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European Journal of Medicinal Plants
26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
ISSN: 2231-0894, NLM ID: 101583475
Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Jute
(Corchorus olitorius L.) in Benin
Habib O. Adebo
, Léonard E. Ahoton
, Florent J. B. Quenum
Hubert Adoukonou-Sagbadja
, Daouda O. Bello
and Christophe A. A. M. Chrysostome
Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
Faculty of Sciences and Technics, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author HOA designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Authors LEA and FJBQ managed the analyses of the study. Authors HAS, DOB and CAAMC
managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/EJMP/2018/43897
Dr. Daniela Rigano, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, University Federico II of Naples, Italy.
Dr. Marcello Iriti, Professor, Plant Biology and Pathology, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Milan
State University, Italy.
Daniel Orieke, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria.
Emmanuel Nachamada Solomon, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria.
Egua Maxwell Osaronowen, College of health sciences, university of Abuja, Nigeria.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 24 June 2018
Accepted 04 September 2018
Published 16 November 2018
Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) is an indigenous leafy vegetable which leaves are very rich in amino
acid and essential minerals and they form part of the meals of people of Asia, Middle East and parts
of Africa. The plant is also used as a medicine and source of income for local communities. The aim
of this study is to highlight the ethnobotanical importance of Corchorus olitorius L. in Benin. To
contribute to the enhancement of C. olitorius, 14 localities of Benin were visited and 129 people
were interviewed, during the investigation. Data were collected about social and phytomedicinal
uses of jute. These investigations have led to the understanding that C. olitorius is cultivated in all
localities of Benin by both women (53.40%) and men (46.60%). The plant has a vernacular name in
each local dialect but the term '' Ninuwi '' in the '' Fon '' language is the most used (33%). On the
ethnomedicinal plan, it is used in the treatment of several pathologies such as malaria, typhoid
Original Research Article
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
fever, heart disease, infantile malnutrition, etc. Various parts of the plant are used: leaves, roots,
leafy stems and seeds, to prepare several drug recipes. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
followed by Ascending Hierarchical Classification (AHC) revealed that the organs of the plant that
are used as medicine vary from one ethnic group to another and that it is the aerial organs of the
plant that are most often exploited as a drug. Decoction (92.59%) and maceration are the only ways
of preparation listed in this survey. This survey revealed the importance of the jute on ethno
medicinal, culinary and social plan.
Keywords: Benin; Corchorus olitorius; ethnomedicine; traditional use; malaria.
Corchorus olitorius is a leafy vegetable belonging
to the family of Sparmaniaceae [1]. It is produced
in all tropical regions of the world (Asia, America
and Africa) [2-3]. Corchorus olitorius is an
annual, much-branched herb (90-120 cm) tall
with glabrous stems, leaves (6-10 cm long and
3.5-5 cm broad), with pale yellow flowers and
black trigonous seeds [4]. In Benin, it is produced
throughout the country generally for its leaves. C.
olitorius leaves are well known as emollient,
diuretic, tonic and for purifying human body [5].
Its leaves are also used to make a sticky sauce
that accompanies the main dishes. C. olitorius
leaves are very rich in proteins, β-carotene, iron,
calcium, vitamin B, folic acid, amino acid and
essential minerals [6,7,8]. Leaves are used as
herbal pharmacopoeia against malaria or typhoid
fever. They are rich in vitamins (A, C, E) and
mineral nutrients like calcium and iron [9-10]. The
plant stem is an important source of fiber for
making clothing, bags, ropes, packaging, etc.
[11]. Its fiber is environmentally friendly because
of its biodegradability. The leaves of C. olitorius
were reported to have hypoglycemic effect [12]
and high antibacterial activity [13]. Consumption
of Jute mallow provides indispensable
antioxidants needed for good health [14,15].
Before any genetic resources collection,
conservation, characterisation and evaluation, it
is important that prior information and
ethnobotanical study be conducted [16].
Several ethnobotanical studies have been
conducted in Africa on C. olitorius and other
species of the genus Corchorus. The work
carried out within Ivory Coast [17] and Nigeria
[18] had helped to highlight the various
indigenous uses of C. olitorius by local people. In
Benin too, C. Olitorius is also used for many
purposes, but local knowledge about its use is
few documented [10-19].
The objective of this study is to highlight the
ethnobotanical uses of C. olitorius in Benin.
