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Study of Different AM Fungi and Soil Moisture Levels on Component of Yield of Grass

  • payame noor university of mariwan

Abstract and Figures

In order to determination of different levels AM fungi and soil moisture on the quantitative and qualitative grass yield, an investigation with three levels of moisture and four level AM fungi in three replication using randomized completely block design was done. This research was achieved in payame noor University, Marivan, Iran. Results from the analysis of variance showed that highly significant difference existing among all traits measured. thus indicating that there is variability in traits studied. Results correlation analysis showed that was high significant and positive correlation with all studied traits. The highest positive correlation in moisture condition were observed between Dry weight of root and Turgid weight of air organ (r = 0.992**). Results correlation analysis in species AM fungi showed Fresh weight of air organ and Turgid weight of air organ (r = .987**), Packed root and Fresh weight of air organ and Turgid weight of air organ & Dry weight of root (r = .986**) Dry weight of root and Fresh weight of air organ (r = .975**).
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Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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©2013 TJEAS Journal-2013-3-1/44-47
ISSN 2051-0853 ©2013 TJEAS
Study of Different AM Fungi and Soil Moisture Levels on Component
of Yield of Grass
Sarkaut Salimi1*, Salaheddin Moradi2 and Anvar Rashid Abdola3
1- Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, PO BOX 19395-3697 Tehran, Iran
2- Scientific Assistant, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, PO BOX 19395- 3697
Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Agronomy, Agricultural Technical Institute of Bakrajo, Sulaimani, Iraq
Corresponding author Email:
ABSTRACT: In order to determination of different levels AM fungi and soil moisture on the
quantitative and qualitative grass yield, an investigation with three levels of moisture and four level
AM fungi in three replication using randomized completely block design was done. This research
was achieved in payame noor University, Marivan, Iran. Results from the analysis of variance
showed that highly significant difference existing among all traits measured. thus indicating that there
is variability in traits studied. Results correlation analysis showed that was high significant and
positive correlation with all studied traits. The highest positive correlation in moisture condition were
observed between Dry weight of root and Turgid weight of air organ (r = 0.992**). Results correlation
analysis in species AM fungi showed Fresh weight of air organ and Turgid weight of air organ (r =
.987**), Packed root and Fresh weight of air organ and Turgid weight of air organ & Dry weight of
root (r = .986**) Dry weight of root and Fresh weight of air organ (r = .975**).
Keywords: AM fungi, Grass, Moisture, yield.
Global change is likely to increase drought periods which could alter global patterns of organic matter
production and decomposition (Feyen and Dankers, 2009). Drought resistance of plant can be defined as the
ability to survive under an unfavourable water deficit. Drought threat has significant consequences for
belowground carbon (C) and nutrient cycling. It may affect soil processes through changes in C allocation to
roots and foliage as well as C turnover in the rhizosphere. Roots and shoots are interrelated in a functional
equilibrium governed by optimal distribution of resources and biomass (Farrar and Jones, 2000). This
equilibrium may bemodified under changing environmental conditions. Water deficit induces a range of
adaptations in plants that favor their growth or survival (Malinowski and Belesky, 2000). These adaptations
include: (i) drought avoidance, which may be due to improved water uptake by an extensive root system,
reduced transpiration losses following stomatal closure (Pe˜nuelas et al., 2004) or water storage in plant tissues
and (ii) drought tolerance and recovery from drought which includes accumulation and translocation of
assimilates, osmotic adjustments or maintenance of cell wall elasticity (Malinowski and Belesky, 2000). The
magnitude and rate of climate change will critically affect the extent to which plants in ecological systems can
withstand stress and their ability to adapt. Stationary organisms such as plants may be the most limited in their
ability to cope with environmental change (Jump and Peˇnuelas, 2005). Environmental conditions such as
temperature, light and water availability play a key role in defining the role and distribution of plants in natural
ecosystems. In addition, the response of plants to an altered environment may depend on their ability to form
symbiotic relationships with microorganisms. In regions such as Iran, water availability may be the most
influential limiting factor for plant growth and nutrient uptake. The IPCC (2007) predicts large climate changes
which may have large implications on water resources and consequently as well as on water management and
agricultural production. Climate change causes a chain of problems, which require integrated approaches.
