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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa in
university students and its relationship with
psychopathological aspects of eating
behaviour disorders
María-Laura Parra-Fernández
, Teresa Rodríguez-Cano
, María-Dolores Onieva-Zafra
, María José Perez-Haro
Víctor Casero-Alonso
, Elia Fernández-Martinez
and Blanca Notario-Pacheco
Introduction: Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is characterized by an obsession with healthy eating, which may lead to
severe physical, psychological and social disorders. It is particularly important to research this problem in
populations that do not receive clinical care in order to improve early detection and treatment.
Objective: The aim of this study was to research the prevalence of ON in a population of Spanish university
students and to analyze the possible associations between ON and psychological traits and behaviors that are
common to ED.
Method: A cross-sectional study with 454 students from the University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain. In total, 295
women and 159 men participated, aged between 18 and 41 years. The ORTO-11-ES questionnaire and the Eating
Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) were used for this study. The chi squared test was used to compare the homogeneity
among the different groups.
Results: The scores on the ORTO-11-ES suggested that 17% of students were at risk of ON. The scores on the EDI-2
for the group at risk of ON were significant, compared to the remaining individuals, regarding their drive for
thinness (17.1% vs 2.1%), bulimia (2.6% vs 0%), body dissatisfaction (26.3% vs. 12.4%), perfectionism (14.5% vs 4.8%),
interoceptive awareness (13.2% vs 1.3%), asceticism (15.8% vs 3.7%) and impulsiveness (9.2% vs 1.9%).
Discussion and conclusion: These findings suggest that many of the psychological and behavioral aspects of
EDaresharedbypeoplewhoareatriskofON.Futureresearch should use longitudinal data, examining the
temporal relationship among these variables or other underlying variables that may contribute to the
concurrence of ED and ON.
Keywords: Orthorexia nervosa, Eating disorders, University students, Psychological traits, Behavioral traits
The term ‘eating disorders’(EDs) encompasses a variety
of disorders characterized by abnormal eating behaviors
associated with emotional difficulties. The EDs described
in the fifth edition of the diagnostic and statistical man-
ual of mental disorders (DSM-5) [1] may not be entirely
applicable to specific populations due to the wide
variability in the frequency, the time-period and the
characteristics of each individual, limiting the application
of available diagnostic criteria.
Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is described as an obses-
sion for healthy food. This term was used for the first
time by Bratman in 1997 [2]. People who suffer from
this eating fixation undergo a monomania for healthy
food without artificial additives and are more con-
cerned with the quality of food than the quantity [3].
This extreme concern for food can lead to a disorder
with many different levels of severity. These patients
* Correspondence:
Faculty of Nursing , University of Castilla-La-Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Parra-Fernández et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:364
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have important dietary restrictions, which are related
to medical disorders that are potentially mortal asso-
ciated with malnutrition, affective instability and so-
cial isolation [3].