2.1 Presentation of the Study Area
The ethnobotanical survey was carried out in
fourteen (14) localities in Benin. Benin is a West
African country located between the Equator and
the Tropic of Cancer (between latitude 6 ° 30
'and 12 ° 30' north latitude and meridians 1 ° 00
'and 3 ° 40' longitude East). The country covers
an area of 114.763 km² [20]. The population of
the country is 10 008 749 inhabitants [20].
The choice of districts surveyed is based
primarily on the prevalence of vegetable
production activities in these localities. Thus, we
made sure to select at least one district in each
agro-ecological zone of the country. During this
study, investigations were carried out according
to the Table 1.
2.2 Technical equipment
The technical material for ethnobotanical
investigations consists of a fact sheet for the
collection of information. The questionnaire
includes questions relating to:
- Socio-demographic characteristics (age,
sex, education level, place of residence,
religion, ethnic group);
- Knowledge of the use categories (food,
traditional herbal medicine, religion) of the
species by the population based on score;
- Part of plant used, methods of preparation,
diseases treated and prohibited.
2.3 Collection of Ethnobotanical Data
and Identification
The sample size was determined using the
normal approximation of the binomial distribution
proposed by Dagnelie [21]: = ²× × (1 −
)/² where n is the minimum size of the
sample; t = 1.96 for a confidence level of 95%; P
= 0.09 for the estimated proportion of the
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
Table 1. Localisation of different survey area
Agroecological Zone
Study District
Zone 1: Cotton production zone Kandi 11 ° 07'43''N and 2 ° 56'13''N
Zone 2: Cotton production Zone-center Savalou 7 ° 55'50''N and 1 ° 58'31''E
Zone 3: Depression area Adjohoun 6 ° 41'44''N and 2 ° 28'52''E
Ketou 7 ° 21'29''N and 2 ° 36'27''E
Pobè 6 ° 58'00''N and 2 ° 41'00''E
Zone 4: Fisheries area
Athiémé 6 ° 35'00''N and 1 ° 40'00''E
Abomey-Calavi 6 ° 26'55''N and 2 ° 21'20''E
Cotonou 6 ° 21'36''N and 2 ° 26'24''E
Grand-Popo 6 ° 17'00''N and 1 ° 50'00''E
Ouidah 6 ° 22'00''N and 2 ° 05'00''E
Zone 5: Bar land area Covè 7 ° 13'20''N and 2 ° 20'20''E
Zone 6: Extreme Zone -North Malanville 11 ° 52'00''N and 3 ° 23'00''E
Zone 7: Western Zone Atakora Djougou 9 ° 42'00''N and 1 ° 40'00''E
Zone 8: Southern Zone Borgou Gogounou 10 ° 50'35''N and 2 ° 49'42''E
Fig. 1. Map of Benin presenting the study areas
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
vegetable producer population and m = 0.05 for
the margin of error. The value of p is calculated
on the basis of the following three hypotheses:
- One person is interviewed per farm
- The number of agricultural households is
equal to 801 611 for a total of 2,693,113
households nationally [20],
- Agricultural households involved in
gardening production represent less than
1/3 of agricultural assets in Benin [22].
The calculated value of n is 126. During the
survey, 129 market gardeners were surveyed.
The number of people surveyed varies from one
locality to another according to the prevalence of
gardening site.
The collection of ethnobotanical data was carried
out using direct questions [17-23] in the mother
tongues of the respondents. These were chosen
on the gardening site. These various
investigations were guided by a fact sheet.
These exchanges took place from the 1
to 15th
June 2017. The different localities visited were
chosen according to their geographical location
for a good distribution of sites throughout the
territory. The market gardening sites and fields
were chosen for their proximity.
2.4 Data Analysis
The data collected was analysed with Microsoft
Also, two Multiple Correspondence Analysis
(MCA) followed by Ascending Hierarchical
Classification (AHC) were realised with the SAS
v 9.4. software. One is to determine the
correlation between the organs of the plant used
as endogenous medicine and the different ethnic
groups encountered during the study. The
second MCA aims to determine possible
correlations between the organs of the plants
used and the diseases treated.
