
Role of BMP Signaling for the Formation of Auditory Brainstem Nuclei and Large Auditory Relay Synapses

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Large excitatory synapses are found at specific points in the neuronal circuits of the auditory brainstem, to enable fast information transfer and the preservation of acoustic timing information. The extracellular cues and signaling mechanisms that lead to the development of these specialized synaptic connections, exemplified by the calyx of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), are still largely unknown. Here, we investigate the role of BMP signaling for the early development of the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) and MNTB, and for the initial formation of the calyx of Held synaptic connection. We used conditional alleles of two BMP type‐1 receptors in the background of a constitutive BMPR1b knock‐out (KO), or else a conditional allele of SMAD4. The conditional alleles were recombined by the Krox20Cre mouse line that is active around mid‐gestation in rhombomeres (r) 3 and 5 from which the VCN and MNTB are derived; alternatively, virus‐mediated Cre‐expression was performed early postnatally in the VCN. The data shows that embryonic SMAD‐dependent BMP‐signaling in r3 and r5 contributes to the histogenesis of auditory brainstem nuclei. On the other hand, BMP‐receptor signaling early postnatally in presynaptic neurons of the calyx of Held projection is necessary for correct axon branch retraction, which suggests a cell‐autonomous role of presynaptic BMP‐receptors in synapse elimination at the developing calyx of Held. Thus, our work dissects developmentally early and late roles of BMP‐signaling for the formation of auditory brainstem nuclei, and for the development of the highly specialized synaptic connectivity in these structures. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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... Even if we grant that these three cells demonstrate multi-calyceal competition, we identify, from our earlier (3/132 cells) and the current (0/32 cells) experiments, <10% of rat principal neurons with multi-calyceal innervation during development. These values are comparable to the 1% reported in a pre-hearing mouse study (Kronander et al. 2019) and to our earlier study in P9 rats, in which 1 of 86 cells showed two large, perisomatic VGluT clusters (Rodríguez-Contreras et al. 2006). Even though we cannot exclude having missed calyces due to low VGluT expression, we conclude that multi-calyceal competition is unlikely to significantly contribute to the development of the rat calyx of Held synapse. ...
... In the fruit fly postsynaptic activity stimulates the release of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) homologue, which promotes active zone development and NMJ growth (Berke et al. 2013(Berke et al. , 2019. Mice with conditionally deleted BMP receptor 1 and 2 show deficits in transmitter release and smaller calyces (Xiao et al. 2013) in addition to a persistence of axonal branches with calyces and increased multi-calyceal innervation (Kronander et al. 2019). Similarly, calyces fail to form when synaptic transmission is impaired by genetic deletion of dynamins (Fan et al. 2016). ...
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Key points During development the giant, auditory calyx of Held forms a one‐to‐one connection with a principal neuron of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. While anatomical studies described that most of the target cells are temporarily contacted by multiple calyces, multi‐calyceal innervation was only sporadically observed in in vivo recordings, suggesting a structure–function discrepancy. We correlated synaptic strength of inputs, identified in in vivo recordings, with post hoc labelling of the recorded neuron and synaptic terminals containing vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluT). During development only one input increased to the level of the calyx of Held synapse, and its strength correlated with the large VGluT cluster contacting the postsynaptic soma. As neither competing strong inputs nor multiple large VGluT clusters on a single cell were observed, our findings did not indicate a structure–function discrepancy. Abstract In adult rodents, a principal neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid (MNTB) is generally contacted by a single, giant axosomatic terminal called the calyx of Held. How this one‐on‐one relation is established is still unknown, but anatomical evidence suggests that during development principal neurons are innervated by multiple calyces, which may indicate calyceal competition. However, in vivo electrophysiological recordings from principal neurons indicated that only a single strong synaptic connection forms per cell. To test whether a mismatch exists between synaptic strength and terminal size, we compared the strength of synaptic inputs with the morphology of the synaptic terminals. In vivo whole‐cell recordings of the MNTB neurons from newborn Wistar rats of either sex were made while stimulating their afferent axons, allowing us to identify multiple inputs. The strength of the strongest input increased to calyceal levels in a few days across cells, while the strength of the second strongest input was stable. The recorded cells were subsequently immunolabelled for vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluT) to reveal axosomatic terminals with structured‐illumination microscopy. Synaptic strength of the strongest input was correlated with the contact area of the largest VGluT cluster at the soma (r = 0.8), and no indication of a mismatch between structure and strength was observed. Together, our data agree with a developmental scheme in which one input strengthens and becomes the calyx of Held, but not with multi‐calyceal competition.
... Even if we grant that these three cells demonstrate multi-calyceal competition, we identify, from our earlier (3/132 cells) and the current (0/32 cells) experiments, <10% of rat principal neurons with multi-calyceal innervation during development. These values are comparable to the 1% reported in a pre-hearing mouse study (Kronander et al. 2019) and to our earlier study in P9 rats, in which 1 of 86 cells showed two large, perisomatic VGluT clusters (Rodríguez-Contreras et al. 2006). Even though we cannot exclude having missed calyces due to low VGluT expression, we conclude that multi-calyceal competition is unlikely to significantly contribute to the development of the rat calyx of Held synapse. ...
... In the fruit fly postsynaptic activity stimulates the release of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) homologue, which promotes active zone development and NMJ growth (Berke et al. 2013(Berke et al. , 2019. Mice with conditionally deleted BMP receptor 1 and 2 show deficits in transmitter release and smaller calyces (Xiao et al. 2013) in addition to a persistence of axonal branches with calyces and increased multi-calyceal innervation (Kronander et al. 2019). Similarly, calyces fail to form when synaptic transmission is impaired by genetic deletion of dynamins (Fan et al. 2016). ...
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In adult rodents, a principal neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid (MNTB) is generally contacted by a single, giant axosomatic terminal called the calyx of Held. How this one-on-one relation is established is still unknown, but anatomical evidence suggests that during development principal neurons are innervated by multiple calyces, which may indicate calyceal competition. However, in vivo electrophysiological recordings from principal neurons indicated that only a single strong synaptic connection forms per cell. To test whether a mismatch exists between synaptic strength and terminal size, we compared the strength of synaptic inputs with the morphology of the synaptic terminals. In vivo whole-cell recordings of the MNTB neurons from newborn Wistar rats of either sex were made while stimulating their afferent axons, allowing us to identify multiple inputs. The strength of the strongest input increased to calyceal levels in a few days across cells, while the strength of the second strongest input was stable. The recorded cells were subsequently immunolabeled for vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluT) to reveal axosomatic terminals with structured-illumination microscopy. Synaptic strength of the strongest input was correlated with the contact area of the largest VGluT cluster at the soma ( r = 0.8), and no indication of a mismatch between structure and strength was observed. Together, our data agree with a developmental scheme in which one input strengthens and becomes the calyx of Held, but not with multi-calyceal competition. Key points summary During development the giant, auditory calyx of Held forms a one-to-one connection with a principal neuron of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. While anatomical studies described that most of the target cells are temporarily contacted by multiple calyces, multi-calyceal innervation was only sporadically observed in in vivo recordings, suggesting a structure-function discrepancy. We correlated synaptic strength of inputs, identified in in vivo recordings, with post hoc labeling of the recorded neuron and synaptic terminals containing vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluT). During development only one input increased to the level of the calyx of Held synapse, and its strength correlated with the large VGluT cluster contacting the postsynaptic soma. As neither competing strong inputs nor multiple large VGluT clusters on a single cell were observed, our findings did not indicate a structure-function discrepancy.
... Presumably, the protcalyces that display weaker activity are detected and eliminated. However, this mechanism has yet to be unraveled (Kronander et al., 2019;Sierksma et al., 2020;Sierksma et al., 2017). Some developmental studies have pointed to microglia, the brain's immune cells, as potential candidates for synaptic pruning and circuit formation (Bilimoria and Stevens, 2015;Erblich et al., 2011;Favuzzi et al., 2021;Hoshiko et al., 2012;Kettenmann et al., 2013;Matcovitch-Natan et al., 2016;Milinkeviciute et al., 2019;Paolicelli et al., 2011;Schafer et al., 2012). ...
