
Effective communications for project management



Effective communication on projects is a challenging, ongoing process for project managers and stakeholders at all levels within an organization. Project managers experience the greatest challenge due to the nature of their position. They set up and regulate communications that support a project overall. Effective Communications for Project Management examines elements of effective communications and describes the role that a Project Management Information System (PMIS) has in helping project managers become better communicators. Based on the author's practical experience and insight as a project and program manager, the book describes the role of personaltiy and its effect on the communications process. It also details the seven elements of effective communications: • Applying active and effective listening • Preparing the communications and establishing an issues management process • Drafting and publishing documentation • Conducting meetings • Giving effective presentations • Developing and deploying a project website • Building a project war room Containing examples and checklists that are adaptable to almost any project environment, this book is an invaluable resource that not only demonstrates how to attain effective communications, but also how communications can effect a project's bottom line.
... De acordo com Kliem (2008), gerentes de projetos utilizam pelo menos 80 a 90% de seu tempo comunicando-se com sua equipe ou com as partes interessadas. Neste sentido, Chaves et al. (2014) apresenta a pesquisa PMSurvey realizada pelo Project Management Institute (PMI) em 2012, que revela que em 692 organizações do Brasil a comunicação é principal habilidade necessária e valorizada no gerenciamento de projetos. ...
... Porém, implementar esforços de adaptação e de melhoria da comunicação pode reduzir o ritmo de trabalho já alcançado e gerar retrabalho. É por este motivo que, muitas vezes, os gerentes não querem aplicar ou desenvolver melhorias na comunicação (KLIEM, 2008). O mesmo foi enviado e respondido por pessoas envolvidas no universo de gerenciamento de projetos, focando aquelas com experiência profi ssional na área e que atuam tanto como gerentes ou como parte da equipe de projetos. ...
... O gerente é considera-do importante para 39% e, novamente, ninguém classifi cou o papel do mesmo como pouco ou não importante. Os resultados destacam o papel fundamental do gerente no processo de comunicação, conforme encontrado emKliem (2008).Figura 6 -Itens que mais e menos satisfazem os participantes na comunicação. Fonte: Autores (2019).Também foi analisada a relação direta da comunicação com o sucesso dos projetos. ...
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A comunicação é um fator essencial em todas as fases do gerenciamento de projetos, conectando todas as partes interessadas. É através da comunicação eficiente que os objetivos dos projetos podem ser cumpridos e o sucesso dos mesmos pode ser atingido. O trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a importância da comunicação no sucesso do gerenciamento de projetos. Também foram caraterizados os canais de comunicação mais utilizados, os itens que melhoram e que prejudicam a comunicação, e a satisfação com o processo de comunicação. Para tanto, o método de pesquisa através do questionário survey foi aplicado às pessoas que possuem experiência em gestão de projetos. As principais informações obtidas foram que as reuniões formais são os canais de comunicação mais utilizados pelos participantes e são também considerados os mais eficientes. Também foi levantado que papéis e responsabilidades bem definidos são os itens que melhoram a comunicação e que a centralização de informações é a maior barreira à mesma. A maior insatisfação dos participantes é com as habilidades de comunicação dos gerentes de projetos e a maior satisfação é com a comunicação entre todos os membros da equipe. A grande maioria dos participantes reconheceu a importância da comunicação, considerando-a essencial para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos.
... Managers represent the most crucial source of information for employees in organisations while creating effective internal communication is paramount to stay competitive and cultivate an organisational culture with a collective mission and vision (Hynes, 2015). Communication plays a crucial role in events as it can keep a project together or let it fall apart (Kliem, 2008). Communication is therefore an integral element of strong leadership in events which should be underpinned by effective management (Fitzenz, 2000). ...
... Communication was mentioned by all study informants as a core managerial leadership quality (Fig. 2), thus confirming theory on the vital role played by communication in successful event delivery (Beebe & Masterson, 2003;Gremler, Gwinner, & Brown, 2001;Kliem, 2008). The different meanings assigned by an event's team to managerial communicative role alongside the relative importance of these meanings were explored next. ...
