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A model for the basic plasma parameter profiles and the force exerted by fireballs with non-isothermal electrons

AIP Publishing
Physics of Plasma
  • Gruenwald Laboratories GmbH

Abstract and Figures

As discovered in recent work, plasma fireballs have the ability to exert considerable force onto ions and neutrals and, hence, induce macroscopic gas flows. This property makes them interesting objects for fundamental scientific research. Furthermore, there are also the possibilities for applications in the field space propulsion. As there is a lack of fundamental understanding of these plasma phenomena, this article aims to enhance the physical knowledge of fireballs by presenting a mathematical model for the calculation of the force that can be provided by them. It will be shown that all the main plasma parameters such as the plasma potential and the electron density can be derived completely with the knowledge of the potential of the electrode and the radial electron temperature profile. The calculations show very good agreement with the experimental data if two species of electrons (i.e., fast and slow) are considered. Both electron populations have different temperature profiles as is shown with measurements. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated that the potential drop throughout the fireball is much larger than previously thought and that this larger potential drop can considerably contribute to the acceleration of ions in the double layer. This mechanism makes it more likely that the force exerted by the fireball is rather caused by heating of the neutrals via collisions with those accelerated ions and the high energetic ions themselves than by collisions between fast electrons and neutrals. Published by AIP Publishing.
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A model for the basic plasma parameter profiles and the force exerted by fireballs with
non-isothermal electrons
J. Gruenwald, J. Kovačič, B. Fonda, and T. Gyergyek
Citation: Physics of Plasmas 25, 113508 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5054369
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Published by the American Institute of Physics
A model for the basic plasma parameter profiles and the force exerted
by fireballs with non-isothermal electrons
J. Gruenwald,
J. Kovacˇicˇ,
B. Fonda,
and T. Gyergyek
Gruenwald Laboratories, Taxberg 50, 5660 Taxenbach, Austria
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Trza
ska cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jozef Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
(Received 31 August 2018; accepted 24 October 2018; published online 9 November 2018)
As discovered in recent work, plasma fireballs have the ability to exert considerable force onto ions
and neutrals and, hence, induce macroscopic gas flows. This property makes them interesting
objects for fundamental scientific research. Furthermore, there are also the possibilities for
applications in the field space propulsion. As there is a lack of fundamental understanding of these
plasma phenomena, this article aims to enhance the physical knowledge of fireballs by presenting a
mathematical model for the calculation of the force that can be provided by them. It will be shown
that all the main plasma parameters such as the plasma potential and the electron density can be
derived completely with the knowledge of the potential of the electrode and the radial electron
temperature profile. The calculations show very good agreement with the experimental data if two
species of electrons (i.e., fast and slow) are considered. Both electron populations have different
temperature profiles as is shown with measurements. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated that the
potential drop throughout the fireball is much larger than previously thought and that this larger
potential drop can considerably contribute to the acceleration of ions in the double layer. This
mechanism makes it more likely that the force exerted by the fireball is rather caused by heating of
the neutrals via collisions with those accelerated ions and the high energetic ions themselves than
by collisions between fast electrons and neutrals. Published by AIP Publishing.
Fireballs (FBs) are spherical, highly luminous regions in
a comparably thin surrounding background plasma, which
are bounded by a double layer (DL). They were first reported
by Lehmann at the beginning of the last century.
It was dis-
covered some years ago by Stenzel et al.
that FBs are capa-
ble of producing macroscopic flows in the surrounding gas.
It was argued by the latter authors that these gas flows were
induced by fast electrons that heat the neutrals. This pioneer-
ing work was later supplemented by a theoretical model by
Makrinich and Fruchtman
along with the partial comparison
of the theoretical data with measurements. The aforemen-
tioned model is a good starting point for theoretical investi-
gations. However, there is still room for improvement.
Specifically, the assumption of isothermal electrons made in
Ref. 3is a simplification that is not congruent with experi-
mental data, obtained by different authors such as Rubens
and Henderson
who measured differences in T
of up to
250% between the interior of a FB and the bulk plasma. A
more recent experimental study, which clearly shows that
the assumption of isothermal electrons only holds within the
FB and outside the double layer (but with very different val-
ues), was conducted by Weatherford et al.
However, if only
isothermal electrons are considered, the behavior of the elec-
trons in the boundary region of the FB, which is formed by
the DL, is completely neglected. In Sec. III, the model by
Makrinich et al. is generalized to FBs with non-isothermal
electrons, and the results are compared with experimental
data. Additionally, it will be shown that the potential drop
throughout the fireball is much larger than it would be the
case with only one electron species and that this larger poten-
tial drop can considerably contribute to the acceleration of
ions in the double layer. The calculations presented in this
work are based on a simplified analytic model, which neglects
kinetic effects in the plasma but still yields results that are in
good agreement with the available experimental data.