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Neural circuits in the auditory brainstem compute interaural time and intensity differences used to determine the locations of sound sources. These circuits display features that are specialized for these functions. The projection from the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid (MNTB) body travels along highly myelinated fibers and terminates in the calyx of Held. This monoinnervating synapse emerges during development as multiple inputs are eliminated. We previously demonstrated that elimination of microglia with a colony stimulating factor-1 inhibitor results in impaired synaptic pruning so that multiple calyceal terminals reside on principal cells of MNTB. This inhibitor also resulted in impaired auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), with elevated thresholds and increased peak latencies. Loss of the microglial fractalkine receptor, CX3CR1, decreased peak latencies in the ABR. The mechanisms underlying these effects are not known. One prominent microglial signaling pathway involved in synaptic pruning and plasticity during development and aging is the C1q-initiated compliment cascade. Here we investigated the classical complement pathway initiator, C1q, in auditory brainstem maturation. We found that C1q expression is detected in the MNTB by the first postnatal week. C1q levels increased with age and were detected within microglia and surrounding the soma of MNTB principal neurons. Loss of C1q did not affect microglia-dependent calyceal pruning. Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic markers in the MNTB and LSO were not altered with C1q deletion. ABRs showed that C1q KO mice had normal hearing thresholds but shortened peak latencies. Altogether this study uncovers the developmental time frame of C1q expression in the sound localization pathway and shows a subtle functional consequence of C1q knockdown.
... In addition to the large excitatory (glutamatergic) calyceal input, MNTB neurons also receive non-calyceal excitatory inputs (Hamann et al., 2003) and somatic inhibitory inputs from different origins (Awatramani et al., 2004), making it an ideal model system to study neural circuit development (Holcomb et al., 2013), as well as neural code integration. Electrophysiological studies of the MNTB are oftentimes complemented by gross morphological analysis using optical approaches [e.g., intracellular calcium sensitive dyes (Helmchen et al., 1997), genetically encoded fluorophores (Kronander et al., 2018), and dextran dyes conjugated with fluorophores (Grande and Wang, 2011)]. Since its first description by Held (1893), a number of studies, primarily using electron microscopy (EM), have been carried out in the MNTB (Lenn and Reese, 1966;Nakajima, 1971;Jean-Baptiste and Morest, 1975;Rowland et al., 2000;Sätzler et al., 2002;Taschenberger et al., 2002). ...
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The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) is an integral component of the auditory brainstem circuitry involved in sound localization. The giant presynaptic nerve terminal with multiple active zones, the calyx of Held (CH), is a hallmark of this nucleus, which mediates fast and synchronized glutamatergic synaptic transmission. To delineate how these synaptic structures adapt to reduced auditory afferents due to aging, we acquired and reconstructed circuitry-level volumes of mouse MNTB at different ages (3 weeks, 6, 18, and 24 months) using serial block-face electron microscopy. We used C57BL/6J, the most widely inbred mouse strain used for transgenic lines, which displays a type of age-related hearing loss. We found that MNTB neurons reduce in density with age. Surprisingly we observed an average of approximately 10% of poly-innervated MNTB neurons along the mouse lifespan, with prevalence in the low frequency region. Moreover, a tonotopy-dependent heterogeneity in CH morphology was observed in young but not in older mice. In conclusion, our data support the notion that age-related hearing impairments can be in part a direct consequence of several structural alterations and circuit remodeling in the brainstem.
... Axon guidance molecules such as ephrin-B2, Netrin-1, DCC, and Robo3 guide GBC axons across the midline toward contralateral MNTB (Howell et al., 2007;Hsieh et al., 2010;Yu and Goodrich, 2014). Bone morphogenic protein (BMP)-receptor signaling early in development is required for correct GBC axonal targeting, pruning, and calyceal growth (Kolson et al., 2016b;Kronander et al., 2019). BMP signaling is altered in autism model organisms, and in humans, several signaling pathways associated with BMP are disrupted in ASD (Kumar et al., 2019). ...
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Sound localization requires rapid interpretation of signal speed, intensity, and frequency. Precise neurotransmission of auditory signals relies on specialized auditory brainstem synapses including the calyx of Held, the large encapsulating input to principal neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). During development, synapses in the MNTB are established, eliminated, and strengthened, thereby forming an excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) synapse profile. However, in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), E/I neurotransmission is altered, and auditory phenotypes emerge anatomically, molecularly, and functionally. Here we review factors required for normal synapse development in this auditory brainstem pathway and discuss how it is affected by mutations in ASD-linked genes.
... Likely candidates are secreted proteins such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and membrane-bound signaling molecules like Notch ligands. In mice, BMP signaling is required for development of the calyx of Held, which is a large axon terminal that has similar structure to the vestibular afferent calyx on Type I hair cells but lies presynaptic to neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (Xiao et al., 2013;Kronander et al., 2019). Notch signaling regulates the density and morphology of dendritic spines, which are postsynaptic structures, in the brains of adult mice (Alberi et al., 2011;Prox et al., 2013). ...
The sense of balance relies on vestibular hair cells, which detect head motions. Mammals have two types of vestibular hair cell, I and II, with unique morphological, molecular, and physiological properties. Furthermore, each hair cell type synapses on a unique form of afferent nerve terminal. Little is known about the mechanisms in mature animals that maintain the specific features of each hair cell type or its post-synaptic innervation. We found that deletion of the transcription factor Sox2 from type II hair cells in adult mice of both sexes caused many cells in utricles to acquire features unique to type I hair cells and to lose type II-specific features. This cellular transdifferentiation, which included changes in nuclear size, chromatin condensation, soma and stereocilium morphology, and marker expression, resulted in a significantly higher proportion of type I-like hair cells in all epithelial zones. Furthermore, Sox2 deletion from type II hair cells triggered non-cell autonomous changes in vestibular afferent neurons; they retracted bouton terminals (normally present on only type II cells) from transdifferentiating hair cells and replaced them with a calyx terminal (normally present on only type I cells). These changes were accompanied by significant expansion of the utricle's central zone, called the striola. Our study presents the first example of a transcription factor required to maintain the type-specific hair cell phenotype in adult inner ears. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a single genetic change in type II hair cells is sufficient to alter the morphology of their post-synaptic partners, the vestibular afferent neurons.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT:The sense of balance relies on two types of sensory cells in the inner ear - type I and type II hair cells. These two cell types have unique properties. Furthermore, their post-synaptic partners, the vestibular afferent neurons, have differently shaped terminals on type I versus type II hair cells. We show that the transcription factor Sox2 is required to maintain the cell-specific features of type II hair cells and their post-synaptic terminals in adult mice. This is the first evidence of a molecule that maintains the phenotypes of hair cells and, non-cell autonomously, their post-synaptic partners in mature animals.
During development and adulthood, the normal activity of the auditory nerve plays a critical role in the maintenance of both fundamental structural, molecular, and functional parameters of auditory nerve synapses, and the postsynaptic excitatory or inhibitory neurons within the cochlear nucleus (CN). In addition, normal activity within the synaptic circuits of the CN is key to developing and maintaining appropriate synapse connectivity as well as the initiation of binaural sound processing in the superior olivary complex (SOC). Development plays a critical role in the proper neuronal connectivity and establishes a topographic map along the entire auditory pathway. Furthermore, evidence shows that neurons and synaptic circuits in the auditory brainstem are not hard-wired, but instead are plastic in response to hearing deficits. Whether this plasticity in response to hearing loss is compensatory or pathological is still unknown.
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Parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons (PV-INs) mediate well-timed inhibition of cortical principal neurons, and plasticity of these interneurons is involved in map remodeling of primary sensory cortices during critical periods of development. To assess whether bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling contributes to the developmental acquisition of the synapse- and plasticity properties of PV-INs, we investigated conditional/conventional double KO mice of BMP-receptor 1a (BMPR1a; targeted to PV-INs) and 1b (BMPR1a/1b (c)DKO mice). We report that spike-timing dependent LTP at the synapse between PV-INs and principal neurons of layer 4 in the auditory cortex was absent, concomitant with a decreased paired-pulse ratio (PPR). On the other hand, baseline synaptic transmission at this connection, and action potential (AP) firing rates of PV-INs were unchanged. To explore possible gene expression targets of BMP signaling, we measured the mRNA levels of the BDNF receptor TrkB and of P/Q-type Ca2+ channel α-subunits, but did not detect expression changes of the corresponding genes in PV-INs of BMPR1a/1b (c)DKO mice. Our study suggests that BMP-signaling in PV-INs during and shortly after the critical period is necessary for the expression of LTP at PV-IN output synapses, involving gene expression programs that need to be addressed in future work.
Synopsis The central auditory system contains specialized nuclei, synapses, and connections between them. This chapter considers the developmental mechanisms adapted to the formation of these nuclei and neuronal circuits.
