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Abstract and Figures

We propose a novel mechanism of flat band formation based on the relative biasing of only one sublattice against other sublattices in a honeycomb lattice bilayer. The mechanism allows modification of the band dispersion from parabolic to "Mexican hat"-like through the formation of a flattened band. The mechanism is well applicable for bilayer graphene-both doped and undoped. By angle-resolved photoemission from bilayer graphene on SiC, we demonstrate the possibility of realizing this extremely flattened band (< 2-meV dispersion), which extends two-dimensionally in a k-space area around the K ¯ point and results in a disk-like constant energy cut. We argue that our two-dimensional flat band model and the experimental results have the potential to contribute to achieving superconductivity of graphene- or graphite-based systems at elevated temperatures.
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Extremely flat band in bilayer graphene
D. Marchenko
*, D. V. Evtushinsky
, E. Golias
, A. Varykhalov
, Th. Seyller
, O. Rader
We propose a novel mechanism of flat band formation based on the relative biasing of only one sublattice
against other sublattices in a honeycomb lattice bilayer. The mechanism allows modification of the band dis-
persion from parabolic to Mexican hat”–like through the formation of a flattened band. The mechanism is well ap-
plicable for bilayer grapheneboth doped and undoped. By angle-resolved photoemission from bilayer graphene
on SiC, we demonstrate the possibility of realizing this extremely flattened band (< 2-meV dispersion), which extends
two-dimensionally in a k-space area around the
K point and results in a disk-like constant energy cut. We argue that
our two-dimensional flat band model and the experimental results have the potential to contribute to achieving
superconductivity of graphene- or graphite-based systems at elevated temperatures.
Bilayer graphene (BLG) has, along with related two-dimensional (2D)
materials, extensively been studied by both transport and photo-
emission measurements. It is a material with an energy gap that opens
as soon as an asymmetry is imposed on the two graphene layers. This
tunable gap framed by van Hove singularities results from the Mexican
hatshape of the band structure (1) and is promising for lowpower
consumption transistors for which on/off ratios of 3.5 × 10
expected (2). By using a substrate or even sandwiching the BLG with
other 2D systems, it is possible to achieve a wide range of physical
phenomena related to topological properties and control them by exter-
nal doping or gating: a valley Hall effect (3) with peaked Berry curvature
at the valley bottom, a gate-tunable topological valley transport (4), and
unconventional quantum Hall effects (5).
On the other hand, frequent reports of superconductivity in
graphite at elevated temperatures even above 300 K (6)raiseanumber
of questions. It is important to note that there is an established low-
and medium-temperature superconductivity in carbon known as a
phenomenon with strong doping dependence and connected to alkali
and alkaline earth metals. Examples are intercalated graphite such as
= 11.6 K (7)], which can also be thinned down to an inter-
calated bilayer as a 2D superconductor [C
with T
as well as doped fullerides such as Cs
=33K(9)]. Here,
the alkali and alkaline earth metals act to increase the carrier concen-
tration and density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy. Most recently,
superconductivity was discovered in twisted BLG without any alkali
doping and a T
of 1.7 K (10).
The superconducting pairing mechanism is not fully established in
these materials, but for many of them, there is strong evidence for
phonon-mediated pairing and the validity of the Bardeen-Cooper-
Schrieffer (BCS) theory (11). The BCS theory predicts the relation
))] between the critical temperature T
of su-
perconductivity, the coupling constant Uof the effective attractive
interaction, and the DOS at the Fermi energy n(E
) such that, ac-
cording to the BCS theory, T
can be enhanced by increasing either
Uor n(E
The characteristic feature of graphite and graphene is, however,
their low or zero density of electronic states at the Fermi level, with
linear dependence on the energy. It has been argued that a flat band
system will enable superconductivity with strongly enhanced T
values (12). While Uremains difficult to assess, a flat band will lead
to maximal values of n(E
). Moreover, in this case of UW,theBCS
theory predicts T
); i.e., the exponential suppression of T
with the interaction strength is removed (12). In this context, rhom-
bohedral (i.e., ABC) stacking of multilayered graphene has been
considered in theory (12,13). Consequently, there is much interest
to realize the rhombohedral stacking in experiment, and recently,
angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has shown a flat
band for five-layer graphene on 3C-SiC, which resembles the
calculated very flat dispersions (14). In the photoemission data, the flat
band is found to extend near K by about 0.8 Å
(14). In this range,
the band disperses by only ~ 20 meV. Over the past years, theory has
consistently predicted flat band superconductivity accessible by doping
or gating and with enhanced critical temperature. These theoretical
approaches were inspired by cases such as the ABC-stacked graphite
or the van Hove singularity at the Mpointofmonolayergraphene
(MLG) and would substantially gain relevance if an extremely flat band
were found (1517). Most recently, superconductivity has been observed
in twisted BLG (10,18) as the first purely carbon-based 2D supercon-
ductor. For magic anglesbetween the two graphene layers, the moiré
pattern leads to flat band formation (19), and the observed super-
conductivity is directly assigned to the flat band effect.
In the present study, we investigate another way of band flattening
and DOS enhancement for the system with low DOS: BLG on SiC, which
does not require any twist. We use high-resolution ARPES measure-
ments to reveal the Mexican hat band structure of BLG on SiC in detail.
We show that there is a band portion that is much flatter, narrower,
and of higher photoemission intensity than expected, showing experi-
mentally no dispersion around the graphene K point (for ~ ±0.017 Å
This means that a very high DOS is compressed here at a narrow energy
interval. This strong peak in the graphene DOS is, first of all, prom-
ising for the application of this system in high on/off ratio graphene-
based transistors (2). Because this extremely flattened band forms a
strong 2D-extended van Hove singularity and we find indications of
enhanced electron-phonon coupling, it could be used to achieve high-
temperature superconductivity in BLG.
