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A Gray Box Interpretable Visual Debugging Approach for Deep Sequence Learning Model

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Abstract and Figures

Deep Learning algorithms are often used as black box type learning and they are too complex to understand. The widespread usability of Deep Learning algorithms to solve various machine learning problems demands deep and transparent understanding of the internal representation as well as decision making. Moreover, the learning models, trained on sequential data, such as audio and video data, have intricate internal reasoning process due to their complex distribution of features. Thus, a visual simulator might be helpful to trace the internal decision making mechanisms in response to adversarial input data, and it would help to debug and design appropriate deep learning models. However, interpreting the internal reasoning of deep learning model is not well studied in the literature. In this work, we have developed a visual interactive web application, namely d-DeVIS, which helps to visualize the internal reasoning of the learning model which is trained on the audio data. The proposed system allows to perceive the behavior as well as to debug the model by interactively generating adversarial audio data point. The web application of d-DeVIS is available at
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A Gray Box Interpretable Visual Debugging
Approach for Deep Sequence Learning Model
Md Mofijul Islam1, Amar Debnath1, Tahsin Al Sayeed1, Jyotirmay Nag Setu1,
Md Mahmudur Rahman1,Md Sadman Sakib1, Md Abdur Razzaque1, Md. Mosaddek Khan1
Swakkhar Shatabda2
1Department of CSE, University of Dhaka
2Department of CSE, United International University
Deep Learning algorithms are often used as black box type learning and they are
too complex to understand. The widespread usability of Deep Learning algorithms
to solve various machine learning problems demands deep and transparent under-
standing of the internal representation as well as decision making. Moreover, the
learning models, trained on sequential data, such as audio and video data, have
intricate internal reasoning process due to their complex distribution of features.
Thus, a visual simulator might be helpful to trace the internal decision making
mechanisms in response to adversarial input data, and it would help to debug
and design appropriate deep learning models. However, interpreting the internal
reasoning of deep learning model is not well studied in the literature. In this work,
we have developed a visual interactive web application, namely d-DeVIS, which
helps to visualize the internal reasoning of the learning model which is trained on
the audio data. The proposed system allows to perceive the behavior as well as to
debug the model by interactively generating adversarial audio data point. The web
application of d-DeVIS is available at
1 Introduction
Machine Learning(ML) algorithms have been pouring the blessings in a form of solving Artifi-
cial Intelligence(AI) problems, such as classification, clustering, genomics data visualization, etc.
Deep Learning(DL), an influential extension of ML, has been evolving rapidly in recent years and
successfully being applied in solving various real-world problems including machine translation,
speech recognition, image classification, etc[
]. While traditional ML models require external
domain knowledge, DL is mostly characterized for efficient learning of the non-linear complex
feature representation without having domain expertise. Hence, the DL model remains as a black-box
type learning for practitioners and researchers. In effect, the interpretability and transparency of DL
models have been reduced significantly [
]. Although DL approaches have been studied widely, a
few works address the interpretability issue of deep learning models in the literature.
With the increasing use of the DL methodologies in real-world systems, such as self driving car and
medical imaging, it becomes a prime concern to have publicly understandable systems explaining the
underlying reasoning. Although the linear systems can be easily demonstrated with simple examples
having mathematical proofs, non-linear systems, such as Deep Neural Network(DNN), is complex to
understand and visualize. Nonetheless, the general users as well as researchers need to understand
Preprint. Work in progress.
arXiv:1811.08374v1 [cs.LG] 20 Nov 2018
the mechanism of the algorithms to debug and determine appropriate learning model. In addition, the
teachers and the learners are interested to visualize the algorithms to develop the basic intuition of
the algorithm. The researchers have been working to utilize the visualization approaches to teach
the ML algorithms [
] while it has been proven that people can grasp the principles of an algorithm
better when they are taught using visualization approaches [6][7].
Visualization of internal operation details of a machine learning algorithm has been studied previously
in [
], where the authors have surveyed several visualization techniques to understand the learning
and decision-making processes of neural networks and also describe their work in knowledge-based
neural networks. After the explosion of deep learning applications in computer vision and machine
translations, researchers have been trying to visualize the interpretations of the specialized algorithms
used for different kinds of unstructured data. In [
], authors have introduced a novel visualization
technique that gives insight into the function of intermediate feature layers and the operations of
Convolutional Neural Network(CNN). Nonetheless, it is rather black-box type visualization approach
to reveal the model behavior, as such it can not interpret the internal reasoning. In [
], authors have
developed an interactive system to enable users understand and explore the deep learning models
and get an insight on the learning mechanisms of image classifiers. It introduces a gray-box type
approach but does not demonstrate how classifiers work in response to sequence audio data.