... Effective communication should further account for the intra-team interactions and take into consideration how different team members express themselves by the way they think and behave in their roles (Belbin, 2010). According to Kliem (2008), it is the leader's main responsibility to create and maintain communication within an event's team. This was confirmed in this study as all informants recognised the core importance of communication in leading successful event delivery (Fig. 2). ...
Recent growth of events has triggered research into the determinants of successful event delivery. Communication is one of the determinants, and the importance of managerial leadership in enabling communication across an event's team is recognised. Empirical research on the attributes of event managers that make them good leaders from the perspective of an event's team is however limited. Through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with employees of an established events company in the UK, this study explores the role of managerial leadership in the success of an event, referring in particular to the enablers and inhibitors of effective communication. The study finds that leadership capacity of managers correlates with their personal and inter-personal competencies. On a personal level, poor motivational and interaction skills reduce the event's team performance. On an inter-personal level, insufficient recognition of the efforts applied by individual team members as well as the entire team serves as an inhibitor.
... In project management literature, the responsibility for project success or failure often is attributed to communication structures and practices (M. B. Pinto, J. K. Pinto, 1990;Kliem 2008;Bond-Barnard et al. 2013). Although communication is deemed as an indivisible part of project management, there is still a limited number of articles discussing communication as a strategic management pattern that enables to connect, inform and engage people in activities of projects and their environment (Johannessen, Olsen 2011;Lehman 2009;Dainty et al. 2006, cited in Bond-Barnard et al. 2013. ...
... Communication in projects is deemed as the strategic link that helps building a bridge between an organisation and individuals temporarily involved in project work to achieve business goals. According to Kliem (2008), communication in project management is guided by five basic principles as 1) people not media play a far more important role in communication process; 2) communication is an ongoing process throughout all stages of the project life-cycle; 3) it is contextual and can be affected by factors from the external environment 4) communication can take various forms and occurs at different levels; and 5) communication is about information rather than data (Kliem 2008). ...
... Communication in projects is deemed as the strategic link that helps building a bridge between an organisation and individuals temporarily involved in project work to achieve business goals. According to Kliem (2008), communication in project management is guided by five basic principles as 1) people not media play a far more important role in communication process; 2) communication is an ongoing process throughout all stages of the project life-cycle; 3) it is contextual and can be affected by factors from the external environment 4) communication can take various forms and occurs at different levels; and 5) communication is about information rather than data (Kliem 2008). ...
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Expansion of ”projectisation“ culture worldwide, ”internalization“ of projects and the inevitable growth of social media use globally calls for systematic and deeper insights from the strategic management viewpoint. Projects are defined as temporary organisations within various organisational bodies. In terms of the strategic management, temporary organisations are viewed as unique structural networking bodies that are anticipated to have their own strategy and management approach to meet project-based needs. Effective ”project communication“ plays a strategic role and can be an important enabler of social capital gains for organisations. Social media, as a new age phenomenon, are claimed to be the powerful mechanism that opens vast opportunities for collaborative communication. Their application in terms of temporary organisation is still underinvestigated area that lacks a researchers' attention. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of social media use in temporary organisations. The research study indicates that social media have a large potential for enhancing collaborative initiatives and collecting evidence for the strategic planning. First published online: 02 Sep 2014
... Findings are consistent with previous research on the importance of clarity in A-C communication, as well as the role of communication tools and methods in achieving it. For example, Riva (1999) found that VR can be a useful tool for interactive communication, while Kliem (2007) and Lee (2011) emphasize the importance of choosing appropriate communication tools that promote verbal and visual clarity. Moreover, the effectiveness of social VR in promoting collaboration and ideation has been demonstrated in previous studies, such as Author. ...
... Overall, these findings highlight the importance of meeting expectations (Weiss, 1994b) and clarity of representation in collaborative sessions (Kliem, 2007;Lee, 2011). ...