Because of the economic importance, the functioning and structure of grass ecosystems have been studied
intensively the last decades in temperate regions (Clark et al., 1997). Due to their large extent grasslands play
a major role in environmental issues that are related to agricultural activities, climate change, water balance
studies, etc. (Conijn, 2005). In forage and turf grasses, the molecular basis for stress tolerance remains largely
unknown (Zhang et al., 2006). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are plant root symbionts that often help
Tech J Engin & App Sci., 3 (1): 44-47, 2013
plants obtain key nutrients such as phosphorus, water, and other soil nutrients by significantly increasing the
plant’s capacity for nutrient uptake (Entry et al., 2002). The relationships between AM colonization and plant
water relations were comprehensively reviewed by Augé (2001), who concluded that AM effects on water
relations included direct effects, as well as effects that were strictly related to changes in plant nutrition and
size. In field situations, size effects can be important in plant survival and success, particularly in species that
avoid rather than tolerate drought. Aualso highlighted the fact that we know very little about variations in
water relations consequent on different plantfungus combinations. However, some recent work has included a
number of different AM fungi in investigations of responses to water stress. Considerable diversity in outcome
has been revealed (Marulanda et al., 2003; Aroca et al., 2007), which may go some way to explaining
apparently contradictory results in earlier investigations. The influence of AM colonization on plant water
relations was first investigated systematically with soybean (Safir et al., 1971, 1972). Results showed that AM
plants had lower resistances to water transport than non-mycorrhizal plants and, in this instance, it appeared
that most of the difference was attributable to changes in root resistance, for shoot resistances were small and
did not differ in the two groups of plants. The conclusion was that the effect was probably due to improved
nutrition, because the differences could be eliminated if nutrients were supplied or fungicide applied (Safir et al.,
The objective of the study was to assess the impact of AM fungi and soil moisture levels on root morphological
properties of Poa.
The experiment was carried out in pots, to evaluate the effects of different soil moisture and AM fungi on
poa growth in greenhouse condition at the University of payame noor University, Marivan, Iran. Soil samples
were taken from the top 20 cm. The soil is slightly alkalin and has a sandy texture. After sampling, the soil was
air dried, mixed and passed through a 4-mm sieve. A chemical analysis of soil indicated the content of N, P, K,
Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn to be 140, 7, 155, 5, 0.17, 1.6 and 3.2 mg kg−1 respectively. Volumetric moisture content at
field capacity determined by the method of Richardson and Siccama (2000) was 28. %. Pots were filled with
sandy soil (10 kg) which had been sterilized in an outoclave at 121 °C for 25 minute. Only well-filled, healthy-
looking seeds were used. Four rows of five seeds for each pot were placed in a constant temperature
greenhouse (22 °C). The day/night cycle consisted of 16 h light and 8 h of darkness. Plants were checked daily
and watered, as needed. A factorial experiment was established, including drought effect and AM fungi on root
morphological properties. We used 2 species of AM fungi, G.mosseae and G.intraradices and a mixture of this
two species of AM fungi under three soil moisture levels. For the drought treatment water was withheld to
induce drought conditions and soil moisture was less than 9%. In the medium water treatment, percent soil
moisture ranged 15%. To assure three replicates for each treatment combination, in total 36 pots with planted
soil (two individual AM species and a mixture under three different water levels) and nine pots without AM fungi
(control under three different water levels) were incubated for 60 days. After 60 days of growth under different
moisture regimes, the plants were harvested. Each pots was emptied and roots were separated from the soil
manually. Roots were washed free of soil using a high pressure shower, dried in an oven at 60 ◦C, and
weighed to determine root dry matter (RDM). The data were statistically processed by analysis of variance
according to a randomized complete block design and means with standard errors were calculated using the
program Statistical Analysis System, version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Differences between the
treatments were determined using Duncan’s test.
Analysis of variance
Results from the analysis of variance (Table 1&2) showed that highly significant difference existing among
all traits measured; thus indicating that there is variability in AM fungi and moisture level studied. thus indicating
that there is variability in traits studied. This result implied that AM fungi and moisture factor effect on
component yield in grass. The soil moisture and AM fungi applied measurements indicated a reasonable
differentiation among the three water level and four species fungi treatments (Table 1&2). The results are in
agreement with (Safir et al., 1972).
Correlation analysis
Knowledge of the relationship among plant characters is useful while selecting traits for yield improvement.