On the basis of our theoretical analysis, we propose a novel
mechanism of band flattening in BLG by biasing of only one sub-
lattice relative to other sublattices, which is possible for both doped and
undoped BLG. We show that the band flattening effect is universal and
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Elektronenspeicherring
BESSY II, Albert-Einstein-Straße 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany.
Institut für Physik,
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Str. 70, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Present address: Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism, École Polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Present address: Institut für Experimentalphysik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee
14, 14195 Berlin, Germany.
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on November 9, 2018 from
achievable by different means of combining interlayer asymmetry, sub-
lattice asymmetry, and doping. The mechanism allows control of the
band dispersion all the way from parabolic through flat band forma-
tion to Mexican hatlike.
Figure 1 shows ARPES data for a 6H-SiC sample with 1.2 monolayer
graphene (MLG) coverage. [As usual, the structural graphene mono-
layer at the interface, zero-layer graphene(ZLG), which is covalently
bonded and acts as buffer, is not counted.] For this coverage, the MLG
Dirac cone dispersion is expected to dominate with BLG contributing
just a faint intensity. However, there is an additional peculiar, very in-
tense, very sharp, and very flat band portion at 255-meV binding
energy that is not present in the case of MLG on SiC (20). The new
band is marked by white arrows in Fig. 1 (A to C). On the basis of
both calculations and experimental data, we attribute this band to the
bottom of one of the BLG bands. For this 1.2 monolayer coverage, the
photoemission intensities of the BLG bands are about four times lower
than those of the MLG bands, but at the same time, the flat band in-
tensity is about three times higher than that of the MLG bands.
There are examples in the literature where it is possible to see
this intense band in the data, but it has been ignored in discussions
so far (2123), possibly because the resolution was not sufficient for
details of the band dispersion. We performed the measurements in
Fig. 1A with the electron wave vector perpendicular to the GKdirec-
tion and through the K point, at a temperature of 60 K and a photon
energy of 62 eV. We did not observe any difference between data atK
and K. The features are much better visible as first derivative with
respect to energy in Fig. 1B: There is a faint indication that possibly
one more flat band at 150 meV (blue arrow) exists together with a
kink in the dispersion in the 150- to 160-meV energy range.
To judge the photoemission intensity distribution, we measured a
3DmaparoundtheK point. The cut along the GK direction in Fig. 1C
reveals that, in this experimental geometry,onlyhalfofthemonolayer
Dirac cone and only half of the bilayer dispersion are visible because
of a destructive interference from the two graphene sublattices (24,25).
We see the flat band on both sides from the Kpointwithsimilarinten-
sities. This is unusual for photoemission interference from graphene.
In Fig. 1D, two constant energy cuts are presented, taken from Fig. 1A
data at 235- and 255-meV binding energies. An energy difference of
20 meV, very small for ARPES otherwise, is enough to show the drastic
change in the constant energy cuts. At 235 meV, away from the flat band,
there is a nearly circular ring with intensity modulation due to the photo-
emission interference effect, but at 255 meV, one sees the shape of a
disk, without modulation by interference.
TherepresentationinFig.1Easastack of photoemission spectra
(only every 10th spectrum is shown) demonstrates the high photo-
emission intensity of the flat band. Figure 1F shows the spectrum that
exactly intersects the K point. The spectra were analyzed by simple
single-peak Gaussian fitting of the topmost portion of the photoemission
peaks. The resulting dispersion is shown as dots in Fig. 1G. We find
that the scattering of peak maxima energies is not more than 2 meV
0–0.04–0.08 0
Wave vector k (A )
Wave vector k (A )
–0.08 –0.04 0.04 0.080.04 0.08
Binding energy (eV)
0.0 AB
150 meV
255 meV
Wave vector k (A )
1.701.661.62 1.74 1.78
Binding energy (eV) 0.0
Flat band
Flat band
Binding energy (eV) 0.0
Flat band
0.02 1
255 meV
235 meV
|| k
Binding energy (eV)
0.2 0.10.3
Wave vector k (A )
Fig. 1. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. (A) Data for the sample with 1.2 monolayer graphene (MLG) coverage around the
K point of the graphene
Brillouin zone. The MLG Dirac cone dispersion, the faint BLG dispersion, and an intense nondispersing flattened band at 255-meV binding energy, marked by a white
arrow, can be seen. Measurements were done at hn= 62 eV and T=60K.(B) First derivative with respect to energy from the same data as in (A) where dispersions of all
bands are much more visible. A blue arrow shows the possible presence of one more flat band. (C) Measurements in the GK direction showing a destructive interference
effect for the monolayer and bilayer bands and its absence for the flat band. (D) Constant energy cuts taken at 235- and 255-meV binding energies. (E) Same data as in
(A) presented as a stack of spectra (only every 10th spectrum is shown). (F) Spectra at the
K point showing the flattened band intensity and its narrow width. (G) Dispersion of
the maxima extracted from the spectra.
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for a k-space range of ±0.017 Å
around the K point. In addition to
the flat band at 255 meV, there is a kink and a second flat band faintly
visible around 150-meV binding energy (Fig. 1, B and G, and fig. S1).
The sample with mostly BLG contribution is presented in fig. S1.
We measured the data at room temperature; hence, the energy broaden-
ing is slightly larger, but all the features under discussion are well vis-
ible. In summary, at the position of the bottom of one of the BLG
bands, we have a nondispersive and very sharp band with more than
an order of magnitude higher photoemission intensity than expected.
Density functional theory
We conducted density functional theory (DFT) calculations of MLG,
BLG, and trilayer graphene (TLG)/6H-SiC systems using the Vienna
Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) package (see overview in fig. S2)
(26). The structure of the BLG/SiC used in the calculations is presented
in Fig. 2D. To compare with experimental data, the DFT dispersions
of both the MLG and BLG are presented in Fig. 2A. The experimen-
tally observed picture and the high DOS are well reproduced. In Fig. 2C,
we see a magnified view of the calculated flat band structure with a
5-meV dispersion around the K point. This value is small relative to
the overall band structure but significantly larger than the flat band
dispersion observed in our experiment.
