Content uploaded by Algimantas Paulauskas
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BIOLOGIJA. 2018. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 203–207
© Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018
e golden jackal Canis aureus–anew
species in theBaltic countries
*Corresponding author. Email:
1Vytautas Magnus University,
VileikosSt.8, Kaunas 44404,
2Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas
Zoological Museum,
LaisvėsAv. 106, Kaunas 44253,
In theBaltic countries, thegolden jackal (Canis aureus) was rst
recorded in Estonia on 28February2013 and three specimens
of golden jackal were hunted in Latvia in 2014. erst golden
jackal in Lithuania was hunted on 7February2015. especies
of thegolden jackal was identied using morphological and mi-
tochondrial DNA control region (CR1) analysis. In Lithuania,
hunting of these animals is permitted throughout theyear. Few
studies in thepast revealed thepotential role of thegolden jackal
as acarrier of intestinal helminths, parasites, and zoonotic diseas-
es. In this study, thepresence of tick-borne pathogens and other
parasites in golden jackal specimen were investigated. No patho-
gens (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia sp., Bartonella sp.)
were found in thespleen of thegolden jackal. However, theukes
Apophallus donicus, nematodes Uncinaria stenocephala, and uni-
dentied individuals of class Cestoda were detected. Helminths
A.donicus and U. stenocephala are not new species for Lithuania
and neighbouring territories.
Keywords: Canis aureus, mtDNA, helminths, Uncinaria steno-
cephala, Apophallus donicus, Cestoda
e golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a native
Palearctic species with ahistoric range extending
from North Africa and South-eastern and Central
Europe through to Central and East Asia (Jhala
and Moehlman, 2008). epopulation and dis-
tribution of thegolden jackal within Europe has
seen considerable changes over recent decades.
Since themid-twentieth century, thedistribution-
al range of golden jackals has expanded signi-
cantly across Central and Eastern Europe with oc-
casional animals being documented to thenorth
and thewest, far from theestablished populations
in theareas and countries they had not been re-
corded before. Golden jackals have been recent-
ly sighted as far west as Switzerland and as far
north as Estonia (Rutkowskiet al., 2015; Trouw-
borstetal., 2015).
In Estonia and Latvia, golden jackals of un-
known origin have been recorded since 2011 (Ba-
nea, 2013; Toom, 2014; Trouwborstet al., 2015).
erst conrmed case of thegolden jackal in
the Baltic countries was reported in Estonia in
2013. In February 2013, agolden jackal was killed
by hunters in Matsalu National Park, West Estonia
(Männiletal., 2014). In 2014, golden jackals were
recorded in several other widely dispersed locali-
ties across Estonia, including thenorth, north-
east and south of thecountry. Until May 2015,
204 Algimantas Paulauskas, Irma Ražanskė, Jana Radzijevskaja, Dovilė Nugaraitė, Vaclovas Gedminas
a total of nine individuals were killed either
by hunters or in road accidents across Estonia
(Stratford, 2015).
First recorded cases of thegolden jackal in
Latvia were three individuals killed by ahunter
in July and December 2013 (Männiletal., 2014).
Until 2015, atotal of ten golden jackals were shot
or found dead in Latvia (Stratford, 2015).
In Lithuania, therst golden jackal was shot
in February 2015. especies of the hunted
individual was identied through a morpho-
logical examination. Since that time, other un-
conrmed reports of thegolden jackal followed
from thedistricts of Kaunas, Vilnius, Zarasai,
Varėna, and Biržai.
In thepresent study, we used mitochondrial
DNA control region data for theconrmation
of species identication, and as few studies in
thepast revealed thepotential role of thejack-
als as carriers of zoonotic diseases, we investi-
gated thepresence of tick-borne pathogens and
other parasites in thegolden jackal specimen
from Lithuania.
Genomic DNA from thespecimen spleen was ex-
tracted using theGenomic DNA Purication Kit
(ermo Fisher Scientic, Lithuania) according
to manufacturer’s instructions. DNA was stored
at –20°C until subsequent handlings. A460bp of
hypervariable le domain of themitochondrial
DNA control region was amplied using PCR
and sequencing primers WDLOOPL 5’-TCC-
GCGGTCATAGGTGAG-3’ (designed on wolf
mtDNA CR (Canigliaetal., 2013)) as described
in Fabbrietal., 2014. eproducts were separat-
ed on 1.5% agarose gel and visualized by etidium
bromide. PCR amplication product of mtDNR
control region was puried using GeneJET Gel
Extraction Kit (ermo Fisher Scientic, Lithu-
ania) and sequenced. eresulting 460-bp-long
sequence of theCR mtDNA was revised manu-
ally and aligned with golden jackal sequences
from GenBank in MEGA6. esequence of CR
mtDNA was submitted to GenBank and assigned
thefollowing accession number: KT123040.
Conventional PCR and nested PCR methods
were used for thedetection of Anaplasma phago-
cytophilum, Babesiaspp., Bartonellaspp. (Mas-
sungetal., 1998; Raretal., 2005; Normanetal.,
Prior to helminthological investigation the
material was frozen at –80°C for 10 days for safe-
ty reasons (i.e., to avoid possible infection with
Echinococcusspp.) (WHO/OIE Manual, 2001).
egolden jackal was thawed at room tempera-
ture and separate organs (entire gastrointestinal
tract, lungs, heart, liver, and kidney) were stud-
ied helminthologically according to themethod-
ology of Ivashkinetal. (1971). Examination of
the content of the intestines and of the stomach
was based on the method of consistent ushing.
