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Andrea Guachalla Alarc´on1,2, Alba Germ´an3,4, Alejandro Aleksink´o1, Fernanda Garc´ıa
Ferreyra1, Carlos Marcelo Scavuzzo1, and Anabella Ferral1,4
1Instituto Mario Gulich, Comisi´on Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), C´ordoba, Argentina
2Instituto de Investigaciones Farmac´euticas y Bioquim´ıcas, Universidad Mayor de San Andr´es, La Paz, Bolivia
3Universidad Blas Pascal, C´ordoba, Argentina
4Departamento de Hidrolog´ıa, SRH de la provincia de C´ordoba, Argentina
Water pollution is an important problem around the
world as it is closely related to human and environ-
mental health. Field campaigns are expensive, time
consuming and may provide little information. Remote
sensing provides synoptic spatio-temporal views and
can lead to a better understanding of lake ecology. In
this work an extreme algal bloom event which occurred
in a reservoir is characterized by LANDSAT8-OLI sen-
sor and in situ sampling. Chlorophyll-a concentration
and algae abundance data are measured on samples
collected simultaneously with satellite pass and used
to build semiempirical models. Two linear functions to
calculate chlorophyll-a from satellite data are presented
and compared. A linear model from band 2 (blue)
and band 5 (NIR) presents the best performance with
a determination coefficient equal to 0,89. In situ
and satellite chlorophyll-a lead comparable trophic
class assessment, hypertrophic. Both Models fail to
predict chlorophyll-a concentration near river intrusion
(North), where low values of reflectance are recorded.
Keywords: chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton, eutrophi-
cation, LANDSAT8-OLI, linear regression
Water pollution is one of the most serious problems
around the world and it is closely related to human
and environmental health. This kind of pollution can
proceed from: mismanagement of organic wastes, oil
spill, mining drainage, and others. Particularly, the
increase of organic wastes in water leads to the prolifer-
ation of microorganisms that can cause eutrophication.
Eutrohpication is a process in which primary produc-
tion in water is enhanced and photosynthetic microor-
ganisms proliferate due to the presence of nitrogen and
phosphorus in unbalanced proportions[1]. These mi-
croorganisms inhabit water surface and interfere with
solar rays reaching lower strata of the water column,
causing: an increase in biomass and a narrowed micro-
bial biodiversity, an unbalanced ecological niche, and a
higher mortality rate in aquatic animals due to anoxic
episodes. Chlorophyll-a concentration can be used as
an index to monitor algal abundance by remote sens-
ing technique since it presents active optical properties
in visible and near infrared regions of the electromag-
netic spectrum [2]. In this work, we analyze an algal
bloom in San Roque Reservoir with satellite imagery
from Landsat 8-OLI and field data. This reservoir is
the main source of drinking water for Cordoba city, Ar-
gentina, which has a population of 1,8 millon people.
On the other hand, coastal residents use water for do-
mestic purposes, tourism and fishing. The rivers and
streams that flow into the reservoir contribute a large
amount of nutrients which has been causing, in the last
decades, a process of severe eutrophication, sometimes
reaching the hypereutrophication level[3, 4] and releas-
ing cyanotoxins [5]. This research is a continuation of
previous studies carried out with LANDSAT 5-TM and
TERRA-MODIS sensors to monitor water quality and
harmful algae blooms on this reservoir [6].
2.1 Study area
Figure 1 shows San Roque reservoir which is located in
Villa Carlos Paz in Cordoba, Argentina at 31◦22’4”S
64◦28’10” and 643 masl (meters above sea level). It
shows sampling sites for In Situ measurements, chemi-
cal analysis and satellite imagery processing.
Figure 1: San Roque Reservoir and sampling sites
2.2 Field data
Eight sampling sites were considered in this work as
shown in Figure 1. In Situ parameters including Sec-
chi depth and coordinates were measured in each site,
while two liters of water were collected aseptically. Sam-
ples for algae counting were collected in separate flasks,
and were preserved with lugol until processing. Sam-
ples then were transported to the laboratory where
chlorophyll-a, and algal species abundance were mea-
sured using standardized methods[7].
2.3 Satellite data
Satellite imagery from the scene of algal blooming in
San Roque Reservoir in February 22nd 2017 was re-
covered from Landsat 8-OLI, available in ”Earth Ex-
plorer“ ( A level
2 LANDSAT 8-OLI product, atmospheric corrected sur-
face reflectance and 30 meter spatial resolution, was
used. The scene corresponds to path 229, row 82 ac-
quired on February 22nd of 2017.
2.4 Chlorophyll-a models
Correlation between chlorophyll-a measured in samples
and reflectance from Landsat 8-OLI imagery was per-
formed with Rstudio. Reflectance recorded at seven
bands by OLI sensor was correlated with in Situ data
by bivariate analysis, obtaining Pearson correlation co-
efficient. For this, B5-B2 and B5/B4 mathematical
functions were used to generate semiempirical models.
Modeled chlorophyll-a was calculated using simple and
multiple line repression to build mathematical semiem-
pirical models. Garganta point was excluded from re-
gressions because it is located in a very narrow lake
2.5 Trophic state maps
Statistical data was used to generate chlorophyll-a maps
and Trophic State Index (TSI) maps with two semiem-
pirical models: B5-B2 and B5/B4, using ENVI 4.8.
Carlson index was used to generate the TSI maps from
chlorophyll-a concentration data, see table in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Carlson scale for Trophic State Index[8].
