and prepare
for change", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 118-132.
Charles, M.B, Barnes, P., Ryan, N. and Clayton, J. (2007), "Airport futures:
Towards a critique of the aerotropolis model", Futures, vol. 39, no. 9, p. 1009-
Chen, Z. Barros, C. and Yu, Y. (2017), "Spatial distribution characteristic of
Chinese airports: A spatial cost function approach", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 59, p. 63-70.
Chen, X. and Lin, L. (2015), "The node-place analysis on the “hubtropolis”
urban form: The case of Shanghai Hongqiao air-rail hub", Habitat International,
vol. 49, p. 445-453.
Chou, S., You, S. and Lee, H. (2011), "Exploring characteristics of airport access
mode choice: a case study of Korea", Transportation Planning and Technology, vol.
36, no. 4, p. 335-351.
Cidell, J. (2013), "When runways move but people don't: The O'Hare
Modernization Program and the relative immobilities of air travel", Mobilities,
vol. 8, no. 4, p. 528-541.
Cidell, J. (2015), "The role of major infrastructure in subregional economic
development: an empirical study of airports and cities", Journal of Economic
Geography, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 1125–1144.
Cidell, J. and Adams, J. (2001), The Groundside Effects of Air Transportation,
Minneapolis, University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies,
viewed 12 April 2018,
Cohen, B., Bronzaft, A., Heikkinen, M., Goodman, J. and Nadas, A. (2007),
"Airport-Related Air Pollution and Noise", Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 119-129.
Condorelli, D. (2007), "Efcient and equitable airport slot allocation", Rivista di
Politica Economica, viewed 13 April 2018,
Conventz, S. (2010), "New ofce space at international hub airports. Evolving
urban patterns at Amsterdam and Frankfurt/M.", in U. Knippenberger and A.
Wall (eds.), Airports Cities and Regions. Research and Practise, KIT Scientic
Publishing, Karlsruhe, p. 57-68.
Conventz, S. , Derudder, B., Thierstein, A. and Witlox, F. (2014), Hub Cities in the
Knowledge Economy. Seaports, Airports, Routledge, Brainports.
Cox, L. (2010), "Evolving the Memphis Aerotropolis", Journal of Airport
Management, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 149-55.
CREPIF (1989), Les aérovilles : nouveau concept d'intercommunication et de localisation
d'entreprises, Les Cahiers du CREPIF, no. 27, Juin, Paris.
De Barros, A. (2013), "Sustainable integration of airports into urban planning
a review", International Journal of Urban Sciences, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 226-238.
De Jong, B., Suau-Sanchez, P. and Dross, M. (2008), "The underestimated
Airport Region: Reecting on Planning Policies in the Airport Regions of
Amsterdam, Barcelona and Munich", Aerlines, no. 41, p. 1-5.
De Neufville, R. (1995), "Management of multi-airport system. A development
strategy", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 99-110.
Dobruszkes, F. (2008), "Éléments pour une géographie sociale de la contestation
des nuisances aériennes à Bruxelles", Espace Populations Sociétés, no. 2008-1, p.
145-157, viewed 12 April 2018,
Dos Santos, D.N. and Saad, A.R. (2014), "Análise do ruído sonoro no entorno de
grandes aeroportos: Um estudo de caso do Aeroporto Internacional de
São Paulo", Boletim Gaúcho de Geograa, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 337-351.
Douglas, I. and Lawson, N. (2003), "Airport construction: materials use and
geomorphic change", Journal of Airport Management, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 177-185.
Drevet-Demettre, L.E. (2015), "Quand l'aéroport devient ville: géographie d'une
infrastructure paradoxale", thèse de doctorat, Université Michel de Montaigne
Bordeaux III, viewed 16 April 2017,
150 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 151
Dubeaux, S. and Cunningham-Sabot, E. (2016), "Contestation et normalisation
des usages du sol dans Berlin: l'ancien aéroport de Tempelhof", Natures,
Sciences, Sociétés, vol. 24, no. 4.