Conference Paper
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Effective architect-client communication is crucial for the successful progress of the design process. Traditional 2D sketches may pose challenges due to the high level of uncertainty experienced by clients concerning the project. Moreover, as 3D modeling cannot be performed in real-time with clients, architects typically present concepts after consultations instead of co-ideating with them, hindering effective communication. This communication is perceived as the intersection of clarity of information, clarity of sketched representations, and suitable communication methods (verbal and non-verbal). Aiming to support architect-client communication, this study evaluates the level of uncertainty and clarity experienced by architects and clients when using 2D digital sketches and immersive 3D sketches during co-ideation. The preliminary case study follows an architect and two clients co-ideating two similar small projects. Using three digital sketching tools: Midair 3D sketches using VR headsets (HMD), 3D sketches on (6DOF) tablets with an immersive projection (SVR), and 2D sketches on tablets (DT). Each project included three twenty-minute sessions per tool, followed by a questionnaire. Preliminary findings suggest that 3D sketches offer better clarity and reduce participants' uncertainty. We found an overall high expectation of the tools at the beginning of the co-ideation sessions and a subsequent decrease in impressions at the end due to the non-clarity of the sketched representation. The immersive projection system better supported participants' communication using gestures, whereas the VR headset restricted this activity.
... As per Table 10, all the respondents agreed that BDL implemented communications management as evidenced by a very high average mean of 4.5. Roseke (2019) argued that communications management encompassed three processes: Developing an appropriate communications approach; Implementing the project communications plan; and finally storing and retrieving project-related information as needed. Looking at the individual best practices, it appeared that BDL has a communications plan; BDL identifies its suppliers, their needs and expectations; BDL establishes what, how, when and how often to communicate with customers and suppliers; the reporting channel is clear to all staff and other key stakeholders; the management updates its team on project progress, budget, problems, and next steps on a regular basis; and BDL works hard to ensure its vendors' needs are met and communication channels are open. ...
... So, the researchers found a strong positive relationship between communications management and organizational performance of BDL. These findings are supported by Roseke (2019) who argued that communications management informs every aspect of the project within the project staff and with other parties involved. To ensure a successful project, it's fundamental to have good communication amongst all parties involved. ...
... This study aims to explain in detail the strategies of the leadership of research institutions in managing communication management and coordinating with its members. Although this theme is quite frequent, as in studies including (Gayeski and Rowland, 2005) Dialogues as a means of collective communication, (Kliem, 2007) Effective communication for project management, (Florida: Auerbach Publications. Pauliene, R., 2016) Interaction between managerial competencies and leadership in business organizations. ...
... Leaders represent the most important source of information for their members in the organization because creating effective internal communication is very important to unite scattered goals (Kliem, 2007). ...
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The Corona Virus Pandemic forces most organizations to implement systems and policies that are adjusted to gov-ernment regulations and appeals, including work from home, including at a research institute in private universi-typies in Indonesia. For the systems and policies to be implemented effectively, the leadership makes adjustments, especially in managing communications. Communication management is an important point during this transi-tional period because it has an impact on the coordination and results of work. Ineffective communication causes the institution's performance to be less than optimal. The purpose of this research is to describe the practice of communication management and coordination carried out by the leadership of an institution at a private university in Jakarta. The research method chosen was a case study approach, 11 informants were determined by purposive and snowball sampling. The results of this research show that the communication and coordination carried out by the leadership of the institution is not optimal, besides that it is limited to taking the initiative in confirming and providing a response, resulting in delays in completing their work. The fact in the field of leadership has not ad-justed the style of communication and coordination during the new normal. Comprehensive communication and coordination skills need serious attention because these abilities have an impact on institutions in building a cul-ture of synergy.
... Aiyewalehinmi (2013) revealed that training of project participants is necessary for on -site communication in order to ensure the construction project is successful. According to Kliem (2008), the ability to communicate is a crucial competence that project managers must possess to expect a successful outcome of their projects. Under this construct, the following null hypothesis is stated: H 02: There is no relationship between communication skills or competence and project outcome ...
... Mnkandla (2013) suggested that the context or environment within which a project is undertaken carries significant impact on project's successes as well as life cycle. Kliem (2008) and Louw and du Plooy-Cilliers (2005), discovered that the physical, social, historical, psychological and cultural context of environment can dictate the effectiveness of communication on project success. Hence, the following null hypothesis: ...