Results correlation analysis showed that was high significant and positive correlation with all studied traits
Tech J Engin & App Sci., 3 (1): 44-47, 2013
(Tables 3 & 4). The highest positive correlation in moisture condition were observed between Dry weight of root
and Torjesance weight of air organ (r = 0.992**) and between Packed root & Fresh weight of air organ, Day to
maturity & Plant height (r = 0.987**). Also results showed that Significantly positive correlations were between
Plant height with Fresh weight of root, Plant height & Torjesance weight of air organ, Fresh weight of root &
Length root (r = 0.986**), Fresh weight of root & Torjesance weight of (r = 0.984**). Also showed that all traits
had high significant and negative correlation with Day to maturity. Results correlation analysis in species AM
fungi showed Fresh weight of air organ and Torjesance weight of air organ (r = .987**), Packed root and Fresh
weight of air organ and Torjesance weight of air organ & Dry weight of root (r = .986**) Dry weight of root and
Fresh weight of air organ (r = .975**). Also showed that Day to maturity Significantly negative correlations with
all traits. In general a significant positive correlation was observed between most of the traits. However,
negative correlation was also found among certain characters in the present study.
Table 1. Analysis of variance (RCBD) for studied traits in grass under moisture condition
Day to
weight of
Dry weight
of root
Fresh weight
of air organ
Dry weight of
air organ
*&** significantly different at %5 and %1 probability level
Table 2. Analysis of variance (RCBD) for studied traits in grass under AM fungi
Day to
weight of
Dry weight
of root
weight of air
Dry weight
of air organ
weight of air
*&** significantly different at %5 and %1 probability level
Table 3. Correlation analysis of agronomic traits in grass under moisture condition
Traits name
Day to
weight of
weight of
weight of
air organ
Dry weight
of air
weight of air
Day to maturity
Plant height
Fresh weight of
Dry weight of
Length root
Packed root
Fresh weight of
air organ
Dry weight of
air organ
weight of air
Tech J Engin & App Sci., 3 (1): 44-47, 2013
Table 4. Correlation analysis of agronomic traits in grass under AM fungi
Traits name
Day to
weight of
weight of
weight of
air organ
Dry weight
of air
weight of air
Day to maturity
Plant height
Fresh weight of
Dry weight of
Length root
Packed root
Fresh weight of
air organ
Dry weight of
air organ
weight of air
Shading increased soybean plant height and decreased stem diameter, so that 75% shade had the highest
plant height and the lowest stem diameter (Table 2). These results are compatible with those observed in green
gram and groundnut (Singh, 1997), soybean (Huang et al., 1993) and garden pea (Akhter et al, 2009). Haque
et al., (2009) reported that bottle gourd plant exhibited the longest internode at 50% PAR level (20.86 cm) and
the shortest length (17.17 cm) was obtained under full sunlight. This was probably due to higher apical
dominance under shade condition (Hillman, 1984). Plant height and gibberellin concentration increase
progressively when light intensity decreases (Potter et al, 1999). Main stem diameter was also adversely
affected by reduced PAR levels. The highest stem diameter was recorded from 100% as well as 75% PAR
levels, but the lowest diameter was obtained from 25% PAR (Haque et al., 2009). Corre (1983) reported that
stem length increases at the expense of root growth and stem girth.
Aroca R, Porcel R, Ruiz-Lozano JM. 2007. How does arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis regulate root hydraulic properties and plasma
membrane aquaporins in Phaseolus vulgaris under drought, cold or salinity stresses. New Phytologist 173, 808 816.
Augé RM 2001 Water relations, drought and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycorrhiza 11, 342.
Clark, H., Newton, P.C.D., Bell, C.C., Glasgow, E.M., 1997. Dry matter yield, leaf growth and population dynamics in Lolium
perenne/Trifolium repens-dominated pasture turves exposed to two levels of elevated CO2. Journal of Applied Ecology 34, 304
Conijn, J.G., 2005. A dynamic simulation model for grassland management and C and N flows at field scale. Report 107. Plant Research
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IPCC, 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. The final part of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).
Jump, A.S., Peˇnuelas, J., 2005. Running to stand still: adaptation and the response to plants to rapid climate change. Ecology Letters 8,
Malinowski, D.P., Belesky, D.P., 2000. Adaptations of endophyte-infected coolseason grasses to environmental stresses: mechanisms of
drought and mineral stress tolerance. Crop Sci. 40, 923940.
