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Broken Brains or Flawed Studies? An update on Leo and Cohen's Critical Review of ADHD Neuroimaging


Abstract and Figures

This systematic review sought to examine neuroimaging results on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) published between 2003 and 2015, paying special attention to the major confound of prior medication use first brought to attention by Leo and Cohen (2003) and subsequently acknowledged in the ADHD literature. Neuroimaging studies comparing children and adolescents with ADHD were identified through searches in Web of Science (BIOSIS, Web of Science Core Collection, MEDLINE), PsychINFO, and EMBASE. All studies focusing on neuroimaging and ADHD were selected for consideration (n=62). Forty studies (64.5%) still included pre-medicated samples despite the confound and eight studies (13%) did not provide information to determine this, leaving only 14 studies with medication-free participants to be analysed. The findings on reported differences in physical systems and in electrical activation between ADHD participants and controls were inconsistent and, in part, short on methodological rigour. Despite technological advances, the current state of research suggests that the understanding of neurobiological underpinnings of ADHD and the significance of that research for individuals diagnosed with ADHD has not advanced since the Leo and Cohen review.
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© 2018 e Institute of Mind and Behavior, Inc.
e Journal of Mind and Behavior
Summer 2018, Volume 39, Number 3
Pages 205–228
ISSN 0271–0137
Broken Brains or FlawedStudies?An Update on Leo and
Cohens Critical Review of ADHD Neuroimaging
Charles Marley
University of Edinburgh
Anna M.O’Leary
University of Edinburgh
Va s il i k i - A li k i N ik o p o ul o u
University of Edinburgh
is systematic review sought to examine neuroimaging results on Attention Decit Hyper-
activity Disorder (ADHD) published between 2003 and 2015, paying special attention to the
major confound of prior medication use rst brought to attention by Leo and Cohen (2003) and
subsequently acknowledged in the ADHD literature. Neuroimaging studies comparing chil-
dren and adolescents with ADHD were identied through searches in Web of Science (BIOSIS,
Web of Science Core Collection, MEDLINE), PsychINFO, and EMBASE. All studies focusing
on neuroim aging and ADHD were selecte d for considerati on (n=62). Forty studies (64.5%) still
included pre-medicated samples despite the confound and eight studies (13%) did not provide
information to determine this, leaving only 14 studies with medication-free participants to be
analysed. e ndings on reported dierences in physical systems and in electrical activation
between ADHD participants and controls were inconsistent and, in part, short on method-
ological rigour. Despite technological advances, the current state of research suggests that the
understanding of neurobiological underpinnings of ADHD and the signicance of that research
for individuals diagnosed w ith ADHD has not advanced s ince the Leo and Cohe n review.
Keywords: ADHD, neuroimaging, Leo and Cohen, medication-naive
Atte ntion D ecit Hype ract ivit y Disor der (AD HD) is character ised by d evel op-
mentally inappropriate symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness
We would like to thank Raymond Russ and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful critique
on our initial dra of this article. Correspondence concerning this article should be sent to Charles
Marley, University of Edinburgh, School of Health in Social Science, Section of Clinical and Health
Psychology, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG Scotland. Email:
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It is considered to be the most preva-
lent child psychiatric disorder worldwide (Dubnov–Raz, Khoury, Wright, Raz,
and Berger, 2014), aecting 5–7% of young people (Polanczyk and Rohde, 2007;
Willcu tt, 2012). at said, accurately accounting for ADHD’s widespre ad expres-
sion is complicated by ambiguous symptoms, frequent comorbidities, as well as the
presence of many of ADHDs dening behaviours among the general population
(National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009). Researchers are increas-
ingly discussing the nature of this condition (Buitelaar and Rothenberger, 2004),
and even its very existence has been questioned in some quarters (Saul, 2014). Reli-
able diagnostic criteria are of critical importance in such a climate (Campbell, Shaw,
and Gilliom, 2000); however, the arbitrary cut-o scores and the vague terminology
used to distinguish between healthy and pathological levels of symptom expres-
sion undermine the criteria (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health,
2009) and has led numerous commentators to argue that this has contributed to an
over-diagnosing of children (Chilakamarri, Filkowski, and Ghaemi, 2011; Jensen,
2002; LeFever, Arcona, and Antonuccio, 2003). In addition to these criticisms, the
prevailing diagnostic system most commonly used to guide ADHD diagnosis,
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric
Association, h edition, 2013), has been criticised for lacking empirical ground-
ing (Frances, 2013; Kirschner, 2013) and thus has failed in the DSM committees
aspiration for the development of a pathophysiological-based classication system
(Carroll, 2013), with no conclusive evidence of biomarkers for ADHD or any other
psychiatric conditions oered as yet (Jaee, 2018; ome et al., 2012).
is disillusion, along with the appropriate technological advances, have fuelled
the popularity of more rigorous methods of establishing the specic biological
markers of disorder. e most prominent of these approaches are neuroimaging
studies, with numerous research and review papers suggesting a dysfunction in
fronto-striatal and fronto-parietal networks (Bush, Valera, and Seidman, 2005;
Castellanos et al., 2002; Durston et al., 2003; Giedd, Blumenthal, Molloy, and
Castellanos, 2001; Sowell et al., 2003) and reduced volume of the prefrontal cortex,
cerebellum, and cerebrum (Almeida et al., 2010; Bledsoe, Semrud–Clikeman, and
Pliszka, 2013; Mostofsky, Cooper, Kates, Denckla, and Kaufmann, 2002; Soliva,
Moreno et al., 2010) as being common across ADHD-diagnosed patients. e
recently developed diusion tensor imaging (DTI) technique has added to these
ndings, indicating possible variations in functional connectivity in fronto-striatal
and cerebellar circuitry when ADHD subjects are compared to healthy controls
(Fall, Querne, Le Moing, and Berquin, 2015; Silk, Vance, Rinehart, Bradshaw, and
Cunnington, 2009a).