Symbol sizes in Fig. 2A reflect the contribution of p
orbitals in the
topmost graphene layer to the calculated band structure. We see a
strong localization of the flat bandwavefunctionsonthetopmostgra-
phene layer. A closer examination shows that the flat band wave
function is localized not only on the top graphene layer but also on sole-
ly one graphene sublattice, B (see fig. S3).We observed a similar effect in
graphene/Ni(111), where upper and lower halves of the Dirac cone be-
long to different sublattices (27). We will return to this point below since
it helps us develop the low-energy Hamiltonian for the present problem.
Assuming rotational symmetry of the calculated bands around the
point, as is supported by the experimental data in Fig. 1, we calculate the
DOS from the data in Fig. 2A, taking into account both layers of the
BLG. The result, presented in Fig. 2B, shows two very strong DOS sin-
gularities at the edges, separated by a gap. These DOS peaks represent
van Hove singularities, which, in the case of the flat band, have a very
strong DOS divergence because dE/dk,d
are zero at
the K point and the flat band is spread in k-space as a 2D disk-like area
in the Brillouin zone.
To investigate the role of the substrate for the flat band appearance,
we calculated the charge density redistribution in the BLG due to in-
teraction with the SiC substrate (ZLG/SiC) as a difference r
. Details of the charge density redistribution provide us
information on the interplay between interlayer and sublattice asym-
metries in BLG on SiC, important for the formation of specific band
shapes different from the case of a free BLG. The result is presented in
Fig. 2 (E and F). Yellow-colored isosurfaces show gain of charge, and
DOS (arbitrary units) 0.0 0.02 0.04–0.02–0.04
Wave vector k (A )
5 meV
Binding energy (eV)
Binding energy (eV)
Wave vector k (A )
Binding energy (eV)
0.0 0.1 0.2–0.1–0.2
Flat band
Silicon carbide
Zero-layer graphene
Bilayer graphene Side view Tilted view
Gain of charge
Loss of charge
Fig. 2. DFT calculations. (A) Calculated band structures of MLG (blue) and BLG (red) on SiC around the
K point with k
perpendicular to the GK direction. Width of lines
corresponds to the contribution of p
orbitals to the top graphene layer. (B) DOS calculated from the data in (A), taking into account the wave function contribution to
both layers of BLG and assuming rotational symmetry of the calculated bands around the
K point. (C) Magnified view of the calculated flat band dispersion around the
point. (D) Slab structure of BLG on 6H-SiC(0001) used in DFT calculations. Between the BLG and the SiC substrate, there is a graphene buffer (zero) layer. The back side
of the slab is H passivated. The inset shows the model of the BLG/6H-SiC unit cell used in the calculations (only BLG is shown), with definition of sublattices A, B, and C
used in the present work. (E) Effect of BLG interaction with the ZLG/SiC system (ZLG/SiC). Yellow-colored isosurfaces show gain of charge, and light bluecolored
isosurfaces show loss of charge, indicating charge transfer from the ZLG/SiC system to the BLG (mainly bottom layer) and emergence of a strong sublattice asymmetry.
Letters A, B, and C in the top-left part of the figure indicate A, B, and C sublattices, correspondingly. (F) Same as (E) with tilted view for better clarity.
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light bluecolored isosurfaces show loss of charge, indicating both
charge transfer from the ZLG/SiC system into the BLG (mainly the
bottom layer) and emergence of a strong sublattice asymmetry at
the bottom layer. From this picture, we can also see that both sublattices
A and B of the top graphene layer and the sublattice A of the bottom
graphene layer are almost unaffected and show only small charge
asymmetry due to the interaction with the substrate. However, the C
sublattice, which is in the lower graphene layer, is strongly affected
by the interaction. We will further investigate this finding below.
Flat bands are also generally unstable against other types of order,
such as ferromagnetism and charge order, and much of the argumen-
tation in the present work holds for these cases as well. 2D ferromag-
netism has been investigated theoretically in gapped BLG (28).
Comparing the tendencies for ferromagnetism, charge order, and su-
perconductivity in flat band systems, it was recently concluded that
superconductivity will always prevail, provided the flat band is
brought sufficiently close to the Fermi level (1517). This has been
concluded particularly for the flat band in ABC-stacked graphite
valid for the present case.
Model Hamiltonian
Intuitively, the simplest form of the BLG Hamiltonian around the
K point can be constructed by joining two MLG 2 × 2 matrices into
a larger 4 × 4 matrix and adding the required interaction terms.
This results in the Hamiltonian H
(Eq. 1), where tand bsubscripts
denote top and bottom graphene layers, respectively, and super-
script indices indicate BLG sublattices A, B, and C (see the inset in
Fig. 2D). Sublattice A atoms of the top layer are located above sublat-
tice A atoms of the bottom layer, and in the first approximation, we
add only the interaction between them (t
), neglecting interactions be-
tween other pairs of atoms located at larger distance from each other.
We get to Hamiltonian H
when we consider the top layer graphene
atoms to be at the same energy E
(i.e., without sublattice asymmetry)
and the bottom graphene atoms to experience sublattice asymmetry D
due to the interaction with the substrate. The substrate also causes a
difference between E
and E
, which represent interlayer asymmetry
between top and bottom layers, due to the interaction with the sub-
strate and the corresponding charge transfer. This Hamiltonian (Eq. 1)
can also be considered a simplified version of the Slonczewski-
Weiss-McClure model for bulk graphite (29) adapted to BLG.
where p¼ffiffi
2atðkxþikyÞ,withabeing the graphene lattice constant
and tbeing the nearest-neighbor hopping energy.