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Communication management is viewed as an imperative factor associated with performance improvement in construction projects. In Eswatini, it is established that projects experience poor project delivery associated with poor communication management practices. This study seeks to elucidate communication management practices informed by local culture and relate it to project outcome. A questionnaire survey of practitioners registered with Eswatini construction industry council was adopted for the study. Data was collected from 66 respondents. Principal axis factoring established nine practices namely; information technology, communication technology, communication skills and competence, communication management plan, teamwork, clear channels within organisation’s structure, project brief requirement management, project brief risk requirement management and context of environment as being key factors to project positive outcome. Spearman’s rho established that a relationship exists between project outcome and three practices namely; information technology, communication management plan and clear channels within organisation’s structure. The findings present key empirical evidence of the communication management practices that relate to project outcome in Eswatini. The study contributes on communication management practices in Eswatini and its relation on project outcome. Limitation of the study conclude that results and analysis cannot be generalised. However, the findings from the research provides opportunities for extensive further research recommendations to assess, refine and understand the effect of the variable’s communication management practice to project outcome.
... To better understand communication process, Figure 1 depicts the process of communication according to Kliem (2007). It is consistent with the sender, receiver, message and medium. ...
... Planning communication management is the practice of establishing an adequate approached plan of project communication in accordance with the requirement, needs and expectations of the client (PMI 2013a). Accordingly, a project communication management plan is the project document that is seen as a key element of the project management plan, which focuses on the way how to plan, arrange, observe and control the project communication, as well as to set the project communication goals and requirements (Kliem 2007, PMI 2013a. Moreover, Bilczynska Wojcik (2014) illustrated that the communication management plan elaborates the frequency of communication occurred during the project duration between the project participants, as it also comprises the participants' contact information. ...
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Communication is the heart of implemented projects of the construction industry, where project managers consume 90% of their time communicating with project participants. However, some barriers occur during this significant process of transferring project information. Therefore, this review paper highlights these constraints and guide project managers to take proper action to avoid them. Furthermore, as project communication needs to be carefully managed, this paper introduces communication management due to its high value, all long with the communication management plan as one of the main elements of the overall project management plan that aims to meet the stakeholders' requirements by delivering successful projects eventually.
... To better understand communication process, Figure 1 depicts the process of communication according to Kliem (2007). It is consistent with the sender, receiver, message and medium. ...
... Planning communication management is the practice of establishing an adequate approached plan of project communication in accordance with the requirement, needs and expectations of the client (PMI 2013a). Accordingly, a project communication management plan is the project document that is seen as a key element of the project management plan, which focuses on the way how to plan, arrange, observe and control the project communication, as well as to set the project communication goals and requirements (Kliem 2007, PMI 2013a. Moreover, Bilczynska Wojcik (2014) illustrated that the communication management plan elaborates the frequency of communication occurred during the project duration between the project participants, as it also comprises the participants' contact information. ...
... To better understand communication process, Figure 1 depicts the process of communication according to Kliem (2007). It is consistent with the sender, receiver, message and medium. ...
... Planning communication management is the practice of establishing an adequate approached plan of project communication in accordance with the requirement, needs and expectations of the client (PMI 2013a). Accordingly, a project communication management plan is the project document that is seen as a key element of the project management plan, which focuses on the way how to plan, arrange, observe and control the project communication, as well as to set the project communication goals and requirements (Kliem 2007, PMI 2013a. Moreover, Bilczynska Wojcik (2014) illustrated that the communication management plan elaborates the frequency of communication occurred during the project duration between the project participants, as it also comprises the participants' contact information. ...
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Communication is the heart of implemented projects of the construction industry, where project managers consume 90% of their time communicating with project participants. However, some barriers occur during this significant process of transferring project information. Therefore, this review paper highlights these constraints and guide project managers to take proper action to avoid them. Furthermore, as project communication needs to be carefully managed, this paper introduces communication management due to its high value, all long with the communication management plan as one of the main elements of the overall project management plan that aims to meet the stakeholders' requirements by delivering successful projects eventually.