While the ndings of these studies appear authoritative, they have received
considerable criticism due to several methodological aws. As an example,
a systematic review of over thirty neuroimaging studies by Giedd et al. (2001)
concluded that there are physiological dierences between the brains of children
diagnosed with ADHD as compared to a non-ADHD sample. However, Leo and
Cohen (2003) reconsidered the review. e main thrust of Leo and Cohens criti-
cism was that Giedd et al. (2001) failed to consider a major confounding variable:
that the ADHD samples had been medicated over months or years prior to inclu-
sion in a number of the reviewed studies. is important omission led Leo and
Cohen to argue that the evidence suggesting that ADHD is a neurobiological
condition cannot be assumed. In support of their position, the authors high-
lighted the eects of drug administration from animal studies, arguing that the
anatomical dierences revealed by neuroimaging could equally be the impact of
stimulant medication use as opposed to ADHD-specic abnormalities (Breggin,
2000; Sproson, Chantrey, Hollis, Marsden, and Fone, 2001). However, this is not
to say that neuroimaging studies involving medication-naive samples have not
been conducted; for example, in one study involving a medication-naive sample
(Castellanos et al., 2002), the control group participants were more than two years
older, as well as heavier and taller than the ADHD participants, suggesting that
the dierences located could be explained by maturity and growth. As such, the
main criticism of neuroimaging studies still stands: that it is impossible to disen-
tangle cause and eect (Leo and Cohen, 2003).
As neuroimaging studies constitute the bulk of the evidence for the prevailing
neurodevelopmental explanation of ADHD, it is imperative that the ndings are
reliable and valid and drawn from methodologically robust studies. is imper-
ative is further emphasised by the exponential rise in ADHD diagnosis globally
and its associated increase in stimulant medication prescriptions (Bachmann et
al, 2017; Davidovitch, Koren, Fund, Shrem, and Porath, 2017; Nyarko et al, 2017).
Given that treating children and young people with medication is associated with
severe side-eects (Greene, Kerr, and Braitberg, 2008; Higgins, 2009; Holmskov
et al., 2017; Kovsho et al., 2016; Sparks and Duncan, 2004; Swanson et al., 2007),
that the authority for this approach is underpinned by methodologically awed
studies is a profound ethical concern. Utilisation of a pre-medicated sample has
been fully acknowledged within the neuroimaging literature as a major confound
as a result of the Leo and Cohen review (Smith, Taylor, Brammer, Toone, and
Rubia, 2006). Our review engages with this important issue by updating the Leo
and Cohen (2003) study by systematically reviewing neuroimaging studies from
2003 onwards. We also consider sample matching of the studies that have cor-
rected this methodological limitation in light of the other major confound of
maturity and growth highlighted by Leo and Cohen. A nal aim of our review is
to synthesise and contrast the reported ndings of the included studies.
An extensive search for neuroimaging studies comparing children diag-
nosed with ADHD with healthy controls, published between 2003 and 2015,
was conducted using the following databases: BIOSIS, Web of Science Core Col-
lection, EMBASE, and psychINFO. e keyword search terms included were:
Attention Decit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), neuroimaging, brain scan,
Computerized Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Single-
Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), and Positron Emission
To mo g r a ph y (P E T ) .
Neuroimaging studies comparing children and/or adolescents (5–18 years)
with ADHD and matched controls were included. Studies in which the diagno-
sis of ADHD was performed according to standard criteria (DSM or ICD) were
retained. Studies including participants with any comorbidities (including con-
duct disorder or oppositional deant disorder) were excluded. Reviews, books,
case reports, theses, and abstracts of conference papers were also excluded from
the original search. At this stage, 3715 papers were sourced. Aer removing the
duplicates and irrelevant papers, 253 full-text articles were screened. Applying the
inclusion and exclusion criteria yielded a total of 62 studies. Details of the studies
that met the inclusion criteria are provided in the results section. A review of the
selection process is displayed in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Literature search results.
Prior-Medicated Sample
Of the 62 papers eligible for inclusion, 40 involved pre-medicated participants
and eight failed to provide sucient information. Six studies used the ADHD 200
database and were unable to provide specic demographic information of the
participants. Two studies (Li et al., 2007; Wang, Jiang, Cao, and Wang, 2007) did
not mention prior medication use. In addition, 61 studies excluded for comorbid-
ities also continued to use a pre-medicated sample, meaning 101 neuroimaging
studies regarding ADHD since the original Leo and Cohen study have continued
to use a pre-medicated sample. We will return to this point in the discussion. An
overview of the excluded studies is presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Studies Using Pre-Medicated Samples or Not Providing Sucient
Information to Review
Fullled Inclusion Criteria but Medicated (N=40) Insucient Information on Demographics
and Medication (N=8)
Bledsoe, Semrud–Clikeman, and Pliszka, 2011 Cheng et al., 2012 (ADHD 200)
Bledsoe, Semrud–Clikeman, and Pliszka, 2013 Colby et al., 2012 (ADHD 200)
Booth et al., 2015 Eloyan et al., 2012 (ADHD 200)
Carmona et al., 2015 Kessler et al., 20 14 (ADHD 200)
Chabernaud et al., 2012 Siqueira et al., 2014 (ADHD 200)
Courvoisie, Hooper, Fine, Kwock, and Castillo, 2004 Sripada et al., 2014 (ADHD 200)
Dias et al., 2015 Li et al., 2007
Fair et al., 2010 Wa n g e t a l . , 2 0 0 7
Fan, Gau, and Chou, 2014
Fassbender et al., 2009
Fassbender et al., 2011
Garvey et al., 2005
Li et al., 2012
Liotti, Pliszka, Perez, Kothmann, and Woldor, 2005
Lopez–Larson, King, Terry, McGlade, and Yurgelun–
To dd , 2 0 12
Ma et al., 2012
McAlonan et al., 20 09
Mostofsky, Cooper, Kater. Denckla, Kaufmann, 2002
Mostof sky et al., 2006
Muri as, Sw anson, and Srini vasan, 2006
Paloyel is, Mehta, Faraone, Ashe rson, and Kuntsi, 201 2
Peng, Li n, Zha ng, an d Wang , 2013
Pineda et al., 2002
Poiss ant, Me ndrek, and Senha dji, 2 014
(continued on next page)
Medication Controlled Studies
e majority of the reviewed studies are underpowered: ten out of 14 studies
fell signicantly below the recommended sample size of 25 required for an accu-
rate activation map (Desmond and Glover, 2002; Fall et al., 2015; Fayed, Modrego,
Castillo, andDávila, 2007; Fernández et al., 2009; Massat et al., 2012; Murphy
and Garavan, 2004; Pueyo et al., 2003; Silk et al., 2005; Silk, Vance, Rinehart,
Bradshaw, andCunnington, 2008; Spalletta et al., 2001; Vance et al., 2007; Weber,
Lütschg, andFahnenstich, 2005). e largest sample size involved forty ADHD
children (Kim, Lee, Shin, Cho, and Lee, 2002); however, due to the ethical concern
of including healthy controls for SPECT imaging, children who had previously
received SPECT for headaches were used as controls, limiting the control group
sample to seventeen. A discrepancy in experimental group and control group
sample size was noted in an additional four studies (Fayed et al., 2007; Li, Li et al.,
2014; Massat et al., 2012; Weber et al., 2005) with three studies also underpowered
(Fayed et al., 2007; Massat et al., 2012; Weber et al., 2005).
