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Increasing Knowledge Retention through Gamified Workshops: Findings from a Longitudinal Study and Identification of Moderating Variables


Abstract and Figures

Apathetic and poorly motivated students require educators to redesign their educational measures in order to create inspiring learning environments. One such educational measure is gamification, a new tool for active learning to improve students' motivation, with the ultimate goal of increasing knowledge retention. In this paper we investigate the effects of gamification on short-and long-term knowledge gains. Moreover, the moderating effects of gender and school type are scrutinized. We conducted a longitudinal study with 384 students using three assessments at different times and compared the results from gamified and non-gamified workshops. Our findings indicate that gamification is an effective tool to increase students' knowledge retention in the short term, but not necessarily in the long term. There was no significant effect of gender, but we found some preliminary evidence that school type might have a moderating effect on knowledge retention.
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Increasing Knowledge Retention through Gamified Workshops: Findings
from a Longitudinal Study and Identification of Moderating Variables
Lisa-Maria Putz
University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria
Horst Treiblmaier
MODUL University Vienna
Apathetic and poorly motivated students require
educators to redesign their educational measures in
order to create inspiring learning environments. One
such educational measure is gamification, a new tool
for active learning to improve students’ motivation,
with the ultimate goal of increasing knowledge
retention. In this paper we investigate the effects of
gamification on short- and long-term knowledge
gains. Moreover, the moderating effects of gender
and school type are scrutinized. We conducted a
longitudinal study with 384 students using three
assessments at different times and compared the
results from gamified and non-gamified workshops.
Our findings indicate that gamification is an effective
tool to increase students’ knowledge retention in the
short term, but not necessarily in the long term.
There was no significant effect of gender, but we
found some preliminary evidence that school type
might have a moderating effect on knowledge
1. Introduction
Previously, researchers have lamented that “the
challenge of teaching has increased when faced with
increasingly apathetic students and diverse learning
styles” (p.101) [54]. In particular, the so-called
generation Y, referring to people who were born
between 1980 and 2000, is hard to motivate with
traditional teaching methods. Despite continuous
efforts by education professionals to select novel and
innovate teaching methods, many students perceive
traditional schooling as boring and ineffective [24]
and prefer engaging and interactive learning activities
[46] [35].
In 1995, [14] found that traditional teaching does
not foster students’ capability to solve problems
autonomously or transfer learning content to new
situations. Educators have consequently identified a
need for novel teaching methods which tackle the
challenge of efficient knowledge transfer, student
engagement, and transferability of the course
contents. Furthermore, they should also equip
students with problem solving skills. Experiential
learning is considered as a potential solution to
address students’ motivational problems and to
increase students’ problem solving skills by
increasing their level of involvement [14] [24][39].
Games and gamified activities represent a form of
experiential learning and constitute an alternative to
traditional forms of learning. Gamification is a
promising approach to fostering intrinsic motivation
[16], making learning more engaging [48] and
increasing students’ knowledge retention [1][27][39].
By applying game design elements in non-game
contexts [8] [37] [49], gamification takes advantage
of the growing popularity of playing games in
different settings [45]. Previous studies have shown
that the educational use of games and game elements
triggers students’ active learning processes, which
subsequently improves their knowledge retention
In recent years, gamification has been frequently
applied to create highly motivating learning
environments that help to overcome the lack of
student interest and to increase students’ knowledge
retention levels [11]. However, rigorous empirical
research on the effectiveness of gamification in
educational environments and its impact on
knowledge retention is still scarce [11] [18] [27].
This especially pertains to the question of whether
gamification has the potential to positively influence
students’ knowledge retention. Moreover, the
potential moderating effects of gender and school
type are often neglected.
In this paper, we examine the potential of
gamification to make education more appealing and
effective. In particular, we strive to answer the
question of whether students are better able to recall
course content after participating in gamified
workshops as opposed to their traditional
counterparts. To this end, an experiment was
conducted comparing the knowledge retention
performance of two groups of workshop participants,
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2019
URI: hps://
ISBN: 978-0-9981331-2-6
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Page 1456
as well as examining the moderating effects of
gender and school type.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. First, the existing literature on the
application and effects of gamification in education is
reviewed. Next, we briefly outline our hypotheses,
describe the methodology, and present the results.
Finally, the paper ends with a discussion, several
limitations, as well as some concluding thoughts.
2. Gamification and Education
The term “gamification” was first used in 2008,
but only gained widespread adoption in academia and
the industry from the year 2010 onwards [45].
Gamification is defined as the use of game-design
elements in any non-game system context to achieve
one or more of the following: intrinsic and extrinsic
user motivation, facilitated information processing,
better goal achievement, and behavioral changes
Popular game design elementsso-called
motivational affordancesinclude, for example,
points, badges, leaderboards, competition, immediate
feedback, and time constraints [9][28][49]. The
concept of gamification substantially differs from
playing games. Whereas the former employs specific
game elements in contexts which are otherwise
unrelated to play, the latter describes full-fledged
games for all kinds of purposes (e.g., education) [11].
Positive effects of gamification have been
identified in fields such as diverse as health [42][44],
crowdsourcing [30], and technology adoption [48].
Additionally, the concept has been previously applied
for educational purposes [21][27][38]. A review
paper conducting a systematic mapping study of
empirical papers on gamification found that most
published studies had been conducted in the context
of education [17].
