Conference PaperPDF Available

Assuring the Quality of Credentials to support Learning Innovation

  • Knowledge Innovation Centre
  • Stifterverband
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13th European Quality Assurance Forum
Broadening the scope of QA
Hosted by WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and
AQ Austria
15-17 November 2018
ISSN: 1375-3797
Name: Anthony F. Camilleri
Position: Senior Partner
Organisation: Knowledge Innovation Centre
Country: Malta
E-mail address:
Short bio (150 words max):
Anthony is an independent researcher and consultant in Higher Education quality and innovation. His
current research interests include management systems for education, new forms of learning as well as
credentials in education. With respect to the latter, Anthony is advising the European Commission,
several governments as well as institutions such as the European Commission and private foundations,
on digital architectures for credentials, including through the use of blockchain. He is based in Ljubljana,
and is a regular EQAF contributor.
Name: Florian Rampelt
Position: Programme Manager
Organisation: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Country: Germany
E-mail address: florian.rampelt@stifterverband,de
Short bio (150 words max):
Florian is Programme Manager for the German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age
(Hochschulforum Digitalisierung) at Stifterverband in Berlin. His focus is on higher education strategies,
open education and internationalisation in the digital age. After graduating in political science and
education sciences, he was a research assistant in teacher education at the University of Passau. As a
researcher he contributes to research and policy work on access to higher education, the social
dimension of education, lifelong learning, the recognition of prior learning and digital solutions in higher
education with a focus on higher education for refugees and the European Higher Education Area.
Florian also is involved in the evaluation and accreditation of study programs in the European Higher
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Education Area and previously served as Director of Education at Kiron Open Higher Education in
Assuring the Quality of Credentials to support Learning Innovation
The credential-space is currently seeing significant innovation, driven by twin priorities, namely the
unbundling of learning, and the drive to digitise credentials as prioritised by the Bologna Digital Agenda
and the EU’s Digital Education Action Plan. While traditionally students could depend on recognition of
widely understood signals of experience and expertise such as university degrees, the same cannot be
said for the creatures of MOOCS such as ‘nanodegrees’ and ‘specialisations’.
While it is clear that degrees from accredited HEIs form the gold standard in terms of their recognition
and portability, no clear set of comprehensive criteria exists to assess the quality of new forms of
credentials, nor for standards and technologies which are applied to credentials. The authors therefore
propose a framework for such analysis in the form of a set of quality characteristics for credentials,
based on work conducted by the OEPass project.
1. Digital transformation as a catalyst for new types of credentials
Digital transformation is already a reality for both labour markets as well as higher education systems.
Although such developments have not been neglected in recent years, “the progress on integrating
technology in education remains limited” (European Commission, 2018, p. 2). Especially the world of
work increasingly demands a quick response from the education system to provide people with newly
desired qualifications or “future skills” and technology can play a major role in this. In response to this
increasing demand different education providers have developed open educational opportunities that
go beyond the formal structures that make up current educational systems.
While it is clear, that degrees from accredited higher education institutions (HEIs) consist of the gold
standard in terms of their reputation, recognition and portability, no clear set of comprehensive criteria
exists to assess the quality of new forms of credentials. We argue that a discourse on the quality of
credentials in the growing open education market is needed on two main aspects: A) The quality of open
learning and the necessary information that has to be documented for formal and informal recognition
of open learning and B) the quality of technologies and the required standards to enable the digital
documentation of learning in the form of (open) credentials.
New types of credentials have been developed in recent years in order to make learning pathways as
digestible and flexible as possible. This has been especially visible yet controversial in the context of
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). As a basic principle, in order to make university education
available to a theoretically unlimited audience, traditional degrees are broken into smaller units made
available online. As in the Bologna system, degrees are broken into modules, modules into courses.
