ArticlePDF Available
Volume 5- Issue 4: 2018
ISSN: 2574-1241
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.06.001406
Ivan Uher. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Review Article
Ivan Uher1*, Alicja Pasterczyk23 and Milena Švedová4
1Institute of Physical Education and Sport, PJ Šafárika University, Kosice, Slovakia
2Vitberg Jacek Sikora, Nowy Sacz, Poland
3Department of Physical Education, Institute of Physical Education, State University of Applied Sciences, Nowy Sacz, Poland
4Faculty of Management, Prešov University in Prešov, Slovakia
Received: June 05, 2018;  July 13, 2018
 Ivan Uher, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Pavla Jozefa Šafárika University, Slovakia,
Tel: (+421)552341628; Email:
Biomedical Journal of
Open Access
Vibration is a mechanical incitement characterized by an
oscillatory wave. The biomechanical factors determining its intensity
        
amount of the oscillatory movement regulates the amplitude of the
 
         
magnitude of the vibration [1]. We recognize three types of VT.
First, the vibration enters the human body via hand when gripping
a vibrating dumbbell, barbell, or bar designed to stimulate upper
body muscles, or via a pulley system. Second, the vibration is applied
directly to the muscle locally to the sole of the foot for example or
by vibrating cable. And the third, where the vibration enters via
feet when standing on a vibration platform or in a lying position,
so-called whole-body vibration (WBV). Actually, Vitberg company
        
and local vibrotherapy simultaneously. We can pronounce that in
the last decade the strategy for (e.g. chronic pain management,
recovery after training or injury, amelioration of blood, lymph
circulation and metabolism enhancement) has changed. Currently,
as an alternative to analgesics and surgical treatment different
methods of electrostimulation, laser and magnet therapy are used.
Recent studies show that the future direction in above mentioned
health issues will belong to the vibrotherapy.
Pain is the most common reason for physician consultation
in most developed countries [2,3], with about nine out of ten
            
ten working adults having it every year [4]. For instance, chronic
low back pain (NSCLBP) has multifactorial origins and poses a
diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Americans and Europeans
annually spend more than 50 billion to help alleviate lower back
pain, and that number continue to grow [5]. Pharmacotherapy as a
treatment for NSCLBP results in high cost, minimal pain reduction,
  
prescriptions such as opioid analgesics account for nearly 75% of all
pharmaceutical overdose deaths [6]. Further, it has been proposed
that the initial traumatic event causes a muscular hypertonia,
which leads to inadequate circulation, which then enhances pain. In
the long run, this can lead to immobilization, followed by muscular
atrophy and pathophysiological loading patterns, which further
is an intricate process that is regulated by circulation. Recent
research supports that passive vibration can increase circulation
and has plausible effect on chronic back pain [8-10]. Looking at
the athletes and not only athletes many subjects develop excessive
        
around joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, myofascial planes as
a result of acute trauma, recurrent microtrauma, immobilization,
or as a complication of surgical intervention. This can lead to
      
restrictions or dysfunction which in many cases responds poorly
to conventional treatments [11]. In the given context, vibrotherapy
In addition, many studies have provided insight into the
        
The history of the development of vibrotherapy (VT) dates back to the half of the nineteenth century, when French neurologist Jean-Martin
     
vibration for enhancement of overall health. The aim of our paper is to review current literature on VT, help readers to better understand the effects
of vibration on human body. We can add that valid evidence suggests that vibration is effective in enhancing various medical conditions, although the
of the impact of vibration, vibrotherapy on the human health.
Keywords: Vibration; Quality of life; Human health; Lifestyle; Mental health
 Volume 6- Issue 5: 2018
Cite this article: Ivan U, Alicja P, Monika B, Milena Š. 
MS.ID.001406. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.06.001406. 2/4
In fact, the improvement of muscular performance after a short
period of vibration training has been quoted to be similar to what
occurs after several weeks of heavy resistance training [12,13]. In
one study vibration training is being utilized in, strength training,
performance enhancement and rehabilitation. Despite the lack of
research in this area, the literature that is currently available and
the results of this case study imply that vibration therapy has the
potential to aid in the management of acute soft tissue injury and
the sequela of disuse and immobilization [13]. Although there is
lack of strictly controlled studies on the vibration training effect,
          
         
power enhancement [14]. Now we know, that diseased arteries
can’t generate enough protective nitric oxid (NO). Sackner et al.
        