Previous research shows mixed, but
predominantly positive effects of gamification on
cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Gamification
supports learning processes and offers great potential
to improve students’ motivation as well as to enhance
engagement [15]. According to [43] (p. 347) the aim
of gamification in education is to “extract the game
elements that make good games enjoyable and fun to
play, adapt them and use those elements in the
teaching processes. […] Learning must not be a
boring activity while gaming is fun. Learning can be
fun if students learn as if they were playing a game.”
In order to achieve this, game elements need to be
deployed in such a way that students are able to
retain the learned content and apply the learning
experience outside the game context [29]. One
approach to gamifying the teaching experience is to
include elements of games that have been part of the
students’ lives since early childhood [2].
Additionally, gamification has been shown able to
increase students’ engagement as well as extrinsic
and intrinsic motivation [1]. This has important
implications for motivational research, since students
that are intrinsically motivated tend to have a higher
level of in-class participation and achieve better
results [6].
Existing empirical studies on gamification in
education focus mainly on engagement and
motivation as outcomes for learners [34]. Although
gamified teaching techniques have been shown to be
suitable in areas such as the military, retail
organizations, computer service providers and
manufacturing organizations [21], little research has
been conducted on gamification and knowledge
retention [1][27]. Research specifically addressing
the question of whether gamification can lead to
increased knowledge retention remains scarce to this
day. A notable exception is an empirical study with
more than 100 participants which found that
gamification has a positive impact on students’
knowledge retention [1].
In addition, research on the effects of
gamification applied in a workshop setting is fairly
new. A notable exception, [20], compared gamified
workshops with non-gamified ones in terms of their
capacity to generate innovation. The results indicate a
higher capability for self-learning in the gamified
3. Hypotheses
A sustained increase in knowledge is the main
goal of all educational measures. It is therefore highly
desirable that the substantive content is fully
understood and retained by the students for as long as
possible after the educational event [13][32]. In this
paper “short term” refers to the period of about 20
minutes immediately following the workshops and
“long term” refers to the point in time two weeks
after the workshops [13].
The forgetting curve [13] has been the subject of
intense scholarly discussions regarding the
measurement of knowledge retention [32]. It
postulates a 100% recall immediately after a learning
event and indicates that memory retention
corresponds to about 58% of the total content after 20
minutes, which corresponds to the second assessment
in our study. After two weeks the retention rate is
predicted to be about 25% [13][32]. By providing an
Page 1457
indication of students’ ability to recall content over
time, the learning curve provides a benchmark in the
learning literature against which to assess actual
Gamification is frequently applied in marketing
and education with the aim of encouraging specific
behaviors and increasing engagement and motivation.
It has previously been used for teaching purposes to
help educators broaden the variety of teaching
methods to motivate students [19][38]. Gamification
is intended to engage students in an interactive
setting, leading to better memorization [5][16][21]
A literature review and a systematic mapping
study on gamification in education identified a
positive impact in the majority of studies [11]. A
particular finding was higher levels of student
engagement and motivation in gamified settings.
Gamified teaching resulted in active participation,
more project engagement, increased attendance, and
a higher proportion of students passing the course.
An experiment comparing a non-gamified and a
gamified group found that gamification led to
positive results including an increase in class
participation and course success [10]. Moreover,
students evaluated the gamified course better than its
non-gamified counterpart.
Summarizing the findings from previous research,
we postulate that gamification is a suitable tool for
enriching exhausting full-day workshops since
students face a huge amount of learning content and
need to stay concentrated and focused over an
extended period of time. More specifically, we
hypothesize that students in the gamified group are
able to retain knowledge better than students in the
non-gamified group.
H1: In the short term the gamified group achieves
better knowledge scores than the non-gamified group
H2: In the long term the gamified group achieves
better knowledge scores than the non-gamified group
The study of gender differences in cognitive
functioning and knowledge gains has a long tradition,
with partially conflicting results. [7], for example,
emphasize the need for the design and use of gender-
specific didactics to better meet the different learning
requirements of female and male students. [51] show
that female students have a higher study-oriented
learning culture than male students, which positively
influences knowledge accumulation. Several studies
suggest that female students perform better in terms
of knowledge gains than their male counterparts
[22][36][51]. Gender-specific performance, however,
seems to depend on subject matter: while males
outperform females on tasks of visuospatial ability
and mathematical reasoning, females show better
results in tests involving memory and language use
[12][26]. [25] conclude that male students are more
sensitive to resources that create a learning-oriented
environment and that these resources can facilitate
their commitment in learning. [23] find that female
students appreciate the social benefits arising from
gamification more than males. Since there is no
conclusive evidence of the moderating effect of
gender on memory retention through gamification,
we hypothesize:
H3: Male and female students perform equally
Previous research has found significant
differences in students’ learning orientation by school
type. Students attending vocational schools achieve
lower scores than students attending other school
types, which might be caused by the learning
environment [22][51]. Compared to students engaged
in higher education, vocational students spend less
time on theoretical learning and instead focus on
advancing their practical abilities. A self-selection
process may also play a role, since better grades are
needed for entry into higher educational programs
than vocational schools [3]. It is therefore
H4: Higher educational students outperform
vocational school students in terms of knowledge
4. Methodology
We used an experimental design in order to
investigate whether significant differences in
knowledge retention exist between students who
participated in a gamified full-day workshop and
students who were not exposed to gamification
during their workshop participation. The
questionnaire used to measure students’ knowledge—
Table 4 in the appendixfeatured questions of
varying complexity, and was developed in close
cooperation with the industry to ensure its practical
applicability. The scales were pre-tested in three
workshops with a total of 131 students to ensure their
understandability and validity.