3.1 General Characteristics of
Adults aged 29 to 59 accounted for 71.43% of
respondents. The respondents aged 18 to 30
and 60 to 100 represents 17.58% and 10.99%
respectively (Table 2). Women accounted for
53.40% of interviewees. About 48.61% of those
surveyed have primary education (Table 2).
These interlocutors of various ethnic groups were
met mostly on gardening sites. Gardening is the
main activity of 75.96% of the people surveyed.
About Fifteen percent of them are primarily
engaged in the vegetable trade. The remaining
9.30% includes those whose main activity is not
directly related to the production or trade of
vegetables such as dressmakers, masons,
pupils, hunters, fishermen, motorcycle taxi
drivers and hairdressers. It is important,
however, to report that vegetable production is
the secondary activity of the latter two categories
of persons surveyed.
Despite the ethnic diversity that characterises
Benin, C. olitorius is present and known in all the
14 localities where the study was conducted. The
persons interviewed belong to 10 different ethnic
groups with all the socio-cultural differences that
this includes. However, all the people interviewed
(regardless of gender or age) were familiar with
the plant and were able to demonstrate at least
one use in culinary and therapeutic areas. This
shows that the plant is cultivated and exploited
extensively throughout Benin [24]. Also, the large
number of ethnic groups in Benin does not
exclude a strong socio-cultural mix that takes into
account the sharing of information related to the
use of plants.
Table 2. Some characteristics of respondents
Parameters Percentage Parameters Percentage
Percentage of respondents by age Percentage of respondents by study level
[18;30 years] 17.58% None 25.00%
[30;60 years] 71.43% Primary 48.61%
[60;100 years] 10.99% Secondary 22.22%
Percentage of respondents by main activity University 4.17%
Gardener 75.96% Percentage of respondents by sex
Vegetable trader 14.72%8 Women 53.40%
Others 9.30% Men 46.60%
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
3.2 Traditional Nomenclature
Municipalities investigation
Ethno-linguistic groups
Vernacular names
C. olitorius
Adjohoun Goun Ninnuwi, Amaninnuwi
Athiémè Mina, Adja Ninwé, Démin, Démi
Abomey-Calavi Fon, Aïzô Ninnuwi, Démi
Cotonou Fon Ninnuwi
Covè Mahi Ninnuwi
Djougou Dendi Ayôyô
Gogounou Bariba Yoroyorokou
Grand-Popo Mina Démin, Adémin
Kandi Dendi Ayôyô
Kétou Nago Ewédou, èlèkou, Obèyo,
Malanville Dendi Ayôyô
Ouidah Fon Ninnuwi
Pobè Nago Obèyo
Savalou Mahi Ninnuwi
Table 3. Vernacular names of the plant according to ethnolinguistic group and locality
Affections Part of the plant
Other ingr
Form of
Method of
Malaria Whole plant Lemon,
Leaves of
Herb tea Decoction Oral
Leaves Lemon Herb tea Decoction
Roots Herb tea Decoction
Leafy stems Lemon Extracts Maceration
Herb tea Decoction
Flowers Lemon Herb tea Decoction
Typhoid fever Leafy stems Lemon Herb tea Decoction Oral
Flowers Lemon Herb tea Decoction
Roots Herb tea Decoction
Leaves Herb tea Decoction
Whole plant Lemon,
Leaves of
Herb tea Decoction
Fever Leafy stems Lemon Herb tea Decoction Oral
Flowers Lemon Herb tea Decoction
Leaves Herb tea Decoction
Whole plant Herb tea Decoction
Female fertility Whole plant Leaves of
Herb tea Decoction Oral
Diarrhea Leaves Leaves of
Herb tea Decoction Oral
Ulcera, Colic Leafy stems - Herb tea Decoction Oral
Leaves - Herb tea Decoction
Leaves and
- Herb tea Decoction
Whole plant - Herb tea Decoction
Itera Leaves Lemon Herb tea Decoction Oral
Leafy stems - Herb tea Decoction
Heart failure Whole plant - Herb tea Decoction Oral
Leaves Lemon,
Leaves of
Herb tea Decoction Oral
Roots Not
Herb tea Decoction Oral
*These are organs of other plants that users combine with jute to prepare their recipes, **This is the way recipes are
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
The vernacular name of C. Olitorius varies
regarding each locality and ethno-linguistic
groups met during the investigation. These
different local names are represented in Table 1
according to the localities visited. Compared with
traditional nomenclature, it is common for a
species to bear several local names or for
several plants to bear the same name [23]. This
study makes the same observation. The term ''
Ninuwi '' is used in virtually every locality. This
term is the most common because it is in the
national language '' Fon '' which is the most
spoken language in Benin. However, there are
names for each ethnic group. The present study
corroborates and completes the names cited by
Akoègninou et al. [4].
