Preface The Inventory of Learning Styles in higher education is one of the outcomes of a research project on the learning styles of students in higher education. The project was carried out by the Department of Educational Psychology of the Tilburg University. The scoring key is available as a separate document, also on ResearchGate. The theoretical background and empirical findings are reported in, amongst others:
- Vermunt, J.D., & Vermetten, Y.J. (2004). Patterns in student learning: relationships between learning strategies, conceptions of learning, and learning orientations. Educational Psychology Review, 16(4), 359-384.;
- Vermunt, J.D., & Donche, V. (2017). A learning patterns perspective on student learning in higher education: State of the art and moving forward. Educational Psychology Review, 29(2), 269-299.; Vermunt, J. D. (2020). Surveys and retrospective self-reports to measure strategies and strategic processing. In D. L. Dinsmore, L. K. Fryer, & M. M. Parkinson (Eds.), Handbook of strategies and strategic processing. (pp. 259-274). New York: Routledge.; - Shum, A., Fryer, L. K., Vermunt, J. D., Ajisuksmo, C., Cano, F., Donche, V., Law, D. C. S., Martínez-Fernández, R., Van Petegem, P., & Yu, J. (2023). Variable- and person-centred meta-re-analyses of university students' learning strategies from a cross-cultural perspective. Higher Education.