In this paper, we have designed a deep Sequence Learning Model Debugger and Visual Interactive
Simulator, namely d-DeVIS, that focuses on gray box concept, where outcome of an internal block
is transparent to the users. More explicitly, we are interested to visualize the internal feature
representation of a deep sequence learning model (i.e. CNN) in response to multi modal audio
sequence data. The layer wise visualization of hidden features in d-DeVIS assists us to understand
the interpretation of feature extraction methods of DL models. The main contributions of the paper
are as follows:
A web-based application, d-DeVIS, to visualize the representation of hidden layers’ features
and the behavior of the CNN model in response to the adversarial audio sequence data.
d-DeVIS, allows user to interactively change the audio features, such as pitch, amplitude
etc, and interpret the behavior of the learning model based on the modified data.
We have designed a visually transparent debugging User Interface(UI), which demonstrates
layer-wise features’ representation and model hyper parameters. In so doing, it guides DL
model’s debugging.
d-DeVIS enables users to hear and visualize the intermediary hidden layer results, layer-wise
converted audio outputs and weight distributions, in order to interpret the final prediction. It
also allows practitioners to compare the performance of the learning model in response to
different adversarial audio input.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we discuss the related work. Thereafter,
Section 3 is focused on the goals and features of the proposed system. Section 4 describes the use
cases of d-DeVIS. Finally, Section 5 concludes with future plans.
2 Related Work
The recent widespread use of deep learning models in various artificial intelligence task attracts both
the visualization and the deep learning communities to deal with the new challenge of improving
the interpretability and explainability of these models [
]. It is worth mentioning that visualizing the
Neural Network (NN) models is not a new research domain. To be precise, it has been studied well
before the recent surge of deep learning models. For instance, N
Vis [
] visualizes the attributes of
NN, such as hidden layers weights, weights’ volatility, network structure and nodal activation levels.
Nonetheless, most of the previous approaches utilize the static graphical visualization to describe
hidden reasoning of the learning models.
In recent years, a number of works have been sought to address the explainability and transparency
issue of the DL models and few others have been focused on designing interactive visualization
models to illustrate underline reasoning. For example, Tensorflow Playground [
] designed an
interactive interface, where users can change the parameters and structure of the NN models and
examine their effect. Moreover, ShapeShop [
] enables the users to interactively change input image
and visualize the behavior and feature’s representation of the DL models. Similarly, in [
], authors
designed an application, which allows an user to examine the behavior of a DL based image classifier.
Apart from these black-box visualization approaches, a number of works visualize the behavior
of deep learning models. For instance, in [
], authors present a static visualization of hidden
state representation and the prediction model behavior of Long-Short-Term-Memory(LSTM) based
language model. Similar to the previous work, LSTMVis [
] designed an interactive visualization
approach to visualize the hidden state representations of recurrent neural network and allows user
to examine the internal behavior of LSTM model on different application scenarios. Additionally,
in [
] and [
], authors visualize the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and provide visually
explainable reasoning of internal feature representation. Furthermore, Seq2Seq [
] designed a visual
debugging tools for the sequence-to-sequence learning model and enables users to interact with the
model to develop an insight about the model.
Inspired from the previous works done by [
], we have designed an interactive visual DL
models debugging system, d-DeVIS: Deep Sequence Learning Model’s Debugger and Visually
Interactive Simulator. Most of the previous works utilize the black box visualization approaches to
help developing the basic intuition of the deep learning models. Surprisingly, visualizing the deep
learning model behavior and features representation of the multimodal data, such as audio or video,
is neglected in the literature. Moreover, visualizing the correlation between the hidden layer features
representation and the model behavior is not properly studied for sequence models. d-DeVIS allows
user to interactively change the multimodal audio data to generate adversarial data examples and
enables users to examine the deep learning model behavior to visualize the features representation.
3 Design and Development of d-DeVIS
In this section, we present the key components and goals for designing our proposed interactive
application to visualize DL model in response to the adversarial data input. We take into considerations
the interactivity of the users and flexibility of the system. To do so, we have developed a web
application that shows the gray box debugging method for deep neural network of sequence data.
The prime goal of designing d-DeVIS is to make the learning and debugging DL model user friendly
and also ensure that it should be able to visualize the internal reasoning of deep sequence model and
features representation of hidden layers with the help of an interactive user interface. Table 1 lists a
number of major design goals for designing an interpretable deep audio sequence learning model.