3.3 Categories of Uses Corchorus
olitorius Identified
Two categories of use C. olitorius are identified
with local populations: food and traditional
medicine. The respondents are unanimous on
the fact that C. Olitorius is used in both areas
and provided information to that effect.
3.3.1 Culinary uses of Corchorus olitorius
The leaves of C. olitorius are consumed in all the
localities where the survey was conducted. The
leaves are used fresh and dried to make sticky
sauces accompanying main dishes. The leaves
dried in the shade are packed in jars hermetically
sealed and protected from moisture. It can be
stored for up to 60 days. However, the drying of
the jute sheets for storage is not common
practice due to the difficulties associated with the
lack of suitable drying arrangement and the black
coloring of the dried leaf sauce which
depreciates its organoleptic value.
The main dish that it accompanies most often is
the corn dough. It accompanies other dishes that
vary according to the geographical area. Thus, in
the south of the country, the crunchy sauce is
easily married with Akassa, pounded yam,
Agbéli, pounded cassava or black paste (based
on yam chips). In the northern region of the
country, jute sauce also accompanies crushed
yam, black paste, semolina paste, rice paste and
the likes.
Due to its accessibility to all social strata, it is
consumed practically by all Beninese
households. It is generally present in the menus
of the traders restoring traditional dishes. It is
very present in the feeding of weaning children.
People (especially women) surveyed believe that
the fact that the sauce is slimy facilitates the
swallowing of food by weaning children.
For the kitchen, only the leaves of C. olitorius are
used as a vegetable. These results are close to
those obtained by Ta Bi et al. [17]. In Benin,
leaves are usually consumed in the form of a
sticky sauce. Ta Bi et al. [17] reported that it is
also consumed like past in the Ivory Coast. This
form does not exist in Benin.
3.3.2 Ethnic medicinal use Plants and diseases treated
The affections cited by the respondents, the part
of the plant used, the method of preparation of
the medicament and the mode of administration
are presented in Table 3. The investigations
have identified 11 diseases treated by Corchorus
olitorius Benin. These diseases include heart
failure, diarrhea, thyphoid fever, colic, and child
malnutrition, which are also cited by Ta Bi et al.
[17] as the disease treated with C. olitorius in
Ivory Coast. The use of the plant to treat heart
disease has also been reported by Denton et al.
[25]. C. olitorius was also cited as the main
element of some remedies for female fertility.
Soladoye et al. [26] also obtained similar results.
Our results corroborate those of Fasinmirin and
Olufayo [27] who reported the use of the plant to
treat fever. In the same way, Owoyele et al. [28]
have scientifically shown that the extract of C.
olitorius root is a great anti-inflammatory that
helps reduce fever significantly.
The use of C. olitorius for treating malaria is one
of the most commonly cited in this study. In
Ethiopia, the use of the plant to treat malaria has
been reported by Asnake et al. [29]. This use
was also reported in Cameroon by Saotoing et
al. [30].
As for its use in the treatment of typhoid fever, it
was reported in 2017 by Dougnon et al. [31] in
Benin. This study confirms the therapeutic
indications already mentioned by these authors. Use of the plant as phytomedicines
Several parts of the plant are used in the
preparation of phytomedicines: Leafy stems,
leaves, seeds, flowers and roots. The leaves and
the whole plant are mainly solicited (respectively
28% and 24%). Leafy stems are used in 20% of
cases. The leaves are th
us stressed in 72% of
the recipes medicines. These results are quite
similar to those of Ta Bi et al. [17] which reported
the use of leaves in 53.57% of cases. The results
of Doh [23] indicate that the leaves were mainly
used in 56.89% of the cases. Roots,
Fig. 2
. Spectrum of distribution of the plant parts used as plant protection products
Fig. 3
. Dendrogram showing correlations between parts of the plant used as a drug and the
different ethnic groups enco
(1)=Adja; (2)=Aïzô; (3)=Mahi; (4)=Dendi; (5)=Mina; (6)=Root; (7)=Nago; (8)=Bariba; (9)=Leaves;(10)=Leafy stem;
(11)=Fon; (12)=Goun; (13)=whole plant; (14)=Flower
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018
; Article no.EJMP.43897
us stressed in 72% of
the recipes medicines. These results are quite
similar to those of Ta Bi et al. [17] which reported
the use of leaves in 53.57% of cases. The results
of Doh [23] indicate that the leaves were mainly
used in 56.89% of the cases. Roots,
flowers and
seed combination are used in drug recipes
respectively in 12%, 12% and 4% of cases.