amount of (NO) into the circulation of healthy subjects and patients
and the Japanese Society of Hypertension [17] asserts that passive
Also, Sakaguchi et al. [18] in his study demonstrated that a single
session of whole body periodic acceleration (WBPA) treatment
simultaneously improved coronary microcirculation and glucose
tolerance in patients with type two diabetes (T2D) and what
         
          
incontinence can be altered by exercise [19]. Farzinmehr et al.
[20] claim that similar result can be achieve through vibrotherapy
[20]. In addition, tissue repair consists of overlapping phases of
  
are present in all phases Pongkitwitonn et al. [21] suggest that low
intensity vibration (LIV) increased cell number and the expression
of healing- associated markers, while decreasing production of pro-
       
macrophage phenotype in conditions such as diabetes. Taking
together, accumulating evidence demonstrates that mechanical
stimulation via low-intensity vibration enhance neuromuscular
many cell types involved in tissue repair, macrophages are sensitive
to mechanical signals. Even though underlying mechanism remains
to be elucidated.
Depression is a major psychiatric condition in men worldwide
[22]. Moreover, depression appears to be a major health problem
among elderly. We have compelling evidence for the effectiveness of
exercise in the treatment of youth and adult depression. However,
due to the inherent symptoms of depression (lack of energy, low
motivation to exercise), aerobic, anaerobic training could be too
        
et al. [23] and his colleagues hypothesis that an easy to perform
passive muscular training on WBV device has equal anti-depressive
effects compared to a cardiovascular training. This study found
strong support for the claim that WBV training add-on to exercise
treatment in depressed adolescents, and can be applied in highly
depressed adolescents, without drive to exercise, before more
active physical activities can be administered. Koike et al. [24]
examine whether vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) can improve the
psychological symptoms of older cohorts, the authors found
that VAT provided relaxation effect, and improved depression
symptoms. Furthermore, body dissatisfaction is considered to be
the most important component of disturbance since it refers to
negative subjective evaluations of one’s physical body (the majority
of people reporting dissatisfaction with weight or body shape).
As a result, when body image distress is very low, individual may
not engage in healthy dieting and exercise - even if necessary to
improve health outcomes. Rüütel and his colleagues [25] argue
that Vibroacoustic therapy promotes changes in the state of mood
and comfort, which are important for bodily well-being. Therefore,
Vibroacoustic therapy can be used for reducing stress in a non-
clinical population and can be added to the treatment programs,
including interventions for diminishing body dissatisfaction.
       
a reduced quality of life [26]. Children and adults with ADHD
frequently experience problems in a social interaction, which can
lead to social rejection, social isolation and discrimination [27,28].
Fuermaier et al. [29] asserts that WBV can improve cognitive
performance of healthy individuals as well as of individuals with
ADHD. The authors further claim that WBV treatment is relatively
inexpensive and easy to apply and might therefore be of potential
       
that mechanic vibration, has the potential to improve cognition,
reducing stress, play factor in self-esteem ultimately improve
quality of life in any age group. However, more studies are needed
to approximate, explain, complex issues of connection between
vibrotherapy and mental health.
Nevertheless, when referring to vibration therapy it should by
         
Jacek Sikora company, that came on the market with innovative,
advanced and original vibro-therapeutic product. This company
is on the European market for over 20 years. The company is
leading expert in the production of high quality vibro-therapeutic
          
acknowledged body of TUV Rheinland (CE0197). For the past
11 years, the company have been operating vibrotherapy clinics
(currently 52 of them across Poland), with approximately 1.5
thousand visits a day. We have to conclude, that until now no side
effects was recorded in association with Vitberg products. In 2016
wants to shorten bodies regeneration process, people with various
health concerns, simply anyone who wants to enjoy physical
and mental equilibrium. Currently the company is exploring the
technology and prototyping new version. The companies vision for
music and vibration) into one which consequently will ameliorate,
mediate, better outcome.
At the conclusion we can utter that vibrotherapy is a form of
healing a prophylactic therapy that uses vibration as a stimulus.
 Volume 6- Issue 5: 2018
Cite this article: Ivan U, Alicja P, Monika B, Milena Š. 
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Vibration depending on its characteristic can affect the human
 
the skin, stimulates lymphatic circulation, relieve pain, increase
the elasticity of the tendons and fascia, increase muscle strength
       