Table 1: Design Goals of d-DeVIS
Goals Description
G1: Improve DL Mod-
els Interpretability and
An interpretable system of DL models depicts how deep sequence
learning models work and how the hidden layer features can help to
easily interpret the functionality of the learning model.
G2: Gray-Box Visual De-
A good grasp of the feature extraction method of deep neural net-
works is required for DL enthusiast and d-DeVIS provides a fluid
gray box debugging experience which enables the users to understand
how the features of the hidden layers affect the training.
G3: Interactively Exam-
ining the Deep Sequence
Model Behavior
An interactive tool is required, where user can manipulate audio
features(such as slicing, cross-fading, repetition, etc) to generate
adversarial example data. Moreover, it allows user to examine the
internal reasoning in response to the modified adversarial data.
G4: Comparison and ex-
posure of the extracted
features from audio data
The proposed system must enable users to listen the extracted audio
data from different layer after applying CNN filters. Hence, users
should be able to grasp the extracted hidden layer audio features.
3.1 Features of d-DeVIS
We have designed d-DeVIS as an interactive web application while considering the design goals listed
in Table 1. The primary goal of our proposed system is to ease the interpretation of the intermediate
reasoning and the deep audio sequence learning model. We divide the proposed d-DeVIS model into
the following three major components.
Model Visualization.
Audio Feature Manipulation
Adversarial Feature Comparison
3.1.1 Model Visualization
The primary purpose of our work is to interpret the internal reasoning of the deep sequence learning
model in response to adversarial audio example data. For this reason, d-DeVIS provides an interactive
web application interface, which depicts the intermediate layer wise visual features representation
in the form of audio spectrogram. Moreover, we employed the inverse Fourier transformation to
extract the audio features from the intermediate layer spectrogram. d-DeVIS allows user to not
only visualize the features extracted by the hidden layer filters, but also it enables them to listen to
the audio representation of the features of the input audio extracted by the CNN. The web interface
to visualize the layer wise feature is depicted in Fig 1. Furthermore, d-DeVIS allows the users to
examine the weight distributions of the internal hidden layer. To extract the intermediate features,
we trained a baseline CNN model on audio sequence data. The details of the trained model and the
backed system of d-DeVIS is presented in Section 3.2.
During any forward propagation step, the spectrogram feature data of the audio files are traversed
through the hidden layer of the CNN. At each layer, the convolution filter tries to extract significant
hidden features from the audio data input and optimizes itself during backward propagation in order
to minimize the training loss. In our system, the users will be able to upload an audio file or record
an audio of their own. After the processing of the input, our system will calculate the logarithmic
spectrogram and feed it into the trained model to produce the prediction. At each convolution layer
there are predefined tunned filters. The types of features CNN] extracts from the input data depends
on the filters. In our trained model, the first layer and second layers have 16 filters, the third layer
has 32 filters, each. So, our system visualizes the features corresponding to the filters and also the
distributions of the trained weights.
A particular feature extracted by the 13th filter of first layer is visualized in Fig 1(a). When a user
clicks on the image it zooms in to show the spectrogram clearly. Users can also listen to the hidden
extracted feature by clicking on the play button, which is depicted in Fig. 1(c).
Figure 1: Visualization of audio features extracted by CNN layer filter.
3.1.2 Adversarial Feature Comparison
d-DeVIS allows users to interpret the DL model behavior by examining the intermediate feature
representation based on the different audio data input. The adversarial behavior comparison is
illustrated in Fig 2 and the different module of this feature is presented in red alphabets. The module
a and b are the two spectrogram representation of the two audio inputs with their predictions by the
trained deep sequence learning model. Users can observe the feature representation of different layers
in module d and e. There are different spectrogram images of the extracted features and users can
click on them to listen to the audio representation. Finally users can also see the weight distribution
of each layers by clicking on the button marked by f.
Figure 2: Comparison of different audio inputs.
3.1.3 Audio Feature Manipulation
Our proposed interactive system, d-DeVIS, enables the users to not only examine the behavior of
the learning model in response to a sample file or recording of their voice but also it allows users to
manipulate the different properties of audio example data and thus enables to generate adversarial
example data. Among the various characteristics of the audio, which can be changed, d-DeVIS
allows to manipulate the following audio features.
Slicing allows users to slice an audio.
Cross-fading changes the amplitude of the sound waves.
Changing the loudness option will make the beginning louder and the ending quieter.