To date, neither the diagnostic criteria published for
ON [4,5], nor the different studies available have
given enough clarity to include this disorder in the
DSM-5 [1], nor in the tenth edition of the Inter-
national Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) [6]. Fur-
thermore, some studies have related ON with
obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) [7–10]. Donini
et al. performed a study, in which they developed and
validated a questionnaire to detect the risk of suffer-
ing ON: the ORTO-15 [11].Thesamestudyreported
an association between ON and OCD. In addition,
most of the literature consulted by the authors of this
study, reveals clinical characteristics of ON that are
common in EDs, in particular in anorexia nervosa
(AN) [12–15]. A study by Brytek—Matera found that
the participants who displayed a great level of con-
cern with healthy foods also showed a positive correl-
ation with satisfaction and/or the appearance of their
body, and therefore this is one of the characteristics
that is also found in patients with AN [16]. A study
developed by Vandereycken et al. showed that ON is
a disorder that is often referred and acknowledged by
patients with ED. According to this study, 67% of
professionals in charge of the treatment of these pa-
tients observed this phenomenon in their clinical
practice, and 69% considered that the disorder war-
ranted greater attention [17]. Both ED and ON are
characterized by a lack of pleasure related with eating
food and show a need for controlling the intake of
food as a tool for improving their self-esteem and/or
self-fulfillment, granting them a sense of control over
their own life [18].Thedifferencebetweenthesetwo
disorders is that, while people with orthorexia are fo-
cused on eating healthy and pure foods, preoccupied
by quality, those who suffer from anorexia and/or bu-
limia are more concerned with the quantity of the
foods they eat, rather than the quality of the same
[19]. Vargas et al. point out that although the differ-
ence between both effectively resides in the final mo-
tivation, i.e. weight loss in AN or feeling healthy in
the case of ON, similar social and psychological con-
sequences may exist in both disorders [20]. Further-
more, some authors attempt to identify or clarify the
existing relationship between some EDs and mental
disorders [21]. Dell’Osso et al. propose the hypothesis
that people at risk of suffering ON, besides sharing
some traits with people who suffer autism spectrum
disorders (ASDs) such as for example ritual-like be-
haviors when preparing food, may also share conse-
quences such as the risk for social isolation [22].
Among the different studies available on the preva-
lence of ON, several questionnaires [11,23,24] have
been used to determine the presence of the disorder.
Most of these are based on the proposal by Donini et al.,
i.e. the ORTO-15 [11]. Depending on the instrument
used and the populations in which the study is per-
formed, the results of the prevalence rates vary. One of
the first studies performed in Italy by Donini et al. in
2004 using the ORTO-15 demonstrated a prevalence of
6.9% in a population of 404 students [25]. Kinzl et al.
used the original test by Bratman in a sample of 283 die-
ticians, and found that 34.9% of the population had a
high risk of ON [10]. In a study involving 446 German
university students conducted by Depa et al. employing
the Düsseldorfer Orthorexie Skala (DOS) [23], a 3.3% es-
timated prevalence of ON was reported, together with a
9.0% prevalence for the risk of developing ON [26]. It is
important to consider that most studies have been per-
formed in non-clinical settings, and mainly on university
students [8,13,19,23,26,27].
Lifestyle habits and food consumption are developed
since infancy and begin to establish themselves in ado-
lescence and youth. The diet of youth, and especially
that of university students is an important challenge, as
it may involve important lifestyle changes [28]. The uni-
versity population is an especially vulnerable group from
the nutritional point of view, as they are beginning to
take responsibility for their own dietary habits and they
undergo a critical period in the consolidation of eating
habits and behaviors [29]. Young adulthood (19–
24 years) is an important developmental period for ex-
ploring and establishing our relationship with health
habits, beliefs and eating norms, as well as for body
image development [30]. Considering that many of the
conditions and behaviors established during teenage
years persist throughout life, adolescence and adulthood,
these periods represent powerful developmental oppor-
tunities for evaluating predictors and risk factors for ED.
These behaviors should be addressed due to their ad-
verse consequences such as metabolic risks later on in
adulthood. Improving our understanding of populations
who do not receive clinical care such as people with a
risk of ED is particularly important for early detection
and treatment of ON [31,32].
To date there is no data available on prevalence in the
Spanish university population, or regarding the possible
relations with characteristics that appear in other EDs.
Therefore, the aims of this study were to estimate the
prevalence rate of ON in a Spanish university population
with a tool that has been validated for this purpose and
to determine the possible correlation of ON with psy-
chological and behavioral aspects that appear in other
EDs. The present study has considered indicators which
are commonly associated with EDs: the body mass index
Parra-Fernández et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:364 Page 2 of 8
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(BMI) and sex, which will help us to clarify and further
our understanding regarding this phenomenon.
Study design and subjects
This cross-sectional study was planned and performed
between January and May 2017, in Ciudad Real, Spain.