Edwards, B. (2004), The Modern Airport Terminal. New Approaches to Airport
Architecture, Taylor & Francis, London.
Eichinger, A. (2007), "Characteristics and competitive implications of air-rail
links in Germany", World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, vol. 1, no.
3, p. 264-285.
Eriksson, C, Rosenlund, M, Pershagen, G, Hilding, A, Ostenson, C. and Bluhm,
G. (2007), "Aircraft noise and incidence of hypertension", Epidemiology, vol. 18,
no. 6, p. 716–721.
Espey, M. and Lopez, H. (2000), "The Impact of Airport Noise and Proximity on
Residential Property Value", Growth and Change, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 408–419.
Faburel, G. (2003a), "Le bruit des avions. Facteur de révélation et de construc-
tion des territoires", L'Espace Géographique, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 205-223.
Faburel, G. (2003b), "Lorsque les territoires locaux entrent dans l'arène
publique: retours d'expérience en matière de conits aéroportuaires", Espaces
et Sociétés, no. 115, p. 123-146.
Faburel, G. (2010), "Vers une (re)territorialisation des aéroports par les enjeux
environnementaux. Conits d'acteurs, enjeux de valeurs et recherche
d'indicateurs", Bulletin de l'Association de Géographes Français, vol. 87, no. 2, p.
Faburel, G. and Charre, S. (2008), Impacts des tracs aériens sur la santé. État des
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Franssen, E., Staatsen, B. and Lebret, E. (2002), "Assessing health consequences
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Freestone, R. (2009), "Planning, Sustainability and Airport-Led Urban Develop-
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Colin, Paris.
Frétigny, J.-B. (2013a), "Les mobilités à l'épreuve des aéroports: des espaces
publics aux territorialités en réseau. Les cas de Paris Roissy-Charles-De-
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Ph.D thesis, Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, viewed 20 April 20178,
Frétigny, J.-B. (2013b), "La frontière à l'épreuve des mobilités aériennes: étude
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Fu, J., Lin, H., Niu, Y. and He, S. (2017), "Share Ratio Change of Public
Transport in Airport Landside under the Background of Car Population
Rapid Increase - A Case of Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
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152 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 153
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E., Dudley, M.-L., Savigny, P., Seiffert, I., Swart, W., Breugelmans, O., Bluhm,
G., Selander, J., Haralabidis, A., Dimakopoulou, K., Sourtzi, P., Velonakis, M.
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of Paris-Charles de Gaulle (CDG)", Regional Studies, Regional Science, vol. 2, no.
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Lam, W.H.K., Tam, M-L., Song, S.C., and Wirasinghe, S.C. (2003), "Waynding
in the passenger terminal of Hong Kong International Airport", Journal of Air
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selection process: An institutional analysis of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in
Hong Kong", Research in Transportation Business & Management, vol. 13, p. 16-23
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tourist destination - An explorative study of Singapore and Dubai's aviation-
based transformation", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 15, no. 5, p.
Loo, B. and Chow, A. (2011), "Spatial Restructuring to Facilitate Shorter
Commuting. An Example of the Relocation of Hong Kong International
Airport", Urban Studies, vol. 48, no. 8, p. 1681-1694.
Madas, M. and Zografos, K. (2006), "Airport slot allocation: From instruments to
strategies", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 53-62.
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cost function", Transportation Research, vol. 47, no. 3, p. 382-389.
McNeill, D. (2009), "The airport hotel as business space", Geograska Annaler:
series B, Human Geography, vol. 91, no. 3, p. 219-228.
McNeill, D. (2014), "Airports and territorial restructuring: The case of Hong
Kong", Urban Studies, vol. 51, no. 14, p. 2996-3010.
Meister, E. and Donatelle, R. (2000), "The impact of commercial-aircraft noise
on human health: a neighborhood study in metropolitan Minnesota", Journal
of Environmental Health, vol. 63, no. 4, p. 9–15.