Repeating option repeats the sound twice.
allows to invert the sound wave, i.e. inverted sound will be played from the ending.
Fade: option fades in for a particular time and then fades out similarly.
A pictorial modification of audio feature is presented in Fig. 3. After manipulating and generating the
audio example data, d-DeVIS allows users to examine the behavior of audio deep sequence learning
model by observing behavior changes in response to the original and adversarial audio data input.
In Table 2, we discuss all the features of d-DeVIS and how the features meet the design goals.
3.2 Implementation of d-DeVIS
d-DeVIS is developed as a web application so that users can seamlessly interact with the system
to interpret the behavior of deep learning model by generating adversarial audio input data. In
the following section we present the implementation details of d-DeVIS. The source code of our
implementation is available at
(a) Original Sound
(b) Slicing audio (c) Cross-fading
(d) Changing loudness (e) Repeating sound
(f) Invert (g) Fade
Figure 3: Visualize the modified audio features. (time vs amplitude)
Table 2: Mapping of d-DeVIS features and goals
Feature Goal
Visualizing the Hidden Extracted Features of Convolutional neural networks:
DeVIS provides visualization of the extracted features in each layer as image data
and shows the various features of different filters of the deep Convolutional Neural
Network. Users can also hear the audio representation of the hidden extracted features
G1 & G2
& G4
Interactive User Experience:
For a fluid user experience,we provide an interactive
platform for the users so that they will be able to focus on the productivity of the system
without any unnecessary hassle.
G3 & G4
Visualizing the Audio Features as well as Modifying the Waveforms:
Due to the
complex structure of audio data, our system let’s users modify various aspects of the
sound property and visualize the updated waveform to provide a keen knowledge on
audio data representation.
G2 & G3
Custom Audio Input for Testing and Feature Distribution Visualization:
User can
not only upload a default audio data but also they can record custom speech to test the
trained model. Proper distribution of the weights is also visualized.
G1 & G3
Comparing different audio inputs and their hidden features:
d-DeVIS also enables
users to measure the differences of different audio inputs and check their extracted
layer features.
3.2.1 Trained Deep Learning Model with Audio Data
We trained a CNN model on Speech Commands dataset
, which is used to visualize the behavior of
the model. The dataset consists of almost 30 speech classes but for the sake of the simplicity and
reduction of training time we used 10 classes, which are the audio recordings of zero to nine digits
in English language. All the clips are one second long. We calculated logarithmic spectrogram as
features of the audio (.wav) data to feed into the training model. A three layer Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) is used as the spectrogram feature matrix represents an image and CNNs have proven
to be decent at image classification. The Convolutional Architecture consisted of 3s set of filters with
different square kernel of sizes [7,5,3]. We used max pooling after every filter to reduce the sizes of
the output matrices and added necessary dropout to reduce overfitting. The complete architecture of
the training model is depicted in Fig 4. Our baseline model reached 95% validation accuracy with a
minimal hyper parameter tuning. We have used Keras deep learning framework which is a wrapper
library of Tensorflow to train our deep learning model. We have utilized the computation system of
Google Colaboratory platform for the training purpose.
Figure 4: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture of d-DeVIS.
3.2.2 Front-end and Back-end of d-DeVIS
Audio files manipulations such as Slicing the audio, Changing Loudness, Cross-fading, Repeating
the Sound, Invert and Fade are done using Numpy, Pydub and Scipy libraries. Matplotlib is utilized
to visualize the audio features. After the training of the model, we have saved the data using Pickle
python module. We have used HTML5, CSS, Javascript for designing the front-end of the application.
We used the Vue.js framework to build an SPA and communicated with the server using REST API.
The back-end is built in python using the Flask framework.
4 Use Cases
While experimenting with the system, we have applied several modifications to both the CNN
trained model and the input audio file. Then, we have analyzed the obtained results by tuning with
the system. In the remainder of this section, we present important use cases that demonstrate the
general applicability of our system. A demo video of our proposed system d-DeVIS can be found at
Visualizing the Audio Features:
Speech is a sequence data which is hard to grasp just by
looking at the amplitude vs time representation. In our system, a user can upload or record a
customized audio file and tune with various aspects of the waveform. Therefore, predictions
of the audio will change with accordance to the change in the waveforms and users can
easily observe the changed results.
Learning Medium for the Academia:
Our system provides an interactive web application
with which learners will be able to test various types of aspects of audio data and the deep
learning model. By using d-DeVIS , academics can provide appropriate insights of the
feature extraction method of neural networks to the students. Hence, it can be a great
medium for learning.