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Transmitter release at synapses is regulated by preceding neuronal activity, which can give rise to short-term enhancement of release like post-tetanic potentiation (PTP). Diacylglycerol (DAG) and Protein-kinase C (PKC) signaling in the nerve terminal have been widely implicated in the short-term modulation of transmitter release, but the target protein of PKC phosphorylation during short-term enhancement has remained unknown. Here, we use a gene-replacement strategy at the calyx of Held, a large CNS model synapse that expresses robust PTP, to study the molecular mechanisms of PTP. We find that two PKC phosphorylation sites of Munc18-1 are critically important for PTP, which identifies the presynaptic target protein for the action of PKC during PTP. Pharmacological experiments show that a phosphatase normally limits the duration of PTP, and that PTP is initiated by the action of a ‘conventional’ PKC isoform. Thus, a dynamic PKC phosphorylation/de-phosphorylation cycle of Munc18-1 drives short-term enhancement of transmitter release during PTP.
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The calyx of Held, a large axo-somatic relay synapse containing hundreds of presynaptic active zones, is possibly the largest nerve terminal in the mammalian CNS. Studying its initial growth in-vitro might provide insights into the specification of synaptic connection size in the developing brain. However, attempts to maintain calyces of Held in organotypic cultures have not been fruitful in past studies. Here, we describe an organotypic slice culture method in which calyces of Held form in-vitro. We made coronal brainstem slices with an optimized slice angle using newborn mice in which calyces have not yet formed; the presynaptic bushy cells were genetically labeled using the Math5 promoter. After six to nine days of culturing, we readily observed large Math5—positive nerve terminals in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), but not in the neighboring lateral superior olive nucleus (LSO). These calyx—like synapses expressed the Ca²⁺- sensor Synaptotagmin-2 (Syt-2) and the Ca²⁺ binding protein Parvalbumin (PV), two markers of developing calyces of Held in vivo. Application of the BMP inhibitor LDN-193189 significantly inhibited the growth of calyx synapses, demonstrating the feasibility of long-term pharmacological manipulation using this organotypic culture method. These experiments provide a method for organotypic culturing of calyces of Held, and show that the formation of calyx—like synapses onto MNTB neurons can be preserved in-vitro. Furthermore, our study adds pharmacological evidence for a role of BMP-signaling in the formation of large calyx of Held synapses.
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During development, the organization of the auditory system into distinct functional subcircuits depends on the spatially and temporally ordered sequence of neuronal specification, differentiation, migration and connectivity. Regional patterning along the antero-posterior axis and neuronal subtype specification along the dorso-ventral axis intersect to determine proper neuronal fate and assembly of rhombomere-specific auditory subcircuits. By taking advantage of the increasing number of transgenic mouse lines, recent studies have expanded the knowledge of developmental mechanisms involved in the formation and refinement of the auditory system. Here, we summarize several findings dealing with the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie the assembly of central auditory subcircuits during mouse development, focusing primarily on the rhombomeric and dorso-ventral origin of auditory nuclei and their associated molecular genetic pathways.
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Unlabelled: Giant presynaptic terminal brain slice preparations have allowed intracellular recording of electrical signals and molecular loading, elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neurotransmission and modulation. However, molecular genetic manipulation or optical imaging in these preparations is hampered by factors, such as tissue longevity and background fluorescence. To overcome these difficulties, we developed a giant presynaptic terminal culture preparation, which allows genetic manipulation and enables optical measurements of synaptic vesicle dynamics, simultaneously with presynaptic electrical signal recordings. This giant synapse reconstructed from dissociated mouse brainstem neurons resembles the development of native calyceal giant synapses in several respects. Thus, this novel preparation constitutes a powerful tool for studying molecular mechanisms of neurotransmission, neuromodulation, and neuronal development. Significance statement: We have developed a novel culture preparation of giant mammalian synapses. These presynaptic terminals make it possible to perform optical imaging simultaneously with presynaptic electrophysiological recording. We demonstrate that this enables one to dissect endocytic and acidification times of synaptic vesicles. In addition, developmental elimination and functional maturation in this cultured preparation provide a useful model for studying presynaptic development. Because this giant synapse preparation allows molecular genetic manipulations, it constitutes a powerful new tool for studying molecular mechanisms of neurotransmission, neuromodulation, and neuronal development.
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Action potential timing is fundamental to information processing; however, its determinants are not fully understood. Here we report unexpected structural specializations in the Ranvier nodes and internodes of auditory brainstem axons involved in sound localization. Myelination properties deviated significantly from the traditionally assumed structure. Axons responding best to low-frequency sounds had a larger diameter than high-frequency axons but, surprisingly, shorter internodes. Simulations predicted that this geometry helps to adjust the conduction velocity and timing of action potentials within the circuit. Electrophysiological recordings in vitro and in vivo confirmed higher conduction velocities in low-frequency axons. Moreover, internode length decreased and Ranvier node diameter increased progressively along the distal axon segments, which simulations show was essential to ensure precisely timed depolarization of the giant calyx of Held presynaptic terminal. Thus, individual anatomical parameters of myelinated axons can be tuned to optimize pathways involved in temporal processing.
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A defining feature of the mammalian auditory system is the extensive processing of sound information in numerous ultrafast and temporally precise circuits in the hindbrain. By exploiting the experimental advantages of mouse genetics, recent years have witnessed an impressive advance in our understanding of developmental mechanisms involved in the formation and refinement of these circuits. Here, we will summarize the progress made in four major fields: the dissection of the rhombomeric origins of auditory hindbrain nuclei; the molecular repertoire involved in circuit formation such as Hox transcription factors and the Eph-ephrin signaling system; the timeline of functional circuit assembly; and the critical role of spontaneous activity for circuit refinement. In total, this information provides a solid framework for further exploration of the factors shaping auditory hindbrain circuits and their specializations. A comprehensive understanding of the developmental pathways and instructive factors will also offer important clues to the causes and consequences of hearing-loss related disorders, which represent the most common sensory impairment in humans.
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Background Manipulation of gene expression via recombinant viral vectors and creation of transgenic knock-out/in animals has revolutionized our understanding of genes that play critical roles during neuronal development and pathophysiology of neurological disorders. Recently, target-specific genetic manipulations are made possible to perform in combination with specific Cre-lines, albeit costly, labor-intensive and time consuming. Thus, alternative methods of gene manipulations to address important biological questions are highly desirable. In this study, we utilized in utero electroporation technique which involves efficient delivery of hindbrain-specific enhancer/promoter construct, Krox20 into the third ventricle of live mouse embryo to investigate green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression pattern in mouse auditory brainstem and other hindbrain neurons.ResultsWe created a GFP/DNA construct containing a Krox20 B enhancer and ß-globin promoter to drive GFP expression in the hindbrain via injection into the third ventricle of E12 to E13.5 mice. Electrical currents were applied directly to the embryonic hindbrain to allow DNA uptake into the cell. Confocal images were then acquired from fixed brain slices to analyze GFP expression in mouse whole brain at different postnatal stages (P6-P21). By using a cell-type specific enhancer as well as region specific injection and electroporation, robust GFP expression in the cerebellum and auditory brainstem but not in the forebrain was observed. GFP expression in calyx of Held terminals was more robust in P15 mice. In contrast, GFP expression in MNTB neurons was more prevalent in >P15 compared to <P15. In regards to the relative expression of GFP versus the synaptic marker Vglut1, percentage fluorescence GFP intensity in the calyx was higher in P11 to P15 than P6 to P10 and P16 to P21 groups.Conclusions Taken together, this technique would potentially allow hindbrain-specific genetic manipulations such as knock-down, knock-in and rescue experiments to unravel critical molecular substrates underpinning functional and morphological remodeling of synapses as well as understanding the pathophysiology of certain neurological disorders targeting not only the auditory brainstem but also other parts of hindbrain, most notably the cerebellum.
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Hallmark features of neural circuit development include early exuberant innervation followed by competition and pruning to mature innervation topography. Several neural systems, including the neuromuscular junction and climbing fiber innervation of Purkinje cells, are models to study neural development in part because they establish a recognizable endpoint of monoinnervation of their targets and because the presynaptic terminals are large and easily monitored. We demonstrate here that calyx of Held (CH) innervation of its target, which forms a key element of auditory brainstem binaural circuitry, exhibits all of these characteristics. To investigate CH development, we made the first application of serial block-face scanning electron microscopy to neural development with fine temporal resolution and thereby accomplished the first time series for 3D ultrastructural analysis of neural circuit formation. This approach revealed a growth spurt of added apposed surface area (ASA) >200 μm(2)/d centered on a single age at postnatal day 3 in mice and an initial rapid phase of growth and competition that resolved to monoinnervation in two-thirds of cells within 3 d. This rapid growth occurred in parallel with an increase in action potential threshold, which may mediate selection of the strongest input as the winning competitor. ASAs of competing inputs were segregated on the cell body surface. These data suggest mechanisms to select "winning" inputs by regional reinforcement of postsynaptic membrane to mediate size and strength of competing synaptic inputs.