Mense, A. and Kholodilin, K. (2014), "Noise expectations and house prices: the
reaction of property prices to an airport expansion", The Annals of Regional
Science, vol. 52, no. 3, p. 763-797.
Morrison, W. (2009), "Real estate, factory outlets and bricks: A note on non-
aeronautical activities at commercial airports", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 112-115.
Murakami, J., MAtsui, Y. and Kato, H. (2016), "Airport rail links and economic
productivity: Evidence from 82 cities with the world's 100 busiest airports",
Transport Policy, vol. 52, p. 89-99.
Navarre, D. (2003a), "L'accessibilité terrestre aux aéroports", Cahiers de l'IAURIF,
no. 139-140, p. 114-121.
Navarre, D. (2003b), "L'Europe de la grande vitesse et l'intermodalité passagers
air-rail", Cahiers de l'IAURIF, no.139-140, p. 130-134.
Netjasov, F. (2008), "A Model of Air Trafc Assignment as a Measure for
Mitigating Noise at Airports: The Zurich Airport Case", Transportation Planning
and Technology, vol. 31, no. 5, p. 487-508.
Nijkamp, P. and Yim, H. (2001), "Critical success factors for offshore airports - a
comparative evaluation", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 7, no. 3, p.
O'Doherty, D. (2015), "Missing Connexions: The politics of airport expansion in
the United Kingdom", Organization, vol. 22, no. 3, p. 418-431.
Oosterlynck, S. and Swyngedouw, E. (2010), "Noise Reduction: The Postpolitical
Quandary of Night Flights at Brussels Airport", Environment & Planning A:
Economy and Space, vol. 42, no. 7, p. 1577-1594.
O'Reiley, T. (2013), "Shrinking noise from planes will open up more acreage for
152 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 153
vol. 38, no. 4, p. 537-556.
Hollaus, B. (2017), "Austrian Constitutional Court: Considering Climate Change
as a Public Interest is Arbitrary Refusal of Third Runway Permit Annulled",
Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (ICL Journal), vol. 11, no. 3, p.
Hujer, J. (2008), Regionalökonomische Effekte von Flughäfen, Peter Lang GMBH,
Huss, A., Spoerri, A., Egger, M. and Röösli, M. (2010), "Aircraft noise, air
pollution, and mortality from myocardial infarction", Epidemiology, vol. 21, no.
6, p. 829-836.
Iserte, M. (2008), "Enquête en ‘zone d'attente réservée’ de l'aéroport de Paris-
Charles de Gaulle: vers une gestion sécuritaire des ‘ux migratoires’", Cultures
& Conits, no. 71, p. 31-53.
Järup, L., Babisch, W., Houthuijs, D., Pershagen, G., Katsouyanni, K., Cadum,
E., Dudley, M.-L., Savigny, P., Seiffert, I., Swart, W., Breugelmans, O., Bluhm,
G., Selander, J., Haralabidis, A., Dimakopoulou, K., Sourtzi, P., Velonakis, M.
and Vigna-Taglianti, F. (2008), "Hypertension and exposure to noise near
airports: the HYENA study", Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 116, no. 3,
p. 329-333.
Johnson, T. and Savage, I. (2006), "Departure delays, the pricing of congestion,
and expansion proposals at Chicago O'Hare Airport", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 182-190.
Karampela, S., Kizos, T. and Spilanis, I. (2014), "Accessibility of islands: towards
a new geography based on transportation modes and choices", Island Studies
Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 293-306.
Kasarda, J. (2000), "Aerotropolis: Airport-Driven Urban Development", in ULI
on the Future: Cities in the 21th Century, Urban Land Institute, Washington D.C..
Kasarda, J. (2006), Airport cities and the Aerotropolis, viewed 3 April 2017,
Kasarda, J. (2008), "Shopping In the Airport City and Aerotropolis. New Retail
Destinations in the Aviation Century", Research Review, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 50-55,
viewed 13 April 2018,
Kasarda, J. and Lindsay, G. (2011), Aerotropolis. The way we'll live next, Farrar,
Strauss and Giroux, New York.