relaxes whole organism etc.). Vibrotherapy can be used in different
       
rehabilitation, professional sports, and beauty and wellness
applications and so forth). Vibration can be used as a new form of
exercise that is becoming more frequent employ to improve muscle
list in the treatment of various mental health issues. At the very
end, we can conclude, that the magnitude and broad spectrum
of improvement provide a basis to embark expeditiously on such
investigation [30]. In that respect more, research, evidence is
needed to clarify mechanism behind, which at the present moment
is far from being conclusive.
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Cite this article: Ivan U, Alicja P, Monika B, Milena Š. 
MS.ID.001406. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.06.001406. 4/4
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DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.06.001406
Ivan Uher. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
... Previous research indicated that the vibration treatments can be used in sports practice, for example, as an alternative method supporting the process of mental regeneration after intense physical exercise. This type of physical effort is a big stressor not only modifying the functional state of the human body (Laing et al., 2008) but it also influences emotional state (Uher, 2018) and subjective muscle pain sensations (Kress and Statler, 2007). How quickly an athlete returns to an optimal mental and physical state after a sports performance (e.g., after a tennis match) may determine its outcome during the next performance (e.g., the next day). ...
... The treatments of shorter duration (10 min) were more conducive to pain reduction than 45-min treatments. Previous I-T1A I-T1-B IT2-A I-T2-B II-T1-A II-T1-B II-T2-A II-T2- studies on vibrotherapy showed that such treatments affect hormone levels and lymphatic drainage, leading to a reduction in pain and an improvement in mood state (Uher, 2018). Thus, based on the results from this study, it can be concluded that a 10-min treatment is completely sufficient to reduce pain sensations -this is probably due to the phenomenon of "gating" (Melzack and Wall, 1965;Moayedi and Davis, 2013), where under the influence of vibration, neurotransmitters are depleted in a relatively short period of time (Uher, 2018). ...
... Previous I-T1A I-T1-B IT2-A I-T2-B II-T1-A II-T1-B II-T2-A II-T2- studies on vibrotherapy showed that such treatments affect hormone levels and lymphatic drainage, leading to a reduction in pain and an improvement in mood state (Uher, 2018). Thus, based on the results from this study, it can be concluded that a 10-min treatment is completely sufficient to reduce pain sensations -this is probably due to the phenomenon of "gating" (Melzack and Wall, 1965;Moayedi and Davis, 2013), where under the influence of vibration, neurotransmitters are depleted in a relatively short period of time (Uher, 2018). The differences found in this study can be explained by the participants' subjective perception of pain. ...
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Good mental preparation of an athlete plays an important role in achieving optimal sports results. An athlete who enters a competition should not feel fatigue resulting from intense physical exercise. Therefore, new and effective methods are being sought that could help accelerate the process of both physical and mental regeneration. Vibrotherapy is one of them. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal frequency of vibration, its duration and the position in which the subjects were placed during the treatments, in relation to the reduction of subjectively perceived exertion muscle pain, mental discomfort, emotional states and the level of cognitive processes that were disturbed by intense physical activity. Sixteen healthy male volunteers were involved in this study. The participants were assessed for their aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Each of the subjects performed a set of intensive physical exercises and then underwent vibrotherapy treatment. In random order, each of the men tested the effectiveness of eight combinations of frequency, duration, and body position. Psychological tests were conducted for each combination: frequency, duration of treatment, and position during treatment, in four stages: (1) before the start of the experiment (baseline POMS measurements), (2) immediately after the exercise (VAS scale, scale examining psychological discomfort and STROOP test), (3) immediately after the vibration treatment (POMS measurements, VAS scale, scale examining psychological discomfort and STROOP test), (4) 24 h after the vibration treatment (VAS scale examining subjective assessment of perceived pain and psychological discomfort). Based on the results, it was concluded that all the studied variables improved significantly over time (after the vibration treatment and 24 h after training). In addition, a statistically significant interaction measurement × frequency was noted for vigor scale (52HZ favored greater improvement in this state), and a statistically significant interaction was found for measurement × time for the VAS scale (p < 0.05) – the lower pain value was indicated 24 h after the 10-min vibration treatment. The type of frequency used, position, and duration of the treatment did not play a statistically significant role in changing STROOP test results and severity of psychological discomfort (p > 0.05).