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Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is critical for cerebellum development. However, the details of receptor regulated-Smad (R-Smad) and common partner Smad (Co-Smad, or Smad4) involvement are unclear. Here, we report that cerebellum-specific double conditional inactivation of Smad1 and Smad5 (Smad1/5) results in cerebellar hypoplasia, reduced granule cell numbers, and disorganized Purkinje neuron migration during embryonic development. However, single conditional inactivation of either Smad1 or Smad5 did not result in cerebellar abnormalities. Surprisingly, conditional inactivation of Smad4, which is considered to be the central mediator of canonical BMP-Smad signaling, resulted only in very mild cerebellar defects. Conditional inactivation of Smad1/5 led to developmental defects in the anterior rhombic lip (ARL), as shown by reduced cell proliferation and loss of Pax6 and Atoh1 expression. These defects subsequently caused the loss of the nuclear transitory zone and a region of the deep cerebellar nuclei. The normal maturation of the remaining granule cell precursors in the external granular layer (EGL) suggests Smad1/5 signaling is required for the specification process in ARL but not for the subsequent EGL development. Our results demonstrate functional redundancy for Smad1 and Smad5 but functional discrepancy between Smad1/5 and Smad4 during cerebellum development.
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Hypothalamic neural circuits are known to regulate energy homeostasis and feeding behavior, but how these circuits are established during development is not well understood. Here we report that embryonic neural progenitors that express the transcription factor OLIG1 contribute neurons to the ventral hypothalamus including the arcuate nucleus (ARH), a center that regulates feeding behavior. Ablation of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1a (BMPR1A) in the OLIG1 lineage resulted in hypophagia, hypoglycemia, and weight loss after the second postnatal week with death by week 4. Differentiation and specification of inhibitory hypothalamic neurons contributing to melanocortin and dopaminergic systems were abnormal in the BMPR1A-deficient ARH. Although the hypophagia promoted expression of the orexigenic neuropeptide agouti related protein (AgRP) in the BMPR1A-deficient ARH, there was a profound decrease of AgRP(+) axonal terminals in the mutant ARH targets including dorsomedial and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei. Projection of AgRP(+) neurons to these nuclei is known to be regulated by leptin. Leptin injection in neonatal mice increased bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signaling in the ventral hypothalamus, and blocking BMP signaling prevented leptin-induced neurite outgrowth in ARH explant cultures. These findings suggest that BMPR1A signaling is critical for postnatal establishment of leptin-responsive orexigenic fibers from ARH to multiple hypothalamic nuclei. More generally these observations indicate that BMPR1A signaling regulates postnatal establishment of OLIG1 lineage-derived ARH neuronal circuits that are critical for leptin-mediated feeding behavior.
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Histogenesis of the auditory system requires extensive molecular orchestration. Recently, Dicer1, an essential gene for generation of microRNAs, and miR-96 were shown to be important for development of the peripheral auditory system. Here, we investigated their role for the formation of the auditory brainstem. Egr2::Cre-mediated early embryonic ablation of Dicer1 caused severe disruption of auditory brainstem structures. In adult animals, the volume of the cochlear nucleus complex (CNC) was reduced by 73.5%. This decrease is in part attributed to the lack of the microneuronal shell. In contrast, fusiform cells, which similar to the granular cells of the microneural shell are derived from Egr2 positive cells, were still present. The volume reduction of the CNC was already present at birth (67.2% decrease). The superior olivary complex was also drastically affected in these mice. Nissl staining as well as Vglut1 and Calbindin 1 immunolabeling revealed that principal SOC nuclei such as the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body and the lateral superior olive were absent. Only choline acetyltransferase positive neurons of the olivocochlear bundle were observed as a densely packed cell group in the ventrolateral area of the SOC. Mid-embryonic ablation of Dicer1 in the ventral cochlear nucleus by Atoh7::Cre-mediated recombination resulted in normal formation of the cochlear nucleus complex, indicating an early embryonic requirement of Dicer1. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of miR-96 demonstrated low expression in the embryonic brainstem and up-regulation thereafter, suggesting that other microRNAs are required for proper histogenesis of the auditory brainstem. Together our data identify a critical role of Dicer activity during embryonic development of the auditory brainstem.
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Author Summary Brain functions rely on highly selective neuronal networks which are assembled during development. Network assembly involves targeted neuronal growth followed by recognition of the appropriate target cells and selective synapse formation. How neuronal processes select their appropriate target cells from an array of interaction partners is poorly understood. In this study, we have addressed this question for the axons emerging from the pontine gray nucleus, a major brainstem nucleus that relays information between the cortex and the cerebellum, a brain area responsible for the control of skilled movements but also emotional processing. Using advanced microscopy techniques, we find that developing mossy fibers establish synaptic contacts rather promiscuously, and elaborate extensive synapses with Purkinje cells, an inappropriate target. These contacts are subsequently eliminated, and proper synaptic connectivity is then restricted to granule and Golgi neurons. We identify bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) as a regulator of these inappropriate mossy fiber-Purkinje cell contacts. BMP growth factors are best known for their functions in cell specification during embryonic development, and our results support an additional retrograde signaling function between axons and their target cells in early postnatal stages. In summary, we show that the specificity of the synaptic connections in the ponto-cerebellar circuit emerges through extensive elimination of transient synapses.
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In Bilateria, many axons cross the midline of the central nervous system, forming well-defined commissures. Whereas in mammals the functions of commissures in the forebrain and in the visual system are well established, functions at other axial levels are less clearly understood. Here, we have dissected the function of several hindbrain commissures using genetic methods. By taking advantage of multiple Cre transgenic lines, we have induced site-specific deletions of the Robo3 receptor. These lines developed with the disruption of specific commissures in the sensory, motor, and sensorimotor systems, resulting in severe and permanent functional deficits. We show that mice with severely reduced commissures in rhombomeres 5 and 3 have abnormal lateral eye movements and auditory brainstem responses, respectively, whereas mice with a primarily uncrossed climbing fiber/Purkinje cell projection are strongly ataxic. Surprisingly, although rerouted axons remain ipsilateral, they still project to their appropriate neuronal targets. Moreover, some Cre;Robo3 lines represent potential models that can be used to study human syndromes, including horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis (HGPPS). To our knowledge, this study is one of the first to link defects in commissural axon guidance with specific cellular and behavioral phenotypes.
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Neuronal outgrowth occurs via coordinated remodeling of the cytoskeleton involving both actin and microtubules. Microtubule stabilization drives the extending neurite, yet little is known of the molecular mechanisms whereby extracellular cues regulate microtubule dynamics. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play an important role in neuronal differentiation and morphogenesis, and BMP7 in particular induces the formation of dendrites. Here, we show that BMP7 induces stabilization of microtubules in both a MAP2-dependent neuronal cell culture model and in dendrites of primary cortical neurons. BMP7 rapidly activates c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs), known regulators of microtubule dynamics, and we show that JNKs associate with the carboxy terminus of the BMP receptor, BMPRII. Activation and binding of JNKs to BMPRII is required for BMP7-induced microtubule stabilization and for BMP7-mediated dendrite formation in primary cortical neurons. These data indicate that BMPRII acts as a scaffold to localize and coordinate cytoskeletal remodeling and thereby provides an efficient means for extracellular cues, such as BMPs, to control neuronal dendritogenesis.
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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) exhibit broad spectra of biological activities in various tissues, including bone, cartilage, blood vessels, heart, kidney, neurons, liver and lung. BMPs are members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family that bind to type II and type I serine-threonine kinase receptors, and transduce signals through Smad and non-Smad signalling pathways. Recent findings have revealed that BMP signalling is finely tuned by various mechanisms in both positive and negative fashions. Perturbations of BMP signalling pathways are linked to a wide variety of clinical disorders, including vascular diseases, skeletal diseases and cancer. Administration of recombinant BMP ligands and increasing endogenous expression of BMPs provide therapeutic effects on some diseases. The recent development of BMP receptor inhibitors may also prove useful for some clinical diseases induced by hyperactivation of the BMP signalling pathways.