These courses can be even further split up into short segments based on empirical evidence on the
effectiveness of smaller learning units. Universities are becoming part of this trend by partnering up with
international MOOC platforms, applying such modular approaches themselves, and adding a certain
degree of stackability. For example, EdX has a developed a MicroMaster system for university partners
(Rampelt et al., 2018).
MicroMasters from a wide range of topics such as Supply Chain Management
or Artificial Intelligence can either only be taken on their own or additionally count towards a full masters
Further information here:
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at universities such as the MIT. But also other MOOC platforms such as Coursera and FutureLearn also
offer different university level units, from full-degrees to single courses with content often offered for
free and learners paying for assessment and credentialisation at the end of the course. Udacity has
developed its own brand in the business with so-called “Nanodegrees”
that explicitly aim to serve labour
market needs as an alternative to traditional degrees
However, while traditionally students could depend on the recognition and trust in widely understood
signals of experience and expertise such as university degrees, the same cannot be said for the new
different forms of unbundled education. A typical university may today offer several different types of
credentials, ranging from certificates of MOOC participation all the way up to full degrees.
The private sector is proposing a host of solutions to recognise learning in smaller segments, from the
aforementioned Nanodegrees or MicroMasters, to centralised skill-banks verified by standardised
testing to online systems of recommendation similar to peer-reviewed literature (The Economist, Lifelong
Learning Supplement, 2017).
Additionally, a mixture of technological developments, currently for example visible in the emergence of
blockchain for educational credentials (Grech & Camilleri, 2018), and policy developments, in particular
the focus on credentials as part of the European Commission’s Digital Education Plan (European
Commission, 2018) or the “Bologna Digital” initiative (Orr et al., 2018) make it even more clear that such
an increased focus on innovation in credentials has to be accompanied by a discourse on standards
and guidelines regarding the quality of technologies and the quality of open learning.
The authors therefore propose a framework for such analysis in the form of a set of required elements
and quality characteristics of credentials, based on work conducted by the OEPass project.
2. Types of credentials
A credential, in its most essential form, is a statement awarded from one party to another describing
the latter’s qualities. Credentials are used for the purpose of proving to a third party that the holder
qualifies for something. An educational credential is typically awarded by a responsible and authorized
body that attests that an individual has achieved specific learning outcomes or attained a defined level
of knowledge or skill relative to a given standard. (ACE, 2016, p. 5)
Examples of credentials might include:
a degree is a formal qualification from a university to a graduate describing that they have
achieved expertise in a subject (e.g. medicine). This credential can be used to prove to
another educational institution that the holder qualifies for admittance into a doctoral degree
a job-reference is a social recommendation from an employer to a previous employee
describing their job performance and attitude. This credential can be used to prove to a
recruiter that the person qualifies for a job;
a medical licence is an identity from a medical chamber to a doctor describing that they have
the required medical knowledge, skills and conduct. This credential can be used to prove to
a patient that the holder is qualified to practice medicine
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In the context of OEPass, educational credentials, may be divided into the following categories:
For the purpose of this paper we have considered: 1) Formal recognition in higher education (2) formal
recognition in the labour market and (3) Informal recognition in the labour market. For formal recognition
of credentials in higher education the criteria for the value of a credential are based on existing standards
and guidelines. In a European context these are the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance
in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015) but also practical guidelines for credential
evaluators and admission officers developed from within the ENIC-NARIC network, especially the EAR
Manual (2016).
3. Elements of a Credential Statement
In general, the standards that exist for formal recognition and quality assurance in higher education can
and should also be applicable to any new forms of (open) learning, certification and credentialization.
This means, that when assessing credentials as a proof for the quality of (open) learning, key elements
of a qualification should always be considered, with learning outcomes being the most important
criterion (Nuffic, 2016).