Our pilot study further showed that the separation
of students coming from the same class into different
testing groups led to social interaction threats and
resentful demoralization [50]. In order to achieve a
high level of internal validity in this study, it was
Page 1458
essential that students and teachers did not know that
there was another group which received an
alternative treatment [50]. Classes as a whole were
therefore randomly assigned to either the non-
gamified or the gamified group.
To ensure comparability in terms of educational
levels, all participants were recruited from the second
year of tertiary educational programs at Austrian
institutions (i.e., vocational schools and higher
educational institutions). A substantial number of
students attend these school types at a later career
stage, which explains the broad age range of the
The study included a gamified and a non-
gamified workshop group. Measurements were taken
at three points in time using identical questions:
immediately before (observation 1: O1), 20 minutes
after (O2), and two weeks after (O3) the workshops.
The aim of the workshops was to train logistics
students on sustainable transport by combining
theoretical and practical knowledge. The gamified
and non-gamified workshops had the same duration,
identical learning goals and educational material.
Both workshops were organized as full-day events
lasting from 9:45 am until 3:45 pm. The instructors
of the workshops stayed the same in order to
eliminate any moderating impact by the instructor.
The program and the interactive tasks were also
identical in both workshops. Whereas the gamified
workshops included multiple motivational
affordances (e.g., competition, leaderboards, badges,
time constraints, storytelling, immediate feedback,
rewards, clear goals, social interaction) [49], the non-
gamified workshops did not include any game
elements. For example, the students had to do the
same calculations in each group, but only received
points for correct solutions in the gamified
workshops. Students in the gamified group also
received bonus points for accomplishing each task,
such as finding the correct solution in a simulation
game. All tasks were embedded in a story (i.e., a
case) to use the motivational advantages of
storytelling as a game element [21]. Competition
between the gamified groups was encouraged by
leaderboards. Grouping students into teams served to
reduce the negative effects of competition at an
individual level and to support social interaction
[40][41]. The detailed gamified and non-gamified
workshop programs can be found in the appendix in
Table 5. Table 6 details the game elements that were
used during the gamified workshop. Some elements,
such as leaderboards, immediate feedback, clear
goals, competition and cooperation, were used
throughout the whole day, while others (i.e., time
constraints, storytelling, rewards) were only applied
in specific sessions.
5. Results
In total, 384 students participated in the study,
with 261 assigned to the gamified group and 123 to
the non-gamified group. The latter simultaneously
served as a control group in our experimental design,
since their “treatment” resembles common teaching
practices in educational settings. The students were
slightly older in the non-gamified group (m = 23.88,
sd = 9.47) than in the gamified group (m = 18.73, sd
= 4.15). Gender distribution in the total sample was
balanced with 194 female and 190 male students. In
the non-gamified group, 73 students were from
vocational schools and 50 students from higher
educational institutions. Due to large class sizes in
higher educational institutions, it was not feasible to
include these students in the gamified workshops,
which required more interaction than the non-
gamified events.
A Mann-Whitney U test showed that knowledge
levels did not differ significantly between the
gamified and the non-gamified group prior to the
workshops (p = .39, U = 7,383). Additionally, we
found that the age difference had no significant effect
on the level of prior knowledge. The demographics
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Demographics
m = 18.73
(sd = 4.15)
m = 23.88
(sd = 9.47)
m = 20.38
(sd = 6.79)
School type
In the following sections we use several non-
parametric tests for hypothesis testing in order to
accommodate the properties of our data (e.g.,
distributions, skewness, ordinal level of
measurement, unequal sample sizes). In order to
verify the robustness of our findings we also applied
parametric tests and obtained identical results. The
latter are not reported in this paper due to lack of
Table 2 shows the descriptive results of the
knowledge measurements for vocational school
students only. Since not all students completed the
Page 1459
assessments, the total numbers do not fully
correspond to the number of all workshop
participants in Table 1.
We conducted the first analysis with vocational
students only in order to avoid a distorting effect of
the school type and to account for our relatively small
sample of higher educational students.
The maximum score attainable for the knowledge
questions was 11. We found that the mean score in
the first assessment was quite low (m = 3.59, sd =
1.55), which confirmed the novelty of the topic for
both groups. The scores improved substantially
immediately after the workshops (m = 6.74, sd =
2.90). As expected, knowledge levels had declined
after two weeks (m = 5.33, sd = 2.08), but the scores
were still significantly better than those of the initial
assessment. The comparison between the gamified
and the non-gamified group showed that the values in
the gamified group increased from 3.62 ( sd = 1.48)
in O1 to 7.10 ( sd = 2.19) in O2 and decreased to 5.39
( sd = 2.13) in O3. In contrast, the scores in the non-
gamified group were 3.47 ( sd = 1.77) in O1, 5.49 (
sd = 2.17) in O2 and 4.97 ( sd = 1.77) in O3.
To test whether the knowledge improvements
between O1 O2 (short term) and O1 O3 (long
term) were significant, we used a dependent samples
Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results show a
significant difference between O1 and O2 (Z = -1.97,
p<.01) and between O1 and O3 (Z = -9.13, p<.01) for
the gamified group. Similarly, the results for the non-
gamified group were significant (Z = -6.38, p<.01 for
O1 to O2 and Z = -3.50, p<.01 for O1 to O3).
