Conference Paper

Game Transfer Phenomena and problematic smartphone use in an augmented reality game

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Objectives Examine the effects of playing Pokémon Go among those who experienced Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) (e.g., hallucinations (e.g., sounds, images), cognitive/perceptual distortions, and involuntary behaviours with video game content) and have Problematic Smartphone Use (PSU). Background and aim The investigation of the psychopathology of interactive media has been dominated by paradigms of addiction. However, distress/dysfunction, especially in those with impaired control/dysfunctional gaming has been reported when experiencing GTP. This paper compares gamers with only GTP (OnlyGTP) (49.2%), GTP and PSU (GTP&PSU) (31.8%), no GTP and no PSU (noGTP&noPSU) (15.7%), and only PSU (onlyPSU) (3.3%). Methods Online survey (N=1,085), 55.8% females. MAge =32.44. Results Those with GTP were significantly more likely to have PSU, and most with PSU reported GTP. The GTP&PSU played significantly more times p/day (5+) than the other groups, and played more p/week (13hrs). The GTP&PSU were significantly higher in gaming-related risks (e.g., accidents, trespassing), immersion and escapism than the other groups, and significantly higher in conflicts (e.g., neglect responsibilities, deceive, arguments/fights) than onlyGTP and noGTP&noPSU. However, they also obtained more compensations from playing (e.g., feeling less lonely, less anxious to go out). Conclusions Special attention should be paid to individuals with PSU, particularly those with both GTP and PSU. They have more problems and appear to compensate some needs via playing, which has been found to lead to negative outcomes. To understand the effects of smartphone gaming it is crucial to consider both the gaming (the activity) and the attachment to the smartphone (the medium) in the context of impaired control, and GTP.

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... It is also crucial to understand for which individuals and under what circumstances GTP can posit risks and in what ways GTP and its mechanics can be applied for therapeutic and learning means. Those prone to GTP with GD or PSPU appear to be the population that requires more attention regarding potential risks of GTP (Ortiz de Gortari, 2018;Ortiz de Gortari & Larøi, 2018).Moreover, research on GTP should include experimental designs that allow systematic and controlled assessment of GTP, including longitudinal designs to evaluate the prevalence of GTP over time. ...
Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) is a multimodal and holistic research approach for understanding the effects of playing video games on cognition, sensory perceptions and behaviors, considering the interplay of video game contents, in-game phenomena (e.g. immersion, trance state, embodiment), in-game activities, and the manipulation of hardware and peripherals. Research with over 6,000 gamers from different samples has demonstrated that playing video games can lead to at least temporarily seeing images, hearing music, sounds, voices, tactile sensations, involuntary movements of limbs, sensations of unreality, illogical thoughts, verbal outbursts, etc., with video game contents. This chapter encompasses an overview of the research on GTP conducted to date, including contributions to the video game research field and future research directions. The chapter is divided into three main sections: i) the phenomena comprises characteristics and the prevalence of GTP; ii) the gamer covers the underlying factors associated with GTP, appraisal and consequences of GTP, and iii) the game includes structural characteristics associated with GTP.
... It is also crucial to understand for which individuals and under what circumstances GTP can posit risks and in what ways GTP and its mechanics can be applied for therapeutic and learning means. Those prone to GTP with GD or PSPU appear to be the population that requires more attention regarding potential risks of GTP (Ortiz de Gortari, 2018;Ortiz de Gortari & Larøi, 2018).Moreover, research on GTP should include experimental designs that allow systematic and controlled assessment of GTP, including longitudinal designs to evaluate the prevalence of GTP over time. ...
Video game playing is a popular activity and its enjoyment among frequent players has been associated with absorption and immersion experiences. This paper examines how immersion in the video game environment can influence the player during the game and afterwards (including fantasies, thoughts, and actions). This is what is described as Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP). GTP occurs when video game elements are associated with real life elements triggering subsequent thoughts, sensations and/or player actions. To investigate this further, a total of 42 frequent video game players aged between 15 and 21 years old were interviewed. Thematic analysis showed that many players experienced GTP, where players appeared to integrate elements of video game playing into their real lives. These GTP were then classified as either intentional or automatic experiences. Results also showed that players used video games for interacting with others as a form of amusement, modeling or mimicking video game content, and daydreaming about video games. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate how video games triggered intrusive thoughts, sensations, impulses, reflexes, visual illusions, and dissociations.
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