The experimental results, which were used to support
the following mathematical model, were obtained in a linear,
magnetized plasma machine that produces the plasma with a
hot wire cathode and has an axial magnetic field for
enhanced confinement. This device is described in more
detail elsewhere.
However, a schematic overview of the
machine is shown in Fig. 1.
The magnetic field was held as small as possible
(11 mT) to minimize anisotropy effects, and the radial
plasma parameter profiles were measured with Langmuir
and emissive probes. Both probe heads were made of thori-
ated tungsten with a length of 5 mm and a diameter of 75
lm. The probes were orientated perpendicular to the mag-
netic field lines, and the data evaluation was conducted
according to standard probe theory. The magnitude of the
magnetic field is also considered low enough not to influence
the probe measurements.
The experiments were conducted
1070-664X/2018/25(11)/113508/7/$30.00 Published by AIP Publishing.25, 113508-1
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 25, 113508 (2018)
in argon 5.0 at a pressure of 10
mbar. The discharge cur-
rent was 2.4 A at a discharge voltage of 50 V.
As depicted in Fig. 2within the FB, a second population
of electrons with considerably higher temperature evolves
inside the double layer surrounding the FB. The applied
potential on the anode was 30.9 V with respect to ground at a
maximum input current of 0.3 A.
This gives already a hint that the potential drop in the
double layer accelerates the ions produced in the FB, which
then heat the neutrals due to inelastic collisions rather than
the electrons. The magnitude of the temperature drop also
fits to the measurements of Stenzel et al. who observed bal-
listic ions leaving a pulsed FB with kinetic energies of 8.6 to
12.9 eV under very similar experimental conditions.
It has
to be noted that there are indeed isothermal electrons present
but at very low temperature which cannot account either for
the generation of fast ions that are observed in the FB or for
the neutral gas heating.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, the electron temperature profile
can be approximated with a logistic function that has the
general form
1þexpðkðrr0ÞÞ ;(1)
where A, L, k, and r
are usually fit parameters. However, in
this context, they refer to the following physical quantities: A
is the electron temperature in the bulk (far from the FB), L is
the maximum value of T
in the center (near the electrode), k
is the steepness, and r
is the midpoint of the curve. For the
sake of simplicity and without loss of generality, A is set to be
0 and L is from here on defined as the maximum electron tem-
perature with respect to T
in the bulk (L ¼9.1 eV). As shown
later, the hot electron population is less dense. This leads to a
larger scattering of the data points for the hot electrons
although 10 measurements were averaged for each acquisi-
tion. However, the overall accuracy of the Langmuir probe
measurements is about 10%. Both the plasma potential /
and the electron temperature can be connected under the
assumption of quasi neutrality (ne;cþne;h¼neni¼n)and
a Maxwellian velocity distribution via
/pl ¼Te
21þln 2Mi
where /
is the potential on the FB anode inside the FB,
while its value is zero outside the FB where the electrode
potential is already shielded from the background plasma.
The indices “h” and “c” denote the contributions from the
hot and cold electrons, respectively. Due to the superposition
principle, this can be done separately for the hot and cold
electrons with their individual temperature profiles.
Two typical electron energy distribution functions
(EEDF) from the hot and cold population are shown in Fig. 3.
The distribution functions have been obtained by the
second derivative of the Langmuir probe traces. The probe
traces have been smoothed with a Savitzky–Golay filter with
the optimal parameters to minimize the error lined out in
Ref. 11. It can be seen that the EEDF for both electron spe-
cies are Maxwellian. However, there is some slight deviation
in the distribution function for the cold electrons, which can
be explained by the larger mean free paths at smaller elec-
tron energies.
FIG. 1. Sketch of the Ljubljana magnetized plasma machine with the addi-
tional anode and the FB.
FIG. 2. Double layer (pink) formed between 60 and 75mm and measured
radial temperature profiles of the cold (blue) and hot (red) electrons with a
logistic fit (black) as obtained with the listed fit parameters.
FIG. 3. Typical EEDF taken at positions 40 and 100 mm. Savitzky–Golay
parameters: polynomial order: 6 and data points: 191.
113508-2 Gruenwald et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 113508 (2018)
The results for /
are depicted in the graph (Fig. 4),
which shows a comparison between the plasma potential
profiles calculated according to Eq. (2) and the equation sug-
gested by Makrinich and Fruchtman.