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Sci. 46, 497511.
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Climate is a potent selective force in natural populations, yet the importance of adaptation in the response of plant species to past climate change has been questioned. As many species are unlikely to migrate fast enough to track the rapidly changing climate of the future, adaptation must play an increasingly important role in their response. In this paper we review recent work that has documented climate-related genetic diversity within populations or on the microgeographical scale. We then describe studies that have looked at the potential evolutionary responses of plant populations to future climate change. We argue that in fragmented landscapes, rapid climate change has the potential to overwhelm the capacity for adaptation in many plant populations and dramatically alter their genetic composition. The consequences are likely to include unpredictable changes in the presence and abundance of species within communities and a reduction in their ability to resist and recover from further environmental perturbations, such as pest and disease outbreaks and extreme climatic events. Overall, a range-wide increase in extinction risk is likely to result. We call for further research into understanding the causes and consequences of the maintenance and loss of climate-related genetic diversity within populations.
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The majority of plants have mycorrhizal fungi associated with them. Mycorrhizal fungi are ecologically significant because they form relationships in and on the roots of a host plant in a symbiotic association. The host plant provides the fungus with soluble carbon sources, and the fungus provides the host plant with an increased capacity to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Adverse conditions are a pervasive feature in both natural and agronomic soils. The soil environment is constantly changing with regard to moisture, temperature and nutrient availability. In addition, soil properties are often manipulated to improve crop yields. In many cases, soils may be contaminated through disposal of chemicals that are toxic to plants and microorganisms. The formation and function of mycorrhizal relationships are affected by edaphic conditions such as soil composition, moisture, temperature, pH, cation exchange capacity, and also by anthropogenic stressors including soil compaction, metals and pesticides. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are of interest for their reported roles in alleviation of diverse soil-associated plant stressors, including those induced by metals and polychlorinated aliphatic and phenolic pollutants. Much mycorrhizal research has investigated the impact of extremes in water, temperature, pH and inorganic nutrient availability on mycorrhizal formation and nutrient acquisition. Evaluation of the efficacy of plant–mycorrhizal associations to remediate soils contaminated with toxic materials deserves increased attention. Before the full potential benefits of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to reclaim contaminated soils can be realized, research advances are needed to improve our understanding of the physiology of mycorrhizae subjected to adverse physical and chemical conditions. This paper will review literature and discuss the implications of soil contamination on formation and function of arbuscular mycorrhizal associations.
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Cool-season grasses infected with Neotyphodium spp. endophytes have an extraordinary impact on the ecology and economy of pasture and turf. A range of adaptations of endophyte-infected grasses to biotic and abiotic stresses has been identified but mechanisms of these adaptations are not clearly understood. In this review, we present recent research progress on endophyte-related mechanisms affecting abiotic (drought, mineral) and selected aspects of biotic stress tolerance in cool-season grasses. Endophytes induce mechanisms of drought avoidance (morphological adaptations), drought tolerance (physiological and biochemical adaptations), and drought recovery in infected grasses. Mineral nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium) affects production of ergot alkaloids, thus understanding mechanisms involved in mineral economy of endophyte-infected grasses will help in developing management practices to reduce forage toxicity to livestock. Previous research resolved the role of endophyte in nitrogen (N) economy of tall fescue. We identified two endophyte-related mechanisms in tall fescue operating in response to phosphorus (P) deficiency. The mechanisms are altered root morphology (reduced root diameters and longer root hairs) and chemical modification of the rhizosphere resulting from exudation of phenolic-like compounds. These mechanisms were shown to benefit endophyte-infected plants grown under P deficiency. We also report a mechanism of aluminum (AI) sequestration on root surfaces in endophyte-infected tall fescue, which appears to be related to exudation of phenolic-like compounds with AI-chelating activity. Understanding mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance in endophyte-infected grasses is essential for continued improvement and persistence of grasses for a range of applications, e.g., forage for semi-arid areas or cover plants for soil renovation.