Table 2: Knowledge mean values and standard
deviations across groups (max = 11)
mean, sd, no
mean, sd, no
3.62 (1.48),
3.59 (1.55),
7.10 (2.19),
6.74 (2.9),
5.39 (2.13),
5.33 (2.08),
In order to test H1 and H2, which postulate a
significant positive effect of gamification in the short
and long term, we used a non-parametric independent
samples Mann-Whitney U test. This test showed that
the scores in the first assessment were not
significantly different between the gamified and non-
gamified group (U = 7,883, p =.390). In the second
assessment, the gamified group outperformed the
non-gamified group, corroborating H1 (U = 4,583, p
< .01). In the third assessment, the mean value in the
gamified group (m = 5.39) was higher than that in the
non-gamified group (m = 4.97), but no significant
difference between the groups was found (U = 3,357,
p = .114, H2 rejected).
A frequency analysis revealed that 69.7% of the
students in the gamified group achieved more than
six points out of eleven in assessment 2, as opposed
to 35.5% of the non-gamified group. 9.9% of the
gamified group achieved ten or eleven points, as
opposed to 1.5% in the non-gamified group. In O3,
no student of the non-gamified group achieved nine
or more points whereas 6.4% of the students from the
gamified group achieved nine or more points. 29.5%
of the gamified and 24.3 % of the non-gamified
group achieved more than six points in O3.
Figure 1 illustrates the effect of the gamified and
non-gamified workshops and shows that both
workshops clearly outperform the benchmark from
the forgetting curve postulating that after two weeks
the retention rate will hover around 25% [13] [32].
Figure 1: The impact of gamification on
knowledge retention
In order to test for significant differences between
genders we used a non-parametric independent
samples Mann-Whitney U test. We found no
significant differences in any of the three
assessments, thereby corroborating H3. In the first
assessment, the male students slightly outperformed
the female students, but the results were not
significant (gamified: U = 6,320, p = .292; non-
gamified: U = 314.50, p = .624). In the second
assessment the male students had higher scores in the
gamified group while the female students had higher
scores in the non-gamified group, but, again, the
results were not significant (gamified: U = 5,813, p =
.148; non-gamified: U = 366, p = .909). As was
predicted by [13], the amount of memorized
knowledge had decreased after two weeks for both
groups, with no significant gender effect (gamified:
Page 1460
U = 5,620, p = .300, non-gamified: U = 518, p =
.409). The results are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3: Knowledge across genders
Finally, we analyzed the differences between
school types in the non-gamified workshop to explore
whether school type might qualify as a potential
moderator in future research. In the first assessment
(O1), no significant difference was found between
higher educational and vocational school students (U
= 6,660, p = .20). However, immediately after the
workshops (O2, U = 4,888, p < .01) and two weeks
later (O3, U = 3,197, p < .01), students from higher
educational schools exhibited a significantly better
performance than those from vocational schools. The
results are supported by previous empirical studies,
determining that higher educational school students
have different learning orientations than vocational
school students [51]. Thus, H4 is supported.
Figure 2: Knowledge retention between school
6. Discussion, Limitations & Conclusion
In this study, we investigate whether the use of
game elements in educational workshops leads to
improved knowledge retention. Furthermore, we
tested gender and school type as potential moderating
We compared a gamified with a non-gamified
group, both of which attended workshops with
identical content, but which featured different
designs. Prior to the workshops, no significant
knowledge differences were found based on gender
or school type. However, several differences emerged
in the second and third assessment, both between and
within the groups.
We found that both the gamified and non-
gamified workshops led to a significant increase in
short-term and long-term knowledge. Student
knowledge had increased substantially directly after
the events and remained at a significantly higher
level after two weeks as compared to the initial state.
When it comes to comparing the gamified and the
non-gamified group, the former outperformed the
latter in the short term, indicating that gamification
can be suitable to improve short-term memory
retention. A descriptive frequency analysis indicates
that the participants of the gamified workshops were
also slightly better at recalling knowledge in the
long-term (i.e., after two weeks), but no statistically
significant effect was found.
No significant differences were found between
male and female students in any of the comparisons,
even though the female students had slightly higher
scores in the long term than the male students.
Finally, our experiment showed that higher
educational school students achieved better
knowledge retention than vocational school students.
This effect was predicted by existing literature and
previous empirical studies [3]. However, since the
school types were only compared within the non-
gamified group, with no data being available for the
gamified group, further research is needed to
investigate if the results also hold when educational
measures are gamified.
It is important to mention that we treated
gamification in this study as a collection of game
elements and did not investigate the specific
underlying mechanisms that explain its effects on
knowledge retention. For example, [31] argue that
gamification can trigger emotions which in turn exert
positive effects on knowledge retention.
As a practical implication, we strongly encourage
educators to incorporate game elements into their
teaching routine in order to foster students’
knowledge retention levels. When designing
gamified workshops, the didactical methods for
covering content have to be chosen carefully with
consideration of the demographics of the target
group. According to flow theory [4], for example,
information and learning aims must be adapted to the
age and educational background of the participants
with the goal of achieving an adequate level of
difficulty that is neither too easy nor too hard.
This study has several limitations. We randomly
assigned classes, rather than individuals, to the
gamified and non-gamified groups, since our pre-test
showed that the division of existing groupings
Page 1461
influences student behavior and produces social
threats to the study’s validity [50].