These different values are indicated in Fig. 2.
The use of these organs was reported by
Owoyele et al. [28] and Ta Bi et al. [17].
. Spectrum of distribution of the plant parts used as plant protection products
. Dendrogram showing correlations between parts of the plant used as a drug and the
different ethnic groups enco
(1)=Adja; (2)=Aïzô; (3)=Mahi; (4)=Dendi; (5)=Mina; (6)=Root; (7)=Nago; (8)=Bariba; (9)=Leaves;(10)=Leafy stem;
(11)=Fon; (12)=Goun; (13)=whole plant; (14)=Flower
Whole plant
Leafy stems
Leaves and grains
; Article no.EJMP.43897
seed combination are used in drug recipes
respectively in 12%, 12% and 4% of cases.
These different values are indicated in Fig. 2.
The use of these organs was reported by
Owoyele et al. [28] and Ta Bi et al. [17].
. Spectrum of distribution of the plant parts used as plant protection products
. Dendrogram showing correlations between parts of the plant used as a drug and the
(1)=Adja; (2)=Aïzô; (3)=Mahi; (4)=Dendi; (5)=Mina; (6)=Root; (7)=Nago; (8)=Bariba; (9)=Leaves;(10)=Leafy stem;
Leaves and grains
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
The correlation between the parts of the plant
used as a drug and the different ethnic groups
encountered is explained by a MCA followed by
AHC. It reveals two levels of correlation (Fig. 3).
The first level concerns the whole plant and the
flowers which are the most used as drug by the
peoples Fon and Goun. The second level
concerns the leafy stem, leaves and roots which
are more used by peoples Adja, Aïzo, Mahi,
Bariba, Dendi, Mina and Nago. This is quite
close to the results of Lougbegnon et al. [32] who
estimate to 72.36% the use of leafy stem in the
ethnobotanical practices in Aïzo and Fon.
Furthermore, Kouchadé et al. [19] identified leafy
branches as the most used part of the plant in
southern Benin, where the ethnic groups Fon,
Aïzo, Adja, Mina Nago and Mahi are found.
The second MCA and AHC (Fig. 4.) explain the
correlations between the organs of the plant
used and the diseases. It should be noted on the
one hand that the use of leafy stem and leaves is
strongly linked to the treatment of jaundice, ulcer,
children malnutrition and colic. On the other
hand, it is the whole plant and the flowers that
are most often used for the treatment of typhoid
fever, fever and malaria (the most frequently
cited by the interviewees). This information
corroborates those of Kouchadé et al. [19] which
report the use of leafy shoots in the treatment of
jaundice and typhoid fever. The use of the whole
plant in the treatment of typhoid fever is also
reported by Ta Bi et al. [17]. Asnake et al. [29]
also report the use of leafy stem in the treatment
of malaria and diarrhea in Ethiopia. Unlike the
realities of Cameroon [30], seeds are not used in
Benin in the treatment of malaria. Also, for the
treatment of sexual weakness, roots are the most
commonly used. This analysis also reveals that
there is no real correlation between the organs of
the plant used and the treatment of female
fertility and heart disease. However, the whole
plant can be used in the treatment of female
fertility and heart disease. Modes of drug preparation
The investigations reveal two ways of preparing
phytomedicines: Decoction and maceration. The
decoction is the most important method of
preparation with 92.59% of the cases.
Maceration is used only in 7.41% of cases. This
result is very similar to that of Kouchadé et al.
[19] who indicated that the decoction is used
mainly in 93.87% of cases, in its study on
medicinal plants used in the treatment of infantile
diseases and sold in markets in southern Benin.