We invited 800 university students from different facul-
ties (Nursing, Law, Chemistry, Computer Science and
Education), of which 454 university students participated
(response rate: 56.75%) including 295 women and 159
men, aged between 18 and 51 years (mean age, 21.74 ±
4.73 years). The participants were recruited through in-
formative talks delivered during university lectures in
different faculties.
Data collection was performed via a questionnaire pre-
pared by the researchers. The revised questionnaire was
divided into three sections: (1) Sociodemographic char-
acteristics; (2) the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 question-
naire (EDI-2) [33,34]; and (3) the ORTO-11-ES [35,36].
The University students voluntarily signed up to the
study and they were asked to complete an online survey
developed using the JotForm platform. It was assumed
that the students who did not respond were within the
same range of conditions as those who did. For ethical
reasons, we were unable to research the causes which
made these students decide not to participate.
Ethical considerations
The participants did not receive any financial incentive
to take part in the study. Participants were informed that
their information was to be kept confidential and would
only be used for scientific purposes, obtaining the writ-
ten informed consent of participants. The ethical com-
mittee of the Castilla-La Mancha University Hospital
approved the study (Number C-45), according to the
ethical principles for medical research gathered in the
Declaration of Helsinki [37].
Demographic information
The sociodemographic forms gathered information on
the age, gender, height and weight of participants. The
BMI of each participant was calculated based on the
self-reported height and weight.
Eating disorder inventory (EDI-2)
This is a self-reported 91-item questionnaire, answered
on a 6-point Likert-Type scale using a 3-point system
where ‘sometimes’,‘rarely’,and‘never’, are assigned zeros
while ‘often’,‘usually’and ‘always’are assigned a score of
1, 2 and 3, respectively. The questionnaire is used to as-
sess eating-disorder symptoms, attitudes and behaviors.
It contains 11 subscales: drive for thinness, body
satisfaction, bulimia, effectiveness, perfectionism, inter-
personal disruption, interoceptive awareness, maturity
fears, asceticism, impulse regulation and social insecur-
ity. The sub-scale scores can be calculated by simply
adding the scores of all the items of each specific
sub-scale. The EDI-2 total score ranges from 91 to 546.
We used a Spanish version of the scale validated by
Corral, González, Pereña & Seis dedos (1998), which
showed an internal consistency of 0.83–0.92 [34].
The EDI-2 is widely used in Spain and it has been
demonstrated to be a valid instrument for the accurate
diagnosis and detection of the risk of ED [38–40] in the
Spanish population. We chose to use the EDI-2 based
on its good psychometric properties, in both clinical set-
tings and non-clinical samples [33] as well as the possi-
bility it offers for separately assessing different
dimensions [41].
ORTO-11- ES questionnaire
The ORTO-15 questionnaire was originally developed in
Italian [11]. This tool consists of 15 self-report multiple-
choice items using a 4-point Likert-type scale (always,
often, sometimes, never) to measure three underlying fac-
tors related to eating behavior: cognitive-rational (items 1,
5, 6, 11, 12 and 14), clinical (items 3, 7, 8, 9 and 15) and
emotional aspects (items 2, 4, 10 and 13). It is used to in-
vestigate obsessive behavior related to the selection, prep-
aration, habits of food consumption and attitudes towards
healthy food. The lower the score, the higher the indica-
tion of a behavior or attitude related to orthorexia. The
Italian group [11] suggested a cut-off score of 40 points,
whereby scores below this figure indicate ON related
For the present study, we have used the ORTO-11-ES
[35] as a tool for assessing ON. This tool is based on a
structure of three factors for the abbreviated 11-item
version, and has demonstrated an appropriate internal
consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.80). Furthermore, the
test has demonstrated a good predictive capacity for a
threshold value of < 25 (79.5% effectiveness, 75% sensi-
tivity and specificity 79.6%).
Statistical analyses
An exploratory statistical analysis of all the demographic
variables and the ON-tendencies was carried out. Quan-
titative features were described by the median and the
inter-quartile range (IQR) and qualitative variables were
described using frequencies and percentages.