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Atoh1 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor necessary for the specification of inner ear hair cells and central auditory system neurons derived from the rhombic lip. We used the Cre-loxP system and two Cre-driver lines (Egr2(Cre) and Hoxb1(Cre)) to delete Atoh1 from different regions of the cochlear nucleus (CN) and accessory auditory nuclei (AAN). Adult Atoh1-conditional knock-out mice (Atoh1(CKO)) are behaviorally deaf, have diminished auditory brainstem evoked responses, and have disrupted CN and AAN morphology and connectivity. In addition, Egr2; Atoh1(CKO) mice lose spiral ganglion neurons in the cochlea and AAN neurons during the first 3 d of life, revealing a novel critical period in the development of these neurons. These new mouse models of predominantly central deafness illuminate the importance of the CN for support of a subset of peripheral and central auditory neurons.
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Several different populations of interneurons in the murine cortex, including somatostatin (SST)- or parvalbumin (PV)-expressing cells, are born in the ventral ganglionic eminences during mid-gestation and then migrate tangentially to the cortex. SST is expressed by some interneuron progenitors in the cerebral cortex and in migrating populations in the ventrolateral cortex at birth. However, PV (also known as PVALB) is not expressed by interneurons until the second postnatal week after reaching the cortex, suggesting that molecular cues in the cerebral cortex might be involved in the differentiation process. BMP4 is expressed at high levels in the somatosensory cortex at the time when the PV(+) interneurons differentiate. Treatment of cortical cultures containing interneuron precursors is sufficient to generate PV(+) interneurons prematurely and inhibit SST differentiation. Furthermore, overexpression of BMP4 in vivo increases the number of interneurons expressing PV, with a reduction in the number of SST(+) interneurons. PV(+) interneurons in the cortex express BMP type I receptors and a subpopulation displays activated BMP signaling, assessed by downstream molecules including phosphorylated SMAD1/5/8. Conditional mutation of BMP type I receptors in interneuron precursors significantly reduces the number of cortical PV(+) interneurons in the adult brain. Thus, BMP4 signaling through type I receptors regulates the differentiation of two major medial ganglionic eminence-derived interneuron populations and defines their relative numbers in the cortex.
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The cochlear nucleus (CN), which consists of dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei (DCN and VCN), plays pivotal roles in processing and relaying auditory information to the brain. Although it contains various types of neurons, the origins of the distinct subtypes and their developmental molecular machinery are still elusive. Here we reveal that two basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors play crucial roles in specifying neuron subtypes in the CN. Pancreatic transcription factor 1a (Ptf1a) and atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1) were found to be expressed in discrete dorsolateral regions of the embryonic neuroepithelia of the middle hindbrain (rhombomeres 2-5). Genetic lineage tracing using mice that express Cre recombinase from the Ptf1a locus or under the control of the Atoh1 promoter revealed that inhibitory (GABAergic and glycinergic) or excitatory (glutamatergic) neurons of both DCN and VCN are derived from the Ptf1a- and Atoh1-expressing neuroepithelial regions, respectively. In the Ptf1a or Atoh1 null embryos, production of inhibitory or excitatory neurons, respectively, was severely inhibited in the CN. These findings suggest that inhibitory and excitatory subtypes of CN neurons are defined by Ptf1a and Atoh1, respectively and, furthermore, provide important insights into understanding the machinery of neuron subtype specification in the dorsal hindbrain.
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The actin cytoskeleton inside extending axonal and dendritic processes must undergo continuous assembly and disassembly. Some extrinsic factors modulate actin turnover through controlling the activity of LIM kinase 1 (LIMK1), which phosphorylates and inactivates the actin depolymerizing factor cofilin. Here, we for the first time examine the function and regulation of LIMK1 in vivo in the vertebrate nervous system. Upon expression of wildtype or kinase-dead forms of the protein, dendrite growth by Xenopus retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) was unchanged. In contrast, maintaining a low, but significant level, of LIMK1 function in the RGC axon is critical for proper extension. Interestingly, bone morphogenetic protein receptor II (BMPRII) is a major regulator of LIMK1 in extending RGC axons, as expression of a BMPRII lacking the LIMK1 binding region caused a dramatic shortening of the axons. Previously, we found that BMPRIIs stimulate dendrite initiation in vivo. Thus, the fact that manipulation of LIMK1 activity failed to alter dendrite growth suggests that BMPs may activate distinct signalling pathways in axons and dendrites.
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The vertebrate hindbrain is transiently segmented during its early development with the formation of reiterated bulges, the rhombomeres (r). The Krox-20 gene, which encodes a zinc finger transcription factor, has been shown previously to be implicated in the maintenance of r3 and r5 (Schneider-Maunoury, S., Topilko, P., Seitanidou, T., Levi, G., Cohen-Tannoudji, M., Pournin, S., Babinet, C. and Charnay, P. (1993) Cell 75, 1199-1214; Swiatek, P. J. and Gridley, T. (1993) Genes Dev. 7, 2071-2084. However, it was not clear from these analyses how extensive the deletion of r3 and r5 was and whether the overall segmentation and internal architecture of the hindbrain was affected. We have now reinvestigated these issues by analysis of rhombomere boundaries, using both morphological and molecular markers, and of the fate of specific motor neuron populations, using retrograde and anterograde carbocyanine dye tracing. We conclude that r3 and r5 and their derivatives are completely eliminated in Krox-20(-/-) embryos while overall hindbrain segmentation is maintained. In addition, we show that the disappearance of these territories has important consequences for even-numbered rhombomeres as well, in particular on axonal navigation: (i) a population of r6 motoneurons, presumably normally fated to join the glossopharyngeal nerve, has its axons misrouted toward the facial exit point in r4; (ii) the trigeminal motor axons are also misrouted, presumably because of the proximity of the trigeminal and facial exit points. They fasciculate with facial axons outside the neural tube and enter the second branchial arch instead of the first arch. This navigational error could explain the disappearance, at around 17.5 dpc, of the trigeminal motor nucleus in Krox-20(-/-) embryos by inadequate supply of essential, possibly arch-specific survival factors.
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Characterization of bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR) expression during development is necessary for understanding the role of these factors during neural maturation. In this study, in situ hybridization analyses demonstrate that BMP-specific type I (BMPR-IA and BMPR-IB) and type II (BMPR-II) receptor mRNAs are expressed at significant levels in multiple regions of the CNS, cranial ganglia, and peripheral sensory and autonomic ganglia during the embryonic and neonatal periods. All three BMP receptor subunits are expressed within periventricular generative zones. BMPR-IA is more abundant than the other receptor subtypes, with widespread expression in the brain, cranial ganglia, and peripheral ganglia. By contrast, BMPR-IB mRNA displays significant expression within more restricted regions, including the anterior olfactory nuclei. BMPR-II mRNA exhibits peak expression within the cerebellar Purkinje cell layer and the hippocampus, as well as within cranial ganglia. The distribution of BMP receptors within large neurons in adult dorsal root ganglia suggested a possible role in regulating expression of the neurotrophin receptor trkC. This hypothesis was tested in explant cultures of embryonic day 15 (E15) and postnatal day 1 (P1) sympathetic superior cervical ganglia (SCG). Treatment of the E15 or the P1 SCG with BMP-2 induced expression of trkC mRNA and responsiveness of sympathetic neurons to NT3 as measured by neurite outgrowth. The pattern of expression of BMP receptors in embryonic brain suggests several potentially novel areas for further developmental analysis and supports numerous recent studies that indicate that BMPs have a broad range of cellular functions during neural development and in adult life.
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Mice carrying a targeted disruption of BmprIB were generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. BmprIB(-/-) mice are viable and, in spite of the widespread expression of BMPRIB throughout the developing skeleton, exhibit defects that are largely restricted to the appendicular skeleton. Using molecular markers, we show that the initial formation of the digital rays occurs normally in null mutants, but proliferation of prechondrogenic cells and chondrocyte differentiation in the phalangeal region are markedly reduced. Our results suggest that BMPRIB-mediated signaling is required for cell proliferation after commitment to the chondrogenic lineage. Analyses of BmprIB and Gdf5 single mutants, as well as BmprIB; Gdf5 double mutants suggests that GDF5 is a ligand for BMPRIB in vivo. BmprIB; Bmp7 double mutants were constructed in order to examine whether BMPRIB has overlapping functions with other type I BMP receptors. BmprIB; Bmp7 double mutants exhibit severe appendicular skeletal defects, suggesting that BMPRIB and BMP7 act in distinct, but overlapping pathways. These results also demonstrate that in the absence of BMPRIB, BMP7 plays an essential role in appendicular skeletal development. Therefore, rather than having a unique role, BMPRIB has broadly overlapping functions with other BMP receptors during skeletal development.