Fitting the Hamiltonian parameters to reproduce the experimental-
ly observed band structure yields values of E
and D= 0.2 eV (modeling with 0.01-eV precision). From these values,
we immediately see the important property
Returning to the more general case of Hamiltonian H
shows that
there are several possible conditions that yield a flat band (several
orders of derivatives equal to zero at the Kpoint);theydiffermostly
in how charges are redistributed between sublattices and with which
sign. Only one case was found to reproduce a result reasonable from
the point of view of charge transfer signs and magnitudes for the case
of BLG on SiC
In other words, the bottom-layer sublattice A is energetically equal
to the top-layer sublattice B. This condition is possible in the case of
both interlayer and sublattice asymmetries compensating each other at
the A sublattice of the bottom layer. Note that, here, the EA
tvalue is
unimportant for obtaining the flat band.
At the same time, any deviation from Eq. 3 by changing either the
sublattice or the interlayer asymmetry values produces a band with
finite curvature around the Kpoint.Figure3showsthissituationin
which a slight change of parameters modifies the flat band structure
either into a parabolic shape (positive effective mass) or into a Mex-
ican hat shape (negative effective mass), changing in particular the
number and positions of the band minima. In the intermediate stage,
we have a band with the first, second, and third derivatives equal to
zero at the K point. If we include more interaction parameters into the
Hamiltonians (Eq. 1), the overall picture will appear distorted, but the
possibility of achieving a flat band and the fine-tuning of the band
shape remain unaffected.
The condition (Eq. 3) for the graphene sublattice energies is very
close to the picture that we have in DFT calculations concerning the
charge density redistribution due to graphene-substrate interaction
(Fig.2,EandF).Aswehaveshownexperimentally, these parameters
are present in the BLG on the SiC system; however, they could be
reproduced in BLG or TLG on other substrates by the joint influence
of sublattice and interlayer asymmetries, e.g., by combination of chem-
ical doping and gating. Furthermore, the proposed mechanism is
promising beyond graphene because it is also applicable to other
2D layered systems such as multilayers of germanene and silicene.
The experimental high photoemission intensity of the flat band can be
partially explained by the 2D extent and broadening in k
and k
broadening, however, is not the reason for the flatness and the ob-
served features of the band. If this broadening were to play a signifi-
cant role, we would see the narrowing and intensity enhancement effects
also at other BLG bands around the KpointwheretheirdE/dkbecomes
locally zero. The experiments do not show these effects.
In Fig. 1C, we see, unusual for graphene, the disappearance of the
interference pattern in the region of the flat band, resulting (Fig. 1D)
in a disk-like image of the constant energy cut at 255-meV binding
energy. The destructive interference arises because of localization of
thewavefunctionondifferent graphene sublattices (24,25); however,
for the flat band, the wave function is localized on one sublattice
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only, and preconditions for the destructive interference disappear
(fig. S3).
In the ARPES data, there are, in addition to the pronounced flat
band, a kink and a second flat band, faintly visible around 150-meV
binding energy (Fig. 1, B and G, and fig. S1). The nature of this kink is
not unambiguous as two different reasons could produce a similar re-
sult. First, it could be due to overlap of intensities from regions with
different numbers of graphene layers, particularly TLG.
Calculations of TLG on 6H-SiC in two possible stackings (ABA
and ABC) are presented in fig. S2. In fig. S4, they are shown taking
into account the contribution of thewavefunctiontothetopgraphene
layer and overlapped with the BLG for comparison. From these
figures, we see that the rhombohedral (ABC) TLG on SiC has its
own flat band structure with specific electron localization at a binding
energy lower than that of BLG. This TLG coverage may actually be
negligibly small, especially in the case of an extremely sharp and in-
tense photoemission feature. For undoped TLG, the band structure
was studied experimentally by Nanospot ARPES and shows cubic
band dispersion at the Fermi level (30) for rhombohedral stacking.
An example of MLG, BLG, and TLG on another substrate, Ir(111),
is presented in fig. S5. There are characteristic double- and triple-split
Dirac cones without flat bands. Because of the absence of n-doping,
only the bottom bands are visible.
Another possible explanation for the observed kinks is re-
normalization due to many-body effects as known from MLG
(20,31). The enhanced electron-phonon coupling in superconducting
produces in ARPES a very similar renormalization around
160 meV below the Fermi level (32). Thus, we want to address at
this point again the relevance for superconductivity. There are var-
ious possible pairing mechanisms for intrinsic superconductivity in
graphene. Besides conventional s-wave pairing (33), p + ip (33), d
(34), d + id (16), and f (16) have also been considered for graphene.
It should also be mentioned that the extra layer degree of freedom
in bilayer systems leads to more possibilities in pairing. In this way,
e.g., the possibility of interlayer pairing arises (35). Since the pairing
mechanism is not established despite the strong indication for electron-
phonon coupling, we want to briefly assess the role of strong electron
correlation (36). It is possible that electron correlation contributes to the
flatness of the band. For graphene, this has been predicted (31). We
have performed model calculations to simulate complete photoemission
spectra. As a result, the small broadening in the experiment at higher
energies is incompatible with a significant role of electron correlation
for the flat band dispersion.
Returning to the question of electron-phonon coupling, we note
that the disk-like constant energy surface around the KandKpoints
of the graphene Brillouin zone favors enhanced intravalley and
KKintervalley scattering processes when the flat band is shifted
to the Fermi level. With small doping/gating of only a few millielectron
volts, the Fermi surface can be changed between circle and disk shapes,
strongly affecting the number of possible scattering channels.
The measured band structure shows n-doping due to the substrate
influence; therefore, the Dirac cone and the flat band in discussion are
located significantly below the Fermi level. This means that it is nec-
essary to bring the flat band to the Fermi energy to examine possible
superconductivity. This is possible by doping (21)andgating(37). We
recall that the possibility of doping large amounts of charge carriers
to the graphene layer was realized by combined Ca intercalation and
K deposition, resulting in bringing a 1D extended van Hove singularity
along the MK direction from more than 1 eV above down to the Fermi
level (17). In the present case, four times less doping but of the p-type
must be accomplished. Fortunately, p-doping of BLG on SiC has been
demonstrated as well (21).ItwasshownthatF4-TCNQmoleculescom-
pensate n-doping of BLG on SiC and make it charge neutral (21).