... 7,19,20 Decades of study of vibration in the workplace have established that mechanical signals can be extremely harmful to many human tissues and organ systems. 1,7,8,12,[19][20][21][22][23][24]26 It is well accepted that Whole Body Vibration (WBV) can result in intervertebral disk displacement, spinal vertebrae degeneration, and osteoarthritis. Vibration transmitted through the spinal column to the head may induce hearing loss, visual impairment, retinal tearing, vestibular damage, Ethics: The studies reviewed in this report used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and included the PEDro scale for estimating the quality of the meta-analysis and the Cochrane Collaboration's "Risk of Bias" tool to assess bias. ...
... 2023;5:100298 and even brain hemorrhaging at very high vibration magnitudes. 1,[6][7][8]10,12,19,20,24,26 Because of the severity of risk to human organs and tissues the International Standards Organization (ISO) has recommended limits for human exposure to vibration known as Threshold Limit Values (TLV; ISO-TLV 2631). 7,19,20 Humans receive low intensity vibrations daily and are not injured by them. ...
... Low intensity vibrations are not only well tolerated, they are often beneficial. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Despite strong advisories to limit human exposure to vibration, the possible beneficial effects of vibration began to be investigated around the start of the Space Age. In the 1960s WBV machines were investigated to prevent bone loss in astronauts during space flight. ...
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The purpose of this report is to remind providers of the potential risks of Whole Body Vibration Therapy (WBVT) for children with disabilities. We reviewed the current state of knowledge and learned that WBVT may have potential risk of injury for some children. To the best of our knowledge this review is the first to clarify WBVT risks. We believe WBVT may have therapeutic value but we recommend caution and offer suggestions for future research.
... Physical effort is a strong stressor modifying the functional state of the human body [1]. It also has an effect on the emotional state [2]. Therefore, it is substantially important to return to the optimal psychophysical state post-stress as soon as possible, which is especially important in the restrictive training of professional athletes. ...
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The aim of this project was to indicate the optimal parameters such as frequency, duration of a single vibrotherapy, and body position, which will be used as a form of recovery modality after physical exercise. Sixteen healthy male volunteers were involved in this study. The aerobic and anaerobic capacity of participants was assessed. Each of the subjects performed a set of intensive physical exercises and then underwent vibrotherapy treatment. In random order, each of the men tested the effectiveness of eight of the combinations of frequency, duration, and body position. The effect of the procedure accelerating recovery was assessed 24 h after physical exercise with the Wingate test. Changes in oxygen saturation and biochemical markers (interleukins: Il-1β, Il-6, and creatine kinase: CK), hemoglobin (Hb), and hematocrit (Hct) were assessed 1 h and 24 h after the physical effort. Lactate concentrations were measured 3, 15, 30, and 60 min after the end of the vibration. It was indicated that the optimal treatment should be based on lower ranges of frequency values (2–52 Hz). The procedure with raised feet is also more beneficial than the flat, supine position. To improve the overall work, and a number of biochemical markers (CK and Il-1β), a 45 min treatment will be more efficient, because significantly lower CK activity was indicated for the 45 min treatment. For this duration, higher values of Il-1β were indicated in the measurement carried out for samples collected 60 min after the treatment and lower in the measurement carried out 24 h after the treatment.
... Vibrations increase neuromuscular activity by modulating proprioceptive function and increase muscle strength [8,29]. Vibrotherapy has effects on hormone levels and lymphatic drainage, leading to a reduction in pain and improvement in mood [30]. The mechanism for pain relief, one of the primary symptoms of DOMS, involves the activation of large diameter fibers while suppressing the transfer activity of small diameter fibers [31,32]. ...
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Prolonged exercise can lead to muscle damage, with soreness, swelling, and ultimately reduced strength as a consequence. It has been shown that whole-body vibration (WBV) improves recovery by reducing the levels of stress hormones and the activities of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The aim of the study was to demonstrate the effect of local vibration treatment applied after exercise on the level of selected markers of muscle fiber damage. The study involved 12 untrained men, aged 21.7 ± 1.05 years, with a VO2peak of 46.12 ± 3.67 mL. kg −1. min −1. A maximal intensity test to volitional exhaustion was performed to determine VO2peak and individual exercise loads for prolonged exercise. The subjects were to perform 180 min of physical effort with an intensity of 50 ± 2% VO2peak. After exercise, they underwent a 60 min vibration treatment or placebo therapy using a mattress. Blood samples were taken before, immediately after the recovery procedure, and 24 h after the end of the exercise test. Myoglobin (Mb) levels as well as the activities of CK and LDH were recorded. Immediately after the hour-long recovery procedure (vibra-tion or placebo), the mean concentrations of the determined indices were significantly different from baseline values. In the vibration group, significantly lower values of Mb (p = 0.005), CK (p = 0.030), and LDH (p = 0.005) were seen. Differences were also present 24 h after the end of the exercise test. The results of the vibration group compared to the control group differed in respect to Mb (p = 0.002), CK (p = 0.029), and LDH (p = 0.014). After prolonged physical effort, topical vibration improved post-workout recovery manifested by lower CK and LDH activity and lower Mb concentration compared to a control group.