In terms of matched control samples, all studies adequately controlled for con-
founds such as comorbidities, utilising only samples with an ADHD diagnosis.
e impact of diering brain-region activation between le and right handedness
(Cuzzocreo et al., 2009) was controlled by utilising only right-handed partici-
pants; in doing so, however, all studies inadvertently limited the external validity
(i.e., generalization) of their ndings. Further, experimental groups were insu-
ciently matched in age in the majority of studies. A number of studies tested for
dierences in age between groups, and reported no signicant dierences, but
none of the studies compared the age range of groups with the mean age of the
Posner e t al., 2011
Qiu et al., 2009
Shaw et al., 2009
Silk, Vance, Rinehart, Bradshaw, and Cunnington, 2009a
Silk, Vance, Rinehart, Bradshaw, and Cunnington, 2009b
Soliva, Fauquet et al., 2010
Soliva, Moreno et al., 2010
Sowell et al., 2003
Stevens, Pearlson, and Kiehl, 2007
Tam m , M e no n , a n d R e is s , 2 0 06
Tam m , M e no n , R i ng e l, a nd R ei s s, 2 00 4
Tian et al., 2006
Tian et al., 2008
Tom a s i an d Vo lk o w, 20 1 2
Tre m ol s e t al . , 2 00 8
Xia, Foxe, Sroubek, Branch, and Li, 2014
Table 1 (continued)
groups. As an example, in the study by Fayed et al. (2007), the age range of the
experimental sample was 6–16 and the control group was 4–12; there may not
be signicant dierences in the mean age of the group, but there is signicant
variation in age within and between samples, which will be discussed below. is
observation is worth considering especially in the studies with apparently less
variance in age. For example, in the study by Pueyo et al. (2003), participant ages
were not provided, but by using the standard deviation, we can calculate that
99.7% (assuming normal distribution) of the experimental group fell between
the ages of 12.6–17.58, an age range of almost 5 years, while in the control group
the age range was 3.48 years. Given that adolescence is a time period of substan-
tial changes in the brain (Dahl, 2004), not controlling for age range undermines
claims that dierences between participant groups highlight a neurological basis
for ADHD.
Finally, the various subtypes of ADHD are oen not explored. One would
assume that, given the manifestly dierent presentations between the subtypes
(ADHD-Combined and ADHD-Inattentive), dierent brain regions or systems
are involved, which would require closer matching across samples. is position
appears to be substantiated by Fair et al. (2013) who argued that, whilst the dier-
ent subtypes possess some overlapping aspects, they also display unique patterns
of atypical connectivity. However, the only study to utilise dierentiated samples
(ADHD-I and ADHD-combined) was Lei et al. (2014). Six studies only used the
ADHD-combined subtype (Fall et al., 2015; Fernández et al., 2009; Massat et al.,
2012; Silk et al., 2005, 2008; Vance et al., 2007), with the remaining seven studies
using a mixed subtype sample and not providing sucient information on which
to assess this issue. An overview of the sample characteristics of reviewed studies
can be found in Table 2.
Synthesis of Findings
According to the reviewed articles, several brain regions (frontal, parietal,
occipital, cerebellum, striatum, and basal ganglia) are associated with ADHD.
However, the brain regions and associated dysfunction implicated in the expres-
sion of ADHD are inconsistent across the reviewed studies, with the brain regions
implicated diering across dierent imaging technologies as well diering among
studies using the same imaging technology. An overview of reviewed study nd-
ings can be viewed in Table 3.
