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Teaching students with disabilities: Visual impairment and blindness

Teaching Students with Disabilities: Visual Impairment
and Blindness1
Blake C. Colclasure, Andrew C. Thoron, Sarah E. LaRose2
1. This document is AEC597, one of a series of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication
date August 2016. Visit the EDIS website at http://edis.ifas.u.edu.
2. Blake C. Colclasure, graduate assistant; Andrew C. Thoron, assistant professor; and Sarah E. LaRose, graduate assistant; Department of Agricultural
Education and Communication, UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611.
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Students who are visually impaired or blind have unique
challenges within agricultural education. A fundamental
component of agricultural instruction is hands-on learning
that encourages the development of students’ motor skills.
Students who are visually impaired or blind may have
decreased hand-eye coordination. However, the role of
agricultural education can be very valuable to students with
extreme visual disabilities because it allows students to
develop career readiness and life skills. Students who have
a slight visual impairment will likely have access to equal
educational opportunities with minor accommodations of
educational instruction; whereas, students who are blind
may require additional accommodations. e terms “visual
impairment” and “legal blindness” are not denitions that
describe what an individual can do, but rather act as a
classication system that describes how well an individual
can see. Each student’s visual impairment is unique and
each student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) should
be followed to ensure that each student receives the most
appropriate accommodations that allow the student to be
successful in the agricultural education program.
Visual Impairment
Description of the Disability
e term “visual impairment” includes a wide range of
visual ailments—everything from low vision through total
blindness. Visual impairments result from the malfunc-
tion of components within an individual’s vision system
that typically make it dicult for individuals to perform
ordinary tasks even with standard corrective lenses (e.g.,
glasses). In general, an individual classied as visually
impaired has a visual acuity of 20/70 or worse in the better
eye aer corrective services (Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2015). is section focuses on moderate
visual impairments that include individuals who have a
visual acuity of 20/70 to 20/160.
Application in the Learning Environment
Accommodations should be made within the classroom
environment, laboratory environment, and in the non-
formal learning environment for students who have visual
impairments. Instructors should modify materials in the
least restrictive way possible. Providing unnecessary modi-
cations can create a student dependency on modications,
when the student could otherwise successfully complete
the task without them (Willings, 2015). e most basic
accommodations that encompass a wide range of learning
environments for students with visual impairments include
providing preferential seating and an environment that
is free from physical clutter. Preferential seating includes
placing the student in an area towards the front so that
the student is better able to see the speaker or event. Many
individuals who have visual impairments are sensitive to
direct light and glares. Seating away from windows and
Teaching Students with Disabilities: Visual Impairment and Blindness
unnecessary bright lighting is usually suggested for such
students. However, providing adequate lighting is also
important for individuals with visual impairments. Lighting
that is pointed toward the object being viewed is usually
Safety is the top priority for all students in the learning
environment. Students who are visually impaired have
additional safety concerns as they may not be able to
adequately see physical dangers. Make sure that clear
trac paths are present throughout the area and that there
are no trip hazards (e.g., extension cord) that the student
is unaware of. Using contrasting colored tape to outline
trac paths, elevation changes, and hazards may be helpful
depending on the severity of the impairment and the needs
of the student.
Students with moderate visual impairments need to be
able to see and hear educational content. In addition to
preferential seating, the student should be provided with
copies of notes for information presented in the front of the
class (e.g., whiteboard, PowerPoint). e teacher should
further verbalize all written information. Enlarged notes or
handouts may be a necessary accommodation for students
who are unable to see standard print size with or without
corrective and technological devices. Although the degree
of enlargement is dependent upon the individual student’s
needs, font of at least 18 point is typical. A clean and
standard typeface, such as Times New Roman, with extra
spacing between lines (i.e., 1.5) is encouraged. Devices such
as book stands, magnifying instruments, and colored lters
placed over printed pages may be used by the student. In
order to distinguish important text, such as heading and
vocabulary words, dierent colored white board markers
and highlighters can be used.
e laboratory environment may pose additional safety
concerns for students with visual impairments. Caution
should be used when students are working with power
tools or other equipment in which a vision impairment
could lead to danger. Each student’s ability to work with
equipment should be examined at an individual level. e
student’s IEP team, parents, and school administration can
help to determine what laboratory equipment can be used
by the student. It is likely the student will be able to utilize
Agriscience equipment such as a microscope but may not
be able to use power equipment such as a power saw. If it is
determined safe to do so, try to incorporate the student in
as much of the activity as possible. For example, the student
who is visually impaired may be paired with another
student on a construction project. e paired student may
be able to use equipment that makes cuts, whereas the
student who is visually impaired may be able to use fasten-
ing equipment to help assemble the project.