... Vibration (mechanical vibrations) is a physical phenomenon based on spreading low-frequency acoustic oscillations within solid media. It can be applied to the human body via direct contact with the source of vibrations 14 . Vibration therapy has been known for a long time, but it started to gain more interest in the 20 th century. ...
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Introduction: Lipodystrophy is a common problem for modern women. So far, no fully effective therapeutic methods have been developed to eliminate this type of change. Vibration massage is a method that has not yet been studied in the prevention and elimination of lipodystrophy symptoms. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of vibrotherapy on the reduction in lipodystrophic changes. Material and method: 10 volunteers with cellulite changes at the age of 21-23 with physical activity levels described by the international IPAQ questionnaire participated in the study. All women included in the study were evaluated on the basis of 5-day nutrition analysis. Before and after 4 weeks of vibrotherapy, waist, hip and thigh circumferences were measured, and body composition was assessed using bioimpedance and dermatoscope photos were taken. Oscillating cycloidal vibration was generated by the Vitberg+ Rehabilitation Device (Nowy Sącz). Results: After the 4-week series of vibrations, the following average reduction in thigh circumference was observed (Δ1.5cm, p = 0.002 for right thigh, Δ1.50 cm, p = 0.000 for left), hips (Δ1.25 cm, p = 0.006) and waist (Δ2 30 cm, p = 0.002). The proposed treatment series caused a reduction in body fat mass (Δ0.42 kg, p = 0.009) without affecting the body's water content, and the analysis of dermatoscopic imaging results revealed improvement in skin perfusion. Conclusion: Oscillating-cycloidal vibration therapy can be an effective tool to alleviate lipodystrophic changes.
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Doğum, kadınların yönetmek zorunda olduğu fizyolojik ve psikolojik bir süreçtir. Doğum ağrısı yeni bir bebeği dünyaya getirmeye aracılık ettiği için diğer ağrı türlerinden ayrılan benzersiz bir yaşam deneyimidir. Doğum ağrısı doğum sırasında oluşan duyusal uyaranların etkili olduğu, karmaşık, subjektif ve çok boyutlu bir yanıttır. Ayrıca doğum ağrısı kan basıncını, oksijen tüketimini ve ketokalamin düzeyini arttırdığı için uterusun kanlanmasını ve doğumun ilerlemesini engelleyebileceği için doğum sürecini olumsuz etkileyecektir. Bununla birlikte, doğum ağrısının yönetimi bu olumsuz etkileri en aza indirebilir. Doğum ağrısının yönetimi farmakolojik ve farmakolojik olmayan yaklaşımları içermektedir. Opioidler ve epidural analjezi doğum ağrısının yönetiminde kullanılan en popüler ve etkili farmakolojik yöntemlerdir, ancak doğumun ilerlemesini etkileyebilir, aletli doğum ve sezaryen riskini ve yenidoğan solunum depresyonu riskinin artırabilir. Fakat farmakolojik olmayan yaklaşımların kullanılması, doğum ağrısının ve doğum sırasında analjezik tüketiminin azaltılmasında etkilidir. Ayrıca, farmakolojik olmayan yaklaşımlar yan etkileri olmayan, anne memnuniyetini arttıran, diğer obstetrik ve neonatal sonuçlarda iyileşme ile ilişkili basit ve etkili tekniklerdir. Masaj, vücudun yumuşak dokularının manipülasyonunu içermektedir. Genellikle gergin kasları gevşetmeye yardımcı olmak, bireyi yatıştırmak ve sakinleştirmek için kullanılmaktadır. Masaj, bireyin gevşemesine yardımcı olarak, ağrı yollarındaki duyusal iletimi engelleyerek veya kan akışını ve dokuların oksijenlenmesini iyileştirerek ağrıyı hafifletmeye yardımcı olmaktadır. Masaj terapisi derin doku masajı, İsveç masajı, nöromüsküler masaj veya shiatsu gibi belirli fiziksel teknikleri veya manuel terapiyi içerebildiği gibi basınç uygulayan ya da titreşim yaratan aletlerle yapılan mekanik masaj tekniklerini içermektedir. Doğumda uygulanan manuel masajlar algılanan doğum ağrısını azaltmakta, doğumun süresini kısaltmakta, doğum sonu maternal depresyon riskini azaltmakta ve doğum memnuniyetlerini arttırmaktadır. Doğumda mekanik masaj uygulamalarını araştıran sınırlı sayıda çalışma mevcut olsa da sonuçlar doğum ağrısını azaltmada etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Doğum sırasında ağrıyı yönetmek için farklı kadınlara farklı masaj teknikleri uygulanmaktadır. Doğum sırasında uygulanacak masaj tekniğine, masaj yoğunluğuna, masaj süresine ve masaj bölgesine kadın karar vermelidir. Doğum ağrısının yönetiminde masaj kullanılacaksa kadının istediği teknikle masaj yapmak kadının doğuma uyumunu arttırarak algılanan ağrı seviyesini azaltmaktadır. Kadının tensel teması sevip sevmeme durumuna göre uygun masaj tekniği belirlenmeli ve masaj kadın için özelleştirilmelidir.