The black squares in
Fig. 4denote the actually measured data. The plot contains
the data for the hot electrons (red line), the cold electrons
(blue line), and the sum of both contributions with the poten-
tial of the FB electrode (30.9 V) subtracted as described by
Eq. (2) (black line). It is clearly visible that both species of
electrons, i.e., the hot and the cold population, have to be
taken into account in order to obtain the correct plasma
potential profile. This is despite the fact that the majority of
electrons in the FB plasma are part of the cold, isothermal
The best agreement between the experimental data and
the simulated curve can only be obtained if the cold and hot
electrons and the potential on the anode are taken into
account properly. Nevertheless, it has to be noted that the
temperature for the hot electrons was set to be zero outside
the FB as the only experimentally observed population in
this region is the one consisting of cold electrons. Hence, for
radial positions larger than 66 mm, the hot electrons are
omitted. However, for obtaining the blue line, isothermal
cold electrons were assumed, while for the red line, the two
different temperatures of the electrons within and outside the
FB have been regarded. Using Eq. (2) yields a potential drop
of around 30 V in the DL, which is around 6 times higher
than the potential drop calculated with the conventional for-
mula (4.8 V).
This again strengthens the claim that ions can
indeed gain enough kinetic energy in the potential drop,
which is then available for neutral gas heating via inelastic
collisions. The drop in the plasma potential of around 30 V
indicates the possibility of the creation of Ar
ions as the
second ionization potential of argon is 28.6 eV, but these
species are neglected here for simplicity. It has also to be
noted that the plasma potential inside the FB is slightly
higher than the potential on the electrode, which is explained
by the rapid loss of electrons on the anode surface along
with the efficient production of positively charged ions. The
derivative of Eq. (2) allows us to calculate the E-field for the
hot and cold electrons
The contribution from each electron species to the E-
field was calculated from Eq. (3), and the results are depicted
in Fig. 5.
It can be seen that the cold electrons only have a mar-
ginal influence on the total electric field between the FB
anode and the background plasma since their contribution
only shows some minor fluctuations around the zero line.
The hot electrons, on the other hand, display E-field fluctua-
tions of several thousand V/m with a strong maximum value
of around 10 kV/m in the DL around the FB. However, it has
to be stressed that the large distortions of the E-field inside
the FB are not physical; they are due to the limitations in the
probe evaluation techniques in combination with the numeri-
cal derivation of the data curves. Since the electron tempera-
ture was determined from the semi-log plot of the probe
traces, even small errors may appear as large fluctuations.
Nevertheless, it can be concluded that the cold electrons
alone cannot be responsible for the large E-field variation
within the double layer as their contribution to the electrical
field is about three orders of magnitude too small compared
to the calculation from the measured plasma potential.
With the knowledge of the plasma potential and the
electron temperature profiles of both species, the electron
density profiles can be calculated in the following manner:
First, the general momentum equation for the electrons is
It is evident that the assumption of non-isothermal elec-
trons introduces an additional term into the momentum equa-
tion. Since the electric fields generated by the fast and slow
FIG. 4. Simulated radial plasma potential profile contributions of the hot
(red) and cold (blue) electrons and their sum minus the FB electrode poten-
tial (black line), calculated with Eq. (2). They are compared with the mea-
sured radial profiles (black squares) and with the theoretical predictions
from Ref. 3(green crosses).
FIG. 5. Simulated contributions to the electric field from the cold (blue) and
hot (red) electrons in comparison to the electric field calculated from the
experimental values (black).
113508-3 Gruenwald et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 113508 (2018)
electrons can be superimposed, Eq. (4) can be treated sepa-
rately for both electron species
It has to be noted that T
in Eq. (5) is constant in accor-
dance with the measured data, depicted in Fig. 2. Thus, Eq.
(5) yields the solution for the density of slow electrons
ne;c¼nc;0exp e
exp e
exp e
where n
denotes the density of cold electrons at the surface
of the FB electrode and /
is the plasma potential contribu-
tion from the cold electrons. The hot electron density is
determined via Eq. (6). Using the general derivation rules for
the logistic function, the spatial derivative of the electron
temperature is then given by
For the following mathematical treatment, also the
momentum equation for the ions
miCi¼nieE (10)
along with the continuity equation
is applied.
Here, C
denotes the ion particle flux density and
S is the source term that takes into account particle generation
via impact ionization within the FB. As the cold electrons
have too little energy to ionise, these calculations regard only
the hot electrons. For moderate gas and electron densities, the
source term is proportional to the neutral gas density N and
the electron impact ionization rate b(1016 m3=sforAr
Additionally, a constant collision frequency of the neutrals
in the gas is assumed
with the ion-atom cross section r(4 10
for Ar atoms
according to Phelps et al.