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Early in its development, the vertebrate hindbrain is transiently subdivided into a series of compartments called rhombomeres. Genes have been identified whose expression patterns distinguish these cellular compartments. Two of these genes, Hoxa1 and Hoxa2, have been shown to be required for proper patterning of the early mouse hindbrain and the associated neural crest. To determine the extent to which these two genes function together to pattern the hindbrain, we generated mice simultaneously mutant at both loci. The hindbrain patterning defects were analyzed in embryos individually mutant for Hoxa1 and Hoxa2 in greater detail and extended to embryos mutant for both genes. From these data a model is proposed to describe how Hoxa1, Hoxa2, Hoxb1, Krox20 (Egr2) and kreisler function together to pattern the early mouse hindbrain. Critical to the model is the demonstration that Hoxa1 activity is required to set the anterior limit of Hoxb1 expression at the presumptive r3/4 rhombomere boundary. Failure to express Hoxb1 to this boundary in Hoxa1 mutant embryos initiates a cascade of gene misexpressions that result in misspecification of the hindbrain compartments from r2 through r5. Subsequent to misspecification of the hindbrain compartments, ectopic induction of apoptosis appears to be used to regulate the aberrant size of the misspecified rhombomeres.
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During spinal cord development, commissural (C) neurons, located near the dorsal midline, send axons ventrally and across the floor plate (FP). The trajectory of these axons toward the FP is guided in part by netrins. The mechanisms that guide the early phase of C axon extension, however, have not been resolved. We show that the roof plate (RP) expresses a diffusible activity that repels C axons and orients their growth within the dorsal spinal cord. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) appear to act as RP-derived chemorepellents that guide the early trajectory of the axons of C neurons in the developing spinal cord: BMP7 mimics the RP repellent activity for C axons in vitro, can act directly to collapse C growth cones, and appears to serve an essential function in RP repulsion of C axons.
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At the large excitatory calyx of Held synapse, the quantal size during an evoked EPSC and the number of active zones contributing to transmission are not known. We developed a nonstationary variant of EPSC fluctuation analysis to determine these quantal parameters. AMPA receptor-mediated EPSCs were recorded in slices of young (postnatal 8-10 d) rats after afferent fiber stimulation, delivered in trains to induce synaptic depression. The means and the variances of EPSC amplitudes were calculated across trains for each stimulus number. During 10 Hz trains at 2 mm Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]), we found linear EPSC variance-mean relationships, with a slope that was in good agreement with the quantal size obtained from amplitude distributions of spontaneous miniature EPSCs. At high release probability with 10 or 15 mm [Ca(2+)], competitive antagonists were used to partially block EPSCs. Under these conditions, the EPSC variance-mean plots could be fitted with parabolas, giving estimates of quantal size and of the binomial parameter N. With the rapidly dissociating antagonist kynurenic acid, quantal sizes were larger than with a slowly dissociating antagonist, suggesting that the effective glutamate concentration was increased at high release probability. Considering the possibility of multivesicular release and moderate saturation of postsynaptic AMPA receptors, we conclude that the binomial parameter N (637 +/- 117; mean +/- SEM) represents an upper limit estimate of the number of functional active zones. We estimate that during normal synaptic transmission, the probability of vesicle fusion at single active zones is in the range of 0.25-0.4.
In vitro screening of signaling molecules involved in neural circuit formation has identified a large number of synaptogenic proteins. However, factors that drive synapse elimination remain elusive. Here, we report that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) released from axons has the ability to eliminate synapses. We found fast axonal transport of BMP4 in dense-core vesicles, its exocytosis, and subsequent cell surface clustering via type I BMP receptors near synapses. BMP4 overexpression or knockout in culture reduced or increased presynaptic structures, respectively. The destabilizing effect of surface BMP4 clusters was limited to nearby synapses. In vivo knockout of BMP4 and subsequent two-photon imaging of synapse dynamics confirmed its critical role in maintaining an appropriate density of presynaptic components along the axon. These results suggest an essential role for perisynaptic clustering of BMP4 during development in the construction of functional neuronal circuits.
Classically, the basic concept of chemical synaptic transmission was established at the frog neuromuscular junction, and direct intracellular recordings from presynaptic terminals at the squid giant presynaptic terminal have further clarified principles of neurotransmitter release. More recently, whole-cell patch-camp recordings from the calyx of Held in rodent brainstem slices have extended the classical concept to mammalian synapses providing new insights into the mechanisms underlying strength and precision of neurotransmission and developmental changes therein. This review summarizes findings from our laboratory and others on these subjects, mainly at the calyx of Held, with a particular focus on precise, high-fidelity, fast neurotransmission. The mechanisms by which presynaptic terminals acquire strong, precise neurotransmission during postnatal development are also discussed.
Relating changes in gene expression to discrete developmental events remains an elusive challenge in neuroscience, in part because most neural territories are comprised of multiple cell types that mature over extended periods of time. The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) is an attractive vertebrate model system that contains a nearly homogeneous population of neurons, which are innervated by large glutamatergic nerve terminals called calyces of Held (CH). Key steps in maturation of CHs and MNTB neurons, including CH growth and competition, occur very quickly for most cells between postnatal days (P)2 and P6. Therefore, we characterized genome-wide changes in this system, with dense temporal sampling during the first postnatal week. We identified 541 genes whose expression changed significantly between P0-6 and clustered them into eight groups based on temporal expression profiles. Candidate genes from each of the eight profile groups were validated in separate samples by qPCR. Our tissue sample permitted comparison of known glial and neuronal transcripts and revealed that monotonically increasing or decreasing expression profiles tended to be associated with glia and neurons, respectively. Gene ontology revealed enrichment of genes involved in axon pathfinding, cell differentiation, cell adhesion and extracellular matrix. The latter category included elements of perineuronal nets, a prominent feature of MNTB neurons that is morphologically distinct by P6, when CH growth and competition are resolved onto nearly all MNTB neurons. These results provide a genetic framework for investigation of general mechanisms responsible for nerve terminal growth and maturation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Large excitatory synapses with multiple active zones ensure reliable and fast information transfer at specific points in neuronal circuits. However, the mechanisms that determine synapse size in CNS circuits are largely unknown. Here we use the calyx of Held synapse, a major relay in the auditory system, to identify and study signaling pathways that specify large nerve terminal size and fast synaptic transmission. Using genome-wide screening, we identified bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) as candidate signaling molecules in the area of calyx synapses. Conditional deletion of BMP receptors in the auditory system of mice led to aberrations of synapse morphology and function specifically at the calyx of Held, with impaired nerve terminal growth, loss of monoinnervation and less mature transmitter release properties. Thus, BMP signaling specifies large and fast-transmitting synapses in the auditory system in a process that shares homologies with, but also extends beyond, retrograde BMP signaling at Drosophila neuromuscular synapses.
During the formation of neuronal circuits, axon pathfinding decisions specify the location of synapses on the correct brain side and in correct target areas. We investigated a possible link between axon midline crossing and the subsequent development of output synapses formed by these axons. Conditional knockout of Robo3 in the auditory system forced a large commissural synapse, the calyx of Held, to be exclusively formed on the wrong, ipsilateral side. Ipsilateral calyx of Held synapses showed strong transmission defects, with reduced and desynchronized transmitter release, fewer fast-releasable vesicles, and smaller and more variable presynaptic Ca(2+) currents. Transmission defects were not observed in a downstream inhibitory synapse, and some defects persisted into adulthood. These results suggest that axon midline crossing conditions functional maturation of commissural synapses, thereby minimizing the impact of mislocalized synapses on information processing. This mechanism might be relevant to human disease caused by mutations in the ROBO3 gene.
Many areas of the central nervous system are organized into clusters of cell groups, with component cell groups exhibiting diverse but related functions.One such cluster, the superior olivary complex (SOC), is located in the ventral auditory brainstem in mammals. The SOC is an obligatory contact point for most projection neurons of the ventral cochlear nucleus and plays central roles in many aspects of monaural and binaural information processing. Despite their important interrelated functions, little is known about the embryonic origins of SOC nuclei, due in part to a paucity of developmental markers to distinguish individual cell groups. In this report, we present a collection of novel markers for the developing SOC nuclei in mice, including the transcription factors FoxP1, MafB, and Sox2, and the lineage-marking transgenic line En1-Cre. We use these definitive markers to examine the rhombic lip and rhombomeric origins of SOC nuclei and demonstrate that they can serve to uniquely identify SOC nuclei and subnuclei in newborn pups. The markers are also useful in identifying distinct nuclear domains within the presumptive SOC as early as embryonic day (E) 14.5, well before morphological distinction of individual nuclei is evident. These findings indicate that the mediolateral and dorsoventral position of SOC nuclei characteristic of the adult brainstem is established during early neurogenesis. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012.
