
Rebellious Wallflowers and Queer Tangueras : The Rise of Female Leaders in Buenos Aires’ Tango Scene

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This paper interrogates the history of same-sex dancing among women in Buenos Aires' tango scene, focusing on its increasing visibility since 2005. Two overlapping communities of women are invoked. Queer tangueras are queer-identified female tango dancers and their allies who dance tango in a way that attempts to de-link tango's two roles from gender. Rebellious wallflowers are women who practice, teach, perform, and dance with other women in predominantly straight environments. It is argued that the growing acceptance of same-sex dancing in Argentina is due to the confluence of four developments: 1) the rise of tango commerce, 2) innovations of tango nuevo, 3) changing laws and social norms around lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights, and 4) synergy between queer tango dancers and heterosexual women who are frustrated by the limits of tango's gender matrix. The author advocates for increased alliances between rebellious wallflowers and queer tangueras, who are often segregated from each other in Buenos Aires' commercial tango industry.

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... Despite some attempts to delink gender from the roles of leader and follower, the vast majority of social dance partnerships maintain a gendered division of labor in which men initiate movement and women are taught to "follow." This system reinforces a troubling cultural norm where women are taught to subvert their own needs in service of others (McMains 2015b(McMains , 2018. In my classes, I do not use the word "follow" for the role historically danced by women as I believe it encourages women to internalize a passive identity. ...
This article examines how an affirmative consent model can be applied in social dance contexts and addresses how social dance teachers can foster a culture of consent in their classes and communities. This model is based on legal and cultural activists’ efforts to reduce incidents of sexual assault by shifting rape culture to consent culture. The author shares consent exercises developed in the context of a university salsa dance course and includes student perspectives and responses to illustrate their impact in empowering students to honor personal boundaries while engaging in touch-based social dancing. Practical suggestions are offered for dancers, teachers, and community groups that can help shift the culture in social dance communities toward normalizing open and proactive discussions around personal boundaries.
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Bu çalışma, bedensel engelli bireylerin sosyal tango deneyimlerini ve bu deneyimlerin etkilerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Sosyal tango, dünya çapında yaygın olarak yapılan ve doğaçlama hareketlerle gerçekleştirilen bir eşli danstır. Araştırma, bedensel engelli bireylerin sosyal tango etkinliklerinden nasıl etkilendiğini ve bu etkinliklerden nasıl yararlandığını incelemektedir. Çalışma, sosyal tango öğreniminin engelli bireyler üzerindeki kişisel ve duygusal etkilerini detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirmeye odaklanmaktadır. Bulgular, bedensel engelli bireylerin dans etkinliklerine katılımının sosyal, duygusal ve fiziksel sağlıklarında genellikle olumlu değişikliklere vesile olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırma, nicel ve nitel veri toplama yöntemlerinin kombinasyonu ile kapsamlı bir araştırma süreciyle yürütülmüştür. Nicel veriler, sayılar ve istatistiklerle ilgili bilgileri sağlarken; nitel veriler, deneyimler, düşünceler ve hisler gibi ölçülemeyen bilgileri sunar. Veri toplama aşamasında video kayıtları, anketler ve değerlendirme ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Video kayıtları, katılımcıların dans performanslarını gözlemlemek ve değerlendirmek amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Anketler, katılımcıların demografik bilgileri ve dans deneyimlerine dair görüşlerini toplarken; değerlendirme ölçekleri, katılımcıların kendilerini ve deneyimlerini nasıl algıladıklarını ölçmüştür. Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği ile yapılan ölçümlerde, eleştiriye duyarlık ve depresif duygulanım alt başlıklarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düşüşler tespit edilmiştir. SF-36 Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği sonuçlarına göre ise sosyal işlevsellik dışında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir değişiklik bulunmamaktadır. Çalışma, engelli bireylerin dansa ve sanata bakış açılarında, uyarlanmış eğitim programları ve ulaşılabilirlik şartları geliştirilirse dansın, sosyal engellerin aşılmasında destekleyici bir araç olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma, sosyal dans ve engellilik konularının kesiştiği noktada önemli bir bilgi boşluğunu doldurmayı hedeflemektedir. Mevcut literatür, bu alanda çok az sayıda araştırma olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışma, bu bilgi eksikliğini gidermeyi ve engelli bireylerin sosyal tango deneyimlerine dair daha fazla bilgi sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Hazırlanan uyarlanmış eğitim programı, engelli bireylerin dansa katılımını teşvik etmek ve dansın olası faydalarını en iyi şekilde sağlamak için kullanılabilir.
Competitive ballroom is much more than a style of dance. Rather, it is a continually evolving and increasingly global social and cultural arena: of fashion, performance, art, sport, gender and more. Ballroom explores the intersection of dance cultures, dress and the body. Presenting the author's experiences at an international range of dance events in Europe, the Us and Uk, as well as featuring the views of individual dancers, the book shows how dancing influences mind and body alike. For students of anthropology, dance, cultural and performance studies, Ballroom provides an ethnographic picture of how dancers and others live their lives both on and off the dance floor.
