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Effect of chromium content on the corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steels in sulfuric acid solution


Abstract and Figures

Due to recent increases in the price of Ni, steel use is currently undergoing a global shift from austenitic stainless steels to ferritic stainless steels. In this study, the corrosion behavior of four types ferritic stainless steels with different Cr contents was investigated to study the effect of Cr content on the corrosion resistance in a sulfuric acid solution. The polarization curves of the ferritic stainless steel with the highest Cr content indicated the best corrosion resistance. No corrosion was observed for the stainless steel with 24 mass% Cr after a potential sweep based on ex-situ SEM images. Corrosion resistivity was improved for high Cr content (>24 mass%) stainless steel because it is considered to form a stable passivation layer.
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Eect of chromium content on
the corrosion resistance of
ferritic stainless steels in
sulfuric acid solution
Yang Yu
, Sayoko Shironita
, Kenichi Souma
, Minoru Umeda
Department of Materials Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagaoka University of
Technology, 1603-1 Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, Niigata, 940-2188, Japan
Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd., 3 Kanda Neribei, Chiyoda, Tokyo, 101-0022, Japan
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Umeda).
Due to recent increases in the price of Ni, steel use is currently undergoing a global
shift from austenitic stainless steels to ferritic stainless steels. In this study, the
corrosion behavior of four types ferritic stainless steels with dierent Cr contents
was investigated to study the eect of Cr content on the corrosion resistance in a
sulfuric acid solution. The polarization curves of the ferritic stainless steel with the
highest Cr content indicated the best corrosion resistance. No corrosion was
observed for the stainless steel with 24 mass% Cr after a potential sweep based on
ex-situ SEM images. Corrosion resistivity was improved for high Cr content (>24
mass%) stainless steel because it is considered to form a stable passivation layer.
Keywords: Materials science, Electrochemistry, Metallurgical engineering
1. Introduction
Stainless steels are classied by the three main types: austenitic, ferritic, and
martensitic [1,2,3,4,5]. Among these stainless steels, the corrosion resistances
were superior for the Cr-Ni-type austenitic and Cr-type ferritic stainless steels. These
13 April 2018
25 October 2018
16 November 2018
Cite as: Yang Yu,
Sayoko Shironita,
Kenichi Souma,
Minoru Umeda.Eect of
chromium content on the
corrosion resistance of ferritic
stainless steels in sulfuric acid
Heliyon 4 (2018) e00958.
doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.
2405-8440/Ó2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
stainless steels have been used as kitchen tools, architectural materials, mechanical
and chemical-industrial equipment, fuel cell materials, etc. [6,7,8]. However, due to
the increase in Ni price because of resource exhaustion, use of stainless steels is
currently undergoing a global shift from austenitic to Ni-less ferritic stainless steels
The ferritic stainless steel SUS400 series, especially SUS430 in the 1960s and SUS445
in the 1990s, were developed for high corrosion resistance [13,14]. SUS430 contains
16e18% Cr and SUS445 contains 22% Cr and 1e2% Mo as the corrosion-resistant el-
ements. The corrosion resistance of SUS445 in an acidic solution is as high as that of
SUS316, which is a Ni-containing austenitic stainless steel [15]. However, further
improvement of corrosion resistance is needed for the application of these stainless
steels in acidic and electrochemical environments, such as fuel cell materials.
To realize corrosion resistance of the stainless steels, the natural oxidation of Cr and
Fe on the surface to form passivation lms composed of oxides/hydroxides is an
important factor [16,17,18,19]. The Cr content signicantly aects the corrosion
resistance; there are a number of papers concerning the relationship between the Cr
content amount and the corrosion resistance of stainless steel [20,21,22,23,24],
although few among them report the use of ex-situ SEM observation.
Recently, we found that the ferritic stainless steel can show higher corrosion resis-
tance than SUS316 by increasing the Cr content, without any surface treatment,
such as nitriding or coating [25,26,27]. Ferritic stainless steel without surface treat-
ment should be studied from the viewpoint of materials cost for application as bipo-
lar plates which constitute one of the key components in fuel cells. Investigation of
this high-Cr-containing ferritic stainless steel in greater detail revealed the possibility
that materials with high corrosion resistance and appreciable electrical conductivity
in even harsher environments than usual can be supplied without any surface treat-
ment [28,29,30,31,32]. In this study, corrosion evaluation experiments were con-
ducted in an acidic solution using a proprietary high-Cr-content ferritic stainless steel
in addition to the three SUS 400 series types with the dierent Cr contents of
commercially-available products. The bulk properties were evaluated by X-ray
diraction (XRD) and glow discharge spectroscopy (GDS), and a surface scientic
approach was conducted by ex-situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Corrosion
resistance was highly improved at 24 mass% Cr without Ni, while exhibiting a useful
level of electrical conductivity (e.g. in fuel cells).