To identify the score differences among the different
groups (individuals with ON tendencies and individuals
without ON tendencies) and without an assumption of
normality for scores and small sample sizes (N< 30) for
some of the subgroups, the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney
Parra-Fernández et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:364 Page 3 of 8
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(W-M-N) and Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) tests for independ-
ent samples were performed.
For each feature (gender, smoker and BMI), the preva-
lence of ON was calculated as the proportion of individ-
uals of a certain population that are under risk of
suffering ON in this period.
This analysis has also been performed for each sub-scale
of the Eating Disorder Inventory-2, i.e. for Drive for Thin-
ness, Bulimia, Body Dissatisfaction, Ineffectiveness, Perfec-
tionism, Interpersonal Distrust, Interoceptive Awareness,
Maturity Fears, Asceticism, Impulse Regulation and Social
Insecurity. Moreover, a correlation analysis was performed
between the scores of the sub-scales of the EDI-2 and the
scores of the ORTO-11-ES, using the Spearman coefficient.
The significance level was established at p< .05 for all
cases. The R statistical software was used to perform all
the statistical analyses [42].
The sample included 454 students recruited from the
Castilla-La Mancha University, and who voluntarily an-
swered the questionnaire. A summary of the demo-
graphic variables is shown in Table 1.
The mean score obtained by the total participants re-
garding the ORTO-11-ES questionnaire was 27.78 and
the standard deviation was ±3.34. The cut-off score was
established at < 25 [35] ranging from 16 to 36 points,
with 76 (17%) participants under risk of suffering ON.
The location parameter for the age, in those who were
under a true risk of suffering ON, was not significantly dif-
ferent from those who were not under a real risk
(W-M-N= 12,917, p= .16), neither was it significant for
gender (W-M-N= 22,916, p= .69). The BMI variable was
categorized into three groups, 1) below 18.5 (thinness); 2)
18.5, 24.9 (normal weight); 3) 25–41 (obesity). The differ-
ences of the ORTO-11-ES scores among the three groups
were also non-significant (K-W χ2(2) = 1.9466 p=.38). On
the other hand, statistical differences were found for
smokers (W = 13,462, p=.00).
Prevalence and features of orthorexia nervosa
The prevalence of ON is significantly higher in women, as
reported in the Italian population. [43]. There are no sig-
nificant differences among the other groups. (See Table 2).
Concerning the ED, the analysis suggests that the indi-
viduals at risk of suffering ON have a higher prevalence
rate of drive for thinness (17.1% vs 2.1%, χ2(1) = 32.22, p
= .00), bulimia (2.6% vs 0%, χ2(1) = 9.99, p = .00), body
dissatisfaction (26.3% vs. 12.4%, χ2(1) = 9.6, p = .00), per-
fectionism (14.5% vs 4.8%, χ2(1) = 9.98, p = .00), intero-
ceptive awareness (13.2% vs 1.3%, χ2(1) = 27.74, p = .00),
asceticism (15.8% vs 3.7%, χ2(1) = 17.12, p = .00) and im-
pulse regulation (9.2% vs 1.9%, χ2(1) = 11.46, p = .00)
than people who are not at a risk of suffering this dis-
order (see Table 3).
In addition, a correlation analysis of the ED sub-scale
scores and the ON scores has been carried out (see
Table 4). Due to the lack of normality in all the scores,
the Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated. All
of these tests were negative and statistically significant
(p< 0.05). The negative sign indicates that, in general,
high values of the ED subscales correspond to low values
for the ON scores. The highest (negative) correlation co-
efficient (−0.564, p= 0.00) was found between drive for
thinness and the ON score.
