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Abstract and Figures

In the Baltic countries, the golden jackal (Canis aureus) was first recorded in Estonia on 28 February 2013 and three specimens of golden jackal were hunted in Latvia in 2014. The first golden jackal in Lithuania was hunted on 7 February 2015. The species of the golden jackal was identified using morphological and mitochondrial DNA control region (CR1) analysis. In Lithuania, hunting of these animals is permitted throughout the year. Few studies in the past revealed the potential role of the golden jackal as a carrier of intestinal helminths, parasites, and zoonotic diseases. In this study, the presence of tick-borne pathogens and other parasites in golden jackal specimen were investigated. No pathogens (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia sp., Bartonella sp.) were found in the spleen of the golden jackal. However, the flukes Apophallus donicus, nematodes Uncinaria stenocephala, and unidentified individuals of class Cestoda were detected. Helminths A. donicus and U. stenocephala are not new species for Lithuania and neighbouring territories.
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BIOLOGIJA. 2018. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 203–207
© Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018
e golden jackal Canis aureus–anew
species in theBaltic countries
*Corresponding author. Email:
1Vytautas Magnus University,
VileikosSt.8, Kaunas 44404,
2Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas
Zoological Museum,
LaisvėsAv. 106, Kaunas 44253,
In theBaltic countries, thegolden jackal (Canis aureus) was rst
recorded in Estonia on 28February2013 and three specimens
of golden jackal were hunted in Latvia in 2014. erst golden
jackal in Lithuania was hunted on 7February2015. especies
of thegolden jackal was identied using morphological and mi-
tochondrial DNA control region (CR1) analysis. In Lithuania,
hunting of these animals is permitted throughout theyear. Few
studies in thepast revealed thepotential role of thegolden jackal
as acarrier of intestinal helminths, parasites, and zoonotic diseas-
es. In this study, thepresence of tick-borne pathogens and other
parasites in golden jackal specimen were investigated. No patho-
gens (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia sp., Bartonella sp.)
were found in thespleen of thegolden jackal. However, theukes
Apophallus donicus, nematodes Uncinaria stenocephala, and uni-
dentied individuals of class Cestoda were detected. Helminths
A.donicus and U. stenocephala are not new species for Lithuania
and neighbouring territories.
Keywords: Canis aureus, mtDNA, helminths, Uncinaria steno-
cephala, Apophallus donicus, Cestoda
e golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a native
Palearctic species with ahistoric range extending
from North Africa and South-eastern and Central
Europe through to Central and East Asia (Jhala
and Moehlman, 2008). epopulation and dis-
tribution of thegolden jackal within Europe has
seen considerable changes over recent decades.
Since themid-twentieth century, thedistribution-
al range of golden jackals has expanded signi-
cantly across Central and Eastern Europe with oc-
casional animals being documented to thenorth
and thewest, far from theestablished populations
in theareas and countries they had not been re-
corded before. Golden jackals have been recent-
ly sighted as far west as Switzerland and as far
north as Estonia (Rutkowskiet al., 2015; Trouw-
borstetal., 2015).
In Estonia and Latvia, golden jackals of un-
known origin have been recorded since 2011 (Ba-
nea, 2013; Toom, 2014; Trouwborstet al., 2015).
erst conrmed case of thegolden jackal in
the Baltic countries was reported in Estonia in
2013. In February 2013, agolden jackal was killed
by hunters in Matsalu National Park, West Estonia
(Männiletal., 2014). In 2014, golden jackals were
recorded in several other widely dispersed locali-
ties across Estonia, including thenorth, north-
east and south of thecountry. Until May 2015,
204 Algimantas Paulauskas, Irma Ražanskė, Jana Radzijevskaja, Dovilė Nugaraitė, Vaclovas Gedminas
a total of nine individuals were killed either
by hunters or in road accidents across Estonia
(Stratford, 2015).
First recorded cases of thegolden jackal in
Latvia were three individuals killed by ahunter
in July and December 2013 (Männiletal., 2014).
Until 2015, atotal of ten golden jackals were shot
or found dead in Latvia (Stratford, 2015).
In Lithuania, therst golden jackal was shot
in February 2015. especies of the hunted
individual was identied through a morpho-
logical examination. Since that time, other un-
conrmed reports of thegolden jackal followed
from thedistricts of Kaunas, Vilnius, Zarasai,
Varėna, and Biržai.