Kasarda, J. and Sullivan, D. (2006), "Air Cargo, Liberalization, and Economic
Development", Annals of Air and Space Law, vol. 31, p. 167-93.
Kasioumi, E. (2015), "Emerging planning approaches in airport areas: the case
of Paris-Charles de Gaulle (CDG)", Regional Studies, Regional Science, vol. 2, no.
1, p. 408-414.
Kellerman, A. (2008), "International Airports: Passengers in an Environment of
'Authorities'", Mobilities, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 161-178.
Kesselring, S. (2010), "Global transfer points. International airports and the
future of cities and regions", in U. Knippenberger and A. Wall (eds.), Airports
in Cities and Regions. Research and Practise, KIT Scientic Publishing, Karlsruhe.
Labasse, J. (1972), "L'aéroport et la géographie volontaire des villes", Annales de
Géographie, no. 445, p. 278-297.
Lam, W.H.K., Tam, M-L., Song, S.C., and Wirasinghe, S.C. (2003), "Waynding
in the passenger terminal of Hong Kong International Airport", Journal of Air
Transport Management, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 73-81.
Lau, Y.Y., Tam, K.C., Ng, A.K.Y and Pallis, A.A. (2014), "Cruise terminals site
selection process: An institutional analysis of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in
Hong Kong", Research in Transportation Business & Management, vol. 13, p. 16-23
Lohmann, G., Albers, S., Koch, B. and Pavlovich, K. (2009), "From hub to
tourist destination - An explorative study of Singapore and Dubai's aviation-
based transformation", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 15, no. 5, p.
Loo, B. and Chow, A. (2011), "Spatial Restructuring to Facilitate Shorter
Commuting. An Example of the Relocation of Hong Kong International
Airport", Urban Studies, vol. 48, no. 8, p. 1681-1694.
Madas, M. and Zografos, K. (2006), "Airport slot allocation: From instruments to
strategies", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 53-62.
Martìn, J.C. and Voltes-Dorta, A. (2011), "The dilemma between capacity
expansions and multi-airport systems: Empirical evidence from the industry's
cost function", Transportation Research, vol. 47, no. 3, p. 382-389.
McNeill, D. (2009), "The airport hotel as business space", Geograska Annaler:
series B, Human Geography, vol. 91, no. 3, p. 219-228.
McNeill, D. (2014), "Airports and territorial restructuring: The case of Hong
Kong", Urban Studies, vol. 51, no. 14, p. 2996-3010.
Meister, E. and Donatelle, R. (2000), "The impact of commercial-aircraft noise
on human health: a neighborhood study in metropolitan Minnesota", Journal
of Environmental Health, vol. 63, no. 4, p. 9–15.
Mense, A. and Kholodilin, K. (2014), "Noise expectations and house prices: the
reaction of property prices to an airport expansion", The Annals of Regional
Science, vol. 52, no. 3, p. 763-797.
Morrison, W. (2009), "Real estate, factory outlets and bricks: A note on non-
aeronautical activities at commercial airports", Journal of Air Transport
Management, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 112-115.
Murakami, J., MAtsui, Y. and Kato, H. (2016), "Airport rail links and economic
productivity: Evidence from 82 cities with the world's 100 busiest airports",
Transport Policy, vol. 52, p. 89-99.
Navarre, D. (2003a), "L'accessibilité terrestre aux aéroports", Cahiers de l'IAURIF,
no. 139-140, p. 114-121.
Navarre, D. (2003b), "L'Europe de la grande vitesse et l'intermodalité passagers
air-rail", Cahiers de l'IAURIF, no.139-140, p. 130-134.
Netjasov, F. (2008), "A Model of Air Trafc Assignment as a Measure for
Mitigating Noise at Airports: The Zurich Airport Case", Transportation Planning
and Technology, vol. 31, no. 5, p. 487-508.
Nijkamp, P. and Yim, H. (2001), "Critical success factors for offshore airports - a
comparative evaluation", Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 7, no. 3, p.