Experimenting Platform for AI Enthusiasts:
We provide a platform for easy training and
proper results of the feature extractions which are shown as a form of images. Users can test
their own custom input and observe the decisive hidden features that make the distinctions
between the inputs. Thus, the feature manipulation and interactivity of the system will
inspire the deep learning enthusiasts and engineers to do various experiments on it.
5 Conclusion
d-DeVIS allowed the users to visualize how CNN recognizes digits from audio sequence data. It
collected input from user and allowed them to interactively manipulate it. The tool easily allowed the
comparison of the given input with other adversarial examples. Overall, this helped users to develop
a better intuition of the underlying reasoning of the model which allowed them to make more learned
decisions regarding learning model development.
In future extension of d-DeVIS, we have the plan to visualize other sequence deep learning models
behavior and allow users to manipulate the input data representation interactively. Moreover, visualiz-
ing the hidden layer complex feature representations for multi-modal sequence data is a great avenue
for future research work.
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Deep learning has recently seen rapid development and significant attention due to its state-of-the-art performance on previously-thought hard problems. However, because of the innate complexity and nonlinear structure of deep neural networks, the underlying decision making processes for why these models are achieving such high performance are challenging and sometimes mystifying to interpret. As deep learning spreads across domains, it is of paramount importance that we equip users of deep learning with tools for understanding when a model works correctly, when it fails, and ultimately how to improve its performance. Standardized toolkits for building neural networks have helped democratize deep learning; visual analytics systems have now been developed to support model explanation, interpretation, debugging, and improvement. We present a survey of the role of visual analytics in deep learning research, noting its short yet impactful history and summarize the state-of-the-art using a human-centered interrogative framework, focusing on the Five W's and How (Why, Who, What, How, When, and Where), to thoroughly summarize deep learning visual analytics research. We conclude by highlighting research directions and open research problems. This survey helps new researchers and practitioners in both visual analytics and deep learning to quickly learn key aspects of this young and rapidly growing body of research, whose impact spans a diverse range of domains.
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The recent successes of deep learning have led to a wave of interest from non-experts. Gaining an understanding of this technology, however, is difficult. While the theory is important, it is also helpful for novices to develop an intuitive feel for the effect of different hyperparameters and structural variations. We describe TensorFlow Playground, an interactive, open sourced visualization that allows users to experiment via direct manipulation rather than coding, enabling them to quickly build an intuition about neural nets.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is an end-to-end learning approach for automated translation, with the potential to overcome many of the weaknesses of conventional phrase-based translation systems. Unfortunately, NMT systems are known to be computationally expensive both in training and in translation inference. Also, most NMT systems have difficulty with rare words. These issues have hindered NMT's use in practical deployments and services, where both accuracy and speed are essential. In this work, we present GNMT, Google's Neural Machine Translation system, which attempts to address many of these issues. Our model consists of a deep LSTM network with 8 encoder and 8 decoder layers using attention and residual connections. To improve parallelism and therefore decrease training time, our attention mechanism connects the bottom layer of the decoder to the top layer of the encoder. To accelerate the final translation speed, we employ low-precision arithmetic during inference computations. To improve handling of rare words, we divide words into a limited set of common sub-word units ("wordpieces") for both input and output. This method provides a good balance between the flexibility of "character"-delimited models and the efficiency of "word"-delimited models, naturally handles translation of rare words, and ultimately improves the overall accuracy of the system. Our beam search technique employs a length-normalization procedure and uses a coverage penalty, which encourages generation of an output sentence that is most likely to cover all the words in the source sentence. On the WMT'14 English-to-French and English-to-German benchmarks, GNMT achieves competitive results to state-of-the-art. Using a human side-by-side evaluation on a set of isolated simple sentences, it reduces translation errors by an average of 60% compared to Google's phrase-based production system.
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved breakthrough performance in many pattern recognition tasks such as image classification. However, the development of high-quality deep models typically relies on a substantial amount of trial-and-error, as there is still no clear understanding of when and why a deep model works. In this paper, we present a visual analytics approach for better understanding, diagnosing, and refining deep CNNs. We formulate a deep CNN as a directed acyclic graph. Based on this formulation, a hybrid visualization is developed to disclose the multiple facets of each neuron and the interactions between them. In particular, we introduce a hierarchical rectangle packing algorithm and a matrix reordering algorithm to show the derived features of a neuron cluster. We also propose a biclustering-based edge bundling method to reduce visual clutter caused by a large number of connections between neurons. We evaluated our method on a set of CNNs and the results are generally favorable.