In thepresent study, we used mitochondrial
DNA control region data for theconrmation
of species identication, and as few studies in
thepast revealed thepotential role of thejack-
als as carriers of zoonotic diseases, we investi-
gated thepresence of tick-borne pathogens and
other parasites in thegolden jackal specimen
from Lithuania.
Genomic DNA from thespecimen spleen was ex-
tracted using theGenomic DNA Purication Kit
(ermo Fisher Scientic, Lithuania) according
to manufacturer’s instructions. DNA was stored
at –20°C until subsequent handlings. A460bp of
hypervariable le domain of themitochondrial
DNA control region was amplied using PCR
and sequencing primers WDLOOPL 5’-TCC-
GCGGTCATAGGTGAG-3’ (designed on wolf
mtDNA CR (Canigliaetal., 2013)) as described
in Fabbrietal., 2014. eproducts were separat-
ed on 1.5% agarose gel and visualized by etidium
bromide. PCR amplication product of mtDNR
control region was puried using GeneJET Gel
Extraction Kit (ermo Fisher Scientic, Lithu-
ania) and sequenced. eresulting 460-bp-long
sequence of theCR mtDNA was revised manu-
ally and aligned with golden jackal sequences
from GenBank in MEGA6. esequence of CR
mtDNA was submitted to GenBank and assigned
thefollowing accession number: KT123040.
Conventional PCR and nested PCR methods
were used for thedetection of Anaplasma phago-
cytophilum, Babesiaspp., Bartonellaspp. (Mas-
sungetal., 1998; Raretal., 2005; Normanetal.,
Prior to helminthological investigation the
material was frozen at –80°C for 10 days for safe-
ty reasons (i.e., to avoid possible infection with
Echinococcusspp.) (WHO/OIE Manual, 2001).
egolden jackal was thawed at room tempera-
ture and separate organs (entire gastrointestinal
tract, lungs, heart, liver, and kidney) were stud-
ied helminthologically according to themethod-
ology of Ivashkinetal. (1971). Examination of
the content of the intestines and of the stomach
was based on the method of consistent ushing.
Helminths were picked out and xed in 70% eth-
anol for later examination. For themicroscopic
study, trematodes and nematodes were mounted
in glycerin and examined under aMotic BA400
Tension microscope. Identication was based on
thekey of Kozlov (1977). ediet of thegolden
jackal was studied using analysis of thestomach
content. Each portion of thestomach content
was mixed with water and individual compo-
nents separated into groups.
Comparison of themtDNA sequence identied
in this study with those deposited in GenBank
conrmed that theanimal hunted in Lithuania
in February 2015 was agolden jackal (accession
number KT123040). egolden jackal haplotype
identied in thepresent study corresponds with
thehaplotype previously identied in Italy, Cro-
atia, Bulgaria, Serbia, and theCaucasus (Fig.1).
egolden jackal is anew species in theBaltic
region. econrmed cases of thegolden jack-
al in Latvia and Estonia were recorded in 2013
(Männiletal., 2014; Stratford, 2015), two years
earlier than in Lithuania.
e Eurasian golden jackal has been reported
as ahost of pathogens of zoonotic and veterinary
importance, including arange of vector-borne
pathogens such as Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma
phagocytophilum, and others (Waneretal., 1999),
and only one Babesia species (B.canis) was
e golden jackal Canis aureus – a new species in the Baltic countries
conrmed by molecular methods in golden jack-
als in Europe, in Romania (Mitkovaetal., 2017).
However, reports of tick-borne pathogens in
C.aureus are scarce. In this study, dierent PCR
methods were used for the detection of tick-
borne pathogens: Anaplasma phagocytophilum,
Babesiaspp., Bartonellaspp. eresults of PCR
analysis were negative for all tested pathogens.