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Background: Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy, panniculopathy) affects approximately 85% of women and is related to genetic and hormonal factors, diet, and low physical activity. Vibrotherapy is a promising method of physical therapy to help fight cellulite that has not been studied exhaustively yet. Materials and Methods: Sixty healthy women (age: 19–43 years) with cellulite of at least grade I on the Nurnberg–Muller scale were recruited. The participants were randomly assigned to four groups, receiving a series of 15 vibration treatments in a sitting or lying position for 30 or 60 min. Before and after the first and last treatment, selected skin parameters were measured with the use of Courage and Khazaka equipment. Results: Skin hydration and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) of thighs and buttocks differed significantly at all time points. Post hoc tests showed that each treatment caused a decrease in TEWL but no long-term effect was observed. For skin pH, a significant difference was observed between the measurements I and IV. The lying position caused a greater reduction in the value of the acid–base balance. Conclusions: A series of vibration treatments improved the hydration and pH of the skin. The treatments limited TEWL; however, no long-term effect was observed.
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of treadmill training (TT) and whole body vibration training (WBVT) on attention, severity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and impairment of executive function behaviors, and quality of life in children with ADHD. Methods: Thirty children (7-11 years of age) with ADHD were randomly assigned to either the 'TT' group or the 'WBVT in addition to TT' group (TT + WBVT). Both groups received TT for 8 weeks (3 days/week). The TT + WBWT group also received WBVT for 15 minutes. Stroop Test TBAG Form, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF), Conners' Rating Scale (CRS) and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) were applied at baseline and after 8 weeks of training. Results: All assessment results significantly improved in both groups at the end of the program compared to baseline values (p < 0,05). There were significant differences between groups regarding improvements in CTRS-R/L and BRIEF-Teacher form in favor of the TT + WBVT group. Conclusions: The findings suggest that exercise training including TT and WBVT might be used in the treatment of ADHD but further research is required to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the whole body vibration training in the management of ADHD.
The history of the development of vibrotherapy (VT) dates back to the half of the nineteenth century, when French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot designed vibration chair for treatment of Parkinson disease. Since then VT got as far as the world’s first medical device “Vitberg+” that was introduce by Vitberg company in 2016. Vibrotherapy has recently gain popularity, many studies have provided insight into the benefits of using vibration for enhancement of overall health. The aim of our paper is to review current literature on VT, help readers to better understand the effects of vibration on human body. We can add that valid evidence suggests that vibration is effective in enhancing various medical conditions, although the exact mechanisms mediating these effects are still not well understood. In that context, further research is needed for verification and clarification of the impact of vibration, vibrotherapy on the human health.
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There is growing evidence for the effectiveness of exercise in the treatment of adult major depression. With regard to adolescents, clinical trials are scarce. Due to the inherent symptoms of depression (lack of energy, low motivation to exercise), endurance training forms could be too demanding especially in the first weeks of treatment. We hypothesized that an easy-to-perform passive muscular training on a whole body vibration (WBV) device has equal anti-depressive effects compared to a cardiovascular training, both administered as add-ons to treatment as usual (TAU). Secondly, we presumed that both exercise interventions would be superior in their response, compared to TAU. In 2 years 64 medication-naïve depressed inpatients aged 13–18, were included. Both exercise groups fulfilled a supervised vigorous training for 6 weeks. Depressive symptoms were assessed by self-report (“Depressions Inventar für Kinder und Jugendliche”—DIKJ) before intervention and after weeks 6, 14 and 26. Compared to TAU, both groups responded earlier and more strongly measured by DIKJ scores, showing a trend for the WBV group after week 6 (p = 0.082). The decrease became statistically significant for both intervention groups after week 26 (p = 0.037 for ergometer and p = 0.042 for WBV). Remission rates amounted to 39.7% after week 6 and 66% after week 26, compared to 25% after week 26 in TAU. These results provide qualified support for the effectiveness of exercise as add-on treatment for medication-naïve depressed adolescents. The present results are limited by the not randomized control group.
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Objective: To determine whether Whole Body Vibration Training (WBVT) is effective at improving pelvic floor muscles strength in women with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Materials and methods: The study was designed as a randomized clinical trial. 43 women with SUI were randomly assigned in two groups; WBVT and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) and received interventions for four weeks. Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength, quality of life and incontinence intensity were evaluated. All measurements were conducted pre and post intervention and also after 3 months in all participants. The ANOVA and the independent sample t test were applied respectively to determine the differences in each group and between the groups. Results: This study showed the WBVT protocol in this study was effective in pelvic floor muscles strength similar to PFMT, and also in reducing the severity of incontinence and increasing I-QOL questionnaire score. We found significant differences in each group pre and post intervention (p = 0.0001); but no significant difference in comparison of two groups' outcomes. Also after three-month follow up, there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed the beneficial effects of WBVT in improving pelvic floor muscles strength and quality of life in patients with urinary incontinence in four-week treatment period and after three months follow up.