Furthermore, this study was conducted in Austria
and various cultural differences might influence the
results [47]. Moreover, as the focus of the workshops
was specifically to create awareness for sustainable
transportation, further research is needed to
investigate whether the application of gamification to
workshops also improves knowledge retention in
other areas.
Additionally, the composition of the gamified and
non-gamified samples was not equal because of
class-wise assignment. Due to organizational reasons,
students from higher educational schools were only
included in the non-gamified workshops and
therefore our hypothesis regarding the moderating
effect of school type was only tested within the non-
gamified setting.
The focus of this study was exclusively on
knowledge gains pertaining to memorization skills.
Other types of capabilities such as mathematics,
language, or social skills were not measured. Also,
different learning types or gaming types were not
According to [33] and [41], individual game
elements should be analyzed and not the gamification
concept as a whole. Since the experiment was
designed using gamified full-day workshops as
whole, the investigation of isolated game elements
could not be implemented. Finally, several of the
measurement scale items were slightly modified from
their original and demonstrated formats in order to fit
the specific purposes of this study. We used several
rounds of pretesting to ensure the content validity of
the items, but further research is needed to assess the
psychometric properties of our scales [53].
Our study reveals multiple opportunities for
future research. We treat gamification as a black box,
since we only consider gamification as input and
knowledge retention as the educational output. Future
studies may delve deeper and strive to find more
detailed explanations. A possible approach would be
to include and test the effect of gamification on
hedonic outcomes as mediating factors. Additionally,
it might be worthwhile to closely investigate the
motivational and learning effects over a longer time
period. Qualitative interviews can be used to get a
better understanding of the underlying drivers.
Moreover, investigating differences between
learning types (e.g., [55]) or gaming types is another
promising direction for further research. The focus of
our study was exclusively on knowledge gains
depending on memorization skills. Other types of
capabilities such as social skills or general
intelligence were not measured. Further empirical
research is needed to ensure the generalizability of
the results and to better understand how knowledge
acquisition using gamification differs from traditional
learning techniques. We also suggest the thorough
investigation of the effect of school type in a
gamified setting.
Finally, the positive effects of gamification in
education are not only limited to its ability to
improve knowledge memorization, but also to
enhance social and practical skills such as problem
solving, collaboration, and communication. Thus,
future research might also have a closer look at how
gamification can facilitate social dynamics [29].
Finally, a strong theoretical background for
gamification research, as is suggested in [49], will
help to better integrate new research with previous
findings and to create an incremental research
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Page 1464
Table 4: Questionnaire
Which is the largest European
inland port in terms of total
cargo volume?
(single choice)
1 point for correct
What percentage of the modal
split was used for inland
waterway transport in Europe
in 2014? (open question: 0-
1 point for correct
Which of the following types
of goods are appropriate for
inland waterway transport?
(multiple choice)
1 point = one answer
2 points = two
answers correct;
3 points = all answers
right (all scores = 3
1 point deduction for
every incorrect answer
What percentage of the
potential cargo volume of the
Danube are currently used for
freight transport? (open
question: 0-100%)
1 point for correct
Which of the following key
characteristics describe the
new logistics concept of
‘synchromodality’? (multiple
1 point = one answer
2 points = two
answers correct;
3 points = all answers
right (all scores = 3
1 point deduction for
every incorrect answer
What was the total cargo
volume transported in 2014 in
the European Union on inland
waterways? (single choice)
1 point for correct
How many trucks are
substituted by one common
inland vessel of the Danube?
(open question)
1 point for correct
Table 5: Schedules of the gamified &
non-gamified workshops
Non-gamified Workshop
Gamified Workshop
Assessment (O1)
Lecture ‘Inland
Lecture ‘Inland
Container Quiz
Container Quiz
Future Transport
Demonstration of
Simulation game
Company Visit,
Port visit
Company Visit,
Visit of the Port
Assessment (O2)
Table 6: Game elements in the gamified workshop
Gamified Workshop
Game Elements
Interactive Lecture
Time Constraint
Time Constraint
LEGO Simulation
Time Constraint
Container Quiz
Time Constraint
Future Transport
Award Ceremony
Time Constraint
Rewards: Price & Badges
Whole day
(in each exercise)
Immediate feedback
Clear goals
Competition & Cooperation
Page 1465
... This gamified platform makes lessons more engaging and effective than traditional textbook-based methods [14]. Furthermore, gamification creates a direct and exciting connection between the learning platform and students [15]. In the case of programming platforms like CodeCombat [16], students can immediately apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems and enhance memory retention. ...
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Gamification in education has grown in popularity in recent years. However, gamification in space exploration education receives limited attention. This paper introduces Mission to the Star, an innovative online learning platform designed for primary students, immersing them in the fascinating journey of NASA's Parker Solar Probe as it ventures closer to the Sun. Embarking on an extraordinary mission, players assume the role of a spacecraft and navigate toward the Sun's atmosphere, learning vital information along the way. Research findings demonstrate that the incorporation of gamification elements such as badges, score points, certificates, leaderboards, and more, has notably enhanced student learning in comprehending the Parker Solar Probe mission. By integrating these gamified elements, students are motivated to actively participate, benefiting from an interactive and enjoyable learning experience. Mission to the Star holds significance in education as it provides an interactive exploration encounter that sparks the curiosity and enthusiasm of young learners toward space exploration and science knowledge.