Several hookworm (Ancylostomatidae) spe-
cies have been reported in golden jackals, with
Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenoceph-
ala commonly reported across the entire geo-
graphical range of these hosts (Gherman, Mihal-
ca, 2017). In thesmall intestine of theLithuanian
golden jackal, 49 ukes of species Apophallus
donicus, 11 nematodes of species Uncinaria
stenocephala (Fig. 2), and 29 unidentied indi-
viduals of Cestoda were found.
e diet of golden jackal was studied through
thestomach content. It was found to consist of
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree of mtDNA sequences created using theNeighbor-Joining
method and abootstrap analysis of 1000 replicates. esample from thepresent
study is marked. Nyctereutes procyonoides are used as an out-group. Abbreva-
tions: BG–Bulgaria, HR–Croatia, IT–Italy, RS–Serbia
Fig. 2. Uncinaria stenocephala, microscopic
206 Algimantas Paulauskas, Irma Ražanskė, Jana Radzijevskaja, Dovilė Nugaraitė, Vaclovas Gedminas
plants, insects (larvae), birds (feathers), rodents
(bones, limbs), and ungulates (hair). In Croatia,
both animal and plant components were found
in thescat of thegolden jackal: themajor com-
ponent was mammals (50.3%), followed by fruit
seeds and vegetables (34.1%), insects (29.5%),
birds (including eggs; 24.8%), articial materi-
als (24%), and branches, leaves, and grass (24%)
(Radovic, Kovačic, 2010).
Result of analysis of asample of unknown ani-
mal from Lithuania revealed that it was agold-
en jackal. Similar genetic patterns based on
mtDNA control region sequences were iden-
tied in animals from Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy,
Serbia, and theCaucasus. No tick-borne patho-
gens were found in thegolden jackal, however,
theukes Apophallus donicus, nematodes Unci-
naria stenocephala, and unidentied individu-
als of class Cestoda were detected.
e authors would like to thank thehunters for
thegolden jackal sample.
Received 8 October 2017
Accepted 12 April 2018
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AlgimantasPaulauskas, IrmaRažanskė,
Jana Radzijevskaja, DovilėNugaraitė,
Pirmą kartą paprastasis šakalas (Canis aureus)
Estijoje buvo pastebėtas 2013 m. vasario28d.,
Latvijoje pirmieji trys paprastieji šakalai buvo su-
medžioti 2014 metais. Lietuvoje pirmasis šakalas
sumedžiotas 2015m. vasario7d., šio gyvūno rūšies
identikacija atlikta remiantis morfologine ir mole-
kuline (mitochondrinės DNR) analize. Ankstesniais
tyrimais nustatyta, kad paprastieji šakalai gali būti
žarnyno helmintų ir zoonotinės kilmės ligų perne-
šėjai. Dabar buvo atlikti erkių pernešamų patogenų
ir žarnyno parazitų tyrimai. Erkių pernešamų pa-
togenų (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesiasp.,
Bartonellasp.) paprastojo šakalo blužnies pavyzdyje
nerasta, žarnyne buvo aptiktos siurbikės (Apophallus
donicus), apvaliosios kirmėlės (Uncinaria steno-
cephala) ir neidentikuotos rūšies kaspinuočių
(Cestoda) klasės individai.
Raktažodžiai: Canis aureus, mitochondrinė
DNR, helmintai, Uncinaria stenocephala, Apophallus
donicus, kaspinuočiai
... The golden jackal has been recorded as far as in northern Norway (Sørensen & Lindsø 2021). The species was for the first time recorded in Estonia in 2011, in Latvia in 2013 and in Lithuania in 2015 (Paulauskas et al. 2018). The migrating individuals have already reached western Europe and the species appeared in Denmark in 2015 (Tillmann 2020), the first record doi: 10.37520/lynx.2023.012 in the Netherlands was made in 2016 (van der Grift 2016). ...
Full-text available
The permanent breeding range of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Europe was restricted to the Black Sea coast and Balkans in the 1960s. From the 1980s, a rapid and steady increase of the species occurrence has been documented throughout Europe. The observations of single individuals prevail, the proofs of breeding family groups are much more scarce. Here we present the second evidence of golden jackal breeding in Central Bohemia (Czech Republic) which took place near Dlouhá Lhota, about 50 km south of Prague, in 2022. Photographic evidence of adults and two cubs was made with the help of camera traps.
... Germany, Poland, Denmark, the Baltic States, Finland, the Netherlands, France) (e.g. Möckel, 2000;Weingarth et al., 2012;Banea et al., 2013;Kowalczyk et al., 2015Kowalczyk et al., , 2020Maran, 2015;Rutkowski et al., 2015;Stratford, 2015;Pyšková et al., 2016;Paulauskas et al., 2018). This expansion made the golden jackal one of the most abundant carnivore species with a population size estimated to be between 97,000 and 117,000 individuals in Europe (Ranc et al., 2019). ...