) and the thermal velocity of the
gas particles v
. Under the assumption of quasi neutrality,
(4) and (10) are combined to get
which yields in connection with Eqs. (11)(13) the following
spherical diffusion equation:
Here, K was used as an abbreviation for all the constant pre-
factors in front of the hot electron density. It has to be noted
that strictly speaking, the criterion of quasineutrality is vio-
lated in the region of the double layer (DL) surrounding the
FB plasma, but the thickness of the DL is very small com-
pared to the spatial dimensions of the FB and the surround-
ing plasma that it can be neglected without introducing too
large errors in the calculations. Introducing the abbreviations
T’ and n’ for the spatial derivatives and solving the r.h.s. of
Eq. (15), the following differential equation is obtained for
the plasma density n:
n00Tr þn0ð2Tþ2T0rÞþnð2T0þrT00 KÞ¼0:(16)
Calculating K with parameters that are typical for FB dis-
charges (i.e., covering also the parameter range of the experi-
ments presented herein), namely, mi¼6:61026 kg for Ar
and N ¼2:41020m3for an ideal gas at room temperature
and a pressure of 10
mbar yields 61015m3kg=s2.The
thermal energy of the argon neutrals, which is needed for the
calculation of K, was obtained via
vth ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
r¼400 m=s:(17)
Hence, this term is neglected in the solution of Eq. (16).
Equation (16) indicates that
ðnTrÞ00 ¼0;(18)
which has the general solution for T;r 0
nðrÞ¼Br þC
Tr ¼B
Tr :(19)
Since the current continuity j¼enevehas to be ful-
filled for the whole plasma, the following condition is
This can only hold if the solution for n(r) has no linear
dependence on r. Hence
Tr ¼
The particular solution is obtained by the definition of
suitable boundary conditions, i.e.,
113508-4 Gruenwald et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 113508 (2018)
The results of Eqs. (7) and (23) are shown in Fig. 6in
direct comparison with the measured density profiles, where
the red, blue, and black symbols depict the measured density
profiles for the different species. The dashed lines represent
the calculated values. The shapes of the profiles are in good
agreement except for the range in close vicinity to the FB
electrode where some more complicated physical processes
are possibly going on. However, most of the discrepancies
can be explained either by the accuracy of the probe data
evaluation or by the simplifications that were made during
the calculations [e.g., omitting the constant K in Eq. (15)].It
also has to be noted that there seems to be a divergence in
the cold electron density profile for larger radii. This is
purely due to the structure of Eq. (7) where even small inac-
curacies contribute exponentially to the density profile calcu-
lations. The same holds for the seemingly diverging n
profiles close to the electrode surface, where the distortions
of the plasma potential profile are relatively large. In com-
parison, the use of the equation presented by others
dashed line) yields a profile that is only marginally depen-
dent on the radial position with a kind of average value for
the electron density. In fact, the results for n
calculated via
Eq. (11) from Ref. 3only vary in the 9th digit behind the
comma as depicted on the right hand side of Fig. 6.
With these results, the ion flux through the surface of
the FB can be written as
CR¼4pr2Ci¼ 4pr2
while the total outward force on the ions is obtained by inte-
grating the momentum equation
Ftot ¼4pðr
Figure 7displays the simulated total force exerted of a
FB with radius r along with the ion flux outwards the FB.
It can readily be seen that the ion flux reaches its maxi-
mum at the edge of the FB. Furthermore, the total force
exerted by the ions displays a very strong increase inside and
shortly outside the double layer, which surrounds the FB.
This is also a strong indication that at least some of the ion
thrust is due to electrostatic acceleration in the sheath. The
total force of the FB reaches a value of around 8 mN, which
seems astonishingly high; however, it has to be emphasized
that this is the value acting outwards the FB in all directions.
The area of a FB with a radius of 70 mm is 615.8cm
, which
yields a force per unit area of roughly 1.3 10
This corresponds to a force of 48.8 lN on a 3.76 cm
lum as it was used by Makrinich and Fruchtman.
under very
similar experimental conditions. This number is in excellent
agreement with the value obtained by those authors who
measured the force to be 46 65lN.