... Generally, gamified platforms for collaboration in industrial environments (Lithoxoidou, et al., 2020) and higher education (Da Silva Alcantara, et al., 2022) are welcomed and helpful, especially in the domain of knowledge exchange. Gamification has the potential to improve knowledge retention (Putz & Treiblmaier, 2019, Luh, et al., 2022, Pruyn, 2023, Romero Rodríguez, 2023. ...
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The emergence of digital platforms has brought about a transformation in the landscape of learning and skills enhancement, with gamification playing a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of knowledge. Although the potential of gamification for motivating individuals to share their knowledge has been recognised in recent research, there is a significant gap in the literature. This gap relates to the extensive application and influence of gamification, particularly in the fields of business and higher education. To address it, a comprehensive review of existing literature was undertaken. It aims to explore the use of gamification in the field of Knowledge Management (KM) and to identify the areas that have benefited from gamification. It also sought to scrutinise the specific industries and academic fields that have integrated gamification into their knowledge management sub-fields. In addition, the study aimed to compare the similarities and differences in the use of gamification and its impact on KM in the business and higher education sectors. The study involved an in-depth examination of 244 academic articles listed in international citation databases. This literature review provided invaluable insights into the implementation of gamification in various KM sub-fields and its patterns and importance. The results of this study enrich the existing body of knowledge on the intersection of gamification and knowledge management. They provide a solid foundation for subsequent empirical research and also serve as a guide for organisations and institutions to make informed decisions about incorporating gamification into their knowledge management sub-fields. Looking ahead, possible avenues for future research could be to investigate less researched sub-fields of knowledge management, such as knowledge management systems and knowledge workers. Future research could also investigate the lasting effects of gamification on knowledge retention and sharing. Furthermore, it could include the formulation of best practices for the design and execution of gamification strategies for different sub-fields of knowledge management.
... Regarding gender, three studies recommended the use of gamification for male learners to enhance their learning performance (Bernik et al., 2019;Putz & Treiblmaier, 2019;Pedro et al., 2015); however, only one study (Haruna et al., 2021) did not find any effect of gender on learners' learning performance. ...
Gamification has gained an increasing attention from researchers and practitioners in various domains including education as it can increase learners’ engagement and motivation. However, little is known about how educational gamification experiences can be influenced by learners’ characteristics. Therefore, this study provides a systematic meta-review of empirical studies related to learners’ characteristics and educational gamification experiences. The obtained results from the meta-analysis of forty related articles are: (a) learners’ psychological and behavioral outcomes were affected by learners’ characteristics in educational gamification systems; (b) quantitative methods, using questionnaires, are the most used method to measure the effect of learners’ characteristics on their learning outcomes in educational gamification systems, and this needs to be changed to the new potential of using educational big data and learning analytics approaches; (c) personality traits is the most investigated characteristic followed by player types, but there is a need to further investigate other important factors of learners’ characteristics, such as working memory capacity and age; and, (d) a set of game design guidelines that should be taken into consideration while designing educational gamification catering individual difference were proposed.
... Gamification is the use of game elements in non-design games [6]. Gamification is also considered a new tool in active learning to increase student engagement and interest, primarily improving knowledge retention [7]. In addition, the gamification approach can affect students' learning achievement and psychological and behavioral changes [8]. ...
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This study aims to help students improve their knowledge capability based on their active participation through gamification. Gamification is one of the newer methods of education that has the potential to improve student learning. This research looked into gamification's efficacy in student engagement and learning retention during teaching and learning sessions for computer science or information technology courses. The assessment involved in this study is through Pre-Test and Post-Test through instructional intervention by adapting interactive Quizizz gamification e-learning web-based application. The flow of research works begins with a survey of the problem, pre-intervention analysis, and action was taken during the intervention, ending with the implementation and observation phase. The pre and post-analysis of test results and questionnaires were accomplished and discussed. Fifty-six respondents participate in this study. Results show that 87% of the respondents have increased their percentage of marks. In the pre-test result, 56% of the respondents achieved below the 55 marks, while in the post-test, it reduced to 14%. Adoption of other gamification applications, a larger target demographic, and the addition of computer science or information technology courses will help improve the study in the future.
... Memory retention is a process of recalling the previously learned content and can be enhanced with the help of AR-based learning, as it gives a better learning experience and visualization. Research indicates that rigorous work needs to be done for verifying the effectiveness of AR for educational purposes and its effect on memory retention (Majuri et al., 2018;Treiblmaier & Putz, 2019). Memory retention in students can be directly improved by enhancing the spatial visualization of the students. ...
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The teaching of Mathematics – in particular, Geometry, through conventional methods has been a challenging task for tutors. Augmented Reality (AR) based applications available in commercial space, have not followed any structured pedagogical approach in the designing process, and also do not ensure that the learning time of students is spent prolifically. In this paper, we explore the use of AR in mathematics for geometry education, to aid visualization of multidimensional objects and long-term retention of concepts by the learners. For designing an appropriate AR application it is necessary to identify some principles which support better memory retention of the students. The application has been specifically designed on the basis of identified principles affecting memory retention. We further explain the development of an AR-based Geometry Learning Assistant (AR-GLA), using a structural approach to pedagogical-design for teaching 3-dimensional geometry to higher school students through improved visualization and enhance their memory retention for related concepts. A sample of 54 K-12 students and 2 teachers with expertise in mathematics were part of the experiment. The students were divided into two different groups; one of the groups was taught with AR-based content whereas the other group was given Interactive Simulation (IS) based learning. The results illustrated that AR-based learning provides better retention of memory as compared to IS-based learning were tested over a period of two months.