In computer labs, modication of the visual aspect of the
monitor can allow the student to operate the computer
easier. Text, icons, and the cursor can easily be enlarged to
allow the student to see them. e blink rate of the cursor
in word processing programs can also be slowed. Larger
computer screens and magnifying devices that t over the
computer screen are additional modications that can help
visually impaired students.
Like the traditional learning environment, students with
visual impairments may need accommodations for equal
access to information in the non-formal learning environ-
ment. If class trips are planned, contact the event manager
ahead of time to let him or her know that a student with
a visual impairment is attending the trip. Additional print
material or enlarged print material may be benecial. If
demonstrations or speaking engagements are a part of the
trip, remember that the student with a visual impairment
should be given preferential seating towards the front of
the event. If mobility is a safety concern, especially in areas
that the student is not familiar with, request an aide for the
student, stay with the student yourself, or pair the student
with a helpful peer.
Description of the Disability
An individual who is legally blind has a corrected or uncor-
rected visual acuity of 20/200 or worse and a visionary
eld of less than 20 degrees (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2015). Among individuals classied as
legally blind, approximately 15% are totally blind, or have
a complete lack of light perception (American Foundation
for the Blind, 2015). Individuals who are legally blind will
need to use alternative methods to perform ordinary tasks
and rely on senses such as touch and hearing to complete
them. Alternative methods include the use of Braille to read
and the use of audio recordings for books. Legally blind
individuals may use a guide dog or a white cane to assist in
safe and ecient mobility.
Application in the Learning Environment
Students who are legally blind will likely use a parapro-
fessional to assist them in the learning environment.
Teaching Students with Disabilities: Visual Impairment and Blindness
Paraprofessionals will help facilitate instruction and can
help read and transcribe information. However, the use of
a paraprofessional in the learning environment does not
substitute all roles of the classroom teacher. e teacher
must work with the paraprofessional, the student, and
members of the students IEP team to identify appropriate
modications for the learning environment. Teachers
should be sure to verbalize all instructional material and
directions. Teachers should also be aware of the mobility
needs of the student and keep the learning environment
free from clutter and keep items in consistent locations.
If available, assistive technology such as acces Video®
magniers, which produce Braille, and audio books can be
used as alternative formats to standard print material. ese
devices will allow the student to complete assignments
and tasks more independently. Seating is important in the
classroom environment and it is imperative that the student
is seated in areas that allow him or her to adequately hear at
all times.
For students who are legally blind, a reliance on tactile
senses is important in the learning process. ere are
some laboratory activities that may be impractical for
students who are legally blind to complete, such as welding.
However, many laboratory activities can be modied to
allow students to simulate the experience. A repetition
in hands-on learning is extremely benecial for students
who are legally blind and is an important component to
ensure complex understanding of a topic. For example, in a
welding unit, the student may be able to simulate the hand
movements in welding to gain a better understanding of
how welding works. Activities such as gardening may also
be extremely joyful for students, as they get to experience
the sounds and touch of natural processes. As with provid-
ing any educational experience to students who are legally
blind, remember to provide a safe physical environment for
the student.
e non-formal learning environment provides a tremen-
dous amount of value for students who are legally blind.
According to the Virginia Department of Educations Oce
of Special Education and Student Services, advanced orien-
tation to bus travel and community experiences are needed
as students get older (2010). Although it may be stressful
for some students to move from familiar to unfamiliar terri-
tory, students are able to learn life skills in eective mobility
and how to learn in varying environments. e agricultural
education teacher may also work with the student’s IEP
team to help establish job shadowing opportunities for
vocational career choices that are common for individuals
who are blind. Additionally, agricultural education teachers
can apply to request special needs accommodations be
made for students with disabilities competing in a National
FFA Career Development Event.
