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MOOC on the correct use of the intellectual property in academic environments

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The respect to the author's rights in academic contexts is an important concern of educational institutions. For this reason, besides the inclusion of software to detect plagiarism or any other legal measures, training on this respect should be one of their main objectives. This paper presents two editions of the MOOC "Good practices in the academic use of intellectual property." It is aimed primarily at teachers and students, and contains advice, examples, and legislation about the subject, for Spanish speakers. Two surveys (initial and final) allow to obtain results of the two editions and establish similarities and differences regarding the participant's profile, previous knowledge, the MOOC's completion, and the satisfaction of participants.

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... Pero al realizar estas acciones es posible que, por desconocimiento, no siempre se respeten las leyes sobre propiedad intelectual y producción de contenidos. En este sentido, los autores han realizado ya tres ediciones de un MOOC sobre propiedad intelectual Sein-Echaluce et al., 2018) y a partir de este MOOC se realizará el estudio de caso para este trabajo. ...
... Bueno García et al., 2017;Sein- Echaluce et al., 2018). ...
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Los recursos educativos en abierto han dado lugar a iniciativas muy importantes en la difusión de la educación a la sociedad. Iniciativas como los cursos OpenCourseWare (OCW) con la oferta online de recursos abiertos y su evolución a los cursos masivos abiertos en línea, los denominados MOOC. Muchos cursos OCW han pasado a convertirse en MOOC donde se incluye la participación de los usuarios, su tutorización y su evaluación. Pero los MOOC se estructuran muchas veces como un curso de formación al uso, donde el aprendiz debe superar unos pasos concretos para conseguir la certificación, lo que no es necesario en los cursos OCW. No obstante, los MOOCs son más dinámicos y el seguimiento de los participantes permite su mejora continua. En este trabajo se propone el modelo Dynamic OpenCourseWare (D-OCW) que da pautas para crear un curso OCW dinámico (en contenidos y en participación) a partir de la información obtenida de un MOOC sobre el mismo tema. El modelo se muestra con un caso concreto creando un curso OCW a partir de un MOOC sobre “Buenas prácticas en el uso académico de la propiedad intelectual” tema de actualidad en muchos ámbitos y una clara preocupación para las instituciones educativas.
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María Luisa Sein-Echaluce. Universidad de Zaragoza. RESUMEN Una buena práctica de gestión y política universitaria es aquella que se consolida en el tiempo, que mejora de forma continua a partir de lo ya realizado, que es impulsada por los diferentes equipos rectorales y que tiene un impacto global en el contexto universitario (y fuera de él). Esto es lo ocurrido con los actuales cursos masivos abiertos y en línea, los MOOC (del inglés Massive Open Online Course). Aunque sus principios se asocian al 2008, estos cursos son fruto de una política universitaria que comenzó a principios de los años 80. Es entonces cuando comienza a utilizarse ordenadores en las universidades para la creación de apuntes, antes escritos a mano o con máquina de escribir, y los acetatos usados en clase, recursos de aprendizaje analógicos cuyas leyendas y gráficos eran dibujados " a mano ". Pero los gestores universitarios tuvieron una visión más amplia y potenciaron la transformación de los recursos educativos en formato digital para mejorar su gestión, organización y utilización, mediante campañas de concienciación y la financiación de actividades y de recursos tecnológicos. A partir de entonces se abrió un camino repleto de novedades y tendencias en educación, plagado de éxitos y de fracasos, y cuya última manifestación son los MOOC, que han sobrepasado las fronteras de la universidad. En este artículo se dará una visión de la trayectoria de la innovación institucional universitaria que ha conducido a la aparición de los MOOC, se analizará su impacto sobre el modelo universitario y se reflexionará sobre su evolución. Palabras clave: formación continua, MOOC, educación no-formal, política de la educación.