1. Dry matter yield, leaf growth and population dynamics of turves taken from an old Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens-dominated pasture were studied in controlled environment rooms at CO2 concentrations of 350 μmol mol-1, 525 μmol mol-1 and 700 μmol mol-1. Starting with September data the turves were subjected sequentially to the mean monthly temperature and photoperiod taken from long-term climatic data for the area of New Zealand where the pasture was located. Each temperature and photoperiod regime was applied for 21 days to provide 12 different simulated 'months' of environmental conditions. The experiment run for 14 simulated months, with September and October conditions being repeated at the end of the first simulated 'year'. Mean photon flux density throughout was 500 μE m-2 s-1. 2. The total quantity of herbage harvested was increased by 7% and 14% at 525 μmol mol 1 and 700 μmol mol-1 CO2, respectively. The increase in the amount of T. repens harvested by the end of the experiment was 63% at 525 μmol mol-1 CO2 and 48% at 700μmol mol-1 CO2. In contrast, neither the yield of C3 grasses nor the yield of the only C4 grass present, Paspalum dilatatum, was significantly affected by CO2 concentration. The implications of this increase in the proportion of T. repens in temperate pastures at elevated CO2 is discussed briefly. 3. With the exception of a small increase in the specific leaf area of T. repens, detailed measurements of leaf growth on marked tillers (L. perenne and P. dilatatum) and growing points (T. repens) showed no consistent effects of exposure to elevated CO2 concentrations. 4. Differences in yield between CO2 concentrations were mainly attributable to changes in the number and balance of population units. By the middle of the 'winter' conditions T. repens growing point densities at 700μmol mol-1 CO2 were more than double those found at 350μmol mol-1 but total grass tiller densities were unchanged. Growing point densities were also more than doubled at 525 μmol mol-1 CO2 compared with 350μmol mol-1 but grass tiller densities were reduced significantly below those recorded in the other two treatments. The relationship between the stability of herbage production and population densities is discussed and the potential interaction between population density, elevated CO2 and grazing considered. 5. Although exposure to elevated levels of CO2 did result in large changes in population numbers, this did not happen immediately and so the yield response of this particular community to CO2 varied with time. The average yield increases recorded here at elevated CO2 may therefore tend to underestimate those likely to be shown by communities that, at the population level, have become fully adapted to growth in a CO2-enriched atmosphere.
Recent developments in climate modeling suggest that global warming is likely to favor conditions for the development of droughts in many regions of Europe. Studies evaluating possible changes in drought hazard typically have employed indices that are derived solely from climate variables such as temperature and precipitation, whereas many of the impacts of droughts are more related to hydrological variables such as river flow. This study examines the impact of global warming on streamflow drought in Europe by comparing low-flow predictions of a hydrological model driven by high-resolution regional climate simulations for the end of the previous century and for the end of this century based on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios A2 greenhouse gas emission scenario. For both time slices, low-flow characteristics were derived from the simulated streamflow series using extreme value analysis. More specifically, we employed the methods of block maxima and partial duration series to obtain minimum flows and flow deficits and fitted extreme value distributions by the maximum likelihood method. In order not to mix drought events with different physical causes the analysis was performed separately for the frost and nonfrost season. Results show that in the frost-free season streamflow droughts will become more severe and persistent in most parts of Europe by the end of this century, except in the most northern and northeastern regions. In the frost season, streamflow drought conditions will be of less importance under future climate conditions.
It is currently accepted that, along with nutrients, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi also transport water to their host plant. However, the quantity of water supplied and its significance for plant water relations remain controversial. The objective of this work was to evaluate and compare the ability of six AM fungi to alter rates of root water uptake under drought stress conditions. Soil drying rates of uninoculated control plants of comparable size and nutritional status and mycorrhizal plants were recorded daily. Lactuca sativa plants colonized by Glomus coronatum, G. intraradices, G. claroideum and G. mosseae depleted soil water to a higher extent than comparably sized uninoculated control plants or plants colonized by G. constrictum or G. geosporum. The differences ranged from 0.6% volumetric soil moisture for G. mosseae-colonized plants to 0.95% volumetric soil moisture for G. intraradices-colonized plants. These differences in soil moisture were equivalent to 3–4.75 ml plant−1 day−1, respectively, and could not be ascribed to differences in plant size, but to the activity of AM fungi. The AM fungi tested in this study differed in their effectiveness to enhance plant water uptake from soil. This ability seems to be related to the amount of external mycelium produced by each AM fungus and to the frequency of root colonization in terms of live and active fungal structures.