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
The four types stainless steels used in this study were SUS410 (t¼3.9 mm),
SUS430 (t¼1.0 mm), SUS445 (t¼0.1 mm) and 24 mass% Cr-content stainless
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Article Nowe00958
steel (24CrSS, t¼0.1 mm). The chemical compositions (in mass%) of these four
types of stainless steels are shown in Table 1. The SUS445 stainless steel contains
small amounts of aluminum (Al), molybdenum (Mo), titanium (Ti) and niobium
(Nb) elements compared to the other stainless steels. All the four types of stainless
steels contain no Ni and contain dierent Cr amounts.
2.2. Electrochemical measurements
The electrochemical measurements were carried out at room temperature using the
Electrochemical Analyzer Model 802B (ALS/[H] CH Instruments). To evaluate
the corrosion resistance of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless
steels, corrosion behavior was studied using an electrochemical three-electrode glass
cell. The working, counter, and reference electrodes were the stainless steel spec-
imen, a platinum coil, and an Ag/Ag
electrode, respectively. All measured elec-
trode potentials were converted from Ag/Ag
to the SHE in this study. A 0.5 mol
solution was used as the electrolyte. The stainless steels were washed
with acetone and distilled water for 5 min during sonication prior to the linear sweep
voltammetry (LSV) measurement. A 30-min Ar gas bubbling was also performed.
Next, the cathodic treatment for 1 min was conducted at a potential of -0.47 V vs.
SHE, then kept for 5 min at the rest potential in the cell. During this holding
time, Ar bubbles nucleated on the surface of the sample to remove generated H
gas. The potential sweep was conducted from the rest potential to 1.1 V vs. SHE
at a scan rate of 0.33 mV s
[15]. After the electrochemical measurement, the sam-
ples were carefully removed from the cell and cleaned with ethanol. The corrosion
resistance of all the samples was evaluated based on the Japanese Industrial Stan-
dards (JIS) G0579: 2007 measurement method [33].
2.3. Characterization
To evaluate the depth proles of the elements on the surface of the four types of
stainless steels, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDS) was carried
Table 1. Composition of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless
steels (mass%) studied.
Sample Fe C Si Mn Cr Mo Nb Ti Al Ni
Bal. 0.15 0.50 1.0 11.5w13.0 
Bal. 0.12 0.75 1.0 16.0w18.0 
Bal. 0.01 0.18 0.20 22.10 1.20 0.23 0.19 0.09
Bal. 0.05 0.15 0.30 24.0 0.15
From The Nilaco Corporation.
From Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd.
From Hitachi Metals, Ltd.
2405-8440/Ó2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Article Nowe00958
out using a Horiba GD-Proler 2 instrument. The measured elements included Fe, C,
N, Cr, Al, etc. In this study, the Cr contents of the four types of stainless steels is the
main data to be analyzed.
The X-ray diraction (XRD) experiments were performed by an XRD-6100 made
by Shimadzu. The measurements were carried out in reection geometry using Cu
Karadiation (l¼1.5406
A) generated at 40 kV and 30 mA; 2qwas scanned
from 20to 110at a rate of 2$min
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (JSM-6060A, JEOL Ltd.) was used to observe
the surface morphology of the stainless steels before and after the LSV measure-
ments were stopped at the peak of the polarization curves. Micrographs of were ob-
tained at 15 kV.
Finally, the electrical conductivity of the bipolar plate is very important, so the elec-
trical conductivity of the four types of stainless steels was measured by a Mitsubishi
Chemical Loresta HP (MCP-T410) electrometer using a four-point probe resistivity
technique. As a standard measurement, four-point probe characterization is used to
measure the electrical properties of solids and thin lms [24,34,35,36]. The resis-
tivity reported here for each stainless steel of this study is the average data of ve
measurements in dierent locations.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. GDS depth proles
Fig. 1 shows the GDS depth proles of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS
stainless steels. The main compositions of these four types of stainless steels are Fe
and Cr; a small amount of C was also detected. The GDS depth proles of the
SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless steels show dierent Cr contents
in the bulk. The depth proles of the Cr element of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445
and 24CrSS samples are shown in Fig. 2. The GDS results show that the Cr contents
are increased in the order of SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless steels.