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Urban, P., Guimarães, N., Bučko, J., 2020. Golden jackal, a natural disperser or an invasive alien species in Slovakia? A summary within European context. Folia Oecologica, 47 (2): 89-99. This summary provides an overview of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) categorization in Europe with particular focus on its presence in Slovakia. The distribution range of this species in Europe has been expanding in recent decades. Currently, European population is in constant and fast increase, widening their ranges towards Central and Eastern Europe and more recently in some western countries. All over Europe, the ca-tegorization of the golden jackal status is discussed with some controversial. A recent genetic study helped to determine that golden jackals do not meet the established three criteria, which categorize a species as an invasive alien species. In Slovakia, golden jackals' numbers grown considerably in the last decade and with an increasing of their distribution through the country it became a permanent species of the Slovak fauna. The only internal status is the hunting Act no. 274/2009, which classifies it as, game species. The fast adaptation and dispersion through Slovakia can be considered similar to the behaviour of an invasive species, as suggested in previous studies in Hungary. Based on widely accepted definitions, agreed under international legal instruments, it is quite clear that the term 'Invasive Alien Species' only encompasses non-native species specifically introduced by humans (intentionally or accidentally). Following this Invasive Alien Species terminology, golden jackals cannot be categorized as such in Slovakia. The natural expansion, the growing ranges, and the increase in numbers of the golden jackal in Slovakia in the last decades points to a need to improve the knowledge of the species.
The history of golden jackal dispersal in Russia and adjacent countries, as well as in southern, central, eastern and northern Europe, is considered. Data confirming the demographic explosion of this species on the European continent territory are given. Materials on the dispersal of golden jackals in the European Russia are considered in more detail. The main emphasis is made on the study of the process of golden jackal penetration into the territory of Saratov region, from its first sightings in the Saratov Volga region in the late 1980s – early 1990s in the Dyakovsky (Saltovsky) forest to dispersal in adjacent territories. The penetration of the species into the Saratov Right Bank and its further dispersal throughout the region on both banks of the Volga river is described. It is shown that the areas of the modern jackal range are approximately the same both in the Right Volga Bank and Left Volga Bank of the Saratov region. However, the number of jackal is currently higher in the areas of the region located on the right bank of the Volga river. Probably, this is explained by more favorable conditions for the golden jackal habitat in this part of the region, associated with its higher afforestation. Gold en jackals breed in the southern districts of the Saratov region, located on both banks of the Volga river. However, golden jackals are also found in the northernmost parts of the region, and most likely there, as well as in the south of the region, its stable reproductively active groups appear. In the Saratov Volga region, in spite of its very low forest cover, the golden jackal is recorded both in the south-eastern and north-eastern areas, but its numbers are high enough only in the vicinity of the forest on the Prieruslan sands and in areas along the Volga river, where there are areas of floodplain and bairn forests. In the Right Volga Bank of the Saratov region the golden jackal is most abundant in upland oak forests of the Privolzhskaya Upland, occurs in floodplain forests of the Medveditsa river and in the Medveditsa–Khopyor interfluve.
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Conflicts have emerged due to range expansions of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) across Europe, characterized by their international conservation status and perceived impacts on livestock and native prey species. Most countries in Central Europe do not yet include the golden jackal in their national list of occurring, native species. Nevertheless, legal obligations arise as soon as golden jackals colonize a particular country. Legal implications of this range expansion were described in past studies from an international perspective. However, they left out specifics on the legal status within any particular country. Therefore, we examine the actual legal status within Central European countries, exemplifying the diverse federal and provincial laws. In particular, we assess the current conservation and hunting laws in Austria’s provinces and discuss them in the context of neighbouring countries to analyse implications for relevant authorities. We found substantial contrasts not only among provinces but also between direct neighbouring countries, impeding efforts for transboundary species conservation and leading to complications regarding the management of this species. Improved procedures for collecting records and hunting-bag data appear necessary for future species assessment on a European level and management on a local level. We recommend a more unified legal system but adjusted to actual golden jackal presence on the regional and cross-border level, combined assessment, or similar management strategies to minimize conflicts, reduce persecution, and clarify legal obligations.