... It is important to note the importance of communication in project management before discussing the need for a new project management communication research agenda. Estimates from the Project Management Institute and project management researchers indicate that 80-90% of a project manager's work is communication (see Kliem, 2008Kliem, , 2012 ...
... It is important to note the importance of communication in project management before discussing the need for a new project management communication research agenda. Estimates from the Project Management Institute and project management researchers indicate that 80-90% of a project manager's work is communication (see Kliem, 2008Kliem, , 2012 ...
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Based on an analysis of 272 peer-reviewed articles on project management communication, the authors found that only four percent of the articles advanced project management communication toward a better contemporary understanding of the complexity of communication. The authors posit that project management communication research needs a new research agenda based on complex responsive processes of relating. The new research agenda proposal is to use the emerging field of complexity leadership to explain better how project managers, team members, and stakeholders communicate during a project. Adopting the new project management communication research agenda will help establish more effective project management communication tools and methods. The new project management communication research agenda will also provide new research opportunities for communication scholars.
... A project closure report is documented and submitted to the customer and/or project sponsor for approval. The project manager is responsible for undertaking each of the activities identified in the project closure report, and the project is closed only when all the activities listed in the project closure report have been completed (Kliem, 2008). ...
... This placement is warranted as long as no major issues or problems. But when anything goes wrong, proactive, consistent, exception and effective communications with stakeholders will play a critical role in putting the project back on the right track quickly and finishing within budget and on time (Leonard S, 2016). ...
The aim of this study is proposing a framework for the roll of effective communications to all stakeholders in moderating project complexity to improve project success. This paper deeply reviewed the studies published in project complexity and it is effect on success of construction project. This research reveals that effect communications as the most important factor can play a significant role in influencing the relationship between complexity and project success. It was confirmed from previous studies that the negative impact of project complexity on success of construction project is conclusive. Complexity dimensions identified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) into three groups are: human behaviour, ambiguity, and system behaviour. Many empirical studies proved there is a positive and significant relationship between project complexity and project success. Thus, there is a need for a moderating variable to enhance the success of complex construction projects. In this study the main contribution is bridging this gap of knowledge by empirical examining the relations between complexity of construction projects and project success with the interaction of effective communications to all stakeholders as a moderator. This study will enhance development of construction projects in Malaysia and assist scholars and practitioners to achieve maximum project success.
... Luiten and Tolman (1997) simply defines communication as the transfer of information between people. Kliem (2007) illustrates the process of communication with Figure 2.3. ...
Experiment Findings
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Critical success factors in industrial plant projects
... Therefore, project managers are responsible for projects. Project managers spend at least 80-90% of their time communicating on projects [8]. By the use of communication skills, project managers help to plan, direct, control, and coordinate their operations throughout the project life cycle. ...
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Communication is the basis of everything and is thus the key to effective project management. The question is “What is the relationship between the project management and communication?” Effective communication is one of the main elements of project management. Communication is a critical part between people, information, and ideas, and communication is the basis for project performance in organization. This chapter will be focused on “project communication management step by step.” The chapter deals with all steps of project communication management which are defined as a combination of logical-related communication methods, tools, and techniques for a successful initialization, planning, implementation, control and administrative closure of the project communication. In the chapter communication environment (communication strategy, organizational structure), communication channel (communication methods, tools, frequency, and support of communication), communication cognitive (communication differences and skills), and communication system (feedback system and system of sharing and distribution of information) will be described.
... [1] According to Ralph L. Kliem "project managers spend at least 80 to 90 percent of their time communicating on projects." [2] Ignoring the significance of communications remains one of the major reasons for failure of projects. In all phases of the project cycle, communications have a critical influence on the management success -from the initial stage of the project proposal development, during the grant preparation process, following the project implementation and monitoring, to the final stage of evaluation and reporting. ...
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Organisations have shifted their focus towards elaboration and implementation of strategies for project communications management in current dynamic business environment. Communications are key elements for successful management at all phases of the project cycle – from the initial stage of the project proposal development, during the grant preparation process, the following project implementation and monitoring, to the final stage of evaluation and reporting. The paper aims to provide a practical research on four international projects and to explore the management of their internal and external communications during all project phases. On the basis of this extensive research, the article will also present recommendations for establishment of strategies for communications management as a vital prerequisite for successful projects that lead to fostering of collaboration, as well as the exchange of innovative ideas and practices.