The 24CrSS stainless steel contains the highest content of corrosion-resisting Cr.
3.2. X-ray diraction analysis
Fig. 3 shows the XRD patterns of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445, and 24CrSS stain-
less steels. The XRD patterns of all the stainless steels show the same diraction
peaks at 44.66, 64.82, 82.13and 98.18, relative to a-Fe. The peak intensity ratio
for (110), (200), (211), and (220) are dierent at each stainless steel, because of the
dierent rolling directions when they are produced [37]. The XRD results also show
that the four types of stainless steels have the ferritic structure, which is a body-
centered cubic (BCC) structure.
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3.3. Corrosion behavior
The polarization curves of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless
steels in the Ar-saturated 0.5 mol dm
electrolyte are shown in Fig. 4. For
the SUS410, SUS430 and SUS445 stainless steels, although the polarization charac-
teristics for these three specimens are almost similar in shape, the polarization curve
of the SUS445 stainless steel shows the same current density as SUS316 stainless
steel in the potential region of 0.25e0.6 V vs. SHE [15]. The formation of
passive-current peak shifts due to a negative potential by increasing the Cr content,
in increasing order; SUS410, SUS430, and SUS445. Lower current densities are
observed at higher Cr-content levels. The SUS410 stainless steel shows the highest
current densities due to it having the lowest Cr content.
In the case of the 24CrSS stainless steel, the onset potential shifts toward the positive
direction, and there is no active current peak compared to SUS410, SUS430 and
Fig. 1. GDS depth proles of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless steels. (a) SUS410;
(b) SUS430; (c) SUS445; (d) 24CrSS stainless steel.
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SUS445 [24]. This can be explained by the existence of a stable passivation layer
even after the cathodic treatment of 24CrSS. The current densities of the 24CrSS
sample also decreased indicating a better corrosion resistance of the 24CrSS stainless
steel. Because the stainless steel contains a higher Cr content, the best corrosion
resistance was observed [27].
Fig. 2. Depth proles of Cr element of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless steels.
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of the SUS410, SUS430, SUS445, and 24CrSS stainless steels.
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3.4. Surface morphology
To investigate how the corrosion occurred on the surface of the four types of stain-
less steels, SEM measurements were carried out to observe the surface morphology
of the four types of stainless steels. Fig. 5 shows the SEM images of the four types of
stainless steels before and after the LSV measurements stopped at the peak (Fig. 4)
and the end of the polarization curves. Compared to before the LSV measurement
(Fig. 5(A-1)), the LSV measurement of SUS410 after the rest potential shifts to
-0.02 V vs. SHE (Fig. 5(A-2)), we can clearly see that the grain of SUS410 was
corroded, so the corrosion occurred on the surface of the SUS410 sample during
the active region. For the SUS430 stainless steel, compared to before the LSV mea-
surement (Fig. 5(B-1)), the LSV measurement after the rest potential to -0.13 V vs.
SHE (Fig. 5(B-2)), the surface of the SUS430 stainless steel was corroded during the
active region and the grain boundaries became visible due to the chemical attack of
the acid solution.
Comparing the SEM images of SUS445 before (Fig. 5(C-1)) and after the LSV mea-
surement from the rest potential to -0.22 V vs. SHE (Fig. 5(C-2)), after the LSV mea-
surement, the grain boundaries can still be observed, but not as clearly as that of
SUS430 (Fig. 5(B-2)). The surface of the SUS445 stainless steel was also corroded
during the active region. The corrosion damage to SUS445 was less than that of the
SUS430 stainless steel. At the end of the LSV measurements (Fig. 5(A-3), (B-3), (C-
3)), these three stainless steels were signicantly corroded. As for the 24CrSS stain-
less steel, with better corrosion resistance, there was no change to the surface
morphology before (Fig. 5(D-1)) and after the LSV measurements (Fig. 5(D-2),
(D-3)). No apparent corrosion occurred on the 24CrSS stainless steel. The conjec-
tured reason is that the 24CrSS stainless steel contains the highest content of the
corrosion-resisting Cr element, and a passive layer already existed on the surface
of the 24CrSS stainless steel before the experiments, thus the polarization curve
of the 24CrSS stainless steel has no active region.
Fig. 4. Polarization curves of SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and 24CrSS stainless steels in Ar-saturated 0.5
mol dm
electrolyte. Circle symbols mean the point of SEM observation.