... Putz and Treibelmaier [34] employed a gamification approach in their research, which not only provides knowledge but also maintains students' awareness of the importance of sustainable transportation. Gamification is the use of a game element in a non-game context to boost motivation, encourage information processing, increases achievement, and alters behavior. ...
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Policy analysts have long realized how important it is that promotions are based on knowledge. Knowledge-based promotion is a strategy built by profound knowledge of consumers' needs through scientific methods. Some areas, especially those related to sustainability, have applied policies of promotions based on knowledge. These policies indicate different performances depending on various factors. One sector that has not applied knowledge-based promotion policies is sustainable city transportation. This article identifies the strategy of knowledge-based promotion suitable to encourage the growth of sustainable city transportation. Previous studies provide the insight into the policies, along with other factors determining their effectiveness.
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In E-leaning using gamification, students are expected to enrich by knowledge, skill development and motivation to study. This study investigated the relationship among knowledge retention, agility/skill-and development of students using Gamification. An online survey was embedded at the end of three gamified MOOCs with large enrolments asking for learners' voluntary participation in the study. The survey results from 282 participants indicated that motivation positively influenced knowledge retention and skill development. In addition, knowledge retention has indirect effect on skill development. In recent years, gamification is becoming popular in education development to enrich students experience in classroom. However, there is still lack of awareness among educators and the concern of whether the gamification technique is acceptable by students. Keeping in view critics of gamification is also discussed in this article. The evaluation results indicate that the students positively inclined towards gamification due enhanced knowledge retention and skills development.
In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning represents a more and more important concern of all education providers and an inevitable direction for the current context in training and education. This chapter follows the theory of gamified learning and the theory of flow to understand to which extent game characteristics improve engagement and learning outcomes, such as performance and engagement. To do this, two groups of learners (N=20) were randomly assigned: the experimental group followed a gamified learning module, and the control group followed the same content without gamification mechanisms. The game mechanisms chosen involve a game, a challenge, virtual rewards, an avatar, a final badge, and a system of points and levels. Results show that the gamified course increased the time spent on the course and the overall performance. Hence, this chapter demonstrates the relevance of using gamification to improve learning outcomes.
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In the last two-three decades, tremendous pressure is exhibited on institutions providing vocational education and training. The demands of the 21st job market, and the high-speed changing nature of jobs, are requiring high transferable skills, affecting consequently the VET school curriculum, which should be developed according to these demands and specificities. The current analysis in the area of VET education and training shows, that VET institutions in the European Union are still dealing with (i) teacher-centered methodological approaches, (ii) with an ineffective transfer of knowledge, not providing sufficient conditions for authentic situations and/or environments in which this (school) knowledge should be applicated, (iii) with low-motivated learning models not meeting the needs of the students, belonging to the new Cyber Generation. Teaching strategy ‘one size fits all’ is (obviously) no longer acceptable because of the peculiar needs of the Cyber Generation (on one site), and the demands of the employers, seeking for workers, capable to tackle all the needs of the growing and modern economy (on the other site). Therefore, VET institutions should provide learning activities, which should enable the development of thinking skills, encourage learning transfer, and permeate the use and applicability across different disciplines. A step forward into this direction has been seen lately in some European VET institutions. New learning trends have been implemented, especially good results have been achieved by using gamification, as it has shown to be an appropriate solution in managing the educational process effectively and in ensuring an engaged and improved performance by students. The success behind this approach lies in using (not only) everyday experiences but also in simulating real-life experiences in the area of business, which are converted into game-based activities, comprising different (enjoyable) elements (like cooperation, exploration, storytelling, and competition). Keywords: VET education, knowledge, transferability, 21st job market
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Gamification is a topic which has recently gained significant attention in the IS community due to its relevance for both practitioners and academics. Being a boundary-spanning subject by nature, it also attracts interest from scholars from diverse non-IS communities, including education, marketing and business administration. In this paper we develop a research agenda for gamification which explicitly takes into account the important role of theory. An interdisciplinary expert panel evaluated and selected theories being relevant for gamification and subsequently derived research questions. Based on the respective theoretical background the resulting questions cover different aspects of the gamification domain. We conclude that taking a multi-theoretical perspective in the creation of a research agenda helps to produce a holistic picture, which allows classifying subsequent research and helps in structuring a domain.
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Purpose Field trips can change students’ attitudes and improve their learning performance, but they have rarely been investigated in logistics education research. The purpose of this paper is to present the findings from field trips that were designed to increase students’ knowledge of sustainable transport as well as to change their attitudes and behavioral intentions. Design/methodology/approach A total of 104 logistics students participated in this longitudinal panel study. Non-parametric statistical tests were used to test for significant effects. Findings Field trips build students’ knowledge, improve their attitudes and increase their behavioral intentions to use sustainable transport modes in the short and in the long term. Gains in knowledge exceed the results expected from traditional learning theories. Gender and school type are important moderating variables. Gender did not play an important role for knowledge gains, but for attitude and behavioral intentions. Research limitations/implications More research is needed to generalize the findings to other populations and longitudinal panel studies are necessary to investigate a long-term effect of field trips. Practical implications Field trips are an effective means for successful knowledge transfer and are suitable to trigger attitudinal and behavioral changes. The involvement of practitioners and the hands-on experience ensure that students combine theoretical with practical knowledge. Originality/value This is the first longitudinal panel study that investigates the effects of logistics field trips, which were developed collaboratively by industry, educational and research institutions.