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La investigación describe y analiza la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Indecopi, que a través de la Sala de Propiedad Intelectual emite sus resoluciones en segunda y última instancia administrativa en Perú. El estudio se realizó con base en las resoluciones sobre casos de infracción a los derechos morales del autor en su modalidad de plagio, las mismas que se encuentran en la página web de la institución. El periodo objeto de análisis comprende los años 2008-2011. La metodología empleada ha sido básicamente el análisis documental, teniendo a la vista cada una de las resoluciones emitidas por la Sala que resuelven las causas de infracción al derecho de autor. En conclusión, no obstante que la figura del plagio se ha extendido con la aparición de Internet, las denuncias son muy escasas, la mayoría son formalizadas por denuncia de oficio a partir de la función que ejerce la entidad competente encargada de velar por la protección a la propiedad intelectual.
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The low completion rate for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), averaging 10 % across total enrolment, highlights a need for close analysis of the underlying formative model. The methodology used here involves cooperation among MOOC participants to introduce new resources through social networks and the integration of these resources with previous teacher materials. The paper describes two MOOCs on distinct topics using this methodology and implemented on the same platform. The observed outcomes indicate increased completion rates for both courses as compared with other MOOCs developed on the same platform. Additionally, although participants in the two MOOCs differed in profile and personal goals, they reported similar perceptions of the quality of the learning experience, which was influenced by the knowledge management approach developed in the proposed methodology.
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A new competence-based approach for personalizing MOOCs in a mobile collaborative and networked environment Un nuevo enfoque basado en competencias para la personalización de MOOCs en un entorno móvil colaborativo en red Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which combines openness and scalability in a most powerful way. They have the potential to widen participation in higher education. Thus, they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation and also the internationalization of higher education institutions. However, one of the critical elements for a massive open language learning experience to be successful is to empower learners and to facilitate networked learning experiences. In fact, MOOCs are designed for an undefined number of participants thus serving a high heterogeneity of profiles, with diverse learning styles and prior knowledge, and also contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. The iMOOC pedagogical model introduced the principle of diversity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also virtual environments. In this article the authors present a proposal based on the iMOOC approach for a new framework for personalizing and adapting MOOCs designed in a collaborative, networked pedagogical approach by identifying each participant's competence profile and prior knowledge as well as the respective mobile communication device used and to generate matching personalized learning. This paper also shows the results obtained in a laboratory environment after an experiment has been performed with a prototype of the framework. It can be observed that creating personalized learning paths is possible and the next step is to test this framework with real experimental groups.
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Today, ethics has an important place in all areas of life. Education is also a fundamental process of human life. Therefore, in education ethics has a very important and effective role. In order to be a good human, ethics should be placed as a course in educational system. In this paper, it will be discussed the ethics education in schools. In doing this, it will be also discussed why teaching ethics is important in education. Before discussing this issue, it is necessary to define what ethics is and what education is.
Currently, higher education has lost part of its historical role, and its mission has been substantially altered, as it has focused on providing services to the economic sector. Contemporary challenges and characteristics and the prediction of future challenges demand new roles and missions for higher education. Faced with the challenges of the present and the challenges foreseen in the future, the role of engineering and technology stands out. This study highlights the need for ethical education as a pillar of higher education in and towards the future, particularly in the field of engineering, and describes the main characteristics that this education component needs. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the characteristics of ethical education in the future and towards the future are already contemplated in the curricular units of Portuguese engineering higher education courses with an ethical component. It was possible to conclude that, although ethical education is somewhat present in engineering courses, it is only found in a few courses and still does not present the necessary characteristics of ethical education defended in this paper.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, on good practice in the application of Intellectual Property. It is aimed primarily at teachers and students, and taught in Spanish. We have used the Spanish legislation on Intellectual Property. This paper outlines the structure and content of a course developed on an ad-hoc basis, and describes its evaluation by participants in questionnaires and a final survey. The results of the initial questionnaire are framed by a) the participant's profile, and b) by consideration of the MOOC´s implementation, given the results of the satisfaction survey. In this paper we describe the advantages of the MOOC and identify areas for improvement.