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3.5. Electrical conductivity
It is important for the application of fuel cells to evaluate the materialselectrical con-
ductivity. Therefore, electrical conductivities of SUS410, SUS430, SUS445 and
24CrSS were measured using a Mitsubishi Chemical Loresta HP(MCP-T410)
Fig. 5. SEM images of (A) SUS410, (B) SUS430, (C) SUS445and (D) 24CrSS stainless steels before/
after LSV measurements stopped at the peak of the polarization curves. (A-1, B-1, C-1, and D-1) before
LSV. (A-2, B-2, C-2, and D-2) LSV stopped at the point of circle symbols in Fig. 4. (A-3, B-3, C-3, and
D-3) after LSV stopped at 1.1 V vs. SHE.
Table 2. Electrical conductivity of the four types of stainless steels, as well as
graphite carbon.
Sample name Thickness
Surface Resistivity
Volume Resistivity
(Rs3t: R/U$mm
SUS410 3.9 2.97E-04 1.16E-03
SUS430 1 2.32E-03 2.32E-03
SUS445 0.1 3.17E-02 3.17E-03
24CrSS 0.1 3.61E-02 3.61E-03
Graphite carbon
(Bipolar plate of JARI standard cell)
18 6.29E-04 1.13E-02
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electrometer by the four-point probe resistivity technique, and the results are listed in
Table 2. The volume resistivity of the four types of stainless steels decreased one order
of magnitude compared to that of the graphite carbon. The 0.1 mm-thick 24CrSS
stainless steel (with a high corrosion resistance) showed the same electrical conduc-
tivity as that of the 0.1 mm thick SUS445 stainless steel. Therefore, we conjecture
that it can be used as a bipolar plate, replacing the current graphite carbon.
4. Conclusions
In this study, the corrosion behavior of the four types of ferritic stainless steels with
dierent Cr contents have been experimentally investigated to study the eect of the
Cr content on the corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steels in a sulfuric acid
environment. The results revealed the following:
(i) The ferritic stainless steel containing a higher amount of Cr (24 mass%) showed
the best corrosion resistance based on its stable passivation layer.
(ii) Based on the SEM images, no corrosion occurred on the 24CrSS stainless steel
after the LSV measurement from the rest potential to 0.26 V vs. SHE due to its
having the highest Cr content of the stainless steels tested in the sulfuric acid
Author contribution statement
Yang Yu: Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Wrote the
Sayoko Shironita: Analyzed and interpreted the data; Wrote the paper.
Kenichi Souma: Analyzed and interpreted the data; Contributed reagents, materials,
analysis tools or data.
Minoru Umeda: Conceived and designed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted
the data.
Funding statement
This work was supported by the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion
Program (SIP), Cabinet Oce, Government of Japan. This work was supported
by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16K06770 and JP18K19127.
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Competing interest statement
The authors declare no conict of interest.
Additional information
No additional information is available for this paper.
The authors would also like to thank Hitachi Metals, Ltd. for supplying the 24CrSS
stainless steel. The GDS measurement was performed at the Nagaoka University of
Technology Analysis and Instrumentation Center.
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... This chromium content is crucial because it facilitates the formation of a thin and robust oxide layer on the surface of the steel. This layer, rich in chromium oxide (Cr 2 O 3 ) and nanometers thick, provides exceptional corrosion resistance [11][12][13]. The formation of passive films on a material's surface provides resistance to corrosion in humid air and salt water, so it is essential for preserving stainless steel [13]. ...
... This layer, rich in chromium oxide (Cr 2 O 3 ) and nanometers thick, provides exceptional corrosion resistance [11][12][13]. The formation of passive films on a material's surface provides resistance to corrosion in humid air and salt water, so it is essential for preserving stainless steel [13]. ...
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This work covers the formation of a passive state for two different alloys used in the aeronautical industry. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of passivation treatments on 17-7PH and 410 SS (stainless steel) samples, specifically when performed with citric and nitric acid solutions at 49 °C using an immersion time of 90 min and subsequent exposure in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Employing the cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) technique, the corrosion properties of the passivated material were evaluated according to the ASTM G65-11 standard. A microstructural analysis was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The passivated layer was characterized via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In the results, the CPP curves showed positive hysteresis, indicating pitting localized corrosion, and 17-7PH steel passivated at 49 °C for 90 min in citric acid exhibited lower corrosion rate values equivalent to ×10−3 mm/year.