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The Blockchain has evoked the interests of researchers and practitioners alike. Market studies predict that it has huge potential to disrupt existing economic structures and business processes, yet the complex technology behind it makes it hard for many people to grasp the basic functionality. Lacking are easy-to-use interfaces and playful applications which would allow for a simple Blockchain exploration. The project Play4Privacy (P4P) used the ancient Chinese board game Go to increase public understanding of the Blockchain. Individuals could join teams to jointly determine the moves of the stones, and tokens could be mined while playing the game. The respective moves of the stones were displayed on the wall of a public building. In this case study we use six qualitative interviews to summarize the anticipated and unanticipated findings of the project, which was not only intended to increase public awareness concerning Blockchain technology, but also toward privacy on the Internet. The results of this research project reveal several important managerial and behavioral obstacles that have to be overcome in order for Blockchain technology to reach widespread adoption.
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Product lifecycles are shorter than ever and agile innovation processes and teams are being developed to meet challenging product lifecycle deadlines. Teaching how to create innovation teams is however shown to be both complex and time consuming, which is not optimal in a time where the business environment demands faster pace when innovating. This research has explored the potential of using Prisoner's dilemma as a workshop tool to stimulate learning and collaboration, which is the core of innovation team’s work, to be further developed to educational tools if being successful. The workshop setting was based on the participating organisations' individual and concrete ideas to be developed, where game elements were designed as game mechanisms. Management from six organisations participated in the research, three of the organisations conducted a workshop designed as a modified Prisoner's dilemma, and the other three organisations participated in a non-gamified workshop based on the same content as the gamified one. Empirical data were collected through statement-based questionnaires, rich field notes, and observations from the video-recorded workshops. The findings indicate that Prisoner's dilemma may be used as a workshop tool for educational purposes. However, significant findings indicate that collaboration felt somewhat mandatory and learning was not optimized due to the dilemma. The research' limitations are discussed and further research is suggested.
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Gamification has recently gained a great deal of attention in various research communities. The application of game elements in non-game contexts has shown a lot of potential and the expectations of researchers and businesses are high. However, few studies exist that empirically test the effectiveness of gamification applications in business settings. To fill this gap, we present results from workshops that promoted environmentally friendly business practices. 261 individuals participated in a study in which various gamification elements were applied. Our findings illustrate that enjoyment and curiosity, both of which are strongly fostered by gamification elements, exert a significant influence on individuals’ attitudes and subsequently their behavioral intentions to adopt sustainable business practices. In contrast, the impact of external regulation turned out to be insignificant. The findings highlight the important role of enjoyment and curiosity for a sustainable change and bear important implications for academics and practitioners.
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We review the current body of academic literature concerning gamification of production and logistics. The findings indicate that production execution and control has been addressed most often in the current body of literature, which consists mostly of design research. Objectives and goals, points, achievements, multimedial feedback, metaphorical/fictional representations, and levels and progress are currently most often employed gamification affordances on this field. The research has focused on examining or considering motivation, enjoyment and flow as the main psychological outcomes of gamification in the given context, while individual performance and efficiency are the most commonly examined or suggested behavioral/organizational impacts. Future studies should employ more rigorous study designs and firmly ground the discussions in organization theory.
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The success of gamified systems depends on their ability to engage players by eliciting both positive and negative emotions, but little guidance exists on creating emotional experiences through gamified design. This paper reviews work in psychology and neuroscience to highlight the interactive processes of cognition and emotion, and describes their relevance to gamification. Drawing on a model of the cognitive structure of emotions, and the mechanics-dynamics-emotions (MDE) framework for gamification, this paper advances a cognitive-emotional perspective of gamification and provides general propositions and directions for future research.
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Gamification is a promising approach to tackle users’ infrequent and decreasing use of health apps. For this purpose, extant research provides developers of health apps with a vast number of different game elements. By abstracting from the implementation of single game elements and choosing a more holistic approach to gamification concepts, we iteratively develop a taxonomy of gamification concepts for health apps using inductive and deductive approaches and discuss its transferability to other gamification contexts. We contribute to a profound understanding of the main characteristics of gamification concepts and enable researchers and practitioners to classify and distinguish them. Our results provide interesting insights into the essential characteristics of health apps’ gamification concepts.
Purpose “Scale purification” – the process of eliminating items from multi-item scales – is widespread in empirical research, but studies that critically examine the implications of this process are scarce. The goals of this research are threefold: to discuss the methodological underpinning of scale purification, to critically analyze the current state of scale purification in supply chain management (SCM) research and to provide suggestions for advancing the scale-purification process. Design/methodology/approach A framework for making scale-purification decisions is developed and used to analyze and critically reflect on the application of scale purification in leading SCM journals. Findings This research highlights the need for rigorous scale-purification decisions based on both statistical and judgmental criteria. By applying the proposed framework to the SCM discipline, a lack of methodological rigor and coherence is identified when it comes to current purification practices in empirical SCM research. Suggestions for methodological improvements are provided. Research limitations/implications The framework and additional suggestions will help to advance the knowledge about scale purification. Originality/value This paper demonstrates that the justification for scale purification needs to be driven by reliability, validity and parsimony considerations, and that this justification needs to be based on both statistical and judgmental criteria.