Frontal lobe. e one study to utilise structural MRI (Pueyo et al., 2003) found
that ADHD participants had a higher degree of myelination in the right frontal lobe
than did controls. Lei et al.s (2014) results suggest reduced axial and radial diu-
sivity in the le middle frontal gyrus. Spalletta et al.s (2001) nding of decreased
regional cerebral blood ow (rCBF) in the le prefrontal region seems in accor-
dance with the oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin imbalance reported by
Table 2
Breakdown of Included Study Sample Characteristics
Study Sample Description*
ADHD Control ADHD Group Constitution
Fall et al., 2015 N = 11 N = 11 11 ADHD-Combined
M/F = 10/1 M/F = 8/3
Mean age: No details Mean age: No details
SD: No details SD: No details
Range: No details Range: No details
Fayed et al., 2007 N = 22 N = 8 No details
M/F = 18/4 M/F = 4/4
Mean age: 9 Mean age: 7
SD: 2.91 SD: 3
Range: 6–16 Range: 4–12
Fernández et al., 2009 N = 14 N = 17 14 ADHD-Combined
M/F = 14/0 M/F = 17/4
Mean age: 9.64 Mean age: 10.36
SD: 1.04 SD: 1.48
Range: 8–12 Range: 8–13
Kim et al., 2002 N = 40 N = 17 No details
M/F = 32/8 M/F = 15/2
Mean age: 9.7 Mean age: 10.4
SD: 2.1 SD: 2.2
Range: 8–12 Range: 8–12
Lei et al., 2014 N = 28 N =28 Group 1: 28
(ree groups — M/F = 25/3 M/F = 25/3 ADHD-Inattentive
two experimental and Mean age: 9.3 Mean age: 9.2 Group 2: 28
one control group) SD: 1.3 SD: 1.4 ADHD-Combined
Range: No details Range: No details
N = 28
M/F = 25/3
Mean age: 9.3
SD: 1.3
Range: No details
Li, He et al., 2014 N = 33 N = 32 22 ADHD-Combined
M/F = 33/0 M/F = 32/0 11 ADHD-Inattentive
Mean age: 10.1 Mean age: 10.9
SD: 2.6 SD: 2.6
Range: 6–16 Range: 8–16
Li, Li et al., 2014 N = 33 N = 27 22 ADHD-Combined
M/F = 33/0 M/F = 27/0 11 ADHD-Inattentive
Mean age: 9.9 Mean age: 10.9
SD: 2.4 SD: 2.7
Range: 6–15 Range: 8–16
(continued on next page)
Massat et al., 2012 N = 19 N = 14 19 ADHD-Combined
M/F = No details M/F = No details
Mean age: 10.75 Mean age: 10.05
SD: 1.31 SD: 1.28
Range: No details Range: No details
Pueyo et al., 2003 N = 11 N = 20 No details
M/F = 8/3 M/F = 15/5
Mean age: 15.09 Mean age: 14.85
SD: 0.83 SD: 0.58
Range: 14–17 Range: No details
Silk et al., 2005 N = 7 N = 7 ADHD-Combined
M/F = 7/0 M/F = 7/0
Mean age: 14.38 Mean age: 14.56
SD: 1.85 SD: 1.77
Range: 11–17 Range: No details
Silk et al., 2008 N = 12 N = 12 12 ADHD-Combined
M/F = 12/0 M/F = 12/0
Mean age: 11.15 Mean age: 11.09
SD: 1.53 SD: 1.50
Range: No details Range: No details
Spalletta et al., 2001 N = 8 N = 8 7 ADHD-Combined
M/F = No details M/F = No details 1 ADHD-Inattentive
Mean age: 9.4 Mean age: 9.0
SD: 2.0 SD: 2.1
Range: 6–12 Range: 6–12
Vance et al., 2007 N = 12 N = 12 12 ADHD-Combined
M/F = No details M/F = No details
Mean age: 11.1 Mean age: 10.2
SD: 1.5 SD: 1.3
Range: 8–12 Range: No details
Weber et al., 2005 N = 11 N = 9 7 ADHD-Hyperactive
M/F = No details M/F = No details 4 ADHD-Inattentive
Mean age: 10.4 Mean age: 11.3
SD: 1.2 SD: 1.3
Range: No details Range: No details
* Eect sizes for the reviewed studies are not provided as it would appear that eect sizes are not
normally calculated for traditional neuroimaging studies (Reddan, Lindquist, and Wager, 2017). It
is possible to calculate eect sizes for the dierence between groups in relation to tasks performed
as part of the neuroimaging process (i.e., anker task) but this would only be for the studies that
utilised a task (not all did) and for the those that provided enough information (not all did).
Table 2 (continued)
Weber et al. (2005). e indicated dierences in N-acetylasparate/creatine ratios in
the right prefrontal corticosubcortical regions (Fayed et al., 2007) suggest a chemi-
cal imbalance.
e majority of studies included utilised fMRI. e three studies that focused
on the frontal lobe reported general reduced activation in ADHD participants
(Kim et al., 2002; Silk et al., 2005; Vance et al., 2007). Li, He et al. (2014) found
interhemispheric dierences, with lower activation in the le orbitofrontal cortex
and the le ventral superior frontal gyrus and higher activation in the right dorsal
superior frontal gyrus for ADHD participants. e results of the Silk et al. (2005)
study indicate a lower activation in the le prefrontal cortex and superior and bilat-
eral inferior gyri and higher activation in the medial superior prefrontal cortex.
Table 3
Overview of Brain Regions Associated with ADHD
Brain Dierences in Physical Dierences in Electrical Studies
Regions Systems Activation
Frontal more myelination in right lower activation in frontal Fayed et al., 200 7
frontal lobe lobe Fernánd ez et al. , 2009
Kim et al., 2002
dierences in lower activation in right Lei et al., 2014
N-acetylaspartate/creatine lateral prefrontal cortex, Li He et al., 2014
ratios in right prefrontal bilateral orbito pref rontal Pueyo et al., 2003
corticosubcortical region cortex Silk et al., 2005
Silk et al., 2008
decreased rCBF in le dorso Spallett a et al., 200 1
lateral prefrontal cortex Van c e e t a l . , 2 0 0 7
compared to right We b e r e t a l . , 2 0 0 5
decreased radial and axial lower activation in inferior
diusivity in the le middle frontal gyrus
frontal gyrus in ADHD-I
imbalance between lower activation in le
oxygenated and deoxyge nated orbitofrontal cor tex and the
haemoglobin during the short- le ventral superior frontal
and extended-attent ion tasks gyrus and higher activation
compared to lateralized oxygen in the right dorsal superior
consumption in le prefrontal frontal gyrus
cortex in controls
lower activation in le prefrontal
cortex and in superior and
bilateral i nferior frontal g yri and
higher activation in medial superior
prefrontal cor tex
(continued on next page)
Parietal increased blood ow in parietal lower activation in bilateral Kim et al., 2002
lobe inferior parietal gyri Massat et al., 201 2
Silk et al., 2005
lower activation in right Silk et al., 2008
inferior parietal Van c e e t a l . , 2 0 0 7
lower activation in posterior
parietal regions: le supramarginal
gyrus, bilateral precuneus,
and inferior p arietal lobule
Occipital increased blood ow in decreased bilateral activation Kim et al., 2002
occipital lobe Lei et al., 2014
Massat et al., 2012
more myelination in le less activation in right Pueyo et al., 2003
posterior compared to right parieto-occipital areas Silk et al., 2008
(cuneus and precuneus) Van c e e t a l . , 2 00 7
increased radial diusivity in
le occipital (in ADHD-I)
Tem p ora l reduced axial diusiv ity in le temporal lobe less active Kim et al., 2002