In the 18th century, the educational model underwent a disruptive change driven by the transition from an agricultural to an industrial society. In the 21st century, the change from the industrial society to a knowledge society has been consolidated, but it has not involved a disruption in the learning context. Some elements, many based on technologies, can be considered disruptive, but they have not had sufficient effect to produce a change in the model that has predominated for 300 years. In 2008, teachers began to offer training outside the walls of the university, with a totally disruptive and chaotic model compared to the traditional one; this was supported by open, informal, cooperative, connectivist, autonomous and self-guided training. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) began with cMOOCs, and most universities join the initiative, but they abandoned this disruption, ultimately offering the same courses they always had with free access for anyone, resulting in the second generation of MOOCs (xMOOCs). These MOOCs responded to a new social demand, but their characteristics and context make a formative disruption - which has not yet emerged - necessary. This paper analyses the elements of the two generations of MOOCs in order to propose a new model that does not require sophisticated technological solutions and recovers the initial disruptive sense of MOOCs, so called ahMOOC. It also presents a case study that integrates the social advantages of cMOOCs, the organisational benefits of xMOOCs and the personalisation of the learning, which is essential due to the heterogeneity of the participants. The results and the participant viewpoints emerging from the case study confirm the feasibility of the model, the improvement of the results of current MOOCs and the need - demanded by the participants - to consider diversity, all of which should be accomplished in a disruptive way.
Conference Paper
Learning based on challenges arises to place the trainees to take decisions, have closeness to reality and develop useful solutions to community. This method is carried out both industry and education. The main difficulty lies in the fact that planning challenges involve multidisciplinary knowledge, they are usually implemented outside of the curriculum's subject and the effectiveness of the results does not appear immediately. This work adapts the learning methodology based on challenges to a regulated academic subject and integrates the two successful methods Challenge Based Learning and Challenge Based Instruction. Two types of challenges are proposed: a specific challenge in the academic environment and a common challenge based on the management of a knowledge management system of proven effectiveness. It generates a sustainable system that allows you to find more effective solutions to planned challenges as well as to improve the learning process itself.
Personalization techniques are a classic solution recommended by many experts for improving learning. Information and communication technologies and online courses have helped reduce the difficulties teachers face with a diversity of student profiles and a large number of students in a classroom. When these factors are extreme, like in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), those techniques may be the solution. However, even the most sophisticated technologies have not solved all the challenges posed by personalized learning, and in cases where teachers are not skilled in the technology they must use, the adaptive systems have only complicated the implementation of online courses. Therefore, this paper proposes a construct of adaptivity for MOOCs to identify some specific personalizing indicators. These indicators are chosen as a result of previous work done and are based on two aspects of learning: self-regulation and cooperation. This construct presents a consistent scale. A study is conducted to find the indicators that are most acceptable to participants in a MOOC, and it considers whether the performance or completion of other MOOCs previously influences the participant's perception of the value of the proposed construct.
Places to Go: Connectivism & Connective Knowledge. Innovate
  • Downes Stephen
Stephen Downes. 2008. Places to Go: Connectivism & Connective Knowledge. Innovate: Journal of Online Education 5. Retrieved September 4, 2018 from
Designing and Implementing a Massive Open Online Course: Lessons Learnt
  • Concepción Bueno García
  • Lola Hernández Ara
  • Universidad De Zaragoza
Concepción Bueno García, Lola Hernández Ara, Universidad de Zaragoza, et al. 2017. Designing and Implementing a Massive Open Online Course: Lessons Learnt. In 5th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality( (TEEM 2017).
Ethical education as a pillar of the future role of higher education: Analysing its presence in the curricula of engineering courses. Futures In Press. Fátima Monteiro Carlinda Leite and Cristina Rocha
  • Carlinda Fátima Monteiro
  • Cristina Leite
  • Rocha
Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs)
  • Miríadax - Cursos Online Masivos Y En Abierto De Forma Gratuita