... Therefore, project managers are responsible for projects. Project managers spend at least 80-90% of their time communicating on projects [8]. By the use of communication skills, project managers help to plan, direct, control, and coordinate their operations throughout the project life cycle. ...
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The director of communication (DirCom) is an impassioned profession that discovers which strategies are the best and the most intelligent. There are few manuals, and there are some that offer general and sparsely updated information about the change that new technologies imply. We find the literature isolated that can be directly useful. However, we will say that there is no single recipe for DirCom or communication consultants. Each one will offer different models according to the variables or factors that seem to them to be able to rectify the direction of a company according to his or her personal mood. Quality indicators: Intech Europe (Intechopen) is in Book citation index (Isi Web of Science Clarivate). Ie CSIC: quality indicator of publishing house: high. Book download free at Libro de descarga gratuita en
... The design process is the initial phase of the project execution based on the client's requirements, and significantly influences the project's value (Senescu et al., 2013). Communication during the design process is a certain necessity, and it is fundamental to intensively communicate between the architect and client to avoid conflict, by determining the messages and information to be sent to the right receiver by the right sender in the right way by the right media (Kliem, 2007). It is essential to establish a convenient communication management system to overcome problems at the initial designing phase of the project. ...
Conference Paper
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Architectural projects are initiated with the designing phase, that tends to translate and materialize the client's requirements and needs. This phase is highly and directly affected by the exchanged information and communication between architects with their clients. Nevertheless, despite of its importance, studies have proven that communication management, being a significant field of project management, is distinctly overlooked by architects in the architectural industry. Thus, this paper highlights the current practices and attributes of communication management in the context of architectural design phase. It outlines the different aspects' definitions of communication, as well as communication management standards and practices. By the end of this paper, the findings are expected to increase the communication management knowledge amongst architects to achieve success in projects by promoting the relationships between them and their clients. Finally, this paper uncover the architects' need for significant improvement of communication management as an insistent matter to ultimately fulfill project success.
... The design process is the initial phase of the project execution based on the client's requirements, and significantly influences the project's value (Senescu et al., 2013). Communication during the design process is a certain necessity, and it is fundamental to intensively communicate between the architect and client to avoid conflict, by determining the messages and information to be sent to the right receiver by the right sender in the right way by the right media (Kliem, 2007). It is essential to establish a convenient communication management system to overcome problems at the initial designing phase of the project. ...
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Architectural projects are initiated with the designing phase, that tends to translate and materialize the client’s requirements and needs. This phase is highly and directly affected by the exchanged information and communication between architects with their clients. Nevertheless, despite of its importance, studies have proven that communication management, being a significant field of project management, is distinctly overlooked by architects in the architectural industry. Thus, this paper highlights the current practices and attributes of communication management in the context of architectural design phase. It outlines the different aspects’ definitions of communication, as well as communication management standards and practices. By the end of this paper, the findings are expected to increase the communication management knowledge amongst architects to achieve success in projects by promoting the relationships between them and their clients. Finally, this paper uncover the architects’ need for significant improvement of communication management as an insistent matter to ultimately fulfill project success.
Conference Paper
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The construction industry (CI) is one of the major industries globally, considering its significance to developing the world economy. CI is also considered heterogeneous due to the range of different professionals coming together to achieve a single goal: completing projects. This heterogeneity also cuts through cultural and language diversity among the professionals involved in the operation, making communication ineffective among the stakeholders, and hindering the professional's performance and productivity, thereby affecting the project's success. Communication is the primary and most critical factor for a group of people to effectively achieve the purpose of coming together. When communication is ineffective among the group, the purpose is lost and not achieved as intended. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the industry, communication has been a significant barrier ravaging Nigerian CI performance and productivity. Consequently, this study aims to assess the barriers in the industry through a review of related literature to establish the most critical barriers currently facing the Nigerian CI and proffer strategies to mitigate the barriers effectively. The study adopts a review of related literature methodology to carry out this study. The study's findings show that factors such as poor management system and leadership skills, vague goals and objectives, language and cultural diversity, poor medium of communication, insufficient information, and adversarial relationships among the stakeholders are the most significant barriers to effective communication. The study recommends sound management systems and leadership skills through reviewing existing organizational policy, proper selection of stakeholders, stakeholder inclusion at all stages, and stakeholder training.