The queer tango movement is an international alliance of tango practitioners who seek to denaturalize the link between gender and the division of labor in a tango partnership. The queer tango space provides participants, particularly female practioners, with relief from minority stress, access to LGBTQ sexual potentiality, and experiments in gender utopia.
What is tango? Dance, music, and lyrics of course, but also a philosophy, a strategy, a commodity, even a disease. This book explores the politics of tango, tracing tango’s travels from the brothels of Buenos Aires to the cabarets of Paris and the shako dansu clubs of Tokyo. The author is an Argentinean political theorist and a dance professor at the University of California at Riverside. She uses her “tango tongue” to tell interwoven tales of sexuality, gender, race, class, and national identity. Along the way she unravels relations between machismo and colonialism, postmodernism and patriarchy, exoticism and commodification. In the end she arrives at a discourse on decolonization as intellectual “unlearning.” Marta Savigliano’s voice is highly personal and political. Her account is at once about the exoticization of tango and about her own fate as a Third World woman intellectual. A few sentences from the preface are indicative: “Tango is my womb and my tongue, a trench where I can shelter and resist the colonial invitations to ‘universalism,’ … a stubborn fatalist mood when technocrats and theorists offer optimistic and seriously revised versions of ‘alternatives’ for the Third World, an opportunistic metaphor to talk about myself and my stories as a ‘success’ of the civilization-development-colonization of Amca Latina, and a strategy to figure out through the history of the tango a hooked-up story of people like myself. Tango is my changing, resourceful source of identity. And because I am where I am-outside-tango hurts and comforts me: ‘Tango is a sad thought that can be danced….'" Savigliano employs the tools of ethnography, history, body-movement analysis, and political economy. Well illustrated with drawings and photos dating back to the 1880s, this book is highly readable, entertaining, and provocative. It is sure to be recognized as an important contribution in the fields of cultural studies, performance studies, decolonization, and women-of-color feminism.
Addressing one of the defining social issues of our time, The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America explores how and why Latin America, a culturally Catholic and historically conservative region, has become a leader among nations of the Global South, and even the Global North, in the passage of gay marriage legislation. In the first comparative study of its kind, Jordi Díez explains cross-national variation in the enactment of gay marriage in three countries: Argentina, Chile, and Mexico. Based on extensive interviews in the three countries, Díez argues that three main key factors explain variation in policy outcomes across these cases: the strength of social movement networks forged by activists in favor of gay marriage; the access to policy making afforded by particular national political institutions; and the resonance of the frames used to demand the expansion of marriage rights to same-sex couples.
This paper discusses (homo)sexualization as entrepreneurial strategy in Buenos Aires. City-marketing capitalizes on Buenos Aires' reputed passion and tolerance. Yet homonormative framings collide with politicized cultures of sexual dissidence. Cultural entrepreneurialism promotes profit-making sexual diversity, but social actors also construct their queerness outside, even in opposition to, market-driven urbanism. This paper argues that queered tango practices differ from those of mainstream LGBT circuits and coalesce with those who contest the genre's touristification, designed to trigger selective redevelopment. The paper first examines the explanatory purchase of cultural entrepreneurialism and homonormativity outside Euro-America. Empirical sections then show that the redefinition/re-territorialization of gayness aggravates socio-spatial fragmentation, while governmental appropriations of tango legitimize exclusionary world-class-city politics. Nevertheless, the paper's first-person ethnography of queer tango uncovers territories of radical difference and trans-local solidarity networks. The paper ends by suggesting the need for further research into the conflictive intersections between urban globalization and globalizing queerness.
Argentine Tango Competition Welcomes Gay Couples For The First Time
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Interview with the author
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  • Alexei Barrionuevo
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La historia de la primera milonga gay de Buenos Aires
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The Meaning of Tango: The Story of the Argentinian Dance
  • Christine Denniston
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The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America
  • Jordi Díaz
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La historia del Tango, 21: Siglo XXI, Década 1, 2 a parte
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  • Kristin Hayden
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  • Yuyú Herrera
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Argentine Queer Tango: Dance and Sexual Politics in Buenos Aires. Translated by Peggy Westwell and Pablo Vila
  • Mercedes Liska
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El Cierre de la Milonga Queer: Las Ideas se Bailan
  • Mercedes Liska
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Interview with the author
  • Majo Marini
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Re-Claiming Competitive Tango: The Rise of Argentina's Campeonato Mundial
  • Juliet Mcmains
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Interview with the author
  • Soledad Nani
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Transgender Advocates Hail Law Easing Rules in Argentina
  • Emily Schmall
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Who's Leading? Gender Role Transformation in the Buenos Aires Community
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Silvina Valz y Mariana Parma -La Nacional
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Ariadna Naveira and Mariangeles Caamano are dancing at 7th Ljubljana Tango Festival -2011-03-27
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Yuyú Herrera Soledad Nani -Orquesta Tipica Victor-Che Papusa Oi
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