O'Doherty, D. (2015), "Missing Connexions: The politics of airport expansion in
the United Kingdom", Organization, vol. 22, no. 3, p. 418-431.
Oosterlynck, S. and Swyngedouw, E. (2010), "Noise Reduction: The Postpolitical
Quandary of Night Flights at Brussels Airport", Environment & Planning A:
Economy and Space, vol. 42, no. 7, p. 1577-1594.
O'Reiley, T. (2013), "Shrinking noise from planes will open up more acreage for
154 Yves Boquet From airport to airport territories 155
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... The social dynamics of the community have also been altered, with changes in daily routines, customs, and interpersonal relationships due to the influx of tourists and the intensification of commercial and tourism activities. These changes can lead to cultural erosion, loss of identity, and increased social tensions between residents and tourists [27]. ...
... While the expansion has led to an increase in tourist arrivals, some operators have raised concerns about the changing nature of tourism in Machico. They have observed a shift towards mass tourism, with a focus on large resorts and standardized experiences, which can undermine the authenticity and uniqueness of the local culture and environment [27]. This highlights the need for careful planning and management of tourism development to ensure that it is sustainable and benefits both the local community and the environment. ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 26 July 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202407.2200.v127 ...
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This preprint examines the impact of the Madeira Airport expansion on sustainable tourism in Machico, a city on the southeastern coast of Madeira, Portugal. The study investigates the socio-economic and environmental effects of the expansion, emphasizing the importance of balancing economic growth with environmental protection and social well-being. It also provides recommendations for mitigating negative impacts and promoting sustainable tourism practices in Machico. Key points covered in the preprint include: The growth of tourism in Machico and the challenges and opportunities presented by the airport expansion. The importance of sustainable tourism principles in minimizing negative impacts and maximizing positive contributions to the local community, economy, and environment. The evolution of Machico Airport and its role in facilitating tourism growth. The environmental impact of the airport expansion, including its effects on local ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources. The socio-economic impact of the expansion, including its effects on employment, income, and quality of life for residents. The importance of community engagement in sustainable tourism development and the need to incorporate local perspectives in planning and decision-making processes. Strategies for promoting sustainable tourism in Machico, such as land use planning, diversification of tourism activities, environmental education, and the development of eco-friendly infrastructure. The need for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of sustainable tourism strategies to ensure their long-term effectiveness. The preprint concludes by emphasizing the importance of adopting a holistic approach to airport development that considers the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. It also provides practical recommendations for policymakers, planners, and community stakeholders to promote sustainable tourism in Machico and similar destinations.
... On the one hand, the new or expanded facility may take over the older one, which is definitely closed. This happened, for instance, in urban agglomerations as diverse as Hong Kong, Denver, Munich, Oslo and Athens (Goetz and Szyliowicz, 1997;Bowen and Cidell, 2011;Boquet, 2018). In other cases, the new or renovated airport is simply added to the older one, leading to the formation of a genuine MAS. ...
... Examples of such multi-airport systems are numerous and notably include Beijing, Chicago, Milan, Osaka, Shanghai and Paris. The inherent dilemma is to set up those facilities far enough from built areas to limit exposure to noise, but close enough to the city to be attractive (Boquet, 2018). Bonnefoy et al. (2010) found that the development of existing, secondary airports is the dominant pathway in Europe and North America (about 80% of MAS) while the construction of new airports dominates in Latin America and in Asia-Pacific, and both options coexist equally in the Middle East. ...
... Having to deal with more airports than initially expected, de Neufville and Odoni (2013) also suggest it is difficultand usually futilefor public authorities to force traffic allocation within a MAS, even though it could help to reduce noise around older airports. Adding uncertainties in traffic patterns and in both airlines' and travellers' behaviour can lead to serious planning failures, as evidenced in Montreal and Osaka (de Neufville and Odoni, 2013;Boquet, 2018). ...