middle temporal (in ADHD-I) Lei et al., 2014
and increased in the right middle higher activation in Li, Li et al., 2014
temporal (in ADHD-CT) right hippocampus Silk et al., 2005
Silk et al., 2008
increased radial diusivity in lower activation in right
le superior temporal gyrus middle temporal cortex
(in ADHD- I and ADHD-CT)
decreased fractional higher activation in the le
aniostrophy in le middle and superior
parahippocampal gyrus temporal gyri
(in ADHD- CT)
lower activation in bilateral
superior temporal gyr us
Striatum a nd increased axial diusivity in decreased activation in Fall et a l., 2015
Basal Ganglia the right caudate (in ADHD-I bilateral caudate nuclei Lei et al., 2014
and ADHD-CT) Li, He et al., 2014
Li, Li et al., 2014
lower activation in right Massat et a l., 2012
caudate nucleus Silk et al. , 2005
Silk et al., 2008
reduced vol ume and higher higher activation in bilateral Va n c e e t a l . , 2 0 0 7
diusivity in ADHD patients globus pallidus
compared to controls, especially
in caudate, thalamus, and putamen
Cerebellum decreased activation in Massat e t al., 2012
cerebellum Silk et al., 2008
Table 3 (continued)
Parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. Kim et al. (2002) reported increased blood
ow in the parietal lobe, while reduced activation was found either in the right
inferior parietal lobe (Silk et al., 2005; Vance et al., 2007) or bilaterally in inferior
parietal gyri (Massat et al., 2012; Silk et al., 2008). Silk et al. (2008) reported an
overall reduction of activation in the posterior parietal regions. Less activation was
also displayed in the bilateral occipital (Massat et al., 2012; Silk et al., 2008) and the
right parieto-occipital areas (Vance et al., 2007). Interhemispheric dierences were
found in the posterior occipital region, with a more myelinated le side (Pueyo et
al., 2003). Lei et al. (2014) reported increased radial diusivity in the le occipital
region. e temporal lobe was also found to be less active (Silk et al., 2008). Lei et
al. (2014), who compared children with ADHD-I, ADHD-CT, and healthy controls,
found reduced axial diusivity in the le middle temporal in the ADHD-I group
and in the right middle temporal in the ADHD-CT group. Kim et al. (2002) found
lower activation in the right middle temporal cortex, while Silk et al. (2005) found
higher activation in the le middle and superior temporal cortex. Higher activation
was reported in the right hippocampus (Li, Li et al., 2014; Silk et al., 2008) and
decreased fractional anisotropy in the le parahippocampal gyrus (Lei et al., 2014).
Striatum, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Decreased activation of white matter
was found in the bilateral caudate nuclei in one study (Massat et al., 2012) and
only in the right caudate nucleus in another (Vance et al., 2007). Two other studies
found higher activation in bilateral globus pallidus (Li, He et al., 2014; Li, Li et al.,
2014). Fall et al. (2015) reported reduced volume and higher diusivity in ADHD
patients compared to controls, especially in caudate, thalamus, and putamen.
Finally, decreased activation was noted in the cerebellum (Massat et al., 2012).
In light of the criticisms raised at the beginning of this paper, our study aimed to
update the Leo and Cohen review of pre-medicated samples in ADHD neuroimag-
ing studies. Since the original review, use of pre-medicated samples has been fully
acknowledge within the neuroimaging literature as a confound (Smith et al., 2006),
meaning studies from this point onwards must control for this variable for ndings
to be considered empirically robust. From the initial papers deemed relevant, 78
included participants with comorbidities. Admittedly, considering the frequency
of comorbid conduct disorder or oppositional deant disorder (Burke, Loeber,
and Birmaher, 2002; Ollendick, Jarrett, Grills–Taquechel, Hovey, and Wol, 2008),
participant recruitment can be challenging; however, given these comorbidities are
behaviourally indistinguishable from ADHD (National Collaborating Centre for
Mental Health, 2009), it is imperative that studies locate “pure” ADHD in order to
provide a sound basis for treatment (Wang et al., 2012).
e most surprising nding from our review was the number of studies con-
tinuing to use pre-medicated samples. From the 62 studies that met the inclusion
criteria, 40 continued to use pre-medicated samples. In addition to the 40 stud-
ies that met the inclusion criteria, the 61 studies that excluded for comorbidities
continued to use pre-medicated samples. is nding is perplexing considering
the obviousness of the confound and its recognition as such in the neuroimaging
literature. e most frequently oered rationale for inclusion was that all par-
ticipants were withheld from medication treatment for a seemingly arbitrary
24, 48, or three-day period. However, there is no comprehensive study to date
that oers an authoritative time-period aer which a participant can be con-
sidered medication-free. Until then, studies claiming to include medication-free
participants, based on hours of withheld medication, introduce the possibility of
withdrawal symptoms as an additional problem (Leo, 2004).
A further issue was the number of studies that ignored this serious confound,
with eleven studies not mentioning participant medication status (Cheng, Ji,
Zhang, and Feng, 2012; Colby et al., 2012; Eloyan et al., 2012; Kessler, Angstadt,
We ls h , an d Sr i p a da , 2 01 4 ; K i m et a l ., 2 01 0 ; Li e t a l . , 2 0 0 7; S i qu e i r a, B ia z o l i, C o m-
fort, Rohde, and Sato, 2014; Sripada Kessler, and Angstadt, 2014; Wang et al.,
2007, 2009; Wellington, Semrud–Clikeman, Gregory, Murphy, and Lancaster,
2006). Six of these studies used their application of the ADHD 200 database as
a rationale for insucient demographic details (including medication informa-
tion) [Cheng et al., 2012; Colby et al., 2012; Eloyan et al., 2012; Kessler et al.,
2014; Siqueira et al., 2014; Sripada et al. 2014], despite the ADHD 200 agreement
stating that the specic datasets included in analyses be specied appropriately”
(Milham, Fair, Mennes, and Motofsky, 2012), placing the onus on researchers
to provide the demographic information for their sample. Given the problem
of using a pre-medicated sample, and the resulting impact on the reliability and
validity of the ndings, we did not feel these papers warranted further analysis,
leaving only 14 study ndings to be extrapolated and considered in more detail.