As part of the PARADIGMS project the Dutch NARIC Nuffic recently published a policy paper focussing
on the evaluation of MOOCs that suggests seven criteria for the assessment of a MOOC certificate
(Nuffic, 2018). These criteria can also be translated in the more general context of credentials and their
trustworthyness for recognition in higher education. Based on a JRC report from 2016, the Nuffic policy
paper also suggests the use of a basic traffic light model that describes different levels of meeting certain
criteria (Witthaus et. al., 2016). For the characteristics of credentials that describe the required elements
of a credential statement we made use of most of the criteria described by the PARADIGMS project for
MOOCs and suggest additional criteria, adding up to a set of 8 criteria for the assessment of a credential
for formal recognition in higher education. For the labour market, informal recognition could be based
on some or all of these criteria.
Next to clearly defined learning outcomes, a credential also needs to contain transparent information
on the quality of the programme or learning opportunity leading to the credential, the level of learning
(ideally referenced to a a qualifications framework) and the workload required for getting the credential.
The learning outcomes should also be backed up by a robust assessment mechanism described in the
credential that also verifies the identity of the learner as well as the issuing organisation. Additionally,
the reputation of the organisation issuing the credential can support trust in the credential
Figure 1: Educational Credentials
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Based on this, we have slightly adapted the traffic light model suggested by the PARADIGMS project
for the evaluation of the necessary elements of the credential statement (see figure 2).
When using such criteria to evaluate the quality of a credential it also has to be clear, though, that high
quality credentials can have different characteristics and do not necessarily need to comply with all
criteria to the same extent (also see Nuffic, 2018).
4. Quality of a Credential
As a document which proves the eligibility of the learner to qualify for something, it can be said to had
three purposes, namely to act:
as a unit of account;
as a means of exchange;
as a store of value
The more these characteristics are met by a credential, the higher its fitness for purpose, that is, the
more likely it will be accepted by third parties. The importance attached to these characteristics depend
on users and their intended use-case. Given this, we have developed a matrix to describe the fitness
for purpose of the elements above:
Quality of the Statement
The statement should:
represent a specific and identifiable and
measurable experience, skill or fact
be attributable to a single, identifiable
contain enough information to:
verify when, where and by whom it was
trace and reproduce the conditions under
which it was issued
be able to be issued for a limited period and
be revocable
be issued in a widely-spoken language or in
a easy to read graphical format
be issued in a standardised form, according
to standardised processes
Figure 2: Elements of a Credential Statement
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be modular, allowing for the credential to be
subdivided into smaller credentials or
stacked into larger credentials
be convertible into other types of
be owned by the learner
5. Conclusion and Outlook
The concept of assuring the quality of the credentials represents a genuine new frontier for European
Quality Assurance. On the one hand, it must reflect standards with regard to the quality of the statement,
respectively the quality of learning. This has already been successfully implemented throughout the
European Higher Education Area. It is, however, still necessary to clarify with all relevant stakeholders
what the minimum requirements are especially for the recognition of open learning.
At the same time, new standards and quality characteristics must be added that do justice to the
complexity of credentials. Combining these different characteristics that form the quality of credentials
is an approach that has just started to emerge and will still need several iterations in order to develop
robust frameworks. A trusted system of credentials thus requires considerations of the following aspects
holistically: Principles, standards and technology.
Based on these considerations, we see the quality framework that is currently piloted within the OEPass
project as having the following uses:
As a design tool for institutions thinking of innovating in the credential space, to ensure that the
eventual credentials meet appropriate quality standards from a holistic perspective;
as a basic set of design-requirements for implementations of credential technology;
as a transparency tool for students who are trying to determine equivalency between similar
programmes offering different credentials;
as a transparency tool for credential evaluators at higher education institutions who are trying
to assess the quality of learning documented through a credential and at the same time need to
build trust into the robustness and quality of new technologies.
Figure 3: Key aspects of credential systems
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For the acceptance of any new credential model to become a reality in the higher education context, it
not only needs to complement the long existing standards, it needs to provide an easily adoptable
mechanism, that can form part of the administrative, legislative and technological accreditation process.