Based on the proposed model, n-doping of only one graphene sub-
lattice (either B or C) of initially undoped BLG leads to gap opening
along with an instant flattening of the dispersion at K. With increased
doping, the flat band area increases, but the energy position remains
fixed (fig. S6). In a device, however, single-sublattice doping is difficult
to control. Thus, the main approach of modification of the band dis-
persion is supposed to be the gate biasing with corresponding change
of interlayer asymmetry until both interlayer and sublattice asym-
metries compensate each other at the A sublattice of the bottom layer.
By using a double-gate device configuration (37), it should become
possible to control both the doping and the interlayer asymmetries
independently and in operando.
Our high-resolution ARPES study of BLG on 6H-SiC shows that the
band structure around the K point has neither the predicted parabolic
nor the Mexican hat shape but stays in an intermediate stage causing
flat band dispersion. The band has a number of unusual properties
Wave vector k (A )
Binding energy (eV)
Wave vector k (A )
0.0 0.015
Interlayer asymmetry change Sublattice asymmetry change
Eb = 0.38 = 0.2
Eb = 0.35 = 0.2
Eb = 0.32 = 0.2
Eb = 0.35 = 0.1
Eb = 0.35 = 0.2
E = 0.35 = 0.3
Fig. 3. Interlayer/sublattice asymmetry. Demonstration of the possibility of transforming the flat band electronic structure into a band with either positive or negative
effective mass by changing (A) the interlayer asymmetry and (B) the sublattice asymmetry of the bottom layer. The calculation is based on the Hamiltonian H
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such as very high photoemission intensity, very high DOS without de-
tectable dispersion and narrow width, contribution of only one graphene
sublattice, and the absence of photoemission interference effects. We
explain the mechanism of the flat band appearance and show that, by
influencing sublattice and interlayer asymmetries, one can radically
control the band shape and its properties. Indications of enhanced
electron-phonon coupling, together with the discussed possibility of
creating and controlling the flat band, are related to the question of
high-temperature superconductivity in graphene- and graphite-based
systems, while, on the other hand, the mechanism of the flattening of
the dispersion is more universal and could be used in transport appli-
cations beyond BLG.
Measurements were performed using linearly polarized undulator
radiation from the UE112 beamline and hemispherical analyzers of
three experimental stations at BESSY II: ARPES 1
station equipped
with a Scienta R8000 analyzer for initial high-resolution studies (T=
60 K), ARPES 1
station with a Scienta R4000 analyzer for high-
resolution low-temperature studies (T=1K),andPHOENEXSstation
for room temperature core-level studies. Graphene on nitrogen-doped
6H-SiC(0001) was produced as described in (38). The substrate was
etched in molecular hydrogen at a pressure of 1 bar and a temperature
of 1425°C to remove polishing damage. Then, graphene was grown by
annealing the sample in 1 bar of argon at a temperature of 1675°C.
The sample was transferred in air into the photoemission station and
subsequently annealed. Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), x-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), photoemission electron microsco-
py, and ARPES from this sample showed that it is mostly one MLG
with 20% contribution of BLG. After the initial study, the sample was
stored in air, annealed at 250°C for 20 min, and studied again. The sam-
ple quality was the same without any significant changes in LEED, XPS,
and ARPES. Subsequently, the sample was annealed several times in
ultrahigh vacuum with increased temperatures in the range of 1300°
to 1400°C, until parts of the surface appeared with mostly BLG. At all
stages, ARPES and LEED measurements were conducted for control
of the sample quality and the graphene layer thickness. All results shown
here were from the same sample, and the same results were obtained
from other samples grown at other times, which only differ in the bilayer/
monolayer ratio.
DFT calculations were performed using VASP (26)withtheprojector
augmented-wave method in the generalized gradient approximation.
Van der Waals forces were taken into account using the DFT-D2
method. The calculated system is a slab of six Si-C layers (ABCACB
stacking), zero-layer graphene (buffer layer), and graphene layers on
top (one for MLG, two for BLG, and three for TLG) (see Fig. 2D). The
vacuum region between the slabs was about 27 Å. The back side was
hydrogen passivated.
Supplementary material for this article is available at
Fig. S2. MLG, BLG, and TLG/SiC.
Fig. S3. BLG sublattice contributions.
Fig. S4. TLG/SiC.
Fig. S5. Graphene/Ir thickness dependence.
Fig. S6. Unsupported BLG.
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Acknowledgments: We thank P. Wehrfritz and F. Fromm for help with sample preparation.
Funding: This work was supported by SPP 1459 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and
by Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaftthrough a Helmholtz-Russia
Joint Research Group (grant no. HRJRG-408). Author contributions: D.M. and O.R. initiated the
project. T.S. prepared the samples. D.M., D.V.E., E.G., and A.V. conducted ARPES measurements.
D.M. and E.G. conducted DFT calculations. D.M. and O.R. wrote the manuscript with input from all
coauthors. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are
present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this paper
may be requested from the authors.
Submitted 8 May 2018
Accepted 4 October 2018
Published 9 November 2018
Citation: D. Marchenko, D. V. Evtushinsky, E. Golias, A. Varykhalov, Th. Seyller, O. Rader,
Extremely flat band in bilayer graphene. Sci. Adv. 4, eaau0059 (2018).
Marchenko et al., Sci. Adv. 2018; 4: eaau0059 9 November 2018 7of7
on November 9, 2018 from
Extremely flat band in bilayer graphene
D. Marchenko, D. V. Evtushinsky, E. Golias, A. Varykhalov, Th. Seyller and O. Rader
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau0059
(11), eaau0059.4Sci Adv
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... In monolayer graphene, the large Fermi velocity generated by the linear k dispersion prevents electronic ordering. Bilayer AB-stacked (Bernal) and trilayer ABC-stacked (rhombohedral) graphene host quadratic k 2 and cubic k 3 band dispersions, respectively, resulting in electronic instabilities, with bilayer [19,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38], trilayer [35,36,[39][40][41], and also tetralayer graphene [42,43] having been found to exhibit magnetic, as well as superconducting ordering, but so far only with application of electric and/or magnetic fields [44][45][46][47][48][49]. Further stacking of N layers in an ABC-sequence produces a locally flat k N band dispersion on the surfaces of the stack, protected by topology [50][51][52][53]. ...