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The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a generalist and omnivorous mesopredator with a correspondingly large Palearctic distribution. After a population minimum due to direct persecution in the 1960s, the golden jackal has recovered and, starting from the relict populations of its original distribution in the Balkans, has re-colonized former territories. In addition, in recent decades it has expanded significantly beyond its previous distribution in Europe to the north and west and established new reproductive populations. Germany is one of the countries that currently appear to be at the front line of its expansion. Since the first evidence in 1997 until August 2020, 25 records have been documented here with no evidence of reproduction so far. The golden jackal is listed in Appendix V of the EU Habitats Directive. Against the background of the current legal framework and to evaluate its ecological impact, careful documentation of its establishment trends in Germany is required. Only on this basis can the necessary favourable conservation status be defined and a management plan drawn up.
The European Bison reintroduction project in the Rothaargebirge mountain range in Germany aims to contribute to the conservation of the species and to fill again the ecological niche of this grass and roughage grazer in a central European woodland ecosystem. It also seeks to demonstrate that in a densely populated country like Germany human interests are indeed compatible with the ecological requirements of these animals. According to the motto 'protection by utilisation' the promotion of nature tourism is also targeted in the region. The project initiators are Prince Richard zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, the Taurus Naturentwicklung e. V. association, the Large Herbivore Foundation, the district authority of Siegen-Wittgenstein and the municipal authority of Bad Berleburg. The project will be financed mainly by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the Ministry for the Environment and Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V., HIT Umwelt- und Naturschutzstiftungs GmbH and the Large Herbivore Foundation.
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The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a species under significant and fast geographic expansion. Various parasites are known from golden jackals across their geographic range, and certain groups can be spread during their expansion, increasing the risk of cross-infection with other carnivores or even humans. The current list of the golden jackal parasites includes 194 species and was compiled on the basis of an extensive literature search published from historical times until April 2017, and is shown herein in synoptic tables followed by critical comments of the various findings. This large variety of parasites is related to the extensive geographic range, territorial mobility and a very unselective diet. The vast majority of these parasites are shared with domestic dogs or cats. The zoonotic potential is the most important aspect of species reported in the golden jackal, some of them, such as Echinococcus spp., hookworms, Toxocara spp., or Trichinella spp., having a great public health impact. Our review brings overwhelming evidence on the importance of Canis aureus as a wild reservoir of human and animal parasites.
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Background Jackals are medium-sized canids from the wolf-like clade, exhibiting a unique combination of ancestral morphotypes, broad trophic niches, and close phylogenetic relationships with the wolf and dog. Thus, they represent a potential host of several pathogens with diverse transmission routes. Recently, populations of the Eurasian golden jackal Canis aureus have expanded into the Western Palaearctic, including most of Europe. The aim of our study was to examine Eurasian golden jackals from Romania, Czech Republic and Austria for a wide spectrum of vector-borne protists and to evaluate the role of this species as a reservoir of disease for domestic dogs and/or humans. ResultsDiagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA amplifications revealed 70% of jackals to be positive for Hepatozoon, 12.5% positive for piroplasms, and one individual positive for Leishmania infantum. Phylogenetic analyses of partial 18S rDNA sequences invariably placed sequenced isolates of Hepatozoon into the H. canis clade. For piroplasms, both the 18S and cox1 sequences obtained confirmed the presence of Babesia canis and “Theileria annae” in 5 and 2 individuals, respectively, providing the first records of these two piroplasmids in Eurasian golden jackals. A single animal from Dolj County (Romania) was PCR-positive for L. infantum, as confirmed also by sequencing of ITS1-5.8S. Conclusions Apparently, expanding populations of jackals can play a significant role in spreading and maintaining new Babesia canis foci in Central Europe. The role of jackals in the epidemiology of “Theileria annae” and H. canis is probably similar to that of red foxes and should be taken into account in further research on these parasites. Also the presence of L. infantum deserves attention. Our study confirms that once established, the populations of Eurasian golden jackals constitute natural reservoirs for many canine vector-borne diseases, analogous to the role of the coyotes in North America.