Helminths were picked out and xed in 70% eth-
anol for later examination. For themicroscopic
study, trematodes and nematodes were mounted
in glycerin and examined under aMotic BA400
Tension microscope. Identication was based on
thekey of Kozlov (1977). ediet of thegolden
jackal was studied using analysis of thestomach
content. Each portion of thestomach content
was mixed with water and individual compo-
nents separated into groups.
Comparison of themtDNA sequence identied
in this study with those deposited in GenBank
conrmed that theanimal hunted in Lithuania
in February 2015 was agolden jackal (accession
number KT123040). egolden jackal haplotype
identied in thepresent study corresponds with
thehaplotype previously identied in Italy, Cro-
atia, Bulgaria, Serbia, and theCaucasus (Fig.1).
egolden jackal is anew species in theBaltic
region. econrmed cases of thegolden jack-
al in Latvia and Estonia were recorded in 2013
(Männiletal., 2014; Stratford, 2015), two years
earlier than in Lithuania.
e Eurasian golden jackal has been reported
as ahost of pathogens of zoonotic and veterinary
importance, including arange of vector-borne
pathogens such as Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma
phagocytophilum, and others (Waneretal., 1999),
and only one Babesia species (B.canis) was
e golden jackal Canis aureus – a new species in the Baltic countries
conrmed by molecular methods in golden jack-
als in Europe, in Romania (Mitkovaetal., 2017).
However, reports of tick-borne pathogens in
C.aureus are scarce. In this study, dierent PCR
methods were used for the detection of tick-
borne pathogens: Anaplasma phagocytophilum,
Babesiaspp., Bartonellaspp. eresults of PCR
analysis were negative for all tested pathogens.
Several hookworm (Ancylostomatidae) spe-
cies have been reported in golden jackals, with
Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenoceph-
ala commonly reported across the entire geo-
graphical range of these hosts (Gherman, Mihal-
ca, 2017). In thesmall intestine of theLithuanian
golden jackal, 49 ukes of species Apophallus
donicus, 11 nematodes of species Uncinaria
stenocephala (Fig. 2), and 29 unidentied indi-
viduals of Cestoda were found.
e diet of golden jackal was studied through
thestomach content. It was found to consist of
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree of mtDNA sequences created using theNeighbor-Joining
method and abootstrap analysis of 1000 replicates. esample from thepresent
study is marked●. Nyctereutes procyonoides are used as an out-group. Abbreva-
tions: BG–Bulgaria, HR–Croatia, IT–Italy, RS–Serbia
Fig. 2. Uncinaria stenocephala, microscopic
206 Algimantas Paulauskas, Irma Ražanskė, Jana Radzijevskaja, Dovilė Nugaraitė, Vaclovas Gedminas
plants, insects (larvae), birds (feathers), rodents
(bones, limbs), and ungulates (hair). In Croatia,
both animal and plant components were found
in thescat of thegolden jackal: themajor com-
ponent was mammals (50.3%), followed by fruit
seeds and vegetables (34.1%), insects (29.5%),
birds (including eggs; 24.8%), articial materi-
als (24%), and branches, leaves, and grass (24%)
(Radovic, Kovačic, 2010).
Result of analysis of asample of unknown ani-
mal from Lithuania revealed that it was agold-
en jackal. Similar genetic patterns based on
mtDNA control region sequences were iden-
tied in animals from Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy,
Serbia, and theCaucasus. No tick-borne patho-
gens were found in thegolden jackal, however,
theukes Apophallus donicus, nematodes Unci-
naria stenocephala, and unidentied individu-
als of class Cestoda were detected.
e authors would like to thank thehunters for
thegolden jackal sample.
Received 8 October 2017
Accepted 12 April 2018
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AlgimantasPaulauskas, IrmaRažanskė,
Jana Radzijevskaja, DovilėNugaraitė,
Pirmą kartą paprastasis šakalas (Canis aureus)
Estijoje buvo pastebėtas 2013 m. vasario28d.,
Latvijoje pirmieji trys paprastieji šakalai buvo su-
medžioti 2014 metais. Lietuvoje pirmasis šakalas
sumedžiotas 2015m. vasario7d., šio gyvūno rūšies
identikacija atlikta remiantis morfologine ir mole-
kuline (mitochondrinės DNR) analize. Ankstesniais
tyrimais nustatyta, kad paprastieji šakalai gali būti
žarnyno helmintų ir zoonotinės kilmės ligų perne-
šėjai. Dabar buvo atlikti erkių pernešamų patogenų
ir žarnyno parazitų tyrimai. Erkių pernešamų pa-
togenų (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesiasp.,
Bartonellasp.) paprastojo šakalo blužnies pavyzdyje
nerasta, žarnyne buvo aptiktos siurbikės (Apophallus
donicus), apvaliosios kirmėlės (Uncinaria steno-
cephala) ir neidentikuotos rūšies kaspinuočių
(Cestoda) klasės individai.
Raktažodžiai: Canis aureus, mitochondrinė
DNR, helmintai, Uncinaria stenocephala, Apophallus
donicus, kaspinuočiai