A further major methodological limitation that aected the reviewed stud-
ies was small sample sizes, with more than half the studies (8/14) using sample
sizes below 15, which limits power, and increases the likelihood of type I errors
(Murphy and Garavan, 2005). Jennings and Van Horn (2012) raised this issue in
their review of publication bias in neuroimaging research. Due to the number of
studies with small sample sizes, Jennings and Van Horn expected to nd a large
number of studies supporting the null hypothesis or reporting non-signicant
ndings due to lack of power, but this was not the case. e conclusion oered
by Jennings and Van Horn was that this indicated publication bias towards posi-
tive results. However, given the lack of power of these studies, how these positive
results were achieved in the rst-place warrants consideration. To answer this, one
needs to look to the inuence of confounding variables, such as age dierences
between samples (Ioannidis, 2011), undierentiated disorder subtypes in the
experimental group (Fair et al., 2013), the considerable age range of the sample,
multiple comparison statistical correction procedures (Bennett, Wolford, and
Miller, 2009), and untested statistical procedures within fMRI soware (Eklund,
Nichols, and Knutsson, 2016).
e inuence of age range on results in neuroimaging studies was highlighted
in the original Leo and Cohen review as problematic, as results could indicate the
inuence of maturation on the brain. Our review took this important point fur-
ther, noting that age range varied considerably, with some studies having as large
as a ten-year gap between the youngest and oldest child. As neuroimaging studies
of typical development have indicated age-specic dierences in gray and white
matter (Sowell et al., 1999; Sowell, Trauner, Gamst, and Jernigan, 2002), the large
variance in ages between and within participant groups raises the possibility that
the positive results represent the considerable neurological growth that occurs
during childhood rather than ADHD related abnormalities (Giedd et al., 1999;
Samanez–Larkin and D’Esposito, 2008).
Two areas of increasing concern in neuroimaging studies are the ination
of false positive results through fMRI soware increasing false positive rates
(Eklund et al., 2016) and the lack of application of methods for correcting for
multiple comparisons (Bennett et al., 2009). In the Eklund et al. study, the authors
examined three soware packages containing applied procedures for correcting
multiple comparisons when using real data. Prior to this point, imaging soware
was validated using simulated data. Eklund et al. found that the Familywise Error
(FEW) corrected cluster p-values approach — the most commonly used approach
for controlling the chance false positives results — inated statistical signicance.
e application of a correction for multiple comparisons is a necessity in imaging
studies due to the mass univariate approach used to create activation maps result-
ing in numerous statistical comparisons (Woo, Krishnan, and Wager, 2014). e
FEW approach corrects at the level of the voxel, the unit of measurement used
to indicate a collection of brain cells, with each voxel p-value measured against
an arbitrarily set threshold of signicance, before being combined as a cluster of
voxels that form anatomical areas of interest. Woo et al. argued that the uncor-
rected FEW approach inates the chances of “physiological noise” being included
as voxels, rendering positive ndings “useless” due to a lack of spatial specicity
(2014, p. 418). Similarly, Bennett et al. (2009) raised concern about the use of
arbitrary, uncorrected statistical thresholds in many fMRI studies, citing the voxel
clustering correction as particularly problematic. Bennett et al. oered several
approaches for managing the risk of inated false positive results from multiple
comparisons. From the 14 studies reviewed in our study, we located only four
studies (Fernández et al., 2009; Li, Li et al., 2014; Massat et al., 2012; Spalletta et
al., 2001) applying one of the recommended approaches. We were also unable to
nd information on the statistical soware packages used across the 14 reviewed
studies. Two of the studies (Silk et al., 2008; Vance et al., 2007) reported corrected
cluster p-values, however, which could indicate use of the problematic soware
highlighted by Eklund et al. (2016). Taken together, eight of our reviewed studies
did not mention the correction procedure applied, two applied procedures known
to inate false positive results, with only four applying recommended correction
procedures. ree of the four studies applying recommended correction pro-
cedures are below the recommended sample size to be considered adequately
powered (Fernández et al., 2009; Massat et al., 2012; Spalletta et al., 2001) with
the nal study (Li, Li et al., 2014) displaying a discrepancy between experimental
group and control group sample size.
A nal area of weakness found in our reviewed studies was the range of methodo-
logy and technology utilised and the huge disparity in regions of the brain impli-
cated in the disorder’s expression. For instance, across the articles there were
considerable variations in the statistical thresholds or the strength of the imaging
magnet (Paloyelis, Mehta, Kuntsi, and Asherson, 2007). A further example is the
application of the region of interest (ROI) approach. e ROI approach encourages
the investigation of localised brain regions through statistical mapping that high-
lights voxels that are more strongly activated during one condition over another
(Kriegeskorte, Simmons, Bellgowan, and Baker, 2009). In this approach, neuro-
imaging data are rst analysed to select a subset, the region of interest, followed
by a selective analysis of the subset. In most cases, the region of interest is dened
by statistical mapping and the subsequent analysis is based on the same data. e
approach, termed double-dipping, has been criticised for increasing the risk of
distorted results through violating the assumptions of random sampling, distort-
ing descriptive statistics, and invalidating statistical inferences (Kriegeskorte et al.,
2009; Vul, Harris, Winkielman, and Pashler, 2009). e approach also appears to
be wide-spread and tacitly accepted in the neuroimaging community. In one anal-
ysis of 134 studies published in ve prestigious journals, the practice was found to
aect 42% of studies, with a further 14% not providing enough information to rule
out the use of the practice (Kriegeskorte et al., 2009).