... It is well-established that chromium (Cr) content positively correlates with corrosion resistance in steels. 16 Consequently, steels with higher Cr content are better suited for the harsh downhole conditions necessary for s-CO2-EOR. Several studies have explored the corrosion rates of Cralloyed steels. ...
Conference Paper
In the context of urgent efforts to reduce global carbon emissions, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) has gained prominence. Tubing and casing steels are vital materials of construction (MOC) in CCUS systems, especially in supercritical CO2 (s-CO2) environments. However, the understanding of the corrosion behavior of these steels under s-CO2 conditions is limited, which presents integrity challenges. Immersion experiments were conducted with steels containing varying chromium (Cr) levels (0.5 wt% to 16.5 wt%), including P110, P91, and SS 316. These steels were exposed to s-CO2-saturated brine water (3.5 wt% NaCl) at 50 °C and 10 MPa for durations of 10 and 100 hours. Corrosion rates were determined via weight loss measurements, and corrosion products were analyzed with SEM and XRD. P110 displayed the highest corrosion rates (15.7 mm/y at 10 hours, 2.9 mm/y at 100 hours) but developed a thick FeCO3 layer after 100 hours. In contrast, P91 and SS 316 exhibited lower corrosion rates after 100 hours (0.04 mm/y and < 0.01 mm/y, respectively). The influence of Cr content and exposure duration on the corrosion behavior of these steels were discussed. All steels exhibited decreasing corrosion rates over time, primarily due to oxide formation, enhancing the understanding of casing and tubing steel corrosion in s-CO2 environments.
... Steel is known to have very weak resistance to corrosion which causes mild steel to corrode easily and lose its mechanical strength as the acidic media affects its microstructure (Habeeb et al., 2018). This happens due to the absence of a chromium oxide protective layer (Cr2O3), which produces a hard surface on mild steel, which prevents its iron content from reacting to oxygen (Yu et al., 2018). With its absence, oxidation tends to occur as the iron reacts with water and oxygen to produce hydrated iron (III) oxide, which has a reddish flaky appearance, which we know as rust, and would worsen over time (Srivastava et al., 2016). ...
Mild steel corrosion adversely impacts various industries, especially in acidic environments, leading to reduced metal efficiency. This study explored the efficacy of mango leaves crude ethanolic extract (MLCEE) as a natural corrosion inhibitor for mild steel. Different concentrations, such as treatment 1 (25%), treatment 2 (50%), treatment 3 (75%), and treatment 4 (100%) MLCEE, were tested, along with a commercial inhibitor (WD-40). The dilution method was utilized to obtain the concentrations and acid/base solutions. The mild steel plate was cut and pre-treated through rapid thermal annealing. The mild steel was then immersed in 1M HCl and 1M NaOH for its corrosion test. Gravimetric weight loss was computed and statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD Test to determine the treatments’ effectiveness, revealing that the 100% concentration significantly differed from other treatments in both mediums, where it had a p-value of 0.00. Treatment 4 yielded no significant change in the weight of mild steel before (5.05 g) and after (5.01 g) immersion in HCl, and in weight before (4.65 g) and after (4.61 g) immersion in NaOH, as shown in the paired sample t-test, thus it indicates its potential as a metal coating against corrosion activity. This implied that MLCEE is capable of inhibiting corrosion inhibition and can withstand aggressive media. These results may become a basis for future studies covering metal corrosion and plant extract utilization. However, different annealing processes may be considered to promote better adsorption, and other parameters may be added to further explore the efficacy of MLCEE as a potential corrosion inhibitor.
... As a preliminary investigation, the polarization curves of stainless steel, pure nickel, and tungsten were measured as shown in Fig. 10. Figure 10a shows the polarization curve of stainless steel in the electrolyte with a 10:100 volume ratio of H 2 SO 4 to CH 3 OH. In the potential range from 2.5 to 10 V, the current density hardly changed with the potential, demonstrating that the dissolution of the stainless stain was mass transfer polarization [41]. Figure 10b shows the polarization curve of pure nickel in the electrolyte with a 20:100 volume ratio of H 2 SO 4 to CH 3 OH. ...