... For example, all our magnetic states belong to the layer antiferromagnet (LAF) phase recently found in pentalayer ABC-stacked graphene [68,71], but we additionally uncover a rich in-surface structure for these LAF states. Also, in contrast to bilayer [32][33][34]38], trilayer [39][40][41], tetralayer [42,43], and pentalayer [68] graphene, external displacement field is not required to stabilize magnetic states in ABC-MLG. The reduced spin-spin relaxation time with finite doping also agrees with the loss of magnetic ordering in fewer-layer systems. ...
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We study interaction-mediated magnetism on the surface of ABC-multilayer graphene driven by its zero-energy topological flat bands. Using the random-phase approximation, we treat onsite Hubbard repulsion and find multiple competing magnetic states, due to both intra- and intervalley scattering, with the latter causing an enlarged magnetic unit cell. At half-filling and when the Hubbard repulsion is weak, we observe two different ferromagnetic orders. Once the Hubbard repulsion becomes more realistic, new ferrimagnetic orders arise with distinct incommensurate intra- or intervalley scattering vectors depending on interaction strength and doping, leading to a multitude of competing magnetic states. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
... Introduction.-Flat-band materials have garnered significant attention from both experimentalists and theorists due to their tendency to exhibit strong electron correlation effects and nontrivial band geometry [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. Studies on flat-band superconductivity have revealed that the properties of Cooper pairs are closely related to the geometric characteristics of the normalstate electronic bands. ...
... Via Eqs. (10) and (11), the current can be evaluated by taking the functional derivative j(t) = −δS/δA(t), and its third-harmonic component is given by the quantum geometric optical kernel as j(3Ω) ∝ K(2Ω). ...
Flat-band systems are of great interest due to their strong electron correlations and unique band geometry. Recent studies have linked the properties of Cooper pairs in flat-band superconductors to the quantum metric. Unlike prior studies primarily focused on quasiparticle fluctuations, in this work, we investigate quantum geometric effects on a collective mode of the order parameter-the Higgs mode. We derive the quantum goemetric Higgs-mode correlation length and investigate whether the nonlinear electromagnetic response of the Higgs mode persists in flat band. It turns out that the quantum metric will replaces energy derivatives, playing a crucial role in third-harmonic generation(THG). We further numerically calculated the correlation length and THG in the Lieb lattice. In contrast to traditional single-band results, Higgs mode fluctuations contribute almost entirely to THG, with the quasiparticle contribution being negligible. This finding provides valuable guidance for detecting Higgs modes in flat-band systems through optical methods and reveals the profound influence of quantum geometry in flat-band systems.
... Interestingly, a Mexican-hat-shape band exists at Γ point, giving rise to a vHS in the DOS at the band edge. The Mexican-hat-shape band normally can induce the correlation effect, superconductivity and other phase transition, which has been discovered in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, kagome magnet Co 3 Sn 2 S 2 and topological insulator Sn-doped Bi 1.1 Sb 0.9 Te 2 S [48,49,50,51,52,53,54]. Thus, this material warrants further studies to induce non-trivial phase transitions through moving the vHS closer to the Fermi level. ...
Kagome materials with inherent geometric frustration can produce many interesting physical properties, such as flat bands, quantum spin liquid, chiral magnetism, superconductivity and density-wave orders. Sometimes, the localized 4f electrons from Ce atoms coupled with other conduction electrons would also give rise to the flat bands near the Fermi level, and results in the formation of heavy fermion. Thus, it is highly probable that kagome material incorporating Ce element will display nontrivial physical properties. In this study, we present a new Kagome material belonging to the trinary Laves phase, Ce2_{2}Ru3_{3}Si, in which kagome plane is formed by Ru atoms. Electrical transport and specific heat measurements reveal a density-wave like transition. A Curie-Weiss behavior is observed in low-temperature region. Meanwhile we also find a relatively large specific coefficient γn(0)\gamma_{n}(0). The calculated Wilson ratio RWχ(0)/γnR_\mathrm{W}\propto{\chi(0)/\gamma_{n}} is approximately 3.1, indicating a moderate electron correlation effect. Chemical doping of Ir at the Ru site rapidly suppresses this density-wave like transition, while Mo doping leads to a gradual decrease in transition temperature. Theoretical calculation indicates both the Ce-4f and Ru-4d electronic bands cross the Fermi level, forming a Mexican-hat-shape Fermi surface close to the Fermi energy, potentially accounting for the observed density-wave like transition. Our findings provide an useful platform for investigating how hybridization between 4f and 4d electrons influences the electronic transport, and the relationship between the density-wave transition and kagome structure.
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Electronic flat bands can lead to rich many‐body quantum phases by quenching the electron's kinetic energy and enhancing many‐body correlation. The reduced bandwidth can be realized by either destructive quantum interference in frustrated lattices, or by generating heavy band folding with avoided band crossing in Moiré superlattices. Here a general approach is proposed to introduce flat bands into widely studied transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials by dilute intercalation. A flat band with vanishing dispersion is observed by angle‐resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) over the entire momentum space in intercalated Mn1/4TaS2. Polarization‐dependent ARPES measurements combined with symmetry analysis reveal the orbital characters of the flat band. Supercell tight‐binding simulations suggest that such flat bands arising from destructive interference between Mn and Ta on S through hopping pathways, are ubiquitous in a range of TMD families as well as for different intercalation configurations. The findings establish a new material platform to manipulate flat band structures and explore their corresponding emergent correlated properties.