Consequently, the force exerted on a single ion at the
edge of the FB (where r ¼R) is given by
The value of the force per ion in the center of the DL,
which was numerically calculated from Eq. (26),is
9.1 10
N. However, the maximum force on a single ion
is 6 10
N/ion and is found to be about 1 cm outside the
DL, as shown in Fig. 8: One can see from the semi-log plot
of the force on a single ion that there is a strong increase in
force inside the DL from 2 10
to 3.7 10
. This indi-
cates that the main acceleration of the ions is indeed happen-
ing in the DL that surrounds the FB. It has to be noted at this
FIG. 6. Left: Simulated and measured
radial density profiles of the hot elec-
trons, calculated with Eq. (23) (red),
the cold electrons, calculated with Eq.
(7), and their sum in comparison to the
formula derived after equation (11) in
Ref. 3(green crosses). Right: A magni-
fication of the density profile simulated
with Markinich’s equation.
FIG. 7. Simulated total force exerted by the FB (black) and the simulated
ion flux in dependence of the radius (red).
113508-5 Gruenwald et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 113508 (2018)
point that besides this, there is also another argument that
makes the neutral gas heating due to electron-neutral colli-
sions, which was suggested by former authors, very unlikely.
To elaborate this, the mean free path of electron-neutral col-
lisions has to be taken into account
kmfp ¼ve;th
where v
is the average thermal velocity of the electrons
and hrviis the reaction rate coefficient for elastic neutral-
electron scattering. The former entity can be calculated anal-
ogous to Eq. (17) with the electron mass me¼9:11031
kg. This yields in accordance with the data from Ref. 15 an
electron mean free path (for T
¼8 eV) in Ar of around
10 cm for the experiments described herein. As this is on the
order of (or even larger than) the diameter of the fireball, it
can readily be concluded that the probability of electron-
neutral collisions within this plasma structure is very small.
Furthermore, the mean free path increases with decreasing
electron temperature, which makes also the energy transfer
between the cold electrons and neutrals even more unlikely.
The order of magnitude of the mean free path for electrons
with kinetic energies of around 1.5 eV lies on the order of
50 cm and more in our experiments.
Hence, the assumption
of isothermal electrons, which holds in our case only for the
low temperature electrons, is in direct contradiction with the
explanation of neutral gas heating via electron-neutral colli-
sions. The mean free path, on the other hand, of ion-neutral
collisions is much smaller, and thus, neutral gas heating just
outside the FB via inelastic ion-neutral collisions is far more
The theory of force exertion by plasma fireballs has
been generalized to FBs with non-thermal electrons. This
was done due to the discrepancy between the assumptions of
existing analytical models and the available experimental
data. The model proposed in this paper describes the shape
of the electron density and the radial plasma potential profile
very accurately. It has been shown that the potential drop,
which is predicted for the double layer around such a FB, is
considerably larger than expected before. Due to this finding,
it becomes possible to argue that the primary heating pro-
cesses of neutrals by the FB are rather induced by collisions
between accelerated ions that gain sufficient energy in the
potential drop of the FB anode. This claim is also corrobo-
rated by the fact that the large collision mean free path
between electrons and neutrals is too large to play a signifi-
cant role in the gas heating. The total force and the ion flux
through the FB surface were calculated based on the model
herein, and it was found that the force exerted by FB with
non-isothermal electrons is considerable. These results offer
an interesting possibility for the technical applications of
fireballs as it suggests their potential use for space propulsion
as this force was achieved with a total input power of 130 W
including the power for producing the background plasma in
the linear machine. Furthermore, most modern thruster sys-
tems working with gases with high atomic mass like krypton
or xenon are very cost intensive and require input powers on
the order of several kW.
It has been shown in this work
that plasma FBs are capable of producing substantial thrust
at very little input power and in low mass gases such as Ar.
The concept of using double layers for space propulsion is
not a new one. The so-called Hall double layer thrusters
(HDLTs) were described, for example, in the work of
FB assisted thrusters offer, in principle, the same
advantages as HDLTs like the lack of movable parts which
leads to a longer lifetime or the possibility to operate the
device in the steady state and in the pulsed mode. Moreover,
FBs produce additional ions very efficiently within the rather
large potential drop of the surrounding sheath. Those ions
enhance the overall thrust, but it has to be mentioned that the
ion flow outwards the FB is spatially isotropic due to the
spherical geometry. Hence, future work should be dedicated
to improve the ion transport in a preferable direction in order
to enhance the achievable thrust even further. This could be
done by introducing suitable magnetic fields or even asym-
metric FB configurations. That the latter is feasible at least
for inverted FBs was shown in a previous paper.
the available experimental data and theoretical modeling are
somehow scarce. Thus, an enhanced fundamental under-
standing of these phenomena is needed to lead the way to a
new generation of ion thrusters for space propulsion.