Discussion and conclusion
The aim of the present study was to determine the preva-
lence of suffering ON and its possible relation with psy-
chological and behavioral aspects of ED in a population of
Spanish university students. We used the ORTO-11-ES
[35], our findings reveal that 17% (76 students) of the
sample presented a high risk of suffering from ON. This
percentage is far from that obtained in the unique study
on ON conducted on a sample of the Spanish population,
where the results showed a prevalence of 86% [44]. How-
ever, this pilot study did not use a validated translation of
the original ORTO-15 [11], rather it used the English ver-
sion on a sample of 136 ex-students of Ashtanga yoga.
Moreover, the age range of participants in the aforemen-
tioned study was higher than the age of university stu-
dents [44]. Dunn et al. [45] found that 1.0% of students in
Table 1 Descriptive analysis of the sample
Qualitative variable Frequency
Smoker Yes 92 (20.30%)
No 362 (79.70%)
Sex Female 295 (65.00%)
Male 159 (35.00%)
Marital Status Single 444 (97.8%)
Married 10 (2.20%)
Quantitative variable Median (IQR)
Age 20.00 (19.00–22.00)
Body Mass Index 22.21 (20.31–24.50)
Table 2 Prevalence of Orthorexia for each feature
Feature Prevalence of ON (%) χ
DF p-value
Male 11.9 4.03 1 .04
Female 19.3
Smoker 18.0 1.89 1 .17
Non-smoker 12.0
BMI: Thinness 25.0 1.95 2 .38
BMI: Normal weight 16.2
BMI: Obesity 15.4
Bold data indicates statistically significance (p< .05) indicated bold data
Parra-Fernández et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:364 Page 4 of 8
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the United States suffered from ON and suggested that
10.0% of the population was at risk of developing this dis-
order. In Italian populations, different studies place the
prevalence of ON in a range of between 6.9 to 57.6% [25,
46]. In Turkey, a validated adaptation of this tool, the
ORTO-11, showed a prevalence of approximately 45% in
different studies with samples of university healthcare stu-
dents [8,13]. The greatest prevalence, 74.2%, was reported
in a study conducted in Hungary, also using a translated
and validated version of ORTO-11-Hu in a sample of uni-
versity students [19]. Considering the varying results ob-
tained across different countries, in part, some of these
differences may be explained by socio-cultural factors, be-
ing closely related with the eating habits linked to the cul-
ture of each country [7,47]. However, other authors
attribute these differences to the structure of the question-
naire itself rather than cultural problems [48]. Further-
more, when interpreting these results, it is important to
consider that the prevalence is linked to the interpretation
of different versions of a self-reported questionnaire,
which have used different cut-off points [11,36,49,50].
A significant correlation between ON and the psycho-
pathological characteristics of other EDs, was observed
based on the variables included in the EDI-2 subscales:
drive for thinness, bulimia symptoms, body dissatisfac-
tion, perfectionism, interoceptive awareness, asceticism
and impulsiveness. These findings highlight the possible
relation between the risk of suffering ON and the diag-
nosis of ED. Some of our results reinforce findings from
previous studies [51,52]. In a sample of 220 university
students, Barnes et al. [51] concluded that there was a
positive relation between ON and other ED, regarding
the body image attitude and the perfectionist personality
of these individuals. Also, having a personal history of
having suffered an ED was found to be a strong pre-
dictor for ON. Another study, also along these lines, per-
formed with 459 university students in the United
States, showed a positive correlation between ON and
perfectionism [52]. Two further clinical studies also
highlighted the close relation between ED and ON [23,
53]. One of these, conducted in Germany with a sample
of 1122 hospitalized patients with psychiatric diagnoses
found positive correlations between ON and the dimen-
sions drive for thinness, interoceptive awareness and as-
ceticism in patients diagnosed with ED [53]. The second
study was performed with another tool for the detection
of ON: the Dußßdorfer Orthorexie “DOS”scale [23].