The calyx of Held is an axosomatic terminal in the auditory brainstem that has attracted anatomists because of its giant size and physiologists because of its accessibility to patch-clamp recordings. The calyx allows the principal neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) to provide inhibition that is both well timed and sustained to many other auditory nuclei. The special adaptations that allow the calyx to drive its principal neuron even when frequencies are high include a large number of release sites with low release probability, a large readily releasable pool, fast presynaptic calcium clearance and little delayed release, a large quantal size, and fast AMPA-type glutamate receptors. The transformation from a synapse that is unremarkable except for its giant size into a fast and reliable auditory relay happens in just a few days. In rodents this transformation is essentially ready when hearing starts.
Ca²+-evoked transmitter release shows a high dynamic range over spontaneous release. We investigated the role of the Ca²+ sensor protein, Synaptotagmin2 (Syt2), in both spontaneous and Ca²+-evoked release under direct control of presynaptic [Ca²+](i), using an in vivo rescue approach at the calyx of Held. Re-expression of Syt2 rescued the highly Ca²+ cooperative release and suppressed the elevated spontaneous release seen in Syt2 KO synapses. This latter release clamping function was partially mediated by the poly-lysine motif of the C₂B domain. Using an aspartate mutation in the C₂B domain (D364N) in which Ca²+ triggering was abolished but release clamping remained intact, we show that Syt2 strongly suppresses the action of another, near-linear Ca²+ sensor that mediates release over a wide range of [Ca²+](i). Thus, Syt2 increases the dynamic range of synapses by driving release with a high Ca²+ cooperativity, as well as by suppressing a remaining, near-linear Ca²+ sensor.
At presynaptic active zones, neurotransmitter release is initiated by the opening of voltage-gated Ca²+ channels close to docked vesicles. The mechanisms that enrich Ca²+ channels at active zones are, however, largely unknown, possibly because of the limited presynaptic accessibility of most synapses. Here, we have established a Cre-lox based conditional knockout approach at a presynaptically accessible central nervous system synapse, the calyx of Held, to directly study the functions of RIM proteins. Removal of all RIM1/2 isoforms strongly reduced the presynaptic Ca²+ channel density, revealing a role of RIM proteins in Ca²+ channel targeting. Removal of RIMs also reduced the readily releasable pool, paralleled by a similar reduction of the number of docked vesicles, and the Ca²+ channel-vesicle coupling was decreased. Thus, RIM proteins co-ordinately regulate key functions for fast transmitter release, enabling a high presynaptic Ca²+ channel density and vesicle docking at the active zone.
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are members of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily. BMPs exert its biological functions by interacting with membrane bound receptors belonging to the serine/threonine kinase family including bone morphogenetic protein receptor I (BMPRIA, BMPRIB) and type II (BMPRII). Although BMPR expressions have been well described in the early development of the CNS, little information is available for their expressions in the adult CNS. We, thus, investigated BMPR expressions in the adult rat CNS using immunohistochemistry. Here, we show that BMPRIA, IB and II proteins are widely expressed throughout the adult CNS. Interestingly, we observed that BMPRIA, IB and II proteins are abundantly expressed in many kinds of axons. In addition, we found that BAMRIB-IR was preferentially expressed in dendrites of many neurons throughout the CNS, while BMPRIA was mainly expressed in cell bodies, showing that BMPRIA and BMPRIB are differentially targeted in a single neuron. In addition, besides abundant BMPR expressions in neurons, we exhibited BMPR expressions in astrocytes and ependymal cells. These data indicate that BMPRs are more widely expressed throughout the adult CNS than previously reported, and their continued abundant expressions in the adult brain strongly support the idea that BMPRs play pivotal roles also in the adult brain.
Maturation of principal neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) was assessed in the context of the developmental organization and activity of their presynaptic afferents, which grow rapidly to form calyces of Held and to establish mono-innervation between postnatal days (P)2 and 4. MNTB neurons and their inputs were studied from embryonic day (E)17, when the nucleus was first discernable, until P14 after the onset of hearing. Using a novel slice preparation containing portions of the cochlea, cochlear nucleus and MNTB, we determined that synaptic inputs form onto MNTB neurons at E17 and stimulation of the cochlear nucleus can evoke action potentials (APs) and Ca(2+) signals. We analysed converging inputs onto individual MNTB neurons and found that competition among inputs was resolved quickly, as a single large input, typically larger than 4 nA, emerged from P3-P4. During calyx growth but before hearing onset, MNTB cells acquired their mature, phasic firing property and quantitative real-time PCR confirmed a coincident increase in low threshold K(+) channel mRNA. These events occurred in concert with an increase in somatic surface area and a 7-fold increase in the current threshold (30 to >200 pA) required to evoke action potentials, as input resistance (R(in)) settled from embryonic values greater than 1 GΩ to approximately 200 MΩ. We postulate that the postsynaptic transition from hyperexcitability to decreased excitability during calyx growth could provide a mechanism to establish the mature 1:1 innervation by selecting the winning calyceal input based on synaptic strength. By comparing biophysical maturation of the postsynaptic cell to alterations in presynaptic organization, we propose that maturation of synaptic partners is coordinated by synaptic activity in a process that is likely to generalize to other neural systems.
The ability to determine the location of a sound source is fundamental to hearing. However, auditory space is not represented in any systematic manner on the basilar membrane of the cochlea, the sensory surface of the receptor organ for hearing. Understanding the means by which sensitivity to spatial cues is computed in central neurons can therefore contribute to our understanding of the basic nature of complex neural representations. We review recent evidence concerning the nature of the neural representation of auditory space in the mammalian brain and elaborate on recent advances in the understanding of mammalian subcortical processing of auditory spatial cues that challenge the "textbook" version of sound localization, in particular brain mechanisms contributing to binaural hearing.
Neural recognition molecule NB-2/contactin 5 is expressed transiently during the first postnatal week in glutamatergic neurons of the central auditory system. Here, we investigated the effect of NB-2 deficiency on the auditory brainstem in mouse. While almost all principal neurons are wrapped with the calyces of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) in wild type, 8% of principal neurons in NB-2 knockout (KO) mice lack the calyces of Held at postnatal day (P) 6. At P10 and P15, apoptotic principal neurons were detected in NB-2 KO mice, but not in wild type. Apoptotic cells were also increased in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) of NB-2 KO mice, which contains bushy neurons projecting to the MNTB and the lateral superior olive (LSO). At the age of 1 month, the number of principal neurons in the MNTB and of glutamatergic synapses in the LSO was reduced in NB-2 KO mice. Finally, interpeak latencies for auditory brainstem response waves II-III and III-IV were significantly increased in NB-2 KO mice. Together, these findings suggest that NB-2 deficiency causes a deficit in synapse formation and then induces apoptosis in MNTB and VCN neurons, affecting auditory brainstem function.
The pattern of skeletal structures and muscles in the branchial region of the head is profoundly influenced by the neural crest, whose cells arise at discrete segmental levels of the chick hindbrain: specifically, rhombomeres (r)1+2, r4 and r6, whereas r3 and r5 are crest-depleted. We have demonstrated that an interaction between even-numbered rhombomeres and r3/r5 effects this depletion of neural crest, resulting in the sculpting of discrete migratory streams of neural crest. This mechanism acts through increased expression of msx2 and the induction of apoptosis in dorsal cells of r3 and r5 (ref. 3) (Fig. 1A). Here we demonstrate that the signalling molecule Bmp4 is expressed in r3 and r5 and is dependent on the neighbouring rhombomeres. Addition of recombinant BMP4 protein to explant cultures of r3 or r5, which produce neural crest when isolated from their neighbouring rhombomeres, upregulates msx2 and reinstates apoptosis in the neural crest population.
Calbindin-D28k (CaBP) is a calcium-binding protein that is prominent in various parts of the mammalian auditory system. In order to shed some light on the possible role of CaBP during ontogeny, when calcium ions play key roles in several processes, the location of CaBP was examined immunocytochemically in the auditory system of the developing rat. This study focuses on the principal nuclei of the superior olivary complex, which show distinct CaBP labeling in the adult. Consistent with previous reports in the rat and other mammals, CaBP immunoreactivity in adults was intense in somata of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) and in the neuropil (presumably in axons) of the lateral superior olive (LSO), the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN), and the medial superior olive (MSO). In fetal and neonatal animals, however, the labeling pattern was strikingly different. Around birth, MNTB neurons are immunonegative for CaBP, whereas somata and processes in the LSO, probably neuronal, are heavily labeled at that age. This labeling pattern persists throughout the first week of postnatal life and begins to change at P8, when MNTB neurons become immunopositive for CaBP. During the next 10 days labeling intensity in MNTB neurons increases considerably, and the increase is paralleled by an increase in labeling intensity of the neuropil in the LSO, SPN, and MSO, indicating that the labeled processes in these nuclie may be axons originating from MNTB neurons. Immunoreactivity in LSO cells begins to decline around P8, decays rapidly between P10 and P18, and reaches its adult level around P28, when the CaBP labeling pattern in the whole superior olivary complex is indistinguishable from that in the adult.