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Owing to extremely large bandgap of 5.5 eV and high thermal conductivity, diamond is recognized as the most important semiconductor. The superconductivity of polycrystalline diamond has always been reported, but there are also many controversies over the existence of superconductivity in bulk single crystal diamond. Besides, it remains a question whether a metallic state exists for such a large bandgap semiconductor. Herein, a single crystal superconducting diamond with a Hall carrier concentration larger than 3 × 10²⁰ cm⁻³ is realized by co‐doped of boron and nitrogen, with an extremely low resistivity of 2.07 × 10⁻³ Ω cm at room temperature and dominated acceptor–donor bounded exciton photoluminescence. Furthermore, it is shown that diamond can transform from superconducting to metallic state under similar carrier concentration with tuned carrier mobility degrading from 9.10 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹ or 5.30 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹ to 2.66 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹ or 1.34 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹. Through integrating graphene on a nitrogen and boron heavily co‐doped diamond, a novel transportation behavior in the monolayer graphene similar with superconducting behavior is realized through combining Andreev reflection and exciton‐mediated superconductivity, which may reveal more interesting superconducting behavior of diamond.
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Recent theoretical investigations have revealed unconventional transport mechanisms within high Brillouin zones of two-dimensional superlattices. Electrons can navigate along channels we call superwires, gently guided without brute force confinement. Such dynamical confinement is caused by weak superlattice deflections, markedly different from the static or energetic confinement observed in traditional wave guides or one-dimensional electron wires. The quantum properties of superwires give rise to elastic dynamical tunneling, linking disjoint regions of the corresponding classical phase space, and enabling the emergence of several parallel channels. This paper provides the underlying theory and mechanisms that facilitate dynamical tunneling assisted by chaos in periodic lattices. Moreover, we show that the mechanism of dynamical tunneling can be effectively conceptualized through the lens of a paraxial approximation. Our results further reveal that superwires predominantly exist within flat bands, emerging from eigenstates that represent linear combinations of conventional degenerate Bloch states. Finally, we quantify tunneling rates across various lattice configurations and demonstrate that tunneling can be suppressed in a controlled fashion, illustrating potential implications in future nanodevices.
Представлены результаты теоретического исследования V-содержащих гетероструктур, представляющих собой ультратонкую магнитную пленку на поверхности немагнитного топологического изолятора. Показана возможность управления смещением точки Дирака в k-пространстве, являющегося мерой протяженности особой плоской зоны, возникающей при формировании доменных стенок на поверхности антиферромагнитных топологических изоляторов. Смещение точки Дирака обратно пропорционально значению групповой скорости электронов в точке Дирака и пропорционально степени локализации топологического состояния в магнитной пленке. Управление смещением осуществляется путем подбора подложки с определенным значением работы выхода. Предложены конкретные системы для экспериментального исследования особенностей плоских зон в антиферромагнитных топологических изоляторах.
Wannier functions have widespread utility in condensed matter physics and beyond. Topological physics, on the other hand, has largely involved the related notion of compactly supported Wannier-type functions, which arise naturally in flat bands. In this paper, we establish a connection between these two notions, by finding the necessary and sufficient conditions under which compact Wannier functions exist in one dimension. We present an exhaustive construction of models with compact Wannier functions and show that the Wannier functions are unique, and in general, distinct from the corresponding maximally localized Wannier functions.
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The understanding of strongly-correlated materials, and in particular unconventional superconductors, has puzzled physicists for decades. Such difficulties have stimulated new research paradigms, such as ultra-cold atom lattices for simulating quantum materials. Here we report on the realization of intrinsic unconventional superconductivity in a 2D superlattice created by stacking two graphene sheets with a small twist angle. For angles near 1.11.1^\circ, the first `magic' angle, twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) exhibits ultra-flat bands near charge neutrality, which lead to correlated insulating states at half-filling. Upon electrostatic doping away from these correlated insulating states, we observe tunable zero-resistance states with a critical temperature TcT_c up to 1.7 K. The temperature-density phase diagram shows similarities with that of the cuprates, including superconducting domes. Moreover, quantum oscillations indicate small Fermi surfaces near the correlated insulating phase, in analogy with under-doped cuprates. The relative high TcT_c, given such small Fermi surface (corresponding to a record-low 2D carrier density of 1011cm210^{11} \textrm{cm}^{-2} , renders TBG among the strongest coupling superconductors, in a regime close to the BCS-BEC crossover. These novel results establish TBG as the first purely carbon-based 2D superconductor and as a highly tunable platform to investigate strongly-correlated phenomena, which could lead to insights into the physics of high-TcT_c superconductors and quantum spin liquids.
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Van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures are an emergent class of metamaterials comprised of vertically stacked two-dimensional (2D) building blocks, which provide us with a vast tool set to engineer their properties on top of the already rich tunability of 2D materials. One of the knobs, the twist angle between different layers, plays a crucial role in the ultimate electronic properties of a vdW heterostructure and does not have a direct analog in other systems such as MBE-grown semiconductor heterostructures. For small twist angles, the moir\'e pattern produced by the lattice misorientation creates a long-range modulation. So far, the study of the effect of twist angles in vdW heterostructures has been mostly concentrated in graphene/hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) twisted structures, which exhibit relatively weak interlayer interaction due to the presence of a large bandgap in h-BN. Here we show that when two graphene sheets are twisted by an angle close to the theoretically predicted 'magic angle', the resulting flat band structure near charge neutrality gives rise to a strongly-correlated electronic system. These flat bands exhibit half-filling insulating phases at zero magnetic field, which we show to be a Mott-like insulator arising from electrons localized in the moir\'e superlattice. These unique properties of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TwBLG) open up a new playground for exotic many-body quantum phases in a 2D platform made of pure carbon and without magnetic field. The easy accessibility of the flat bands, the electrical tunability, and the bandwidth tunability though twist angle may pave the way towards more exotic correlated systems, such as unconventional superconductors or quantum spin liquids.