However, on the basis of our conceptual framework, we hope for a broad discourse on implementation
possibilities, which has to be closely connected to real-world application with various stakeholders,
especially including universities. Therefore, higher educational institutions have to inevitably consider
themselves to be part of the change process in quality systems.
We would like to thank all partners of the OEPass project for their invaluable contributions to the
conceptual work for this paper. We especially would like to thank Denes Zarka, Raimund Hudak and
Timothy Read for their expertise and continuous feedback.
Discussion questions for the EQAF Workshop
1. Do credentials hold an ‘independent’ identity complementing the statement of the learning they
2. Which of these quality characteristics are important enough that they should be considered
‘minimum’, and possibly be reflected in the ESGs or other standards and guidelines yet tob e
3. Would such a framework for credential quality help support innovation in credentials?
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Retrieved from
European Commission (2018): Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, the
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Education Action Plan. COM(2018) 22 final. Retrieved from
Ganzglass, E., Everhart, D., Hickey, D., Casilli, C., & Muramatsu, B. (2016). Quality Dimensions for
Connected Credentials. Washington, DC: American Council on Education. Retrieved from
Grech, A. and Camilleri, A. F. (2017) Blockchain in Education. Inamorato dos Santos, A. (ed.) EUR 28778
EN. Retrieved from
Nuffic (Eds.) (2016). The European Recognition Manual for higher education institutions. Practical guidelines
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Nuffic (2018). Oops a MOOC! Dealing with eclectic learning in credential evaluation. Retrieved from
Open Badge Network (2016). O7A1 Open Badges and Quality Management. Retrieved from
Orr, D., van der Hijden, P., Rampelt, F., Röwert, R., & Suter, R. (2018a): Bologna digital. Position paper.
Retrieved from
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On the Potential to unite the Social Dimension and the Digitalisation of Higher Education in Europe.
Retrieved from
Rampelt, F., Niedermeier, H., Röwert, R., Wallor, L., & Berthold, C. (2018): Digital anerkannt. Möglichkeiten
und Verfahren zur Anerkennung und Anrechnung von in digitalen Bildungskontexten erworbenen
Kompetenzen. Arbeitspapier Nr. 34. Berlin: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Retrieved from
Rampelt, F. & Suter, R. (2017): Recognition of prior learning outcome-oriented approaches to the
recognition and assessment of MOOC-based digital learning scenarios. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López
Martínez & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), EduLearn 2017. 9th Annual International Conference on Education and
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The Economist (2017): Lifelong Learning Supplement. Retrieved from
Witthaus, G., Inamorato dos Santos, A., Childs, M., Tannhäuser, A., Conole, G., Nkuyubwatsi, B., & Punie, Y.
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... According to the 2018 Bologna Implementation Report, "less than half of the countries (16) have adapted their legal framework and external quality assurance procedures to facilitate and monitor digital provision" (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2018, p. 78). Also standards for digital technologies used for teaching, learning and recognition have not yet sufficiently been considered in existing QA mechanisms (Camilleri, Rampelt, 2018). ...
... Based on this, the OEPass project (Camilleri & Rampelt, 2018) has slightly adapted the model suggested by NUFFIC for the evaluation of the necessary elements of the credential statement (see Figure 1). (Camilleri & Rampelt, 2018, p. 5) When using such criteria to evaluate the quality of a credential it also has to be clear, though, that high quality credentials can have different characteristics and do not necessarily need to comply with all criteria to the same extent (also see Nuffic, 2018). ...
... Based on this, the OEPass project (Camilleri & Rampelt, 2018) has slightly adapted the model suggested by NUFFIC for the evaluation of the necessary elements of the credential statement (see figure 3). ...
... The challenge for quality assurance currently, is that it has been focussed on assuring the institutional integrity of higher education provisions and has paid less attention to learning outcomes and other performance indicators (Hazelkorn, 2018). It has also not yet sufficiently looked into standards for digital technologies used for teaching, learning and recognition (Camilleri, Rampelt, 2018). ...