This would certainly be due to the fact that on the
one hand the species is not woody and on the
other hand most of the recipes are prepared from
leaves whose extracts are quite soluble in hot
water. The decoction, which is the most popular
method of preparation, would allow the collection
of the most active ingredients, but would also
mitigate or cancel the toxic effect of certain
recipes [33] because heating would disinfect
plant organs and cancel thus the toxic effect of
the recipe. But this process could destroy certain
active ingredients of the species used [34]. Drug forms
In relation to drug forms, three cases are
obtained: herbal tea, extract and powder. Herbal
tea is the most used (92.59% of the cases). The
powder and the extract are each used in 3.70%
of the cases.
Fig. 4. Correlations between parts of the plant used as a drug and the conditions treated
(1)=Leaves; (2)=Leafy stem; (3)=Ulcer; (4)=Jaundice; (5)=Colic; (6)=Diarrhea; (7)=Children malnutrition;
(8)=Flower; (9)=Fever; (10)=whole plant; (11)=Typhoïd fever; (12)=Malaria; (13)=heart disease; (14)=female
fertility; (15)=Root; (16)= sexual weakness
Adebo et al.; EJMP, 26(1): 1-11, 2018; Article no.EJMP.43897
Investigations reveal drug recipes prepared only
from plant organs. 13 recipes are shown for the
treatment of 11 affections. Among them, only five
were prepared based on C. olitorius. The
medicinal preparations of C. olitorius usually do
not only with the organs of the plant. The
integration of other ingredients like lemon or
moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) is quite
frequent (61.53% of cases). The lemon (Citrus
limon fruit) is most often used. According to our
own observations, the use of lemon aims to
prevent the solution obtained is sticky like sauce
made from leaves of C. olitorius. As for the use
of Moringa oleifera, it would aim to enrich the
nutritional value of decoction. Methods of administration
Oral administration is the only one administered
by the respondents. In their work on the plants of
the genus Corchorus in Ivory Coast, Ta Bi et al.
[17] have listed several other modes of
administration such as the dermal route or
inhalation. The absence of these practices in
Benin is due to the fact that decoction is the most
common method of preparation (92.59% of
cases). These results are very close to those of
Kouchadé et al. [19] which show that oral
administration is the most common in Benin
3.4 Social Taboos Related to Corchorus
This study allowed us to evidence some
prohibitions related to the production and use of
C. olitorius in the visited locations. The
consumption of jute can be prohibited for several
Members of certain traditional vaudoun
communities may be prohibited from
consuming the leaves of C. olitorius
permanently or periodically (during periods
of the year when important rituals are
Some people and their families may be
banned from eating jute by the fâ (the
traditional oracle). In these cases, the plant
becomes a totem for these families.
In Benin, the cradle of Vaudoun culture, plants
play a fundamental role in religious practices
[35]. As a result, it is heavily impregnated in
certain social practices. The cultural social
prohibitions listed in this study bear witness to
this fact. In the locality of Covè (locality with
strong production of Jute), in Mahi environment,
the prohibitions linked to the production are much
anchored in the daily life of the producers. Thus,
it is prohibited to enter in a field of C. olitorius
being shod. The use of metal containers is
prohibited for harvesting. Only vegetal material
baskets are authorised to enter in a field of C.
olitorius. Our results corroborate those of Dansi
et al. [9] who report that the consumption of
Corchorus tridens is forbidden to the followers of
the divinity Heviosso in Benin.
Ethnobotanical investigations, in 14 localities of
Benin, have identified the different uses of
Corchorus olitorius. They are consumed and
used in traditional medicine. The leaves of these
plants commonly called Ninuwi are consumed
throughout the territory in sauce accompanying
several dishes. In ethno-medicinal plan C.
olitorius involved in the treatment of several
diseases. Various parts of these plants: leaves,
roots, leafy stems, and seeds are used to
prepare medicated recipes. The realisation of a
first MCA followed by AHC made it possible to
understand that plant organ are used as
medicine vary from one ethnic group to another.
A second MCA followed by AHC revealed that it
is the aerial organs of the plant that are most
often exploited as a drug. There are also socio-
cultural prohibitions related production and
consumption of C. olitorius. For these many
contributions, cultivation of C. olitorius should be
encouraged and popularised in Benin.
It is not applicable.
It is not applicable.
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
1. Isuosuo CC, Akaneme FI. Genetic
variability assessment of accessions of
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