Agricultural education programs provide great learning
opportunities for students that are visually impaired. e
severity of visual impairment varies in individual students
and can range from a slight visual impairment to legal and
total blindness. In some instances, students may only re-
quire slight modications in how information is presented
to them. In other instances, students may need alternative
assignments altogether. Regardless of the severity of the
impairment, agricultural education allows students to gain
knowledge and skills through tactile learning. Hands-on
activities, although dicult for some visually impaired
learners, are vital in the development of life skills that
the IEP’s of some students with visual impairments seek.
e following resources provide examples of additional
dierentiation strategies for working with students with
visual impairments, including lists of apps that can be used
to augment instruction.
American Foundation for the Blind. (2015). Low Vision and
Legal Blindness Terms and Descriptions. Retrieved from
health/low-vision/low-vision terms-and-descriptions/1235
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Ocial
MADDSP and MADDS Surveillance Case Denitions.
Retrieved from
Virginia Department of Education. (2010). Guidelines for
Working with Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired.
Retrieved from
Teaching Students with Disabilities: Visual Impairment and Blindness
Willings, C. (2015). Teaching Students with Visual
Impairments. Retrieved from http://www.teachingvisual-
... Teachers can alter materials in the least restrictive environment through different possible ways like, special seating arrangement (front seating position), physical distraction free and protective environment, direct light and glare free atmosphere, Providing (magnifiers, enlarge print, braille, audio books, peer support) during instructions and assessment. Extra modifications can be pampered the learners over the modifications (Colclasure, Thoron, & LaRose, 2016). ...
Full-text available
The main purpose of the study was to review the efforts made by the Government of Punjab for the inclusion of students with visual impairment in the regular schools of Punjab, by taking the views of students with visual impairment who are studying in inclusive schools and their concerned teachers. A quantitative approach was used to conduct the study. The type of research was descriptive. The population of the study consisted of all teachers and students with visual impairment studying in inclusive schools of Punjab. A total number of 152 students with visual impairment (N=152) by using convenient and teachers teaching in inclusive schools (N=110) by using random sampling technique were taken as a sample of the study. We used two different close-ended questionnaires, comprising dichotomous (Yes, No.) items. In addition to demographic information, the questionnaires consisted of eight domains related to the students and teachers' views about inclusive education schools. The reliability of the instruments was estimated as 0.87and 0.86 (Cronbach Alpha), whereas the content validity was estimated by taking the opinions of experts from the field of special and inclusive education. The IBM version 20 was used for the data analysis. The frequency of the responses along with their percentages was calculated. The majority of the teachers teaching in inclusive education have shown their concerns regarding lack of training to deal the students with visual impairment, strategies to adapt curriculum, provision of latest teaching technology and lack of extrinsic motivation by the school administration. The majority of the students with visual impairment who were placed in regular schools highlighted unavailability of adapted material, lack of supportive services and facilities, guidance and counselling, lack of medical facility and unavailability of the adapted curriculum as deficient areas of their schools. The majority ratio of teachers and students had positive opinions about inclusive education. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given to the stakeholders.
... Compensatory devices are all the technological skills needed by students with visual impairment to enable them access the general school curriculum. These skills include: Tactile, graphic, listening, functional skills and others (Willings, 2016). "Compensatory devices" is an umbrella term that includes assistive, adaptive and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities including people with visual impairment and also includes the process used in selecting, locating and using them. ...
... The visually impaired are therefore neglected in the scheme of technology-enhanced learning. Also, it can be challenging to achieve educational and mental assessments for students who are visually impaired using the normal examination system (Willings, 2016). There is, therefore, a need for a voice-based platform to assist these categories of students and hence the motivation for this research. ...
Full-text available
Voice-based systems allow users access to information on the internet over a voice interface. Prior studies on Open and Distance Learning (ODL) e-examination systems that make use of voice interface do not sufficiently exhibit intelligent form of assessment, which diminishes the rigor of examination. The objective of this paper is to improve on the achievements of previous studies by providing a framework that will guide the development of a voice-based e-examination expert system for the visually impaired students in ODL. The study employs a combination of technologies such as system design, server side scripting, voice-based system development, data management and rule-based reasoning in developing the system. The system was evaluated to determine the level of usability. The results of the usability evaluation showed that the developed application has an 'average usability' rating of 3.48 out of 5 scales. The findings show that the voice-based e-examination system will not only be of immense benefit to the visually impaired students in ODL in respective of distance, but will also complement the existing web-based method for online examination.
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