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In the first continent-wide study of the golden jackal (Canis aureus), we characterised its population genetic structure and attempted to identify the origin of European populations. This provided a unique insight into genetic characteristics of a native carnivore population with rapid large-scale expansion. We analysed 15 microsatellite markers and a 406 base-pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region. Bayesian-based and principal components methods were applied to evaluate whether the geographical grouping of samples corresponded with genetic groups. Our analysis revealed low levels of genetic diversity, reflecting the unique history of the golden jackal among Europe's native carnivores. The results suggest ongoing gene flow between southeastern Europe and the Caucasus, with both contributing to the Baltic population, which appeared only recently. The population from the Peloponnese Peninsula in southern Greece forms a common genetic cluster with samples from southeastern Europe (ΔK approach in STRUCTURE, Principal Components Analysis [PCA]), although the results based on BAPS and the estimated likelihood in STRUCTURE indicate that Peloponnesian jackals may represent a distinct population. Moreover, analyses of population structure also suggest either genetic distinctiveness of the island population from Samos near the coast of Asia Minor (BAPS, most STRUCTURE, PCA), or possibly its connection with the Caucasus population (one analysis in STRUCTURE). We speculate from our results that ancient Mediterranean jackal populations have persisted to the present day, and have merged with jackals colonising from Asia. These data also suggest that new populations of the golden jackal may be founded by long-distance dispersal, and thus should not be treated as an invasive alien species, i.e. an organism that is “non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health”. These insights into the genetic structure and ancestry of Baltic jackals have important implications for management and conservation of jackals in Europe. The golden jackal is listed as an Annex V species in the EU Habitats Directive and as such, considering also the results presented here, should be legally protected in all EU member states.
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Due to global environmental changes, species are appearing more frequently in places where they have not previously occurred, and this trend is expected to continue. Such range expansions can create considerable challenges and confusion for management and policy, especially for species associated with conflicts and whose management is influenced by international legal frameworks. The golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Europe represents a good case study to address the questions related to management of naturally expanding species. We review the recent expansion of the golden jackal across the continent, and address several ensuing policy and legal questions that also have clear implications for other expanding species. To that end, we analyze the EU Habitats Directive and several other international legal instruments including the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Bern Convention on European Wildlife. We also review the status of the golden jackal under national legislation and highlight some of the management confusion due to recent range expansion and inadequate legal interpretation. Specific questions we address include in which cases an expanding species is to be considered an (invasive) alien species in countries where it did not formerly occur; what countries’ conservation obligations are with respect to expanding species; what difference it makes for those obligations whether or not a species historically occurred in a country; what scope exists for lethal control of its populations; what the prospects are for transboundary cooperation at the population level; and what responses are required when colonizing species hybridise with other wildlife or domestic animals.
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The golden jackal, widely distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa, is one of the less studied carnivores in the world and the genetic structure of the European populations is unknown. In the last century jackals strongly declined mainly due to human persecution, but recently they expanded again in eastern Europe. With the aim to determine the genetic structure and the origin of expanding jackals, we analyzed population samples obtained from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia (Dalmatia and Slavonia) and individuals sampled in north-eastern Italy. Samples were typed at the hypervariable part of the mitochondrial DNAcontrol- region (mtDNACR1) and at 15 canine autosomal microsatellite loci (STR), and analyzed using multivariate, Bayesian and landscape genetic methods. The mtDNA CR1 was monomorphic, showing a single haplotype shared among all the populations. The STR loci were variable, with 2–14 alleles and intermediate values of heterozygosity (Ho = 0.47; He = 0.51). Genetic diversity was significantly partitioned (hST = 0.07; P<0.001) and the populations were partially distinct, perhaps in consequence of recent fragmentations. Jackals from Dalmatia were the most genetically differentiated. Assignment testing and gene flow analyses suggested that jackals colonizing Italy have admixed origins from Dalmatian and Slavonian populations. They are not first generation migrants, suggesting that dispersal towards north eastern Italy is a stepping-stone process. Golden jackal and wolf colonization patterns might be different, with prevalent short-distance dispersal in jackals versus prevalent long distance dispersal in wolves. The admixed origin of jackals in the Alps ensures abundant genetic variability, which may enhance adaptive fitness and expectancy of population growth. The intersections between Dinaric–Balkan and Eastern Alps are areas of population expansion and admixture, highlighting their conservation, ecological and evolutionary values.