Full-text available
Background Paper for the December workshop in Berlin. The workshop invited European experts and stakeholders to comment on selected topics and positions and further develop joint approaches on harnessing the potential of digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
... The recognition of more flexible prior (digital) learning, however, requires new systems of transparency and trust. Still, quality measures and new learning opportunities should and can be developed based on the relevant Bologna tools (ESG, EAR, ECTS Users' Guide) (Rampelt & Camilleri, 2018;Rampelt, Niedermeier, Röwert, Wallor, & Berthold, 2018). ...
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Raising the question of how to open up higher education, this article brings together the topics of the social dimension and digitalisation in higher education under the Bologna umbrella to discuss opportunities for progress through harnessing digitalisation. Some reflections on focus areas from the Bologna Digital initiative are made in order to discuss the role digitalisation plays for (1) preparation, admission and transition, (2) skills acquisition, (3) mobility, (4) recognition of (prior) learning, (5) quality assurance and (6) strategies for teaching and learning. In a nutshell, this contribution follows the vision that future universities and colleges should have harnessed digital technologies to enable them to become more accessible, permeable and flexible. Digital technologies can be applied to help solve the challenge of differentiation and better individual support for students in a globally networked higher education system.
... The White Paper also makes a link between quality assurance and recognition of learning, which have traditionally been seen within the Bologna Process as two separate (but linked) topic areas but which merge more strongly under the learnercentric perspective. In this context, stakeholders have discussed new methods and quality standards for qualification, certification and credentialing in recent years (Camilleri and Rampelt 2018). ...
Full-text available
Digital transformation will impact the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and could contribute to developing a new vision for the Bologna Process and for higher education in Europe and beyond. In recent years, research on European and national levels has shown increasing attention being paid to digitalisation and digital transformation by higher education leadership. The 2015 and 2018 Ministerial Communiqués also clearly emphasised the importance of the topic for the EHEA. Yet, a strategic integration of digitalisation into higher education policy and practice remains hard to find. This is for two main reasons: (1) because although digitalisation is often seen as a technical innovation, it must, in fact, be a social innovation for it to have any impact and (2) because higher education as a field of practice, especially in Europe, is a multi-layered system where strategic impact is only possible if all layers are broadly following the same objectives. With reference to policy theory, the authors conjectured that reducing goal conflict and practice ambiguity would help to facilitate a more integrative digital policy and practice. With this aim, the authors launched a White Paper in 2019 to facilitate broad agreement on the potential of digitalisation within the Bologna framework. This contribution provides an interim evaluation of the initiative and its next steps. In this, it provides a reflexive review of how practitioners and researchers in the field might hope to influence policymaking and practice in the area of digitalisation.
The Digitally Signed Credentials and Open Badges in VET and HE project aims to come up with a data structure of course and content typology based on current European and national standards and new research. The resulting grid of extra metadata enables a better mapping and manageability of their badges for VET, HE and CPD institutions. Based on the grid, an open source displayer will be developed, accompanied by a 30 hours course on open badges and digitally signed credentials targeted to the issuers and validators to support the implementation of the displayer platform in their institutions.The article gives an overview about the results of the research conducted at the beginning of 2021 about the state-of-the art of the use and the approach of the open badges and digitally signed credentials in Europe and the partner countries, highlighting the results from Hungary.
This chapter discusses issues with digital innovation in science and technology that have affected quality assurance in higher education both globally and in Vietnam. The first section presents potential development approaches Vietnamese higher education can use to meet workforce needs in the 4th Industrial Revolution. The second section discusses developing trends in Asian higher education and transformation in Vietnamese higher education. The third section focuses on types of overseas higher education providers, international education markets in Vietnam, cooperation activities for training and scientific research, and challenges and competitions in Vietnamese higher education. The fourth section investigates Vietnam’s development perspectives on the trend of autonomy in higher education, Vietnam’s investment approaches in higher education economic sectors, issues of privatization, as well as advantages, barriers, and integration opportunities in higher education. Finally, this chapter outlines the implications of digital innovation for quality assurance and describes quality accreditation of higher education as an impact of Industry 4.0. It proposes the application of digital framework on internal and external quality assurance mechanisms for Vietnamese higher education during the integration of this digital age to meet educational reform requirements.