This paper revisits multiple-airport systems from a noise pollution perspective. It aims to investigate the contradictions between the (re)development of an older airport located close to the core city, despite the existence of newer airports on the one hand and noise pollution issues on the other hand. Case studies include Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, Milan, Houston and Rome. Quantitative analysis shows that traffic patterns are more diverse than previous classifications. The qualitative analysis highlights the factors inherent in these patterns, which include passengers' preference for shorter access/egress journeys; inconsistent public policies (older airport not closed, a lack of effective rules for distributing air traffic among airports, permissive land planning and relaxing operational restrictions); low-cost airlines’ network strategies; and high-speed rail/air service integration.
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The degradation of polyethylene presents a series of difficulties as it doesn´t have efficient mechanisms that promote the deterioration of the material, for example, in the city of Bogotá around 428 tons of this material are produced annually. In this sense, it´s relevant to focus attention on this type of solid waste, generating a possibility of biodegradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE), by means of an experimental matrix that favors the degradation of organic matter and LDPE sheets pretreated with UV radiation, in kinenergic action with worm humus and biomass of Aspergillus brasiliensis. The evidence found of opaque coloration in the LDPE sheets, decreased flexibility, corrugations, colonization of theinoculum and cracks, proves the ability of an Aspergillus brasiliensis strain conserved in the research laboratory of the Fundación Universidad de América, to biodegrade LDPE with 1,5276% and 1,5186% weight loss after three months.
In the area of natural language processing, measuring sentence similarity is an essential problem. Searching for semantic meaning in natural language is a related issue. The task of measuring sentence similarity is to find semantic symmetry in two sentences, not matter how they are arranged. It is important to measure the similarity of sentences accurately. To compute the similarity between sentences, existing methods have been constructed from approaches for large texts. Since these methods work in very high-dimensional spaces, they are inefficient, require human input, and are not flexible enough for some applications. In this study, we propose a hybrid method (HydMethod) which considers not only semantic information including lexical databases, word embeddings, and corpus statistics, but also implied word order information. With lexical databases, our method models human common sense knowledge, and that knowledge can then be adapted to be used in different domains with the incorporation of corpus statistics. Therefore, the methodology is applicable across several domains. As part of our experiments, we used two standard datasets - Pilot Short Text Semantic Similarity Benchmark and MS paraphrase - in order to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method. As a result, the proposed method outperforms the existing approaches when tested on these two datasets, giving the highest correlation value for both word and sentence similarity. Moreover, it achieves a maximum of 32% higher increase than only using word vector or WorldNet based methodology. With Rubenstein and Goodenough word & sentence pairs, our algorithm's similarity measure shows a high Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.8953.
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El contenido de este libro trata sobre una ingeniería global y sostenible que guie a la sociedad en su tránsito por el Nuevo Orden Mundial. Los autores de cada capítulo plasman sus pensamientos acerca de muchas de estas cuestiones, tan necesarias en la actual situación del Planeta, ofreciendo una perspectiva global de la ingeniería para el mundo, y no para atender al neoliberalismo imperial. Las investigaciones desde las que se generan los capítulos aquí incluidos son de carácter transdisciplinar, ya que esta deberá la manera en que se desarrolle la ingeniería en la Nueva Era que estamos viviendo.
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En este capítulo se presenta una revisión sistemática sobre las tecnologías de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía y sobre los enfoques para un mejor aprovechamiento. La revisión se divide en dos vías: tendencias más desarrolladas (horarios de operación de los trenes, almacenamiento de energía y subestaciones reversibles) y los enfoques de investigación sobre el aprovechamiento del frenado regenerativo en los sistemas de transporte ferroviario (sistemas híbridos, algoritmos de optimización y técnicas de control, e integración de la generación distribuida).