However, the model presented in this paper is just a first
attempt to generalize existing models of fireball dynamics,
and it is not fully complete. Further improvements are
expected by also taking kinetic effects into account, but this
was out of the scope of this work and is left to future
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113508-7 Gruenwald et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 113508 (2018)
... In a broader sense, the plasma fireballs exert substantial pressure on the neutral and ionic components; thereby, inducing a macroscopic bulk gaseous flow in the test space-plasma medium taken under consideration, resulting in a number of plasmajet phenomena. As a result, a fair understanding of the plasma fireballs and instabilities could enable us in developing a low-cost jet propulsion device for spacebased technical explorations (Gruenwald et al. 2018). A comprehensive plasma concept of various associated instabilities is still in infancy stage as far as seen. ...
Evolutionary existence of plasma fireballs is a generic phenomenon realizable in diversified physical plasma-dominated circumstances starting from laboratory to astrocosmic scales of space and time. A fair understanding of such fireballs and associated instabilities is really needed to enrich astroplasmic communities from various perspectives of applied value. Naturally occurring plasma fireball events include novae, meteors, stellar structures, etc. We propose a theoretical model formalism to analyse the plasma fireball sheath (PFS) instability with the application of a quasi-linear perturbative analysis on the laboratory spatiotemporal scales. This treatment reduces the steady-state system into a unique second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) on the perturbed electrostatic potential with variable multiparametric coefficients. A numerical illustrative platform to integrate this ODE results in an atypical set of peakon-type potential-field structures. It is noticed that both potential and field, associated with the peakonic patterns change significantly with the effective radial distance from the reference origin outwards. The variations are more pronounced in the center (steep, stiff) than that in the off-centric regions (non-steep, non-stiff). A colormap obtained with the triangulation of the potential–field correlation with the radial distance, further confirms the PFS stability behaviour in a qualitative corroboration with the previous predictions reported in the literature. The applicability of our analysis in both laboratory and astrocosmic contexts is finally indicated.
... Typically, the fireball plasma is several hundred Debye lengths, much larger than the initial sheath scale. Recent experimental studies of fireballs have focused on their stability 2-5 , properties as ion sources 6,7 , and their ability to induce neutral gas flows [8][9][10] . One of the most common observations is hysteresis in the current-voltage (I-V) traces between the upswing and downswing of the electrode bias 11,12 , see Fig. 1A. ...
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A model is proposed to explain hysteresis observed in fireball formation and extinction as electrode bias is varied in partially ionized plasmas. Formation is predicted after a sufficiently deep potential well for electrons is established in the electron sheath of the electrode. Under the experimental conditions considered, once the fireball forms, the plasma potential rapidly increases, resulting in electrons being only lost to the electrode. Previous predictions suggest that once formed, the fireball double layer must maintain a potential close to the ionization potential of the neutral gas to remain in a steady state. In this paper, it is predicted that changes in electrode bias after formation result in a corresponding change in the fireball size and plasma potential. This change in plasma potential allows the double layer potential to be maintained at biases both above and below the electrode bias at onset. The fireball extinguishes when the required double layer potential can no longer be maintained with the balance of current loss of the bulk plasma. These predictions are tested experimentally and are found to be in good agreement with the measurements.
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This paper is devoted to studying the influence of the external circuit as well as the Langmuir and Bohm criterion on the stability of plasma fireballs. A simple mathematical model is suggested that describes why plasma fireballs can get unstable up to the point where they start pulsating. The predictions of this model are compared to measured experimental data. Furthermore, it is argued that the Bohm criterion in particular determines whether a stable plasma fireball can be formed. This adds to the current understanding that fireballs are preliminarily formed due to a change in the space charge in front of a positively biased electrode in surrounding plasma. It is argued that the space charge distribution near the vicinity of the anode surface might play a role but that the initial stages of fireball formation are dominantly driven by the requirement of the double layer to satisfy Bohm's sheath criterion and Langmuir's criterion. The same holds for a collapsing fireball. This paper shows that if the Langmuir and the Bohm criterion are not satisfied simultaneously, a fireball cannot reach a stable state and will start pulsating with a frequency that is proportional to the square root of the mass of the working gas ions.
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The stability of steady plasma fireball sheath (PFS) fluctuations in a bifluidic plasma model approach is explored by applying the standard method of multi-order nonlinear normal mode meta-analysis in a spherical geometry. We consider the fourth-order nonlinear local fluctuations of the relevant plasma parameters evolving across the PFS region for the first time. It includes the Mach number, population density, electrostatic potential, electric field, and so forth. The order-by-order analysis of the basic governing equations results in a unique system of the third-order non-homogenous ordinary differential equations (ODEs) on the perturbed potential. The explicit solutions, obtained with the help of MATLAB programming, especially developed in judicious conditions, yield atypical nonlinear PFS eigenmode structures as a unique peakon family. It is demonstrated that the order of plasma nonlinearity acts as a fluctuation steepening agent (anti-dispersive factor). The investigated peakonic patterns are found to be in fair corroboration with the experimental findings reported elsewhere. The main implications and applications of our results in the context of the diversified PFS circumstances in the astrolabcosmic domains are finally indicated, such as commercial patterned nanodots, plasma medicines, thermonuclear fusion devices, gamma-ray bursts, and so forth.