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We announce the release of an advanced version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which currently contains facilities for building sequence alignments, inferring phylogenetic histories, and conducting molecular evolutionary analysis. In version 6.0, MEGA now enables the inference of timetrees, as it implements our RelTime method for estimating divergence times for all branching points in a phylogeny. A new Timetree Wizard in MEGA6 facilitates this timetree inference by providing a graphical user interface (GUI) to specify the phylogeny and calibration constraints step-by-step. This version also contains enhanced algorithms to search for the optimal trees under evolutionary criteria and implements a more advanced memory management that can double the size of sequence data sets to which MEGA can be applied. Both GUI and command-line versions of MEGA6 can be downloaded from free of charge.
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Background and Purpose: No previous field investigations have been conducted on the biology and ecology of the native population of golden jackals (Canis aureus L.) from Dalmatia. The object of this study was to determine the feeding habits of this poorly studied population. Materials and Methods: The diet composition of golden jackals from Dalmatia was examined by scat analysis. From winter 1995 to spring 1997, field visits were made every season to the golden jackal habitat on the Pelješac Peninsula in Dalmatia, Croatia and scats of golden jackals were collected (n=130). Scats were washed out, dried and sorted. Classification of components was made under appropriate magnification. Conclusions: Both animal and plant components were found. Scat included from one to four components. The highest frequency was found for mammals (50.3%) followed by fruit seeds and vegetables (34.1%), insects (29.5%), birds (including eggs; 24.8%), artificial materials (24%) and branches, leaves and grass (24%). In scats containing mammal remains, the highest incidence was for large mammals (unidentified large mammals of the order Artiodactyla and Lagomorpha). Small mammals were found but in a negligible frequency. The most important fruits for jackals are Ficus carica L. (14%), Vitis vinifera L. (14%) and Juniperus oxicedrus L. (4.6%). The most important orders of insects are Orthoptera (16%), Coleoptera (12%) and Dyctioptera (3%), and for birds order Charadriiformes (6%). The negligible amount of small mammals found in scats differed from the majority of investigations carried out elsewhere. Results: The results show the close relation of the population with human settlements and regional agricultural habits.
With the arrival of the first golden jackal Canis aureus individual in Lithuania in February 2015, the Ministry of the Environment moved immediately to add the species to the country's list of species that may be hunted and in May 2015 published a draft order to list the species as invasive. Through extensive review of literature from across the range of golden jackal in Europe, the aim of this paper is to provide a balanced argument in support of the view that golden jackals arrived in the Baltic States as a result of natural spread and are thus not invasive. Alongside, arguments are also presented to support the view that golden jackals are not likely to have a significant impact on the Lithuanian environment beyond a potential reduction in red fox Vulpes vulpes numbers. Accompanying, a summary of official and media reactions to the arrival of golden jackal is presented and a set of conclusions delivered that could assist in the ongoing debate in Lithuania.
Molecular identifications of salivary DNA are increasingly applied in wildlife forensic investigations, and are successfully used to identify unknown livestock predators, or elucidate cases of large carnivore attacks to humans. In Europe most of livestock predations are attributed to wolves (Canis lupus), thought free-ranging dogs are sometime the responsible, and false predations are declared by breeders to obtain compensations. In this study we analyzed 33 salivary DNA samples collected from the carcasses of 13 sheep and a horse presumably predated by wolves in seven farms in central Italy. Reliable individual genotypes were determined in 18 samples (corresponding to samples from nine sheep and the horse) using 12 unlinked autosomal microsatellites, mtDNA control-region sequences, a male-specific ZFX/ZFY restriction-site and four Y-linked microsatellites. Results indicate that eight animals were killed by five wolves (a male and four different females), the ninth by a female dog while the horse was post-mortem consumed by a male dog. The genotype of one female wolf matched with the genetic profile of a female wolf that was non-invasively sampled 4 years before in the same area near livestock predation remains. Genetic identifications always supported the results of veterinary reports. These findings show that salivary DNA genotyping, together with detailed veterinary field and necropsy reports, provides evidence which helps to correctly identify species, gender and individual genetic profiles of livestock predators, thus contributing to clarify attack dynamics and to evaluate the impact of wolf predations on husbandry.