Despite the large disparity in brain regions cited across the literature, the
region most frequently suggested as connected to ADHD expression was the
frontal lobe or, more specically, the prefrontal cortex (Kim et al., 2002; Silk et
al., 2005; Spalletta et al., 2001). Dierences in activation observed in fMRI studies
would seem to support the abnormal functioning of the frontal lobe, yet there
was great variation in the more specic areas reported as well as in the lateral-
ity (e.g., lower activation in the inferior frontal gyrus and higher activation in
the medial superior prefrontal cortex). us, it is possible that the inconsistent
results indicate inter-sample variance rather than ADHD markers per se. Another
region implicated by the reviewed studies was the prefrontal cortex. Consider-
ing the localisation of executive functioning, which is widely acknowledged as
problematic in those diagnosed with ADHD (Barkley, 2010; Koer, Rapport,
Bolden, Sarver, and Raiker, 2010; Scheres et al., 2004), a potential dysfunction in
this region is plausible. While this explanation seems straightforward and com-
prehensive, issues of conrmation bias urge caution, as the majority of studies
demonstrating frontal lobe dysfunction conned their focus to this region during
scanning, in line with the behavioural evidence linking ADHD with executive
functioning. However, by limiting scan areas, according to Murphy and Garavan
(2005), the studies are increasing the risk of achieving results due to Type I errors,
possible through the problematic procedure of double-dipping outlined above.
In the more recent trend of whole-head imaging, increasing areas of brain
regions of those diagnosed with ADHD are considered to display volumetric or
functional irregularities, complicating the understanding of the underlying neuro-
biology. As a result, multiple alternative explanations have been formed, with
dysfunction being linked to an array of interconnected brain regions and net-
works; for example, the fronto-striatal network (Castellanos, 1997; Durston, 2003;
Giedd et al., 2001), which, incidentally, appears also to be oered as a neurological
explanation for obsessive–compulsive behaviours (Melloni, Urbistondo, Sedeño,
Gelormini, Kichic, and Ibanez, 2012). However, with no set image of a baseline
“normal” brain, what are considered volumetric abnormalities may represent
individual dierences, or the impact on the brain of multiple environmental
variables, rather than holistic dierences between populations. For example, the
impact of previous drug treatments, previous inpatient status, or dierences in
age and/or gender, parameters which are dicult to control eciently, have been
connected to volumetric dierences (Ioannidis, 2011).
A major individual dierence that appears not to have been considered by
any of our reviewed studies was temperament, which has been shown to produce
dierent activation maps across temperamental styles (Bierzynska et al., 2016;
Crone and Elzinga, 2015; Fox, Henderson, and Marshall, 2001; Henderson and
Wa ch s , 2 0 0 7 ; N i gg , 2 0 06 ; St a d l e r e t a l . , 2 0 0 7) . As s u ch , t h e i m pa c t o f t em p e r a -
ment on activation maps has been indicated as an important consideration for
future imaging studies (Bierzynska et al., 2016). Additionally, the wide range of
analytical techniques utilised across imaging studies make the consolidation of
these multiple ndings more dicult. Even if there was consistency in the abnor-
malities found, directionality cannot be assumed, as these measures may simply
reect reactivity variations (Bierzynska et al., 2016).
It appe ars t hat pr emature conc lusions re gardi ng t he ne urobi olog ical unde r-
pinning of ADHD are still being reported as hard scientic evidence. e original
review by Leo and Cohen (2003) asked important questions of the neuroimaging
evidence for ADHD, thus the continued presence of the same methodological limi-
tations and the continued lack of consistent ndings in recent imaging studies is
rather concerning. It may be that the technical nature of neuroimaging studies, and
the highly scientic language associated with the techniques, deects critical conside-
ration. is specic issue has led one critic to coin the term “biobabble” to describe
the language of ADHD neuroimaging studies (Timimi, 2005). Given the side eects
associated with the ADHD treatment sanctioned by neurobiological explanations,
it is of utmost importance that neuroimaging studies consider their methodological
limitations as pointed out in the original Leo and Cohen review, and that future
neuroimaging studies continue to be critically examined to ensure their adequacy.
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Background: There is a global trend of large increases in the prevalence and incidence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This study aimed to address potential causes of these major changes. Methods: The authors used a large cohort to analyze data employing patients' electronic medical records, with physicians' diagnosis of ADHD, including records of medication purchases. Results: The prevalence of ADHD diagnoses rose twofold from 6.8% to 14.4% between 2005 and 2014 (p < 0.001), while the ratio of males to females with ADHD decreased from 2.94 in 2005 to 1.86 in 2014 (p < 0.001). The incidence increased, peaking in 2011 before declining in 2014. ADHD medication usage by children and adolescents was 3.57% in 2005 and 8.51% by 2014 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: We report a dramatic increase in the rate of ADHD diagnoses. One of the leading factors to which we attribute this increase is the physicians' and parents' changed attitude towards diagnosing attention/hyperactivity problems, with more parents appear to consider ADHD diagnosis and treatment as a means to improve their child's academic achievements, commonly with the aid of medications. This change in attitude may also be associated with the dramatic increase in female ADHD diagnosis prevalence.
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Objectives To study in more depth the relationship between type, dose, or duration of methylphenidate offered to children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and their risks of gastrointestinal adverse events based on our Cochrane systematic review. Methods and findings We use data from our review including 185 randomised clinical trials. Randomised parallel-group trials and cross-over trials reporting gastrointestinal adverse events associated with methylphenidate were included. Data were extracted and quality assessed according to Cochrane guidelines. Data were summarised as risk ratios (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) using the inverse variance method. Bias risks were assessed according to domains. Trial Sequential Analysis (TSA) was used to control random errors. Eighteen parallel group trials and 43 cross-over trials reported gastrointestinal adverse events. All trials were at high risk of bias. In parallel group trials, methylphenidate decreased appetite (RR 3.66, 95% CI 2.56 to 5.23) and weight (RR 3.89, 95% CI 1.43 to 10.59). In cross-over trials, methylphenidate increased abdominal pain (RR 1.61, 95% CI 1.27 to 2.04). We found no significant differences in the risk according to type, dose, or duration of administration. The required information size was achieved in three out of four outcomes. Conclusion Methylphenidate increases the risks of decreased appetite, weight loss, and abdominal pain in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. No differences in the risks of gastrointestinal adverse events according to type, dose, or duration of administration were found.