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Introduction: Changes in sensorimotor function and increased trunk muscle fatigability have been identified in patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP). This study assessed the control of trunk force production in conditions with and without local erector spinae muscle vibration and evaluated the influence of muscle fatigue on trunk sensorimotor control. Methods: Twenty non-specific cLBP patients and 20 healthy participants were asked to perform submaximal isometric trunk extension torque with and without local vibration stimulation, before and after a trunk extensor muscle fatigue protocol. Constant error (CE), variable error (VE) as well as absolute error (AE) in peak torque were computed and compared across conditions. Trunk extensor muscle activation during isometric contractions and during the fatigue protocol was measured using surface electromyography (sEMG). Results: Force reproduction accuracy of the trunk was significantly lower in the patient group (CE = 9.81 ± 2.23 Nm; AE = 18.16 ± 3.97 Nm) than in healthy participants (CE = 4.44 ± 1.68 Nm; AE = 12.23 ± 2.44 Nm). Local erector spinae vibration induced a significant reduction in CE (4.33 ± 2.14 Nm) and AE (13.71 ± 3.45 Nm) mean scores in the patient group. Healthy participants conversely showed a significant increase in CE (8.17 ± 2.10 Nm) and AE (16.29 ± 2.82 Nm) mean scores under vibration conditions. The fatigue protocol induced erector spinae muscle fatigue as illustrated by a significant decrease in sEMG median time-frequency slopes. Following the fatigue protocol, patients with cLBP showed significant decrease in sEMG root mean square activity at L4-5 level and responded in similar manner with and without vibration stimulation in regard to CE mean scores. Conclusions: Patients with cLBP have a less accurate force reproduction sense than healthy participants. Local muscle vibration led to significant trunk neuromuscular control improvements in the cLBP patients before and after a muscle fatigue protocol. Muscle vibration stimulation during motor control exercises is likely to influence motor adaptation and could be considered in the treatment of cLBP. Further work is needed to clearly identify at what levels of the sensorimotor system these gains are achievable.
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Most of the current treatment strategies of ADHD are associated with a number of disadvantages which strengthen the need for alternative or additional approaches for the treatment of ADHD. In this respect, Whole Body Vibration (WBV) might be interesting as it was found to have beneficial effects on a variety of physiological measures. The present study explored the effects of WBV on attention of healthy individuals and adults diagnosed with ADHD. Eighty-three healthy individuals and seventeen adults diagnosed with ADHD participated in the study. WBV treatment was applied passively, while participants were sitting on a chair which was mounted on a vibrating platform. A repeated measure design was employed in order to explore potential effects of WBV treatment on attention within subjects. Attention (i.e. inhibitory control) was measured with a color-word interference paradigm. A period of two minutes of WBV treatment had significant beneficial effects of small to medium size on attention of both healthy individuals and adults with ADHD. The effect of WBV treatment on attention did not differ significantly between groups. WBV was demonstrated to improve cognitive performance of healthy individuals as well as of individuals with ADHD. WBV treatment is relatively inexpensive and easy to apply and might therefore be of potential relevance for clinical use. The application of WBV treatment as a cognitive enhancement strategy and as a potential treatment of cognitive impairments is discussed.
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Chronic, nonmalignant pain is a substantial public health problem in the United States. Research over the past 2 decades has defined chronic pain by using a "biopsychosocial model" that considers a patient's biology and psychological makeup in the context of his or her social and cultural milieu. Whereas this model addresses the pathology of chronic pain, it also places many demands on the physician, who is expected to assess and manage chronic pain safely and successfully. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that opioids can be effective in the management of chronic pain, but there has also been a rise in opioid-related overdoses and deaths. Clinicians should be aware of assessment tools that may be used to evaluate the risk of opioid abuse. A basic understanding of chronic pain pathophysiology and a uniform approach to patient care can satisfy the needs of both patients and physicians.