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Surface structuring has attracted growing interest in the industry due to its potential to improve the macroscopic properties of workpieces. This work investigated the surface structuring of metals by combining thermal oxide film mask and laser lithography with isotropic etching. The metals were thermally oxidized to form a protective oxide film, laser ablation patterned the thermal oxide film, while electrochemical etching operated in the isotropic mode obtained an array of hemispherical cavities. The isotropic etching potential for different metals is taken from the mass transport region of the polarization curve. The effects of thermal oxide film thickness and laser ablation area on the uniformity of the etching holes were studied. The thermal oxidation of TA2 at 350 °C formed a 20-nm-thick oxide film, while an array of 10 μm radius hemispherical microcavities was fabricated on the laser patterning surface via electrochemical etching at 2 V for 1 min. The surface structuring of stainless steel, pure nickel, and tungsten is highly dependent on the ability of the oxide film to avoid electrochemical reactions. The feasibility of combining thermal oxidation and laser lithography with electrochemical etching is of great value for the surface structuring of metallic materials for biomedical and microsystem applications.
... The XRD analysis identified the expected peaks in the standard 201-304-430 steel samples (see Figure 2 [48]. The sample of 430 steel exhibited a cubic α-Fe structure, as determined through X-ray diffraction analysis, with peaks observed at 44.60°o n (110), 65°on (200) and 82.32°on (220) (PDF 6-0696) [49]. The available literature indicates that no specific XRD diffraction peak of PdNPs was observed at 40°. ...
This research is focused on the crucial function of electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and aims to enhance the shielding effectiveness (SE) of stainless steel materials in the 5G frequency range. An extensive study was conducted encompassing the context, experimental methodologies and relevant results. Nano-palladium coated stainless steel emerged as a new hybrid material with substantial potential for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Prior to assessing the SE of nanocoated stainless steels, quantitative insights into the material properties were obtained by employing X-ray diffractome-try (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The findings indicate a significant enhancement in the EMI shielding capacity after nanopalladium (Pd) coating of different stainless steel types. The quantitative enhancement in shielding was found to be approximately 10%, which represents a significant increase in SE. The SE was determined in decibels (dB), with an increase of approximately 5 dB observed. In particular, for medical and military applications, a 10% enhancement in shielding is highly valuable. This improvement can be attributed to the application of nanostructured palladium particles on the stainless steel surfaces. The nanostructures facilitate the absorption of electromagnetic waves, thereby enhancing the shielding properties of the material.
... It possesses a relatively high magnetic permeability, suggesting potential applications in the electromagnetic field, and it is a ferritic stainless steel containing chromium in the range of 12 wt.% to 30 wt.%, where its magnetic permeability varies with the chromium content. Stainless steels with a higher chromium content demonstrate superior corrosion resistance, ductility, and weldability [7]. Additionally, magnetic annealing or the addition of alloying elements (Mo, Si) can influence the microstructure and mechanical properties of 430 stainless steel including its magnetic properties (coercive force); however, the literature on this subject is scarce [8]. ...
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Stainless steel grade 430 is a type of soft magnetic electromagnetic material with rapid magnetization and demagnetization properties. Considering the delay phenomenon during operation, this study selected 430 stainless steel as the material and explored various metallurgical methods such as magnetic annealing and the addition of Mo as well as increasing the Si content to investigate the microstructure, mechanical behavior, and magnetic properties of each material, aiming to improve the magnetic properties of 430 stainless steel. Experimental results showed that the four electromagnetic steel materials (430F, 430F-MA, 434, and KM31) had equiaxed grain matrix structures, and excellent tensile and elongation properties were observed for each specimen. Additionally, the magnetic properties of the 430F specimen were similar under the DC and AC-10 Hz conditions. According to the hysteresis curves under different AC frequencies (10, 100, 1000 Hz), both magnetic annealing and the addition of Mo could reduce the Bm, Br, and Hc values of the raw 430F material. Increasing the Si content resulted in a decrease in Hc values and an increase in Bm and Br values.
(Full text avalilable at: Boron-containing austenitic stainless steels with low stacking fault have been developed for superior wear and cavitation resistance applications. However, few studies have addressed the corrosion behavior of these steels. This investigation assesses the effect of boron additions (0.2 and 0.5 wt.% B) on the corrosion resistance of FeCrMnSiB coatings deposited by plasma transferred arc (PTA) on AISI 304 stainless steel substrates, benchmarking their performance to those of similar alloys processed by other manufacturing techniques (HVOF, HVAF, Spray forming and melt spinning), as well as to commercial reference materials. The microstructure of the resulting coatings was characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy, phase analysis by x-ray diffraction, and chemical composition by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Corrosion resistance was assessed by electrochemical cyclic potentiodynamic polarization in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution and the corrosion surface mechanisms were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Results show that the presence of boron leads to the formation of Cr-rich borides, whose fraction increases with boron additions, depleting the surrounding austenitic matrix in Cr and making it a preferential site for pitting corrosion. Boron increments accounted for a decrease in the corrosion potential of approximately 85 mV and for an increase in the corrosion rate of about three times, but the pitting potential was not significantly affected. Still, FeCrMnSiB coatings processed by PTA developed low corrosion current densities, greatly outperforming coatings processed by HVOF, and having a competitive performance compared to borated stainless steel coatings processed by HVAF and spray forming.