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Biased electrodes are common components of plasma sources and diagnostics. The plasma–electrode interaction is mediated by an intervening sheath structure that influences properties of the electrons and ions contacting the electrode surface, as well as properties of the bulk plasma. A rich variety of sheath structures have been observed, including ion sheaths, electron sheaths, double sheaths, double layers, anode glow, and fireballs. These represent complex self-organized responses of the plasma that depend not only on the local influence of the electrode, but also on the global properties of the plasma and the other boundaries that it is in contact with. This review summarizes recent advances in understanding the conditions under which each type of sheath forms, what the basic stability criteria and steady-state properties of each are, and the ways in which each can influence plasma–boundary interactions and bulk plasma properties. These results may be of interest to a number of application areas where biased electrodes are used, including diagnostics, plasma modification of materials, plasma sources, electric propulsion, and the interaction of plasmas with objects in space.
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The influence of the electron emission current on the beam-generated plasma is analyzed using the self-consistent one-dimensional Particle-in-Cell Monte Carlo collision model. It is established that the emission current can be used to control both the ion current and the ion energy at the anode. It is also found that for the values of the emission current of interest in the present work and the gas pressure of 15 Pa, the plasma density is mainly controlled by the emission current, while only 1%-2% of plasma is produced by the plasma electrons being generated in the cathode sheath. The plasma potential, which defines the ion energy at the anode, is controlled by the coupling between the beam and plasma electrons through the excitation of electrostatic waves in the plasma by damping the electron beam.
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Positive voltage steps are applied to a planar electrode (collector) immersed in a magnetized discharge plasma column with its surface perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. If the voltage step and the neutral gas pressure are high enough additional ionization occurs in front of the collector and a fire-rod is created. Time resolved measurements of the plasma response are performed by a one-sided plane Langmuir probe using standard boxcar technique. The temporal development of the electron energy distribution function after the application of a positive voltage step to the collector is measured by a one-sided plane Langmuir probe. In a magnetized plasma the electron energy distribution function is proportional to the first derivative of a plane Langmuir probe characteristics. It is found that immediately (≈1 µs) after the application of a positive voltage step to the collector a short lifetime electron population is created. This electron population disappears in approximately 2 µs. It is related to the anomalously large initial electron current collected by the collector " current overshoot ". When the initial current overshoot to the collector is terminated, a high potential (anode) plasma starts to form in front of the collector if the voltage step and the pressure are high enough. The formation of the anode plasma electron population is followed experimentally.
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In this paper we present Langmuir probe measurements of inverted fireballs (FBs) in hydrogen plasma. Spatial profiles of the plasma potential and the electron densities were taken inside as well as outside an inverted FB. It was demonstrated that the plasma potential inside the FB is homogeneous and exhibits a strongly enhanced electron density. Furthermore it is demonstrated that FBs in a non-spherical geometry can be produced.
Written by a leading expert in the field, Industrial Plasma Engineering, Volume 2: Applications to Nonthermal Plasma Processing provides a background in the principles and applications of low temperature, partially ionized Lorentzian plasmas that are used industrially. The book also presents a description of plasma-related processes and devices that are of commercial interest. The text is suitable for students or in-service users with a physics and calculus background at the sophomore level. These two volumes are intended to be used as textbooks at the senior or first-year graduate level by students from all engineering and physical science disciplines and as a reference source by in-service engineers.
The force exerted by a fireball was deduced both from the change of the equilibrium position of a pendulum and from the change in the pendulum oscillation period. That measured force was found to be several times larger than the force exerted by the ions accelerated across the double layer that is assumed to surround the fireball. The force enhancement that is expected by ion-neutral collisions in the fireball is evaluated to be too small to explain the measured enhanced force. Gas pressure increase, due to gas heating through electron-neutral collisions, as recently suggested [Stenzel et al., J. Appl. Phys. 109, 113305 (2011)], is examined as the source for the force enhancement.