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The electron band structure of graphene on SrTiO3 substrate has been investigated as a function of temperature. The high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study reveals that the spectral width at Fermi energy and the Fermi velocity of graphene on SrTiO3 are comparable to those of graphene on a BN substrate. Near the charge neutrality, the energy-momentum dispersion of graphene exhibits a strong deviation from the well-known linearity, which is magnified as temperature decreases. Such modification resembles the characteristics of enhanced electron-electron interaction. Our results not only suggest that SrTiO3 can be a plausible candidate as a substrate material for applications in graphene-based electronics, but also provide a possible route towards the realization of a new type of strongly correlated electron phases in the prototypical two-dimensional system via the manipulation of temperature and a proper choice of dielectric substrates.
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The work function and electronic structure of epitaxial graphene as well as of quasi-freestanding graphene multilayer samples were studied by Kelvin probe and angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The work function converges towards the value of graphite as the number of layers is increased. Thereby, n-type doped epitaxial graphene layers have a work function lower than graphite and p-type doped quasi-freestanding graphene layers exhibit a work function higher than graphite. We explain the behaviour by the filling of the -bands due to substrate interactions.
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Measuring with high precision the electrical resistance of highly ordered natural graphite samples from a Brazil mine, we have identified a transition at \sim350~K with \sim40~K transition width. The step-like change in temperature of the resistance, its magnetic irreversibility and time dependence after a field change, consistent with trapped flux and flux creep, and the partial magnetic flux expulsion obtained by magnetization measurements, suggest the existence of granular superconductivity below 350~K. The zero-field virgin state can only be reached again after zero field cooling the sample from above the transition. Paradoxically, the extraordinarily high transition temperature we found for this and several other graphite samples is the reason why this transition remained undetected so far. The existence of well ordered rhombohedral graphite phase in all measured samples has been proved by x-rays diffraction measurements, suggesting its interfaces with the Bernal phase as a possible origin for the high-temperature superconductivity, as theoretical studies predicted. The localization of granular superconductivity at these two dimensional interfaces prevents the observation of a zero resistance state or of a full Meissner state.
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We report the direct evidence for superconductivity in Ca-intercalated bilayer graphene C6CaC6, which is regarded as the thinnest limit of Ca-intercalated graphite. We performed the electrical transport measurements with the in situ 4-point-probe method in ultrahigh vacuum under zero- or nonzero-magnetic field for pristine bilayer graphene, Li-intercalated bilayer graphene (C6LiC6) and C6CaC6 fabricated on SiC substrate. We observed that the zero-resistance state occurs in C6CaC6 with the onset temperature (Tc(onset)) of 4 K, while the Tc(onset) is gradually decreased upon applying the magnetic field. This directly proves the superconductivity origin of the zero resistance in C6CaC6. On the other hand, both pristine bilayer graphene and C6LiC6 exhibit non-superconducting behavior, suggesting the importance of intercalated atoms and its species to drive the superconductivity.
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In a continuous search for energy-efficient electronic switches, a great attention is focused on tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) demonstrating an abrupt dependence of the source-drain current on the gate voltage. Among all TFETs, those based on one-dimensional (1D) semiconductors exhibit the steepest current switching due to the singular density of states near band edges, though the current in 1D structures is pretty low. In this paper, we propose a TFET based on 2D graphene bilayer which demonstrates a record steep subthreshold slope enabled by van Hove singularities in the density of states near the edges of conduction and valence bands. Our simulations show the accessibility of ~ 10510^5 ON/OFF current ratio with 150 mV gate voltage swing, and a maximum subthreshold slope of (20 {\mu}V/dec)1^{-1} just above the threshold. The high ON-state current of ~ 1 mA/{\mu}m is enabled by a narrow (< 0.4 eV) extrinsic band gap, while the smallness of the leakage current is due to the blocking of thermally injected minority carriers by the electric field of auxiliary gates at source and drain.
The crystallographic stacking order in multilayer graphene plays an important role in determining its electronic structure. In trilayer graphene, rhombohedral stacking (ABC) is particularly intriguing, exhibiting a fat band with an electric-field tunable band gap. Such electronic structure is distinct from simple hexagonal stacking (AAA) or typical Bernal stacking (ABA), and is promising for nanoscale electronics, optoelectronics applications. So far clean experimental electronic spectra on the first two stackings are missing because the samples are usually too small in size (µm or nm scale) to be resolved by conventional angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Here by using ARPES with nanospot beam size (NanoARPES), we provide dirext experimental evidence for the coexistence of three different stackings of trilayer graphene and reveal their distinctive electronic structures directly. By fitting the experimental data, we provide important experimental band parameters for describing the electronic structure of trilayer graphene with different stackings.
Condensed matter systems with flat bands close to the Fermi level generally exhibit, due to their very large density of states, extraordinary high critical ordering temperatures of symmetry breaking orders, such as superconductivity and magnetism. Here we show that the critical temperatures follow one of two universal curves with doping away from a flat band depending on the ordering channel, which completely dictates both the general order competition and the phase diagram. Notably, we find that orders in the particle-particle channel (superconducting orders) survive decisively further than orders in the particle-hole channel (magnetic or charge orders) because the channels have fundamentally different polarizabilities. Thus, even if a magnetic or charge order initially dominates, superconducting domes are still likely to exist on the flanks of flat bands. We demonstrate these general results for both the topological surface flat bands of rhombohedral ABC-stacked graphite and the van Hove singularity of graphene.
In recent years, ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) techniques have made a profound impact on the investigation of the structure of the electronic and dynamic properties of liquid and amorphous materials. In this paper, recent developments in this field are reviewed and it is shown that the exact calculation of the electronic groundstate at each MD timestep is feasible using modern iterative matrix diagonalization algorithms. Together with the use of ultrasoft pseudopotentials, ab initio MD simulations can be extended to open-shell transition metals with a high density of states at the Fermi-level. The technique is applied to a number of interesting cases: (a) liquid simple metals (Li, Na, Al, Ge), (b) liquid transition metals (Cu, V), and (c) the transition from a liquid metal to an amorphous semiconductor by the rapid quenching of Ge.