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Die Digitalisierung verändert nicht nur Lebens- und Arbeitswelten in Europa, sie hat auch einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf alle Leistungsbereiche von Hochschulen. Im Pariser Communiqué wurde daher eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit der Digitalisierung im Kontext des Bologna-Prozesses angeregt. Im Rahmen des Workshops wurden zentrale Schwerpunkte und Handlungsaufforderungen für Hochschulen und politische Stakeholder im digitalen Zeitalter diskutiert und besonders vielversprechende, digital gestützte Lösungsansätze zur Stärkung von Hochschulbildung im Europäischen Hochschulraum identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Grundlage für die Weiterarbeit an einem Hintergrundpapier sowie einem White Paper zu "Bologna Digital 2020".
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The ‘social dimension’ and the ‘digitalisation’ of higher education should not be approached as two isolated challenges but rather as a potential opportunity to increase diversity and open up higher education through the use of technology. In this article, the authors sketch out the role of the social dimension in higher education and discuss the impetus that the so-called European refugee crisis has had in this respect. The findings of their work at Kiron Open Higher Education with refugees in Germany are subsequently used to argue for more courageous, technology-enhanced approaches to strengthening the social dimension of higher education. In conclusion, the authors argue for a more ambitious European Higher Education Area that makes the best use of digitalisation for opening up higher education to disadvantaged students. This includes developing strategies, policies and evaluation measures that look at digitalisation not on its own but as an integral part of the social dimension as well as other dimensions of higher education.
Technical Report
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This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing on its potential for the education sector. It explains how this technology may both disrupt institutional norms and empower learners. It proposes eight scenarios for the application of the Blockchain in an education context, based on the current state of technology development and deployment.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Recognition of prior learning is a key issue of the Bologna Process driving forward significant higher education reforms throughout Europe and beyond. Kiron Open Higher Education (Kiron) has developed an innovative academic model that uses well-established standards and good practices in the field to implement measures for outcome-oriented approaches to the recognition and assessment of MOOC-based digital learning. This paper will first summarize key aspects regarding Kiron's implementation of learning outcome-oriented curricula following Bologna standards and established quality assurance guidelines. Based upon this framework, the authors will present first learnings since the start of Kiron in 2015 with a special focus on developments achieved within the research & development project INTEGRAL². Challenges and potential solutions regarding recognition and examination will be outlined that could be relevant not only for Kiron and its very specific target group but also the overall higher education system and approaches to the recognition of prior learning acquired in digital settings.
Technical Report
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This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following extensive research on MOOCs in European Member States, it provides a snapshot of how European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) recognise (or not) non-formal learning (particularly MOOC-based), and how some employers recognise open badges and MOOC certificates for continuing professional development. We analyse the relationship between forms of assessment used and credentials awarded, from badges for self-assessment to ECTS credits for on-site examinations, and consider the implications for recognition. Case studies provide deeper insights into existing practices. The report introduces a model which guides MOOC conveners in positioning and shaping their offers, and also helps institutions and employers to make recognition decisions. It concludes with a set of recommendations to European HEIs and policy makers to enable wider recognition of open learning in higher education and at the workplace.
Quality Dimensions for Connected Credentials
  • E Ganzglass
  • D Everhart
  • D Hickey
  • C Casilli
  • B Muramatsu
• Ganzglass, E., Everhart, D., Hickey, D., Casilli, C., & Muramatsu, B. (2016). Quality Dimensions for Connected Credentials. Washington, DC: American Council on Education. Retrieved from