A dense plasma structure was observed to form near the extraction aperture of a helium RF plasma cathode. Laser collision-induced fluorescence was used to generate two-dimensional spatial maps of the electron density and the effective electron temperature within the structure over a range of operating conditions. The aperture plasma reached densities nearly an order of magnitude higher than the surrounding bulk plasma. The sharp spatial change in density at the plasma structure boundary suggests the presence of a double layer sheath. Higher temperature electrons were also observed at the periphery of the plasma structure. Variations in the observed plasma structure with extracted electron current were found to be consistent with reported low pressure anode spot behavior. Measurements of plasma density within and at the boundary of the structure, and the dependence of these on the current extracted across the external gap, are compared with calculations and discussed.
This review presents the basics of plasma discharges applied to electric spacecraft propulsion. It briefly reports on the mature and flown technologies of gridded ion thrusters and Hall thrusters before exploring the recent yet immature technology of plasma thrusters based on expansion from low pressure high density inductively coupled and wave-excited plasma sources, e.g. the radiofrequency helicon source. Prototype development of plasma engines for future space travel is discussed using the example of the helicon double layer thruster. A summary of highlights in electric propulsion based space missions gives some insight into the challenges of future high power missions in more remote regions of space.
A Thorough Update of the Industry Classic on Principles of Plasma Processing The first edition of Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, published over a decade ago, was lauded for its complete treatment of both basic plasma physics and industrial plasma processing, quickly becoming the primary reference for students and professionals. The Second Edition has been carefully updated and revised to reflect recent developments in the field and to further clarify the presentation of basic principles. Along with in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of plasma physics and chemistry, the authors apply basic theory to plasma discharges, including calculations of plasma parameters and the scaling of plasma parameters with control parameters. New and expanded topics include: Updated cross sections Diffusion and diffusion solutions Generalized Bohm criteria Expanded treatment of dc sheaths Langmuir probes in time-varying fields Electronegative discharges Pulsed power discharges Dual frequency discharges High-density rf sheaths and ion energy distributions Hysteresis and instabilities Helicon discharges Hollow cathode discharges Ionized physical vapor deposition Differential substrate charging With new chapters on dusty plasmas and the kinetic theory of discharges, graduate students and researchers in the field of plasma processing should find this new edition more valuable than ever.
Brilliant hemispherical anode spots appeared on a small disk or spherical anode mounted at the center of a large copper spherical discharge chamber which served as cathode during an investigation of nitrogen glows. Such an arrangement permits large anode current densities with a normal cathode fall in potential. At a critical current density at the anode, the spots form and arrange themselves in beautiful geometrical patterns. In nitrogen the spots appeared only in the pressure range of 0.15 to 1.50 mm Hg. Space potentials, electron temperatures, electron and ion densities determined by a Langmuir probe analysis revealed that the spots are regions of intense ionization, and that the region just above them contains a net positive space charge. The potential fall through a spot is nearly equal to the first ionization potential of nitrogen. A method was developed for growing anode spots at will on a small disk probe mounted flush with the anode surface but insulated from it. The current-voltage characteristics for this probe, or auxiliary anode, exhibit peaks which account for the stability and size of the spots. An investigation of the current-voltage relationships of the entire discharge showed that anode spots occur chiefly in the region in which the current increases with small change in voltage. At sufficiently great current densities the spots move about because of the magnetic field accompanying the discharge. The function of the spots is to furnish the positive ions necessary for the maintenance of a stable discharge in the plasma extending from anode to negative glow and to aid in the collection of electrons at the anode. A mechanism for the formation of the spots as a combined space charge and bipolar current phenomenon is proposed.
This monograph presents an up to date perspective of gas discharge physics and its applications to various industries. It starts from a comprehensive overview of the different types to generate plasmas by DC discharges, capacitive and inductive radiofrequency coupling, helicon waves including electron cyclotron resonance, and ion beams. To compare these theories with inert plasmas, a fundamental description of plasma diagnostics is presented on the basis of four prominent methods and extended to reactive plasmas.The second part extensively deals with the interaction of these plasmas with surfaces in order to coat or to etch them with reactive gases. Main topics are sputtering, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, and reactive ion etching. The difficulties which had to be overcome to reach the next technological node in the semiconductor map are documented by a long row of microfeatures. These processes and corresponding microscopic mechanisms are discussed in the final section of this part. In the concluding third part, various fundamental derivations are minutely extended which are required for a deep understanding of the plasma processes. In retrospect, the semiconductor industry has triggered the development of new methods to excite plasmas. But it was now the industrial part to operate these plasmas with reactive gases. As a result of this combined effort, surface modifications with plasmas are now in widespread use even in low-cost applications due to its easy and convenient implantation as well as its favorable environmental impact. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009. All rights are reserved.