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Objectives: The purpose of this brief is to describe changes in the treated prevalence of medically managed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among insured school-aged children and adolescents in the United States from 2009 to 2015. We examine the differences between those with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) and with Medicaid insurance. Methods: We utilized two large longitudinal administrative datasets containing medical and drug claims data on individuals with ESI and Medicaid insurance from Truven Health MarketScan(®) Administrative Claims Databases. Treated prevalence was measured as the percentage of school-aged children and adolescents enrolled in a calendar year who met the criteria for medically managed ADHD in the same calendar year. Subjects were eligible for inclusion if they were aged 6-17 years and were continuously enrolled during a calendar year. Results: The annual prevalence of treated ADHD among school-aged children and adolescents with ESI increased from 4.5% in 2009 to 6.7% in 2015. Among those with Medicaid it increased from 11.3% in 2009 to 13.3% in 2012, and fell after 2012, remaining steady from 2013 through 2015. Conclusion: Treated prevalence of ADHD increased continuously over time among school-aged children and adolescents with ESI, but declined slightly after 2012 among those in the Medicaid sample.
Objective: Directed attention, the ability to allocate and direct attention toward a salient stimulus, is impaired in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This construct is often assessed with target detection or oddball tasks, and individuals with ADHD perform poorly on such tasks. However, to date, the specific brain structures or neural mechanisms underlying target detection dysfunction in individuals with ADHD have not been identified. The authors' goal was to investigate neural correlates of target detection dysfunction in ADHD using event-related fMRI. Method: Behavioral and brain activation data were collected while subjects performed a visual oddball task. Participants included 14 right-handed male adolescents with ADHD (combined type) and 12 typically developing age- and handedness-matched male comparison subjects. Results: Individuals with ADHD made significantly more errors of commission than comparison subjects. Further, relative to comparison subjects, individuals with ADHD showed significantly less activation in the bilateral parietal lobes (including the superior parietal gyrus and supramarginal and angular gyri of the inferior parietal lobe), right precuneus, and thalamus. Conclusions: Adolescents with ADHD demonstrated significant impairments in their ability to direct and allocate attentional resources. These difficulties were associated with significant aberrations in the parietal attentional system, which is known to play a significant role in attention shifting and detecting specific or salient targets. Thus, dysfunction in the parietal attentional system may play a significant role in the behavioral phenotype of ADHD.
Objective: A relatively small number of functional imaging studies of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have shown abnormal prefrontal and striatal brain activation during tasks of motor response inhibition. However, the potential confound of previous medication exposure has not yet been addressed, and no functional imaging study exists to date on medication-naive children and adolescents with ADHD. The aim of this study was to investigate the neural substrates of a range of motor and cognitive inhibitory functions in a relatively large group of children and adolescents with ADHD who had never previously been exposed to medication. Method: Nineteen boys with ADHD and 27 healthy age- and IQ-matched boys underwent functional MRI to compare brain activation during performance of tasks that assessed motor response inhibition (go/no go task), cognitive interference inhibition (motor Stroop task), and cognitive flexibility (switch task). Results: Boys with ADHD showed decreased activation in the left rostral mesial frontal cortex during the go/no go task and decreased activation in the bilateral prefrontal and temporal lobes and right parietal lobe during the switch task. No significant group differences were observed during motor Stroop task performance. Conclusion: Abnormal brain activation was observed in medication-naive children and adolescents with ADHD during tasks involving motor inhibition and task switching, suggesting that hypoactivation in this patient group is unrelated to long-term stimulant exposure. Furthermore, functional abnormalities are task-specific and extend from frontostriatal to parietal and temporal cortices.
The cost to individuals and to society of psychopathology that emerges in childhood is substantial. Children whose problems are undiagnosed or inadequately treated struggle in school, experience rejection by peers, and become a source of stress for caregivers and teachers. As adults, their mental health problems tend to recur and their cognitive difficulties persist. Clinicians hold a well-founded belief that early identification of children who are at risk for psychopathology is the key to prevention.
Estimation of statistical power in functional MRI (fMRI) requires knowledge of the expected percent signal change between two conditions as well as estimates of the variability in percent signal change. Variability can be divided into intra-subject variability, reflecting noise within the time series, and inter-subject variability, reflecting subject-to-subject differences in activation. The purpose of this study was to obtain estimates of percent signal change and the two sources of variability from fMRI data, and then use these parameter estimates in simulation experiments in order to generate power curves. Of interest from these simulations were conclusions concerning how many subjects are needed and how many time points within a scan are optimal in an fMRI study of cognitive function. Intra-subject variability was estimated from resting conditions, and inter-subject variability and percent signal change were estimated from verbal working memory data. Simulations derived from these parameters illustrate how percent signal change, intra- and inter-subject variability, and number of time points affect power. An empirical test experiment, using fMRI data acquired during somatosensory stimulation, showed good correspondence between the simulation-based power predictions and the power observed within somatosensory regions of interest. Our analyses suggested that for a liberal threshold of 0.05, about 12 subjects were required to achieve 80% power at the single voxel level for typical activations. At more realistic thresholds, that approach those used after correcting for multiple comparisons, the number of subjects doubled to maintain this level of power.
Over the last two decades, the use of ADHD medication in US youth has markedly increased. However, less is known about ADHD medication use among European children and adolescents. A repeated cross-sectional design was applied to national or regional data extracts from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) for calendar years 2005/2006–2012. The prevalence of ADHD medication use was assessed, stratified by age and sex. Furthermore, the most commonly prescribed ADHD medications were assessed. ADHD medication use prevalence increased from 1.8% to 3.9% in the Netherlands cohort (relative increase: +111.9%), from 3.3% to 3.7% in the US cohort (+10.7%), from 1.3% to 2.2% in the German cohort (+62.4%), from 0.4% to 1.5% in the Danish cohort (+302.7%), and from 0.3% to 0.5% in the UK cohort (+56.6%). ADHD medication use was highest in 10–14-year olds, peaking in the Netherlands (7.1%) and the US (8.8%). Methylphenidate use predominated in Europe, whereas in the US amphetamines were nearly as common as methylphenidate. Although there was a substantially greater use of ADHD medications in the US cohort, there was a relatively greater increase in ADHD medication use in youth in the four European countries. ADHD medication use patterns in the US differed markedly from those in western European countries.