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The aim of every organization is to achieve the organizational strategy. In order to achieve the organizational strategy and objectives, the organizations use project management. In the Project Management Institute’s view, the project management is defined as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.” (PMBOK, 2013, p.5). Ten knowledge areas and five process groups are defined in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), published by Project Management Institute (PMI).The knowledge areas are Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management, Project, Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resources Management, Project Communication Management, Project Risk Management and Project Procurement Management. The project management process groups are Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling and Closing. Most of organizations have adopted the Project Management Institute’s approach and developed their own project management methodology and standard based on PMBOK. During developing the organizational project management standard, the organizations should consider the impact of personal characteristics. Developing and following a defined project management standard, which contains the effects of personal characteristics, increase the success rate of projects. This paper will explain the impact of personal characteristics on project management in systematic way. In order to realize that the author will explain the fundamental concepts of this subject. After that, the systematic way will be detailed. This systematic way consists of six steps:  Develop an Organizational Personal Characteristic Map  The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Project Human Resources Management  The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Project Communications Management  The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Project Risk Management  The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Project Stakeholder Management  The Impact of Personal Characteristics on Project Procurement Management
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Stakeholder management is the process of identifying, analyzing, and engaging people who have either positive or negative influence in a project. The people involved in any project are called stakeholders and all projects have stakeholders irrespective of the size. Managing these stakeholders is a major function of project managers especially the most important ones because their action will determine whether the project is successful or not. Literatures have outlined different strategies of managing stakeholders which lies around stakeholder identification. This paper formulated mathematical model to determine the most important variable in managing stakeholders. In conclusion, the carrying capacity of a project should be considered alongside other stakeholder management strategies like active listening to bring the project to a successful completion.
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The subject matter of the article is the factors that increase the efficiency of internal communications by selecting high-quality hardware. The goal of the article is to build a model for assessing the quality of hardware to be used in the communication processes of a development project. The objectives of the study are to consider the communication process to identify factors that improve its efficiency; to analyze the existing approaches to assessing the hardware quality to select equipment to be used in the communications of a development project; to identify the most important quality characteristics of communications hardware that support the communication process of a project; to build partial and generalized functions for assessing the quality of hardware as the elements of supporting the processes of internal communications of development projects. The following general scientific methods are used – the systems analysis, decision theory, the theory of utility. The following results are obtained: the approach is proposed that enhances the communications efficiency of a development project by selecting high-quality hardware when planning communications; the analytical dependence is suggested for assessing the functional completeness, which enables predicting the expected functions depending on the cost of communications hardware; the generalized model is proposed for assessing the hardware quality that enables estimating the level of quality depending on the cost and time of operation. Conclusions. The analysis of the communication process of a development project was carried out. This enabled identifying the factors that increase the efficiency of the project internal communications, computer systems being considered as such factors. The approach that enhances the efficiency of communications by selecting hardware is proposed. The generalized model of quality assessment was developed; this model combines the cost and time characteristics of hardware and enables obtaining estimates to substantiate a decision when planning communications of a development project and selecting hardware. The obtained results can be used when creating a plan for managing the communications of a development project.
Managing the process of building and maintaining an effective library website can be as challenging as designing the product itself. Web Project Management for Academic Libraries outlines the best practices for managing successful projects related to the academic library website. The book is a collection of practical, real-world solutions to help web project managers plan, engage stakeholders, and lead organizations through change. Topics covered include the definition and responsibilities of a web project manager; necessary roles for the project team; effective communication practices; designing project workflow; executing the project; and usability testing and quality control. The techniques recommended are drawn from the experiences of the authors and from library and project management literature. The book is an essential text for library staff working as project managers or on web teams, library administrators, library school faculty and students, and web consultants working with libraries.
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