This study included a sample of 1340 participants and
found positive correlations with the EDI-2 subscales of
thinness, bulimia and body dissatisfaction, suggesting
proximity between ON and ED [23]. Currently, there is
much debate surrounding the relationship between AN
and ON, ranging from how to classify and differentiate
these disorders, in some cases considering ON as a new
disorder, or a subset of AN [53]. It is well known that
undertaking weight-loss diets can lead certain individ-
uals towards adopting extreme eating habits. There is a
large coincidence between supposedly ‘healthy’foods
and generally ‘slimming’foods which can lead individ-
uals towards a confusion that is difficult to manage [23].
At times, this may lead to an obsession with healthy eat-
ing, until individuals adopt a more severe pathology,
such as AN [17]. On the other hand, the opposite hy-
pothesis can lead us to affirm that an orthorexic behav-
ior can be interpreted as a phase or a tendency in
patients who have been previously diagnosed with ED
and are in a recovery phase, and who, displaying an im-
provement of symptoms, can end up developing ortho-
rexic behaviors [18,41]. These findings emphasize how
concerns regarding healthy eating can act as a predispos-
ing factor for developing AN or Bulimia nervosa (BN),
and as a key residual symptom which may potentially
Table 3 Prevalence of eating disorders in a population at risk of
ON and in a healthy population
Dimension EDI-2 Orthorexia Nervosa χ
df p-value
Yes (%) No (%)
Drive for thinness 17.1 2.1 32.22 1 .00
Bulimia 2.6 0.0 9.99 1 .00
Body Dissatisfaction 26.3 12.4 9.69 1 .00
Ineffectiveness 9.2 4.0 3.77 1 .05
Perfectionism 14.5 4.8 9.98 1 .00
Interpersonal Distrust 6.6 8.7 0.38 1 .54
Interoceptive Awareness 13.2 1.3 27.74 1 .00
Maturity Fears 22.4 14.3 3.13 1 .08
Asceticism 15.8 3.7 17.12 1 .00
Impulse regulation 9.2 1.9 11.46 1 .00
Social Insecurity 11.8 8.5 0.88 1 .35
Bold data indicates statistically significance (p< .05) indicated bold data
Table 4 Correlation analysis of the EDI-2 sub-scales scores and
the ON scores
Dimension EDI-2 Spearman coefficient p-value
Drive for thinness −0.564 0.00
Bulimia −0.260 0.00
Body Dissatisfaction −0.347 0.00
Ineffectiveness −0.228 0.00
Perfectionism −0.248 0.00
Interpersonal Distrust −0.147 0.00
Interoceptive Awareness −0.344 0.00
Maturity Fears −0.113 0.02
Asceticism −0.168 0.00
Impulse regulation −0.210 0.00
Social Insecurity −0.148 0.00
Parra-Fernández et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:364 Page 5 of 8
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favor relapses of the illness [54,55]. Only with further
research studies on clinical samples can we reveal the re-
lationship between these two pathologies, and determine
whether ON may be a factor that predicts the develop-
ment of AN or viceversa.
Another aim of our study was to explore the relation-
ship of ON with variables such as gender, age, weight,
and body mass index. We found significant differences
for the mean score on the ORTO-11-ES [35] scale in the
female population. If we compare this with other studies,
this result is striking as in most studies no differences
were found regarding gender [8,44,52,56]. In the study
by Donini et al., they concluded that men are more sen-
sitive to suffering from this problem [11]. This result has
been repeated in one other study performed on a sample
of Turkish students [13,25]. However, there are other
studies, which, like ours, report a greater proportion of
women at risk of developing ON [7,13,57]. Although
the gender difference of ON is harder to detect, in part,
due to the lack of research in clinically diagnosed indi-
viduals [58], undoubtedly, gender is a critical factor in
many aspects of life, including the attitudes and percep-
tions of one’s body image [59]. Indeed, there are a series
of characteristics related to the internalization and
externalization of emotions which may explain the dif-
ferent prevalence rates by gender in many mental ill-
nesses [60].