La medición de la conductividad eléctrica CE en la solución nutritiva, que se suministra a las plantas en un cultivo aeropónico, permite conocer la concentración total de sales de manera que se pueda determinar la cantidad de nutrientes presentes en todo momento en la solución, para asegurar un desarrollo adecuado de las plantas. Una CE alta puede inducir toxicidad por salinidad, mientras que una CE baja viene acompañada de una deficiencia de macro y micronutrientes. En el presente trabajo los autores identificaron y experimentaron las ventajas del sistema remoto comparado con las mediciones manuales en campo. El sistema remoto permite conocer la CE de la solución nutritiva de manera regular durante todo el proceso de desarrollo de las plantas y facilita, tanto la toma de datos, como el registro de estos. Con el sistema implementado se pudo conocer en tiempo real cómo varían las concentraciones en la solución nutritiva de un cultivo de lechuga, para de esta manera determinar cuándo debe adicionarse agua o reponerse la solución nutritiva.
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An increasing number of people are exposed to aircraft and road traffic noise. Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and even a small contribution in risk from environmental factors may have a major impact on public health. The HYENA (Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) study aimed to assess the relations between noise from aircraft or road traffic near airports and the risk of hypertension. We measured blood pressure and collected data on health, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors, including diet and physical activity, via questionnaire at home visits for 4,861 persons 45-70 years of age, who had lived at least 5 years near any of six major European airports. We assessed noise exposure using detailed models with a resolution of 1 dB (5 dB for United Kingdom road traffic noise), and a spatial resolution of 250 x 250 m for aircraft and 10 x 10 m for road traffic noise. We found significant exposure-response relationships between night-time aircraft as well as average daily road traffic noise exposure and risk of hypertension after adjustment for major confounders. For night-time aircraft noise, a 10-dB increase in exposure was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.14 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.01-1.29]. The exposure-response relationships were similar for road traffic noise and stronger for men with an OR of 1.54 (95% CI, 0.99-2.40) in the highest exposure category (> 65 dB; p(trend) = 0.008). Our results indicate excess risks of hypertension related to long-term noise exposure, primarily for night-time aircraft noise and daily average road traffic noise.
As the world's busiest cargo airport for the last 17 years, Memphis International Airport is ideally positioned to become North America's first true aerotropolis. Coined by Dr John Kasarda of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the word ‘aerotropolis’ is defined as a community that grows, or is even created, with an airport as its economic engine. Today, in Memphis, business leaders, elected officials, economic development agencies and the Airport Authority are all working in concert to ensure that the opportunity for Memphis to take a leadership role in this new type of economic community is not missed. This paper examines the history of Memphis as a centre of distribution, the present economic impact of distribution and the efforts underway to pave the community's path for the future.
In recent years, there has been sustained turbulence in markets around the world. Economies are emerging from recession, but the pace of recovery is mixed while geopolitical uncertainty and security threats appear to be increasing. In a connected world, problems rarely remain geographically isolated, which means there is continued economic uncertainty in many major global markets. However, uncertainty is not always negative. The pace of technological change is rapid; the influence of mobile and digital platforms extends across all areas of business, including aviation. While such developments are generally positive, change itself creates uncertainty and new technology can be a disruptive influence. Airport managers and investors must balance the drive toward commercial optimisation against the inherent investment risk in realising new opportunities; these challenges are magnified in a market that has a more uncertain and variable outlook. Airport business models are adapting to this new reality, and there is increased recognition of the need for flexibility, creativity, and vigilance in planning, building, managing, and financing airports. The most effective counterbalance to future uncertainty is to develop business models that are resilient, but not resistant, to change. In this context, business resilience means managing risk and capitalising on opportunity. It involves preparing and organising for change, and being ready to change direction when unexpected events occur, or the operating environment changes. It is adopting a mind-set of surprises being the ‘new normal’, and realising that it’s not a question of ‘if ’ the unexpected will happen, but rather ‘when will it happen?’, ‘what will happen?’, and ‘are we prepared?’. Resilience, then, is strength with flexibility, and focus with situational awareness. Many airport operators are adapting to this new normal and recognising the need for greater flexibility, creativity, global awareness, and social awareness in the management of airports. While there are limitations to flexibility in an infrastructure-intensive business, this paper considers some of the measures that can be taken to optimise airport financial performance in a dynamic market where rapid change has the potential to disrupt existing business models.