The electrochemical behavior of different phases (ferrite, austenite, martensite, cementite) and effect of alloying addition in ferrous alloys was examined in acidic media. A comprehensive thermodynamic model, incorporating first-principles calculations, was constructed to predict cathodic and anodic behavior in acidic environments. Cementite emerged as the most corrosion resistant phase, followed by austenite, while ferrite displayed the least resistance. Interestingly, carbon additions improved corrosion resistance in ferrite and austenite. Alloying with Cr, Mn, and Cu was observed to hinder anodic dissolution, reducing electrochemical activity. Finally, the thermodynamic framework provides a reliable and efficient screening tool that can accelerate the development of alloys and coatings.
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Constrained groove pressing (CGP) as a severe plastic deformation (SPD) technique was applied on Al-Mn-Si sheets. In the following, direct- and cross-rolling were employed as supplementary processing in order to investigate the rolling-direction effect on CGPed sheets. The in-depth characterization of microstructural evolutions were employed using polarized light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Williamson–Hall analysis method was applied on X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of specimens. Analysis of XRD results revealed that post-rolling of CGPed sheets induced dynamic recrystallization (DRX) due to massive dislocations' accumulation which follows by crystallite growth. The largest crystallite size which was 619 nm achieved after direct-rolling through the rolling strain of 1.27. Maximum acquired peak intensity ratio for rolled sheets was for (220) crystallographic plane similar to annealed one. Also, post-rolling had altered the distinguished plane from (111) for CGPed sheets into (220). Mechanical characteristics of specimens were examined using hardness and tension tests. Based on the obtained results, direct-rolling of CGPed samples was more susceptible for strength enhancement compared to cross-rolling. Optimum achieved values for yield and ultimate tensile strength were 155 and 197 MPa, respectively. Rolling in the both longitudinal and cross directions had almost similar effect on the final attained hardness.
Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) with ZnO/Cu/ZnO sandwich structure grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) were investigated. The optical and electrical properties of the ZnO/Cu/ZnO multilayers with different Cu thickness were studied by optical spectrometry and four-point probe measurements, respectively. The structural properties were investigated using x-ray diffraction and high resolution tansmission electron microscopy. The experiment results indicated that the thickness of copper has a significant influence on the photoelectrical properties of films. A average transmittance of over 65% at visual wavelength and low resistivity of ∼3.05 × 10⁻⁴ Ω·cm were obtained when the thickness of Cu was 14 nm. The obtained results inspire us that ALD method is one of candidates for preparing high quality TCO films with high transmittance and low resistivity.
Al-Mn-Si specimens were severe plastic deformed (SPDed) through constrained groove pressing (CGP) by εeff = 1.16, 232, and 3.48. CGPed sheets were subsequently annealed at 150, 250 and 350 °C to investigate complementary treatment route on macro- and microscale properties of heavily strained alloy. Microstructure evolutions in deformed and post-annealed states along with their associated mechanisms such as recovery, recrystallization and strain induced grain boundary migration (SIGBM) were studied and analyzed. SIGBM as an indication for inhomogeneous grain growth was traced by transformations in grains' aspect ratio. Microanalysis of crystallographic characteristics by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns revealed that (111) planes were the main crystallographic index in CGPed and annealed alloys since preservation up to 350 °C had amplified the (200) and deteriorated the intensity of (311) planes. Dislocation density measurements implied the dynamic recovery occurrence in CGP (εeff = 2.32) which had affected mechanical characteristics, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance of the utilized alloy. Mechanical properties through tension and hardness tests had been examined since the maximum YS, UTS, and hardness of 118 MPa and 141 MPa, 52 Hv obtained for CGPed specimen (εeff = 3.48) compared with annealed alloy with the values of 85 MPa and 112 MPa, and 29 Hv, respectively.