Regarding the BMI, our results failed to find a signifi-
cant correlation of the same with ON, a finding that
supports most previous studies performed in different
populations [56,61]. In a study conducted by Aksoydan
et al. in a population of 94 Turkish artists, no differences
were found between the mean ORTO-15 score and the
BMI [56]. Also, another study performed in Poland with
400 participants aged between 18 and 35 years failed to
find a significant correlation with the BMI [61]. Varga et
al. found that the association between the ON scores
and the BMI was statistically significant, albeit insignifi-
cant [19]. Some authors suggest that the BMI can pre-
dict orthorexic behaviors in combination with other
variables such as medical reasons, diet and healthy nutri-
tion [7]. In contrast, another study also performed in
Turkey on 878 medical students with a mean age of
21.3 ± 2.1 years found that, as the BMI increased, the
ON score decreased, and, therefore, the risk of orthor-
exia nervosa increased [27]. Some authors justify this on
the basis that overweight and obesity can expose the in-
dividual to humiliation and force the person to diet and
consume healthy foods [13].
Although this study is one of the first to examine the
prevalence of ON in Spain, there are several limitations
worth considering. First, the results do not provide informa-
tion on the mechanisms that underlie the relationship be-
tween ON and EBD; for example, by considering other
underlying factors such as biological factors, and personality,
which could contribute to the high concurrence of these be-
haviors. Due to the cross-sectional design of this study, we
cannot determine the time course of the development of
EDs and ON. Therefore, by considering ON as a potential
risk factor for developing an ED, a more complete longitu-
dinal study is necessary in the future. Despite these limita-
tions, the current study focuses on a gap in the literature
regarding ON and EBD, broadly demonstrating the relation-
ship between these.
Our results highlight the long path ahead for the sci-
entific community, in order to recognize that ON can be
included as another diagnosis within eating disorders.
Additional studies are needed to describe the behavior
of people with orthorexia (i.e. their etiology, diagnosis,
treatment and the prevention of the same). On the other
hand, studies on these subjects provide the health pro-
fessional with the information necessary to be able to
identify individuals with orthorexic behavior and thus
provide appropriate treatment to derive the patient to-
wards the most appropriate resource.
AN: Anorexia nervosa; BMI: Body mass index; BN: Bulimia nervosa;
DOS: Düsseldorf Orthorexie Skala; DSM-5: Diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders; ED: Eating disorder; EDI-2: Eating Disorder Inventory; ICD-
10: International Classification of Diseases; IQR: Inter-quartile range;
OCD: Obsessive compulsive disorders; ON: Orthorexia nervosa; ORTO-11-
ES: Spanish version Test for the diagnosis of Orthorexia nervosa; ORTO-
15: Test for the diagnosis of orthorexia
The authors thank the students who took part in this study and generously
granted us their time and provided us details about their experiences in
clinical practice.
The authors did not receive any funding for this paper.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from
the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Study conception and design: P-F ML, R-C T, O-Z MD, F- M E, N-P B. Data col-
lection, statistical expertise, analysis and interpretation of data: P-H MJ, C-A V,
P-F ML, O-Z MD. Manuscript preparation, supervision, administrative support
and critical revision of the paper. P-F ML, R-C T, O-Z MD, F- M E, N-P B. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Research Ethics
Committee - number C- 45. All procedures were followed in accordance
with the Helsinki Declaration. Before data were collected, all students were
informed of the purpose of the study and informed written consent was
obtained. In addition, all participants were assured that their anonymity and
confidentiality would be maintained and that they were entitled to drop out
of the study at any time.
Consent for publication
“Not applicable”
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Parra-Fernández et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:364 Page 6 of 8
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Author details
Faculty of Nursing , University of Castilla-La-Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain.
Head of Mental Health, Castilla la Mancha Health Services, Ciudad Real,
Biostatech Advice, Training and Innovation in Biostatistics, S.L
Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain.
School of Industrial Engineers,
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain.
Faculty of Nursing,
University of Castilla-La-Mancha, Cuenca, Spain.
Received: 2 July 2018 Accepted: 25 October 2018
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