Most airports acknowledge the importance of attracting airline customers by practising ‘airline marketing’, such as opening new routes or increasing frequencies on existing routes. However, many airports are paying too little attention to ‘retail marketing’. This paper aims to direct more attention to this area and will try to answer two questions: why retail marketing is important and how it should be undertaken.
Airports need to match their available infrastructure to the world’s growing civil aviation sector. Most cities do not have the option of planning and constructing a new airport from scratch. Thus airport infrastructure is often extended under ongoing operations. At Munich Airport the Terminal 2 Satellite Building, a midfield terminal functioning as an expansion of the existing Terminal 2, will go into operation in April 2016, giving the airport capacity for an additional 11 million passengers per year. The construction of the Satellite building related to the subjects of building high-quality terminal infrastructure, building terminal infrastructure under ongoing operations and building terminal infrastructure with a high level of sustainability. This paper aims to give insights on these three topics. Challenges encountered during the construction are outlined, as well as the counteractions that were taken at Munich Airport. The general facts and figures of the building and additional information about specific components relevant in terms of the Satellite building’s sustainability are included. The steps taken in planning and construction of the Satellite give a perspective on other big infrastructural projects at Munich Airport and show that all challenges can be overcome with precise planning and strong organisational structures.
In this paper we will explore the key functions and features of the post-security airport departure concourse. These concepts should be considered in order to underpin the passenger experience in future terminal design. In addition to catering to passenger needs and expectations, they must also serve as a significant non-aeronautical revenue-generating area of the terminal building. Providing for customer needs will improve the experience in this area of the airport with the greatest passenger dwell time, while also potentially boosting an airport’s financial performance. Some of the features and amenities available to passengers when they arrive on the post-security airport departure concourse are rapidly evolving as a result of increased individual focus on modern technology. This drives airport operators to meet a changing set of needs and expectations, without forgoing the basic demands that must be satisfied. This paper will examine the spectrum of concourse features, from wi-fi and location-based services to the basics of concourse restrooms. Ultimately, meeting traveller needs and expectations serves to alleviate passenger stress, creates a pleasant airport experience and increases airportgenerated revenues.
The massive expansion of global aviation, its insatiable demand for airport capacity, and its growing contribution to carbon emissions, makes it a critical societal problem. Alongside traditional concerns about noise and air pollution, and the disruption of local communities, airport politics has been connected to the problems of climate change and peak oil. Yet it is still thought to be a driver of economic growth and connectivity in an increasingly mobile world. The Politics of Airport Expansion in the UK provides the first in-depth analysis of the protest campaigns and policymaking practices that have marked British aviation since the construction of Heathrow Airport. Grounded in documentary analysis, interviews and policy texts, it constructs and employs poststructuralist policy analysis to delineate the rival rhetorical and discursive strategies articulated by the coalitions seeking to shape public policy. Focusing on attempts by New Labour to engineer an acceptable policy of ‘sustainable aviation’, the book explores its transformation into a ‘wicked policy issue’ that defies a rational and equitable policy solution. It details the challenges posed to government by the rhetoric of scientific discourse and expert knowledge, and how the campaign against the third runway at Heathrow turned local residents, the perpetual ‘losers’ of aviation expansion, into apparent ‘winners’. It concludes by evaluating the challenges facing environmentalists and government in the face of concerted pressures from the aviation industry to expand. This book will appeal to scholars and researchers of environmental policy and politics, poststructuralist political theory, social movements, and transport studies.
The purpose of this article is to examine factors that influence passengers' decision in selecting an airport in a multiple airport system (MAS). This article focuses on a MAS in China consisting of two airports that directly compete with each other in serving domestic and international passengers in the same area. A survey was conducted in the Beijing area to collect the data, and a logistic regression was used to test the effects of these factors on the passenger choice. The results indicate that airfare is the most significant determinant of Beijing passengers' airport choice, followed by flight delay.