Although the connections of the auditory brainstem nuclei are well described in adult mammals, almost nothing is known concerning how and when these connections develop. The purpose of the present study was to describe the development of the efferent projections of the cochlear nucleus (CN), the first central relay station in the ascending auditory pathway of mammals. We used two tracers in rats aged between embryonic day 15 (E15) and postnatal day 14 (P14; birth in the rat is at E22 = P0). The carbocyanine dye DiI was applied into the CN in aldehyde-fixed tissue. The second tracer, biocytin, was applied into the ventral acoustic stria in an in vitro slice preparation. The ontogeny of the efferent projections from the CN could be divided into three periods. The first period (E15–E17) is characterized by axonal outgrowth. Axons traverse nuclei in the superior olivary complex and the lateral lemniscus and finally grow up into the inferior colliculus, but axon collaterals do not from during this period. The second period (E18–P5) is marked by pronounced collateral branching of CN fibers in auditory brainstem nuclei. Collateralisation in the contralateral inferior colliculus starts shortly before that in the ipsilateral superior olivary complex. The remaining auditory nuclei become successively innervated, as indicated by collaterals found in them. During the third period (P5–P14) terminal structures mature further, as shown by the morphological changes of the calyces of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. In conclusion, our results show that the efferent connections from the cochlear nucleus form over a period of almost two weeks and are laid down without forming aberrant internuclear connections. On a nuclear level, an adult-like projection pattern is already achieved one week prior to the onset of physiological hearing.
During development of the vertebrate head neural crest cells emigrate from the hindbrain and populate the branchial arches, giving rise to distinct skeletal elements and muscle connective tissues in each arch. The production of neural crest from the hindbrain is discontinuous and crest cells destined for different arches, carrying different positional cues, are separated by regions of apoptosis centered on rhombomeres (r) 3 and r5. This cell death program is under the interactive control of the neighboring hindbrain segments. Both r3 and r5 produce large numbers of crest cells when freed from their flanking rhombomere, but when conjoined with their neighbor the cell death program is restored. Two key components of this program are Bmp 4 and msx-2, both of which are expressed in the apoptotic foci of r3 and r5 and which are also regulated by neighbor interactions. Importantly, the addition of recombinant Bmp 4 to isolated cultures of r3 and r5 induces the expression of Bmp 4 and msx-2 and restores the cell death program. This early neural crest segregation is maintained during development and it has profound effects upon the final craniofacial pattern. Even though crest cells from different axial origins will contribute to compound skeletal elements, these distinct populations do not intermingle. Furthermore head muscle connective tissues are exclusively anchored to skeletal domains arising from neural crest from the same axial level. Thus the discontinuous production of neural crest sculpts the crest into nonmixing streams and consequently ensures the fidelity of patterning.
The morphogenesis of the vertebrate hindbrain involves a transient segmentation process leading to the formation of reiterated organisation units called rhombomeres (r). A number of regulatory genes expressed with a rhombomere-specific pattern have been identified, including the gene encoding the transcription factor Krox-20, which is restricted to r3 and r5. We have previously demonstrated that in r3 and r5 Krox-20 directly controls the transcription of Hoxa-2 and Hoxb-2. In the present study, we provide evidence that Krox-20 is required for the expression of another Hox gene, Hoxb-3, in r5 specifically. Furthermore, the regulatory role of Krox-20 is not restricted to the control of Hox gene expression, since it is also involved in the activation of a receptor tyrosine kinase gene, Sek-1, in r3 and r5 and in the repression of the follistatin gene in r3 but not in r5. In conclusion, at least five regulatory genes belonging to different families are under the direct or indirect control of Krox-20 in r3 and/or r5 and this transcription factor therefore appears as a key regulator of gene expression in the developing hindbrain.
Neurons that convey timing of acoustic information in the brain stem of vertebrates have a consistent pattern of anatomical and biophysical specializations. Large synaptic currents produce rapid voltage changes in neurons with low input resistances in the physiological voltage range. In some cells, large synaptic currents are activated through calyceal terminals, while in others, large synaptic currents are activated by the synchronous firing of many inputs through small terminals. Neurotransmitter acts mainly through glutamatergic receptors of the AMPA subtype, whose kinetics are more rapid than in nonauditory neurons.Two interacting voltage-sensitive conductances are of critical functional importance in these cells. Both are activated by small voltage changes away from rest. A mixed cation conductance, Ih, is activated by hyperpolarization. A low-threshold K+ conductance is activated by depolarization. These conductances make synaptic potentials rapid, make firing sensitive to the rate of rise of synaptic excitation, and prevent repetitive firing.Timing information is essential for localizing sound sources and for interpreting the temporal patterns of natural sounds. How timing information is fed through these pathways has already provided insight into how sounds are localized by vertebrates, but much less is known about how these pathways contribute to the interpretation of environmental sounds, including speech. Therein lies the exciting future of this work.
Vertebrate animals gain biologically important information from environmental sounds. Localization of sound sources enables animals to detect and respond appropriately to danger, and it allows predators to detect and localize prey. In many species, rapidly fluctuating sounds are also the basis of communication between conspecifics. This information is not provided directly by the output of the ear but requires processing of the temporal pattern of firing in the tonotopic array of auditory nerve fibers. The auditory nerve feeds information through several parallel ascending pathways. Anatomical and electrophysiological specializations for conveying precise timing, including calyceal synaptic terminals and matching axonal conduction times, are evident in several of the major ascending auditory pathways through the ventral cochlear nucleus and its nonmammalian homologues. One pathway that is shared by all higher vertebrates makes an ongoing comparison of interaural phase for the localization of sound in the azimuth. Another pathway is specifically associated with higher frequency hearing in mammals and is thought to make use of interaural intensity differences for localizing high-frequency sounds. Balancing excitation from one ear with inhibition from the other in rapidly fluctuating signals requires that the timing of these synaptic inputs be matched and constant for widely varying sound stimuli in this pathway. The monaural nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, whose roles are not understood (although they are ubiquitous in higher vertebrates), receive input from multiple pathways that encode timing with precision, some through calyceal endings.
Neurons in the cochlear ganglion and auditory brain stem nuclei preserve the relative timing of action potentials passed through sequential synaptic levels. To accomplish this task, these neurons have unique morphological and biophysical specializations in axons, dendrites, and nerve terminals. At the membrane level, these adaptations include low-threshold, voltage-gated potassium channels and unusually rapid-acting transmitter-gated channels, which govern how quickly and reliably action potential threshold is reached during a synaptic response. Some nerve terminals are remarkably large and release large amounts of excitatory neurotransmitter. The high output of transmitter at these terminals can lead to synaptic depression, which may itself be regulated by presynaptic transmitter receptors. The way in which these different cellular mechanisms are employed varies in different cell types and circuits and reflects refinements suited to different aspects of acoustic processing.
We conducted a large-scale screen for Drosophila mutants that have structural abnormalities of the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). We recovered mutations in wishful thinking (wit), a gene that positively regulates synaptic growth. wit encodes a BMP type II receptor. In wit mutant larvae, the size of the NMJs is greatly reduced relative to the size of the muscles. wit NMJs have reduced evoked excitatory junctional potentials, decreased levels of the synaptic cell adhesion molecule Fasciclin II, and synaptic membrane detachment at active zones. Wit is expressed by a subset of neurons, including motoneurons. The NMJ phenotype is specifically rescued by transgenic expression of Wit only in motoneurons. Thus, Wit appears to function as a presynaptic receptor that regulates synaptic size at the Drosophila NMJ.
Proper synaptic development is critical for establishing all aspects of neural function including learning, memory, and locomotion. Here, we describe the phenotypic consequences of mutations in the wishful thinking (wit) gene, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate BMP type II receptor. Mutations in wit result in pharate lethality that can be rescued by expression of a wit transgene in motor neurons but not in muscles. Mutant larvae exhibit small synapses, severe defects in evoked junctional potentials, a lower frequency of spontaneous vesicle release, and an alteration in the ultrastructure of synaptic active zones. These results reveal a novel role for BMP signaling in regulating Drosophila neuromuscular junction synapse assembly and activity and may indicate that similar pathways could govern vertebrate synapse development.