In this study, the effect of a high temperature nitriding treatment on the characteristics of the Ni-free stainless steel (SUS445) used as the metallic bipolar plate of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) was investigated. The phase structure, composition, electrical conductivity and electrochemical corrosion resistance of the stainless steel after the nitriding treatment (SUS445-N) were analyzed. The supersaturated nitrogen phase γN, nitrides CrN and Cr2N in the nitride layer with a good electrical conductivity were observed and confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The corrosion resistance of the nitrided SUS445-N stainless steel was significantly improved due to the formation of the chromium-containing nitrides. The conducted fuel cell durability test revealed that when using the nitrided SUS445-N stainless steel as the bipolar plate, the fuel cell voltage performance was almost the same as that using the graphite carbon as the bipolar plate for 2500 h.
The high-temperature austenite phase of a high-interstitial Mn- and Ni-free stainless steel was stabilized at room temperature by the full dissolution of precipitates after solution annealing at 1523 K (1250 °C). The austenitic steel was subsequently tensile-tested in the temperature range of 298 K to 503 K (25 °C to 230 °C). Tensile elongation progressively enhanced at higher tensile test temperatures and reached 79 pct at 503 K (230 °C). The enhancement at higher temperatures of tensile ductility was attributed to the increased mechanical stability of austenite and the delayed formation of deformation-induced martensite. Microstructural examinations after tensile deformation at 433 K (160 °C) and 503 K (230 °C) revealed the presence of a high density of planar glide features, most noticeably deformation twins. Furthermore, the deformation twin to deformation-induced martensite transformation was observed at these temperatures. The results confirm that the high tensile ductility of conventional Fe-Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn austenitic stainless steels may be similarly reproduced in Ni- and Mn-free high-interstitial stainless steels solution annealed at sufficiently high temperatures. The tensile ductility of the alloy was found to deteriorate with decarburization and denitriding processes during heat treatment which contributed to the formation of martensite in an outermost rim of tensile specimens.
In this paper, the passivation and electrochemical behavior of 316L stainless steel in chlorinated simulated concrete pore solutions at different pH was evaluated by potentiodynamic measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The composition of the passive film and surface morphology were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. The results reveal that metastable pitting susceptibility, stable pitting corrosion, and composition of the passive film are influenced by pH value. After long time immersion, a bilayer structure passive film can be formed in this environment. The appearance of molybdates on the outermost surface layer, further enhancing the stability of the passive film. Moreover, the good pitting corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel in simulated concrete pore solution without carbonated is mainly due to the presence of high Cr/Fe ratio and molybdates ions within the passive film.
The heat treatments of Ni-free SUS445 stainless steel under nitrogen and argon gas atmospheres were conducted at 1373-1473K in the present study. The heat-treated samples were characterized by an X-ray diffraction (XRD), glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The corrosion behavior of the heat-treated samples was evaluated by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) measurements in a 0.5moldm⁻³ H2SO4 solution. The results revealed that the nitrided stainless steel at 1373K presents the best corrosion resistance and the AlN, expanded austenite YN, CrN and Cr2N phases appeared based on the XRD results. In contrast, the corrosion resistance of the heat-treated stainless steel under an argon atmosphere was decreased and there was no change in the microstructure.
This paper reports cyclic loading tests of austenitic stainless steel type 304 and lean duplex stainless steel LDX2101. A total of twenty-four monotonic loading tests and eighteen cyclic loading tests with strain amplitudes varying from ± 0.5% to ± 2% were performed to study the hysteretic behavior of structural stainless steels. Materials from hot-rolled plates, cold-rolled sheets and finished cold-formed tubes were considered in this study. Three different loading protocols were adopted namely, cyclic ascend, cyclic alternate and cyclic tensile. The failure modes and hysteresis curves of the structural stainless steels have been reported. The hysteresis loops of structural stainless steels are plump, stable and symmetric to the origin which indicates good hysteretic behavior. Based on the test results, the Masing property together with the effects of forming work, stainless steel type and loading protocol on the hysteretic behavior of structural stainless steels have been discussed. It was shown that the structural stainless steels exhibit non-Masing Property except for cold-rolled lean duplex stainless steel LDX2101. It was also shown that forming work played a significant role on the hysteretic behavior of structural stainless steels. Austenitic stainless steel type 304 indicates larger cyclic hardening level than that of lean duplex stainless steel LDX2101. The loading history that relatively large strain cycles occur prior to the small strain cycles has quite obvious effect on the hysteresis behavior of the structural stainless steels.