We review four hypotheses for the control of carbon acquisition by roots, and conclude that the functional equilibrium hypothesis can offer a good description of C acquisition by roots relative to shoots, but is deficient mechanistically. The hypothesis that import into roots is solely dependent on export from the shoot, itself determined by features of the shoot alone (the ‘push’ hypothesis), is supported by some but not all the evidence. Similarly, the idea that root demand, a function of the root alone, determines import into it (the ‘pull’ hypothesis), is consonant with some of the evidence. The fourth, general, hypothesis (the ‘shared control’ hypothesis) – that acquisition of C by roots is controlled by a range of variables distributed between root and shoot – accords with both experiment and theory. Top-down metabolic control analysis quantifies the control of C flux attributable to root relative to source leaf. We demonstrate that two levels of mechanistic control, short-term regulation of phloem transport and control of gene expression by compounds such as sugars, underlie distributed control. Implications for the impact of climate change variables are briefly discussed.
We used a novel, nonintrusive experimental system to examine plant responses to warming and drought across a climatic and geographical latitudinal gradient of shrubland ecosystems in four sites from northern to southern Europe (UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Spain). In the first two years of experimentation reported here, we measured plant cover and biomass by the pinpoint method, plant 14C uptake, stem and shoot growth, flowering, leaf chemical concentration, litterfall, and herbivory damage in the dominant plant species of each site. The two years of approximately 1C experimental warming induced a 15% increase in total aboveground plant biomass growth in the UK site. Both direct and indirect effects of warming, such as longer growth season and increased nutrient availability, are likely to be particularly important in this and the other northern sites which tend to be temperature-limited. In the water-stressed southern site, there was no increase in total aboveground plant biomass growth as expected since warming increases water loss, and temperatures in those ecosystems are already close to the optimum for photosynthesis. The southern site presented instead the most negative response to the drought treatment consisting of a soil moisture reduction at the peak of the growing season ranging from 33% in the Spanish site to 82% in The Netherlands site. In the Spanish site there was a 14% decrease in total aboveground plant biomass growth relative to control. Flowering was decreased by drought (up to 24% in the UK and 40% in Spain). Warming and drought decreased litterfall in The Netherlands site (33% and 37%, respectively) but did not affect it in the Spanish site. The tissue P concentrations generally decreased and the N/P ratio increased with warming and drought except in the UK site, indicating a progressive importance of P limitation as a consequence of warming and drought. The magnitude of the response to warming and drought was thus very sensitive to differences among sites (cold-wet northern sites were more sensitive to warming and the warm-dry southern site was more sensitive to drought), seasons (plant processes were more sensitive to warming during the winter than during the summer), and species. As a result of these multiple plant responses, ecosystem and community level consequences may be expected.
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can affect the water balance of both amply watered and droughted host plants. This review summarizes these effects and possible causal mechanisms. Also discussed are host drought resistance and the influence of soil drying on the fungi.
Improvement in stress tolerance of forage and turf grasses is a major breeding goal. Most forage and some turf grasses are grown on marginal lands under stressful environments with minimal inputs. In contrast, current high-input turf grass production systems such as golf courses and lawns are expensive and often environmentally unfriendly. Cultivars with improved stress tolerance are necessary for the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly production systems. Until recently, decades of breeding and selection have resulted in limited improvements of stress tolerance of forage and turf grass species. Recent developments in molecular and genomic sciences suggest new methods to improve stress tolerance in many plants, but compared to major crop plants (e.g., rice [Oryza sativa L.], wheat [Triticum spp.], and maize [Zea mays L.]), the development of molecular and genomic resources for forage and turf grasses has been limited. In this review, we present an overview of recent molecular and genomic studies aimed at improving stress tolerance of forage and turf grasses, including endophyte grass interactions. Important molecular and genomic resources are now available for some forage and turf grasses, including ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) and fescues (Festuca spp.). Noteworthy progress is being made in improvements of both biotic and abiotic stress tolerances of these grasses, but the challenge is to simplify and streamline the molecular tools and new discoveries for cost-effective and efficient application in forage and turf grass breeding. Stress tolerances of many forage and turf grasses are influenced by their mutualistic association with Neotyphodium spp. endophytes, and this area of research is discussed.