TSI=30.6 + 9.81*ln(chlorophyll-a)
3.1 Field data analysis
Secchi disk depth and chlorophyll-a concentration are
directly associated with the trophic state of a water
body, and are used to evaluate eutrophication in differ-
ent settings. Table 1 shows that all the sampling sites
displayed high concentration of chlorophyll-a as well as
a shorter Secchi depth than expected for oligotrophic
Table 1: Field data from San Roque Dam, 22/02/2017
Site Chlorophyll-a (ug/L) Secchi depth
Centro 127,1 0,55
Garganta 197,1 0,5
Zona A 53,8 0,3
Zona B 288,5 0,3
SAT 1 27,6 0,3
SAT 2 132,2 0,5
SAT 3 94,7 0,6
SAT 4 56,7 0,5
From the results a case of eutrophic or hypereu-
trophic state in San Roque reservoir can be inferred[8].
Biological analysis showed different species of algae,
cyanobacteria and diatomeas (data not shown). The
most abundant species were: Microcystis sp. in Zona B
and SAT2, and Ceratium sp. in Centro and Garganta.
Other species found in the samples were: Oscillatoria
sp.,Cyclotella sp.,Aulacoseria sp., and Clostertopsis
sp. All the species described in the samples are com-
monly found inhabiting aquatic environments, and are
not related to diseases directly, therefore they do not
represent a threat for human health. However, Micro-
cystis sp., a genre that belongs to Cyanobacteria, is
able to produce neurotoxins and hepatotoxins that are
highly harmful for humans and animals and was found
in this reservoir [5].
3.2 Satellite data analysis
Satellite data was obtained from Earth Explorer for
Landsat 8-OLI imagery with a 30 meter spatial reso-
lution. A pre-processed image RGB (4,3,2) is shown in
Figure 3, where a green tone can be appreciated, due
to the presence of photosynthetic microorganisms.
Figure 3: Landsat 8-OLI subset (432), 22/02/2017
Surface reflectance (SR) data from the satellite im-
agery was obtained in every sampling point. Figure
4 presents SR as a function of the wavelength center
of OLI sensor bands for all monitoring sites. It can
be observed that ZB and Garganta show the greatest
values at green band (565 nm) in agreements with the
greatest values obtained over those sites for field mea-
surements of Chlorophyll-a concentration, 288,5 and
197,1 ug/L respectively. Although algae composition
for ZB and Garganta sites are markedly different, spec-
tral signatures obtained from OLI sensor are similar for
both sites, indicating that distinguishing between dif-
ferent algae abundances by means of this sensor is not
a straightforward issue.
Figure 4: Reflectance obtained from Landsat 8-OLI,
3.3 Chlorophyll-a semiempirical models
Two semiempirical mathematical models were used to
evaluate eutrophication in San Roque reservoir based
on the correlation obtained between reflectance and
chlorophyll-a concentration. It was found that B4 (Red)
and B5 (NIR) were highly and significantly correlated
with chlorophyll-a concentration since Pearson coeffi-
cients greater than 0,9 were calculated. Previous stud-
ies used mathematical functions including B5, B4 and
B2 reflectances to assess the trophic state on inland
waters [9, 2]. Equations (1) and (2) show the most
adequate models. (1) obtained by Multiple regression,
negative with B2 and positive with B5 and (2) which
depends positively and linearly with the ratio B5/B4.
Model 1 presents the better determination coefficient,
0.89 (p<0,05), while Model 2 presents a determination
coefficient equal 0.87 (p<0,05).
[clorof ila −a] = 5749.5∗B5−9951.1∗B2 + 128.7 (1)
[clorof ila −a] = 101.03 ∗B5/B4−48.04 (2)
3.4 Trophic state maps
Figures 5 and 6 present chlorophyll-a maps obtained by
Model 1 and 2. In situ and satellite chlorophyll-a and
TSI lead comparable values. Both models fail to predict
chlorophyll-a concentration near Cosquin river intru-
sion (North), where low reflectance data are recorded.
In that place, negative values of this variable were cal-
culated that affected the building of TSI maps. Trophic
State Index maps showed that the lakes center tend to
a higher state of eutrophication than the northern and
southern region where river intrusion with fresh water
may dilute the bloom. Artificial aeration system seems
to be not functioning that day. Both models had some
pixels with no data, due to the negative values afore-
mentioned that could not be taken into account by TSI
formula. In this sense, Model 1 seems to respond better
for low chlorophyll-a concentration. Further studies are
being carrying out to improve and extend these algo-
rithms to perform temporal series analysis and incor-
porate low value of chlorophyll-a.
Combined use of satellite and in situ chlorophyll-a data
improves phytoplankton bloom delimitation, an impor-
tant aspect to manage water supply reservoirs. In ad-
dition, remote sensing enhance understanding of spa-
tial patterns associated with natural and anthropogenic
interventions as rivers intrusion or artificial aeration
systems results. In situ and satellite chlorophyll-a
(a) Chlorophyll-a map
(b) Trohpic State Index map
Figure 5: Semiempirical model using B5 and B2 bands
lead comparable trophic class assessment, mostly hy-
pertrophic. More studies need to be done in order to
extend these models to perform temporal studies and
to improve low chlorophyll-a concentration values esti-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: A.Guachalla Alarcon
thanks CELFI for the fellowship granted.
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(b) Trophic State Index map
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