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Across all medical specialties, quality of life has become an important measure of outcomes in both research and clinical settings. However, to date, there has not been a systematic review of the research relevant to quality of life in populations with adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. We approach quality of life in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by answering the following questions: 1) What specific metrics are used to assess quality of life in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? 2) What is the impact of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on quality of life? 3) What effects do attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatments have on quality of life? Searches of major electronic databases were conducted, and reference lists from the identified articles were searched for additional studies, with a focus on studies that utilized quality of life measures. Thirty-six relevant studies are included in our review. There are multiple unique measures currently used to measure quality of life in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ranging from general quality of life scales to those specifically designed for use in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was found to significantly worsen the quality of life in adults. Treatment with atomoxetine and mixed amphetamine salts has shown beneficial effects on quality of life even in cases without symptomatology improvement. Pharmacological treatment and early diagnosis have a positive impact on outcomes, longterm prognosis, and quality of life in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Having multiple unique measures of quality of life have limited the direct comparison of different classes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication treatments and future research should be aimed to address this.
Objective: The purpose of this secondary data analysis was to compare the effect of 2 multimodal exercise-based physical therapy interventions (one with and one without whole-body vibration [WBV] therapy plus traction) on pain and disability in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP). Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from 2 distinct samples. One sample was from the Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes Inc. (FOTO) group (n = 55, age 55.1 ± 19.0 years), and the other was the Illinois Back Institute (IBI) (n = 70, age 47.5 ± 13.4 years). Both groups of patients had NSCLBP for more than 3 months and a pain numeric rating scale (NRS) score of ≥7. Both groups received treatment consisting of flexibility or stretching exercises, core stability training, functional training, and postural exercises and strengthening exercises. However, the IBI group also received WBV plus traction. NSCLBP was measured before and after therapeutic trials using the NRS for pain and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Results: The NRS scores were significantly improved in both groups, decreasing by 2 points in the FOTO group and by 5 points in the IBI group. The ODI scores were significantly improved in both groups; the FOTO group score improved by 9 points and the IBI group improved by 22 points. Conclusions: The results of this preliminary study suggest that NPS and ODI scores statistically improved for both NSCLBP groups receiving multimodal care. However, the group that included WBV therapy plus traction in combination with multimodal care had greater clinical results. This study had several limitations making it difficult to generalize the results from this study sample to the entire population.
Macrophages are essential for the efficient healing of various tissues. Although many biochemical signaling pathways have been well characterized in macrophages, their sensitivity to mechanical signals is largely unexplored. Here, we applied low intensity vibrations (LIV) to macrophages to determine whether macrophages could directly transduce LIV signals into changes in the expression of genes and proteins involved in tissue repair. Two different LIV signal frequencies (30 Hz or 100 Hz) were combined with two acceleration magnitudes (0.15 g or 1 g) to generate four distinct LIV signals that were applied to cultured murine macrophages. All four LIV signals significantly increased macrophage number after 3d of stimulation with the combination of the smallest acceleration and the highest frequency (0.15 g at 100 Hz) generating the largest response. Compared to non-LIV controls, gene expression of the pro-healing growth factors VEGF and TGF-β increased with all four LIV signals (Day 1). LIV also decreased protein levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL−6, IFN-γ, and TNF-α (Days 1&3). These data demonstrate the sensitivity of macrophages to high-frequency oscillations applied at low intensities and may suggest that the benefit of LIV for tissue repair may be based on reducing inflammation and promoting a pro-healing macrophage phenotype.
[Purpose] The objective of this study was to investigate whether vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) could improve the psychological symptoms of 15 elderly nursing home (NH) residents with symptoms of depression. [Methods] Fifteen subjects received VAT for 30 minutes per day for 10 days. Depression was evaluated using the Dementia Mood Assessment Scale (DMAS). Tympanic temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and SpO2 were measured as physiological indexes of relaxation. In addition, sleep-wake rhythms of the 15 subjects were evaluated using actigraphy. [Results] Based on DMAS scores, mitigation of depression was observed in NH residents after receiving VAT. Moreover, significant decreases in tympanic temperature and pulse were observed after treatment. Total sleeping hours per day showed a significant decrease when mean sleeping hours in the first week were compared with the mean sleeping hours in the second week. [Conclusion] VAT provided relaxation effects for elderly NH residents, and improved depressive symptoms.